February 14, 2014


February 14, 2014
Government Liaison Program (GLP) Weekly
February 14, 2014
Engineers Anne Tennier, P.Eng., (second from right) and Anne Sado, P.Eng., (third from left) participated in the Vision 2014 conference held
in Toronto on February 6. Dan Hoornweg, P.Eng., was guest speaker and Premier Kathleen Wynne was keynote speaker. The co-chair was
former PC Leader John Tory (third from right). Other participants in the photo above included Ontario Society of Professional Engineers
Government Relations Coordinator Kristina Brugger (far left), President and CEO of the Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance George Hanus
(second from left) and Business Manager of the Building and Construction Trades Council Patrick Dillon (far right).
For more on this story, see page 8.
Through the Professional Engineers Act, PEO governs over 80,000 licence and certificate holders and regulates professional
engineering in Ontario to serve and protect the public. Professional engineering safeguards life, health, property, economic
interests, the public welfare and the environment.
Past issues are available on the PEO Government Liaison Program website at www.glp.peo.on.ca
To sign up for this publication email: [email protected]
*Deadline for all submissions is the Thursday of the week prior to publication. Next issue will be published on February 21, 2014.
Top Stories This Week
Breaking News
PC Transportation Critic Jeff Yurek MPP (Elgin-Middlesex-London) (picture right)
has confirmed his participation in the PEO Western Region GLP Academy and
Congress hosted by PEO London Chapter on March 1 in London.
As mentioned in past GLP Weekly’s, the Academy will bring PEO GLP Chairs and
volunteers together for government relations training and to plan GLP initiatives
in the region. PEO holds an Academy in every region each year to provide
ongoing training and engagement for Chapter GLP volunteers.
PEO has also confirmed this year’s Northern Region GLP Academy and Congress, which is set for June. The
Eastern and Central Region Academies are occurring tentatively in the fall.
As Engineers Canada reported, Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty MP (WhitbyOshawa) (photo right) released the Federal Government’s 2014 budget on
February 11. Among several highlights, there will be funds allocated to:
Skills and Foreign Credential Recognition
Research and Development
Women and Engineering
For a summary of the Federal Budget highlights, visit:
PEO Council met on February 7
where PEO President Annette
Bergeron, P.Eng., reported on the
PEO meeting with PC Attorney
General Critic Julia Munro MPP
(York-Simcoe) on January 10.
Among the regulatory items on
the agenda, PEO Council heard
PEO Council met on February 7, 2014
back from the PEO Professional
Standards Committee on initial
feedback regarding continuous professional development. Council referred the item to both Executive
Committee and PSC for problem definition and
creating a new Task Force.
Council also had an update on the Repeal of
Section 12(3)(a) of the Professional Engineers
PEO Registrar Gerard McDonald, P.Eng., has
asked Deputy Registrar of Regulatory
Compliance Linda Latham, P.Eng., and Lead
on the Repeal Marisa Sterling, P. Eng., to
make recommendations to Council on next
PEO President Annette Bergeron, P.Eng.,(left) presented PEO Councillor
Ishwar Bhatia, P.Eng., (right) with a pin for five years of service on Council
at the PEO Council meeting on February 7. Photo Credit: Nora Hashini,
Engineering Dimensions
Mr. McDonald, in his first report to Council said, "We have to strive to never lose the faith of the public
and the government."
PEO Councillor Ishwar Bhatia, P. Eng., who is a member of the PEO Government Liaison Committee, was
given a pin for five years of service on Council. Past President Denis Dixon, P.Eng., presented President
Bergeron with her Fellow of Engineers Canada pin for 10 years of volunteer service to the profession.
For a full review of the Council agenda, visit: http://peo.on.ca/index.php/ci_id/27606/la_id/1.htm.
CEO of Engineers Canada Kim Allen, P.Eng., announced
the realignment of Engineers Canada into two different
divisions: Regulatory Affairs and Business Services.
