American Brass Band Composer: William Himes
American Brass Band Composer: William Himes
The id olficial Journal oltheNorth American Brass Band Association. Inc. February 1994lssue 55 American BrassBandComposer: WilliamHimes Wouldyou guessthatthecomposer of Asryts of Praisewas also responsiblc for SoloSecondo: A Major Wo* lot SecondHofi andBand? lf youhavemetBill Himes,youknow thatis not only possible, but expected.Serious,yet funlovin& inbense, yetwitty andcharming - thescare attributes that fit both his musicandhispersonality. Suchseeming contladictionactuallyaidshis creativedriveand spirit! NABBA membershavc known thc musicof Bill Himes for quitc a fcw yea$, with AsWIs of Pniseservingasa In testpieccon twod iffcrcntoccasions. addition,Bill hasservedseveraltimes asan adjudicatorat our contests.Somc of the highestcommcndations I have receivedfor a judge's commentsand observationshave beenabouthisquick, decisiveand insightful commentary. In 1992we had the privilege of hearing Ns superbwork with TheChicagoStdf Band,whichhehasdirecd for nearly two decadcs.Under his leadershipthis fine brassband hasreachedtheir highest level of music rnakingin a long distinguishedhistory. He has taken them throughout North, Central, and SouthAmerica,Australia and the Far East,and Great Britain, recciving acclaimnot only for their fine playingbut alsofor his imaginative programs. As Territorial Music Secretaryfor The SalvationArmy'sCenhalTenitorynl mid-westemstateslHimes must overseethemusicprogramsof thatdenolni nation - publications, music leadership trainin& music education prcgrams- for a vast region. He is not, Degreesin MusicEducahonand Performance. Priortoassuminghisprl'scnt position,hc taughtinstrumcnklmusic in thcpublicschoolsofFlint, Michigan and servedas adjunctlecturerin low brassat Thc Univcrsityof Michigau Flint campus. therefore, a full-timecomposcr. A ll the morc rcmarl'.ablcthc creativc output hemaintains,as well asthe manyappearances as a guestconductor, clinician,andsoloistleuphoniumbcinghis instrumentof choicel. Background/Training/lnf luences Bom and raised in Michigan, Himes attcnded The University of Michigary receiving his Bachelors and Masters Whileat Michiganhestudiedcomposition with Lcslic Basscttand Gcorgc BalchWilson.Hccitesseveralgeneral influencesin his developmentas an anangcrand composcr.In thc broadcst terms20thccnturycomposcrs like Copland,Prokofiev,and Ravcl havc providedmusicalinspirationwhilc,in thenarrowerareaof wind writing tllc worksofPersichctti, WilliamSchuman, andCraingershouldalsobcmcntioned. Thc melodicculhrreof The Salvation Army and its rich English heritage Himeshasfoundto beof greatbenefit - a sourcefor what he would label "motivic contagion,"However, Bill wouldimmediatelywantusto becareful with our applicationof suchinflucontimrcdol page3 NABBA'94 SCHEDULE At Dresstime THIRTEEN bands were commirred to NABBA',94, Aptil22 23, at North Carolina State University. Youth Section:Junior Varsity AllStars BrassBand; Honors Scction:Commonwealth BrassBand; Eastem Iowa Brass Band:Illinois BmssBand:NCSUBdtish Brass Band, Qu€€n City Bras8 Bandi Sheldon Theats€Brass Band; Varsity All-Stars Brass Band; ChamDionshiDSection:Brass Band of Coiumbus; Hawthorn City Band (Australia); Ohio Collegiate Blass Bandi Smoky Mountain Brass Band; Triangl€ Brass Band. Here is the tentative schedule for our twoday event: corltifi1rcdofi page5 N,4BBA Editor's Notes Olicialquartsrtjoufnaiol lhe Norlh AmeicanBrassBandAssoclalion, Inc. Foundedby J. PerryWatsonin 1980. Uselulnewslor Brilish-style bfassbands in NonhAmerica.Th€viewsoxpressed by conlibulofsar6 not n€cossarily lhos6 of lhe NorlhAm€ricanArassBand Association, Inc. Publicalon and advertsingdeadin€sar€th€ 15thol JanLrary, April,July,andOcloberCopyfghl o 1993by lhe NorlhAmerican BrassBandAssocialon,Inc. All fighls RonaldW.Holz,Edllor TheErassBandBrldge Asbury Muslc oepl College Wllmore, Kentucky USA40390 (606)858'351 Telephone 1€nension 2246 (606)858'3921 Facsimil€ PaulE Drosle, Fevlewer Tomilyers,Advenblng Producton Lynene owens, NABBA Membership Dues lndividual Sludent/ Retired [.1ember Band CoDorale Palron Leadership Ninc nciv brassbandsare listed in our BrassBand News s€ctionthis issuellf you havc cverdoubtedabout thehealth of our relatively young movemcnt jn Ameri€a,here is somemore proof fof you that wc arc doing quite welMn addition, thc solid number of bands capableof making the great financial commitmcnt to attcnd the ChampionshipsinRalcighisbuta furtherindicaWhile ive are making very good progrest I am concemedabout some of ofi brassband rolleagucswho are plnying "lonc ra'rgcr" not supporti n g N A B B A o r i t s a c t i v i t i e sy e t bcncfitting from thc rcccntupsurgc in brass band culture hcrc in North America.Thc issueis a vcry simple oncj thc morc bands and band mcm b!rs thatirin NABBA onay!'arlybasis thc morc NABBA canoffer its membershiplNABBAisnow much morethana yearlycontestandan occasionalnewslctter. The Bndgel K@p up the good workl Lefs make this associationwork. Finally,The BrassBand of Columbus' historic performance of Messidh,reported laterin this issue,remind€dme of an observalionby Ccorge Bemard Shaw, the Sreatmusic critic and playwright, madein 1941toTheTitnes- an observationthat encouragesme notto seilshort thc vibrantcultureand potential of thebrassband:"Had th€ lRoyal] AlbertHall, theBritish BrcadcastCompany OrchesEa, and The Salvation Army's International StaII Band been within Handel'srcachthcscoreofMessianwould have been a very differe t sp{rcificafion-Thcmusicwould nothave been better, but the inshumcntation wouldhavck\rn muchrichsand morc cffcctivc." Whether you agree with Shaw or not,lct it bc food for thought and lct it rcmind us to ncvcr sell our medium - the brassband -short. Ronald W. Holz, Editor We llavc already upgradcl our iournal/ ncwslcttcr,Tre Bfidge,and wc cont0 tinue to improvcitsworthand valuc to 50 the membership.The more member1 0 0 shipswcgct, thc fincr thc joumal, too! 500 EncouraScmorc brassfricnds to ionr! 1 , 0 0 0 ContactBcrt Wilcy tho information is just to your left on this pa8c. $20 pleasemailyour To ioinNABBA, name,address,telephonenumber, inslrument, andbands name{il you playin one),plusannualmembership oues,lo Mr,BerlL Wlley NABBA li&mbershlp Chalr P.0.Box2438 28723 Cullowhee, NorthCarolina Moving? TheBrassBandBridgecannolbe forwarded becauseitismailedlhird class.So, be surelo mailto Bert Wileyyouroldandnewaddress€s, or yourcopyof the Bridgewill be discardedby lhe U.S.PoslOlfice, andyouwill missthe nextissues! 