Droevendalia 69 - Droevendaal student housing
Droevendalia 69 - Droevendaal student housing
Officiële Droevendaalse Vrijheidsstaatscourant Droevendalia 69 – April 2007 – verschijnt op het juiste moment – appears at the right moment By our reporter MERIJN (69) It must have been two years ago that goats inhibited Droevendaal. Now they are back! Monday the 16th of April they passed by and decided to stay with us. Where do they come from? Some people know that they are a creation of God. I do not know that (and I question myself how it is possible that people know something like that). Others say that they come from a farm not far away from Droevendaal where they could not stay any longer. Now that seems more plausible to me. When I look at them, they did not seem to be interested in the question where they came from at all. They are just here. Now they are here we had to give them names, ‘cause that is what humans do. Again, they do not seem to find this human thing a very important thing at all. After some discussion we decided to call them Linda and Monique. After Linda de Mol and Monique van de Ven, two famous Dutch actresses. First we thought of Viola and Catherine, after the two showmasters of the “all-time classic” 5 o’clock show. But who still remembers that show? And by the way, Linda and Monique sounds much easier. Linda and Monique themselves? They do not give a Goddamn thing about it. Linda and Monique have their house in 69’s garden. They are there, outside grazing-hours, to give you free hugs. And maybe, maybe, maybe one day they will drop by your house to check how fresh and green your grass is! µ Webmaster: Luc (37) Website: www.droevendaal.nl Content Sustainable Student Earth Day 2007 (EN) Late in the evening. Here I am. Sitting in front of my computer screen with music of Bob Dylan on my headphones (otherwise I will wake up my sleeping housemates). How am I going to finish this Droevendalia within two or three days? “The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind” Bob sings. Well, dear friend Bob, I don’t hear it! But what I do know is that lots of things are going on in the neighbourhood and lots of things have happened during the last months. Enough at least to make a wonderful Droevendalia for you! In the meanwhile I think about all the other things I still have to do…… Bob sings: “Don’t think twice, it’s all right”. Okay here I go. 3 The big Droevenaalian Easter egg race (EN) 4 Droeffeest (EN) 4 Spaarlampen continued… 5 Map of Droevendaal (EN) 5 Digitenne-ellende 5 Wonen op Droevendaal – meer dan een 6 voorrecht Greenworkday of the 27th of January (EN) 7 Droevendaal pets (EN) 8 Droevendaal Weed Regulation (EN) 9 Visiting… 47! (EN) 10 Chalkdrawing with Sonja (EN) 11 Vroeger was alles eenvoudiger… 12 Nuclear transport (EN) 14 New life in the ABC! (EN) 15 This is the first time I edit the Droevendalia. Luckily with help of my housemate Hanneke. No better things to do. Well, better things? We have a world to save! Starting on Droevendaal! We are saving the world by trying to make our lives sustainable by recycling garbage, making compost, working in our vegetable gardens or organising an Earth Day! And in between we organise parties, party, chill near the campfires or edit the Droevendalia. Since a few days we even have goats that need to be taken care of. I do not know if this will contribute to a more sustainable world. I even doubt it. I am even sure it is all nonsense. But it will make me sustainable. A sustainable student at least. “In the jingle jangle morning I come following you.” Will you follow me? Will you become sustainable? Will you be the next editor? Editors Droevendalia No. 69: Hanneke (69) & Merijn (69) Daily Living Council Luc (37): Mayor Merijn (69): Alderman of the Greengroup Giel (35): Alderman of the Common Barrack Committee (ABC) Hanneke (69): Alderwoman of General Affairs VACANCY: Treasurer Merijn (69) You must know what it’s like: sometimes after a too long day of practicals, thesis, meetings… you feel you need something to get your mind off these things and to your ‘other’ life. Well, I do. One part of that nice life is Droevendaal. ‘Cause that’s where I love to live. Some people wouldn’t say so, but a lot of cool things happen here in our