the cabarrus animal rescue newsletter
June 2016 HS C A B A R R U S ANIMAL RESCU Issue 58 T H E CABARRUS ANIMAL RESCUE NEWSLETTER I n s i d e this i s s u e : WISH L I S T Meet our canines 2 Kuranda beds for the dogs, keeps them off the cold floor and or ground in the play area. The dogs love them. Meet our Felines 3 Adoption Updates4 Events 5 Thankjou 6 Silent Pam 7 Tip of the Month 8 To donate a Kuranda bed go to our website at . Click on Donate, then click on the Stories Kuranda bed link. Beds are shipped directly to our kennels. 9 Canned Volunteers are always needed for the kennels Dog food and Canned ^ Cat food HS Cabarrus Animal Rescue CoaconiN ,C ' K I N V CM COMPLETE • • i PUPPY CHOW 1^ CHI • -oJ Page 2 I s s u e 58 Meet our canines LICORICE - Black Lab mix Male - about 1—2 years old Friendly, has a ton of energy COCOA - Dachshund mix Male, about 5 years old In foster care, friendly S W E E T I E - Lab / Spaniel mix Female, about 3 - 4 years old She was heart worm positive but has completed her HW treatment. ROCKO - Dachshund mix Did you recently adopt a dog ? Petco offers group classes and private lessons. Talk to a store partner or dog trainer to see what class is the right fit for you. Male, about 5 years old, neutered Friendly, in foster care RFT.T.A - Shih-Tzu Female - about 3 years old. Friendly, very sweet KOBY - Chihuahua / Feist mix M ale, about 2 - 3 years old Very friendly, likes to play ball. Check our web-site for more animals I s s u e 58 Page 3 Meet our felines We are in need foster homes for cats and kittens. If interested, please e-mail us at [email protected]. Check web-site for more kittens. CATS A R E NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION AT P E T C O O N B R U T O N SMITH BLVD I N CONCORD. APPLICATION FORMS A R E O N T A B L E N E X T T O CAT CONDO AND P E T C O W I L L FAX YOUR APPLICATION T O US. PPPP^'^I Ginger - DSH grev ^^JL- Female, abt 1 year old HANSOM - DSH pSfl^L Male, about 1 year old Very friendly and sweet B-.^fc^g^*^^ Loves to cuddle. Jlggf ll.g^iTi-'--- ^j^J/KM C I N D E R - DSH black SOPHIE - D S H grey tabby ^ ^ ^ ^ S p ^ Female, abt 6 months old / ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ A Friendly 4 SpP^^^lj^^^ MISHA ^fcjI^^^^^^jP ^^^^^ Male, about 1 1/2 years old. - Siamese Female, born ^02/01/16 Friendly and sweet. JOSEPH - D S H grev Neutered ^Kjff^ PEANUT - D S H M J ^ ^ S H White and grey |Mkf^^fl Female, spayed ^^Hft ^ About 3 years old. Light Weight Cat Litter ^fll^ and canned cat food are ^^1^ always needed. Donations \ W / Friendly and playful can be brought to our facility at 590 Crestmont iV^ Drive, Concord, N C . ^^Tj^jjP ^^^^1^^^^ ^ f ^ ^ ^ ^ H M a l e , born 02/04/16 C H E C K OUR WEB-SITE F O R M O R E CATS T H A T MAY B E AVAILABLE AT OUR CAGE F R E E CAT F A C I L I T Y TANGO I s s u e 58 Page 4 ADOPTION UPDATES BUDDY Billy Boy, now Buddy was adopted about 3 years ago. Look how handsome he turned out to be. Buddy is doing great. Dan Thank you to everyone who has adopted an animals and given them a new and better Ufe. When you adopt you actually save 2 lives, the life of the animal you adopt which then opens up a space for another animal to be brought in for adoption. If you have adopted an animal from HS CAR we would love an update with a picture on how they are doing in their new home. We love those Belk, now named Snowy He has become comfortable, exploring his new home, getting acquainted with us, playing, sleeping on a cushion in my home office, sitting in the sun on the windowsills. I work from home so he has been spending a lot of time in my office with me. He's a good little guy and we are so happy to have him. He's also got a very loud purr! Thanks for all your help! Kathleen Slover I s s u e 58 