February 23 - St. Pius X Catholic Community
February 23 - St. Pius X Catholic Community
St. Pius X Catholic Community 1025 E. Madison Street Lombard, IL 60148 630-627-4526 www.stpiuslombard.org WELCOME TO ST. PIUS X CATHOLIC COMMUNITY 1025 E. MADISON STREET ■ LOMBARD, IL 60148 [email protected] www.stpiuslombard.org DIOCESE OF JOLIET SERVED BY THE CONGREGATION OF THE RESURRECTION MISSION STATEMENT We the people of St. Pius X Church, a faith community in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet, Illinois, accept the challenge to restore all things in Christ through the use of our gifts and ministry. Guided by the Father, nourished by the Eucharist, and inspired by the Holy Spirit we embrace all through our commitment to worship, education, service, and stewardship. LEMA DE NUESTRA MISIÓN Nosotros las personas de la Iglesia de San Pío X, una comunidad de fe Católica de la Diócesis de Joliet, Illinois, aceptamos los desafíos de restaurar todas las cosas en Cristo, por medio de nuestros talentos y ministerios. Guiados por el Padre, nutridos por la Eucaristía, e inspirados por el Espíritu Santo; unidos y comprometidos todos nosotros por medio de nuestros dones, educación y servicio. Business Manager: John Matyasik Administrative Assistant: Donna Cooper Parish Secretary: Pam Matyasik Maintenance Director: Sallie McGinn Pastoral Council, Chair: Betty Kramer Finance Council, Chair: Frank Enda Stewardship Council, Chair: Ken Florey Pastor: Father George Zieba, CR Deacons: John Chan, Ron Knecht, Larry Lissak, Tom Rachubinski Hispanic Ministry Pastoral Assistant: Fr. Fernando Cuevas, CS Pastoral Care: Sr. Pauline Schutz, OSF Parish Office: 630-627-4526 Fax: 630-495-5926 [email protected] Faith Formation: 630-627-1551 [email protected] School: 630-627-2353 Fax: 630-627-1810 [email protected] Convent: 630-627-5810 School Principal: Daniel Flaherty Assistant Principal: Toni Miller Youth Ministry - Director: Gina Wiedman Faith Formation - Director: Dee Sulla Hispanic Ministry - Coordinator / Secretary: Laura Mora www.stpiuslombard.org PAGE 2 IMPORTANT TO KNOW PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM—12:30 PM; 1:00 PM—4:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM—12:30 PM; 1:00 PM—3:00 PM MASSES Saturday: 5:00 PM Anticipation of Sunday Misa en Español: Sábado 7 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, and 11:30 AM Mass interpreted in sign language:5 PM Sat. Holy Days: see previous Sunday Bulletin Weekdays: 8:30 AM Monday through Friday Saturday: 8:30 AM First Saturday of each month NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome! You are invited to come to or call the Parish Office to register. Forms are also available on the website. MINISTRIES AND ORGANIZATIONS If you are interested in one of our many ministries or wish to volunteer time or talent, please contact the Parish Office or see our website for more details. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:30 to 4:30 PM or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the first Sunday at the 11:30 AM Mass. No Baptisms are celebrated during Lent. Parent preparation is required. The parent meeting for Baptism is generally on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 PM. Please call the Parish Office for more information (630-627-4526). SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Please call the Parish Office at least 6 months before your desired wedding date, to check availability. FUNERALS Arrangements should be made at the Parish Office before publication in the newspaper. PRAYER INTENTIONS If you have a prayer intention that you would like the parish to pray for, write it in the Book of Prayer in Church. BULLETIN ARTICLES Due ten days prior to bulletin date. Attach Word file and email to [email protected]. Please put a contact name and phone number on each article indicating the date(s) you would like the article to run. Every effort will be made to see that your request is granted. As a general rule, we encourage using “bulletin space” instead of a separate insert whenever possible—–this saves the cost of printing. The following guidelines should be observed if an insert is necessary:A proposed insert must be submitted for approval prior to bulletin insertion weekend. Approved inserts must be delivered by Thursday to the Parish Office. Pregnant? Confused? Need Help? Please call Woman’s Choice Services at 630-261-9221. SICK CALLS Homebound because of sickness or age, please call the Parish Office (630-627-4526) to arrange a visit with a Minister of Care or a priest. