Scr ibe Repo ort 1559 – Januar ry 20th 20 014
Scr ibe Repo ort 1559 – Januar ry 20th 20 014
AGM Run R - #1560 0 – January y 27th 2014 4 Scribe Repo ort 1559 – Januarry 20th 20 014 Harees: Scar with 2TT’s & Wank-King g’s Wanker 8 Hashers this week!! 84 Harres: Stepto oe & Kee Mah Scrribe by: Me ental Disord der Today we had 2 grreat hasher’ss KEE MAH and a STEPTO OE join forces to hare a run r and whatt a great run n it was. The e back checks and loops kept k all the runners r toge ether and the ey got back to o the a-site in n the big grou up. O T’s open th he circle and d immediately y iced SCAR WITH TWO STEPT TOE and KEE MAH M and asked the circle what they th hought of the run. Everyone e said it was a great run an nd well planed d. SIR BO OTTOMLESS S PIT started d the raffles and winners where SHIT MY PANT TS, REAR GUNNER – twice, LI INEAR ACCELE ERATOR – twice, DEAD HEAD – twice, BIL LLION SUCKE ER, G-SPOT, GENERAL KIDNEY K WHI IPER and DOESN’T TOUCH H THE SIDE E. Special tha anks to DEAD D HEAD for being very ge enerous and buying b a 1.000 0 baht of raff fle ticket. EMPER ROR AIR HE EAD iced the e hare and quizzed q the hares about the t HHH signs to the a-ssite, a little bit confusing g. KEE MAH explained e he was w one sign short. HAIR RY ARMPIT and a his brother where iced d and his bro other was givven a name HAIRY H THE CU UNT. Then named n there 2 girlfriendss COLD NOS SE and LAZY GIRL. G BALL RINGER, LIN NEAR ACCEL LERATOR and d GAS MAN where w our birtthday boys fo or the week. HELLBO OY the bad R.A R bucketed KEE MAH fo or the missing g HHH sign. He e then iced EMPEROR E AIR RHEAD for forgetting f what the where iced fe elt like. SIR MISERABLE M CUNT and HONEYBEAR H iced ass HELLBOY did d not know that they are e a couple an nd well shocked that they had been see eing one anotther for long g time. On ano other note HELLBOY was happy for SIR S ARSE-HO OPPER getting g a great new w girlfriend and now very y happy. HEL LLBOY then re e-iced SIR MISERABLE M CUNT for go oing around to t the other hashers h to ge et free food.. REAR GUNN NER felt sorry for him and gave him a sandwich to t stop his winging. w SIR FREE WILLY Y was iced for being in th he FBI witnesss protection after getting g out of prrison. SIR FREE F WILLY Y was upsett that HELLBO OY never ca ame to visit him in prison n and also fo or not A-S Site Mis-Dirrections: Fro om Pattaya Klang K drive nnorth on Sukh humvit road and a join Hig ghway 7 exppress way foor Bangkok. Continue allong the hig ghway and resset your odem meter when you pass under highway h 36. Proceed a further 4.2 kkm then exit the highway (HHH). Follow the fronntage road doown the hill and a turn rightt and go und der the highw way. Turn rright again on n the other side s and pro oceed up the hill and then turn left (HH HH). Continuue along this road for 6km m and then turrn left into thee a-site (HHH)). sen nding him lotss of K.Y jelly which would be appreciate ed. WANK-KING’ W ’S WANKER gave the Awa ards out, DOE ESN’T TOUCH T HIS side s 200 Runss, SKIING FI INN 200 Runs, KEE MAH M 10 Haress, STEPTOE 5 Hares, POCAHONTAS 50 5 Runs and LITTLE WH HITE DOVE 5 50 Runs. A grreat achievem ment for all those ha ashers, well done. SCAR S WITH TWO T’s calll the circle an nd immediate ely iced th he former G.M M HELLBOY [g great to see you y back]. HE ELLBOY ha ad forget som me of the rule es by smoking g on the iced with is quickly q put ou ut. HELLBOY then told us the story SIR M.C be eing drunk som mewhere, either beach roa ad or boys to own, not su ure. SCAR WI ITH TWO T’ss then bucketted DEAD HE EAD for being a great friend/ hassher from the e Scandi hooliigans where w they ha ave known one e another forr the past 17 years. Page 1 Pattaya Hash House Harriers – Run 1559 – January 20TH 2014 Pattaya Hash House Harriers – About Us Future Hares, call Hare Raiser Horse, 0879068280 --- NEW PICKUP POINT -– Run# Date