1994 2 TheBrassBandBridge February Now,l may havcsaidNABBAismore than Championships,but our fricnds in The North Carolina State University British Brass Band (Frank Hammond) and Triangle BrassBind (Michacl Votta) have lined up a great week€ndfor thoseofus thatcan 8et to Raleigh.From thc thrcc geat conductor/adjudicators who will lead thc NABBAReadingBandFridaynight to tho Hawthorn City Band ofAustralia, that count{/s 1993national champions in our CALA CONCERT,wc will have a great musicaltrcat in which to revel. lRe$etfu]ly, Sellers Engineering and Phil Mccani had to canccl.l I am dctightedin the upswingofband proelam reports,band newsletters[a recentonc from Triangle Brass Band looked r€al fin€1,and featuressent to N,4RBA '94 READING BAND FridayNight 7:30-9:00 Guest Conductorss Crrrnow, Gregson, &Renton BringYourHorn! President's Podium I cannotthink of a better opportunity than The North American BrassBand Championships(April 22-23,Raleigh, NC) by which a person can become familiarwith thewonde.tul pcoplcand musicof this continent'sBritish-style brassbands. b.assbandenthusiasts. You will learna lot atrout operating a brass band from nearly cveryone you meet. And thc brassband folks are really greatt Our newestfeaturcin our Championships has been thc NABBA ReadinS Band on Friday evenin8. Bring your instrumcnt to Fin in plalng a broad Theevcnt offersgreat bras:sband music performcd by our bestbands.One selc<tion of new, good brass band muofthehighlightswill bethcChampion- sic from a variety of finc publishcrs. shipSectionperformancesofVariations Our thrqr guest adjudicatorswill be our conducto$. This event is opcn to for B'|assBondby Ralph VaughanWitall NABBA m('mt'('rs,includin8 you! liams.For somereason,this magnifi, Percussionists aro esF'cially welcomc cmt i.\'ork is rarely recorded,so this (to savethcaudacnccfrom listeningto will beyouropportunityto hearit live -and thenyou canordertheChampi- my cymbal playing). Our annual NABBA meetingwill bc hcld just afrcr onshipcontestre(ordings! thc lastband performsSaturdayaftcrOneof the most important bcnefitsof noon. Be therc and be involved in theCharnpionships istalkingwith other NABBA! Thc Championships also featurcdis, playsfrominstrumentmakcrsand sup, pliersofbrassbandmusic/rccordings. This will bc your b€stchanceto com, pareinstrumentsthat you arc considering.For example,whereclsccould you play, sidc-by-side, all the rnajor alto hornsoffercd (Boosey&Hawket Willson,Yamaha)to tcst thcir color, quality. and lovability! Only at the Championships. If youhavccompeted before,you know thc thrill and musicalratisfacticnof our cvent- and thcgrcatcomraderie thathappns as wc cclebrato togcthcr. If you will bc thcrcfor thc firsr rimc, you arein fora rcallywonderfultreat. I look forwardto talkingwith you in Raleigh,April22-23,at NCSU! Tom Myers WnanHfues aonllnued lrcnpage1 WarFahlasyand Bonelli'sSyrrproric Witness,for exarnplelhclpr{, along ConcerlMarch- canlhe Mussorgsky/ with similar effortsby his American laidzcn CleatCateol Kie, be expected compatriotsBrucc Broughtonand IamesCumow, renew SA advanced encts.Hc considershimselt in his own words,a "primitive"wh€nit comesto InhisiobforTheSalvation ArmyHimcs litcratureinthcearly197(h.Hcisoneof thc fow bras.s bandarrange.swho can thecompositional proccss.He spends hasmanydemandsplacr{ on him for jazz write in the idiom and have it very little time studlng thc scorcsof vcry practicalarrangemcnts, Hc takos succeedl Innovativc idcasaboundin other composers,finding that to tre a carr'lo providc finc musicfor small kindof "cheating." Hedoesthink higNy cnsemblesand beginningbrassbands his morc advanced scores,from the choricspeakingin Io t eChi4Musician of activelistening,rathd than s<ore on a regularbasis.His flexibilityin a unifyingclements of readingand analysit asanaid to kcrp widerangeofstylesstandshimin good to thelargc!scalc Aspects ol Pnise. ing his creativeabilities sharp. heasurefor suahprcssure.WhenglancIng througha list of his worlc I am Anslysls CurentStatus shuck by the contrasts:humorous pieccsllerichoReuisited,SoloSecondol, BandmastcrHimes indicatesthat he is Most of Himes' compositional work jazz-stylearrangcmcnts comesfrom cither a dirctt commission lsoGlad,Thrce probablyan intuitive writcr. That does or through the need to provide sorne- Kings' Swind, scrious works with a not rnean his picc{:sare not carefully 'messagc' thing for his Staff Band. Rc'centexIIo the ChielMBician, As, united throughcompositionalcraftand skill! Aspealsoltuaise, br instancc, i)ins ampleswould includehis Flrrg€ilrorh pectsol Praisel,Eadinonalband litcraf.lJellruichls,Confualcel. Tlrejuggling thatgrcatbody of WestemsacredmuConcertino for River City Brass,his "inactthathcmustmaintaincomposer/ sic in which thc compos€rderiveshis pr(8ress" work C44PDieDfor The US AImy Bra3sBand, the lowerlevel test arrangctmusic€ducator/administra- prinrary motivic material from the inipiefe Cofifl|erce,or the sparkling solo tor,brassbandcomductor probably hal pitchcs of a h''rnn or prcviouslyexisting sacred melody, using both th€ heprovidedhis principalcornet,Peggy providcsthc rich stimulationsucha newly-formcd idea and the oldcl ma teThomas,/rribnc€.Onepror.\ctheseerns complexpersonality requires. Spenda rial to form a musical structureof sigfewminutcstalkingto Billandyouwill to begraduallycompletingis a goalto nificant mcaning on severallevels soonknow to what I am referring. arrangeall the pieceson Th€ Univermusical, emotional,spiritual.Subtitlcd sit Mt.higan Conc€rtBand's[Wil'ry'ariant Suite", I wish Bill had morctimefor writin& the work featurcs thc liamRevellillateSrysSovictUnion tour t'ecausewhen hegetsthe time he usuhymn tunc A-z,ron IO For a Thousand recordfor brassband!Thus far he has ally producespac€-setting works.His Tonguesl as the basis for a four-movedo e Elsa'sPteession,Arneican GoiI earfierscoresINe& FrcnLier a d The mentcyclc in which thecomposlruses February 1994 TheBrsssBandBrtdge 3 every element of the tune. In movement l, PraiseinJoy,the intcrval of thc risingfourth, coming liom thcopcning of thehymn, is made theprogenitor of all that follows. It is quickly unitsl with the initial step-wiseprogression of the first phraseof the hymn to providc all the "n€w" material to be manipulated hr this stimulating music. Himes combinesseveralunusual, but not inappropriatereharmonizatioisof Aztnon with this material in a festive romPof ioy. Praisein Meditahon,Movement ll, gains its primary mohve, thc falling thirds and triad,from thesecondhalf of the Azrmn tune; thisbalanceswell thc aggressiverising fourths of thc opening movement.Specialnote must be madeof the one(ompletestatementof thc tune ,4:,flo, in this s€ction,a moment of harmonic suspcnsionatrout trvo-thirdsthe way tluough the move- BandWorks A Selected Listing of Brass byWilliamHimes ment,an especiallyfine momentin this wonderful score.It is in Movement lll, Presecution/howPraiseinSadnessand ever, that I find thc most interestin& forwardiooking, and challengingmusic.Here thc composcrreturns to both the fourth and anotherstep-wiseftagment from the hymn but in a transform€d context.A barbaricrirsaloscction is built on a figure