Kathryn Sutherland, P.Eng., is now the Vice-President of
Regulatory Affairs and Guy Legault joins Engineers
Canada as the Vice-President of Business Services.
The Regulatory Affairs division will assist the engineering
regulators in developing and using best practices to
protect and serve public interest. The Business Services
division will focus in promoting public awareness of the
engineering profession; it will also provide support to
Engineers Canada’s programs and processes.
Canadian Engineers has announced Kathryn
Sutherland, P.Eng., (left) as Vice-President of
Regulatory Affairs and Guy Legault (right) as VicePresident of Business Services.
Ms. Sutherland was a former legislative counsel and advisor for Engineers Canada. She is an active PEO
volunteer and Chair of PEO’s Registration Committee and Fees Mediation Committee and a member of
PEO’s National Framework Task Force.
Mr. Legault has over 20 years of strategic and operational leadership experience. He also serves as a
Board member of the Canadian Society of Association Executives and chairs its Business Model Task
Ontario Legislature Internship Programme 2013 participants took part in an Ontario Centre for Engineering and Public Policy meeting at
PEO. Engineering Graduate students are being encouraged to apply this year. Also in the photo are PEO Lead on the Repeal Marisa
Sterling, P.Eng., (far left), past PEO acting CEO & Registrar Michael Price, P.Eng., (fourth from back left), PEO Government Relations
Consultant Howard Brown (third from right), PEO Government Relations Coordinator Kaitlynn Dodge (second from back right) and PEO
Manager of Student Government Liaison Programs Jeannette Chau, P.Eng., (far right).
Engineering Graduate students are being encouraged to apply to the Ontario Legislature Internship
Programme (OLIP), an internship designed to provide experience of the daily workings of the Legislature.
Each year, eight to 10 students are accepted into the program and are given an opportunity to work with
two MPPs, one in the governing party and the other a member of the opposition. The deadline for
applications is February 28 and internships begin each September, lasting for 10 months.
The programme is open to Canadian citizens who have recently graduated from a Canadian university and
demonstrate an interest in and knowledge of the legislative process. OLIP is administered by the Canadian
Political Science Association and supported by a financial grant from the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.
Maclean’s magazine published an article by Michael Friscolanti on February 3
depicting why Robert Wood (picture right) faces criminal charges related to the
collapse in Elliot Lake’s shopping mall. Mr. Friscolanti explains why Mr. Wood is
now facing two counts of criminal negligence causing death and one count of
criminal negligence causing bodily harm. (If convicted, a single count of criminal
negligence causing death carries a maximum sentence of life in prison).
Mr. Friscolanti goes on to say that in an inspection done by Mr.Wood, he didn't examine a portion of the
roof because it was blocked by fireproofing material. In a post-collapse report, the Ministry of Labour
found that Mr. Wood had not tested even a single welded joint anywhere else in the building. Also, Mr.
Wood had described the appearance of corrosion as surface rust when in fact there was very severe
For the full article: http://www2.macleans.ca/2014/02/03/why-one-man-faces-criminal-charges-in-theelliot-lake-mall-collapse/
*Correction from last GLP Weekly: Mr. Wood was listed as a P.Eng., in our last issue, however he had his
engineering licence revoked just months before Elliot Lake’s last inspection because he confessed to
professional misconduct on an unrelated project.
MPP Meetings
PEO Sudbury Chapter’s Syed Gilani, P.Eng.,
met with NDP Health, Long-Term Care and
Francophone Affairs Critic France Gélinas
MPP (Nickel Belt) on February 6.
Also in the meeting were Ontario Society of
Professional Engineers (OSPE) Political Action
Network (PAN) Representative Michael
Loken, P.Eng., and David Wood, P.Eng., from
the OSPE Board of Directors.
This was part of the ongoing joint meetings
with OSPE and PEO representatives to
continue to build relationships with MPPs in
Ontario’s 107 ridings
PEO Sudbury Chapter’s Syed Gilani, P.Eng., (far right) participates in a joint
meeting with NDP Health, Long-Term Care and Francophone Affairs Critic
France Gélinas MPP (Nickel Belt) (second from left), OSPE PAN Rep
Michael Loken, P.Eng., (far left) and David Wood, P.Eng., (second from
right) from OSPE’S Board of Directors on February 6.
