I ),L. - Laman Web Pejabat Setiausaha Kewangan Negeri Sarawak
I ),L. - Laman Web Pejabat Setiausaha Kewangan Negeri Sarawak
c.4 (Pind.1/86) MEMORANDUM RASM! Official Memorandum DARIPADA Setiausaha Kewangan Negeri KEPADA Sita Lihat Agihan PERKARA SALINAN KPD. Sila Lihat Di Bawah RUJ.KAMI SFS/14267(66) TARTKH 21.7.2014 Setiausaha Kera.jaan Negeri RUJ.TUAN TARIKH REAUIREMENTS IN ENSURINO FINANCIAL PEOULATORY COMPLIANCE Dengan hormatnva perkara di atas adalah dirujuk. 2. Seperti yang telah dimaklumkan bahawa semua Kementerian / )abatan I Agensi Kerajaan adalah dikehendaki untuk melaksanakan Balancecl Scorecard di Pejabat masing-masing. (ESC) Di antara kriteria pelaksanaan Vang diwajibkan adalah berkaitan Pematuhan Kewangan. 3. Sehubungan dengan itu, dikepilkan adalah slaid / templet Requirements h Ensuring Financial Regulatory Compliance dan Nota Penerangan berkaitan Financial Management Compliance lndex sebagai panduan dalam melaksanakan Pematuhan Kewangan di Pejabat tuan/puan. Sekian, terima kasih. "BERSATU BERUSAHA BERBAKTI' ,,AN HONOUR TO SERW" ^lr ),L. It.L-ILn 'J OATU LAURA LEE NGIEN HIOM b.p Setiausaha Kewangan Negeri Sarawak Pegawai seranta: Minawara Hj. lsmail fiel.:449871 lExt.ZB71) z i .rur zorc sg^1ral Agihan: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Setiausaha Tetap, Kementerian pembangunan Luar Bandar Setiausaha Tetap, Kementerian Kemajuan Tanah Setiausaha Tetap, Kementerian pembangunan tnfrastruktur & perhubungan Setiausaha Tetap, Kementerian pelancongan Setiausaha Tetap, Kementerian pembangunan perindustrian Setiausaha Tetap, Kementerian perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar Setiausaha Tetap, Kementerian perumahan Setiausaha Tetap, Kementerian Kemudahan Awam Setiausaha Tetap, Kementerian pembangunan Sosial 10. Setiausaha Tetap, Kementerian pemodenan pertanian 11. Setiausaha Tetap, Kementerian Kerajaan Tempatan dan pembangunan Komuniti 12. Setiausaha Tetap, Kementerian Kebajikan, wanita dan pembangunan Keluarga 13. Peguam Besar Negeri 14. Pengarah, Jabatan Kerja Raya 15. Pengarah, Jabatan pengairan dan Saliran 16. Pengarah, Jabatan Tanah & survei 17. Akauntan Negeri, Jabatan Perbendaharaan 18. Mufti Negeri Sarawak 19. Pengarah, Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat 20. Pengarah, Unit Pengurusan Sumber Manusia, Jabatan Ketua Menteri 21. Pengarah, unit Pentadbiran, Jabatan Ketua Menteri 22. Pengarah, unit Perancang Negeri, Jabatan Ketua Menteri 23. Pengarah, Unit Perhubungan Awam dan Hal Ehwal Korporat, Jabatan Ketua Menteri 24. Pengarah, Unit Pemantauan Pelaksanaan Negeri, Jabatan Ketua Menteri Pengarah, Unit Pemodenan Pelaksanaan dan Kualiti, Jabatan Ketua Menteri 25. 26. 27. 28. Pengarah, Unit Audit Datam, Jabatan Ketua Menteri 29. 30. 