September 4, 2014 - Rotary Club of Marikina
September 4, 2014 - Rotary Club of Marikina
Volume 50 Weekly Meeting No. 09 September 4, 2014 Timpalak sa Pagsulat at Pagbigkas 2014 Awarding of Winners I. Registration II. Program Call to Order - Pres. Dodjie Cabalquinto Invocation - PP Manny de Guzman National Anthem - Rtn. Gee Flores Rotary Pledge & The 4-Way Test - Rtn. Rogel Santiago Introduction of Visiting Rotarians & Guests - Rtn. Carl Tan Entertainment - Dir. Bernard Cansana Recognition - PP George Ty Rotary Information - PP Dindo Santos Awarding of Winners—Timpalak - Rtn. Ramon Guevara Secretary’s Time - Sec. Val Barcinal President’s Time - Pres. Dodjie Cabalquinto RC Marikina March Adjournment - Pres. Dodjie Cabalquinto Weekly Raffle - PP Del de Guzman III. Fellowship Treas. Jerome Josef Master of Ceremonies THE ROTARY PLEDGE I do solemnly promise to help advance the object of Rotary, comply with the constitution and by-laws of Rotary International and the Rotary Club of Marikina, ever putting into practice Rotary’s Motto: “SERVICE ABOVE SELF.’ THE FOUR WAY TEST Of things we think, say or do: Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? PRAYER God our Father, You are awesome and worthy of all praises. If we find ourselves in difficult circumstances, Your words offers the surprising instruction to count it all, knowing that the testing of our faith produces patience. We seek You Father for wisdom that we might know how to respond properly to our trials, sorrow, and pain. And let our confidence grow by trusting and obeying our Lord and His Word. Give us the faith of a little child—a faith that will look to You that never will falter and never fail but follow You trustingly. As we live by faith and do what the Bible clearly tells us to do, we can be sure that You will lead us through the difficult decision and give us victory. In everything we give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus. Amen. ROTARY CLUB OF MARIKINA MARCH Music: PP Jimmy Capco Lyrics: Rtn. Francisco Pascual; Arranger: Rtn. Allan SM Perez Come sing with us for fellowship A song of camaraderie Then give your hand in fond friendship To Marikina Rotary We love to share our thoughts with you And lavish in your company So, come each meeting day please do To Marikina Rotary Refrain Congratulations! Nixon Tañazana on his 2nd year—Sept. 6, 2014 In Service of Rotary! Happy Blessed Birthday! PDG Jun Farcon—Sept. 8 Dir. Bernard Cansana—Sept. 10 Sp. Cora Cruz—Sept. 10 Motto of SERVICE ABOVE SELF Is not a mere phraseology Participate with zeal and zest In Marikina Rotary Let us Rotarian serve all Our beloved community Then we can accentuate the goal Of Marikina Rotary DECLARATION OF ROTARIANS IN BUSINESS AND PROFESSION As a Rotarian engaged in business or profession, I am expected to: 1. Consider my vocation to be another opportunity to serve; 2. Be faithful to the letter and to the spirit of ethical codes of my vocation, to the laws of my country, and to the moral standards of my community 3. Do all in my power to dignify my vocation and to promote the highest ethical standards in my chosen vocation 4. Be fair to my employees, associates, competitors, customers, the public and all those with whom I have business or professional relationship; 5. Recognize the honor and respect due to all occupations which are useful to society; 6. Offer my vocational talents; to provide opportunities for young people; to work for the relief of the special needs of others, and to improve the quality of life in the community. 