

ZgKUL / Zagrebačko kulturno ljeto
Ništa nije cool kao ZgKul!
There’s nothing as cool as ZgKul!
Što je ZgKul?
What is ZgKul?
ZgKul – Zagrebačko kulturno
ljeto – predstavlja jedinstvenu
ponudu svih ljetnih kulturnih manifestacija i događanja u hrvatskoj metropoli.
Grad Zagreb, kao istaknuto političko, društveno, kulturno i turističko središte, želi privući svoje posjetitelje na brojna zbivanja
koja se odvijaju kako na ulicama,
trgovima, parkovima, uz jezera, tako i u palačama, crkvama,
dvorištima arhitektonskih bisera
grada te na ljetnim pozornicama.
Koncerti, izložbe, glazbene, kazališne, filmske i ulične predstave, mnoštvo raznovrsnih drugih
kulturnih zbivanja objedinjenih
nazivom ZgKul, svjedoče o kulturnom bogatstvu našeg grada i
u ljetnim mjesecima, te ga visoko pozicioniraju na ljestvici europskih kulturnih metropola.
ZgKul – Zagreb Cultural Summer – is a unique offer of all cultural events and happenings in
Croatia’s capital during the summer.
The City of Zagreb, a prominent
political, social, cultural and tourism hub, wants to invite its visitors
to the many events taking place
in city streets, squares, parks, on
lake shores, as well as in palaces,
churches, courtyards of architecturally significant buildings and in
summer stages.
Concerts, exhibitions, music and
theatre shows, movies, street performances, and a number of various other events come together
under a common name ZgKul to
manifest the cultural wealth of our
city during the summer months,
and to position it high up the level
of European cultural capitals.
Mozaik ZgKul – Zagrebačkog kulturnog ljeta
– čine:
Zagreb Cultural Summer – ZgKul – mosaic is
made of:
• Ljetno kino Tuškanac
svečano otvorenje
• Art Viva Likum
• Zagrebački vremeplov
• Smjena straže
• Interaktivna noćna tura
- Tajne Griča
• Ljeto na Štrosu – Strossmartre
• Park-in-Zagreb 2012
• Sting
• Opera pod zvijezdama
• INmusic festival
• Međunarodni festival novog
kazališta EUROKAZ
• Ljetne noći Teatra Exit
• Večeri na Griču
• Fantastic Zagreb Film Festival
• Concerto in Cro
• Festival Miroslav Krleža
• Klupska kazališno-glazbena
scena Amadeo
• Tuškanac Summer Movie
Theatre – Opening Ceremony
• Art Viva Likum
• The Zagreb Time Machine
• Changing of the Guard
• Interactive night tour - Secrets
of Grič
• Summer in Stross - Strossmartre
• Park-in-Zagreb 2012
• Sting
• Opera under the Stars
• INmusic Festival
• EUROKAZ – International Festival of New Theatre
• Exit Theatre’s Summer Nights
• Grič Evenings
• Fantastic Zagreb Film Festival
• Concerto in Cro
• Miroslav Krleža Festival
• Amadeo Theatre and Music
ZgKUL / Zagreb Cultural Summer
• Histrionsko ljeto
• Orgulje Zagrebačke katedrale
• Međunarodna smotra folklora
• Pula i Motovun u Zagrebu
• Red Hot Chili Peppers
• Il Divo
• Histrion Summer
• Zagreb Cathedral Organ
• International Folklore Festival
• Pula and Motovun in Zagreb
• Red Hot Chili Peppers
• Il Divo
Programi za djecu
• Gradsko kazalište Trešnja
• Gradsko kazalište Žar ptica
• Zagrebačko kazalište lutaka
Program for Children
• Trešnja City Theatre
• Žar ptica City Theatre
• Zagreb Puppet Theatre
Ljetno kino
Svečano otvorenje:
27. - 28. 6. 2012.
Tuškanac Summer Movie
Opening Ceremony:
June 27 - June 28, 2012
Ljetno kino Tuškanac na Dubravkinu putu, djelo arhitekta Kazimira Ostrogovića iz 1954., konačno dočekuje svoju priliku postati
omiljeno okupljalište ljubitelja
glazbe, kazališta i filma. Ova pozornica, s oko 500 sjedećih mjesta, značajno će doprinijeti obogaćenju ljetnog kulturnog života
grada. U lipnju i srpnju na pozornici ćemo pratiti, između ostalog, produkcije Zagrebačkog
gradskog kazališta Komedija.
Tuškanac Summer Movie Theatre in the park of Dubravkin Put,
a 1954 work by architect Kazimir
Ostrogović, finally got an opportunity to become a favorite place
to music, theatre, and film lovers.
The stage that seats about 500
visitors will greatly help enrich the
cultural summer in the city. During
June and July, the stage will host
the productions of the Komedija
City Theatre, and many others.