31. Pengarah, Unit Pembangunan Usahawan Bumiputera, Jabatan Ketua Menteri Pengarah, Unit Teknologi Maklumat ctan Komunikasi, Jabatan Ketua Menteri Pengarah, Unit Keselamatan, Jabatan Ketua Menteri Pengarah, Unit Makmal Penyetidikan Tanah cambut Tropika, Jabatan Ketua Menteri Pengarah, unit Pembangunan Tenaga Kerja, Jabatan Ketua Menteri Pengarah, Unit Halal Hub, Jabatan Ketua Menteri 32- Residen Bahagian Kuching 33- Residen Bahagian sri Aman 34. Resiclen Bahagian Sibu 35- Residen Bahagian Miri 3637- Residen Bahagian Lirnbang pesiden Bahagian sarikei 38- Residen Bahagian Kapit 39- Resid 40. en Banagian Samarahan Residen Bahagian tsintulu 41- Resiclen Bahagian Mul(ah 42- Resiclen Bahagian Betong 7121t2014 \r*ra ffi W" STATE FINAN CIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE REQUIREMENTS IN ENSURING FINANCIAL REGULATORY COMPLIANCE OBJECTIVES Seeks to Enhance Ministries / Depaftments / Agencies Understanding and Compliance on Financial Regulations 1 712112A14 HPLAINATORY NOTES: FINA}ICIAL ]IilANAGEMENT COMPLIANGE INDEX FlflAtllCtAL MANAGEUIEIIIT ASPETil-S Cleran EXPLAINATIO'{ ,Cslificate Tir.rely ulrnission to -fhe .&an Audt !o $banA ils b :beIorefie IXrl{ afulors > Au(,t Nega-a Ddberd (A6s lHrboard) > .Hes the sffirs d issues raised / f,dfo#r,p dirzrs Uslt E G(een: bs.es have been fully resotved ,tjsltrE Yeior Follo*r.rp adions are slil dFgoirqri6sues tlaue 'nctbern frdyrcsoe,ed > !-isttrg Ret refGd $da6., CrerUnilkrg OeDeas trespectiy€ty Tlhean&edaoofis gnanc&il Slements) of SEState StatIEy Bodes. LocdAfE Aies and certain fu$ acorrrts lra.ve b be rdd t&y !,ear) Dashbed aKB ad Getsal arrrrd and lrus{ @rrrds 'r,ilqta Asdt Nqa" br ardting -Iirndlylhy before DUN fiorember or ., M?fi p:b[c accounls annua[y ty lhe,Auditor Stahrst4rb., Bodes/l_ocal Authoritir:s are r€q'iEd Hegtra (30hApril) follosir dfe Ceff:Ecdor Kena l,lo acfoo taken / sArus of tlre issurs ElFees imlred Baya) b*paid in and accourEd for in tlE al'rerl ftehlowirp year E(PI.AIS{ATO RY }.T r€,mEtin as lErac@mts OTES : FINANGIAL IfrAilAGET'ENT COMPLIANCE INDE( FilA,ilCTAL MANAGEHET{T ASPEtrIS EXPLAJNATIOIII Epelses inorred APfii4 htteHoriB in the year qlrrent year but trai, ar.rd *ounled fur APIffi Std dainE ,rtr6t be made not later lhan the lOSr daXr c* the foIo*tp rm8r AF'W A[ Cryr4larce to SFS Circdar2l2o13 (l,locatib ry -TE AssdUacagement) Cos+Eance to SFS Circrrar teqernent) payrnents must be made within 14 days @ca 31201 3 (Sere must be managed accordingty (proper mords kep! eroceAses bllovred, etc) A, $ore iterr6fEverbries must be manag€d accoregfy hroper reads ke$, issies & receipts must be made fogerry, etc.) Cooedim of currefit )ear reirent e AI revefi,e ,rust Recoaery of rwenue in arregs A,Xl be collected within the due date reyerue frut stnrld be cdlected in the r€ceiyed yet rrajst be collected Fevil.s yeas hn .d 2 712112014 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES DESCRIPTION Purpose: F2 Ensure Financial Regulatory Compliance Officer's/Owner's Name This objective seeks to enhance financial compliance. Focus: Short-term: 1. Align all 2. ministries / departments / agencies financial compliance KPls. Effective engagement of stakeholders. Medium to Lono{erm: Enhance process and system integrity (Automation). Extending financial compliance audit to all departments. 1. 