Handbook 2015-2016
Handbook 2015-2016
Management Committee Chairperson Tony Isaacs, Whitecliff, Alum Bay, Freshwater, PO39 0JD. Tel: 753159. Mobile: 07967 405019. E-mail: [email protected] General Secretary Vacant Treasurer Denise Insley, 26 Battery Road Cowes, PO31 8DF. Mobile: 07841350421 E-mail: [email protected] League Secretary Mike West, 64 Sylvan Drive, Newport, PO30 5FL Tel: 528159. Mobile: 07773227813 E-mail: [email protected] County Team Manager Richard Gray, 37 Alvington Road, Carisbrooke, PO30 5AR. Tel: 822086. Mobile: 07970 836244. E-mail: [email protected] County Masters Co-ordinator Beryl Ashford, St Anthonys, Playstreet Lane Ryde PO33 3LQ Tel: 562874. Mobile: 07810826592 E-mail: [email protected] Mallett Cup Secretary Kevin Foss. Copse Creek Firestone Copse Road, Wootton Bridge, PO33 4LQ Tel: 07887767175. E-mail [email protected] Junior/Development Secretary Keith Hobbins, Shingles, Five Houses Lane, Calbourne PO30 4JT . Tel:. Mobile: 07821938109. E-mail: [email protected] Tournament Secretary Barry Bushell,, 3 Sandford Barns, Sandford, Ventnor, PO38 3PP Tel: 840835. Mobile. 07580817684E-mail: [email protected] Social Secretary Jo Baggott.,Dexter Cottage, Brambles Farm Lane Freshwater, PO39 0JD. Tel: 759416 Mobile: 07786298785. E-mail: [email protected] Post shared with Penny Osman. Mobile: 07788114215 Press Officer /Webmaster Clint Gardner: 12 Manor Crescent, Newport PO30 2BL Mobile: 07933412987 E.Mail [email protected] IoW Development Officer Mike West General Committee Members Tony Murrant , 17 Whitesmith Road Newport. Tel: E-mail :[email protected] Tim Honnor Dalverton Cottage, Newport Road, Sandown, PO36 9PJ Tel: 863227. E-mail: [email protected] Clayton Simpson: 52 Moor View Godshill PO38 3LL Tel; 840702. Mobile:07915912984 E-mail [email protected] Affiliated Clubs - General Contact Details Binstead Community Association (BCA) Binstead Community Centre - Match Start Time 7-00pm (Tues) Contact: - Ian Parker, 94 Newnham Road, Binstead, PO33 3TF Tel: 244994. Mobile: 07765 252056. Email: [email protected] Cowes Club nights at West Bay Club (Tues). Matches at Yarmouth Sports Club (Wed) Contact: - Jenny Beckingham, Glen Cottage, 6 Whitcombe Road, Newport, PO30 1DW. Tel: 523820. Mobile: 07929 640954. Email: [email protected] Fairway Fairway Sports Hall, Sandown – Match Start Time 7-00pm (Weds) Contact:- Debbie Honnor, Dalverton Cottage, Newport Road, Sandown, PO36 9PJ. Tel: 863227. Mobile: 07518 334393. Email: [email protected] Freshwater Yarmouth Sports & Social Club - Match Start Time 7-00pm (various) Contact: - Keith Lacey, Babbacombe, Blackbridge Road, Freshwater, PO40 9QP. Tel: 752034 Mobile 07531558821 Isle of Wight Sports Club Ryde Road, Seaview – Match start Time 7-00 p.m. (Fridays) Contact – Cat Marvin c/o I.O.W.Sports Club Ryde Road, Seaview PO34 5AD Tel 613108 (Club number) Mobile 07785347459 Newport Drill Hall, Newport - Match Start Time 7-00pm (Thursday) Contact: - Chris Amy, 14 Arthur Moody Drive, Newport, PO30 5JR. Tel: 520314. Mobile 07789333511 Email: [email protected] Ryde Kings Ryde High School - Match Start Time 7-00pm (Fri) - 2 pairs on court Contact: - Lisa Dyer, 30 Adelaide Place, Ryde PO33 3DJ Tel: 717680 Mobile:. 07923469010 Email: [email protected] Vectis Cowes Enterprise College- Match Start Time 8-00pm (Mon) - 2 pairs on court Contact: - Jacqui Spalding, 1 Spring Cottages Marks Corner,Newport PO30 5UD Tel: 291877. Email: [email protected] Mallett Cup contact – Denise Insley - E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 241310. Mobile: 07841 350421 Ventnorians Medina Sports Centre - Match Start Time 7-00pm (Tue) - 2 pairs on court Contact: - Pete Taylor, 65 Quarry View, Camp Hill, Newport, PO30 5PJ. Tel 527055 Mobile: 07710444287 Email: [email protected] Westland Fairway Sports Centre, Sandown - Match Start Time 7-00pm (Weds) Contact: - Ady White, 1 Quarr Place, Binstead, PO33 4EW. Tel 568427 Mobile: 07544 487588. Email: [email protected] Whitecroft Fairway Sports Centre - Match Start Time 7-00pm (Fri) - 2 pairs on court Contact: - Rosanna Riddett, Downers Farm, Chale Green. PO38 2JQ Tel: 551097 Mobile 07899781835 Email: [email protected] Wroxall Wroxall Community Centre - Match Start Time 7-00pm (Mon) Contact: - Linda Lucas 16 Priory Walk, Niton PO38 2DF Tel: 730410. Mobile 07933244759 Email [email protected] Yarmouth Yarmouth Sports & Social Club - Match Start Time 7-00pm (Weds) Contact: - Mike West, 64 Sylvan Drive, Newport, PO30 5FL. Tel: 528159. Email: [email protected] Isle of Wight County Badminton Association (IWCBA) Rules (Amended 2009) Aims 1. The aim of the Association is to promote friendly competition and to encourage and develop the sport of Badminton on the Isle of Wight, under the rules of Badminton England. Management 2. The Management of the Association shall be entrusted to the Chairman, General Secretary and Treasurer in committee with the following officers:- League Secretary, Junior Secretary, County Team Manager, Mallett Cup Secretary, County Veterans Secretary, Social Secretary, Tournament Secretary, County Development Officer, Publicity Officer and up to three General Committee Members. The position of Hants & Isle of Wight Development Officer is a co-opted position automatically granted to the incumbent of the appropriate Badminton England post. A quorum shall consist of five. 3. To assist with continuity, every post on the Management Committee (other than the General Committee Members and the Hants & Isle of Wight Development Officer) shall have a ‘job description’ where the responsibilities for that post are detailed. The job description for each post will be agreed by the Management Committee, and will be posted on the IWCBA web site. 4. No member shall hold more than one post on the management committee unless no other person has been nominated to fill that vacant position. 5. Each member of the management committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association for a period of one year. Once elected, each officer may offer themselves for re-election at the next Annual General Meeting by 31st March. 6. New nominations for all Management positions may be made by any affiliated member, and must be received in writing/by e-mail by the General Secretary no later than 31st March. The nominee should also confirm to the General Secretary by that date that they are willing to stand for election. Officers wishing to be considered for re-election should notify the General Secretary by the same date. 7. Should an officer’s position on the management committee fall vacant at the Annual General Meeting, and no nominations be received to fill that post by the due date, the Chairman will take any forthcoming nominations during the meeting in order to fill the vacancy(ies). 