行政院國家科學委員會補助專題研究計畫 ■成果報告 □期中進度報告 補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題:東南亞史研究 計畫類別:■個別型計畫 □整合型計畫 計畫編號:NSC 97-2420-H-007-012-2E3 執行期間:97 年 12 月 1 日至 100 年 11 月 30 日 執行機構及系所:清華大學歷史研究所、清華大學圖書館 計畫主持人: 黃一農 清華大學歷史研究所 共同主持人: 李貞德 中央研究院歷史語言研究所 張增信 清華大學歷史研究所 莊慧玲 清華大學圖書館 毛傳慧 清華大學歷史所 琅 元 清華大學通識教育中心暨歷史所 計畫參與人員:徐光台 清華大學通識教育中心暨歷史所 馬雅貞 清華大學歷史所 蘇 精 清華大學人文社會研究中心 董少新 清華大學歷史所 邱馨慧 清華大學歷史所 成果報告類型(依經費核定清單規定繳交):□精簡報告 ■完整報告 本計畫除繳交成果報告外,另須繳交以下出國心得報告: □赴國外出差或研習心得報告 □赴大陸地區出差或研習心得報告 □出席國際學術會議心得報告 □國際合作研究計畫國外研究報告 處理方式:除列管計畫及下列情形者外,得立即公開查詢 □涉及專利或其他智慧財產權,□一年□二年後可公開查詢 中 華 民 國 一○一 年 二 月 十 日 目 錄 中英文摘要及關鍵詞 ---------------------------------------------------- 1 報告內容 ---------------------------------------------------- 2 一、前言 ---------------------------------------------------- 2 二、原購書計畫 ---------------------------------------------------- 2 三、執行成果與自評 ------------------------------------------------- 6 附錄 ---------------------------------------------------- 10 一、圖書計畫網頁展示連結 ------------------------------------------- 10 二、計畫購書清單(共 3,712 筆)--------------------------------- 10 圖表目錄 表一、計畫共同主持人及參與人員外國語文能力表---------- 4 表二、規劃年度購書方針 ------------------------------- 5 表三、資料類型統計 ------------------------------- 6 表四、語文暨購入年份分類統計 ------------------------------- 6 表五、主題統計(按圖書分類法)------------------------------- 7 表六、重點圖書列表 ------------------------------- 8 表七、清大歷史所開設之相關史料研讀課程------------------- 9 中英文摘要及關鍵詞 本計畫典藏之目的在於購置東南亞區域歷史與人文研究之圖書資源基礎,蒐羅相關研究材料與迄 今之學術成果,供教學與研究之參考,並為未來學術討論與發展奠定堅實之資源立基。配合清華大學 歷史研究所及人文社會學院內相關系所及研究人員的結構與學術發展,本計畫以「十六世紀以來歐洲 人的海權擴張與東南亞世界」為主軸,蒐集之研究材料與學術成果可按語言、區域與國家、研究主題 分為三大類。所建置之書單,包括中文、日文以及數種西文和東南亞語文,區域則涵蓋大陸與海洋東 南亞及鄰近海域與國家,研究主題從自然地理到人文歷史幾乎無所不括,尤其著重東南亞區域歷史上 顯著的多元文化與跨文化交流。所建置的圖書資源類型,包括工具書如語文辭典歷史百科,一般圖書 如重印史料和學術研究作品,以及影像化、數位化資源如燒製成光碟之傳統文獻,尤以研究材料為重。 在國內、甚至亞洲地區,此東南亞歷史研究典藏之密度甚高,可作為相關研究領域之重要學術資源。 關鍵詞:區域研究、東南亞、季風亞洲、歷史、跨文化交流 This project aims to establish a foundational collection for Southeast Asian regional historical researches and humanities studies, to gather materials and up-to-date literatures for reference of education and study, and to set a firm base of resources for future discussions and developments. Coordinated with the faculty structure and developing field of studies in the Institute of History along with the College of Humanities and Social Sciences of National Tsing Hua University, this project focuses on the “European Maritime Expansion and Southeast Asia since 16th Century,” which booklist may be classified according to Languages, Regions/States, or Topics. The collection contains works in Chinese, Japanese and various Western and Southeast Asian languages, covering the Mainland and Maritime Southeast Asian along with surrounding regions and countries, regarding various topics from natural geography to history and humanities, especially on the remarkable cultural plurality and cross-cultural communications. In terms of types, the collection includes reference books such as linguistic dictionary and encyclopedia of history, regular books of academic literatures and reprinted accounts, and picturized or digitized traditional materials compacted into disks. Domestically, if not in whole Asia, this collection shows extraordinary density and shall serve as an important academic resource for related fields of research. Keywords: Regional Studies, Southeast Asia, Monsoon Asia, History, Cross-cultural Communications 1 報告內容 一、 前言 本圖書購藏計畫,名稱為「補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題:東南亞史研究(Southeast Asia History)」,執行為時三年(2008.12-2011.11)。 清華大學歷史研究所自與 2003 年與中研院合作成立「近世中國與多元文化」研究所學程以來, 即致力於中外交通與東西方文明交流史圖書資料之蒐集,尤其著重充實十六世紀以來的西方文獻,包 括航海、商貿、旅遊、傳教和外交等在中國與亞洲之活動與見聞,以及英國東印度公司檔案之微捲微 片等。本圖書計畫即在此圖書基礎上,繼續以 「季風亞洲與多元文化」為題,建立基本典藏,以期 成為亞洲地區在此領域最豐富的收藏單位之一。近期目標乃是先加強充實東南亞史領域的藏書,故 此研究圖書計畫將以「十六世紀以來歐洲人的海權擴張與東南亞世界」為主軸,作既廣且深的蒐集。 季風亞洲(Monsoon Asia)乃亞洲受季風影響的環印度洋盆與太平洋之大陸沿岸與島嶼地區;主 要包括南亞、東南亞及部分的東亞地區。由於季風,使得這個地區成為人類歷史上一個極早且獨 立 的「地區體系」 (regional system);尤其在歐洲人東來後,更形成一特有的「多元文化圈」 (Multi-cultural Circle)。 無論就地緣政治、歷史文化或宗教的角度看,東南亞地區都是季風亞洲中都扮演銜接南亞與東 亞以及融合東西文化的重要舞台。而無論就歷史、政治、經濟或者學術研究而言,誰掌握了東南亞, 誰便掌握了整個季風亞洲的發展先機。這個地區原受印度與中國的文化影響極深,回教興起後,又 迅速地被伊斯蘭文化所滲透;至十六世紀西力東漸,歐洲海上列強葡 萄牙、西班牙、荷蘭、英國、 法國又相繼在此發展,可謂各據一方、互不相讓,直至二十世紀亞洲民主國家興起為止。 清華大學歷史研究所為了進一步深化研究與大 力拓展中外交通與東西文明交流的視野和領域, 不但研究方向已逐步擴展至東南亞與季風亞洲,並積極徵聘各方人才加入研究團隊。目前擁有通曉 近現代葡、西、荷、英、法、俄、拉丁文和部份東南亞語文的學者,乃國內唯一有能力突破十六世 紀以來外文文獻瓶頸的專業團隊。清華大學人文社會研究中心亦組織「季風亞洲與多元文化」大型跨 領域研究計畫,多年來聚集校內外、國際間知名學者和新興學人,包括清華大學人文社會學院內各教 研單位如語言學研究所、人類學研究所、社會學研究所的諸多教師與研究人員,針對此學術領域進行 高密度的研究討論與成果發表,並致力培養新進學子。著眼上述系所、院、校及國際之交流發展,因 此希望經由本圖書計畫之經費補助,為拓展研究領域奠定基礎。 二、 原購書計畫 (一)、簡介:學術領域與申請單位之研究發展 原購書計畫即是奠基在「季風亞洲與多元文化」為主題所推動之東南亞史研究圖書計畫,其目的 旨在深化研究與拓展視野及領域,豐富圖書資源,並培養研究人才,未來成為國際首屈一指的季風亞 洲研究中心。季風亞洲不僅方可謂為地理上、文化上、商貿活動上、歷史上的核心概念,且是人群遭 2 逢、文化揉合的歷程與結果展現。居處季風亞洲帶其中一環的東南亞區域,無論就地緣政治、歷史文 化或宗教,亦揭示其在季風亞洲扮演銜接南亞與東亞,以及融合東西文化的重要角色。 東南亞地區原生的自然與人文地貌即相當多元。自然地理上,東南亞連接南亞次大陸與東亞大 陸,其組成區域,包括俗稱「印度支那」(Indo-China)的大陸/半島東南亞(Mainland/Peninsular Southeast Asia)以及島嶼/海洋東南亞(Insulindia/Maritime Southeast Asia)。此區域幅員廣闊但地形 多元甚至破碎的環境,加上涵蓋了熱帶到副熱帶的廣泛緯度、又位於太平洋西南岸與印度洋東岸而形 成的穩定季風氣候和劇烈變化的季節天氣,天文地理環境使得在此區域的各種人類活動字自古即呈現 相當複雜且多元的面貌,是人類與自然互動、文化文明面臨各種挑戰的實驗場與舞台。 而就文化地理和地緣政治而言,東南亞亦處於北方的中國、日本和西側的印度等長遠歷史文明的 交界地帶,而人類與商品的流動也促成了文化和物質交流的發生。隨著阿拉伯世界的擴張、伊斯蘭回 教信仰進入此地區,以及歐洲地理大發現、廣泛且迅速拓展海外貿易,更多元的人種、物質和文化也 紛紛登上了東南亞的舞台,甚至藉由貿易和殖民,對本地區的人文景觀和歷史發展造成深遠的影響。 這些歷史活動的痕跡,至今日仍清晰可見:東南亞各國的語言分佈、宗教信仰的紛雜和多變、劃分的 國土疆界和模糊的民族界線,其莫不始於歐洲人地理大發現之後在此區域造成的歷史根源。 東南亞本身的地理位置和文化風貌,又與四周和遠來的東西方文明交互接觸揉雜,在這個區域中 的各種人文議題及樣貌上,均留下豐富且深刻的議題有待研究者深入探討。就商業、貿易而言,東南 亞本地物產豐富,尤其香料更是世界貿易和殖民活動中炙手可熱的爭奪對象;此地區在過去數千年來 也都是東西方的海上貿易中繼站,即使到美洲登上世界貿易舞台後,太平洋航線也往往經過東南亞、 再聯繫轉往其他亞洲地區,因此如麻六甲海峽等佔有關鍵地理位置的地區也是各方勢力必爭的貿易隘 口。早期活躍於此市場中的是本地的海民如馬來居民以及南來活動的中國、日本商人或海盜;而繼阿 拉伯世界和南亞大陸的商人之後,十六世紀葡萄牙人正式來到亞洲建立貿易據點,則象徵著東方與西 方歐洲文明接觸的起始,也開啟了未來數百年直至今日的歷史。葡萄牙、西班牙、荷蘭、法國、英國, 各自佔據了麻六甲、菲律賓、印尼、越南高棉寮國、泰國緬甸等等地區,直到二十世紀第二次世界大 戰結束後的民族國家獨立浪潮,西方勢力才逐漸退出本區,然而東南亞與這些西方國家的聯繫仍然不 曾終止。 清華大學歷史研究所同仁一向重視中外交通與東西方文明交流史之教學與研究,不僅研究成果已 經獲得國際學界的認同,在教學方面,本所參與人文社會學院學士班(前人文社會學系)歷史專業學 程,在大學部開設相關課程,並於研究所「近世中國與多元文化」碩士學位學程以及博士班學生的培 養與訓練中,都相當重視中西接觸等相關主題。此外,清華大學於 2007 年 9 月成立人文社會研究中 心,此單位結合清華大學人文社會學院內的歷史學、語言學、人類學、社會學等研究人員和資源,並 與校內外及國際間的學者合作,提出「季風亞洲與多元文化」的跨學科研究計畫,以「融合文化體」 (cultural hybridity)作為主軸,目前已經舉辦數次學術會議、舉行多場定期演講以及展覽活動,成果 極獲各方肯定。此人文社會研究中心的發展前瞻,亦與季風亞洲、東南亞人文歷史密切呼應。 為了深化教學與研究、致力拓展視野和領域,目前清華大學歷史研究所同仁的相關研究方向,已 經逐漸朝東亞世界以外擴充、尤其希望提昇對東南亞與季風亞洲地區的了解與掌握,藉此建立連結歐 洲甚至全世界的世界史眼界,並透過科際整合、跨學科合作的研究方式,從全球視野來考察近現代的 3 中國與亞洲、乃至世界歷史的互動。就東南亞地區的研究資源而言,由於東南亞歷史與文物文獻考古 的領域本身的發展起步較晚,急需充實相關圖書與資料,方能奠定未來研究與教學發展之基礎。因此, 針對前述教研發展的需要,原購書計畫致力蒐羅重要的東南亞歷史文獻與研究論著,希望使清華大學 圖書館成為臺灣的東南亞史文獻重鎮,並透過教學與研究,將清華大學建設成國際先進的季風亞洲研 究中心。 (二)、規劃圖書的典藏價值與特色 由於主題範圍相當廣泛,本圖書計畫以「十六世紀以來歐洲人的海權擴張與東南亞世界」為主軸, 提出此區域之研究及本圖書典藏之特色,可用「語言」 、 「地區或國家」和「研究主題」來分類,這三 個類別亦構成本東南亞區域研究圖書典藏計畫之「三維」分類軸線。 東南亞史相關研究的撰寫語言,非常貼切反映了該區域的多元圖像:就地緣與殖民歷史而言,中 文和日文研究在東亞地區語種中居主要地位;而殖民者使用的葡萄牙文、西班牙文、荷蘭文、英文、 法文等等,無論在殖民時期留下的史料、或直到今日的學術世界,都是極為重要的語言。而二十世紀 之後,隨著東南亞國家的獨立運動和文化發展,本地區的學術活動也漸受重視,東南亞語文如越南文、 泰文、馬來文、印尼文等等所發表的研究成果,也相當可觀。而上述這些語言在這個地區的活動,本 身也是多元歷史文化交融的結果呈現和值得研究的課題。清華大學歷史研究所參與本計畫之人員,亦 是目前國內唯一擁有通曉大多數此研究領域所涉及諸多語言的專業研究團隊(見表一)。 表一、 計畫共同主持人及參與人員外國語文能力表 黃一農 李貞德 精通 精通 尚可 琅 元 張增信 毛傳慧 邱馨慧 徐光台 董少新 精通 精通 精通 精通 精通 精通 尚可 粗通 英 文 日 文 法 文 葡 牙 萄 文 精通,能 閱讀古文 獻手稿 精通,能 閱讀古文 獻 西 班 牙 文 尚可,能 閱讀文獻 能閱讀文 獻 流利 精通,能 閱讀古文 獻手稿 精通 粗通 粗通 文 流利 越南文 尚可 俄 精 精通 荷蘭文 拉丁文 蘇 尚可 東南亞地區的區域劃分和國家等人為的疆界,也往往成為學術研究藉以設定研究範圍的基礎:國 別史、國際關係史、區域史、區域交流史、本地史、本地與外界連結的世界史等等,在在可視為獨立 又彼此關聯的研究領域。在此豐富多元的人文地域中,各種人文社會學科所關切的主題,亦會將關切 的視角落於東南亞,甚至從中發現此區域獨特的研究主題。自然地理、水文與航海、貿易與商品、族 4 群與移民、民族風俗與宗教、歷史、語言、飲食、藝術與美術、海難與沈船、政治與殖民等等,實為 包羅萬象。 (三)、規劃圖書購置指標 1. 有計畫地分批、逐筆購入圖書 根據前述說明本計畫之三大特色,購書計畫將規劃依語言、地區及研究主題三大範疇分批逐筆建 立書單並購入。各年度重點及特色分類如下(表二)。 表二、 規劃年度購書方針 第 一 年 (1) 工具書類:所有東南亞地區涉及的語文字辭典工具書,包括葡萄牙文、西班牙文、荷蘭 文、英文、法文、馬來文、印尼文、越南文、泰文等。 (2) 葡萄牙文圖書類:多以航海造船、殖民統治、保教宣教、耶穌會士檔案、香料貿易、航 海圖集為主;地區則以葡萄牙掌控之印度、馬來半島、香料群島、澳門等區域為主。 (3) 西班牙文圖書類:多以殖民統治、移民文化、民俗與宗教、建築風格、自然地理、美術 文化為主;地區則以菲律賓的呂宋、民答那峨、蘇祿、宿霧等島嶼為主。 (4) 荷蘭文圖書類:多以殖民統治、移民文化、香料貿易、藝術文明、美術文化、建築風格、 海難沈船為主;地區則以印尼的爪哇、香料群島及馬來群島、泰國、臺灣、日本等荷蘭 曾經統治或發生貿易互動的區域為主。 (5) 英文圖書類:依研究主題購入。儘管英國殖民的地區限於馬來島,但英文已是當今國際 通用語文,用此語文書寫的圖書乃是最大宗、且作者和出版地不限於英國曾經的殖民 地。主題包括瓷器貿易、海難沈船、殖民統治、移民文化、飲食文化、藝術文明、美術 文化、建築風格等。 (6) 東南亞語文圖書類,多為東南亞地區在地出版的圖書,包含泰文、越南文、印尼文、馬 來文等等。 第 (1) 法文圖書類:將以區域為主,包括法屬印度支那的越南、高棉、寮國等。 二 (2) 日文圖書類:日本的出版及翻譯業均相當發達,並有其東南亞人文與歷史研究的發展成 年 果,例如曾有一系列關於「南蠻人」(日本史稱之歐洲人)殖民的叢書。 第 除了持續補足前兩年相關主題的書目之外,亦預計購買傳統微捲資料已經複製成光碟者。 三 不少西方典藏單位如葡萄牙里斯本阿儒達圖書館(Ajuda Library, Lison)、西班牙賽維亞東 年 方檔案館(General Archives of Indies, Seville) 、以及英國倫敦大學亞非學院圖書館(Library of School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London)等,已將許多微捲資料燒錄 成光碟,本計畫擬購買已無傳統紙本圖書卻已有光碟資料者。 2. 培養年輕史學工作者及舉辦相關學術活動 如前述,本圖書計畫以「十六世紀以來歐洲人的海權擴張與東南亞世界」為購置主題,即能呼應、 配合清華大學人文社會研究中心及歷史研究所研究團隊以「季風亞洲與多元文化」為核心的關懷議 5 題,此教研單位每年招收數名與此研究領域相關的學生,並透過與圖書館合作帶領學生熟悉清大所收 藏的相關文獻,並舉辦史料研讀會或開設暑期密集課程,提供國內外學界以及史學前後輩的交流互動 機會。此外,為促進此一領域的國際交流並擴展學術視野,我們也將與中研院、歐洲、東亞、東南亞 及中國大陸等研究單位進行密切的學術合作,並主動邀請國際級學者來清華使用本計畫所購置之文 獻、進行研究交流,提供臺灣地區研究者與國際學界接軌的機會。 三、 執行成果與自評 (一)、執行成果與分類統計 由於圖書種類、來源繁多,為了有效建立切合主題、具全面性和代表性的重點書單,本計畫人員 實際蒐集書單的主要作法和來源,是參考東南亞人文與歷史研究領域中有顯著成果之國際知名學術研 究機構及圖書館,從其典藏與出版目錄中羅列相關圖書,並盡力透過重點學術作品所列之參考書目、 以及學術界和出版界的相關人脈獲取其他資訊作為補充。 截至目前(2012 年 2 月),本計畫已經購入圖書資料 3,277 種(共 3,712 冊),其中 420 種(445 冊)到館待編,其餘 2,857 種(3,267 冊)已經可以開放流通。以下分別按「資料類型」、「語文」 (含 購入年份)、「主題」(依據圖書分類法)各自分類統計並以表格呈現。 表三、 資料類型統計 一般圖書 3,555 冊(含地圖集 12 冊) 參考書 112 冊 期刊 4 種(共 16 冊) 光碟資料 29 片* *就圖書編目與本報告之統計而言,光碟 1 片計為 1 冊 表四、 語文暨購入年份分類統計 語文 英文 法文 荷蘭文 德文 西班牙文 葡萄牙文 日文 中文 東南亞語文 總計( 總計(冊) 第一年 第二年 第三年 總計( 總計(冊) 778 850 1,355 2,983 4 6 7 17 42 16 115 173 2 15 17 50 59 1 110 36 73 109 186 39 29 254 19 25 44 4 1 5 1,096 1068 1,548 3,712 6 表五、 主題統計(按圖書分類法) 中日文分類 0 總類 3 1 哲學 1 2 宗教 4 3 科學 3 4 應用科學 2 A 總類 B 哲學、心理學、宗教 C 歷史學及相關科學 D 古代史及世界各國史 冊數 光碟 2 262 6 1,342 3 34 1 (美洲歷史除外) E+F 美洲歷史 5 社會科學 34 6 中國史地 28 7 世界史地 178 8 語文 26 9 藝術 2 中日文圖書小計 外文圖書分類 冊數 G 地理學、人類學、娛樂 156 2 H 社會科學 490 1 J 政治學 114 K 法律 28 L 教育 10 M 音樂 10 N 美術 104 P 語言學、文學 184 16 Q 科學 28 1 R 醫學 46 S 農業 22 T 科技 20 U 軍事科學 39 V 海軍學 25 1 Z 圖書館學 27 1 444 1 3,386 29 281 到館待編 小計(不含中日文) 中外文期刊 4 種 總計 7 16 3,712 2 (二)、重點圖書表列 以下表列若干種本圖書計畫購置之重要圖書材料,其中數種曾於計畫申請書及年度報告中提及。 表六、 重點圖書列表 著/編 者 Albuquerque, Afonso de, 1500-1580 書 名 Comentarios de Afonso de Albuquerque Albuquerque, Afonso de, 1500-1580 Comentarios do grande Afonso de Albuquerque, capitao geral que foi das Indias Orientais Documentação para a história das missões do padroado português do Oriente Sá, Artur Basílio de António da Silva Rego Documentacao para a historia das missoes do padroado portugues do Oriente India Lucena, Joao de, 1550-1600 Historia da vida do padre Francisco de Xavier.: Edicao fac-similada comemorativa do 4. centenario do seu falecimento Portugaliae Monumenta Cartographica Cartesão, Armando, 1891-1977 Anonymous Jacobs, Hubert Borges, Pedro Rodríguez, Isacio Rodríguez Winkelman, P. H. Anonymous Primeira parte da historia dos religiosos da Companhia de Jesus e do que fizeram com a divina graca,na conversao dos infeis a nossa sancta fee catholica nos reynos e provincias da India Oriental Documenta Malucensia Historia de la Iglesia en Hispanoamerica y Filipinas (siglos XV-XIX) Historia de la provincia agustiniana del Santísimo Nombre de Jesús de Filipinas Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel in de zeventiende eeuw The Deshima Dagregisters: Their Original Tables of Contents 臺灣教會公報社 Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor nederlandsch-indie De Vierde schipvaart der Nederlanders naar Oost-Indië onder Jacob Wilkens en Jacob van Neck, 1599-1604 The Messenger = 《使信全覽》 村上直次郎 《長崎オランダ商館の日記》 永積洋子 《平戸オランダ商館の日記》 van Foreest, H.A. de Booy, A. 出 版 Lisboa: Impresa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 1973. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade, 1922-1923 Lisboa: Agência Geral do Ultramar, Divisão de Publicações e Biblioteca, 1954-1958 Lisboa: Divisão de Publicações e Biblioteca : Agência geral das colónias, 1947-1958 Lisboa: Agenica Geral do Ultramar, Divisao de Publicaoes e Biblioteca, 1952. Lisoba: Imprensa Nacioonal-Casa da Moeda, 1987 Coimbra: Atlãntida, 1957-62 語 文 葡萄牙文 狀 態 到館 開放 國內複本 無 葡萄牙文 到館 開放 無 葡萄牙文 到館 開放 無 葡萄牙文 到館 開放 無 葡萄牙文 到館 開放 無 葡萄牙文 到館 待裝訂 葡萄牙文 到館 開放 無 Roma: Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 1974-1984 Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 1992Valladolid: Estudio Agustiniano, 1965-1994 西班牙文 到館 開放 無 西班牙文 到館 開放 無 西班牙文 到館 開放 無 The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1971-<83> 荷蘭文 到館 開放 無 Leiden: Leiden Centre for the History of European Expansion, 1986-<2005 > [s.l.]: Nabu Press, 2011 荷蘭文 到館 開放 無 荷蘭文 The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1980-1981 荷蘭文 到館 開放 到館 開放 所藏冊數 無複本 無 臺南:臺灣公報出版, 2006 東京都:岩波書店, 1956-1958 東京都:岩波書店, 1969 英文 8 日文 日文 到館 開放 到館 開放 到館 開放 無 (三)、成果自評 原計畫預期建立東南亞研究的基本書單、蒐集重要研究材料,以供未來教學研究發展。以此為基 礎,規劃了三年的購書計畫,每年購入不同類型的圖書。就目前的結果而言,總共將近四千本的圖書, 書單的複本率維持在一成至二成左右,並購得包括十數種鉅冊史料及研究叢書,相當符合目標。 若比較實際執行過程和原初的規劃,則與執行層面之間存在些許預期落差:原規劃各年度按語文 及主題類別編購圖書,並希望購入東南亞語文撰寫的著作、以及世界數個館藏與學術單位出版的數位 光碟化材料,後兩類的購置狀況不如預期。查其原因,一則在於本計畫擬購之書籍,囊括之語言與國 家相當廣泛,書單之蒐集相當不易;書單核可後的發訂與購置事宜亦因各國國情而有所不同,購藏工 作非一蹴可幾,尤其非英語之圖書,在一般市場管道中不易取得,尤其東南亞語文圖書取得較為困難, 致使購書進度較為緩慢,而英語類出版品數量大、流通廣泛,仍最易取得。其次,本計畫所購置之圖 書,包含大量舊版書、絕版書或鉅冊史料叢書彙編,平均價位偏高,壓縮經費空間,而只能針對東南 亞研究領域重要的、基本的圖書資料,進行選購。 整體言之,本計畫已購入大量的研究圖書,奠定基礎的書單,並購得許多重要的研究文獻,可供 教學研究之用;而已經蒐集但被暫時排除在本購書計畫之外的書單,亦可留待未來繼續購置。 清華大學人文社會研究中心及歷史研究所亦致力推動此研究領域之發展。清大歷史所參與本圖書 計畫之人員,多年來曾開設數門史料閱讀課程(見表六)。 表七、 清大歷史所開設之相關史料研讀課程 學期 94 上 97 上 99 上 97 上 98 下 100 上 99 下 100 上 100 下 課程名稱 葡.西東方史料導讀 葡.西東方史料導讀 東亞古圖專題研究 臺灣史史料研究 臺灣史史料研究 臺灣史史料研究 荷蘭東印度公司專題研究 季風亞洲西班牙文獻選讀 近代貿易史研究文獻選讀 授課教師 張增信 張增信 張增信 邱馨慧 邱馨慧 邱馨慧 邱馨慧 李毓中 毛傳慧、邱馨慧、李毓中 清大人社中心的「季風亞洲與多元文化」研究計畫亦在持續發展中,該計畫至今已舉辦 60 場學 術演講,議題包羅萬象,除殖民史、技術交流史、文化史之外,約有三分之一的演講與東南亞華人社 群及語言有關。清大歷史所研究生亦曾與該計畫研究人員自發組成「英文手稿閱讀班」,於 2010 年 10 月至 2011 年 6 月間研讀英文手稿上百件,參與之學生目前皆已具備基礎使用英語古文獻之能力。 總之,透過歷史研究所、人文社會研究中心及人文社會學院跨系所合作教學研究,以及圖書館協 同購置、收藏、推廣圖書資源,本計畫所購置之東南亞史研究圖書的使用便利性和頻率都將逐漸提昇。 9 附錄 一、圖書計畫網頁展示連結 二、計畫購書清單(共 3,712 筆) 題名 Agriculture in times of crisis :impacts in South East Asia of the economic crisis / The History of South-East, South, and East Asia :essays and documents / 作者 出版社 by Gus Hooke ... [et al.]. Australian Agency for International Development, 出版年 [1999]. 語言 英文 edited by Khoo Kay Kim. Oxford University Press, 1977. 英文 Chulalongkorn the great :a volume of readings edited and translated from Thai texts / The kingdom and people of Siam :with a narrative of the mission to that country in 1855 / The kingdom and people of Siam :with a narrative of the mission to that country in 1855 / New journeys in old Asia; :Indo-China, Siam, Java, Bali, / edited by Prachoom Chomchai. Centre for East Asian Cultural [c1965]. Studies, 英文 by John Bowring. AMS Press, 1975. 英文 by John Bowring. AMS Press, 1975. 英文 by Helen Churchill Candee ... with reproductions from etchings by Lucille Douglass and a map. Judith A. Stowe. Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1927. 英文 University of Hawaii Press, c1991. 英文 [by] B. D. Sanwal. Horace Stone. Asia Pub. House, Harrap, [1965]. c1966. 英文 英文 by J. de Man ; translated from the French by E. Aguilar Cruz. Elsbeth Locher-Scholten ; translated from the Dutch by Beverly Jackson. Edited by Anne Booth, W.J. O'Malley, Anna Weidemann. National Historical Institute, 1984. 英文 Southeast Asia Program Publications, Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University, 2003 [i.e. 2004]. 英文 Siam becomes Thailand :a story of intrigue / Nepal and the East India Company / From Malacca to Malaysia, 1400-1965 / Recollections of a voyage to the Philippines / Sumatran sultanate and colonial state :Jambi and the rise of Dutch imperialism, 1830-1907 / Indonesian economic history in the Dutch Colonial era / Javanese peasants and the colonial R.E. Elson. sugar industry :impact and change in an East Java Residency, 1830-1940 / History of industry and trade of the Philippines. Diego Silang and the origins of Philippine nationalism / David Routledge. Discovery, conquest, and early history by Edward Gaylord of the Philippine Islands / Bourne, with maps and plates; being a separate issue of the Historical introduction to Blair & Robertson's "The Philippine Islands: 1493-1898". Asia, east by south :a cultural [by] J. E. Spencer [and] geography / William L. Thomas. 10 Yale Center for International c1990. Area Studies :Distributor, Yale University Southeast Asia Studies, Oxford University Press, 1984. 英文 American Chamber of 1958. Commerce of the Philippines, 英文 Philippine Center for 1979. Advanced Studies, University of the Philippines System, 英文 The Arthur H. Clark Company, 1907. 英文 Wiley, 英文 [1971]. 英文 Vegetables in South-East Asia, / by G. A. C. Herklots. British colonial rule and the resistance Donald M. Nonini. of the Malay peasantry, 1900-1957 / Allen and Unwin, 1972. Yale University Southeast Asia c1992. Studies, 英文 英文 Colonial Manila :the context of Hispanic urbanism and process of morphogenesis / Adventurous women in South-East Asia :six lives / by Robert R. Reed. University of California Press, c1978. 英文 edited and introduced by Oxford University Press, John Gullick. 1995. 英文 Looking north to South-East Asia :the view from Australia / edited by Edward P. Wolfers. University Press of Hawaii, c1976. 英文 South-East Asia from colonialism to independence / Migration and development in South-East Asia :a demographic perspective / Communism in South East Asia; :a political analysis. / Jan Pluvier. Oxford University Press, 1974. 英文 edited by Robin J. Pryor. Oxford University Press, 1979. 英文 Issued under the auspices Oxford University Press, of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. 1959. 英文 Regional organization and order in South-East Asia / Conflict over natural resources in South-east Asia and the Pacific / Arnfinn Jorgensen-Dahl. St. Martin's Press, 1982. 英文 edited by Lim Teck Ghee United Nations University 1990. and Mark J. Valencia. Press ;Oxford University Press, 英文 South-East Asia in turmoil / Francisco Vieira de Figueiredo :a Portuguese merchant-adventurer in South East Asia, 1624 - 1667 / History and peasant consciousness in South East Asia / Brian Crozier. C.R. Boxer. 1968. 1967. 英文 英文 1984. 英文 Penguin, Nijhoff, edited by Andrew Turton National Museum of and Shigeharu Tanabe. Ethnology, South-East Asia, 1930-1970; :the [by] Fred R. von der legacy of colonialism and nationalism / Mehden. Norton, [1974]. 英文 Henri Mouhot's diary; travels in the central parts of Siam, Cambodia and Laos during the years 1858-61 / A history of Siam :from the earliest times to the year A.D. 1781, with a supplement dealing with more recent events, / The challenge of the East :Asia in revolution : India, China, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Turkey, Palestine / Zhangzhou ware found in the Philippines : "Swatow" export ceramics from Fujian 16th-17th century / abridged and edited by Christopher Pym. Oxford University Press, 1966. 英文 by W. A. R. Wood. Chalermnit Press, [2001], 1924. 英文 by Sherwood Eddy. Farrar & Rinehart, 1931. 英文 Rita C. Tan ; photographer Ken Cheong ; contributors Li Jian An, Eusebio Z. Dizon, Bobby C. Orillaneda. Nicholas P. Cushner. Yuchengco Museum, the Oriental Ceramic Society of the Philippines, 2007. 英文 Landed estates in the colonial Philippines / The colonial odyssey of Leyte, 1521-1914 :a translation of Resena de la Provincia de Leyte / The discovery of the Igorots :Spanish contacts with the pagans of northern Luzon / Atlas of South-east Asia. / The making of South East Asia / An introduction to the history of South-East Asia / The Dutch in seventeenth-century Thailand. Yale University Southeast Asia c1976. Studies ;distributor, Cellar Book Shop, 英文 por Manuel Artigas y New Day Publishers, Cuerva ; translated and edited by Rolando O. Borrinaga and Cantius J. Kobak. William Henry Scott. New Day Publishers, c2006. 英文 1977. 英文 With an introd. by Macmillan:St Martin's Press, D.G.E. Hall. by G. Coèdes, translated Univ. of California Press, by H. M. Wright. 1964. 英文 1966. 英文 B.R. Pearn. Longmans of Malaya, c1963. 英文 Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University ;, 1977. 英文 11 The Colonial overlords :time frame AD 1850-1900 / The rise of Ayudhya :a history of Siam in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries / Kingship and political integration in traditional Siam, 1767-1824 / by the editors of Time-Life Books. Charnvit Kasetsiri. Time-Life Books, 1990. 英文 UMI, 1973. 英文 by Lorraine Marie Gesick. UMI, 1976. 英文 The military, government and society in Siam, 1868-1910 :politics and military reform during the reign of King Chulalongkorn / The Kingdom of Johor, 1641-1728 :a study of economic and political developments in the Straits of Malacca. El Cadiz Filipino :colonial Cavite, 1571-1896 / The end of the absolute monarchy in Siam / The Cambridge companion to the Jesuits / Understanding the ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia / Noel Alfred Battye. UMI, 1974. 英文 UMI, 1971. 英文 by Soledad Masangkay UMI, Borromeo. by Benjamin A. Batson. UMI, c1974. 英文 1977. 英文 edited by Thomas Worcester. Leo Suryadinata. Cambridge University Press, 2008. 英文 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2007. 英文 Production networks and industrial clusters :integrating economies in Southeast Asia / edited by Ikuo Kuroiwa, Toh Mun Heng ; [organized by] Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. edited by Kathleen M. Comerford and Hilmar M. Pabel. Lennox A. Mills. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2008. 英文 University of Toronto Press, c2001. 英文 Ceylon under British rule, 1795-1932 :with an account of the East India Company's embassies to Kandy 1762-1795 / Filipino heritage :the making of a [editor-in-chief, Alfredo nation. / R. Roces, associate editors, Gilda Cordero-Fernando, Carlos Quirino, sub-editor, Manuel C. Gutierrez]. A history of South-East Asia / by D.G.E. Hall. Historia del arte en Iberoamerica y autores, Miguel Angel Filipinas :materiales didacticos I: Sorroche Cuerva, culturas prehispanicas / Alejandro Villalobos Perez. Peace on the Korean Peninsula and East Kim Dae-jung. Asia / F. Cass , 1964. 英文 Lahing Pilipino Pub. ;Distributed by Felta Book Sales, 1977-. 英文 Palgrave Macmillan , Universidad de Granada, 1981. 2004. 英文 西班牙文 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, c2001. 英文 Peasants in the making :Malaysia's Green Revolution. Post-Marcos politics :a geographical Carl H. Landé. and statistical analysis of the 1992 presidential election / Regional development and Ludwig H. Schätzl ; decentralization policy in South Korea / Karin Wessel ; Yong-Woo Lee. Regional outlook :Southeast Asia, chairperson, Chan Heng 1995-96 / Chee ; [contributions by Daljit Singh ... et al.]. 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Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, c1996. 英文 The Indonesian economy in Hal Hill. crisis :causes, consequences and lessons / The Islamic voluntary sector in edited by Mohamed Southeast Asia :Islamic and economic Ariff. development of Southeast Asia / Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1999. 英文 Social Issues in Southeast Asia, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1991.. 英文 The Muslim private sector in Southeast edited by Mohamed Asia / Ariff. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, c1991. 英文 The Myanmar labour force :growth and M.I. Khin Maung. change, 1973-83 / Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, c1997. 英文 The new Asia-Pacific order / Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1997. 英文 The price of victory :the 1997 Derek da Cunha. Singapore general election and beyond / Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, c1997. 英文 The state of the environment in Asia :1999/2000 / Japan Environmental Council(Ed.). Institute of Southeast Asian Studies ;Springer, 2000. 英文 Towards a feudal mode of production :West Java, 1680 - 1800 / Mason C. Hoadley. Nordic Institute of Asian Studies [ISEAS], 1994. 英文 Towards an Asian economic community :vision of a new Asia / ed., Nagesh Kumar. Research and Information System [u.a.]Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2004. 英文 Inst. of Southeast Asian Studies, 1994. 英文 Contribucion al estudio de la medicina Juan Regodon Vizcaino. Universidad Complutense de 1990 en las Islas Filipinas en la segunda Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, mitad del siglo XIX / Departamento d Historia de la Medicina, 英文 Historia da India no tempo em que a de Antonio Pinto Impr. Nacional-Casa da governou o visorei dom Luis de Ataide Pereira ; introduao de Moeda, / Manuel Marques Duarte. [1987]. 葡萄牙文 Historia da vida do padre Francisco de Xavier. :Edicao fac-similada comemorativa do 4. centenario do seu falecimento; / Historia da vida do padre Francisco de Xavier. :Edicao fac-similada comemorativa do 4. centenario do seu falecimento; / Historia das missoes do Padroado Portugues do Oriente / com um prefacio de Alvaro J. da Costa Pimpao. Agenica Geral do Ultramar, Divisao de Publicaoes e Biblioteca, 1952. 葡萄牙文 com um prefacio de Alvaro J. da Costa Pimpao. Agenica Geral do Ultramar, Divisao de Publicaoes e Biblioteca, 1952. 葡萄牙文 por António da Silva Rego . 1949- . 葡萄牙文 Historia de la Iglesia en Hispanoamerica y Filipinas (siglos XV-XIX) / Historia de la Iglesia en Hispanoamerica y Filipinas (siglos XV-XIX) / Historia de la pirateria malayo-mahometana en Mindanao, Jolo y Borneo, / obra dirigida por Pedro Borges. Agencia Geral das Colonias, Divisao de Publicaoes e Biblioteca, Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 1992-. 西班牙文 obra dirigida por Pedro Borges. 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Fan Liben traducido por Juan Cobo hacia 1590 / Bibliografia biblica hispanoamericana / Ricardo Rabanos Espinosa. Peninsula, 1998. 西班牙文 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 1993. 西班牙文 Catálogo de expediciones a Indias (años Secretaría de Marina, 1710 a 1783) / Archivo General de Simancas ; Francisco Javier Álvarez Pinedo [editor]. Cartografía histórica Ministerio de Defensa, iberoamericana :Cuba, Puerto Rico, Secretaría General Filipinas (1890-1899) / Técnica. De Teotihuacan a Brasilia :estudios de direccion y coordinacion, historia urbana iberoamericana y Gabriel Alomar ; autores, filipina / Guillermo Geisse ... [et al.] ; coordinacion de la documentacion grfica, Javier Aguilera Rojas. Diccionario biografico por Isacio Rodriguez agustiniano :Provincia de Filipinas / Rodriguez y Jesus Alvarez Fernandez. 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Território, Secretaria de Estado dos reinos e províncias onde estão da Ciência e Tecnologia, situadas e outros portos principais Instituto de Investigação daquelas partes :contribuição para a Científica Tropical, história das fortalezas dos portugueses no ultramar / Novos subsídios para a história da Sociedade Nacional de ciência náutica portuguesa da época dos Tipografia, descobrimentos. O estado da India nos anos de 1581 Artur Teodoro de Matos. Univ. dos Açores, 1588 :estrutura administrativa e económica : alguns elementos para o seu estudo / O Livro de Duarte Barbosa / introduc̜ ão e notas de Publicac̜ oẽs Europa-América, Neves Aguas. 1992. 英文 1991. 西班牙文 1938. 葡萄牙文 1982. 葡萄牙文 [1992?]. 葡萄牙文 O roteiro das cousas do Achem de D. João Ribeiro Gaio :um olhar português sobre o norte de Samatra em finais do século XVI / Portugaliae monumenta cartographica / por Jorge M. dos Santos Comissão Nacional para as Alves e Pierre-Yves Comemorações dos Manguin. 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Severino. community :insights from the former ASEAN secretary-general / Southern Thailand :the dynamics of John Funston. conflict / Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2006. 英文 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies ;East-West Center, c2008. 英文 Thai capital :after the 1997 crisis / Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2008. 英文 The Indian National Army and Japan / Joyce Chapman Lebra. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2008. 英文 The Indonesian parliament and democratization / Patrick Ziegenhain. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2008. 英文 The road to ratification and edited by Pavin implementation of the ASEAN charter / Chachavalpongpun. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2009. 英文 The sociology of South-East Asia :transformations in a developing region / Three sides in search of a triangle :Singapore-America-India relations / Women against the Raj :the Rani of Jhansi regiment / Victor T. King. NIAS Press, 2008. 英文 Asad-ul Iqbal Latif. 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Pacific Press, 英文 Pirates, prostitutes and pullers :explorations in the ethno- and social history of Southeast Asia / Portuguese pioneers of Vietnamese linguistics prior to 1650 / James Warren. Univ. Of Western Australia Press, 2008. 英文 Roland Jacques. Orchid Press, 2002. 英文 Progressive Thai / Rambles of a naturalist on the shores and waters of the China sea / Rungrat Luanwarawat. Cuthbert Collingwood. Orchid Press, Kessinger Publishing, c2007. [2007]. 英文 英文 Regional outlook :Southeast Asia, 1995-96 / chairperson, Chan Heng Institute of Southeast Asian Chee ; [contributions by Studies, Daljit Singh ... et al.]. 1995-. 英文 Robert morrison :the pioneer of chinese missions / Shamanism, Catholicism, and gender relations in colonial Philippines, 1521-1685 / Thai language and culture for beginners / Thai-English dictionary / by William John Townsend. Carolyn Brewer. Kessinger Pub, [2007]. 英文 Ashgate, c2004. 英文 Yuphaphann Hoonchamlong. by George Bradley McFarland. Zakir Hafez. 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The story of the voyage :sea-narratives Philip Edwards. in eighteenth-century England / University of the Philippines Press, 1998. 英文 RoutledgeCurzon, 2004. 英文 BiblioBazaar, 2006. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2004. 英文 Voyage into language :space and the linguistic encounter, 1500-1800 / Ashgate, 2003. 英文 1stBooks Library, c2003. 英文 Natual History Publications (Borneo), 2002. 英文 Oxford University Press, 1985. 英文 Oxford University Press, 1984. 英文 Museum Pusat, 1974. 英文 The dimensions of regional trade integration in Southeast Asia / The former Philippines thru foreign eyes / David B. Paxman. When Britain ruled the Philippines, by Shirley Fish. 1762-1764 :the story of the 18th century British invasion of the Philippines during the Seven Years War / A botanist in Borneo :Hugh Low's edited and introduced by Sarawak journals, 1844-1846 / R.H.W. Reece and ; with notes on Hugh Low's plant portraits by P.J. Cribb. A naturalist in Borneo / by Robert W.C. 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Nederland's betrekking tot Indië in door H.T. Colenbrander. verleden en toekomst / KITLV Uitgeverij, 2004. 荷蘭文 KITLV Uitgeverij, 2006, c1996. 荷蘭文 KITLV Uitgeverij, 1992. 荷蘭文 KITLV, 2004. 荷蘭文 KITLV Uitgeverij, 1994. 荷蘭文 M. Nijhoff, 1962-63. 荷蘭文 M. Nijhoff, 1962-63. 荷蘭文 M. Nijhoff, 1918. 荷蘭文 2001. 西班牙文 Generale missiven van Gouverneurs-Generaal en Raden aan heren XVII der Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie / Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel in de zeventiende eeuw, / Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel in de zeventiende eeuw, / Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel in de zeventiende eeuw, / Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel in de zeventiende eeuw, / Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel in de zeventiende eeuw, / Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel in de zeventiende eeuw, / Koloniale geschiedenis, / Koloniale geschiedenis, / Koloniale geschiedenis, / The Deshima dagregisters :their original tables of contents. Bibliografia sobre la encomienda y su impacto sobre la realidad socio-economica del mundo indigena en America y Filipinas / Colonias para despues de un imperio / Diccionario de leoneses en America y Filipinas (1492-1830) / Patricio Hidalgo Asociacion de Libreros de Nuchera, Felix Muradas Viejo, Garcia. Josep M. Fradera. Edicions Bellaterra, c2005. Jesus Paniagua Perez ; Lobo Sapiens ;Universidad de [2006]. Ma del Carmen Martnez Leon, Martinez. 26 西班牙文 西班牙文 David Murray ; with White Orchid Press, preface by Withaya Sucharithanarugse ; with cartoons by Khun Arun and Khun Annop. with an introd. essay by edwin Wolf. 2000. 英文 2006. 西班牙文 with the ed. ass. of V.B. Manohar Publishers, Gupta. 2007. 英文 Sheila E. Hoey Archaeopress, Middleton ; photographs of the White collection by Robert Wilkins. [mission directors: Periplus, Franck Goddio, Gabriel S. Casal]. Neil A. Englehart. 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Cornell University :United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 英文 Selective judicial competence :the Cirebon-Priangan legal administration, 1680-1792 / Southeast Asian studies :reorientations / Craig J. Reynolds, Ruth McVey. Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University, 1994. 英文 Cornell Southeast Asia Program Publications, c1998. 英文 Tai Ahoms and the stars :three ritual texts to ward off danger = Tamra duangdao Thai Ahom : ekkasan sado khro 3 samnuan / Cambodian system of writing and beginning reader with drills and glossary / Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University, 1992. 英文 by Franklin E. Huffman ; Cornell Southeast Asia with the assistance of Program, Chhom-Rak Thong Lambert and Im Proum. Early Southeast Asia :selected essays / O. W. Wolters. Ed. by Southeast Asia Program, Craig J. Reynolds. 2002. 英文 2008. 英文 Essays into Vietnamese pasts / K.W. Taylor and John K. Southeast Asia Program, Whitmore, editors. 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Ferdinand Philippe marie Adamant Media Corporation, d'Orlean, duc d'Alencon. 