Family Fun at Canada`s Wonderland! - Gay Lea Foods Co
Family Fun at Canada`s Wonderland! - Gay Lea Foods Co
Published in the interest of members and employees of Gay Lea Foods Co-operative Spring 2012 Family Fun at Canada’s Wonderland! O n Saturday June 23, 2012, break out the sunscreen, sun hats and sunglasses and bring your thrill seeking enthusiasm to Canada’s Wonderland for the Gay Lea Foods Member and Employee Appreciation Day! This event is being hosted by your co-operative. Your admission ticket into the grounds and buffet lunch are all being subsidized courtesy of Gay Lea Foods! We appreciate the support that you have given our co-operative either by your investment and commitment as a member, or by your many years of dedication and loyalty as an employee. We want to say thank you by offering you and your family some quality fun time at Canada’s most exciting theme park located in Vaughan, Ontario. The day will begin with the park being open one hour earlier, just for our group! Our exclusive ride time program will provide you and your family the opportunity to ride any of the following rides between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. and we are the only group that will be allowed to ride these rides during this timeframe. The rides are the Behemoth, the Phsyclone, the Backlot Stunt Coaster and the Antique Carousel. Wrist Bands will be allocated to all Gay Lea guests so that you and your family can utilize these rides exclusively at these times. From 11:30am to 12:30pm a delicious Buffet Lunch will be served in the Courtyard Catering Facility. The menu includes Fried Chicken, Hotdogs, Hamburgers, Baked Rotini in a Marinara Sauce, Tossed Salad, Potato Salad and Soft Drinks. All of our Gay Lea Guests will come together at this time to enjoy some fellowship and delicious food. Here you will have an opportunity to win some incredible door prizes and hear messages from your Gay Lea Foods Sr. Management Team and Board members. As a special treat, the winner of the Gay Lea’s Spring Got Talent Employee Talent show will perform over the noon hour, a talent competition amongst all the Gay Lea Foods plants. If the weather is hot, don’t forget your bathing suit as Canada’s Wonderland Splash Works has over 7 million litres of heated water fun in their 20 acre water park. Check out The Plunge, Supersoaker, the Lazy River, Pumphouse and Canada's Largest Wave Pool. There is something for everyone! As 2012 marks the International Year of Co-operatives and June is officially Dairy Month, there is not a better way to celebrate than to spend a fun-filled day with your family, creating wonderful summertime memories that will last for years to come. In order to plan your day you can visit for full details of all rides and entertainment that the park has to offer. We are pleased to offer you subsidised admission tickets, including a luncheon buffet ($15 value) for an incredibly low price of only $39.00 for ages 13 to 59 years and for children ages 3 to 12 years is only $25.00. Ticket prices for Seniors aged 60 and up are $34.00. Price includes admission to all rides, tax and lunch! Parking fees for Gay Lea participants has been shared for by your Co-op and is only $6.00/car for the whole day! To order your tickets (Visa or Master Card); Members, please fax your order form found in this issue of the Gazette, to Stephanie Little at 519-821-2668 or email [email protected]. Employees, please order directly from your home plant/ office through your supervisor. The deadline for ticket purchases is June 11, 2012. The park hours of operation on June 23rd are 9:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Return undeliverable Gazettes to: President‟s Report 2 In the Spotlight 4 News & Events 6 Class 2 CLP Participants 7 Product Depot Reminder 8 Classifieds 8 Gay Lea Foods Co-operative 21 Speedvale Avenue West Guelph, ON N1H 1J5 1 PRESIDENT’S REPORT — RAPPORT DU PRÉSIDENT President’s Report As we shift from March to April and note all the early signs of spring, we also get a chance to review the first six months of our fiscal year. Overall sales have been in line with expectations, but with gains in a few key areas and gaps in others. Driven by aggressive retail pricing and with replenished inventory, our branded butter business was strong in the first six months when compared to budget. The competitive activity in this category