Boltz Middle School Boltz Middle School
Boltz Middle School Boltz Middle School
Boltz Middle School Newsletter May 2015 Letter from the Principal 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Parent I hope this letter finds you well. The purpose of my letter is to share information about the last days of the school year. Advertising in this newsletter does not imply endorsement by Poudre School District. Grade 6 May 7 Spring Concert May 11 Permission slips will go home for Horsetooth fieldtrip May 12 CMAS End of Year testing for English May 13 CMAS End of Year testing for Math May 14 CMAS End of Year testing for Math May 19 Spring Band, Choir, and Orchestra concert May 26/27 Geography Assessments May 28 Fieldtrip to Horsetooth May 29 Last day/Half day-no lunch served on this day Grade 7 Week of May 4th-OWL testing begins for high school level Foreign Language courses May 12 CMAS End of Year testing for English May 13 CMAS End of Year testing for Math May 14 CMAS End of Year testing for Math May 18 Algebra Summative Assessments begin May 19 Spring Band, Choir, and/ \gfxzhk\\]1qweip] Orchestra concert May 26 Social Studies Summative May 28 Field Day May 29 Last day/Half day-no lunch served on this day Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 1 Letter from the Principal (continued) Grade 8 Week of May 4th-OWL testing begins for high school level Foreign Language courses May 8 Science Summative Assessments May 12 CMAS End of Year testing for English May 13 CMAS End of Year testing for Math May 14 CMAS End of Year testing for Math May 14 Last day for late work and book return May 19 Spring Band, Choir, and Orchestra concert May 20 U.S. History Summative Assessment May 27 Alegebra and Geometry Summative Assessment May 28 Warren Park May 28 Promotion Ceremony at FCHS: students arrive at 6:10 and parents enter at 6:40 May 29 Last day/Half day-no lunch served on this day Congratulations to Corey Martin, Boltz Office Manager, for Being Selected as Employee of the Year! “You got it!” Who could possibly say that phrase 20 times a day and always with a smile? Corey Martin, the office manager of Boltz Middle School. The presence of Corey in our front office is a gift to our staff and parent/student community. And this gift is three-fold as is evident given her special qualities. First, she is extremely competent. Her competence is easily seen in the everyday operations of our school. Her “job” often encompasses that asterisk at the bottom of the page: “Other duties as assigned.” Furthermore, Corey is professional. She is known for her ability to keep her cool in rough situations. Finally, her sense of humor works wonders in those tough situations that can arise from time to time. Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 2 6th GradeNews English Sixth grade English will read Red Midnight focusing on themes such as perseverance, change, hope and love, continue reading non-fiction, complete a small research project, experience small snippets of Shakespeare, and analyze and write poetry before we end 4th quarter. Keep reading and turning in bookmarks for the 40 book challenge; there will be a celebration at the end of the year for kids who complete the challenge! We have truly enjoyed your children this year and it is hard to believe that the year will soon be coming to an end. Summer reading is critical in fostering a life-long love of reading and maintaining skills taught throughout the school year. Keep your eye open for summer reading program information to come home with your child in May. Math We cannot believe how close we are to the end of the school year! The year has flown by. We truly appreciate you allowing us to work with your children. In 6th grade math we will be continuing with 3-d shapes, surface area and volume. If you think about it, ask your students what the difference is between the two. Hopefully discussing it will help them to keep it straight. After 3-d shapes we will move into statistics. Please remind your student that even though we are close to the end we still have work to do and they are still in need of supplies etc. Have a great summer! Your 6th grade math team Science 6th grade science is moving into physical sciences. This unit is going to be hands on, and will incorporate many labs and demonstrations. Atoms and molecules are hard concepts to understand so we will complete activities to help visualize these standards. We will be learning about matter and how mass and volume determine an objects density. The students will learn about molecules and how they are different in each state of matter. The students will also learn about atoms and their subatomic particles, the elements in the periodic table and how it can be read. The vocabulary may be difficult for your student to understand so please look over the Unit overview in your student's interactive notebook to help them prepare for each test and the district assessment. Mr. Baumgartner and Mr. Garcia. Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 3 Orchestra Reminders Please take a moment to check out the NEW Boltz Orchestra website: Upcoming Performances: May 7th: 6th Grade Orchestra/Band Spring Concert May 9th: Kayla Foundation Fundraiser Performance-Chamber Orchestra Only May 12th: 7th/8th Grade Spring Music Extravaganza May 16th: Trills and Thrills Festival at Elitch Gardens-Chamber & 8th Grade Orchestra May 28th: 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony: Chamber Orchestra Only Melissa Claeys: [email protected] OR 970-472-3768 Read 180 Students Attention all read 180 students. Do not forget that your biography projects are due by May 8. You can find the assignment on Blackboard under "Content." Please be prepared to present starting on May 8! I look forward to seeing your hard work. -Mrs. Hardouin From the Front Office Attendance If you know that you will be picking your child up early, please send a note with your student to the front office before school stating the time you will be arriving so that we can issue an early dismissal pass. It's a win-win, your child will be waiting for you when you arrive and we lessen the disruption to classrooms. Report Cards Boltz will not be printing or mailing 4th quarter report cards. PSD’s student information system is set up for families to be able to view and/or print Report Cards at home. In order to print or view, you will need to follow the directions below. Steps in ParentVUE and StudentVUE to print your student’s report card: 1. Open up the following link: and log in 2. Under the Navigation Bar, click Report Card 3. Click on the blue link that says “Click here to view report card for Quarter 4” 4. The report card will open and you can print it for your records Report cards will be ready for viewing/printing no later than June 5th 2015. If you do not have access to a computer or printer, or just need more guidance, please feel free to contact our Registrar, Mrs. Eatinger, at 970-472-3702. Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 4 Attention 7th Graders and Parents of 7th Graders Take Note!! 7th Grade field Trip is on April 28th to Midtown Arts Center. Students need to dress-up for the show. Last day to turn in assignments: May 22rd Last Week of School: May 25th- May 29th Mon- No School Tues- Regular Schedule Wed- Regular Schedule, students should bring in a pre-washed white t-shirt by today for tie dye project (we will soak them in solution this day) Thurs- 7th Grade field day at Boltz Morning- field game stations and tie dye Sack lunch outside Afternoon- movie in gym- kids will vote for their choice, otter pops on the lawn Bad weather-move games inside to gym, and tie dye to art room Fri- All school celebration *** Also….. We are in need of empty contact solution/saline bottles, empty two liter soda bottles, and newspaper for our end of the year tie dye project. *** 7th Grade Math – 8th Grade Placement for Math Due to the shift in standards and the increased rigor in all levels of math courses, it has been recommended that a body of evidence be used to support math placement in high school math courses. Therefore, 7th grade math placement recommendations will be decided after MAPs testing the last week of April. At that point, students will be informed of their 20142015 math growth and placement for the 2015-2016 school year. CM2 and CM2XL 7th grade math just started our unit on probability. This unit is about the concepts of probability and will help students understand common ideas that they read or hear about every day. After our probability unit, 7th grade will be moving to circumference and area of circles. Students will investigate the relationships between diameter, radius, Pi, circumference, and area. Students will take an investigative approach to discovering these relationships. We will conclude our 7th grade year of math with dilations, translation, and rotation transformations ~Mrs. Campain, Mrs. Elder and Mr. Tedford 7th Grade Algebra Algebra students are wrapping up their quadratics unit and then investigating several different models to interpret data and statistics. They will be incorporating technology on a daily basis as well as understanding the algorithms used with technology. Their final assessment will be an at home project that they will be presenting to the class. They will have an opportunity to be creative and personalize their project to reflect their interests. Algebra students will be taking a final for this course. The dates for the final are May 19th – May 22nd. ~Mrs. Campain and Mrs. Elder 7th Grade English Students are in their final unit for English: The Banned Book Unit. For this unit, students will learn about First Amendment rights and how these can impact both an author and audience. We hope this unit will help students understand the relevancy and potential necessity of censorship in their daily lives. continued Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 5 7th Grade continued Students in Ms. Rasmussen’s English class will be reading The Sledding Hill by Chris Crutcher and a choice banned book from the American Library Association list (available on Blackboard). Students will also hold a mock school board trial over The Sledding Hill to experience the process of banning a book. A permission slip was sent home for both books. Students in Ms. Paiva-Walz’s and Mrs. Griffith’s class will be reading Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry. They will also read a collection of historically banned or challenged children’s books and research the circumstances regarding the challenged publications. Each student will deliver an oral presentation to debate the merits of banning or allowing the story’s reading. *** Parents- if you have any chapter books that your student is done reading, please consider donating them to our classroom library. We love having our own books to loan out to kids. *** Geography During the final several units of the year, geography courses will continue to explore the amazing world of east and Southeast Asia. We will complete