Dinjerra Messenger - Dinjerra Primary School


Dinjerra Messenger - Dinjerra Primary School
Dinjerra Messenger
Please see the Community Noticeboard for
more information on:
Sunshine Football Club
West Footscray Football Club
Western Suburbs Soccer Clubs
CSIRO Double Helix Holiday Activities
2011 Scholarship Rounds
Religious Instruction at Our Lady’s Parish
Term 1, No. 4
Thursday, 31st March,
A reminder to all that the Canteen and Uniform Shop are
closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Please make sure that your child brings lunch to school on
these days.
From The Principal
Dear Parents/Caregivers
It was fantastic to have so many
people involved in the official
opening of our new building last
Friday. The presentation that was
shown was of a very high standard
and shows just how appreciated the
new learning environment is.
I have the pleasure of inviting all
interested parents to our Ultranet
session on Thursday 7th April.
More information is included in
this issue. I look forward to seeing
Thank you for your feedback!
We have planned 2 Ultranet info
sessions on Thursday 7th April.
Session 1: 2.15-3.15pm
Session 2: 5-6pm
Please join us and learn more about the Ultranet and how you can use it to be a part of your
child’s learning.
Have a great fortnight
Leanne Sheardown
Last day for term 2.
Students are dismissed @ 2.30pm
Page 2
Stars of the Week
21/03/11 and 28/03/11
Congratulations to the
following students who have
been awarded Superstar
Ribbons for great behaviour
and Citizenship:
25 Stars:
P2B Bernette Doung You are trying
really hard to listen.
Lilian Du You always try your best
in all learning activities.
24A Tito Biar You explained you maths
thinking clearly to your classmates.
Alija Demirovic Keep up your constant enthusiasm and great ideas!!
24B Zeliha Aydin You have a consistently great effort with all your work.
46A Jennifer Nguyen You always try
your best in all you do.
46B Jacklyne Biar You have been contributing well to group work.
Nayna Kumar You work well during class discussions.
P/1A Yassir Ahmed, Hannah Allen, Krystal
Coad, Emi Do, Temepara Edwards, Harry
Forsberg, Hassan Hayder, Johnson Le,
Hayley Marshal, Linh Nguyen, Upangoa Pahulu, Alyha Szombathy, Alyiah IsmailChandra
P/1B Ayse Aydin, Anh Bui, Par Tha Ding Co
Pah, Eva Do, Lillian Keeping, Jessica Edwards.
24A Kelly Ly, Chosyn Kaiwahia-Tunui, Matthew Duong, Ayse Aydin, Jhayden Le, Tito
24B Yoonis Ahmed, Branden Chiem, Soren
Chowdhury Pearce, Jack Co Pah, Nathan Le,
Daniel Pham
46B Rebecca Chan, George Efthimiadis,
Liam Keeping, Hendeya Malik, Matthew
Manuca, Anh Nguyen
50 Stars:
P1A Lilian Du, Leena Tran, Saleem Yassin,
Ibrahm Shuriye, Sumayo Abdi.
24B Zelina Aydin, Sabrina Chan, Vina Ininahazwe, Phoenix Kaiwahia-Tunui, Danny
Leung, Jasper Lu, Salaban Mohamed, Shafici
Osman, Julie Tran, Cindy Tran
46A Tony Anthony, Martina Tran, Alice
Nhan, Tra-Mi Do, Claudia Forsberg, Chin
Chin Sangluai, Xavier Saunders-Bath, Jason
46B Zakariah Sharif.
Page 3
School Banking
School Banking day is every
Tuesday. Just remember to
bring your book and the
money you wish to save to
school and hand it to the Office or your teacher.
O ur new building is officially open!
School captains Trung and Hendeya pictured with Councillor Sel Sanli and Principal Leanne Sheardown.
as Volunteers In Our Classrooms’ Training.
It has been fantastic to see many of our parents/carers attending
the training. We have been enjoying the opportunity to meet new
people, get to know a little more about each other, play some fun
games, share our knowledge and skills and learn from each other.
So far we have had a great time together! Some parents have begun to assist in classrooms whilst others are organizing their
Working with Children Checks so they can support in classrooms.
Parents/Carers are welcome to join our training.
Next Sessions: Wed 6th April and Wed 4th May 11-1pm.
We have plenty of applications
if you wish to start school
banking and remember that
any child with an existing
Commonwealth Bank Youth
Saver account can simply
bring their book and money
each week and join the program. No paperwork is required. Students can bank as
little as 10 cents per week to
encourage regular saving.
Parent Consultation – Earn a $30.00 Coles Voucher
Maribyrnong City Council and the DEECD are wanting to discuss services for young children. Parents of children in grade prep
-2 and parents attending playgroup are asked to come along and
share their thoughts and experiences. Participants will receive a
$30.00 Coles voucher .
When: Monday 4th April
Time: 1-3pm
Where: Dinjerra Primary School. Sign in at the Office
To register please contact Kathleen on 9311-1598
Well done to
Kelly Ly who
won the
run by the Pet
Page 4
Anzac Day Badges.
Anzac Day is the day when we
remember all the Australians
who died in wars and conflicts.
The Junior School Council Advisory Committee is selling Anzac Badges to support the Anzac Appeal. Badges/pins can
be purchased for $1.00, $2.00 or
Leadership Program –
‘Doing good things for and with others’
Do you have a special skill or talent?
Can you share that skill with our students on
Tuesdays from 11.30-1.00pm
Next term students in grade 4-6 will be involved in
some small social enterprise activities to have an
opportunity to practice and reflect on their leadership skills and to raise money. They will work in
groups to create things they can sell such as jewelry, plants, scarves and any other ideas they develop. Students will start planning at the beginning
of term 2. We know that many of our parents and
carers have talents like sewing, creating, designing,
building and growing things. If you are able to
come assist our students by sharing your skills we
would love your help.
Please call Kathleen on 9311-1598 or speak to
your child’s class teacher to be involved.
Braybrook Homework and Literacy Club.
Dinjerra Primary School has been working with
Braybrook Community Centre and a number of
other services to organise a Homework and Literacy
Club after school. Notes will go out next week with
information about registering your family to participate. The club will take place on Thursdays from 45pm and is available for parents, primary school
students, secondary school students and toddlers
to attend all at the same time. The club is free to
attend but parents must attend with their children.
Fun activities and learning opportunities will be
provided for everyone with tutors to assist with the
Stay tuned for registration details as numbers are limited!!
It’s Not Okay to be Away or Late.
Being at school everyday helps to create happy, confident and positive children!
Just a reminder to all parents that children need to be at school everyday
unless they are ill. Children who are frequently late or absent from school find it
more difficult to learn routines and have
to work hard to catch up on their learning. Being at school everyday also helps
children to develop good friendship and
have positive experiences with their
peers. Please contact the school or send
a note if your child has been unwell and
absent from school.
The EMA cheques for the first half of the year have
arrived at school. Please bring your health care card
or pension card to the office when you come to collect your cheques.
Dinjerra Primary School No. 5450
PO Box 4005
44 South Road BRAYBROOK 3019
Telephone : 9311 1598
Fax : 9312 3182
email : [email protected]
Principal : Ms Leanne Sheardown
Assistant Principal: Ms Sharon Higgins