little village. Have a good look around you and see all the gardening-action. Chicken houses are built and land is newly cultivated. Aít!! And another Droevendalia! And by doing some gardening & editing our Common Barrack Committee Karin (57): Chairwoman/Secretary Giel (35): Treasurer Gilles (35): Commissioner Agenda/Contracts Philip (89): Commissioner Cleaning Marieke (89): Commissioner Parties Hussam (95) & Rosa (69): Commissioner DroovieMovie 2 newspaper I become a bit more sustainable student. Isn’t that what we all want… Hanneke (69) Respect Loes, Jelena and co. µ People of tha Droevendaal, Programme Earth Day 2007 Sunday April 22nd - Wageningen – Droevendaal Welcome to this new dimension of our shared biotope: Springtime! It’s expressing itself to the fullest and when it gets to its high, we should be there, to celebrate along side the flowers, trees, birds, newly sprouting crops and soon, the emancipation of our Mother Earth! Field 14:00 Painting/drawing 14:30 Fair Action Fair (NGO’s & collectives) 15:00 Forum theater 15:30 Mayan Calendar 16:00 Djembé Movie:`La sangre de la Pachamama` 17 :00 Capoeira 18 :00 Dinner FNB 18 :30 Live Music 20 :30 Fire Show Have you heard about the Day of the Earth? The yearly ongoing tradition since 1970, initiated by Denis Hayes, to raise awareness about humans` destructive behavior and honor our common founding mother is coming up on the 22nd of April. And for the first time (at least since my history here), it will be organized here in Wageningen! To be more precise: at Droevendaal, in the big field, the common Barak and the little nature reserve behind the Droef. Earth Movies Ongoing: Nature experience, Handicrafts, Music, Juggling, Earth Collective, Chalk drawings, Cooking, Bar, … Contributions for the artists are welcome, entrance, food and water for free! (if possible bring a plate/cup) Pacha Mama, in Quechua (and ancient Aymara) language, means “Mother Earth” and covers all that sprouts from it: yes, also weeds, bugs, mammals and humans. Pacha mama is an expression of culture in balance with nature and therefore we’d like to invite you all to join in on Earth Day! Have There’s plenty of space for your contribution. Spread the word and if you have some supplies of tipi`s, juggling craft, painting/drawing materials, banners/flags, fire show equipment, recycle art, beautiful stories, movies, inspiration -> Come out and play! Contact us as [email protected] or 0644276155. You could also come by at 105 (ask for Loes) for more information or ideas! Many thanks And have a wonderful day today! 3 you seen it? The big Droevendaalian Easter egg race use the Common Barrack and for the help they (together with the Droevendaal Daily Living Council) offered to me. Dear Droevendalers, Now my duty is done and spring can really start. I am going to enjoy my holiday... See you next year! As promised I visited your beautiful place in the Easter night. During my visit I became aware that you have a lot of chickens and therefore eggs, but maybe (as belongs to good students' life) you are always in need for more money? That's why, instead of eggs, I decided to make you happy with coins of different shapes and colors. I saved the eggs for the (smaller) children in the rest of the world - it was my most busy night of the year! Your one and only Easter Bunny µ The contest was thrilling. For a long time, it looked as if Paul and Vena (57) should be the winners, but finally it appeared that Bjurn & homies of '67 finally found the most eggs. I hope the prize compensates for waking up too early with a hangover from a party the previous evening. Playboy cake baked by Rosa (69) (Photo: Rosa, 69). Somebody asked me, if it is allowed to look for Easter eggs in the middle of the night (during a party) or that it should exclusively be done during the Easter morning, when the golden sunbeams break through the white fog and the dew makes my footprints visible in your soccer field, while the scent of a fresh new day (mixed with the remains of a campfire) reaches my tiny black nose. Well, no rules are being set about this but I have my own preferences. As the one and only Easter Bunny I have the right to be romantic! The final Hall of Easter Fame 2007: # eggs 1st: Bjurn & housemates 164 (67) 2nd: Paul & Vena (57) 70 3th: Clara & Nora (51) 43 Silvia & Dieter (55) 23 Erik & Hussam (95) 21 Ines & Yesim (45) 8 15,22 % 9,35 % 5,00 % 4,57 % 1,74 % Unfound/disappeared/eaten 131 28,48 % Total 460 100% % Bjurn (67) shares his price (Photo: Rosa, 69). 