2015 - 2016 collection
2015 - 2016 collection
2015 - 2016 COLLECTION WOVE N P L A N K . We're not jus t s q uar e any mo r e . 6" x 36" Planks (15 x 91c m ) +/- MORE SHAPES AND SIZES COMING DOWN THE PLANK. A BOVE: PLA N K T I LES I N S I LVER G R EY S T R I PE. O PPO S I T E: PLA N K T I LES I N PEA R L R IB W E AV E . FUR N I T UR E C R ED I T S : O PPO S I T E: TA BLE: LI VI N G D I VA N I . PA PER BOWLS : I N D U S TR Y + . 02 CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM CHILEWICH CONTRACT 2015-2016 COLLECTION 03 White with Silver OUR TERRASTRAND® YARNS ARE DESIGNED TO LOOK SUNDRENCHED AND BLEACHED BY THE SUN. OPPO SITE: MARBLE BASKET W EAVE, W HI T E/SI LVER I KAT AND MI ST BOUCLÉ. 04 CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM CHILEWICH CONTRACT 2015-2016 COLLECTION 05 S ILVER AND WHITE WOVEN TEXTILE S... A S ERENE BAC KDROP ON WALLS AND F L OOR S. A BOVE: S Q UA R E T I LES I N M A R BLE BA S K ET WEAVE. O PPO S I T E: WA LL T EX T I LES A N D W2 W I N M AR B L E BAS KE TW E AV E . FUR N I T UR E C R ED I T S : O PPO S I T E: YI N G YI N G TA BLE: D I VA N I LI VI N G . VA S E: M A R T H A S TU R DY. 06 CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM CHILEWICH CONTRACT 2015-2016 COLLECTION 07 DUS TY S HADES OF WHITE AND G OL D... O PPO S I T E: WHI T E/ G O LD I K AT, C O R N S I LK BO UC LÉ A N D HA RVES T BA S K ET W E AV E . 08 CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM CHILEWICH CONTRACT 2015-2016 COLLECTION 09 A C ONTINUING EXPLORATION OF M ETAL L ICS ON THE WALL AND ON THE FLOOR . A BOVE: C US TO M FLO O R M AT S I N C O R N S I LK BO UC LÉ, HA RVES T BA S K ET W E AV E A N D WHI T E/ G O LD I K AT. O PPO S I T E: WA LL T EX T I LES A N D W2 W I N HA RVES T BA S KE TW E AV E . FUR N I T UR E C R ED I T S : O PPO S I T E: TA BLE: J ULI A N C HI C HES T ER . VA S E: M A R T HA S TU R DY. 10 CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM CHILEWICH CONTRACT 2015-2016 COLLECTION 11 PLYNYL® TILE FLOORING APPLICATIONS PLYNYL® W2W FLOORING/ CUSTOM FLOOR MATS WALL TEXTILES WINDOW COVERINGS UPHOLSTERY FABRIC Plynyl Tile Flooring ® Modular 18" (45.7cm) squares or 6" x 36" Rectangle Planks (15.2 x 91.4cm) for any application where a heavy duty floor covering is required. We make our tile by bonding our signature woven textiles to either BioFelt®, an innovative backing system, or to a vinyl tile backing system. In conjunction with the new TerraStrand® fabrics, the recycled content of BioFelt® tiles now exceeds 55%. They can be installed with adhesives or with VELCRO® Brand Hook Squares, a dry installation system that can be removed without a trace. Chilewich has been granted US Patent #US 7,326,661 B2 for the tile’s innovative components. Plynyl W2W Flooring ® Plynyl® was the name given to our flooring products when we first introduced them in 2001. And W2W is our abbreviated way of saying “wall to wall”, which is made in rolls by bonding our textiles to a soft, resilient polyurethane cushion. The cushion contains post-consumer recycled content. PLEASE VISIT CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM FOR WEAVES, COLORS AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION. 12 CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM OPPOSITE: PLANK TILES IN CHESTNUT, GLACIER AND TITANIUM BASKETWEAVE. TOP: SQUARE TILES IN PEBBLE, SALT, GREY, COFFEE AND INK BOUCLÉ. ABOVE: W2W IN WHITE + BLACK BASKETWEAVE AND BLACK + WHITE BOUCLÉ. VELCRO® IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VELCRO INDUSTRIES B.V. FURNITURE CREDIT: OPPOSITE: TABLE: FLEXFORM. CHILEWICH CONTRACT 2015-2016 COLLECTION 13 APPLICATIONS Custom Floor Mats Window Coverings Custom floor mats can be fabricated out of any Plynyl® W2W style either without edge binding or with a unique to Chilewich self-bound edge, made by folding the face fabric over the edge of the mat and sewing to provide a clean, finished edge. Chilewich’s collection of textiles is used for roller shades and panel systems in both residential and commercial settings. Our collection of weaves and colors enhances windows, unlike any other material, by their shimmering qualities and reflection of light. Wall Textiles Upholstery Fabric Durable and tough, our textiles offer designers a new way to imagine vertical surfaces and are unique in being able to coordinate and match our floor coverings. Chilewich’s Wall Textiles have been used extensively by designers for hospitality and condominium properties to distinguish them from other designers, and to provide their clients with an easy-to-maintain wall treatment. Chilewich upholstery fabrics are designed to provide elasticity, strength and ease of maintenance. Used for seating or panels, these fabrics add color and texture through their bold weave construction. SELECT WEAVES ONLY. PLEASE VISIT CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM FOR WEAVES, COLORS AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION. PLEASE VISIT CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM FOR WEAVES, COLORS AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION. TOP: WINDOW COVERINGS IN CHALK BAMBOO. ABOVE: UPHOLSTERY FABRIC IN LEMON MINI BASKETWEAVE. 