Be a Winner with HYLA!
Be a Winner with HYLA!
Das Magazin für unsere HYLA-Importeure und HYLA-Mitarbeiter Magazine for our HYLA Importers and HYLA Associates 09 2002 w r e i t n h n i H Y W L a A e ! B 3 4-5 6-7 „The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary!“ Editorial Liebe HYLA-Mitarbeiter! HYLA U.S.A. HYLA Russia 8-9 HYLA Germany 10-11 HYLA Denmark 12-13 HYLA Switzerland Vidal Sasson Impressum Herausgeber Editor Hyla International GmbH & Co. KG Hornbergstr. 49 D-70794 Filderstadt Tel. (0711) 77 0595-0 Fax (0711) 77 0595-40 Konzeption, Redaktion Concept Wilfried Metzger, Bernd Kaiser Layout, Graphik Layout Bernd Kaiser HYLA-International GmbH & Co. KG Filderstadt Erscheinungsweise Publication Vierteljährlich quarterly Druckerei Printer Druckerei Sauter GmbH, Reutlingen 14-15 HYLA Hungary HYLA Portugal 16-17 Power Weekend 18-20 HYLA Asia 21-22 HYLA Info 23 HYLA News 24-25 HYLA Spain 26-27 HYLA Champions 28-30 HYLA Awards 31 „Power Weekend“ Herzlichen Glückwunsch – an alle Teilnehmer unseres 1. weltweiten HYLA Power Weekends. Die Resonanz der 14 teilnehmenden Länder war super! Nicht nur der CROSS-Pen sondern auch das „DABEISEIN“ war für viele Mitarbeiter die Motivation. Jeder Teilnehmer, der mindestens 1 HYLA an diesem Wochenende verkauft hat, erhielt von uns eine Urkunde als Anerkennung und Dankeschön. In manchen Ländern wurde bisher Unmögliches möglich gemacht! Dies ist für uns eine Bestätigung, mit diesem ersten weltweiten HYLA-Event den richtigen Weg eingeschlagen zu haben. Freuen Sie sich mit uns gemeinsam auf weitere interessante und vor allem erfolgreiche HYLA-Events. Angelina & Wilfried Metzger Geschäftsleitung HYLA International GmbH & Co. KG Dear HYLA Associates! „Power Weekend“ Congratulations – to all participants of our first worldwide HYLA Power Weekend. The resonance of 14 countries which took part in this weekend was excellent! Not only the CROSS pen but also to “participate” was the motivation of these HYLA Dealers. Each attendee who sold at least 1 HYLA within that weekend, was awarded a certificate – as a symbol for our appreciation and thank you. In a few countries, so far impossible has been made possible! This confirms to us that we have gone into the right direction with this first worldwide HYLA event. We are looking forward – together with you – to our future interesting and especially successful HYLA events. Angelina & Wilfried Metzger Management HYLA International GmbH & Co. KG HYLA Prime Club Chers membres de HYLA! A. & W. Metzger “Power Weekend” Des félicitations à tous ceux qui ont participé à notre premier “Hyla Power Weekend” mondial. L`écho des 14 pays participants a été superbe. La motivation pour les employés n'était pas seulement le Cross-Pen mais aussi de pouvoir participer à ce week-end. Chaque participant qui a vendu au moins 1 HYLA ce week-end a reçu un document de reconnaissance et de grâce. Dans certains pays on a réalisé des choses qui ont été jusque-là impossibles. Nous considérons cela comme preuve de suivre le bon chemin avec ce premier rencontre mondial de HYLA. Réjouissez-vous déjà à l'avance avec nous des futurs rencontres de Hyla à la fois intéressants et surtout courronnés de succés. Angelina & Wilfried Metzger direction Hyla International GmbH & Co. KG ¡Queridos miembros de HYLA! “Power Weekend” Felicitaciones a todos ellos que han participados a nuestro primer “HYLA Power Weekend” mundial. La resonancia de los 14 países que participaron ha sido fenomenál. La motivación para muchos empleados no ha sido solamente el Cross-Pen pero también el hecho de poder participar. Cada participante que ha vendido por lo menos 1 HYLA este fin de semana ha recibido un documento de reconocimiento y de gracias. En algunos países se realizaron cosas que hasta ahora han sido imposibles. Consideramos esto como prueba de haber tomado el buen camino con este primer encuentro mundial de HYLA. Alegrense ya en adelante juntos con nosotros de los futuros encuentros de HYLA que serán interesantes y sobre todo exitosos. Angelina &Wilfried Metzger dirección HYLA International GmbH & Co. KG Schutzgebühr Fee EURO 2,50 © HYLA