35,65 % Droeffeest April again. That means the preparations of the Big Droef Party in september are about to begin. This year’s party will be at least as cool as last year’s, especially in case you help us! So, do you like organising parties and feel inspired to contribute? We always need help. Be welcome to join the meetings that start in May. You can also contact me at barrack 35 or send me an e-mail at [email protected]. Finally, I would like to thank the ABC (Common Barrack Committee) for letting me Good luck! µ 4 Spaarlampen continued... Digitenne-ellende Door onze correspondent MADELON (59) Door onze redacteur LUC (37) 31 en 107 die maar liefst 10 en 14 spaarlampen indraaiden. Mochten jullie nou per ongeluk nog ergens een verdwaalde gloeilamp tegenkomen (wat ik me echt niet kan voorstellen bij milieubewuste Droevendalers…), vervang deze dan snel door een energiezuinigere spaarlamp en meld dit op de site www.1miljoenspaarlampen.nl. Landelijk streeft Greenpeace naar 1 miljoen spaarlampen ter vervanging van de energieslurpende, warmteproducerende gloeilamp. De actie loopt tot 20 april. µ De oude harkantenne levert te weinig signaal (ook als je 'm draait), een binnenantenne soms net genoeg, soms niet, dit is per barak verschillend. Over het algemeen is het signaal beter als de antenne actief in plaats van passief is, als 'ie hoger staat en als 'ie dichter bij het raam staat (of beter nog: buiten). Een speciale buiten/binnenantenne geeft op dezelfde plek betere resultaten dan het standaard KPN blokje. Als je wilt kun je de Droef-testversie lenen om even uit te proberen (staat op '37). Deze kostte ca 35 euro. In Droevendaal zijn sinds de actie van Greenpeace lokale groep Wageningen 67 extra spaarlampen in gebruik genomen, verdeeld over 10 barakken. Dit betekent een milieuwinst van 1407 kg CO2 per jaar*! Dat is mooi. Twee cakes als beloning zijn gebakken voor barakken Na de succesvolle overstap afgelopen december is KPN recent gaan rommelen met de TVzenders. De noodzender om de overstap te kunnen maken in IJsselstein is uitgezet, het meer locale netwerk wordt uitgerold. Concreet hebben wij nu veel minder signaal, het lijkt erop dat KPN het goed had geregeld toen alle media-aandacht erop gericht was maar er nu een zootje van maakt. Ik heb de KPN helpdesk geprobeerd, die is precies zoals je kunt verwachten van een onlangs geprivatiseerd overheidsbedrijf dat nog steeds monopolist is. Laten we daar verder over zwijgen en vooral niet gefrustreerd gaan doen… * Gebaseerd op onderzoek van Ecofys. Volgens de KPN-website komt er op 8 mei een nieuwe Digitenne zender in bedrijf in Arnhem, dat zou kunnen schelen voor onze ontvangst. Daarom hebben we met Idealis afgesproken dat we daar eerst op gaan wachten voordat we met een algemeen advies/aanpak komen. Als je voor die tijd toch TV wilt kijken, probeer dan iets met een actieve ontvanger in de antennepaal. Je kunt ook even om advies vragen bij Luc (37). Waarschijnlijk hoeven we niet te vrezen dat we “Boer Zoekt Vrouw” gaan missen. Het programma begint weer op 2 september, dus met de ontvangst zullen we ruimschoots op tijd zijn! µ Map of Droevendaal By our Daily Living Council LUC (37) With the introduction of the new image of Idealis, they also removed the map at the entrance. Because the beautiful, illogical and therefore confusing numbering of our barracks - especially for visitors – Idealis will place a new one. Idealis is working on it for eight months already, but only recently they promised to place a new one, in the beginning of May. For reasons of image, our barracks will be called 'buildings' (woongebouwen): Idealis will by recent official decision never use the word 'Barrack'. And why, you might ask, didn't they first make a new map before removing the old one? Maybe for Idealis their cosmetic image is more important than their tenants... Although one of the basic values of the new Idealis is having 'good relationships'. We will help them to achieve that goal! µ 5 Wonen op Droevendaal - meer