8. Should a position on the management committee fall vacant during the year, the post will be advertised to all club secretaries, and once nominations have been received, an Executive meeting shall be called to vote on the nominees. 9. Any member of the Management Committee may appoint up to two affiliated members to assist in the administration of their post. The names of those appointed must be advised to the General Secretary. 10. The Annual General Meeting shall be convened during the month of May each year, at which time each of the officers shall give a report to the members regarding their previous year in post. 11. Attendance at the Annual General Meeting is not limited, but each Affiliated Club shall have only one vote. In the event of equal numbers of votes being cast both ‘for’ and ‘against’, the Chairman shall have the casting vote. 12. A representative of each Affiliated Club must be authorised to vote on all matters arising at the Annual General Meeting. 13. Proposals for the IWCBA Annual General Meeting must be submitted to the General Secretary by the 28th February and these proposals will be circulated to Club Secretaries within 14 days thereafter. The General Secretary must receive any amendments to these proposals by 31st March. The General Secretary will then circulate the agenda including reports from Officers, proposals and amendments to all club secretaries 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. 14. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting will be circulated to all club secretaries within 3 months of the date of the meeting. 15. All affiliated members should, as part of their membership package, be supplied with a copy of the current year’s handbook, and the information contained therein should also be posted on the IWCBA web site. 16. A meeting of the Management Committee shall be held by the end of September each year to establish a programme for the coming season. 17. Other management meetings for IWCBA officers to be held as necessary, but at least three times in the year in total. Executive meetings for IWCBA officers and Club secretaries shall be held on the same basis. 18. The General Secretary shall carry out the administration of the Association. 19. The financial year of the IWCBA shall end on 30th April each year, and the accounts should be audited by a competent person independent from the committee or sub-committee (as rule. 9). 20 The Management Committee has the right to approve separate accounts for use by different sections within the Association, and should also approve any allocation of funds that exceed £500. 21. A special meeting (Extra-ordinary General Meeting) will be summoned if a request, signed by any six affiliated clubs, setting out the proposition to be put to the meeting, be delivered to the General Secretary in writing/by e-mail. Membership 22. All applications for a club to become affiliated to the IWCBA must be made in writing to the General Secretary, and signed by an officer of the club. The acceptance or rejection of such applications shall rest entirely with the Management Committee. 23. All players representing their club, county or participating in a competition or tournament organised by the IWCBA, must be subscription paid members of a club affiliated to the IWCBA, and must be in good standing with the Association, except that students who are in full time education and who are residing off the Isle of Wight shall be eligible to compete in tournaments provided that they have been members of the association in any of the previous four seasons and they are currently members of the national association. 24. A playing member of the Association shall be defined as any member of an Affiliated Club regardless of whether they participate in League, Mallett Cup competition or Association Tournaments. League Structure / Play 25. The day-to-day running of the league shall be left to the League Secretary’s discretion, but any major changes to the league structure is to be voted on at the Annual General Meeting, or at an Extraordinary Meeting, as the case may be. 26. The League season will commence in the week following the second Sunday in October and finish in April. The position of a team in a division will be determined by a points system. 27. Promotion and relegation will be confined to the top two teams and bottom two teams of each division. In a division of eight or less only one team will be promoted or relegated. In the event of a tie in both matches and points won, in respect of a promotion or relegation placement, a deciding match will be played on a neutral full sized court on a date to be determined by the League Secretary. 28. Demoted teams will be reinstated should there be a need to include more teams in a division than those promoted from the lower division. Promoted teams will be promoted unless an application to the contrary is made in writing to the League Secretary prior to 31st August, giving reasons why such a promotion would be inappropriate. Such applications will be considered by the Management Committee, whose decision shall be final. In the event of a team declining promotion following an appeal, the players in that team may be subject to disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the Management Committee. 28a In the event of a team wishing to compete in a division lower than the one determined by its finishing position the previous season, an application must be made in writing to the League Secretary by 31st August, giving reasons why such an action would be appropriate. Such applications shall be considered by the management committee whose decision shall be final. 29. Other changes in each division may be made by the League Secretary on behalf of the Management Committee who will make the final decision in the event of a dispute. 