August 23, 2015
August 23, 2015
9:00 am The Chapel Contemporary Service 11:00 am Social Hall GATHERING PRELUDE WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS WELCOME Return to your seat and prepare for worship as CHIMING begins. the Worship Team “I Will Lift My Eyes” By Bebo Norman, Jason Ingram © 2006 Appstreet Music Based on Bebo Norman performance on his album “Between the Dreaming and the Coming True ” Performed and Words projected with permission (CCLI License # 1327119) “Made to Worship” CHIMING OF THE HOUR HYMN AFFIRMATION OF FAITH “Apostle’s Creed” GLORIA PATRI “Enough” PRAYER Mel Arant the Worship Team “He Knows My Name” BLESSING #607 “The Lord’s Prayer” #895 OFFERTORY 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 12:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:00 PM 8:00 AM 4:30 PM DOXOLOGY “Praise God” #95 PRAYERS of CONCERN & SUPPORT for our Church Family #164 Clemson Downs: Norma Palmer 150 Downs Blvd. D-217, Clemson, SC 29631 With Son: Anne Pullen: 805 Big Pine Rd., N. Augusta, SC 29860 Marchbanks Assisted Living: Judy Gossett 2203 Marchbanks Ave., Anderson, SC 29621 NHC: Earldean Kelly 1501 E. Greenville Street, Anderson, SC 29621 At Home: Ann Hooper Apt. 31 100 Gail Court, Seneca, SC 29678 Recovering from surgery, illness or recovering at home: Bill Pace 801 Musgrove St. Unit #24, Clinton, SC 29325 HYMN “Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life” HOMILY HYMN Mel Arant “I Surrender All” #354 BLESSING Indicates where those who are able stand. STEWARDSHIP SPOTLIGHT (as of August 16, 2015) OPERATIONAL MINISTRY Needed to date: $218,439.69 Given to date: $224,169.36 Difference: $5,729.67 BUILDING DEBT - RETIREMENT FUND Needed to date: $54,714.99 Given to date: $57,711.00 Difference: $2,996.01 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM Mel Arant Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. UPCOMING EVENTS FOR YOUR CALENDAR Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Nominations Young at Heart Council of Stewards Supper Club Salkehatchie Pancake Breakfast Charge Conference “Covenant Prayer” 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 AM 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 12:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:00 AM 7:00 PM Hear our prayer, O Lord, hear our prayer, O Lord, Incline your ear to us, and grant us your peace. Amen Indicates where those who are able stand. Aug. 23 Aug. 24 Sept. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 10 Sept. 13 Sept. 27 “Nothing but the Blood” Sunday, Aug. 23 The Chapel (Contemporary Worship) Social Fellowship (Nancy Cook) Sunday School Worship Club 22:6 (Children) Redemption (Youth) PPRC Monday, Aug. 24 Men’s Prayer PPIM Nominations Tuesday, Aug. 25 WOW Bible Study Boy Scouts Wed., Aug. 26 Men’s Bible Study Choir Thur., Aug. 27 Friday, Aug. 28 Sat., Aug. 29 Sunday, Aug. 30 The Chapel (Contemporary Worship) Social Fellowship (Anolyn Watkins) Sunday School Worship Club 22:6 (Children) Redemption (Youth) CHORAL RESPONSE “Hear Our Prayer, O Lord” Mel Arant Welcome to our guest this morning! Please sign the Attendance book located on each row or table. Pick up a mug at the welcome desk in the lobby before you leave today as our gift to you. nd Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. By Tommy Walker © 1996 Universal Music Based on Various Artist performance on their albums Performed and Words projected with permission (CCLI License # 1327119) #70 Ages 4-2 grade are invited to attend Children’s Church Donations to the Haiti School Mission can be handed to the children as they exit By Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglio © 2002 sixsteps Music Based on Chris Tomlin’s performance on their album “How Great is our God” Performed and Words projected with permission (CCLI License # 1327119) WORSHIP MUSIC #881 “Glory Be to the Father” CHOIR ANTHEM the Worship Team HOMILY #408 “The Gift of Love” Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen Amen By Ed Cash, Chris Tomlin, Stephan Conley Sharp © 2006 New Spring Based on Chris Tomlin performance on his album “How Great is our God” Performed and Words projected with permission (CCLI License # 1327119) OFFERING This Week at a Glance OPENING PRAYER Mel Arant PRAISE MUSIC Sanctuary Please sign and pass the Blue Attendance Pads. Green Prayer Cards will be collected by ushers in the aisles at this time. Please sign and pass the Attendance Books. Green Prayer Cards will be collected by ushers at this time. PRAYER The Sanctuary Traditional Service Welcome to our guest this morning! Please sign the Attendance book located on each pew. Pick up a mug in the Narthex before you leave today as our gift to you. Today’s message will be available for online listening or download in the media center on the website: Sermons Podcast Subscriptions are also available on ITunes under the name of our pastor: Melton Arant. CD’s of this service are available in the Narthex immediately following the service. If you’d like to be added to our emailing list to receive announcements and prayer concerns. Simply leave your email address in the Attendance book to be added to the email list. Serving our Country:SSG Christopher “Shawn” Couch, Medical Corps in Texas LS1 Jason Kalley, USS Abraham Lincoln, Norfolk, VA TSgt Rebecca Meece Lackland AFB, San Antonio TX TSgt Justin Meece, Lackland AFB, San Antonio TX CPT Caitlin Williams, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio TX MISSIONARIES we’ve PLEDGED to SUPPORT: Ben & Jenny Reyes and children in Brazil. Steve & Esther Smith and children in Missionary Training Institute. PRAYER CONCERNS can be passed to aisles during Welcome and Announcements or written in the Attendance Books. The rose on the pulpit is in honor of the birth of Bryce Killian Morrison who was born on August 14th. Baby Bryce weighed 6 lbs. 7 oz. Proud parents are Jennifer & Matt Morrison and big brother Ethan. Proud Grandma is Kathylynn Holliday. Club 22:6 Upcoming Events Aug. 16 – Backpack Blessing Aug. 30 – Volunteer Appreciation Sept. 3 – No Club Are the old virtues gone? Did we leave true character behind? Join us as we look at some of the seemingly lost virtues and learn what we can do to restore them. Sanctuary Altar Flowers The flowers placed on the Altar in the Sanctuary today are dedicated to God’s glory by Preston & Nancy Cox Youth Upcoming Events August 23rd – Pool Party Aug. 27th – Redemption Youth Sept. 6th – No Redemption Nov. 8th – MercyMe Concert Drop-in baby shower honoring Ashley Welton Powell and the arrival of Ella Jane th Saturday, August 29 2-3:30 in the Parlor Registered at Babies ”R” Us, Target and Pottery Barn Kids SERVING THE CHURCH TODAY Open/Close Church Bldg. ...................................................... Donnie LeFils, April Haynes Nursery (SS) ................................................................. Jamee Thrasher, Anolyn Watkins Youth Safe Sanctuaries (SS)……………..…………………………………..………..Ian Ruff Club 22:6 ................................................................................................... Arlene Privette The Chapel Contemporary Service (9AM) Audio/Video ................................................................................ Kaleigh Smith, Gill Arant Music Director ............................................................................................... Mark Bunney Nursery ............................................................................ Jamee Thrasher, Melissa Arant Children’s Church ................................................................ Ivy Steepy, Dougalyn Guthrie Worship Team ....................................................... Becky Hogue, Aly Hogue, Jay Hogue, ......................................................................................... Daniel Lewis, Mark Bunney Set Up/Planning .......................................... Jennifer Smith, Bruce Smith, Howard Corbett ................................................................ Donnie LeFils, Kaleigh Smith, Josh Runion The Sanctuary Traditional Service (11AM) Music Director ............................................................................................... Mark Bunney Organist ................................................................................. ………………….David Price Pianist .................................................................................................. …………Eddie Nail Ushers .........................................................................JC Cook, Missy Nail, Preston Cox Sound Technician ........................................................................................ Laurie Havice Nursery (Worship)................................ MaryEllen Mullikin, Melanie Mullikin, Lexie Logan Children’s Church ............................................................... Melissa Arant, Laura Pearson Acolyte ........................................................................................................... Laney Smith Crucifer ........................................................................................................ Collin Greene SERVING NEXT SUNDAY, August 30th Nursery (Contemporary) ............................................................................... Becky Hogue Nursery (Sunday School)................................................................ John & Tammy Parker Nursery (Worship).......................................... John & Tammy Parker, Mackenzie Mullikin Children’s Church (Contemporary) .................... Josh or Brandi Runion, Carolyn Williams Children’s Church (Traditional) ................................. Bruce Smith, Josh or Brandi Runion Youth Safe Sanctuaries (SS)……………..…………………………..………..Frankie Mullikin Club 22:6 ......................................................................................................................... Acolyte ........................................................................................................ Reagan Sloan Crucifer ........................................................................................................... Abby Hogue Flowers ..................................................................................... Jerry & MaryEllen Mullikin SAVE THE DATE!!! The Children's Ministry program will have a mandatory safe sanctuary renewal training as required by our insurance provider on Sunday, August 30 led by Pastor Mel at 6 PM. All Children's Church, Sunday School, Club 22:6 teachers and safe sanctuary volunteers are required to attend. The training will include a volunteer appreciation dinner served by Club 22:6. Please RSVP via the following link by August 15 Knowing Christ, and making Christ known. Sunday, August 23, 2015 13th Sunday after Pentecost Liturgical Color is Green This Week’s Topic: Forgotten Virtues: Purity Based on: 2 Corinthians 7:1 John 3:29 1 Peter 1:14-15 The Reverend A. Melton Arant, Jr. Pastor Office (864) 646-3355 [email protected] PO Box 646, 217 South Broad Street Pendleton, South Carolina 29670