made upof two fourths,a half-stepapart IFor examPlc, C-F, C#-F# thc sctlucncewould go C, C#,F#,F I. The broad rhctoricalgestur.s madchcreremind oncof thescriouscanoniclvriling in the symphonies notsurprizinglywhcn of Shostakovitch, you considerthc hiddcn rolcofsuffering in that composer'smusic. (Turkington/Himes) March 3 Jlbilance-{ornet Soo 1 Able-Festiva Thc Finalc, Praise in Fellowship, rc (SenailleiLlght Came A-Tone AllegroSpiritoso-Euphonium Solo outol Darkness, storesthc full, prop€r inctptl loPcnnlS 1 Poem 7 Himes) scricsof noteslof thc hymn tunc, adds (BilldHimes) Fanlasy Eravura 2 American CivilWar 3 March the concluding notesof the hlmn, and MarchTromphale--Optronal organ(KargAmazrng Gface 2 gainsa lilting melody notunconncctcd El€rVH mes)7 Afierica theBeaulitul-Feslival to thc ubiquitous fourth. The climax The- Seection 1 7 Message oi Christmas, furangernent combincsthccompletehymn tunc and March I 7 Mileslone-Feslival Aspecls ofPGse Suite ncw melody,a danccoffellowshiPlcad7 Musc The(WebbedHimes)2 BaileFTone Poem oltheNghl, ing to a dashing,whirlwind of a coda. Song3 MyCh.isl-Euphonium Solo1 CelebGlion oi Contemporary Gospel This largc-scalc suitc brokc ncw NewFronlier 1 ShonandSuite-Colleclion 5 Chrislmas, ground, both in th(:croativovariational Nicaea Concertrno ForFlugelhorn andBand 6 3 p()ccssi nvolvcdand in mu sicalscopc/ Rolling Aong-Feslival March 7 2 Conlluence--Ovenure lfngth. In fact,itsli'nSthallowsittobc Ellacombe-Fanlarc Prelude 6 SoGlad-Flugelhorn Solo1 co'rsidcrcdof full symphonic statur€. (Wagne/Himes) Homsoo7 Elsa's Procession 1 SoloSecondo-Second ln Corrfrlrn.c,a more rccentbrassband Poem 7 FesivaFanlare s1 Spiril ol Freedom-Tone onSt.Franc (Bonelli/Himes) 7 work, Himcsby the verychoiccofhtle 4 Conced March Symphonic GodotWonders-March Medilation 1 showed his compositional attitude: 1 ToKnow Thee-Hymn Gods Chldfen-Mafch (0ebussy/flimes) 7 TotheChielMusician-Suite 1 conflue cc a gathering togcthet or colliwog s Cakewalk flowing togcthcr of separatcstreams; 2 Have Solo3 Three Klngs' Swing ld Ralher Jesus-Comet (Webbe/Himes)2 also,apointof juncturc for twoormorc WihOneLook I HaveDecded-Bolerc1 Mafch 1 slreams. In this picce the scParate wihess, The-Fesiival Invictus-March 2 Piece lorCorneland Bmss Band streamsaretonal,tcxfural,mclodic,and Afiangemenl 7 Conced Jericho Revisited-Festival [1] rhythmic.Theopcning toneclusteris a 7 Into Peace-Euphonium Solo Joumey Publlshers' Code r York;5Hopelilusic;6 1SP&$London;2 Rosehlll; 3 TheSA.Chicago i 4 TheSA-New oak williamHin|es,804 S.Cllnton, Man6cript, avallablelrom StudlGlondon;7 (7mF4&5025. Telephone P8rk, lL 60304; andbrassensemble overthirtysacred brassband Thislistingdoesnotinclude anangements by William Himespublishedby Thc SalvahonArmy in AtMusiclnde, fanta.Ncw York,or London.Furfurtherdatach€ckbtst mefital Army Music P! published by The Salvation Aftl! Music bfi.atiors, ofSalpalion Deparhnent, CcntralTerritory,10W. AlconquinRd.,DesPlaines,IL50016. (704)-294 2133. Telephonc: superimpositionof pcrfe'ctfifthsr D-rqt Bb-F; Gb'Db. The rriPartite structurc ofthefull work, ABA, willexploit these di fferences,particularly the key ccntcr ofD, the opcningkey, and Bb, the final key of "coMuence." Sjmilar obscrvations could be madeabout thc melodic useof the firth or the contEst in rhythmic tcxtures.To continue the analysis too much more in this vein, howevel, might do violence to our "Primitive" lhis own wordsl artist. As with Iames Curnow, we have in 4 TheBr83sBandBrldge FeFuary1994 Coming SpringBrassBandEvents Williarn Himes an interesting confluenceof SalvationArmy rnelodic and llaic tradition v/ith Americanuniversity/conservatoryrcfinetnent.In not being tied down rigidly to either of theseheritages,being open indeed to many other converging stleams,Bill Himescontinuesto beoncof thebrass band world's most imagrnativeand gifted writers. May he contnue to be strucl by "melodic contagion"and otherpositivemusicalplagues! BrassBand of Columbus and The N€w Yoft StaII Band MarchlgthrCod andCountry T:3O Concera P.M. KingAvc UnitedMethodist Church, Columbus. Ohio F c'eAdmission, Our judges' panel for this April pro(DonationsWill videsa wonderful balance.Frcm Crcat be Received.) Britain:FrankRenbon, t€st known in Contactr Erigabrassbandcirclesfor his outstanding Arthur Hill dier workwithGrim€thtop.Colli€ryBand, 614-891-295E wind band but alsoaworld-renowned and orchestraconductor. His cxperi- LexingtonBrass encein ContestinS?He has s€tved as Eand March27th: iudge and officated at all the mai)r Bandcompehdonsin CreatEritainand ClassicPqrs Europe!FromCanada:BramCregson, Extnwga,E; Eandmaster of The London Citadel 7:30P.M. Wcisiger Band, which is profiled in our dis. revicwsthisissue.Olderbroths of com- Theatcr/Norton poserEdwardGregson,Bramis recog- Centerfor thc Arts, Centrc nized as a c0nsummateband haining and conductor.Justlast year he was College, elecEdk| TheAirErican Bandrnasters' Danville,KY' Aasociatiooonlythesecondbrassband FreeAdmission conducbr ever to re(€ive that distinc- (Donations tion (PaulDrostebeingtheothcr!).From Requested) Contacl 506 the U.S:lamesCumow, who needsno 85&3511Ext introductionto NABBAbandt havint servedasa judge in previouscontesb. 2244or &62571707 His excitingpieceI-a dewill beplay€d by sevenHonorsSectionbands.All Thc United threeof thesetoprank conductorswill StatesArmy be featuredalso at the Friday evening BlassBand ReadlngBand Session! Aprll12- 17 SpnngTour Tues.t2th;8:00 P.M.Virginia TechUniv/ Blacksburg,VA Wed.l3th;8:00 P.M.EastTN Team Adjudication IorNABBA.94 Shtc Univ/lohnson City, TN Thurc.l4th,8:00 P.M. West Carolina Univ/Cullowhee, NC Fri. 15th;8:00P.M. TennesseeTech/ Cookville TN Sat.l6th;7:30 P.M. David Libscombe Univ/Nashville, TN Sun. lTth; ll:00 A.M. Roy Acuff Theatre/Opryland/Nashville, TN Salt River Brass Apil "10tft Carnival Time Conc€rt Seriesat Chandler Center for thc Arts, Phocnix,AZ Admission $6.00/ Frson; All programs are on Sunday attemoon contact; fi2-957 -9(69 I NABBA'94Schedulecontrnuedtromprs Ap l22 FRIDAY, MeslirE Board 300- 5!0 P.M. NABBA lorExhiUls 3!0 - 500P.M. S€t.Up Regislralion Begins 4!0 P.M. 6!0 - 9:00P.M. Exhiulsopen Bands Fo.Compeling 6!0 - 11f0P.M.Rohoarsals - 7115 UpSyshms' P.M. Sleve Collsy, Clinlcian:'Iune 6:15 8and,withJamqsCumow, Roadlno 730-9r00P.M. NABBA (op€n Renbn loall Eram Grcgson, Frank play€rs! Eingyouhom) Uasyp€rcussion Hawlhom P.M.KenMcoonald, Clinician 910- 10:10 lconduchr, CiiyBard(Ausra[a)] April23 SATURDAY, 830A.M. 825A.M. 855A.M. P.M. 900- 6100 A.M. 935 1015A.M. 1055A.M. r 135A.M. 1215P.M. 115P.M. 155P.M. 235P.M. 315P.M. 355P.M. 435P.M. 515P.M. 600P.M. 7:45P.M. 800P.M. Opening C€remonies Eand #l; YouhSscton #1 Sand*2;Honorsll ErhibilsOpen Eand*3;Honols14 Band*4iHono6#3 Band #5;Hono6 ir4 Band16;Hono6#5 LUnCn Bardf7; Honors {6 #7 Band rS;Honors #1 Band L9;ChamFionship i|2 Eand #10; Championship