Ljetni program: Tko pjeva, zlo
ne misli, opereta, S ljubavlju, Ja-
Summer program: One Song a
Day Takes Mischief Away, operetta, With Love, Janis, the songs
nis, pjesme, pisma i duša Janis
Joplin, Gubec-beg, rock opera,
Briljantin, mjuzikl.
ZgKUL / Zagrebačko kulturno ljeto
ZgKUL / Zagreb Cultural Summer
and the soul of Janis Joplin,
Gubec-beg, rock opera, Grease,
Smjena straže - Počasna
satnija Kravat pukovnije
Changing of the Guard
Guard of Honour of the
Cravat Regiment
lipanj - rujan 2012.
subotom i nedjeljom, 12 sati,
Trg sv. Marka
Budite svjedoci smjene straže hrvatskih vojnika. U dvosatnoj ceremoniji sudjeluje vojna
postrojba te postavlja straže na
atraktivnim turističkim lokacijama od Markova trga preko Trga
bana Josipa Jelačića do Gospina kipa na Kaptolu.
Art Viva Likum
Dežmanov prolaz
27. - 28. 6. 2012.
Art Viva Likum
Dežmanov prolaz
June 27 - June 28, 2012
Svečano otvorenje Ljetnog kina
u Tuškancu pratit će projekt Art
Viva Likum u Dežmanovom prolazu. Njega će „nastaniti“ slikari
sa svojim paletama šarenih boja i kistovima kojima će kao modeli poslužiti slučajni prolaznici.
Sudjeluju umjetnici Ante Bakter,
Željka Bašlin, Leonardo Budimlić
Majnarić, Edit Glavurtić, Jadranko Ferko, Nada Martinjak, Goranka Politeo, Vjera Reizer, Hrvoje Šercar, Nedeljko Tintor, Zorica
Turkalj, Rinella Ivanković, Mercedes Bratoš, Zvonimir Šepat, Lazer Lumezi i drugi.
The opening ceremony in the
Tuškanac Summer Movie Theatre will be accompanied by the Art
Viva Likum project in Dežmanov
prolaz. The street will be “inhabited” by painters with their colorful
palettes and brushes, using passes-by as their models. The project
includes Ante Bakter, Željka Bašlin,
Leonardo Budimlić Majnarić, Edit
Glavurtić, Jadranko Ferko, Nada
Martinjak, Goranka Politeo, Vjera
Reizer, Hrvoje Šercar, Nedeljko Tintor, Zorica Turkalj, Rinella Ivanković,
Mercedes Bratoš, Zvonimir Šepat,
Lazer Lumezi and many others.
Zagrebački vremeplov
The Zagreb Time Machine
lipanj - rujan 2012.
Odmori, uživaj i zabavi se u duhu prošlih vremena kojima kroz
ljetne mjesece žive Kaptol, Trg
bana Josipa Jelačića, Dolac, Zrinjevac, Maksimir, Gornji Grad,
June - September 2012
Saturdays and Sundays at 12.00
– St Mark’s Square
You can see for yourself what the
Changing of the Guards of the courageous Croatian soldiers looks like during a ceremony. The entire unit takes
part in the ceremony, after which the
guards are stationed at their posts,
all attractive tourist locations, from St
Mark’s Square, via Ban Jelačić square
to the statue of Our Lady at Kaptol.
Interaktivna noćna tura Tajne Griča
Interactive night tour –
Secrets of Grič
Interaktivna noćna tura - Tajne Griča - namijenjena je svim posjetiteljima koji žele doživjeti mističnu stranu
Gornjega grada. Tura slijedi tragove
kojima su hodili likovi povijesnih romana Marije Jurić Zagorke. U tajne
gradskih legendi posjetitelje će uvesti kostimirani likovi, oživljujući, u kasne noćne sate, povijest grada.
For all visitors who wish to learn
about the historical and mystical
side of the capital. The tour is based
on loose interpretations of the Marija
Juric Zagorka novel motifs and urban legends, and is special for it’s
night term and costumed characters who talk about the history of
Zagreb in an interactive way.
Ljeto na Štrosu –
Summer in Stross Strossmartre
lipanj – rujan 2012.
petkom i subotom u 21 sat
www.tajnegrica.hr, www.katapult.hr
June - September 2012
Fridays and Saturdays at 9.00 pm
www.tajnegrica.hr, www.katapult.hr
June - September 2012
Springtime in Zagreb sees the
parks burst into bloom and the
streets come alive with music and
the breath of times past. Relax,
stroll and dance in the spirit of the
city! Kaptol, Ban Jelačić Square,
Dolac Market, Zrinjevac and Maksimir Park, Gornji grad (Upper
Town), Tkalčićeva Street...
Strossmayerovo šetalište
25. 6. – 2. 9. 2012.