has been fierce and we will likely see significant swings in sales results based on what brand is featured in the various retail ads. Yogurt sales have been very strong with the success of the Greek yogurt introduction and our partnership with Danone. With core branded products – sour cream, cottage cheese and aerosol whip creams – in line with expectations, our production capacity in Clayson is being pushed to the maximum. With milk supply strong, our ingredient business has been at maximum production as well. In the first few months of the year we had limited success with first grade MPC production, but with further investments in Teeswater we have worked through these challenges. Unfortunately the price for MPC has dropped to record low levels and the Canadian Dairy Commission has been hesitant to issue export permits. As a result, we are producing more skim milk powder (SMP) than planned. While sales have been solid, our margins continued to be challenged. We have faced inefficiencies in Guelph and Clayson plants that had some negative impact, but the major squeeze comes from the competitive nature of our categories in the retail sector. It is costing more and more to maintain our shelf presence as we combat competitive offers. This environment is likely to continue and all efforts need to continue to focus on ways to reduce costs and improve efficiencies. We are nearing the completion of the first phase of our ERP (new computer and planning system) launch. It is a $7 million investment that has directly involved a team of a dozen key managers over the past year, many of whom will continue through the second phase and the end of the year. We are excited about the information that this new system will allow and the knowledge and good decisionmaking that it will facilitate. In today’s fast changing, competitive marketplace, it is an essential tool and will be the backbone of any new business model. As we sit at the midpoint of our fiscal year, the outlook is challenging. We are slightly behind plan from a profit standpoint and will need continued focus on margin improvement, capital projects and business building initiatives that will drive continuous improvement. As always, we look forward to the challenge. Andrew MacGillivray President and CEO Rapport du Président P assant de mars à avril, nous observons les premiers signes du printemps et en même temps nous avons la chance de passer en revue les six premiers mois de notre exercice financier. Les six premiers mois en revue... notre partenariat avec Danone. En même temps, les ventes de nos principaux produits de marque, soit la crème sûre, le fromage cottage et les crèmes fouettées en aérosol, ont été conformes à nos attentes, ce qui fait que la capacité de production de Dans l’ensemble, les ventes ont correspondu à nos notre établissement de Clayson a été portée à son attentes, mais avec des améliorations dans quelques maximum. -uns des secteurs clés et des lacunes dans certains L’approvisionnement de lait a été très bon, ce qui a autres. permis à notre secteur des ingrédients laitiers d’atLes ventes du beurre de marque, appuyées par des teindre un maximum de production. Au cours des mesures énergiques d’établissement des prix au premiers mois de l’année, nous avons connu un détail et d’un stock rétabli, furent très solides pen- succès limité avec la production de CPL de première dant ce six premiers mois, par rapport au budget. qualité, mais grâce à nos investissements additionLa concurrence était féroce dans ce secteur et nous nels à Teeswater, nous avons été capables de relever verrons très probablement des résultats très va- ces défis. Malheureusement, le prix des CPL a subi riables en ce qui concerne les ventes, selon les une baisse record et la Commission canadienne du marques qui seront mises de l’avant dans les ré- lait a hésité à accorder des permis d’exportation. clames des divers établissements de détail. C’est pourquoi nous produisons plus de poudre de lait écrémé (PLE) que nous l’avions prévu. Les ventes de yogourt ont été très bonnes, grâce au (Suite—page 3) succès de la mise en marché du yogourt Grec et de DIRECTORS AND DELEGATES In Memoriam: I Gay Lea Foods Delegate—Lyle Martin t is with a very heavy heart that we share the news of the passing of Lyle Martin, on F e b r ua r y 5, 2012. An active Delegate with Gay Lea Foods since 2001, Lyle and his family operated