d6ffib - Nadi Consult`s Main Page
d6ffib - Nadi Consult`s Main Page
NADI CONSULT ERA SDN BHD {6O'I6,"t') NADTERA/r001/AM (64) Ruj. Kami .l Ruj. Tuan Tarikh 3 Ar'R i::? Unit Pusat Setempat, Majlis Perbandaran Selayang, Persiaran 3, Bandar Baru Selayang, 68100 Batu Caves, Selangor Darul Ehsan. (U/P: Jabata[ Perancang) Tua!. PERMOHONAN KELULUSAN PELAN KERJA TANAH BAGI CADANGAN MEROBOII DAN MEMBINA SIMULA SATU UNIT STESEN MINYAK PETRONAS SATU TINGKAT DI RAWANG RSA (NORTH BOUND) LEBUHRAYA UTARA SELATAN, MUKIM RAWANG, DAERAII GOMBAK MAJLIS PERSANDARAN SELAYANG, SELANGOR DARUL DHSAN UNTUK PETRONAS DAGANGAN BER}IAD. . PERMOHONAN KELULUSAN PELAN KERJA TANAII Merujuk kepada perkara di atas, adalah dimaklumkan bahawa kami telah dilantik sebagai Jurutera Perunding. Benama-sama in; disertakan seperti bedkut untuk kelulusan pihak tuan:- l) Sesaiinan senami semak dokumen permohonan kerja tanah (Lampiran 4). 2) Sesalinan senarai semak terperinci permohonan kerja tanah (Lampiran 4A)- 3) Satu (i) p€renggu peian kerja taDah bersiri NADIERA/I0oI/EWI hingga NADIERANOOIEW8. 7) (l) Satu (l) Satu (l) Satu (l) 8) Satlr (1) naskah pengiraan (MASMA). 4) s) 6) Salu perenggu pelan bangunan beniri NADIERAI1001lA1 hingga NADIERA/1001/Ar. set pelan ukur salinan sural perjanjianjual beli (S&P). ser gambar tapak. Kerjasama dan ke,ulusan awal dadpada pihak tuan adalah sangat diharapkan. Sekian, terima kasih. Yangbenat NADI CONSULT ERA SDN BHI) BASHIR AI{AMED MAIDEEN) d6ffib HEAD OFTICE: No 47D, Jaian Orkld 28, Ssksyen Bs2, BukitSentosa, a,4A3O0 Rawang, S6laioo. Darul Ehsan. T.l: +603-60234507, Far +603-60234607 . E'ma l: [email protected] .IOHOi BRANCfl; BesrariJaya, 31200 Bandar Nusajaya, Joho. Bahru. J.hor DaruiTakzim. Tel:+607'5121707, Fax: +607 5122707. E-mail: [email protected] No l48, JErai Jati 1, Taman Nusa PINANG BNANCH: Pl\rT D G 07,.lalan Prai Utama 4, Taman Pra Utama,13600 prai, ponang +6A4 - 39A 2107. F.\: +AO4 - 391 27n1 E-mail: nadio@nadioonsufi .com let: s.kPetronas Dagangan Berhad, Pejabat Wilayah Tengah, Tingkat 12, Menara Dayabumi, Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin, Peti Surat 11946, 50?62 Kuala Lumpur. (U/P: Pn. Wan Zahsrah Mohd Nazar) Syarikat Abdul Rahman B. Awang Sdn. Bhd., 17-6, Subang Business Centre, Jalan USJ 9/5Q, Subang Jaya, 4?620 Subang Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. (U/P : Tn. Hj. Mohd Salahuddin Abdul Rahman) HEAD Offl! Jal.n o id 28, seksyen BS2, Bukit senlo ret: +643 6a234EA?, Fax: +603-6024460/. E-mair: ladi@nadiconsotf con No. 148 Jalaf Jat .loBoR BiaNcH: a1200 Banda. Nusaiaya, Johor Bahru, Jotror DarulTakzim Iel: +607 5121707, Fax: +607-s122707 E mai: [email protected] PMI D-G-07, Jalan Pral Ulama 4, Tafran PEi Utama,13600 Prai, Penang +604 3S0 2707, Fax: +604 397 2707. E mall [email protected] Ter: Lampiran 4 JABATAN/AGENSI TEKNIKAL: JABATAN PERANCANGAN PBT SENARAI SEMAK DOKUMEN PERi'OHONAN KERJA TANAH BIL JENIS DAN BILANGAN DOKUMEN YANG DISEi'AK OLEH OSC Bit Dokumen Bilangan Dokumen 2 4 5 7 8 I 10 11 12 14 Surat Permohonan rasmi daripada Perunding Bertauliah Salinan Resit Bayaran Permohonan Laporan Kajian Alam Sekitar (ElA) (Jika Perlu) Laporan kestabilan cerun/geoteknikal di kawasan berbukit fiika oerlu) Geran tanah bagi lot-lot yang terlibat yang telah dalam bentuk orif Pelan Keria Tanah Pelan Ukur dengan butiran kontur yang disahkan oleh Juruukur Bertauliah Pelan Susun Atur Pelan Kawalan hakisan dan kelodak (ESCP) Mengikut garis panduan MASMA Pelan Kontur bagi kawasan pembangunan termasuk kawasan sekitamya/sedia ada C.P (Certified Plan) dari Jabatan Ukur Neqeri Salinan pelan bangunan yang telah diberikan kelulusan oleh PBT sekiranya berkaitan (pelan tapak dan Iukisan keratan banqunan-banounan) Gambar tapak dalam bentuk ipeo/pdf Template Pengiraan Eayaran Pelan Keria tanah 1 1 I 1 i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ADA'TIAOA CATATAN Lamoiran 4A JABATANTAGENSI TEKNIKAL:JABATAN PERANCANGAN PBT SENARAI SEMAK TERPERINCI PERMOHONAN KERJA TANAH BIL 1 2 4 6 7 I I 10 11 12 '13 14 RKARA.PERKARA YANG DISEMAK ADA,/TIADA SELARAS KEPERLUAN JABATAN'AGENSI Surat Permohonan rasmi daripada Perundino Bertauliah Resit Bavaran Laporan Kajian Alam Sekitar (ElA) (Jika Perlu) Laporan kestabilan cerunrgeoteknikal di kawasan berbukit fiika Derlu) Geran tanah bagi lot-lot yang terlibat yang telah disahkan oleh Peguam atau Pesuruhiava Sumoah dalam bentuk Ddf Pelan Keda Tanah Pelan Ukur dengan butiran kontur yang disahkan oleh Juruukur Bertauliah Pelan Susun Atur Pelan Kawalan hakisan dan kelodak (ESCP) Menqikut qaris Danduan MASMA Pelan Kortur bagi kawasan pembangunan termasuk kawasan sekitarnva/sedia ada C.P (Certified Plan) dari Jabatan Ukur Neqeri Salinan pelan bangunan yang telah diberikan kelulusan oleh PBT (pelan tapak dan lukisan keratan bangunanbanqunan) Gambar tapak dalam bentuk ioeo/odf Template Pengiraan Bayaran Pelan Kerja tanah PE 15 CATATAN DATED THIS 3I sT. DAY oF D€ceM AER 2009 BETWEEN PROJEK LEBUHRAYA UTARA-SELATAN BERHAD (154158.H) AND PETRONAS DAGANGAN BHD (88222-D) REVISED LICENGE AGREEMENT FOR: 1. PSS RAWANG REST AND SERVICE AREA (NORTH BOUND} 2. PSS ULU BERNAM REST AND SERVICE AREA (SOUTH BOUNO) Vl+l)aD REVISED LICENCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is medelhe 3/rl day al ,ecemLQr 2009 BETWEEN PROJEK LEBUHRAYA UTARA-SELATAN BERHAD (Company No. 1541Se-H) a company incorporated rn l\4alaysia and having its reglstered office al lMenara Korporat, pelsada pLUS, Persimpangan Bertingkal Subang KI\415, Lebuhraya Baru Lembah Klang,47301, petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan ("PLUS") AND PETRONAS DAGANGAN BHD lcompany No,88222-D) a company incorporated in having its registered offrce al t\,4alays a and Tower 1, PETRONAS Twin Towe., Klata Lurnpur City Center, 50088, K!aa Lumpur ("the Company ). WHEREAS (A) The Govemment of Malaysia ('covernment") and United Ergin€ers (N4alaysia) Berhad ("UEM') have entered Into a concession agreement ('Concession Agre€ment') ( as anrended and supplemented from time io time) dated 18 March '1988 whereby UEl,l \{as granted inier alla the exciusive righl to construct, operaie, mafage and ma ntain the Expressway, subjecuo tle re.r s ard cofortiols (B) co tiatled rhere 1. ' By a novaton agreemeni daled 20 July 1988 entered into between the covernment, UFM - - n arid . ')l /. L il& : \ rjghis and transfeffed al its liabilities and obligalions under the Concession Agreement to. ..\ PLUS ('Novation Agreement"), UEM with the approval of the covernmenl, assonqd,all PIUS ', (c) (D) .":'t' i ,.