Strossmayer promenade
June 25 – September 2, 2012
ZgKUL / Zagrebačko kulturno ljeto
Jedno od najromantičnijih šetališta grada, Strossmayerovo
šetalište, smješteno podno same kule Lotrščak, ljeti odiše duhom “pariških kvartova”. Pomno
odabranim glazbenim programima, likovnim instalacijama, neobičnim i zabavnim programima,
slikarima i njihovim platnima te
čašici izvrsnog vina teško odolijevaju kako Zagrepčani tako i
brojni posjetitelji grada. I ove su
godine u glazbenoj ponudi odličan jazz, evergreeni, glazba 50ih, 60-ih i 80-ih, latino glazba,
romska pa i alternativa. Uz sve
to, na Štrosu možete proslaviti 1/2 Nove godine uz prigodan
glazbeni program i vatromet.
Park-in-Zagreb 2012
26. 6. 2012. - 7. 7. 2012.
Park Ribnjak
Dvotjedni festival zabave i kulture. Besplatni programi za sve.
Dnevne radionice uključuju ples,
likovnu umjetnost, glazbu, sport,
fotografiju, dramu, ali i kuhanje. Posjetitelji će moći uživati u
izložbama, performansima, promocijama novih izdanja i koncertima... Sve to čini Zagreb mjestom koje ne smijete propustiti!
One of the most romantic promenades in the city, the one named
after Strossmayer and located immediately under the Lotrščak tower takes on an atmosphere of Paris
neighborhoods during the summer.
Both the residents and the visitors to
Zagreb find it hard to resist the select
musical program, art installations,
peculiar and fun events, painters
with their canvases and a glass of
excellent wine. This year once again
brings a selection of excellent jazz,
evergreen, 50s, 60s, and 80s music,
Latino, Gypsy, as well as alternative
music. If that’s not enough, check
out the Half New Year celebration
in Stross, accompanied by suitable
music and fireworks.
ZgKUL / Zagreb Cultural Summer
27. 6. 2012.
Arena Zagreb
June 27, 2012
Arena Zagreb
Back to Bass Tour
Po treći put Sting posjećuje Zagreb. Održat će koncert u zagrebačkoj Areni u svom rock izdanju. Koncertom se obilježava i 25
godina Stingove uspješne solo
Back to Bass Tour
Sting is coming to Zagreb once
again. He will hold a concert on
June 27th at the Arena, but this
time he will perform in his rock
edition. It will be his third performance before a Zagreb audience,
with which the musician wishes to
celebrate 25 years of his successful solo career.
Opera pod zvijezdama
Opera under the Stars
Park-in-Zagreb 2012
June 26 - July 7, 2012
Ribnjak Park
Park-in-Zagreb is a two week festival of entertainment and culture
with a free programme for everyone. Daily workshops include
dance, art, music, sport, sculpture, cooking, photography, and
drama. There are exhibitions,
shows, book promotions, lectures
and concerts - thus making Zagreb , truly ‘the place to be’.
„Ruži“ – uz 70. rođendan Ruže
Ljetna pozornica ŠRC Šalata
28. 6. 2012.
”For Ruža“ – celebrating Ruža
Pospiš-Baldani’s 70th birthday
Summer Stage of the Šalata
Sports Center, June 28, 2012
Tradicionalni koncert Glazbene
proizvodnje HRT-a, Opera pod
zvijezdama, kojem su domaćini
Simfonijski orkestar i Zbor HRTa, ugostit će i ove godine, pod
ravnanjem maestre Nade Matošević, niz glasovitih imena s
domaćih i inozemnih opernih i
koncertnih pozornica: Valentina Fijačko, Kristina Kolar, Jelena
Kordić, Vedrana Šimić, Ivana Lazar, Lana Kos, Domagoj Dorotić,
Dubravka Šeparović Mušović,
Tomislav Mužek, Stjepan Franetović, Ljubomir Puškarić, Marko
Opera under the Stars is a traditional program hosted by the
Croatian Radio Television’s Symphony Orchestra and Choir that
will once again feature a number
of prominent artists from local and
international opera and concert
stages conducted by Maestra Nada Matošević: Valentina Fijačko,
Kristina Kolar, Jelena Kordić, Vedrana Šimić, Ivana Lazar, Lana
Kos, Domagoj Dorotić, Dubravka Šeparović Mušović, Tomislav Mužek, Stjepan Franetović,
Ljubomir Puškarić, Marko Mimica.
ZgKUL / Zagrebačko kulturno ljeto
INmusic festival
Zagrebačko jezero Jarun
28. 6. – 30. 6. 2012.
Sedmo izdanje INmusic festivala, održava se posljednjeg vikenda u lipnju na jarunskom Otoku i
predstavlja raznolik program koji
obuhvaća: New Order, Franz Ferdinand, Gorillaz Sound System,
Plan B, Mando Diao, Gogol Bordello, General Elektriks, Dry the River,
Fanga, Retro Stefson, Human Woman, Iness Mezel, Tamikrest, Reptile Youth, Stuttgart Online, Hype i
mnoge druge... Dodatni sadržaji:
Tko pjeva zlo ne misli, Ko to tamo
peva, Nissan Jukebox, Tesla Boat
Show, Axe After Party, Silent Party, Jack Party, Night Stage, Solarni
Cocktail Bar, Nargila Chill Out Bar,
izložba Multikulturalizam u glazbi (MiM), Face Painting te prodaja
festivalskih memorabilija za akciju
Palčić gore!