27 Histoire de la conquete des isles Moluques par les Espagnols, par les Portugais, & par les Hollandois / Histoire de la conquete des isles Moluques par les Espagnols, par les Portugais, & par les Hollandois / Histoire de la conquete des isles Moluques par les Espagnols, par les Portugais, & par les Hollandois / The Deshima dagregisters :their original tables of contents. Bartolom'e Juan Leonardo y Argensola. Jaques Desbordes, 1707. 法文 Bartolom'e Juan Leonardo y Argensola. Jaques Desbordes, 1707. 法文 Bartolom'e Juan Leonardo y Argensola. Jaques Desbordes, 1707. 法文 Velde, Paul van der Leiden Centre for the History of European Expansion, 1986-<2005 >. 荷蘭文 The Deshima dagregisters :their original tables of contents. Velde, Paul van der Leiden Centre for the History of European Expansion, 1986-<2005 >. 荷蘭文 The Deshima dagregisters :their original tables of contents. Velde, Paul van der Leiden Centre for the History of European Expansion, 1986-<2005 >. 荷蘭文 The Deshima dagregisters :their original tables of contents. Velde, Paul van der Leiden Centre for the History of European Expansion, 1986-<2005 >. 荷蘭文 The Deshima dagregisters :their original tables of contents. Velde, Paul van der Leiden Centre for the History of European Expansion, 1986-<2005 >. 荷蘭文 A cartografia portuguesa e a construcao Alfredo Pinheiro da imagem do mundo =La cartographie Marques. portugaise et la construction de l'image du monde = The Portuguese cartography and the making of the world picture / Ao encontro dos descobrimentos :temas Jose Manuel Garcia. de historia da expansao / Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 1991. 葡萄牙文 Editorial Presença, 1994. 葡萄牙文 Aquem e alem da Taprobana :estudos Jose-Augusto Franca ... Luso-Orientais memoria de Jean Aubin [et al.] ; edicao dirigida e Denys Lombard / por Luis Filipe F.R. Thomaz. Cidades indo-portuguesas :contribuioes Walter Rossa. para o estudo do urbanismo portugues no Hindustao ocidental = Indo-portuguese cities / De Ceuta a Timor / Luis Filipe F.R. Thomaz. Diccionario etimologico comparado de Gutierre Tibon. los apellidos espanoles, hispanoamericanos y filipinos / A gambling style of government :the Ian Black. establishment of the Chartered Company's rule in Sabah, 1878-1915 / All of one company :the VOC in Meilink-Roelofsz, M. A. biographical perspective : essays in P. honour of prof. M.A.P. Meilink-Roelofsz, under the auspices of the Centre for the History of European Expansion, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden. Ambon, island of spices / Shirley Deane. Archaeology in Sarawak. CHAM, Faculdade de Ciencias 2002. Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 葡萄牙文 Comissao Nacional para as Comemoracoes dos Descobrimentos Portugueses, 1997. 葡萄牙文 DIFEL, Editorial Diana, c1994. 1988. 葡萄牙文 西班牙文 Oxford University Press, 1983. 英文 HES Uitg., 1986. 英文 John Murray, W. Heffer & Sons LtdUniversity of Toronto Press, Bastei Lübbe, A. and C. Black, 1979. 1969. 英文 英文 2000. 1913. 英文 英文 Oxford University 1942. Press ;University of Minnesota Press, 英文 Oxford University Press, White Lotus, HarperCollins, 英文 英文 英文 Batavia 1629 :historischer Roman / British North Borneo, / British rule in eastern Asia :a study of contemporary government and economic development in British Malaya and Hong Kong / Imperial Britain in South-East Asia / Introduction to the Thai temple / Islands of angry ghosts :murder, mayhem and mutiny : the story of the Batavia / Silke Kern. by L.W.W. Gudgeon, with twelve full-page illustrations in colour by Allan Stewart. Lennox A. Mills. Issued under the auspices of the Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations, International Research Series. Nicholas Tarling. by K.I. Matics. Hugh Edwards. 28 1975. 1992. 2000. Java and her neighbours; :a traveller's notes in Java, Celebes, the Moluccas and Sumatra, / Bibliography of Southeast Asia :a decade of selected social science publications in the English language, 1990-2000 / Oriental ceramics at the cape of Good Hope 1652-1795 :an account of the porcelain trade of the Dutch East India Company with particular reference to ceramics with the V.O.C. Monogram, the Cape market, and South African collections / The voyage of the Caroline from England to Van Diemen's Land and Batavia in 1827-28, / by Arthur S. Walcott; G.P. Putnam's Sons, with 78 illustrations and a map. Ch'ng Kim See. Scarecrow Press, 1914. 英文 c2003. 英文 C. S. Woodward. 1974. 英文 by Rosalie Hare; with Longmans, Green and co., ltd., 1927. chapters on the early history of northern Tasmania, Java, Mauritius and St. Helena, by Ida Lee (Mrs. Charles Bruce Marriott). Robert Garvey. Tuart House, 2001. 英文 Balkema (A. A.), To build a ship :the VOC replica ship, Duyfken / Voyage to disaster :the life of Francisco Henrietta Pelsaert / Drake-Brockman ; with all translations from the Dutch and Old Dutch by E.D. Drok. Island of Java / John Joseph Stockdale ; with an introduction by John Bastin. Town of Batavia, 1802-1977 / [Historic Book Committee ; chairman, Martha Saile]. A cargo of spice, or Exploring Borneo / R.A.M. Wilson. A decade in Borneo / Ada Pryer ; edited by Susan Morgan. 英文 Augus & Robertson Publishers, 1982. 英文 Periplus Editions :, 1995. 英文 The Committee?, 1977]. 英文 Radcliffe Press, Leicester University Press, c1994. 2001. 英文 英文 Findhorn Press, 2003. 英文 A Thai herbal :traditional recipes for health and harmony / by C. Pierce Salguero. 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Java case study / VOC-glossarium :verklaringen van termen, verzameld uit de Rijks Geschiedkundige Publicatiën, die betrekking hebben op de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie / Historical dictionary of Brunei Darussalam / [Marc Kooijmans, Judith Instituut voor Nederlandse Schooneveld-Oosterling]. Geschiedenis, 2000. 荷蘭文 D. Ranjit Singh and Jatswan S. Sidhu. Scarecrow Press, 1997. 英文 Historical dictionary of Burma (Myanmar) / Historical dictionary of Cambodia / Donald M. Seekins. Scarecrow Press, 2006. 英文 Justin Corfield and Laura Scarecrow Press, Summers. by K. Mulliner and Lian Scarecrow Press, The-Mulliner. 2003. 英文 1991. 英文 Regional outlook forum 2008 :summary report / Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. ISEAS, 2008. 英文 A country in despair :Indonesia between 1997 and 2000 / Kees van Dijk. KITLV Press, 2002. 英文 Authority and enterprise among the peoples of South Sulawesi / edited by Roger Tol, KITLV Press, Kees van Dijk and Greg Acciaioli. edited and translated by KITLV Press, A. 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Extremes in the archipelago :trade and Jeroen Touwen. economic development in the Outer Islands of Indonesia, 1900-1942 / Fertility, food and fever :population, David Henley. economy and environment in North and Central Sulawesi, 1600 - 1930 / 36 Histories of the Borneo environment :economic, political and social dimensions of change and continuity / Illicit riches :Dutch trade in the Caribbean, 1648-1795 / Isidore van Kinsbergen (1821-1905) :fotopionier en theatermaker in Nederlands-Indie = photo pioneer and theatre maker in the Dutch East Indies / Journeys of desire :a study of the Balinese text Malat / Juggling money :financial self-help organizations and social security in Yogyakarta / Kayan religion :ritual life and religious reform in central Borneo / edited by Reed L. Wadley. KITLV Press, 2005. 英文 Wim Klooster. KITLV Press, 1998. 英文 Gerda Theuns-de Boer & Uitgeverij Aprilis ;KITLV Saskia Asser ; met Press, bidragen van Steven Wachlin. 2005. 荷蘭文 Adrian Vickers. KITLV, 2005. 英文 Hotze Lont. KITLV Press, c2005. 英文 Jérôme Rousseau. KITLV Press, 1998. 英文 King of the waters :Homan van der Heide and the origin of modern irrigation in Siam / Leti :a language of Southwest Maluku / Memories of 'the East' :abstracts of the Dutch interviews about the Netherlands East Indies, Indonesia and New Guinea (1930-1962) in the Oral History Project Collection / Muddied waters :historical and contemporary perspectives on management of forests and fisheries in island Southeast Asia / Multiple centres of authority :society and environment in Siak and eastern Sumatra, 1674-1827 / One head, many faces :new perspectives on the Bird's Head Peninsula of New Guinea / Penan histories :contentious narratives in upriver Sarawak / Han ten Brummelhuis. KITLV Press, c2005. 英文 Aone van Engelenhoven. KITLV Press, compiled by Fridus KITLV Press, Steijlen. 2004. 2002. 英文 英文 edited by Peter Boomgaard, David Henley and Manon Osseweijer. Timothy P. Barnard. KITLV Press, 2005. 英文 KITLV Press, 2003. 英文 Jelle Miedema and Ger Reesink. KITLV Press, 2004. 英文 Tim Bending. KITLV Press, 2006. 英文 Phenomenology of a puppet theatre :contemplations on the art of Javanese wayang kulit / Powers of blessing from the wilderness and from heaven :structure and transformations in the religion of the Toraja in the Mamasa area of South Sulawesi / Renegotiating boundaries :local politics in post-Suharto Indonesia / Jan Mrázek. KITLV, 2005. 英文 Kees Buijs. KITLV Press, 2006. 英文 edited by Henk Schulte Nordholt and Gerry van Klinken. Gerrit Knaap. KITLV Press, 2007. 英文 KITLV Press, 1996. 英文 edited by Peter Boomgaard and David Henley. edited by Julian Millie. KITLV Press, 2004. 英文 KITLV Press, 2004. 英文 Vladimir Braginsky. KITLV Press, 2004. 英文 edited with an introduction by Stuart Robson ; translated by Rosemary Robson-McKillop. Peter Burns. KITLV Press, 2003. 英文 KITLV Press, 2004. 英文 Paul W. van der Veur. KITLV Press, 2006. 英文 edited by Peter J.M. Nas. KITLV Press, 2007. 英文 Shallow waters, rising tide :shipping and trade in Java around 1775 / Smallholders and stockbreeders :history of foodcrop and livestock farming in Southeast Asia / Bidasari :jewel of Malay Muslim culture / The heritage of traditional Malay literature :a historical survey of genres, writings and literary views / The kraton :selected essays on Javanese courts / The Leiden legacy :concepts of law in Indonesia / The lion and the gadfly :Dutch colonialism and the spirit of E.F.E. Douwes Dekker / The past in the present :architecture in 37 indonesia / The West New Guinea debacle :Dutch C.L.M. Penders. decolonisation and Indonesia 1945-1962 / Three Old Sundanese poems / edited and translated by J. Noorduyn and A. Teeuw. Two is enough :family planning in edited by Anke Niehof Indonesia under the New Order and Firman Lubis. 1968-1998 / ASEAN-Korea relations :security, trade edited by Ho Khai and community building / Leong. ASEAN-Russia relations / 2002. 英文 KITLV Press, 2006. 英文 KITLV Press, 2003. 英文 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2007. 英文 c2006. 英文 edited by Gennady Institute of Southeast Asian Chufrin, Mark Hong, Teo Studies ;Institute of World Kah Beng. Economy and International Relations, ASEAN-U.S. Symposium. Asia Pacific air transport :challenges and policy reforms / KITLV Press, edited by Christopher Findlay, Chia Lin Sien, Karmjit Singh. Institute of Southeast Asian 2008. Studies jointly with Institute of Policy Studies, 英文 Published under the auspices c1997. of Australia-Japan Research Centre (AJR), Chartered Institute of Transport (CIT), Singapore National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (SINCPEC) by Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 英文 Asian communication handbook 2008 / edited by Indrajit Asian Media Information and Banerjee, Stephen Logan. Communication Centre and Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Asian security reassessed / edited by Stephen Institute of Southeast Asian Hoadley and Jürgen Studies, Rüland. Asianising Singapore :the PAP's Raj Vasil. Heinemann Asia, management of ethnicity / 2008. 英文 2006. 英文 1995. 英文 Asia-Pacific security :policy challenges edited by David W. / Lovell. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies ;Asia Pacific Press, 2003. 英文 Asia's march towards freedom of expression and development / Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC) and School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University (SCI-NTU), 2006. 英文 Asia's new regionalism and global editors, Nagesh Kumar, Research and Information 2008. role :agenda for the East Asia Summit / K. Kesavapany and Yao System for Developing Chaocheng. Countries ;Institute of Southeast Asian Studies ;Distributed in India by Bookwell, Assessing Burma's ceasefire accords / Zaw Oo and Win Min. East-West Center 2007. Washington ;Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 英文 Attitudes and awareness towards ASEAN :findings of a ten-nation survey / Australia-New Zealand & Southeast Asia relations :an agenda for closer cooperation / Autonomy in Xinjiang :Han nationalist imperatives and Uyghur discontent / edited by Kalinga Seneviratne, Suganthi Singarayar. 英文 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2008. 英文 [Chin Kin Wah, Michael Institute of Southeast Asian Richardson]. Studies, 2004. 英文 East-West Center Washington, 2004. 英文 Eric C. Thompson, Chulanee Thianthai. Gardner Bovingdon. 38 Beijing's Tibet policy :securing sovereignty and legitimacy / Allen Carlson. East-West Center Washington, 2004. 英文 Between rising powers :China, Singapore and India / Beyond Chinatown :new Chinese migration and the global expansion of China / Beyond the crisis :development strategies in Asia / Asad-ul Iqbal Latif. ISEAS Pub., c2007. 英文 edited by Mette Thunø. NIASMarston [distributor], 2007. 英文 Amartya Sen. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, c1999. 英文 Beyond the green myth :hunter-gatherers of Borneo in the twenty-first century / Bibliography of ASEAN-China relations / edited by Peter G. Sercombe & Bernard Sellato. compiled by Linda Yip Seong Chun. NIAS Press, 2007. 英文 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2006. 英文 Bibliography of Malaysian demography Saw Swee-Hock. / Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2005. 英文 Bibliography of Singapore demography Saw Swee-Hock. / Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2005. 英文 Biotechnology and development :challenges and opportunities for Asia / A modern history of Southeast Asia :decolonization, nationalism and separatism / A Southeast Asian community :more than a matter of geography / editors, Sachin Chaturvedi, SR Rao. ISEAS, c2004. 英文 Clive J. Christie. Tauris Academic Studies, 1997, c1996. 英文 Mohamed Bolkiah. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2008. 英文 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2004. 英文 ISEAS ;PT Gramedia Pustaka 2001. Utama, 英文 A time bomb for global Michael Richardson. trade :maritime-related terrorism in an age of weapons of mass destruction / A voice for a just peace :a collection of speeches by Ali Alatas. Aceh :a new dawn / edited by Aris Ananta & Institute of Southeast Asian Lee Poh Onn. Studies, 2007. 英文 Across the causeway :a multi-dimensional study of Malaysia-Singapore relations / Admiral Zheng He & Southeast Asia / edited by Takashi Shiraishi. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, c2009. 英文 edited by Leo Suryadinata. International Zheng He SocietyInstitute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2005. 英文 Africa's season of hope :the dawn of a new Africa-Asia partnership / Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2005. 英文 Ageing in Southeast & East Asia :family, social protection and policy challenges / An APEC trade agenda? :the political economy of a free trade area of the Asia-Pacific / An ingenious reverie :the photography of Yip Cheong Fun / edited by Lee Hock Guan. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2008. 英文 edited by Charles E. Morrison and Eduardo Pedrosa. Bridget Tracy Tan. 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Studies ;Eurospan [distributor], 英文 Burma and Japan since 1940 :from 'co-prosperity' to 'quiet dialogue' / by Donald M. Seekins. NIAS Press, 2007. 英文 Catalogue of Arabic manuscripts :codices Arabici Arthur Christenseniani / Changes and challenges :women in newspapers in South Asia / Irmeli Perho. NIAS ;Taylor & Francis, 2003. 英文 2006. 英文 1999. 英文 NIAS ;Marston [distributor], 2007. 英文 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2006. 英文 edited by Kavitha Shetty. Asian Media Information and Communication Centre :School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Anthony Reid. Silkworm Books, Charting the shape of early modern Southeast Asia / Childbirth and tradition in northeast by Anders Poulsen. Thailand :forty years of development and cultural change / Chile and Latin America in a globalized Ignacio Walker. world / China-ASEAN trade relations :a discussion on complementarity and competition / China's rise :implications for U.S. leadership in Asian / Chinese Indonesians :remembering, distoring, forgetting / Chen Wen and Liao Shaolian. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2005. 英文 Robert G. Sutter. East-West Center Washington, 2006. 英文 Iedited by Tim Lindsey, ISEAS [u.a.], Helen Pausacker. 2005. 英文 Civil society and democratization :social movements in northeast Thailand / Civil society in Burma :the development of democracy amidst conflict / Civil society in uncivil places :soft state and regime change in Nepal / Somchai Phatharathananunth. NIAS, 2006. 英文 Ashley South. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies ;East-West Center, c2008. 英文 Saubhagya Shah. East-West Center Washington, c2008. 英文 Conflict and peace in India's northeast :the role of civil society / Samir Kumar Das. East-West Center Washington, c2007. 英文 Conspiracy, politics, and a disorderly border :the struggle to comprehend insurgency in Thailand's deep south / Marc Askew. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies ;East-West Center Washington, 2007. 英文 Constructing Papuan nationalism :history, ethnicity, and adaption / Constructing Singapore :elitism, ethnicity and the nation-building project / Continent, coast, ocean :dynamics of regionalism in Eastern Asia / Richard Chauvel. East-West Center Washington, 2005. 英文 Michael D. Barr and Zlatko Skrbiš. NIAS, 2008. 英文 edited by Ooi Kee Beng, Institute of the Malay World Ding Choo Ming. and Civilization ;Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2007. 英文 Corporate governance in Thailand / edited by Sakulrat Montreevat. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2006. 英文 Counterterrorism legislation in Sri Lanka :evaluating efficacy / N. Manoharan. East-West Center Washington, c2006. 英文 Creating "Greater Malaysia" :decolonization and the politics of merger / Corporate citizenship in Singapore / Tan Tai Yong. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2008. 英文 Saw Swee-Hock. 英文 Creating a "new Nepal" :the ethnic dimension / Creating Laos :the making of a Lao space between Indochina and Siam, 1860 - 1945 / Democracy and national identity in Thailand / Democratising Indonesia :the challenges of civil society in the era of Susan Hangen. Saw Centre for Financial 2008. Studies, East-West Center Washington, 2007. Søren Ivarsson. NIAS, 2008. 英文 Michael Kelly Connors. 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Studies ;Institute of Southeast / Asian Studies, 英文 Era of transition :Malaysia after Mahathir / Ooi Kee Beng. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2006. 英文 Ethnic chinese in contemporary Indonesia / edited by Leo Suryadinata. ISEAS publications ;Chinese Heritage Centre, 2008. 英文 European integration :sharing of experiences / Joergen Oerstroem Moeller. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2008. 英文 Evolution of enlightened societies / A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2006. 英文 Exploring ethnic diversity in Burma / edited by Mikael NIAS Press, Gravers. edited by Greg Fealy and Institute of Southeast Asian Sally White. Studies, ISEAS, 2007. 英文 2008. 英文 Alexandra Kent. Inst. of Southeast Asian Studies, Macmillan [u.a.], Emerging democracy in Indonesia / Expressing Islam :religious life and politics in Indonesia / 英文 Federal-state relations in Sabah, Regina Lim. Malaysia :the Berjaya administration, 1976-85 / Financial development in Asia :the way Barry Eichengreen. forward / Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2008. 英文 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2004. 英文 Financial resources for development in Institute of Southeast Myanmar :lessons from Asia / Asian Studies. Ed. by Mya Than, Myat Thein. ISEAS, 2000. 英文 FDI and development in Vietnam :policy implications / Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2004. 英文 Pham Hoang Mai. 41 East-West Center Washington, c2005. 英文 Framing security agendas :U.S. Rosemary Foot. counterterrorist policies and Southeast Asian responses / Framing the ASEAN Charter :an compiled by Rodolfo C. ISEAS perspective / Severino. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies ;East-West Center, c2008. 英文 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2005. 英文 Free markets free media? :reflections edited by Cherian on the political economy of the press in George. Asia / Asian Media Information and c2008. 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Region, security and the return of Anthony Milner. history / Asian Media Information and Communication Centre, 2006. 英文 ISEAS Publ., 2006. 英文 Regional economic integration :case for edited by Rahul Sen. a regional export credit agency for Asia / Regional Outlook Forum 2007 :summary report. Public service broadcasting in the age of globalization / East-West Center Washington, c2007. 英文 ISEAS, 2005. 英文 NIAS ;Curzon, 2002. 英文 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2003. 英文 Institute of Southeast Asian StudiesCapital Pub. Co., 2005. 英文 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2007. 英文 Regional security in Southeast Asia :beyond the ASEAN way / Mely Caballero-Anthony. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2005. 英文 Rhetoric and reality :the internet challenge for democracy in Asia / Indrajit Banerjee, ed. 2003. 英文 Russia-ASEAN relations :new directions / edited by Gennady Institute of Southeast Asian 2007. Chufrin and Mark Hong. 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Wangchuk Sharlho. 英文 Social inequality in Vietnam and the challenges to reform / edited by Philip Taylor. 2004. 英文 South Pacific Islands edited by Evangelia communication :regional perspectives, Papoutsaki & Usha local issues / Sundar Harris. Asian Media Information and 2008. Communication Centre (AMIC) and Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University (WKWSCI-NTU), 英文 Southeast Asia-New Zealand dialogue :towards a closer partnership. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2007. 英文 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2003. 英文 State dominance in Myanmar :the Tin Maung Maung Than. Institute of Southeast Asian political economy of industrialization / Studies, 2007. 英文 S. Rajaratnam School of 2009. International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, 英文 Eastern Universities Press, 英文 Southeast Asian regional port development :a comparative analysis / Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Chia Lin Sien, Mark Goh, Jose Tongzon. 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Primeira parte da historia dos religiosos da Companhia de Jesus e do que fizeram com a divina graca,na conversao dos infeis a nossa sancta fee catholica nos reynos e provincias da India Oriental. Primeira parte da historia dos religiosos da Companhia de Jesus e do que fizeram com a divina graca,na conversao dos infeis a nossa sancta fee catholica nos reynos e provincias da India Oriental. Cronologia geral da india Portuguesa / Carlos Alexandre de Morais. Echo Library, c2005. 英文 Atlãntida, 1957-62. 葡萄牙文 Atlãntida, 1957-62. 葡萄牙文 Atlãntida, 1957-62. 葡萄牙文 Instituto Cultural de 1993. Macau :Instituto Rainha Dona Leonor, National History Publications 2006. (Borneo), 英文 2004. 英文 Cambodian literary reader and glossary Franklin E. Huffman and Southeast Asia Program, / Im Proum. Cornell University, 1988, c1977. 英文 Historic Batavia, Illinois / by John A. Gustafson Batavia Historical Society, and Jeffery D. 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Veth (1814 - Paul van der Velde. 1895) and the Dutch East Indies / Transl. from the Dutch by Beverley Jackson. A merry senhor in the Malay edited by A. Teeuw ... [et world :four texts of the Syair Sinyor al.]. Kosta / 61 英文 edited by A. Teeuw ... [et KITLV, al.]. 2004. 英文 Marciano R. de Borja ; University of Nevada Press, foreword by William A. Douglass. compiled by Ewald KITLV Press, Ebing and Youetta de Jager ; with the assistance of James ter Beek, Jantien Delwel and Herman Kemp. Raechelle Rubinstein. KITLV Press, c2005. 英文 2000. 英文 2000. 英文 editors, Wim Revesteijn Aprilis ;KITLV Press, and Jan Kop. c2008. 英文 L. Fontijne ; edited and KITLV Press, translated by Gregory Forth with the assistance of Han F. Vermeulen. Catholics in Indonesia :1808 - 1942 : a Karel Steenbrink. 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Lim Pui Huen. and entrepreneur / Lives at the margin :biography of edited by Alfred W. Filipinos obscure, ordinary, and heroic / McCoy. Times Editions, c2002. 英文 Ateneo de Manila University Press, c2000. 英文 VOC 1602-2002 :400 years of company edited by Ella law / Gepken-Jager, Gerard van Solinge, Levinus Timmerman. The Karen revolution in Burma :diverse by Ardeth Maung voices, uncertain ends / Thawnghmung. Kluwer Legal Publishers :Sold 2005. and distributed by Libresso BV, 英文 East-West Center in Washington, c2008. 英文 The Moro conflict :landlessness and misdirected state policies / Eric Gutierrez and Saturnino Borras, Jr. East-West Center Washington, c2004. 英文 The Papua conflict :Jakarta's perceptions and policies / Richard Chauvel and Ikrar Nusa Bhakti. East-West Center Washington, c2004. 英文 The politics and economics of Indonesia's natural resources / edited by Budy P. Resosudarmo. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2005. 英文 The population of Malaysia / Saw Swee-Hock. 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East-West Center Washington, c2004. 英文 David W.H. Koh. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, c2006. 英文 Weathering the storm :the economies of Southeast Asia in the 1930s depression / What a stupid question! :35 stories of stupid questions with clever endings / edited by Peter Institute of Southeast Asian Boomgaard, Ian Brown. Studies, 2000. 英文 Sharmini Chellapandi ; illustrated by Ang Xiaohui. edited by Rodolfo C. Severino & Lorraine Carlos Salazar. National Library Board, 2006. 英文 Konrad Adenauer 2007. Stiftung :Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 英文 edited by Kazuki Iwanaga. NIAS ;Marston [distributor], 2008. 英文 Phillip Playford. University of Western Australia Press, 1996. 英文 Marooned :the wreck of the Vergulde by James A. Henderson. St. George Books, 1982. Draeck and the abandonment and escape from the Southland of Abraham Leeman in 1658 / Shipwrecks, 1656-1942 :a guide to Sarah Kenderdine. Dept. of Maritime 1995. historic wreck sites of Perth / Archaeology, Western Australian Maritime Museum, 英文 The last voyage of the James Matthews by W.J. de Burgh and / Graeme Henderson. Western Australian Museum, c1979. 英文 The wreck of the barque Stefano off the by Gustave Rathe. north west cape of Australia in 1875 / Hesperian, 1990. 英文 Unfinished voyages :Western Australian shipwrecks, 1622-1850 / University of Western Australia Press, 1980. 英文 Thug :the true story of India's Mike Dash. murderous cult / A portrait of the Hindus :Balthazar Robert L. Hardgrave, Jr. Solvyns & the European image of India, 1760-1824 / Calcutta :a cultural and literary history / Krishna Dutta ; foreword by Anita Desai. Granta Books, 2005. 英文 Oxford University Press in association with Mapin Pub., 2004. 英文 Signal, 2003. 英文 Dutch-Asiatic trade, 1620-1740 / Kristof Glamann. Emanuel Swedenborg :the development Martin Lamm ; translated of his thought / by Tomas Spiers and Anders Hallengren. Islamic revivalism in a changing Christine Dobbin. peasant economy :central Sumatra, 1784-1847 / Sangha and state in Burma :a study of E. Michael Mendelson ; monastic sectarianism and leadership / edited by John P. Ferguson. Sri Lanka and South-East by W. M. Sirisena ; with Asia :political, religious and cultural a foreword by A. L. relations from A.D. c. 1000 to c. 1500 / Basham. The admonitions of Seh Bari :A 16th re-edited and translated century Javanese Muslim text, with an introd. by G.W.J. attributed to the Saint of Bonan, / Drewes. A critical survey of studies on Dutch W. Ph. Coolhaas. colonial history / Nijhoff, Swedenborg Foundation, c1981. c2000. 英文 英文 Curzon Press, 1983. 英文 Cornell University Press, 1975. 英文 Brill, 1978. 英文 Nijhoff, 1969. 英文 M. Nijhoff, 1980. 英文 The Xinjiang conflict :Uyghur identity, language policy, and political discourse / Time's arrow, time's cycle :globalization in Southeast Asia over la Longue Durée / Under Asian eyes :what the West says what the East thinks / Village China at war :the impact of resistance to Japan, 1937-1945 / Whither the Philippines in the 21st century? / Women's political participation and representation in Asia :obstacles and challenges / Carpet of silver :the wreck of the Zuytdorp / Graeme Henderson. 63 英文 Royal Asiatic Society, 1940. 英文 Ateneo de Manila University Press, c2004. 英文 Octagon Books, 1974. 英文 Distant lands and diverse cultures :the edited by Glenn J. Ames Praeger, French experience in Asia, 1600-1700 / and Ronald S. Love. 2003. 英文 East Indian trade: selected works, / 17th century: a collection Gregg, of five rare works published from originals in the Goldsmith's Library of Economic Literature, the University of London. East Timor :a country at the crossroads Frédéric Durand. Silkworm Books ;IRASEC, of Asia and the Pacific : a geo-historical atlas / Further selections from The tragic translated and edited Published for the Hakluyt history of the sea, from the original Society at the University Press, 1559-1565 :narratives of the Portuguese by C.R. shipwrecks of the Portuguese East Boxer. Indiamen Aguia and Garça (1559) São Paulo (1561) and the misadventures of the Brazil-ship Santo António (1565) / Historical atlas of Indonesia / Robert Cribb. Curzon, Portuguese India in the C.R. Boxer. Oxford University Press, mid-seventeenth century / Seventeenth century Macau in edited and translated by Heinemann (Asia), contemporary documents and C.R. Boxer. illustrations / The boat and the city :Chinese diaspora Johannes Widodo. Chinese Heritage and the architecture of Southeast Asian Centre :Marshall Cavendish coastal cities / Academic, The heritage of Arung Palakka :a Leonard Y. Andaya. Nijhoff, history of South Sulawesi (Celebes) in the seventeenth century / The buccaneer's bell / Hugh Edwards. Tangee, A history of Spanish firearms / by James D. Lavin. Arco Pub. Co, Burmese administrative cycles :anarchy Victor B. Lieberman. Princeton University Press, and conquest, c. 1580-1760 / [1968]. 英文 2006. 英文 1968. 英文 2000. c1980. 英文 英文 1984. 英文 2004. 英文 1981. 英文 2006. [1965]. c1984. 英文 英文 英文 Burmese Sit-tàns 1764-1826 :records of Frank N. Trager and rural life and administration / William J. Koenig, with the assistance of Yi Yi ; translations by William J. Koenig. Evolution of the Dutch nation / by Bernard H. M. Vlekke ... Imperial Spain, 1469-1716 / J.H. Elliott. India and the Indian Ocean world :trade Ashin Das Gupta. and politics / Indonesian Banda :colonialism and its by Willard A. 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estudio preliminar de Juan Manzano Manzano. prólogo por Ramón Menéndez y Pidal ; estudio preliminar de Juan Manzano Manzano. prólogo por Ramón Menéndez y Pidal ; estudio preliminar de Juan Manzano Manzano. prólogo por Ramón Menéndez y Pidal ; estudio preliminar de Juan Manzano Manzano. 70 Estudio Agustiniano, 1965-1994. 西班牙文 Estudio Agustiniano, 1965-1994. 西班牙文 Estudio Agustiniano, 1965-1994. 西班牙文 Estudio Agustiniano, 1965-1994. 西班牙文 Estudio Agustiniano, 1965-1994. 西班牙文 Estudio Agustiniano, 1965-1994. 西班牙文 Estudio Agustiniano, 1965-1994. 西班牙文 Estudio Agustiniano, 1965-1994. 西班牙文 Estudio Agustiniano, 1965-1994. 西班牙文 Estudio Agustiniano, 1965-1994. 西班牙文 Estudio Agustiniano, 1965-1994. 西班牙文 Estudio Agustiniano, 1965-1994. 西班牙文 Estudio Agustiniano, 1965-1994. 西班牙文 Estudio Agustiniano, 1965-1994. 西班牙文 Estudio Agustiniano, 1965-1994. 西班牙文 Estudio Agustiniano, 1965-1994. 西班牙文 Estudio Agustiniano, 1965-1994. 西班牙文 Estudio Agustiniano, 1965-1994. 西班牙文 Estudio Agustiniano, 1992. 西班牙文 Ediciones Cultura Hispánica, 1973. 西班牙文 Ediciones Cultura Hispánica, 1973. 西班牙文 Ediciones Cultura Hispánica, 1973. 西班牙文 Ediciones Cultura Hispánica, 1973. 西班牙文 Dicccionario temático abreviado iberoamericano / Dinero, moneda y crédito en la monarquía hispánica :actas del Simposio Internacional "Dinero, Moneda y Crédito. de la Monarquía Hispánica a la Integración Monetaria Europea", Madrid, 4-7 de mayo de 1999 / Documentos remetidos da india, ou, Livros das moncoes (1625-1627) / [director literario Editorial J.R. 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Scholars of Asia, 英文 direco, Artur Teodoro de Matos ; coordenaao tecnica, Maria do Carmo Jasmins Dias Farinha ; investigao, Joo Manuel Teles e Cunha ... [et al.]