post newsletter - Huber Heights
post newsletter - Huber Heights
VFW POST 3283 DISTRICT 3 Veterans of Foreign Wars of Ohio Charities NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID 5074 Nebraska Avenue Huber Heights, Ohio 45424 Phone (937) 236-9239 HUBER HEIGHTS, OH PERMIT NO. 156 POST NEWSLETTER ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED VFW POST 3283 • DISTRICT THREE • DEPARTMENT OF OHIO Huber Heights, Ohio AUGUST 2012 Published Monthly • Issue: 070112 www.VFW3283.HOMESTEAD.COM Huber Heights Memorial Post 3283 And VFW Of Ohio Charities Support Local Organizations And Activities: Miami Valley Young Marines, Miami Valley Veterans Museum, Air Force Sergeants Association, Veterans BusToken Program, Stebbins HS AFJROTC Program, 445th Airlift Wing, Huber Heights Chamber of Commerce, VFW Post 3283 Programs, VFW National Programs, VFW Department of Ohio Programs, VFW Of Ohio Charities Programs, Our Ladies And Men’s Auxiliaries. Auxiliaries, The Cooties And Its Auxiliary Commander’s Commentary, A Military Prayer Comrades, Ladies, and Men of Our Auxiliaries, Fellow Comrades, the month of July was a very busy month for our Post. The 4th of July open house was a great success, we had a very large crowd. I want to pass on a special thank you to all the volunteers that helped make it such a great day. A special thank you goes out to all the Ladies Auxiliary that made us all the side dishes and desserts. I also want to thank everyone for their hard work that was put into the garage sale and making it such a great success. Sue Patrick and all her helpers did a wonderful job. Honoring our soldiers… U.S. Navy Hospitalman Derek Happel with 3rd Platoon, Alpha C o m p a n y, 1 s t Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment (1/7), Regimental Combat Team 6 patrols along the Helmand River in Sangin, Helmand province, Afghanistan July 11, 2012. 1/7 patrolled in support of Afghan National Army forces during Operation GospandSia. We are looking for volunteers for our House Committee. If you are interested in helping out with those positions contact me at the post Some up coming events that we will be looking for volunteers for are the Post annual picnic on October 6, 2012, and the MOC/MOCA pig roast on October 20, 2012. OKINAWA, Japan (July 18, 2012) Ensign Elizabeth Byers, assigned to the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS McCampbell (DDG 85), examines an oil sample during an inport refueling. McCampbell is forward deployed to Yokosuka, Japan, and is underway in U.S. 7th Fleet area of responsibility. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Declan Barnes/Released) Also the VFW State golf tournament will be September 8th & 9th in Akron Ohio, hosted by VFW Post 3383. So get your teams together, entry forms are in the canteen and must be mailed to that post no later than August 15th. U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Blayne Catlett, team leader, Headquarters Platoon, Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, Regimental Combat Team 6, takes a knee to provide security during a patrol in Sangin, Helmand province, Afghanistan July 11, 2012. The Marines patrolled in support of Afghan National Army forces during Operation Gospand-Sia Once again, we have many members who volunteer their services, but more help is needed. Please consider volunteering a little of your time in service to your VFW and our communities. My prayers go out to those who have lost a loved one and to all who are enduring an illness. Please contact me or any Post Officer in time of sickness or need. Yours in Service and Comradeship Arthur Hanson LORD, I ask for COURAGE to face and conquer my own fears. STRENGTH strength of body to protect others and strength of spirit to lead others DEDICATION to do my job faithfully. BELIEF help me to remember, Lord, that all power rests in you, and to remember that you have promised to be always by my side. Amen Be strong and let your heart take courage. PSALMS 27:14 Design and Printed by Forever Design (937) 335-2862 • • [email protected] Ladies Auxiliary DUES ARE DUE! DUES ARE DUE! Dear Sisters, I can’t believe how quickly my first month has gone by—if July is any indication of things to come, it is going to be a wonderful year! Thanks to everyone who came out for my first meeting and those who helped to keep me on the straight