30. The current agreed format for league play is as follows:- a) A match shall consist of nine rubbers, one point being awarded to the winner of each rubber. Rally Points Scoring shall be used in all Association sponsored matches. b) Each team will consist of three men and three ladies, who will play three rubbers of mixed, men’s and ladies doubles. c) Order of play. At all times teams must play their pairs in order of strength. The three mixed doubles rubbers are to be played first. These will be followed by three men’s and three ladies doubles, rubbers being played alternately (the reverse will be played in the second half of the season), unless otherwise agreed by the captains. If the fourth rubber requires any of the ladies or men who have previously -played in the third rubber, the captains can by mutual arrangements alter the order of play, provided the opposite strengths still play each other. d) Each rubber will be decided by the best of three games. Each game is to be to 21 points and “setting” shall (if required) take place in all three sets. Scoring shall be the “Rally Point” scoring system as defined by Badminton England. 31. The home team captain must explain the “local” rules to the visitors before the match. In general, a “fault” is called if the shuttlecock strikes the roof and a “let” if it strikes beams, rafters, lights, wires etc. within the confines of the court. 32. Feather shuttlecocks are to be used. 33. Court dress for all IWCBA events shall be badminton sports clothing. Players representing the County at any level should wear the agreed county colours or strip. 34. At the end of a match both captains should sign a completed result card. It will be the responsibility of the captain of the HOME side to submit this by post to the League Secretary. All match cards will be pre-stamped by the association to avoid delays occurring in returning cards. 35. If a match card is not received within 7 days, the League Secretary shall make direct contact with the home team captain to advise them of its absence. Should no evidence of the match scores be presented to the League Secretary within 7 days of that contact, no points will be awarded to the HOME team. 36. Each match is to start by such time as specified by each club in the Club information section of the IWCBA Handbook. If a team does not have any one pair on court ready to play within 10 minutes of the specified time, they will forfeit the game of their team’s first pair. All players should be available for play within 45 minutes of the specified start time – unless by prior agreement. Should no pair be available within 30 minutes of the specified start time, the offending team shall be deemed to have defaulted attendance and Rule 38 applies. 37. The only reasons for which a match can be postponed are: a) Non-availability of hall. b) Inclement weather. c) Activities connected with the Association. d) If players involved in that match are due to represent the County (at any level) the following day. e) Activities concerned with Badminton England. If a match is legitimately postponed under this Rule, the home team should notify the League Secretary within 7 days. The rearranged fixture date should be notified in writing to the League Secretary as soon as possible and no later than 3 days prior to the fixture. If within 14 days of the postponed match the home team captain has failed to agree a mutually suitable date with the opposition for the rearranged match, the matter should be passed to the League Secretary, who will adjudicate. 38. If a team defaults attendance at a match for reasons other than those stated in Rule 37, the defaulting team shall score no points and the non-defaulting team awarded such points as the Committee decides. Registration / Eligibility / Subscriptions 39. Each club within the Association shall inform the League Secretary by the end of August the number of teams that they propose to field for League play in the coming season. An affiliated club wishing to withdraw from the Association shall give written notice, on or before 1st August in any year, otherwise it will be liable for the subscription for the ensuing season. 40. All clubs must supply a complete list of their membership wishing to play league badminton in the forthcoming season by 2nd Sunday in September. Any person wishing to change clubs must do so by that date in order to be eligible for nomination at their new club. 41. The annual subscription for each club shall be the amounts specified by Badminton England, added to that determined by the Annual General Meeting of the IWCBA . 42. Annual subscriptions to the IWCBA and Badminton England are due by 31 st October. A club who fields a player who has not paid his/her subscriptions by that date will forfeit the games won. Payment for new members to the Association must be made within 14 days of registering with the League Secretary. 43. Subscriptions are due on 1st October each year or on joining if later. If subscriptions are unpaid by 31st October the Management Committee may impose such penalties as they deem necessary. 44. Any Association member in full time education, and any other member newly registering after 1 st January, need only pay half the annual IWCBA subscription. 45. At the beginning of the season the League Secretary will circulate a fixtures list to each affiliated club that will specify time periods during which the matches must be played. Clubs will then book their halls and fix a definite evening for each of their home matches. The specific dates will then be given to the League Secretary, who will then circulate them to all the Club Secretaries. 46. All clubs entering are required to inform the League Secretary of their nominated team(s), together with known substitutes and contact details for each team captain, before the first match of the season. Failure to comply will result in the team playing the first match becoming the nominated team. 47. No player nominated for a team can play for a lower team unless approved by the Management Committee. There are no limits to the number of games a player from a lower team can play in a team of higher status within the same club. 48. Players may play for only one club in League competition; unless they have been through the transfer window, or are members of the players’ pool registered with the League Secretary. 49. Players who follow the correct procedure for selection at a club and who fail to be selected for a team may be entered into the Transfer Window in order to change to a club that has a position available for them to play league badminton. It is the responsibility of the Club Secretary to inform the League Secretary of his/her intentions and also to notify if a player is required to help fulfil a team. Transferred players shall be on a level for level basis and agreed through the League Secretary or Management Committee. Transferred players shall be expected to pay match and club night fees at their new club but not affiliation fees or subscriptions as these would have been paid to their original club. Transferred player can fill in for their original club if required but this must not impede on their commitment to their new club. Transferred players may not be entered into the Player Pool. 50. Players wishing to be registered members of the Player Pool must be notified to the League Secretary before their services are utilised by another club and must have offered themselves for selection at their respective club, but not have been selected for any of that clubs teams. Players who affiliate to the IWCBA after their club’s teams have been notified to the League Secretary are excused from the requirement to have offered themselves for team selection. 