INmusic Festival
Jarun Lake
June 28 – June 30, 2012
The seventh INmusic Festival, taking place on the Jarun Lake Island offers a diverse program: New
Order, Franz Ferdinand, Gorillaz
Sound System, Plan B, Mando
Diao, Gogol Bordello, General Elektriks, Dry the River, Fanga, Retro
Stefson, Human Woman, Iness
Mezel, Tamikrest, Reptile Youth,
Stuttgart Online, Hype... Accompanying events: Tko pjeva zlo ne misli,
Ko to tamo peva, Nissan Jukebox,
Tesla Boat Show, Axe After Party, Silent Party, Jack Party, Night
Stage, Solar Cocktail Bar, Narghile
Chill Out Bar, Multiculturalism in
Music (MiM) exhibition, Face Painting and festival merchandize sale
with proceeds going to the Thumbs
Up! humanitarian action.
ZgKUL / Zagreb Cultural Summer
EUROKAZ je, od osnutka, 1987.,
sjecište raznorodnih umjetnosti:
kazališta, plesa, performansa i
dr. Programski koncept naglašava inovaciju i impulse koji mijenjaju perceptivne običaje i sudjeluju u stvaranju novih kazališnih
jezika. Ovogodišnji ljetni program realizira se u HNK Zagreb,
Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti,
Zagrebačkom kazalištu mladih i
Gradskom kazalištu Gavella.
Since it was first established in 1987,
EUROKAZ has represented an intersection of various forms of art: theatre, dance, performance, etc. The
concept of the program emphasizes innovation and impulses that
change the customs of perception
and help create a new theatre language. This year’s program is taking
place in the Croatian National Theatre (HNK) Zagreb, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb Youth Theatre, and the Gavella City Theatre.
Israel Galván (Španjolska): La
Curva, Pierre Rigal (Francuska):
Micro, Naroden teatar Vojdan
Černodrinski (Makedonija): Antica, CREW (Belgija): Terra Nova,
Claudia Bosse / theatercombinat (Njemačka/Austrija): dominant powers. what is to be done then? & biografski krajolici
Novog Zagreba, Dalibor Martinis
(Hrvatska): Simultani govor
Israel Galván (Spain): La Curva,
Pierre Rigal (France): Micro, Naroden teatar Vojdan Černodrinski
(Macedonia): Antica, CREW (Belgium): Terra Nova, Claudia Bosse
/ theatercombinat (Germani / Austria): dominant powers. what is to
be done then? & biographic landscapes of New Zagreb, Dalibor Martinis (Croatia): Simultaneous Speech
Ljetne noći
Teatra Exit
Exit Theatre’s
Summer Nights
Treću godinu u nizu Teatar EXIT
pod vedrim zagrebačkim ljetnim
nebom, u predivnom dvorištu
Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt, nudi
vlastite i gostujuće predstave, sa
željom zadovoljiti potrebe svih
onih koji su u ljetnim mjesecima
izvan redovne kazališne sezone
željni kazališnih događanja.
For the third year in a row, the EXIT
Theatre will stage its own and visiting plays under Zagreb’s stars
in the beautiful atrium of the Museum of Arts and Crafts. This is
an excellent opportunity for theatre lovers hungry for plays during
the summer months and between
regular theatre seasons.
Muzej za umjetnost i obrt
28. 6 - 21. 7. i 30. 8. - 8. 9.
Međunarodni festival
novog kazališta
28. 6. – 2. 7. 2012.
International Festival
of New Theatre
June 28 – July 2, 2012
Museum of Arts and Crafts
June 28 – July 21 and August 30
– September 8, 2012
ZgKUL / Zagrebačko kulturno ljeto
Ljetne produkcije: Kako misliš
mene nema!?, SHAKEspeare na
EXit, Balon, Pas, žena, muškarac, Kontrabas, CABAres CABArei, Preko Trnja do Zvijezde… te
međunarodna gostovanja.
ZgKUL / Zagreb Cultural Summer
Summer productions: What do you
mean, I’m not there!?; SHAKEspeare in EXit; Balloon; Dog, Woman, Man; Double Bass; CABAres
CABArei; Midsummer… and international visiting productions.
