23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - 2016
23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - 2016
er n n i D n e Chick Sunday p.m. .—3:00 .m a 0 :3 11 ults, d A 0 .0 8 Cost: $ under d n a 2 1 s $5.00 kid RAFFLE 1st Prize—$1000.00 2nd Prize-$500.00 3rd Prize– $250.00 4th Prize- $200.00 5th Prize- $100.00 6th Prize- $100.00 Kids Games 5K Race Saturday a t 9: Parade Saturday a t 11 Saturday 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Warm up walk for people of all ages with Fr. John! 9:00 a.m. Saturday Free will donaBon— All proceeds donated to St. Judes! :00 a.m. Spaghe1 Dinner Friday: 4:30—7:00 pm $5—Adults $3-Kids (2 & under free) $20 family FARMERS MARKET BINGO Feather Bingo CONCESSION Saturday & Sunday 11:30 a.m.—4 pm 30 a.m. ARTS & CRAFTS BOOK NOOK Saturday– 5:45 p.m. Doors open at 4:45 p.m. Regular Bingo Sunday at 12 noon SILENT AUCTION closes at 2:00 p.m. Sunday EUCHRE TOURNAMENT Friday—7:00 pm Doors open at 6:00 pm Twenty Third Sunday of Ordinary Time Mass Intentions Mon. Sept. 5th– 5th– Labor Day 7:00 p.m. -for the repose of the soul of Dorothy Nanasy Req. by Judy Stehlik & family Tues., Sept. 6th 8:30 a.m. —for the repose of the soul of Marguerite Nichols Wed., Sept. 7th 8:30 a.m. - for the repose of the soul of Helen Minzey Thurs., Sept. 8th8th-The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 6:00 p.m. —Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 7:00 p.m.—for a special family intention Fri., Sept. 9th— 9th—St. Peter Claver 8:30 a.m.—for repose of the soul of Clark O’Donnell, Birthday Remembrance, req. by Ken & Nancy O’Donnell Sat., Sept. 10th 8:30 a.m.—for the repose of the soul of Peter Bacik Req. by his parents, Bill & Marian Bacik 4:30 p.m.—for the repose of the soul of John Pavlica req. by Marie Lewis Sunday, Sept. 11th— 11th—234th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 a.m.—for the People of the Parish 10:30 a.m.—for the restored health & well being of Catherine Ebelt, req. by Rick & Sue Baldwin The Sanctuary Candle is: in loving memory of Joseph McDevitt Req. by Jerry and Jerry McDevitt Adult Envelopes Sunday & Holy Days Loose Money Student Envelopes PayPal Donations All Other Income Total: Total $ 3,456.00 97.70 1.00 0.00 377.56 3,932.26 Special Collections: SCRIP: 225.00 Adult Sunday Envelope count includes make-up Envelopes. Your generosity and support in giving what you can, including sending in missed weeks envelopes, is greatly appreciated.. Online Giving: You may now make your weekly/monthly Sunday offertory and Faith Formation Building Fund donations online using PayPal. Please go to our website at: stmarymorrice.org, stmarymorrice.org, in the upper right hand box that says “Online Giving” click on the account you’d like to make your payment to and follow the directions on the page. We thank you for your support! St. Vincent de Paul Society: Help our less fortunate neighbors by donating to St. Vincent’s. We work with other local groups to help with rent, utilities, prescriptions and other needs. Envelopes are in the church entrance. Make checks payable to: St. Vincent de Paul. Food Bank Collection: the first weekend of every month non perishable food, supplies and monetary donations which help with gas & electric bills, are collected for our area Food bank. Please bring your donations to the church vestibule. Make checks payable to: Perry/Morrice/Shaftsburg Food Bank. “If If you want to be my disciple take up your cross and follow me.” This week our Lord Jesus Christ talks to us through the readings about the cost of being a disciple. Our Lord invites us to be his disciples. The one who wants to be a disciple of Jesus needs to make radical choices in his or her life. This choice demands that we prefer nothing to Jesus. Jesus is the absolute. He can alone ask us to make this radical choice. He is God. Nothing in this world can take the place of God. This week in Rome Blessed Mother Teresa will be made a Saint. Why she is going to be a Saint? She was the true disciple of Jesus. She made the radical choice in her life, when she gave up her teaching profession in well-established congregation and set out to the unknown future in the streets of India. It is not easy to begin a new life. But Mother trusted in God. God in his divine providence blessed her much. A disciple is the one who trusts in God and allows God to reveal his plans to him or her. This is where Mother Teresa will be a great example to us. We need only to walk with him. The Gospel for this Sunday proposes to us how to attain the Kingdom of God. This is not easy. We have to co-operate with God. We have to do our part: 1. “If anyone come to me without hating his father and mother, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” What our Lord means when it comes for God is, the family takes second place. I stated above that we prefer nothing to Jesus. Jesus is all in all. 2. The Gospel invites us to take our faith seriously. We should not take our faith for granted. Here our Lord gives us an example. The example is about building a Tower. He says, “Which of you wishing to construct a tower does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if there is enough for its completion?” 