. Les statues du Buddha de la galerie de Khaisri Sri-Aroon = Phra Pathom Chedi (Nakhon Pathom, Phraphuttharåup thåi Thailande) / rabåiang røåop °Ong Phra Pathom éChåedåi / Khaisåi Såi°arun. La réappropriation en Khmer de mots Michel Antelme ; empruntés par la langue siamoise au prâeface de Saveros Pou. vieux khmer / Itipisoratanamåalåa =La guirlande de F. Bizot et O. von joyaux / Hinèuber. Cultural sites of Malaysia, Singapore, Jacques Dumarçay and and Indonesia / Michael Smithies. Photographic impressions of Burma, Siam, Cambodia, Yunnan, Champa, and Vietnam / Land conflicts in Southeast Asia :indigenous peoples, environment, and international law / In the Andamans and Nicobars :adventures in ethnology and natural history / Maritime strategies in Asia / Burma's military secrets :signals Desmond Ball. White Lotus Press, intelligence (SIGINT) from the Second World War to civil war and cyber warfare / A journey in Burma, 1861-1862 / Adolf Bastian ; translated White Lotus Press, by Walter E.J. Tips ; text edited by Christian Goodden. The British lion and the Burmese tiger, Terence R. Blackburn. A.P.H. Pub. Corp., Campbell and Maha Bandula / c1998. 英文 c2004. 英文 2002. 英文 A sadistic scholar, Captain Latter's war / An ill conditioned cad, Mr. Moylan of The times / Burma and the enemy within / Faded splendour, golden past :urban images of Burma / by Terence R. Blackburn. A.P.H. Pub. Corp., 2002. 英文 by Terence R. Blackburn. A.P.H. Pub. Corp., 2002. 英文 by Terence R. Blackburn. A.P.H. Pub. Corp., Ellen Corwin Cangi. Oxford University Press, 2006. c1997. 英文 英文 The cave-temples of Po Win Taung, central Burma :architecture, sculpture and murals / Seeing red :a view from inside the ruby trade / Indo-Myanmar border trade :status, problems, and potentials / Anne-May Chew. White Lotus Press, c2005. 英文 Carol Clark. White Lotus Press, c1999. 英文 edited by Gurudas Das, N. Bijoy Singh, C.J. Thomas. Akansha Pub. House, 2005. 英文 71 Otto. E. Ehlers ; translation and introduction by Walter E.J. Tips. On horseback through Indochina / Otto. E. Ehlers ; translation and introduction by Walter E.J. Tips. On horseback through Indochina / Otto. E. Ehlers ; translation and introduction by Walter E.J. Tips. A journey through the Mergui Jacques Ivanoff and Archipelago / Thierry Lejard ; in collaboration with Luca and Gabriella Gansser. Burmese Buddhist sculpture / by Otto Karow. Participatory approaches for sustainable Andreas Neef, editor. land use in Southeast Asia / White Lotus Press, 2001-2002. 英文 White Lotus Press, 2001-2002. 英文 White Lotus Press, 2001-2002. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2002. 英文 White Lotus Press, White Lotus Press, c1991. c2005. 英文 英文 A thousand lives away :Buddhism in contemporary Burma / Winston L. King. Asian Humanities Press, [1990]. 英文 Industrial development and reforms in Myanmar :ASEAN and Japanese perspectives / Oil in Burma :the extraction of "earth-oil" to 1914 / Kawthoolei dreams, malaria nights :Burma's civil war / Burmese nationalist movements, 1940-1948 / Mirrored in wood :Burmese art and architecture / edited by Minoru Kiryu. White Lotus Press, c1999. 英文 Marilyn V. Longmuir. White Lotus Press, c2001. 英文 Martin MacDonald. White Lotus Press, c1999. 英文 by U Maung Maung. University of Hawaii Press, [1990]. 英文 by Irene Moilanen and Sergey S. Ozhegov. White Lotus Press, c1999. 英文 A year on the Irrawaddy / by E.M. P-B. The pentagonal monuments of Pagan / by Pierre Pichard. The disorder in order :the army-state in by Donald M. Seekins. Burma since 1962 / White Lotus Press, White Lotus, White Lotus Press, c1998. 1991. c2002. 英文 英文 英文 The Burman :his life and notions / Burmese dance and theatre / Return via Rangoon :a young Chindit survives the jungle and Japanese captivity / Among insurgents :walking through Burma / by Shway Yoe. Noel F. Singer. by P.G. Stibbe. Kiscadale, Oxford University Press, Leo Cooper, c1989. c1995. c1995. 英文 英文 英文 Shelby Tucker ; maps by Radcliffe, John C. Bartholomew. c2000. 英文 A journalist, a general and an army in Burma / Beyond the beach :an ethnography of modern travellers in Asia / U Thaung. White Lotus Press, c1995. 英文 Klaus Westerhausen. White Lotus Press, c2002. 英文 White Lotus Co., c1993. 英文 Fred B. Eiseman, Jr. White Lotus Press, c1999. 英文 Hans Hägerdal. White Lotus Press, c2001. 英文 edited by Michael C. Howard and Naffi Sanggenafa. Alessandra Iyer. White Lotus Press, c2005. 英文 White Lotus Press, c1998. 英文 c2007. 英文 On horseback through Indochina / Guide to the Tipiṭaka :an introduction to the Buddhist canon. Ulat-ulatan :traditional basketry in Bali / Hindu rulers, Muslim subjects :Lombok and Bali in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries / Indigenous peoples and migrants of northern Papua, Indonesia / Prambanan :sculpture and dance in ancient Java : a study in dance iconography / Tribal worlds of the Eastern Himalaya and Indo-Burma borderlands / Edward Tuite Dalton ; White Lotus, foreword by Jon Miceler. The cultural monuments of Tibet's outer by Andreas Gruschke. provinces :Kham / White Lotus Press, c2004-. 英文 The cultural monuments of Tibet's outer by Andreas Gruschke. provinces :Kham / White Lotus Press, c2004-. 英文 72 Kunzang Choden. White Lotus Press, Jacques Ivanoff ; White Lotus Press, drawings by Luca Gansser ; Moken stories by Madah ... [et al.] ; translated from French by Francine Nicolle. translated by Paul W. White Lotus Press, Lewis and Bai Bibo. c2002. c2001. 英文 英文 c2002. 英文 49 Lahu stories / translated by Angela Pun White Lotus Press, and Paul W. Lewis. c2002. 英文 Golden boy and other stories from Burma / Saw Wai Lwin Moe ; White Lotus Press, edited by Irene Moilanen. c2001. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2003. 英文 Zed Books ;Fernwood Pub. ;UCT Press ;Distributed in the USA by St. Martin's Press, Zed Books ;Distributed exclusively in the USA by St. Martin's Press, Zed Books, 1999. 英文 c1997. 英文 c2005. 英文 Zed Books, c2005. 英文 Zed Books ;Published in association with UNESCO Pub. ;Distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave, c2001. 英文 Zed Books, 1999. 英文 Zed ;Distributed in the USA exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, Zed Books, 2005. 英文 1997. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2005. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2000. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2004-. 英文 White Lotus, 2001. 英文 White Lotus Press, White Lotus, c1998-. c1995. 英文 英文 Folktales of Bhutan / Rings of coral :Moken folktales / 51 Hani stories / The rice birds :folktales from Thailand / edited and translated by Christian Velder and Katrin A. Velder. Perils of progress :the health and John Ashton & Ron environment hazards of modern Laura. technology and what you can do about them / Lethal laws :animal testing, human Alix Fano. health, and environmental policy / The Asian future :dialogues for change Pracha Hutanuwatr and / Ramu Manivannan, editors, with Jane Rasbash. The Asian future :dialogues for change Pracha Hutanuwatr and / Ramu Manivannan, editors, with Jane Rasbash. The world ahead :our future in the Federico Mayor in making / collaboration with Jâerãome Bindâe ; with the assistance of Jean-Yves Le Saux and the team of UNESCO's Analysis and Forecasting Office. Neo-liberalism or democracy? Arthur MacEwan. economic strategy, markets, and alternatives for the 21st century / Sex traffic :prostitution, crime, and Paola Monzini ; exploitation / translated by Patrick Camiller. The women, gender, and development edited by Nalini reader / Visvanathan (co-ordinator) ; Lynn Duggan, Laurie Nisonoff, and Nan Wiegersma. A journey in Cambodia and Adolf Bastian ; translated Cochin-China (1864) / by Walter E.J. Tips ; text edited by Christian Goodden. A guide to the temple of Banteay Srei Louis Finot, Henri at Angkor / Parmentier and Victor Goloubew ; translated by J.H. Stape. Cambodian communism and the Steve Heder. Vietnamese model / Phnom Penh then and now / Michel Igout ; photographs by Serge Dubuisson ; with a foreword by Prince Norodom Sihanouk. Cambodian chronicles, 1989-1996 / Raoul M. Jennar. The Cambodian constitutions, collected and introduced 1953-1993 / by Raoul M. Jennar. 73 Cambodia silenced :the press under six by Harish C. Mehta ; White Lotus Press, regimes / with an introduction, and selected photographs by Tim Page. The Bayon of Angkor Thom / Sachchidanand Sahai. White Lotus Press, Colons and coolies :the development of Margaret Slocomb. White Lotus Press, Cambodia's rubber plantations / c1997. 英文 c2007. c2007. 英文 英文 A Cambodian prison portrait :one year Vann Nath ; translated by White Lotus Press, in the Khmer Rouge's S-21 / Moeun Chhean Nariddh. c1998. 英文 Heaven and empire :Khmer bronzes from the 9th to the 15th centuries / Marlene L. Zefferys, White Lotus Press, Nicholas S. Zefferys, and Jeffrey Stone. Zhou Mei. White Lotus, c2001. 英文 c1994. 英文 by J. Dupuis ; translation White Lotus Press, and afterword by Walter E.J. Tips. by Paul W. Lewis and White Lotus Press, Bai Bibo (Piu Bo). c1998. 英文 c2002. 英文 Louis Pichon ; translated White Lotus Press, by J.H. Stape. c1999. 英文 Emile Roux ; translation White Lotus Press, and introduction by Walter E.J. Tips. c1999. 英文 Radio UNTAC of Cambodia :winning ears, hearts, and minds / A journey to Yunnan and the opening of the Red River to trade / Hani cultural themes / A journey to Yunnan in 1892 :trade and exploration in Tonkin and southern China / Searching for the sources of the Irrawaddy :with Prince Henri d'Orlâeans from Hanoi to Calcutta overland (1895-1896) / The Dai, or the Tai and their architecture & customs in south China / by Zhu Liangwen ; D D Books :D.K. Book House 1992. preface by Sumet Jumsai. distributor in Thailand, 英文 Junaidi Payne, Charles M. Francis ; illustrated by Karen Phillipps. War and peace in Hanoi and Tonkin :a Edouard Hocquard ; field report of the Franco-Chinese War translated and with an and on customs and beliefs of the introduction by Walter Vietnamese (1884-1885) / E.J. Tips. Vietnam and American doctrine for Wray R. Johnson. small wars / Dangerous passes :exploring Western A.-F. Legendre ; China and the 1911 revolution / translated and with a foreword by J.H. Stape. From Tonkin to India :by the sources of by Prince Henri the Irawadi, January '95-January '96 / d'Orlâeans ; with an introduction by Walter E.J. Tips ; [translated by Hamley Bent ; illustrated by G. Vuillier]. The Champa Kingdom :the history of Georges Maspero ; an extinct Vietnamese culture / translated by Walter E.J. Tips. People and wildlife in and around A. Morice ; translated Saigon (1872-1873) / and with an introduction by Walter E.J. Tips. The Sino-Vietnamese border P. Neis ; translated and demarcation, 1885-1887 / with an introduction by Walter E. J. Tips. Glutinous-rice-eating tradition in Nguyen Xuan Hien. Vietnam and elsewhere / Sabah Society ;World Wildlife c1985. Fund Malaysia, 英文 White Lotus Press, c1999. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2001. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2001. 英文 White Lotus Press, c1999. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2002. 英文 White Lotus Press, c1997. 英文 White Lotus Press, c1998. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2001. 英文 Around Tonkin and Siam :a French colonialist view of Tonkin, Laos, and Siam, 1892 / White Lotus Press, c1999. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2001. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2001. 英文 White Lotus Press, <c1997- >. 英文 A field guide to the mammals of Borneo / by Prince Henri d'Orlâeans ; with an introduction by Walter E.J. Tips. Cham sculpture of the Tourane Henri Parmentier, Paul Museum, Da Nang, Vietnam :religious Mus & âEtienne ceremonies and superstitions of Aymonier ; translated by Champa / Walter E.J. Tips. Photographic impressions of French Charles Robequain ; Indochina :Vietnam, Cambodia, and translated by Walter E.J. Laos in 1930 / Tips. Hill tribes of Vietnam / by Joachim Schliesinger. 74 Hill tribes of Vietnam / The Mekong exploration commission report, 1866-1868 / Three years in Vietnam (1907-1910) :medicine, chams and tribesmen in Nhatrang and surroundings / The Siam directory, 1912. Khmer heritage in Thailand with special emphasis on temples, inscriptions, and etymology / Khmer heritage in the old Siamese provinces of Cambodia with special emphasis on temples, inscriptions, and etymology / The 1894 directory for Bangkok and Siam / Siamese sketches / Siamese cats :legends and reality / Thai tourism :hill tribes, islands, and open-ended prostitution : collected papers / The chronicle of our wars with the Burmese :hostilities between Siamese and Burmese when Ayutthaya was the capital of Siam / Environmental protection and rural development in Thailand :challenges and opportunities / Siam's rural economy under King Chulalongkorn / The country and people of Siam / Buddhist temples of Thailand :an architectonic introduction / Siam in 1930 :general and medical features / Early missionaries in Bangkok :the journals of Tomlin, Gutzlaff, and Abeel, 1828-1832 / Dr. Richardson's missions to Siam, 1829-1839 / Bangkok in 1892 / The lord of the golden tower :King Prasat Thong and the building of Wat Chaiwatthanaram / Siam and its productions, arts, and manufactures (1911) / Thai artists and 'The Goethe' :forty years of cultural interaction / by Joachim Schliesinger. White Lotus Press, Francis Garnier ; White Lotus Press, translated and with an introduction by Walter E.J. Tips. by Gabrielle M. Vassal ; White Lotus Press, with a preface by Walter E.J. Tips. <c1997- >. 1996-<c2001 >. 英文 英文 c1999. 英文 White Lotus, Etienne Aymonier ; White Lotus Press, translation by Walter E.J. Tips. Etienne Aymonier ; White Lotus Press, translated by Walter E.J. Tips. c2005. c1999. 英文 英文 c1999. 英文 Bangkok Times ; with an introduction by Walter E.J. Tips. Charles Buls ; translated, illustrated and annotated, and with introduction by Walter E.J. Tips. Martin R. Clutterbuck. Erik Cohen. White Lotus Press, c1996. 英文 White Lotus, c1994. 英文 White Lotus, White Lotus Press, c2004. c2001. 英文 英文 by Damrong White Lotus, Rajanubhab ; translated into English by Phra Salarak Thein Subindu alias U Aung Thein ; edited and introduced by Chris Baker. Philip Dearden, editor. White Lotus Press, c2001. 英文 c2002. 英文 Dilok Nabarath ; translated and with an introduction by Walter E.J. Tips. Karl Dèohring ; translated by Walter E.J. Tips ; with a foreword by Krisana Daroonthanom. Karl Döhring ; with a preface by Krisana Honguten ; translated by Walter E.J. Tips. [compiled by] Executive Committee of the Eight Congress of the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine. edited by Anthony Farrington. White Lotus Press, c2000. 英文 White Lotus Press, c1999. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2000. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2000. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2001. 英文 edited by Anthony Farrington. by Lucien Fournereau ; translated and with an introduction by Walter E.J. Tips. Beth Fouser. White Lotus Press, c2004. 英文 White Lotus Press, c1998. 英文 White Lotus, c1996. 英文 c2000. 英文 c2000. 英文 G.E. Gerini ; with a White Lotus Press, foreword by Luciano G. Gerini. with kind support of White Lotus Press, Bayer Thailand. 75 White Lotus Press, c1999. 英文 White Lotus Press, 2003. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2001. 英文 White Lotus Press, c1998. 英文 c2003. 英文 Dr. Muller's Asian journey :Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Yunnan (1907-1909) / Thoughts from the Pattaya Orphanage. Faircloth, Susan. Pattaya Orphanage, Siam and the Siamese :travels in Lunet de Lajonquiáere ; White Lotus Press, Thailand and Burma in 1904 / translated by J.H. Stape. 2005. 英文 c1993. c2001. 英文 英文 Endangered relations :negotiating sex and AIDS in Thailand / Chris Lyttleton. White Lotus Press, c2000. 英文 Through the buffer state :travels in Borneo, Siam, Cambodia, Malaya and Burma / The British acquisition of Siamese Malaya (1896-1909) / John MacGregor ; introduction by Walter E.J. Tips. Tom Marks. White Lotus, c1994. 英文 White Lotus Press, c1997. 英文 Maoist people's war in post-Vietnam Asia / A missionary in Siam (1860-1870) / Thomas A. Marks. White Lotus Press, c2007. 英文 by N. A. McDonald ; introduction by Jesse Henry. Franðcois Molle, Thippawal Srijantr, editors. Asger Mollerup. White Lotus Press, c1999. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2003. 英文 White Lotus, c2005. 東南亞語文 by Henri Mouhot. White Lotus Press, c2009. 英文 Christophe Munier. White Lotus Press, c1998. 英文 Michael H. Nelson. White Lotus Press, c1998. 英文 edited by Michael H. Nelson. King Prajadhipok's Institute & c[2001]. White Lotus, 英文 M.L. Pattaratorn Chirapravati. by Maurizio Peleggi. Oxford University Press, c1997. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2002. 英文 Herbert P. Phillips ; in University of Hawaii Press, association with Vinita Atmiyanandana Lawler, Amnuaycaj Patipat, Likhit Dhiravegin. Modern art in Thailand :nineteenth and Apinan Poshyananda. Oxford University Press, twentieth centuries / c1987. 英文 c1992. 英文 Burmese timber elephant / Case reports on working elephants :illustrated / The cicadas of Thailand / Erythrina in the new and old worlds / Absolute dreams :Thai government under Rama VI, 1910-1925 / Working with the Thais :a guide to managing in Thailand / Through King Chulalongkorn's Kingdom (1904-1906) :the first botanical exploration of northern Thailand / Traditional T'ai arts in contemporary perspective / Social challenges for the Mekong Region / Thailand's rice bowl :perspectives on agricultural and social change in the Chao Phraya Delta / Thai-Isan-Lao phrasebook =Nangså½ walåi Phåasåa Thai °åIsåan Låao = På½m valåi Phåasåa Thai °åIsåan Låao / Travels in Siam, Cambodia, Laos, and Annam / Sacred rocks and Buddhist caves in Thailand / Central authority and local democratization in Thailand :a case study from Chachoengsao Province / Thailand's new politics :King Prajadhipok's Institute yearbook 2001 / Votive tablets in Thailand :origin, styles, and uses / The politics of ruins and the business of nostalgia / Modern Thai literature :with an ethnographic interpretation / Stephen Lyon Wakeman Greene ; with a foreword by David Wyatt. Henry Holmes and Suchada Tangtongtavy with Roy Tomizawa. Carl Curt Hosseus ; translated and with an introduction by Walter E.J. Tips. editors, Michael C. Howard, Wattana Wattanapun, Alec Gordon. editors, Mingsarn Kaosa-ard, John Dore. Social Research Institute, Chiang Mai University ;Distributed by White Lotus, translated and introduced White Lotus Press, by Carool Kersten. U Toke Gale. Sai San Aik. Trade Corp., Today Publishing House, [1974]. 2004]. 英文 英文 Michel Boulard. edited by Sidney B. Westley, Mark H. White Lotus, Nitrogen Fixing Tree Association, c2007-. c1993. 英文 英文 76 Powell. White Lotus Press, 1997. 英文 White Lotus Press, Archaeological Survey of India, White Lotus, White Lotus Press, c2006. 1999. 英文 英文 c1996. c2003. 英文 英文 Epilogue in Burma, 1945-1948 :the White Lotus Press, military dimensions of British withdrawal / Shans at home :Burma's Shan States in Leslie Milne ; with two White Lotus Press, the early 1900s / chapters on Shan history and literature by Wilbur Willis Cochrane. The home of an Eastern clan :a study of by Leslie Milne. White Lotus Press, the Palaungs of the Shan states / c2000. 英文 c2001. 英文 c2004. 英文 Mandalay and other cities of the past in by V.C. Scott O'Connor. Burma / Sanskrit Buddhism in Burma / Niharranjan Ray. Burma and the Karens / San C. Po ; with an introduction by Christina Fink. Burma, nationalism and ideology :an Shwe Lu Maung. analysis of society, culture and politics / White Lotus, 1996. 英文 Orchid Press, White Lotus Press, 2002?]. c2001. 英文 英文 University Press Ltd., c1989. 英文 Qin shihuang :terracotta warriors and horses / International Cultural Corp. of [1983]. Australia, 英文 Cambodian diary / Cambodian diary / The pre-Angkorian temple of Preah Ko :a sourcebook of the history, construction and ornamentation of the Preah Ko style / A brief and truthful relation of events in Gabriel Quiroga de San the Kingdom of Cambodia / Antonio. White Lotus Press, White Lotus Press, White Lotus Press, c1997-1998. c1997-1998. c2006. 英文 英文 英文 White Lotus Press, c1998. 英文 Flowering plants of Thailand :a field guide / Indo-China and its primitive people :everyday life, rites and superstitions of the Moèis and the Chams of Vietnam / White Lotus Press, c2009. 英文 by Captain Henry White Lotus Press, Baudesson ; translated by E. Appleby Holt and with an introduction by Walter E.J. Tips. J. Antonio, with an White Lotus Press, introduction by Walter E.J. Tips. compiled and edited by White Lotus Press, his wife. c1997. 英文 c1997. 英文 c1996. 英文 White Lotus, c1996. 英文 White Lotus Press, c1997. 英文 Ying-yai Sheng-lan :'The overall survey translated from the of the ocean's shores' [1433] / Chinese text, edited by Feng Ch°eng-Chèun; with introd., notes and appendices by J.V.G. Mills. Burmese puppetry / Axel R.H. Bruns. The åAnanda temple at Pagan / by Chas. Duroiselle. The Kachins :religion and customs / Two years imprisonment in Burma (1824-26) / The 1904 traveller's guide to Bangkok and Siam / A.[i.e. C.] Gilhodes. a personal narrative of Henry Gouger ; with an introduction by Guy Lubeigt. John H. McEnery. by Edmund Capon ; sponsored by Mobil Oil Australia ; managed by the International Cultural Corporation of Australia Limited ; organized by the Art Gallery of New South Wales. Jacques Bekaert. Jacques Bekaert. Michael S. Falser. Patrick D. McMakin. The Tai race, elder brother of the Chinese :results of experiences, exploration and research of William Clifton Dodd / In Siam :the diary of a legal adviser of Mr. and Mrs. âEmile King Chulalongkorn's government / Jottrand; trans. and introd. by Walter E.J. Tips. Narrative of a residence in Siam / [Frederick Arthur Neale.]. 77 The Mons of Burma and Thailand / The Mons of Burma and Thailand / Ways of perception :on visual and intercultural communication / Robert Halliday ; edited White Lotus Press, and with a foreword by Christian Bauer. Robert Halliday ; edited White Lotus Press, and with a foreword by Christian Bauer. Hans Durrer. White Lotus Press, c2000. 英文 c2000. 英文 c2006. 英文 Trance and healing in Southeast Asia Ruth-Inge Heinze. today / String figures :a study of cat's-cradle in by Caroline Furness many lands / Jayne ; with an ethnological introduction by Alfred C. Haddon. Wanderings in Burma / by George W. Bird ; with an introduction by Guy Lubeigt. The political ecology of forestry in Raymond L. Bryant. Burma, 1824-1994 / Further India :being the story of by Hugh Clifford ; and exploration from the earliest times in maps by J.G. Burma, Malaya, Siam and Indo-China / Bartholomew ; preface by Virginia M. Di Crocco. A thousand miles on an elephant in the by Holt S. Hallett ; with a Shan states / preface by Virginia M. Di Crocco. Folk elements in Burmese Buddhism / Maung Htin Aung. The Chittagong Hill Tracts :living in a by Willem van Schendel, borderland / Wolfgang Mey and Aditya Kumar Dewan. The sorcerer-king and the "Great by Noel F. Singer. Abortion" at Mingun / White Lotus Co., c1997. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2006. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2003. 英文 Hurst & Company, c1997. 英文 White Lotus Co., c1990. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2000. 英文 Buddha Sasana Council Press, [1962?]. White Lotus Press, c2000. 英文 英文 APH Publishing Corporation, 2004. 英文 The pagoda war :Lord Dufferin and the by A.T.Q. Stewart. fall of the Kingdom of Ava, 1885-6 / White Lotus Press, c2003. 英文 Islam in China :Hui and Uyghurs Jean A. Berlie. between modernization and sinicization / Know not a thing :insights into K. Khemananda. dynamic meditation / New Guinea :people and art / Ernst Fuhrmann ; translated by Walter E. J. Tips. Bali :people and art / Gregor Krause and Karl With ; translated by Walter E. J. Tips. A psychiatrist in paradise :treating Denny Thong ; with mental illness in Bali / Bruce Carpenter and Stanley Krippner ; translation by Bruce Carpenter. The cultural monuments of Tibet's outer Andreas Gruschke. provinces :Amdo / White Lotus Press, c2004. 英文 White Lotus Press, c1997. 英文 White Lotus Press, c1999. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2000. 英文 White Lotus, c1993. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2001. 英文 The cultural monuments of Tibet's outer Andreas Gruschke. provinces :Amdo / White Lotus Press, c2001. 英文 The throne of the gods :an account of the first Swiss expedition to the Himalayas / Bhutanese tales of the Yeti / White Lotus Press, c2000. 英文 White Lotus Press, c1997. 英文 White Lotus Press, White Lotus Press, c1997. c2000. 英文 英文 White Lotus Press, White Lotus Press, c1999. c2007. 英文 英文 Burmese palace tales / Laos folklore of Northern Siam / The ancient Khmer Empire / Ta Prohm :a glorious era in Angkor civilization / Arnold Heim and August Gansser ; translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. Kunzang Choden ; [illustrations by Kunzang Dorji and Karma Wangda]. Harold Fielding-Hall. Katherine Neville Fleeson. Lawrence Palmer Briggs. by Pradeep Kumar Kapur and Sachchidanand Sahai. 78 White Lotus Press, 1993. 英文 Kobfai Pub. Project :Distributed by Chulalongkorn University Book Center, White Lotus, 2000. 英文 Collin Piprell ; [photography by] Ashley J. Boyd. Indian testudines / B.K. Tikader, R.C. Zoological Survey of India, Sharm. Wild orchids in Nepal :the guide to the Kevin White and White Lotus Press, Himalayan orchids of the Tribhuvan Bhagirath Sharma. Rajpath and Chitwan Jungle / Palms of Malaya / T.C. Whitmore. White Lotus Press, Saigon 1975 :three days and three Tiziano Terzani ; White Lotus Press, months / translated from the Italian by John Shepley. The boys in black :the Thahan Phran by Desmond Ball. White Lotus Press, (Rangers), Thailand's para-military border guards / Militia redux :Or Sor and the revival of Desmond Ball and David White Lotus Press, paramilitarism in Thailand / Scott Mathieson ; series editor: Erik Cohen. c1995. 英文 1985. 英文 c2000. 英文 c1998. c1997. 英文 英文 c2004. 英文 c2007. 英文 A journey in Siam, 1863 / Adolf Bastian ; translated White Lotus Press, by Walter E.J. Tips ; text edited by Christian Goodden. Philip Blenkinsop. White Lotus, c2005. 英文 c1996. 英文 by Florence Caddy ; with Oxford University Press, a biographical note on the author by J.M. Gullick. Chaiyan Rajchagool ; White Lotus Press, series editor: Erik Cohen. 1992. 英文 The rise and fall of the Thai absolute monarchy :foundations of the modern Thai state from feudalism to peripheral capitalism / The natural and political history of the Nicolas Gervaise ; White Lotus Press, Kingdom of Siam / translated and edited with an introduction and notes by John Villiers. Early metallurgy, trade and urban editors, Ian Glover, White Lotus, centres in Thailand and southeast Pornchai Suchitta, John Asia :13 archaeological essays / Villiers. More thoughts from the Pattaya [Sean Godsell and Pattaya Orphanage, orphanage / Patrick McGeown]. c1994. 英文 c1998. 英文 c1992. 英文 c2002. 英文 Samutphåap rå½a chåaifangthalåe khøåong Prathået Thai poksåinamngå¶n =Blue book of coastal vessels, Thailand / Historical sketch of Protestant missions in Siam, 1828-1928 / White Lotus Co., 2000. 東南亞語文 White Lotus Press, c1999. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2002. 英文 White Lotus, c2000. 英文 Marvellous moths of Nepal :the Sphingidae (Hawk moths), Saturniidae (atlas, lunar and emperor moths) and Brahmaeidae / A field guide to forest trees of northern Thailand / Michael Allen ; [edited by Trilok Chandra Majupuria ; illustrated by Colin Smith]. Simon Gardner, Pindar Sidisunthorn, Vilaiwan Anusarnsunthorn. Thailand's coral reefs :nature under threat / The cars that ate Bangkok :being the true and terrifying pictorial account of the Thai people's struggle for survival in the age of the automobile / To Siam and Malaya in the Duke of Sutherland's yacht "Sans Peur" / prepared by RACIC, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus Laboratories. Edited by George Bradley McFarland ; introduction, commentary, and bibliography by Herbert R. Swanson. A half century among the Siamese and by Daniel McGilvary ; the Lao :an autobiography / with an appreciation by Arthur J. Brown, and a new introduction and bibliography by Herbert R. Swanson. Description of the Thai Kingdom or Jean-Baptiste Pallegoix ; Siam :Thailand under King Mongkut / translated by Walter E.J. Tips. 79 jointly presented by the Urban Council, Urban Council, Hong Kong, and the National Museum, Bangkok = Taiguo diao su yi shu : Xianggang yishu guan / Xianggang shi zheng ju yu Man'gu guo li bo wu guan lian he zhu ban. Kin Oung. White Lotus, edited by P.E. de Josselin Foris Publications, de Jong. c1982. 英文 1996. c1984. 英文 英文 Time past, time present, time future :perspectives on Indonesian culture : essays in honour of Professor P.E. de Josselin de Jong / Bali :sekala & niskala : essays on religion,ritual, and art / edited by Henri J. M. Claessen and David S. Moyer. Foris Publications, c1988. 英文 Fred B. Eiseman. Tuttle, c1990. 英文 The Taliban :war and religion in Afghanistan / Isan travels :Northeast Thailand's economy in 1883-1884 / Peter Marsden. Zed Books, c2002. 英文 c2000. 英文 1931. 法文 c1998. 英文 Sculpture's from Thailand :16.10.82--12.12.82, Hong Kong Museum of art / Who killed Aung San? / Unity in diversity :Indonesia as a field of anthropological study / Les collections khme`res du Muse´e Albert Sarraut a` Phnom-Penh / Migration and survival of the birds of Asia / The global trap :globalization and the assault on prosperity and democracy / Étienne Aymonier; White Lotus Press, translated by Walter E.J. Tips. par George Groslier ... G. van Oest, pre´face de George C de`s. H. Elliott McClure. White Lotus Press, Hans-Peter Martin and Harald Schumann ; translated by Patrick Camiller. [Khåøo éChåøo Khåo] =Khor Jor Kor : Oliver Pye. forest politics in Thailand / Zed Books ;Distributed in the USA exclusively by St. Martin's Press, c1997. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2005. 東南亞語文 The spirit houses of Thailand / White Lotus, c2007. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2000. 英文 Joachim Schliesinger. White Lotus Press, by M.C. Subhadradis White Lotus Press, Diskul ; English version by the author and A.B. Griswold. by Walter E.J. Tips. White Lotus Press, c2001. c1990. 英文 英文 c1998. 英文 Prince Esper Esperovitch White Lotus Press, Uchtomskij ; translated and with an introduction by Walter E.J. Tips. compiled by Wimon White Lotus Press, Wiriyawit. c1999. 英文 c1997. 英文 Ethnic groups of Thailand :non-Tai-speaking peoples / Tai groups of Thailand / Hindu gods at Sukhodaya / Crime and punishment in King Chulalongkorn's kingdom :the special commission for the reorganisation of the provincial courts in Ayuthia (1896-1897) / Czarevitch Nicolas of Russia in Siam and Saigon, 1891 / Free Thai :personal recollections and official documents / Peter A. Reichart and Pathawee Khongkhunthian. Joachim Schliesinger. Visions of a nation :public monuments Ka F. Wong. in twentieth-century Thailand / White Lotus Press, c2006. 英文 Bangkok's foodscape :public eating, gender relations, and urban change / White Lotus Press, c2006. 英文 Aerial nationalism :a history of aviation Edward M. Young ; Smithsonian Institution Press, c1995. in Thailand / foreword by William M. Leary. The spirits of the yellow leaves :the Hugo Adolf Bernatzik ; White Lotus Press, c2005. enigmatic hunter-gathers of Northern with the collaboration of Thailand / Emmy Bernatzik ; with an introduction, linguistic analysis of the Mlabi, and a bibliography by Jørgen Rischel. 英文 Gisáele Yasmeen. 80 英文 The Laos of North Siam :seen through by Lillian Johnson the eyes of a missionary / Curtis ; with an introduction by Walter E.J. Tips. Around Lan-Na :a guide to Thailand's Christian Goodden. northern border region from Chiang Mai to Nan / Hinterlands :sixteen new do-it-yourself Christian Goodden. jungle treks in Thailand's Nan & Mae Hong Son Provinces / Akha oral literature / [translated by] Paul W. Lewis. Khon muang music and dance Andrew C. Shahriari. traditions of north Thailand / White Lotus Press, c1998. 英文 Jungle Books, 1999. 英文 Jungle Books, 2001. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2002. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2006. 英文 The Chinese vegetarian festival in Phuket :religion, ethnicity, and tourism on a southern Thai island / Whose place is this? :Malay rubber producers and Thai government officials in Yala / The archaeology of the Mons of Dvā ravatī / Erik Cohen. White Lotus Press, c2001. 英文 Andrew Cornish. White Lotus Press, c1997. 英文 by Pierre Dupont ; translated from the French with updates and additional appendices, figures and plans by Joyanto K. Sen. by Pierre Dupont ; translated from the French with updates and additional appendices, figures and plans by Joyanto K. Sen. Jacques Ivanoff, with contributions by F.N. Cholmeley and P. Ivanoff. Seri Phongphit and Kevin Hewison. White Lotus Press, c2006. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2006. 英文 Cheney :White Lotus Press, c1997. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2001. 英文 Gustave Rolin-Jaequemyns and the Walter E.J. Tips ; with a making of modern Siam :the diaries and foreword by Baron letters of King Chulalongkorn's general Edouard adviser / Rolin-Jaequemyns. "Hello my big big honey!" :love letters collected by Dave to Bangkok bar girls and their revealing Walker & Richard S. interviews / Ehrlich. Turbulence on Ko Phra Thong (Phang Oliver Ferrari ... [et al.] ; Nga Province, Thailand) / translated from French by Francine Nicolle. The Moken boat :symbolic technology / Jacques Ivanoff ; incorporating texts, photos, and drawings by Pierre Ivanoff, Bertrand Ivanoff, and Luca Gansser ; translated by Francine Nicolle. The pondok & madrasah in Patani / Hasan Madmarn. White Lotus Press, c1996. 