14 CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM TOP: CUSTOM FLOOR MATS IN SILVER GREY STRIPE. ABOVE: WALL TEXTILES IN GILT BOUCLÉ. TOM BRADLEY INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL AT LAX AIRPORT. PHOTO: RAMLER INTERNATIONAL. CHILEWICH CONTRACT 2015-2016 COLLECTION 15 WALL TEXTILES PLYNYL® W2W FLOORING FRANÇAIS DEUTSCH ESPAÑOL ITALIANO JAPANESE PLYNYL® W2W fut le nom donné à nos sols lors de leur lancement en 2001. W2W est l’abréviation pour « mur à mur » (wall to wall en anglais) pour la version en rouleau de notre produit. Le tissé est associé à une sous couche résitante et souple en polyuréthane, dont les composants sont issus de matières recyclées. PLYNYL® W2W Plynyl® ist der Name, den wir unseren Bodenbelägen gaben, als wir sie erstmalig 2001 auf den Markt brachten. Die Abkürzung W2W steht für “wall to wall”, einer Bahnenwar mit einem elastischen Polyurethanschaumrücken für erhöhten Gehkomfort. Der Rücken beinhaltet recycelte Inhaltsstoffe. PLYNYL® W2W es el nombre utilizado para nuestros suelos presentados en 2001, y W2W es la forma abreviada de decir “wall to wall” traducido al español “de pared a pared” es decir en rollo, fabricados con un soporte mullido de poliuretano flexible, el soporte está compuesto de material post industrial reciclado. PLYNYL® W2W Plynyl® era il nome dato ai nostri prodotti per pavimenti quando li abbiamo ntrodotti nel 2001. PLYNYL® W2W は、 2001 年の 導入当初に付けられた当社の 床製品の名称です。 W2W は 「wall to wall」 (壁から壁ま で)という言葉の略語で、当 社の織物を柔らかい弾力性の あるポリウレタン製のクッシ ョン材に接着し、ロール状に した製品です。クッション部 分にはリサイクル素材が含ま れています。 Veuillez visiter notre site www.chilewichcontract.com pour obtenir des renseignements sur nos tissages et nos couleurs, ainsi que pour obtenir des informations d’ordre technique. Besuchen Sie bitte www.chilewichcontract.com für nähere Angaben zu unseren Geweben, Farben und technischen Spezifikationen. Por favor visiten www.chilewichcontract.com para conocer los tejidos, colores e información técnica. E W2W è il nostro modo abbreviato di dire “da muro a muro”, cioè una pavimentazione che è fabbricata in rotoli costituiti dall’accoppiatura dei nostri tessuti con un morbido supporto in poliuretano molto resiliente ma resistente. Il supporto ha un contenuto riciclato post-consumer. Vi invitiamo a visitare il nostro sito www.chilewichcontract.com per trame, colori e informazioni tecniche. 織目、色、技術情報について は、www.chilewichcontract.com を ご覧ください。 FRANÇAIS DEUTSCH ESPAÑOL ITALIANO JAPANESE DÉCOR DE FENÊTRES textiles sont résistants et offrent aux concepteurs d’intérieurs, une nouvelle façon d’imaginer les surfaces verticales. Ils sont résolument différents et permettent des coordinations avec nos sols. WANDBELÄGE Sind haltbar und strapazierfähig. Auch bieten unsere Wandbeläge Designern die Möglichkeit, vertikale Oberflächen neu zu interpretieren und gleichzeitig diese farblich zu unseren Bodenbelägen zu koordinieren – einfach einzigartig! Chilewichs Wandbeläge werden gerne von Architekten im Hotelund Gastgewerbe sowie für Eigentumswohnungen eingesetzt, um ein außergewöhnliches und pflegeleichtes Ambieten zu schaffen. REVESTIMIENTOS DE PARED Duraderos y resistentes. Nuestros textiles ofrecen al diseñador una nueva forma de imaginar las superficies verticales y un estilo único para coordinar el suelo y la pared. RIVESTIMENTI MURALI I nostri tessuti durevoli e resistenti utilizzabili come rivestimenti murali offrono ai progettisti un nuovo modo di immaginare superfici verticali in grado di coordinarsi ed abbinarsi con i nostri pavimenti. 壁用テキスタイル 耐久性と 強靭性に優れた当社のテキス タイルは、デザイナーに新た な壁装飾のイメージを与え、 床装材とコーディネートでき るユニークな製品です。 Los textiles de pared de Chilewich, son ampliamente utilizados por los diseñadores tanto en domicilios particulares como en zonas públicas donde la distinción sea una prioridad, además del diseño aportan a sus usuarios una forma sencilla de mantener sus paredes. I rivestimenti murali Chilewich sono stati ampiamente utilizzati dai progettisti per le loro proprietà e per la facilità di manutenzione nel settore dell’ospitalità e del contract commerciale e residenziale. Chilewichの壁用テキスタイル は、施設を際立たせ、壁装飾 材のメンテナンスを容易にす るため、ホスピタリティ関連 の施設やマンションのデザイ ンに広く使用されています。 Les revêtements muraux Chilewich sont utilisés de façon très fréquentes pour les espaces d’habitat et de lieux publics. Ils offrent aux usagers, une grande facilité de nettoyage. Veuillez visiter notre site www.chilewichcontract.com pour toutes informations sur les dessins, couleurs et données techniques. Besuchen Sie bitte www.chilewichcontract.com für nähere Angaben zu unseren Geweben, Farben und technischen Spezifikationen. Por favor visiten www.chilewichcontract.com para conocer los tejidos, colores e información técnica. Vi invitiamo a visitare il nostro sito www.chilewichcontract.com per trame, colori e informazioni tecniche. 織目、色、技術情報について は、www.chilewichcontract.comを ご覧ください。 PLYNYL® TILE FLOORING FRANÇAIS DEUTSCH ESPAÑOL ITALIANO JAPANESE DALLES MODULABLES Dalles carrées 45.7 cm ou rectangulaires 15.2*91.4 cm pour toutes les applications pour lesquelles une résistance élevée est requise. QUADRATISCHE FLIESEN (45,7 x 45,7 cm) oder rechteckige Planken (15,2 x 91,4 cm) für extreme Objektbeanspruchung. LOSETAS de 45,7cm² o losetas rectangulares de 15,2cm x 91,4cm para todas las aplicaciones donde una pavimentación muy resistente es necesaria. QUADROTTE di 45,7cm² o quadrotte rettangolari di 15,2cm x 91,4cm per tutte quelle pavimentazioni dove una massima resistena sia necessaria. PLYNYL TILE は、重歩行の場所 でも使用できます。正方形 (457x457mm)または、長方形 (15.2x91.4cm)のタイル状の 床製品です。 