International GMBH & Co. KG, July 2002 2 3 HYLA U.S.A.: Distributor & Key Men Meeting, Kansas City Missouri April 25 - 28, 2002 HYLA U.S.A.: Distributor & Key Men Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri April 25 - 28, 2002 Die Gäste des Meetings freuten sich über informative und interessante Vorträge W. & A. Metzger, CEO & President HYLA International Attendees of the meeting were pleased to listen to valuable and interesting lectures. F. & H. Gassmann, CEO & President HYLA USA to get referrals! Roy Edwards & Tom Braun "Supervisors" Beve Prock & John Prock together with Hartmut Gassmann H. Gassmann & W. Metzger introducing the NEW HYLA NST WET CLEANING SYSTEM! ! Great Job Carolyn & Roy Edwards, Supervisor - and many times TOP DISTRIBUTOR of the month. Introduction of the new HYLA USA Recruiting Video! Congratulations on this outstanding performance! Beve & John Prock, National Sales Manager 4 5 HYLA Russia: Visit at the HYLA Sales Headquarters at Filderstadt, Germany HYLA Russia: Visit at the HYLA Production Facilities at Ljubljana, Slovenia Tatjana Golitsyna zusammen mit den erfolgreichsten Mitarbeitern aus Moskau zu Besuch bei HYLA International. Tatjana Golitsyna together with her most successful Dealers from Moscow during their visit at HYLA International. DIE GEWINNER! Olga Jouravleva & Victor Danilov erhalten den HYLAPin in silber für mehr als 15 Verkäufe in einem Monat! Sunny Days! Tatjana Golitsyna, HYLA Russia Wilfried Metzger, CEO & President HYLA International Tatjana Golitsyna, Importer HYLA Russia After their visit in Ljubljana nice days at the picturesque coast in Slovenia th! n ne Mo ctor o i n V i s & ale ga ns, Ol personal s o i t a l u 15 at Congr more than - n ussia R e h "T s" pion m a h C Elena Glazunova, Olga Jouravleva, Elena Geltser, Victor Danilov 6 7 HYLA Germany: Distributor Office, Herbert Wirth HYLA Germany: Southafrica Contest ...ein unvergessliche Reise! Gratulation zu diesem professionellen Büro. Die glücklichen Gewinner: Rolf & Walburga Sahner, Gertrud und Reinhard Pfefferle, Gabi und Willi Merkel, Antonia & Jürgen Gatzmaga, Christine Waszak & Klaus Reichel, Martina & Siegfried Hölle, Klaus Binninger & Johanna Sprich, Bernhard Dinser, Siegfried Stöcklin, Stefan Förtsch Congratulations: These are very professional offices! Auch dieses Jahr erreichten wieder zahlreiche Teilnehmer die Kriterien für die jährliche Wettbewerbsreise. Herzliche Glückwünsche auch von HYLA International! Herzlich men willkom ! A bei HYL ... am Kap der Guten Hoffnung Wilfried Metzger, Geschäftsführer HYLA International, begrüßt den neu dazugewonnenen HYLA-Großhändler, Herbert Wirth. Wilfried Metzger, CEO & President HYLA International, is pleased that HYLA was able to gain this new HYLA Distributor. In 2002, numerous participants achieved the criteria for the annual contest journey. Congratulations also from HYLA International! ... trommeln ... ... und wilde Tiere, einfach unvergesslich! The "Wirth Family" 8 9 HYLA Denmark: Visit at HYLA International in Filderstadt, Germany HYLA Denmark: Visit of Wilfried Metzger at HYLA Denmark! Grand Meeting in Denmark. Great Job, Larus! Thank you! Larus Magnusson , Importer HYLA Denmark R SALES E P U S E TH TEAM: "THE BOSS" Brian Larsen, Michael Andreassen, Pranee Borring and Larus Magnusson Very interesting ... Ivar - Pranee - Larus in their office at Copenhagen. e" s s e M " HYLA in k Denmar Robert, Ivar, Michael, Willy, Brian, Marianne, Larus, Pranee, Sheila, Jass ... the NEW HYLA NST WET CLEANING SYSTEM! 