PEO Registrar Gerard McDonald,
General John Gerretsen
MPP (Kingston and the Islands) on February
19. They will meet to discuss PEO issues
including the Repeal of Section 12(3)(a) of the
Professional Engineers Act.
PEO reports to the Legislature through the
Professional Engineers Act, which is
overseen by the Attorney General.
PEO Registrar Gerard McDonald, P.Eng., (centre) will meet Attorney
General John Gerretsen MPP (Kingston and the Islands) (left) on February
19 and NDP Infrastructure Critic Percy Hatfield MPP (Windsor-Tecumseh)
on March 6.
Mr. McDonald will also meet with NDP
Infrastructure Critic Percy Hatfield MPP (Windsor-Tecumseh) on March 6. NDP Leader Andrea Horwath
requested that Mr. Hatfield meet with PEO to look at ways to build a better understanding among the
NDP Caucus on PEO issues.
Mr. Hatfield attended PEO’s Queen’s Park reception on October 9.
Events Attended
PEO Councillor Bill Kossta participated in a
reception with Minister of Economic
Development, Trade and Employment Eric
Hoskins MPP (St. Paul’s) and Canada’s 17th
Prime Minister John Turner on February 6.
PEO Councillor Bill Kossta (far left) participated in a reception with Minister of
Economic Development, Trade and Employment Eric Hoskins MPP (St.Paul’s)
(far right) on February 6. Also in the photo are (from left) Mr. Hoskins’ spouse
and CEO of War Child Canada, Dr. Samantha Nutt, Canada’s 17 Prime Minister
John Turner and Ontario Regional Director of the Chemistry Industry
Association of Canada Norm Heubel, P.Eng.
Also participating in the event were Mr.
Hoskins’ spouse and CEO of War Child
Canada Dr. Samantha Nutt as well as
Ontario Regional Director of the Chemistry
Industry Association of Canada Norm
Heubel, P.Eng., PEO Government Relations
Consultant Howard Brown and over 100
other community leaders were also in
Premier Kathleen Wynne
MPP (Don Valley West)
was keynote speaker at
Civic Action’s Toronto
Region Vision 2014
conference on February 6.
This event brought
together engineers,
business and civic leaders
from across the GTA and
Hamilton area to identify
Engineers participated in the Vision 2014 conference. They included Ontario’s Chief Safety and Risk
priorities for a long-term
Officer Dan Hoornweg, P.Eng., (left). Also in the photo are CEO of Engineers Without Borders George
vision for the region in
Roter, P.Eng., CEO of Civic Action Sevaun Palvetzian, President and CEO of the Hamilton Community
Foundation Terry Cooke and Vice-President and Managing Director of the Municipal Arts Society of New
anticipation of the
York Mary Rowe.
provincial and municipal
elections in 2014. Discussions looked at ways to create communities that work, and to address the
economy and how to improve infrastructure. One of the featured panelists at the event was Ontario’s
Safety and Risk Officer Dan Hoornweg, P.Eng.
Over 300 people participated in breakout sessions
including George Brown College President Anne
Sado, P. Eng., Senator Art Eggleton, former PC Leader
John Tory, CEO of Engineers Canada George Roter,
Government Relations Coordinator at the Ontario
Society of Professional Engineers Kristina Brugger,
and PEO Government Relations Consultant Howard
The Toronto Sun published an article on February 7
about Ms. Wynne’s speech. For the full article:
Premier Kathleen Wynne MPP (Don Valley West) was keynote
speaker at Civic Action’s Toronto Region Vision 2014
PEO Grand River Chapter Representative
Harmail Basi, P.Eng., met with former
Deputy Premier and PC KitchenerWaterloo MPP Elizabeth Witmer, now
Chair of the Workplace Safety Insurance
Board (WSIB), at the Toronto Region
Board of Trade (TRBOT) on February 5.
