Concord, NC. 28025 - HS Cabarrus Animal Rescue
June 2015 HS C A B A R R U S A N I M A L R E S C U E Issue 46 T H E CABARRUS ANIMAL RESCUE NEWSLETTER Inside this issue: Meet our canines 2 Meet our Felines 3 Adoption Updates4 Events 5 Thankyou 6 Silent Pam 7 Tip of the Month 8 Stories 9 Volunteers are always needed for the kennels HS Cabarrus Animal Rescue C(nconl,NC FURRY FRIENDS FESTIVAL Saturday, May 09 - 10:00am to 5:00pm Page 2 Issue 46 Meet our canines R E E S E S - Chihuahua Female, about 3 years old. Friendly, loves attention House-trained BooBoo - DeerHead Chihuahua Male, about 3 years old. Friendly and very sweet. House-trained. JF^I^JIeIJA 1 ^ 1^1^ - Chi-Weenie Female, about 9 weeks old. MJl^EjBjl^ Friendly and cute as a button. 1 MAGGIE - Did you recently adopt a dog ? Petco offers group classes and private lessons. Talk to a store partner or dog trainer to see what class is the right fit for you. Scotty / Cairn Terrier mix Female, 2 - 3 yrs old,. Spayed. May need to be only dog in household. No small children. ^ FAWN - Chi-Weenie ^. Female, born 02/14/15 I Very friendly and playful. PABLO - Chihuahua Male, about 1 year old. Friendly, a little shy but coming around. House-trained. Check our web-site for more animals I s s u e 46 Page 3 Meet our felines We are in need foster homes for cats and kittens. If interested, please e-mail us at [email protected]. Check web-site for more kittens. CATS A R E NOW AVAILABLE F O R ADOPTION AT P E T C O O N B R U T O N SMITH BLVD I N CONCORD. APPLICATION FORMS A R E O N T A B L E N E X T T O CAT CONDO AND P E T C O W I L L FAX YOUR APPLICATION T O US. APOLLO. ARES and ZEUS - DSH PIEWACKET- Orange and white About 2 years old Born about first of April Loves people. Female, spayed CRACKER JACK - D S H DIXIE - DSH Male, about 9 weeks old. Will crack you up. Female, about 1 year old. Walks on a leash. Friendly. PANDY BEAR - D L H JACKSON - D S H buff tabby Female, about 6 months old. Male, about 2 years old. Loves people. Friendly and sweet. Gorgeous little girl. CINDER - DSH Male, about 1 year old. Friendly. Light Weight Cat Litter and canned cat food are always needed. Donations can be brought to our facility at 590 Crestmont Drive, Concord, N C . C H E C K OUR W E B - S I T E FOR M O R E CATS T H A T MAY B E AVAILABLE AT OUR CAGE F R E E CAT F A C I L I T Y Page 4 I s s u e 46 ADOPTION UPDATES Thank you to everyone who has adopted an animals and given them a new and better life. When you adopt you actually save 2 Uves, the Ufe of the animal you adopt which then opens up a space for another animal to be brought in for adoption. If you have adopted an animal from HS CAR we would love an update with a picture on how they are doing in their new home. We love those I s s u e 46 Page 5 EVENTS Come join us. Saturdays look for us at Petco , adoptions will be held at Petco in Concord (Bruton Smith Blvd) from 10:00am to 4:00pm. If you L O V E animals and would like to be involved in helping to save lives. Join our Youth Group - Kids ages 8-17 Activities and Events Adoption Saturdays at Petco Fund Raisers Meet once a month For more info: m[ Contact our Youth Group Coordinators: \ Kaylee or Victoria at [email protected] VOLUNTEERS N E E D E D As the HS CAR grows the opportunities for more events also grows. We are in need of more volunteers to help with events, help at the kennels, teaching dogs to walk on a leash or just playing and cuddling with the animals. If you have a passion for animals please consider volunteering, just think how a few hours a week of your time can change an animals life forever. If you would Hke to volunteer, call Karin at 704-701-5441 Help at Fundraisers Help at Petco on Saturdays Clean Kennels Clean cat condo at Petco Walk dogs Socialize dogs & cats Also we are in need of a parent who would Uke to be the Youth Group Play & Cuddle with animals Coordinator. Page 6 I s s u e 46 Thank you for your support: Sandy Hickman Judy Ballinger Wanda Williams Deborah and Eve Pruitt Chicklet Billie Mann Michelle Kolaya A huge thank you to aU the people that come to Petco on Saturdays and put a donation in our collection box. We would also like to thank everyone that has been dropping off donations at our pet food bank locations. Issue 46 Page 7 HS CAR, P. O. Box 6076, Concord, N C . 28027 P E T FOOD BANK HS CAR will be collecting unopened and unexpired pet food for our shelter animals and pet food bank. We will also be supplying the Cabarrus Meals on Wheels program with pet food for their clients. Pet food donations can be dropped off at the following locations as well as our kennels at 590 Crestmont Drive in Concord, N C . Permanent locations for pet food drop off: (1) Camp Happy Hound 995 Warren C. Coleman Blvd, (Hwy 601), Concord, N C . 28025 (2) Foster Animal Clinic, 3805 Concord Parkway N , Concord, N C . 28027 (3) Trinity United Church of Christ, 38 Church St. Concord, N C . 28025 (4) McDonald General Store, 4575 Hwy 49, Concord, N C 28025 (5) Mt. Pleasant Animal Hospital, 8315 W. FrankUn St ( Hwy 73) , Mt. Pleasant, N C . 