50a. In order to be eligible, players must be registered to the Player Pool prior to the 28th February – after which no further nominations for that season may be accepted by the League Secretary. 51. The League Secretary may impose restrictions on the level of play permissible for players who are members of the player’s pool, or any player not nominated for any of their club’s teams who subsequently wish to participate in matches for that club. 52. Any member of the player pool representing a club will be expected to pay that club’s regular match fee. 53. In the event of a club wishing to withdraw an entered team from the league, the Management Committee shall have the discretion as to which particular team from the club shall be withdrawn. If for any reasons not acceptable to the Management Committee, any club withdraws a team or teams after the league programme has been arranged, then the Management Committee may take disciplinary actions as deemed appropriate. County Team 54. The County Team shall be the responsibility of the Management Committee through the County Team Manager. 55. The County Team Manager shall appoint two additional members to form a selection panel. The three members of that selection panel must be drawn from at least two different clubs affiliated to the IWCBA. 56. The County Team Manager may make further appointments to benefit the team as is felt appropriate. 57. The County Team will be selected from players who have been accepted into the County Squad. Players will be invited to join the County Squad by the County Team Manager from first-hand knowledge, or following nomination by either the Junior Secretary or the player’s club for consideration. All such players must be registered members of the IWCBA and Badminton England and play league badminton unless in full time education. County Veterans 58. Normal rules regarding financing of halls, shuttles and travel in respect of County level matches, and the accounts to be kept in that respect, shall be approved by the Management Committee, and a copy posted on the IWCBA web site 59. The Isle of Wight County Veterans shall be the responsibility of the Management Committee through the County Veterans Secretary who shall appoint a players’ representative for each of the competing age groups. 60. County Veterans’ teams shall be selected from Clubs affiliated to the IWCBA who have indicated their interest in being considered to play by completing an IWCBA Veteran Registration Form. This states that players will be prepared to play in their respective age groups as required. 61. Badminton England Veterans Inter-County League and Championship Regulations apply for competitive matches. 62. IWCBA Veterans tournaments shall be the responsibility of the Tournament Secretary. County Juniors 63. Junior Management - A sub-committee shall be formed to help the Junior Secretary in the management of the junior squad. 64. The County Junior Team will be selected from the players who have been accepted into the County Junior Squad. Players will be invited to join the County Junior Squad by the Junior Secretary from firsthand knowledge, or following nomination by their club or school for consideration. 65. IWCBA Juniors tournaments shall be the responsibility of the Junior Secretary. 66. The Junior Secretary is responsible for ensuring that Child Protection policies are applied in respect of the County Junior Squad. Child Protection 67. The Isle of Wight Badminton Association agrees to adopt the Badminton England Child Protection Policy and Implementation Procedures. 68. All individuals at all levels involved in Badminton through Badminton England, must abide by Badminton England’s Child Protection Policy and the Code of Ethics and Conduct (the code) and all individuals, by participating or being involved in Badminton through Badminton England are deemed to have assented to and thereby adhere to the principles and responsibilities embodied in these documents. 69. Each and every constituent member of Badminton England including, without limitation, all clubs and leagues shall be responsible for the implementation of the Child Protection Policy and Procedures in Badminton in relation to their individual members. 70 Any act, statement or other behaviour that harms a child or group of children or poses a risk of harm to a child or group of children shall constitute conduct that is improper, and thereby brings badminton into disrepute. Such conduct will be dealt with, at an appropriate level, through the Disciplinary Procedure. General 71. The Badminton England disciplinary and appeals procedure shall be adopted if required and posted on the IWCBA website 72. Complaints are to be made within 28 days of an incident (giving full details and, where appropriate, the names of any witnesses) in writing to the General Secretary who will at the earliest opportunity inform members of the Management Committee, and where necessary call a meeting of that Committee to decide upon the appropriate actions to resolve the matter. 73. Normal rules regarding financing of halls, shuttles and travel in respect of County level matches, and the accounts to be kept in that respect, shall be approved by the Management Committee, and a copy posted on the IWCBA web site. 74. Following each club’s Annual General Meeting, any changes in respect of the Officers of that club should be notified immediately to the General Secretary. 75. Nominations for the “Yvonne Elsley Cup” (for the most promising player in the preceding year - aged under 18 on the 31st August) and the “Alan Mabey Salver” (for services to badminton) must be received by the General Secretary no later than 31st March. The Management Committee shall then decide the most appropriate recipients of the awards. Mallett Cup Competition Rules (Amended 2000) 1. The competition shall be named the “Mallett Cup”. 