7. Adhere to honesty in my advertising and in all representations to the public concerning my business or profession 8. Neither seek from nor grant to a fellow Rotarian a privilege or advantage not normally accorded to others in a business or professional relationships September morn It is September now the beginning of the “ber” months in the Philippines. The weather is getting colder sans the typhoon telling us that Christmas is fast approaching. September ushers the New Generation Service. It was the Representatives at the 2010 Council on Legislation that approved an enactment last 28 April 2010 to add a fifth Avenue of Service: New Generations. Originally, there were only four Avenue of Service. After adopting an amendment to change the name from Youth Service, as originally proposed, to New Generations, Council Chair Mark Daniel Maloney remarked that “Rotarians have always strongly supported youth activities even though they were never part of the four Avenues of Service. I think this strengthens our commitment.” The Avenue of New Generations recognizes the positive change implemented by youth and young adults involved in leadership development activities, community and international service projects, and exchange programs that enrich and foster world peace and cultural understanding. Here in our club as far as I can remember, even before it was implemented that 28th of April of 2010, PP Rene Florencio had already started this program which later on was adopted by District 3800. And that was almost five years ago. Whenever I read September it reminds me of the popular song of Neil Diamond during the 80’s “September Morn” and here is a caption of the lyrics. Stay for just a while Stay and let me look at you It's been so long, I hardly knew you Standing in the door Stay with me a while I only wanna sing for you We've traveled halfway 'round the world To find ourselves again September morn We danced until the night became a brand new day Two lovers playing scenes from some romantic play September morning still can make me feel that way And while I was searching “September” in the Google, I come upon a name of a painting “September Morn”. Here is the story behind it. On a September morning in 1912, French painter Paul Chabas finished the painting he had been working on for three consecutive summers. Thus completed, it was aptly titled "Matinee de Septembre" (September Morn). As was typical of his style, the painting was of young maiden posed nude in a natural setting. This time the icy morning waters of Lake Annecy in Upper Savoy formed the natural setting and the maiden was a local peasant girl. Regular Meeting, Aug. 28, 2014, MRYC Ladies Guest Speaker Dr. Cheri Oro-Josef Entertainer VP Chris Meriño RC Mandaluyon West, North & Uptown Inductiong August Birthday Celebrators Board Meeting, Sept. 1, 2014 Timpalak sa Pagsulat at Pagbigkas 2014, Aug. 28, 2014 MRYC Fellowship CONGRATULATIONS! Unang Gantimpala Christian Andrei G. Utanes OLOPS Ikalawang Gantimpala Shannia A. Bernal National Christian Life College Ikatlong Gantimpala Eugene C. Dela Rosa Barangka NHS Marc T. Villarubi Concepcion Integrated Sch District Duckpin Bowling Tournament, Aug. 31, 2014, Starmall NEW GENERATIONS New Generations refers to the youngest generation in the family of Rotary. Many are participants in Rotary’s youth and young adult programs: Interact, Rotaract, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), and Rotary Youth Exchange. Others are service minded young people involved in Rotary club and district activities. Past RI President Luis Vicente Giay coined the term New Generations when he shared his belief that the future of Rotary relied on involving young people in the organization’s programs and activities. At the 1996 RI Convention in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, he said: “Our vision for the future, now more than ever, is the difference between success and failure. The New Generations