10 Pranee & Larus 11 HYLA Switzerland: Swiss HYLA Kart-Cup 2002 HYLA Switzerland: Erwin G. Muilwijk ! H: E MONT it again, Erwin H T F O 2,... do PORTER TOP IM 2002, MAY 200 APRIL Competitors of the Race: Tomo Kaurinovic, Murat Gürbüz, Nada Gajic, Erkan Tasocak, Ivan Krivic, Marco Jokic, Hanspeter Mettler, Frank Brandhuber Horst Dickreuter, Importeur HYLA Deutschland, Wilfried Metzger, CEO & President HYLA International, Erwin Muilwijk, Importeur HYLA Switzerland Erwin in seinem neuen Büro. Herzlichen Glückwunsch! M. Gürbüz & E. Muilwijk Erwin in his new office. Congratulations! K s for e s is the Winn er ! Murat - Angelina - Erwin Frank - Ivan - Murat Wilfried Metzger, CEO & President HYLA International, mit dem neuen Importeur für die Schweiz: Erwin G. Muilwijk Wilfried Metzger together with the new Importer for Switzerland: Erwin G. Muilwijk Telemarketing 12 Schulungsraum 13 HYLA Hungary: Regional Incentives - THE WINNERS! HYLA Hungary: Solutions for Success Seres István magyarországi importõr átadja a 200 Eurós vásárlási utalványokat az áprilisi verseny nyerteseinek. Speciális tárgyalás technikai képzésen vesznek részt, rendszeresen a csoporvezetõk Magyarországon. rt o p Im p o -T s e r e S Istvan ry a u an J r e h ... c r a ,M The Hungarian group leaders during their monthly special training. Istvan Seres, Importer HYLA Hungary, awarding the winners with the 200 Euro voucher. keep ! g n i go HYLA Portugal: Visit in Portugal ... ob das funktioniert?* Super HYLA! Es funktioniert! einfach SPITZE, der neue HYLA NST Nassreiniger!** Augusto Ferreira, Wilfried Metzger, Suzel & João Neves, Miguel Santos Seres István magyarországi Hyla igazgató / bal oldalt/ a legeredményesebb csoportépítõkkel. 14 Istvan Seres, Director Hyla Hungary (left side), with his best Group Leader. Wilfried Metzger, CEO & President HYLA International stellte das neue HYLA NST Nassreinigungs System persönlich den Mitarbeitern in Portugal vor. O presidente da Hyla Internacional, Sr. Wilfried Metzger e o Eng. Miguel Santos - gerente da Hyla Portugal - durante a apresentação no Parque das Nações do novo sistema de extracção e lavagem do Hyla. Na Foto acima os representantes da Hyla em Leiria, D. Suzel e Sr. João Neves, na homenagem que lhes foi feita por terem sido os melhores distribuidores no mês de Fevereiro e Março. * „... será que isto funciona?“ **„Fantástico! É o novo e incrível sistema de extracção e lavagem do Hyla!“ 15 FIRST INTERNATIONAL WORLDWIDE POWER WEEKEND Riesiger Erfolg für erstes weltweites HYLA Power Weekend! Vielen Dank für die zahlreiche Teilnahme! Wir möchten uns bei den HYLA-Verkäufern und auch ihren Familien bedanken, dass sie gemeinsam mit Hunderten anderer HYLA-Verkäufer an unserem ersten Power Weekend teilgenommen haben. Es war für uns alle ein großes Erlebnis und ein großer Erfolg! Weltweit haben insgesamt 14 Länder an unserem ersten weltweiten Power Weekend teilgenommen. Wir möchten uns an dieser Stelle auch bei allen Großhändlern und Importeuren für ihre Unterstützung bedanken. Ohne ihren Einsatz und ihr Engagement wäre es sicherlich unmöglich gewesen, ein so erfolgreiches erstes Power Weekend zu organisieren. Der Erfolg dieser Aktion hat uns motiviert, weitere weltweite Incentives zu veranstalten! Beim Blick in die Zukunft freuen wir uns bereits heute darauf, wieder mit einem solch motivierten Verkaufsteam zu arbeiten! Ihr HYLA International Team Filderstadt Great Success: The first worldwide Power Weekend! HYLA says thank you very much to the numerous participants! We would like to thank all HYLA Dealers, as well as their families, that they took part in this competition – together with hundreds of other HYLA Dealers. It was a great event for all of us and a big success, too! Worldwide, totally 14 countries competed at this first Power Weekend. We also would like to thank all Distributors and Importers for their support. Without their commitment, this Power Weekend could not have been executed successfully. Due to the big success of this campaign, we have been encouraged to initiate further incentives worldwide! Looking into the future, we are eager to again work together with such a committed sales team! Yours, HYLA International Team Filderstadt 16 17 HYLA Asia: New HYLA Importer for Japan! HYLA Asia: Visit of Wilfried Metzger to Hong Kong Vertragsunterzeichnung - Signing the Contract: Mr. Kousei Kubota, CEO & President Sankeicorporation Inc., Dr. Ian S. Shelmerdine, Regional Director HYLA Asia & Middle East, Mr. Wilfried Metzger, CEO & President HYLA International GmbH & Co. KG for your s k n a h T lity! hospita Mr. Alex Ng, Mrs. Angelina Metzger, Mr. Wilfried Metzger, Dr. Ian S. Shelmerdine, Dantes Ho , Simon Lau, Helen Leung Mr. Kubota and his staff: Takanori Hayashi, Kiyoshi Yokoyama, Yohkchi Tsubomatsu, Makoto Ido, Yojiro Shimura HONG KONG´S SKYLINE HYATT Regency Hotel, Hong Kong Demos sind das Geheimnis! Demos are the secret for success! Eddie Chan Housekeeping Manager Nice evening after business - Japanese Dinner! Thank you for the invitation! 