英文 Dragon Dance Publications, c1992. 英文 Ketos, c2006. 英文 White Lotus Press, c1999. 英文 Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 1999. 英文 Impressions of the Siamese-Malayan jungle :a tin-prospector's adventures in southern Thailand / Nakhon Sri Thammarat :the archeology, history, and legends of a southern Thai town / Patterns on textiles and other objects of the ãEdãe and Mnãong in the central highlands of Vietnam / Textiles of Insana, West Timor :women weaving and village development / Hans Morgenthaler ; introduction by Walter E.J. Tips. Stuart Munro-Hay. White Lotus, 1994. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2001. 英文 Chu Thâai Son ... [et al.] ; translated by Kim Be Howard. by William G. Coury. White Lotus Press, c2005. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2004. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2001. 英文 The archaeology of the Mons of Dvā ravatī / Moken :sea-gypsies of the Andaman Sea, post-war chronicles / Village life :culture and transition in Thailand's northeast / Ikats of Savu :women weaving history Geneviáeve Duggan. in eastern Indonesia / 81 Textiles of the Daic peoples of Vietnam Michael C. Howard and / Kim Be Howard. White Lotus Press, c2002. 英文 Textiles of the Central Highlands of Vietnam / by Michael C. Howard and Kim Be Howard. White Lotus Press, c2002. 英文 Textiles of the highland peoples of by Michael C. Howard. Burma / Textiles of the highland peoples of by Michael C. Howard. Burma / The changing face of Malaysian Barbara Leigh. crafts :identity, industry, and ingenuity / White Lotus Press, c2005. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2005. 英文 Oxford University Press, c2000. 英文 Contemporary tie and dye textiles of Indonesia / Textiles of western Timor :regional variations in historical perspective / Kim Jane Saunders. Oxford University Press, c1997. 英文 Ruth Marie Yeager and Mark Ivan Jacobson. White Lotus Press, c2002. 英文 Lampion, c2004. 法文 White Lotus Press, c1994. 英文 [1972]. 英文 c2005. 英文 c1994. 英文 The land of the white elephant :sights by Frank Vincent ; with White Lotus Co., and scenes in Burma, Siam, Cambodia, an introduction and notes and Cochin-China, 1871-2 / by John Villiers. c1988. 英文 A history of the Kingdom of Siam and F.H. Turpin ; translated of the revolutions that have caused the by B.O. Cartwright ; overthrow of the empire up to 1770 / foreword by Walter E.J. Tips. Betel and miang :vanishing Thai habits P.A. Reichart, H.P. / Philipsen. Vers un sens de la terre :recul des Jean Boulbet ; lisiáeres de la forãet dense en photographies de Thaèilande Mâeridionale durant les l'auteur ; English deux derniáeres dâecennies = Towards translation by Howard a sense of the earth : the retreat of the Solverson. dense forest in Southern Thailand during the last two decades / Three pagodas :a journey down the Christian Goodden. Thai-Burmese border / White Lotus Press, c1997. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2005. 英文 Prince of Songkla University, c1995. 法文 Jungle Books, c2002. 英文 Five years in Siam :from 1891 to 1896 / H.Warington Smyth ; with an introduction by Tamara Loos. Spirits and souls :gender and Stephen Sparkes. cosmology in an Isan village in northeast Thailand / Monks and magic :an analysis of B.J. Terwiel. religious ceremonies in central Thailand / Fishermen no more? :livelihood and by Olli-Pekka environment in southern Thai maritime Ruohomèaki. villages / Lao Mien embroidery :migration and Ann Yarwood Goldman. change / Thai silk / Jennifer Sharples. Siam's struggle for survival :the Walter E.J. Tips ; with a gunboat incident at Paknam and the preface by M.R. Thep Franco-Siamese Treaty of October Devakula. 1893 / White Lotus Press, c1999. 英文 White Lotus Press, c2005. 英文 White Lotus, c1994. 英文 White Lotus Press, c1999. 英文 White Lotus, c1995. 英文 Post Books, White Lotus Press, 1994, c1993. c1996. 英文 英文 Burmese court textiles :luntaya-acheiq / Punvasa Kunlabutr ; [translator, Steven Martin]. Textiles of Southeast Asia :an Michael C. Howard. annotated and illustrated bibliography / Hindu gods of peninsular Siam / Moken and Semang :1936-2004, persistence and change / [By] Stanley J. Artibus Asiae Publishers, O'Connor. Hugo Adolf Bernatzik ; White Lotus Press, introduction and analysis of the Moken oral corpus, Jacques Ivanoff. Surveying and exploring in Siam :with James McCarthy ; descriptions of Lao dependencies and introduction by Walter of battles against the Chinese Haws / E.J. Tips. White Lotus Press, 82 White Lotus, c1994. 英文 White Lotus Press, c1999. 英文 Jungle Books, 2000. 英文 White Lotus Press, c1999. 英文 Hudson Enterprises, c1988. 英文 A merchant venturer among the sea Leopold Ainsworth ; White Lotus Press, gipsies :being a pioneer's account of life with a preface by Jacques on an island in the Mergui archipelago / Ivanoff. c2000. 英文 Five years in Siam :from 1891 to 1896 / H.Warington Smyth ; with an introduction by Tamara Loos. Designs of Bhutan / David K. Barker. Textiles of the highland peoples of by Michael C. Howard Northern Vietnam :Mon-Khmer, and Kim Be Howard. Hmong-Mien, and Tibeto-Burman / With the Austrian frigate Novara in the Karl von Scherzer ; Nicobar Islands (1858) / translated by Walter E.J. Tips ; text edited by Christian Goddden. Exploring for gemstones on the Upper by H. Warington Smyth ; Mekong :Northern Siam and parts of with an introduction by Laos in the years 1892-1893 / Walter E.J. Tips. White Lotus Press, c1999. 英文 White Lotus, White Lotus Press, c1985. c2002. 英文 英文 White Lotus Press, c2004. 英文 White Lotus Press, c1998. 英文 De njai :het concubinaat in Nederlands-Indië / Cambodia, a bibliography / Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2008. 荷蘭文 1982. 英文 compiled by William W. Sage and Judith A.N. Henchy. Singapore, Malaysian, and Brunei compiled by P. Lim Pui newspapers :an international union list / Huen ; with the assistance of Marion Southerwood, Katherine Hui. Singapore's Little India, past, present, Sharon Siddique, and future / Nirmala Puru Shotam. 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Investigaciones Científicas, Centro de Humanidades, Instituto de Historia, Departamento de Historia de América :Casa de Velázquez, 83 Mariano Esteban de Ediciones Universidad de Vega, Francisco de Luis Salamanca, Martín y Antonio Morales Moya, eds. Mosaicos romanos de Cordoba, Jaen y J.M. Blazquez. Instituto Espanol de Malaga / Arqueologia "Rodrigo Caro", 2004. 西班牙文 1981. 西班牙文 Thailand's economic recovery / La expulsión de los Jesuitas de Filipinas / La recta administración :primeros tiempos de la colonización hispana en Filipinas : la situación de la población nativa / L'archipel des épices :la corruption de l'administration espagnole aux Philippines, (fin XVIIIe - fin XIXe siècle) / Los mundos del libro :medios de difusión de la cultura occidental en las Indias de los siglos XVI y XVII / Los nombres de Castilla y León en América y Filipinas / edited by Cavan Hogue. ISEAS [u.a.], Santiago Lorenzo García. Universidad de Alicante, 2006. 1999. 英文 西班牙文 Patricio Hidalgo Nuchera. Ediciones Polifemo, 2001. 西班牙文 Xavier Huetz de Lemps. Casa de Velàzquez, 2006. 法文 Carlos Alberto González Diputación de Sánchez. Sevilla :Universidad de Sevilla, Eufemio Lorenzo Sanz, Ámbito Ediciones, Gustavo Redondo Moralejo. Misioneros extremeños en ed. dir. por Melquíades Biblioteca de Autores Hispanoamérica y Filipinas :diccionario Andrés Martín. Cristianos, biográfico y bibliográfico / Palabras equívocas o malsonantes en Manuel Criado del Val. Instituto Oficial de Radio y España, Hispanoamérica y Filipinas / Televisión, 2001. 西班牙文 1996. 西班牙文 1993. 西班牙文 1985. 西班牙文 Presencia berciana en Filipinas / Relación del viaje que hizo desde Nueva España a las Islas del Poniente, después Filipinas, Ruy López de Villalobos, de orden del Virrey de Nueva España, Don Antonio de Mendoza / Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas / Tiempos de turbación y mudanza :la Iglesia en Filipinas tras la expulsión de los jesuitas / Tomás González Cuellas. Ed. Estudio Agustiniano, García de Escalante Servicios de Publicaciones, Alvarado ; estudio Universidad de Cantabria, preliminar de Carlos Martínez Shaw. 1988. 1999. 西班牙文 西班牙文 Antonio de Morga. Marta María Manchado López. 1997. 2002. 西班牙文 西班牙文 Una historia natural de filipinas :Juan de Cuéllar, 1739?-1801 = Ang Pagbubuklad ng kalikasang / Viaje alrededor del globo :realizado por la escuadra al mando de Don Ignacio María de Alava ; con anotaciones sobre las operaciones de dicha escuadra en los mares de Filipinas ; 1795-1803 / Asia-Europe on the eve of the 21st century / María Belén Bañas Llanos. Ediciones Polifemo, Muñoz Moya Editores ;Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Córdoba, Ediciones del Serbal, 2000. 西班牙文 Antonio Laborda. La Hoja del Monte, 2005. 西班牙文 edited by Suthiphand Chirathivat ... [et al. ; with contributions by Ian Nish ... [et al.]]. Centre For European Studies at 2001. 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OrienteIndia / Documentacao para a historia das coligida e anotada por missoes do padroado portugues do Antnio da Silva Rego. OrienteIndia / Documentacao para a historia das coligida e anotada por missoes do padroado portugues do Antnio da Silva Rego. OrienteIndia / Documentacao para a historia das coligida e anotada por missoes do padroado portugues do Antnio da Silva Rego. OrienteIndia / Documentacao para a historia das coligida e anotada por missoes do padroado portugues do Antnio da Silva Rego. OrienteIndia / Documentacao para a historia das coligida e anotada por missoes do padroado portugues do Antnio da Silva Rego. OrienteIndia / 90 Agência Geral do Ultramar, Divisão de Publicações e Biblioteca, Agência Geral do Ultramar, Divisão de Publicações e Biblioteca, Agência Geral do Ultramar, Divisão de Publicações e Biblioteca, Agência Geral do Ultramar, Divisão de Publicações e Biblioteca, Agência Geral do Ultramar, Divisão de Publicações e Biblioteca, Edições Colibri, 1954-1958. 葡萄牙文 1954-1958. 葡萄牙文 1954-1958. 葡萄牙文 1954-1958. 葡萄牙文 1954-1958. 葡萄牙文 1998. 葡萄牙文 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, c1992. 英文 France australe :a study of French by Leslie R. Marchant. explorations and attempts to found a penal colony and strategic base in south western Australia, 1503-1826 / Adventures among the Dyaks of Frederick Boyle. Borneo / Social science and power in Indonesia / Vedi R. Hadiz and Daniel Dhakidae, editors. Artlook Books, c1982. 英文 Cornell University Library, [2007]. 英文 Equinox Pub. ;Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, c2005. 英文 The encyclopedia of Malaysia. The encyclopedia of Malaysia. 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Teeuw / 99 Cultural contact and textual interpretation :papers from the Fourth European Colloquium on Malay and Indonesian Studies, held in Leiden in 1983 / Control of land and labour in colonial Java :a case study of agrarian crisis and reform in the region of Cirebon during the first decades of the 20th century / Early tenth century Java from the inscriptions :a study of economic, social, and administrative conditions in the first quarter of the century / Perfecting spelling :spelling discussions and reforms in Indonesia and Malaysia, 1900-1972 : with an appendix on Old Malay spelling and phonology / Principles of Indonesian philology / Sahu-Indonesian-English dictionary and Sahu grammar sketch / edited by C.D. Grijns and Foris Publications, S.O. Robson. 1986. 英文 Jan Breman. Foris Publications, 1983. 英文 Atoinette M. Barrett Jones. Foris Publications, 1984. 英文 Lars S. Vikør. Foris Publications, 1988. 英文 Stuart Robson. L.E. Visser and C.L. Voorhoeve. 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Noorduyn als directeur-secretaris van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde / Forests of fortune? :the environmental Han Knapen. history of Southeast Borneo, 1600-1880 / From monologue to dialogue :radio and Edwin Jurriëns. reform in Indonesia / KITLV Press, 1993. 英文 KITLV Press, 2009. 英文 KITLV Uitgeverij, 1991. 英文 KITLV Press, 2001. 英文 KITLV Press, 2009. 英文 Gaṇeśa statuary of the Kaḍiri and Edi Sedyawati. Sinhasāri periods :a study of art history KITLV Press, 1994. 英文 Wolio J.C. Anceaux. dictionary :(Wolio-English-Indonesian) = Kamus Bahasa Wolio : (Wolio-Inggeris-Indonesia) / Annotated bibliography of Herman C. Kemp. bibliographies on Indonesia / 100 / edited by Peter KITLV Press;Cellar Book Boomgaard, Rosalia Shop, exclusive distributor, Sciortino and Ines Smyth. Indonesian economic decolonization in edited by J. Thomas KITLV Press, regional and international perspective / Lindblad and Peter Post. 1996. 英文 2009. 英文 Indonesian women in focus :past and present notions / edited by Elsbeth KITLV Press ;Cellar Book Locher-Scholten and Shop, exclusive distributors, Anke Niehof. edited by Roy E. Jordaan. KITLV Press, 1992. 英文 1996. 英文 Janet Rodenburg. KITLV Press, 1997. 英文 Paul van der Grijp ; translated by Peter Mason. Robert Van Niel. KITLV Press, 1993. 英文 KITLV Press, 1992. 英文 H. Th. Chabot ; with an introduction by Martin Rössler and Birgitt Röttger-Rössler. Vincent J.H. Houben. KITLV ;Cellar Book Shop, exclusive distributor, 1996. 英文 KITLV Press, 1994. 英文 Legacy in cloth :Batak textiles of Sandra A. Niessen. Indonesia / Linking destinies :trade, towns and kin edited by Peter in Asian history / Boomgaard, Dick Kooiman and Henk Schulte Nordholt. Locating Southeast Asia :geographies edited by Paul H. of knowledge and politics of space / Kratoska, Remco Raben and Henk Schulte Nordholt. Muna-English dictionary / René van den Berg in collaboration with La Ode Sidu. Nationalists, soldiers, and Richard Chauvel. separatists :the Ambonese islands from colonialism to revolt, 1880-1950 / New challenges in the modern edited by J. Thomas economic history of Lindblad. Indonesia :proceedings of the first Conference on Indonesia's Modern Economic History, Jakarta, October 1-4, 1991 / Pārthāyaṇa :the journeying of Pārtha : edited and translated by an eighteenth-century Balinese kakawin Helen Creese. / Paths and rivers :Sa'dan Toraja society Roxana Waterson. in transformation / KITLV Press, 2009. 英文 KITLV Press, 2008. 英文 Kitlv Press, c2005. 英文 KITLV Press, 1996. 英文 KITLV Press, 2008, c1990. 英文 Programme of Indonesian Studies, 1993. 英文 KITLV Press, 1998. 英文 KITLV Press, 2009. 英文 Roaming through seductive gardens :readings in Malay narrative / KITLV Press, 1997. 英文 Splashed by the saint :ritual reading and Julian Millie. Islamic sanctity in West Java / KITLV Press, 2009. 英文 Srikandhi dances lènggèr :a performance of music and shadow theater / Sumatra :crossroads of cultures / René T.A. Lysloff. KITLV Press, 2009. 英文 edited by Francine Brinkgreve and Retno Sulistianingsih. Terance W. Bigalke. KITLV Press, 2009. 英文 KITLV Press, 2005. 英文 KITLV Press, 1998. 英文 Health care in Java :past en present / In praise of Prambanan :Dutch essays on the Loro Jonggrang temple complex / In the shadow of migration :rural women and their households in North Tapanuli, Indonesia / Islanders of the south :production, kinship, and ideology in the Polynesian kingdom of Tonga / Java under the cultivation system :collected writings / Kinship, status and gender in South Celebes / Kraton and Kumpeni :Surakarta and Yogyakarta, 1830-1870 / G.L. Koster. Tana Toraja :a social history of an Indonesian people / The guritan of Radin Suane :a study of William A. Collins. the Besemah oral epic from South Sumatra / 101 KITLV Press, 2003. 英文 The lands west of the lakes :a history of Stephen C. Druce. the Ajattappareng kingdoms of South Sulawesi, 1200 to 1600 CE / KITLV Press, 2009. 英文 The maritime frontier of Burma :exploring political, cultural, and commercial interaction in the Indian Ocean world, 1200-1800 / The novel in Javanese :aspects of its social and literary character / edited by Jos Gommans and Jacques Leider. Koninklijke Nederlandse 2002. Akademie van Wetenschappen ;KITLV Press, 英文 George Quinn. KITLV Press, 1992. 英文 The Philippines through European lenses :late 19th century photographs from the Meerkamp van Embden collection / The Sumatra Railroad :final destination Pakan Baroe 1943-1945 / Otto van den Muijzenberg. Ateneo de Manila University Press in cooperation with KITLV Press, Leiden, the Netherlands, KITLV Press, c2008. 英文 The Indonesian revolution and the Singapore connection, 1945-1949 / Yong Mun Cheong. Henk Hovinga ; 2010. [translated from the Dutch by Robert Rouveroy and Bernard J. Wolters]. Dirk Teljeur. Foris Publications ;Distributor 1990. for the USA and Canada Foris Publications USA, 英文 Stuart Robson. KITLV Press, 1990. 英文 edited by J.J. Ras and S.O. Robson. KITLV Press, 1991. 英文 edited by Sita van Bemmelen ... [et al.]. KITLV Press, 1992. 英文 Workers and intellectuals :NGOs, trade Michele Ford. unions and the Indonesian labour movement / Hikayat Indraputra :a Malay romance / edited by S.W.R. Mulyadi. Overwicht in overleg :hervormingen C.Ch. van den Haspel. van justitie, grondgebruik en bestuur in de vorstenlanden op Java, 1880-1930 / KITLV Press, 2009. 英文 Foris Publications, 1983. 英文 Foris Publications, 1985. 荷蘭文 Sociale verandering in Bengkulu :een cultuur-sociologische analyse / J.J.J.M. Wuisman. 1985. 荷蘭文 De geschiedenis van de politie in Nederlands-Indië.Uit zorg en angst / Marieke Bloembergen. 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Nederlands-Indische samengesteld door rechtsliteratuur :register op de Hanneke van Katwijk en verhandelingen in het Indisch tijdschrift Albert Dekker. van het recht (1849-1950) en de Mededelingen van het Documentatiebureau Overzees Recht (1950-1958) / Nieuwe aandacht voor onder redactie van Pim Nieuw-Guinea :lezingen over besturen Schoorl. in Nederlands-Nieuw-Guinea, 1945-1962 / Snellen om namen :de Marind Anim Raymond Corbey. van Nieuw-Guinea door de ogen van de missionarissen van het Heilig Hart, 1905-1925 / Sporen van Indië en Indonesië in Tineke Mook, Bruce van Leiden :een wandelroute / Rijk. 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Yéi-nan culture :extracted from the posthumous papers / Koreri :Messianic movements in the Freerk Ch. Kamma ; Biak-Numfor culture area / [translated by M.J. van de Vatherst-Smit ; the manuscript was edited by W.E. Haver Droeze-Hulswit]. KITLV Uitgeverij, 2009. 荷蘭文 KITLV Uitgeverij, 2001. 荷蘭文 Martinus Nijhoff, 1974. 荷蘭文 M. Nijhoff, 1982. 英文 Nijhoff, 1972. 英文 Ik kijk de kat uit de klapperboom :vijftig Indische rijmkronieken / 103 Franz von Benda-Beckmann. Martinus Nijhoff, 1979. 英文 E.M. Uhlenbeck. edited and translated by C. Hooykaas. Martinus Nijhoff, Nijhoff, 1978. 1978. 英文 英文 The Book of Cabolèk :a critical edition by S. Soebardi. with introduction, translation and notes : a contribution to the study of the Javanese mystical tradition / The Khilafat movement in India, door Albert Christiaan 1919-1924 / Niemeijer. Nijhoff, 1975. 英文 Nederlandsche Boek- en Steendrukkerij, [1972]. 英文 The logic of the laws :a structural David S. 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Australia in association with Allen & Unwin ;University of Hawai'i Press, 英文 Property in social continuity :continuity and change in the maintenance of property relationships through time in Minangkabau, West Sumatra / Studies in Javanese morphology / The Balinese poem Basur :an introduction to magic / Toba-batak-Deutsches Wörterbuch / Writing a new society :social change through the novel in Malay / Virginia Matheson Hooker. Between Dayak and Dutch :the economic history of Southeast Kalimantan 1880-1942 / J. Thomas Lindblad ; Foris Publications, with the collaboration of Peter E.F. Verhagen. 1988. 英文 The Sa'dan-Toraja :a study of their social life and religion / Hetty Nooy-Palm. Foris Publications, 1986. 英文 Sasak and Javanese literature of Lombok / State and trade in the Indonesian archipelago / Polarizing Javanese society :Islamic, and other visions, c. 1830-1930 / Geoffrey E. Marrison. KITLV Press, 1999. 英文 edited by G.J. Schutte. KITLV Press, 1994. 英文 M. C. Ricklefs. 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Thailand / Malaysia :a pictorial history, 1400-2004 by Wendy Khadijah 2007. 英文 Jutland Archaeological Society, [2008?]. 英文 Archipelago Press, 2004. 英文 Knowing Southeast Asian subjects / Cambria Press, Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy, and Culture :Centre for Studies in Civlizations :Distributed by Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, Foreign Correspondents' Editions Didier Millet, Club of Thailand. 104 英文 / To the Islands :White Australians and the Malay Archipelago since 1788 / Moore. Paul Battersby. Lexington Books, 2007. 英文 Adelante con Allende :reading behind the headlines / The revolt of Prince Nuku :cross-cultural alliance-making in Maluku, c.1780-1810 / Silk for silver :Dutch-Vietnamese relations, 1637-1700 / Agricultural production and South Asian history / Foreign aid and industrial development in Pakistan / From elder to ancestor :old age, death and inheritance in modern Korea / by Richard Avla. Trafford, 2002. 英文 by Muridan Widjojo. Brill, 2009. 英文 by Hoang Anh Tuan. Brill, 2007. 英文 edited by David Ludden. Oxford University Press, 2005. 英文 by Irving Brecher and S.A. Abbas. David Prendergast. Cambridge University Press, 2005. 英文 Global Oriental, 2005. 英文 Hindu selves in a modern world :guru faith in the Mata Amritanandamayi Mission / India and emerging Asia / Maya Warrier. RoutledgeCurzon, 2005. 英文 editor, R. R. Sharma ; with foreword by I.K. Gujral. Sarah Ansari. Sage, 2005. 英文 Life after partition :migration, community and strife in Sindh, 1947-1962 / Linguistic archaeology of South Asia / Franklin C. Southworth. Lost worlds :Indian labour and its Chitra Joshi. forgotten histories / Nuclear deterrence in Southern Arpit Rajain. Asia :China, India, and Pakistan / Oxford University Press, 2005. 英文 RoutledgeCurzon, Anthem Press, 2005. 2005. 英文 英文 Sage Publications, 2005. 英文 Pakistan in crisis / Provincial politics and Indian nationalism :Bombay and the Indian National Congress, 1880 to 1915 / Religious movements and institutions in Medieval India / Ashok Kapur. by Gordon Johnson. Routledge, Cambridge University Press, 1991. 2005. 英文 英文 edited by J.S. Grewal. Oxford University Press, 2006. 英文 Religious movements in South Asia, edited by David N. 600-1800 / Lorenzen. Rethinking Indian political institutions / edited by Crispin Bates and Subho Basu. Oxford University Press, 2005. 英文 Anthem Press, 2005. 英文 River of love in an age of pollution :the David L. Haberman. Yamuna River of northern India / University of California Press, c2006. 英文 Society and circulation :mobile people edited by Claude and intinerant cultures in South Asia, Markovits, Jacques 1750-1950 / Pouchepadass, Sanjay Subrahmanyam. South Korea / Rob Bowden. South Korea / Christopher L. Salter. Sri Lanka in pictures / Sara E. Hoffmann. Studying early India :archaeology, edited by Brajadulal texts, and historical issues / Chattopadhyaya. Anthem, 2006. 英文 Facts on File, Chelsea House Publishers, Twenty-First Century Books, Anthem, 2006. c2005. c2006. 2006. 英文 英文 英文 英文 Textiles and weavers in South India / The black cow’s footprint :time, space, and music in the lives of the Kotas of south India / The city in action :Bombay struggles for power / The development of modern South Korea :state formation, capitalist development and national identity / Viyaya Ramaswamy. Richard K. Wolf. Oxford University Press, University of Illinois Press, 2006. c2006. 英文 英文 Jim Masselos. Oxford University Press, 2007. 英文 By Kyong Ju Kim. 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[s.n.], 1969. 英文 The history of Venezuela / Ethnicity and identity :global performance / Gandhi versus the Empire / Pakistan's birth & Allama Mashraqi :chronology & statements, period,1947-1963 / Readings in environmental ethics :multidisciplinary perspectives / South Asia. South Asia. Kinship and marriage in Burma :a cultural and psychodynamic analysis / Thailand stories :if there are places called paradise... : a novel / H. Micheal Tarver and Julia C. Frederick. Melford E. Spiro. by Spots Leonard. 106 Yvonne Keuls & Tony van Verre. Burma :military rule and the politics of Josef Silverstein. stagnation / Australia in the New World edited by J. A. C. order :foreign policy in the 1970s / Mackie. Ambo, c1986. 荷蘭文 Cornell University Press, 1977. 英文 Nelson in association with the 1976. Australian Institute of International Affairs, 英文 In search of justice :workers and unions John Ingleson. in colonial Java, 1908-1926 / Oxford University Press, 1986. 英文 The foreign relations of the new states / Michael Leifer. The Rabelais encyclopedia / edited by Elizabeth Chesney Zegura. Longman Australia, Greenwood Press, 1974. 2004. 英文 英文 door W. Dunnebier. Martinus Nijhoff, Uitgegeven door het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. by C. Hooykaas. Martinus Nijhoff, 1951. 荷蘭文 1974. 英文 Jelle Miedema. 1984. 荷蘭文 1976. 荷蘭文 M. Nijhoff, 1969. 荷蘭文 KITLV Uitgeverij, 1995. 荷蘭文 Maritinus Nyhoff, 1968-1970. 英文 Maritinus Nyhoff, 1968-1970. 英文 M. Nijhoff, 1980. 英文 Minahasa and Bolaangmongondow :an Mieke Schouten ; edited Den Haag, annotated bibliography, 1800-1942 / by I. Farjon. 1981. 英文 Persgeschiedenis van Indonesië tot 1942 :geannoteerde bibliografie / Evert-Jan Hoogerwerf. KITLV, 1990. 荷蘭文 Sangirees-Nederlands woordenboek met Nederlands-Sangirees register / [door] K.G.F. 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Th. of Javanese manuscripts in the Library Pigeaud. of the University of Leiden and other public collections in the Netherlands / Literature of Java :catalogue raisonné by Theodore G. Th. of Javanese manuscripts in the Library Pigeaud. of the University of Leiden and other public collections in the Netherlands / Madura and surrounding islands :an I. Farjon. annotated bibliography, 1860-1942 / The emergence of a national economy :an economic history of Indonesia, 1800-2000 / Wangbang Wideya;a Javanese Pañji romance. The initiation of novicehood and the ordination of monkhood in the Burmese Buddhist culture / AIDS and men :taking risks or taking responsibility? / Ed. and trans. by S.O. Nijhoff, Robson. by Sao Htun Hmat Win. Dept. of Religious Affairs, edited with an introduction by Martin Foreman. Panos/Zed Books ;Distributed c1999. exclusively in the USA by St. Martin's Press, 英文 Democratising globalisation :the leverage of the Tobin tax / Heikki Patomaki. Zed Books :Distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave, a division of St Martin's Press, 英文 107 c2001. The baobab and the mango tree :lessons about development ; African and Asian contrasts / Gandhi's spinning wheel and the making of India / Mad tales from the Raj :colonial psychiatry in South Asia, 1800-58 / Nicholas Thompson & Scott Thompson. Zed Books, c2000. 英文 Rebecca M. Brown. Routledge, c2010. 英文 Waltraud Ernst. Anthem Press, c2010. 英文 Promoting economic cooperation in South Asia :beyond SAFTA / c2010. 英文 Power and influence in India :bosses, lords and captains / edited by Sadiq Ahmed, Sage Publications India, Saman Kelegama, Ejaz Ghani. editors, Pamela Price, Routledge, Arild Engelsen Ruud. c2010. 英文 Gujarat beyond Gandhi :identity, society and conflict / edited by Nalin Mehta and Mona G. Mehta. Routledge, c2011. 英文 Pakistan / Laura Egendorf. Greenhaven Press :Gale Cengage Learning, c2010. 英文 Outsider :films on India, 1950-1990 / edited by Shanay Jhaveri. Shoestring Publisher, Opening doors :the untold story of Richard Sorabji. I.B. Tauris, Cornelia Sorabji : reformer, lawyer, and champion of women's rights in India / c2009. c2010. 英文 英文 Nucleus and nation :scientists, international networks, and power in India / Mohajir militancy in Pakistan :violence and transformation in the Karachi conflict / Jinnah and Tilak :comrades in the freedom struggle / Islamic tolerance :Amīr Khusraw and pluralism / India's white revolution :operation Flood, food aid and development / Robert S. Anderson. The University of Chicago Press, c2010. 英文 Nichola Khan. Routledge, c2010. 英文 A.G. Noorani. Oxford University Press, c2010. 英文 Alyssa Gabbay. Routledge, c2010. 英文 Bruce A. Scholten. Tauris Academic Studies ;Distributed in the United States and Canada exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, Routledge, c2010. 英文 c2011. 英文 Oxford University Press, c2010. 英文 Cambridge University Press, c2009. 英文 Cambridge University Press, Verso, Texas Tech University Press, c2009. 2010, c2009. c2010. 英文 英文 英文 Sage Publications India, Lindisfarne Books, c2010. 2010. 英文 英文 Wesleyan University Press, c2010. 英文 Oxford University Press, c2010. 英文 Oxford University Press, Routledge, c2010. c2010. 英文 英文 Palgrave Macmillan, c2010. 英文 India's new economic policy :a critical edited by Waquar analysis / Ahmed, Amitabh Kundu and Richard Peet. Illustrating India :the early colonial Jennifer Howes. investigations of Colin Mackenzie (1784-1821) / Asymmetric warfare in South Asia :the edited by Peter R. Lavoy. causes and consequences of the Kargil Conflict / A history of Bangladesh / Willem van Schendel. Valences of the dialectic / Fredric Jameson. The Vietnam War :an assessment by edited, and with South Vietnam's generals / introductory and concluding essays, by Lewis Sorley. The tiger vanquished :LTTE's story / M. R. Narayan Swamy. The spirit of modern India :writings in edited by Robert A. philosophy, religion & culture / McDermott and V.S. Naravane. The South Korean film Jinhee Choi. renaissance :local hitmakers, global provocateurs / The Oxford companion to politics in edited by Niraja Gopal India / Jayal, Pratap Bhanu Mehta. The middle class in colonial India / edited by Sanjay Joshi. The Great Rebellion of 1857 in edited by Biswamoy Pati. India :exploring transgressions, contests and diversities / The Bengal Delta :ecology, state and Iftekhar Iqbal. social change, 1840-1943 / 108 Mary Shepherd Slusser ; University of Washington with a contribution by Press :In association with the Paul Jett. Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Washington, D.C., Deep Kanta Lahiri Palgrave Macmillan, Choudhury. c2010. 英文 c2010. 英文 Southeast Asia and the rise of Chinese and Indian naval power :between rising naval powers / South Asian media cultures :audiences, representations, contexts / edited by Sam Bateman and Joshua Ho. Routledge, c2010. 英文 edited by Shakuntala Banaji. Anthem Press, c2010. 英文 Securing the Indian frontier in Central Asia :confrontation and negotiation, 1865-95 / Brill's encyclopedia of Hinduism / Martin Ewans. Routledge, c2010. 英文 2009-. 英文 c2009. 英文 The antiquity of Nepalese wood carving :a reassessment / Telegraphic imperialism :crisis and panic in the Indian Empire, c.1830 / Censorship in South Asia :cultural regulation from sedition to seduction / edited by Knut A. Brill, Jacobsen (editor-in-chief) ; associate editors, Helene Basu, Angelika Malinar, Vasudha Narayanan. edited by Raminder Indiana University Press, Kaur, William Mazzarella. Valli Kanapathipillai. Anthem Press, Citizenship and statelessness in Sri Lanka :the case of the Tamil estate workers / Colonial justice in British India / Elizabeth Kolsky. Kipling Sahib :India and the making of Charles Allen. Rudyard Kipling / c2009. 英文 Cambridge University Press, c2010. Pegasus Books :Distributed by c2009. W.W. Norton, 英文 英文 Islam in South Asia in practice / Princeton University Press, c2009. 英文 Sussex Academic Press, c2009. 英文 edited by Scott D. Sagan. Stanford Security Studies, edited by Shanti Moorthy Routledge, and Ashraf Jamal. c2009. c2010. 英文 英文 Vishvajit Pandya. University Press of America, c2009. 英文 essays by Rajnarayan Chandavarkar. Cambridge University Press, c2009. 英文 Himalayan frontiers of India :historical, edited by K. Warikoo. geo-political and strategic perspectives / Empowering visions :the politics of Christiane Brosius. representation in Hindu nationalism / Routledge, c2009. 英文 Anthem Press, c2005. 英文 Community warriors :state, peasants and caste armies in Bihar / Anthem Press, c2008. 英文 Notions of nationhood in by Swarupa Gupta. Bengal :perspectives on Samaj, c. 1867-1905 / Medicine, race and liberalism in British Ishita Pande. Bengal :symptoms of empire / Brill, 2009. 英文 Routledge, c2010. 英文 Mathematics in India / Literature and politics in the age of nationalism :the progressive writers' movement in South Asia, 1932-56 / The Maoist insurgency in Nepal :revolution in the twenty-first century / The guns of August 2008 :Russia's war in Georgia / Kim Plofker. Talat Ahmed. Princeton University Press, Routledge, c2009. c2009. 英文 英文 edited by Mahendra Lawoti and Anup K. Pahari. Svante E. Cornell & S. Frederick Starr, editors. Routledge, c2010. 英文 M.E. Sharpe, c2009. 英文 The geopolitics of South Asia :from early empires to the nuclear age / Graham P. Chapman. Ashgate, c2009. 英文 Intellectuals and left politics in Uruguay, 1958-2006 / Inside nuclear South Asia / Indian Ocean studies :cultural, social, and political perspectives / In the Forest :visual and material Worlds of Andamanese History (1858-2006) / History, culture and the Indian city / Barbara D. Metcalf, editor. Stephen Gregory. Ashwani Kumar. 109 The colonial policy of British imperialism / c2008. 英文 Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, c2009. c2010. 