are our investment in the future. Let us begin to build that future today.” New Generations Service became Rotary’s fifth Avenue of Service in 2010. It is defined in article 5 of the Standard Rotary Club Constitution: New Generations Service recognizes the positive change implemented by youth and young adults through leadership development activities, involvement in community and international service projects, and exchange programs that enrich and foster world peace and cultural understanding. Rotary clubs should be committed to involving youth and young adults in their vocational, community, and international service projects, and to providing programs and resources that support them. Cash Position Report August 15-28, 2014 Beginning Balance as of Aug 15, 2014 Cash/Check Receipts Dinner Fine Dues Souvenir Ads - 50th Anniv. 15,837.16 Total Receipts Sub-Total Cash Disbursements Dinner Orig. printer ink black & colored Derek/Samboy - Technical Assistance (August) 45,760.00 61,597.16 Check Disbursements Timpalak cash prizes Timpalak - Token to judges Jean salary (Aug. 16-31) PLDT (Aug. 3-Sept. 2) Total Disbursement Ending Balance, August 28, 2014 6,140.00 420.00 9,200.00 30,000.00 7,500.00 1,700.00 1,600.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 6,600.00 1,623.18 27,023.18 34,573.98 Basics of Photography: Your Camera’s Automatic and Assisted Settings Shooting Modes Most cameras come with a few different types of shooting modes, from full automatic to full manual. We're going to take a look at the most common and discuss when you should use them. You may not be familiar with terms like shutter speed, aperture, and ISO but don't worry—we'll be going over those in detail in the next lesson. Automatic takes care of everything for you. There's not much to explain here. Program automatic sets your aperture and shutter speed automatically, but gives you control over other settings like ISO (the rating that affects how sensitive your camera's sensor is to light—similar to film speed in film cameras). narrow aperture (represented by a higher f-stop, like f/8) will produce a photo where most everything appears to be in focus. This is useful for landscapes, or any other situation where keeping everything in focus is desirable. Wider apertures also let in more light, so they're useful hen you don't have much and want to avoid using a flash. Aperture priority is one of the best shooting modes your camera has because you can still control your ISO settings (light sensitivity) and the shutter speed is often something that's best left for the camera to decide unless you have a reason to choose it yourself. Don't worry if you don't fully understand this yet. We'll be discussing aperture, shutter speed, and ISO in much more detail in the next lesson. To be continued next week…. RC Marikina Activities RY 1978-1979 Governor’s Visit Marathon 79 September 6 Sept 8am 13 Sept, 6pm 14 Sept, 6pm 20 Sept 5pm 21 Sept Sun 8am 25 Sept, 6pm 25-28 Sept. 26 Sept 6pm District Breakfast Meeting Gabi ni Dolphy RC Batangas Induction See You in September District Fellowship Grand Medical Mission Zone 4 Intercity Meeting Padyakan sa Marikina 2 Fluvial Parade, Tree Planting Valley Verde Country Club Marikina Sports Park Batangas City Valle Verde Country Club Marikina Elementary School Kapitan Moy Marikina Sports Center October 5,12,19,26 Oct. Tenpin Bowling Tournament Starmall, Mandaluyong November 9,16 Nov. Tenpin Bowling Tournament Starmall, Mandaluyong To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice. Proverbs 21:3 NIV Work joyfully and peacefully, knowing that right thoughts and right efforts inevitably bring about right results. PROGRAMME Sept 11, 2014 PP Fabi Cadiz ADS Vincent Santos Invocation National