^) PJ'lua rr to Artcle 6 , of t1e Concessol Agreemenr. PLuS Lvas grven lte erc us've ngtit 5'no ''-| I licence to enler uqon ancl occupy al land requi@d in relation to the Concessjon {as dellhed n ihe Concessjon Agreement). :.,.a. i,., .::t +,tjlt oflhe Concession Agreement PLUSwasgiventhe ghttoentertrnto'1 ' .. arrangements as PLUS shall deem appropriate wiih thid pariies with the approva of tlie i) ' ---t Government for the desgn, construction, management, operalior ard maintenance of the PLrrsuant io Ariicle 10 Ancilary Facjlities (E) By a Licence Agreement dated 31 October 1994, PL{JS has agreed to grant ihe exctusve right and licence io the Company to enter upon and occupy the Area for the Permitted Use rn accordance wilh the terms and conditions there under. (F) The Compafy has requested for additioral land at the Area and an extension of the term of the Licence Agreement. (G) By mutual consent, the pariies have agreed io review end rcvise the Licence Agreement subject to and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreenrent. lT lS AGREFD as io lowsARTICLE I . DEFINITIONS AND Rt'LES OF INTERPRETATION A, Detinitions As used herein, the fo iowing terms shal have the meanings set fofth be ow: 1.1 "Additional land" means the addiUonaL land areas as ascribed n Schedule 2' 12 "Access" means allthose areas which jorm ihe ingress and egress of and/or to ihe Area, ihe layout ol wh ch sha I be submitted to PLIJS for iis information prjor to the Company seeking approval from the Authorities rn relatjon to subm ssion of the applicaUon for Access subjeci to varialions ihereto as may be imposed by the Authorties. 1.3 "Agreement'' means this Revised Licence Agreement includ ng ts Appendices 1.4 "Ancillary Facilities" means ihe facllities and services attached as Schedute 3 Any changes to the Ancillary Facllities shall be mutua ly agreed by both padies 1.5 "Area" meansjhe area where the Petrol Slations located at the lJlu Bernam Rest and Servtce Area (South Bound) and at Rawang Resi and Seruice Area (Northbound) of the Expressway as shown and shlded in red in Schedlle 1 subject to variations thereto as rnay be imposed by the Authorities 1.6 "Authorities" means Malaysian Hghway ALrthority, any federal, staie or loca government, serigovennerr. quas':-goverrme.t or orler boo/ o- a;tforily statLLo'y o. orherwtse. 17 "Company" means (Petronas Dagangan Bhd (Company No.88222-0) and il shal incude its successors in title and permiited assigns. 1.8 "Convenience Goods,' means pre-packed prodlcts. consumer goods and other fast food iiems all stricily for sale to consumeTs but excuding alcoholc beverages, incuding beer and stout. 1.9 "Dealer', means a party charged wiih the managernent and operation of a petrct Statjon and Ancillary Facilities nominated by pLUS and appointed by the Company in accodance with Adicle lV 1.'10 1 11 "Expressway" means the area refeffed io by the Concession Ag;eement provided for by ihe Governrnenl of IMalaysia underAdicle 6.1 ofthe Concession Agreement "Exisling land" means the area whlch has been in tialty confefed to pDB under the previor]s License Agreement beiween PLUS and the Company daied 1.12 1 13 14 Ociober 1994,; "Force Majeure" sha lhave the meaning set fodh in Adicle 8.1 and 8.2 hereof. "Licence" means the grani of an exctusive right to occupy the Area logether with the right to the Access for the Permitted Use only, for the duraUon oi the Revised Term as provided in ArlicLe 3 1 3131 I "Licence Agreement" means the Licence Agreement dated 31 Ociober jg94 entered between Projek Lebuhraya Utara-Setalan Befiad and pekonas Dagangan Bhdi 1 15 "License Fee" means fee paid by the Company to PLUS ior ihe Extsting land untit the 31" May 2018 pursuant to the Lcense Agreement dated 31't October 1994 vr'hich is set out rn Schedu e 4 herein 116 1 17 "Parties" means the padies to this Agreement and pa.ty refers to any one ofthem "Permittecl use" means the use of the Area for:- (i) lhe purpose of constructing, a Petrot Staton, and thereafter for the purpose of seltjng or offering for sae petroteum, petrole!m reated producis, more particularly in petroleum.filing and service siaiion business the storing and retailing of peiroleum producls and lhe se jing of motoT accessones, the service, mlnor repair and Eplacement ofvehicle parts and lhe seling ofConvenjence Goods, and (ii) llre purpose of deve op n9, construct n9. occupying, operating and Afcil ary Faci iires,<fi>^\ /-'l-t -'-\'r\ VJ?{t )\) \-! Dq,/ ma ntarning the 118 'rPetrol Station" means allhe bujldings structures sheds petroeum dispensing pumps, prayer room toilets and other retated ilxtures and fritings erected on the Area, petroleum storage ianks and pipelines siiuated or lo be situated above and below ground, arld all the rema ning land within the perimeters oi lhe Area ihe tayoul oJ which shel be submiiied to PLUS for iis information prior io ihe Company seeking approva tiom the Authorities in relation to submission ofthe application for the relevant approvats 11S "Petroleum Companiesi' means ihe companies duly lcensed to carry on the business ol petrol and service staiions and to markel and sell both petroleum and non_pelroleum products carrying eilher thejr own trademarks, trade names and colour schemes or such other irademarks, trade names and brands approved by them respectively. 12A "Revised Licence Fee" means the fee to be paid by the Company to PLUS for the Area except for the Exisling land untitthe 31'1 fu4ay 2018 pursuani to this Agreemenl which s set o!l in Article 4.1 and Schedule 4 herein "Revised Term" means the period oi lhis L cence as ascribed ln Adicte 2.2 and Schedu e 4 oflhis Ag.eenent 1.24 "l.Jtilities" means ihe supply ofwater, electicity and tetephone. Rules oI lnterpretation ln this Agreement, unless lhe conlext otherwise requires 11 Words importing any gefder include the other genders and references 10 the singutar include the plural, and vice versa. 1.2 References to pelsons inc!de ndivduals bodies coeorale, associatlons, partnershrps, unlncorporeted Entities, siatutory autho ties and bodies polltic 13 References to anyrparty or person shal mean and include a reierence to that party or person its successors or legal personel representatlves, as ihe case may be permitted assigfs, transferees and substilutes (including persors taking by novat on). 14 Relerences 10 this or ary other docLlmeni incude the document as modfed amended s!perseded in the manner specified iherein and rhe pa.ties R\ ti/"K )!\ \)v E /r/ or not\ir thstanding any change jn the identty oi 1.5 Reierences in thls Agreenreni to parties, Adjcles Clauses, Sect:ons and Appendces are, unless ihe context ndicates otherwise, references to the panies to thjs Agreement and to lhe Artrcles, Seciions, ClaLrses and Appendices ol lhis Agreemeni. 1.6 References to day calefdar day, references to,,month,,mean a calendar month, and refeTences to "year mean 365 days or 366 days in a leap year, unless otheMse specified in ihe Tnean a text Where ihe day on or by which any sum is payable is a day olher thaf a business day such s!m shall be paid on the immed ate ioltowing bus ness day. 1.7 References to the word "including' means "includifg but not ljmited to,, and other forms of the words "including' or 'to include" are used and shallbe jntepreted accordingly 1.8 References to an Act slatute or law shal inclde any afd a1 regulations, rules bynaws, ruiings, decrees judgements or orders made under that Act, statule ot law and a reference an 10 Act statute law, code or standard sha I include any araendrnent re-enactment, variation or extension thereof or provision subslituled therefor. ARTICLE II- EFFECTIVE DATE AND THE REVISED TERM 2.1 This Agreement sha lbecome eifecUve on 1st January 2010 between ihe pafiies 2.2 The Revised Term for the Licence Agreernent shal be for the period as staled jn ttem 2 Schedule 4 herein ARTICLE 3.1 III- LICENCE PLL,S hereby granis to the Company the exclusive Ljcence to occupy the Area together with the ght to uiiliFe the Access for the Permitted Use onty for the duraiion of lhe Revised Term subject to and n accordance with the terms and condtlions specified in ihis Agreement. Thls Licence does not create a relationship of andord and tenant between PLUS and the Compafy and save for the rights g€nted to the Company pursuant to Ctause 2.1 of this Agreement thls Llcence of itsel does not confer on ihe Company any estate or jnteresi n the Area o'rl_e Access or ary pan rhereo!. 