Ms. Witmer discussed the challenges and
progress in Ontario’s workplace safety and
insurance landscape to the TRBOT earlier
that evening.
PEO Grand River Chapter Representative Harmail Basi, P.Eng., met WSIB Chair
Elizabeth Witmer and PC Research, Innovation and Intergovernmental Affairs
Critic Ted Arnott MPP (Wellington-Halton Hills) on February 5 after Ms. Witmer’s
presentation to the Toronto Region Board of Trade.
Also participating in discussions were PC
Research, Innovation and
Intergovernmental Affairs Critic Ted
Arnott MPP (Wellington-Halton Hills) and President and CEO of the Workplace Safety and Prevention
Service (WSPS), Elizabeth Mills. The WSPS reports to the WSIB and the Ministry of Labour.
PEO Government Relations Consultant Howard Brown also attended the event and raised the Repeal of
Section 12(3)(a) of the Professional Engineers Act during the Question Period. Mr. Brown also spoke with
Ms. Witmer and Ms. Mills before introducing Mr. Basi.
Work in Progress
As reported on page 2, PC Transportation Critic
Jeff Yurek MPP (Elgin-Middlesex-London) has
confirmed his participation in the GLP Academy
and Congress along with London City Councillor
Harold Usher, P.Eng.
The Academy and Congress will be hosted
by PEO London Chapter on March 1 in
PC Transportation Critic Jeff Yurek MPP (Elgin-Middlesex-London) will speak
at the PEO Western Region GLP Academy on March 1. Engineer and City
Councillor Harold Usher, P.Eng. will also speak at the Academy. Deputy
Premier and Minister of Health and Long-Term Care Deb Matthews MPP
(London North Centre) has been invited but has yet to confirm her
Mr. Usher will bring
to the session as a City Councillor and Engineer. He was the 2008 Ontario
Professional Engineers Citizenship Award recipient.
Deputy Premier and Minister of Health and Long-Term Care Deb Matthews MPP (London North Centre)
has been invited but has yet to confirm her participation.
The Ontario Centre for Engineering and Public Policy (OCEPP) has extended
eligibility for its 6th annual Student Essay Competition to include students at
Ontario community colleges as well as Ontario universities.
There are two contest categories: community college and university undergraduate
students, and graduate students. The winner in each category will receive a $1,000
award and complimentary registration to OCEPP’s 2014 Public Policy Conference,
to be held in Toronto on May 30.
To view the competition criteria, submission guidelines or essay topics, please click here. Entries are due
midnight, March 3, 2014. Winning essays from past years can be viewed from the “For Students” page of
the OCEPP website.
Upcoming Events
*MP and MPP receptions/donations are entitled to up to 75% tax credit on the first $400. For more
information see Elections Ontario or Elections Canada websites.
February 14 – PC Kingston and the Islands Candidate Mark Bain will host a Valentines Prime Rib Dinner
with guest Garfield Dunlop MPP (Simcoe North), PC Training and Apprenticeship Critic. The event will
take place at the Rideau Acres Banquet Hall, 1014 Cunningham Rd., Kingston at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $100
each, registration is required. For more information, visit https://secure.ontariopc.com/Events/489.
February 18 – Senator David P. Smith will host The Walter Gordon Circle with guest Minister of Finance
Charles Sousa MPP (Mississauga South) at The University Club of Toronto, 380 University Ave., Toronto at
6:30 p.m. Tickets are $95 each, registration is required. For more information, contact
[email protected].
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February 18 – NDP Community Safety and Correctional Services Critic Peggy Sattler MPP (London West)
will host an evening reception with NDP Leader and Intergovernmental Affairs Critic Andrea Horwath
(Hamilton Centre) at Hawthorne Food & Drink, 60 Richmond St. East, Toronto from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Tickets are $500 each, RSVP is recommended. For more information, contact 226-984-7677 or
[email protected].