Nuestras losetas se fabrican laminando nuestros tejidos únicos, a un soporte textil denominado BioFelt®, consiguiendo un nuevo e innovador sistema de soporte, o bien el tradicional soporte de pvc particularmente idóneo para zonas húmedas. Le quadrotte sono realizzate con i nostri inconfondibili tessuti accoppiati su BioFelt®, un nuovo e innovativo sistema di supporto, oppure su specifico supporto vinilico per quadrotte. Nous fabriquons notre dalle en alliant nos fameux textiles tissés soit à du BioFelt®, un nouveau système de sous couche innovant, ou à une sous couche vinyle. Les matières recyclées des dalles BioFelt®, combinées aux nouveaux tissus TerraStrand®, représentent maintenant plus de 55% du produit. Cette dalle peut être installée avec des adhésifs, ou avec des carrés autocollants VELCRO® Brand Hook Squares, un système d’installation à sec qui peut être enlevé sans laisser de trace. Chilewich a obtenu un brevet américain (n° US 7,326,661 B2) pour les composants innovants de cette dalle. Veuillez visiter notre site www.chilewichcontract.com pour toutes informations sur les dessins, couleurs et données techniques. Durch Aufkaschierung eines Rückens auf unsere bekannten gewebten Textilien erhalten wir Fliesen. Entweder mit BioFelt®, einem innovativen neuen Rückenbeschichtungssystem, oder herkömmlich mit einer Schwerbeschichtung. Die BioFelt®-Fliesen haben jetzt, in Verbindung mit unseren neuen TerraStrand®-Textilien, einen Anteil an recyceltem Material von über 55%. Sie können mit Klebern oder mit Klettquadraten von VELCRO®, einem trockenen Verlegesystem, das sich ohne Rückstände entfernen lässt, verlegt werden. Chilewich wurde das US Patent #US 7,326,661 B2 für die innovativen Komponenten der Fliese verliehen. Besuchen Sie bitte www.chilewichcontract.com für nähere Angaben zu unseren Geweben, Farben und technischen Spezifikationen. En combinación con los nuevos tejidos que incorporan TerraStrand®, el contenido reciclado de las losetas BioFelt® supera ahora el 55%. Se pueden instalar mediante adhesivo antideslizante o bien utilizando los conectores Velcro® sin dejar ningún tipo de residuo en el suelo. Chilewich ha recibido la patente de EE.UU. N.º 7,326,661 B2 por todos los innovadores componentes en su loseta. Por favor visiten www.chilewich contract.com para conocer los tejidos, colores e información técnica. In abbinamento con i nuovi tessuti TerraStrand®, il materiale riciclato contenuto nelle quadrotte BioFelt® è ora superiore al 55%. Si può installare con adesivi o con Brand Hook Squares VELCRO®, un sistema di installazione a secco che si può rimuovere senza lasciare tracce sul piano di posa. Chilewich ha ottenuto il brevetto USA n. US 7.326.661 B2 sugli innovativi componenti delle quadrotte. Vi invitiamo a visitare il nostro sito www.chilewichcontract.com per trame, colori e informazioni tecniche. 当社のタイルは、Chilewich 独 自の織地を革新的な新しい裏 張りシステム BioFelt®、または ビニール製タイル裏張りシス テムのいずれかに接着して製 造されています。 新しい TerraStrand® 織地と併 せて、BioFelt® タイルに含まれ るリサイクル材の割合は現在 55%を超えています。このタ イルは、接着剤を使用して、 あるいは剥がしても跡が残ら ない VELCRO® ブランドの乾燥 接着システム Hook Squaresを 使用して取り付けることがで きます。 Chilewichは、このタイルの革 新的な構成要素に米国特許番 号US 7,326,661 B2を取得して います。 織目、色、技術情報について は、www.chilewichcontract.com を ご覧ください。 CUSTOM FLOOR MATS FRANÇAIS DEUTSCH ESPAÑOL ITALIANO JAPANESE LES TAPIS SUR MESURE sont manufacturés avec les versions rouleaux de nos sols. Ces tapis peuvent être proposés sans finitions ou avec un surjet, constitué d’un revers cousu. MASSGEFERTIGTE TEPPICHE können aus jedem gewünschten Plynyl®-W2W-Design hergestellt werden. Maßgefertigte Teppiche können ohne Kanteneinfassung oder mit einer „Selbsteinfassung“, einem Unikat von Chilewich bei der das Obermaterial am Rand umgeschlagen, am Rücken fixiert und so zu einer ordentlichen, vollendeten Kante wird, hergestellt werden. LAS ALFOMBRAS A MEDIDA se pueden fabricar a partir de cualquier diseño de Plynyl® W2W. Las alfombras se pueden fabricar ribeteadas o mediante un sistema propio llamado “orilla vuelta”, el cual consiste en doblar el tejido frontal hacia el interior, consiguiendo un acabado limpio y moderno. TAPPETI PERSONALIZZATI I tappeti su misura CUSTOM FLOOR MATS possono essere ricavati da Plynyl® W2W di qualsiasi disegno. カスタムフロアマット はど のPlynyl W2Wスタイルでも製造 が可能です。カスタムマット は縁処理なし、またはマット の縁を表地で包んで縫合し、 すっきりとした縁に仕上げる Chilewich独自の折り返し処理 で製造できます。 Veuillez visiter notre site www.chilewichcontract.com pour toutes informations sur les dessins, couleurs et données techniques. Besuchen Sie bitte www.chilewichcontract.com für nähere Angaben zu unseren Geweben, Farben und technischen Spezifikationen. 16 CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM Por favor visiten www.chilewichcontract.com para conocer los tejidos, colores e información técnica. Si possono realizzare senza bordo di rifinitura perimetrale oppure auto-bordato, un’esclusiva Chilewich ottenuta ripiegando e cucendo il davanti del tessuto su sé stesso lungo i lati per un effetto più elegante e rifinito. Vi invitiamo a visitare il nostro sito www.chilewichcontract.com per trame, colori e informazioni tecniche. WALL COVERINGS FRANÇAIS DEUTSCH ESPAÑOL ITALIANO JAPANESE DÉCOR DE FENÊTRES Chilewich pour rideaux sont crées pour les stores roulants et les panneaux occultants dans les lieux résidentiels et commerciaux. Nos collections de tissage colorés harmonisent les fenêtres à la différence de tout autre matériau, par leur éclat et la réflexion de la lumière. JALOUSIEN UND FLÄCHENVORHÄNGE Chilewichs Kollektion an Textilien wird für Jalousien und Flächenvorhänge sowohl im Privaten als auch im Kommerzbereich eingesetzt. Unsere Gewebe und Farben lassen Fenster erst so richtig in Erscheinung treten, ungleich aller anderen Materialien, aufgrund ihrer schimmernden Eigenschaften Licht zu reflektieren. ESTORES, la colección de textiles de Chilewich es utilizada para la confección de estores enrollables y paneles, tanto en el ámbito residencial como en el área comercial. Nuestra colección de textiles embellecen las ventanas como ningún otro material a través de su brillo y reflejo de luz. TESSUTI PER TENDAGGI La collezione di tessuti Chilewich è utilizzata per la realizzazione di sistemi di tendaggi a pannelli per ambienti residenziali e commerciali. La nostra collezione di trame e colori, a differenza di qualsiasi altro materiale, viene utilizzata per la sua vivacità e per contenere e limitare la riflessione della luce. 