Anthem Rotary Pledge & The Four Way Test Rtn. Tops Rodriguez Introduction of Visiting Rotarians & Guests Rtn. Carl Tan Entertainment Rtn. Pete Co Recognition Dir. Elmer Tan Raffle PP Dante Verano Rtn. Joel Relleve Emcee To visit our website Scan the QR code below Club Administration - Sec. Val Barcinal Attendance Dir. Bernard Cansana Club Bulletin Dir. Joey Ramos Program Sec. Val Barcinal Constitution & By-Laws PP Ver Farcon Ways & Means PP Noel Flores Club Historian PP Tony Fidelino Internet & eGroup Committee— Dir. Joey Ramos Website Hosting and Maintenance PP Dindo Santos Fellowship in Sports/Arts Rtn. Jon Jon Cobarrubias Table Tennis Tournament— PP Onie Aguinaldo Chess Tournament Rtn. Boyet Culminas Marathon PE Willie Reyes Grievance PP Dindo Santos Club Souvenir Program— PE Willie Reyes Membership - VP Chris Meriño Classification PP Manny de Guzman Membership Rtn. Gilbert Ong Membership Growth, Dev’t & Retention– Sec. Val Barcinal Rotary Information PP Dindo Santos Fireside Dir. Bernard Cansana Family Outing Rtn. Patrick Ong Club Extension PP Ronie Masangkay Club Leadership Institute/Dept- PDG Efren de Guzman Rotary Academy Club Level- PDG Efren de Guzman Public Relations - Dir. Joey Ramos Public Image/Relations Dir. Joey Ramos Interclub Relations Local PP Rene Florencio Interclub Relations International -PP Roland Garcia Service Projects A. Family of Rotary - IPP Hermie dela Paz Children at Risk/Child Protection—Rtn. Joel Relleve Rotary Community Corps Rotary Volunteers Rotary Recreation & Vocational Fellowship— Dir. Joey Ramos Rtn. Nixon Tañazana PD Celso Cruz B. Health & Hunger - Dir. August Igliane Medical & Dental Services— Rtn. Joel Relleve Bloodletting Emergency & Disaster— Preventable Blindness Adopt-A-Hospital Operation Tuli Concern for Elderly / Physically challengedDrug Abuse Prevention— Maternal/Child Health - C. Poverty Alleviation Livelihood Training Vocation at Work - Christmas Gift Giving - Rtn. Carl Tan PP Fabi Cadiz PP Jimmy Capco PP Ading dela Paz PP Benjie Malaya Dir. Jerome Josef PP Fabi Cadiz PP Vincent Santos Dir. Bernard Cansana Dir. Elmer Tan Rtn. Willy Cruz PP Joe Judan D. Water Management. Management & Environmental Concern - Dir. Manny Pecho Environmental Protection Water Management - PP Del de Guzman Rtn. Ken Sueno E. Literacy & Values Formation—Dir. Elmer Tan Rotary Scholarship Timpalak sa Pagsulat Student Leadership Storytelling ContestAdopt-A-School Book Donation Children w/ Special Needs Alternative Learning System Career Development - IPP Hermie dela Paz Rtn. Ramon Guevara Aud. Roman Villame Rtn. Pete Co PD Claro Capco Rtn. Patrick Ong Rtn. Alex Manzo VP Chris Meriño Rtn. Tops Rodriguez The Rotary Foundation - VP Chris Meriño TRF Contributions Polio Plus District Grant/Global GrantGroup Study Exchange Youth Exchange World Community Service - PP Ronie Masangkay PP VincenT Santos Sec. Val Barcinal PD Rey Montoya Rtn. Dan Sibal PP Boy Ong New Generation— Treas. Jerome Josef New Generation Conference Artista ng Bayan— Rotaract/Interact/RYLA Drum & Bugle Corps - Rtn. Alex Manzo Rtn. Tops Rodriguez Rtn. Alex Manzo Rtn. Gee Flores Special Events Induction of OfficersDistrict Assembly Christmas Party Club Anniversary District Conference Photo Exhibit Souvenir Program Tenpin Bowling Duckpin Bowling District Golf Tournament PalaRotary Awards & Recognition Valentines Party Awards Night Governor’s Visit RI Convention - On to Brazil PE Willie Reyes PE Willie Reyes PP Kiko Pe Benito PP Eric Ignacio PP Vincent Santos PP Manny de Guzman PE Willie Reyes PP Joe Judan PP George Ty PP Noel Flores Rtn. Jon Jon Cobarrubias PP Ronie Masangkay Rtn. Roman Villame PP Dante Verano PE Willie Reyes PE Willie Reyes August 2014 Rotarian Classification Induction Spouse 