Sunholm Holsteins, a registered Holstein herd in Huron County and started into the dairy business in 1974. After many years of hard work, they earned their prestigious Master Breeder shield and eventually, son Grant took over the farming operation, allowing Lyle more available time to be active in the dairy industry. He served as a delegate and director for Gencor, served on the Huron County Milk Committee and Huron County Holstein Club as director and chair. Lyle was an official judge with Holstein Canada and judged many local fairs. Lyle sat on the committee for the Mennonite Relief Heifer Sale Committee and he had just accepted another term as a director of CanWest Dairy Herd Improvement. Lyle was a 4-H Leader, Sunday School teacher at the Listowel Mennonite Church, hockey and ball coach and an avid curler in several leagues. Lyle was in his 68th year. He will be deeply missed by his wife Barbara (Weber) Martin, son Grant and his wife Pam Martin of Ethel and daughter Wanda and her husband Jeremy Heibein of Listowel. He was the very proud grandfather to 4 little grandsons Todd, Neil, Adam and Graham. Lyle will be sadly missed by those he knew, Lyle served on Grey Township Council and and for us at Gay Lea Foods, his passion the Ethel Hall Board and also served as a and energy as a member and a Delegate will director of the Maitland Valley Conserva- be greatly missed. tion Authority. (Suite de page 2) Nos marges ont continué à souffrir, malgré la solidité des ventes. Nous avons connu des problèmes d’efficacité aux usines de Guelph et de Clayson, qui ont eu quelques répercussions négatives, mais les pressions les plus considérables venaient de la concurrence qui s’exerce sur nos catégories de produits dans le secteur du détail. Il devient de plus en plus coûteux de maintenir la présence de nos produits sur les tablettes, étant donné la forte concurrence. Cette situation ne va probablement pas s’améliorer et nous devons concentrer tous nos efforts sur les moyens de réduire les coûts et d’améliorer l’efficacité. Nous avons presque terminé la première étape de la mise en service de notre système PRO (un nouveau système informatique de planification). Il s’agit d’un investissement de sept millions de dollars qui a exigé l’année dernière la participation directe d’une équipe d’une douzaine de gestionnaires clés. Plusieurs d’entre eux doivent poursuivre la deuxième étape de ce travail jusqu’à la fin de l’année. Nous sommes très intéressés par l’information que ce nouveau système permettra d’obtenir, et enthousiastes en voyant l’élargissement des connaissances et la qualité de la prise de décisions que cette information va faciliter. Il s’agit d’un instrument d’importance capitale qui servira de fondement de tous les nouveaux modèles d’entreprise et nous aidera à relever les défis que présente le marché actuel très concurrentiel et qui évolue constamment. Nous arrivons ainsi au milieu de notre exercice financier, et l’avenir nous apparaît rempli de défis. Nos profits sont légèrement plus faibles que prévu, et nous devrons maintenir notre attention sur l’amélioration des marges, les projets d’amélioration de l’équipement et le efforts d’expansion de notre entreprise, qui seront le moteur de progrès continus. Comme toujours, nous attendons ces défis avec confiance. Gay Lea Welcomes the Following New Members: Gracie Bell - Stratford Bailey Devries - Drayton Ferme Cavalait - Lafaivre Ferme Darkalin Inc. - Clarence Creek Ferme Mont-Vully Inc. - Sarsfield Julie Frend - Bradford Twila Gerber - Millbank Avila Holland - Blue Mountains Wayne McConnell - Kincardine Vlado Petrovski - Toronto Daniel Poirier - Lafaivre Rose Sassi - Mississauga Antonio Sinopoli - Woodbridge Chris Spencer - Madoc Donald & Elizabeth Stobo - Teeswater Fred Topp - Dunnville Julie Dollar & John Wilkinson - Belle Vallee Jacob & Ada Zekveld - Camlachie Andrew McGillivray Président et Directeur Général 3 IN THE SPOTLIGHT New Gay Lea Foods Director At Large Elected O n January 24, 2012 Robert Goodwill of Owen Sound, Ontario was elected to the Gay Lea Foods Board of Directors as the Director At Large. This seat became available with the retirement of long-time director Janet Boot. Robert hails from Grey County where he operates Lormarr Lea Holsteins with his family. He farms alongside his wife Charlene, 2 daughters Madison 16, Katelyn 12 and son Robert 8. The day to day farming