Eand #3 #l1; Championship Band #4 #12; Championship *5 Band *13;Championship Meetino NABBA Membership Shorl AmrdsCaremony Hs|nho.n CltyBand;Receplion GahConced: AlbrConced inSiientC€nhrEalkoom NABBA'94will beheldin ThePriceMusicCenter,North NC.Forfurtherdctails CarolinaStateUniversity,Raleigh, pleasecheckwith hotels/motelt exhibits, on schcdulet FAX: Dr.FrankHammond'sstaffby calling:919-515-2981; 919-5r 5-4204 Feb.uary 1991 The816 Bdd Erldgo 5 Sheldon Theatre Takes TapeContest GABB The SheldonTheaueBrassBand(C!'nc Beckwith)will rcproscntN A BBAat Thc Creat Amcrican Brass Band Festival, CentreColk€e,Danvillc,KY,Junel7 19.FiveNABBA bandscnterqj thctape conte$t;their programsar.'liste\jin this issuc.Sheldon Theahe was iudged to be the bestentry, w|th Triangle Brass scrvingasRunncr-Up,in casirSheldon Theatre could not attond the Fcstival. Congratulationsto all fivc bands for their finc prot+ams and playinS. The adtudication team was compriscd of Dr. Ccorgc Foroman, coordinator of the F!'stival, Profcssor Vinccnt DiMartino, rcnowncd trumpct soloist, and Ronnld Holz, NABBA Contcst Chair SheldonTheatre, which has acccpted thc'invitation the attend the Fcstival, will gct to pcrform thrsr concortsdur ing thc wNkcnd. INotr': SheldonTheatre will bl']eli8iblc to comprto aSain aftcra thrcr-ycar waitimgprnod; BBC shll has two y!'ars b v,'ait!1.They will be amon8 exct'llmt brass company. Here is a partial list, carc of Dr. Foremnn,as of our publicationdate: SummitBrass(Profcssional S),rnplunic BrassChoir) N,4RBA '94 Gala Concert Hawthorn Ctty Band Th€ U.S.ArmyBrassBandandHerald Trumpets The ChicagoStaff Bind ofThcSalva- Doalworth Saxhorn Band (19th cen- tury) Village Brass(Quintct) Ch€snut Brass Company (Quintet HistoricalInstrumcnts) Indianapolis Brass Choir Whilc thcscricsofconccrtscommences on Saturdav, thc l8th, thcrc will be a Band Hisbry Confcrcncc during the The Chosen Few Brass Band (Ncw day Friday, thisyear focusingon 19thOrlcansstylc) Century Instrumerts a|rd Insfrumcnt Makcrs.For furthcr informationon the AdvocateBrassEand (Host band) Festival,writc to:Thc Crcat Amcrica GoldRushCornetBand(l9thccntury) Brass Band Fcstival, C/o Dr. George Forcman,CcntrcCollcge,Danville,KY SheldonTh€aE€BrassAand(NABBA 40422. Rhythm and Brass(Contomporaryand Clas,sicstyles) GABBTapeContest. .. WhatTheyRecorded The pro8rams rccorded by thc five bands that cntcrcd thc Creat American BrassBand Fc'stivalcontestare listed below in alphaboticalorder by band: Atlantic BrassBand(SalvatorcScarpa): Mar frcm A MoolsideSr/ite(Holst); TldCn"sd.k(Wm. Rimmerr,Na! YorkNe?t,Yolt (ara. Shimwcll)j S|got Blues (Motfat); A'na.itg Crucc(arr. Himes)j Prcludeand Fugtco Dam,?lls(Goffin); Fiorerlirc Man (Fucik/Barsotti). Eastem lowa Brass Band (lohn de Salme):Marc, lrom A M@rsideSuite (Holst), Tnrr+,lr Bltcs anlt Cantabile (James/Geldard); Alpitrc Sa,nba (Broadbeni); ShouliL Lisa Trot bone (Fiflmorc/de Saln\e); AmericaftsWe (Fillmorc/ DeSalmc);Se?ren 4l SilT rotj ,orcs(Willson/ Du thoit);ArnericjnCbil lNar Fa lrsv (Bilik/Himes); Blerretfi (Cumow) Florrrts/res (AUSTfiALTA)lllinois Brass Band (Colin Holman): l March frott\ A Moorst'rcStltte(Holst), 6 The8.ass88ndBddge Febuary1994 Saxton'sCornet Band (19thccntury) Cor.rrl Pfllrdr' (Sparkc)tConrctCarillorr(Bingc);Tancl.di(Rossini/Rimmcr), Walchittglht Whcatlart. Csrhl), Mllsrc ol lhe 16!h Ccnlury (Fcrnie); Cossrck (Rimmer). Triangle Brass Band (Miclucl Votta, lr .r.Marchfrcrr.A M@rsideSflite(Holst)l Feslirtal Fanlare (Himcs); Dovet (Richards);HandsAclossll. Sea(Sousa); Flatrish for lNind Band(Vaughan Wilfiams/Votta); SV,ryhonicRhapsod!lor E phoni tnandBand(Cregson;BeTho My yision ( La Rc'au); ,4rt ericanlhe Beau tr.f//(HirYtes). Sheldon Theahe B.ass Band (Cene Beckwith)jMafc,fromA M@tsi,leSuite (Holst); Trt' Crarnploxs (Willcocks); Laryo al factohu| (Rossini/Roberts); An V ol the Nile (Alfotd); SetiettySit IrornrorLs (Willson/Duthoit)j Busfer St/if"s Eark(Morrison); Me listopheles March (Dovglas), Finale f rc.n.Yearof the Dragon $parke); Tha Sta's atd Stripes' (Sousa/Skaar). BandPrograms RecentBrassBand Concerts:Music LigtedIn ConcertOrder BrassBandof Columbus(PaulDroste). PeaceLutheranChurch. Columbus, OH.Octob€r31,1993.FanfareandFlour ishes(cxr ow)t loyds 71stN.Y. Re8i tnenlMarch (v)yer /I akc); Miss Bl e ,orref (Simon/Smith) Ion Domachowski,Comet Soloist;Llglrf CaualryOvertu/e (Suppe/lenkins); Fiestorm (Blllar; Noblesof the MVstic Shrine(Soue,;A v iclor'sPalr"(Cumow) -James Moore,MarimbaSoloistPm.,e/ and Glory lSousa);me Neu Covenant (Curnow); Oprs Orc (Oliver/Susi); (Clinka/ Russlan anl LudnillaOuerlrlre Parkes). EastemIowa Blass Band oohn de Salme).Mt Vernon High School,Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Septcmber25, 1993. Marchfror A MoorsdeSrite (Holst); TheLa* Ih TheClearAir (an. Langford) -Judy Stine,Alto Horn Soloist;ft/ra - ScoftWilson, TigerR 8 (Henderson) TubaSoloist;His EyeIs On TheSparrou (arr. Bulla) - David Haaverson, nugelhomSoloist TnrftpetBhEsand Cantabile(Ianes/Mathias) - Joan DeHoft TamamMct aughlin,Dcnnis Pedde,DennisModracek,DabDavies, Dan Daviet Cornet Soloists;Alpir€ Sa?tr, (Broadbent) - Featuring the Percussion Section; The Klaxon (Fillmore);Poefand PeasattOaerhtre $tdpPP');Military Escott(Bennctt);Tre Wistlin' FamletBoy (Fillmore),Billy (an. Fillmorc); Sunday's SuccasfulSongs Shotin' Liza (Fillmorc)- Fcaturing the Trombone Section,,4rrmt 16 We (Fillmore). Easternlowa Brass Band (fohn de Salme).ChristmasWith thc Eastcrn Iowa BrassBand. Five Conce series, December5, Z 9, 12,and t 8.In Coggon, CedarFallt Delhi,Mt. Vemon,Iowa, a\d Calena,IL. Fanfurea .l Carcl- O (Ra*s);Tuo CanaCaneAll YeFaiLht'ul dianChisbnasCarols(Calveri )TheLittIe DrummerBoy(arr.Sparke)tOHolyNight (Adam/ Bulla)-Joan DeHoft Soprano Cornet Soloist; ChlishnasTriptych (Cumow); Ile ChristnasSong(arr. Sparke);,lt'gle Bells(an. Ashmore); Sleiglt Ride (Anderson/Tomlinson); Haae YotlrselfA Metry Little Clristtas (Martin/Wormald); Santa'sPolka(arr. dc Salme);Paf,4 Par (arr. Himes);Cod Resl Yor (arr. Himes); arosfy fre Srprufla, (arr. Himes)i M archof theTols (Herbert/Hanmer);ClrishfiasSihS-Alrrl8 (arr. Woodfield);,4uld LandSVne (arr. Drover). Wld Rose* (McDowell/Bulla). The SASFBrassEandofAsburyCollege (RonaldHolz), and Vocal Ensembl€(BeatdceHolz) Thc Salvation ArmyLcxingtonCorps,LexinSton,KY. December5, 1993.CuestConductor, JamesCurnowTheRejoicing(Handcl /Ski nncr);Crlisi (Leidzen);The 'nas Ki,lgdo'nTritffi lo! BrassBandof Columbus(PaulDroste) - tr lrc (Ball)iVocalSclcctions prrrt and Ohio Collegiate Brass (Les Susi q (Larcs....r, Faccof Chiltl BeholdlheTah and Paul Droste).As.cnsion Luthcran er nq cl e antincl n t e Li lBall ; ShtoI theWorId Church.Dcrcmbrr 5, 1993.Ohio Colle(Cook); Spitit of lcoffin\The Chlisf,'as Biarg EI Abatlico(Javaloyes/Hume); Vocal S€fections - Thc Qri?l H@tl L,rr Eot (Suflivan/Ball)j CanadianFolk (Collins), Tre Blcssingsof Marll SorBSlile (Caivert)jSix S satoDances (R.W.Holz); Christmas Ttiptltch (Susato/lveson),hlsticeWilh Courage (Curnow); (R.E.Holz). Irc Cdroiiels (Richards). BBC: Potocr ati Clot! (Sousa); Miss BI e Bonnel (Simo / Smith) - ]on Domachowski,comct soloist; A Yiclof's Palrr (Cumow) JamcsMoore, Marimba soloist;Or?r hm toMessiah(Handcl / Wright); SleE, Ri,,te(Anderson/Tomlinso ); R|dolph lhe lDnely Reit leer (aft. Susi'); Carcl of ,le Dnrr (Simone/Susi))The12 Dallsof Crrisf,ras(arr.Carmichacl).Combin€d Rands RussianChrishhasMrlsic (Rccd/ Leppla), with CharlesYanneiclla,organ BrassBandof Columbus(PaulDroste), with ChoiE from AscensionLutheran, Karl RoadBaptist,St.Andrew Presbyterial, Maize Manor United Methodist, and Trinity United Mcthodist Churchcs, thcir soloists, Charles Yannerclla,organ. Mess,all(Handel/ Wright)j Dr. JamesCallaghcr, conducting. D.rember 12,194. KarlRoadBap tist Church, Columbus, OH. Two perLerington Bras6Band (Ronald Holz and SkipGray).TheUnivcrsityof Kcntucky S'chool of Music, February t3, 1994.Philip Smith*,GuestCornetand Trumpet Soloist. Flo lier Ooerlure (Broughton); Intrada* (Ho^egger / Fr&h); Laltde (Curnow); Q icksiirrel (Craham) Philip Smith and Vincent DiMartino,CornetDuelish;PonLombne (Sparke)- David Hendersor! Euphonium Solois! Napoli * (Bellstedt); Spectnm (Vinter);Victoriolts * (Coth'r]);ToA Smoky Mountain BrassBand (rohn Wcst).ForcstCity, FirstBaphstChurch, Novcmbcr7, 1993.L,ttleSrilelor Brass (AtnoldL HtoryatiqttMarch (Bctlioz/ Calclinet);EtenlalFalhcr,StrongToSauc (dc Haa \ 1Bring Y& a Branchof May (Strain/Trevarthen),Mr tsiclrotnthc16th Cefilulv Grr. Fer^ieri AL)eMatia (Bizet/Wright); lsahuberi; Farondole Musicol the Nig,tt (Wc'bbcr/Himes), Seleclionslrom RobinH@d (Katnetl/ Woude)Jsimilarprogam, two weekslater,at PisgahAcadcmy,with the following additionalrepertoire: L chlanon.l(afi. Fernic)tFirebellPolka(Strauss/Dodd), SorsaOn Parade) Smoky Mounfain BrassBand Uohn West)andThe Ash€villeChoraleSociety (RobertP. Keener).Haywood CommunityCollcgc,lan.uary7, 1994; N,4RBA Charnplonshlps XII Aprtl 22-23, 1994 Ralelgh, North Carollna (NcsU as Ho6l) February 1994 TheBrassBandBridge 7 I a BrassBandNews andWarrcnWilsonChapel,January9, 1994.CombinedItems:Onceln Royal Dauls Ctfy0villcocks);IoVToThcWotld (Rutter), SeeAttid lhe Winler's Snou (Willcocks). ChoralSo<Ieryt A Maiden Most Gentle(Carter\, A BabeIs Bonl (M^Ihtait WetfordCtroi (Ruttcr); TTris Crnst&sNiSht(Williamson);Stiil,Sli, Srll (t€dger); I Won.lerAs I wandet (Niles/Rutter).Smoky Mountain: Christnas Triptych (Curnow); (bngford); ln the Bleak CreensleeLvs Mid.utntsl (Trevarthen);I BringYouA Branchol May lTrc'/arthen); Farcn.lole Gizet/WrighD.Combin€dlt€ms: O ConeAll Ye Faithlrt (Willcocks);/es!s Clild (Rutter); The Fi..5tNowell (Willcocks). TrianSl€BrassBand (MichaclVotta) OrangcH.S.,Hillsborough, NC. Octo'1993 ber 24, and Sande$onH.S.,Raleigh,NC,November17,1993.Flo|rish for BrassBtnd lV aughanWilliams); Ir,e Yearof theDragon(SparkertA Moorside Sllite(Holst);FesliralFarfrre(Hirnes); Dunlap'sCrceklBernat ; Ana2.itgCnce (Hitrrsr; BeTho| My Vision(La Reau); Hanls AcrosstrreSea(Sousa).Similar program,Hill Auditorium,Chapcl Hill, NC,October29,1993,but with thefollowing sofo itefts: T ba Conaetlo - KcvinStc€rTubaSoloist; (Cregson) TtutnpetConerlo,Mvts 2&3 (Haydn) - David Bilger, Trumpct; Svmphonic RhapsodV lor Ettphoniun(Cregson)NealCorwellEuphoniumSoloist. BultaloSilverB.nd (MichaelE.Russo), with K€nmor€ PresbyterianChanc€l Choir. KennrorePresbyterianChurch, Bufialo,l.JY.Februa.y6,7993.Festive Ooerlure(Shostakovich/Gordon); Crirond (Richards);The Thwderer (Sousa);,les!, rrn s.rgepfe*et(J.S.Bach) a d Now ThankWeNl At Cod 6n. Smith),with ChancelChoirt Vorittions on a ThaneoJHaydn(Brahms/Nash); BelleoflheBall(Andersn /Tomlinson); HufigatianDance#5 (Brahms/woodc@k\i Mefi of Ha ech(l-angford); Ire war in Sfii.ler'sGloceryStorc (atr. Cmdrnan),with ChancelChoi ; A Inerirrfia Stlitr (arr, Trevarthen). supplemented with communityband directorsand othcr musicians.A euphoniumplayerin TheBrassBandof Columbus,Pughformedthc cnscmble with JohnE. Owcn, chairmanof the departmentof musicatHeidclbcrgand a formercometplayer with theColuhbus band.Pughhad hopedto havethc new band compete in this year's NABBA Championships, but beausc of schedulinSconflicls, thoseplanswere postponed,Heidelbeds brassbandis gearingup for i tsdebutperformance,a tull concertslatedfor May 6th,on the Heidelbergcampus.IAngie Souders, HeidelbcrgCollcgcl NINE new bandsto report! Here thcy arc,as rcportcd to and registeredryith B€rt Wiley, Secretary / Membership: BeehiveB!assBand-Bountiful,Utah (DavidRunyon,musicdirector) FaragutBras6Band-Bainbridge Island,Washington 0ay Piper,musicdirector) Heidelb€r8arassBand,Tiffin,OH 0oel Pugh,musicdirector) LasV€gas,Nevada(no namcyct) (PeterCooper,musicdirc'ctor) Lo{isiana TechnicalUniversity Ruston,Louisiana (FcmandoJimenez, musicdirector) SmokyMountain BrassBand.Philip SciotoVall€y Brassand Percussion Smith,l'ri cipalTrumpctof TheNew Company,Columbus, OH York Philharmonic, will bc a VisitinS WcstcrnCarolinaUnivcrsity SpringfieldBrassBand-Spring6eld, Scholarat fora fourday residency in lateMarch. Illinois 24th he will On March befeatur(dwith (Contactpcrson,SusanWclls) Mountain BrassBandin a TheSmoky - EauClaire, public Universityof Wisconsin The concert. concert which Wisconsin Mountain gavc with The Smoky (RodneyHudson,musicd irc'cl,or) Ashvill€ Choral Soci€tywas,in the VandercookUniversity- Chicago, words of BcrtWiley, "a bdlliant succcss."The Rutterand Willcockscarol Illinois arrangements, now availablefor brass (FredLewis,musicdirector) scveralissue bandandchoir(reviewcd Paul Droste) were particlarly backby Heidelb€t8B.assBand.A ncw brass effcctive. band,undcrthcdirectionof JoelPugh, instructorof low brassat Heidelberg hasb€'cnformcdat thecollege. TriangleBrasoBandis busyworking College, for Thc band is currcntly 30 mcmbers with NCSUBrassBandascohosts a NABBA'94. Thcy arc also planning It is Heidelbcrg strong. comprisedof studcntsand faculty,primanly, and Spring CnnccrtSeriet with Raleigh, Durham,and Fuquay-Varinaas thc concert sitcs. This scries will bc produc€dthrough thehelp of ThePearson Music Company, SchoolMusic Division. Triangl€ has announcedthe releaseof a new tap€, FESTIVALFANFARE- s.