Heartlines Summer 2014
Heartlines Summer 2014
Casa Pacifica Reaches Its 20th Anniversary! Heartlines O increasing the number of n July 18th lives the agency touches twenty years each year. In the last 20 ago six children years more than 25,000 – four boys and children/youth have been two girls – walked admitted into one of the through Casa agency’s 17 therapeutic Pacifica’s front doors programs – all bringing and into the intake with them substantial area of the challenges and significant Administration Casa Pacifica's gymnasium and administrative building under construction. needs. Here’s a look at Building. Immediately facility staffed by competent and caring where we started and where we are today. following a medical screening in the Health professionals. They have benefitted enormously Clinic they were ushered to brand new from the services cottages, introduced to just trained cottage they received THEN NOW staff, and hours later following a hot shower here and Children Served Annually 324 4,900 and a scrumptious meal, they were tucked into relationships Services Delivered Campus Only Throughout Ventura bed with clean sheets and comforters. they formed. & Santa Barbara Counties Casa Pacifica’s Programs 4 17 By the first full month, the six children admitted “alumni” are Offices Campus Only Campus, Camarillo (Flynn), on that first day of operations were joined by now in their 20s Santa Barbara, Santa Maria another 65 children – many having been exposed and 30s and the Staff 100 390 to extreme trauma which required removal agency is Volunteers 370 1,250 from home. Some exhibited unmanageable and hearing from Largest Event 100 (at Pierpont) 5,000 at CSU Channel Islands destructive behaviors. All came with complex many of them. Budget $4.5 million $30 million emotional and behavioral needs. Reflecting the In fact, a number reaction of most of them created children to the their own Casa Pacifica Facebook page. Here’s INSIDE: Most important to this 20-year success, beauty and newness a recent interchange from that page reminiscing however, is the amazing support of the of the campus, about their time on campus: President’s Message community -- thousands of volunteers helping however, one boy on CEO’s Message to make the kids lives better, thousands more his second day “The staff members who really cared are the Page 2 participating in one or more of our premier commented “I can’t true heroes and champions who dedicated their fundraising events, and of course those who believe people care Annual Fundraising lives to help us kids break free from the darkness provide their financial support as well. about us this much.” Page 6 and despair and slowly discover ourselves and Casa Pacifica has come a long way in its first the warm light of trust and love....God bless twenty years and we look forward to Flash forward twenty Wine, Food & Casa Pacifica.” And the response, “I too will continuing our mission with the successful years – more than Brew Festival never EVER forget that place and especially the completion of our current $21 million Building 5,300 children and Page 8 - 11 great people who helped change and reshape New Foundations of Hope Capital Campaign – youth have crossed our future for the better.” positioning us to meet the future needs and Casa Pacifica’s Angels & Amigos challenges of our communities’ most vulnerable threshold to receive Page 12 & 13 Six years after opening, Casa Pacifica expanded children and families for the next twenty years. campus-based its services off campus and into the community Upcoming Events services and reside – to homes, and neighborhoods – significantly Page 16 on our state-of-art Summer 2014 Vo l u m e 1 4 • N u m b e r 1 From the President of the Board of Directors A s the cover story for this issue of Heartlines joyfully acknowledges, Casa Pacifica has reached the milestone of 20 years of providing its therapeutic, compassionate, lifechanging programs and services to our communities’ most vulnerable children and families. Twenty years – the time it takes to bear a child and watch him or her grow to a young adult who is attending college and choosing his future life path. I find it an interesting parallel that Casa Pacifica currently finds itself in the midst of a capital campaign defining its ‘future life path,’ expanding and improving not only its campus facilities, but the programs and services it administers as well. Keets Cassar President Just as young adults depend on their families to nurture and support them as they grow to adulthood, independence, and success, Casa Pacifica has had the privilege of having the foundational support of its own loving family – the community – made up of caring individuals, businesses, corporations, and foundations. Their support is seen in a plethora of ways such as the kind efforts of on-campus volunteers Pat McDonough and Rose Larson who have served as the nonpublic school’s librarians since 2006. Or through Eagle Scouts projects that have brought our campus improvements such as the BMX bicycle track and a walking labyrinth. It is seen in the unselfish and dedicated gifts of time, expertise, and then more time from our wonderful Angels, who host the four children’s parties each year and organize our major fundraising events; and the Amigos who in addition to time and expertise, mentor our children during their 32 fun-filled weekends over the year. Then, of course, there are is the financial generosity of so many who ensure Casa Pacifica has the resources it needs. And there is so much more, I couldn’t begin to mention it all. On behalf of Casa Pacifica and the Board of Directors, I would like to thank the thousands of individuals who have not only supported Casa Pacifica and its mission for the past twenty years (even longer for our founders who envisioned Casa Pacifica so long ago) but have expanded, enriched, inspired, supported, believed-in, and cared for Casa Pacifica and its children. You have enabled us to offer so much more to the children Casa Pacifica serves than we could have ever hoped. Thank you for your kindness, your compassion, your dedication, but most of all thank you for being our unwavering support – our own family. From the Chief Executive Officer S ince Casa Pacifica officially launched the Building New Foundations of Hope Capital Campaign at the Founders Day celebration last October the campaign has experienced several milestones. Most recently, in June we received an exciting $3 million investment from the County of Ventura. This significant donation combined with Campaign gifts already received – most notably a remarkable $5 million pledge from the Wood-Claeyssens Foundation - have put us at close to two-thirds of our $21 million goal. It goes without saying that this campus “build out” is the most significant project we have undertaken since we opened in 1994 – replacing temporary, modular buildings and adding more capacity for beds, “outpatient” services, and for strengthening infrastructure. The Board of Directors has authorized construction to begin when we reach 85% of the goal; another $4.5 million needed to be raised on top of the $13.5 million now in hand. Our best estimates place ground breaking sometime this fall. For the last 20 years Casa Pacifica Centers for Children and Families has provided critically needed services to the most vulnerable and challenging children in our region. We have admitted into one of our programs more than 25,000 children and youth. In our first year of operation we cared for 350 children entirely on our campus in Camarillo. This year we will serve over 4,500 children and youth in every community throughout Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties. Our 17 different nationally accredited programs are all geared to help children with the most complex emotional and behavioral needs achieve their potential and live the most productive lives possible. I believe our work strengthens our community and, ultimately, improves the quality of life here on the Central Coast. Though we have offices in Santa Maria, Santa Barbara, and Camarillo to support the services we provide in the 2 community, our Camarillo campus remains our hub and our “heart.” But, twenty years of providing emergency shelter care and residential treatment to thousands of traumatized children and youth with extreme needs has taken its toll. We have responded to the ever increasing demands for our services by adding temporary, modular buildings and by using every possible nook and cranny in existing buildings – some for purposes not intended. Quite simply, we have outgrown and over-used the buildings on campus. Steven E. Elson, Ph.D. Chief Executive Officer And so, we have launched the Building New Foundations of Hope capital campaign to replace temporary modular structures, expand an existing classroom building, and add new buildings to the campus (seven in all) – 55,050 sq. ft. of total new construction. In addition, we will repurpose the current administration building for “outpatient” services exclusively. With the Building New Foundations of Hope Capital Campaign we are acting today to meet demands that will inevitably arise from our community tomorrow – preparing us to continue as a leader in our field for the next 20 years. For more information about the Building New Foundations of Hope Capital Campaign, please contact Carrie Hughes at (805) 366-4011. w w w . c a s a p a c i f i c a . o r g • 8 0 5 - 4 4 5 - 7 8 0 0 Therapy Dog Updates - Archie, Baker, Tess and Otis! A rchie is quite the athlete these days as the senior member of Casa Pacifica’s therapy dog team. To help his joints and muscles stay in their best condition and strength, Archie visits his friends at the Barkley Pet Hotel and Spa in Westlake Village for hydrotherapy and laser treatments twice a week. The Barkley is connected with the Westlake Village Animal Hospital and Archie’s veterinarian Dr. Steve Rosenstein. Archie spends an hour in the water tank treadmill walking at an easy pace that is gentle on Archie’s joints while the water provides him buoyancy and its resistance works his muscles a little harder than walking outside the tank. After his workout Archie’s joints receive laser treatment to help break down any arthritic build up. The therapies have worked wonders with Archie’s range of movement and strength, and it is obvious he is feeling great by his perky spirit! On a more serious note, we are happy to announce that Baker has responded well to heart surgery which was performed in February. Baker was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect and without surgery could have died at any moment. Dr. Imari Waterman of Advance Veterinary Care Center, a veterinary cardiology specialist, performed the surgery with a team of three other doctors. Baker was the largest dog she had ever operated on. It was touch-and-go during the fourhour operation. After a day in recovery it was joyfully apparent that the surgery had improved Baker’s condition substantially. Baker will now live a much healthier life, though he will need to remain on medication and will require check ups at regular intervals. After two days in the hospital Baker returned to work, and minus some slight discomfort where the incision was made in his leg to insert the Baker licks cupcake frosting from operating tools, he is back to his his nose during his 2-year birthday celebration. happy-go-lucky, loveable self! Tess is a bittersweet story. While a sweet, loving girl, especially with Casa Pacifica’s children, her personality was showing to be one that would be much happier in a home setting with one family, rather than the hustle and bustle that comes with working on Casa Pacifica’s campus. She was doing her job, but it was clear she wasn’t happy. Tess has now gone to live with Casa Pacifica’s Facilities Manager where she is has settled right in and loves being the sole family dog (the only competition is two cats), going long walks, and guarding her new home and family. While we miss her here on campus, it has been a wonderful transition for Tess and we are glad to hear she is so happy and where she belongs. Casa Pacifica's Therapy dogs pictured with their generous donors. Seated: Mary Tesoro and Bettina Chandler Back row: Cheryl Broome, John Broome, and Dianna Baker Dogs left to right: Tess, Otis, Baker and Archie (in front) Finally, as you can surmise from the title of this article – Casa Pacifica has a new therapy dog, Otis Chandler Bing! Otis came to Casa Pacifica in April at 8 weeks old and in the three short months he’s been here has already grown to weigh 