33 Save for the rlghts granted to the Company pursuant lo Clause 2.j of ths Agreement the Company acknowledges that lhis Licence does not confer !pon itself any interest proprietary or othelwlse n the Area or the Access or any pad thereof. 3.4 Both parties agree that i shall not assign this Agreement to any lhird pady wiihout the prlor wrillen consent of the other party. ARTICLE IV. CONSIDERATION 4.1 ln consideraiion of PLUS agreeing lo revlse the terms and Agreement, the Company shall pay lo PLUS the Revised as slpu areo il L cofld tions of the Licence cence Fee in ihe sum and manner SchedUle 4. ARTICLE V _ OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES 5.1 !n accordance with and subjeci to the other terrns and conditions of this Agrcemeni, the Company hereby covenants and undea(akes the foilowlng: (a) io pay PLUS lhe Revised Ljcence Fee for the Licence ln the sum and manner as stipulaled in Schedule 4 hereto, PROVDED HOWEVER in ihe event that the Company fails to make p€ymeni of the Revised Llcence Fee wthin thldy days (30) Irom the agreed date, then alLmoney dle to PLUS shall accrue interest ai the rate of one point five percent (1.5%) per month ifom the due date of payment to the date oJ remitiance by the Company (b) ; io develop, construct and compete the Petrol Stalions and Ancilary Facilites at iis soe cosls and expense within the period to be mLrtualy agreed by both Pafties from the date of this Agreemenll (c) that p 9r to any development ol Petro Slaiions and Ancillary Facilllles, al conceplual and detailed des gn and layout for the Petrol Staiions and Ancillary Faciliiies sha I be sublect io approvaL by the authorlUes (d) ; nol to commence ope€tion of the Petro Station and Ancllary Faci tes within the Area until a cedificate of itness ()CF') for the same ls obtained from the relevant Authoritles and the Company further undertakes ihat it wilL rotify PLUS mriredjately upon the receipt of lhe CF ,,64:1a\ a/ /-\r-\ v\2(r)z) \-"i-l (e) to prepare and submit to PLUS the pre-corrputatjon and fina ptan for the purposes of cornmercial alienation of the Area to Federal Land Comrnissioner; (D to bear and pay all premiums relaled to the Area which has been or shall be imDosed by any relevant State Authorities (s) i to be responsible and liable for al design in re ation io the Area, petrol Stat ons and Ancillary Faciliiies and shall ensure thrt al designs ate cet(ified by proiessional engineer or an appropriate professional consullant and shall further ensurc that all design ior the Area, Petrol Siations and Ancillary Faci ties shall co..pty wjth the provislon of any written law with which it may be reqllired to compty incl!ding any Act, enaclmeni or ordinances or any by legislation Lrnder requlrement laws rules, regulalions or other subsidiary any such Act enactment or ordinance, or ar}y direclton, order, or instruction whatsoever given by any authority competent to do so Lrnder any wriiten law (h) ; to be responsible to mainiain the Area, the Peko Station and Ancitary Faciities and al buildjngs and fixtures within the Area throuqhout the (i) Rev sed Term I to conslruct at the Company's expense on the Area whether by themselves, lts servants, agenis and/or independent contractors, a Petrol Siation and Ancitlary Faciiiies for its Permitted ljse upon the issle of the relevanl permiis, licences and approvals under Article 5.1(n) and to commence operation of the Petrol Station and Ancillary Facilities for its Permtted Use upon complelion thereof and to give noUce to PLIJS prior to the commencement of the construction of ihe Petro Siatton and Ancilary Facilil esi 0) to erect and/or construct the necessary inkage, at the Company's expense, for access to the water, electr city and telephone utlities (hete nafter refe ed to as "the Utiliiies") and basic sewe€ge and dlainage discharge points for the purpose of the in relation to th€ Area Petrol StaUon and Afcllary Facilltjes of ihe existing system PLUS rnay, upon request by the Company, CompJny's usage independent consrder iranting access to the exisilng utiljties and besic sewerage and drainage dlscharce points, provided however, that all costs for such connections sha I be borne by the Company. In the evenl that the capacity of the UtitiUes and sewerage and drainage discharge points are insuffcient to meet the consurnption needs for any reason whaisoever at the Area, Petrol Stalion and Ancilary Faciities the Company shal r.rnde.iake any upgrading works seuerage a'rd d'a;nage discl"arge po ,]ts with respect to aLl such Utiljijes at ts o,vr cost and e,pense /@a)\ requ red FT*X\ \-\ _-/r_/ (k) to appoint Deale(s) nom nated by PLUS to operate the petrot Station and Ancillary Facilities on or before lhe completlon of the construction of the peiro Station and Ancillary Facililies. The Company shall ensure that the petroi Station is operated on a n/veltvjour (24r roJr basrs wll. aoequdle p.lmps aro/or taTcs ano rhat r:e peto Slation and Ancillary Facilties shall be efficienty operated throughout the Revised (D to ensu.e that the Pelrol Station accepts credil card or charge card payments and the appointed Dealer has adequate credil card line and/or facilities to fac litate the credit cuslomels, (m) to use the Area for the Perm tted Lise only The Company may make avaiiabte for sale at the Petrol Station and Ancillary Faciljties Convenience Goods tn such varieties and quantilles determined by lhe Company strlctly for sale to the consumer provided however, the primary usage oi ihe Peilol Staton shall conlinue to be sate of pelroleum products (n) , io obtain at the Company s own cost and expense alLthe necessary permts ljcences, approvals from any or all the relevant Autho tjes to enable the Company to carry oul lhe Permitted Use; (o) to compy with the provisions of any written law with which lt may be requ red to comply includ n9 any Act, Enactment or Ordinance or any 8y-taws Ru es, RegutaUons or other subsidjary egjslaiion under any Act, Enactment or Ordinance, or any direcUon, order, requirement or instruction whatsoever given by any Authority, frorn time to time ihroughout the Revised Term (p) io. purposes of freshly cooked food, the Company shal ensure the installation oi proper ventilation system snd discharge system at the Area, the Petro Station and Anclllary Facilit'es (q) to undertake its besi effods to ensure that the Dealer disposes discharge>nd rubbish, inc uding blt not llmited io a waste efftuent, ubricants, engtne oils, used vehicLe pads in a manFer wh ch does not affect the environment or the suffound ng area. The Company iurther undeftakes to use its besl efforts to ensure that such disposal shal conform io allapp icable provisions of any written law with whtch it may be required to comply lncluding any Act, Enaiiment, or Regulatons or other subsidary legislaiion ::i :il": ff : i*il: or any By-iaws Rues, under any such Act