Scr ibe Repo ort 1547 – Octobe er 28th 20 013
Scr ibe Repo ort 1547 – Octobe er 28th 20 013
Nex xt Run – No ovember 4th 2013 H Hares: Free W Willy & Lady Flipper F Scribe Repo ort 1547 – Octobe er 28th 20 013 6 Hashers this week!! 62 H Hares: V.V. & Tampax x Sc cribe by: Turd T Burgla ar Monda ay again and today is th he Halloween en Run. Last week EMPER ROR AIRHE EAD explaine ed to us tha at Halloween n is an Americ can idea an nd occasion. WANK-KI ING’S WANKER furthe er warned uss it would be b better to o take part in i the spirit of the occ casion than to abstain. My reason for dressing up as a member m of the t KKK was solely to ac chieve my fre ee run. Wow, I am honesst. Today’’s hares VV and TAMPA AX had laid a good run as a was expectted. I perso onally had chosen c to walk w during which I notic ced that CA ABBAGE FLA APS felt ill and was going to turn back but CABBAGE E PRINCES SS helped her grandm mother lead from frontt to finish. SLIPPERY S A ARSE, DOESN N’T TOUCH H THE SI IDES and STINKY S SL LOPPY SECON NDS as well as CABBAGE HEAD and a the retu turning GM SC CAR WITH 2 T’S were e the first to t finish the e real run. WEE W MOAN NING WEA ASEL, REAR R GUNNER R and MENT TAL DISORD DER made itt back as da arkness drew w in. The raffle r winnners ROBBI ING BASTARD, STEP PTOE, BANANAS, BELL L STAR, CL LEOPATRA, BABY POW WDER and ST TUPID KRA AUT KUNT collected their prizes along with th heir down-d downs in the e circle. EMPER ROR AIRHE EAD controlled the cirrcle and awa arded the best dresssed hash hers as HONEY BEAR, B MENS STRUAL DIS SORDER an nd BELL STA AR. And the e kids SNOO OPY and CA ABBAGE PR RINCESS were w also ju udged winnerrs. No prrizes this year????????? EMPE EROR AIRHE EAD iced CA ABBAGE HE EAD and som me fellow Marines Ma and re eminded us it was 349 years to the t day thaat the Royal Marines we ere founded d. EMPEROR R AIRHEAD D iced the lon one virgin foor walking and a not run nning on his first hashinng experiencce. Stand d in GM WA ANK-KING’S S WANKER R took the circle and prresented LO ONE WOLF F with his 300 3 Run Mug Mu . It A-S Site Mis-Dirrections: Driive South alonng Sukhumvitt to Na Jomtieen Soi 4 (HHH H) which is approx a 5.3 Km m from Theppprasit. Turn rig ght and drive 800m to thee end (HHH). Turn left andd drive 330m to (HHH). Tuurn right and d follow dirt road r 270m to tthe A-site on the t beach. Ma alaysia…..I suggested it would have h been quicker q by y bus. WW gave himse elf no award d for reach hing his 15 50 Run milesstone………..J Just as well as the PH3 do not givve 50 awa ards!!!!!!! WW W iced the leavers SPERM S PO OLLUTER alo ong with hiss son Jack,, WEE MOA ANING WEASEL, ST TICKY KNIC CKERS and STUPID KRAUT K KU UNT. Welcome W back SCAR WI ITH 2 T’S who w takes th he helm to ice MENT TAL DISOR RDER who only allow wed his fe ellow hasher er’s one be eer on the bus during g their recent excurssion to Cam mbodia. SPE ERM POLLU UTER is ice ed for revvealing his photos of a lady bo oy bar sw wimming poool. STUPID KRAUT KU UNT joins him h for de efending th he action. SIR MC iced while he is presented witth a book to help him im lose wei eight to remedy his he ealth…SMC c choosing nott to follow the SIR FR REE WILLY Y weight lo oss program m!!! HONEY BEAR ge ets soggy botty bo treatm ment for loo oking too go ood in a fissh net top and a for not removing her he bra. transp pired it took k LW two da ays to motorcycle back from Page 1 Pattaya Hash House Harriers – Run 1547 – October 28th 2013 Pattaya Hash House Harriers – About Us Meeting Place: Near Family Mart, 2nd Future Hares, call Hare Raiser Mental Disorder, 08909759306 Road @ Soi 13/1 Run# Date Hares On On Every Monday at 3:15. The Bus leaves at 3:30 promptly. 