dan een voorrecht Nu zal niet iedereen zich geroepen voelen om zich daar persoonlijk voor in te spannen; dat hoeft natuurlijk ook niet. Maar wel mag van iedereen verwacht worden, geen dingen te doen die slecht zijn voor de flora en fauna op Droevendaal. Door Ecologisch Adviseur Droevendaal ROB GRAAT Wonen op Droevendaal lijkt mij geweldig. Het is gewoonweg een unieke plek. Het studentencomplex ‘Droevendaalsesteeg’ is dan ook op meerdere manieren een uitzondering op de regel (de studentenflat). Het complex is zowat in het buitengebied gelegen en het maakt deel uit van de ecologische hoofdstructuur in het Wageningse. Bewoners hebben er, naast gemeenschappelijk openbaar groen, ook een gemeenschappelijke ‘eigen’ tuin. (Tja, allemaal dingen die ik jullie eigenlijk niet hoef te vertellen.) Ik denk dat het grote verschil met andere studentencomplexen ’m zit in of je binnen of buiten woont. Op Droevendaal kun je heerlijk buiten wonen. De behoefte aan buiten wonen is dan ook een selectiecriterium. Eigen groenten telen, rond een kampvuur de nacht ingaan, een concert van groene kikkers beluisteren of het ijsvogeltje spotten, dat hoort bij Droevendaal. Je zou willen dat iedereen zo zijn of haar studietijd door kon brengen. De sfeer van al het groen, het hoge hout, zoals dat vroeger er veel was, begint nu langzaam terug te komen. Ook botanisch neemt de variatie ieder jaar verder toe. Pestvogel, in 2005 op Droevendaal (Foto: Sam, 51). Het is heel simpel – als je je bewust bent hoe bijzonder de plek is waar je woont, kun je er ook voor zorgen dat dat zo blijft. Troep maken is niet moeilijk en hoort er bij – net als het opruimen ervan. In het Droevendaalse groen horen geen zwervende fietsonderdelen, meubelresten, glaswerk in alle vormen en maten, geverfde houtresten, spaanplaat, plastic, touw, auto-onderdelen en god mag weten wat nog meer. Al deze ‘beschavingsresten’ beïnvloeden de flora en zeker de fauna van Droevendaal negatief; bovendien worden de beheerkosten er door opgedreven. Als jij iemand bent die hier geen boodschap aan heeft, dan vind ik dat je niet op Droevendaal moet komen wonen. Daar is Droevendaal veel te uitzonderlijk voor. De plek is ook geomorfologisch bijzonder – gelegen aan de rand van het Veluwemassief, een fijnzandige, deels lemige bodem en kwel (oud, basenrijk grondwater, wat volgens het principe van communicerende vaten in lagere delen verticaal opstijgt) Het is vooral de kwel die Droevendaal zo speciaal maakt – het kalken ijzerhoudende kwelwater zorgt voor (redelijk) constante, vochtige omstandigheden met een beperkt aanbod van voedingsstoffen. Dit biedt floristisch interessante mogelijkheden. Als je op Droevendaal woont, is het goed je bewust te zijn van de hoge ecologische en natuurlijke potenties van het terrein. Als je op Droevendaal woont, heb je ook de verantwoordelijkheid voor diezelfde ecologische en natuurlijke mogelijkheden. Als je op Droevendaal woont, heb je zelfs de mogelijkheid om mee te werken aan de realisatie van diezelfde ecologische en natuurlijke mogelijkheden. Ik wens iedereen die op Droevendaal woont, studeert en leeft een hele bruisende en leerzame tijd toe die in de rest van je leven zijn sporen achter laat. µ 6 Greenworkday of the 27th of January By our reporter MERIJN (69) Here is an impression of the work that has been done on the Greenworkday in January. Together with Jeroen, the gardener, Eric, the new Ecoligical Advisor, and their chainsaws we pollarded the willows around the field and near the Common Barrack. A lot of Droevendalers enthusiastically helped during the day. Michalis (103) ties up a branch (Photo: Jan Joris, 41). It was, for the time of the year, a very fruitful day. We had started in the morning and at the end of the day all the work was done and many wood hedges had grown. In the middle of the day we warmed ourselves in the Common Barrack with hot chocolate, coffee, cake and biscuits. On the photo below the men Rik (103) and Jochem (79) are working very hard. The women Hedwig (43) and Meike (31) (at the back) prefer to stand still and watch (Photo: Merijn, 69). Jeroen gives the rope to photographer Jan Joris (41) to be sure that the big willowbranch will not fall on a barrack. This year we do not expect to do any Greenworkdays anymore. In case the Giant Hogweeds (grote berenklauw) are too big in number, we will organise a day to dig them out. For more information about green stuff you can ask the Greengroup, Giel (35) & Merijn (69).