is completed in a partnership arrangement with Rob’s brother Terry, nephew Steven and his mother Margaret. Robert’s family is the 5th generation to dairy farm in Canada since they immigrated from Wales. When they first started in dairy farming, the family operated a farm near Maple, Ontario and from there, moved to the Owen Sound area. Robert jokes about how he could ride to Canada’s Wonderland on his bike as the home farm at that time, was so close in proximity to the popular theme park. The Lormarr Lea prefix was started in the early 70’s by Robert’s father Lorne who sadly passed away in 2004. The dairy herd consists of 75 cows being milked in a tie stall facility, twice daily. Lormarr Lea has bred 9 Excellent cows and currently standing in the barn are 2 EX “Talent” full sisters that are scored 91 and 92 points. Crops of corn, Maddie & Katelyn soybeans, wheat, barley and hay are grown on 400 acres on the home farm and on an additional 200 acres of rented land. Future goals for the farm include building a new free-stall dairy barn within the next 3 years. Robert and his family have already doubled the herd size since taking over from his father and look forward to the future facility development to better accommodate the housing and management of the dairy herd. The Goodwill family became members of Gay Lea Foods in the spring of 1987 after a visit from retired Member Services Rep Bob Mills. Robert became an official Delegate in 1999 and was drawn to the cooperative for the opportunity to learn and get involved from a producer’s perspective. Robert served on the Delegate Governance Advisory Committee as a delegate and en- Hockey, Ringette, and Lacrosse in Owen Sound. The Goodwill’s are also a 4-H family and are involved in many clubs that are being offered in Grey County. The Syndenham School Fair is another event where the Goodwill’s offer their volunteer time. It is the longest running school fair in Ontario and still hosts a dairy cattle show. Robert has also served on the Grey County Holstein Committee, was a delegate for Gencor and served as the Secretary/Treasurer and Chair of the Grey County Milk Committee. The Goodwill Family: Katelyn, Charlene, Rob, Maddie. In front, Robert joyed the opportunity for personal growth and to tackle the challenges facing the cooperative. Robert’s passion for Gay Lea Foods and his desire to initiate change will serve him well in his new role as a Director. His forward thinking, candidness and resistance to sit still are tools he will bring to the Board table to compliment the talent that already fills the other 9 Director seats. Robert’s business background, community involvement and upbringing are good indicators of his commitment and dedication to do the best job possible for Gay Lea Foods Co-operative Ltd. Welcome Rob! He comments that after the first three year term, he was “hooked” and since 2004 had the desire to become a Director on the Gay Lea Foods Board. After taking the time to get things in order at home, he has now seen that desire become a reality. When asked what his goals are as a Director, Robert answered that he wants to see the co-operative grow, he is excited about being part of the innovation process for new dairy products, and shares the goal for Gay Lea Foods to reach a record sales of One Billion dollars annually. This fall, Robert and his high school sweetheart, Charlene, will celebrate 20 years of marriage. Family is a primary focus for this couple. Robert and Charlene enjoy camping in the summer months and make a point to visit the Caribbean with the kids each winter, creating wonderful family memories. As an active young family in the community, Robert has coached soccer and was assistant coach on his children’s hockey teams. They participate in Girls Katelyn IN THE SPOTLIGHT Élection du nouveau directeur sans affectation de Gay Lea Foods L e 24 janvier 2012, Robert Goodwill, d’Owen Sound, Ontario, a été élu au conseil d’administration de Gay Lea Foods à titre d’administrateur sans affectation. Ce poste était inoccupé depuis la retraite de Janet Boot, une administratrice de longue date. Robert habite le Comté de Grey, où il exploite Lormarr Lea Holsteins avec sa famille. Il travaille à la ferme aux côtés de son épouse Charlene, de ses deux filles, Madison, 16 ans, et Katelyn, 12 ans, et son fils Robert, 8 ans. Le travail de tous les jours est effectué en partenariat