英文 英文 Oxford Univ. Press, c2007. 英文 Ralph Fox ; introduction Oxford University Press, [by] Ian Talbot. The C.A. Bayly omnibus. Bayly, C. A. The ancient Indus :urbanism, economy, Rita P. Wright. and society / Sufism, culture, and politics :Afghans Raziuddin Aquil. and Islam in medieval North India / Spatialising politics :culture and geography in postcolonial Sri Lanka / edited by Cathrine Brun, Sage Publications India, Tariq Jazeel. c2009. 英文 South Asian cultures of the bomb :atomic publics and the state in India and Pakistan / South Asia and its others :reading the "exotic" / edited by Itty Abraham. Indiana University Press, c2009. 英文 edited by V.G. Julie Rajan and Atreyee Phukan. David Gordon White. Cambridge Scholars Pub., c2009. 英文 The University of Chicago Press, Anthem Press, c2009. 英文 2007. 英文 Routledge, Palgrave Macmillan, c2008. c2008. 英文 英文 Sinister yogis / Class and religion in ancient India / The city in South Asia / Books without borders / Jayantanuja Bandyopadhyaya. James Heitzman. edited by Robert Fraser and Mary Hammond. Behind the curtain :making music in Mumbai's film studios / Gregory D. Booth. Oxford University Press, c2008. 英文 Aurangzeb / Mountstuart Oxford University Press, Elphinstone ; edited with additional chapters, notes, and a chronology by Sri Ram Sharma ; introduction by Robert Nichols. by Alexandra van der Brill, Geer. c2008. 英文 2008. 英文 Ajanta :history and development / Bhutan :ways of knowing / by Walter M. Spink. edited by Frank Rennie and Robin Mason. Brill, Information Age Pub., 2005-. c2008. 英文 英文 Xenophobia in seventeenth-century India / Vietnam War era :people and perspectives / Towards freedom :documents on the movement for independence in India.1940 / Gijs Kruijtzer. Leiden University Press, c2009. 英文 Mitchell K. Hall, editor. ABC-CLIO, c2009. 英文 edited by K.N. Panikkar ; Oxford University Press, with a preface by the general editor, Sabyasachi Bhattacharya. [edited by] Biswamoy Routledge, Pati and Mark Harrison. 2009-. 英文 c2009. 英文 Animals in stone :Indian mammals sculptured through time / The social history of health and medicine in colonial India / The separatist conflict in Sri Asoka Bandarage. Lanka :terrorism, ethnicity, political economy / The political career of Mohammad Ali William S. Metz ; edited Jinnah / by Roger D. Long ; foreword by M.R. Kazimi. Indian frontier policy :an historical by General Sir John sketch / Adye. In the Andamans and Nicobars :the by C. Boden Kloss. narrative of a cruise in the schooner "Terrapin" with notices of the islands, their fauna, ethnology, etc. / History of the French in India :from the George Bruce Malleson. founding of Pondichery in 1674 to the capture of that place in 1761 / Routledge, c2009. 英文 Oxford University Press, c2010. 英文 Kessinger Publishing, [2010]. 英文 Nabu Press, [2010]. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 History of the colonies of the British Empire in the West Indies, South America, North America, Asia, Austral-Asia, Africa and Europe ... :from the official records of Nabu Press, 2010. 英文 by Robert Montgomery Martin. 110 the Colonial Office / 2010. 英文 Syedur Rahman. Scarecrow Press, edited by Arvind Krishna Palgrave Macmillan, Mehrotra. c2010. c2009. 英文 英文 edited by John C. Hawley. Indiana University Press, c2008. 英文 Brill, c2008. 英文 Department of Sanskrit and Indian Studies, Harvard University :Distributed by Harvard University Press, 2009. 英文 Philip Wilson Publishers ;Distributed in North America by Palgrave Macmillan, The earth and its inhabitants Asia.Vol. by Élisée Reclus ; edited Nabu Press, IV,South-western Asia / by A. H. Keane. c2009. 英文 2010. 英文 The competition wallah / The A to Z of the Tamils / Scenes and characteristics of Hindostan, with sketches of Anglo-Indian society / Scenes and characteristics of Hindostan, with sketches of Anglo-Indian society / Scenes and characteristics of Hindostan, with sketches of Anglo-Indian society / Sacred geography of goddesses in South Asia :essays in memory of David Kinsley / Ruffling the peacock's feathers :stories from village India / by G.O. Trevelyan. Vijaya Ramaswamy. by Emma Roberts. Cambridge University Press, Scarecrow Press, Cambridge University Press, 2010. 2010, c2007. 2010. 英文 英文 英文 by Emma Roberts. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 by Emma Roberts. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 editor, Rana P.B. Singh. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, c2010. 英文 David Howard Day. c2010. 英文 Primitive traditional history :the primitive history and chronology of India, South-Eastern and South-Western Asia, Egypt, and Europe, and the colonies thence sent forth / Pakistan :a country study / James Francis Katherinus Nabu Press, Hewitt. 2010. 英文 [Federal Research Division]. by Clements R. Markham. Kessinger Publishing, [2010]. 英文 Narratives of the mission of George Bogle to Tibet :and of the journey of Thomas Manning to Lhasa / My diary in India, in the year 1858-9 / by William Howard Russell. Modern India / [by] William Eleroy Curtis. Indian speeches (1907-1909) / byJohn Morley (AKA Viscount Morley). Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 Kessinger Publishing, [2010]. 英文 Kessinger Publishing, [2010]. 英文 Building ships, building a Hwasook Nam. nation :Korea's democratic unionism under Park Chung Hee / 'Up the country' :letters written to her Emily Eden. sister from the upper provinces of India / 'Up the country' :letters written to her Emily Eden. sister from the upper provinces of India University of Washington Press, c2009. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 History of Austral-Asia :comprising New South Wales, Van Dieman's Island, Swan River, South Australia, &c. / Historical dictionary of Bangladesh / A concise history of Indian literature in English / by Robert Montgomery Martin. India in Africa, Africa in India :Indian Ocean cosmopolitanisms / From Harappa to Hastinapura :a study Piotr Andreevich Eltsov. of the earliest South Asian city and civilization / The law code of Visnu :a critical Patrick Olivelle. edition and annotated translation of the Vaisnava-Dharmasastra / Nabu Press, The family behind the firm :Garrard & Annie McCaffry ; Co., 1834-1952 / [foreword by Elizabeth Gage]. Xlibris Corporation, 111 / Treasury of travel and adventure in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa :a book for young and old : with one hundred and twenty illustrations. The tropics :their resources, people and future: a description of the tropical lands of Africa, Asia, Central and South America, Australasia and the Pacific ; their natural products, scenery, inhabitants and industries, and the possibilities of their future development / The river of golden sand :the narrative of a journey through China and eastern Tibet to Burmah / The river of golden sand :the narrative of a journey through China and eastern Tibet to Burmah / Tsunami in a time of war :aid, activism & reconstruction in Sri Lanka & Aceh / The teleology of poetics in medieval Kashmir / Nabu Press, [2010]. 英文 by C. R. Enock. Nabu Press, [2010]. 英文 William John Gill. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 William John Gill. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 Malathi de Alwis & International Centre for Ethnic c2009. Eva-Lotte Hedman Studies, (editors). by Lawrence J. McCrea. Department of Sanskrit and 2008. Indian Studies, Harvard University :Distributed by Harvard University Press, 英文 英文 The impact of the Russo-Japanese War edited by Rotem Kowner. Routledge, / The British discovery of Hinduism in edited by P. J. Marshall. Cambridge University Press, the eighteenth century / 2009. 英文 2008. 英文 South Korean engagement policies and by Son Key-young. North Korea :identities, norms and the sunshine policy / Religion, law and power :tales of time Ishita Banerjee-Dube. in eastern India, 1860-2000 / Routledge, 2006. 英文 Anthem Press, c2009. 英文 Memories of two wars :Cuban and Philippine experiences / by Frederick Funston ; Kessinger Publishing, illustrated by F. C. Yohn. [2009]. 英文 Kaye's and Malleson's history of the Indian mutiny of 1857-1858.Vol. 3 / edited by Colonel Malleson. Kessinger Publishing, [2009]. 英文 Islamic Sufism unbound :politics and Robert Rozehnal. piety in twenty-first century Pakistan / Palgrave Macmillan, c2007. 英文 Western sociologists on Indian society :Marx, Spencer, Weber, Durkheim, Pareto / Jews and India :perceptions and image / India's fragile borderlands :the dynamics of terrorism in north east India / Horse Warriors :India's 61st Cavalry / G. R. Madan. Routledge, 2010. 英文 Yulia Egorova. Archana Upadhyay. Routledge, I.B. Tauris, 2009. c2009. 英文 英文 c2008. 英文 2009. 英文 2008. 英文 Govind Narayan's Mumbai :an urban biography from 1863 / Gandhi and civil disobedience :the Mahatma in Indian politics, 1928-34 / Henry Dallal ; editor, Henry Dallal, Simon Forty ; design, Sunita Gahir. edited and translated by Anthem Press, Murali Ranganathan ; with a foreword by Gyan Prakash. Judith M. Brown. Cambridge University Press, From South Asia to North America :[an Syed Habib Ahmed. autobiography, 1915-2000] / Trafford, c2009. 英文 Kaye's and Malleson's history of the Indian mutiny of 1857-8 / edited by Colonel Malleson. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 Introduction to the history of Indian Buddhism / Eugène Burnouf ; The University of Chicago translated by Katia Press, Buffetrille and Donald S. Lopez Jr. c2010. 英文 112 Gandhi's American ally :how an Norm Williams. educational missionary joined the Mahatma's struggle against untouchability / Protracted contest :Sino-Indian rivalry John W. Garver. in the twentieth century / iUniverse, c2008. 英文 University of Washington Press, c2001. 英文 Mahadevi Varma :political essays on women, culture, and nation / edited and with an introduction by Anita Anantharam. Kāśyapīyakrs̥ ịsūkti :a Sanskrit work on edited with an agriculture / introductory study by Gyula Wojtilla. Journeys from Scandinavia :travelogues Elisabeth Oxfeldt. of Africa, Asia, and South America, 1840-2000 / Indische Handschriften.Teil 17,Die Śā beschrieben von Gerhard radā-Handschriften der Sammlung Ehlers. Janert der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-Preussischer Kulturbestiz / Government of British India on Allama compiled and edited by Mashraqi and Khaksar Tehreek Nasim Yousaf. (movement) :a select chronology / A grammar of Pashto :a descriptive by Herbert Penzl ; with study of the dialect of Kandahar, updates and additional Afghanistan / material added by Ismail Sloan. The ascendancy of Theravāda Prapod Buddhism in Southeast Asia / Assavavirulhakarn. Cambria Press, c2010. 英文 Harrassowitz Verlag, 2010. 英文 University of Minnesota Press, c2010. 英文 Franz Steiner, c2010. 德文 AMZ Publications, c2010. 英文 Ishi Press, c2009. 英文 Silkworm Books, c2010. 英文 Service economies :militarism, sex Jin-kyung Lee. work, and migrant labor in South Korea / Codes of misconduct :regulating Ashwini Tambe. prostitution in late colonial Bombay / University of Minnesota Press, c2010. 英文 University of Minnesota Press, c2009. 英文 On an auspicious day, at dawn ... :studies in Tulu culture and oral literature / Meet our new student from India / Status of prehistoric studies in the twenty-first century in India =État de l'art d'études préhistoriques au XXIe siècle en Inde / Villages, women, and the success of dairy cooperatives in India :making place for rural development / Heidrun Brückner. Harrassowitz, c2009. 英文 Khadija Ejaz. edited by Ranjana Ray, Vidula Jayaswal. Mitchell Lane Publishers, Archaeopress, c2010. c2009. 英文 英文 Pratyusha Basu. Cambria Press, c2009. 英文 India :what can it teach us? : / History of General Sir Charles Napier's administration of Scinde, and campaign in the Cutchee Hills / Mission und Ökonomie der Jesuiten in Indien :intermediäres Handeln am Beispiel der Malabar-Provinz im 18. Jahrhundert / The Hukbalahap insurrection :a case study of a successful anti-insurgency operation in the Philippines, 1946-1955 / Stories of India's gods & heroes / by F. Max Müller. by Lieut.-Gen. Sir William Napier. General Books, Kessinger Publishing, 2010. [2010]. 英文 英文 Julia Lederle. Harrassowitz, c2009. 德文 by Lawrence M. Greenberg. s.n., 2010]. 英文 by W. D. Monro ; with Kessinger Publishing, sixteen illustrations by Evelyn Paul. Gustav Salomon Oppert. General Books, [2010]. 英文 [2010]. 英文 by Stanley Lane-Poole. [2010]. 英文 Alexander Cunningham. General Books, [2010]. 英文 Gabrielle Festing. [2010]. 英文 On the original inhabitants of Bharatavarsa or India / Mediaeval India under Mohammedan rule (A.D. 712-1764) / Ladak, physical, statistical, and historical :with notices of the surrounding countries / When kings rode to Delhi / Kessinger Publishing, General Books, 113 Travels in Beloochistan and Sinde :accompanied by a geographical and historical account of those countries ... / With Clive in India :or The beginnings of an empire / The story of the Malakand Field Force :an episode of frontier war / by Lieutenant Henry Pottinger. General Books, 2010. 英文 G. A. Henty. IndyPublish, 2008. 英文 by Winston S. Churchill. Wildside Press, [2009]. 英文 The dance of Siva :fourteen Indian essays / New life, new home :a story of retaining the cultural boundaries / by Ananda Coomaraswamy. Golam Sarwar Khan. s.n., 2009]. 英文 Common Ground, c2009. 英文 Lady Sale's Afghanistan :an Florential Sale. indomitable Victorian lady's account of the retreat from Kabul during the First Afghan War / Fragmented Dhaka :analysing everyday Elisa T. Bertuzzo. life with Henri Lefebvre's Theory of production of space / A Sikh diplomat / by Gunwant Malik. To fight the Mahrattas :the journal of an John Pester. officer of the 2nd Bengal Native Infantry 1802-1806 / Understanding India / by Gertrude Marvin Williams. India to-day / by R. Palme Dutt. Husain Ahmad Madani :the jihad for Barbara D. Metcalf. Islam and India's freedom / Leonaur/Oakpast Ltd., c2009. 英文 Franz Steiner Verlag, c2009. 英文 WritersPrintShop, Leonaur, c2008. c2009. 英文 英文 Kessinger Publishing, [2010]. 英文 Read Country Books, Oneworld, 2008]. c2009. 英文 英文 Ancient India as described by Megasthenes and Arrian :being a translation of the fragments of the Indika of Megasthenes collected by Dr. Schwanbeck, and of the first part of the Indika of Arrian by J. W. McCrindle. Akbar / Pakistan :can the United States secure an insecure state? / Arrian. Maluka publishing LLC, c2008. 英文 Andre Wink. C. Christine Fair ... [et al.]. Oneworld, RAND, c2009. c2010. 英文 英文 Nationbuilding, gender and war crimes Bina D'Costa. in South Asia / Ireland, India and Empire :Indo-Irish Kate O'Malley. radical connections, 1919-64 / Routledge, c2011. 英文 Manchester University Press ;distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave, 2009, c2008. 英文 A passionate humanitarian, VKRV Rao editors, S.L. Rao ... [et / al.]. Academic Foundation in c2008. association with Institute for Social and Economic Change, 英文 Workers, unions, and global capitalism :lessons from India / Rohini Hensman. Columbia University Press, c2011. 英文 Un/common cultures :racism and the rearticulation of cultural difference / Kamala Visweswaran. Duke University Press, c2010. 英文 The imaginary institution of India :politics and ideas / The domestic abroad :diasporas in international relations / Sudipta Kaviraj. Columbia University Press, c2010. 英文 Latha Varadarajan. Oxford University Press, c2010. 英文 Beyond counter-insurgency :breaking the impasse in Northeast India / edited by Sanjib Baruah. Oxford University Press, c2009. 英文 c2009. 英文 c2009. 英文 c2008. 英文 Borders and conflict in South Asia :the Lucy P. Chester. Radcliffe Boundary Commission and the partition of Punjab / Manchester University Press ;distriubted in the U.S. exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, Oxford University Press, Changing policy regimes and corporate B.L. Pandit and N.S. performance / Siddharthan. India exposed :the subcontinent A-Z / text and photographs by Abbeville Press Publishers, Clive Limpkin. 114 by Christopher Evans ... [et al.] ; with contributions by Dorothy Allard ... [et al.] ; principal illustrations by Crane Begg & Andrew Hall. Anjali R. Arondekar. McDonald Institute for c2009. Archeological Research ;[Distributed by] David Brown Book Company, 英文 Duke University Press, 2009. 英文 editors, Varsha Joshi, Surjit Singh. Anand Pandian. Rawat Publications, c2009. 英文 Crooked stalks :cultivating virtue in South India / Mourning the nation :Indian cinema in Bhaskar Sarkar. the wake of Partition / Duke University Press, c2009. 英文 Duke University Press, c2009. 英文 Tamil oratory and the Dravidian aesthetic :democratic practice in south India / Stages of capital :law, culture, and market governance in late colonial India / South Koreans in the debt crisis :the creation of a neoliberal welfare society / Relocation failures in Sri Lanka :a short history of internal displacement and resettlement / Religion and the specter of the West :Sikhism, India, postcoloniality, and the politics of translation / Colonialism, modernity, and religious identities :religious reform movements in South Asia / Ambedkar and dalit movement :special reference to Rajasthan / Bernard Bate. Columbia University Press, c2009. 英文 Ritu Birla. Duke University Press, c2009. 英文 Jesook Song. Duke University Press, c2009. 英文 Robert Muggah. Zed Books ;Distributed in the USA exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, Columbia University Press, c2008. 英文 c2009. 英文 edited by Gwilym Beckerlegge. Oxford University Press, c2008. 英文 Shyamlal. Rawat Publications, 2008. 英文 A nation in transition :understanding the Indian economy / Jayshree Sengupta. Academic Foundation in association with Observer Research Foundation, c2007. 英文 Women in Dharmaśāstras :a phenomenological and critical analysis / HIV in China :understanding the social aspects of the epidemic / [edited by] Chandrakala Rawat Publications, Padia. c2009. 英文 edited by Jing Jun & Heather Worth. University of New South Wales Press, c2010. 英文 Indigenous science and technology for edited by V. sustainable development / Subramanyam. Rawat Publications, c2008. 英文 Indian tribes and the mainstream / edited by Sukant K. Chaudhury, Soumendra Mohan Patnaik. Published on behalf of c2008. Ethnographic & Folk Culture Society, Lucknow [by] Rawat Publications, 英文 Group work :theories and practices / Glimpses of Indian agriculture :macro and micro aspects / H. Y. Siddiqui. general editor, S.M. Jharwal ; editors, R.S. Deshpande ... [et al.]. Rawat Publications, c2008. Academic Foundation in c2008. association with Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Dept. of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India and Agricultural Development and Rural Transformation Centre, Institute of Social and Economic Change, 英文 英文 Grounding knowledge/walking land :archaeological research and ethno-historical identity in central Nepal / For the record :on sexuality and the colonial archive in India / Culture, polity, and economy / Arvind-pal S. Mandair. 115 general editor, S.M. Jharwal ; editors, R.S. Deshpande ... [et al.]. Gender concerns in South Asia :some perspectives / editors, Manjeet Bhatia, Rawat Publications, Deepali Bhanot, Nirmalya Samanta ... [et al.]. B. Arun Kumar. Rawat Publications, edited by S. R. Ahlawat. Rawat Publications, c2008. 英文 c2008. c2008. 英文 英文 Krishan Chand Ramotra. Rawat Publications, c2008. 英文 Gandhian protest / Economic reforms and social transformation / Development processes and the scheduled castes / Observing Sindh :selected reports / Academic Foundation in c2008. association with Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Dept. of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India and Agricultural Development and Rural Transformation Centre, Institute of Social and Economic Change, 英文 Glimpses of Indian agriculture :macro and micro aspects / Edward Paterson Del Hoste ; edited and introduced by Matthew A. Cook. Lives and exploits of the most by J.A. St. John, ... [et distinguished voyagers, adventurers and al.]. discoverers :in Europe, Asia, Africa, America, the South Seas, and Polar regions. Among which are those of Cooke, Cavendish, Clapperton, Mackenzie, Park, Parry, Ross, Franklin, Lander, Denham, Dampier,Sir Francis Drake, Della Valle, Niebuhr, Sir John Chardin, &c. / Trade in the eastern seas 1793-1813 / Cyril Northcote Parkinson. Nagapattinam to editors, Hermann Kulke, Suvarnadwipa :reflections on the Chola K. Kesavapany, Vijay naval expeditions to Southeast Asia / Sakhuja. Sheri Khan Tarakai and early village by F. Khan ... [et al.] ; life in the borderlands of north-west with contributions by Pakistan / C.R. Cartwright and L. Joyner ; edited by C.A. Petrie. Kudiyattam theatre and the actor's Arya Madhavan. consciousness / In search of the Balkan recovery :the Christopher Cviic and political and economic reemergence of Peter Sanfey. south-eastern Europe / Understanding Bangladesh / S. Mahmud Ali. The Jinnah anthology / compiled and edited by Liaquat H. Merchant, Sharif al-Mujahid. South Korea / by Jennifer A. Miller. Bangladesh and Pakistan :flirting with William B. Milam. failure in South Asia / Oxford University Press, c2008. 英文 Nabu Press, [2010]. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 ISEAS, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, c2009. 英文 Oxbow Books ;David Brown Book Co. [distributor], c2010. 英文 Rodopi, 2010. 英文 Columbia University Press, c2010. 英文 Columbia University Press, Oxford University Press, c2010. 2009. 英文 英文 Lerner, Columbia University Press, c2010. c2009. 英文 英文 Constitution, government and politics Biswaranjan Mohanty. in India :evolution and present structure / Coins and tokens from ancient Reinhold Walburg. Ceylon :being a critical survey of the coins and coin-like objects unearthed on the island based on a thoroughly annotated catalogue of finds, and supplemented by an analytical part dealing with the island's ancient economy and its trade with the western world / Der arische Ansatz :Erich Frauwallner Jakob Stuchlik. und der Nationalsozialismus / New Century Publications, 2009. 英文 Reichert Verlag, 2008. 英文 Verlag der Österreichischen 2009. Akademie derWissenschaften, 德文 116 Other tongues :rethinking the language edited by Nalini Iyer and Rodopi, debates in India / Bonnie Zare. 2009. 英文 Hindoo tales :or, the adventures of ten princes; freely translated from the Sanscrit of the Dasakumaracharitam / by P.W. Jacob. BiblioLife, LLC, 2008. 英文 The Empire of Min :a South China kingdom of the tenth century / [Edward H. Schafer]. Floating World ;Marston, distributor], 2006. 英文 The economic and strategic rise of China and India :asian realignments after the 1997 financial crisis / A narrative of the siege of Delhi with an account of the mutiny at Ferozepore in 1857 / David B.H. Denoon. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. 英文 BiblioLife, LLC, 2008. 英文 Cosimo Inc., 2008. 英文 Cosimo Inc., 2008. 英文 Cosimo Inc., 2008. 英文 Cosimo Inc., 2008. 英文 Cosimo Inc., 2008. 英文 Cosimo Inc., 2008. 英文 Cosimo Inc., 2008. 英文 Natural History Publications, White Lotus Press, 2004. c1998. 英文 英文 The Art Museum, University of Singapore, June-July, 1971. Introd. and descriptive notes by William Willetts. Early picture postcards of North Borneo Chai Foh Chin. Opus Publications, and Labuan / From revolution to a second translated from the National Historical Institute, colonization :the Philippines under French by Marietta E. Spain and the United States / Guerrero. Making Thai :everyday objects of [editor, Leenavat Page One, Thailand / Teerapongramkul]. 1971]. 英文 c2007. 英文 1990. 英文 c2006. 英文 Javanese literature in Surakarta manuscripts / Nancy K. Florida. c1993-<c2000 >. 英文 Decolonization in South Asia :meanings of freedom in post-independence West Bengal, 1947-52 / M. N. Roy :Marxism and colonial cosmopolitanism / Sekhar Bandyopadhyay. Routledge, 2009. 英文 Kris Manjapra. Routledge India ;Taylor & Francis [distributor], c2010. 英文 Radical politics in colonial Punjab :governance and sedition / Shalini Sharma. Routledge, 2010. 英文 Rise of the plebeians? :the changing face of Indian legislative assemblies / editors, Christophe Routledge, Jaffrelot, Sanjay Kumar. 2009. 英文 by Charles John Griffiths ... ed. by Henry John Yonge ... with plans and illustrations. History of India :in nine volumes. / Stanley Lane-Poolem editor. History of India :in nine volumes. / Stanley Lane-Poolem editor. History of India :in nine volumes. / Stanley Lane-Poolem editor. History of India :in nine volumes. / Stanley Lane-Poolem editor. History of India :in nine volumes. / Stanley Lane-Poolem editor. History of India :in nine volumes. / Stanley Lane-Poolem editor. History of India :in nine volumes. / Stanley Lane-Poolem editor. A white headhunter in Borneo / Stephen Holley. Among the tribes of Southern Vietnam P. Cupet ; translated and and Laos :'wild' tribes and French with an introduction by politics on the Siamese border (1891) / Walter E.J. Tips. Ceramic art of Southeast Asia :first annual exhibition / Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University, Savagery and colonialism in the Indian Satadru Sen. Ocean :power, pleasure and the Andaman islanders / The Cold War and national assertion in Matthew Foley. Southeast Asia :Britain, the United States and Burma, 1948-62 / Women's history and local community Curtis Anderson Gayle. in postwar Japan / Routledge, 2010. 英文 Routledge, 2010. 英文 Routledge, 2010. 英文 Witnessing partition :memory, history, by Tarun K. Saint. fiction / Routledge ;Taylor & Francis [distributor], 2010. 英文 117 Historical dictionary of East Timor / Social legislation of the East India Company :public justice versus public instruction / A history of Korea :from antiquity to the present / Beyond Confucian China :the rival discourses of Kang Youwei and Zhang Binglin / Dandyism and transcultural modernity :the dandy, the flaneur, and the translator in 1930s Shanghai, Tokyo, and Paris / Defiant failed state :the North Korean threat to international security / Geoffrey C. Gunn. Scarecrow Press, Nancy Gardner Cassels. Sage Publications, 2011. 2010. 英文 英文 Michael J. Seth. Rowman & Littlefield, c2011. 英文 Young-tsu Wong. Routledge, 2010. 英文 Hsiao-yen Peng . Routledge, 2010. 英文 Bruce E. Bechtol, Jr. Potomac Books, c2010. 英文 Ending 'East of Suez' :the British decision to withdraw from Malaysia and Singapore, 1964-1968 / Historical dictionary of Mongolia / Statecraft and spectacle in East Asia :studies in Taiwan-Japan relations / The construction of history and nationalism in India :textbooks, controversies and politics / West Asia :civil society, democracy, and state / P.L. Pham. Oxford University Press, 2010. 英文 Alan J.K. Sanders. Scarecrow Press, edited by Adam Clulow. Routledge, c2010. 2011. 英文 英文 Sylvie Guichard. Routledge, c2010. 英文 edited by Sujata Ashwarya Cheema. New Century Publications, 2010. 英文 A concise history of modern Michael J. Seth. Korea :from the late nineteenth century to the present / Bloody shambles / Christopher Shores and Brian Cull with Yasuho Izawa. Creating the Arabian Gulf :the British Paul Rich. Raj and the invasions of the Gulf / Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2010. 英文 Grub Street, <c1993>-c2005. 英文 Lexington Books, c2009. 英文 Dubai :behind an urban spectacle / The imperial cruise :a secret history of empire and war / Douglas MacArthur :statecraft and stagecraft in America's East Asian policy / Historical dictionary of Israel / Yasser Elsheshtawy. James Bradley. Routledge, Little, Brown and Co., 2010. 2009. 英文 英文 Russell D. Buhite. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2008. 英文 2008. 英文 2008. 英文 In the footsteps of Marco Polo / Bernard Reich, David H. Scarecrow Press, Goldberg. Denis Belliveau & Rowman & Littlefield Francis O'Donnell. Publishers ;Distributed by National Book Network, Exodus to North Korea :shadows from Tessa Morris-Suzuki. Japan's Cold War / Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2007. 英文 Historical dictionary of Australia / The new economy in East Asia and the Pacific / A concise history of Korea :from the neolithic period through the nineteenth century / The strategic air war in Europe and the war in the west and east Asia 1943-1944/5 / James C. Docherty. Peter Drysdale. Scarecrow Press, Routledge, 2007. 2007. 英文 英文 Michael J. Seth. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2006. 英文 Horst Boog, Gerhard Clarendon Press, Krebs, Detlef Vogel ; translated by Derry Cook-Radmore ... [et al.] ; translation editor, Derry Cook-Radmore. Historical dictionary of the Hong Kong Ming K. Chan, Shiu-hing Scarecrow Press, SAR and the Macao SAR / Lo. 2006. 英文 2006. 英文 Pakistan :social and cultural transformation / 2006. 英文 Mohammad Qadeer. Routledge, 118 selected and translated Routledge, from the Arabic sources, by Francesco Gabrieli; translated from the Italian by E.J. Costello. From orientalism to edited by Sucheta Routledge, postcolonialism :Asia, Europe and the Mazumdar, Vasant lineages of difference / Kaiwar and Thierry Labica. Historiography and writing postcolonial Naheem Jabbar. Routledge, India / Nationalism, education, and migrant Sumita Mukherjee. Routledge, identities :the England-returned / 2009. 英文 2009. 英文 2009. 英文 2010. 英文 Provincial life and the military in imperial Japan :the phantom samurai / Stewart Lone. Routledge, 2010. 英文 State violence and punishment in India / Subaltern citizens and their histories :investigations from India and the USA / The international history of East Asia, 1900-1968 :trade, ideology and the quest for order / The Third Chinese Revolutionary Civil War, 1945-49 :an analysis of communist strategy and leadership / Vietnam 1946 :how the war began / Taylor C. Sherman. Routledge, 2010. 英文 edited by Gyanendra Pandey. Routledge, 2010. 英文 edited by Antony Best. Routledge, 2010. 英文 Christopher R. Lew. Routledge, 2009. 英文 Arab historians of the Crusades / Designing history in East Asian textbooks :identity politics and transnational aspirations / The making of Indian secularism :empire, law and Christianity, 1830-1960 / Planning for empire :reform bureaucrats and the Japanese wartime state / Shariʻa politics :Islamic law and society in the modern world / The company-state :corporate sovereignty and the early modern foundation of the British Empire in India / A visit to the East :comprising Germany and the Danube, Constantinople, Asia Minor, Egypt, and Idumea / A year amongst the Persians :impressions as to the life, character & thought of the people of Persia, received during twelve months' residence in that country in the years 1887-1888 / Bábar / Behind the gate :inventing students in Beijing / Crossing borders in East Asian higher education / Stein Tønnesson ; with a University of California Press, c2010. foreword by Philippe Devillers. edited by Gotelind Routledge, 2011. Müller. 英文 Nandini Chatterjee. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 英文 Janis Mimura. Cornell University Press, 2011. 英文 edited by Robert W. Hefner. Indiana University Press, c2011. 英文 Philip J. Stern. Oxford University Press, 2011. 英文 Henry Formby. Nabu Press, 2010. 英文 by Edward Granville Nabu Press, Browne ; with a memoir by E. Denison Ross. 2010. 英文 by Stanley Lane-Poole. Fabio Lanza. Kessinger Pub., Columbia University Press, [2010] c2010. 英文 英文 edited by David W. Chapman, William K. Cummings, Gerard A. Postiglione. Devesh Kapur. Comparative Education Research Centre, The Unversity of Hong Kong :Springer, Princeton University Press, 2010. 英文 c2010. 英文 Nabu Press, 2011. 英文 Nabu Press, Rawat Publications, 2010. c2005. 英文 英文 Diaspora, development, and democracy :the domestic impact of international migration from India / England and Russia in the East, a Series Henry Creswicke of papers on the political and Rawlinson. geographical condition of Central Asia / Gleanings from the desert of Arabia / Urban development and new localism :urban politics in Mumbai / Roger D. Upton. Sudha Mohan. 119 英文 Pratibha Jain, Sangeeta Sharma. K.C. Ponnappa. Rawat Publications, c2004. 英文 Rawat, c2003. 英文 Rajput polity, warriors, peasants, and merchants, 1700-1800 / Madhu Tandon Sethia. Rawat Publications, c2003. 英文 Trade and globalisation :Europeans, Americans, and Indians in the Bay of Bengal, 1511-1819 / Culture, communities and change / edited by S. Jeyaseela Stephen. Rawat Publications, 2003. 英文 edited by Varsha Joshi. Institute of Rajasthan Studies :Rawat Publications, c2002. 英文 Multiple histories :culture and society in the study of Rajasthan / editors, Lawrence A. Babb, Varsha Joshi, Michael W. Meister. Hem Bala Bhargava. Rawat Publications, 2002. 英文 Rawat Publications, c2000. 英文 Trading community of India :an anthropological study of ethnicity / Nilakantha Panigrahi, Premananda Panda. Rawat Publications, c2000. 英文 A forgotten empire :Vijayanagar / Crafting peace in Kashmir :through a realist lens / Genealogy of the South Indian deities :an English translation of Bartholomäeus Ziegenbalg's original German manuscript with a textual analysis and glossary / God willing :the politics of Islamism in Bangladesh / Land, politics, and trade in South Asia / Robert Sewell. Verghese Koithara. Kessinger, Sage Publications, [2011]. 2004. 英文 英文 [translated and edited by] RoutledgeCurzon, Daniel Jeyaraj. 2005. 英文 Ali Riaz. 2004. 英文 2004. 英文 1963. 英文 c2004. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2003. 英文 Duke University Press, 2004. 