µ 7 − The number of rabbits also decreased from 0.8 to 0.2 per barrack. − The amount of chickens went from 105 to 75, a strong decrease again. Are we losing the game with the foxes? In 1997 we had 200. − We did not calculate the total petbiomass (as our specialist Eelke did in the previous years), but it seems decreasing. We cannot deny that Droevendaal is changing! Droevendaal Pets By our reporter LUC (37) In December 2006, all barracks on Droevendaal are investigated about their most important inhabitants: our pets. We left out the uncountable snails (43), silverfish (51), rats hidden in the wall and spiders (89). We got response from 30 barracks. Most important outcomes: − In 2005 and 2006, we had 1.6 cats per barrack. This dropped last year to 1.37, the lowest rate of the last 10 years! English Dutch However, there is still a considerable amount of pets and pet species on Droevendaal: Scientific African clawed frog Amphibian (general) Blue-tongued lizard Brown rat Afrikaanse klauwkikker Xenopus laevis Amfibie (algemeen) Amphibia Blauwtongskink Tiliqua .... Bruine rat Rattus norvegicus Cardinal tetra Kardinaaltetra Cat Poes, kat Chicken Kip Diamond Tetra Dog Family 6 0.20 24 0.80 Scincidae 5 0.17 Muridae 6 0.20 Paracheirodon axelrodi Characidae 16 0.53 Felis catus Gallus gallus domesticus Felidae 41 1.37 Phasianidae 75 2.50 Diamantzalm Moenkhausia pittieri Characidae 7 0.23 Hond Canis lupus familiaris Canidae 1 0.03 Salamandridae 1 0.03 3 0.10 Loricariidae 1 0.03 Cyprinidae 5 0.17 Xiphoporus helleri Poeciliidae 2 0.07 Guinea pig, cavie Cavia Cavia porcellus Caviidae 4 0.13 Guppy Guppy Poecilia reticulata Poeciliidae 10 0.33 Potbellied Pig Hangbuikzwijn Sus scrofa vittatus Suidae 1 0.03 Rabbit Konijn Oryctolagus cuniculus Lagomorpha 6 0.20 Ram cichlid Antennebaarsje Cichlidae 1 0.03 Emydidae 3 0.10 Cricetidae 7 2 0.23 0.07 Fire Salamander Vuursalamander Fish (general) Vis (algemeen) Gibbiceps Gibbiceps Goldfish Goudvis Green swordtail Zwaarddrager Red-eared Terrapin Shrimp Syrian Hamster Roodwangschildpad Garnaal Goudhamster Salamandra salamandra Osteichthyes, Chondrichthyes Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps Carassius auratus auratus Microgeophagus ramirezi Trachemys scripta elegans Mesocricetus auratus 8 Pipidae Number/ Number/ Droef Barrack If you want to see more details of this investigation, by individual animal or barrack, check out www.droevendaal.nl/pets. Last March 22nd, veterinary surgeon Sandra came to vaccinate 16 of our cats against Feline Distemper ("Kattenziekte") and FCV ("Niesziekte"). This is already the 3rd year, we want to make it a good Droeftradition: good for the cats & good for us (cheaper and easier)! So we will do it again next year in March, and with more than 6 rabbits, they are also welcome to be vaccinated against VHS and Myxomatosis. Afterwards, she advised us to treat our cats regularly against tapeworms, to keep the infection pressure on Droevendaal low. µ Not in the statistics: new born chicken at 69 (Photo: Anna, ex-59). Droevendaal Weed Regulation Who still remembers the old Droevendaal? Just to remind you: some of us like to grow some weed (we mean not all the nice things in the garden on the wrong place but Cannabis sativa). This in itself nice tradition has its counter effect: every year some incidents with criminality and violence happen in autumn, when notso-social people from outside come here to steal something. If you grow weed, in fact you are attracting this problems and thereby making Droevendaal a less pleasant place for others. Last year we made some appointments about it, the Droevendaal Weed Regulation: * If you insist on growing weed, do it in normal quantities * Do it as hidden as possible (normally people come during the day to check where to find it and return at night to steal it) * Be aware that with problems, nobody will hesitate nor should feel hampered to call the police. Your Daily Living Council µ 9 Droevendaal. And Poesie, our other cat. We also have 2 roosters and 3 hens. At this moment one of them is breeding on eggs, so more are expected. In the pond in the garden a few Goldfish are swimming. We have lists to get all those animals fed and taken care of, and that works quite good. Visiting... 