窓用装飾製品 Chilewichのテキ スタイル コレクションは、家 庭用および商用のローラーシ ェードやパネルシステムに使 用されます。様々な織地と色 が、他の素材とは異なるきら きらと光沢のある質感と光の 反射により窓を演出します。 Veuillez visiter notre site www.chilewichcontract.com pour toutes informations sur les dessins, couleurs et données techniques. Por favor visiten www.chilewichcontract.com para conocer los tejidos, colores e información técnica. Besuchen Sie bitte www.chilewichcontract.com für nähere Angaben zu unseren Geweben, Farben und technischen Spezifikationen. Vi invitiamo a visitare il nostro sito www.chilewichcontract.com per trame, colori e informazioni tecniche. 織目、色、技術情報について は、www.chilewichcontract.comを ご覧ください。 UPHOLSTERY FABRIC FRANÇAIS DEUTSCH ESPAÑOL ITALIANO JAPANESE LES GAMMES DE TISSAGES Chilewich sont utilisés pour founir une souplesse , solidité et facilité d’entretien. Les applications sont les sièges, les panneaux séparatifs. Les tissus apportent la couleur et solidité. MÖBELSTOFFE Chilewich Möbelstoffe zeichnen sich durch hohe Elastizität, Strapazierfähigkeit und einfache Reinigung aus. Als Polsterstoff oder Raumteiler verwendet, fügen diese Textilien Farben und Textur aufgrund Ihrer Webkonstruktion jedem Interieur hinzu. TEJIDO PARA TAPICERÍA, fabricada y diseñada para proporcionar la elasticidad suficiente así como resistencia y facilidad de mantenimiento, es comúnmente utilizada para forrar asientos o para la realización de paneles japonés, este producto añade color y textura a través de su atrevida colección de textiles. RIVESTIMENTI IN TESSUTO I rivestimenti in tessuto Chilewich sono progettati per fornire la massima elasticità, resistenza e facilità di manutenzione. Utilizzati per le sedute o per il rivestimento di pannelli decorativi, questi tessuti apportano design e colore con una consistenza dovuta alla loro particolare tramatura. 室内装飾用テキスタイル Chilewichの室内装飾用織地 は、弾力性、強度、そしてメ ンテナンスの容易さが特長 です。イスやパネルに使用さ れるこれらの素材は、大胆な 織目で色と質感を与えてく れます。 Por favor visiten www.chilewichcontract.com para conocer los tejidos, colores e información técnica. Vi invitiamo a visitare il nostro sito www.chilewichcontract.com per trame, colori e informazioni tecniche. Veuillez visiter notre site www.chilewichcontract.com pour toutes informations sur les dessins, couleurs et données techniques. Besuchen Sie bitte www.chilewichcontract.com für nähere Angaben zu unseren Geweben, Farben und technischen Spezifikationen. 織目、色、技術情報について は、www.chilewichcontract.comを ご覧ください。 織目、色、技術情報につい ては、www.chilewichcontract.com をご覧ください。 CHILEWICH CONTRACT 2015-2016 COLLECTION 17 Portfolio V I S I T C H I L E W I C H C O N T R AC T. C O M F O R A D D I T I O N A L I M AG E S . 1 COMMERCIAL 24/7 Media, New York NY American Health Management, Perth Amboy NJ American Planning Association, Chicago IL Americold, Atlanta GA ASID, Dallas TX AT&T, Dallas TX BCI Private Banking, Santiago, Chile Banque Société Générale, Jordan Bain and Company, Madrid, Spain Barney’s, New York NY BASF Offices, Morristown NJ BBVA Compass Bank, Houston TX Beekman Towers, New York NY Belkin International, Los Angeles CA Bio Med, Cambridge MA Boeing, Seattle WA Boston Consulting Group, Boston MA Boston Scientific, San Francisco CA C-Panel, Houston TX Calloway Digital Arts, New York NY Charles River Ventures, Cambridge MA Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Chicago IL Comfersa, Madrid, Spain Coors Field, Denver CO 18 CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM Corelogic, Irvine CA Devon Energy, Houston TX Educational Alliance, New York NY Elan Pharmaceuticals, San Francisco CA Emblem Healthcare, Farmingdale NY Emporio Armani, Worldwide Experian Consumer Direct, Irvine CA Express Scripts, St. Louis MO First American Title, Santa Ana CA Fontaine & Cía., Santiago, Chile General Reinsurance, Hartford CT Goldman Sachs, New York NY Goodman & Bircher, Irvine CA Genitope, Freemont CA GlaxoSmithKline, Durham NC Green Street Advisors, Newport Beach CA Groupama Offices, Rome, Italy H. Hendy Associates, Newport Beach CA Haskell and White, Irvine CA HBO, New York NY Holly Corp, Dallas TX Human Rights Campaign, New York NY Idea Hall, Irvine CA Interior Architects, Irvine CA 2 Japan Airlines Lounge, Tokyo Haneda, International Airport, Tokyo, Japan Jones Lang LaSalle, Chicago IL Juice Pharma, New York NY LA Live, Los Angeles CA Las Vegas Speedway, Las Vegas NV Levy & Craig, Kansas City MO LinguiSearch, Philadelphia PA Lippincott, New York NY Locke Lord Bissell + Liddell, Houston TX LVMH, Paris, France McCarthy, Houston TX McGarry Bowen, Chicago IL McGovern & Co., New York NY McGraw Hill, Dubuque IA McKinney Medical Office Building, Dallas TX Mercer Capital, Memphis TN Mindspeed, Irvine CA Morgan Stanley, New York NY MTV, New York NY Navistar, Naperville IL New Kouraku Group, Gambling Parlor, Morioka, Japan Nintendo USA, Redmond WA Northrop Grumman, Redondo Beach CA 3 O.C. Resort, Palm Beach FL Oficinas Ergon, Madrid, Spain Ogilvy + Mather, New York NY Olson, Minneapolis MN Orbital JLT, Santiago, Chile Pac-12 Studios, San Francisco CA PageSoutherlandPage, Dallas TX Pars, Irvine CA PDT Partners, New York NY Petco Regional Headquarters, Austin TX Price Waterhouse Coopers, St. Louis MO PriMedia, New York NY Roppongi Hills, Tokyo, Japan Raytheon Corp, McKinney TX Rogers Communication, Toronto, Canada Sapient, Chicago IL Santander Asset Management, Madrid, Spain Scor, Paris, France Seyfarth Shaw, Chicago IL Skanska, Helsinki, Finland Southern California Edison, Rosemead