July 2015 - First Baptist Church
July 2015 - First Baptist Church
the Visitor July 2015 First Baptist Church 607-273-5800; www.firstbaptistithaca.org; email: [email protected] Bronwyn Evans Named New Children’s and Youth Coordinator Contents Bronwyn Evans Named New Children’s & Youth Coordinator 1 “We Care” Listening Visits Planned 1 Farewell to the Hasanis 2 First Baptist Annual Picnic 3 A Word from Our Coordinating Pastor 3 Finance Update 4 Congregation Votes to Change Program Year 4 Finance Update 4 First Baptist Choir Picnic 5 Trustee Meeting Notes 5 June Cabinet Meeting Highlights 5 The Power of the Small Church 5 Storyteller Marni Gillard 6 Congratulations to Sally and Izzy 6 Staff / Elected Leaders / Ministry Teams 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coming Events Sunday, June 28th, Rev, James Touchton, Baruch Whitehead June 30th, ACT annual meeting: 7 pm, Unitarian Church, presentation Alternatives to Violence Project Sunday, July 5th, Rev. Tony Lister Wed, July 8th, ICAN Picnic, 5:30 pm Sunday, July 12th, Rev. Barbara Rhudy Sunday, July 19th, Dr. Linda Nicholson, Sunday, July 26th, Rev. Cindy Maybeck Coming in September: Adult Education: “Who We Are” 11:30 - 12 noon after worship First Baptist Family We look forward to your presence for the celebration of our 50th wedding anniversary August 29th from 1 - 4 pm at our home in Berkshire. Rich and Lil Barron All are delighted to welcome Bronwyn Evans to the staff of First Baptist as the new Children’s and Youth Coordinator. Bronwyn, the daughter of Pastor Emeritus David Evans and his wife Grace, has been a lifelong member of First Baptist, and therefore brings a rich institutional history of our church. A counselor by training, she has also taken courses at Colgate Rochester Seminary over the last few years During the next few month Bronwyn plans on connecting with families within the church as she plans, along with the Children Education Committee, the fall Sunday School curriculum. Bronwyn Evans: “I am very excited to join the staff as the Children and Youth Coordinator. My vision is that as an entire church community, we embrace the joy of engaging with our children and youth, and that we provide for them an enriching and fun Christian education experience.” “We Care” Listening Visits Planned for the Summer At the January Congregational Meeting a number of parishioners volunteered to participate in a Stewardship Initiative. The group began meeting a couple of months ago, and following several productive sessions, decided to undertake an ambitious all-church visitation program over the summer months. communities. A group of us volunteered at the congregational meeting in January to express our stewardship commitment to this community. To celebrate and learn from each other, this group of volunteers plans to visit all members of First Baptist this summer, to bear witness to the many ways we are living as the Body of Christ.” Listen, Engage, Care The purpose of the visits is to engage with each person in the First Baptist family, to listen to the concerns and most important, to convey the sense that First Baptist cares about each of us. The visits are not intended to be requests for monetary donations, but simply to create an opportunity to listen and hear Unique Opportunity Therefore, each First Baptist member and friend will be contacted by phone to set up a visit by a visitation team member. This offers each of us an unique opportunity to express what First Baptist means to us, what we would like from and for the church and what talents we might bring to the church. Visitation Team Stewards of God’s Gifts Group convener Rich Barron writes. “We are all stewards of God’s gifts, each in our own ways. We are the church every day in our expression of these gifts in our Steve and anne Farrell, alice Grow, tony liSter, Mark lawrence, MeliSSa GalliSon, HuGH tucker, adrienne Mcnair, JoSie ZanFordino, Janet cotraccia, Bronwyn evanS, SHella cHaSe, ricH Barron, Bill Fry Farewell to the Hasanis Submitted by Amanda Ufford Hasani Family: From left to right, Agim, Buki, Jetmir, Liridon and Elmedin who is graduating from ithaca High School June 25th. Photo courtesy of Amanda Ufford ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sixteen years ago, in the summer of 1999, the Hasani family stepped off the plane in Ithaca. A small group of First Baptist friends greeted them and helped them settle in a temporary home, courtesy of Jamie Dollahite, and then later in a three bedroom apartment in West