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Aguinaldo, Onie S. Barcinal, Val A. Barotilla, Boni M. Cabalquinto, Dodjie N. Cadiz, Fabi I. Cansana, Bernard H. Capco, Claro L. Cobbarrubias, Jon Jon L. Co, Peter Cruz, Celso C. Cruz, Jessie F. Cruz, Willy R. Culangen, Erwin Carlo C. Culminas, Boyet G. De Guzman, Del R. De Guzman, Efren O. Dela Paz, Flor S. Dela Paz, Hermie R. Farcon, Eduard G. Farcon, Jun G. Fidelino, Tony B. Flores, Gee S Flores, Noel S. Garcia, Nes C. Garcia, Roland C. Guevara, Ramon Igliane, August R. Ignacio, Eric C. Josef, Jerome D. Malaya, Benjie V. Manzo, Alex P. Masangkay, Ronie P. Meriño, Chris U. Montoya, Rey P. Ong, Gilbert E. Ong, Joey Ong, Patrick T. Pe Benito, Francis I. Dairy Product Distribution Medicine-Pediatric Motorcycle Parts Distribution Building Construction Medicine - General Horizontal Construction Education General Merchandise - Wholesale Hardware Distribution Insurance - Non-Life Real Estate Brokerage Architecture General Surgery Pest Control Sash Manufacturing Memorial Service Ladies’ Shoes Manufacturing Financial Consultancy Linda Arlene Herminia Dolly Taxation Law - Civil Music Vertical Construction Hospital Administration Marketing and Sales Services Banking - Savings & Thrift Orthodontics Real Estate Developing Pharmaceutical Distribution Medicine - Gastroenterology Special Education Teaching Laboratory Service Civil Construction Gasoline Distribution Printing Products Distribution Electronics Distribution Concrete Products Manufacturing Banking - Savings & Thrift 12/22/1983 02/11/2010 09/23/2010 01/20/2005 03/16/2000 07/06/2007 07/05/2002 08/28/2008 08/31/2013 6/18/1998 11/4/1993 10/6/2005 08/14/2014 09/23/2010 12/3/1998 7/29/1982 1/23/1969 12/4/2008 10/11/2001 4/22/1988 8/26/1993 3/31/2011 1/17/2002 7/1/2000 11/14/1991 02/27/2014 9/29/2011 9/29/1994 10/12/2009 8/1/1996 8/26/2010 1/17/2002 3/6/2008 7/7/1994 04/26/2012 08/14/2014 09/03/2009 12/3/1998 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Pecho, Manny F. Ramos, Joey C. Relleve, Joel V. Reyes, Willie E. Rodriguez, Tops N. Santiago, Rogel V. Santos, Dindo C. Engineering-Marine Computer Services Provider Medicine Marketing & Trading Real Estate Marketing Government Service Medicine – Family 11/06/10 04/26/2012 10/18/12 10/6/2005 3/17/2006 7/14/P014 8/14/1997 Marivic 46 Santos, Vincent C. Medicine – Endocrinology 7/1/2000 47 48 49 Sibal, Dan C. Sueno, Kennedy V. Tan, Carl S. Automotive Servicing Government Service Ying Zenaida Food Service Equipment Distribution 5/11/2006 12/01/2011 5/7/2009 50 Tan, Elmer J. Corporate Give Away 7/30/2009 Ellen Auto Parts and Accessories Retailing Carol Jehan Kristelle Lily Isay Liza 07 P P 14 P P 28 P M P P P P M P P P P P P P P P P P - P P P M M P P P M M P M M P P P P M P M M P M P P P P P P P P P P M P P P M M P M P P P P P P P P P P P P P - M P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Cecil P P P Eula P P P P P P M P M M P Imelda Pam Vising Nancy Zeny Elai Lita Vivian Nora Lydia Cheri Julie Tetet Liza Minna Lyn Monette Rina Vanz Rotarian 51 Tañazana, Nixon D. 52 Ty, George S. 53 Verano, Dante L. 54 Villame, Roman B. Exempted Ancheta, Al Q. 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Capco, Jimmy P. Cruz, Romy M. De Guzman, Greg S.** De Guzman, Manny P. Dela Paz, Ading G. Farcon, Ver S. Favis, Manolo G. Garduño, Jun A. Florencio, Rene A. Judan, Joe A. Lee, Joe P. Navarro, Ed B. Ong, Boy B. Sumulong, Vic C. Tanco, Ting N.