€ Band Bulletin Board for details(ConnieVarner). N,4RBA r995 ProJectedfor Toronto. Canada Eastern IowaBrassBandIFurthernotes from Don Stine on this group's fall programt listcd under RecentBand Programs- "The weathercooperated beautifully.TheCalenaconcertled into the communityluminaria ldisplays]. Fehuary1991 TheBrass8cd Bridge I bandsrnColumb,u! dr!'TheOhio State University Var(hing arnd and Th€ Columbus Cilid€l Band oi T}letul!a _ INTERNATIONAL_ Demands aregreater, so more andmore Brass Bands areturning towlLLSoN. Dr.BrianL. Bowmanand lhe world'slinesl - the euphonium WillsonCompensating ModelTA 2900 Be surelo lestour instruments in the DEG boolhat Championships Xl on April22 & 23, 1994. Willson background specialist lor: Euphoniums, tenor horns, basses. Distribution inUSA: DEG Music Products lnc. LakeGeneva, Wisconsin 53147 Distribution inCanada: AtWillson brassinstrument dealers throughout Canada. Galenais vcry hilly, and has trcmc'ndous old buildings. Truly a lovcly evening - a dusting of snow, the luminaria, and evening of brass. AII five concerts.All fivc concerts were played to standing ovahons.The program containcdover$1500.00inads this anotheridea from Bob Bemat and The RCBB. This is the first rimc our SendYour Band News Concert Prograrns Pleasesendyourconcert programsand arlicleson recenl activitiesto THE BRIDGE We wantto read about your band! 10 TheBrassBandBrldOe February 1994 program 'made' money,about$300.00 Quite an cffort, but the tour and pro, gram idcas played out wcll this time. Wc havc contact!'dBrian Burditt lCanadian StaII Bandl for a lvorkshop March4-5;... thiswillhclpusgetready both for NABBA and The lowa Band, masters'Convcntion/ May 13th,our third timl] in reccntycars!(Don Stine). BrassBand of ColumbusrSeptembcr, 1993,rnarkedthcbeginningofthetenth year of thc 8BC. Thereare now sevcn brassbandsinthc Columbus,OHarea, and The BBC isresponsiblefor starting four of them. The Va$ity and Junior Varsity All-Star Erass Bands were founded by Eric Aho, chartermember of the BBC. Thesebands are in their eighthyear.In its tifthyearisTheOhio CollegiateBrass,and the newcstband is thc SciotoValleyBrass and Percussion Company. The other two bmss A new s€asonal rlavs sLart, \rth a \F-cial pcrformanceofcsrnan (an j quaiCcrman) music for The Columbu: Manncnchor.ThisOktobcrfL'st tentcon, cert feahrresthe bcst of Cerman food, drink, music, and fcllowship. A scrics of Sunday night church concerts in October and November led to a maior production in Dcccmber.On De.em, bcr l2th the BBC combincd with five localchurchchoirs to presentHandel's Messiar.It is possiblethat thisis thc first time in The Unitcd Statcsthata significant portion ofMcssiah was accompanied by brassband. The brassband anangementisa dire.t rcscoringof the orchestralaccompani' was made by the Englishcomposcrand arranger,Dr. Dcnis Wright. Whcn thc scoring was complctcd in 1946,Britishbrassbandswcrcstill playinghigh-pitchcsirrslrumcnts IA=452.5]. 'Io compcnsatcfor this,Dr. Wrightlowcrcd thc accompanimcntonc half stcp and,ir a fcw casa's, one full step.Therc wcrc no compiaintsfrom the soprano and tcnor scctionIl]. Intcrestingly cnouSh,the tuning A of Handel'stime is thou8ht to havc bccn onc half stop lorv!'r than our own A-,140,so the accompanim€ntwas probably pitchedas it was sung in Handel's day. The brass band scoring follows and supports the vocal lines.The35,member BBC balancedwcll with 175sirSers,The recitativeswere accompanicd byorganto give thcbrassplayersarest. Cucst cor'rductorwas JamesCallaghcr of The Ohio Statc University, and the soloistswere chosenfrom thc participating choirs. Due to the audiencc response and thc enthusiasm of the participants,this rnay becomean annual event, The conccrt raised over $1400.00for Childr€n's Hospital in Columbus. On March'19the BBC wi:lbejoinedby The New York Staff Band ofThe Sal- ,/1^ v\ . - , . t funcfions, rhool sl'lows,and festivals are just a fcw of the types of events that the band takes part in. Tlle band rehcarscs on Wednesday evenin8s,7:30 P.M., at the Holloway StreetUnited MethodistChurch. IBill Ri]ey,Managclj 613-962-427 4l " r , I nreConcerf Br&ssol Bellville. O)bio.H.Gerald Muroi]v. Jr..drccto/conducbr vation Army in thc Annual Cod and CountryConcert.The{'conccrtsstartcd in 1986 and havc fcaturcd Salvati l Army bands and soloistsin joint concertswith The Brass Band of Columbus.On April8 theBBC willbeappearing at The Music Educators'National ConferenceBiennialI n-ScrviccConferenccin Cincinnati,OH. On April23 thc BBCplansto bc in Raleighfor thcChampionships. The BBC is complcting its first CD and expcctsto releasci t beforecontcsttime, CornetistJon Domachowski is the recording engineer a d producer. The recordingsessions were held at Dublin High School,site of Championship V and X. (Paul Droste). The Springfield Illinois Erass Band (Susan Wells, conductori Larry Niehaus,assistantconductor)was organizcd this past November, 1993. Membershipincludesa doctor,lawyer, music educators,other professionals, and three high school students.Their first conccrt was on February 27, 2994, atNew SalemStatcPark Visitors Center. The Sroup usesB€ssoninstruments. The Cal State Fresno British Brass Band (Dr. Ritchie Clendenin) per- formcd at thc sr'vcnth annual Wost CoastRaStimeFcstival,Novembcr 20, 1994,held in the local Hilton Hotcl. StcphcnKcntCoodmanscrvcdasSuost conductorand rarrator. Th€ Concert Brass (Cerald Murphy, Jr.)of Bcllville,Ontario,listedasa new NABBA band in ourlastissuc,hasprovidcd us with an overview of their historyand status.Formedin l968asa brassquartetbyWilliamCampbell,The Conce Brasshassteadilyincreasedin sizc,from theoriginalquartctto scxtct, thcn to an ll-piecc brass choir, and finally to its prcscnt sizc as a 21-piccc brassbandin the British tradition.Thc music dir€ctor/conductor, H. Gerald Murphy, lr., receivedhis Bachelorof Music(HonorsinTheory,Performance, and Conducting) from Queen's University at Kingston and has been dirccring thc band for thrcc ycars. Thc membership is wide ranging both in age and lffation, and includes members from Trenton, Belleville,Picton, Madoc, and Tweed, as well as ages rangingfrom 16 to 70years.Duringits 25 yearc of existence,the band has playednumerousconcertsthroughout the Quinte regionand asfarasToronto and Kingston.Summerpark concerts, fund-raiscrs,political rallies, church A standing rlxlm only crowd greeted Philip Smith with a rousingstandingovationat the conclusionof his appearance with The Lexington Brass Band(RonHolzlSkipCray)at Thc Universify of Kcntucky, Sunday,February13,1994.'Ihc cvcning was also a nrght for thisiewbrassbandto comeof agein suchgrcat I iterature as Sprclrrrr and lrrd.. Smith's technicalassurance and lyrical approach to both trumpet and cornct was matchd by a thoroughly maturemusicianship.Thiswas indcrd an eveningdslicatcdto thc "arf ' of comet playing! [SccBrassBandProgramsl During his visit to Kentucky Smith gavemastcrclasscsat both Ccrtrc ColleScand Thc Univcrsiryof Kentucky, witha good turn (rut from trumpetersand brassplayersfrom throughout the reSion. NOTICE: to All Bands Cornpetlng tn Raletgh, 1994 Bands Flying Into RalcighPlcasclctFrank Hammond know as soon as possible your bavel plans so that ground transportation can bc arrangcd! Plcascdo not delay on this very important Call Frank nowr home 919-85125€'4;office 919-515-2981 February 1994 TheBrassBandBrldge 11 The UltimateSoundwith the NEW BessonSovereign Euphonium j NEW waterkey: NEW mouthpipedesign: quick The new mouthpipeoffcrs superbintonation. Fittedto thethirdvalveslideto facilitate Playerstestingtheinstruments saytheyarethe emptying. NEW appearance: most"in tune"euphoniums on themarket. Changesto the instrumentgive it a slimmer, NEW mouthpipewrap: Producesvery centerednotesand breaksnew lighter,morepleasinglook andfeel. ground in responsiveness. The effortless NEW accessori€s: productionof noteswill be welcomedby the A water reservoir,cardholder,valye oil and youngeststudentand the most experiencedc l e a n i n gc l o t h - a l l i n c l u d e d w i t h t h e lnstrument. prof'essional. 