1548 1549 1550 1551* Nov 04 Nov 11 Nov 18 Nov 25 Free Willy & Flipper Mental & Menstrual Disorders Try A Fuck & Robbing Bastard Loy Krathong Run - Free Willy & Flipper A Team Jameson’s TQ Secrets Run Prices: Male 350B, Female 150B, Children 50B Download our weekly Hashsheet at Find a hash around the world: Please visit our web site If you want to be a hare but not sure how, contact Hare Raiser and we can help you partner with an experienced hare. Enjoy a great part of hashing – Hare a run! * Map needed 40 Hashers who were Hashing the previous week 2 Samniang Rattanamool; 2 Jack Ward; 434 BALL RINGER; 22 BANANAS; 496 BOW WOW; 167 CABBAGE HEAD; 261 CABBAGE QUEEN; 173 CHEAP NORGY CUNT; 190 DOESN’T TOUCH THE SIDES; 1237 EMPEROR AIRHEAD; 233 EMPTY SPERMBANK; 39 FREQUENT STREAKER; 312 FUCK THE TRUTH; 470 G.I. JOE; 127 GANGREEN; 95 HONEY BEAR; 167 LIBERACE; 26 LINEAR ACCELERATOR; 49 MENSTRUAL DISORDER; 56 MENTAL DISORDER; 576 MRS. HEAD; 49 PAPRIKA SMILEY; 230 PELER; 141 ROBBING BASTARD; 12 SHIT MY PANTS; 532 SIR BOTTOMLESS PIT; 648 SIR DOG; 552 SIR MC; 551 SIR REALLY SADISTIC BASTARD; 717 SIR SPAGHETTI HEAD; 84 SLIPPERY ARSE; 407 SNOOPY; 23 SPERM POLLUTER; 293 SQUEEZE MY TUBE; 114 STEPTOE; 6 STICKY KNICKERS; 181 STUPID KRAUT KUNT; 154 TURD BURGLAR; 150 WANK-KING’S WANKER; 86 WEE MOANING WEASEL 18 Returners 3 Johannes Fink; 6 BELL STAR; 7 BOXING KANGAROO; 154 CABBAGE FLAPS; 83 CABBAGE PRINCESS; 21 FOXY CLEOPATRA; 27 GOLDEN WATERFALL; 301 LONE WOLF; 26 LUMP; 118 PINKABOO; 30 POSTMAN LICKS TWICE; 198 REAR GUNNER; 70 RUDI VOELLER; 160 SCAR WITH TWO T’S; 546 SIR ARSE-A-HOLIC; 255 STINKY SLOPPY SECONDS; 355 TAMPAX; 651 VIETNAMESE VIOLATOR 4 Visitors with their Total Runs 12 TOSSA – Botany Bay Hash, Australia 10 SHORT TIME – Phnom Penh Hash, Cambodia 3 BABY POWDER – Taunton H3, UK 2 BULLET – Taunton H3, UK 1 Virgin Buddy Hadlah 2 Anniversaries LONE WOLF – 300th Run Mug WANK-KING’S WANKER – 150th Run 5 Leavers Jack Ward; SPERM POLLUTER; STICKY KNICKERS; STUPID KRAUT KUNT; WEE MOANING WEASEL STEPTOE ices your Scribe for being honest. Let’s hope this trait is not catching!!! CABBAGE HEAD took charge of the circle and ices the honest hashers who admitted drinking his rum…… You see, honesty is catching. G.I.JOE, RUDI VOELLER, SCAR WITH 2T’S and WANK-KING’S WANKER follow on for refusing to admit they had spliced the main brace. SHIT MY PANTS is iced for his further brown adventures. A few Germans are iced in as substitute Belgians as there are these days a lack of Belgium attendance on the PH3. On a personal note my reflection has to be passed on that the entire Cabbage Family are terrific, especially CABBAGE PRINCESS whose diminutive stature does not leave her in awe of the size of others. happy hour at the FLB Bar where around fifteen stalwarts enjoyed an extension of the evening. Thanks to the boss Martin for his kind hospitality. In closing I am back off to Blighty for a few months so I dictated this sermon to SIR FREE WILLY who gave it a good polishing in his own inimitable style. …………….blame him for any issues. ON-ON TURD BURGLER No hare’s song as the two culprits had decided to vacate the A-Site so CABBAGE HEAD plays a tune on HONEY BEAR’s instrument. Hash Hymn sung and it is off to the Page 2 Respecting the laws of Thailand And the dignity of the people. Keep it Green – Bring your empty drinking bottles back to A-site
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