Village. (“good news”) born in 2008, Buki strug- Family of Five The immediate family consisted of Agim Hasani, the father, Bukurije (Buki), the mother, and their two sons, Elmedin (newly 3 years old), and Liridon (who was 3 months old and traveling in his car seat). They were accompanied by Agim’s mother, Emine, an important presence who provided most of the child care, but who was suffering from several life-threatening illnesses which added to the trauma the family was experiencing. Emine was able to return to Kosovo just before she died a few years later. Both Elmedin and Liridon are outstanding soccer players. All the boys are bilingual. Over the years, they have returned to visit their family in Kosovo and Germany several times. Most of Agim’s and Buki’s siblings also live outside Kosovo in Europe because Kosovo, still occupied by peace-keeping forces, is in a state of In the stillness of the quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the Escaping Home into the Unknown heart giving strength to weakness, The Hasanis were escaping from their courage to fear, hope to despair. Howard Thurman native Kosovo, which was at war with ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No one has ever become poor by giving. Anne Frank ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ June bouquet, Sunday, June 14th. Courtesy of Andrea Staffeld Three candles, artfully placed on the communion table June 14th, compleshown above, which was placed on the nearby pedestal stand. neighboring Serbia. They had walked out of tiny Kosovo into Macedonia with what they could carry. There they joined many fellow countrymen in a refugee camp where Liridon, whose name means ‘freedom’, was born. When the opportunity to come to the US was offered, the Hasanis chose to join the airlift, then spent some weeks being ‘processed’ through our immigration and health systems at Fort Dix, NJ. Church World Service, with which we had already worked before to settle refugees from Burma, Viet Nam, and Romania, among other places, assigned them into First Baptist’s care here in Ithaca. In preparation for the Hasanis’ arrival we hunted for local speakers of Albanian or Serbo-Croatian (which Agim spoke) of whom we found a few. By then Agim had learned a little English and they learned it remarkably fast. Buki, in particular, was highly motivated to learn so that she could communicate the family’s needs to us. Work Found Eventually, Agim found a job where he could use his old welding skills. He commuted for some years to work at a body shop in Genoa where he had a sympathetic boss, but a physically stressful job. After staying home to look after the family which included a third son, Jetmir Page 2 hopeful in turning her work as a Pre-K and kindergarten substitute teacher’s aide into a full-time job. Family Flourishes political disputes. Unemployment is rife Searching for Community Buki and Agim have loved the peacefulness and beauty of Ithaca and the opportunities for their children’s education, but, like most non-academic incomers trying to make their way, they have felt limited by their job opportunities and the cost of living in our town. Also, as their family begins to leave the nest, they are community as they age. When Agim’s old boss from Genoa moved to Kentucky to set up a new business, Agim received a job offer and sensed a chance to move ahead. This was coupled with the fact of having a cousin from Kosovo well settled in Kentucky who was encouraging them to move. As oldest son, Elmedin, prepares to graduate from Ithaca High School and go to college next year at SUNY, Geneseo, the rest of the family will take a chance and make the move to Georgetown, a town near Lexington, Kentucky. Delightful Family The Hasanis are a loving, caring and courageous family. They have had their share of hardships, illness, and sadness over the years, along with an element of loneliness as the only family from Kosovo here in Ithaca and also being Muslims who are not part of the greater Cornell environment. What Kentucky has to offer them remains to be seen, but, having enjoyed their friendship for sixteen years, I hope it munity and support they are looking for. I will miss them. First Baptist Annual Picnic Debbie Allen with grandson Suraphael. “A Word from Your Coordinating Pastor” New Creation Singers, from left to right, Danny Scott, Kris Scott, Marlene Sack, Shella Chace, Judy Kennison, Bill Fry and David Caughey provided music written by David Caughey at the FBC picnic June 21st. From