** Tanpengchang, Larry C. Valentino, Rudy B. Kazuhiko Toujoh Antonio L. Co ** Charter Member LEGEND: August 2014 14 28 Classification Engineering-Structural Electronics Service Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Civil Induction 9/06/2012 8/10/1989 3/17/1991 01/17/2013 Spouse Nellieden Leonor Noemi Lorie 07 P P P P P P P P P Management Consultancy 8/21/1975 Bella Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Medicine - Radiology Orthodontics Architecture Medicine - Internal Law - Corporate Radio / TV Broadcasting Medicine - Internal Jewelry Manufacturing & Marketing Engineering—Civil Real Estate Developing Medicine - General Hardware Distribution Optometry Cotton Spinning Lumber Distribution Shoe Retailing HONORARY MEMBER HONORARY MEMBER 1/4/1968 8/19/1971 3/18/1965 8/26/1982 10/7/1971 3/17/1971 8/10/1989 10/6/1977 3/16/2001 3/17/1991 9/29/1977 10/28/1982 7/29/1982 2/3/1966 3/18/1965 12/8/1977 2/11/1982 Lanie Cora Dely Zeny Casing E P E E P P P P E P E E E P E E E P E P E E P P P P E P E E E P E E E P E P P E P P P E E E E E E P E E E P P-Present M-Make-up EExempted MAKE-UP Medical Mission—Concepcion Dos (Aug. 15) Val Barcinal –08/28 RC Batangas (Aug. 19) PP Tony Fidelino-08/.28 Timpalak Part 1 (Aug. 23) PDG Efren de Guzman-08/28 PDG Jun Farcon-08/28 Timpalak Part 2 (Aug. 28) PP Noel Flores-08/28 Dir. Elmer Tan-08/28 PP Manny de Guzman-08/28 EXTRA ATTENDANCE Timpalak Part 1 (Aug. 23) Pres. Dodjie Cabalquinto, PDG Efren de Guzman, PDG Jun Farcon, Sec. Val Barcinal, Rtn. Roman Villame, Treas. Jerome Josef, Dir. August Igliane RC Batangas visit to Marikina (Aug 22) Pres. Dodjie Cabalquinto, PN Willie Reyes, VP Chris Meriño, Treas. Jerome Josef, Dir. Joey Ramos, Dir. August Igliane, PP Fabi Cadiz, PP Tony Fidelino, Sec. Val Barcinal, Rtn. Joel Relleve, Rtn. Pete Co, PP Ronie masangkay, PP Roland Garcia, Dir. Bernard Cansana Duckpin Bowling (Aug 17) Pres. Dodjie Cabalquinto, PP Roland Garcia, PP George Ty, Dir. August Igliane, Rtn. Roman Villame, Dir. Bernard Cansana A Night with R.I. President Gary Huang (Aug 22) Pres. Dodjie Cabalquinto, PDg Jun Farcon, PDG Efren de Guzman, PP Roland Garcia, PDG Ting Tanco Linda Cora Minia Fely Meldy Corie Maring Alice Viring Timpalak Part 2 (Aug. 2) Pres. Dodjie Cabalquinto, PDG Efren de Guzman, Rtn. Roman Villame, Treas. Jerome Josef, Dir. August Igliane, Dir. Joey Ramos, Rtn. Gee Flores, PP Flor dela paz, Rtn. Pete Co, PP Tony Fidelino, Rtn. Tops Rodriguez, Rtn. Ramon Guevara, Rtn. Joel Relleve, PP Roland Garcia, PP Joe Judan, PP George Ty, PE Willie Reyes Duckpin Bowling (Aug 31) Pres. Dodjie Cabalquinto, PP Roland Garcia, PP George Ty, SAA Pete Co, Rtn. Roman Villame Board Meeting (Sept. 1) Pres. Dodjie Cabalquinto, VP Chris Meriño, Sec. Val Barcinal, Dir. Bernard Cansana, Dir. Joey Ramos, PE Willie Reyes, PP Joe Judan, Rtn. Joel Relleve, PP Dindo Santos OFFICERS RY-2014-2015 PRESIDENT: PRESIDENT-ELECT: VICE-PRESIDENT: SECRETARY: TREASURER: EX-OFFICIO: PAZ DIRECTORS: AUDITOR: SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: P.R.O.: CLUB TRAINER: ADVISERS JAIME N. CABALQUINTO WILFREDO E. REYES CHRISTOPHER U. MERIÑO VAL A. BARCINAL JEROME D. JOSEF MARIO HERNANDO R. DELA BERNARD H. CANSANA AUGUST R. IGLIANE MANUEL F. PECHO JOSE C. RAMOS II ELMER J. TAN ROMAN VILLAME PETER CO JOEL RELLEVE PP DINDO SANTOS PDG EFREN DE GUIZMAN LTG. ERIC IGNACIO SAG ROLAND GARCIA Valley Wheel is the official bulletin of the Rotary Club of Marikina Dir. Joey Ramos- Editor-in-chief, Sec. Val Barcinal - Assistant Editor, Columnist Contributors: President Dodjie Cabalquinto, Sec. Val Barcinal, Treas. Jerome Josef, PP Dindo Santos, Dir. Joey Ramos, VP Bernard Cansana Acknowledgement PP Manny de Guzman for Designing our Cover, Photo Credits: Dir. Manny Pecho & Rtn. August Igliane. The Rotary Club of Marikina was admitted to the Rotary International on March 18, 1965, with postal address at Marikina Rotary Youth Center, Sumulong Hi-way, Sto. Niño Markina City, Philippines, Tel. No. 9423720 E-mail [email protected], Website
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