47! By our reporters LUC (37) and MERIJN (69) Near the soccer field Slot Droevestein ("Caste Droevendaal") is located with a lot of fresh new people populating it. So we had a small talk. We found Jos, Eva, Amber and Adam at home: Adela and Johan were away. The kitchen was crowded by four people and two cats. At about 20:30 both cookies and dinner were being prepared. We start, with our typical intimidating way, pointing our questions at them Everything looks nicely organised here. How about cleaning? No, we do not have such lists for cleaning, that part of our barrack life is…well…less organized at this moment. (According to us it looks really clean!) Are you always that late? No, we girls went out to do some sports, and the boys didn't cook.... So now we have to do it. Anyway, almost every 3 days we also prepare something like a cake or cookies. (We are allowed to taste the result of the test-round, and it must be said that they are already delicious!) About food: 4/6th of us is vegetarian, the two foreigners (Czech and Spanish) do eat meat when they prepare something for themselves; we have a special meat-plate. What are the things that make this barrack so special? We have a twister-game! And in our kitchen, under the couch, there is a stage which can be used when we have a party. When the sun shines there are pallets in front of our house to enjoy the big field. We picknick there. We have a very special dinner table: it has buttons you can press. In case somebody makes an unfunny joke you can press the button and everybody will start laughing. Probably most typical are our Spice-girls posters in the kitchen: a left over from one of our childhoods. Lots of Droevendalers must be jealous of that poster! (They also show us a picture of all housemates, dressed up as the Spice Girls. Uhhmmm, time to leave we guess……). µ You look like a very young barrack to us, is that so? Yes, we are quite young (at average 22/23) and most of us came into the house in the last half year. (Though René, we met in the hallway, is in his forties already.) Can you tell us something about your garden? One of our projects is reshaping the nature around our house into a garden. It was slowly turning into a forest. Jos planted a lot of strawberries and we also have raspberries. (They kindly asked us not to publish this, because they don’t want them to be stolen. Therefore I (M) suggest that in a couple of weeks, by that time the strawberries will be ready for consumption, we organise a strawberrynightparty in 47’s garden.) We also started a small herb garden with Lavender, Dill, Thyme, Mint, Sage (salie in dutch), Chives (bieslook), Parsley (peterselie) and Lemon balm (citroenmelisse). We have some animals, for example our oneeyed Zorro, probably the oldest cat (17) on From left to right: Amber (with Zorro), René, Eva (with Poesie), Adam and Jos (Photo: Merijn, 69). 10 Will you make chalkdrawings like these together with Sonja (61) on the Earth Day 2007? Sunday April 22nd on Droevendaal. Chalk drawing from the wrong point of view, by Julian Beever, an English artist (Photo on the left). The same chalk drawing, from the same English artist, but now from the optimal point of view (Photo on the bottom). 11 Vroeger was eenvoudiger… Droef binnen kwam werd mij met een vaag gebaar kenbaar gemaakt waar ik 61 (toen ‘Lieve Mona’ geheten) moest zoeken. Daar had de SSHW mij geplaatst. Hoewel Droefs weelderigheid van toen in mijn herinnering wellicht door de jaren nóg weelderderiger is geworden, had het houten schimmel Droevendaal enkel tunnels van groen waar men zich van de ene barak naar de andere kon begeven. Het was al donker en ik was dus verdwaald. Ik had ook geen idee hoe groot het terrein eigenlijk was. De Droevendaler bleek een mensenvriend en al snel had ik het gevonden en dus niet door baraknummers. Met enkel een baraksnummer vind je niet snel je bestemming op Droef. alles Door onze correspondent FRANK (53) Honderd jaar geleden voetbalde ik met een grote groep Tropo’s achter de Oude Tol ergens. Waar nu nog steeds zo’n clubhuishutje staat en