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call the Parish Office for arrangements. Because of HIPAA Privacy regulations, hospitals can no longer contact the parish. If you are hospitalized and would like a priest or minister from St. Pius X to visit or have your name added to the Prayers of the Faithful, your family should notify the Parish Office. INFORMATION ABOUT OUR CATHOLIC FAITH For questions and instruction in the faith or to become a part of the RCIA process (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), call the Parish Office. Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life: www.vocations.com or call 815-834-4004. Support Serra Vocations at the monthly Vocation Mass and dinner at St. Petronille Parish in Glen Ellyn. Please call 630-932-8098 for information. Reporting Sexual Abuse: Anyone who has reasonable cause to suspect the sexual abuse of a minor by a member of the clergy or other Church personnel is urged to report the matter immediately. To inform the Diocese of Joliet, call Mrs. Judith Speckman (Victim Assistance Coordinator) at 815-263-6467 or write the Diocese of Joliet, 425 Summit Street, Joliet 60435. Contact DCFS at 1-800-252-2873 or call the local County States Attorney. FREE ministry to traveling Catholics. For nationwide Mass times and locations: www.Masstimes.org. or parishesonline.com February 23, 2014 PAGE 3 LITURGICAL NEWS Ministry Schedule — March 1/2 Liturgical Calendar E/M: M. Burns, C. Devito, D. Jennrich, T. Lanigan, M. Reznicek, S. Trefilek Saturday Lectors: D. Fowler, F. Krawczyk 5:00 pm A/S: G. Burns, S. Jara, G. & K. Reznicek G: Sr. Pauline Schutz Monday February 24-Weekday Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 9:14-29 8:30 am Leo Reschak (anniv.) by family Jim Walsh by family Tuesday February 25-Weekday Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55:7-11a, 23; Mk 9:30-37 8:30 am Spec. Intention-Lori Dentamaro by Joan D’Alexander Acolitos: E. Gutierrez, D. Garcia, J. Acuna Ministros: V. Ortega, A. Gamboa, F. Diaz, Saturday T. Aguirre 7:00 pm Hospitalidad: M. Vergara, G. Ruiz, R. Serna, Español J. Gamboa Lectores: C. DeLaCruz, R. Acuna Wednesday February 26-Weekday Jas 4:13-17; Ps 49:2-3, 6-11; Mk 9:38-40 8:30 am Ray Knoll by family Thursday February 27-Weekday Jas 5:1-6; Ps 49:14-20; Mk 9:41-50 8:30 am Michael Vrona by Rita Vrona Sunday 7:30 am E/M: N. Canete, K. Kustra, E. Morris, L. Newman, C. Trefilek, L. Wiedman Lectors: K. Kwak, S. Kwak A/S: A. & K. Bjorklund, A. Spada, R. Wiedman G: P. & M. Knoll, R. Hake Sunday 9:30 am E/M: B. & D. Conlin, J. Gosmire, K. Hogan, H. Jaroszewski, C. Walsh Lectors: C. D’Acquisto, J. Lissak A/S: L. Esposito, A. & J. Vittorio, J. Walsh G: T. Brossard, K. Litos Friday February 28-Weekday Jas 5:9-12; Ps 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12; Mk 10:1-12 8:30 am Michael Raymond by family Saturday March 1 Jas 5:13-20; Ps 141:1-3, 8; Mk 10:13-16 8:30 am Ralph LoCoco by Michelle LoCoco 2:00 pm Wedding: Andrew Heisig & Annette Nolte 3:30-4:30 pm Reconciliation Vigil—Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 pm Louie Santelli by John & Pam Matyasik (Baptisms celebrated during Mass) 7:00 pm Misa en español Sunday March 2 Is 49:14-15; Ps 62:2-3, 6-9; 1 Cor 4:1-5; Mt 6:24-34 7:30 am Megan Soger by Chiodo Family 9:30 am CCW Members, Living & Deceased 11:30 am Edward Zmuda & Judy Zmuda-Reiss by family (Baptisms celebrated during Mass) E/M: C. & K. Grafton, V. Jablonsky, M. LoCoco, B. Lyons, D. Trapp Sunday Lectors: S. Rakowski, J. Molenda 11:30 am A/S: H. & J. Guthrie, C. & P. Lizasuain G: Please volunteer Altar Server Schedule Friday, February 28 at 8:30 am: E. & G. Castaneda Saturday, March 1 at 8:30 am: S. D’Alessandro, S. Ryan, B. Zaccone St. Pius X Prayer Chapel Save the Dates! Lenten Mission March 17—March 19 The Prayer Chapel is open Sunday through Friday evenings, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Please come and adore Him. Use Door #8 on east side of church building. Would you like to sign up for an hour per week in the Prayer Chapel? Please contact our leaders to pledge your hour. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Estelle Soger Cathy Monckton Michelle LoCoco Linda Chan Ceil D’Acquisto Carol Gawenda 630-627-8310 708-646-8067 630-620-6283 630-941-8918 630-627-9472 630-833-3211 the following parishioners and friends who are ill: McKenna Tyszkiewicz John Johnson George McAloon Rev. John Barrett www.stpiuslombard.org PAGE 4 Lori Patros Karl Gandt Bob Heise Mildred Styka Light Our Way Easy Way To Get More Out Of Lent Would you like a deeper, more powerful Lent this year? To start each day by drawing closer to Christ? Then sign up for Fr. Robert Barron's free daily Lent reflections list. Sign up at the following website - www.lentreflections.com Each day, from Ash Wednesday (March 5) until Easter Sunday (April 20), Fr. Barron will send you a short reflection, straight to your inbox. In addition, you'll receive exclusive videos not found anywhere else, special discount codes for new products, and giveaways throughout Lent including DVDs, CDs, signed books, and more. The best part is that it's all FREE! Info courtesy of - http://marysaggies.blogspot.com Lighthouse CD Spotlight Lent begins soon! Ash Wednesday is March 5, 2014 Mass Schedule 8:30 am 10:00 am (Grade School attending) 7:00 pm 8:30 pm en espanol The Sacrament of Penance Speaking on reconciliation, Fr. William Casey, Superior General of the Fathers of Mercy, reminds us that confession, the forgotten Sacrament, is the ordinary means for the forgiveness of mortal sins after baptism and a veritable treasury of graces and spiritual strength for us in our daily struggles against temptation and sin. Discover how this Sacrament can transform your life if you allow it! CD’s are available in the Gathering Space for $3.00 each. The Vision of Hope Congregation of the Resurrection In 1999, the Congregation of the Resurrection created a new document entitled the “Vision of Hope.” This document focuses on the theological, as well as the practical, dimensions of what it means to be a community of hope. This year we will focus on the Congregation's concept of this “Vision of Hope” and the related texts of the Order, and what this means for everyone who participates in this Resurrectionist spirituality. The Congregation continually prays for the grace to resurrect society with Christ. This is evident by their prayer intention in their yearly book of intentions: “That, since the Congregation is dedicated to the Lord's Paschal mystery, we may strive to live the new life and hope of this mystery in every phase of our apostolic life, so that we may achieve our own resurrection and that of society." February 23, 2014 PAGE 5 PARISH NEWS Our Stewardship of Sharing Weekly Offering Report www.stpiuslombard.org Weekly Offering Contributions ~ February 2014 First Week Offering $10,156 First Week Electronic Giving 6,354 Second Week Offering 9,633 Second Week Electronic (2/5- 2/11) 7,061 Third Week Offering 8,524 Third Week Electronic (2/12-2/18) 2,931 Year to Date Sunday Offering Budget July 1, 2013 through January 31, 2014 Revenue $456,688 Budget through January 31 456,800 Over (under) Budget (112) Budgeted Income for February* $62,000 Amount needed for February offering budget $17,341 *Budgeted offering income needed to meet monthly budgeted expenses. Golden Touch Donations 7/1/13-2/18/14 $41,673 Church Projects Collection July 1, 2013 through February 18, 2014 Air Conditioning Goal $35,000 Donations Restroom Goal $77,000 Donations Paver Bricks Donations $13,229 21,840 26,210 Thank you for your continued support of our ministries to the people of God. Texas Hold’em Knight Texas Hold’em Knight Friday, February 28, 2014 St. Pius X Social Center Registration begins at 6:30 pm Tournament starts at 7:30 pm Snacks and Drinks included in price! Proceeds benefit St. Pius X Parish and School All Men and women must