'padding':* NEW case: NEW valve A revolutionarynew designmeansabsolutely A new designwith music box incorporated. silentvalves. NliW fingertops: A choiceof size(two setsare provided)offers e v e r y p l a y e r t h e i d e a l p l a y i n gc o m f o r t . BESSONSOUND... It is Superb! Motlels 967G5and 968G5available at Besson BrassDealersin Februam l Arm, London, Onta o. SA-LCB-l7Brass BandRecordings taincanp CD.TT71:48.Program:Motl (Osgood),Cooenant(Broughton),Tre Kitqtloft Ti nphakl (BFll), Sanctuory (Ball),CornetsololTommywilson]P/aiseHinl The USA South€m TeEitorial Band (RichardHolz) and Song- Songsof Erin (Christrras),,4 Sorg ol st€r€ (Christopher Priest).Thc Salva- S,lafon'sRose(Catherwood),Musir of tionArm, Atlanta.CRD022.TT 60.22. Thanksgioing(Downie), Re?e/ie (Downie),nuSel sololJulieMyers] Pr rarr.:Preludr-PruiseH,rnl (Bullat Anthen-Pmise Hint!+ (Priest), ,4t lre He Is Irfd (Redhead),Trumpet solo qleandTocca Naneof] eslts'(Bulla),Chor h lstcwart Dahymplcl-ConcertEtude (Bulla),Sacrifice+ (Himei, Prelude on (Coedicke/Wm. Broughlo), Lefmere LabedenHerrm (Curnow\, LetThereBe Be Praise(Tunney/Gottr, Ercelsiot (BriSht) Pra,se*(Tunney), TromboneQuintat Prais€Hinl (Wm. Broughton),EverlqstTheSofigol lheBrolher.Robertand Niing Hopd (Cymbala), Make Us One* (Cymbala),Cl,rist'sParl* (Curnow), cholasChilds, Euphoniumsoloists, with The London Citadel Band Ptuise(Heato ), Cod,we will CiueYou (Bramrvell Cregson).The Salvation Clo4f Redhead),Synpron!ofThankArmy. London, Ontario.SA-LC8-18.Vocal item. 8iuir,8(Coffin). ProSram: TheSonS ofthe CD.TT 65:02. It is amply demonskatedhereinthat BrolherlLeidze ), The Betlet world have (Bearcroft),Tre Sroan(5aint-Saens/ ensembles theseAtlanta-based joinedthe ranksof the world's finest Steadman-Alfen),The Cotquercr (St!'adrnan-A llen),Sy,npionicRharyod! All themuSAmusiarepresentatives. MV atulBatd(Cregson), sic is confidentlyand accu.atelyex- lor Euphotftun ecud, inspirationbeingthecommon Story and Song(Foster/Steadman(Marshall),Siirer Allen), Ranso,fled denominator. (Twitchen/Bearcroft), DuetIlredds Particularlysignificantare new brass (La$son/Bosanko). Back l'll Nol Turn band work by StehenBulla (Chorcle Duet-Ti,repieae (Bearcrof t). andToccalq Fanfa/ePrelude: PraiseHih !\ den Thesetwo new rcleases by The Lon andJames Curnow(Pr€l deonLobe don Citadel Band of The Salvation Henm). The band is also fcatureon Dcan's Cofdn's stirring masterpiece, Army (BramGregson) certainlyplace this band in the forefront of SA corps Syrtphonyof ThahkgioiflS. Including William Broughton'strombonequin- bands.Ido notknowofanothcrNorth SAcorpsbandthatcancomc tel also entided P/aiseHi,rl, is a nice American closetothemin thequalityand scopeof touch,and we hearhis virtuosityasa memb€rof thequintet.Itis surprizin& their recordingsover the past twenryhowever,that only oneof thosegreat fivc ycars, SA marches(Wilfred Heaton'sPraise) ThcErcelsroldisc holdssolidbrassband is included. fromthe"classic"worksofBall scores, of to theBroughton andDowniescores Therecordingquality is topsexceptfor (though problemj is more recent date one must reone a slight overbalance tempted to rcach for the volumc con- membcrthatCarefirIl datesfromabout 19701). I was particularlypleas€with trol on someof the vocal pieaes. inclusion of Ball'smeditativemasthe Consideringthat thes€performersarc Americanauditetpicce,Sanctuary. thisdiscis not full-timeprofessionals, might havc a double+ake on the ences amazing!Available from BemclMusic main htinn tune of Downie'sMusicof orby callingTheSalvationArmy MuThankgiping,ternindin.gthem of "Far sic Departmenl 40l-728-675. aboveCa)'uga'swaters"or someother (Notoriit is PaulE.Bierle, guestreviewer schoolalmamater!Nevertheless, Each field). an well-played work. of exciting, ous tuba player, low-priced with histhe solos includcd are handled [Editols Note:And toPflightband confidence.Indeed, my only "comto arl and musicianll phinf would bewith thelasttwo short Ercelsiot. The London Citadel Band items, contemporaryin style, where (BramwellGregson).The Salvation BandmasterGregson was pcrsuaded to usetrumpetsinsteadofcomets.Thc in thesetwo band is leastsuccessful itens. Overall,however,this is vcry impressiveplaying - a very welltrained bandl Songof the Brcthetis a total success.Euphonium playersand brassband enthusiastsare in for a real keat here. You get a large number of the gleat SA euphonium solos with that are brassband accompaniment now availableto the gencralpublic and masterfully played by Bob and Nick Childs lsilaer Ttueailswas hrst published as a cornet solq Sotlgof lhe Brolrerwaswitten by Leidzenin 1916 as a cornet solo, revised in 1932for euphonium with band accompanimentl. Both rccordings have beenrecorded and editert by Ted Marshall, 1994 TheB.assEandBridge 13 February BERNEL MUSIC LTD. Everythlr4 for the Brass Band ! Music - Cd's - Instruments NEW MUSIC Colonial Song - Grainger/West Trailblaz e Goff Richards The Golden Lady - Goff Richards Ticket To Ride - Lcnnon/Fernie Blue Rondo alla Turk Brubeck,/Edwards Holiday for Trombones - Rose/Freeh Malaguena - l€cuona/Freeh NEW CD'S Double Champions - Wlllians Fajrey Barld Dallas Brass II European Brass '93 - Brassbald Willebroek Showcase for Trombone - Jacques Mauger Wilby - Grimethorpe Colliery The Best of the Versattlc Brass - James Shepherd BRASS INSTRUMENTS Besson Sovereign Willson DEG AMDRICAN BRASS BAND SERIES Bernel Music Ltd publicattons BRASS BAND SERVICE 24 HOIJRS PER DAY! BERNEL MUSIC LTD. P O Box 2438. Cullowhee. NC 28723 Ph/Faxr 7O4 293 9312 Note: ALL music and recordlngs revlewed ln the BRIDCE avallable throwh Bernel Mustc Ltd. who is righttully well-knowr for his excellencein producing a good brass band recording - no easy feat. You will not go wrong with either of these line productions.