our year by investigating the indigenous people of Australia and New Zealand! Science To end the year, science is learning about LIFE!! The students are studying photosynthesis through a hands on plant lab. The students are also learning about how complex the human body is by examining the main body systems and seeing how all the systems need to work together in order for survival. Hands-on dissections will take place to allow for visual 3-D learning of the organs and systems. ------------------------------------------------------------- Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 6 Subject: New Procedure for Printing Report Cards Since our student information system is set up to print report cards from home, we will not be printing 4th quarter report cards and mailing them home as we have previously done. We are here to help if you do not have access to a printer. Please contact Lisa Eatinger and she will print and mail your student’s report card. You may reach her at 970-472-3702 or you can email her at [email protected]. Here are the steps in ParentVUE and StudentVUE to print your student’s report card: 1. Open up the following link: and log in 2. Under the Navigation Bar, click Report Card Click on the blue link that says “Click here to view report card for Quarter 4” The report card will open and you can print it for your records Report cards will be ready for viewing/printing no later than June 5th 2015. 8th Grade News Important Dates for Your Calendar May 13: 8th grade textbook check in May 13: 8th grade initial locker clean out during advisory (leave only necessary items to finish the year) May 14: 7th and 8th grade last day to turn in assignments and last day for retakes May 25: 6th/7th and 8th grade regular schedule May 26: 8th grade check out sheets passed out in 1st period May 27: 6th/7th and 8th grade regular schedule May 27: 8th grade final locker clean out in advisory May 28: 8th grade at Warren Park-Math; Summative Math Exam in morning May 28: 8th grade Promotion Ceremony at FCHS in the evening District Exams History: May 19nd Science: May 8th World Language: May 12-15 and 19-23 Math: May 28 8th Grade Science In 8th grade science, we will be completing our weather and climate unit by the middle of May. We will end this topic with a group project where the students will be expected to study a particular weather phenomenon and design a disaster plan for presentation to their class. The school year ends with tower building, a project taken from a Science Olympiad project of years past. Field Day Participation The following is a copy of the contract that your 8th grader will sign as an agreement with the 8th grade team for participation in the field trip to Warren Park that the 8th Graders take on Thursday, May 28. These contracts will be passed out to students toward the end of April I, ____________________________________, understand that in order to participate in the end-of-year 8th grade trip to Warren Park on May 28th, I must have a clean discipline record for the remainder of the school year. In the event of one (1) Office Referral and/or 3 Problem Solving Sheets in the month of May I will not be able to participate in the trip. Student Name (printed): ____________________________ Student Signature: _________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (printed): _____________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature:__________________________________ Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 7 8th Grade News (continued) Social Studies As we head toward the end of the school year, your students will examine how we added large sections of our country as we headed westward during our expansion period. Finally, our studies will turn to the causes of the Civil War and how the United States changed as a result. It has been a great year for your children and we wish you a fun and exciting summer. Pre-AP English 8 with Mrs. McGrew The Pre-AP students have recently read the William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies. Of course, we have studied the basic comprehension (both literal and inferential) and vocabulary. However, beyond those, students have discussed mob psychology and emotional contagion. Their final writing assessment will center around this novel and the importance of the character Simon. Next the students will read Elie Wiesel’s novel Night which is his account of the Holocaust. It is a difficult ‘read,’ however, in Wiesel’s opinion books such as this should be read so that we ‘never forget.’ We will also read John Steinbeck’s short novel The Pearl. Many students have purchased their own copies since one of our reading strategies is ‘margin notations.’ Dear 8th Grade Boltz Community It has truly been a pleasure to serve as your principal this school year. I arrived at Boltz Middle School five years ago, and I am so proud of our current eighth grade class. What an amazing group of students. One of the things I love to do is attend after school events and watch our students outside of the school setting. Each year, I receive emails and phone calls telling me how polite and kind our student community is. This 8th grade class has lived up to our reputation around citizenship! We are very proud of the culture we have built and we appreciate all you have done to support that culture. Besides the time they spend with you, they have spent the majority of their time with their teachers during the last nine months. We have talked to your children about expectations, celebrated in their success, discussed their academic progress, and challenged them to work hard. Now, we are ready to celebrate their transition to high school in our annual award’s ceremony that will take place at FCHS on May 28th. Students should arrive by 6:15 p.m. for the purposes of rehearsing. Parents will be permitted to enter into the gymnasium at 6:40 p.m. Students are expected to dress up for this special event. In the coming days, I will meet with all eighth grade students to share this expectation. I will also remind students that we have several weeks of school remaining, I want students to finish strong and continue to take advantage of their learning opportunities. There is no other job more important than growing a responsible and good human being. Thank you for your partnership with Boltz Middle School. We appreciate you and look forward to the excitement the end of the school year brings. Best Regards, Penny Stires Principal Boltz Middle School Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 8 Last Day of School The Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Schools and the Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Schools have approved the following schedule for the last day of school, Friday, May 29, 2015. NOTE: NO LUNCH WILL BE SERVED ON 5/29/15 Elementary Schools will dismiss 3 ½ hours earlier than normal scheduled time. Half day kindergarten will NOT be in session on 5/29/15 Full day kindergarten will dismiss 3 ½ hours earlier than normal scheduled time. Middle School Schools will dismiss 3 ½ hours earlier than normal scheduled time. High School Schools will dismiss 3 ½ hours earlier than normal scheduled time. Any other school/program will dismiss 3 ½ hours earlier than normal scheduled time. News From the Health Office A few reminders as we approach the end of the school year: ALL medications must be picked up by the release bell on the last day of school, or earlier if your student does not need the medication up until the last minute! (Remember this is a half day!) NO EXCEPTIONS! Medications cannot be sent home with students per district policy. All medications not picked up by the end of school on May 29th will be properly disposed of and will not be kept at the school over the summer for the next year. You will need NEW paperwork and health care action plans for next year, they can be completed anytime between now and the start of school, and if you don’t wait until August you can avoid the rush at your physician’s office! If you will have an incoming 6th grader they will need a TDap booster next school year. Please make plans to get this done over the summer and bring the record to school in August. New 2015-16 state requirements will require 2 doses of Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine for all K through 12th grade students. This will affect current 8th-11th grade students for next year. Please check with your provider to see if your student has had 2 doses of the varicella vaccine. (Many students have already received two doses) If not, please schedule an appointment for your student to receive a second dose and bring the record to your health office so you can ensure your child’s record is complete for next year. Please contact your school nurse if you have further questions or concerns. Thank you and have a great summer! Erin Camper, RN – School Nurse Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 9 ATHLETICS Sideline Suggestions for Parents I ran across this document and it might be something that you include in your pre-season packets or coaches meetings... Sideline Suggestions (10 Things Kids Say They Don't Want Their Parents to Do) By Darrell J. Burnett, Ph.D. 1. Don't yell out instructions. During the game I'm trying to concentrate on what the coach says and working on what I've been practicing. It's easier for me to do my best if you save instructions and reminders for practice or just before the game. 2. Don't put down the officials. This embarrasses me and I sometimes wonder whether the official is going to be tougher on me because my parents yell. 3. Don't yell at me in public. It will just make things worse because I'll be upset, embarrassed, or worried that you're going to yell at me the next time I do something "wrong." 4. Don't yell at the coach. When you yell about who gets to play what position, it just stirs things up and takes away from the fun. 5. Don't put down my teammates. Don't make put-down remarks about any of my teammates who make mistakes. It takes away from our team spirit. 6. Don't put down the other team. When you do this you're not giving us a very good example of sportsmanship so we get mixed messages about being "good sports." 7. Don't lose your cool. I love to see you excited about the game, but there's no reason to get so upset that you lose your temper! It's our game and all the attention is supposed to be on us. 8. Don't lecture me about mistakes after the game. Those rides home in the car after the game are not a good time for lectures about how I messed up -- I already feel bad. We can talk later, but please stay calm, and don't forget to mention things I did well during game! 9. Don't forget how to laugh and have fun. Sometimes it's hard for me to relax and have fun during the game when I look over and see you so tense and worried. 