2. Handicapping. It is a handicap competition, the handicapping being worked out by the League Sub-Committee. Members of the handicapping committee will attend the semi-finals and final. 3. Order of Play Home Away Team Team a b c A 1 9 5 B 4 2 7 C 8 6 3 Pairs ABC and abc to be in order of handicap. By mutual agreement the order of play may be changed but no pair shall play more than one game in succession. 4. Position of play. Pairs will play in order of strength of handicapping. Where handicaps within a team are equal, pairs will play in the same order as they play in the league. 5. Order of play. No pair should play more than one game in succession. 6. The Draw. The venue and opponents for each round will be drawn before the beginning of each round. 7. A team drawn home in the competition is to give the opposing team at least ten days notice of the proposed date of the fixture. 8. The semi-finals will be played on neutral, full-sized courts. Both matches will have neutral umpires arranged by the League Subcommittee. 9. The final will be played at a venue decided by the Association Committee. 10. Subscriptions. £15-00 per team to be paid to the Treasurer before commencement of the first round proper. Non-payment will result in the defaulting team being eliminated from the competition. 11. General: 11a. The Mallett Cup being separate from the League, league team players may play for another club, provided the League Secretary is notified. 11b Having played for one team in the competition a player may NOT play for another team. 11c Each round must be played during the week specified on the fixture list. A match may be deferred under the provision of Rule 22, but , in that event, the rearranged match must take place during the week following the original fixture unless Rule 22 still applies. In that event, the match shall be played during the succeeding week. 11d If a team does not have a pair on court ready to play at 7.30pm or such time from 7.00pm onwards as may be specified in the league fixtures section of the IWCBA Handbook, they must forfeit the game of their team’s first pair. 11e It is the responsibility of club Secretaries to notify teams and any changes to the Mallett Cup Secretary. No pair will be allowed to play in the competition unless a handicap for that pair has been determined by the handicap committee prior to the commencement of the match. 11f The draw will be made and clubs notified one week before teams are handicapped. Once handicaps have been issued by the Handicap Committee, no more than one change in the composition of a team will be permissible except on the grounds of illness or injury. Isle of Wight County Badminton Association – Previous Chairpersons Tom Kennedy 1953/54 B Higginson 1954/55 EJ Stone 1955/56 Tom Kennedy 1956/58 I Restall 1958/59 C Norris 1959/60 Malcolm Mallett 1960/61 Mr Cave 1961/62 Roy Bannister 1962/73 Ralph Shotter 1973/81 Mike Frost 1981/83 Derek Ashford 1983/88 Alison Gale 1988/90 Gary Smith 1990/93 David Ball 1993/94 Rod Barton 1994/98 Derek Woodford 1998/03 Mrs Elaine Bricknell 2003/06 Tony Isaacs 2006- Tony Issacs LEAGUE FIXTURES DIVISION ONE 1 – Freshwater A 2 – IOW Sports Club 3 – Fairway A 4 – Vectis Week 1 15/10 16/10 14/10 12/10 1v8 2v7 3v6 4v5 Week 6 26/11 27/11 25/11 27/11 1v6 2v5 3v4 8v7 Week 8 20/1 22/1 21/1 22/1 5v4 6v3 7v2 8v1 Week 13 29/2 2/3 4/3 3/3 4v3 5v2 6v1 7v8 5 – Westlands 6 – Ryde Kings A 7 – Newport A 8 – Whitecroft Week 2 22/10 23/10 22/10 23/10 1v2 6v4 7v3 8v5 Week 3 30/10 28/10 28/10 2v8 3v1 5v6 13/1 11/1 3v2 4v7 Week 4 5/11 6/11 5/11 6/11 Week 5 18/11 16/11 18/11 20/11 3v8 4v2 5v1 6v7 Week 7 30/11 2/12 4/12 3/12 4v8 5v3 6v2 7v1 Week 9 29/1 27/1 25/1 27/1 2v1 3v7 4v6 5v8 Week 10 4/2 5/2 4/2 5/2 1v3 6v5 7v4 8 v2 Week 11 19/2 15/2* 17/2 Week 14 10/3 11/3 9/3 11/3 1v7 2v6 3v5 8v4 Newport’s home match night may change during the season 1v4 2v3 7v5 8v6 * Should the hall be unavailable on this date, the match will be played on March 14th 6v8 4v1 5v7 Week 12 25/2 26/2 25/2 25/2 1v5 2v4 7v6 8v3 DIVISION TWO 1 – BCA 2 – Freshwater C 3 – Ryde Kings B 4 – Yarmouth Week 1 13/10 13/10 16/10 14/10 1v8 2v7 3v6 4v5 Week 6 24/11 24/11 27/11 23/11 1v6 2v5 3v4 8v7 Week 8 21/1 19/1 20/1 18/1 5v4 6v3 7v2 8v1 Week 13 2/3 3/3 1/3 2/3 4v3 5v2 6v1 7v8 5 – Freshwater B 6 – Freshwater D 7 – Fairway B 8 – Wroxall A Week 2 20/10 23/10 21/10 19/10 1v2 6v4 7v3 8v5 Week 3 27/10 30/10 28/10 29/10 2v8 3v1 4v7 5v6 15/1 14/1 3v8 5v7 Week 4 2/11 3/11 4/11 2/11 1v4 2v3 7v5 8v6 Week 5 17/11 18/11 19/11 6v7 4v2 5v1 Week 7 2/12 3/12 1/12 2/12 4v8 5v3 6v2 7v1 Week 9 26/1 29/1 27/1 28/1 2v1 3v7 4v6 5v8 Week 14 8/3 8/3 11/3 7/3 1v7 2v6 3v5 8v4 Week 10 2/2 2/2 3/2 1/2 1v3 6v5 7v4 8v2 Week 11 19/2 17/2 16/2 3v2 4v1 6v8 Week 12 23/2 23/2 24/2 22/2 1v5 2v4 7v6 8v3 DIVISION THREE 1 – Newport C 2 – Freshwater E 3 – Newport B 4 –Wroxall B Week 1 15/10 15/10 12/10 16/10 1v8 3v6 4v5 2v7 Week 6 26/11 27/11 26/11 25/11 1v6 2v5 3v4 8v7 Week 8 21/1 22/1 19/1 20/1 5v4 6v3 7v2 8v1 Week 13 29/2 3/3 4/3 1/3 4v3 5v2 6v1 7v8 5 –Newport D 6 –Ryde Kings C 7 - Ventnorians 8 – Cowes Week 2 22/10 23/10 21/10 20/10 1v2 6v4 8v5 7v3 Week 3 30/10 29/10 29/10 26/10 2v8 3v1 5v6 4v7 11/1 4v2 Week 4 5/11 6/11 3/11 4/11 1v4 2v3 7v5 8v6 Week 5 19/11 19/11 20/11 3v8 5v1 6v7 Week 7 30/11 3/12 4/12 1/12 4v8 5v3 6v2 7v1 Week 9 28/1 25/1 28/1 3v7 4v6 5v8 Week 10 4/2 5/2 3/2 2/2 1v3 6v5 8v2 7v4 18/3 2v1 Week 14 11/3 10/3 9/3 10/3 2v6 3v5 8v4 1v7 Newport’s home match night may change during the season Week 11 18/2 15/2 19/2 18/2 3v2 4v1 6v8 5v 7 Week 12 25/2 26/2 24/2 23/2 1v5 2v4 8v3 7v6 IWCBA Calendar of Events 2015-2016 November 7th December 12th Inter County Championship Isle of Wight 1 v Isle of Wight 2 & Dorset 3 @ Bishop of Winchester Academy Bournemouth v Somerset 2 & Somerset 3 @ University of Exeter January 30th v Devon 3 & Cornwall 2 @ Bournemouth January 31st v Wiltshire 3 @ Sir David English school Bournemouth November 7th December 12th January 30 th January 31st October 11th October 18th th January 9 /10th February 28th March 6th March 20th Isle of Wight 2 v Isle of Wight 1 & Wltshire 3 @ Bishop of Winchester Academy Bournemouth v Devon 3 & Cornwall 2 @ University of Exeter v Somerset 2 & Somerset 3 @ Bournemouth v Dorset 3 @ Sir David English school Bournemouth Inter County Masters Over 40’s Avon @ Clevedon 1 p.m. Devon @ Fairway SC 1p.m. ICC County Challenge @ Andover Somerset @ Fairway SC 1 p.m. Gloucester @ Quedgeley 1 p.m. Wiltshire @ Fairway SC 1 p.m. Tournament dates will be announced on our website when finalized IWCBA Calendar of Events 2015-16(cont) October 18th nd November 22 th January 9 /10th January 31st February 21st th