CA Southwest Power Pool, Little Rock AR 4 Sparkasse, Schermbeck, Germany Springfield-Branson National Airport, Springfield MO St. Jude Lab of the Future, Austin TX Starquest Securities, Minneapolis MN Starwood Hotels & Resorts Offices, Stamford CT TD Ameritrade, Omaha NE Telogis, Aliso Viejo CA The Finger Companies, Houston TX The Irvine Companies, Southern CA The Knot Corporate Office, XO Group Inc, New York NY Think Street Advertising, Austin TX Thomson Reuters, Toronto, Canada and Stamford CT Thor Properties, New York NY Tishman, New York NY TM Advertising, Dallas TX TMP Worldwide, New York NY Tom Bradley International Terminal, LAX Airport, Los Angeles CA Vantage Media Corporate HQ, El Segundo CA Ventas, Chicago IL Vittoria Insurance, Rome, Italy Vizio, Costa Mesa CA Watt’s S.A., Santiago, Chile Wave Equity, Newport Beach CA Wells Fargo, New York NY SPA / FITNESS Andaz Wall Street, New York NY Aston Fitness, Melbourne, Australia Bliss, New York NY and Chicago IL Boulders Spa, Phoenix AZ Broken Sound Country Club and Spa, Boca Raton FL Campus Pointe, San Diego CA Chuze Fitness, Multiple Locations, USA Club Sport, Tigard OR Dallas Convention Center, Dallas TX David Barton Gym, Miami Beach FL and Las Vegas NV E. Gomez Salon, Washington DC Equinox, Multiple Locations, USA Exhale Spas, Carrollton TX Exxon Woodland Hills Fitness Center, Houston TX Fisher Island Spa, Fisher Island FL Grand Copthorne, Singapore ICIS Fitness Center, Glendale CA Hilton, Palm Springs CA Hyatt Hotel Stayfit Fitness Center, Multiple Locations, USA La Meridien Hotel, San Francisco CA 5 Medford Fitness, Philadelphia PA MGM Grand, Macau, China Marriott Manhattan Beach Fitness Center, Manhattan Beach CA One Commerce, New York NY Red Door Spa, Phoenix AZ Rodney Fitness, Baltimore MD Sagamore Spa, Boltons Landing NY Shizuka Spa, New York NY Spa St. James, Montreal, Canada Willow Bend Fitness, Plano TX Zen Spa, San Francisco CA HOSPITALITY Auberge Du Soleil, Rutherford CA Armani Hotel Burj Khalifa, Dubai, UAE Art Bar, Cambridge MA Baha Mar, Nassau, Bahamas Bahr Che Wine Bar, New York NY Beach House Restaurant, Bradenton Beach FL Bel Air Plaza, Beverly Hills CA Beni Stabili, Milan, Italy Beverly Hilton Hotel, Beverly Hills CA Blue Note, Tokyo, Japan Boca Beach Club, Boca Raton FL Borgata Hotel and Casino, Atlantic City NJ 6 Casa Marina, Key West FL Club Med, Multiple Locations, Worldwide Coopers Hawk, Multiple Locations, USA Coronado Island Marriott Resort & Spa, Coronado CA Crown Metropol Hotel, Melbourne, Australia The Declan Suites San Diego, San Diego CA Delano Las Vegas, Las Vegas NV Disney Aulani Resort and Spa, Kapolei HI Edition Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey Empire City Casino at Yonkers Raceway, Yonkers NY Encanterra Club House, Queen Creek AZ Fairmont Chicago, Millennium Park Hotel, Chicago IL Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts, St. Louis MO Gansevoort Hotel, New York NY Gold House, Vancouver, Canada Gran Meliá Don Pepe, Marbella, Spain Grand Hyatt, Chicago IL Green Valley Ranch Casino, Henderson NV CHILEWICH CONTRACT 2015-2016 COLLECTION 19 Portfolio V I S I T C H I L E W I C H C O N T R AC T. C O M F O R A D D I T I O N A L I M AG E S . 7 Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas NV Hotel & Residence Roppongi, Minato, Tokyo, Japan Hotel Derek, Houston TX Hotel Agua de Ibiza, Ibiza, Spain Hôtel Chateaubriand, La Rochelle, France Hôtel des Roches, Courbevoie, France Hotel Epic Sana Amoreiras, Lisbon, Portugal Hotel ME IL Duca, Milan, Italy Hotel Gran Melia, Rome, Italy Hôtel La Butte, Plouider, France Hôtel Le Sully, Paris, France Hotel Okura JR Huis Ten Bosch, Nagasaki, Japan Hotel Plaza Cataluña, Barcelona, Spain Hotel Tryp, Granada, Spain Hyatt Hotel, Chicago IL and San Francisco CA Hyatt Restaurant, Key West FL Hyatt Regency Aruba Resort Spa and Casino, Palm Beach, Aruba Hyatt Regency Fitness Center, DFW, Dallas TX Lexington House Hotel, New York NY 20 CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM Lodge of the Four Seasons, Lake of the Ozarks, St. Louis MO Mio Restaurant, Washington DC Mirage, Las Vegas NV Monkeypod Kitchen, Wailea Maui HI New Kouraku Group, Gambling Partners, Morioka, Japan North Point Mall, Alpharetta GA Novotel, Multiple Locations, Europe Oakley Olympic Safehouse, London, England Omni Hotel and Resort, Nashville TN P.F. Chang’s, Multiple Locations, USA Palais Film Festival, Deauville, France Prince Hotel Seta, Golf Club House, Japan Restaurant “L’equateur”, Ginza, Japan Ritz Carlton Residences at LA Live, Los Angeles CA Royal Sonesta, Houston TX Rumors Hotel, Las Vegas NV SLS Hotel, Beverly Hills CA, Los Angeles CA, Miami FL Sandbar, Anna Maria Island FL Setai Hotel, New York NY Sheraton, Multiple Locations, USA Sokos Hotel Paviljonki, Jyvaskyla, Finland 8 Sonoma Mission Inn, Sonoma CA Suitehotel, Luxembourg Suitehotel, Malaga and Perpignan SuiteNovotel, Spain and France The Porch, Pittsburg PA Tribe Hotel, Kenya, Africa Valley Ho Hotel, Scottsdale AZ Waikiki Beach Walk, Hilton Grand Vacations Club, Waikiki HI W Hotel, Hollywood CA and Austin TX Westin Roco Ki, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Beach Resort & Spa, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico Wynn and Encore Beach Club, Las Vegas NV RETAIL American Folk Art Museum, New York NY Armani Group, Multiple Locations, Worldwide Aveda Institute, Denver CO BeBe, Multiple Locations, USA Belstaff Showroom, Milan, Italy Biosca, Barcelona, Spain CBI Showroom, Newport Beach CA 9 Chanel, Multiple Locations, Worldwide Charlotte Russe, Multiple Locations, USA Charter Club, New York NY