Enactment or Ordinance iJiil JT:""T:I i: J*:"1 J::fi il"TJ::3,il @ shall use its besi endeavours not to cause permt allow or omjt lo prevent, any person fiom discharging or dlsposing off Lrsed tubricants engine olls, used vehicte parts into the surrounding area (r) ; to ensure that the Deale(s) complies wlth the prov sions for health, immigration, safety and welfare of persons er.ployed to work on the Peirol Staton and Anci ary Fac lities laid down by any eg slailon or regulatiof by the re evant Authorities whlch are currenlly in force or which may be efacted or made tfom tirne to time, throughout the Revised Term (s) lo bear pay and discharge all rates, €nts, charges taxes, assessments and duties whaisoever lawfully assessed, charged or tmposed by the relevant municipatity or State or Federal Government or olher relevani Auihorities retatirg to the Area, the Permitted LJse, Petrol Staiion and Ancilary Facilities (t) to execute allworks including sewerage 6nd dralnage works within ihe Area from time to time throughoul the Revised Terr. lawfully required to be executed by any toca or public Auihority at the Company s owf expense ; (u) to ensure lhat the Dealer(s) is responsible for the good maintenance (ircluding general cleanliness ard appearance) and repair of the Petrot StaUon and Anc ery Faciities and all sewers, drains, clrlverls pipe pLrnps and oiher structures on the Area at its cost and expense subject always io the reevant dealership license agreernent entered between the Dealet and the Companyi (v) to ensure at all times ihe prcsence of sufficient and adequateiy irained personne to mainiajn the tollets in the Petro Stalion and Ancillary Faciiitres and regularty repair, replace and upgrade the tollets' slructure, nterior and fittings f reasonab y deemed so by PLUS subject always to the relevant deaership license agreement entered between the Dealer and the Company; (w) to pay and discharge al charges levied by ihe relevant Authortes on ihe Company, inc uding but noi lim ted to charges relating to water, electricity and te ephone supplied at the Petro Staton and Ancilary Faciiities, and al charges for consen,arce. IefLse colector slo'4g6. lice.l.e sewe-aga, oeclrdgrg arci olhe similar charges of an annual or reclrring nalure payable with regard to the Petrol Station and Ancilary Faciiilies subject always to ihe relevant dea ershlp icense agreement or relevant operating llcense agreemenl ertered beh^,een the Dealer or oT consumed busiress panners wlth the Companvi (x) noi to make allerations or modilications to lhe Pekot Station and Ancil ary Fac |lles or orhe' sruclures wh ch may be e_ected o1 the Area o - wl tLn nay he,eafter bp erecled on the Arca wilhout the prior written consent ol the re evant Authorrtes where necessary, and PLIJS, which consent PLUS shall not unreasonab y withho d {y) to ensure that ihere are no traffic leakages or unauthorlsed access nto and out of the Expressway within the Area (z) l ; to adopt every reasonable precautton which may be necessary or expedient to prevent ire and to comply with other regulations or directives concerning beautificalion and sanitation of the Petrol Station and Anci ary Facllit es as lssued by lhe appropriate Authoriiies lrom iinre to Ume (aa) l to require the Deale(s) to employ competent staff ior the proper runfing of the petrc Station and Ancilary Faciities, malntaln strict disciptine and good order among hjs empioyees reqlire thern to conduct themselves properly and not permit them to engage in activities that mighl be contrary or detrn-rental to the interesls of the Company or PLIJS (bb) 10 provide at all limes a slandby generator sei to ensure un nterrupted operatons of the Petrol Station and Ancillary Facilities to the Expressway users in times of power supply fallure The Company shall be responsible to matnta n, keep in good repah and do a I that is necessary to ensure the prcper operations of the generator sel , and (ccl fo yield up the Area and Temove therefrom the buidings and ilxtures underground and above ground ianks equipment and signages, in a condition where it does nol pose a hazard to the surrounding areas and further in accordance wilh the cove|ants and !nderlakings conta,ned herein, at the expiration or sooner determlnalion of the Revised Term. 5.2 PLUS hereby covenants and underiakes wiih the Company that upon the Company observ ng and performing a I iis covenanis and lndei(ak ng stipulated in Afilcle 5.1 the Cornpany shal peacefu y use and enjoy the Petrol Station and Anctary Facilities durtng lhe Rev sed Term ,.iq,\ frf24")'il 10 \t;7 for the Permitted Use wjthout any interuptof by PLUS or any person rightfully clalming under or in trust {or or as successor n title to PLLJS, save where PLUSs rqhts undet the Concession Agreement are eroded as a result of an early determlnaiion of the Concess on Agreement, ln which case ihls Agreement sha I be delermined by both parties. ln the event of an early determinalion oi th€ Concess on Agreement before ihe expiry of the Revised Terrn, PLUS shall infom ihe Company as soon as becoming aware of the same and provide refufd to PDB the slrm proportionate to lhe Llnexphed Revis€d Term. 53 lf rcquesled by ihe Company in w ting PLUS shall use its best €ndeavour to assst the Company in obtaining al the necessary permts lLcences approva; from any or ell relevant Auihorities refered to n Adicle 5.1(n) provded that any such assislance by PLUS shall nol relieve ihe Company trom ils obligations pursuani lo ArUcle 5 1(n). 54 ln the event PLUS undertakes any major maintenance operatons which affects or rnay affect the Area PLUSwill take alreasonable precaltons at its best endavour to ensure minimum disrupUon to the Permilted Use at the Petrol Staiion and Anci lary Fac ities Notwithstand ng Article 54 above any major maintenance operations by PLUS shall be subject to the parties mutual wrltten consent 5.6 PLUS hereby covenants to ensure that any structure designated blit on ihe border beiwe€n io the Company and the reighbouring Area shal nol obshuct the the Area Company's signage. ARTICLE IV _ NOMINATION AND APPOINTMENT OF DEALER 61 Nohyithstanding Article 5.1 above, the Company shal ony appoinl a Dealer nominated by PLUS and acceptable to the Cornpany to manage and operaie the Petrol Station provided that the Dealer complies wih the lerms and conditions of Companys dealership agreemenl for new dealers coniain ng such terms and conditiors as sha I be determined by the Company to be ihen appllcable. lf ai any ime the Company rntends to terminate the Dealer or to refuse to extend the dealership fudher the Company shall endeavour to gjve PLIJS thli(y (30) days advance wrltlen notice ofsuch intention andPLUSshall wihin lhe said thldy (30) days make furthet nomination or nominatons pursuant to and for the purpose of iudher appointments under Aftice51 11 6 3 ln the event PLUS is unabte to norninate a suitable candldate to repjace lhe outgoing Dea er, the Company has the right to operate the Peirot Slation on its own or appoint its own Deater to do so until such time that a suilable Dealer is appointed ARTICLE VII 7.1 - INDEMNITY The Company shall be absoluiely liable for and hereby indemnifies and holds PLUS ham €ss from and against all third parly claims arising oui of or connectei wtth bodiy injLrries to, including death of, and loss slffered by a third pady inctuding damage to third party tangible or intanglble propedy arsing trorn caused or contibuted io by the Company and its employees, coniractors servants or agents save where such bod ly inj!res, death or demage arcse from or were caused or contributed to by the Company, jts employees contractors, seNants or agents which has occLrrred or taken place within the Area as dematcated as per this Agreemeni This indemnjty shall not apply in the event any body injuries, death or damage has been ca!sed by the negltgence, aci, contributory act or omjssion of pLIJS or ts servants or agents within or outslde the Area conferred lo the Company. 