107 san pedro road colma, ca 94014
107 san pedro road colma, ca 94014
WELCOME TO Holy Angels Church YtÅ|Äç Éy Yt|à{ f{tÜ|Çz g|Åx? gtÄxÇà? tÇw gÜxtáâÜx hÇt YtÅ|Ä|t wx Yx VÉÅÑtÜà|xÇwÉ g|xÅÑÉ? gtÄxÇàÉ ç gxáÉÜÉ 107 SAN PEDRO ROAD COLMA, CA 94014 Devotions Pastoral Staff Rev. Manuel Curso, Pastor Rev. Alberto R. Cuevas, Parochial Vicar Msgr. John R. Pernia, Priest In Residence Rev. Mr. Juan Ruiz, Permanent Deacon Rev. Mr. Lerny Prudenciado, Permanent Deacon Rosary Daily After 7:30AM Mass Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH)Mondays After 5:45 PM Mass Marian Congregation & Rosary Wednesdays 7:00PM (Spanish) Adoration of the First Friday After 7:30AM Mass Blessed Sacrament until the 5:45 PM Mass Sacred Heart/Devotion First Friday After 5:45PM Mass Music Coordinators Margaret Anne Kerns Tito Rangasajo Laura Reyes Rudy Valeros, Sr. Saturday………….3:30-4:15PM (or by appointment with a priest) Telephone Numbers Rectory (Parish Office) ..…………….…..…….…....(650) 755-0478 Confessions/Reconciliation OFFICE HOURS: MON-FRI 8:00AM–12PM, 1:00PM–5PM; Educational Staff Sr. Leonarda Montealto, OP, School Principal School….…………………………………………...…(650) 755-0220 School of Religion (CCD)…………………………... (650) 992-5539 Deacon Lerny Prudenciado …………………….…..(650) 758-3480 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)…………….…..(650) 758-3480 Support Staff Saturday ............................. 7:30AM, 4:30PM (SUNDAY VIGIL) Sunday ............................... 7:00AM, 8:30AM, 10:00AM (Español), 11:30AM, 1:00PM & 4:30PM Weekdays…...7:30AM, 5:45PM Sr. Anita Torres, PBVM, Coordinator, School of Religion (CCD) and Confirmation Lawanda York CCD Computer Support Masses Nymia Tolentino, Bookkeeper Lawanda York, Secretary Lynne Horan, Secretary/Receptionist Magdalena Turcios, Housekeeper Roger Turcios, Maintenance Organizations Parish Council Filipino-American Club (FIL-AM) Italian Catholic Federation (ICF) Knights of Columbus (K of C - Council 10948) Legion of Mary Charismatic Prayer Group St. Vincent de Paul Society Teen/Youth Groups Latin Youth Group Holy Angels Youth Ministry 4th Wednesday 7:00PM 3rd Sunday 12:30PM 2nd & 4th Monday 7:30PM 2nd Sunday 6:00PM & 1st Monday 6:30PM Every Sunday 9:30AM Every Thursday 7:30PM 1st & 3rd Thursday 7:00PM Every Friday Every Saturday 7:00PM 10:30AM First Friday & Holy Days of Obligation………………..7:30AM, 5:45PM Baptism: Pre-Baptismal preparation is necessary. Call the rectory two months in advance to register and to make an interview appointment. Marriage: Arrangements must be made with a Priest or Deacon at least six months prior to the wedding date. Sacraments for the Sick: Call the parish office when you know of a parishioner who is ill. A priest will administer the Anointing of the Sick when necessary; if the parishioner is unable to come to Mass contact the rectory at 650-755-0478. www.holyangelschurchcolma.com Page 2 The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 20, 2013 Nations shall behold your vindication, and all the kings your glory. -— 1saiah 62:2 A VISIBLE GOD We find it difficult to convey ideas to people unless we can actually show them something, demonstrate what we mean. God, who is invisible and truly beyond human understanding, apparently faces the same difficulty. People want to see, not just listen to an idea. So God gave us Jesus Christ, God made visible in the world. During these past weeks we have seen how Jesus was revealed as an infant to the shepherds and the magi, and then began his adult “public life” at his baptism by John. Today’s Gospel reading tells us of his “first sign,” providing wine for the wedding guests at Cana. Of course, even Jesus, God made visible, was not always easily understood in his own day, nor is he even now. So we have to ponder what we see: the poverty and simplicity of his birth, his humility and openness before John the Baptist, his kindness and compassion toward people in their ordinary problems, such as running short of wine at a wedding. Yet it is in coming to know Jesus that we come to know God. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — As a bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so God rejoices in the chosen ones (Isaiah 62:1-5). Psalm — Proclaim his marvelous deeds to all the nations (Psalm 96). Second Reading — All the varied gifts in the Christian community are from one Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4-11). Gospel — Rejoicing at a wedding celebration in Cana, Jesus replenishes the wine supply (John 2:1-11). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 2:18-22 Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9, 10c; Mk 2:23-28, or any of a number of readings for the Day of Prayer Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 3:1-6 Thursday: Heb 7:25 — 8:6; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Mk 3:7-12 Friday: Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Mk 16:15-18 Saturday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9 or Ps 96:1-3, 7-8a, 10; Mk 3:20-21 Sunday: Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10; Ps 19:8-10, 15; 1 Cor 12:12-30 [12-14, 27]; Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21 Monday: Tuesday: ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Dear Sisters and Brothers, once again we thank you for your generosity during the Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas seasons. We would especially like to recognize: Holy Angels School of Religion, Holy Angels School, Fr. Curso, the Rectory office staff, the Simbang Gabi coordinators, the Giving Tree Committee, Second Harvest Food Bank, Daly City Community Center, and Vince Leonetti. Next weekend we will have barrels at the doors of church for donations for our locker. We especially need: canned meat, jam & jelly, toilet paper, paper towels, laundry detergent, liquid dish soap, 409, shampoo, shaving cream, deodorant, razors, toothbrushes, feminine napkins. (Our food supplies are good right now thanks to the holiday donations.) Over the past few weeks the Gospels for the weekdays have mentioned that Jesus would withdraw to deserted places and pray. Jesus needed to pray because He had a busy, demanding life. The more people wanted of Him, the more He felt the need to confirm what it was that His Father asked of Him. In prayer you can learn what God wishes of you. The most important New Year’s resolution: five minutes each day set aside for visiting with God. You’ll want to increase the time once you get the habit started! MASS INTENTION SCHEDULING Due to the placing of the Mass Intentions on the Screen, we cannot take same day Mass Intentions any longer. Weekend Mass Intentions will only be included if you have scheduled the intention by the previous Thursday. Thank you. Holy Angels School is now accepting applications for ALL GRADES for the school year 2013-2014. Registration will continue until all places have been filled. Children must be five years old before October 1st and attend a licensed preschool to be eligible for Kindergarten registration. Individual testing will begin in late January. Applications may be found in the rectory or the school office and also on-line at www.holyangelscolma.com. Holy Angels School accepts BASIC Fund and Guardsmen financial scholarships and has a limited amount of private financial aid available. If you are interested in a quality Catholic education for your child, please do not let finances keep you from applying. For more information call the school at 650-755-0220. Holy Angels School accepts children of all races, colors, and national or ethnic origins, providing they pass the entrance test