March 20 April 3rd th October 25 November 1st th January 9 /10th th February 28 th March 19 March 20th Over 45’s Hampshire @ Winchester 12 noon Wiltshire @ Melksham 1 p.m. ICC Masters County Challenge @ Bournemouth Devon @ Fairway SC 1 p.m. Hampshire @ Fairway 1 p.m. Devon @ Ottery St Mary 12 noon Wiltshire @ Fairway SC 1 p.m. Over 60’s Dorset @ West Wight SC 12 noon Devon @ Torquay 1 p.m. ICC Masters County Challenge @ Andover Wiltshire @ Melksham 1 p.m. Avon 1 @ Clevedon 1 p.m. Avon 2 @ Clevedon 1 p.m. October 11 th November 15 nd November 22 December 6th th January 9 /10th January 24th March 6th th March 20 Over 65’s Devon @ Torquay 1 p.m. Somerset @ West Wight SC 12 noon Wiltshire @ West Wight SC 12 noon Gloucester @ Quedgley 1 p.m. ICC Masters County Challenge @ Bournemouth Cornwall @ West Wight SC 12 noon Avon @ Clevedon 1 p.m. Somerset @ Crewkerne 1 p.m. October 25th November 8th November 29th st January 31 February 21st th March 13 March 20th Over 70’s Dorset @ West Wight SC 12 noon Gloucester @ Quedgley 1 p.m. Hampshire @ West Wight SC 12 noon Wiltshire @ West Wight SC 12 noon Surrey @ West Wight SC 12 noon Devon @ Ottery St Mary 12 noon Kent @ Gillingham 1 p.m. th Committee Meetings Secretaries Meetings AGM th th November 19 April 7 @ Newport Drill Hall 7:30 st st rd October 1 January 21 March 3 @ Newport DH 7:30 th May 12 @Newport Drill Hall 7:30 End of 2015-16 Season Badminton England – Inter County Championships Senior County Appearances as at the beginning of 2015/2016 season Ladies Mrs C Jordan Mrs D Insley Mrs G Bushelll Mrs E.Bricknell 119 119 119 102 Miss W Sinnett Miss C Wheeler Mrs M Price Mrs K Abram 23 22 19 16 Miss K Arnold Miss A Brading Mrs S Penn Mrs S Ball 8 7 6 6 Mrs K Murrant Miss J Jackson Mrs A White Mrs S Early 101 79 60 57 15 15 14 13 Miss L Blowman Miss K Gurd Miss L Baggott Miss E Boynton 5 5 5 4 Miss N Hutching Mrs C Pearson 56 56 Miss S Isaacs Miss S Hutchings Mrs T Cooper Mrs E Bagshaw Mrs D Honnor Mrs V Kealty 53 48 48 40 36 34 Mrs C Gray Miss C White Miss S Baggott Mrs R Gregory Mrs L Garne Miss L Radcliffe 33 25 25 24 24 23 Miss V Law Miss R Riddett Mrs V Herridge Mrs P Honnor Miss S Broomfield Miss R Druce Miss K Rawlinson Miss M Blow Miss C Powell Mrs V Milne Miss J Bigby Miss H Bray Mrs P Broadhead Mrs J Utteridge Mrs H Burgess Mrs S Dye Mrs M Montrose Mrs M Mills 13 Miss K Joliffe 13 Mrs S Walder 2 2 13 12 12 11 11 11 Miss J Pearson Mrs E Riddett Miss A Gale Miss C Cotton Miss R Hancock Mrs H McCarthy 2 2 2 2 2 1 10 10 9 8 8 8 Mrs R Lissiter Mrs D Prior Mrs E Allen Miss L Rogers Mrs P Burke Miss G Dye 1 1 1 1 1 1 Gill Bushell & Denise Insley 119 appearances each for the county team Badminton England – Inter County Championships Senior County Appearances as at the beginning of 2015/2016 season Men R Gray I Walder 164 107 M Taylor E Mitchell 18 18 A Southwell S Dillon N Curson D Peters T Honnor K Downer M Utteridge P Harrison J Burke M Pearson S Wright B Bushell P Royl A Gurney D Winter C Massey S Ware A Hunt S Isaacs M Honnor R Peters S Kealty L Percival M Burbidge M Parker D Afonso D Anderson D Cheal 88 82 82 79 74 65 61 53 50 49 39 38 37 32 31 27 24 23 22 21 21 20 20 20 19 J Honnor R Bannister G Utteridge T Phillips J Turner K Crump L Matthews R Taylor C Taylor A Doe S Ellis C Roberts A Clark G Smith J Phillips L Insley R Hendon-John K Cooper J Tibbutt B Pereira S Winter D Parsloe A Dewanatara J Petherham N Young 17 15 15 14 14 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 9 9 9 9 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 S Ashford R Ridley M Showan C Insley C Firth M Selby E Walder M Woodford D Westmore J Crosbie C Keuw J Lyons O Baker B Lipscombe A Leagus T Murrant E Rowett J Baldwin J Collingwood H Hadibroto P Elliott S Ball C Giles A Hancock R Jones 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Badminton England - Inter County Championships Veterans County Appearances as at the beginning of the 2015/2016 Season Men Laurie Scott Tony Isaacs Eric Mitchell Melvin Price Brian Amy Tony Black Ian Backshall Barry Bushell Eddie Walder Andrew Johnson Mike West Dave Peters Rudi HendonJohn Sean Kealty Richard Jones Colin Nigh Graham Williams Ian Parker Harvey Goddard Bob Emmerson Tim Honnor Derek Whitbread Graham Barsdell Rod Barton 143 139 115 105 101 83 79 73 72 70 68 59 Arthur Williams Brian Vallender Richard Gray Iain Lawrie Tony Murrant Garry Wood Mark Burbidge Steve Stevens Steve Parsons Mark Andrews John Herbert Dave Winter 27 24 20 19 19 16 16 14 14 12 12 9 John Burke Dave Lissiter Jim Hewitt Mark Eden Martin Taylor Malcolm Tait Daniel Renshaw Mike Pitman Peter Kirby John Wood Roger Orchard Roy Freeman 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 59 55 40 37 34 34 34 32 31 28 27 27 Kevin Bolan John Abrook Ron Lucas Paul Skinner Keith Lacey Colin Lovegrove Kevin Foss Roy Tilcock Cleet Holmberg Richard Price Nigel Claxton John Blair 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 7 6 5 5 5 Mike Frost Barrie Clarke Tony Winter Clayton Simpson Dave Ouston Paul Yearsley Jeremy Baldwin S Dyer Richard Ridley Keith Hobbins Dudley Farr 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ladies Sue Oldershaw Beryl Ashford Carole Jordan Margaret Morgan Denise Insley Chris Amy Elaine Bricknell Diane Sabin Liz Allen Marge Herbert Gillian Bushell Joyce Morgan Huws Christine Smith Sue Walder Pauline Brockwell Maureen Burge Jean Richards Penny Morton Joan Martin Mary Peters Rose Blackman Joan Dylrymple Gill Osborne Sabrie Harvey 144 Karin Murrant 110 Sue Rutherford 100 Jenny Utteridge 88 86 70 63 61 59 52 50 Sally Isaacs Pam Wood Linda Lucas Barbara Herbert Dawn Johnson Heather Westby Rachael Gregory Tina Cooper 29 29 24 23 23 22 20 19 18 16 16 48 48 46 41 40 40 39 38 36 33 33 30 29 Dot Anderson Ady White Sandra Dye Helen Foss Karen Woodford Clare Powell Penny Osman Caroline Pearson Lisa Smith Soo Richardson Pauline Emmett Jane Jackson Glen Griffin 16 13 12 11 9 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 6 Charlotte Gray Margaret Prudham Jenny Beckingham Debbie Honnor Chandra Shaw Bev Whorwood Marion Johnson Julie Martin Pat Augustus Christine Green Jan Hurt 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 Jo Turner Ann Wilson Emma Morgan Sheila Fox Carol Jennings Jean Gillett Kathy Mills Jill Hawes Kerry Pitman Mary Speed Sue Allen Kerri Stott 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Recent Island Games Appearances 1997 – Jersey Elaine Bricknell, Tina Cooper, Denise Insley, Jane Jackson, Karin Murrant, Richard Gray, David Cheal, Paul Royl, & Ian Walder. Manager – Carole Jordan, Coach – Eddie Walder 2001 – Isle of Man Elaine Bricknell, Gillian Bushell, Karin Murrant, Chantal Wheeler, David Anderson, John Burke, Richard Gray, Rowan Taylor & Ian Walder. Manager – Richard Gray 2003 – Guernsey Elaine Bricknell, Rachel Gregory, Denise Insley, Karin Murrant, Ady White, David Anderson, Kesley Downer, Simon Ellis Richard Gray & Ian Walder. Manager – Carole Jordan 2005 – Shetland 2007 Rhodes Isle of Wight did not compete. 