Our Coordinating Pastor: Hello My Friends in the FBC Family, Triplet Addy, Bai or Kai Alltima? Ron Drummond (left)and Steve Farrell listen with rapt attention. Picnic bouquet, courtesy of Andrea Once again, I feel privileged to be serving as your Coordinating Pastor. My responsibilities have largely been to see that there is a worship experience each week at our church, or in the case of our church picnic, a worship experience in the park. I trust that you have enjoyed our experiences with Marni Gillard on the 7th of this month, and our own Hugh Tucker on the 14th. Our preacher for the 28th of this month will be the Rev. James Touchton, Protestant Chaplain at Ithaca College. The worship leader for that day will be our own Baruch Whitehead, with Meg Gillard doing the time with youth. Let me give you a “preview of coming attractions” for July. Our own Rev. Tony Lister will lead the worship service and preach on the 5th. The Rev. Barbara Rhudy, Chaplain at Longview will be our guest preacher on the 12th. Dr. Linda Nicholson will be our guest preacher on the 19th as she shares with us the story of how God is using her in a remarkable way to mentor some inner city students from Chicago. And rounding out the month of July will be the Rev. Cindy Rich Barron speaking about Maybeck, a personal Zacchaeus June 21st. friend, and a talented pastor and story teller who kept us spell-bound when she was with us in March. Please know that Tony Lister, Tim Dean, and I will do our very best to see that one of us is available if you have a pastoral need. In the event that you have a pastoral need, please let the person in how to get in touch with one of us to be there for you. Blessings in Christ, Bible Presentation: Meg Gillard, right, presents Suraphael Barton with a Bible in keeping with FBC tradition of giving youth a Bible when they are in third grade. Page 3 Rich Barron Linda Caughey in a moment of Please keep in your prayers: Heather Swift, Brian Baker & family Mudrak family Emily Young Nancy Sokol John Gross Ron Drummond Naomi Hollister Ithaca Talent Education Heifetz Violin Ensemble : Congregants were treated to music June 7th by the Heifetz Violin Ensemble of the Ithaca Talent Education directed by Sandy Reuning and accompanied by Joan Reuning on the piano. Congregation Votes to Change Program Year The Interfaith Climate Action Network (ICAN) invites everyone to July 8th at 5:30 for a dish-to-pass picnic, a hike in the woods and discussion about how to better protect creation. For more information contact: Louise Mudrak (lfmudrak @twcny. rr.com) Finance Update rECEIPTS 5-31-2015 BudgETEd To daTE $104,072 $65,452 28,500 2,970 Back Pledges 5,500 6,051 Plate Offering 9,500 3,078 Investments 6,000 2,009 Bldg Use 3,000 670 Parable Talents 5,000 488 Gifts 1,600 150 2014 Surplus 1,593 1,593 ToTal ReceipTs $164,765 $81,461 ToTal DisbuRsemenTs $186,308 $73,647 Pledges Reg. Giving A Congregational Meeting was called to order June 14th following worship by Moderator Bill Fry to vote on a amendment to the bylaws to move the church’s program year to July 1st to July 1st. The recommendation had been made at the January congregational meeting by outgoing Moderator Tim Dean who observed that the church’s program year tends to follow the academic calendar year, so election of officers in January interrupts the cycle mid-stream and may contribute to a loss of momentum and program continuity. Budget Update - The Facts However, a budget update was the first item on the agenda. Treasurer David Caughey distributed a single page update on the church’s finances with a graph and table (next column). The graph illustrates the our unified budget (income minus expenses [cash balance]) this year in comparison to last year. David explained that there is usually a healthy cash balance during the first months of the fiscal year because a number of parishioners pay their entire year’s pledge at the beginning of the year. He projects that, if giving for the remainder of 2015 reflects the pattern of 2014, the unified budget will end the year with an approximate $17,000 shortfall. David presented the pledge history table to provide an explanation for the reduced church revenues. Unanimous Vote The vote to move the program year to July 1st to July 1st was unanimous following an explanation by Moderator Fry that this would not change the fiscal (budget) year which would remain the same, Jan. 1st to Jan. 1st. There would be at least three yearly congregational meetings: one in January to vote on the