Page 5 EVENTS Come join us. Saturdays look for us at Petco , adoptions will be held at Petco in Concord (Bruton Smith Blvd) from 10:00am to 4:00pm. To visit ouf animal at our kennels, please call 704-701-5441 to make an appointment. C U R R E N T L Y O N H O L D U N T I L WE F I N D A NEW COORDINATOR If you L O V E animals and would like to be involved in helping to save lives. Join our Youth Group - Kids ages 8-17 Activities and Events Adoption Saturdays at Petco Fund Raisers Meet once a month Looking for an adult to manage the kids club, if interested contact us at [email protected]. ' » VOLUNTEERS N E E D E D As the HS CAR grows the opportunities for more events also grows. We are in need of more volunteers to help with events, help at the kennels, teaching dogs to walk on a leash or just playing and cuddling with the animals. If you have a passion for animals please consider volunteering, just think how a few hours a week of your time can change an atiimals life forever. If you would Uke to volunteer, call Karin at 704-701-5441 Help at Fundraisers Help at Petco on Saturdays Clean Kennels Clean cat condo at Petco Walk dogs Socialize dogs & cats iBni T^Ht^^^ Play & Cuddle with animals ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Also we are in need of a parent who would like to be the Youth Group Coordinator. Page 6 I s s u e 58 Thank you for your support: Cheryl Hartman Barbara Garrow Stacy Sapp Jennifer Cogdell Amanda Surles Rebecca Ruehlen Robin Carver Kandice Smith Kim Anderson Tammy Alexander fS^K^ f.-i&lCs We would like to thank everyone v^ho has been filling up the food donation bins at our different locations. We can not thank you aU enough and this is such a great help. .^^BB^^tl I s s u e 58 Silent Paws Page 7 I N L O V I N G MEMORY Of RADAR Radar was a 10 year old Aldta that was the definition of the term Gentle Giant. He was the sweetest and most gentle dog. We are going to miss this sweet boy. ^ 'H I P E T FOOD BANK HS CAR will be collecting unopened and unexpired pet food for our shelter animals and pet food bank. We will also be supplying the Cabarrus Meals on Wheels program with pet food for their cHents. Pet food donations can be dropped off at the following locations as well as our kennels at 590 Crestmont Drive in Concord, N C . Permanent locations for pet food drop off: (1) Camp Happy Hound 995 Warren C. Coleman Blvd, (Hwy 601), Concord, N C . 28025 (2) Foster Animal Clinic, 3805 Concord Parkway N , Concord, N C . 28027 (3) Foster Animal Clinic, 730 Concord Parkway N , Concord, N C . 28027 (4) McDonald General Store, 4575 Hwy 49, Concord, N C 28025 (5) Mt. Pleasant Animal Hospital, 8315 W. Franklin St ( Hwy 73) , Mt. Pleasant, N C . 28124. (6) Whiskers and Paws Vet Wellness Clinic 859 Bradley Street N E , Concord, N C 28025 OR contact Tanya Barbee at [email protected] Page 8 I s s u e 58 Tip of the Month Petco Positive Dog Training - Bruton Smith Blvd, Concord, N C 28027 Trainer - WaUy Wimmer 704-979-1952 Classes begin weekly, call or come in for details Sundays - Puppy trainer on duty 1pm - 6pm Mondays & Fridays - puppy play time Small breeds - 6pm - 6:30pm Large breeds - 6:30pm - 7pm New class - 5pm Tuesdays . Wednesdays and Thursdays & Saturdays Customer adviser on duty 12pm - 8pm Wally Fridays - Dog trainer on duty 5pm - 8pm One issue with this time of year is flowering plants, blossoming trees and the explosion of weeds. Being that most dogs taking in 70% of the information they gather about the world through their nose this can become an issue. To help deal with the pollen you can add local honey (Clover preferred but any honey will do if you can't find it) about an eighth of the teaspoon per 25 pounds 3 to 5 times a week. Along with helping with digestion