May 2015 - Wesley United Methodist Church


May 2015 - Wesley United Methodist Church
Wesley United Methodist Church
40 West Main Street, Strasburg, PA 17579
Church email address: [email protected]
Pastor’s email address: [email protected]
Worship Schedule
May 2015
Volume 7, Issue 5
Inside this issue:
Worship Schedule
8:30 am Traditional - 10:50 am Contemporary
Pastor’s Page
9:45 am Holy Grounds Fellowship in Epworth
10:00 am Sunday School for all ages
Sunday, 3 May - 5th Sunday of Easter
Luke 24.13-35
6 Weeks of Cash: Breaking Bread
Members at Home 7
District News
The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated
Tea Party
Sunday, 10 May - 6th Sunday of Easter
Mother’s Day
Noah’s Rainbow
A 6 week sermon series based on the music of Johnny Cash
Ruth 1.1-22
Love you forever
Sunday, 17 May - Ascension Sunday
Mt 23.13-15, 23-24, 27-28 & Mk 9.35b & James 4.8a
6 Weeks of Cash: No Earthly Good
A 6 week sermon series based on the music of Johnny Cash
Office Hours:
M, T, & Th 8:00am - 1:00pm
Office Phone: 717.687.6392
Rev. Timothy J. Patterson - Pastor
Sunday, 24 May - Decoration Sunday
Combined 10:00 am Worship
Isaiah 2.1-5; 42.1-4; 61.1-9
The Letter Home
Those who serve or have served our nation
are invited to wear their uniform to worship in recognition of their sacrifice.
Sunday, 31 May - 1st Sunday after Pentecost
John 6.43-60, 66
6 Weeks of Cash: Flesh & Blood
A 6 week sermon series based on the music of Johnny Cash
The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated
Open - Praise Leader
Kim Badman - Organist/Choir Director
Holly Miller - Secretary
Judy Heiney - Treasurer/Finance Sec
Pastor’s Schedule
Pastor’s Pondering
Friday, 1 May - Pastor’s Day off
During worship on Sunday, 12 April, with celebration, Ron Henderson, Chair-SPRC, announced the
appointment of The Rev. David Alderson to Wesley
effective 1 July 2015.
Rev. Alderson, along with his wife Jennifer, son
Joshua, and daughter Hannah will arrive in the parsonage some time in late June. Their exact arrival
date is yet to be determined.
Listen for announcements from Ron in worship, as
well as in the June and/or July newsletters for ways
you can participate in welcoming the Alderson family.
For Carrie’s and my part, we are in the process of
transitioning out of the parsonage. As shared at the
February meeting of SPRC, our goal was to be completely transitioned by May 1st to allow the Trustees
sufficient time to accomplished needed repairs to the
parsonage prior to the arrival of Wesley’s new pastor.
Praise God! All has come to pass.
As we transition into a new location, Carrie and I
are entering into that brave new world of no land-line
phone. We will rely exclusively on our cell phones:
Pastor Tim - 570.573.0161
Carrie - 717.327.3762
Our personal email addresses will remain the same:
Pastor Tim - [email protected]
Carrie - [email protected]
Our new mailing address:
107 Meadowcroft Drive
Lancaster, PA 17603
Friday, 1 May 4:00 pm - Dillon/Byers Rehearsal; Lancaster
Saturday, 2 May 11:30a-5:00 pm - Dillon/Byers Wedding
Wednesday, 6 May 3:00-5:00 pm - CCK/T
Thursday, 7 May 11:00 am-3:00 pm - Main St Evangelism
Friday, 8 May - Pastor’s Day Off
Monday, 11 May 6:00 pm - Lay Leaders
Monday, 11 May 7:00 pm - Ad Council
Wednesday, 13 May 3:00-5:00 pm - CCK/T
Thursday, 14 May: full day- Annual Conference; Oaks
Friday, 15 May: full day - Annual Conference; Oaks
Friday, 15 May: 6:00-8:00 pm - Noah’s Rainbow Graduation
Saturday, 16 May; full day - Annual Conference; Oaks
Monday, 18 May 7:00 pm - SPRC
Wednesday, 20 May 3:00-5:00 pm - CCK/T
Thursday, 21 May 11:00 am-3:00 pm - Main St Evangelism
Friday, 22 May - Pastor’s Day Off
Monday, 25 May - Memorial Day Holiday
Wednesday, 28 May 3:00-5:00 pm - CCK/T
Thursday, 29 May11:00 am-3:00 pm - Main St Evangelism
Pastor’s Drop-in Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday mornings
Other times by appointment through
the church office - 687.6392
or the Pastor’s email - [email protected].
Peace and Grace,
Pastor Tim
Pastoral Emergency
In the event of a pastoral emergency during those
times when I am unavailable or away on vacation,
please call a member of the Pastor’s Away Team:
Ginny Gardner, Lay Leader - 288.2338
Maria Llinas, Lay Leader - 917.9852
Bill Hawes, Chair, Ad Council - 464.1206
Holly Miller, Secretary - 687.6392
The Formula for Abundant Life
Pastor’s Contact Information
Please contact the Pastor through
the church office - 687.6392.
If he is not in the office, select mailbox #1 for
further instructions or to leave a message.
The Pastor will respond to you at his earliest
convenience. Thank you!
If you’ve lost an item at church
(a pair of glasses,
earrings, glove, purse), check with Holly in the
church office . We’ll be happy to reunite you!