2. Challenges: 1. Resource limitation 2. Staffcompetency 3. lnefficient and ineffective supervision and enforcement Outcome: '1. Achieving full financial compliance KPI STRATEGY OBJECTIVES F2 Ensure Financial Regulatory Compliance KPls KPI 1: Accountability lndex (Al) KPI 2: Financial Management Compliance lndex: 2.1 Clean certificate 2.2 Timely submission to Jabatan Audit Negara (30h April) 2.3 Timely lay before DUN (Nov or May following year) 2.4 Zero listing on Jabatan Audit Negara (AG's) dashboard 2.5 AKB - less than 2oh of allocation 2.6 AP58(a) - Zero 2.7 AP1O3 - 95% (benchmark against Federal) 2.8 AP100 100% 2.9 100% compliance to SFS Circular 2/20'13 on Moveable Asset Management 2.10 100o/o compliance to SFS Circula r 312013 on Store Management 2.11 95% collection of current year revenue 2.12 >10o/o recovery of anears of revenue - 3 vfr1nM4 ).t5 1_75 ),8 Hote ln the *ent th€ 70 80 90 .!6., 3.01 nd d6s 6 Ar .udite, weight ge l(pr !nd6 Fireixrak cdrpf6lEhdd mutd be 7.5.6 .nd Ar ,i b€ :eE 'cat KPI DESCRIPTION F2 Ml I,lEASURE NAME Accountability hde! lAD \,EASURE INTENI/ IESCRPTIONj ]ATA SOURCES: Finance DepartDet ard A@ounlant Gene€t s Ofllce DEFINITDN/ FORMI Aclual Co.npibnce A, r 100% 'I REMAINE{G IMPLEMENTATION TASKS: NITIAITVES Proper nonitoing ard supepision ?ERSPECTIVES STRAfEGIC OBJECTIVE NAME: F2: Eosure lBJEqIrvE Ofllcer's name: Jonn Ke.n€dy Janang OWNERI UEASURE LEAD: Financht Regutaiory Comptiance Oflice.'s nahe: sata Punjab MEASUREUNTIS ]EPORI}{G qvAI-A FREOUENCY rrY: (LEAO/LAG) \OTES'ASSUMPTIONS: 4 7121t2014 KPI DESCRIPTION F2 M2 UEASURE NAME Flnandallhnagemenl Compliance lnde,( - Timelysubmission to JabstanAudil N€a.a (3ob Apnl) - 'l'imely hy befo.€ OUN (Nd or rcy rollowing yoa4 - Zem isling on Jabaian Ardit Negara (AG s) dashboad less tiian 2% of allocalion -APsqa) - zerc .AP103- 95% (benchma against Federar) - AKB - MEASURE INTENT/ DESCRIPTION: - AP100 - 100% - 100% co,nDtiancg ro sFs cirorlar 2,a01 3 o. Moveable Assei Managemenl - 1001compliance to SFS Orcula.3201 3 o. Store Manasemat - 95% d1 colleciion of @rent year ravenue - >10% Ecovery ol arsG of rc€nue )ATASOURCES: FlianceDerannent and r€counlanl General s Olfice Actual Codoliance DEFINITIOI.U FORMULA REMAINING IMPLEMENTATION TASKS: N]TIATIVES x 100% Prope. f,'o.ibnng and supervision PERSPECTNES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE NAME: F2 | Ensue FinancialRegulatory Cohpliance 3BJECTIVE OWNER: office/snamer John Kenn6dy Janang MEESURE LEAO Officersname BataPlnjab MEASURE UNITS REPORTING FREOUENCY: AVAILABILiTY: (LEAD/LAG) NOTES/ASSUMPTIONS: Marking Compliance Checklist ce Score 1or0 ficate T Clean 2 ]'imely submisslon io Jabatan Audit Negara (306 April) 1or0 3. Tlnrely lay before DUN (Nov or May fo lowing )€a0 1or0 4. Zero listing on AG's dashboad No listing - 3 Listing green - 2 Listing yellow - 1 Lisling red - 0 5_ AKB - less than 2% of allocation 1or0 6. AP58(a)- zero 1or0 7. AP103,95% 1or0 8 APl00 1or0 9. 10070 compliance to SFS Circular 22013 on Moveable Asset 100% 1or0 Management 10. 