Fantastic Zagreb
Film Festival
Fantastic Zagreb
Film Festival
Nakon „nultog“ izdanja prvog
festivala fantastičnog filma u cijeloj regiji, 2011. godine, slijedi
još zanimljivij Fantastic Zagreb
Film Festival. On nudi filmove fantastike i srodnih žanrova
svjetske produkcije (znanstvena
fantastika, horor, triler, suspens,
animacija, eksperimentalni film,
začudna drama) i tako postaje
ne samo veliki žanrovski filmski
festival već i prvi open air filmski festival koji obogaćuje kulturnu i ljetnu turističku ponudu
After the 2011 “zero edition” of
the first fantastic film festival in
the region, we present and even
more interesting Fantastic Zagreb Film Festival. It offers the
international production of fantastic and related films (SciFi,
horror movies, thrillers, suspense, animated, experimental
films, curious drama), thus becoming not only a great genrebased film festival, but also the
first open air film festival and a
great addition to Zagreb’s summer offer.
Ove godine bit će prikazano preko 30 filmskih naslova podijeljenih na šest programa i sekcija:
Panorama, Orient Express, Ponoćno ludilo, Focus program,
Japanski eksploatacijski filmovi,
Besplatan ponoćni maraton.
This year’s edition will feature
more than 30 film titles divided
into six programs and sections:
Panorama, Orient Express, Midnight Madness, Focus Program,
Japanese Exploitation Films, Free
Midnight Marathon.
Concerto in Cro
Concerto in Cro
Concerto in Cro novi je glazbeni
projekt Hrvatskog društva skladatelja i Cantusa d.o.o. koji na
drugačiji i dosad u Hrvatskoj ne-
Concerto in Cro is a new music project by the Croatian Composers Society and Cantus, Inc.
that represents a different and
Ljetno kino Tuškanac,
Ljetno kino Saloon
29. 6. – 6. 7. 2012.
Večeri na Griču
Grič Evenings
Ljetni festival s dugom tradicijom u organizaciji Koncertne direkcije Zagreb vraća se starom
nazivu Večeri na Griču, čime organizatori nastoje još snažnije
naglasiti ljepotu doživljaja glazbe u prostorima Gornjeg Grada.
I ove godine program se obraća širokom krugu posjetitelja: uz
već uobičajene koncerte ozbiljne
glazbe, na programu su i koncerti iznimnih glazbenika domaće i
međunarodne jazz i etno scene.
A long standing traditional summer festival organized by Zagreb
Concert Management took on its
old name Grič Evenings to further emphasize the extraordinary
experience of music in the upper town venues. Once again, the
program’s diversity is aimed at a
broad range of visitors: Apart from
the usual classical music programs, the Evenings will also include concerts by prominent local
and international jazz and world
music performers.
Galerija Klovićevi dvori
Jezuitski trg 4
29. 6. – 2. 8. 2012.
Program obuhvaća: Gibonni,
Matija Dedić Trio, Opera b.b., Dialogos, Adrien Moignard, Florin
Niculescu, Cappella Istropolitana, Yamma, Zefiro, Gabi Novak,
Radojka Šverko, Tereza Kesovija, Svetilen, Odhecaton, Luca
Ciarla Quartet, Hrvatski barokni
ansambl i dr.
Klović Court Gallery
Jezuitski trg 4
June 29 – August 2, 2012
The program includes: Gibonni,
Matija Dedić Trio, Opera b.b., Dialogos, Adrien Moignard, Florin
Niculescu, Cappella Istropolitana,
Yamma, Zefiro, Gabi Novak, Radojka Šverko, Tereza Kesovija,
Svetilen, Odhecaton, Luca Ciarla
Quartet, Croatian Baroque Ensemble and more.
Galerija Klovićevi dvori
Jezuitski trg 4
srpanj, kolovoz 2012.
Tuškanac Summer Movie Theatre,
Saloon Summer Movie Theatre
June 29 – July 6, 2012
Klović Court Gallery,
Jezuitski trg 4
July and August, 2012
ZgKUL / Zagrebačko kulturno ljeto
poznat način obogaćuje glazbenu scenu. U okviru projekta bit
će izvedena ponajbolja djela hrvatske glazbe nastala u posljednjih 300 godina. Izvođači su tri
novo sastavljena komorna ansambla.
previously unknown addition to
Croatia’s music. The project will
include performances of best
Croatian musical pieces created
in the past 300 years. The works
will be performed by three new
chamber ensembles.
Festival Miroslav Krleža
Miroslav Krleža Festival
Prostor Krležine kuće i platoa
ispred kuće postaje mjesto susreta svih umjetnika kojima je
Krleža misaoni i duhovni orijentir. Glumci, književnici, glazbenici, likovni umjetnici, filmski djelatnici iz “svoga mraka i svoje
Krleža’s house and terrace will
become a meeting point for artists interested in Krleža’s thoughts
and his spiritual direction. Actors,
writers, musicians, painters, movie makers look from “their own
darkness and their own light” to
Krležin Gvozd 23
3. 7. - 7. 7. 2012.
Krležin Gvozd 23
July 3 - July 7, 2012
ZgKUL / Zagreb Cultural Summer
svjetlosti” svjedoče svoju fascinaciju velikim piscem kroz multimedijalna scenska događanja.
Umjetničku organizaciju potpisuje Teatar poezije.
the great writer through staged
multimedia events. The event is
organized by Teatar poezije.