waar het doel een meter of twee in de grond verdwenen is. Ik begaf me nog maar net ver weg van mijn Grunniger nest en wilde op Droef gaan wonen (dat zag er in het SSHW-foldertje zo leuk uit). Wie niet, zul je denken. Nou, er zijn, beste Droevendalertjes, veel mensen die liever opgesloten zitten met kabel-tv naast een super en boven een kroeg in het gunstigste geval. Maar goed, aangezien ik niet wist hoe ik er moest komen mocht ik achterop de fiets bij Joris. Nu was Droevendaal destijds iets groter want er was nog een tweede grasveld met barakken erom, daar staan nu de woon’wagens’ van de Roma. De barakken 79 t/m 107 waren trouwens 5 jaar jonger dan de rest. Toen ik Nu komt het: er zit logica in de nummering: Loop een rondje Droef en elke barak waar een paadje naar toe leidt krijgt een nummer op volgorde: 12 Getekend door Frank, 53. Ook al kom je wel via de hoofdentree Droef binnen, kun je er inderdaad alsnog geen chocola van maken. De lange rij van 87 tot met 107 lijkt logisch en dat is het ook, maar dat is precies het eind van het verhaal. We gaan terug naar 1972 ‘weet je wel’. Er heest kamernood in Wageningen en de SSHW zet op meerdere plaatsen in Wageningen barakkencomplexen neer, de noodwoningen. Ja, natuurlijk met asbest, het moest wel veilig zijn! Op Duivendaal, waar nu het bestuursgebouw staat, volgens mij ook op het terrein naast de brandweerkazerne tussen de Haarweg en de Marijkeweg. En zo werden er ook 24 barakken op het proefveld van de Landbouw Hogeschool aan de Droevendaalsesteeg gepland, nummers 31 t/m 77 (77 werd ‘dolby C’ genoemd in de tijd dat dhr. Ruys huismeester was en achterin de barak kantoor hield). Het was bedoeld voor hooguit en jaartje of vijf… Als heuse landbouwstudenten gingen de verse bewoners moestuinen maken en werd het Droevendaal in de beginjaren. spreekwoordelijke ‘Droef-gevoel’ gezaaid. Barak 31 nam de naam ‘de slootgravers’ aan daar ze de gehele lap grond omgetoverd hadden tot moestuin waar nu 87 t/m 107 op staan. De gezaghebbende besloten tegen de klok in te nummeren, beginnend dus bij ‘de slootgravers’ en enkel oneven (bijvoorbeeld het Landbouwmuseum is even: nummer 50). O ja, de barakken hadden hun ingang aan één van de smalle kanten van de barak. Vanuit daar liep een gang helemaal door de lengteas met aan beide kanten vier kamers en links een ruim washok met twee wc’s en een douche, en aan de rechterkant was de keuken die echt veel kleiner was de megakeukens van nu. Tot daar klopt het systeem. èè Uitzicht op nu verdwenen Droef Noordwest vanuit de boomhut bij 31. Je kunt zien dat in de tijd van deze foto 69 reeds gesloopt was (Foto: Frank, 53). 13 We spoelen even door: 1977. De kamernood was blijkbaar niet opgelost en er werd besloten dat er meer barakken geplaatst moesten worden. Deze nieuwe barakken van 1977 waren trouwens anders dan de oude barakken: drie kamers aan weerszijde van de lange gang en met goedkope aluminium kozijnen met dubbelglas, lekker milieubewust. Een hele zooi hiervan was gepland in die belachelijk uitgestrekte moestuin van 31. Het schijnt dat de Slootgravers niet zonder slag of stoot hun land wilden afstaan, ook weer iets dat logisch is, toch?! Waarschijnlijk is de SSHW toen begonnen met het bouwen in de linkerbovenhoek - Droef Noordwest. De vier barakken in noordwest kregen volgens hetzelfde systeem als 1972 hun nummers. Dat kan verklaren waarom 87 niet het eerst volgende nummertje heeft gekregen, namelijk 79. Toch moesten de Slootgravers hun plantjes prijsgeven aan de ‘nieuwe barakken’. En toen pas kwam de lange rij barakken tussen Droef en het fietspad. En zo zijn we bij 107 uitgekomen. De telefoonnummers hadden ook een dergelijke logica, maar dat verhaal is eigenlijk nog minder interessant. Voor verantwoording verwijs ik je door naar Bo&Luc (Moebarak). µ Nuclear transport? By our reporter MERIJN (69) Thursday afternoon a mysterious truck entered Droevendaal. Because the entrance was blocked by environmental activists our Mayor Luc (37) struggled to remove the blockade. Was it a transport of nuclear waste? Why would people want to block this transport? The truckdriver dropped his load quickly and then immediately left the area. It remains unclear what the exact substance of load is. Mayor Luc (37), who clearly was cooporating, was