avec Terry, le frère de Rob, son neveu Steven et sa mère Margaret. La famille de Robert est la 5e génération d’exploitants de fermes laitières au Canada, qui étaient venus du pays de Galles. Au début, la famille était installée sur une ferme laitière près de Maple, Ontario, pour ensuite venir dans la région d’Owen Sound. Robert plaisante au sujet de la possibilité de se rendre à bicyclette à Canada’s Wonderland, étant donné que la ferme de sa famille se trouvait très près de ce parc thématique populaire. Le préfixe Lormarr Lea a été lancé au début des années 1970 par le père de Robert, Lorne, qui est malheureusement décédé en 2004. Le troupeau laitier comporte 75 vaches dans une installation à salles entravées où on fait la traite deux fois par jour. Lormarr Lea a produit 9 vaches excellentes, et dans l’étable se trouvent en ce moment deux sœurs germaines EX « Talent » qui ont obtenu 91 et 92 points. On cultive du maïs, du soja, du blé, de l’orge et du foin sur 400 acres à la ferme principale, en plus de 200 acres de terres louées. Parmi les projets d’avenir de la ferme mentionnons la construction d’une nouvelle étable laitière à stabulation libre d’ici les trois prochaines années. Robert et sa famille ont déjà doublé les dimensions du troupeau depuis qu’ils ont pris la relève de son père et s’attendent à agrandir les installations futures afin de mieux assurer le logement et la gestion du troupeau laitier. La famille Goodwill fait partie des membres de Gay Lea Foods depuis le printemps de 1987, après avoir reçu la visite de Bob Mills, représentant des services aux membres maintenant à la retraite. Robert est devenu délégué officiel en 1999 et fut attiré par la coopérative à cause des occasions d’élargir ses connaissances et d’apporter sa participation à titre de producteur. Cet automne, Robert et sa femme Charlene, qu’il avait rencontrée à l’école secondaire, vont célébrer 20 ans de mariage. Ce couple place un accent prioritaire sur la famille. Robert et Charlene aiment faire du Robert a fait partie du Comité consultatif camping pendant l’été et ont l’habitude de des délégués sur la gouvernance à titre de visiter les Caraïbes chaque hiver avec leurs enfants, accumulant ainsi de merveilleux souvenirs. Cette famille jeune est active dans la collectivité. Robert a été entraîneur de soccer et entraîneur Lormarr Lea Holsteins - Owen Sound, Ontario adjoint des délégué et y a trouvé des occasions de équipes de hockey de ses enfants. Les encroissance personnelle et la satisfaction de fants font partie d’équipes de hockey pour relever les défis auxquels fait face la coopé- filles, de ringette et de crosse à Owen rative. Sound. Les Goodwill sont aussi une famille 4-H et participent à un grand nombre des Il déclare qu’après un premier mandat de clubs existant dans le comté de Grey. La trois ans, il était « accroché », et il souhaite Syndenham School Fair est un autre événedepuis 2004 devenir membre du conseil ment auquel les Goodwill contribuent à d’administration de Gay Lea Foods. Il a titre de bénévoles. C’est la foire scolaire la d’abord pris le temps de bien organiser les plus ancienne de l’Ontario et elle accueille affaires de sa propre ferme, et il voit main- encore une exposition de bétail laitier. Rotenant son désir se transformer en réalité. bert a aussi fait partie du Comité Holstein Quant à ses objectifs à titre de directeur, du comté de Grey, a été délégué de Gencor Robert nous a dit souhaiter la croissance et a été secrétaire-trésorier et président du de la coopérative et a manifesté beaucoup Comité de lait du comté de Grey. d’enthousiasme à participer au processus d’innovation de nouveaux produits laitiers. Le grand intérêt manifesté par Robert envers Gay Lea Foods, ainsi que son désir d’apporter des changements, vont bien le servir dans son nouveau rôle de directeur. Sa vision, sa spontanéité et son incapacité de rester assis à rien faire sont des outils qu’il viendra ajouter aux talents des neuf autres membres actuels du Conseil. Ses antécédents dans le domaine des affaires, sa participation communautaire et la façon dont il a été levé ont de bons indicateurs de son engagement et de son dévouement à faire le meilleur travail possible pour la coopérative Gay Lea Foods. Robert Il partage l’objectif de Gay Lea Foods d’atteindre un chiffre de vente total record d’un milliard de dollars par année. 