英文 Honour, status & polity / India's history, 550 B.C. to 1858 A.D. :an analytical review / Royalty, feudalism, and gender :as portrayed by foreign travellers / Naval surgeon :blockading the south, 1862-1866 / Pakistan on the brink :politics, economics, and society / Rowman & Littlefield, edited by Sanjay Oxford University Press, Subrahmanyam. edited by Elinor Barnes Indiana University Press, and James A. Barnes. Introd. by Allan Nevins. edited by Craig Baxter. Lexington Books, Saints, goddesses and kings :Muslims Susan Bayly. and Christians in South Indian society, 1700-1900 / Stitches on time :colonial textures and Saurabh Dube. postcolonial tangles / Madeleine Biardeau ; University of Chicago Press, 2004. translated by Alf Hiltebeitel, Marie-Louise Reiniche, and James Walker ; edited by Alf Hiltebeitel and Marie-Louise Reiniche. The Asian Texans / Marilyn Dell Brady. Texas A&M University Press, 2004. The invasion of India by Alexander the J. W. McCrindle. Kessinger, [2011]. Great as described by Arrian, Q. Curtius, Diodoros, Plutarch and Justin / 英文 The partition of Bengal and Assam, 1932-1947 :contour of freedom / Bidyut Chakrabarty. RoutledgeCurzon, 2004. 英文 The remasculinization of Korean cinema / Unfamiliar relations :family and history in South Asia / Wiener zeitschrift für die kunde sudasiens =Vienna journal of South Asian studies / Kyung Hyun Kim. Duke University Press, 2004. 英文 edited by Indrani Chatterjee. herausgegeben von Gerhard Oberhammer, Karin Preisenanz, Chlodwig Werba. Seán McGrail with Lucy Blue, Eric Kentley and Colin Palmer ; introduction by Basil Greenhill. Rutgers University Press, 2004. 英文 Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2004. 德文 RoutledgeCurzon :In Association with the Society for South Asian Studies, 英文 Stories about posts :Vedic variations around the Hindu goddess / Boats of South Asia / 120 2003. 英文 英文 edited by Peter N. Peregrine and Melvin Ember. Gentlemen of the Raj :the Indian Army Pradeep P. Barua. Officer Corps, 1817-1949 / Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2001. 英文 Praeger, 2003. 英文 India: what can it teach us? / by F. Max Müller. Kashmir in the shadow of war :regional Robert G. Wirsing. rivalries in a nuclear age / Kessinger, M.E. Sharpe, [2011]. 2003. 英文 英文 Mon nationalism and civil war in Burma :the golden sheldrake / Ashley South. RoutledgeCurzon, 2005. 英文 Perception, politics, and security in South Asia :the compound crisis of 1990 / Sufi saints and state power :the pirs of Sind, 1843-1947 / P.R. Chari, Pervaiz Iqbal RoutledgeCurzon, Cheema and Stephen Philip Cohen. Sarah F.D. Ansari. Cambridge University Press, 2003. 英文 2003. 英文 Encyclopedia of prehistory / The greater game :India's race with David Van Praagh. destiny and China / The Indian Ocean Rim :southern Africa edited by Gwyn and regional co-operation / Campbell. McGill-Queen's University Press, RoutledgeCurzon, c2003. 英文 2003. 英文 The making and unmaking of an industrial working class :sliding down the labour hierarchy in Ahmedabad, India / The trident, the crescent, and the cross :a view of the religious history of India during the Hindu, Buddhist, Mohammedan, and Christian periods / Wiener zeitschrift für die kunde sudasiens =Vienna journal of South Asian studies / Jan Breman. Amsterdam University Press, 2004. 英文 By the Rev. James Vaughan. Kessinger, [2011]. 英文 herausgegeben von Austrian Academy of Sciences, Gerhard Oberhammer, Karin Preisenanz, Chlodwig Werba. Working in the mill no more / text, Jan Breman ; Amsterdam University Press, photographs and design, Parthiv Shah. A place in the world :new local edited by Axel Brill, historiographies from Africa and South Harneit-Sievers. Asia / Bhutan :Königreich des Donnerdrachen Franz Binder, Winfried Hirmer, / Rode. Canal irrigation in British Ian Stone. Cambridge University Press, India :perspectives on technological change in a peasant economy / Caste, conflict, and ideology :Mahatma Rosalind O'Hanlon. Cambridge University Press, Jotirao Phule and low caste protest in nineteenth-century western India / 2003. 德文 2004. 英文 2002. 英文 c2002. 德文 2002. 英文 2002. 英文 Christians, cultural interactions, and India's religious traditions / edited by Judith M. Brown & Robert Eric Frykenberg ; associate editor, Alaine Low. Cultures of disaster :society and natural Greg Bankoff. hazards in the Philippines / W.B. Eerdmans ;RoutledgeCurzon, 2002. 英文 RoutledgeCurzon, 2003. 英文 Flood problem and management in South Asia / Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. 英文 From transition to power alternation :democracy in South Korea, 1987-1997 / Imperialism, nationalism, and the Aditya Mukherjee. making of the Indian capitalist class, 1920-1947 / Indian business and Nationalist politics Claude Markovits. 1931-1939 :the indigenous capitalist class and the rise of the Congress Party / Judging the state :courts and Paula R. Newberg. constitutional politics in Pakistan / Routledge, 2002. 英文 Sage Publications, 2002. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2002. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2002. 英文 Land and local kingship in 18th century John R. McLane. Bengal / Cambridge University Press, 2002. 英文 edited by M. Monirul Qader Mirza, Ajaya Dixit, Ainun Nishat. Carl J. Saxer. 121 Laying claim to the memory of May :a Linda S. Lewis. look back at the 1980 Kwangju Uprising / University of Hawai°i 2002. Press :Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawai°i, 英文 Naukar, Rajput, and sepoy :the ethnohistory of the military labour market in Hindustan, 1450-1850 / Peasants and imperial rule :agriculture and agrarian society in the Bombay Presidency, 1850-1935 / The divine and the demonic :supernatural affliction and its treatment in North India / Wiener zeitschrift für die kunde sudasiens =Vienna journal of South Asian studies / Dirk H.A. Kolff. Cambridge University Press, 2002. 英文 Neil Charlesworth. Cambridge University Press, 2002. 英文 Graham Dwyer. RoutledgeCurzon, 2003. 英文 herausgegeben von Gerhard Oberhammer, Karin Preisenanz, Chlodwig Werba. Fragments of the present :searching for Philip Taylor. modernity in Vietnam's south / Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2002. 德文 University of Hawai'i Press, 2001. 英文 Lineages of the present :ideology and politics in contemporary South Asia / Aijaz Ahmad. VERSO, 2000. 英文 Managing Korean business :organization, culture, human resources, and change / Penumbral visions :making polities in early modern South India / editors, Chris Rowley Tae-Won Sohn, Johngseok Bae. Sanjay Subrahmanyam. F. Cass, 2002. 英文 University of Michigan Press, 2001. 英文 The Mertíyo R¡áhors of Merto, Rájasthán :select translations bearing on the history of a Rajp¡¼t family, 1462-1660 / The Mertíyo R¡áhors of Merto, Rájasthán :select translations bearing on the history of a Rajp¡¼t family, 1462-1660 / Water architecture in South Asia :a study of types, development, and meanings / Agrarian environments :resources, representations, and rule in India / translated and annotated University of Michigan by Richard D. Saran and Centers for South and Norman P. Ziegler. Southeast Asian Studies, c2001. 英文 translated and annotated University of Michigan by Richard D. Saran and Centers for South and Norman P. Ziegler. Southeast Asian Studies, c2001. 英文 by Julia A.B. Hegewald. Brill, 2002. 英文 edited by Arun Agrawal Duke University Press, and K. Sivaramakrishnan ; foreword by James C. Scott. Michael Mann. F. Steiner, 2000. 英文 2000. 英文 Bengalen im Umbruch :die Herausbildung des britischen Kolonialstaates 1754-1793 / Der Kreislauf der Opfergaben im Veda Eva Wilden. / Faces of the feminine in ancient, edited by Mandakranta medieval, and modern India / Bose. F. Steiner, 2000. 德文 Oxford University Press, 2000. 英文 Jungle lore / Jim Corbett ; with an introduction by Martin Booth. Susmita Arp. Oxford University Press, 1999. 英文 F. Steiner, 2000. 德文 Ronald Inden, Jonathan Walters, Daud Ali. Oxford University Press, 2000. 英文 Ayesha Jalal. Routlege, 2000. 英文 Anthony James Joes. Praeger, 2001. 英文 herausgegeben von Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2001. Gerhard Oberhammer, Karin Preisenanz, Chlodwig Werba. translated and edited with Cambridge University Press, 2010. notes, and introduction and appendices by E.G. Ravenstein. 德文 K¯ al¯ ap¯ ani :zum Streit über die Zulässigkeit von Seereisen im kolonialzeitlichen Indien / Querying the medieval :texts and the history of practices in South Asia / Self and sovereignty :individual and community in South Asian Islam since 1850 / The war for South Viet Nam, 1954-1975 / Wiener zeitschrift für die kunde sudasiens =Vienna journal of South Asian studies / A journal of the first voyage of Vasco da Gama, 1497-1499 / 122 英文 Diary of William Hedges, Esq. (afterwards Sir William Hedges) :during his agency in Bengal as well as on his voyage out and return overland (1681-1687) / Diary of William Hedges, Esq. (afterwards Sir William Hedges) :during his agency in Bengal as well as on his voyage out and return overland (1681-1687) / Diary of William Hedges, Esq. (afterwards Sir William Hedges) :during his agency in Bengal as well as on his voyage out and return overland (1681-1687) / Sleeman in Oudh :an abridgement of W. H. Sleeman's A journey through the kingdom of Oude, in 1849-50 / The commentaries of the great Afonso Dalboquerque, second viceroy of India / edited by R. Barlow and Cambridge University Press, Henry Yule. 2009. 英文 edited by R. Barlow and Cambridge University Press, Henry Yule. 2009. 英文 edited by R. Barlow and Cambridge University Press, Henry Yule. 2009. 英文 edited with an introd. and Cambridge University Press, notes by P. D. Reeves. 2010. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 The commentaries of the great Afonso Dalboquerque, second viceroy of India / translated from the Portugese edition of 1774, with notes and an introd., by Walter de Gray Birch. translated from the Portugese edition of 1774, with notes and an introd., by Walter de Gray Birch. translated from the Portugese edition of 1774, with notes and an introd., by Walter de Gray Birch. translated from the Portugese edition of 1774, with notes and an introd., by Walter de Gray Birch. edited by K.N. Chaudhuri. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 The economic development of India under the East India Company 1814-58 :a selection of contemporary writings / The white Rajah :a history of Sarawak by Steven Runciman. from 1841 to 1946 / Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 The three voyages of Vasco da Gama, Gaspar Correa. and his viceroyalty :from the Lendas da India of Gaspar Corea / Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 The travels of Pietro della Valle in India :from the old English translation of 1664 / The travels of Pietro della Valle in India :from the old English translation of 1664 / Contemporary maritime piracy in Southeast Asia :history, causes, and remedies / edited by Edward Grey. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 edited by Edward Grey. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 Adam J. Young. International Institute for Asian 2007. Studies ;Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 英文 The commentaries of the great Afonso Dalboquerque, second viceroy of India / The commentaries of the great Afonso Dalboquerque, second viceroy of India / L'Éducation des jésuites :XVIe-XVIIIe François de Dainville ; Éditions de Minuit, siècles / textes réunis et présentés par Marie-Madeleine Compère, ... ; [publi?par le] Service d'histoire de l'éducation, I.N.R.P. [Institut national de recherche pédagogique]. Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. Nabu Press, nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. Nabu Press, nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. Nabu Press, nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. Nabu Press, nederlandsch-indie / 123 1978. 法文 2011. 荷蘭文 2011. 荷蘭文 2011. 荷蘭文 2011. 荷蘭文 Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / Geneeskundig tijdschrift voor Anonymous. nederlandsch-indie / The rise of causal concepts of K. Codell Carter. disease :case histories / Gender diversity in Sharyn Graham Davies. Indonesia :sexuality, Islam and queer selves / Environmental challenges in South-East edited by Victor T. King. Asia / Healing the herds :disease, livestock edited by Karen Brown economies, and the globalization of and Daniel Gilfoyle. veterinary medicine / The history of the world :comprising a by Samuel Maunder. general history, both ancient and modern, of all the principal nations of the globe, their rise, progress, present condition, etc. / Universal geography :or, a description by C. Malte-Brun. of all parts of the world, on a new plan, according to the great natural divisions of the globe / The Sea of Galilee boat / Shelley Wachsmann. The art and archaeology of Venetian Lillian Ray Martin. ships and boats / Memorable description of the East Willem Ysbrantsz Indian voyage, 1618-25 / Bontekoe. Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, 2011. 荷蘭文 Ashgate, 2003. 英文 Routledge, 2010. 英文 Curzon, 1998. 英文 Ohio University Press, 2010. 英文 Nabu Press, [2011]. 英文 Nabu Press, [2011]. 英文 Don Juan of Persia, a Shi'ah Catholic, Don Juan. 1560-1604 / The English factories in India, by William Foster. 1622-1623 :a calendar of documents in the India office and British museum (1908) / Texas A&M University Press, 2009. 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University Press of America, 1998. 英文 The wreck of the whaleship Essex :a narrative account / by Owen Chase ; edited by Iola Haverstick and Betty Shepard ; introduction by Gary Kinder. Jonathan Miles. Harcourt Brace & Co., 1999. 英文 Grove Press, 2007. 英文 Joe Haberstroh. Lyons Press ;Windsor, 2004. 英文 Hilary Hyland ; [illustrated by Paul Bachem]. William Henry. Peachtree, 1999. 英文 Coffin ship :the wreck of the brig St. John / The social world of Batavia :Europeans Jean Gelman Taylor. and Eurasians in colonial Indonesia / Mercier Press, 2009. 英文 University of Wisconsin Press, 2009. 英文 The Light club :on Paul Scheerbart's The light club of Batavia / The University of Chicago Press, 2010. 英文 W.W. Norton, Harper Perennial, 1997. 2003. 英文 英文 Penguin Books, 2004. 英文 Eroïca :the quest for oil in Indonesia by J. Ph. Poley. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. (1850-1898) / The arts of the sailor :knotting, splicing, Hervey Garrett Smith ; Dover, 1990. and ropework / illustrated by the author. 英文 The Bounty mutiny / The Dutch trading companies as knowledge networks / The wreck of the Medusa :the most famous sea disaster of the nineteenth century / Fatal depth :deep sea diving, China fever and the wreck of the Andrea Doria / The wreck of the Ethie / edited by Siegfried Huigen, Jan L. de Jong and Elmer Kolfin. Christine Dobbin. Josiah McElheny with contributions by Gregg Bordowitz, Ulrike Müller, Andrea Geyer, and Branden W. Joseph ; translations by Wilhelm Werthern and Barbara Schroeder ; original texts in German by Paul Scheerbart and Georg Hecht. Captain James Cook / Richard Hough. Over the edge of the world :Magellan's Laurence Bergreen. terrifying circumnavigation of the globe / The Bounty :the true story of the Caroline Alexander. mutiny on the Bounty / The wreckers :a story of killing seas and plundered shipwrecks, from the eighteenth century to the present day / The world's richest wrecks :a wreck diver's guide to gold and silver 英文 William Bligh, Edward Christian ; with an introduction by R.D. Madison. Bella Bathurst. Penguin Books, 2001. 英文 Houghton Mifflin, 2005. 英文 Robert F. Marx, with Jenifer Marx. RAM Books, 2009. 英文 125 treasures of the seas / Mutiny and romance in the South Seas :a companion to the Bounty adventure / The scents of Eden :a history of the spice trade / The Persian Gulf :A political and economic history of five port cities, 1500-1730 / 18th century costume in National Museums Liverpool / Sven Wahlroos ; foreword by Rolf Du Rietz. Charles Corn., 2001. 英文 Kodansha International, 1999. 英文 Willem Floor. Mage Publishers, 2006. 英文 Pauline Rushton. The Museums, 2004. 英文 Voyage par le Cap de Bonne-Espérance a Batavia :a Bantam et au Bengale, en 1768-71 / Batavia sacra.Vol. 1 / Johan Splinter Stavorinus, Hendrik J. Jansen. Hugo Franciscus van Heussen. Jacobus Anne van der Chijs. Kessinger Publishing, [2011]. 法文 Nabu Press, [2011]. 荷蘭文 Het middelbaar school-onderwijs te Batavia, gedurende de eerste helft van de 19e eeuw volgens officieele bescheiden / Chineesche kunst :naar aanleiding van Henri Borel. de tentoonstelling gehouden te batavia / Bibliolife, [2011]. 荷蘭文 Nabu Press, [2011]. 荷蘭文 Batavia / Ongeluckige voyagie, vant schip Batavia, nae Oost-Indien (1648) / Nabu Press, Kessinger Publishing, [2011]. [2011]. 英文 荷蘭文 Reise eines teutschen Romantikers nach Karl Heinzen. Batavia / A voyage to Cochinchina, in the years John Barrow. 1792 and 1793 (1806) / Nabu Press, [2011]. 荷蘭文 Kessinger Publishing, [2011]. 英文 The three voyages of Martin Frobisher :in search of a passage to Cathaia and India by the North-west, 1576-8 / The natural and moral history of the Indies / Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 Joseph de Acosta ; edited Cambridge University Press, by Clements R. Markham. The natural and moral history of the Joseph de Acosta ; edited Cambridge University Press, Indies / by Clements R. Markham. Diary of Richard Cocks :cape-merchant edited by Edward Cambridge University Press, in the English factory in Japan, Maunde Thompson. 1615-1622 / Diary of Richard Cocks :cape-merchant edited by Edward Cambridge University Press, in the English factory in Japan, Maunde Thompson. 1615-1622 / The voyages of Captain Luke Foxe and edited by Miller Christy. Cambridge University Press, Captain Thomas James in search of a north-west passage, in 1631-32 :with narratives of the earlier north-west voyages of Frobisher, Davis and others / The voyages of Captain Luke Foxe and edited by Miller Christy. Cambridge University Press, Captain Thomas James in search of a north-west passage, in 1631-32 :with narratives of the earlier north-west voyages of Frobisher, Davis and others / American diplomacy in the Orient / John W. Foster, with Bibliolife, introd. by Robert Lansing. An authentic narrative of the shipwreck Eliza Bradley b. 1783. Nabu Press, and sufferings of Mrs. Eliza Bradley, :the wife of Capt. James Bradley of Liverpool, commander of the ship Sally which was wrecked on the coast of Barbary, in June 1818 ... / Caliban's shore :the wreck of the Stephen Taylor. W.W. Norton, Grosvenor and the strange fate of her survivors / 2009. 英文 2009. 英文 2010. 英文 2010. 英文 2010. 英文 2010. 英文 [2011]. 英文 [2011]. 英文 2004. 英文 Hendrik Conscience. Francisco Pelsaert. Richard Collinson. 126 Catalogue of printed music published William Barclay Squire. between 1487 and 1800 now in the British museum / Gekroond batavia (1767) / Barent Koene publisher. Hof-tapiit, tot cieraed vande niewe Willem van Velden. gewelfde Staet-Zael :Van't vriie Batavia (1659) / Sir stamford raffles :England in the far Hugh Edward Egerton. east / Batavia :historisch tafereel uit de XVIIe Hendrik Conscience. eeuw / A historical sketch of the village of Seaver, William. Batavia / Captain Cook's journal during the first James Cook. voyage round the world / Bibliolife, [2011]. 英文 Kessinger Publishing, Kessinger Publishing, [2011]. [2011]. 荷蘭文 荷蘭文 General Books, [2010]. 英文 Nabu Press, [2011]. 荷蘭文 General Books, [2010]. 英文 Kessinger Publishing, [2011]. 英文 Adventures of a sea hunter :in search of James P. Delgado. famous shipwrecks / Douglas & McIntyre ;Distributed in the U.S. by Publishers Group West, Naval Institute Press, 2004. 英文 2007. 英文 Until the sea shall free them :life, death, Robert Frump. and survival in the Merchant Marine / The part borne by the Dutch in the discovery of Australia 1606-1765 / Jan Ernst Heeres. BiblioBazaar, 2008. 英文 A voyage to the South sea :for the purpose of conveying the bread-fruit tree to the West Indies, Including an account of the mutiny on board the said ship / Rubber companies in the Netherland East Indies :Netherlands Commissie ter bevordering eener Nederlandsche en koloniale inzending op de Internationale rubber tentoostelling te Londen. The lost history of Christianity :the thousand-year golden age of the church in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia--and how it died / Select letters of Christopher Columbus :with other original documents, relating to his four voyages to the New World / The historie of travaile into Virginia Britannia :expressing the cosmographie and comodities of the country, togither with the manners and customes of the people / Divers voyages touching the discovery of America and the islands adjacent / William Bligh. BiblioBazaar, 2006. 英文 Swart, A. G. N. BiblioBazaar, 2009, c1911. 英文 Philip Jenkins. Harper One, 2008. 英文 edited by Richard Henry Cambridge University Press, Major. 2010. 英文 William Strachey ; edited Cambridge University Press, by Richard Henry Major. 2010. 英文 collected and published Cambridge University Press, by Richard Hakluyt ; edited by John Winter Jones. Richard Hakluyt ; edited Cambridge University Press, by William B. Rye. 2010. 英文 2010. 英文 William Coats ; edited by Cambridge University Press, John Barrow. 2010. 英文 Gerrit de Veer ; edited by Cambridge University Press, Charles T. Beke. 2010. 英文 edited by Clements R. Markham. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 Narrative of the embassy of Ruy Ruy González de Clavijo. Cambridge University Press, Gonzalez de Clavijo to the court of Timour at Samarcand, A.D. 1403-6 / Henry Hudson the navigator :the edited by Georg Michael Cambridge University Press, original documents in which his career Asher. is recorded / 127 2010. 英文 2010. 英文 The discovery and conquest of Terra Florida :by Don Ferdinando de Soto and six hundred Spaniards his followers / Geography of Hudson's Bay :being the remarks of Captain W. Coats in many voyages to that locality between the years 1727 and 1751 / A true description of three voyages by the north-east towards Cathay and China :undertaken by the Dutch in the years 1594, 1595 and 1596 / Expeditions into the valley of the Amazons, 1539, 1540, 1639 / The expedition of Pedro de Ursua and Lope de Aguirre :in search of El Dorado and Omagua in 1560-1 / Peoples of Western Asia / Pedro Simón. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 Marshall Cavendish. 2006. 英文 Peoples of Western Asia / Marshall Cavendish. 2006. 英文 Peoples of Western Asia / Marshall Cavendish. 2006. 英文 Peoples of Western Asia / Marshall Cavendish. 2006. 英文 Peoples of Western Asia / Marshall Cavendish. 2006. 英文 Peoples of Western Asia / Marshall Cavendish. 2006. 英文 Peoples of Western Asia / Marshall Cavendish. 2006. 英文 Peoples of Western Asia / Marshall Cavendish. 2006. 英文 Peoples of Western Asia / Marshall Cavendish. 2006. 英文 Peoples of Western Asia / Marshall Cavendish. 2006. 英文 Peoples of Western Asia / Marshall Cavendish. Marshall Cavendish Corporation, Marshall Cavendish Corporation, Marshall Cavendish Corporation, Marshall Cavendish Corporation, Marshall Cavendish Corporation, Marshall Cavendish Corporation, Marshall Cavendish Corporation, Marshall Cavendish Corporation, Marshall Cavendish Corporation, Marshall Cavendish Corporation, Marshall Cavendish Corporation, Home Farm Books, 2006. 英文 2006. 英文 Tales of the Border - Military Exploits L. A. Bethell. in India - Pakistan and Afghanistan / Goh Keng Swee ; arranged and edited by Linda Low ; foreword by Wang Gungwu. by B. C. Henry ; with an introductory note by Joseph Cook. edited by Wang Gungwu, Zheng Yongnian. Marshall Cavendish Academic, c2004. 英文 Kessinger Publishing, LLC, 2003. 英文 East Asian Institute National University of Singapore, 2003. 英文 Qinghuang Yen. Marshall Cavendish Academic, 2002. 英文 Kamoludin Abdullaev, Shahram Akbarzadeh. Scarecrow Press, 2002. 英文 Rebirth of Uzbekistan :politics, economy and society in the post-Soviet era / A modern history of the Kurds / Islam in politics in Russia and central Asia :early eighteenth to late twentieth centuries / A history of the great Moghuls ; or, a history of the badshahate of Delhi from 1398 A.D. to 1739 / Among the wild tribes of the Afghan frontier :a record of sixteen years' close intercourse with the natives of the Indian marches / England and India / Exploring the West :three travel narratives / Sikhs, swamis, students, and spies :the India lobby in the United States, 1900-1946 / State formation in Japan :emergence of a 4th-century ruling elite / Resul Yalcin ; with a foreword by Boqdan Szajkowski. David McDowall. edited by Stéphane A. Dudoignon and Komatsu Hisao. by Pringle Kennedy. Ithaca Press, 2002. 英文 I. B. Tauris & Company, Routledge, 2001. 2009. 英文 英文 Nabu Press, 2010 英文 Theodore Leighton Pennell. Nabu Press, 2010. 英文 Annie Wood Besant. edited by Mushirul Hasan. Harold A. Gould. Kessinger Publishing, Oxford University Press, 2010. 2010. 英文 英文 Sage Publications, 2006. 英文 Gina Lee Barnes. Routledge, 2007. 英文 The History and future of Hangeul :Korea's indigenous script / Kim Zong-Su; English Global Oriental, translation by Ross King. 2005. 英文 2006. 英文 Wealth of East Asian nations / The cross and the dragon :or, Light in the broad East / Damage control :the Chinese Communist Party in the Jiang Zemin era / The ethnic Chinese in East and Southeast Asia :business, culture, and politics / Historical dictionary of Tajikistan / The Mongols in Iran :Chingiz Khan to Judith G. Kolbas. Uljaytu, 1220-1309 / Routledge, 128 The uses of memory :the critique of modernity in the fiction of Higuchi Ichiyō / Transformations in twentieth century Korea / "We are not garbage!" :the homeless movement in Tokyo, 1994-2002 / A history of contemporary Korea / A history of the early Korean kingdom of Paekche :together with an annotated translation of the Paekche annals of the Samguk sagi / Air war for Burma :the allied air forces fight back in South-East Asia 1942-1945 / Beyond birth :social status in the emergence of modern Korea / Timothy J. Van Compernolle. Harvard University Asia Center, 2006. 英文 edited by Chang Yun-shik and Steven Hugh Lee. Miki Hasegawa. Routledge, 2006. 英文 Routledge, 2006. 英文 by Kang Man-gil. Jonathan W. Best. Global Oriental, Harvard University Asia Center, 2005. 2006. 英文 英文 Christopher Shores. Grub Street, 2005. 英文 Kyung Moon Hwang. Harvard University Asia Center, 2004. 英文 Routledge, 2006. 英文 Scarecrow Press, 2005. 英文 Praeger Security International, 2005. Kegan Paul, 2004. 英文 英文 Global Oriental, 2005. 英文 Cooperation over conflict :the women's Miriam Murase. movement and the state in postwar Japan / Historical dictionary of New Zealand / Keith Jackson, Alan McRobie. Korea, the divided nation / Edward A. Olsen. Memoirs of the red queen :the crown by Lady Hong ; princess' own story / translated by Yang-hi Choe-Wall. North Korea in the 21st century :an James E. Hoare and interpretative guide / Susan Pares. Practical pursuits :Takano Chōei, Takahashi Keisaku, and western medicine in nineteenth-century Japan / Public service reform in East Asia :reform issues and challenges in Japan, Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong / The changing world of Bali :religion, society and tourism / Ellen Gardner Nakamura. Harvard University Asia Center, 2005. 英文 edited by Anthony B.L. Cheung. Chinese University Press, 2005. 英文 Leo Howe. Routledge, 2005. 英文 The history of Korea / The Mongols and the West, 1221-1410 / A historical atlas of Azerbaijan / A historical atlas of Egypt / A historical atlas of Kyrgyzstan / A historical atlas of Oman / A historical atlas of the United Arab Emirates / A historical atlas of Yemen / A journey to the East :Li Gui's a new account of a trip around the globe / Djun Kil Kim. Peter Jackson. Greenwood Press, Pearson Longman, 2005. 2005. 英文 英文 Sherri Liberman. Allison Stark Draper. Aisha Khan. Michael Isaac. Amy Romano. Rosen Pub. Group, Rosen Pub. Group, Rosen Pub. Group, Rosen Pub. Group, Rosen Pub. Group, 2004. 2004. 2004. 2004. 2004. 英文 英文 英文 英文 英文 Amy Romano. translated with an introduction by Charles Desnoyers. Leszek Buszynski. Rosen Pub. Group, 2004. 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Columbia University Press in association with the Centre d'études et de recherches internationales, Paris, 2004. 英文 Israeli politics and the Middle East peace process, 1988-2002 / Hassan A. Barari. RoutledgeCurzon, 2004. 英文 Mencius on becoming human / James Behuniak Jr. 英文 Muslims in India since 1947 :Islamic perspectives on inter-faith relations / Yoginder Sikand. State University of New York 2005. Press, Routledge/Curzon, 2004. Performing Russia :folk revival and Russian identity / Russian literary culture in the camera age :the word as image / Laura J. Olson. Routledge, 2004. 英文 Stephen C. Hutchings. Routledge/Curzon, 2004. 英文 Small players of the Great Game :the Pirouz Mojtahed-Zadeh. Routledge/Curzon, settlement of Iran's eastern borderlands and the creation of Afghanistan / 2004. 英文 Social policy in east and southeast Asia :education, health, housing and income maintenance / Soviet music and society under Lenin and Stalin :the baton and sickle / M. Ramesh. Routledge/Curzon, 2004. 英文 edited by Neil Edmunds. Routledge/Curzon, 2004. 英文 Alliance in anxiety :détente and the Sino-American-Japanese triangle / Go Ito. Routledge, 2003. 英文 An American editor in early Neil L. O'Brien. revolutionary China :John William Powell and the China weekly/monthly review / Early Mongol rule in thirteenth-century George Lane. Iran :a Persian renaissance / Routledge, 2003. 英文 Routledge/Curzon, 2003. 英文 East Timor :a memoir of the negotiations for independence / McFarland & Company, 2003. 英文 Eastern cauldron :Islam, Afghanistan, Gilbert Achcar ; Palestine and Iraq in a Marxist mirror / translated by Peter Drucker. The empire of the Raj :India, Eastern Robert J. Blyth. Africa and the Middle East, 1858-1947 / Historical dictionary of Afghanistan / Ludwig W. Adamec. Historical dictionary of Kyrgyzstan / Rafis Abazov. Historical dictionary of Nepal / Nanda R. Shrestha, Keshav Bhattarai. Monthly Review Press, 2004. 英文 Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. 英文 Scarecrow Press, Scarecrow Press, Scarecrow Press, 2003. 2004. 2003. 英文 英文 英文 Historical dictionary of North Korea / Historical dictionary of Saudi Arabia / Manufacturing competitiveness in Asia :how internationally competitive national firms and industries developed in East Asia / Muslim architecture of South India :the sultanate of Ma'bar and the traditions of the maritime settlers on the Malabar and Coromandel coasts (Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Goa) / New culture in a new world :the May Fourth movement and the Chinese diaspora in Singapore, 1919-1932 / Ilpyong J. Kim. John E. Peterson. edited by Jomo K.S. Scarecrow Press, Scarecrow Press, Routledge/Curzon, 2003. 2003. 2003. 英文 英文 英文 Mehrdad Shokoohy. RoutledgeCurzon, 2003. 英文 David L. Kenley. Routledge, 2003. 英文 Historical dictionary of Syria / Historical dictionary of the Republic of Korea / Historical dictionary of Turkmenistan / Islamic area studies with geographical information systems / David Commins. Andrew C. Nahm, James E. Hoare. Rafis Abazov. edited by Okabe Atsuyuki. by Jamsheed Marker. 130 英文 Persian documents :social history of Iran and Turan in the fifteenth to nineteenth centuries / Philippines / Pitfall or panacea :the irony of US power in occupied Japan, 1945-1952 / edited by Kondo Nobuaki. Routledge/Curzon, by Mary Campbell Wild. Lucent Books, Yoneyuki Sugita. Routledge, 2003. 英文 2004. 2003. 英文 英文 The scripture on the ten kings and the Stephen F. Teiser. making of purgatory in medieval Chinese Buddhism / The renaissance of Takefu :how people Guven Peter Witteveen. and the local past changed the civic life of a regional Japanese town / University of Hawaii Press, 1994. 英文 Routledge, 2004. 英文 Unfinished business :Ayukawa Yoshisuke and U.S.-Japan relations, 1937-1953 / Distant sovereignty :national imperialism and the origins of British India / The British Army, the Gurkhas, and Cold War strategy in the Far East, 1947-1954 / Collective goods, collective futures in Asia / Coolitude :an anthology of the Indian labour diaspora / Haruo Iguchi. Harvard University Asia Center, 2003. 英文 Sudipta Sen. Routledge, 2002. 英文 Raffi Gregorian. Palgrave MacMillan, 2002. 英文 edited by Sally Sargeson. Routledge, 2002. 英文 Marina Carter and Khal Torabully. Anthem Press, 2002. 英文 Count N.P. Ignat'ev :the father of lies? / David MacKenzie. East European Monographs ;distributed by Columbia University Press, 2002. 英文 Cultural politics and Asian values :the tepid war / Emperor and aristocracy in Japan, 1467-1680 :resilience and renewal / Michael D. Barr. Routledge, 2002. 英文 Lee Butler. Harvard University Asia 2002. Center :distributed by Harvard Univesity Press, 英文 Europe and the Asia-Pacific :culture, edited by Stephanie identity and representations of region / Lawson. RoutledgeCurzon, 2003. 英文 Fire on the rim :the cultural dynamics of East/West power politics / William H. Thornton. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2002. 英文 Future trends in East Asian international relations / Historical dictionary of Polynesia / Horror in the East :Japan and the atrocities of World War II / editor Quansheng Zhao. Frank Cass, 2002. 英文 Robert D. Craig. Laurence Rees. Scarecrow Press, Da Capo Press, 2002. 2002. 