February 18 – PC Training and Apprenticeship Critic Garfield Dunlop MPP (Simcoe North) and PC
Francophone Affairs and Energy Critic Lisa MacLeod MPP (Nepean-Carleton) will host an evening
reception for PC Glengarry-Prescott-Russell PC Candidate Roxane Villeneuve at LexSage law firm in
the Gooderham "Flatiron" Building, 49 Wellington St. East, Suite 501 at 6 p.m. Tickets are $200 each,
RSVP is recommended. For more information, contact Paul-Emile Duval at [email protected].
February 19 – Minister of Research and Innovation Reza Moridi MPP (Richmond Hill) will host a cocktail
reception in celebration of pre-100th birthday of Professor Fazlollah Reza, a pioneer in Information Theory
and Cybernetics. Minister of Health and Long-Term Care Deb Matthews MPP (London North Centre) will
speak. The event will take place at LeParc Banquet Hall, 8432 Leslie St., Thornhill from 6 to 8 p.m. Tickets
are $500 each, RSVP is recommended. For more information, contact 416-809-7669 or
[email protected].
February 19 – PC Caucus Chair Sylvia Jones MPP (Dufferin-Caledon) will host an evening reception at La
Maquette Restaurant, 111 King St. East, Toronto from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $250 each, RSVP is
recommended. For more information, contact [email protected].
NEW! February 19 – The Western GTA Summit will host a panel discussion with special guest Christopher
Hume, Toronto Star Urban Affairs Columnist. The event will take place at The Waterside Inn, 15
Stavebank Rd., Mississauga from 7 to 9 p.m. There is no cost to attend. For more information, contact
Karyn Byrne at [email protected].
February 20 – PC Willowdale Candidate Michael Ceci will host an evening reception with Conservative MP
Lisa Raitt (Halton) at The Albany Club, 91 King St. East, Toronto from 6 to 8 p.m. Tickets are $250 each or
$75 for students, RSVP is recommended. For more information, visit
February 20 – PC Scarborough Southwest Candidate Nita Kang will host a dinner reception with guests PC
Finance Critic Vic Fedeli MPP (Nipissing) and PC Education Critic Rob Leone MPP (Cambridge) at The
Arkadia House, 2007 Eglinton Ave. East, Toronto from 7 to 9 p.m. Tickets are $150 each, RSVP is
recommended. For more information, visit https://secure.ontariopc.com/Events/508.
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February 20 – The Burlington Provincial Liberal Association will host an evening reception with guest
Minister of Health and Long-Term Care Deb Matthews MPP (London North Centre) at the home of James
Henry and Kiran Yashpal, 132 North Shore Blvd., Burlington from 6 to 8 p.m. Tickets are $350 each, RSVP
is recommended. For more information, visit http://burlington.ridingassociation.org/pEvent.
February 20 – Liberal MP Chrystia Freeland (Toronto Centre) will host a Toronto Trilingual reception at
Grano, 2035 Yonge St., Toronto at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $85 each, RSVP is recommended. For more
information, contact Vali Bennett at 416-944-1101 or [email protected].
February 21 – PC Leader Tim Hudak MPP (Niagara West—Glanbrook) will speak at the Toronto Region
Board of Trade (BOT), 1 First Canadian Place, 4th Floor, Toronto from 7:30 to 9 a.m. Tickets are $69 for
BOT member and $89 for non-members, registration is required. For more information, visit
February 22 – Minister of Labour Yasir Naqvi MPP (Ottawa Centre) will host a pre-budget consultation at
the Tom Brown Arena Main Hall, 141 Bayview Rd., Ottawa from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. For more information,
contact 613-722-6414 or [email protected].
February 25 – NDP Tourism, Culture and Sport Critic Paul Miller MPP (Hamilton East-Stoney Creek) will
host a wine and cheese reception at the University Club, 380 University Ave., Toronto from 6 to 8 p.m.