10. Don't forget that it's just a game! Odds are, I'm not going to make a career out of playing sports. I know I may get upset if we lose, but I also know that I'm usually feeling better after we go get a pizza. I need to be reminded sometimes that it's just a game. Yearbook Don't miss the chance to purchase a yearbook for your student. We have a few remaining books that will be sold on a first come basis. You may place your order at or pick up an order from at the Boltz Main office. If you have already purchased a book, thank you very much! It's one you won't want to miss. Lisa Paiva-Walz Language Arts, BMS Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 10 German Exploration We have begun 4th quarter and will conclude our introductory course to the German language. Our most recent units of study have included colors and clothing. Colors and clothing terms were taught and tested. At the end of this unit, the students invaded Frau McGrew’s “ugly clothes” closet. Some chose to participate in clothing “races” which resulted in students dressed in fairly unique outfits. Evidence of this “dress up” activity can be viewed in the hall just outside Frau’s classroom door. Most recently, the students have learned how to talk about their school day. They can tell someone what classes they have and what their favorite class is. Letters will be written to teachers (in German) which will highlight the students’ classes and preferences. These letters will be delivered to the teachers who may very well ask the students to translate! In the next unit we will spend time learning the vocabulary of city places and directions. Later the students will learn a bit about free time activities. Tschüss! Frau McGrew German 1A Students in German 1A are continuing to review the topics of description/introduction of self, school, and free time activities. have just completed their first 8-11 sentence paragraph in German! The topic for this paragraph was “Your School.” The paragraph had to include a general introductory statement about school and then three main ideas with supporting details about their school/school day. They could include the names of their classes, when they have those subjects, their grades, their opinion about a specific course and any supplies that they might need for school. In addition, students are continuing to speak and write about various topics or themes: intro of self, school free time activities. We are visiting the computer lab where students are allowed to practice the format of the OWL test. This is the computerized testing system they will use for the district speaking/writing/listening/reading summative assessments in May. Recently we are going into the computer lab to do some practice tests in preparation for the district exams. Frau McGrew has created some German quizzes in the OWL program that familiarize students with the format of the district assessment. Students may practice some of these review quizzes at home if they wish. German 1B Students in German 1B are just beginning their unit on “food.” They are learning to speak and write about the foods they eat for various meals and where the foods can be purchased. They are also learning to speak and write about their food preferences. In addition, students are continuing to speak and write about various topics or themes: intro of self, school free time activities, family and food. We are visiting the computer lab where students are allowed to practice the format of the OWL test. This is the computerized testing system they will use for the district speaking/writing/listening/reading summative assessments in May. Recently we are going into the computer lab to do some practice tests in preparation for the district exams. Frau McGrew has created some German quizzes in the OWL program that familiarize students with the format of the district assessment. Students may practice some of these review quizzes at home if they wish. Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 11 ART 6th Grade Art Caricature Sculptures After a discussion about Roman Portraiture, students modernized the idea into caricatures!! Creating clay busts with a paper armature inside the next steps are to fire these and paint them to bring them to life! Ethan Nguyen, grade 6 Mark Woolwich, grade 6 Brayden Aldaco (left) and Jackson Bigge’s caricatures of each other!!, grade 6 CONTINUED Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 12 ART (continued) 7th and 8th Grade Art To prepare for our VALUE PORTRAITS, 7th and 8th graders are practicing different drawing techniques to feel more successful in the sense of realism that is coming up with their value drawings done in charcoal. Lots of preparation, but all well worth the effort! Kennedy Polovich’s practices in drawing, grade 7 Brianne Hudson, grade 7 Brigney Cornejo-Alvarez, grade 8 Andrew Zancanella, grade 8 Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 13 ART (continued) MASK MAKING After much preparation, our masks are finally finished!! Elijah Forzani Garrison, grade 8 Hannah Peterson, grade 8 Mariah Rivera, grade 8 Mirabella Hannum, grade 8 Our next project is based on Art and Nature—and how to bring function into our artwork! Already, many wheels are turning; concepts will range from mugs, to vases, to bird houses to fairy homes, and much more! Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 14 Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 15 Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 16 Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 17 Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 18 Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 19
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