72 ll an action or proceeding is brought against PLIIS based on a clalm of paient copyright, irade secrel or other propedy right infiingement directty arising out of the Companys Permiited Use the Company shaldefend or settle the action or proceeding ai tts own expense and hold PLUS harmless irom and against any and al iabiilty howsoever arising out of the action or proceeding. lf ary njunction or order shall be obtained aganst PLUS ln relaiion to the Company's Permilted ljse, the Company shall, at iis expense and without dim nish ng iis obligaiions under this Agreement, or prejudice PLIJS s interest or rights effect modliication or replacement so that it be.omes non iniringing which modiilcaiion or replacernent shall not adversely affect the opelation of the Pernrltted ljse. 7.3 Despite anythirlg expressed or imp ied n this Agreement both pa.ties shaI nol be made Liable for any ndirect or consequentia! loss including loss of proft loss of use, lncreased cost of working nor to bus ness interruplions howsoever cause arising out ol ot in connection wilh this Agreenrenl 8.1 Subj€ct to Articles 8 3 and 8.4 either party may claim excuse oi its obttgations under this a Force lvlajeure Event. Force Majeure shall mean an event, condton or circumstance beyond the reasonable contro and withoui the faut or neglgence ofthe Pafty claiming Force Majeure whlch, despite ali reasonable efforts of ihe Parly claiming Force AgTeeraent due to 12 Majeure to prevent it or mitigate its effects, causes a disruption in the perforraance of the Party s obllgations mposed under this Agreement. 8,2 Causes or events which may give rise to Force sha I be 'vlajeure (a) war (declared or !ndeclared) hostiliUes, invasion by hos e country, armed conflict, act ofioreign enemy, riot, rsurrecton, or revollttion (b) nuclear explosion, radioactve or chemicalcontgmination o.ionislng radiation; (c) pressure waves caused by airctaft or other aerial devices traveling at sonic oa suPersonic levels; (d) naturalcatasirophes including bui not imited to eadhquakes, floods and typhoons; (e) action or inaction by a court, government or Authoity (includjng denlal, refusat or failure 10 grant a permlt, aLtthorisatior licence, or approval) desplte lmely efforts by lhe Company w th or without assistaice by PLUS to obtain the sanre and not due to any act, ortisslon negligence or fault on the pad of the Company which resu ts in the Company's jnability io cofstruct or use the Petrot Statjon and Anci ary Faciltjes for tts Permitted Use; (0 aciion or inaciion by a coud governmeni or Authority (ncluding dena, refusa or faiure io grant a permit, authorisaiion, licence, or approvat) and desplte timely efforis by PLIJS wlth or without assislance by the Conpany to obtain the same, and not dLre io afy act, omission, negligence or fa!tt on the pa.i of pLUS which resutts in pLUS's nab lity to 8.3 g€nt the Licence to ihe Company. The Company may c aim excuse of its oblgations ar sing Ltnder th s Agreemenl due to a Force {\4ajeure Event arisng from causes stipulated under Adicles provided always thal causes under Adcles 8 2(a), g2(a), (b), (c), (d) (e) or (b) (c) or ld) (f) rcnder the peirol Staton and Ancllary Facililies wholy untt for ts purpose. tn such event, the Company may eect to terminate this Agreemeni by serving upon PLLJS not less than ihirty (30) days wrjtten notice of guch election ,,@,r\ lri{r4 )l) \'YV'/-/ \F OB-l '13 8.4 Upon expiry ofthe notice pursuant to Articte 83, and n accordance with AJtcle 5.1(cc) the Company shall deliver vacant possession of the Area to PL{JS. pLuS shal in such event repay the Company lhe Licence Fee or Revised License Fee (where apptcabte) for an amount proporlionate to the unexpirecl period of the Term. 8.5 Notwithstanding Clause 8.2, an event of Force l\lajeure shall nol incjude faiture by the company to provide conlifuous services by reason of strikes rockoLrts or rabour disputes. rn such an event, the Company shall undedake fu responsibiljty to'continue peformance of its obllgatons by having in place and to imp ement back_!p or response plans. 8.6 PLUS may c aim excuse of its obtigations made under this Agreement due lo a force l\4aleure Event arising from causes stputated under Adtctes 8.21a), (b), (c), (d) (e) or (f) provided always ihat causes underAdices 8.2(a) (b), (c) or(d) renderlhe petrol Siatlon and Ancjllary Facilities wholty unilt for its purpose. tn such eveni, pLuS may thereupon termjnale this Agreement by giving thirty (30) days notice to the company and upon expiration of the notice the Company shat, ;n accorda|ce with Adicle 51(cc), yietd up possesson of the Area to PLUS. 8.7 PLUS shall, in any slch evenl(s) refeffed to in Articte g.6 repay the Conrpany the Licence Fee or Revised Lrcense Fee (where applicabte) for an amount proportionate to the Perrod unexpired olihe Term ARTICLE IX _ NOTICES 9.1 Any notice under this Agreement shat be in lvriting. Any notice to ihe Company shall be sufficiently served if sent to it by registered post or eft at ts tast kfown addTess tn N,lataysia and any notice tb PLUS shalt be sufiicienfly seryed if sent by registered post known address ARTICLE X - or eft at its last DISPUTES 10.1 The padies hereby agree that in the event of any matter,. d spute or claim arising from this Agreemenl, the metter, dispute or cta m sha I be setfled amic;bly between pariies 142 Despite of attenrpts to resolve lhe dlspLrte in accordance to Clause '10.1 jf any dispute or diiference shall arise between PLUS and the Company rn retation to any section nratter or 14 thing herein contained or the operation or constrlction thereof or any matter or thing n any way conlained in this Agreemeni or the rights duties or tiab tt es of any party hereunder then and in every such case the dispute and difference shat be referred to an arb irator to be agreed by the pafties hereto or, fai ng agreement, io be nom nated on the app ication of elther ofthe parties hercto by lhe Director of the Regional Centre for Arbiiraton jn Kuala Lumpur afd any such reference shall be deemed to be a sr.tbmission to albitration wthin the meaning of the Arbilration Act 2005. Any such arbitration shall be heard ai the Kuala Lumpur Regioial Cenhe for arbitration usinq the facilities and systems ava able al the cenhe or at such other venue as may be specilied by ihe arbitrator and agreed by the parties hereio ARTICLE XI _ TERMINATION 111 ln the event either pafty is in breach of any ol lts obtigations, or terms of this AgTeement, and fails to remedy the breach wiihin thirty (30) days of receipt of writen notification of such breach from ihe parly suffedng from the breach end untess excused by Force Nlajeure, either pady nray al its eleciion lerminate th s Agreement by glving thidy (30) days notice to the pa.ty in breach, and upon expiration of the notice the Company shal yied up possession of ihe "Areas" and the Pekoi Station (rf constructed) to pLUS in good tenanlable condit on (fair wear and tear excepted), PROVIDED ALWAYS that if this Agreemert is term nated under this Seclion due to a breach on the pafi of PLUS, it will repay the Cor.pany the License Fee or Revised License Fee (where applcabte) for an amount proporljonaie to the unexpired period ofthe Terrn. 