18 They are working with HYLA! Alex Ng and two of his staff: Alex Ng, Importer HYLA Hong Kong, Dr. Ian S. Shelmerdine, Regional Director HYLA Asia & Middle East, Su-Tsu Shelmerdine Wilfried Metzger, Simon Lau, Helen Leung 19 HYLA Asia: Visit to Korea - The HYLA Korea Team - SEOUL´S SKYLINE Infoblatt-Nassreiniger Training with Wilfried Metzger, CEO & President HYLA International, and Dr. Ian S. Shelmerdine, Regional Director HYLA Asia & Middle East. "Nice Dinner" Mr. Jong Han Kim, Mrs. Jin Sook Kim, Mr. K.H.K. Kim, Angelina Metzger, Wilfried Metzger, Su- Tsu Shelmerdine, Dr. Ian S. Shelmerdine Thank you for a great evening! 20 21 Infoblatt-Nassreiniger 22 23 HYLA Spain: Reference Letter from a Spanish Customer HYLA Spain: Visit in Germany and Slovenia Zu Besuch an der kroatischen Küste! La costa de Croacia Importador del mes Febrero 2002 Produktionsbesichtigung in Slowenien bei HYLA d.o.o. Visita a HYLA d.o.o. La calidad de servicio que ofrecemos a nuestros clientes Hyla lo Eva & Roberto "Importeur des Monats Februar 2002" considera como lo más natural del mundo! ! IAS C A R G Der Erfolg wird gefeiert! Danke an Roberto, Eva und ihr Team! un éxito completo. Gracias, Roberto, Eva y vuestro equipo! 24 25 10 HYLA sales and more in one Month Amir Sadeghei - April 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Bean Dannels - January 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Bill Lynn - January 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Bill Lynn - April 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. C. Mortensen & T. Persons - January 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. CJ Deaton - June 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Dale Moss - March 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Dale Moss - May 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Doug Morris - February 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Doug Morris - May 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Gertrud Pfefferle - March 2002 - HYLA Germany Gertrud Pfefferle - April 2002 - HYLA Germany Gertrud Pfefferl - June 2002 - HYLA Germany Gorbatschowa Elena - January 2002 - HYLA Russia Harald Prager - April 2002 - HYLA Germany Harry Dickreuter - March 2002 - HYLA Germany Harry Dickreuter - April 2002 - HYLA Germany Harry Dickreuter - May 2002 - HYLA Germany Harry Dickreuter - June 2002 - HYLA Germany Hugo Bertram - May 2002 - HYLA Danmark Hugo Bertram - June 2002 - HYLA Danmark Jay Downey - February 2002 - HYLA Canada Jim Sperry - January 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Jim Sperry - February 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Jim Sperry - March 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Jim Sperry - June 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Joe Palmer - January 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Joe Palmer - May 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Joellen Selsor - April 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Joellen Selsor - May 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Jörg Rosenwirth - June 2002 - HYLA Germany Klaus Reichel - March 2002 - HYLA Germany Karl-Heinz Aust - June 2002 - HYLA Germany Kyle Ronto - March 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Lisa Petitt - February 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Lloyd Dirck - February 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Lloyd Dirck - May 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Marianne Jensen - May 2002 - HYLA Danmark Marianne Jensen - June 2002 - HYLA Danmark Mark Dunlap - February 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Mark Dunlap - April 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Siegfried Hölle - March 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Siegfried Stöklin - March 2002 - HYLA Germany Stefan Förtsch - February 2002 - HYLA Germany Stefan Förtsch - March 2002 - HYLA Germany 26 10 HYLA sales and more in one Month Stefan Förtsch - May 2002 - HYLA Germany Stefan Schebler - March 2002 - HYLA Germany Stefan Schebler - June 2002 - HYLA Germany Tim Simmons - February 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Tim Simmons - March 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Tim Shipman - June 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Travis Boley - January 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. 