86 lbs.! Like Archie with his ‘assistant’ Vicki Murphy, Otis goes home at night with Josh Lepore, the CITY Program’s Clinical Supervisor, but returns to Casa Pacifica each weekday to learn the ropes of being a therapy dog from his fellow canine therapists. He’s catching on fast, and as you can imagine, the kids love to visit Otis! Casa Pacifica is grateful to have these furry, loving souls on our campus to provide their unique, special brand of healing to our children and youth! w w w . c a s a p a c i f i c a . o r g • 8 0 5 - 4 4 5 - 7 8 0 0 3 W Community News hen Four Seasons Hotel managers from around the world came to the Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village for a week-long workshop, they took a day off to spend time giving to the community - and Casa Pacifica’s children were the lucky recipients. The managers hosted a World Carnival Day in Casa Pacifica’s gymnasium that featured delicious food prepared by a talented chef from one the Four Seasons Hotels, Four Seasons Hotel managers from locations around the world join Casa Pacifica’s Sara Hidalgo (Volunteer Coordinator), Carrie Hughes (Director of Development), and Vicki Murphy (Chief Advancement Officer) seated center - for a group photo following a very successful World Carnival Day in Casa Pacifica’s gymnasium. A Casa Pacifica child receives encouragement from a Four Seasons Hotel manager as he ‘fishes’ for prizes using a pole with a magnet attached to the bottom of the line. 4 game booths with traditional carnival games and prizes (including gift cards to Target and other fun stores, stuffed animals, and CDs), and live entertainment by The Fiddlers of Ojai and a female duo that played country western music. Casa Pacifica’s children had a great time testing their skills at the games, chowing down on pizza and other delicious food, and some of the more outgoing youth joined the performers on stage and sang along beautifully. It was a very happy and memorable day for our kids and we are very grateful to the Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village and all the kind, warm, happy managers who put in so much effort to create such a fantastic event for the children. Thank you! The National Charity League held its 5th annual blanket-making event at Casa Pacifica. Approximately 200 Ticktocker girls (ages 12-18 years) and 75 mothers from NCL chapters in Ventura, Santa Barbara, and Los Angeles Counties gathered in Casa Pacifica’s gymnasium to create nosew blankets from a colorful variety of fleece fabrics, fringing and knotting the edges together. 300 blankets in all were created for Casa Pacifica’s children and families. In addition, approximately Ticktockers Quinn Conahan, Savannah Owens, 300 bags were filled with baby and Julia Wilson take a moment to pose with supplies and essentials for Operation inspirational speaker Lauren Cook. Homefront, an organization that helps expectant mothers. A special guest speaker and former NCL Ticktocker, Lauren Cook, presented an inspirational talk based on her book “The Sunny Side Up: Celebrating Happiness” about maintaining a positive outlook on life and the importance of and satisfaction garnered in serving others. It was a great afternoon of fun and camaraderie, and Casa Pacifica and its children are grateful for the generous efforts of the NCL Ticktockers and mothers – and of course for all the blankets too! Several employees from Lowe’s Oxnard store spent a day on campus improving and planting the space reserved for an herb garden on Casa Pacifica’s Stepping Stone houses property. Part of the Lowe’s Heroes program, which is dedicated to “improving our community,” the men and women enclosed the circular Lowe's employees install a gate and fencing garden with a waist-high white picket surrounding the herb garden. fence and two gates (to keep Baker from eating what grows), digging up and replacing the soil with new enriched dirt, and planting herb seeds. The center of the garden was reserved for a charming cement bird bath surrounded by beautiful flowers in the bed below. Lowe’s generously covered all the costs of the materials, which we are grateful for, and we thank all the wonderful employees who donated their time, expertise, and sweat to the project. The garden looks great! w w w . c a s a p a c i f i c a . o r g • 8 0 5 - 4 4 5 - 7 8 0 0 Community News The Ventura College Associated Student Body decided to hold its first-ever Talent Show and named Casa Pacifica as the beneficiary to receive a portion of the proceeds raised from ticket sales. Casa Pacifica’s Development Manager Amber Landis-Stover was on hand to share Talent contest winners receive their prizes at the Casa Pacifica’s Ventura College Student Body Talent Show. story, its mission and its children, and she also served as one of the judges for the event. It was a rousing evening with a wide variety of acts and a very supportive audience! Our thanks goes to the VCASB for their generosity and compassion, to all the competitors for sharing their talents, and to everyone involved in the evening for making a difference in the lives of Casa Pacifica’s children! Approximately 25 employees from NRG Energy’s Ormand Beach and Mandalay Bay plants came to Casa Pacifica for a day of volunteering cleaning up and beautifying the campus’ labyrinth sacred space. With all the needed supplies in tow, the group started the day with a quick warm up session of NRG employees before getting to work painting the labyrinth. calisthenics and stretches. After surveying the area and reviewing safety concerns, they got to work cleaning the surface of the labyrinth. The group then painted favorite quotes, phrases, and images of inspiration that had supported their own personal challenges onto the path. It was a great team building day for the employees and as one of them stated, “I feel like I left a part of myself behind for the kids.” In addition to their beautiful work on the labyrinth, the group also gave a monetary donation of $1,000. Thank you to all the NRG employees for spending a day to inspire and support our children and youth! For their annual Red Day, a day to give back to the community, Keller Williams brought nearly 100 volunteers from its office and associated businesses – agents, brokers, mortgage bankers, escrow company employees –for a day of planting and sprucing up Casa Pacifica’s garden areas. Up at the Stepping Stone transitional living houses that front Casa Pacifica they planted a succulent garden and filled a large number of 10’ long wooden planter boxes surrounding the houses with beautiful plants. On campus they weeded and cleaned Casa Pacifica’s vegetable garden and renovated Keller Williams Red Day Volunteers. and replaced broken pavers which they had installed during last year’s Red Day event. One of the realtors set up a GoPro camera to capture the day’s goings-on and posted it on YouTube (set to the song “Happy” by Pharrell) showcasing all the wonderful red-shirted volunteers smiling away and making a beautiful difference on Casa Pacifica’s campus. Thank you to Keller Williams and all the Red Day volunteers for their time, love, and hard work to make Casa Pacifica’s campus a beautiful, happy place for our children and youth! w w w . c a s a p a c i f i c a . o r g Two NRG employees paint inspriing phrases on the labyrinth path. • 8 0 5 - 4 4 5 - 7 8 0 0 5 Planned Giving Gifts of Life Insurance: Getting Started L ife insurance is an asset you may not think of donating to Casa Pacifica until you hear how powerful, practical and simple it can be. How It Works When you own a life insurance policy with accumulated cash value, you're essentially sitting on a pile of money. When the original purpose for the protection no longer applies—such as to educate children now grown or to provide financial security for a spouse now deceased— your life insurance can be redirected to help support a worthwhile cause. One option is simply to name Casa Pacifica as the primary beneficiary. (Naming us as beneficiary while you retain ownership of the policy, however, does not qualify you for an income tax deduction.) Or, you can name us as the beneficiary and also assign us ownership of the policy as a current charitable gift. Doing so provides you tax benefits as outlined below. How You Benefit When you assign us ownership of a life insurance policy and also name us as the beneficiary, the following good things happen: • You receive an income tax charitable deduction, available under most circumstances. • You realize tax savings from use of the deduction, and these savings can be invested for future income. • You reduce your future estate tax liability. Did you know? If you are concerned that supporting our work will reduce your family's inheritance, a new life insurance policy equal to your charitable gift can replace the value of your loved ones' inheritance. Donating a New Policy Perhaps you don't own an existing policy but still realize how beneficial giving life insurance can be. If so, you can—in most states—purchase a new insurance policy and name a qualified charity like ours as the beneficiary and owner of the policy. Rather than paying premiums to the insurance company, you make tax-deductible cash gifts to cover the annual premiums. Even greater leverage is possible when two donors, usually spouses, purchase a two-life second-to-die policy. With two lifetimes before the payment of death benefits, a future gift to us will cost you even less. Please feel free to contact Carrie Hughes at (805) 366-4011 or [email protected] with any questions you may have. This information is not intended as legal or tax advice. For legal or tax advice, please consult an attorney. Figures cited in examples are for hypothetical purposes only and are subject to change. References to estate and income taxes apply to federal taxes only. State income/estate taxes or state law may impact your results. Copyright © The Stelter Company, All rights reserved. Annual Fundraising Goal: $3,100,000 Casa Pacifica gratefully recognizes the following foundations, businesses, and organizations for grants. Grants Received during the 2013-2014 Fiscal Year Wood-Claeyssens Foundation Pentair Foundation Amgen Foundation In-N-Out Burger Foundation Kathryne Beynon Fdn. Blue Shield of California Fdn. Pentair Foundation Procter & Gamble Venoco Community Partnership Women’s Legacy Fund Livingston Memorial Fdn. Swift Memorial Health Care Foundation Comerica Charitable Fdn. VCCF-Community Resource Grant City of Westlake Village Scripps Howard Fdn. Christopher P. Foukes Memorial Fund Walmart Store 3170 Lewis Greenwood Fdn. Pentair Foundation Limoneira Foundation Sam’s Club (Walmart)-Store 6455 Walmart Store 3147 Walmart Store 5664 Wells Fargo Community Partnership Georgianna & Richard Daskias Fund FUNDRAISING-TO-DATE 2014-2015 FISCAL YEAR* $62,778 $21,993 (2.59%) INDIVIDUAL & CORPORATE DONATIONS GOAL $850,000 (27.4%) GRANTS GOAL $750,000 (24.2%) $5,785 (.39%) MARGIN-OF-CARE Casa Pacifica needs ANGELS/ EVENTS GOAL $1,500,000 (48.4%) $33 per day per child in private funds. $35,000 (4.67%) *Fiscal year runs from July 1st to June 30th. 6 w w w . c a s a p a c i f i c a . o r g • 8 0 5 - 4 4 5 - 7 8 0 0 $300,000 $30,000 $24,000 $20,000 $20,000 $15,000 $15,000 $10,000 $10,000 $7,500 $7,000 $7,000 $5,000 $4,000 $2,500 $2,500 $2,000 $2,000 $1,500 $1,300 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $250 Thank You To Our Generous Donors! $5,000,000 and up The Wood-Claeyssens Foundation $1,000,000 - $4,999,999 Bettina Chandler County of Ventura $500,000 - $999,999 $250,000 - $499,999 William H. & Jewell Gerald Powell Wells Fargo For more information on the campaign or to make a donation, Sean & Dianna Baker Ken & Susan Bauer John & Cheryl Broome Margaret Tiplady Burgess $100,000 - $249,999 California United Bank In Honor of John Spoor Broome, Jr., & In Memory of John Spoor Broome Barbara Meister – In Memory of Larry Meister The Estate of John & Judy Quinn Kirsten & Dan Selleck Helen Caldwell – In Memory of C.M. “Morrie” Caldwell Hugh & Keets Cassar $50,000 - $99,999 Kristin & Michael Eaton Granite Construction Bill & Elise Kearney Alison & Peter Ratcliffe Sage Publications, Inc. Stefanie & Timothy Wennes David E. Wood & Elizabeth M. Rice please contact Carrie Hughes, Director of Development and Public Relations at (805) 366-4011 Stephanie & Daniel Carmi Rebeca R. Elliott Steven Elson or via email: [email protected] $25,000 - $49,999 Ferguson Case Orr Paterson LLP Alan & Jana Fletcher Patricia Howard Joan & Timothy Jones Doug & Lorraine Mazza Sherwood Country Club Shealen & Rob Wynner $10,000 - $24,999 Marni Brook Charles & Eloise Cohen Wayne & Barbara Davey Geoff & Marlene Dean Dick & Terry Goodrich Richard & Amy Hernandez Donors as of August 13, 2014. Vicki & Dennis Murphy Reza & Marla Razzaghipour Stacy & Kerry Roscoe Richard & Jane Rush THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS, ORGANIZATIONS OR BUSINESSES WHO MADE A TRIBUTE OR MEMORIAL GIFT DURING THE PERIOD OF March1st, 2014-June 30th 2014 IN MEMORY OF ADELLE ELSON Marika Collins-Chhun Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Murphy Ms. Carrie Hughes and Mr. David C. Paneiko ALAN J. CORDOVER Amigos Board of Directors Mr. and Mrs. Corey W. Ballaban Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bauer Dr. and Mrs. William Burgos Mr. and Mrs. Mike Eaton Dr. and Mrs. Edward Elson Mr. Rob Ettenger Arlene Jakes and Mitchell Freedman Mr. and Mrs. Frederic N. Gaines Mr. and Mrs. Rusty B. Gautier Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gould Shirley Mac Neu and Frank Haviland Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Higashi Mr. and Mrs. Daryl M. Ito Mr. and Mrs. Alan Jeffery Dr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Kirschbaum Betty S. Levy Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Marks Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Murphy Mr. Edward L. O'Brien and Mrs. Parry A. Weet O'Brien Ms. Carrie Hughes and Mr. David C. Paneiko Ms. Terri Parks Mr. and Mrs. Noel Purkin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rakestraw Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schalk Mr. and Mrs. Steven Yamamoto Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Young CHRISTIANNE STARRATT Ronald and Christiane Starratt Charitable Account DAVID AND RAE WIENER David and Rae Wiener Foundation GARY BOSTROM Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rakestraw HERBERT B. HYMAN Mrs. Carolyn S. Berenson Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Broslow Mr. and Mrs. John T. Bustard Mr. Anthony Calcara Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Ms. Suzanne Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Epstein Mr. Fred C. Ferro Mr. and Mrs. William Kearney Mr. and Ms. Jerome L. Marie Ottavio's Italian Restaurant Ric's Restaurant and Sports Lounge Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pfeiler Mrs. Phyllius Puckett Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rakestraw Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Winters JILL & SHAUNA RISTAU Ms. Corrine L. Draper JULIA GRENIER Ms. Carrie Hughes and Mr. David C. Paneiko LARRY KING Mr. Todd Piccus MARTHA A. GOODSELL Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams ROBERT HARRISON Mrs. Patricia Peebles Ms. Faith Cosby Mr. and Mrs. Donald Edwards Ms. Lynn Kenton Mrs. Anita Pulido StakerLaw Mr. and Mrs. Rick Tyhurst IN HONOR OF BERNIE AND DOTTIE NOVATT Dr. Michael Hogan and Dr. Rosalind C. Warner BILL AND JEWELL POWELL Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Andrews Mr. Daniel Bergman Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Burlage Mr. and Mrs. James H. Chamberlain Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chien Dr. Michael Hogan and Dr. Rosalind C. Warner Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Murphy Ms. Carrie Hughes and Mr. David C. Paneiko Mr. James H. Roberts Mr. William Sutman Mr. Alan D. Wessel CYNTHIA A. DOMBROWSKI Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Goodkin DENNIS G. MURPHY Mr. and Mrs. Sean A. Baker JAYMES MIHALIAK Mr. Manuel Antonio Ms. Debbie Chari Ms. Ann Marie Lee Robin Lyles Ms. YuSon Shin Mr. Eric Shulman Mr. and Mrs. Larry Stern JUAN ZORILLA Mr. Samuel McMillan MARIE LIMAURO The Trade Desk SUE AND BERNIE BAUER Mr. Frank Bellinghiere, Esq. THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS, ORGANIZATIONS OR BUSINESSES WHO MADE A GIFT DURING THE PERIOD OF March1st, 2014-June 30th 2014 LEADER ($20,000+) Beynon Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William H. Powell Union Bank Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Van Huisen CHAMPION ($5,000+) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Babineau Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bauer BB&H Benefit Designs Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Borgeson Cassar Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cassar Mrs. Bettina Chandler Chivaroli & Associates Mr. Rick Chivaroli The Collection at Riverpark Comerica Bank Conico Oil Mr. Robert Dawson Del Sol Harvesting DEX DW Berry Farm Essex Property Trust, Inc. Fairis Hansen Trust Ferguson Case Orr Paterson, LLP Five Star Bookkeeping Heritage Oaks Bank Dr. Michael Hogan and Dr. Rosalind C. Warner Mr. and Mrs. Daryl M. Ito Dr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Jensen Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kearney Livingston Memorial Foundation LPL Financial Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Malchicoff Ms. Patti J. Morgan Oxnard Hyundai The Patio Restaurant at Players Club Casino Rio Farms Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians Foundation Ronald and Christiane Starratt Charitable Account Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson Star of CA Stream Co Summit Pools & Spas Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Tesoro Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turnage Wyvern Ranch PROTECTOR ($1,000+) 360 Group International, Inc. AAA Propane Service, Inc. Absolute Analysis Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aby Aces & 8's Casino Nights Alliance Residential Amgen Foundation c/o Cybergrants Anderson Kill Angels Board Ms. Lisa Baluz Bank of America Foundation Mr. Bruce J. Barrios Mr. Donald R. Belless Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Block Mr. and Mrs. Ty Brann Ms. Marni Brook Mr. David N. Burrow California United Bank Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Case, Esq. Celestine Stone Tile, Inc. Central Coast Properties Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Charbonneau City National Bank City of Westlake Village Coast Maritime Services, Inc. Community Memorial Health System Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Davey Ms. Christine Diaz Dole Food Company, Inc. Dullam Nursery E. J. Harrison & Sons, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Eaton Mrs. Rebeca R. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Eriksson Ms. Robyn Eykjlan Mr. Jorge Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fletcher Gardena Nursery Mr. and Mrs. Matt Gillio Ms. Adelina Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. Rich Graffeo Ms. Sandra Guillen Mr. and Mrs. Myron G. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Steven Higashi Mr. Husam Hishmeh Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Hochschild Ms. Heather J. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hogan Hogan Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hong Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Hopps Mr. and Mrs. Tom E. Hopps Ms. Carrie Hughes and Mr. David Paneiko Mrs. Carolyn R. Huntsinger Mr. Michael Kari Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kirkpatrick Mr. William H. Kracht Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Kroll The Honorable Susan K. Lacey and Mr. Edward J. Lacey Mr. James P. Lacey Mr. and Mrs. Larry LeVasseur Lewis Greenwood Foundation Mr. Arthur S. Maidman and Ms. Laura A. Kinney Mrs. Barbara S. Meister Mission Produce, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Eric Moll Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley / The Hopps Group Mr. and Mrs. Wesley J. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Murphy Neiman Marcus Oilfield Electric Company, Inc Omega Technologies Pacific Maritime Association/I.L.W.U. Pacific RoRo Stevedoring/Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics Pacifica Institute of Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery Persona/PR Mr. Thomas R. Petersen Ports America Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Rakestraw Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ratcliffe Mr. and Mrs. Reza Razzaghipour Robin Reed Ms. Elizabeth Rice Ms. Vada Rogers Dr. Sharon R. Saivar Santa Rosa Transplant Cooperative, LLC Mr. and Mrs. John B. Schoolland David and Mimi Scott Scripps Howard Foundation SDG Russell Ranch Associates SDI Industries Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Selleck Selleck Development Group, Inc. Shum Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. John A. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Steve Singleton Ms. Susanne Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Danny Stymacher Sunnyland Nursery LLC Venco Western Veterinary Medical and Surgical Group Walmart Store 6455 Mr. and Mrs. Dean Walsh Mr. Ross C. Weaver Wells Fargo Community Support United Way Campaign Mr. David Wood and Ms. Elizabeth Rice Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wynner Ms. Laura Zapien MENTOR ($500 - $999) AAR Manufacturing Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Albaugh Amigos Board of Directors Anonymous Candice Cerro and Michael Aragon Mr. and Mrs. Sean A. Baker Bank of America United Way Campaign Cybergrants Mr. Keith E. Barton Ms. Sharon Brien Kerrey and Christopher Bumgarner Dr. and Mrs. William Burgos Camarillo Center For Spiritual Living Ms. Marian Cargnino Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Carmi Ms. Cheryl Cassidy Lambert CBC Federal Credit Union Ms. Karen Chamberlin Ms. Courtney Clark Mr. Sean Clark CAPT and Mrs. Brick Connors Mr. and Mrs. Bill R. Crisostomo David and Rae Wiener Foundation Mr. Timothy C. Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Dyer East Farms Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Elliott, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Edward Elson Ms. Lindi Ensminger Ms. Suzy Ensminger Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Esquivel Ms. Caroline M. Finn Rene Garcia Hoed Garrett Johnson Transport Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gaughan Global Power Products Mr. and Mrs. Juan Godinez Ms. Irma Granados Ms. Carol M. Greeby Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Guntner Ms. Siobhain Hill and Mr. Tom O'Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Steven Huber Mr. Charles Volk and Mrs. Kathy K. Jeffers-Volk Ms. Teresta M. Kearin Mr. Erick Kuskie Mrs. Karen Latourell-Merriman Mr. Alfonso J. Lopez Mr. Mark A. Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Marks Ms. Rachel McMurtry Mr. Keith Melman Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mervyn Jingle Mitchell Mr. Miguel Morell Naumann Ranch Mr. Edward L. O'Brien and Mrs. Parry A. Weet O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Palay Mrs. Anita Pulido Mr. Johnny R. Rangel Mr. James H. Roberts Rotary Club of Moorpark #671 Ms. Clarissa M. Schuyler Taraneh Sharif Mr. Seth R. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Stone Ms. Karina J. Tapia Mr. William L. Warburton and Mrs. Sheila Warburton Ms. Jaelee J. Watanabe Ms. Debra Wilson Mr. Steve Yapp FRIEND ($250 - $499) Ms. Nicole Abrahamson Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Acosta Mr. Sergio M. Acuna, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ahern Ms. Berta Akimtsev Ms. Sandra J. Alvarado Mr. Roger Alves Ms. Nancy Amorteguy Hon. Nancy L. Ayers Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Baccelli Mr. Derek Y. Bacon Mr. Terry R. Bailey Ms. and Mr. Tani Baldonado Mr. Samuel D. Ballou Mrs. Penny Barnds Mr. David Bauman Ms. Emily A. Beam Camren Beattie Mr. Dave Behling Mr. and Mrs. Jefferey S. Bell Mr. Jon Beltran Mr. Daniel Bergman Robin Biermann Ms. Ericka Bigger Mr. Jonathan D. Bolton Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Bolyog Mr. and Mrs. George Boskovich Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Boyd Ms. Maryl Bregman Mr. Roger W. Brooks Ms. Melodie Brown Ms. Colleen Buckley Ms. Carolyn Bundy Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Burlage Mr. and Mrs. Westley P. Busch Mr. Sam Campa Ms. Christine Cardoso-Moore Keily Carlson Mr. Scott Carlson Ms. Mindy Carson Ms. Angela Castillo Mr. and Mrs. David C. Catlin Marika Collins-Chhun Ms. Catherina T. Chiechi Mr. Jason Clark Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Clarke Ms. Amy W. Clausi Ms. Cristie L. Clifford Coach Patty's School of Gymnastics Mr. Tim Conlon Mr. and Mrs. John Corona Ms. Melina Cosio Country Squire Mobile Home Park Mr. Donald Covarrubias Ms. Mary A. Cralley Ms. Lisa A. Craner Mr. Steven Curtis Ms. Tammy Cushman-Czabala Ms. Pia Dahlsten Mr. Mike Darcy Mr. Michael W. Dawson Ms. Sheri DeJong Ms. Diane Dhillon Ms. Jennie Dockey Mr. Mark Dominguez Ms. April Donohue Mr. Colin Duong Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dwyer Ashley N. Edling Ms. Linda Edwards Mr. Roger Eladli Mr. David B. Ellis Elson Law Firm Mr. Anthony W. Esquivel Mr. Gregory J. Exler Mr. Timothy J. Fabrey Mr. Peter T. Favero Mr. and Mrs. David M. Ferro Mrs. Laurie L. Figueroa Mr. Carlos Flores Mr. and Mrs. Brett Fox Mr. Matt Fraser Mr. Carlos Funes Mr. and Mrs. John Galaviz Mr. Ray Galaviz Ms. Christina Galloway Ms. Sandra J. Garcia Tenley Garcia Ms. Joy Garza Ms. Brigitte Geissel Mr. Floyd B. Gill Ms. Cathy Gintjee Girls on a Mission Ms. Lori Glass Ms. Edith E. Gonzalez Ms. Tezra Gooding Mr. and Mrs. George A. Graham Mr. Ryan W. Graham Mr. William R. Graves Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Greenwood Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Grenier Ms. Julie M. Griffin Ms. Karen B. Grives Mr. and Mrs. Ray Guillen Mr. James T. Haase Mr. Leo Hamill Ms. Shelley Hanna Ms. Leslie G. Hardt Ms. Patty Harrington Jamie L. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Corben Hatch Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hebert Mr. Sean D. Henggeler Ms. Denise Hernandez Mr. Christopher M. Herzog Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hintz Mr. Ted A. Hiscocks Ms. Karen Hoffmann Ms. Christina Hogue Ms. Cindy Holden Mr. and Mrs. Benjamen W. Howseman Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Huff Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hunnicutt Ms. Claudia Imhof Mr. and Mrs. David A. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Lou D. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jensen Ms. Rebecca J. Job Ms. Christie J. Johnson Mr. Jason R. Johnson Mr. Kurt A. Johnson Ms. Leslie A. Johnson Mr. Alwick A. Jonas Ms. Carol A. Jones Mr. Eric S. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Craig L. Justice Mr. Randy Kaplan-James Ms. Shawnaa Kasper Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kennamer Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Ketelhut Mr. Matthew Keyworth Ms. Amy King Mr. Keith B. Kowasz Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Kozik Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Krause Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kullback Dr. and Mrs. Larry L. Kussin Ms. Christine LaSalle Ms. Bree A. Laubacher Ms. Rebecca Lefler Dr. and Mrs. Joe Lo Presti Mr. and Mrs. Craig Loft Ms. Yrenka Lolli-Sunderlin Ms. Tonetta Lone Elk and Mr. Elijah Willis Mr. Garrett Lopez Ms. Xiomara Lopez Los Cerritos Middle School Love Heals Lucas Transplant Company, LLC Ms. Diane M. Maag Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Madden Jamie A. Mahoney Dr. and Mrs. Albert D. Marley Ms. Candace Martinez Ms. Sharon McAlexander Ms. Becky Mccarthy Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. McClurg Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. McClurg Ms. Christa Mcconathy Mr. Kevin McConnell Ms. Hillary McLoughlin Dr. Mark Merriman Ms. Alyssa Mervyn Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mervyn Ms. Rachel L. Messinger Ms. Jennifer Meyers Ms. Kimberly Miller Mr. and Mrs. Adnan C. Mneimne Mr. and Mrs. Myles Monroe Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Montanari Moorpark Brokerage Insurance Services, Inc. Mr. Steve R. Mooshagian Ms. Angela Morgan Ms. Lori Morris Ms. Nancy Myers Ms. Wendy Nachazel Dr. Diane C. Narhi Mr. Eric Nelissen Ms. Phyllis A. Newport Mr. and Mrs. Larry Oliver Mr. David Otis Mr. and Mrs. Edward Padilla Ms. Yvonne Parker Ms. Terri Parks Archyaporn Paroongsup Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Paschen Dr. Bradley K. Patterson Ms. Jonelle L. Perez Hon. Steven & Diane Perren Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Pfannes Mr. Todd Piccus Ms. Mary C. Poling Mrs. Melanie Pozez Blumberg Ms. Lucy Prieto Ms. Colleen Puckett Mr. Curtis Rausch Ms. Crystal Reagan Mr. Steven J. Redard Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Reed Ashley Ribeiro RJ Performance Mr. Chuck R. Rodems Mr. and Ms. Eric Rolph Ms. Lisa Ross Mr. and Mrs. Janusz Rusek Dr. and Mrs. Richard Rush Mr. Alfred Salinas Ms. Traci A. Salmon Mr. Andrew Salter Ashley Samaniego Mr. Paul Sanders Mr. Scot Sandoval Mr. William Santangelo Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schlegel Ms. Shannon E. Schneider Mr. Gabriel Schwind Mr. Evan R. Seccombe Mr. Richard A. Seibert Tani Baldonado and Mehran Shiralipour Ona Shiroyama Ms. Linda Shueh Ms. Monica Sides Mr. Jim Siebers Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Silvey Ms. Liz Simpson Mrs. Ellen F. Smith Mr. Greg Smith Harper Smith Ms. Suzanne A. Smith Ms. Noretha V. Smither Ms. Sara Snyder So. Cal. Steel Inc. Ms. Vivian Soto Ms. Kimberly A. St. John Ms. Isobel Standridge Ms. Lita C. Starr Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stemple Robin and Kendon Studebaker Ms. Karen Stuebing Ms. Emily Sutton Mr. Brian D. Sweetland Ms. Kathy Swor Mr. and Mrs. George T. Tabata Kristen K. Templeton Ms. Leslie S. Thomas Ms. Mindy L. Thompson Mr. Rodney Thompson Ms. Laura Toler TRUiST Mr. and Mrs. Alan Tuck Mr. Christopher J. Ullrich United Way of Santa Barbara County Urbane Cafe Ms. Amanda Urias Ms. Mary Urias Ms. Tamera M. Urquhart Ms. Angelica L. Valencia Mr. Carlos Vasquez Mr. James Wagner Ms. Jodi Wagner Felix Wang Ms. Christina Ward Mr. Todd F. Watanabe Ms. Betsy E. Weisz-Spadaro Mr. and Mrs. Corey J. Wendt Ms. Rebecca C. Whalen Khaliqa T. Wheatley Ms. Yvonne Whitefield Mr. Michael Wilk Ms. Penelope J. Williams Mr. and Mrs. David Willis Ms. Kathleen D. Wilson Ms. Susan Wolf Ms. Lori Woodley Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wotman Mr. Mark Yakimisky Lupe M. Zamora ASSOCIATE (UP TO $249) Dr. and Mrs. Glen Abergel Mr. Roger G. Adams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams Ms. Sally Adelblue Ms. Lynne A. Adelman Nayeli Aguirre Ahern Construction Ms. Jennifer N. Alargunsoro Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Alderete Ms. Laqueta Alexander Ms. Janis Allen Ms. Simone Aloisio Ms. Kenisha Amar Amgen Political Action Committee Match Gift Program Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Andrews Mr. Manuel Antonio Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Aparicio Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Aparicio Mr. Sean Ardoin Ms. Susan Armstrong Mr. Tommy Arnold Ms. Linda K. A. Ash Vogel Ms. Katie Auborn Mr. Jonathan Avila Ms. Veronica Avila Ms. Terese A. Ayers Mr. and Mrs. Corey W. Ballaban Mr. Frank Bellinghiere, Esq. Ms. Denise D. Beltran Mr. Nathan Beltran Ms. Nicole Beltran Mr. and Mrs. James R. Bemis Ms. Kayla M. Benado Ms. Laurie Benink Mrs. Carolyn S. Berenson Mr. David W. Berkey Mr. and Mrs. Andy W. Binsley Ms. Jennifer G. Bispo Ms. Maria Bouchard Ms. Lisa Bowman Ms. Patty Brenneman Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Brignardello Ms. Debbie Bronson Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Broslow Mr. David M. Browne Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bucholtz Ms. Lara Buckley Mr. Dennis Bulmer Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burdette Mr. Joseph Burdullis Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burg Amanda Atkins and Chris Burns Mr. and Mrs. John T. Bustard Mr. Anthony Calcara Camarillo Recycling, Inc. Mr. Glen Campbell Ms. Heather K. Campbell Ms. Heather Cantwell Mr. and Mrs. Stan J. Capelli Mr. Ryan J. Capriccio Ms. Karina Capristo Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carmi Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Carroll Ms. Debby Casillas Ms. Irma Casillas Mr. Adrian Castaneda Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Castillo Ms. Ana Cerros Chaffee Tile & Stone Mr. and Mrs. James H. Chamberlain Channel Islands Veterinary Hospitals Ms. Debbie Chari Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Chess Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chien Ms. Claire Closson Mr. Jeffrey W. Cohen Ms. Suzanne Cohen Ms. Jennifer Cola Ms. Lynn E. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Collier Ms. Claire Collins-Chhun Mr. Denis Conkey Mrs. Patricia B. Cordover Corona Landscape & Decorative Borders Ms. Teresa T. Cortez Ms. Faith Cosby Mr. Roger J. Couture, Jr. Ms. Tanya Craft Ms. Christina Crostic Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Crudup, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Cundiff Mr. Brendon Cussio Ms. Lynne Dan Mr. Jeffrey G. Dann Dr. William A. Davies Mr. Octavio De La O Ms. Jennifer A. De Santiago Ms. April C. DeBlauw Ms. Kymberly A. DeGenaro Paul and Gilbert Delagnes Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. DeMaille Ms. Danielle Derrick Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Diggs Mr. William Dilfer Jourdain Dion Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Dombrowski Ms. Blanca X. Dominguez Mary Williams and William Doubek Ms. Corrine L. Draper Mr. and Mrs. Scott Duffner Mrs. and Mr. Esperanza Durazo Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Durazo Edison International Mr. and Mrs. Donald Edwards Mr. Mark L. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Robert Egbert Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ehrlich Mr. and Mrs. Tod M. Elliott Ms. Rochelle Elwell Ms. Jennifer Eman Mr. and Mrs. Barry Englestad Enterprise Rent A Car - Simi Valley Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Entzel Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Epstein Mr. Robert S. Escobar Mr. Rob Ettenger Ms. Jean Everett Mr. David Excell Mr. Dennis F. Fandey Ms. Chemayne J. Faulconer Dr. Irina Feldman Ms. Stephanie Feller Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalo Fernandez Ms. Gay H. Ferrante Mr. Fred C. Ferro Ms. Sharon J. Fitzsimmons Mr. John Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Fowkes Ms. Suzanne Franc Arlene Jakes and Mitchell Freedman Mr. and Mrs. Harold Friedman Ms. Sheila Fundaburk Mr. and Mrs. Frederic N. Gaines Mr. and Mrs. Manny Gallardo Mr. Alan J. Gamroth Mr. Agustin Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Rusty B. Gautier Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Gelso Gen Hawk Construction Gerie's Fashion Closet Mrs. Michelle A. Gibson Kaycee Gilbert Girl Scout Of CA Central Coast Troop 60385 Ms. Yasmin Gohar Ms. Sharon Goodenough Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Goodkin Cynthia Gortner Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Gortner Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gould Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Greenstein Ms. Marcie Griffiths Ms. Diane M. Grippo Lauren Gulbrand Indira Gupta Mrs. Mary Guy Ms. Joanne Haas Cris B. Hagen Ms. Alicia Haglund Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Halcomb Ms. Jessica Halloran Ms. Lori Haney Mr. and Mrs. Ken Harris Ms. Diane F. Harrison Ms. Sheila Hart Mr. Jacob G. Harwood Ms. Lisa J. Hashimoto Ms. Catherine J. Hatch Shirley Mac Neu and Frank Haviland Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hayden Ms. Jolyn K. Haye Ms. Beatriz R. Herrera Mr. and Mrs. Richard Herrera Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Higashi Ms. Christine Hill Hishmeh Enterprises Mr. Steve Holt Mr. Steve N. Holt and Ms. Karen Kwan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holt Ms. Shannon Houston Ms. and Mr. Blanca E. Huizar-Salazar Ms. Wanda K. Hull Mr. Nick Jabbour Mr. Juan Jaime Mr. and Mrs. David Jaks Jaks Marketing Group Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jamieson Mr. and Mrs. Alan Jeffery Mr. James Jernigan Ms. Dinuvia A. Jimenez Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Johnson Ms. Diane Johnson Mr. Matthew C. Johnson Mr. Brad Jones Ms. Jackie Jones Ms. Jennifer Jones Ms. Shirley J. Jorgensen Mr. Jack Kaiser Ms. Anna Karas Mr. Matthew Kasenga Ms. Michelle R. Kates Ms. Pamela A. Keller Mr. Gary Kelman Mr. David Kemp Ms. Lynn Kenton Dr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Kirschbaum Ms. Jeanette A. Kroner Nalini Lall Mr. Jon Stover and Mrs. Amber Landis-Stover Mr. Matthew Larsen Las Posas Veterinary Medical Center Ms. Ann Marie Lee Mr. Mark Lefko Ms. Barbara Leighty Mr. and Mrs. Dan Leong Ms. Deanna Leslie Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Levy Ms. Debi Lewis Limelight Innovations L.L.C. Ms. Chantelle M. Limon Mr. Edward W. Lipnickas Livingston Construction, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Locklear Sonia Garza and Joe Locklear Ms. Joanne Lombardo Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lombardo Mr. Andre E. Long Mr. Steven H. Low Mr. and Mrs. Al Lowe Robin Lyles Mr. Manuel Macias Ms. Cynthia L. Madden Mr. and Mrs. Steve Madsen Ms. Danielle Magdalena Ms. Laurie Mann Fady A. Mansi Mr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Marie Mr. Greg Marien Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Markiewicz Ms. Rochelle Marshall Ms. Susan Marshall Ms. Dominique Martinez Ms. Julianna Martinez Mr. Robert Matesevac Mr. and Mrs. James Maurer Mr. and Mrs. Kris C. Mavity Maximillian at the Strand Mrs. Michelle Maye Ms. Anita Mays Mr. Tom Mccarthy Mr. Ryan McCleery Mr. and Mrs. John Mcclelland Ms. Terray McGee Ms. Marjorie McGill Mr. Samuel McMillan Kelly McNaughten Meadow Gardens Mr. James Meaney Mr. Derrick Means Mr. Joseph Mendoza Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Mercurio Jamie Meyer Mr. Kevin L. Meyers Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Milla Ms. Darci D. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Minear Ms. Ana Miranda Ms. Marilyn Miravete-Smith Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mitnick Mr. David Mitsuuchi Ana Urrutia and Gaby Montelongo Ms. Laura Montoya Moonlite Mr. Craig Moore Ms. Jean M. Moore Ms. Martha J. Moore Ms. Tamara L. Moore Ms. DeeAnna Moreno Guadalupe Moreno Ms. Margarita Moreno Ms. Victoria Mouradian Ms. Katherine Mueller Pat Munger Ms. Paula S. Munoz Mrs. Diana Myers Mr. Shawn M. Nakamura Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Nash Ms. Tamika C. Noelle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O'Malia OPI Products Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ignacio Ortiz Ottavi's - Ric's Ms. Bridgette Overstreet Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Owens Ms. Jennifer Page Ms. Sue Palos Mr. Barry Parker Ms. Michelle Parr Ms. Paula Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. Paschen, Sr. Ms. Carma Pawlewicz Ms. Amelia Pecsok Mrs. Patricia Peebles Ms. Patricia E. Perez Tracy Perez Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Person Mr. and Mrs. Atis Petersons Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Pfeiffer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pfeiler Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Pierce Ms. Lorraine Pizano Ms. Erin M. Pohl Ms. Kayla M. Pope Ms. Lisa K. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Pryce Mrs. Phyllius Puckett Neal Pulido Mr. and Mrs. Noel Purkin Ms. Sharon E. Radcliffe Ms. Marni Rader Mr. Christopher Radoumis Ms. Cindy B. Ramirez Ms. Dorothy Ramirez Rocio Ramirez Mr. Roy Ramos Ms. Vicki Raven Mr. and Mrs. Randall Reason Mr. and Mrs. Michael Redard Ms. Jeannette E. Redding Mr. John M. Reid Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Reis Ms. Valerie Reveles Ms. Sandra Reyes Ms. Karen Reynolds Lauren A. Rezai Ms. Karen R. Rich Ms. Karen P. Roberts Ms. Kathleen Rock Mr. and Mrs. Juan C. Rodriguez Ms. Susan Rohlfing Ms. Kimberly A. Ronneberg Royalty Biker Riding Club Mr. and Ms. Francisco A. Salazar Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Sampietro Ms. Johanna L. Sanchez Ms. Kathryn Sarris Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schalk Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Schmeer Ms. Jessica L. Schneider Ms. Kristi M. Schoeld Ms. Kathryn L. Schumacher Ms. Kristin L. Scott Ms. Mary J. Seebach Mr. Stephen A. Segovia Ms. Belva R. Settles Mr. Zachary Seufert Seven Arrows Elementary School Shelley's Fashion Inc. Ms. YuSon Shin Ms. Sherry S. Shirk Mr. Eric Shulman Ms. Jennifer Shultz Mrs. Kimberly Siegert Ms. Stephanie Siewert Jairo Siles Ms. Alicia Simpson Ms. Cathy D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith Ms. Judy A. Smith Mr. Scott Smith Ms. Vicki Smither Ms. Sylvia Soto Ms. Lisa M. Sparrow Ms. Kim L. Spencer Mr. Adam Sperber and Mrs. Cheri Elson Sperber Ms. Arielle Sperber Mr. Joseph Spillane St. Paul's United Methodist Church Ms. Kim Staback StakerLaw Ms. Robin W. Steinberg Mr. and Mrs. Larry Stern Ms. Sandra Stevens Kehr Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stoddard Mr. Steven C. Stoddard Ms. Janet C. Strem Mr. and Mrs. John Stubblefield Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sudd Ms. Lisa M. Suppa Mr. William Sutman Ms. Patti A. Suttle Ms. Jennifer Switzky Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Tallman Ms. Lila Tavakoli The Trade Desk Mr. and Mrs. James R. Thiessen Ms. Juliana Thiessen Mr. and Mrs. Brett Thomas Treasured Accessory Ms. Marsha Tryforos Mr. and Mrs. Alan Tuck Mr. and Mrs. Bob Turnage Ms. Cathy Turner Mr. and Mrs. Rick Tyhurst United Way California Capital Region United Way of Los Angeles County United Way of Ventura County Ms. Teresa A. Urquidez Mr. Jonathan T. Uyemori Mr. Lennie Uyemori Yadira Valencia Mr. Mark Varela Mr. and Ms. Athan Vegos Ms. Melissa M. Villafuerte Vincent J. Lombardo Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Vinolus Mr. and Mrs. Fernando R. Vivero Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vocke Mr. Brian Vogel Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Wall, Jr. Ms. Jill Warnick Watson Distributing Ms. Amanda Webb Ms. Kristin Webberley Ms. Jane L. Weblemoe Ms. Mary A. Weeks Ms. Carol J. Weggesser Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weidenweber Ms. Krista Weissmuller Mr. Alan D. Wessel Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery B. Whitaker Dr. and Mrs. David K. White, Jr. Mr. Michael Wilde Ms. Shelly E. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Winters Ms. Rebecca Wismann Wood Ranch BBQ & Grill Corporation - Agoura Hills Mr. and Mrs. Steven Yamamoto Mr. and Mrs. Leadman Yep Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Young Mr. Michael J. Zabarsky Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zierhut Dr. and Mrs. Kim D. Zussman THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS, ORGANIZATIONS OR BUSINESSES WHO MADE A GIFT IN-KIND DONATION DURING THE PERIOD OF March 1st, 2014-June 30th 2014 14 Hands Winery 247 Pop-Up 805 Bar & Grilled Cheese 805 Brewing Company AB Caffe Services Acupuncture & Wellness Clinic of Jonathan Breslow AEG, STAPLES Center, NOKIA Theatre at L.A. LIVE Agoura Feed, Inc. Aldabella Winery Allison's Country Cafe Alma Sol Winery AmandaJordan Amgen Anheuser-Busch, Inc. Anonymous Aquarium of the Pacific Bamboo Steak House Mrs. Dolores Banta The Barkley Pet Hotel & Day Spa Mr. and Mrs. Rick Barlowe Ms. Penny Barnds Barrelhouse 101 Mrs. Joan Bates Bella Victorian Vineyard Bistro Ms. Suzanne Bellnschi Bianchi Vineyards Big Brand Tire - Camarillo Billy D'z Backyard BBQ BJ's Restaurant & Brewery Mr. and Mrs. Andy Blake Bloom Honey, LP BloomZBloom Blueberry Hill Newfoundlands Bodyworks by Myrna Bourassa Vineyards Bradford Renaissance Portraits Bread Basket Cake Company Brendan's Irish Pub & Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. James Brewer Brophy Bros. Restaurant and Clam Bar Dr. and Mrs. William Burgos Busy Bee Cabi Cafe Fiore Café Firenze California Lutheran University Community Service Center California Pizza Kitchen - Ventura Camarillo Pilates Camarillo Yoga Center Cambria Winery and Vineyards Cantara Cellars Canteen Vending of Coastal California, Inc. The Cappuccino Club Cara's Gems Celebrate Sweetly Celtic Carma Salon & Spa Charn Thai Restaurant Chateau Ste Michelle Chef Stroh's Pestos Chocoboost Chocolats Du Calibressan, Inc Mrs. Miriam Chuntz Cisco's - Westlake Village City Shopper Publications Cline Cellars CLU Community Service Center Coastal Grill Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Cold Stone Creamery Colour Bar Conejo Players Theater Conjured Up Creations Shawn McMaster Magic & Mayhem Constellation Brands (Kim Crawford last year Wild Horse) Corner Bakery Café Corner Bakery Cafe - Thousand Oaks Create Studio Crunchies Food Company LLC C-Street Restaurant / Crowne Plaza Hotel Cumulus Media Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James Danza Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dawson Deseo Lash & Skin Studio Desert Adventures Design It In Wood Discovery Ventura DJ's California Catering Don Sebastiani & Sons Don's Smokin' Salmon Dream Dinners Ventura DV8 Cellars Mr. and Mrs. Mike Eaton Eden Canyon Vineyards Edible Ojai & Ventura County Eggs 'N' Things Restaurant Embassy Suites Hotel at Mandalay Beach Resort Embody Wellness Enegren Brewing Company Ensemble Theater Company Etiquette of Ventura County Ferrari-Carano Ferraro's Italian Restaurant Fess Parker's Doubletree Resort Fetzer Vineyards Figueroa Brewing Co. Fire Island Grill Fireman's Brew, Inc. Firestone Walker Brewing Co. First Crush Winery Ms. Linda Fitzgerald Five Star Bookkeeping Four Brix Winery Fox Fine Jewelry Fresco II Restaurant Frost It Cupcakery Mr. and Mrs. Matt Garelik Ms. Kimberly Germaine Gillean McLeod Mr. and Mrs. Jan Gilliland Girl Scout Troop 60019 Girl Scout Troop 63024 Girl Scouts of Central Coast Troop 60508 Gold Coast Broadcasting LLC Mr. and Mrs. James C. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Granat Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Grenier Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Groden The Growing Company Gull Wings Children's Museum Hair Free Forever Halper Fine Art Hampton Inn & Suites Hangar 24 Brewery Mr. and Mrs. Ken Harris Hearts Of Jade Herzog Wine Cellars Himalaya - Cuisine of Nepal, India Hitching Post II Restaurant Hitching Post II Winery Home Furniture Company, Inc. Hop Aboard Trolley HOPE4Kids Horse Healing Adventures The Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Garden I Would Rather Be Baking Co. Imerys Filtration Minerals INancy IMages In-N-Out Burger Institution Ale Island Brewing Company Island Packers Mr. and Mrs. Daryl M. Ito IV Lions J Hamilton Wines Jaks Marketing Group Jamba Juice - Thousand Oaks Mr. David James Jason Flame's Tang Soo Do University JD Morgan Center (UCLA Athletics) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Volk Jettlynn Winery Jinky's Café - Sherman Oaks Jinky's Kanan Café Just Blown Away Mr. Christopher C. Keating, II KEYT Channel 3 ABC Kiamie Wine Cellars Kim Pagano Show KIND KO Studio Westlake Mr. and Mrs. Reza Koliai Ms. Henriette Kuehne La Paz Lab Brewing Company Labyrinth Winery Ladyface Alehouse & Brasserie Laetitia Vineyard & Winery Lake Arrowhead Lakeside Hair Salon Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Landau Laraneta Winery & Olive Oils Larsen's Grill Steakhouse Las Posas Veterinary Medical Center Lassens Natural Foods & Vitamins Le Creuset at Camarillo Premium Outlets Le Creuset of America Le Vigne Winery Legoland California Let's Get Cookin' Lisa's Nails Mrs. Karen Long Lori's Original Lemonade Love Bites Raw Confections Love Heals Love Your Pet Mrs. Lee A. Lubrano LunaOlivo Lure Fish House - Camarillo Lynda.com Mad Hatters of Emeritus of Camarillo Magnavino Cellars Main Course Catering Malibu Conference Center at Calamigos Ranch Malibu Family Wines Malibu High School MarieNatie Cosmetics The Mark It Place Market Broiler Restaurants Marketing Maven Public Relations, Inc Marmalade Café - Corporate Mastro 's Steakhouse Mastro's Ocean Club Malibu Meathead Movers Ms. Rita Mercado Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Mercurio Michael Kelley Salon Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Michael Mrs. Debra Mikus Mrs. Robin Millard Millesime Cellars Masooma Mirza Missy's Cupcake Creations Murad, Inc Museum of Ventura County Nakamura Farms National Charity League Neiman Marcus Newf Surfboard Net Mr. and Mrs. John Nielsen Ninkasi Brewing Company Nothing Bundt Cakes Nuvino - Kretek International The Oaks at Ojai Spa Mr. Edward L. O'Brien and Mrs. Parry A. Weet O'Brien Oilfield Electric Company, Inc Old Town Cafe / Bella Capri Inn & Suites Olove.com One Hope Wine Ms. Kathy O'Neil Ottavio's Italian Restaurant P Portrait | Custom Portrait Design P.F. Chang's China Bistro - Thousand Oaks Pacific Beverage Company Pacifica Institute of Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery The Painted Cabernet Ms. Sue Palos Panaro Brothers Winery Panera Bread Bakery Café - Thousand Oaks Paramount Pictures Studio Ms. Terri Parks Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. Paschen, Sr. The Patio Restaurant at Players Club Casino Ms. Sandi Patterson Paul Martin's American Grill Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Perlman Mrs. Debra Pezzini Photography by Joel The Piano Place Pierpont Elementary School PTA PizzaRev Plated Events by Chef Jason PODS Pomar Junction Port Hueneme Marine Supply Posh Hair and Skin Studio Power Machinery Center Prayers Of Grace Premier Martial Arts Presidio Winery Procter & Gamble Paper Products Co. Mrs. Mariah Prouse PRP Wine International Queen Beads at the Guild Quintessential Wines Ranch Hand BBQ Ranchita Canyon Vineyard Red Blossom Sales