and we have room for them. CYCLE C—BULLETIN 8 As a parish community we welcome into our faith through the Sacrament of Baptism Desiree Jacob, Jelina Rapada, Jaylene Villar Page 3 Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord . . . Roger Santos, Loreto Fuller, Angela Escobar . . . and let perpetual light shine upon them. MASS INTENTIONS Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, January 21, 2013 “All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.” M.L. King The Rectory Office will be closed Monday, January 21 in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. ST. PAUL OF THE SHIPWRECK ANNOUNCES THE 28TH ANNUAL MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION! January 20, 2013, 10:45 am Annual Solidarity Mass 3rd St. and Jamestown Ave., San Francisco Bring your family and friends and together let us “Renew Our Promise To Keep The Dream Alive”. HOLY ANGELS SCHOOL “OPEN HOUSE” SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 2013 11:00 am to 2:00 pm COME VISIT OUR SCHOOL! WORLD DAY OF THE SICK MASS Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, Principal Celebrant Saturday, February 23, 2013, NOON Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption 1111 Gough Street at Geary, San Francisco a “special time of prayer and sharing, of offering one’s suffering for the good of the Church and of reminding everyone to see in his sick brother or sister the face of Christ who, by suffering, dying and rising, achieved the salvation of mankind.” John Paul II Walk for Life West Coast 2013: Join fellow Catholics and Pro-Lifers from all over California and beyond as we stand up for the littlest among us at the 9th Annual Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco on January 26, 2013. The pre-walk rally begins at 12:30PM in San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza, and the Walk for Life, down the city’s Market Street, begins at 1:30. Last year’s Walk drew 40,000 people and eight Catholic bishops! Special guests include actress and model Jennifer O’Neill, and mother Lacey Buchanan, whose youtube video about her blind son touched the hearts of 11 million people worldwide. For complete information about the Walk, visit www.walkforlifewc.com or call 415-6581793. Mon., 1/21 7:30 1. Thomas Bandalan 2. Thanksgiving/Arturo Romero 5:45 Remedios G. Leydo Tues., 1/22 7:30 Thomas Bandalan Living & Deceased Members of the Martin Family Thanksgiving/Raul Mosuela 5:45 1. Crisanta Pagtaconan death anniversary 2. Alicia Ramirez 3. Jose Manuel Artuz Wed., 1/23 7:30 1. Patricia Dolan Ellis 2. Thomas Bandalan 5:45 George Lapizar, Jr. death anniversary Thurs., 1/24 7:30 1. Thomas Bandalan 2. Feliciano & Romualdo Mandap 5:45 Loel Manly Fri., 1/25 7:30 Thomas Bandalan 5:45 Romana Fabian Sat., 1/26 7:30 1. Michael Galvan 2. Thomas Bandalan 4:30 Elia & Rosendo Gomez Sun., 1/27 7:00 Thomas Bandalan 8:30 Allen Motter death anniversary 10:00 1. Martin Gomez & Alfonso Hernandez 2. Ventura Ramirez 11:30 1. Amada & Isabelo Garcia 2. Rolando & Rodrigo Garcia 3. Benny Candelaria & Evangeline CandelariaReyes 1:00 Deceased Parishioners of Holy Angels 4:30 Norman Luna January 12 - January 13 The first collection for 1/12 and 1/13 amounted to $7,622.29 and the second collection for the Archbishop’s Annual Assessment Amounted to $1,802.00. 2012 Assessment: Raised to Date: Percentage of Goal: Pledges to Date: $64,600.00 $64,683.00* 100% 88 *Includes second collections COME ONE, COME ALL Filipino Breakfast This Sunday, January 20 beginning after the 7:00 am Mass until after the 11:30 am Mass. All proceeds go to our parish. Everyone is welcome. Page 4 . 