5 NEWS & EVENTS The Western Fair Farm Show - A Real Crowd Pleaser! W arm spring-like weather and bright sunshine brought the agriculture community out in droves to attend the Western Fair Farm Show in London, Ontario. Over 12,000 people attended the show which ran from March 7 to 9, 2012. Attendees had a much larger show to see this year with exhibits being held in the 140,000 sq ft Agriplex building, as well as the original buildings on the Western Fair property. Gay Lea Foods Co-operative Ltd. participated in this show this year with a booth in the Progress Building. Delegates, Directors and Member Rela- saw great interest from Prospective Gay Lea Members. Rowena Wallace he 85th Ottawa Valley Farm Show was a great success at the new CE Centre in Ottawa. This year the farm show moved from its previous location at Lansdowne Park to the shiny new CE Centre this past 13th- 15th of March. The move was made due to the redevelopment of Lansdowne park, the show’s former home for over 50 years! This new location brought the entire show under one roof, which made for a new and interesting dynamic. CE Centre offers 150,000 square-feet of space, 120,000 square-feet of which comprises the exhibit floor. Denis Morris – Sarsfield The OVFS that grew from its roots as a rotating seed exhibition in Renfrew County to one of the premier agricultural trade shows in North America. Th e r ec e ntly comp le te d Alan Winters – Cornwall Yoland Léveillé – Earlton Thank you to our members for stopping by the booth and a thank you to our directors and delegates for their help. The Winners of the Gay Lea Draw for a case of Butter ARE… Congratulations to all our winners! The lucky winners of our Farm Show Draw: Patrick & Loretta Herbert, Thamesville - Passes for 4 to the Gay Lea Dairy Heritage Museum & $100 gift certificate to the New Sarum Diner Rob Alblas, Branchton -20lbs of Gay Lea butter Murray McCorquodale, Embro -Gay Lea gift basket Thanks to everyone who stopped by the booth! Cheddar Cheese is Always Aged. Mild Cheddar is aged 3 months Medium Cheddar 4-9 months Sharp, old and extra old are aged anywhere from 9 months to 7 years. There are even some types of Cheddars that are aged up to 10 years! Did you know? The Ottawa Valley Farm Show Boasts New Venue! T Cameron Storey of Winthrop, ON Member Services Rep - Wendy Hasson We also sold milk at the booth, which we were pleased to donate the net proceeds to 4H Ontario and the Cooperative Development Fund (CDF). We generated over $1,200 in net proceeds, allowing us to donate to each of the respective organizations over $600 in the coming weeks! We would like to thank the Directors and Delegates for their time assisting us in Delegate - Dennis Bryson staffing this farm show and tions Staff were kept busy answering ques- selling what we believe is, the tions about existing membership and also best milk on Earth! Director- NEWS & EVENTS Product Ordering: To better serve our members, Gay Lea Foods Co-operative has implemented a minimum of 7 days to order timeline for all orders placed. Please keep this 7-day policy in mind the next time you place a member order. ie: If you order on a Monday, you can pick up the following Monday. Thank you! Plan a Trip to Gay Lea Foods Heritage Museum G ay Lea Dairy Heritage Museum will begin summer hours re-opening with exciting new displays. Aylmer, Ontario is 125 years old this year and there are events being held in town to celebrate this special year. Our hours are: May 19, 2012 to Labour Day: Monday to Saturday: 9am to 5pm September to Thanksgiving: Saturday: 9am to 5pm Off hours: by appointment New Exhibits: We have exciting new exhibits including artifacts from Gay Lea Foods, displays about the International Year of the Cooperative, information and artifacts about Dairies in Aylmer and a new children’s area & pioneer butter making section. We have lots of new things to see and do. Day tripping: Make a day of it! We have lovely grounds to stroll and picnic tables available. May flowers and trilliums are amazing and usually are in bloom in May and our tulip trees usually bloom in June although this year it may be earlier. Take part in our bird watch and scavenger hunt outdoors. The museum is five minutes from Lake Erie. There is a beach and swimming in the summer and a snack bar and picnic tables there too! 2012 CLP Participants Gay Lea’s Co-operative Leadership Program Class 2 Participants