3. The last example is about a war. This is what our Lord says in the Gospel, “what King marching into battle would not first sit down and decide whether ten thousand troops can successfully oppose another King advancing on him with twenty thousand troops? This Gospel once again calls to remember the Gospel which we heard on the twenty-first Sunday. Do you remember what our Lord taught us in that Gospel? He told us to enter through the narrow gate. He also said many will try, but they will not be strong enough. What does our Lord means that they will not be strong enough? Here it will help us to remember the story of the ten virgins, who went out meet the bridegroom. Five of them did not think through the details of this journey. Since they did not plan well, they did not bring oil with them. The other five thought about this journey very well and calculated the minute details as to what it will take to meet the bridegroom? They brought flaks of oil with them. The bridegroom delayed in coming and the virgins fell asleep. When the bridegroom came, all of them got up and they lighted their lamps. The foolish one said to the wise that they needed some oil because their lamps were going out. They asked the wise ones to give some of their oil, but they said that it is better they go out get some for themselves. Meanwhile the bridegroom came and those who were prepared entered the bridal chamber and the door was locked from inside. The other five who went out buy some oil came back and knocked at door asking that they be admitted in. But the bridegroom answered from inside that he does not know them and asked them to be departed. The lesson our Lord wants to teach is this for this Sunday and always is “Be prepared always.” Fr. John Altar Flowers are: In loving memory of Orill & Dorothy Mills by Sandy Michalek Evangelization: Scripture Study: The 2nd Chapter of Luke on September 13th at 2:00 pm. Call Marie at (989) 274-1457 for more info. All are welcome to join us! FESTIVAL NEEDS Our Festival will be here before we know it. Below are some suggestions of ways you can help: Silent Auction and hourly prizes are needed. Contact Sandy at 517-625-4260 with questions. † Our Farmers Market will need your produce, plants, canned and baked goods. † Sign up to be in our Parade and/or 5K race! † Donate Children’s games prizes, like Silly Putty, Back to School items, Summer Clearance toys, playing cards or card games, mini rubber balls. No Beany Babies or Kites, please. † Donations of regular & diet pop and bottles of water are needed. † Donations of your homemade crafts for our Arts & Crafts booth. † Donate Books for our Book Nook. † We will need donations of desserts for our Spaghetti Dinner, Feather Bingo & Chicken Dinner. † Sponsor the 5k race and have your logo printed on the t-shirt! † Buy or Sell your Raffle Tickets! † Donate money towards our Raffle prizes! Any amount helps! If you would like more Raffle tickets, they will be available after all weekend Masses until the Festival and you may also get them at the Parish office. Thank you! † The second Early Bird Drawing winner was: Thelma Gauntlett Raffle Prize Money: 1st Prize: $1000.00– – Donated 4th Prize: $200.00 2nd Prize: $500.00 –Donated Donated 5th Prize: $100.00– – Donated 3rd Prize: $250.00 - Donated 6th Prize: $100.00— —Donated Any amount you would like to donate towards our Prize money, helps increase our Festival profits. Thank you! PRAY FOR: Haily Scott, Greg & Lawrence St. Onge, Gerald Czajkowski, Al Smakal, Marianne Cleary, Sid Grinnell, Jim Nanasy, Virginia Freed, Mary Roll, Larry & Brenda Wilson, Fr. Stan Czarnota, Ruby Benard, Betty Toma, Allen Woodbury, Marie Miller, Raymond Brandt II & Mary Fredell Brandt, Brian Mills, Mark Hepper, Catherine Bacik, Kimberly St. Onge, Jadyn Baley, Robert Finger, Conrad Ladoucer, Garry Adams, Bob Sanoski, Joe Wesley, Jr., Jerry Stehlik, Mike Miller, Larrie & Joan LaBelle, Victorya Babcock, David Guiles, Lori Lugo, Laura Crawford, Tom Bishop, Jr., Cindy Berg, Leo McArdle, Chase Bressette, Marlene Call. Pray for their caregivers as well.. Please contact the Parish office to add or remove names. Thank you! K of C Council #8735 meets the third Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. Our next meeting is: Wednesday, September 21st Grand Knight, Ross Demerly Knight of the Month: Don Barta Family of the Month: Rick & Katy Stone Family of the Year: Jerry & Jerry McDevitt Knight of the Year: Jim Spencer Special Events, Activities and Meetings Finance Council Meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 6th at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. Women’s Retreat at St. Francis Retreat Center: October 7th– 9th. The theme is “Christ Is Counting On You: Deepening Your Relationship With Christ”. Cost for the weekend is: $145.00. Register by calling 866-669-8321 or by visiting the website at: www.stfrancis.ws. Respite Volunteers of Shiawassee County: will have a volunteer training day on Mon., Oct. 3rd, 10 a.m.