Hares On On Buffalo Bar – Pattaya 3rd Road near Soi Lengke 1560 1561* 1562* 1563* Jan 27 Feb 03 Feb 10 Feb 17 AGM Run – Scar w 2T’s & W-K Wanker Cheaper Than Meme & V.V. Necrophilia Night Rider & Sir Free Willy Peler & Sir Arse-A-Holic Nicky’s TQ Secrets Every Monday at 3:15. The Bus leaves at 3:30 promptly. Run Prices: Male 350B, Female 150B, Children 50B Please visit our web site If you want to be a hare but not sure how, contact Hare Raiser and we can help you partner with an experienced hare. Enjoy a great part of hashing – Hare a run! * Map needed 59 Hashers who were Hashing the previous week 9 Benjamin Carpenter, 5 Keith Reid, 445 BALL RINGER, 271 BELL END, 58 BLUE NOSE, 272 CABBAGE QUEEN, 45 CAMEL HUMPER, 182 CHEAP NORGY CUNT, 6 COLD NOSE, 217 CRACK MY COCCYX, 10 CRAPPER, 43 CRIMSON PENIS, 43 DESERT SCORPION, 201 DOESN’T TOUCH THE SIDES, 1248 EMPEROR AIRHEAD, 244 EMPTY SPERMBANK, 311 EXTRA TESTICLE, 99 FUZZY LURE, 10 G SPOT, 481 G.I. JOE, 139 GANGREEN, 7 GAS MAN, 628 GENERAL KIDNEY WIPER, 37 GOLDEN WATERFALL, 7 HAIRY ARMPIT, 4 HAIRY THE CUNT, 82 HELIUM HEAD, 176 KEE MAH, 4 LAZY GIRL, 179 LIBERACE, 37 LINEAR ACCELERATOR, 50 LITTLE WHITE DOVE, 310 LONE WOLF, 108 MARATHON MAN, 57 MENSTRUAL DISORDER, 68 MENTAL DISORDER, 588 MRS. HEAD, 42 NECROPHILIA NIGHT RIDER, 123 PINKABOO, 55 POCAHONTAS, 119 RATSO-EEL-SNIFFER, 203 REAR GUNNER, 164 REDCOAT, 152 ROBBING BASTARD, 64 RUNNING BARE, 171 SCAR WITH TWO T’S, 32 SEXY BUM, 558 SIR ARSE-A-HOLIC, 543 SIR BOTTOMLESS PIT, 563 SIR REALLY SADISTIC BASTARD, 728 SIR SPAGHETTI HEAD, 82 SPECIAL PRICE, 304 SQUEEZE MY TUBE, 265 SWEETIE, 278 TREE FROG, 301 VELCRO DICK, 663 VIETNAMESE VIOLATOR, 5 WANKER, 162 WANK-KING’S WANKER 16 Returners 2 Annie Nangtharach, 163 BILLION SUCKER,116 BLACK HOLE, 30 CHEAPER THAN MEME, 185 DR. DICK, 282 HELLBOY, 102 HONEY BEAR, 535 LADY FLIPPER, 555 SIR FREE WILLY, 562 SIR MC, 32 SIR WANDA, 200 SKIING FINN, 27 SPERM POLLUTER, 125, STEPTOE, 95 TINY ANAL TORPEDO, 155 TRYA-FUCK 9 Visitors with their Total Runs 1 Beat Bubendorf - Angeles City Hash, Philippines 1 Philip Jackson - Pattaya Jungle Hash, Thailand 15 SHIT MY PANTS - Pattaya Jungle Hash, Thailand 10 POL DANCER Puerto Galera Hash, Philippines 15 PHANTOM - Vung Tau Hash, Vietnam 6 Virgins Neil Ballard; Annie Nangtharach; Mai Nuabeum; Magnus Skog; Jan Wallace; Janya Worapoong 6 1 13 1 CRAZY GERMAN Nadi Hash, Fiji Palin Pronprong - Pattaya Jungle Hash, Thailand PAROU PAROU - Puerto Galera Hash, Philippines DEAD HEAD - Scandi Hooligan Hash, Norway 1 Anniversary KEE MAH made his 10th hare STEPTOE made his 5th hare DOESN’T TOUCH THE SIDES completed his 200th Run SKIING FINN completed his 200th Run LITTLE WHITE DOVE completed her 50th Run 2 Naming Events Methawin Prongsoongnern given the New Hash name COLD NOSE Terje Robertson given the New Hash name HAIRY THE CUNT Tanyathip Hanchana given the New Hash name LAZY GIRL REDCOAT iced all the Germans and then went on to sing a great song underneath the piss flaps where the circle joined in with the chorus. everyone could catch the baht busses home. Next Mondays scribe will be TRY-A-FUCK. On-on GENERAL KIDNEY WIPER brought V.V into the circle and informed us that V.V had been a member of the Monday hash for 15 years. He then iced V.V again as he did when V.V was a virgin in 1999. GENERAL KIDNEY WIPER told us about the old days when at one of the runs some of the raffle tickets were left out of the bucket for the draw. GENERAL KIDNEY WIPER covered up this mistakes and no one knew. The hares then sang their song and the circle was closed and Page 2 Mental Disorder Respecting the laws of Thailand And the dignity of the people. Keep it Green – Bring your TRASH back to A-site
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If you want to be a hare but not sure how, contact Hare Raiser and we can help
you partner with an experienced hare. Enjoy a great part of hashing – Hare a run!
* Map needed