Announced! The selection committee charged with selecting 10 participants for the 2nd Class of the Co-operative Leadership Program had a very tough time deciding upon the final participants due to the qualifications of the applications received. We are pleased to share the names of the successful candidates, who will have completed their first Gay Lea Foods is “Spreading the Word”! Past Events: It has been another busy winter. We hosted another successful Christmas Open House this past December making donations to the local food bank. We were one of four stops on a Lion’s Club Winter Beater Charity Poker Cruise with participants from around the province. Again, some of our artifacts were on exhibition at Woodstock Dairy Days and our Curator, Kim Teuscher, assisted the Woodstock Museum Education Officer, Kerrie Gill, educating local school children about how we used to get our milk from the cow to the table. What is it? This is a Match Holder or a Match Safe. This model was given out by DeLaval as a promotional item. It advertised their cream separators which claimed you could, “Save $15.00 per cow per year”. It would hang on the wall or cupboard near a wood stove and the matches would be kept dry and safe in the cream tank. session of the program at Gay Lea’s head office in Mississauga on April 11th and 12th (the names appear by Zone, in no particular order): Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone 1 - Mr. Roland Weber, St. Marys 1 - Ms. Sandy Terpstra, Brussels 2 - Mr. Ryan Martin, Elmira 2 - Mr. Gordon Alblas, Branchton 2 - Mr. David Grieve, Embro 3 - Mr. John Ahrens, Elmwood 3 - Mr. Josh Ireland, Teeswater 4 - Mr. Terry Heinzle, St-Eugène 4 - Mr. Justin Williams, Picton 4 - Mr. Neils VanBeek, Norwood Co-operative Young Leaders is a summer camp experience unlike any other. A great opportunity for youth ages 14-18 years old. Contact Anna Causi to inquire or to register; [email protected] or call 1-800-268-0508 xt. 5261 It is the International Year of the Co-operatives and we want our consumers to know! To celebrate the International Year of Co-operatives, Gay Lea Foods is “spreading” the word! To celebrate, Gay Lea Foods has created plastic and foil liners, for our inside packaging, that feature the IYC logo and focus on our local co-operative roots. The liners will be placed beneath the lids of our Spreadables Butter, Nordica Cottage Cheese and sour Cream tubs. The IYC liners will be used in March production and will show up in stores beginning in April through to the end of 2012. 7 Planning Ahead: Zone 1 Annual Meeting: Tues. Dec. 4/12 Zone 2 Annual Meeting: Wed. Dec. 5/12 Zone 3 Annual Meeting: Thurs. Dec. 6/12 Zone 4 Annual Meeting: Thurs. Nov. 29/12 *Zone 4 was rescheduled due to a location scheduling conflict. Save the date: 12 Sat, June 23, 20 Day” s od Fo a Le is “Gay rde on at Canada‟s W . rk Pa t en em land Amus fore be ts ke tic ur yo Order the deadline! Member Relations Product Depots are scheduled for M ay & June. Watch for your notice. Classifieds SERVICES: Bruce Square Baling. For your large square baling —3 ft x 3 ft and 3 ft x 4 ft contact Jim Batte (519) 392-8282 or Gary Whytock (519) 392-8158 Haugholm Books, Classic Tractor, Car & Gas Engine Books. Decal sets for older tractors & gas engines. Please contact Allan Haugh, RR #1, Brucefield, ON N0M 1J0 (519) 522-0248 New Suspended Tie Stalls, headrail from 38” to 50” high, four models to choose from. Also, full line of livestock confinement equipment plus ventilation. Call (519) 925-4317. Registered Black Morgan at stud, horse boarding, new facilities with 40 acres of trail rides. Robmarann Farm—Cathy & Bob McNeil RR #3, Grey Road 28, Hanover, ON N4N 3B9 Phone: (519) 364-6930 Fax: (519) 364-0889 WATER: Specialized in non-electric water softeners / iron filters / UV disinfection / sulphur removal, etc. Your Kinetico rep is Tom Diemand (519) 577-0187. We at Evergreen Hill Farm offer a horse drawn funeral hearse pulled by two beautiful Belgian draft horses. A nice tribute to the farmer who grew up walking behind horses. Call Scott at (519) 426-2155 or email [email protected]. Add some humour to your next event. Contact Paul Mussell Farmer/Comedian. (613) 826-2959 Hay and Forage Supplies. Bale wrap, Net wrap, Poly Baler twine, Bunker covers, Forage inoculants, Hay preservative and Grass seeds. Serving all of Western Ontario. Riacrest Agri-Products. (519) 