Program: Castellia, Djetinjstvo u
Agramu, Hrvatski nokturno, Na
rubu pameti, Razgovori s Krležom
Program: Castellia, Childhood in
Agram, Croatian Nocturne, On
the Edge of Reason, Conversations with Krleža
Klupska kazališnoglazbena scena Amadeo
Amadeo Theatre and
Music Scene
Klupska kazališno-glazbena scena Amadeo, od osnutka 2000.,
postaje zagrebačka ljetna polivalentna scena, s visokim kriterijima u odabiru glazbenog, kazališnog i filmskog programa.
Since it was established in 2000,
Amadeo Theatre and Music
Scene has been turning into a
multipurpose summer stage featuring select musical, theatre, and
film program.
Ljetni program: Ansambl Acoustic Project, Miroslav Tadić &
Braća Teofilović; Amadeoff kazališni festival; Ansambl Lado:
O, Isuse, daj mi suze; Damjan
Krajačić, flauta, Matija Dedić,
glasovir; Flamenco Fest Verde,
que te quiero verde; Bobočkina priča; Krešimir Haas, čembalo, Silvio Richter, violina; Mariachi Los Caballeros; Ayllu, Dijana
Rexepi / Schindlerova lista, Saeta feat. Tinkara Kovač, Zagrebački solisti, Petrit Çeku Trio,
Edin Karamazov i prijatelji, Mali
Amadeo (program za djecu).
Project Ensemble, Miroslav Tadić
& the Teofilović Brothers; Amadeoff Theatre Festival; Lado Ensemble: O, Isuse, daj mi suze; Damjan
Krajačić, flute, Matija Dedić, piano; Flamenco Fest Verde, que
te quiero verde; Bobočka’s Tale;
Krešimir Haas, harpsichord, Silvio Richter, violin; Mariachi Los
Caballeros; Ayllu, Dijana Rexepi /
Schindler’s List, Saeta feat. Tinkara Kovač, Zagreb Soloists, Petrit
Çeku Trio, Edin Karamazov and
friends, LIttle Amadeo (children’s
Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej
Demetrova 1
7. 7. – 28. 7. 2012. i 21. 8. – 5.
9. 2012.
Croatian Natural History Museum
Demetrova 1
Jula 7 – July 28, 2012 and August 21 – September 5, 2012
ZgKUL / Zagrebačko kulturno ljeto
Histrionsko ljeto
Histrion Summer
Ovogodišnje Histrionsko ljeto na
predivnoj ljetnoj pozornici zagrebačke Opatovine, donosi predstavu Gospodsko dijete, pisca i redatelja Kalmana Mesarića, praizvedeno
2. travnja 1936. na pomoćnoj sceni
HNK (Malog kazališta, danas Dramsko kazalište Gavella).
In the beautiful stage in Opatovina the Histrion Summer this year
presents Kalman Mesarić’s play
Noble Child, premiered on April 2,
1936 at the Croatian National Theatre’s auxiliary stage (Small Theatre, now the Gavella Theatre).
12. 7. – 2. 9. 2012.
July 12 – September 2, 2012
ZgKUL / Zagreb Cultural Summer
Zagrebačke katedrale
Zagreb Cathedral Organ
Katedrala Uznesenja Blažene
Djevice Marije, Kaptol 31
12. 7. – 13. 9. 2012.
Cathedral of the Assumption
of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Kaptol 31
July 12 – September 13, 2012
Izuzetno vrijedne orgulje Zagrebačke katedrale svrstavaju se
među deset najljepših ostvarenja orguljarstva u svijetu i među
jedne od najvećih orgulja u Europi. Izradila ih je 1855. godine njemačka tvrtka E. F. Walcker i zaštićeni su spomenik kulture nulte
kategorije. Ljepotu njihova zvuka
ispunit će Zagrebačku katedralu
na šest koncerata na kojima će
se predstaviti domaći i inozemni
vrhunski orguljaši i njihovi gosti:
Hvalimira Bledšnajder, Pieter van
Dijk (Nizozemska), Željko Marasović, Libor Dudaš (SAD), Gedymin Grubba (Poljska) i Edmund
Andler-Borić, Marko Prepelić,
truba, i Dario Teskera, truba.
The precious organ of the Zagreb Cathedral is considered to be
among the top ten achievements of
organ building in the world, and one
of the greatest instruments in Europe. The organ was built in 1855 by
E. F. Walcker from Germany, and is
now considered to be an invaluable
cultural heritage monument. The instrument’s beautiful sound will fill the
Zagreb Cathedral during six concerts featuring top local and international organists and their guests:
Hvalimira Bledšnajder, Pieter van Dijk (Netherland), Željko Marasović, Libor Dudaš (USA), Gedymin Grubba
(Poland) and Edmund Andler-Borić,
Marko Prepelić, trumpet, and Dario
Teskera, trumpet.