Citroën, Paris, France Dior, Multiple Locations, Europe Duxiana, Stockholm, Sweden Furla, Multiple Locations, Europe Harvey Nichols, Istanbul, Turkey Intersport, Multiple Locations, Sweden Kenzo, Multiple Locations, Worldwide LG Fashion, Seoul, Korea Longchamp, Multiple Locations, Worldwide Louis Vuitton, Multiple Locations, Worldwide Macy’s Herald Square, New York NY Michael Kors, Multiple Locations, USA Michael Stars, Newport Beach CA, and Scottsdale AZ Nespresso, Multiple Locations, Europe Nordstrom, Multiple Locations, USA Pepe Jeans, Multiple Locations, Spain Samsung Galaxy Pop Up Stores, Multiple Locations, USA Scoop, New York NY Starbucks, Multiple Locations, USA 10 Street One, Multiple Locations, Europe Telenor, Multiple Locations, Hungary Thun, Bolzano, Italy Vigoss Jeans, New York NY Vince Clothing Stores, Multiple Locations, USA Westfield Shopping Centers, Multiple Locations, USA TRADE SHOWS Aston Martin, Paris, France Chevrolet, Detroit MI and Los Angeles CA Chrysler, Geneva, Switzerland Ford, Los Angeles CA Formica, St. Louis MO General Motors, Detroit MI Hormel, Minneapolis MN KIA, Cologne, Germany Lexus, Tokyo Motor Show, Tokyo, Japan ACADEMIC / ART INSTITUTIONS/ HEALTHCARE Aafje Zorghotels, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Arizona State University, Manzanita Hall, Tempe AZ Baylor University, Waco TX Baylor Women’s Imaging Center, Dallas TX Board Art Foundation, Santa Monica CA Calvary Baptist Church, Easton PA Coast Community College, Costa Mesa CA 11 Cooper Clinic, Dallas TX Dr. Nina Foley Dental, Franklin TN Georgia Museum of Art, Athens GA Global Care, Prague, Czech Republic Holland Performing Arts Center, Omaha NE Lowell National Historical Park, Lowell PA Mercy Hospital, St. Louis MO MN Services, Rijswijk, The Netherlands Mount Sinai Hospital, New York NY NYU, New York NY Parkland Hospital, Dallas TX Rosa F. Keller Library and Community Center, New Orleans LA Rubin Museum of Art, New York NY 12 Rutgers University, Smith Hall, Newark NJ South Shore Hospital, South Weymouth MA The Dwight School, New York NY Thomas Jefferson School of Law, San Diego CA UCLA Pauley Pavilion Data Center, Los Angeles CA University Gateway Apartments, Los Angeles CA University of Arkansas, Fayetteville AR University of Southern California, Los Angeles CA University of Texas, El Paso TX Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Springfield MO 1. Santander Asset Management Offices, Madrid, Spain. 2. BCI Private Banking Offices, Santiago, Chile. 3. Bain and Company, Madrid, Spain. 4, 5. Pharmaceutical offices, USA. Photo: Halkin Mason Photography. 6. Fairmont Chicago, Millennium Park Hotel, Chicago, IL, USA. Photo: Stefan Jarausch. 7. The Hesby Apartments, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Photo: H. Hendy. 8. Hôtel La Butte, Ploudier, France. Photo: Pierre-Jean Verger. 9. Sparkasse, Schermbeck, Germany. Photo: Jens Kirchner. 10. Oakley Olympic Safehouse, London, England. Photo: Russ Hennings, Oakley. 11. Hotel ME IL Duca, Milan, Italy. 12. Restaurant, Madrid, Spain. CHILEWICH CONTRACT 2015-2016 COLLECTION 21 CHILEWICH CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS Chilewich Contract meets or exceeds all industry specifications. Chilewich Sultan LLC reserves the right to change specifications to improve the product without written notice. Please see chilewichcontract.com for updates and current information. Woven fabrics contain 20% fiberglass and 80% vinyl by weight. BioFelt® backed tiles contain approximately 55% post and pre consumer and recycled and renewable content by weight. Polyurethane backed W2W contains approximately 12% post-consumer recycled content by weight. W2W Tile with Vinyl Backing Tile with BioFelt® Backing W2W US Testing US Testing US Testing EU Testing Weave Roll Width Weight +/-10% oz/sf Thickness +/- 10% inches Weave Size Basketweave 72" 5.00 0.143 Basketweave Bouclé 72" 4.90 0.150 Thickness +/- 10% inches Weave Roll Width Mass EN430 Kg/m2 Thickness +/- 10% mm Weave Size 18" x 18" or 6" x 36" 8.72 0.209 Basketweave 1.83m 1.53 3.630 Basketweave Bouclé 18" x 18" or 6" x 36" 8 0.193 Bouclé 1.83m 1.5 3.810 0.124 Ikat 18" x 18" or 6" x 36" 8.3 0.194 Ikat 1.83m 1.37 0.121 Reed 18" x 18" or 6" x 36" 8.1 0.194 Reed 1.83m 1.5 9 0.224 Rib Weave 1.83m 1.68 8.1 0.194 Stripe 1.83m 1.5 Test Name Result Test Conducted Test Name Result Test Conducted Test Name Result Test Conducted Test Name Results ISO 105-802 >6 Colour Fastness to Light ISO 105-802 >6 Colour Fastness to Light ISO 105-802 >6 Thickness +/- 10% inches Weave Size 18" x 18" or 6" x 36" 12.5 0.125 Basketweave Bouclé 18" x 18" or 6" x 36" 12.46 0.126 12.28 12.5 Ikat 72" 4.50 0.145 Ikat 18" x 18" or 6" x 36" Reed 72" 4.90 0.140 Reed 18" x 18" or 6" x 36" 12.97 0.155 Rib Weave 18" x 18" or 6" x 36" 12.38 0.123 Stripe 18" x 18" or 6" x 36" Test Name Result Test Conducted Rib Weave 72" 5.50 0.181 Rib Weave Stripe 72" 4.90 0.137 Stripe 18" x 18" or 6" x 36" Test Name Result Test Conducted Test Conducted Tile with BioFelt® Backing Weight +/-10% oz/sf Weight +/-10% oz/sf 18" x 18" or 6" x 36" Tile with Vinyl Backing Mass EN430 Kg/m2 Thickness +/- 10% mm Weave Size Mass EN430 Kg/m2 Thickness +/- 10% mm 45.7x45.7 cm or 15.2 x 91.4 cm 3.81 3.180 Basketweave 45.7x45.7 cm or 15.2 x 91.4 cm 2.66 5.310 Bouclé 45.7x45.7 cm or 15.2 x 91.4 cm 3.81 3.200 Bouclé 45.7x45.7 cm or 15.2 x 91.4 cm 3.680 Ikat 45.7x45.7 cm or 15.2 x 91.4 cm 2.44 4.800 3.150 Ikat 45.7x45.7 cm or 15.2 x 91.4 cm 3.75 2.53 4.930 3.560 Reed 45.7x45.7 cm or 15.2 x 91.4 cm 3.81 3.070 Reed 45.7x45.7 cm or 15.2 x 91.4 cm 4.600 Rib Weave 45.7x45.7 cm or 15.2 x 91.4 cm 2.47 4.930 