英文 英文 Japanese higher education as myth / Korea briefing 2000-2001 :first steps toward reconciliation and reunification / Postcolonial international relations :conquest and desire between Asia and the West / The Arabian seas :the Indian Ocean world of the seventeenth century / Brian J. McVeigh. Kongdan Oh and Ralph C. Hassig, editors. East Gate Book, East Gate Book, 2002. 2002. 英文 英文 L.H.M. Ling. Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. 英文 R.J. Barendse. East Gate Book, 2002. 英文 The challenges of the U.S.-Japan military arrangement :competing security transitions in a changing international environment / The role of the Bektās̲ h̲ īs in Turkey's national struggle / Anthony DiFilippo. East Gate Book, 2002. 英文 by Hülya Küçük. Brill, 2002. 英文 Routledge/Curzon, 2003. 英文 Routledge, 2002. 英文 Harvard University Asia Center, 2001. 英文 Ukraine's foreign and security policy, Roman Wolczuk. 1991-2000 / Words kill :calling for the destruction Cheng-Chih Wang. of "class enemies" in China, 1949-1953 / A time of crisis :Japan, the great Kerry Smith. depression, and rural revitalization / 131 Tiana Norgren. Princeton University Press, 2001. 英文 Richard Tanter, Mark Selden, and Stephen R. Shalom. Tyrene White, editor. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2001. 英文 East Gate Book, 2000. 英文 Michael Leifer. Routledge, 2001. 英文 edited by Peter N. Peregrine and Melvin Ember. Eyewitnesses to massacre :American edited by Zhang missionaries bear witness to Japanese Kaiyuan ; foreword by atrocities in Nanjing / Donald MacInnis. Handbook of social work practice with Alex Gitterman, editor. vulnerable and resilient populations / Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2001. 英文 East Gate Book, 2001. 英文 Columbia University Press, 2001. 英文 Life after the Soviet Union :the newly Nozar Alaolmolki. independent republics of Transcaucasus and Central Asia / Pacific Asia? :prospects for security Mel Gurtov. and cooperation in East Asia / State University of New York 2001. Press, 英文 Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2002. 英文 Scholarship unbound :assessing service as scholarship for promotion and tenure / Studying the enemy :Japan hands in Republican China and their quest for national identity / The Sino-American alliance :Nationalist China and American Cold War strategy in Asia / Tigers' roar :Asia's recovery and its impact / Asia in the undergraduate curriculum :a case for Asian studies in liberal arts education / Becoming apart :national power and local politics in Toyama, 1868-1945 / KerryAnn O'Meara. RoutledgeFalmer, 2002. 英文 Christiane I. Reinhold. Routledge, 2001. 英文 John W. Garver. East Gate Book, 1997. 英文 Julian Weiss, editor. East Gate Book, 2001. 英文 Suzanne Wilson Barnett East Gate Book, and Van Jay Symons, editors. Michael Lewis. Harvard University Asia Center, 2000. 英文 2000. 英文 Constructing "Korean" origins :a critical review of archaeology, historiography, and racial myth in Korean state-formation theories / Defence and decolonisation in Southeast Asia :Britain, Malaya and Singapore, 1941-1968 / Jewel in the ashes :Buddha relics and power in early medieval Japan / Hyung Il Pai. Harvard University Asia Center, 2000. 英文 Karl Hack. Curzon, 2001. 英文 Brian D. Ruppert. Harvard University Asia Center, 2000. 英文 Measured excess :status, gender, and Laura C. Nelson. consumer nationalism in South Korea / Columbia University Press, 2000. 英文 Soldiers, cities, and civilians in Roman Nigel Pollard. Syria / A critical introduction to Mao / edited by Timothy Cheek. A malleable map :geographies of Kären Wigen. restoration in central Japan, 1600-1912 / The land of the blue gown / Alicia E. Neve Little. Mount Omi and beyond :a record of by Archibald John Little. travel on the Thibetan border / University of Michigan Press, 2000. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 University of California Press, 2010. 英文 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge University Press, 2010. 2010. 英文 英文 The Chinese people at war :human Diana Lary. suffering and social transformation, 1937-1945 / The golden Chersonese and the way Isabella Bird. thither / Unbeaten tracks in Japan :an account of Isabella Lucy Bird. travels in the interior, including visits to the aborigines of Yezo and the shrines of Nikkô and Isé, 2 volume set / Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 Cambridge University Press , 2010. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 Abortion before birth control :the politics of reproduction in postwar Japan / Bitter flowers, sweet flowers :East Timor, Indonesia, and the world community / China briefing 2000 :the continuing transformation / Dictionary of the modern politics of South-East Asia / Encyclopedia of prehistory / 132 2010. 英文 University of California Press, 2011. 英文 Kent E. Calder. Yale University Press, 2009. 英文 edited by Shigeru Akita and Nicholas J. White. Ashgate, 2010. 英文 edited by Biswamoy Pati. Judith E. Walsh. David Ludden. edited by Marta Bolognani and Stephen M. Lyon. At freedom's door / Malcolm Lyall Darling. Becoming a borderland :the politics of Sanghamitra Misra. space and identity in colonial northeastern India / Bombay Islam :the religious economy Nile Green. of the west Indian Ocean, 1840-1915 / Oxford University Press, Facts On File, Inc., Cambridge University Press, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. 2011. 2010. 2011. 英文 英文 英文 英文 Oxford University Press, Routledge, 2011. 2011. 英文 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2011. 英文 Bonds of empire :West Indians and Britishness from Victoria to Decolonization / The Far East / The Cambridge illustrated history of China / Changing homelands :Hindu politics and the partition of India / Anne Spry Rush. Oxford University Press, 2011. 英文 by Archibald John Little. Cambridge University Press, Patricia Buckley Ebrey. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 2010. 英文 英文 Neeti Nair. 2011. 英文 Civilizing missions in colonial and postcolonial South Asia :from improvement to development / Communalism and globalization in South Asia and its diaspora / edited by Carey A. Watt Anthem Press, and Michael Mann. 2011. 英文 edited by Deana Heath and Chandana Mathur. Routledge, 2011. 英文 Conflict and peacebuilding in Sri Lanka :caught in the peace trap? / edited by Jonathan Goodhand, Jonathan Spencer and Benedikt Korf. Ryan Clarke. Routledge, 2011. 英文 Routledge, 2011. 英文 Bryan K. Wells. Oxbow Books, 2011. 英文 Cecilia Leong-Salobir. Routledge, 2011. 英文 Arupjyoti Saikia. Oxford University Press, 2011. 英文 Joseph Lelyveld. Alfred A. Knopf, 2011. 英文 Sugata Bose. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011. 英文 Henry Yule and Arthur Coke Burnell. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 Henry Yule and Arthur Coke Burnell. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 Patrick French. edited by Zachary S. Davis. Alfred A. Knopf, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 2011. 英文 英文 2011. 英文 Unbeaten tracks in Japan :an account of Isabella Lucy Bird. travels in the interior, including visits to the aborigines of Yezo and the shrines of Nikkô and Isé, 2 volume set / Miracles of book and body :Buddhist Charlotte D. Eubanks. textual culture and medieval Japan / Cambridge University Press, Pacific alliance :reviving U.S.-Japan relations / The international order of Asia in the 1930s and 1950s / The 1857 rebellion / A brief history of India / An agrarian history of South Asia / Pakistan and its diaspora :multidisciplinary approaches / Crime-terror nexus in South Asia :states, security, and non-state actors / Epigraphic approaches to Indus writing / Food culture in colonial Asia :a taste of empire / Forests and ecological history of Assam, 1826-2000 / Great soul :Mahatma Gandhi and his struggle with India / His majesty's opponent :Subhas Chandra Bose and India's struggle against empire / Hobson-Jobson :being a glossary of Anglo-Indian colloquial words and phrases and of kindred terms / Hobson-Jobson :being a glossary of Anglo-Indian colloquial words and phrases and of kindred terms / India :a portrait / The India-Pakistan Military Standoff :crisis and escalation in South Asia / Interrogating international relations :India's strategic practice and the return of history / Harvard University Press, Jayashree Vivekanandan. Routledge, 133 Islam translated :literature, conversion, Ronit Ricci. and the Arabic cosmopolis of South and Southeast Asia / Makers of modern India / edited by Ramachandra Guha. University of Chicago Press, 2011. 英文 Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011. 英文 Modern South Asia :history, culture, political economy / Sugata Bose and Ayesha Routledge, Jalal. 2011. 英文 Nationalizing the body :the medical market, print and daktari medicine / Projit Bihari Mukharji. Anthem Press, 2011. 英文 The new India :citizenship, subjectivity, Kanishka Chowdhury. and economic liberalization / Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 英文 The persistence of caste :the Khairlanji Anand Teltumbde. murders and India's hidden apartheid / Zed Books, 2010. 英文 The rediscovery of India / Sakuntala :texts, readings, histories / Secularizing Islamists? :Jama'at-e-Islami and Jama'at-ud-Da'wa in urban Pakistan / The Cambridge companion to Gandhi / Meghnad Desai. Romila Thapar. Humeira Iqtidar. Bloomsbury Academic, Columbia University Press, The University of Chicago Press, 2011. 2011. 2011. 英文 英文 英文 edited by Judith M. Brown, Anthony Parel. Cambridge University Press, 2011. 英文 The essential Tagore / Rabindranath Tagore ; Belknap Press of Harvard edited by Fakrul Alam University Press, and Radha Chakravarty. 2011. 英文 The lost age of reason :philosophy in early modern India 1450-1700 / Jonardon, Ganeri. Oxford University Press, 2011. 英文 The Park Chung Hee era :the transformation of South Korea / edited by Byung-Kook Kim and Ezra F. Vogel. Harvard University Press, 2011. 英文 Wonders of Lo :the artistic heritage of mustang / A history of India / edited by Erberto Lo Bue. Hermann Kulke and Dietmar Rothermund. Marg Foundation, 2010. 英文 Routledge, 2010. 英文 Atiya's journeys :a Muslim woman from colonial Bombay to Edwardian Britain / Beast and man in India :a popular sketch of Indian animals in their relations with the people / Bishop Heber in northern India :selections from Heber's journal / Siobhan Lambert-Hurley Oxford University Press, and Sunil Sharma. 2010. 英文 by John Lockwood Kipling. Kessinger Publishing, 2010. 英文 edited by M. A. Laird. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 Britain's Gurkhas / Bureaucracy, community, and influence in India :society and the state, 1930s 1960s / Churchill's secret war :the British empire and the ravaging of India during World War II / Clothing for liberation :a communication analysis of Gandhi's swadeshi revolution / Colonizing the realm of words :the transformation of Tamil literature in nineteenth-century South India / Contemporary India / by Christopher Bullock. Third Millennium Pub., William Gould. Routledge, 2009. 2011. 英文 英文 by Madhusree Mukerjee. Basic Books, 2010. 英文 Peter Gonsalves. Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2010. 英文 Sascha Ebeling. State University of New York 2010. Press, 英文 Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 英文 Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 英文 Greenwood, 2010. 英文 Oxford University Press, 2010. 英文 Columbia University Press, 2010. 英文 Katharine Adeney, Andrew Wyatt. Cosmopolitan thought zones :South edited by Sugata Bose Asia and the global circulation of ideas and Kris Manjapra. / Culture and customs of the Hmong / Gary Yia Lee and Nicholas Tapp. Diversity and change in modern edited by Anthony F. India :economic, social and political Heath & Roger Jeffrey. approaches / Empire and nation :selected essays / Partha Chatterjee ; with an Introduction by Nivedita Menon. 134 Encircling the seamless :India, climate A. Damodaran. change, and the global commons / Oxford University Press, 2010. 英文 From rajahs and yogis to Gandhi and beyond :images of India in international films of the twentieth century / From stigma to assertion :untouchability, identity and politics in early and modern India / Shopping for bombs :nuclear proliferation, global insecurity, and the rise and fall of the A.Q. Khan network / Vijaya Mulay. Seagull Books, 2010. 英文 edited by Mikael Aktor and Robert Deliège. Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen, 2010. 英文 Gordon Corera. Oxford University Press, 2006. 英文 Soqotra :geschichte einer christlichen Zoltán Biedermann. Insel im Indischen Ozean vom Altertum bis zur frühen Neuzeit / The dignity of nations :equality, edited by Sechin Y. S. competition, and honor in East Asian Chien and John nationalism / Fitzgerald. Exile and return among the East Amanda Wise. Timorese / A journey through east and south Caroline Kirkland. Africa :some African highways / Harrassowitz, 2006. 英文 Hong Kong University Press, 2006. 英文 University of Pennsylvania Press, Kegan Paul International, 2006. 英文 2005. 英文 North Korea :the struggle against American power / The war for Korea, 1945-1950 :a house burning / W.E.B. Du Bois on Asia :crossing the world color line / Tim Beal. Pluto Press, 2005. 英文 Allan Reed Millett. University Press of Kansas, 2005. 英文 2005. 英文 2004. 英文 2004. 英文 2004. 英文 University of Pittsburgh Press, 2003. 英文 edited by Bill V. Mullen University Press of and Cathryn Watson. Mississippi, American missionary women at Kobe Noriko Kawamura Ishii. Routledge, College, 1873-1909 :new dimensions of gender / At the dragon's gate :with the OSS in Charles Fenn. Naval Institute Press, the far East / Divorce in Japan :family, gender, and Harald Fuess. Stanford University Press, the state, 1600-2000 / Curative powers :medicine and empire Paula A. Michaels. in Stalin's Central Asia / East and West in the Crusader states :context- contactsconfrontations.III,ACTA of the congress held at Hernen Castle in September 2000 / For East is East :liber amicorum Wojciech Skalmowski / edited by Krijnie Ciggaar Peeters, and Herman Teule. 2003. 英文 edited by Tatjana Soldatjenkova and Emmanuel Waegemans. Transnational political Islam :religion, edited by Azza Karam ; ideology, and power / foreword by John Esposito. Zhouyi :the book of changes / translated with introduction and notes by Richard Rutt. Modern education, textbooks and the Yoonmi Lee. image of the nation :politics of modernization and nationalism in Korean education, 1880-1910 / The international relations of Japan and Sueo Sudo. South East Asia :forging a new regionalism / China's futures :scenarios for the James Ogilvy and Peter world's fastest growing economy, Schwartz, with Joe ecology, and society / Flower. Ahmedabad :shock city of Howard Spodek. twentieth-century India / Appropriately Indian :gender and Smitha Radhakrishnan. culture in a new transnational class / Peeters and Departement Oosterse Studies, 2003. 英文 Pluto Press, 2004. 英文 Curzon, 2002. 英文 Routledge, 2000. 英文 Routledge, 2002. 英文 Jossey-Bass, 2000. 英文 Indiana University Press, 2011. 英文 Duke University Press, 2011. 英文 Dependence and Sudhir Chandra. disillusionment :emergence of national consciousness in later 19th century India / Oxford University Press, USA, 2011. 英文 135 Chishtī Sufis in the Sultanate of Delhi, Tanvir Anjum. 1190-1400 :from restrained indifference to calculated defiance / Gender, sainthood, and everyday Karen G. Ruffle. practice in South Asian Shi'ism / Oxford University Press, USA, 2011. 英文 The University of North Carolina Press, 2011. 英文 The great temple at Thanjavur :one thousand years, 1010-2010 / George Michell and Indira Viswanathan Peterson ; photographs by Bharath Ramamrutham. Reconsidering untouchability :Chamars Ramnarayan S. Rawat. and Dalit history in North India / Marg Foundation, 2010. 英文 Indiana University Press, 2011. 英文 The state of Islam :culture and cold war Sadia Toor. politics in Pakistan / Pluto Press, 2011. 英文 edited by Deepak Kumar, Oxford University Press, India, 2011. Vinita Damodaran, Rohan D'Souza. Stephanie W. Jamison. Cornell University Press, 2011. 英文 The British Empire and the natural world :environmental encounters in South Asia / The ravenous hyenas and the wounded sun :myth and ritual in ancient India / 英文 War and society in colonial India, edited by Kaushik Roy. 1807-1945 / Alimentary tracts :appetites, aversions, Parama Roy. and the postcolonial / Oxford University Press, 2010. 英文 Duke University Press, 2010. 英文 Ancient to medieval :South Indian society in transition / Oxford University Press, 2009. 英文 University of North Carolina Press, 1990. 英文 Oxford University Press, 2010. 英文 University of Wisconsin Press, 2010. 英文 Noboru Karashima. Bread and the ballot :the United States Dennis Merrill. and India's economic development, 1947-1963 / Company of kinsmen :enterprise and by Tirthankar Roy. community in south Asian history, 1700-1940 / Dance and the nation :performance, Susan A. Reed. ritual, and politics in Sri Lanka / Ethical life in South Asia / edited by Anand Pandian Indiana University Press, and Daud Ali. 2010. 英文 Field Marshal Mohammad Ayub Khan :a selection of talks and interviews, 1964-1967 / introd. by Shuja Nawaz ; Oxford University Press, transcribed and edited by Nadia Ghani. 2010. 英文 Forging a region :sultans, traders, and pilgrims in Gujarat, 1200-1500 / Samira Sheikh. Oxford University Press, 2011. 英文 A constituency suitable for ladies and Wendy Singer. New York :Oxford Univ. other social histories of Indian elections Press, / Amritsar :voices from between India edited by Ian Talbot with Seagull, and Pakistan / Darshan Singh Tatla. 2007. 英文 2007. 英文 An American witness to India's partition / Ancient India in its wider world / Archaeology of early Buddhism / Between colonialism and diaspora :Sikh cultural formations in an imperial world / Between empires :print and politics in Goa / Between the empires :society in India 300 BCE to 400 CE / Phillips Talbot ; with a foreword by B.R. Nanda.. edited by Grant Parker and Carla M. Sinopoli, editors. Sage Publications, 2007. 英文 Centers for South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of Michigan, c2008. 英文 Lars Fogelin. Tony Ballantyne. AltaMira Press, Duke University Press, c2006. 2006. 英文 英文 Rochelle Pinto. Oxford University Press, 2007. 英文 edited by Patrick Olivelle. Oxford University Press, 2006. 英文 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge University Press, 2008. 2008. 英文 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2008. 英文 British policy in India 1858-1905 / S. Gopal. Caste conflict and elite formation :the Michael Roberts. rise of a Karāva elite in Sri Lanka, 1500-1931 / Classical political economy and British S. Ambirajan. Policy in India / 136 Oxford University Press, Sage Publications, 2007. c2007. 英文 英文 Oxford University Press, 2007. 英文 Stanford University Press :Sponsored by the East-West Center, c2007. 英文 Deaf in Delhi :a memoir / Dealing with deities :the ritual vow in South Asia / Madan Vasishta. Gallaudet University Press, c2006. edited by Selva J. Raj State University of New York c2006. and William P. Harman. Press, 英文 英文 Ecological nationalisms :nature, livelihoods, and identities in South Asia / Enemy lines :childhood, warfare, and play in Batticaloa / edited by Gunnel Cederlöf and K. Sivaramakrishnan. Margaret Trawick. c2006. 英文 University of California Press, c2007. 英文 Environment and ethnicity in India, Sumit Guha. 1200-1991 / Exile and belonging :refugees and state Pia Oberoi. policy in South Asia / Cambridge University Press, 2006. 英文 Oxford University Press, 2006. 英文 Florence Nightingale on health in India Gérard Vallée, editor ; / Lynn McDonald, general editor. Florence Nightingale on social change Gérard Vallée, editor ; in India / Lynn McDonald, general editor. Foreign direct investment in post-crisis Judith Cherry. Korea :European investors and 'mismatched globalization' / From pluralism to separatism :Qasbas Mushirul Hasan. in colonial Awadh / Wilfrid Laurier University Press, c2006. 英文 Wilfrid Laurier University Press, c2007. 英文 Routledge, 2007. 英文 Oxford University Press, 2007. 英文 Gandhi :a political and spiritual life / Gandhi's emissary / I.B. Tauris, Routledge India ;Taylor & Francis, distributor], 2006. 2008. 英文 英文 Peter Nasmyth. Gurajada Apparao ; translated from Telugu by Velcheru Narayana Rao. Glimpses into the corridors of power / Gohar Ayub Khan. Greater Magadha :studies in the culture by Johannes Bronkhorst. of early India / Henri Cartier-Bresson in India / foreword by Satyajit Ray ; introduction by Yves Véquaud with 105 plates in duotone ; [translation from the French by Paula Clifford] Himalaya :personal stories of grandeur, edited by Richard C. challenge and hope / Blum, Erica Stone and Broughton Coburn. Histories for the subordinated / David Hardiman. In Amma's healing room :gender and Joyce Burkhalter vernacular Islam in South India / Flueckiger. Routledge, Indiana University Press, 2006. c2007. 英文 英文 Oxford University Press, Brill, 2007. 2007. 英文 英文 Thames & Hudson, 2006. 英文 National Geographic, 2006. 英文 Seagull Books, Indiana University Press, 2007. c2006. 英文 英文 India before Europe / Catherine B. Asher and Cynthia Talbot. Cambridge University Press, 2006. 英文 Indian political trials, 1775-1947 / India's exports and export policies in the 1960's / India's nuclear bomb and national security / India's princely states :people, princes and colonialism / A.G. Noorani. Deepak Nayyar. Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, 2005. 2008. 英文 英文 Karsten Frey. Routledge, 2006. 英文 edited by Waltraud Ernst Routledge, and Biswamoy Pati. 2007. 英文 Colonialism, culture, and resistance / Contentious politics and democratization in Nepal / Cross currents and community networks :the history of the Indian Ocean world / Dangerous deterrent :nuclear weapons proliferation and conflict in South Asia / K.N. Panikkar. edited by Mahendra Lawoti. edited by Himanshu Prabha Ray and Edward A. Alpers. S. Paul Kapur. University of Washington Press, Kathryn Tidrick. Sudhir Ghosh. Georgia :in the mountains of poetry / Girls for sale :a play from colonial India = Kanyasulkam / 137 Islam in South Asia :a short history / by Jamal Malik. Islamist militancy in Bangladesh :a Ali Riaz. complex web / Kashmir in comparative Sten Widmalm. perspective :democracy and violent separatism in India / Kingship and conversion in Alan Strathern. sixteenth-century Sri Lanka :Portuguese imperialism in a Buddhist land / Korea / Christoph Bluth. Korean society :civil society, edited by Charles K. democracy and the state / Armstrong. Brill, Routledge, 2008. 2008. 英文 英文 Oxford University Press, 2006. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2007. 英文 Polity Press, Routledge, 2008. 2007. 英文 英文 Lal Bahadur Shastri :a life of truth in politics / Land tenure in village Ceylon :a sociological and historical study / C.P. Srivastava. Oxford University Press, 2005. 英文 by Gananath Obeyesekere. Cambridge University Press, 2008, c1967. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2005. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2006. 英文 Oxford University Press, Routledge, 2008. 2008. 英文 英文 Manchester University 2008. Press :Distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan, Brill, 2008. 英文 Living Islam :Muslim religious Magnus Marsden. experience in Pakistan's North-West Frontier / Love in South Asia :a cultural history / edited by Francesca Orsini. Mahabalipuram (Mamallapuram) / R. Nagaswamy. Military control in Pakistan :the parallel Mazhar Aziz. state / Missionaries and their medicine :a David Hardiman. Christian modernity for tribal India / Modern Ladakh :anthropological edited by Martijn van perspectives on continuity and change / Beek and Fernanda Pirie. 英文 Monumental India / Amit Pasricha ; foreword Vendome Press, by William Dalrymple ; text by Aman Nath. 2008. 英文 Mughal India :studies in polity, ideas, society, and culture / M. Athar Ali. 2008. 英文 Mumbai / Jen Green ; photographs Chelsea House Publishers, by Chris Fairclough. 2007. 英文 Nuclear proliferation in South Asia :crisis behaviour and the bomb / edited by Sumit Ganguly Routledge, and S. Paul Kapur. 2009. 英文 Oxford University Press, Of matters modern :the experience of edited by Debraj modernity in colonial and postcolonial Bhattacharya. South Asia / Pakistan :a global studies handbook / Yasmeen Niaz Mohiuddin. Paradise lost? :state failure in Nepal / Ali Riaz and Subho Basu. Pars Japonica :the first Dutch William de Lange. expedition to reach the shores of Japan, or, How a seafaring raid on the cost of South America met with disaster and how, against all odds, one ship was eventually brought to the shores of Japan by the English pilot Will Adams, the hero of Shōgun / Peasant labour and colonial Sugata Bose. capital :rural Bengal since 1770 / Seagull, 2008, c2007. 英文 ABC-CLIO, c2007. 英文 Lexington Books, c2007. 英文 Floating World Editions, 2006. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2006. 英文 People, taxation, and trade in Mughal India / Piety and politics in the early Indian mosque / Political structure in a changing Sinhalese village / Politics of patronage and protest :the state, society, and artisans in early modern Rajasthan / Power and contestation :India since 1989 / Oxford University Press, 2008. 英文 edited by Finbarr Barry Oxford University Press, Flood. Marguerite S. Robinson. Cambridge University Press, 2008. 英文 2008. 英文 Nandita Prasad Sahai. Oxford University Press, 2006. 英文 Nivedita Menon & Aditya Nigam. Zed Books, 2007. 英文 Shireen Moosvi. 138 2008, c1972. 英文 M.Y. Effendi ; foreword Oxford University Press, by Sahabzada Yaqub Khan ; preface by K.M. Arif. Religion, state, and society in medieval edited and with an Oxford University Press, India :collected works of S. Nurul introduction by Satish Hasan / Chandra. Representing India :literatures, politics, Mukesh Williams and Oxford University Press, and identities / Rohit Wanchoo. 2007. 英文 2008. 英文 2008. 英文 Resisting modernity :counternarratives of nation and masculinity in pre-indepenence India / Risings and rebellions, 1919-39 :interwar colonial campaigns in Africa, Asia, and the Americas / Robert Knight :reforming editor in Victorian India / South Asia's cold war :nuclear weapons and conflict in comparative perspective / South Belfast :history & guide / Private investment in India, 1900-1939 / Punjab cavalry :evolution, role, organisation, and tactical doctrine : 11 Cavalry (Frontier Force), 1849-1971 / Amiya Kumar Bagchi. Cambridge University Press, by Samir Dayal. Cambridge Scholars Pub., 2007. 英文 by Edwin Herbert ; drawings by Ian Heath. Foundry Books, 2007. 英文 Edwin Hirschmann. Oxford University Press, 2008. 英文 Rajesh M. Basrur. Routledge, 2008. 英文 Norman Weatherall and George E. Templeton. Nonsuch Pub., 2008. 英文 South Indian factory workers :their life Mark Holmstrom. and their world / Cambridge University Press, 2007. 英文 South Korea :challenging globalisation edited by Young-Chan and the post-crisis reforms / Kim, Doo-Jin Kim and Young Jun Kim. Soviet policy towards South Asia since Linda Racioppi. 1970 / 'Speaking truth to power' :religion, edited by Manu caste, and the subaltern question in Bhagavan and Anne India / Feldhaus. Spirals of contention :why India was Satish Saberwal. partitioned in 1947 / Chandos Pub., 2008. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2008. 英文 Oxford University Press, 2008- 英文 Routledge, 2008. 英文 State, pluralism, and the Indian Satish Chandra. historical tradition / Subalterns and Raj :South Asia since Crispin Bates. 1600 / Sultans and mosques :the early Muslim Perween Hasan. architecture of Bangladesh / Oxford University Press, 2008. 英文 Routledge, 2007. 英文 I. B. Tauris ;distributed in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. 英文 Swat State (1915-1969) from genesis to Sultan-i-Rome. merger :an analysis of political, administrative, socio-political, and economic development / The Anglo-Maratha campaigns and the Randolf G.S. Cooper. contest for India :the struggle for control of the South Asian military economy / 'The better class' of Indians :social rank, A. Martin Wainwright. imperial identity, and South Asians in Britain, 1858-1914 / Oxford University Press, 2008. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2007. 英文 c2008. 英文 2009. 2007. 2008. 英文 英文 英文 The early medieval in South India / The eighteenth century in India / The emergence of provincial politics :the Madras Presidency, 1870-1920 / The Indian princes and their states / The Indian Uprising of 1857-8 :prisons, prisoners, and rebellion / Kesavan Veluthat. edited by Seema Alavi. D. A. Washbrook. Manchester University Press ;distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan, Oxford University Press, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Barbara N. Ramusack. Clare Anderson. Ramusack, Barbara N. Anthem Press, 2007. 英文 英文 The limits of British colonial control in South Asia :spaces of disorder in the Indian Ocean region / The modernity of Sanskrit / The mutiny outbreak at Meerut in 1857 / edited by Ashwini Tambe and Harald Fischer-Tiné. Simona Sawhney. by J.A.B. Palmer. Routledge, 2009. 英文 University of Minnesota Press, c2009. University Press, 2008 139 英文 英文 compiled and edited by Gopalkrishna Gandhi. Oxford University Press, 2008. 英文 The Oxford India Nehru / edited by Uma Iyengar. The politics of gender, community, and Nita Kumar. modernity :essays on education in India / The state of martial rule :the origins of Ayesha Jalal. Pakistan's political economy of defence / Oxford University Press, Oxford University Press, 2007. 2007. 英文 英文 Cambridge University Press, c1990, reprinted 英文 (with corrections) 2008. The Swatantra Party and Indian conservatism / The transition in Bengal, 1756-1775 :a study of Saiyid Muhammad Reza Khan / The transition to a colonial economy :weavers, merchants and kings in South India, 1720-1800 / by Howard L. Erdman. Cambridge University Press, 2008, c1967. 英文 Abdul Majed Khan. Cambridge University Press, 2008. 英文 Prasannan Parthasarathi; Cambridge University Press, Series edited by C.A. Bayly, Rajnarayan Chandavarkar, Gordon Johnson. The word is sacred, sacred is the B.N. Goswamy with Niyogi Books, word :the Indian manuscript tradition / contributions by Dhritabrata Bhattacharya ... [et al.]. Through the eye of time :photographs by Michael Aram Tarr Brill, of Arunachal Pradesh, 1859-2006 : and Stuart Blackburn. tribal cultures in the eastern Himalayas / Traditional industry in the economy of Tirthankar Roy. Cambridge University Press, colonial India / Transnational South Asians :the making edited by Susan Koshy Oxford University Press, of a neo-diaspora / and R. Radhakrishnan. 2008. 英文 2007. 英文 2008. 英文 2007. 英文 2008. 英文 Visions of Mughal India :an anthology edited by Michael H. of European travel writing / Fisher ; preface by William Dalrymple. Vocalizing silence :political protests in Chandi Prasad Nanda. Orissa, 1930-42 / I.B. Tauris, 2007. 英文 SAGE, 2008. 英文 War and nationalism in South Asia :the Marcus Franke. Indian state and the Nagas / Routledge, 2009. 英文 War of no pity :the Indian Mutiny and Victorian trauma / Princeton University Press, c2008. 英文 Wives, widows, and concubines :the Mytheli Sreenivas. conjugal family ideal in colonial India / Indiana University Press, c2008. 英文 A history of India :under the two first sovereigns of the house of Taimur, Báber and Humáyun / Accounts of the Gypsies of India / by William Erskine. Kessinger Publishing, [2007-] 英文 collected and edited by David MacRitchie. Macritchie Press, 2007] 英文 Administrative theories :approaches, concepts, and thinkers in public administration / editors, Rakesh Hooja, Ramesh K. Arora. 英文 Ambedkar in retrospect :essays on economics, politics, and society / edited by Sukhadeo Thorat, Aryama. HCM Rajasthan State Institute c2007. of Public Administration :Rawat Publications, Rawat Publications in c2007. association with Indian Institute of Dalit Studies, Animals in social life :animal use in Iron Age Southern India / Radhika Lu Bauer. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, c2007. 英文 Aspects of India's economic growth and R. Nagaraj. reforms / Beyond Hindutva / S.L. Verma. Beyond postcolonialism :dreams and Jasbir Jain. realities of a nation / Academic Foundation, 2006. 英文 Rawat Publications, Rawat Publications, c2007. c2006. 英文 英文 Beyond the transition phase of WTO :an Indian perspective on emerging issues / Academic Foundation in association with Centre de Sciences Humaines, c2006. 英文 The Oxford India Gandhi :essential writings / Christopher Herbert. editors Dipankar Sengupta, Debashis Chakraborty, Pritam Banerjee. 140 英文 c2007. 英文 c2006. 2006. 英文 英文 Rawat Publications, c2006. 英文 Rawat Publications, Rawat Publications, Rawat Publications, c2007. c2006. c2007. 英文 英文 英文 Rawat Publications, c2006. 英文 Hardinge Simpole, 2007. 英文 editor, Sabir Ali. Rawat Publications, Muata Ashby ; [edited by Cruzian Mystic Books/Sema Karen "Dja" Institute of Yoga, Clarke-Ashby]. c2006. c2002. 英文 英文 H.M. Saxena. edited by R.K. Bhadra, Mita Bhadra. Rawat Publications, Rawat Publications, c2006. c2007. 英文 英文 edited by Aparajita Rawat Publications, Chowdhury, David K. Carson, Cecyle K. Carson. Female infanticide and child marriage / Sambodh Goswami. Rawat Publications, Globalizing cities :inequality and edited by Ravinder S. Rawat Publications, segregation in developing countries / Sandhu, Jasmeet Sandhu. c2006. 