Međunarodna smotra
International Folklore
Trg bana Josipa Jelačića; Gradec;
Centar mladih Ribnjak
18. 7. – 22. 7. 2012.
Trg bana Josipa Jelačića; Gradec;
Ribnjak Youth Center
July 18 – July 22, 2012
ZgKUL / Zagrebačko kulturno ljeto
Međunarodna smotra folklora
najuglednija je manifestacija tzv.
izvornog folklora u Hrvatskoj, odnosno folklornog amaterizma posvećenog njegovanju i prikazivanju zavičajne baštine. Od osnutka
1966. predstavlja i promiče baštinjene vrijednosti svih naroda i
kultura i pridonosi nastojanjima
da se u globaliziranom svijetu sačuvaju kulturne različitosti.
Ovogodišnja Smora održava se
na temu Djeca i folklor te će na
njoj nastupiti dječji folklorni ansambli iz Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine, Bugarske, Irana, Litve,
Makedonije, Njemačke, Slovačke, Slovenije, Rusije, Ukrajine i
ZgKUL / Zagreb Cultural Summer
The International Folklore Festival is
the most prominent event of folklore
expression in Croatia – an event
featuring amateur folklore groups
dedicated to the preservation and
presentation of local heritage. Since
it was first started in 1966, the festival presents and promotes the traditional values of all nations and cultures, contributing to the efforts of
preserving cultural diversities in the
globalized world.
The theme for this year is Children
and Folklore. The festival will feature children folklore ensembles
from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Iran, Lithuania,
Macedonia, Germany, Slovakia,
Russia, Ukraine, and Switzerland.
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Jedan od najvećih rock-bandova današnjice, Red Hot Chilli
Peppers zasigurno će oduševiti svoje brojne fanove na zagrebačkom Hipodromu.
One of the greatest rock bands of
today, the Red Hot Chilli Peppers,
will hold a concert on 29 August
2012 at Zagreb’s Hippodrome.
29. 8. 2012.
Hipodrom Zagreb
Pula i Motovun
u Zagrebu
Pula and Motovun
in Zagreb
Filmski festivali Pula i Motovun
sele se ovo ljeto i u Zagreb. Posjetitelji će izbor najboljih, nagrađenih filmova, moći pratiti i u
Ljetnom kinu Tuškanac.
This year, Pula and Motovun Film
Festivals will come to Zagreb, too.
Visitors will be able to see a selection of best and award winning
films at the Tuškanac Summer
Movie Theatre.
Ljetno kino Tuškanac
srpanj, kolovoz 2012.
Tuškanac Summer Movie Theatre
July, August 2012
August 29, 2012
Hipodrom Zagreb
ZgKUL / Zagrebačko kulturno ljeto
Il Divo
17. 9. 2012.
Arena Zagreb
ZgKUL / Zagreb Cultural Summer
Il Divo
September 17, 2012
Arena Zagreb
Na oduševljenje brojnih obožavatelja, a napose obožavateljica
senazacionalni vokalni sastav Il
Divo po prvi put dolazi u Zagreb,
u okviru njihove četvrte svjetske
Numerous fans, especially among
the female population, will be happy to hear that the mega-popular
quartet, Il Divo, will hold a concert on
September 17th at the Zagreb Arena as part of their fourth world tour.
Gradsko kazalište
Žar ptica
Žar Ptica
City Theatre
Gradsko kazalište Žar ptica,
osnovano prije 30 godina, respektabilno je zagrebačko kazalište za djecu i mlade, jedno od
najpoznatijih i najposjećenijih
dječjih kazališta u Hrvatskoj. U
prilog tome govori 45 000 gledatelja i 300 izvedbi repertoarnih
naslova godišnje, koji se temelje na djelima domaćih i stranih
klasika, kao i suvremenih autora
dječje književnosti.
Žar Ptica Theatre was established
30 years ago and has since grown
into a prominent city theatre for
children and youth, and one of the
best known and best visited children’s theatres in Croatia. 45,000
visitors and 300 performances a
year based on Croatian and international classic literature, as well
as on contemporary authors for
children prove the theatre’s reputation.
Program: Reumatični kišobran,
Ti i ja mali medo, Vuk i kozlići,
Vesela bajkovnica, Malen si, malen kao maljušak
Program: Rheumatic Umbrella; You
and Me, Little Bear; The Wolf and
the Kids; A Merry Fairy Tale Book;
You are as Small as a Dumpling
Bijenička 97
29. 6. – 31. 8. 2012.
Gradsko kazalište Trešnja
Mošćenička 1
3. 7. – 9. 9. 2012.
Trešnja City Theatre
Mošćenička 1
July 3 – September 9, 2012
Trešnja je najveće dječje kazalište u Hrvatskoj i kao takvo
ima snažnu i nezamjenjivu ulogu u odrastanju djece. Pokreće
ga ideja da je svaki posjet Trešnji za dijete iskustvo iz kojeg će
učiti, spoznavati, zbog kojeg
će više maštati i koje će dugo
Trešnja is Croatia’s greatest children’s theatre with a powerful and
irreplaceable role in their process of
growing up. The theatre is guided
by the idea that each visit to Trešnja
should be an experience to remember, an experience from which children will learn something, gain insights and develop their imagination.