be over 21 years of age $75 buy-in for 5000 chips with optional $10 add-on for 2,500 chips —— 200 Maximum players Mike Crosse (312-576-7169) or Jeff Gosmire (630-204-5729) Return registration to Parish Office or School Office Seats can only be reserved if paid in full Spectator wristbands for snacks and drinks for $15! # of Attendees:_____ Paid: _____________ Name:_____________________________ Name:_____________________________ Name:_____________________________ Name:_____________________________ www.stpiuslombard.org PAGE 6 St. Vincent de Paul This Week’s Calendar of Events Monday-February 24 Brownies 1906 3:00 pm Tuesday-February 25 Cub Scout Leaders 7:00 pm Parish Pastoral Council 7:00 pm Boy Scouts 7:00 pm Wednesday-February 26 Grade School Mass 8:30 am Girl Scout Troop 835 3:00 pm Rosary/Prayer/Benediction 8:00 pm Friday-February 28 Texas Hold Em Registration:6:30 pm Saturday-March 1 Loaves and Fishes 2nd grade 8:30 am Martha Room Martha Room Parish Office Social Center Church Martha Room Prayer Chapel Social Center School Bakers Needed! St. Joseph Day Sweets Table Weekend of March 15/16 This year we will be having a Sweets Table and beverages after the March 15 and March 16 Masses to celebrate St. Joseph’s Feast Day. Are you able to help out with some baked goods? If so, please call the Parish Office and let them know. (630-627-4526) More details to follow. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL DONATION DRIVE @ St. Pius X on March 8 & 9 The St. Vincent de Paul truck will be in our parking lot the weekend of 3/8 & 3/9!! Our volunteers will be waiting for you at the truck to help you unload. Please have all your donations bagged or boxed. No hangers please. We will accept……. Clothing, shoes, linens and books in good or bad condition. Unusable clothing, shoes, linens and even books generate income for the needy because they are sold for rags or in bulk. SPECIAL NEED FOR SCHOOL CLOTHING & COATS FOR CHILDREN! Small housewares (toasters, blenders, mixers, etc.) Electronics-- The SVdP Thrift Shops are now electronic recycling centers! We can take small electronics and computers at clothing drive. For larger item donations, please call for a home pick up. No console TV’s or large screen TV’s accepted. Your donations go to the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Shops where much of your donations are given away free to needy families in the community. Some are sold at reasonable prices at the thrift shops so that needy families can shop with dignity If you have any large items, bicycles or furniture you would like to donate, you can call and schedule a pick up at your home at 630-231-4658. Thank you to everyone at St. Pius for helping us help others! Society of St. Vincent de Paul We appreciate your time and talent! V.I.P. Seniors V.I.P. Meeting for March 11 is Cancelled. In place of the meeting, please attend the following Parish Events. Passion Play Welcome Committee WELCOME COMMITTEE Sunday, March 9 at 6:00 pm Looking for 2 extra hands to help out with delivering Welcome Packets to New Parishioners. CAN YOU HELP? Parish Mission Mass Tuesday, March 18 at 8:30 am If you need a ride for one of these events, please give Sr. Pauline a call at 630-627-5810. ▪ No meetings to attend ▪ No in-home visit required ▪ Deliver folder to new parishioner’s home in local area – drop off only – at your convenience ▪ Average 4-6 homes per month ▪ Follow-up phone call 2 weeks after delivery THAT’S ALL – IT’S EASY! Please consider helping out – contact: Marylou Johnson at 630-620-0087 or email me at [email protected] February 23, 2014 PAGE 7 www.stpiuslombard.org PAGE 8 MINISTERIO HISPANO Misa en Español Sacerdote Coordinadora de Ministerio Hispano Coordinador Educación Religiosa Sábado 7:00 pm Fernando Cuevas Laura Mora Abraham Rodríguez Bautizos 1er. Y 3er. Sábado del mes Matrimonios, Visita a los enfermos, Quinceañeras e Intenciones de misa Favor de hablar a la Rectoría para mas información Horario de Oficina Miércoles Jueves Teléfono Email 9:00 am—1:00 pm 1:00 pm—4:00 p.m. 630-627-4526 X203 [email protected] HEMOS DE LUCHAR POR SER PERFECTOS COMO NUESTRO PADRE tanto, la medida de amor que tiene el Corazón divino de Jesús, esa ha de ser nuestra propia medida. Sólo así llegaremos a esa perfección y santidad que el Señor nos exige. 