Inc Red Lobster Red O Restaurant Red's BBQ Residence Inn by Marriott River Ridge The Rhumb Line Right Way Chimney Service Roadrunner Shuttle and Limousine Service Robert Hall Winery Roclord Studio Romano's Macaroni Grill - Simi Valley Rosatello Ms. Reisa B. Ross Rubicon Theatre Company RVision International Sage Room Osteria Bar & Grill Sagebrush Annies Mrs. Soodabeh S. Sahba-Moghaddas Mrs. Sandra Salinas The San Francisco Giants Major League Baseball Team San Vicente Cellars Santa Barbara Maritime Museum Santa Barbara Museum of Art Santa Barbara Zoo Scarlett Belle Cruises Mrs. Jo Schuler Scosche Industries, Inc Scott Cellars Scratch Food Truck Sea Glass Fine Art Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Selleck Sephora - The Oaks SFA Design Shanghai Beer Garden Ms. Allison Shapiro Sharky's Woodfired Mexican Grill SHAVE IT Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shlapak Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Silvey Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson Sly's Seafood Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith Mr. Scott W. Smith Mr. Jason Smither Smog City Brewing So Cal Photo Lounge / The Wedding Music DJs Social Tap Ventura Soto - Sherman Oaks Southern Wine & Spirits Squashed Grapes Stacked Ms. Susanne Steiner Stella & Dot Stone Pine Estate / Sagebrush Annies StoneFire Grill - Westlake Village Strey Cellars The Sugar Lab Summerland Winery Sunland Vintage Cellars Surf Brewery Sushi Fresh Ventura Suzanne's Cuisine Sweet Arleen's Cupcakes & Bread Pudding Tablas Creek Vineyard Mr. Thomas Taketa Tap IT Brewing Co Mr. Bob Taylor The Landing Grill and Sushi Bar Thirty One Gifts - Christine Oler Thirty One Gifts - Theresa Rein Thirty One Gifts Jennifer Berger Thomas Fallon Photography Mrs. Sandy Thomas Ms. Holly N. Thompson Tierra Sur Tolosa Winery A Total Diva Designs Total Wine & More The Tower Club Trader Joe's - Camarillo Trader Joe's - Ventura Triunfo Creek Vineyards Trupart Manufacturing, Inc Twenty 88 Restaurant & Martini Lounge Mrs. Jasmine Tylman-Mikiewicz Uber University Glen (CSUCI) Urbane Cafe Valley Bakery Valley Crest Trees Value Click Media / Commission Junction VC Reporter VC Wine Association Ventura College Ventura County Star Ventura Harbor Comedy Club Ventura Rental Party Center Village Commons Market Vina Robles VinAlegre Vinemark Cellars, LLC Vista Pacific Dental Care Viva La Pasta Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vogeler Ms. Rita Vyas Wades Wines The Watermark On Main Wente Family Estates West Coast Derby Knockouts Westlake Village Animal Hospital Wild Horse Winery and Vineyards WinePlus Wolf Creek Restaurant & Brewing Company Wood Ranch BBQ & Grill Corporation Agoura Hills Word Memories Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wynner Xylitol USA, Inc. The Yacht Club at Channel Islands Harbor Mr. and Mrs. Steven Yamamoto Yolanda's Mexican Cafe Young's Market Zaca Mesa Winery & Vineyards Zodiac Aerospace Dr. and Mrs. Kim D. Zussman Heartlines is a project of the Casa Pacifica Development Department. We strive for accuracy. If you feel an omission has been made in a donor or sponsor listing please contact our department at (805) 445-7800 so we may correct our records. 1722 S. Lewis Road, Camarillo, CA 93012 Phone (805) 445-7800 • FAX (805) 987-7237 Welcome Newest Corporate Leader Union Bank F Platinum Level or 150 years, Union Bank has been serving as a trusted partner to individuals and business owners by providing financial solutions with integrity, outstanding customer service, and a proactive approach to client needs.With more than 420 banking offices, Union Bank’s financial stability combined with a communitybanking approach sets the bank apart from other financial institutions. $20,000+ We are committed to maintaining long-term relationships with our customers, providing everyone who comes through our doors with the best possible service. We are also committed to building healthy communities. Through the Union Bank Foundation, the bank invests in the communities it serves by providing loans, grants, community outreach, and volunteer hours to local nonprofit organizations. Our investments in our local communities focus on four areas: community economic development, affordable housing, education, and the environment. For more information visit www.unionbank.com. Silver Level $10,000 Why Become A Corporate Leader? B ecoming a Corporate Leader means making a difference in families’ lives and in the future of our society. Casa Pacifica’s programs protect, engage, and teach children and their families how to develop the competence and confidence they need to manage their own lives and achieve their highest potential. Corporate Leader funds sponsor Casa Pacifica’s various fundraising events – the Wine, Food & Brew Festival, Spotlight on Style Fashion Show and Care for Kids Golf Classic Tournament - events which raise substantial funds each year to support Casa Pacifica’s campus-based and community-based programs and services to abused, neglected, and at-risk children. Corporate Leaders are listed in all advertising materials for each event which they sponsor, including ads in print media, promotions in social media and e-blasts, as well as acknowledgement in each issue of Heartlines, providing exposure for Corporate Leaders to thousands of Ventura County and Santa Barbara County residents. Bronze Level $7,500 For more information about Casa Pacifica's Corporate Leader Program, please contact Carrie Hughes at (805) 366-4011 or email [email protected] w w w . c a s a p a c i f i c a . o r g • 8 0 5 - 4 4 5 - 7 8 0 0 11 Wine, Food & Brew Festival – The Name Wasn’t The Only Thing New This Year! I n recognition of the growing popularity around the country for specialty beers, the Angels Wine & Food Festival adopted a new name this year - the Wine, Food & Brew Festival! The Festival took place June 1st on California State University Channel Islands’ beautiful campus and was once again hosted by the Zarley and Van Huisen Families, and joining them this year – Union Bank. As always, guests enjoyed sampling a wonderful range of delicious food creations from 85 restaurants, caterers, bakeries, specialty food shops, and superb wines, brews, and beverages from over 150 wineries, breweries, and beverage vendors. The Festival, we are proud to announce, raised over $450,000 (net), a record amount, to support Casa Pacifica Centers for Children and Families’ valuable services to Ventura County’s abused, neglected and at-risk children and their families! Congratulations to our 2014 Winners of the BEST IN FEST Brewery Competition Winners! 1st Place: Institution Ale Maple Brown Restraint 2nd Place: FirestoneWalker Brewing Co. Easy Jack-Session IPA 3rd Place: Island Brewing Co. King Tide-Double IPA 12 In keeping with the name change, the Festival held its first ever ‘Best in Fest’ beer competition for its independent, craft, and microbrew exhibitors. The competition was judged a month ahead of time and the winning brew was celebrated the day of the Festival. “Since the number of Festival exhibitors featuring specialty beers has grown steadily over the past few years and people’s interest in beer is reaching toward a level equal to connoisseurs of wine, it was a logical step to add a competition just for the brews,” shared Carrie Hughes, Casa Pacifica’s Director of Development & Public Relations, “We are excited to have launched this new event!” Chef Dinner – which was hosted by the Cassar Family and took place on the Friday night preceding the Festival. Guests enjoyed a nine-course meal prepared by previous Yummie competition winners, pairing each course with its own special wine selection from local winemakers. One course was paired with the winning brew of the “Best in Fest” beer competition. The evening also featured Ventura County Sheriff Geoff Dean and his impeccable humor as the Master of Ceremonies, as well as live entertainment, and small silent and live auctions. A special highlight of the evening was each of the participating chefs spoke about their recipes and shared some special kitchen knowledge with the guests. The Yummie Top Chef Dinner raised nearly $20,000 and was a tremendous hit. The dinner guests are already looking forward to next year’s event. (See page 9 for photos and list of participating chefs) Wells Fargo once again generously sponsored the Festival’s VIP Lounge which featured its own delicious fare prepared by Plated Events by Chef Jason Collis, wine from Malibu Family Wines, the Anheuser Busch Belgium Beer Garden, and entertainment by perennial favorite band Sound Effect. VIP guests also enjoyed a special welcome champagne reception hosted by Mastro’s Restaurant before entering the festival grounds featuring exclusive entertainment and yummy hors d’oeurves. An exciting day of live entertainment, sponsored by The Patio Restaurant at Players Casino, presented fabulous performances by Benise and His Band of Gypsys (who were accompanied by captivating aerial artists) and Wes Quave Live – a multi-decade cover band that had guests filling the dance floor. Bruce Barrios – the best DJ in Ventura County – served as the Master of Ceremonies and DJ for the day. The addition of Living Vines performers this year roaming the grounds fascinated everyone with their exotic beauty. Festival-goers also enjoyed perusing an extensive silent auction of themed baskets and a sports memorabilia booth. In addition to the new name and the beer competition, the Wine, Food & Brew Festival held its first-ever special “Behind-the-Scenes” dinner – the Yummie Top w w w . c a s a p a c i f i c a . o r g Many guests took advantage of the special “Safe Ride Home” shuttle service offered by Roadrunner Shuttle & Limousine, which provided door-to-festival-to-door rides. For those who decided during the event that they shouldn’t drive home, there was a last minute service offered by the Safe Ride Home program as well. • 8 0 5 - 4 4 5 - 7 8 0 0 The Winners Culinary Competition The 4th annual Yummie culinary competition showcased exhibiting Festival chefs’ entries, judged in either a Savory or Sweet category based on flavor, presentation, innovation, and quality. Entries were sampled by a panel of celebrity chef judges, television, radio, and print media personalities and food columnists, and were judged based on which chef’s dish they felt was the “Yummiest.” Congratulations to our 2014 Winners of the YUMMIES The Dinner Thank you to our Yummie Top Chef Dinner Participants for creating a wonderful evening! Chef Jason Collis • Plated Events by Chef Jason Chef Oscar A. Ledesma • Mastro’s Ocean Club Malibu Chef Ernie Borjas • The Yacht Club at Channel Islands Harbor Chef Nic Manocchio • University Glen Corporation at CSUCI Chef Tim Kilcoyne • Scratch Food Truck Chef Luis Martinez • C-Street Restaurant at Crowne Plaza Hotel Chef Gabe Garcia • Tierra Sur at Herzog Wine Cellars Pastry Chef Anastashia Chavez • Barrel House 101 Missy Drayton-Benado • Missy’s Cupcake Creations Barry Davis • Cold Stone Creamery Ferrari Carano Magnavino Cellars Summerland Winery Institution Ale Co. Tolosa Winery Herzog Wine Cellars Cantara Cellars The Cappuccino Club Twenty88 Restaurant & Bar SAVORY 1st Place: Chef Gabe Garcia of Tierra Sur (Now Two-Time 1st Place Winner) Cold Smoked Hamachi with beet butter, sweet and sour leeks, & dried citrus 2nd Place: Chef Rachel Holst of Main Course California Cherry Smoked Short Ribs with whipped potatoes and crisped kale 3rd Place: Chef Robin Higa of Market Broiler Seared Sea Scallop with mixed green salad SWEET 1st Place: Head Pastry Chef Anastashia Chavez of Barrelhouse 101 (Now Two-Time 1st Place Winner) Berry Balsamic Cheesecake comprised of layers of genoise, mascarpone cheesecake, and chocolate ganache with mixed berry preserves, infused with Duchess Sour Red Ale and Rozendal’s Aged Balsamic Vinegar 2nd Place: Chef Allison Davis of The Sugar Lab Key Lime Pie with a cinnamon graham cracker crust holding a creamy and smooth key lime filling and topped with a toasted meringue 3rd Place: Chef Ernie Borjas of The Yacht Club at Channel Islands Harbor Paradise Lava – a baklava-styled treat comprised of secret ingredients As always, the funds raised by the Wine, Food & Brew Festival will help Casa Pacifica in meeting the $3.1 million in private funds the agency must raise to fill the gap between what it receives through government contracts and what it actually costs to run its programs and services. Casa Pacifica is very grateful to the Festival’s generous Hosts, the Zarley Family, the Van Huisen Family and Union Bank; to Wells Fargo, the