100% compliance lo SFS Circular 3/2013 on Store Management 1or0 1't 95% on collection of cuneflt year revenue 1or0 12. > 1 070 recovery of anears of reven ue 14114 Tolal Notel; llem'l to3, SFS Officewillnotify Note 2 : ltem 4to 10 are compllsory 1o.0 the s.ore to minisfies / depa(ments Note3:ltem11 and12 arc applicable to revenue collecling ministnies / departments Note 4 i ltems not relevant to agencies are nollobe taken into consideration in the marking 5 712112014 CLEAN CERTIFICATE ffi --i-ry* SxflA UE@ uq4uffi 'Affi KEUNNEGEBsffi BA@TSqryl€y@R kq-r frlEE kla |{s 31 Oa66€ At2 U* 6d*a hb ,#rP-4@@l!<#H5.€*€i*s @@l@tst@+:asEgE.di d-ffiE6@-@&FbrG€-* 6$ d.|futu b@*b S 4<b. ?*@4'4. P€@& & .&@ -.@ :|#.$ B.r-ie|d#dd .lll||'l,.!'lfu ffi F-:b li#.|,i.(,llry E6e41*eq- kq- { -HrE# =€ t.*n lmrts. &r adr @.^ P@Ji- * tq m.dit$ E6+-.--ry-ryle tc€a k Ji-&Bit$b #e&. s*e,.r hi tura --&i.+- f'.t t G xSAOAIO'SAldM&f,EiW <c&EMnHq,z ! LISTING GREEN tta*FlldEtdlhdn#h/,q0 QaeoTltffigftdEut l{oralisfatrkh EF{trllsdl Fenemmn - @nr Bralc&,&&gh! }d edlbq{rdrog, Jebeer Perde!. t&{*d 2|'t.1.a- : E=gsgo*ianp9,ry{Btl(Epusna&ilehS$Eiflanir€4idhraselidahr!6nfiqd*itrEH&rFdtg .EiA[9hiBaq la#a}tl. Bqiaugulbilcr S.rErtu*kts$h{ @.ffi'E(f. !7,}J6&.l2. bcnaisrsebre*{lsd(I& ,l,ltr t*lgtd EH**e F*E IEi tl$ drgf,! i*r t .i5 #i tsffih s€9at*r,a e€l13E Is'lrI.x { k*bsa! Fdnua adab& =4dt tttssa at Ftrpdip d Istte €0Il ktrr fter*a @ mitu dar EEdaEsE e t!ili* 5m hui i$.$*l Eh fh*xtuE di baralr urc(llreii**[email protected]'&$.{X:Fif6eht*arn*ilrq€yagtraLixa&n Fd'lsl 5 lat [E:5!i,d in&rensa&tn&r'\.*'h&nnArC g*hhq frede0 *Ln=*rFg 6dak@d efan ffi. @t paary seee6 F lefu t& b*I da &hrs H &$ Bar !.€lr !* A Bi sdSr lEl&fr& 6, @* letrltEl ryffi3q* ffi eqEa. qi tuiE r:rdFg d6$tuiaryrad,a pch #Ba &l ?flEZ [r$gtutfeadaan tias bpd] 6use : prptur dc rrd*. S{ dm &trrn Hk et$d gdE @r!il l(d lgt **iad efae hbga hto. SdukrSo A Se egt eryr*r uea:a MFr{i*Rd qE!ryarp u6a p*dE}q@xxeeryeegdar FbksaBr Fit rd*r* sepef F*da qlai AFieBE pehr*4 &a*atrla&Mtrerpu@it*iena*rmtus& hijar rra Fagi*,*.r E 6 S 6 7121t2014 LISTING YELLOW FklSr*llJrdugikdug hnil*an l(@eh hl*imah 8ar firrnbq Trrlradap tlfil{ Tdtutt fl13 $ti .Perernrrar Bahagirn lld fird Ur&r4nd:rq, &hh Pirdau lknbri t . Pere rryn 2,5.2,1.e. : r,erepdftl}tbisrdmpA&,*rdngryatmixtapur&[ormr,gs,$r*,h$dfuheiereb[]dttMaiardfk.s HHi eg6awf, lErF ffi ffi hHl [6dfi psffir $latus-01flfi01{. kir {1 e#fa 1{ bffih fS n&Terosxifl H#{ $r# $ ffi ltd*rr ffi hrtaM smar kprrgtd *rr @[ H!. ilrnrt @t, he$ jq trEt flP LISTING RED furtahanm PeoEorusar Pctalalin Pe?ub{bn Lf.Afl ]'tun mt3 $ri EBFtrl A'{frh TrlEen ftkysb {AIU), Kats*fa E' Fcfihmaa 1 Penemuan - Pennggan\.{il, b. c : i{ra{6l&fi &i* riSnaba Uafi E5r{rus &tPB. Ianp rdod SAT L Jabda$ B€*i flEf8ida.ri rasahl'.tt&ii *r.rertUnt f eotpn iandarkeadaaririhhn;qparlfmper#r&dnt€alelilBPPBu'eletililePed'jas.taBiBd&rftnpsreiJ(saarl , ftfat yarg qa€nter pada h,bn S#r!.r nX3, brlr( EP?S I,'{ lehll dg'Eafar dar na* d48B:r: d dabn bdat Selirsq"|8 9-Pcdfs 201 3' , prdJac gealan pakd hreog ld$ dBr.Eba mer€&, iBe A&Sh ft4eli l(ai Sd BAI t A Hr eeelea tagi 5A dar{€da 89 *n FdaiaE dan ' tehtr gien Jek', tntr* er*t IsdA 17 ierb Frah't Fdr* hrag ldah F€lcfs'- etilO lard E rdDi pei4ur€anefa &l l{} Fb SFFS atBa bfld adE A 3,tt l- diJatdhn B€datl