Program: Tijelo, Miffy, Regoč
Program: Body, Miffy, Regoč
Bijenička 97
June 29 – August 31, 2012
ZgKUL / Zagrebačko kulturno ljeto
ZgKUL / Zagreb Cultural Summer
Kako do mjesta
Zagrebačko kazalište
Zagreb Puppet
Zagrebačko kazalište lutaka najstarija je i središnja lutkarska kuća u Hrvatskoj, koja već više od
šezdeset godina na svoju pozornicu dovodi vrhunske lutkare, domaće i strane dramatičare, cijenjene redatelje. Dvorana
Kazališta prvi je korak malenoga
gledatelja u svijet kazališta i tu
ulogu ozbiljno shvaća. Nije ona
samo umjetnička, već i odgojna.
Zagreb Puppet Theatre is the oldest and greatest puppet troupe
in Croatia that has been bringing
the most prominent puppeteers,
Croatian and international playwrights and renowned directors
to its stage for more than sixty
years. The theatre’s hall is the first
step that a young viewer takes
into the world of theatre, and the
troupe takes its role seriously.
They are not here only to show,
but to teach as well.
Ulica Baruna Trenka 3
5. 7. – 13. 9. 2012.
Program: Postolar i vrag, Tri praščića, Ježeva kućica, Umišljena
Program: The Shoemaker and the
Devil, The Three Little Pigs, The
Hedgehog’s House, The Vain Lady Mouse
How to reach
Baruna Trenka 3
July 5 – September 13, 2012
ZgKUL / Zagrebačko kulturno ljeto
ZgKUL / Zagreb Cultural Summer
Ljetno kino Tuškanac
Art Viva Likum
Dežmanov prolaz
Ljeto na Štrosu – Strossmartre
Strossmayerovo šetalište
Opera pod zvijezdama
Ljetna pozornica ŠRC Šalata
INmusic festival
Zagrebačko jezero Jarun
6, 16, 17, 18
Međunarodni festival novog
kazališta EUROKAZ
HNK Zagreb, Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Zagrebačko kazalište mladih i
Gradsko kazalište Gavella
Ljetne noći Teatra Exit
Muzej za umjetnost i obrt
Večeri na Griču
Galerija Klovićevi dvori, Jezuitski trg 4
Fantastic Zagreb
Film Festival
Ljetno kino Tuškanac
Concerto in Cro
Galerija Klovićevi dvori, Jezuitski trg 4
Festival Miroslav Krleža
Krležin Gvozd 23
Klupska kazališno-glazbena scena
Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej, Demetrova 1
Histrionsko ljeto
Orgulje Zagrebačke katedrale
Katedrala Uznesenja Blažene Djevice
Marije, Kaptol 31
13, 8, 19
Međunarodna smotra folklora
Trg bana Josipa Jelačića, Gradec i Centar
mladih Ribnjak
Pula i Motovun u Zagrebu
Ljetno kino Tuškanac
Gradsko kazalište Trešnja
Mošćenička 1
Zagrebačko kazalište lutaka
Ulica Baruna Trenka 3
Tuškanac Summer Movie Theatre
Art Viva Likum
Dežmanov prolaz
Summer in Stross - Strossmartre
Strossmayer promenade
Opera under the Stars
Summer Stage of the Šalata Sports Center
INmusic Festival
Jarun Lake
6, 16, 17, 18
EUROKAZ International Festival of
New Theatre
Croatian National Theatre (HNK) Zagreb,
Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb Youth Theatre, and the Gavella City Theatre.
Exit Theatre’s Summer Nights
Museum of Arts and Crafts
Grič Evenings
Klović Court Gallery, Jezuitski trg 4
Fantastic Zagreb
Film Festival
Tuškanac Summer Movie Theatre
Concerto in Cro
Klović Court Gallery, Jezuitski trg 4
Miroslav Krleža Festival
Krležin Gvozd 23
Amadeo Theatre and Music Scene
Croatian Natural History Museum
Demetrova 1
Histrion Summer
Zagreb Cathedral Organ
Cathedral of the Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, Kaptol 31
13, 8, 19
International Folklore Festival
Trg bana Josipa Jelačića, Gradec and
Ribnjak Youth Center
Pula and Motovun in Zagreb
Tuškanac Summer Movie Theatre
Trešnja City Theatre
Mošćenička 1
Zagreb Puppet Theatre
Baruna Trenka 3
info telefon: 01/ 4501- 208; 01/ 4501- 209
Grad Zagreb
Gradski ured za obrazovanje kulturu i šport
Produkcija ZgKul
Koncertna direkcija Zagreb
Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba
Medijski pokrovitelji