VIP Lounge Sponsor; to the Patio Restaurant at the Players Casino, the Entertainment Sponsor; to Mastro’s Steakhouse who hosted the VIP Entrance Reception; to each of the generous Festival sponsors; to the hundreds of volunteers who organized, set-up, cleaned-up, and so much more; and especially to all the members of this year’s Wine, Food & Brew Festival Committee who worked tirelessly to perfect every detail of this important, fun-filled, fabulous food and wine tasting fundraising festival for Casa Pacifica and its children. It was once again a wonderfully successful day in every way! w w w . c a s a p a c i f i c a . o r g • 8 0 5 - 4 4 5 - 7 8 0 0 13 Thank You... C asa Pacifica Centers for Children & Families would like to recognize and thank the Casa Pacifica Angels, the Zarley & Van Huisen Families, Union Bank, Wells Fargo, the Wine Food & Brew Festival Committee, CSU Channel Islands, and all the sponsors, businesses, individuals, Board of Directors, Amigos, and volunteers of the 21st Annual Casa Pacifica Angels Wine Food & Brew Festival. The Casa Pacifica Angels Wine, Food & Brew Festival raised $450,000 (net) toward the $3.1 million Casa Pacifica needs to raise this year in private donations. Each year, as part of its public/private partnership, Casa Pacifica must raise between 10%-12% of its budget to fill-the-gap between what governmental funding it receives and the actual costs of providing Our Sponsors Entertainment • $16,500 The Patio Restaurant at Players Casino Champagne • $15,000 Ventura Rental Party Center Burgundy • $10,000 The Collection Riverpark Darvik Productions Luners Production Services PODS Cabernet Sauvignon • $7,500 Essex Property Trust, Inc./ Tierra Vista Apartment Homes Event Essentials Leigh & Stan Jensen Meathead Movers Merlot • $5,000 AAA Propane Service, Inc. BB&H Benefit Designs Bruce Barrios Productions Susan & Ken Bauer Chumash Indians of Kalawashaq Village Chivaroli & Associates, Inc. Compulink Business Systems Conico Oil D&S Berry Farms/ D.W. Berry Farms, Inc. Del Sol Harvesting Inc. 14 DEX Five Star Bookkeeping Gills Onions Harrison Industries Heritage Oaks Bank Lisa West & David Jaffe Jaks Marketing Group LPL Financial, Patti Morgan, CFP Montecito Bank & Trust Stephanie & Wesley Morgan Oxnard Hyundai PMA/I.L.W.U. Jewel Gerald & Bill Powell/ Roz Warner, M.D. & Michael Hogan, M.D. Premier Event Productions Procter & Gamble Paper Company Santa Rosa Transplant Summit Pool & Spas Wyvern Ranch Pinot Noir • $2,500 Community Memorial Health System Fran & Ed Elson The Growing Company Michael W. McCarthy, DDS Sandy & Bill Puchlevic Rabobank Skating Plus Kim & Steve Singleton United Agencies Inc. Insurance Ventura Signs & Screen Printing Vintage Production California, LLC Westerlay Orchids Visit www.cpwineandfoodfestival.com to view the online Dining Guide, YUMMIES Competition winners and see photos of this year's exciting event. its wide variety of high quality programs and services to the most vulnerable children in our community, and their families. If you would like more information about Casa Pacifica, please visit the website at www.casapacifica.org. Chardonnay • $1,500 360 Group International, Inc. Aces & Eights Casino Nights Baxter Health Care California Giant Berry Farms Celestine Stone Tile City National Bank CyberCopy Barbara & Wayne Davey Dole Fence Factory Rentals Donna & Peter Hochschild Carolyn Huntsinger Lee & Associates Mission Produce Morgan Stanley/The Hopps Group/ Lydia Hopps & Ben Hopps, CFP® Neiman Marcus Oilfield Electric & Motor Omega Technologies/ John & Kathryn Schoolland Pacifica Institute of Cosmetic Surgery Robert S. Improta, M.D. & Daniel G. Kolder, M.D. June & Clay Paschen Persona/PR Produce Available Slaughter & Reagan, LLP Star of CA Venco Western, Inc. Veterinary Medical & Surgical Group West Coast Air Conditioning w w w . c a s a p a c i f i c a . o r g • Hotel/Shuttle Courtyard by Marriott, Camarillo Roadrunner Shuttle & Limousine Service VIP Entrance Mastro’s Steakhouse Media Tom and Sandy’s 805 Acorn Camarillo Axxess Ventura Bogopod CSQ Magazine CityShopper Coupons AND MORE Cumulus Media B95.1 KHAY • 100.7 106.3 Edible Ojai & Ventura County Fox 11 • KKFX Gold Coast Broadcasting, LLC KVTA • 1590 AM Live • 105.5 FM Q104.7 FM Radio Formula • 1400 AM Rewind • 95.9 FM KEYT News Channel 3 The Kim Pagano Show Marketing Maven Pacific Coast Business Times Society Magazine Taste-n-Trip Ventura County Reporter/ Ventana Monthly 8 0 5 - 4 4 5 - 7 8 0 0 Ventura County Star Ventura County West Wide Eyed Productions Our Vendors RESTAURANTS/CATERERS/BAKERIES & SPECIALTY FOOD SHOPS 247 Pop-Up 805 Bar & Grilled Cheese Bamboo Steak House Billy D'z Backyard BBQ BJ's Restaurant and Brewery Bread Basket Cake Company Brendan's Irish Pub & Restaurant Brophy Bros. Restaurant and Clam Bar Cafe Fiore Cafe Firenze California Pizza Kitchen Charn Thai Restaurant Chef Stroh's Pesto Chocoboost Ciscos Mexican Resturant Coastal Grill Cold Stone Creamery Corner Bakery Café Crunchies Food Company Discovery Ventura DJ's California Catering Don's Smokin' Salmon Fresco 2 On The Marina Himalaya I Would Rather Be Baking Co. Jinky's Cafe KIND Healthy Snacks Ladyface Ale Companie Lassens Natural Foods & Vitamins Le Creuset Love Bites Raw Confections LunaOlivo Mastro's Steakhouse Missy's Cupcake Creations Nothing Bundt Cakes Old Town Cafe Ottavio's Panera Bread Paul Martin's PF Chang's China Bistro PizzaRev Plated Events by Chef Jason Ranch Hand BBQ Red Lobster Rhumbline Romano's Macaroni Grill Scarlett Belle Cruises Shanghai Beer Garden Shave It Social Tap Ventura Stacked Restaurants Stonefire Grill Sushi Fresh Ventura Sweet Arleen's The Hitching Post II Restaurant The Lab Brewing Co. The Landing Grill And Sushi Bar The Patio at Players Casino The Tower Club Trader Joe's Triunfo Creek Vineyards Twenty88 Martini Lounge Urbane Cafe Valley Bakery Ventura Comedy Club Watermark on Main Wolf Creek Restaurant & Brewing Co. Wood Ranch BBQ & Grill Yolanda's Mexican Cafe WINERIES 14 Hands Winery Aldabella Winery Alma Sol Winery Bianchi Vineyards Cantara Cellars Chateau St. Michelle Don Sebastiani & Sons DV 8 Cellars Eden Canyon Vineyards Ferrari-Carano Fetzer Vineyard Four Brix Winery Herzog Wine Cellars J. Hamilton Wines Jettlynn Winery Kiamie Wine Cellars La Paz Labyrinth Winery Laraneta Winery Magnavino Cellars Malibu/Semler Wines Nuvino One Hope Wines Panaro Brothers Winery Pomar Junction Quintessential Wines Ranchita Canyon Vineyard Robert Hall Winery Rosatello San Vicente Cellars Scarlett Belle Cruises Scott Cellars Stone Pine Estate/Sagebrush Annies Squashed Grapes Strey Cellars Summerland Winery Sunland Vintage Winery & Tasting Room The Hitching Post II Winery Tolosa Winery Total Wine & More Triunfo Creek Vineyards VC Wine Association Village Commons Market Vina Robles Vineyard VinAlegre Vinemark Cellars, LLC Wades Wines Wente Wines Wild Horse Winery Wine Plus Wineries and Vineyards June 7th, 2015 Save The Date! Casa Pacifica Angels 22nd Annual Wine, Food & Brew Festival Hosted by The Zarley Family, Van Huisen Family & Union Bank presented by Constellation Brands Wineries and Vineyards presented by Southern Wine & Spirits Wineries and Vineyards presented by The Wine Group Wineries and Vineyards presented by Wades Wines Wineries and Vineyards presented by Young's Market Zaca Mesa Winery & Vineyards BREWERIES, IMPORT BEERS, SPECIALTY & SOFT DRINKS 805 Brewing Company AB Caffe Services Anchor California Lager Anchor IPA Anheuser Busch Belgium Beer Garden BJ's Restaurant & Brewery Brendan's Irish Pub & Restaurant Canteen Vending Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Enegren Brewing Company Figueroa Mountain Brewing Co. Firemans Brew Firestone Walker Brewing Co. Golden Road 329 Golden Road Heal the Bay Goose Island 312 Pale Ale Goose Island 312 Urban Wheat Goose Island IPA Goose Island Pere Jac Goose Island Sophie Par Hangar 24 Hoegaarden Hubert's Lemonade w w w . c a s a p a c i f i c a . o r g • Institution Ale Island Brewing Company Kirin Ichiban Frozen Beer Kona Big Wave Kona Brewing Co. Kona Castaway Kona Fire Rock Ladyface Ale Companie Leffe Lori's Original Lemonade Mastro's Steakhouse-Water Newcastle Ninkasi Brewing Company Ninkasi Total Domination Ninkasi Tricerahops Pacific Beverage Co. Rouge 7 Chipotle Rouge 7 Hop Shanghai Beer Garden Shock Top Belgium White Shock Top Raspberry Shock Top Twisted Pretzel Ale Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Smithwicks Smog City Brewing Sparkling Ice Stella Artios Stella Cidre Strongbow Surf Brewery Tap IT Ale Camino Tap IT Double IPA The Lab Brewing Co. Wolf Creek Brewery 8 0 5 - 4 4 5 - 7 8 0 0 WELLS FARGO VIP LOUNGE Anheuser-Busch Belgium Beer Garden Hoegaarden Leffe Stella Artois Stella Artois Cidre Johnny Appleseed Cider Malibu Family Wines Mastro's Steakhouse - Water Plated Events by Chef Jason MASTRO’S STEAKHOUSE VIP ENTRANCE Mastro's Steakhouse Nakamura Farms Opolo Vineyards Red Blossom Sales VIP CABANAS Badoit Sparkling Water Estrella Damm IBC Soft Drinks Mastro's Steakhouse - Water Seven Daughters Wines San Pellegrino MORE FUN STUFF Le Creuset Pro Signature Memorabilia, LLC So Cal Photo Lounge & The Wedding DJ's A Total Diva Designs Wells Fargo Stage Coach 15 ANGELS BOARD Barbara Ito • President Dee Dee Beltran Susan Burgos Patricia Cordover Eileen Gould Melanie Higashi Cindy Jaks Kathy Jeffers-Volk Parry Weet O'Brien Terri Parks Lori Silvey Debbie Simpson Sandy Stevens Kehr Marilyn Stoddard Patty Turnage Jennifer White Shealen Wynner Theresa Yamamoto Oksana Zussman Angels News Angels Luncheon and Board Installation T he Casa Pacifica’s Angels enjoyed a fun afternoon at the May Social and installation of new Angels Board members on May 8th at the Westlake Village Inn. In addition to a delicious luncheon and visiting with a great group of women, the afternoon featured a special presentation by Frances Elson, a lifetime Casa Pacifica Angel and talented fused glass artist. Fran has served on the Angels Board several times over the years, including as its President as well as in other positions. She has also co-chaired the Spotlight on Style Fashion Show and currently is a co-chair of the Yummies culinary competition at the Wine, Food & Brew Festival each year. Fran’s artwork is stunning to see and inevitably people ask her “How Do You Do That?” which also happened to be the title of her presentation. Fran’s talk was, in her words, “an expression of my love for this art medium and a description of some of the techniques I employ in creating my works.” One of her amazing pieces of art, “Gemma,” a 24” x 18” sculpture of a beautiful woman, was donated by Fran for an opportunity drawing during the luncheon. Her talk was fascinating and had everyone captivated with her unique artistic vision and style. It was a great day and Casa Pacifica is happy to welcome its new Angels Board for 2014-2015! Fran Elson and her fused glass sculpture, titled “Gemma”. AMIGOS BOARD Dennis Murphy • President Neiman Marcus presents the Spotlight on Style Fashion Show CASA PACIFICA DEVELOPMENT & PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT The Casa Pacifica Angels and Vicki Murphy Chief Advancement Officer & Director of Alumni Services Carrie L. Hughes Director of Development & Public Relations Amber Landis-Stover Development Manager Robin Horne New Media Content Manager Kris Mavity Data Base Coordinator Michelle Maye Development Associate Sara Hidalgo Volunteer Coordinator Juliana Thiessen Development & Events Coordinator Robin Steinberg Grant Writer 16 Neiman Marcus Topanga invite you to Spotlight on Style Fashion Show & Luncheon Hosted by Ken & Susan Bauer Saturday, November 22, 2014 9:30 am - 4:00 pm Four Seasons Hotel, Westlake Village Tickets available online for $150 per person, advanced purchase only. www.casapacifica.org F or sponsorship opportunities or for more information please contact Casa Pacifica’s Development and Events Coordinator Juliana Thiessen at (805) 366-4014 or email [email protected]. w w w . c a s a p a c i f i c a . o r g • 8 0 5 - 4 4 5 - 7 8 0 0 Amigos News The Amigos are 10 Years Old! I n April the Amigos celebrated’ the 10th anniversary of their first event ever held for the children – a fun-filled afternoon called “Bulldog Day.” The Amigos was the dream of Dennis Murphy who with Tim New and a few of his other friends wanted to start a group that would provide fun activities for the kids to enjoy, along with mentoring-style support, while serving as positive adult male role models for youth who had very few such men in their lives. The Amigos started with a few events each year. Over time the activities became