英文 c2007. c2007. 英文 英文 Goa / Reference Press, 2006. 英文 Health dynamics and marginalised communities / Hidden facts behind British India's freedom :a scholarly look into Allama Mashraqi and Quaid-e-Azam's political conflict / Hindu nationalists of modern India :a J. Kuruvachira. critical study of the intellectual genealogy of Hindutva / India beloved of heaven / by Brenton Thoburn Badley in collaboration with Oscar MacMillan Buck, James Jay Kingham ; with an introduction by Bishop W. F. Oldham. India in a globalising world :some edited by R. aspects of macroeconomy, agriculture, Radhakrishna ... [et al.]. and poverty : essays in honour of C.H. Hanumantha Rao / Rawat Publications, c2007. 英文 AMZ Publications, 2007. 英文 Rawat Publications, c2006. 英文 Kessinger Publishing, [2007?] 英文 Academic Foundation in 2006. collaboration with Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad, 英文 Indian agriculture in the new millennium :changing perceptions and development policy / Indian agriculture in the new millennium :changing perceptions and development policy / Indian notes / Indian social structure and change / Academic Foundation, 2006. 英文 Academic Foundation, 2006. 英文 Kessinger Publishing, Rawat Publications, [2007?] c2007. 英文 英文 Central Asia :economy, environment, and culture / Changing Indian society / China and India :towards global economic supremacy? / Mohammad Shafi. Rawat Publications, Yogesh Atal. Rawat Publications, Rita Dulci Rahman, Jose Academic Foundation, Miguel Andreu. Communal violence and edited by Lancy Lobo minorities :Gujarat society in ferment / and Biswaroop Das ; [contributors, J.S. Bandukwala ... et al.]. Constructing dalit identity / C. Joe Arun. Democracy, pluralism, and conflict / edited by M.N. Karna. Democratic decentralization and Rakesh Hooja, planning :essays on panchayati raj, Meenakshi Hooja. district planning, and development administration / Development and empowerment :rural edited by Jaya women in India / Arunachalam, U. Kalpagam. Dharma in ancient Indian Irina Kuznetsova. thought :tracing the continuity of ideas from the Vedas to the Mahābhārata / Dimensions of urban poverty / Egypt and Indian :ancient Egyptian religion and the origins of Hinduism, Vedanta, yoga, Buddhism and Dharma of India / Environmental studies / Ethnicity, movement and social structure :contested cultural identity / Family life education in India :perspectives, challenges, and applications / editor-in-chief, S.A. Rahman. edited by Mohammad Akram. by Nasim Yousaf. editors, N.A. Mujumdar, Uma Kapila ; foreword, S.S. Johl. editors, N.A. Mujumdar, Uma Kapila ; foreword, S.S. Johl. by F.R. Hogg. K.L. Sharma. 141 India's Jewish heritage :ritual, art & life-cycle / edited by Shalva Weil. Information technology and social Deepak Kumar. change :a study of digital divide in India / Interlinking of rivers in India :overview editors, Yoginder K. and Ken-Betwa link / Alagh, Ganesh Pangare, Biksham Gujja. James Tod's Rajasthan :the historian and his collection / Marg Publications on behalf of c2002. National Centre for the Performing Arts, 英文 Rawat Publications, 英文 c2006. Academic Foundation [in 2006. collaboration with] National Civil Society Committee on Interlinking of Rivers in India, edited by Giles Tillotson. Published by Radhika Sabavala c2007. for Marg Publications on behalf of the National Centre for the Performing Arts, 英文 英文 Jats and Gujars :origin, history, and Rahul Khari. culture / The Kasîdah of Hâjî Abdû el-Yezdî / Sir Richard Burton. Lake's Campaign's in India :the second Hugh Pearse. Anglo-Maratha War, 1803-1807 / Reference Press, 2007. 英文 Kessinger Publishing, Leonaur, [2007?] c2007. 英文 英文 Laws for Dalit rights and dignity :experiences and responses from Tamil Nadu / Making U.S. foreign policy toward South Asia :regional imperatives and the imperial presidency / Management of water for agriculture :irrigation, watersheds, and drainage / Me and my Malwa / Medieval India, problems and possibilities :essays in honour of professor A.R. Kulkarni / Migration and urban decay :Asian experiences / Narrative of the village :centre of the periphery / New light on Hampi :recent research at Vijayanagara / A. Ramaiah. Rawat Publications, c2007. 英文 [edited by] Lloyd I. Rudolph, Susanne Hoeber Rudolph. Rakesh Hooja. Indiana University Press ;Combined Academic [distributor], Rawat Publications, c2008. 英文 c2006. 英文 Harry Attri. edited by Radhika Seshan. AuthorHouse, Rawat Publications, 2006. c2006. 英文 英文 Shekhar Mukherji. Rawat Publications, c2006. 英文 edited by Jasbir Jain. Rawat Publications, c2006. 英文 Marg Publications on behalf of 2001. the National Centre for the Performing Arts, 英文 Rawat Publications, c2007. 英文 by Nripendra Kumar Hesperides Press, Dutt. Population and environment linkages / edited by C.P. Prakasam, Rawat Publications, R.B. Bhagat. 2008-] 英文 c2007. 英文 Poverty and fertility in India :demographic field theory perspective / Poverty, social capital, and natural resource management / Shekhar Mukherji. Rawat Publications, c2007. 英文 Kishor C. Samal. Rawat Publications, c2007. 英文 Propelling India from socialist stagnation to global power / Arvind Virmani. Academic Foundation, 2006. 英文 Propelling India from socialist stagnation to global power / Arvind Virmani. Academic Foundation, 2006. 英文 Rawat Publications, c2006. 英文 Academic Foundation, 2006. 英文 editors, Kamal K. Misra, Rawat Publications, Janet Huber Lowry. c2007. 英文 V. Bijukumar. c2006. 英文 edited by John M. Fritz and George Michell ; photographs by Clare Arni. On education and development :essays Yogesh Atal. on the sociology of education / Origin and growth of caste in India / Public distribution system and tribal Manu Gautam. development :a study of western tribal belt of Madhya Pradesh / Rajasthan development report / Planning Commission, Government of India. Recent studies on Indian women :empirical work of social scientists / Reinventing the Congress :economic policies and strategies since 1991 / Rawat Publications, 142 by Koon Sik Shim ; [translated by Rev. T. Kitai Han]. edited by Yatindra Singh Sisodia. Bhaskar Majumder. edited by Jaya Arunachalam, U. Kalpagam. Mary Elizabeth Shepherd. Hermit Kingdom Press, c2008. 英文 Rawat Publications, c2007. 英文 Rawat Publications, Rawat Publications, c2007. c2007. 英文 英文 Cambria Press, c2008. 英文 Sociology of diaspora :a reader / edited by Ajaya Kumar Sahoo, Brij Maharaj. Rawat Publications, c2007. 英文 Sociology of diaspora :a reader / edited by Ajaya Kumar Sahoo, Brij Maharaj. Rawat Publications, c2007. 英文 Śrī Kṛṣṇa :the lord of love / Bābā Premānanda Bhā ratī ; with an introduction by Gerald Carney ; edited, annotated, and prefaced by Neal Delmonico. N. Ravichandran. Blazing Sapphire Press, c2007. 英文 Rawat Publications, c2007. 英文 edited by Kate Brittlebank. Monash University Press, c2008. 英文 Rohit Chopra. Cambria Press, c2008. 英文 by Edward Thomas. Kessinger Publishing, [2007?] 英文 AMZ Publications, 2008. 英文 editors, Bibek Debroy, D. Academic Foundation, Shyam Babu. 2004. 英文 by Rev. William Butler, Kimball Press, D. D. 2008?] 英文 by B.H. Baden-Powell. Kessinger Publishing, [2007-] 英文 B. H. Baden-Powell. Kessinger Publishing, 2008. 英文 Abraham Eraly. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2007. 英文 by Dosabhoy Framjee. Kessinger Publishing, [2007?] 英文 The Sammy Wong files :confessions of Eleanor Wong a Chinese American terrorist : a Telemaque. memoir / The second Burmese War :a narrative by William F.B. Laurie. of the operations at Rangoon in 1852 / Xlibris Corporation, c2010. 英文 Kessinger Publishing, [2007?] 英文 The South Caucasus at the crossroads :conflicts, Caspian oil and great power politics / The story of the gypsies / Elkhan Nuriyev. Lit ;Transaction, c2007. 英文 Konrad Bercovici ; illustrated from photographs by E.O. Home Farm Books, 2008] 英文 Rev. Sang-Dong Han, the founder of the Presbyterian Church in Korea, Koshin :a biography / Rural development :macro-micro realities / Rural housing :policies and practices / Rural women in South Asia / Sex-selective abortion in India :the impact on child mortality / Sustainability of NGOs and globalisation / Tall tales and true :India, historiography, and British imperial imaginings / Technology and nationalism in India :cultural negotiations from colonialism to cyberspace / The chronicles of The Pathan Kings of Delhi :illustrated by coins, inscriptions, and other antiquarian remains / The Constitution of free India, 1946 A.C. The Indian mosaic :searching for an identity-- / The land of the Veda :being personal reminiscences of India ; its people, castes, thugs, and fakirs ; its religions, mythology, principal monuments, palaces, and mausoleums : together with the incidents of the great Sepoy rebellion, and its results to Christianity and civilization ; also, statistical tables of Christian missions, and a glossary of Indian terms used in this work and in missionary correspondence / The land-systems of British India :being a manual of the land-tenures and of the systems of land revenue administration prevalent in the several provinces / The land systems of British India V3 (1892) / The Mughal world :India's tainted paradise / The Parsees :their history, manners, customs, and religion / 143 Hoppe. by John Capper ; Kessinger Publishing, illustrated by numerous engravings, and a map by Wyld. [2008] 英文 Edward H. Schafer. Floating World ;Marston [distributor], 2008. 英文 The wonder that was India :a survey of by A.L. Basham. the culture of the Indian sub-continent before the coming of the Muslims / ACLS Humanities E-Book, 2008] 英文 Trading up :[Indus Valley trade] / Brenda and Brian Williams. Howard Malcom. Raintree, c2008. 英文 BiblioLife, 2008-] 英文 Jacob Z. Thudipara. Amiya Kumar Das. G. Satyanarayana. Rawat Publications, Rawat Publications, Rawat Publications, c2007. c2007. c2007. 英文 英文 英文 Rajeeb Misra. Rawat Publications, c2008. 英文 edited by Rakesh Hooja, Ramesh K. Arora, K.K. Parnami. Wiener Zeitschrift Für Die Kunde herausgegeben von Südasiens, Band LI, 2007-2008 Gerhard Oberhammer, =Vienna journal of South Asian studies, Karin Preisendanz, Band LI, 2007-2008 / Chlodwig H. Werba. Wiener Zeitschrift Für Die Kunde herausgegeben von Südasiens, Band 50, 2006 =Vienna Gerhard Oberhammer, journal of South Asian studies, Band Karin Preisendanz, 50, 2006 / Chlodwig H. Werba. Women and social reform in modern edited by Sumit Sarkar & India :a reader / Tanika Sarkar. Rawat Publication, c2007. 英文 Verlag der Österreichischen c2008. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 德文 Verlag der Österreichischen c2006. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 德文 Indiana University Press, c2008. 英文 A history of Korea :an episodic Kyung Moon Hwang. narrative / Imperial Japan at its zenith :the wartime Kenneth J. Ruoff. celebration of the empire's 2,600th anniversary / In the uttermost East :being an account by Charles H. Hawes. of investigations among the natives and Russian convicts of the island of Sakhalin, with notes of travel in Korea, Siberia, and Manchuria / Indian mobilities in the West, Shompa Lahiri. 1900-1947 :gender, performance, embodiment / India's Israel policy / P.R. Kumaraswamy. Las cuatro partes del mundo :historia de Serge Gruzinski. una mundialización / Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 英文 Cornell University Press, 2010. 英文 Nabu Press, 2010. 英文 Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 英文 Columbia University Press, c2010. Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2010. 英文 西班牙文 Life in the forests of the Far East ;or, Travels in northern Borneo / by Spenser St. John. Nabu Press, 2010. 英文 Nabobs :empire and identity in eighteenth-century Britain / Tillman W. Nechtman. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 Observations in the East :chiefly in by John P. Durbin. Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and Asia Minor / Responsive democracy :increasing state Jeeyang Rhee Baum. accountability in East Asia / Nabu Press, 2010. 英文 University of Michigan Press, c2011. 英文 Siberia in Asia :a visit to the valley of the Yenessy in East Siberia, with description of the natural history, BiblioLife, 英文 The three presidencies of India :a history of the rise and progress of the British Indian possessions, from the earliest records to the present time. With an account of their government, religion, manners, customs, education, etc., etc. / The vermilion bird :T'ang images of the south / Travels in South-Eastern Asia :embracing Hindustan, Malaya, Siam, and China / Urban community development / Urban planning in India / Voluntary effort and rural development / Voluntary sector and rural development :concept, practice, and a new approach to remove rural poverty / Water management :multiple dimensions / Henry Seebohm. 144 2010. migration of birds, etc. / Jack Harrington. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 英文 Uk Heo, Terence Roehrig. by Theodore Bent and Mrs. Theodore Bent. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 Kessinger, 2010. 英文 Philip Smith. Nabu Press, 2010. 英文 William Henry Knight. Kessinger, 2010. 英文 Nabu Press, 2010. 英文 Aziz Başan. by Clarmont J. Daniell. Routledge, Nabu Press, 2010. 2010. 英文 英文 by Bayard Taylor. Kessinger, 2010. 英文 Stephen Frederic Dale. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 The prison of Weltevreden :and a by Walter M. Gibson. glance at the East Indian Archipelago / Nabu Press, 2010. 英文 The teeming millions of the East :being a popular account of the inhabitants of Asia : the history of existing and extinct nations, their ethnology, manners, and customs / The voyage of François Pyrard of Laval to the East Indies, the Maldives, the Moluccas and Brazil / Travels in Iran & the Caucasus in 1647 & 1654 / Nabu Press, 2010. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2010, c1897. 英文 Mage Publishers, 2009. 英文 Nabu Press, 2010. 英文 Columbia University Press, [2009] 英文 Zed Books ;Distributed in the USA exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, Princeton University Press, c2009. 英文 c2010. 英文 University of Washington Press ;Combined Academic [distributor], June Grasso, Jay Corrin, M.E. Sharpe, Inc., and Michael Kort. 2009. 英文 c2009. 英文 Michael Curtis. 2009. 英文 Sir John Malcolm and the creation of British India / South Korea since 1980 / Southern Arabia / The ancient history of the East :from the earliest times to the conquest by Alexander the Great ; including Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Media, Persia, Asia Minor, and Phoenicia / The diary of a pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet / The earth and its inhabitants ... :East Asia: Chinese empire, Corea, and Japan. The great Seljuqs :a history / The industrial competition of Asia :an inquiry into the influence of currency on the commerce of the Empire in the East / The lands of the Saracens :or, Pictures of Palestine, Asia Minor, Sicily and Spain (1855) / The Muslim empires of the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals / by G.T. Bettany. [François Pyrard] ; edited by Albert Gray and H.C.P. Bell. by Evliya Chelebi ; introduced, translated and annotated by Hasan Javadi & Willem Floor. Wanderings of a pilgrim in search of Fanny Parkes Parlby ; the picturesque :during four-and-twenty with revelations of life in years in the East / the zenāna ... Illustrated with sketches from nature. An outline of a theory of civilization / Yukichi Fukuzawa ; revised translation, David A. Dilworth and G. Cameron Hurst III ; introduction by Takenori Inoki. East Timor :a nation's bitter dawn / Irena Cristalis. "If you leave us here, we will die" :how Geoffrey Robinson. genocide was stopped in East Timor / Marginality and subversion in Korea :the Hong Kyongnae rebellion of 1812 / Modernization and revolution in China :from the Opium Wars to the Olympics / Orientalism and Islam :European thinkers on Oriental despotism in the Middle East and India / Sun Joo Kim. Cambridge University Press, 145 c2009. 英文 The rise and fall of Nader Shah :Dutch Willem Floor. Mage Publishers, East India Company reports, 1730-1747 / The mastery of the Far East :the story by Arthur Judson Brown. General Books, of Korea's transformation and Japan's rise to supremacy in the Orient / c2009. 英文 2010. 英文 Weapon of choice :U.S. Army Special Operations Forces in Afganistan [i.e. Afghanistan] / Incidents of travel in Egypt, Arabia Petræa, and the Holy Land, by G. [or Rather J.L.] Stephens / Incidents of travel in Egypt, Arabia Petræa, and the Holy Land / Charles H. Briscoe ... [et Books Express, al.]. c2010. 英文 John Lloyd Stephens. General Books, 2009. 英文 by John L. Stephens. General Books, 2009. 英文 The book of Ser Marco Polo, the newly translated and Venetian :concerning the kingdoms and edited with notes, by marvels of the East / Colonel Henry Yule ; with maps and other illustrations. The futurism of young Asia :and other by Benoy Kumar Sarkar. essays on the relations between the East and the West / The rival powers in Central Asia ;or, Tr. from the German of The struggle between England and Josef Popowski by Russia in the East / Arthur Baring Brabant, and ed. by Charles E. D. Black ... With a map of the north-western frontier of India, showing the Pamir region and part of Afghanistan. The young pilgrim, or, Alfred by Mrs. Hofland, author Campbell's return to the East :and his of "Alfred Campbell, or travels in Egypt, Nubia, Asia Minor, the young pilgrim," "The Arabia Petraea, &c. &c. / son of a genius," &c. &c. A geography of Asia including the East by Lionel W. Lyde. Indies / The shadows of total war :Europe, East edited by Roger Asia, and the United States, 1919-1939 Chickering, Stig Förster. / A princess's pilgrimage :Nawab edited, introduced, and Sikandar Begum's A pilgrimage to with an afterword by Mecca / Siobhan Lambert-Hurley. General Books, 2009. 英文 BiblioLife, 2009. 英文 BiblioLife, 2009. 英文 BiblioLife, 2009. 英文 BiblioLife, 2008. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2009. 英文 Indiana University Press, c2008. 英文 Authenticating Tibet :answers to China's 100 Questions / University of California Press, c2008. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2008. Early Korea Project, Korea 2008. Institute, Harvard University ;Distributed by the University of Hawai'i Press, 英文 英文 CrazyHorse Press, University of Chicago Press, c2008. 2008. 英文 英文 Columbia University Press, c2008. 英文 Temple University Press, 2008. 英文 The growth idea :purpose and prosperity in postwar Japan / Britain and East Asia, 1933-1937 / Early Korea.Volume 1,Reconsidering early Korean history through archaeology / Eccentric explorers / Kurdistan :in the shadow of history / Scott O'Bryan. University of Hawaii Press, edited by Anne-Marie Blondeau and Katia Buffetrille ; with a foreword by Donald Lopez. Ann Trotter. [editor, Mark E. Byington]. Michael Buckley. Susan Meiselas ; with historical introductions and a new postscript by Martin van Bruinessen. Sources of East Asian tradition / edited by Wm. Theodore de Bary with the collaboration of Yǒng-ho Ch'oe ... [et al.]. The end of empires :African Americans Gerald Horne. and India / 146 Ali Anooshahr. Routledge, Bipolar orders :the two Koreas since 1989 / Hyung Gu Lynn. 英文 India by design :colonial history and cultural display / Nuclear logics :contrasting paths in East Asia and the Middle East / Saloni Mathur. Fernwood Pub. ;Zed 2007. Books :Distributed in the USA exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, University of California Press, c2007. Etel Solingen. Princeton University Press, c2007. 英文 Mark Borthwick ; with contributions by selected scholars. The making of minjung :democracy and Namhee Lee. the politics of representation in South Korea / The unveiled East / by F.A. McKenzie. Travels through Northern Persia, by Samuel Gottlieb 1770-1774 / Gmelin ; translated and annotated by Willem Floor. Bad youth :juvenile delinquency and David R. Ambaras. the politics of everyday life in modern Japan / Children as treasures :childhood and the Mark A. Jones. middle class in early twentieth century Japan / Westview Press, c2007. 英文 Cornell University Press, 2007. 英文 Kessinger, Mage Publishers, 2007. c2007. 英文 英文 University of California Press, c2006. 英文 Harvard University Asia 2010. Center :Distributed by Harvard University Press, 英文 Coins, trade, and the state :economic growth in early medieval Japan / Harvard University Asia Center and distributed by Harvard University Press, 2011. 英文 Pan-Asianism :a documentary history / edited by Sven Saaler and Christopher W.A. Szpilman. Sailor diplomat :Nomura Kichisaburō Peter Mauch. and the Japanese-American War / Rowman & Littlefield, c2011. 英文 Published by the Harvard University Asia Center and distributed by Harvard University Press, 2011. 英文 Technology of Daqing Yang. empire :telecommunications and Japanese expansion in Asia, 1883-1945 / The Cold War in East Asia, 1945-1991 edited by Tsuyoshi / Hasegawa. Harvard University Asia 2010. Center :Distributed by Harvard University Press, 英文 Woodrow Wilson Center Press ;Stanford University Press, Sussex Academic Press, c2011. 英文 2011. 英文 Left Coast Press, c2011. 英文 Harvard University Asia c2009. Center :Distributed by Harvard University Press, 英文 Female entrepreneurship in East and Philippe Debroux. South-East Asia :opportunities and challenges / History of India :from the earliest John Clark Marshman. period to the close of the East India Company's government / Materials for an anatomy of personality by Paolo Santangelo. in late imperial China / Chandos, 2008. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 Brill, 2010. 英文 So great a proffit :how the East Indies trade transformed Anglo-American capitalism / The A to Z of Australia / James R. Fichter. Harvard University Press, 2010. 英文 James C. Docherty. Scarecrow, 2010. 英文 Pacific century :the emergence of modern Pacific Asia / Ethan Isaac Segal. The independence of East Clinton Fernandes. Timor :multi-dimensional perspectives : occupation, resistance, and international political activism / Coexistence and cultural transmission editors, Naoko in East Asia / Matsumoto, Hidetaka Bessho, Makoto Tomii. Defining engagement :Japan and global Robert I. Hellyer. contexts, 1640-1868 / 147 2009. 英文 The Ghazi sultans and the frontiers of Islam :a comparative study of the late medieval and early modern periods / 英文 John F. Copper. Scarecrow Press, 2010. 英文 Frederic Wehrey ... [et al.]. Şevket Pamuk. RAND, 2010. 英文 Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 edited by Clements R. Markham. Cambridge University Press, 2010, c1877. 英文 Erik J. Zürcher. I. B. Tauris ;Distributed in the 2010. United States exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, 英文 Wretched rebels :rural disturbances on Lucien Bianco ; with the the eve of the Chinese Revolution / assistance of Hua Chang-ming ; translated by Philip Liddell. Comparing cities :the Middle East and editors, Kamran Asdar South Asia / Ali and Martina Rieker ; postscript by Partha Chatterjee. Mural paintings of the Silk edited by Kazuya Road :cultural exchanges between East Yamauchi, Yoko and West : proceedings of the 29th Taniguchi and Tomoko Annual International Symposium on the Uno. Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo, January 2006 / One hundred thousand moons :an by Tsepon Wangchuk advanced political history of Tibet / Deden Shakabpa ; translated and annotated by Derek F. Maher. One hundred thousand moons :an by Tsepon Wangchuk advanced political history of Tibet / Deden Shakabpa ; translated and annotated by Derek F. Maher. The proletarian gamble :Korean Ken C. Kawashima. workers in interwar Japan / Harvard University Asia c2009. Center ;Distributed by Harvard University Press, 英文 Oxford University Press, 2009. 英文 Archetype Publications, 2007. 英文 Brill, 2010. 英文 Brill, 2010. 英文 Duke University Press, 2009. 英文 Deliverance and Kelly H. Chong. submission :evangelical women and the negotiation of patriarchy in South Korea / Emplacing a pilgrimage :the Ōyama Barbara Ambros. cult and regional religion in early modern Japan / Harvard University Asia 2008. Center :Distributed by Harvard University Press, 英文 Published by the Harvard 2008. University Asia Center :Distributed by Harvard University Press, Cambria Press, c2008. 英文 Cambria Press, 英文 The A to Z of Taiwan (Republic of China) / The Iraq effect :the Middle East after the Iraq War / The Ottoman Empire and European capitalism, 1820-1913 :trade, investment and production / The Voyages of Sir James Lancaster to the East Indies :with abstracts of journals of voyages to the East Indies during the seventeenth century and the voyage of Captain John Knight (1606), to seek the North-west Passage / The young Turk legacy and nation building :from the Ottoman Empire to Atatürk's Turkey / Archaeoastronomy in East David W. Pankenier, Asia :historical observational records of Zhentao Xu, and Yaotiao comets and meteor showers from Jiang. China, Japan, and Korea / Indian entrepreneurs in Silicon Monica R. Biradavolu. Valley :the making of a transnational techno-capitalist class / Some assembly required :work, Calvin Chen. community, and politics in China's rural enterprises / The culture of fengshui in Korea :an exploration of East Asian geomancy / Hong-key Yoon. c2008. 英文 Harvard University Asia 2008. Center :Distributed by Harvard University Press, 英文 Lexington Books, 英文 2008, c2006. The Tokyo war crimes trial :the pursuit Yuma Totani. of justice in the wake of World War II / Harvard University Asia 2008. Center :Distributed by Harvard University Press, 英文 West across the Pacific :the American F. Hilary Conroy and involvement in East Asia from 1898 to Francis Conroy, with the Vietnam War / Sophie Quinn-Judge. Cambria Press, 英文 148 c2008. Published by the Harvard 2008. University Asia Center :Distributed by Harvard University Press, McGraw-Hill Higher c2009. Education, 英文 An insider's experience of insurgency in by J.R. Mukherjee. India's North-East / Anthem Press, 2005. 英文 Between dreams and reality :the military examination in late Chosŏn Korea, 1600-1894 / Eugene Y. Park. 英文 From foot soldier to finance minister :Takahashi Korekiyo, Japan's Keynes / Richard J. Smethurst. Published by the Harvard 2007. University Asia Center :Distributed by Harvard University Press, Harvard University Asia 2007. Center :Distributed by Harvard University Press, Korea yearbook.Volume 1.Politics, economy and society 2007 / edited by Rüdiger Frank ... [et al.]. Brill, 2008. 英文 Love after the tale of genji :rewriting the world of the shining prince / Charo B. D'Etcheverry. Harvard University Asia 2007. Center :Distributed by Harvard University Press, 英文 Zed Books :Distributed in the USA exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, Duke University Press, 2007. 英文 2007. 英文 Harvard University Asia 2007. Center :Distributed by Harvard University Press, 英文 Why Europe was first :social change Erik Ringmar. and economic growth in Europe and East Asia 1500-2050 / Writing the diaspora :essays on Uma Parameswaran. cul[t]ure and identity / Dangerous knowledge :orientalism and Robert Irwin. its discontents / Anthem Press, 2007. 英文 Rawat Publications, c2007. 英文 Overlook Press, 2006. 英文 Locked in place :state-building and late Vivek Chibber. industrialization in India / N. J. :Princeton university press, 2006. 英文 Mobilizing India :women, music, and Tejaswini Niranjana. migration between India and Trinidad / Duke University Press, c2006. 英文 Civilization and empire :China and Japan's encounter with European international society / Socialist revolutions in Asia :the social history of Mongolia in the 20th century / History textbooks and the wars in Asia :divided memories / Shogo Suzuki. Routledge, 2009. 英文 Irina Y. Morozova. Routledge, 2009. 英文 edited by Gi-Wook Shin Routledge, and Daniel C. Sneider. 2011. 英文 The politics of imagining Asia / Wang Hui ; edited by Theodore Huters. Harvard University Press, 2011. 英文 Aspects of the maritime Silk Road :from the Persian Gulf to the East China Sea / Church of the Province of South East Asia / Embattled glory :veterans, military families, and the politics of patriotism in China, 1949-2007 / Establishing a pluralist society in medieval Korea, 918-1170 :history, ideology, and identity in the Koryŏ dynasty / Indian identity narratives and the politics of security / South East Asia command / edited by Ralph Kauz. Harrassowitz, 2010. 英文 Frederic P. Miller. Alphascript Publishing, 2010. 英文 Neil J. Diamant. Rowan & Littlefield Publishers, 2010. 英文 by Remco E. Breuker. Brill, 2010. 英文 Gitika Commuri. SAGE Publications, 2010. 英文 Lambert M. Surhone. VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller AG 2010. & Co. Kg, 英文 When our eyes no longer see :realism, science, and ecology in Japanese literary modernism / Gregory Golley. Why Europe? :the rise of the West in world history, 1500-1850 / Jack A. Goldstone. North Korea :the paranoid peninsula--a Paul French. modern history / The unpredictability of the edited by Marc past :memories of the Asia-Pacific war Gallicchio. in U.S./East Asian relations / War and faith :Ikkō ikki in late Carol Richmond Tsang. Muromachi Japan / 149 英文 英文 Sovereignty at the edge :Macau & the question of Chineseness / Cathryn H. Clayton. Harvard University Asia 2009. Center :Distributed by Harvard University Press, 英文 The historical geography of Asia Minor / What was once East Pakistan / Writing 'true stories' :historians and hagiographers in the late antique and medieval Near East / W.M. Ramsay. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 英文 2010. c2010. 英文 英文 2009. 英文 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies ;Penguin Viking, 2009. 英文 Denny Roy. Praeger, 2009. 英文 ed. par Éric Pirart et Xavier Tremblay. L. Reichert ; 2009. 法文 Steffi Richter (ed.). 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Cambridge Scholars, Harrassowitz :Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 2008. 2008. 英文 英文 Garnet, 2008. 英文 Shamanism and the origin of states :spirit, power, and gender in East Asia / The empire of the Qara Khitai in Eurasian history :between China and the Islamic World / The Ottoman Empire / When leaders learn and when they don't :Mikhail Gorbachev and Kim Il Sung at the end of the Cold War / Sarah Milledge Nelson. Left Coast Press, c2008. 英文 Michal Biran. Cambridge University Press, 2008. 英文 Mehrdad Kia. Akan Malici. Greenwood Press, 2008. State University of New York c2008. Press, 英文 英文 Asia-Pacific / Thomas Crump. Ebrey East Asia Japan plus Perrin guide to the Chicago manual of style. Hambledon Continuum, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH), 2007. 2007. 英文 英文 Ebrey East Asia Japan plus Perrin guide to the Chicago manual of style. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH), 2007. 英文 Ebrey East Asia plus Perrin pocket guide to Chicago manual. 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Failed diplomacy :the tragic story of how North Korea got the bomb / Charles L. Pritchard. 150 edited by Dominique Schirmer, Gernot Saalmann and Christl Kessler. edited by M.H. Ilias and P.J. Vincent. Lit ;Distributed in North America by Transaction Publishers, c2006. 英文 New Century Publications, 2007. 英文 Louise I. Gerdes, book editor. Rosie Llewellyn-Jones. Greenhaven Press, c2007. 英文 Boydell Press, 2007. 英文 Adrian Buzo. edited by Daniel P. Marston and Chandar S. Sundaram ; foreword by Stephen P. Cohen. Conrad Schirokauer, Donald N. Clark. Routledge, 2007. Praeger Security International, 2007. 英文 英文 Wadsworth Publishing Company, 2006. 英文 The art of Thai foot massage :a step by Simon Piers Gall. step guide / The Pirates of Malabar, and an Englishwoman in India Two Hundred Years Ago. 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Nambiar / North & South Korea / The great uprising in India, 1857-58 :untold stories, Indian and British / The making of modern Korea / A military history of India and South Asia :from the East India Company to the nuclear era / Modern East Asia :a brief history / John Freely. The voyage of François Pyrard of Laval to the East Indies, the Maldives, the Moluccas and Brazil / First drafts of Korea :the U.S. media and perceptions of the last Cold War frontier / Rediscovering Asia :evolution of India's look-east policy / The Arabian frontier of the British Raj :merchants, rulers, and the British in the nineteenth-century Gulf / The Portuguese in the East :a cultural history of a maritime trading empire / Economic sanctions against a nuclear edited by Suk Hi Kim North Korea :an analysis of United and Semoon Chang. States and United Nations actions since 1950 / North Korea under Kim Jong Il :from Sung Chull Kim. consolidation to systemic dissonance / 151 Ritual and sacrifice in the ancient Near edited by J. Quaegebeur. East :proceedings of the international conference organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from the 17th to the 20th of April 1991 / Atlas of Korean history / Department of History Education, Korea National University of Education. From Persepolis to the Elizabeth Errington and Punjab :exploring ancient Iran, Vesta Sarkhosh Curtis ; Afghanistan and Pakistan / with contributions by Joe Cribb ... [et al.] ; edited by Elizabeth Errington. Beating devils and burning their edited by Anthony E. books :views of China, Japan and the Clark. West / Resheph :a Syro-Canaanite deity / byEdward Lipiński. 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