28124. (6) Whiskers and Paws Vet Wellness CUnic 859 Bradley Street N E , Concord, N C 28025 OR contact Tanya Barbee at [email protected] Page 8 Issue 46 Tip of the Month Petco Positive Dog Training - Bruton Smith Blvd, Concord, N C 28027 Trainers - Wally Wimmer and Jeremiah Pilchman 704-979-1952 Sundays - Puppy trainer on duty 1pm - 6pm Mondays & Fridays - puppy play time Small breeds - 6pm - 6:30pm Large breeds - 6:30pm - 7pm New class - 5pm Tuesdays , Wednesdays and Thursdays Customer adviser on duty 12pm - 8pm Fridays - Dog trainer on duty 5pm - 8pm Saturdays - Customer adviser on duty 12pm - 8pm The Sun is Out and the temperatures are great. It's at this time of year we all like to get outside with our dogs and enjoy the weather and have fun. So a lot of you may be headed out to dog parks. Here are some guidelines to make sure you truly get to enjoy them. Dog Park etiquette Make sure your dog is up-to-date on all shots Make sure you have proof of rabies with you Make sure you have properly socialized your dog prior to going to the dog park Bring your own toys Make sure you have your leash on you at aU times Be sure to bring poop bags Make sure you pick up after your dog Before you give treats to someone else's dog find out if it's okay Some dogs may have food allergies Issue 46 Page 9 Tip of the Month continued Dog Park guidelines When you first approached the park don't go to the gate go to the fence beside the gate. Take this time to gauge the temperament of the park. Keep in mind not all dog owners are created equal. Look to see how the dogs already there are playing. Look to see how the owners are acting. Things to watch out for extremely rough play with no owner around to take charge of their dog. People paying more attention to electronics and their best friends. Dog parks can be fun and a great way to exercise your friends but they can also be a nightmare if other owners are paying attention to what their dogs are doing. If in doubt is always better to leave and come back another time. When you first enter the park keep your dog on leash for a few minutes walk them around and see how their reaction is going to be to the other dogs. Even friendly dogs can have arguments. It doesn't mean that the dogs are bad or the owners are paying attention to them. But any two given dogs can just not get along. After you've done your on leash walk through take an opportunity to do a couple of minutes of leash training with your pup. To do this have treats in hand take the leash off your dog let them get a few feet away and immediately call them back to you. When they come back in their treat put their leash back on walk around for a few feet. Then release them let them get a Uttle farther away this time and call them back to you. Treat them put the leash back on walk around for another few feet. Do this four or five times until you're comfortable the dog will come back to you. At this point you can let them go play. While they are playing pay attention to what they're doing if at any point they start to play too hard simply go up and put the leash back on them for a few minutes. This wiU teach them there's an acceptable level of hard play. Over time they will stop blowing past that point. If you see that another dog is playing too hard for your comfort with your dog go up to your dog put a leash on them and put yourself between your dog any instigator dog. If this doesn't stop the problem or the other owner does not become involved. Go ahead and leave the park for a while. Remember when you're in public the only dog you control is your dog. Also on that note if you are planning to take more than one dog you should try to take one person for each dog. So go out and have fun at the park. If you follow these guidelines you will find you'll enjoy more play time and have less hassle. Wally Wimmer Mission Statement HS C A B A R R U S A N I M A L R E S C U E The mission of HS CAR is to rescue homeless and surrendered pets and find Mailing Addrtss: P. 0. Box 6076 Concord, NC. 28027 new homes for them. Promote spaying/neutering of all pets. Lacation: 590 Crestmont Drive Concord, NC. 28025 Educate the public and promote good pet ownership. Monthly Meetings: Emaik [email protected] Monthly meetings are held the first Tuesday of each tnonth at the Senior Citizens Center, 331 Corban Ave, Concord, NC starting at 6:30pm. Phone # - 704-701-5441 Fax# - 704-436-2015 This meeting is open to the public, please join us. We're on the Web: Don't forget to " L I K E " us on facebook Cabarrus Spay/Neuter Clinic The HS Cabarrus Animal Rescue relies solely on memberships, contributions and adoption fees to care for our animals. Whatever you can give is greatly appreciated. Please select appropriate Membership category: • 413 Church Street Single-$20 • Couples-$30 Concord, N C . 28025 • Household — $30 (12 years of age and up: (voting privilege begins at age 18) 704-784-6304 If you have any stories or pictures you would like to share mail to Carol Miller HS Cabarrus Animal Rescue R O . Box 6076, Concord, N C . 28027 or email it to: [email protected] • Corporate - $50 Please consider a donation above your membership amount. Thank you! Amount $ • In honor of • In memory of Include your e-mail address if you would like to be on our e-mail list. Donation can be mailed to: HS Cabarrus Animal Rescue, P. O. Box 6076, Concord, N C . 28027 Or made with PAY PAL on our Web-site, go to Donations & click on the Donate button
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