issues honey can help build your dog's pollen tolerance to decrease sneezing, sinus issues and alleviate symptoms of asthma. Dogs like small children will attempt to eat almost anything. There are a lot of plants and bugs that contain toxins that although they are not deadly can make your dog very sick. So if your dog throws up keep these guidelines in mind. Watch and wait for a little while it may be a one-time occurrence from something they ate. If they throw up more than once make sure you look at their behavior. Are they refusing to eat? ' Are they being lethargic? Has there basic activity level changed? Are they sensitive to touch? Was there a foreign substance in the vomit? Was there blood in the vomit? Are they drinking any water? If the answer to the majority of these questions was no then the problem should work itself out. The two exceptions are the questions about water and blood. If these are yes then you have to look at the amount involved. If they're drinking a little less are a little more than normal they're probably okay if the levels are extreme go to the vet. If there is a trace of blood that is usually okay if there is excess go to the vet. Issue 58 Page 9 P r o t e c t Y o u r Dog's P a w s F r o m Hot P a v e m e n t Many o w n e r s like taking their dogs o n w a l k s to e n j o y t h e w a r m s u m m e r w e a t h e r with them, however, hot pavement c a n and will burn a dog's p a w s . I t c a n be tempting to take your d o g e v e r y w h e r e y o u g o , b u t it c a n c a u s e s e r i o u s h a r m t o y o u r d o g if y o u a r e n o t c a r e f u l . R e m e m b e r , if it f e e l s w a y t o o h o t for y o u to leave your h a n d s comfortably on t h e ground for a t l e a s t 1 0 s e c o n d s , it c a n r e s u l t in n a s t y b u r n s o n y o u r d o g ' s p a w p a d s . T h i s i s e s p e c i a l l y t r u e if y o u h a v e a n e w p u p p y w i t h tender young paws. ^0T ASPHALT AWARENESS A 77' 86' 87' US' 135^ 143' AT 125' R S K I N DESTRUCTION CAN HAPPEN IN 6 0 S E C O N D S . Data sourc«; Journal of the AmcK HS C A B A R R U S ANIMAL Mission Statement RESCUE The mission of HS CAR is to rescue homeless and surrendered pets and Gnd Mailing Address: P. O. Box 6076 Concord, NC. 28027 new homes for them. Promote spaying/neutering of all pets. Location: 590 Crestmont Drive Concord, NC 28025 Educate the public and promote good pet ownership. Monthly Meetings: Email: [email protected] Monthly meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at the Senior Citizens Center, 331 Corban Ave, Concord, N C starting at 6:30pm. Phone # - 704-701-5441 Fax# - 704-436-2015 This meeting is open to the public, please join us. We're on the Web: Don't forget to " L I K E " us on facebook The HS Cabarrus Animal Rescue relies solely on memberships, contributions and adoption fees to care for our animals. Whatever you can give is greatly appreciated. Please select appropriate Membership category: Cabarrus Spay/Neuter CUnic • Single-$20 413 Church Street • Couples ~ $30 Concord, N C . 28025 • Household ~ $30 (12 years of age and up: (voting privilege begins at age 18) 704-784-6304 • Corporate ~ $50 If you have any stories or pictures you would Mke to share mail to Carol Miller •V HS Cabarrus Animal Rescue P.O. Box 6076, Concord, N C . 28027 or email it to: [email protected] Please consider a donation above your membership amount. Thank you! Amount $ • In honor of • In memory of Include your e-mail address if you would like to be on our e-mail list. Donation can be mailed to: HS Cabarrus Animal Rescue, P. O. Box 6076, Concord, N C . 28027 Or made with PAY PAL on our Web-site, go to Donations & click on the Donate button
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