9TH CAMINATA ANUALFOR LA VIDA Sábado 26 de Enero, 2013 Lugar y Hora Inicia en la Plaza del Centro Cívico, San Francisco caminando bajo la Calle Market (2 millas). Finaliza en la Plaza Justin Herman/Ferry Building. Amplio parqueo y BART localizado en ambos lugares. Rally: 12:30 PM (Feria de Información: 11:00 AM) Para registrarse, ser voluntario o cualquier otra información: 415/658-1793 or email: [email protected] SOCIODAD DE SAN VINCENTE DE PAUL Queridos hermanas y hermanos, una vez mas les damos gracias por su generosidad durante el dia de Gracia, adviento, y Navidad. Muy especial escuela de religion, escuela de Holy Angels, Padre Curso y todo el personal de la oficina rectoria, todos los cordinadores de Simbang Gabe y de Giving Tree, al banco de Comida de Second Harvest, al Centro Comunitario de Daly City, y al Señor Vince Leonetti. El proximo fin de semana tendremos los barrilles en las puretas de la iglesia para sus donaciónes para la dispensa. Se necesitan especialmente: carne enlatada, papel higienico, toallas de papel, detergente para ropa, jabón para platos, formula 409, champú, crema y navajas para afeitar, desodorante, cepillos de dientes, toallas femeninas, (Comida tenemos suficiente, gracias a sus donaciónes durante las fiestas Navideñas. Durante estas ultimas semanas los evangelios durante la semana se menciona que Jesus se retiraba a lugares desierto para orar. Jesus no tenia tiempo para orar por la vida tan ocupada que tenia, sin embargo cuanto mas la gente demandaba de el. Mas se sumergia en la oración para confirmer cual era la voluntad de su Padre. Por medio de la oración sabras que quiere Dios de ti. La resolución perfecta de este año, que le dediquemos 5 minutos diario a Dios, y conforme podamos ir aumentandolos hasta formar un habito de oración. DE LA SINCERIDAD Recuerda que Dios prefiere la pobreza de nuestro corazón que los más sublimes pensamientos tomados de otros. —San Pedro Julián Eymard RECTORIA DE LA PARROQUIA Page 5 Padre Alberto R. Cuevas……………..……..(650) 755-0478 Preparación Prematrimonial & Bautizos LA DIRECTIVA DEL GRUPO LATINOS DE HOLY ANGELS Reunión primer domingo de cada mes después de misa Presidente: Vice-Presidente: Secretaria: Tesorera: Gladys Gomez...………...…….(650) 290-3462 Felix Rumayor.………………...(650) 756-3857 Jessica Cuellar…....…………..(650) 204-0701 Mery Valencia…………………(650) 520-0365 CONGREGACIÓN MARIANA Francisco Hernández………………………………(650) 994-5451 Federico Tobar……………………………………..(650) 756-5537 Miércoles 7:00 p.m. Rezo del Rosario en la Capilla de la Iglesia. 1er. Miércoles de cada mes HORA SANTA GRUPO DE INTERCESIÓN Arcelia Gómez……………………………...………(650) 755-8685 Alejandrina Gomez………………………………...(650) 992-0990 Oración intercediendo por los enfermes, necesidades de la Parroquia y sus miembros……………...Jueves: 7:00 p.m. en la Sala de San Miguel GRUPO DE ORACIÓN ¨CRISTO FUENTE DE LUZ” Sábado 7:00 p.m. en la Capilla de la Iglesia. Oración por enfermos, necesidades, alabanza y acción de Gracias a DIOS, con testimonios para crecer en nuestra FE. Arcelia Gómez……………………………...………(650) 755-8685 Oscar Valencia……………………………...……...(415) 724-2413 GRUPO DE JOVENES “CRISTO VIVE CON LA JUVENTUD” Rodolfo Castro…………………………………...…(650) 992-4762 Alejandro Ordoñez………………………………….(650) 992-4762 Fortalecer la FE de los jóvenes, Oración y compartir en comunidad………………...Reunión cada Viernes a las 7:00 p.m. CORO JUVENIL HISPANO Olga Cojulun………………………………………...(650) 488-0817 Teresa Morales………………………………….….(650) 583-4502 Ensayos, Viernes 6:30 p.m. en Salon de Niños Pequiños ESCUELITA INFANTIL DOMINICAL Corina Trujillo…………………………………...…..(650) 757-0853 Cada 2o. y 4o. Domingo del mes. HERMANDAD “NUESTRO SEÑOR DE ESQUIPULAS” Angel Falla……..……………………………………(415) 574-9296 HERMANDAD “DIVINO SALVADOR DEL MUNDO” Rudy Castro…………………………………………(650) 992-4762 HERMANDAD “LA PURISIMA” Vilma Alvarez……………………………………….(650) 755-8859 HERMANDAD “GUADALUPANA” David Santellan…………………………………….(650) 784-1646
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