– 2:30 p.m. at St. Paul Catholic Church in Owosso. Call: 989-725-1127 for more information. We would like to have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during our Festival on Saturday, Sept. 10th throughout the day. A sign up sheet is in the vestibule for your convenience. The new school year is upon us. Our classes are set to begin Sun., Sept. 25th IN THE NEW FAITH FORMATION BUILDING! How exciting! Registration packets have been mailed out to families which include the registration form and the schedule of the school year. You may drop registration with tuition in the offertory in a separate envelop, or drop off at the Parish Office. Our program is open for K12 with opportunity for Adult Education too, please share with friends and family—all are welcome! Volunteer help instructing Music during Religious Education is needed for the months of November, February & March. If you would be interested in helping, please contact Rose. We would like to give a blessing to all of our Catechists for Adult & Youth Education on Sun., Sept. 18th during both of the Sunday Masses. Any questions, call Rose Spencer at: 517-256-9479. Appreciation Dinner Sunday, Oct. 2nd at 2:00 p.m. For all adult Ministry volunteers and their spouses. This would include: Eucharistic Minsters, Lectors, Ushers, Choirs, Religious Ed. teachers and RCIA team members. If you can attend, please RSVP to the Parish office by Sept. 25th. Purchasing Bricks for the Bell Tower Project Our Contractor is placing the order for the bricks for our Bell Tower Project. As you know, the paver bricks will have to be sent out to have the etching done on them. If you were considering a purchase of a paver brick, we would kindly suggest that you place your order for it soon, so we can send all bricks out to be etched at the same time. You may also still purchase structure bricks as well. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Parish office. Order forms are in the church vestibule or Confessional entrance. Watkins Brothers Funeral Homes Perry 517-625-3177 Laingsburg 517-651-5415 Durand 989-288-3106 Owosso Corunna 989-725-7171 989-743-3456 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 8735 David Stewart AGorney at Law Personal Injury•Social SecurityDisability•Workers Compensa>on•Automobile Negligence NEAL, NEAL & STEWART, P.C. 4500 E. Court St. P.O. Box 90379 Burton, MI 48509 Bancro# 989-634-5222 Office Phone (810)767-8800 Fax (810)767-8958 Toll Free 1 (800)-383-5949 Blessed Mother– Father Cogley Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month At 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center JAMES G. MORGAN, D.O. Board Certified Massage Therapist Specializing in Therapeutic, Swedish, Sports and Pregnancy Massage 517-282-8883 CUSTOM COMBINING, PLANTING, LAND LEASING and FREEZER BEEF JOHN ESPER III 3255 Bath Rd. Morrice, MI 48857 989-634-5868 Cell: 989-277-2115 Primary Owner and Operator PF Green & Sons, Inc. Excavating *Drain Fields*Ponds*Drives*Dozing Commercial and Residential Call Pat (517) 625-4444 The Floral Gallery Full Service Florist Advertise here For $75 a year *Family Prac>ce* Sports Physicals* *Treatment for Diabetes, Weight Loss & Fa>gue* *Promo>ng Energy and Good Health* 3809 Lansing Rd., Perry Ashley E. Matson, NCTM 517-625-5151 517-625-4155 MORRICE HARDWARE 324 N. Main St. 517-625-7712 St. Mary’s Altar Society Meets 2nd Tuesday of every month Oct.—May, at 7 pm All Ladies of the Parish Welcome! Put your message here! With GOD… $10 per week All things are possible. We Print Everything, Inc. 215 North Ball St. Owosso, MI 48867 989-723-6499 COLDWELL BANKER PROFESSIONALS 650 Purdy Lane - Morrice, MI For any information concerning your real estate needs feel free to call Diane or Barb. DIANE ROLL 517-712-8010 John Fisher “Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protec(on, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was le* unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my pe((ons, but in thy mercy hear and answer me.” Amen BARB ROLL-WYZGA 517-712-8009 For all of your printing needs! Demolition, Backhoe work, Bulldozing, Backfilling, Landscape Materials and More! 2153 W. Hibbard Rd. Owosso, MI 48867 Ph. 989 723 3152 Fax 989 723 2499 SPALDING INSURANCE AGENCY 2151 W. M-21 989-723-8985 Owosso, MI 48867 fax 989-720-2744 Perry - 625-4141 East Lansing - 337-3200 Email: [email protected] Website: www.cshincorporated.com Donna’s Day Spa Donna Montague, RN and Certified Massage Therapist Swedish Relaxation Massage Whirlpool Hot Tub Therapeutic Wax for Arthritis 989-413-0860 Come and relax not far from home Advertise here For $75 a year Advertise here For $75 a year Respect LIFE “The love of God does not distinguish between the newly conceived infant, the youth, the grown adult or elderly, because in each of them He sees the sign of His own image and likeness” Pope Benedict XVI Tammy A. Mika, D.D.S. William P. Horal, D.D.S. Richard Halliday, D.D.S. Owner CONSTRUCTION & DEMOLITION CSH Electric Motor Supply, Inc. McDonald’s of Perry Advertising Costs: $150.00 per year medium ad $250.00 per year large ad Owners: Bob & Mary Van Poppelen McDonald’s of Durand Owner: Travis Van Poppelen