and narrow! All of your experience and wisdom is greatly appreciated! Ladies, as you know, July 1st began our New Year. Annual due will remain at $25.00-anyone wishing to turn in their dues may bring them to the Post and drop them in the Auxiliary Box or mail them to the Post Attn: Brenda Peters $ All Auxiliary Sisters who pay their Annual Dues by 1 Oct 2012 will have their name placed in a raffle and one lucky sister will be selected to receive their Life Membership paid for by the Auxiliary! Please get your annual dues paid early so you can be in the running to win a Life Membership!! Ladies as we move forward throughout the year, I challenge each and every one of you to become an ACTIVE member of our Auxiliary. While there is strength in numbers, your membership in this auxiliary means so much more than a place to hang out on a Thursday or Friday night--our Veterans are counting on us to help meet their needs as they were there to meet our need of freedom and safety. Please consider heading up a committee, volunteering to cook a Thursday Night Dinner or attend a Hospital Visit! Right now, our work is great but it is done by few, please consider what a great feeling it is when a veteran of this great country looks you in the eye and says Thank you! Coming Events Aug 3rd & 4th Ohio Day at National Home Aug 13th --Ladies Auxiliary Meeting 7:00 P.M. Aug 15th--VA Hospital Visit----Come join the fun Aug 21st- Bunco----- Don’t forget to sign up at the Post Dinners Aug 9th Julie’s Burger Bar, Pasta Salad, Chips & Dessert $6.00 Aug 23rd Linda’s Stuffed Pork Chops & Fixings $7.00 As we move forward throughout the coming year- I look forward to seeing familiar faces, making some new friends , and enjoying the job we have all accepted-- supporting our Veterans and our Post to the utmost of our ability! With High Hopes for the Future , President Sandy Hanson P.S. Dues are due! Hello Cooties Hello Cooties, Listen up Cooties! According to Chris “Bubba” Haynes the big weekend at Overpeck is still on for the weekend of 17-19 August. At the time of this writing there are no details as to hotel accommodations. The key dates coming up for August are: 2 August-Pizza Night 16 August-Pizza Night 17-19 August-30th year anniversary celebration at Overpeck 26 August- MOC/MOCA VA Hospital visit and bingo 28 August-MOC Scratch /MOCA Meeting Keep ‘em Smilin’! Connie and Clem Canteen Corner Hello Veterans and Auxiliary Members, Whew, has it been a hot summer. At times I wanted to run through the water sprinklers like I did when I was young. I guess there was nothing stopping me, except not knowing what the neighbors would think of me running around in their front yard. Instead, I just try to stay in the air conditioning as much as possible. August is my lucky month (a 5th Thursday and a 5th Friday). On Thursday, Aug 30th, I’ll be serving up a Homemade Lasagna Dinner. Then on Friday, Aug 31st, I’ll be back in the kitchen fixing Stuffed Peppers. Please come out and enjoy. Let’s do some singing: Sat, Aug 4th, Karaoke with JB and Kara Fri, Aug 10th, Karaoke with Joe Fri, Aug 24th, Karaoke with Joe Due to a prior commitment, Jim’s Partytime Karaoke, that is normally with us on the 3rd Saturday, won’t be here in August, but will be back in September. Also, Texas Hold-Em is still in hiatus until September. Thank you for your support. See you around the post. Terri Crider, Canteen Manager Men’s Auxiliary Fellow Members, Thanks to everyone who has worked so hard on preparing the Men’s Auxiliary Dinners. We have a great Friday night dinner menu coming up in August: 3 Aug – Jerome’s Taco Night 10 Aug – Buzz’s Made to Order Subs 17 Aug – Bruce and Joe’s Cheeseburgers and Hotdogs 24 Aug – Doug’s Cabbage Rolls MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Saturday, 18 Aug, the Men’s Auxiliary will be hosting a Baby Back Rib Dinner starting at 5:30 pm. To ensure we h a v e enough food for those interested in attending without having a lot of extra food which can go to waste, we ask that you please sign-up for the dinner by Monday, 13 Aug. See Bartenders for sign-up sheet. PLEASE COME OUT AND SUPPORT OUR POST! See you at our next meeting on Tuesday, 14 Aug. God Bless, Oscar Crider, President
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post newsletter - Huber Heights
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