t.4; :!e0?ois€t*rhrallr2014u4idr:E:srysiir*idTaEbrpkd*rdljEdnidarffi.Emp&letdr:rhtir69u6brl : ; ; , #e€li €d g,ll ed lfr&r S&gicd ad Qrcrid {a rd Fff* ildf {E}lleads$uir/og$ dr tlAI $tel rEst #i !'H frE tidah brqoerat hi aeqfU}aa prer :eperti ld, trre d't C€rfd llo(*Ehg Syrsm De, E€nriar Fs*n ldai Srukan SetaA ar. gu4d t*+a der hfqd€garyrrg erea*rF il nstg ilsffid H*t tcaehiEd Prr$4ar HAf ltEnjo lban [Caf hf€rai Pada b.rhr Fetrrai 2913, lerogeEsi. -Stahts-3tl12lDl3: i '.ntAngel*HffmiiHnedgEya'ftra{tpergrq*uire*nrqirparsEnBfepsfraob*&rpeoffiigatait(Egrya.bsEB}i,IEn0 $(sgryFa&jull&fi{68BPPB&&rFatdilffdl4lgt :UXCI*AOay.CaEfdr€khihtu{b*idhftledpc*jidFrr*fiseb{ai , epeCa I tarfAr rig:Sor *o' iatu ,i., uq lIrEq beddr 4 CSso, crtrrcs da|l ortropcdl- l@rsa BAT t 28 Ei tbi a!ir,.r6 lit'i ddl E nht : drh Ke*a Sb. EPFB fdElg S.n dad( Elrff'r Frrargilr ub&&r t{lg Eirh *nd htrfot i€ JdAr Famas Eall dhetshn lfa,k iritiIl : I lt p*g.rsan S*ara;ar ne*dar Eh fr{ lrg bsdridaipd,psd.t& lstrlalraogpEi;dlett r hddtsr,?on *'l 5,us dsra}e') EstEnd{'dtt irF ,rEst Hl dsiltrtrrl hr36 irp Ar}ett 7 7n1D014 THANKYoU 8 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE INDEX No. 1 Financial Management Aspects Clean Ce(ificate Explanation Standard No qualiflcations M Certification of the public accounts annually by the Auditor General. arks 1 = clean certificate 0 = qualified certificate Who To Provide The Marks The State Financial Secretary Otfice will notify all , jern lo give the mark on this financial aspect once the publjc accounts (financial statements) of the State are certilled. 2 Submission of accounts to Jabatan Audit Negara: - public accounts 3 By 30rh April of lhe following year. - trusts accounts By 28rh February (or as instructed by Treasury) of the following year. Laying of the audited accounts before the DUN Within the tollowing year. The State and Controlling Officers are required to submit its annual accounts (financial statements) and the trust accounts respectively to Jabatan Audit Negara for auditing. 1 = meet dateline 0 = don't meet dateline On the public accounts, the State Financial Secretary office will notify all concern to give the mark on this financial aspect once the public accounts (financial statements) of the State are certified. On Trust accounts, the respective officer in charge of preparing and submitting the accounts must provjde the input to his/her ministry/department. The audited accounts (financial statements) of the State have to be laid before the DUN. 1 = meet dateline 0 = don't meet dateline The State Financial Secretary Office will notify all concern to give the mark on this financial aspect once the public accounts (financral statements) of the State are certified. On the trust accounts, the respective officer in charge of preparing and submitting the accounts must provide the input to his/her ministry/department. 