3.940 Rib Weave 45.7x45.7 cm or 15.2 x 91.4 cm 3.96 2.75 5.690 3.480 Stripe 45.7x45.7 cm or 15.2 x 91.4 cm 3.76 3.120 Stripe 45.7x45.7 cm or 15.2 x 91.4 cm 2.47 4.930 Colorfastness-Light AATCC 16E 5 Colorfastness-Light AATCC 16E 5 Colorfastness-Light AATCC 16E 5 Colour Fastness to Light Colorfastness-Nitrogen AATCC 164 5 Colorfastness-Nitrogen AATCC 164 5 Colorfastness-Nitrogen AATCC 164 5 Dimenisonal Stability ISO 2551 -0.3 / +0.1% Dimensional Stability ISO 2551 -0.1/ -0.1% Dimensional Stability ISO 2551 -0.1 / 0% AATCC 129 5 Wear Change in Appearance ISO 10361 5 Wear Change in Appearance ISO 10361 5 Wear Change in Appearance ISO 10361 5 5 Squareness and Straightness ISO 994 NA Squareness and Straightness ISO 994 < 0.04% Squareness and Straightness ISO 994 < 0.04% CSPC FF1-70 8/8 Pass Dimensional Stability RN 986 N/A Dimensional Stability RN 986 0% Dimensional Stability RN 986 -.1 / +.1% Class 1 Dimensonal Stability Curling EN 986 N/A Dimensonal Stability Curling EN 986 0 mm Dimensional Stability Curling EN 986 0 mm Electrical Resistance Horizonal ISO 10965 1.4 X 10 Ω Electrical Resistance Horizonal ISO 10965 1.4 X 10 Ω Electrical Resistance Horizonal ISO 10965 1.4 X 1011Ω Determination of Static Charge ISO 6356 Neolite <2.0 Kv Determination of Static Charge ISO 6356 Neolite <2.0 Kv Determination of Static Charge ISO 6356 Neolite < 3.5 Kv Determination of Static Charge EN 1815 <2.0 Kv Determination of Static Charge EN 1815 <2.0 Kv Determination of Static Charge EN 1815 < 2.0 Kv Steady State Thermal Resistance ISO 8302 0.54 m K/W Steady State Thermal Resistance ISO 8302 0.0202 m K/W Steady State Thermal Resistance ISO 8302 0.073 m2K/W Reduction in Transmitted Noise EN ISO 10140-1 21 dB Reduction in Transmitted Noise EN ISO 10140-1 12 dB Reduction in Transmitted Noise EN ISO 10140-1 18 dB Sound Absorption EN ISO 354/ EN20354 0.59 dB Sound Absorption EN ISO 354/ EN20354 0.13 dB Sound Absorption EN ISO 354/ EN20354 1.05 dB EN 24343-1 0.17mm Residual Indentation EN 24343-1 .06 mm Residual Indentation EN 24343-1 .28 mm Colorfastness-Ozone AATCC 129 5 5 Accelerated Heat Aging CSPC FF1-70 8/8 Pass Methamine Pill Test Accelerated Heat Aging Methamine Pill Test Critical Radiant Flux Optical Smoke Density ASTM E648 ASTM E662-03 Class 1 <400 Flaming @ 4 min Floorwear Colorfastness-Ozone Critical Radiant Flux Optical Smoke Density AATCC 129 5 5 CSPC FF1-70 8/8Ppass ASTM E648 Class 1 ASTM E662-03 <400 Flaming @ 4 min Contract Walker 5 Excellent Floorwear Colorfastness-Ozone Accelerated Heat Aging Methamine Pill Test Critical Radiant Flux Optical Smoke Density ASTM E648 ASTM E662-03 <400 Flaming @ 4 min Contract Walker 5 Excellent Floorwear Contract Walker 5 Excellent Hexapod Walker ASTM D5252 Heavy Commercial Hexapod Walker ASTM D5252 Heavy Commercial Hexapod Walker ASTM D5252 Heavy Commercial Static Generation AATCC 134 < 2.5 kv Static Generation AATCC 134 < 2.0 kv Static Generation AATCC 134 < 3.5 kv Dimensional Stability 2199-99 < 0.1% Dimensional Stability 2199-99 <0.1% Dimensional Stability 2199-99 <0.1% Compression Recovery STATIC LOAD 94% Compression Recovery STATIC LOAD 95% Compression Recovery STATIC LOAD 95% Residual Indentation after 96 hours after 96 hours after 96 hours 11 2 11 2 Coefficient of Friction EN 13893 .60 µ Coefficient of Friction EN 13893 .70 µ Coefficient of Friction EN 13893 .75 µ Resistance to Chemicals ASTM F925 No Effect Resistance to Chemicals ASTM F925 No Effect Resistance to Chemicals ASTM F925 No Effect Anti-Slip Properties EN 51130 R 10 Anti-Slip Properties EN 51130 R9 Anti-Slip Properties EN 51130 R 10 Slip Resistance ASTM C1028 > 0.68 Slip Resistance ASTM C1028 > 0.72 Slip Resistance ASTM C1028 >0.72 Fire Test EN 13501-1 Bfl -s1 Fire Test EN 13501-1 Bfl -s1 Fire Test EN 13501-1 Bfl -s1 Impact Sound Transmission ASTM E989-89 ΔIIC 25 Impact Sound Transmission ASTM E989-89 ΔIIC 18 Impact Sound Transmission ASTM E989-89 ΔIIC 20 Classification EN 15114 Class 33 Classification EN 15114 Class 33 Classification EN 15114 Class 33 Aachen Stability Test ASTM D7570 N/A Aachen Stability Test ASTM D7570 < 0.05% Aachen Stability Test ASTM D7570 < 0.05% Aachen Curl and Doming Test ASTM D7570 N/A Aachen Curl and Doming Test ASTM D7570 < 0.05% Aachen Curl and Doming Test ASTM D7570 < 0.05% 24 CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM CHILEWICH CONTRACT 2015-2016 COLLECTION 25 GREEN STATEMENT Many Chilewich Contract products contain Microban®. Microban antimicrobial protection works continuously for the lifetime of the product to inhibit the growth of stain and odor-causing bacteria, mold and mildew. Microban protection is ideal for any healthcare, hospitality, home or office environment where microbes are a concern. Chilewich's Upholstery fabrics are now covered by the internationally recognized GreenGuard® program certified by The GREENGUARD Environmental Institute. The goal of GreenGuard is to protect human health and quality of life through the reduction of chemical exposure and improve indoor air quality. This certification is also recognized by the U.S. Green Building Council and therefore our Upholstery fabrics also earn LEED points. CONTRACT COLLECTION TerraStrand® A significant environmental development for Chilewich was All our products are installed using low VOC adhesives. Our products are washed with water and bio-degradable detergents, are made in the USA and have a long life cycle. the substitution of petroleum- ABOUT based plasticizers in Chilewich Over fifteen years ago, New York designer Sandy Chilewich introduced her first woven textiles into the international design community. Together with Joe Sultan, her