1.- SED SANTOS, PERFECTOS.- Dios es el Santo. Nadie como Él es justo y bueno, distinto y singular, trascendente y 2.- OJO POR OJO, DIENTE POR DIENTE.- Este pasaje diverso. Por eso los que ha elegido para formar parte de su Pueblo, los que creen el Él, han de ser santos, perfectos, hombres corresponde a una de las antítesis que Jesús pronuncia en el Sermón de la Montaña. Aunque es cierto que la Ley sigue en consagrados para servirle. vigor, hay sin embargo un modo nuevo de vivirla, una exigencia De hecho, al ser bautizado el creyente es consagrado, santificado. de mayor interiorización y autenticidad en su cumplimiento. Así Todo su ser queda, en cierto modo, separado del uso meramente dirá que el mandamiento de no matar implica también un respeto hacia el hermano, hasta el punto que quien se enfade contra su profano, su persona queda consagrada a Dios. De tal forma que prójimo, o le insulte, es reo de juicio o del fuego de la Gehena. cuanto el bautizado haga, si permanece unido al Señor por la gracia, viene a ser algo grato al Señor, algo también santo. El En el caso de la ley del Talión, Cristo abre unas perspectivas estar consagrado implica dedicación a Dios, y por eso mismo nuevas. Es cierto que el ojo por ojo y diente por diente en la ley supone también perfección. del Talión era un modo de atemperar la venganza personal o la represalia. Se intentaba, en efecto, que quien se tomara la justicia En efecto, cuanto se consagraba a Dios había de ser intachable, por su mano no se excediera, llevado por su indignación ante el sin el menor menoscabo. Por eso la consagración supone daño sufrido, y causara un mal desproporcionado. santidad, e implica también perfección y rectitud en el orden moral. El creyente, mediante el Bautismo, es un ser sagrado, queda constituido en hijo de Dios, y como tal ha de comportarse. Sin embargo, Cristo considera que hay que desechar todo deseo de venganza o de justa compensación por el daño sufrido. Según la doctrina evangélica, no hay que enfrentarse a quien nos Lo dirá expresamente Jesús: "Sed perfectos, como mi Padre perjudica, no hay que devolver mal por mal. Aunque eso sea lo celestial es perfecto". El lugar paralelo de san Lucas formula de otra forma lo mismo al decir: "Sed misericordiosos, como vuestro normal, e incluso podemos decir que lo natural. Padre celestial es misericordioso". Es una aclaración muy Jesucristo, por el contrario, desea que actuemos, no como hijos provechosa, ya que es en la misericordia donde está el aspecto de los hombres, sino como hijos de Dios. Es decir, quiere que nos divino que podemos imitar. Hay que extirpar como mala hierba cualquier tendencia que nos incline al rencor o al odio. Más aún parezcamos más a nuestro Padre Dios. Y si Él no distingue entre buenos y malos a la hora de mandar la lluvia o de hacer salir el hay que fomentar el deseo de ayudar al prójimo en cuanto podamos, no sólo en el plano moral sino también en el material. sol, tampoco quienes somos sus hijos podemos dejarnos llevar de criterios meramente humanos. Hemos de luchar por ser perfectos Hay que aprender a ponerse en el lugar del prójimo, de ese que como nuestro Padre celestial es perfecto, o, como dice el paralelo está junto a nosotros. Hay que amar al otro como a uno mismo. de Lucas, hemos de ser misericordiosos como nuestro Padre celestial es misericordioso. En otra ocasión Jesús nos dará una medida aun mayor para la práctica de la misericordia, para vivir el amor. Como yo os he Por Antonio García-Moreno amado, nos dice, así habéis de amaros los unos a los otros. Por February 23, 2014 PAGE 9 DIOCESAN NEWS Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal 2014 Please Make a Generous Gift – Consider Pledging This week, you are asked to review the Annual Appeal tabloid that you will receive with your bulletin today. The Annual Appeal campaign is much different than a one-time special collection. It is a pledge campaign where you can make a pledge and pay it in 10 payments. A significant gift to the Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal will touch the lives of many others in a very positive way. The Annual Appeal provides a significant portion of the budget of the Diocese of Joliet. Most dioceses in the country conduct an appeal, once a year, to help with the costs of providing services and programs to their parishes and people. The Diocese of Joliet is no exception. As you review the work enabled by your contribution to the CMAA, please reflect on God’s gifts to you. He has given you all that you have. Your gifts to our parish, to the diocese, and to the work of the church throughout the world should be given in gratitude for the continuing gifts that God gives you. He never forgets you. Sometimes it is difficult to envision how one pledge can help an organization the size of our diocese, how it can make a real difference. But each pledge does make a difference because all parishes participate in the campaign, and the gifts of many enable our diocese to deliver needed education, ministry, and services. Our combined gifts not only signify our gratitude to God, they glorify Him by enabling the work of our diocese. If you received your pledge form in the mail, please complete it and mail it back or bring it to Mass next weekend. For those of you who did not receive a mailing or have not had time to respond to it, we will conduct our in-pew pledge process at all Masses next weekend. After our parish exceeds its CMAA goal of $58,104 in paid pledges, 60% of any additional funds are returned for use in our parish. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and generous response. Young Adult Ministry The Diocese of Joliet’s Young Adult Ministry program is a resource for Catholic men and women between the ages of 18 and 39 who are looking for faith based programs, events and resources. Visit our website at dioceseofjoliet.org/yam. Find our page on Facebook at “Diocese of Joliet Young Adult Ministry.” Call the office directly at 815-221-6232 or email [email protected] YOUNG ADULT VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE: The annual young adult volleyball league organized by the Young Adult Commission of the Diocese of Joliet will begin on March 2 and go through April 6. $15 per person. Flyer, registration and more information at www.catholicyac.net. Questions to Kevin at 815-221-6232 or [email protected]. YOUNG ADULT STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Join us for one of these evenings of prayer and meditation on the Stations. March 18 at St. Procopius Abbey in Lisle, or March 27 at Maternity BVM Parish in Bourbonnais. Both events will begin at 7 pm and will be followed by a social reception. No registration necessary, but contact Kevin with any questions at 815-221-6232 or [email protected]. www.stpiuslombard.org PAGE 10 COMMUNITY NEWS Lenten Reflection 2014 Help Save the Deicke Home! You are invited to a Lenten Reflection Program at Sacred Heart Monastery on either Saturday, March 8, or Tuesday, March 11 from 9-11 am. Sister Mary Bratrsovsky, OSB will be the presenter. We will reflect on the passage from Philippians "Christ humbled himself, becoming obedient even to death on the cross." Specifically, we will reflect on the topic of humility according to the Rule of Benedict. This presentation will be followed by the Eucharistic Liturgy at 11:30 am. A tour of the facilities - Sacred Heart Monastery and/or Villa St. Benedict is available by request after Mass. Deicke Home Fundraiser at Gianorio’s Pizza Gianorio’s will give back 10% of Sales to the Deicke Home Wednesday, February 26 3 pm to 9 pm This form must be present when you pick up your order. Gianorio’s Pizza 434 Main Street, Lombard 630-495-9000 Please RSVP to Sister JoAnne Form 630-725-6013. Program is free, donations appreciated. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend The second reading today asks, “Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” Learn how to treat your spouse as the temple of God. Attend the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on April 11-13, 2014. Contact Jim and Kris McCulloch, 630-577-0778. For more information visit our website at: wwmejoliet.org. It’s back and better than ever! festa italiana returns food, friends, fun tickets on sale in march pre sale adults $12 children 5-12 $5 under 5 free. saturday march 29th st pius social center 4:00 pm-8:00 pm The St. Pius X bulletins are paid for by these advertisers; please thank them by supporting their businesses. February 23, 2014 PAGE 11 TJ’S LAND CARE Complete Landscaping & Lawn Care Installation & Maintenance Very Reasonable HOME PLUMBING SUPPLY • Landscape Design • Paver Brick Patios • Retaining Walls • Decorative Stone • Tree & Shrub Pruning Installation & Removal Ask about Parishioner Discount w/ ad • Excavating & Grading • Sod, Black Dirt & Mulch Installation • Fertilization, Aeration, Power Raking & Mowing Over 100,000 Hard-to-Find Parts in Stock Call John for Free Estimates Serving the Area for Over 30 Years Member of 630-393-1993 Better Bus. 225 W. St. Charles Rd., Villa Park 630-833-8146 Bureau [email protected] Are you ever alone? You’re never alone when you have a medical alert! "I feel more independent, safe, and secure with my medical alert." Less than $1 per day • No Long-Term Contracts • Price Guarantee • A+ Rating with BBB • Made and Monitored in the USA Call Today to learn more about our Special Offer. John Matyasik Real Estate Broker 630-947-5672 [email protected] www.bairdwarner.com/john.matyasik Parishioner Professional-Fair-Honest Service 1.877.801.8608 Toll Free 000603 St Pius X Church (B) www.jspaluch.com PLANZ HEATING & AIR Service • Installation • Duct Work 24 Hr. Emergency Service David P. Planz Ph. 630-279-2995 Parishioner Discount FUNERAL HOMES FUNERAL DIRECTORS JACK BRUST FRANK BUCARO JOHN BRANDON BRUST JOSEPH LYNE President Office Staff MARY ANN TUMPANE 135 S. MAIN ST. LOMBARD 1952 305 S. PRINCETON AVE. VILLA PARK 629-0094 1937 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 WHY PAY MORE? 491 E. Roosevelt Rd. Lombard, IL 630-932-1700 SKIBCO PAINTING Residential & Commercial Tear-Off Specialists 630-629-3345 Exterior & Interior FREE ESTIMATES MIKE SKIBBIE, Parishioner & Alumni 630.279.2880 STEVE SABATINO, Parishioner Serving the Community Since 1962 (630) 834-0620 Gutters & Siding 6 W. St. Charles Road • Villa Park Est. 1993 Free Est. Lic. #104-008445 837 S. Westmore 629-0220 In the Eastgate Shopping Center Carrie Nelson, DPM Single and pregnant? Podiatric Physician We care about you. Call 312-454-1717 • Breakfast • Lunch Catholic Charities • Carry Outs (630) 575-8401 3041 Butterfield Rd. Oak Brook Promenade Dedicated to the Foot Care Needs of Your Entire Family On-site X-rays • Board Certified www.footcareconsult.com 630.691.1234 411 W. St. Charles Rd • Villa Park St. Charles at Addison In Chiropractor’s Office LUDWIG & ASSOCIATES, LTD. 100 E. North Ave., Villa Park 832-1034 941-1270 Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Michael R. Ludwig, CPA, CFP® Support Your Church & Bulletin. 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Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 WAYNE PARSONS, CPA Individual & Small Business Service Tax Planning • Financial Statements Certified Public Accountant Parishioner Over 25 Years Experience 630-782-5902 CHAPEL HILL GARDENS WEST FUNERAL HOME SERVING ALL CEMETERIES 17W201 Roosevelt Rd. Oakbrook Terrace CAREGIVER 630-790-1112 Owned by S.C.I. Illinois Services, Inc. 630-941-5860 6:00 am to 4:00 pm DENTISTRY • Breakfast • Lunch Healthy Teeth & Gums For Life Hourly 12 Hr. Shifts 24 Hr. Live-In Call for Immediate or Future Need 32 S. VILLA AVE. VILLA PARK, IL 60181 630-832-1760 Parishioner Mon.-Fri. 8-6 - Sat. 8-5:30 Sundays (Seasonal) 10-4 www.caseymarketonline.com Michael T. Colletti, DDS * $89 NEW PATIENT SPECIAL * Cleaning, Exam & X-Rays 630.620.8304 Owned and Operated by Featuring the Finest Cuisine Using Only the Freshest Ingredients at a Great Price. Restaurant 2.00 $ OFF the bill Minimum Purchase of $20.00 237 S. Main St., Lombard www.collettidds.com 10 E. Roosevelt Rd. Villa Park, IL • 630-530-4600 COUPON Steuerle Funeral Home 350 S. Ardmore Ave., Villa Park 000603 St Pius X Church (A) www.jspaluch.com (630) 832-4161 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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