15 HYLA sales and more in one Month Andrew Poor - June 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Mark Dunlap - May 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Lisa Petitt - April 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Jim Sperry - May 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Lisa Petitt - May 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Siegfried Hölle - January 2002 - HYLA Germany Stefan Förtsch - June 2002 - HYLA Germany Laura Durr - January 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Doug Morris - January 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. David Pogue - January 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Gabi & Willi Merkel - February 2002 - HYLA Germany Gabi & Willi Merkel - April 2002 - HYLA Germany Gabi & Willi Merkel - May 2002 - HYLA Germany Philippe Jacquot - January 2002 - HYLA France Bernhard Dinser - March 2002 - HYLA Germany Antonia Gatzmaga - March 2002 - HYLA Germany Helmut Röckle - March 2002 - HYLA Germany 20 HYLA sales and more in one Month Gabi & Willi Merkel - January 2002 - HYLA Germany Gabi & Willi Merkel - March 2002 - HYLA Germany Laura Durr - April 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Joe Palmer - April 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Rolf Sahner - March 2002 - HYLA Germany Rolf Sahner - April 2002 - HYLA Germany 25 HYLA sales and more in one Month Siegfried Hölle - April 2002 - HYLA Germany Gabi & Willi Merkel - June 2002 - HYLA Germany 27 March Distributors February Dealers January Germany........... Peter Hildebrandt U.S.A........Carolyn & Roy Edwards U.S.A........Carolyn & Roy Edwards May June Germany..................... Willi Merkel April 29 HYLA U.S.A........Carolyn & Roy Edwards U.S.A........Carolyn & Roy Edwards U.S.A........Carolyn & Roy Edwards July August September July August September Country................................. Name Country................................. Name Country................................. Name Country................................. Name Country................................. Name Country................................. Name October November December October November December 28 Germany..................... Willi Merkel Germany..................... Willi Merkel June Germany.................Siegfried Hölle 19 HYLA May April 29 HYLA Germany..................... Willi Merkel 22 HYLA March Germany..................... Willi Merkel 16 HYLA February January 23 HYLA Country................................. Name Country................................. Name Country................................. Name Country................................. Name Country................................. Name Country................................. Name 29 January February March Spain................. Roberto Miguelez Hungary......................Istvan Seres April May June Switzerland...........Erwin Muilwijk Switzerland...........Erwin Muilwijk Denmark........Larus P. Magnusson July August September by quota Importers Hungary......................Istvan Seres Country................................. Name Country................................. Name October November December 30 Country................................. Name Country................................. Name Country................................. Name Country................................. Name HYLA Prime Club 25 Klaus Binninger - March 2002 - HYLA Germany Klaus Binninger - April 2002 - HYLA Germany Klaus Binninger - June 2002 - HYLA