11.2 Notwlthstanding any oiher provision in this Agreement end without prejudice remedies which PLUS may have against ihe Company, pLl.JS sha io any other have ihe right to term nate this Agreement at any time during the Revised Term by giv ng lh rty (30) days pr or not ce rn wiiing to the Company in the event: a 11.2.1 ihe Company commiis breach of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreemeni and faiis to provide a saUsfactory plan 10 PLUS to remedy such Itleach afler receipt of seven (7) days written noiice requestjng Company to rem€dy such breach; or 11.2 2 the Company s the subject oi an app icaUon for a declaGtion of bankruptcy or enters inlo lquidaiion whether compu soriy or votuniarily (othe.wse than for the purpose of arnalgamatjon or reconstmcUon) ot _oroodnd nll rler creo consequence of deirt or lors /64\ /r7 /)i F.W-tit {sv :.,:,,/. )l o lakes or sha compoLrnd or attempt to slfe.s:ny srriar aclion i.) 11.2.3 the Company is prevented from any cause whetsoever lo pe.form its obiigations under this Agreemenl due to the acts omlssion or negliqence oi its personnel. employees, servants or agenisl or 112.4 the Compeny, its Personnel, employees servanls or agents commit any fraud on PLIJS or n the event of the Company, its personnel employees seryants or agents are guilty of any nratpractice or dishonesty,or of any conduct whlch tn the opinlon of PLUS is prejudjcial to PLTJS's inlerest; or '11.2.5 PLUS s dissaiisfied with the services provided by ihe Company or ts Personnel, sub,contractors employees, servants or agents and the Company fails to improve such service within a reasonable perjod given by PLUS io remedy such default; or 11.2.6 e receiver or manager of all or a substantial parl of ihe Company's business or undertaking is appoinled; or 113 ln ihe event the Concesson Agreernent is prematurely teminated PLUS shal refund the Company, lhe Licerse Fee or Revised Lrcense Fee (whele appticabte) for an amount proporiionate to the unexpired 11.4 pe od ofthe RevisedTerm. Notwlthstanding any otheT prcvisions under ihls Agreemeni, pLUS shall be enUfled to te.minaie thrs Agreement by giving ihe Company six (6) months w.itten not ce rn the event: 11.4.1 lhe Company becomes subject to restructLrrlng, managefient buy-out or change in sen or managernent which ln PLUS's opinion sha I adversely affect the performance ot Company's obligatons herein; or 11.4 2 the Company breaches or fails to use all reasonable endeavours io ensl]le thal its Personneh empoyees, seryants or agents compty with a heatth, safeiy and env Tonmenta standatds as set out in th s Aoreement 115 ln the event the Company s no onger dble to operate the petrot Station and Ancitary Faclitjes or to store products thereon, or f any hcence, permlt or apprcval necessary for occupation and operaiion ol lhe Area as a Petrol Staiion and Ancillary F6cilities is withdrawn, suspended, not granted or renewed, then in any of these clrcumstances, the Company shall be entitled to terminate th s Agreemenl by serving one (1) monlh's no|ce. 11.6 ln the event of temination in accordance to this ArUcle Xt, upon expiratior of the notices, the Company shall, in accordance with Artice 5 1(cc) yield up possess;on of the Area to pLlJS.. Wiihout prejudice to Article Xl, ihe Company shall retain the rtght to remove al ts equipment, fixtures and fitUngs from the Area upon temination of this Agreement for env reason 11.1 The individual terrnination of one site shall not aflect the remaining sile un ess mutua ly and expressly agreed by ihe padies in accordance with the terms of ihis ,Agreement herein ARTICLE XII- CONSEQUENCES OF TERMINATION 12.1 ln ihe event that the Concession Agreement is terr.inated earter, PLUS sha be under the obligation to repay or refLrnd the Company the Lcense Fee or Revised License Fee (where applicab e) for the amount proportionaie to the unexpfed period olthe Term. ARTICLE XIII _ SIGNAGES 13.1 The Company shall not affx, erect, altach, paint or.exhiblt any signboards, bitboards posters, noticest advedisements, displays or signs outside the Area or jutt ng oul of the Area without pror wrltten approval of PLUS and of the relevant Authorities, provided atways pLUS sha nol un.easonably withhold its approval. 13.2 PLUS, in giving its approva, may lmpose such condiions as it thinks fit tnctuding but not limited to conditions relating to the shape, slgn, stye, typeface, colour and materia of the signages. 13 3 The Company shall bear all ihe costs incurred jn affxing or erecting the signages and shall be liable and responsible for applying and obtaining any or all permits or approvals from the relevant Author;ties for affixing or erecting the signages. ARTICLE XIV.ENTIRE AGREEMENT 14.1 This Agreement reprcsents the entire understanding and agreement between the paries hereto relating to the pedormance oi th s Agreement eicept for the app jcabte License F-ee imposed on the Existng andwhich shall reman iniorce unU 3l'r Reviseo -tcense Eeo chal also be app tcaD e ro rhe L) srng l€nd. N4ay201B Thercatier, the /@\ I-\'J 47. YV7tl) \i6z 17 142 Except as provded in the above Clause 14.1, in the event oi any coniict or discrepancies between any of the documents forming this agreement the ierms and condiiions oi this Agreement shal govern and prevail. 14.3 Additional attachments and documents contain ng fudher informatjon which may be incorporated into this Agreemeni after they have been approved and slgned by both PLUS and the Company. ARTICLE XV 15.1 - INSURANCE Without limiting or reduclng the Company's |ability and responsibitity as contaifed elsewhere in this Agreemenl, the Company shall procure and maintain a1 jts own cosl and expefse during the pedormance oi this Agreemeni the following inslGnce for the du.aton of thls Agreement: Workmen Compensation and Ernployefs Liability lnsurance and/or any other nsurafce with statutory imts as required by the taws of Malaysia to provide for a) payment to ts employees emp oyed on or in conneciion with this Agreement and/or their dependenis as well as io ensure that the Company maintain such insurance tn resPecl of their employees b) Comprehensive General Liability nsurance with a mjnimr.tm limit of RM 5,000,000 00 ( Ringgit Malaysia Five l\4illion) for any one claim or series of claims arising out of any accident or occurrence resulting in bodily and/or personal injuries including death and propedy demage or destructon to any person or propefty within the Area designated to the Company which shal aise out of or in consequences of ihe company's periormance ofthis Agreernent and conduct; All Risks nsurance lor such rsks of loss or damage covering property of the Compqry whether owned, hired or leased 15.2 All deductibles, exceptions and exc us ons applcable to the iorego ng insurance shatl be for the account of and be paid by the Company. Any breach of condrtons afd/or waffanlies shal also be for the accoltnl of the Company. 