533-8947. [email protected]. Notice: Lee Davis It is with regret that we announce the resignation of Lee Davis from her role as Administrative Coordinator within Member Relations at Gay Lea Foods. Lee has been an integral part of the Member Relations team over the past two and a half years and will be missed by many of her colleagues, especially those who work in the Guelph office. Gay Lea Foods would like to thank Lee for her many contributions to the Member Relations department over the past two years and we wish her all the best in her future endeavours. We sell vinyl fences for farms and residences, and around pools and backyards. Also available are vinyl decks, porch railing (3 styles) and posts in Colonial Style. Bobmur Fence Co., Robert and Muriel Hawthorne, RR #1, Listowel (519) 291-1968. Do you want to live your life to the fullest on all levels: body, mind and spirit? I provide the following services: Life Activation, Energetic Balancing, Full Spirit Activation and Emotional Cord Cutting. For more information call Dennis Dietz at (519) 327-8522. Ove Hansen Director of Member Relations & Corporate Secretary 45 Sparberry Street, R.R. #2 Mount Forest, ON N0G 2L0 Office: (519) 323-9613 Fax: (519) 323-1955 [email protected] Sandra Alton Supervisor, Member Relations 7647 Wellington County Rd 10 R.R. #1, Moorefield, ON N0G 2K0 Office: (519) 638-7721 Toll Free: (877) 638-7728 Fax: (519) 638-7720 Toll Free Fax: (877) 638-7720 [email protected] FOR SALE: 9 foot VICON DISC Bine, Kools Forage Blower #KB-54, Massey Ferguson #36 Swather, all items in VG condition. Best Offer Owen Sound (519) 376-0105. 2-year old Peacocks, blue and green neck, hens and cocks. Plastic lick-wheel protein tub — in excellent condition. $150.00. Call Bob at (519) 364-6930 or fax (519) 364-0889. Tractor For Sale: International Model 856 in excellent condition. Reason for selling, no longer needed. Call 519-565-5204 or 519-440-6405 Forage Equipment for Sale: 1 J.D. 3970 harvester, 3 RN silage 7 „ hay pickup also 3 RN head for doing corn cob meal, harvester equipped with Horning processor and liquid innoculant applicator. 3 JD 716-A forage wagons 16 „ box, 2 with J.D. running gear, 1 with Horst 1 Versa 891 Internal density bagger with 10 „ tunnel Call 519-828-3311 [email protected] Member Relations Welcomes New Administrative Coordinator Stephanie Little joined the MR Team in February 2012 in the capacity of Bilingual Admin Coordinator. She is based at the Guelph office. With a Diploma in Agriculture from Macdonald College, McGill University, Stephanie has had much experience working closely with Dairy Producers across Ontario, Quebec and the United States. Hailing from Lachine, Quebec, Stephanie started her Ag career at ABS Global (Canada) Inc./ St. Jacobs ABC as a bilingual Administrative Assistant/Customer Service Representative. From there, Stephanie moved on to fill the position as Vet Support for ABS Global (Canada) Inc, where she coordinated all the required health testing of bulls to enter into an A.I. bull testing unit. In 2004, Stephanie went on to join Dairy Cheq Inc. as the Office Administrator and was one of the first employees to form the Dairy Cheq team where she set up a large customer data base and organized thousands of installations of TTRs throughout Ontario, Quebec and the United States. Welcome Stephanie! Pam Emmott Member Services Rep Zones 1, 2, 3 South Western & Central Ontario Currently on Maternity Leave. Returning Summer 2012. Wendy Hasson Member Services Rep Zones 1, 2, 3 South Western & Central Ontario 351355 17th Line East Garafraxa RR #2, Orangeville, ON L9W 2Y9 Office: (519) 940-5813 Toll Free: (877) 940-5813 Fax: (519) 940-5815 Toll Free Fax: (877) 940-5815 [email protected] Shannon Kavanagh Member Services Rep Zone 4 Eastern & Northern Ontario 3262 Rollin Rd St-Pascal-Baylon, ON K0A 3N0 Office: (613) 618-9039 Toll Free: (855) 845-9039 Fax: (613) 691-1137 Toll Free Fax: (866) 571-1137 [email protected] Kathy Tjart Administrative Assistant Member Relations 255 Pioneer Drive Kitchener, ON N2P 1M9 Office: (519) 894-9868 Toll Free: (888) 636-2745 Fax: (519) 894-7115 Toll Free Fax: (888) 272-5492 [email protected] Stephanie Little Administrative Coordinator Member Relations 21 Speedvale Avenue West Guelph, ON N1H 1J5 Office: (519) 822-5530 x 2267 Fax: (519) 821-2668 [email protected]
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