Germany Kromac GmbH - February 2002- HYLA Germany Kromac GmbH - May 2002- HYLA Germany Kromac GmbH - June 2002- HYLA Germany Harry Dickreuter - March 2002 - HYLA Germany Harry Dickreuter - April 2002 - HYLA Germany Harry Dickreuter - May 2002 - HYLA Germany Harry Dickreuter - June 2002 - HYLA Germany J & D Distributing - February 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. J & D Distributing - April 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. J & D Distributing - May 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Rosa Melnik - May 2002 - HYLA Germany Willi Merkel - February 2002 - HYLA Germany Willi Merkel - March 2002 - HYLA Germany Willi Merkel - May 2002 - HYLA Germany Willi Merkel - June 2002 - HYLA Germany Office Asturias - February 2002 - HYLA Spain Siegfried Hölle - February 2002 - HYLA Germany Siegfried Hölle - June 2002 - HYLA Germany Redden Enterprises - January 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Sonja Reder - February 2002 - HYLA Germany Sonja Reder - March 2002 - HYLA Germany Sonja Reder - April 2002 - HYLA Germany Midwest HYLA Inc. Springfield - February 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. Springfield - April 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. Springfield - May 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. Springfield - June 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Morris Enterprises Inc. - February 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Morris Enterprises Inc. - May 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. Joplin - February 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. Joplin - April 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. Joplin - May 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Gene Moss & Associates - January 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Gene Moss & Associates - March 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Gene Moss & Associates - May 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Christine Waszak - March 2002 - HYLA Germany Midwest HYLA Inc. Sedalia - April 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Hydro Tech. Ltd - March 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Refine Air - March 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. TH Consult Hugo Bertram - May 2002 - HYLA Danmark TH Consult Hugo Bertram - June 2002 - HYLA Danmark HYLA Prime Club 50 Morris Enterprises Inc. - January 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Morris Enterprises Inc. - March 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Morris Enterprises Inc. - April 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Morris Enterprises Inc. - June 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Dimag GmbH - February 2002- HYLA Germany Dimag GmbH - March 2002 - HYLA Germany Dimag GmbH - May 2002 - HYLA Germany Dimag GmbH - June 2002 - HYLA Germany Siegfried Hölle - March 2002 - HYLA Germany Siegfried Hölle - April 2002 - HYLA Germany Kromac GmbH - March 2002- HYLA Germany Kromac GmbH - April 2002- HYLA Germany Midwest HYLA Inc. Springfield - January 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. Springfield - March 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. Joplin - January 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. Joplin - March 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. Joplin - June 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Peter Hildebrandt - February 2002 - HYLA Germany Peter Hildebrandt - March 2002 - HYLA Germany Peter Hildebrandt - April 2002 - HYLA Germany Peter Hildebrandt - May 2002 - HYLA Germany Peter Hildebrandt - June 2002 - HYLA Germany Midwest HYLA Inc. Sedalia - January 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. Sedalia - February 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. Sedalia - March 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. Midwest HYLA Inc. Sedalia - May 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. T&T Cleaning System Inc. - June 2002 - HYLA U.S.A. 31
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