6,ffii \i"-""_,/ 18 15.3 Notice, followed by ful details, of any accident or occurence whether or not giving rise to a valid claim thereunder shall be g ven by the Company to pLUS as soon as possible. 't5 4 Prior to the commencemenl of the Agreement, the Conrpany shal furnish to PLUS cedijied copies oi po icies of insurance provided for in Afticte 15 t hereof. Renewal and/or extension certiflcates ofdocuments shallbe forwarded to PLUS. 155 The fLrmishing of ce.tified copies of policies or othe. documents of insurance shal not be interpreled as implying that PLUS assurned responsibility for th"e correciness of the policy documents or thai the Company has compiied with other obiigatjons contained in the Aqreement. '15.6 Should the Company al any time neglect or refuse lo provide or tenew any insuEnce required hereln, or sholld any insurance be cancelled, PLUS shaLl have the right to procure such insurance and, in such event, any sum so paid by PLUS shall immedialely become dle and payable to PLUS by the Company. 15.7 The Company shall name PLUS as additionat insured tn respect ofthe po icies specifled n Clause 15.1(b) and shatl further inc ude a cross liabitily provjsion on the policy specified in th s Clause 15.1. All other insurances where PLUS is not nafied as additional insured, ihe Company shall include a waiver of a I express or implied rights of subrogat on against pLUS ARTICLE 16.1 XVI. MISCELLANEOUS This Agreement shall be binding upon the successors in title and permitied asstgns of the Partres therero. 16.2 ths Agreernent PLUS shall, subject to the Company obtain ng ihe necessary permit from PLIJS Section Office, allow the Company its seNants, agents, contractors and/or any other persons duy authorized the Company to enter the Ar€a to Upon lh€ execution of conduct soi iests, environmental site assessment and any oiher tests relatlng to the Area 16.3 PLUS agrees that the Company rnay proceed with the construcUon of the petro Station afd Ancillary Facillties\upon approval by the Malaysian Highway Althorlty ln ihe eveni it ts found ihet there are other approvals necessary with regard io th€ consiruciion of the petrol Station and Ancillary Facillt es, PLUS shall upon the Company s wrifl€n request, asslst the Company and use its best endeavours n applying for the said approva and obtaining the same frcm the relevant Authorties in accordance with Article 5 3 16.4 ln order to enable the Company to make a proper ideniifcation and proposal for the Area and constructon of the Petrol Stations and Ancjllary Facllities, PLUS may as iar as pracUcabie 19 ,-<F\ €!&\t prcvide lhe Company with relevanl infomaiion data and/or assistance. For avoidance of dolbl lf PLIJS is ol the opinion ihat it cannot provide the lnformation and the same is communicated lo ihe Company, the Company shalt then use its own endeavors to obtain such informatjon from elsewheae at the Company's own costs. 1 6 5 PLUS shall deliver vaca nt possessjon of the Addjtio na la n d, and Access on the Area Jree frcm any and all encumbrances to the Cornpany wlth n ofe (1) month of the Company s request for such delvery and upon the Cornpany iurnishlng PLUS with copjes of its work programme, method staiement traific managenrent plan and other documents related to road closure which PLUS may reasonably require to enable PLUS to de iver such vacanl possessron. 16.5.1 Where the Additjonal tand setected by the Company cortalns any b!itdings or structures thereon and ihe Company requires such buildings or slructures to be demolished, PLUS sha I be responsible for allcosts and expense thereby incur.ed 16.5 2 Where the blildings or structure are required for use by PLUS, the same reocated to an area within the Rest and Servtce Arca and/ sha be or Layby subiect io relevant Authorities approvals at PLUS'cost and expense 16.6 Each pady shal bear iis ow| sollciiors' cosis of and ncidenla to the preparation of this Agreement, but the stamp duty thereon shali be borne by the Company. 16.7 lf any provision of ihjs Agreement is held io be itLegal or invalid under any app icab e t6w that provision shall be fully severable and ihis Agr€ement shatt be construed as il that provision had never comprlsed a part of ihis Agreement and the remainjng provislons of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and shal noi be affecled by that provison or by its severance from this Agreement. 16.8 The fa lure by eiiher of the padies hereto to enforce, at any time, any provision of thjs Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of its I ght to erforce that provlsion or any other provision of ttis Agreement oT as a waiveT or any coniinujng succeeding or subsequenl breach of that provision ot any other paovision of thls Agreernent. 16.9 Subject to the ierms of this Agreement, PLUS warEnts that the Company shat nol be rcq!ired io make any fufther payment to PLUS apa.i from the payments exprcssly stjpulated in this Agreement, in connection with the Company's conUnued occupaton ard use oi the Area end the Access whether or not lhe same reates to the erecUon oi new faclllties at the ATea or otherdise. ln ihe event any fudher extraordinary payment is reqllred by any ihjrd ) 20 pariy, PLUS shall use its best endeavours to assist the Company jn resisling such requhement for exkaordinary payment. 16.10 PLUS warrants that it has the capacity and the rightto grant to the Company the ljcence of the Area and the right lo utilize lhe Access on the terms and conditions set out in lhis Agreement. 16.11 This Agreement shallbe govemed by and construed in accordancJwfth the laws o ,r'*"n@ frhe rest of this page is intentlohally left blankl 21 lN WITNESS the Agreement has been duly executed by the par|es the day and year first above Signed by tor and on behalfof PROJEK LEBUHRAYA UTARA.SELATAN BERHAD NOORIzAH HJ A8O (Company No. 154158-H) in the presence MIIID MtrdEUrt of:- PAqlEl( LEBU|MYA IJTAFATS€IA1AX BHo {151158+l) "' /---" so{cnutucai co{ctstot t{$or6 Signed by For and on behafoi PETRONAS DAGANGAN BERHAD )-,--.-.1,--- (Cornpany No. 88222-D) in the presence of i- Mohd Ferid Adnan Sanlor Gsnarsl MsDaocr R.lrll Bu.in.& Dlvt.6n Patonrs Oagsngan Bhd atag"tt{L-MAIZqN AOAM @ OTHMAN Haneg$, Nal*ork M.nstam.nl RgBll Neltlo* Pldrr{ng &. Roal t$rL o€o.drnenl 22 SCHEDULE 1 LAYOUT 23 SCHEDULE 2 PARTICULARS OF AREA Rest & Service Area Area (sq (Norihbound) 2. Ulu Bernam (Southbound) 1 Rawang ft.XExisUng) Area (sq ft) (additiona and) 29,000 19,200 23,600 24,484 SCHEDULE 3 ANCILLARY FACILITIES 1. CommercialFacilities . . . 2. Convenience store Fast food restaurant, lffeasible Dining/eating area, as appropriate Public Faciliiies . Surau building (inclusive ablution area) . Toilei build ng SCHEDULE 4 REVISEb L}CENSE PERIOD AND LICENCE FEE 1. Revised License Period PSS Rawang RSA (NB) Existing License E/i5hng land Additional 31"'Oc|1994 lead Nil PSS Ulu Bernarh RSA (SB) Existing land Additional land 31"'Ocl -31'r May 2018 lst June Revised License Period 2. 