Page 4 budget, the second in late spring to elect church officers and leaders, and the third in September to review and begin the budget process. The terms will extend through to June 30th 2016 program year will begin their duties. Update from Stewardship Team The third order of business at the meeting was an update by Rich Barron from the Stewardship team in which he introduced the all-church “We Care” listening visits that the team plans on conducting throughout the summer months (see story on page 1). PlEdgE HISTory 2013 - 2015 Total Pledged 2013 2014 2015 $159,788 $147,856 $112,302 60 64 50 Median Pledge $1,420 $1,100 $1,300 Average Pledge $2,663 $2,310 $2,246 No. Pledge Units Decrease in pledge income may be attributed to: Reduced number of pledges (15% from 2013); Reduced average Pledge (16% from 2013). The graph plots the cash balance (income minus disbursements) against the months in the year. FBC Choir Picnic: Marlene Sack and Judy Kennison hosted the FBC choir and spouses at a year-end picnic June 18th at their Hector Street home. In the front row, from left to right, are Meg Gillard, Marlene Sack, Belinda Adams with daughter Lily, and Adrienne McNair. Standing from left to right are: Marge Hansel, Bill Fry, Andrea Staffeld, David Caughey, Shella Chace, Tony Lister, Rich Barron, Jose Zanfordino, Tina Hilsdorf, Myra Fincher and Anne Farrell. Photo by Bill Staffeld Trustees Meeting Notes Abstracted from Bill Fry’s meeting notes. Hostess Judy at the grill The FBC Trustees met on June 7th following worship. Present were Rich Barron, Steve Farrell, Mark Lawrence, Tony Cotraccia, Michael Clark Bronwyn Evans, Marlene Sack, Bill Fry. Bronwyn Evans has been offered and has accepted the Children & Youth Coordinator position. There was discussion of who would be the supervisor of the person in the position. It was agreed that Rich Barron would initially assume that role. authority for authorizing one-time building use if the request meets the Building Use policy. Music Room: Marlene agreed to help Belinda organize the music room. Trustees asked if other groups also use the music room. Requests for Reduction in Building Use fees: - Approved for Tom Peters for July 25th, 6 - 8 pm, in exchange for his offer to play for worship when Christopher is not available; - Denied for Orphan Wisdom School sponsorship of speaker on death and dying Aug. 2nd Church Maintenance Rod Turk reports that windows are not locked Quotes to repair stucco on outside of building: due to confusion, Marlene will solicit another quote. make repairs for items less than $100 such as the toilet seats in the women’s bathroom. Boiler pump control. Repair will be postponed until Donahue Halverson does preventative maintenance on the furnace at the end of the summer. Sanctuary carpet near the piano is in bad shape and needs to be repaired. Ceiling leak. Rod Turk will also provide a quote. Quote from Brian Colgan: $672 Dave Hopkins requests that materials in north hallway be moved. June Cabinet Meeting Highlights Abstracted from Clerk Rich Barron’s meeting notes. The Power of the Small Church The Reverend Hugh Tucker above preached June 14th at First Baptist on the power of the small church. He enjoined the congregation to celebrate what we do and quoted from theologian/lawyer Frank Wlliam Stringfellow, “The quality of one’s its outreach.” One sustaining “behind the scenes” First Baptist outreach has been Amanda Ufford’s support of the Hasani family throughout their 16year sojourn in Ithaca (see Amanda’s write-up on page 2). The First Baptist Cabinet met June 8th with 11 members present. Dave Caughey reported on the church’s projected shortfall, see (graphic, page 4). Ministry Team Updates: - Pastoral Relations (Jose Z): Committee recommends a COLA increase for the pastor for the coming year. - Youth Education (Meg G): Recruiting teachers in order to split classes into age groups next year; Adult Ed (Sue E): plans underway for adult ed offering in the fall. - Worship (Barb Fry): inquired about advertising Jenson scholarships. Stewardship (Rich B): Explained “We Care” every member visits during summer months. Page 5 Upcoming Congregational Meeting: Agenda set. Budget Planning: Bill Fry reported that he will convene a meeting of an appropriate group to Church Structure Revision: Bill Fry informed that Alan Newton has several suggestions for ways to streamline our church’s governing structure, and is willing to meet with a small group to discuss these ideas. A lengthy discussion followed that called