4 Listing on Auditor General's Dashboard Zero or no issues published in the AG's Dashboard. The Jabatan Audit Negara has 3 = No listing launched the Auditor General's 2 = if initially green The officer appointed / assigned to mooitor the AG's Dashboard must provlde the input lo his/her Dashboard whereby the status of 1 = if initially yellow ministry/department. the critical issues raised and the 0 = if initially red follow-up actions are published on- line via Jabatan Audit Negara website. This Dashboard classifies the status of issues raised / followup actions as follows: o Green: lssues have been fully resolved. o Yellow: Follow-up actrons still on-going / are issues have not been fully resolved, o Red: No action taken / status of the issues remain as reported. 5 6 AKB (akaun kena bayar) AP58(a) Less than 2% of allocation Zero / none Expenses incuned and accounted for in the current year accounts but paid In the followin0 year, 1 if less than 2% The officer in charge / assigned to this function must provide' 0 lf 2% or more the input to his/her minlstry/department, Expenses incurred in the current year but paid and accounted lor in 1 if no AP58(a) 0 if there is AP5B(a) The otficer in charge / assigned to this function must provide the input to his/her ministry/depadment, days, 1 if 95% & above 0 if less than 95% The officer in charge / assigned to this function must provide the input to his/her ministry/department. Staff claims musl be made not later than the 1Oth day of the following 1 if comply fully 0 if not comply fully The officer in charge / assigned to this function must provide the input to his/her ministry/department. the following year, 7 8 Payment (AP103) Staff claims (AP100) 95% & above 100 % All payment must be made with 14 month, I Compliance on SFS Circular 22013 (lvloveable Asset '100% Management) All assets must be managed accordingly (proper records kept, disposal procedures followed, etc), 'l if comply fully 0 if not comply fully 'l The officer ln charge / assigned to this function must provide the input to his/her minisky/depa(ment. 10 Compliance on SFS Circular 3/2013 (Store Management) 10070 All store items/ inventories must be managed accordingly (proper records kept, issues & receipts must be made properly, etc). 11 Collection of current year revenue 95% and above All revenue must be collected wlthin 1 if 95% & above the due time. 0 if less than 95% The officer in charge / assigned to this function must provide the input to his/her mlnistry/department. 12 Recovery of revenue in arrears lvore than 10% of the total All revenue that should be collected in the prevrous years but not received yet musl be collected. The officer in charge / assigned to this functlon must provide the input to his/her ministry/department, Nots: if comply fully 0 if not comply fully 1 il more than 10% of the total is collected 0 if 10% or less is collected ltem 4 to 10 are compulsory to be filled by ministries/departments, Item 11 and 12 are applicable to revenue oollecting ministrios/departments, Item 1 to 3; SFS Otfloo will notify the score to mlnt$trlea / dopartmont8 acoordtngly. Itome that are not rslovant / appllceble are nol to bo takon lnto aongidoration ln ille markhg, The officer in charge / assigned to this function must provide the input to his/her ministry/department,