[R.W. Holz] Songs In theHetrL:TheneandVariatiotts /of Corfiet. Toltrmy and Graham Wilson, with The London Citadel Band (Bramwcll Cregson). The Salvation Army, London, Ontario. SA-LCB-I6CD. TT 58:59. Programr (Leidzc ), Qriet Tine (Downic), P/dyef of Chilrlhnd (Condon).The Call of Christ 14 TheBrassBandBridge February 1994 (Bearcroft),A Happv Dav lLcidz. ), R.ctoxO}' Me(Calvert),BeauLiftlChrist (Leidzen),WordrorsDdy(Leidzen),I'rj R flelHd?e,l.Tls(Himcsl,TheOld R]Jg sed C/oss (Lcidzen), My All I Bring (Ballantinc),SrareMy Yok€(Bosanko), So gsin lhc HeNt (Ltidzc ),ln lheLlx)e of /esr.s(SteadmanAll€n). SahrdavNightadS davMorniry.'l}.e London Citadel Band (Bramrvell Cregson).The Salvation Army, lnndon,Ortaio.SA-LCB-I4 CD.TT65r08. Progr am:Mi neapolis I v (Sodersrrom), Fbnl ef o,nSytnphonv#2 (Tchaikovsky/ Cordon), Comet solo lcrahah Wil' sonl-Wondrcrc Da! (Leidzen), Proces sion of the Nobles(Rimsky-Korsakov/ CDrr'owJ,ShallWeGathel(Ballantine), Cclestisl Plospecl (Heaton), Tsd.i Me (Herikstad), Wlat A Frimd (I Eidzen), Cornet solo [Tommy Wilson]-I'.1 RntherHauele,sus(Himes), Lord Thotl AtL Q esLionitry(Davis), Euphonium solo [Benlard Doers] A!! I HaueI Atn Brir.girs (Catherwmd), CclnsFor His Cro?rr'(Condon),Comet SololTommy Wilsorll It Is Well With My So l (Davies),Hn{,Si{,??r fr?Nd,r?(Tremain/ Osgood). Theseother two r€cordinSsbyLondon Citadelarc notquitcsorecenlthough onlydafinSfrom1991and1992.Again, two sdid hitsl Father and son team, Tommy and Craham Wilson, teamup for quite a lyrical display ofcornet artistry in Son.qs o/ l,tsH.arf. A finebalancc is givcn bctwccn thc dcmanding tcchnical solo and the dcvotional hymn arranScmcnt.Thcrc is just onc ovcrlap bctwccnthc two dis{s: Wo drcusDay (Lcidzcn) shows up on botl\. Sal ftlay Nilhtls.,l,dav Mornirs showcasrsthc great vcrsatility of most bp Salvati(nr Army brass bands - thcir ability to play the most dcmanding brassband music at a Fcstivalof Music lconccrtl followedby tlleequallydcmandingtask of providing sensitivcmusic for worship scrvicethe next momirrg.London Citadel dcmonstratcsqualily in both avenuesof "s!'rvice," for SA bandsdo not approach their assignmentswith split pcrsonalirics.BandmastcrCiegson and his Londonorstakc sccmingly as muchcarewitha short WrafaFtiet lWe HaL,eI't les s as&ey do with a Heaton tour-do-force like CelestialPtospccl. Thesetwo discssharcthesamequality as thc first two rcvicwcd (again.Tcd Marshall's work). I recommcnd all fourll [R.W.Holz] Eachof the four London Citadel Eand recordingscanbe secur€dftom Bernel Mllsic or by ordcring dircct from thc Band;makecheckspayabletoThe London Citadel Band. $16.00US per CD; $1I .00per cassettetape,i ncludingpostagc.Writeto:TheLondonCitadclBand, 555 SprinSbank Drivc, London, Ontario, CanadaN6J 1H3. NewMusicReviews Ros€hillMusic is continuing its serics of brassbandarrangementsof the music of Andrew Lloyd Webb€r.Two piecesfrom his latestmusical,sllfiset Bouleual, arc r.ow a\ailable. With OneInk is arrangedby William Himes.Ithasthebeautyandsimplicity of many of Webber'stunes.Thc solo cornet g€ts the firct statementof the maintheme,andthcnitisanswered by the full cometsection.Thealto homs and flugel have a tuIn, followcd by a sopranoand flugel duet. Throw in a nicekeychangealongwith a repeatof the cornet solo, thcn finish with a grandioso ending-a provenformula formusicalsucccss. Plalng timeis almostfour minutes.Thc technicaldemands are minimal in this ardanae tempo,but thereare enoughpitchcs abovethestaffto causcsomeproblcms. If you like Webbe/smusic,you'll likc WithOneLDok. AsIl WeNeoerSaidCoodryeis armaged by Bill Geldard.This pieceis castasa tromboncsolowi th brassband accompaniment.Thesoloistneedsshonghigh chopsasthelessifrrra startsandremains [email protected] moderatetempoallowsplentyof op- Great Arnonloen Brass Band Festlval June r7-rg rgg4 C€nhe College Danvill€, KY 40422 Feahtifig, atnng olher groups: Summit Brass Chicago Staff Band Sheldon Theahe portunitiesfor expressiveplaying and nrrdlo. Thc band accompanimentis tastefully scored,but the soloist still needs to "sing through" the background. Thc euphonium and solo cornet parts are set in a high range and play important roles. Playing time is about fivc minutes. When SunsefBotleuqrd gains in popularity, to the lcvcl of carlier Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals, then thcsc arrangementswill be much bettcrundcrgtoodbybrassbands,andmore apprcciated by North Amcrican audicnccs who have yet to get a tull dose of this Gorrections: Oopsl In last issue's A Sel€cted Listing of BrassBand Works bytames Curnow, several piecesreceived the wrong putF lishqs codc. Thc numbcrs SP&Sand RoseNll gof reversed.Thus, numbers marked 3 are really by Rosehilliitems ma*ed 2 are really by SP&S. T|:.epicrcyefi in Provence,rcvicwcd by Paul Drostc in our last issuc, is published by Studio Music, notRosehill. Apologies to Jamie Hoover, tuniot Varsity All-Stars, whorrr. The Btidge identificd as malcl SHE is doing finel Paul Droste,Rcviewer BandBulletinBoard 22nd Annual N.Y. BrassConIer- FOR SALE:Triantle BrassBand, ence:April 8-10, New York City, CassetteTape FESTIVALFANRossevclt Hotcl.The programwill FARES.$10.00 each.TriangleBrass include40 concerts,Iectures,and Bandis a non-profit,charitableoreventsincludinga"Saluteto Shorty ganization,but tape pricesdo not Rogers" onFridaynight,a qualiryastapcdeductions. "Saluteto SlideHampton"on SaturdaynighL Any contribution beyond that and a "Tributeto Tito Pucntc"on amountmay be takenas a deducSundayafternoon. Hundredsof instsumentswill be on Exhibitand availablefor try-outeachday,and Make checkspayabletor Triangle eveningswill be toppedof with In- BrassBand,P.O.Box 1431r,RTP, skumcntRaffles.Membershipen- NC,2776. rollmentis $55.0G---and opento all. FORSALE|YamahacompensatinS Membershipbcnef itsincludcadmis(if price is right) very euphonium sion to the 3-day Conferenceand littleused.CONTACT:704-293-9312 MusicFestival,annualJoumallfie 8/assPlayers, releasedquarterlyl,eliFORSALE:CetzenEtemaSopra o gibilitytocompetein ourBrassQuin- Cornet/Silverjlike new;$500.00 or tet Competition,and eligibility to bestoffer receivea scholarshipawardfor sumEtemaFlugelhom/Silver,4mermusicsrudy.Call2'12-581-1480;Getzen valve;goodcondition,$5m.00orbest or write to 315 West53rd Sheet, '10019, offcr. New York, NY for further Boos€y&Hawkes 927SovereignCornct/Silver;medium-largebore, like WANTED: 4-valveflugelhornin new, $700.00or best offer goodcondition Contact:BobCroft 602-957-8205 Cor:.tacr: 7u-293-9312 Band Bridge15 February 1994 TheBrass THE PRIGE FIGHTERS! 'Wdtd t L{odl Srlad{ o/lsr'dmrt , /t rMd6 ' SIMPLY RETURN Uor/li /arjr*t &/ea1'orof#lrrc, l/nfilpftn"s, (g 8,yo,4,, u; ft'.rad l/or e/' Thelollowin!Coupon lo receive a FBEE Erass1l,ind Calalog! { t Address Clly Slale- Zip rruryffiffi1rrn 1 9 8 8S0t a l Le l n cn d . S o u llhe n d1 4 0 0 3 7 0urService, & Prices will Seleclion KwoCK r0A0AT! tinttfr.l.r l 7 ,. sittf[rt,, !lrllrli :t I tit rIr, r\l /QPn t tlllitnFl N".lh ^-.;t.:" Bn- !;d E: ilrErzlilill tx Non-Profit Organization POSTAGE PAID U,S. Cullowhee, NC Permit No.30 r.o.lrrlon, l!.. The Brass Band Brldge Ronald W. Holz, Edltor Aebury College Muslc Dept Wllmore, KY 4o39o USA rri ii r,l tr !,r: ,,, : r1_,) lrr t.t. :i r_.i+ -;:: i: r,.1;trL:: -;l la irrdir. ,:rn aiilil