not attainable for comment. Is a conspiracy going on here somewhere? Further inspecting the “object” results in the following observations. It has been made of a hard substance. It also is green coloured on top and has some white stripes, as well as a big white elevation on top. The object was placed near the Common Barrack. If anybody has an idea about what it could be, or has any idea of persons involved in this mysterious action, please (anonymously) contact [email protected]. As soon as we have found the terrorists we will smoke them out of their holes! µ The blockade-removers are clearly trained to do this (left). On the right the “object” is removed from the truck (both photos: Rosa, 69). It is obvious that mayor Luc (37) is helping the truckdriver (photo: Rosa, 69). 14 and good company and bringing some of the hobbies I'm dreaming of into reality. For the ABC I will take care of the continuity of Droovie Movie after Huzsams' departure and I will keep in touch with our beloved Easter Bunny, Sinterklaas and Santa Claus, not to forget us, the ever so sweet children, living in this little paradise! New life in the ABC! Springtime! Woohoo! That means lots of little lams, yellow flowers, blossoming trees and of course......... new members in our ABC (also known as the Common Barrack Committee). We’ve had a fresh start this spring with a freshly painted Common Barrack, a visit of the Easter bunny during the Easter egg- race and a huge ‘explore your roots’-party. A short introduction to those people who have decided to dedicate themselves to the community-spirit in droevendaal! Giel van der Linden (35), Treasurer Hey, My name is Giel, treasurer of the Common barak commite, already for 2½ years now. A lot of you might already know me because of that, also because I open the door from time to time at the coffee-barrack. Since recently I’m also active in our DWB, and I have helped out realizing three droefparties in a row. Karin Steijven (57), Chairman I like flowers, poker and beer! And powernaps! And I love living it at droef! And I like to show it! So that’s why I’m in the Common barrack committee. I think it’s great that we have a common barrack with which we can do whatever we can think of, so if there is anything you would like to realize in the CB, just drop in and share your ideas. Marieke Weggen (89), Partygirl Dear droevendalers, LIFE IS ONE BIG PARTY, YOU JUST HAVE TO PUT UP THE DECORATION! To cheer up the hardworking dog life of the droevendaler, I believe it’s very important to regularly have parties in the common barrack. Not only for the party, but also for the “better a good neighbour than a far friend”-spirit. Do you like to party yourself, and do you have a nose for good parties? Please come and have a drink at 89 for the realization of a communitybased party-management. Koekoek, Marieke Gilles Havik (35), agenda administrator Hi reader, I’m the new agenda administrator of de Common Barrack, Gilles Havik. You know, from Gilles de la Tourette. I like anything that involves what I don’t know, so I ended up in this committee. I live in the coffee-barrack together with Giel. I’m responsible for reservations and contracts, so if you ever want to do something at the Common Barrack, you’ll probably pass by at some point. µ Hussam (95), Commisioner DroovieMovie Rosa Urgel (69), Droevie Movie Hello dear Droevendaalians, My name is Rosa and I am an at the moment very happy person freshly qualified for Divine 69. There I hope to nourish my homies with my ever delicious cooking’s 15 All things in this creation exist within you, and all things in you exist in creation; there is no border between you and the closest things, and there is no distance between you and the farthest things, and all things, from the lowest to the loftiest, from the smallest to the greatest, are within you as equal things. In one atom are found all the elements of the earth; in one motion of the mind are found the motions of all the laws of existence; in one drop of water are found the secrets of all the endless oceans; in one aspect of you are found all the aspects of existence. - Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931), poet and philosopher. 16
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