Tickets are $350 each, RSVP is recommended. For more information, contact Allan at 647-206-1231 or
[email protected].
February 25 – PC Economic Development, Trade and Employment Critic Jane McKenna (Burlington) will
host an evening reception at the Mill Street Brewery 21 Tank House Lane, Toronto from 6 to 8 p.m.
Tickets are $150 each, registration is required. For more information, visit
February 26 – PC Environment Critic Michael Harris MPP (Kitchener-Conestoga) will host his 3rd Annual
enviroWAVE reception at the PwC Tower, 26th Floor, 18 York St., Toronto from 6 to 8 p.m. Tickets are
$300 for a “Grassroots Supporter”, $500 for a “Green Sponsor” and $1,000 for a “Platinum Sponsor.” For
more information, visit https://secure.ontariopc.com/Events/467.
NEW! February 26 – Toronto Ward 16 City Councillor Karen Stintz will speak at the Toronto Region Board
of Trade (BOT), 1 First Canadian Place, Toronto from 12 to 2 p.m. Tickets are $79 for BOT members and
$99 for non-members, registration is required. For more information, visit www.bot.com/events.
NEW! February 26 – Minister of Community and Social Services Ted McMeekin MPP (Ancaster-DundasFlamborough-Westdale) will host an evening reception at 80 Lowinger Ave., Ancaster from 6:30 to 9 p.m.
Tickets are $250 each, RSVP is recommended. For more information, contact
[email protected].
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February 27 – NDP Leader and Intergovernmental Affairs Critic Andrea Horwath MPP (Hamilton Centre)
will host the Ontario New Democratic Party’s Premier Event at Arcadian Court, 401 Bay St., 8th Floor,
Toronto from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. A special VIP reception will be held in the upstairs gallery from 5:30 to
6:30 p.m. Tickets are $2,500 for two guests, $5,000 for Counsel which includes 5 admissions and Counsel
listing and $10,000 for Leader’s Circle which includes 10 admissions, 4 tickets to the VIP reception and
Leader’s Circle listing. For more information, contact Steve Nash at 416-591-5455 ext. 2237 or
[email protected].
February 28 – Minister of Labour Yasir Naqvi MPP (Ottawa Centre) will be part of the Ottawa-Orleans
Provincial Liberal Association Breakfast Speakers Series at Tartan Pub, 4025 Innes Rd., Ottawa from 7:30
to 9 a.m. Tickets are $30 each, registration is required. For more information, visit
February 28 – PC Leader Tim Hudak MPP (Niagara West—Glanbrook) will speak to the Economic Club of
Canada at the Fairmont Château Laurier, 1 Rideau St., Ottawa from 7:45 to 9 a.m. Tickets are $89 each,
registration is required. For more information, visit
March 1 - PC Health and Long-Term Care Critic Christine Elliott MPP (Whitby-Oshawa) will host a Family
Skate at the Children’s Arena, 199 Arena St., Oshawa from 2:30 to 4:15 p.m. There is no cost to attend.
For more information, contact [email protected].
March 3 – PC Chief Whip John Yakabuski MPP (Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke) will host a cocktail
reception at The Albany Club, 91 King St. East, Toronto from 5:30 to 7: 30 p.m. Tickets are $250 each,
RSVP is recommended. For more information, visit https://secure.ontariopc.com/Events/500.
March 4 – Speaker of the House David Levac MPP (Brant) will host an evening reception at the Labatt
House, 209 Queen’s Quay West, Toronto from 6 to 8 p.m. Tickets are $350 each, RSVP is recommended.
For more information, contact [email protected].
March 5 – Liberal MPP Amrit Mangat (Mississauga-Brampton South), Parliamentary Assistant to the
Minister of Children and Youth Services, will host a Red Rose Reception with guest Attorney General John
Gerretsen MPP (Kingston and the Islands) at the Versailles Convention Centre, 6721 Edwards Blvd.,
Mississauga from 6 to 8 p.m. Tickets are $500 each or $1200 for a Diamond Sponsorship, RSVP is
recommended. For more information, contact 647-638-5405 or [email protected].