for a thorough evaluation of our present structure before we entertain changing it. Also discussed was the need to have an evaluation process in place for the pastor when he returns from sabbatical. There was consensus that clear expectations regarding the pastor’s leadership must be formulated and articulated to him. Visitor Submissions As our Baptist tradition calls all of us to be ministers of the church, each of you is invited to be a contributor to our Visitor. Please send announcements, news articles, features, pictures or other items of interest to: [email protected] by July 20th for the August 2015 issue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What does the Lord require of you? To do justice, Love mercy and Walk humbly with our God Micah 6:8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONGRATULATIONS SALLY AND IZZY On Thursday, June 25th, Sally Phelan and Izzy Romero-Hall will both graduate from Ithaca High School. Sally is one of four youth from our church that will be traveling to Guatemala in early July on a mission trip. Izzy is heading to Storyteller Marni gillard: On June 7th, Meg Gillard’s sister Marni Gillard shared stories about her Catholic upbringing, and schooling and the Roman Catholic tradition and understanding of the intent and meaning of communion. First Baptist Staff Pastor: Rich Rose Coordinating Pastor: Rich Barron Secretary: Shella Chace Christian Education Coordinator, Bronwyn Evans Organist: Christopher Morgan Loy Choir Director: Belinda Adams Custodian: David Hopkins Elected Leaders Moderator: Bill Fry Vice-Moderator: Bronwyn Evans Membership Clerk: Tina Hilsdorf Recording Clerk: Rich Barron/Andrea Mooney Treasurer: David Caughey Assistant Treasurer: Marlene Sack Financial Secretary: Julie Costie Board of Trustees Mark Lawrence, Bronwyn Evans, Steve Farrell, Tim Dean, Tony Cotraccia, Rich Barron, Marlene Sack, Susan Eymann, David Caughey Church Archivist: Linda Caughey graduate Sally Phelan ABC-USA: Mark Lawrence, Mellisa Gallison ACT: Marge Hansel AWAB: Shella Chace, Josie Zanfordino, Adrienne McNair Baptist Peace Fellowship: Meg Gillard Cornell Protestant Campus Ministry: Sarah Schneider, Bronwyn Evans Kitchen Cupboard: Amanda Ufford, Sue Hemsath Rochester Genesee Region: Ossie Heath-Crump, Anne Farrell Tompkins County Workers Center: Barbara Fry Pastoral Relations Josie Zanfordino: chair; Rich Barron, Jan Butler, Tony Lister, Elizabeth Pia-Miller, Debbie Allen Nominating Committee Leslie Schultz, Andrea Mooney, Louise Mudrak Circle of Care: Amanda Ufford, Sue Hemsath, Linda Caughey, Liz Wilkinson, Judy Kennison, Barbara Fry, Louise Mudrak, Susan Eymann, Andrea Mooney Flower Committee: Barbara Fry, Mariana Morse, Tina Hilsdorf, Personnel: Anne Farrell, Dave Putnam, Andrea Staffeld Tim Hembrooke Parable of Talents: Shella Chace, Marlene Sack, Janet Cotraccia Ministry Teams Worship Ministry Barbara Fry, co-chair; Debbie Allen, cochair; Andrea Mooney, Bill Abeles, Bill Staffeld, Josie Zanfordino, Edie Reagan, Michael Clark Facility Planning: Tim Dean, Dan Lamb, Louise Mudrak, Mark Lawrence Myra’s Ministry: Myra Fincher Interior Decoration: Barb Fry, Julie Dean, Tina Hilsdorf, Bill Abeles, Anne Farrell, Andrea Staffeld, Susan Eymann Education: Meg Gillard, Hans Beck, Carol Flemming, Leslie Schultz, Sarah Schneider, Mark Lawrence, Edie Reagan Library Refurbishing Team Anne Farrell: chair; Julie Dean, Barbara Christian Concern Ministry: Steve Fry, Andrea Staffeld, Linda Caughey, Farrell: chair; Bill Phelan: co-chair; Sandy John Harty MacArthur, secretary; Louise Mudrak, Baruch Whitehead, Lynne Glase, Susan Visitor — May Issue Eymann, Tony Lister, Ange, Jameson & Editor, publisher: Susan Eymann Izzy Romero-Hall, Amanda Ufford, Beth Proof readers: Alison Coluccio, Judy & Matt Wolfer, Dana Murray-Cooper, Kennison, Tony Lister, Sarah Schneider Adrienne McNair Contributors: Rev. Rich Barron, Amanda FBC Green Team: Louise Mudrak: chair; Ufford, Bill Fry, David Caughey Lynne Glase, Linda Nicholson, Anne Photos: Susan Eymann, Bill Phelan, Bill Farrell, Barbara Noyes, Tony Lister Staffeld, Amanda Ufford ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finance & Endowment David Caughey, Marlene Sack, Janet Cotraccia, Judy Kennison Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the Hospitality Ministry: Anne Farrell: chair; charming gardeners who make Shella Chace, Meg Gillard, Alice Grow, our souls blossum. Tina Hilsdorf, Barbara Noyes Marcel Prost Page 6
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