guided by areas demonstrated to be lacking in the children’s lives – skills they might learn naturally if they were living at home with their parents. So there sprung up the annual “Lifeguard Day” teaching water safety; and a car clinic spawned from a youth asking where to put gasoline in a car while pointing to the engine during an Amigo classic car show; and a bicycle clinic hosted by a bicycle racer that taught how to fix a bicycle chain and a flat tire; and many others. The Amigos now hold more than 30 events each year – at least two activities each month – offering a wide range of activities from Pinewood Derby Outdoor movie night racing, hiking, and beach days to fishing, bike rides, team building days, and sports clinics (soccer, football, basketball) to cheerleading camp, softball games, kite flying, astronomy nights, and outdoor movie nights. And each year the Amigos head up the incredible Haunted Maze at the Halloween Party. The Amigos have expanded and grown over the ten years to now include both men and women. The group is an integral part of Casa Pacifica’s fabric– bringing its own unique, caring, and joyful style to Casa Pacifica’s mission to provide hope and help to the deserving children Casa Pacifica serves. We are endlessly grateful to Dennis Murphy, Tim New, and to all the Amigos who have made a tangible, direct difference in the lives of our children and we thank them for their unselfish dedication; their bright, infectious spirits; and their incomparable love and compassion for our children and youth. Congratulations on 10 years of great fun – we look forward to the next decade! Hiking Amigos softball game Water is always a part of Lifeguard Day even during a relay race! A close tricycle race during a team-building day. Pinewood Derby racers Tim New & Dennis “Murf” Murphy Cheerleading clinic w w w . c a s a p a c i f i c a . o r g • 8 0 5 - 4 4 5 - 7 8 0 0 17 Pack-A-Backpack Wish List The 2014 Casa Pacifica Happy Days Prom Casa Pacifica’s kids dancing the night away at the 1950sthemed prom. Angels Susan Burgos, Oksana Zussman, and Terri Parks – the Children’s Events Co-chairs pose next to a beautiful, bright red, convertible mustang at the Casa Pacifica prom. The children were thrilled to have In-N-Out Burger for their prom night dinner. H elp Casa Pacifica prepare its children for the upcoming school year! Donate the following school supplies needed all year long! Backpacks/Duffle Bags Three Ring Binders Composition Notebooks Pocket Folders Pens (various colors) Markers/Colored Pencils Post-It-Notes Scientific Calculators Index Cards Correction Tape Pencil Pouches Subject Dividers Hygiene Products Flash Drives Graphing Calculators Members of the West Coast Derby Knockouts Roller Derby team, including Casa Pacifica’s own Dominique Martinez (second from left), delivered the kids’ delicious In-N-Out burger dinners just like the old car hops from the ‘50s – on roller skates! Graph Paper Highlighters Crayons Socks, Assorted Sizes Underwear, Assorted Sizes College Ruled Notebook Paper Spiral Notebooks Gift Cards: Michael’s Target Barnes & Noble Staples Office Depot Ross Donations may be dropped off at Casa Pacifica Mon.-Fri. between the hours of 8:30am – 5:30pm. Casa Pacifica Thanks Volunteers and Donors at Special Luncheon I n April, National Volunteer Month, Casa Pacifica thanked its much-loved and appreciated volunteers for their time and efforts in improving, expanding, and enriching the lives of the children at Casa Pacifica. Invitees included oncampus volunteers, Angels and Amigos, holiday season donors, community groups and businesses who completed community service projects on campus, individuals and businesses donating to the Children’s Events parties, and fundraising event volunteers. Stephanie Carmi & Mark Donalson 18 The 2013 on-Campus Volunteer of the Year award was presented to Mark Donalson who for many years now has donated his time to teach volleyball and run volleyball clinics for our youth. The Angel of the Year Award was given to Cindy Jaks for her unselfish dedication over the past 13 years serving on the Angels Board, fundraising event committees (most recently chairing the Restaurant Committee for the Wine, Food & Brew Festival), and sharing her marketing expertise creating all of Casa Pacifica’s marketing materials. Stephanie Carmi was presented the Amigo of the Year Award for her dedication to maintaining the Amigos membership records; hosting, along with her Amigo husband Dan, Amigo Poker Nights at their home; and attending and helping with numerous Amigos events. Barbara Ito & Cindy Jaks w w w . c a s a p a c i f i c a . o r g • It was a great afternoon and our congratulations and tremendous gratitude go to all our wonderful volunteers and donors who each make a difference in the lives of Casa Pacifica’s children! 8 0 5 - 4 4 5 - 7 8 0 0 New and Retired Board Members C asa Pacifica is sorry to lose the talents of four greatly valued individuals who retired from Casa Pacifica’s Board of Directors in the past several months – Alan Fletcher, Dan Selleck, Doug Mazza, and Margie Cochrane. We are very grateful to each of these generous people for the tireless gift of their time and expertise given to Casa Pacifica and we thank them for the responsibility they accepted to guide the agency, look out for its financial well-being, foster its growth, and to ensure that its mission to provide hope and help to vulnerable children and families continues to be fulfilled. The Board is pleased to announce the addition of three new members to its ranks. technology firm called Stellar Connect in early 2014 and is currently in the works of founding another. In addition, Mike owns a real estate development firm called Hammer Granite focused on small-scale development projects. Mike was introduced to Casa Pacifica 14 years ago when his company was asked to help with Casa Pacifica’s network. He and his wife, Kristin, fell in love with the organization and “have been hooked ever since.” “We believe the agency serves one of the most important needs in our community and we are proud to be associated with the amazing people who carry out their mission everyday.” Kristin has volunteered on campus and served on the Angels Board. The Eatons have two children, Anna and John, 12 year old twins. While most of his time is consumed with family (the way he likes it), Mike also loves to exercise and ride his mountain bike. A resident of Thousand Oaks for 44 years, he says he is constantly reminded of how lucky they are to live here. HEIDI WHITCOMB Heidi Whitcomb is a second generation co-owner of Ventura Rental Inc. and Ventura Rental Party Center, overseeing the latter since the early 1980s. She has designed and coordinated thousands of projects ranging from intimate family gatherings to events hosting in excess of 8,000 guests. A firm believer in community involvement, Heidi and her team regularly orchestrate events for entities such as Relay for Life, Ojai Music Festival, Casa Pacifica’s Wine, Food & Brew Festival, and several other nonprofits. Heidi is a member and Programs Director of the National Association of Catering Executives and has been recognized by her peers with many awards over the years including the 2011 coveted “President’s Award” (a national service award given to one outstanding member who is a leader exemplifying selfless giving), and last year’s prestigious title of “Event Professional of the Year.” Heidi also holds memberships in the International Special Events Society and the American Rental Association. Currently, Heidi serves on the Board of the Community Memorial Healthcare Foundation, and she has been an on-campus volunteer in Casa Pacifica’s nonpublic school for many years. Heidi and Mike, her husband of 31 years, reside in Ojai with their animals, which include a beehive and fourteen chickens. MICHAEL EATON Michael Eaton describes himself as “a bit of a serial entrepreneur.” He founded two different IT services firms – Atticus in 1997 and Cloudworks in 2006 – both of which were acquired in 2011. He started another TERRI PARKS Terri Parks has had a long career in software and information systems management, first with Xerox, and fourteen years with Amgen until she retired in May 2013. In her last position as IS Director, Terri was the Program Manager for a global $59 million, 4-year program that delivered a first-of-its-kind Customer Relationship Management system to over 600 users across 20+ countries. She managed her GCOIS department’s project portfolio and was responsible for the resource allocation of over 110 full time employees. She also facilitated budget and project portfolio prioritization process, consisting of over 50 projects, with a total budget of over $41 million. A founding member of several strategic committees at Amgen, Terri was responsible for providing governance, standards, guidance, establishing best practices, etc., to both commercial and corporate communications staff, and was a key contributor to development and deployment of new project management methodologies. Terri is an active member of the California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo advisory board for the Women’s Engineering Program, and is a past member of the Cal Poly Pomona Computer Science advisory board. Terri and her team from Amgen have partnered with the Angels for many years to help design and decorate three of the Children’s Parties each year, with Terri personally providing the gift bags the children receive at each event. Terri is a resident of Camarillo. w w w . c a s a p a c i f i c a . o r g • 8 0 5 - 4 4 5 - 7 8 0 0 CASA PACIFICA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Keets Cassar • President Rosalind C. Warner, M.D. • Vice President Wayne A. Davey • Treasurer John S. Broome, Jr. • Assistant Treasurer Robert E. Wynner • Secretary David E. Wood, Esq. • Immediate Past President Sean A. Baker Kenneth W. Bauer Marni Brook Jenna M. Burkey Brick Conners Geoff Dean Michael Eaton Rebeca Elliott Donna Barranco Fisher Brian Gilpatrick Richard H. Goodrich Richard J. Hernandez Terri Parks William H. Powell Sheila Rakestraw Peter Ratcliffe Reza Razzaghipour Richard R. Rush, Ph.D. Ellen F. Smith Heidi Whitcomb CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Steven E. Elson, Ph.D. HONORARY BOARD Helen M. Caldwell Bettina Chandler Gary F. Farr Richard H. Goodrich Honorable Joe Hadden Carolyn Huntsinger William J. Kearney Susan K. Lacey Dorothy Jue Lee Sheldon Malchicoff Barbara S. Meister Richard M. Norman, Esq. Priscilla Partridge de Garcia, Ed.D. G.S. “Gib” Poiry Joseph L. Priske Timothy P. Wolfe 19 Nonprofit Org. US Postage PAID Oxnard, CA Permit #1734 1722 S. Lewis Road, Camarillo, CA 93012 Phone (805) 445-7800 • FAX (805) 987-7237 Address Service Requested Casa Pacifica Launches TEAM ARCHIE! C asa Pacifica invites you to become a member of its new Team Archie! Team Archie members are valuable donors who make a minimum annual gift of $50 to support the Archie Fund. The Archie Fund helps cover unusual expenses that arise for Casa Pacifica’s kids beyond their basic needs – needs such as class rings and senior portraits for the graduating high school seniors, the cost of anesthesia for a dental procedure not covered by Medi-Cal, travel expenses for a parent who lives far away to visit their child as part of his treatment, and so much more! Members who give $1,000 or more qualify as “Big Dog” members and receive a special gift from Archie’s online store’s special branded merchandise (www.archiethetherapydog.com). The Archie Fund covered more than $25,000 in expenses last year and our needs continue to grow. Please join today visiting www.archiethetherapydog.com, or by going to www.casapacifica.org and clicking on “Ways to give.” If you have any questions about Team Archie, or if you would like to join via phone, please call Vicki Murphy, Chief Advancement Officer & Director of Alumni Relations at (805) 366-4010. Archie would love to have you as a member of his team! Keep in Touch: UPCOMING EVENTS Casa Pacifica Angels Spotlight on Style Fashion Show Saturday, November 22nd, 2014 9:30 am Presented by Neiman Marcus Topanga Hosted by Ken and Susan Bauer Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village WESTLAKE VILLAGE 20 Casa Pacifica Angels 22nd Annual Wine, Food & Brew Festival Sunday, June 7th, 2015 Hosted by The Zarley Family, The Van Huisen Family & Union Bank www.cpwineandfoodfestival.com California State University Channel Islands CAMARILLO 23rd Annual Care for Kids Golf Classic Monday, July 13th, 2015 8:00 am Spanish Hills Golf & Country Club CAMARILLO