Christian Education Co-Chairs:
Liana Kieley & Kerri Shindle
Liana Kieley, Children/Youth - 687.7074
[email protected]
Sunday School Superintendent:
John Yoder
Carol Work, Nursery - 687.0863
[email protected]
Cradle Roll: Betty Heffner
Kerri Shindle - 687.7109
[email protected]
Children’s Sunday School & Children’s Chapel (located in the Pole Building)
10:00 a.m. - Parents sign in children for Sunday School. Pickup is 10:45 a.m..
11:05 a.m. - Children are released to Chapel from Worship. Pickup is at the Conclusion of Worship
During the month of May, the elementary children’s Sunday School class will begin a study called “A Time
for Courage” focusing on 2 Kings, Daniel and Ezra. Our value focus will be Obedience.
Continuing in May, Children’s Chapel will “Energize Kids with the Word!” While sharing Bible stories of the
Old and New Testaments, children will have the opportunity to participate in Faith-Charged Games. May’s lessons continue to spotlight Moses, and will also include Balaam’s Donkey and the book of Deuteronomy.
*There will not be Children’s Church on May 31st.
Middle/High School Sunday School
10:00 - 10:45: The 13 Most Important Lessons in the Bible for Teens.
This class meets every other Sunday and is facilitated by Liana Kieley.
Questions may be directed to her at 687-7074.
The schedule for May will alternate between lessons & projects.
Adult Sunday School
There are 2 Sunday School Electives for Adults to consider:
The Wrestling with Words Sunday school class has completed its study of 12 years a Slave by Solomon Northup and will
be selecting a new book for discussion beginning in May. If you have questions, please contact Roy Rineer  464-9870.
The Inquirers Class, which meets in the small Sunday school room off the Asbury room on the second floor, will continue
its study of Genesis in April using the book Broken and Blessed: How God Used One Imperfect Family to Change the
World, by Jessica LaGrone. The class is facilitated by Kay Hawes.
Wanda Albright
Maria Llinas
Looking for others interested in serving
Ladies Friendship Committee
Tea Party !!!
Sunday, May 17  1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Join us 4 some Fun & Fellowship
$5.00 a person
{ Surprise Entertainment (YOU REALLY CAN’T MISS !!!!!!! ) }
Tickets available after church through May 10th or contact Wanda Albright (786-4735)
or Maria Llinas (917– 9852) for tickets by May 10th
Coffee Drinkers Welcome !!!
Chair - Open
Team Wesley: Lynda Houck
1 - Stop - Shop
An outreach ministry to
those in need.
May’s Mission Challenge is
Household Cleaning Products!
If you know a loved one or friend who would
appreciate a shawl or wrap, please contact Joyce
Strubel or Ruby Botham and we will
have one made for them!
During the month of May, you are invited to bring
to worship your gifts of Dish Soap, Laundry
Soap, Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Soft Scrub, Bleach,
Floor Cleaner (Top Job, Mr. Clean) to help local
Would you like to knit or croLove!
chet a prayer shawl or wrap or learn
more about the prayer shawl ministry
started? We will be glad to share with you!
Team Wesley & Pennies for Missions
John 15:12: This is my commandment,
that you love one another as I have loved you.
Team Wesley 2015 invites you to join us for our next meeting on
Tuesday, May 5 at 7:00 PM.
THANK YOU for your continued support of Team Wesley! It is amazing
what we can accomplish when we work together to serve our Lord!!
Pennies for Missions collected $155.18 in March.
To participate in Pennies for Missions, all you have to do is this: family members place 2 pennies in
their soup can for every meal that they eat. All pennies collected will be used to support Wesley
UMC mission projects. On the last Sunday of each month, bring your Pennies for Missions can to
church so the children of Wesley can collect all of our pennies during the Children’s Lesson. What
a fantastic opportunity for all of “God’s children” to support Wesley’s Mission Projects!
Next Pennies for Missions collection is May 31, 2015
Attention Grocery Shoppers!
If you are a grocery shopper at the Strasburg Market Basket, why not consider picking up a grocery
card from the table in the Epworth Room to take with you when you do your weekly food shopping?
For every $25 you spend, the Market Basket initials/stamps the card. When the card is full, it is worth
$15 for our church’s general fund. When your card is full, just put it in Lily Williams’ mailbox. Thank you
to the Market Basket for continuing to support us with this venture and thank you Market Basket shoppers who utilize your grocery cards for your purchases.
Contact Information:
Liana Kieley, Director, CCT, CCK
24 white tea light candles
bags bird seed
Creative Christian Kids
Summer Camp
48 1 liter soda bottles
Wednesdays, starting June 10, 2015
24 baby food jars—clean, please, with lids
4-6 bags play sand
9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Pre-K graduates thru 5th grade
$5.00 per session
Bible lessons, games, snacks,
crafts & science
Wesley UMC Strasburg
Contact: Liana Kieley
(717) 682-6121
8’ x 10’ tarps
24 1 pt small neck canning jars with lids
bags flour
containers salt
rolls duct tape
40 glue sticks
36 play-doh
24 small flashlights
AA batteries for flashlights
bags potting soil
plastic kiddie pools (round, blue,
water, sand, grapes, bugs)
Apple juice
Animal crackers
Grape juice
Goldfish crackers
Graham crackers
8oz Water bottles
Rice Krispy treats
5 oz. Cups
For 2015/2016 School Year
Wednesdays 3 to 4:30 p.m.
Do you have an hour and a half
to give each week to enrich the
lives of our youth?