NEW! March 6 – PC Leader Tim Hudak MPP (Niagara West-Glanbrook) will attend the Ontario PC Party’s
Inaugural Evening with an Icon at the Rosewater Supper Club, 19 Toronto St., Toronto from 5:30 to 8 p.m.
Keynote speaker will be Chairman of Canadian Tire Corporation Maureen Sabia. Tickets are $250 each,
registration is required. For more information, contact Suchana Das at 647-925-8974.
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NEW! March 6 – Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care Helena Jaczek
MPP (Oak Ridges-Markham) will host an evening reception with special guest Minister of Finance Charles
Sousa (Mississauga South) at the Sheraton Parkway Toronto North, 600 Hwy 7, Richmond Hill from 7 to 9
p.m. Tickets are $500 each, RSVP is recommended. For more information, contact Vikki Pownall at 647308-0720 or [email protected].
NEW! March 7 – Minister of Energy Bob Chiarelli MPP (Ottawa West-Nepean) will speak at the OttawaOrléans Provincial Liberal Association’s Breakfast Series at St. Martha’s Brasserie, 503-3095 St. Joseph
Blvd., Ottawa at 7:30 a.m. Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of the Environment Phil McNeely MPP
(Ottawa- Orléans) will also be in attendance. Tickets are $30 each, registration is recommended. For more
information, contact [email protected].
NEW! March 9 – Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Michael Coteau MPP (Don Valley East) will host
a Skating Party ay the Oriole Arena, 2975 Don Mills Rd., Toronto from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. There is no
cost to attend. For more information, contact [email protected].
March 10 – PC Northern Development, Mines and Aboriginal Affairs Critic Norm Miller MPP (Parry SoundMuskoka) will host an evening reception at Screen Lounge, 20 College St., Toronto from 5:50 to 7:30 p.m.
Tickets are $200 each, RSVP is recommended. For more information, visit
March 17 – PC Citizenship and Immigration Critic Todd Smith MPP (Prince Edward-Hastings) will host a St.
Patrick’s Day Party at the Steam Whistle Roundhouse, 255 Bremner Blvd., Toronto from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Tickets are $300 each, RSVP is recommended. For more information, visit
March 18 – PC Labour Critic Monte McNaughton MPP (Lambton-Kent-Middlesex) will host an evening
reception at McCarthy Tetrault LLP, TD Bank Tower, 66 Wellington St. West, 53 rd Floor, Toronto from 5:30
to 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $250 each, RSVP is recommended. For more information, contact Justin Samlal at
519-671-2169 or [email protected].
March 20 – The Ontario Liberal Party will host the 2014 Heritage Dinner at the Metro Toronto Convention
Centre South Building, 222 Bremner Blvd., Toronto at 6 p.m. PEO President Annette Bergeron, P.Eng., and
PEO Registrar Gerard McDonald, P.Eng., will be attending. Tickets are $1,500 each or $15,000 for a table,
registration is required. For more information, contact Suaad Ali at 416-260-1608 ext. 240 or
[email protected].
March 25 – PC House Leader Jim Wilson MPP (Simcoe-Grey) will host an evening reception at the Beer
Academy, 75 Victoria St., Toronto from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $300 each or $500 for two, RSVP is
recommended. For more information, contact [email protected].
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NEW! March 26 – PC Brant Candidate Phil Gillies will host a dinner reception at The Rosewater, 19
Toronto St., Toronto from 6 to 10 p.m. with special guest PC Finance Critic Vic Fedeli MPP (Nipissing).
Tickets are $300 each, registration is recommended. For more information, visit
If you have any comments, additions, or questions, please do not hesitate to call or email:
Howard Brown, President, Brown & Cohen Communications & Public Affairs Inc.
321 Brooke Avenue | Toronto, ON M5M 2L4 |Direct line: 416-783-1140 | Cell: 416-844-1180
[email protected] | www.brown-cohen.com
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