2009 – Aaland Dave Anderson, Simon Ellis, Chris Massey, Kesley Downer, Denise Insley (captain), Georgia Dye, Vicky Law, Lauren Blowman. Manager/Coach – Tony Isaacs 2011 – Isle of Wight David Anderson, Kesley Downer, Richard Gray, Chris Massey, Ian Walder, Gillian Bushell, Denise Insley, Karin Murrant Anna Showan, & Ady White. Ladies Singles Gold- Anna Showan Mixed Doubles Bronze – Ian Walder & Anna Showan Manager – Martin Taylor 2013 – Bermuda Richard Jones, Chris Massey, Charlie Taylor, Sophie Baggott, Georgia Dye, Denise Insley. Manager Denise Insley 2015 – Jersey Kes Downer, Jacob Honnor, Matthew Honnor, Chris Massey. George Utteridge, Sophie Baggott, Emily Boynton, Gillian Bushell, Denise Insley, Jane Jackson, Manager – Richard Gray Members of the 2015 Island Games Squad Recent League Division Winners Year Div 1 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Newport A Newport A Freshwater A Westland A Westland A Westland A Westland A Whitecroft A Whitecroft A Yarmouth A Yarmouth A Westland A Westland A Westland A Westland A Westland A Westland A Westland A Westland A 2013/14 Vectis A 2014/15 Fairway A Vectis A Westland A Vectis A Vectis A Div 2 Ventnor A Yarmouth B Savoy A Shanklin B Kingsway A Freshwater B Westland C Westland D Newport A Yarmouth B Vectis A Westland B Westland B Whitecroft B Rydekings A Whitecroft Newport A Rydekings A Vectis A Whitecroft B Vectis B Whitecroft B Vectis B Whitecroft B i.o.w.Sports Club Div 3 Yarmouth C Savoy A Westland C Shanklin C Westland D Shanklin C Cowes A Vectis B Ventnor A Newport B Freshwater B Nomads Newport A Freshwater C Rydekings B Wroxall Newport B Ventnorians Brighstone Newport C Fairway Fairway B Vectis C I.O.W.Sports Club Freshwater D Fairway A. Div 1 champions 2014-15 Div 4 Kingsway A Cowes B Westland D Whitecroft B Shanklin D Newport B Whitecroft D Wroxall B Kingsway B Yarmouth C Freshwater C Whitecroft D RydeKings C Freshwater E Rydekings C Yarmouth B Div 5 Brighstone B Westland D Seaview Westhill B Downside A Brighstone A Freshwater D Recent Mallett Cup (& Plate) Winners Year Winner Plate Winner 1988/89 1989/90 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Westland A Westhill Westland A Freshwater B Westland A Ryde B Shanklin A Newport D Whitecroft Westland A Westland A Whitecroft A Westland A 2001/02 Westland A Freshwater C 2002/03 Whitecroft A RydeKings B 2003/04 Westland A RydeKings B 2004/05 Whitecroft B Whitecroft A 2005/06 Freshwater B Nomads 2006/07 Whitecroft A Nomads 2007/08 Westland A Brighstone 2008/09 Newport A Brighstone 2009/10 Westland A Freshwater A 2010/11 Vectis A Whitecroft C 2011/12 Whitecroft A Vectis B 2012/13 Westlands A Newport A 2013/14 Wroxall Fairway 2014/15 Freshwater C Freshwater A Ventnor D Whitecroft B GKN Westland C GKN Westland C Freshwater C. Mallett Cup winners 2014-15 Recent Association Restricted Champions Date Wilson Shield 1989/90 M Utteridge 1990/91 M Utteridge 1991/92 M Burbidge 1992/93 C Roberts 1993/94 M Burbidge 1994/95 R Gray 1995/96 R Gray 1996/97 M Burbidge 1997/98 R Gray 1998/99 I Walder 1999/00 I Walder 2000/01 I Walder 2001/02 R Gray 2002/03 D Anderson 2003/04 I Walder 2004/05 D Anderson 2005/06 I Walder 2006/07 I Walder 2007/08 R Gray 2008/09 P Royl 2009/10 C Massey 2010/11 C Massey 2011/12 C.Massey 2012/13 C Massey 2013/14 S Isaacs 2014/15 C Massey Whitbread Shield Miss N Hutchings Miss N Hutchings Miss W Sinnett Miss N Hutchings Miss N Hutchings Miss W Sinnett Whittle Cup P Harrison & M Utteridge P Harrison & M Utteridge P Harrison & S Wright T Honnor & C Roberts R Gray & M Pearson J Burke & P Harrison J Burke & P Harrison Bourne Cup Association Cup Miss S Morey & M Burbidge & Mrs Mrs E Ridett D Insley Miss N Hutchings & M Burbidge & Mrs Miss S Hutchings D Insley Miss N Hutchings & M Pearson & Miss Miss C White S Morey Miss N Hutchings & M Burbidge & Mrs Mrs D Insley D Insley Mrs D Insley & Mrs J Burke & Mrs E T Scott-Roberts Bricknell Mrs E Bricknell & M Burbidge & Mrs Mrs D Insley T Scott-Roberts Mrs E Bricknell & R Gray & Mrs D Mrs D Insley Mrs D Insley Insley Mrs T ScottJ Burke & P Roberts & Miss K M Burbidge & Mrs Mrs D Insley Harrison Woodford E Bricknell Mrs T ScottB Bushell & P Roberts & Miss K P Harrison & Mrs T Mrs D Insley Harrison Woodford Scott-Roberts R Gray & I Mrs T Cooper & I Walder & Mrs J Mrs J Walder Walder Mrs K Murrant Walder J Burke & I Mrs G Bushell & I Walder & Mrs J Mrs D Insley Walder Mrs J Walder Walder J Burke & I Mrs G. Bushell & I Walder & Mrs G Mrs K Murrant Walder Mrs K Murrant Bushell J Burke & I Mrs E Bricknell & I Walder & Mrs D Mrs D Insley Walder Mrs D Insley Honnor J Burke & I Mrs E Bricknell & R Gray & Mrs D Miss S Isaacs Walder Mrs D Insley Insley D Anderson & R Mrs E Bricknell & M Burbidge & Mrs Mrs A White Gray Mrs D Insley E Bricknell D Anderson & R Mrs E Bricknell & D Anderson & Ms Mrs D Insley Gray Mrs D Insley A White D Anderson & R Mrs G Bushell & Ms R Gray & Mrs R Ms J Jackson Gray J Jackson Gregory I Walder & R Ms A White & Ms J R Gray & Mrs D Not played Gray Jackson Insley I Walder & R Ms A White & Ms J R Gray & Mrs D Miss S Isaacs Gray Jackson Insley K Downer & P Mrs D Insley & Mrs R Gray & Mrs D Ms J Jackson Royl K Murrant Insley D Afonso & R Mrs K Murrant & R Gray & Ms A Ms J Jackson HendonJohn Mrs G Bushell White R Gray & I Mrs K Murrant & K Downer & Mrs D Ms J Jackson Walder Miss S Isaacs Insley C.Massey & Mrs G.Bushell & K.Downer & Miss S.Isaacs D.Afonso Mrs D.Insley Mrs D.Insley K Downer & Mrs G Bushell & K.Downer & Mrs G Bushell S Isaacs Mrs D.Insley Mrs D.Insley K Downer & Mrs G Bushell & S.Isaacs & Mrs D Insley S Isaacs Mrs D.Insley Miss J Jackson C.Massey & Mrs G Bushell & C Massey & Miss S Isaacs D Afonso Mrs D Insley Mrs K Murrant Chris Massey & Karin Murrant. Mixed Doubles Winners 2014-15 Recent Tournament Winners Date 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Peggy Doherty Ladies doubles handicapped Mrs T Scott-Roberts & Miss W Sinnett Miss H Bray & Mrs P Morton Miss N Hutchings & Miss W Sinnett Mrs E Bricknell & Mrs G Plumb Mrs T Scott-Roberts & Miss W Sinnett Mrs J Hayden & Miss K Joliffe Mrs E Bricknell & Mrs G Bushell Mrs E Bricknell & Mrs G Bushell Mrs A Wilson & Miss J Worsley Mrs A White & Mrs H Foss Miss A Amy & Miss N Amy Mrs G Bushell & Mrs J Jackson Mrs D Insley & Miss B Whorwood Mrs C Green & Mrs S Oldershaw Mrs C Pearson & Ms H Cooke Mrs S Wedge & Mrs S Dye Mrs C Jordan & Mrs K Murrant Mrs J Beckingham & Ms S Wilcox Mrs D Insley & Mrs K Murrant John Asher Memorial Trophy Men’s doubles handicapped W&D Thomas Trophy Mixed doubles handicapped C Giles & D Snudden D Pyne & M Royl B Debenham & R Holbrook M Bunton & Miss A Lewis M Pearson & G Wedge M Royl & P Royl J Tibbutt & Miss K Joliffe C Saldahna & Mrs H Shoulder B Bushell & P Harrison D Wedge & Mrs E Bricknell Not Played E Walder & Miss J Worsley M Royl & P Royl Not Played M Price & J Rivers J Downer & Mrs D Insley W Oldershaw & A Ring Not Played R Gray & L Insley L Insley & Mrs D Insley D Anderson & M Royl D Afonso & Mrs C Pearson C Holmberg & R Ridley C Insley & Mrs D Insley D Anderson & Miss H Holden E Walder & R Gray M Taylor & A Hunt T Horne & E Woodford Not Played C Holmberg & Mrs C Powell D Westmore & M Tuckwell M Bridges & Ms E Morgan G Utteridge & Miss K S Stevens & Clint Gardner Rawlinson J Collingwood & Ms L Ms A White & Mrs H Foss M Taylor & A Southwell Ratcliffe Miss S Isaacs & Ms P H Hadibroto & A J Collingwood & Ms L Osman Dewantara Ratcliffe Mrs C Pearson & Mrs A White G.Cooper & K Cooper M Honnor & Mrs D Honnor Mrs G Bushell & Mrs J Utteridge J Phillips & D Parsloe C Holmberg & K Stott C Gardner & C Massey H Hadibroto & A Dewantara Angga Dewantara and Hasma Hadibroto. John Asher winners 2014-15 Recent Association Masters Champions Date 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 Men’s Ladies Mrs C Jordan & Mrs M A Barnes & D Hersey Peters Mrs P Brockwell & Mrs M T Isaacs & K Lacey Peters Mrs C Jordan & Mrs P E Mitchell & D Peters Morton Mrs P Morton & Mrs S B Amy & R Barton Oldershaw Mrs P Morton & Mrs S L Scott & M Pitman Oldershaw Mrs P Morton & Mrs S J Herbert & E Walder Oldershaw Mrs J Tibbutt & Mrs A J Herbert & E Walder Wilson Mrs B Herbert & Mrs M J Herbert & E Walder Morgan Mrs J Dalrymple & Mrs L J Herbert & E Walder Lucas Mrs C Jordan & Mrs M L Scott & M Price Morgan Mrs C Amy & Mrs S B Amy & I Backshall Oldershaw Mrs M Morgan & Mrs M B Amy & M West Prudham B Bushell & R Hendon- Mrs E Bricknell & Mrs D John Insley B Bushell & R Hendon- Mrs M Gardiner & Mrs G John Bushell Mixed A Barnes & Mrs P Brockwell K Lacey & Mrs P Morton D Peters & Mrs M Peters E Walder & Mrs C Jordan K Lacey & Mrs P Morton E Walder & Mrs C Jordan M Price & Mrs L Lucas S Thomas & Mrs A Wilson E Walder & Mrs C Jordan B Amy & Mrs C Amy T Isaacs & Mrs S Oldershaw T Black & Mrs E Wiggins R Hendon John & Mrs E Bricknell S Egerton-Read & Mrs L Attrill 2005/06 Not Played Not Played M West & Ms C Veal 2006/07 Not Played R Hendon-John & R 2007/08 Jones Not Played Mrs M Morgan & Mrs M Prudham Mrs K Murrant & Mrs K Woodford Not Played 2008/09 B Amy & M West 2009/10 E Mitchell & L Scott 2010/11 I Parker & S Stevens 2011/12 R Gray & T Murrant 2012/13 R Gray & T Murrant 2013/14 B Amy & Mrs C Amy B Bushell & Mrs D Insley Not Played K Lacey & Miss S Isaacs Mrs J Beckingham & Mrs S Dye K Lacey & Miss S Isaacs R.Hendon-John & Mrs Not played G.Bushell K.Lacey & Miss S.Isaacs Not played Mrs C.Pearson & Miss H.Goddard & Mrs M.Morgan S.Isaacs Harvey Goddard and Maz Morgan. Masters Mixed Doubles Champions 2013-14 Recent Yvonne Elsey Cup & Alan Mabey Salver Winners Yvonne Elsey Cup (Most promising under-18) Isle of Wight Badminton Association Committee Awards Alan Mabey Salver (services to badminton) 1992/93 D Waters Tony Winter 1993/94 Not Awarded Penny Morton 1994/95 I Walder Beryl Ashford 1995/96 P Royl David Peters 1996/97 D Cheal Not Awarded 1997/98 Miss C Wheeler Not Awarded 1998/99 Not Awarded Sheila Fox 1999/00 D Anderson Carole Jordan 2000/01 R Taylor Keith Lacey 2001/02 L Insley Not Awarded 2002/03 S Ellis Richard Gray 2003/04 T Dye Derek Woodford 2004/05 G Bricknell Brian & Chris Amy 2005/06 Matt Showan Mrs D Insley 2006/07 Not Awarded 2007/08 Lauren Blowman Chris Massey & Dave Westmore 2008/09 Stuart Isaacs Cleet Holmberg 2009/10 Rosanna Ridett Beryl Ashford 2010/11 Jack Lyons Martin Taylor 2011/12 Ian Parker 2012/13 Angga Dewantara Sophie Baggott & Matthew Honnor Kathryn Arnold 2013/14 Jacob Honnor Colin Nigh 2014/15 Emily Boynton Cleet & Vanessa Holmberg Date Isle of Wight Badminton Association Committee Awards Mike West Cleet & Vanessa Holmberg. Winners of the Alan Mabey Salver 2014-15 Pos 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Team Fairway A Westland A Vectis A Freshwater A RydeKings A Newport A Whitecroft A Freshwater B FINAL LEAGUE TABLES 2014-15 Division 1 Pld W L F 14 11 3 87 14 11 3 84 14 10 4 83 14 7 7 73 14 6 8 53 13 5 8 46 13 4 9 40 14 1 13 22 Division 2 Pos 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Team I.O.W.Sports Club Wroxall A RydeKings B Fairway B Freshwater C BCA Yarmouth Newport B Pld 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 W 13 11 10 7 6 6 2 1 L 1 3 4 7 8 8 12 13 F 91 81 79 68 65 54 43 20 Division 3 Pos 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Team Freshwater D Cowes RydeKings C Newport C Wroxall B Freshwater E Newport D Pld 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 W 11 9 7 6 4 4 1 L 1 3 5 6 8 8 11 F 84 66 59 55 49 43 22 Freshwater D Division 3 winners 2014-15 Inter Counties Championship 2014/15 Isle of Wight 1 Division 6 Central 30.11.14 17.1.15 18.1.15 1.3.15 22.3.15 12.4.15 IOW 8 Leicestershire III 7 Lincolnshire II 3 IOW 12 IOW 11 Lincolnshire II 4 Leicestershire III 11 IOW 4 Worcestershire IV conceded. Worcestershire IV 4 IOW 11 Isle of Wight 2 Division 6 South West 19.10.14 9.11.14 23.11.14 14.12.14 18.1.15 15.2.15 15.3.15 29.3.15 IOW 2 Wiltshire III 13 Dorset III 12 IOW 3 Avon III 12 IOW 3 IOW 3 Cornwall II12 IOW 1 Avon III 14 Cornwall II 14 IOW 1 IOW 0 Dorset III 15 Wiltshire III 11 IOW 4 Inter Counties Masters Championship 2014-15 Over 40 IOW 12 Wiltshire 0 Conceded IOW 3 Gloucestershire 9 IOW 1 Devon 11 Wiltshire 11 IOW 1 Devon 12 IOW 0 Somerset 12 IOW 0 Conceded IOW 12 Somerset 0 Conceded Gloucestershire 12 IOW 0 Conceded Over 45 Avon 11 IOW 1 IOW 3 Avon 9 Wiltshire 10 IOW 2 IOW 4 Wiltshire 8 Devon 12 IOW 0 Conceded IOW 11 Devon 1 Over 60 Dorset 12 IOW 0 IOW 0 Avon 12 IOW 1 Wiltshire 11 Somerset 8 IOW 4 IOW 1 Devon 11 Over 65 Wiltshire 6 IOW 3 IOW 1 Avon I 8 IOW 2 Avon II 7 IOW 3 Devon 6 Cornwall 8 IOW 1 IOW 1 Gloucestershire I 8 Dorset 6 IOW 3 IOW 9 Gloucestershire II 0 Over 70 Dorset 9 IOW 0 IOW 0 Kent 9 IOW 2 Devon 7 Hampshire 9 IOW 0 Wiltshire 9 IOW 0