husband and partner, Chilewich designs and produces a growing collection of textiles suitable for covering the tables, floors, walls, as well as the windows and furniture in residences, hotels and corporate settings. The firm’s ongoing innovations in material development provide functional design solutions that are both modern and easy to maintain. yarns for phthalate free, renewable All Chilewich Contract products are made in the USA. vegetable compounds. Plasticizers have traditionally been made from petroleum-based compounds and are used to make PVC yarns soft. CHILEWICH CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS Chilewich Contract meets or exceeds all industry specifications. Chilewich Sultan LLC reserves the right to change specifications to improve the product without written notice. Please see chilewichcontract.com for updates and current information. Chilewich Contract products are manufactured in the USA and are shipped from Chatsworth, Georgia and Madrid, Spain. For detailed and current specification, please visit our website, WWW.CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM. Les produits Chilewich Contract sont fabriqués aux États-Unis et expédiés de Chatsworth en Géorgie, et de Madrid, en Espagne. Pour obtenir les spécifications détaillées les plus récentes, veuillez visiter notre site Web à WWW.CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM. Plynyl® est une marque déposée. No more. We call this innovative yarn and the fabrics made from them, TerraStrand®. especificaciones detalladas y actualizadas, visite nuestra página Web, WWW.CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM. Plynyl® es una marca registrada. I prodotti Chilewich Contract sono fabbricati negli Stati Uniti e spediti da Chatsworth (Georgia, USA) e da Madrid (Spagna). Per dettagli più completi e aggiornati sulle caratteristiche tecniche si prega di consultare il nostro sito: WWW.CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM. Plynyl® è un marchio registrato. Chilewich Contract-Produkte werden in den USA hergestellt und von Chatsworth, Georgia, und Madrid, Spanien, versandt.Detaillierte und aktuelle Spezifikationen, Verlege- und Pflegeanleitungen erhalten Sieim Internet unter WWW.CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM. Plynyl® ist ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen. Os produtos Chilewich Contract são fabricados nos EUA e são expedidos a partir de Chatsworth, Georgia e Madrid, Espanha. Para especificações detalhadas e actualizadas por favor consulte o nosso site WWW.CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM. Plynyl® é uma marca registada. Los productos Chilewich Contract se fabrican en EE. UU. y se envían desde Chatsworth, Georgia, y Madrid, España. Para obtener SELECT WEAVES Wall Textiles Weaves Bamboo Basketweave FG Basketweave polycore Bouclé Chain Weave Frost Ikat Mini Basketweave Reed Rib Weave Stripe Roll Width 72" (1.83 m) 72" (1.83 m) 72" (1.83 m) 72" (1.83 m) 72" (1.83 m) 72" (1.83 m) 72" (1.83 m) 72" (1.83 m) 72" (1.83 m) 72" (1.83 m) 72" (1.83 m) Fabric for Upholstery Weaves Roll Width Weight +/- 10% Weight +/-10% Thickness +/- 10% Thickness +/- 10% Flammability Flammability Wall Textiles oz/sy kg/m2 Inches mm ASTM E84 Adhered ASTM E84 Unadhered Durability ASTM F 793 20.00 27.00 25.00 24.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 34.00 24.00 0.678 0.916 0.848 0.814 0.848 0.848 0.678 0.848 0.848 1.153 0.814 0.042 0.055 0.049 0.055 0.048 0.087 0.051 0.044 0.048 0.085 0.05 1.07 1.40 1.25 1.40 1.22 2.21 1.30 1.12 1.22 2.16 1.27 Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Cat V, Type II Cat VI, Type III Cat VI, Type III Cat VI, Type III Cat VI, Type III Cat VI, Type III Cat VI, Type III Cat VI, Type III Cat VI, Type III Cat VI, Type III Cat VI, Type III Weight Weight Thickness Thickness +/- 10% +/-10% +/- 10% +/- 10% oz/sy Basketweave Bamboo Mini Basketweave Lattice 72" (1.82m) 72" (1.82m) 72" (1.82m) 60" (1.52m) 21.0 15.7 20.5 24.0 kg/m2 0.712 0.532 0.395 0.814 Inches 0.054 0.054 0.04 0.085 mm 1.37 1.37 1.02 2.16 Classification Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Flammability Flammability Flammability ABRASION Upholstery Upholstery Window Covering CAL 117 SEC E NFPA 260/ UFAC NFPA 701 Method 1 WYZENBEEK Class 1 Class 1 Class 1 N/A Class 1 Class 1 Class 1 N/A Pass Pass Pass Pass 100,000 100,000 100,000 N/A *ACT® Registered Certification Marks CHILEWICH | SULTAN LLC 44 EAST 32ND STREET NEW YORK NY 10016 TEL 212 679 9204 FAX 212 679 9205 CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM ©2015 CHILEWICH | SULTAN LLC. CHILEWICH, PLYNYL, BIOFELT AND TERRASTRAND ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS. 26 CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM CHILEWICH CONTRACT 2015-2016 COLLECTION 27 CHILEWICH | SULTAN LLC 44 EAST 32ND STREET NEW YORK NY 10016 ©2015 CHILEWICH | SULTAN LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TEL 212 679 9204 FAX 212 679 9205 CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM CHILEWICH, PLYNYL, BIOFELT AND TERRASTRAND ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS. ITEM #: 900101-141 For detailed specifications, installation and maintenance instructions, please refer to chilewichcontract.com/technical BACK COVER: SQUARE TILES IN HARVEST BASKETWEAVE. FRONT COVER: PLANK TILES IN CHESTNUT, GLACIER AND TITANIUM BASKETWEAVE. CREDITS: FURNITURE: BACK COVER: CAB CHAIR: CASSINA. FRONT COVER: SATELLITE CHANDELIER AND DRUM TABLE: DWR. PHOTOS: VICTOR SCHRAGER. DESIGN: KAVANAGH DESIGN. CHILEWICHCONTRACT.COM
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