2018 - s1s' Dec 2038 Nii 1994- 315, Mav 2018 15r Jan 2010 31 "r - Dec 2038 1st June - 31d Dec 2038 2018 'l "r - Jan 2010 Dec 2038 31"1 Licence Fee Particulars PsS Rawang RSA INB) Existing lahd PSS Ulu Bernam RSAlSB) Additional land Existing Addltional land land Exisiing License Fe€ (RN,4)for Exislino License Periodifrom lrlb 31'1 N'l N Grand Total lRM) {n' oci199i -31" May 2018 ) Revised License Fee (RIM)for Revised License Period (Exlsting land from lst June 2018 31" Dec 2038 ) lAddilionalland ircm 1"r Jan 2010 x IH - . 31"' Dec 2038\ F The existing Licdnse Fee shatl apply to ihe Exist ng tand for pSS Rawang RSA (NB) and pSS U u Benram RSA (SB) unti 31 May 20'18. *Note r I 3. Tirne for Pavment The company shal pay PLUS the Revised Licence FeeJor th€ sajd areas as folows a) Upon execut on oi ihe Licence Agreemeirt b) Upon issuance the relevanl cedificate of Cornpletion and pfior io operation .* I CADANGAN MEROBOH DAN MEMBINA SNMULA SEBUAH STESEN MINYAK PETRONAS DI RAWANG RSA (NORTH BOUND) LEBUHRAYA UTARA SELATAN,MUKIM RAWANG, DAERAII GOMBAK, MAJLIS PERBANDARAN SELAYANG, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN. GAMBARTAPAK HEADOFFICE: O*id 28, Seksyen BS2 Bukit Ssntosg,43300 Rewaig, Selangor DerulEtuan Tel:0340234507, Fa* A3-B02B4AOT. .-fra I nadl@nadicaosult @n No. 470, Jalan BRANCH: No.14-02JalaiJalil,T.manNusEBesiariJa,€,Sl200BandarNusalays,Johor6ahru,JohorDarulTakzim re : 07-51217A7, Fax: AT-5122707 e-fra|i: hadlb@[email protected] WeD S[e] tw.nad coButt oom CADANGAN MEROBOH DAN MEMBINA SEMULA SEBUAH STESEN MINYAK PETRONAS DI RAWANG RSA (NORTH BOUND) LEBUHRAYA UTARA SELATAN,MUKIM RAWANG, DAERAH GOMBAK MAJLIS PERBANDARAN SELAYAT{G, SELANGOR DARUL EESAN. MASMA DESIGN MDI CdlSALf (Uttt751t1-t1) t{o. 47D,IALAr{ ORKTD 28, SEKS/EN BS2, Bulcr SENIO6A. 4A30O RAVJANG, SELAN@R DARUL E}ISAN TEL: 03-6028 4507. FAX: 03{028 4607 E-mail: nadi@nadicomu jt.om NO. 14A, IALA natwA JOtpE I Ca*/r^l(,Afl RttAU EAUTW: JATI 1, TAMAN I{USA BESIARI ]AyA a12m E$lD!& Sl{JSAtAyA, IOHOR Br+lRU, JOHOR DARUI. TAICIH TELr 07 512 1 /0,r, FAXI OI 5I2 2707 E-mail: [email protected] I pr,fr D-c{7, JALIN PRAI UIAMA 4, TA AN PRAI I t36m pRAr, I PULAU PIMire PULAU MUTIAM I lH : D+l9O 2707, Ftxr 04 39/ 2707 I t-rnait: [email protected] www.nadiconsult.com utA}tA DI R^WANG RSA (NORI}I BOUND) LEBUHRAYA L'TARA SELATAN, MUKIM RC],!ANG, D^EMH GOMBAK. ChE']Gd Fd &$qmins ['€ OSD, udns DY IR BAM : Mif,rsydef,=loyetrARl [&insydem [email protected] Type or delrropmir : PorrlMs Pet LGns: cd6tm !t sElon Kusg, iarkm b.Io€ d€v.ropmnt : pa* tM Raog pavhs and pa$s o he osD sro€se tffid!d*: 41)OErr dnMrime I(u.n n@tdrBI ) b---_---si_ I = ovdand $er tu rzvd bm. L6 : n = Mdninss minuhs ov.dand sh*rfrow pair r&gb, m tushues b tu :rq etaar'of @rad lrd,d Mi=rv b6 tffit*das€idfuE'pghrfur # !iqq; rvn Yr IR. ZANARIAH BAHAK A>^r-., arNA SEMULA D RAW^ITG SEBUa STESEN M DesEred by:MRU RSA (NORI}I BOUND) LEBUHMYA U'TARA SELATAN, MUKIM R^W^NG, DAER^H SELANGOR DARUL EHS'$I UN'IUK PETROMS DAGA G,AN r E o*mine tm .I mn6hrM hm bp d 61d'rent sire loin min dEinas€ s-yeem f{ €'d,nEr. ks 4.3.1 ) owdadiMrim, GOM&C( Ched€d BERHAD io poini rt'* (uMerdrngr) L = bns0jddn.ro = A*€s.@y,v. 1R-3; L" !- tf, minures nL R""s 60 t'+td 5. Io .ar.ui16 Ehfar lnt t. rcrrr y/i= a+ btn ( tt+c ( tr( t)tz +d b= offi) #a r.i|s €$dioi ln* Fdis hlATokhdnm 133 , k t u3 j.,534, d= ro sd ( 00147 Pd = P , Fd { ] Po , P, , r*b ra3 .121 @ By ushs adim, :ake tonon Metrrod. mo pE and pd tubpmsr rms aE 6Lui*d 6 br@s @efiatht ir ategaty 7 tat p @s ea & deooty 1 tot int tuia6 aE. 14.3) & dte@ty c bt neltiun sait he tup lPeDdebpftnr st tos D.si$ chan bY DdE ] JUIY : Pod'eotpemn staus ,bs?' chan ,rr) ( '' ]R &1IJ 2O1O NNI COXSULT ERA SDfl- BtID. CMANOAN MEROBOH OAN MEMBIM SEMULA SEAUAH S IESEN M DAlgNEd bY :MRU SEIANGOR DARUL EHSAN UNTUK PETROMS DAGAIGAN BERHAO B : TO DEIEfl',,JE I1'E By ulins ewairo r REAIJ,RED PER,,ISSIBIE 9.1 . 19.15 and pso = l9 lb ta, (a^zr rr - a5 SIE D]SC|,]ARGE . PSD : aD.re gmnd sloEge tor I/2 q€, $e s,te dm ( 10 ycd ARl ) .nd tr€ oresrondins bm,rumssR fta*.Mab d.$qi Inyh.. + b( ]a t)+c ( tat)' +d ( disd.rge ts $e sroEg. ssR is cadlaGd ror kr )a d=P30.Fd(P60.Ps) GEFdi;nkpor,bd'wT.hle133 rhge e h 'cz'l l( *!t,i'g ''edEds IheEirfunin's!'lydepodngewlrelldf'e fudeld-les$6(oEjEt6 irrr6(Ek b se6m 13, frdllds) ro NADI CONSULT ERA SDN. BHD ob No :NADIERA/10o1 CADANGAN MEROBOH DAN MEMBINA SEMUTA SEBUAH STESEN MINYAK PETROMS D*:9NEd bY :MRU Dl MWANG RSq (NORIH BOUNO) LEBUHMYA UTAM SELATAN, MU(M Ml,1rANG, DAEMH GOM&qK, Chec*ed by lR BAM SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN U}ITUX PEIRONAS OAGA}IGAN FmB th. p,cvious libh r mrimuh 55R It is obtaimd the i.i dd6 Ihc Prlh:ry outlct O) To Sl2. AERMD D,IE ] JUIY 2OI ol 97,'6m' ddB.r . du6t6n ol 'O mirur.< lrqimm SSRdudton of = Requk€d ssR = at . 97ti n1 tO min 97-76 fr'+20*= I D.3l t' : Tryu* 250 di.mter- 25O = o.oagr m'z lErim.t€r,P= 0.7854 m Hydraulic Radils. R = 0-0625 m p,p. area a O= C"A"(2qHJr4 - o rhus. by *h.e Ar long a th. 2 O To 6. the toEl @paciry c oJ35 n'ls = bf 25O dhmterof priharyoudet, 'm > o.27o i} b 0.22a m3ls 2 : cd = 0.62 S=931 n6. -> oK .apacity ls l.ss th.n or.qu.l to th. PsD, ms of O.t.min. Th.stong. The site storag. where 0.115 25o Area mm dla. - a prhary ourl.r ls ..eDrabl.. : r.quieF€nt: It is proposed to use on sit€ det€ntion (oSD) - above sound stoaqeR€qriEd SSi Storag. d llTil = ihension hr Us. OSD .t p.n of p.rldhg ee Awraqe D.pth = i00O no f.nqth = 293 m widrh = 0.6 m StoEqe wlure = 175.a mr > 7-3r mr => OK O BHD- NAD, COIISULI ERA SON. Job No:NAD|ERA/1!OI CADANGAN MEROBOH DAN MEI\IBINA SEMULA SEBUAH STESEN MTNYAX D6igned by :MRU Ol MWANG RSA (NORTH SOUND) LEBUHRAYA UTARA SELATAN, MUKTM RAl,ttAr,lc, DAERAH GOM&qK, Chected by 1R BAM PETROMS SEIANGOR DANul EHSAN UNTUX PEIROMS MGAiIGAN BEE}]AD DAIE: JULY 2O]O The se.ondary ourl.t i. a5harp cresred w€iB with eld @nt.adions atth. borh diain outler pipe in front rhe sratDn. Th€ Eirshould b€ siz€d 16riie gtifrat€d rojo. sysr.nAx, fldfrom rhe siE ror tfie time Oo minubs). ft€ hajor drainag. sysbm i. tb€ .atchmern h6 b.cn d€igned for ! OO year ARl. tq using €quation By ll.2: tnyft=a+bh(r)+c(ln(r) n€rcforc, l.l0O l30 t0ol30 = = 3 = 50160- mmlh. tn|Ds tOO p lO = a6.t2 IO0P6O = tto2t Pd Pl0 fd(P5O = t = ,13.15 16: 37&62 mm/tr a(r/5) c 37&02 o.a7 [email protected] i,.zteqory Arsuminq the h€ad 3 * okr Qd / rh. trir. cBCw 7 forpetuioLs a,ea & H is limit€d to 460 nh lwide) at sory I O.l 4,O21.7O i";t-p"-t;;;;7p*t rt a.d CBCW , 300 mF lhiqh) oftlle s..ondary outtet eir D., 122.61 ;iA", = I .84, EmnSirg Equition 20-5 qiw H^I.5 + 0-rnH Allowing 50mm freeboard, the dim€nsions I 'm 5 c .rake mm 1.78 tooP* tlro ARr) 6.a49 fd = Ih.Rfon, 1m P30) wh.r. rd s mErpo,ated lrohT.bl.1.3 TTteEfoE, yd {KrEra 4.7O ll0-2i mm/hr qet r@16 using.quari6h 11.3, To +d(h(U 5-15 t72-21 50,60 ln Th.efoE, 2 are NADI COlGlrLT ERA SDN. BHD. Job No:&qD|ERA/1OO1 CADANGAN MEROBOH DAN MEMBIlllA SEMULA SEAUAH STESEI| MTNYAK PETROMS D6igned ty :MRU Dl MWANG RSq OORfH BOUND) LEBUHMYA UTAM SELATAN, MUKTM RAWAiiG, OAEMH GOMBAK, Chec*ed b, tR BAM S'LANGOR DARUL EHSAN UNTUK PEIROIiAS MGANGAN OAIE : JULY 2OI O BENHAD 1l The sir€ sbraqe I 000fm rcquirehenr Dond d.ott 2) The prlmary outl€t size: 2 hos of c!h.n plp. 2508D 3) The re.ondary ln dl.ret r o{tlet si:€: sbad .Esed El. - 1 ,46 n(wLl.) x O.3m (hrgh)