The Newark Post - University of Delaware


The Newark Post - University of Delaware
The Newark Post
\, ()J
SE'rrLEME ' 1'
A number of inquiri es have
b en rece ived by the Post in r ega rd to t he r ecent a uto acc id en t
on Depot Road. The part ies in
t he acc id ent have mutuaIl y
agr eed upon a se ttlement. The
S ta te au t horities, however, are
st ill invest ig ating to find out
wh er e to place the responsibility.
New I'
ng to Take Care of
will I"
,al pre chool co nfer ence
,1.1 in Lhe Newark School
lilt! Friday, Se pte mber 4th
rIu· impo r La nce of h av in g
d ead)' il mi nd Lhe un ited work of a
1'" lh" ac t ua l work of in~t l'Ul'lI(!
O'\dns ca nnot well be over
(,,!InialI'd. T he a im !)f t he pre-sch ool
('onft'''' I, , on the pa r t of t he In structional ~, tl' is Lo a chieve t hi s high
pur pn~l'.
Rt'l!i ',Ill' n Oay.- In ord er that
nil ,t'h.d'llo, may be f ully prepared
and JlIII' I, a,," igned to sections it is
rrqur,t, .I thai all pu pil s who have
not btl'l! in t he N ewark School In
June. \.';,11. come to t he offi ce of th e
1\cII'ark ~ch()o l Wedn esday, Septemb'r ::rrl. h t\\'ce n 1 an d 3 ( standard
li me).
:0;,,11,,"1 1I"u r ~ . -Th e sc hool hours
for tilt· In'_'inni ng of t he yea r will be
Ih£' ,alll! ", "I' June of t he last sc hoo l
\'ra r :
. I. n, "I' opc n 7 :30 a. m. (stand a rd
~ , ~('h"
I w(l rk begin s 7 :45.
,'nun luurs :
Primal. , .. ho,, 110 :30 to 12 :00.
F:hlll"ll:\n' ,c hoo llO: -15 to 12: 00 .
.J uni,",:- ,;ill r Hi gh 11 :00 to 12 :00.
Thi, ,1'1',('n inc reasi ng of enroll"i, f! nH't by the building of
II tn th ", prese nt n ew buildI'" ("1"", of t he hi g h school
1 men[Hl'Y sc hoo l as well.
(,,,,,,.,, f.illlos pie Iss ll es Call for
Foo tha ll Pra cti ce
(. I';,'_p ie
has i sued a ca ll
f,, 1' f",,:I,all ca ndidates to be on t he
. 'C\l""'~
~""()II I
F ield a t 3 p. m .
(-tandald lilli' ) Thu r sday, Septem ber
;.(h. 1"'1' IlIr"lme nL and athleti c equip"'''II'. T'., train ing progra m will be
~i\'( n '.' lh
andi date al t hat Lime so
that l'l'plllllml11')' practice ca n beg in
imnw,lial. ", \\'ll<'n ~c h llo l opc ns. T he
training pcr iod will
cons ist of
-tl'rnglll< nin
exerci ses, funda ment:1' . J;chn~ a ntI pas. ing.
" 'Ill, 'I I·", of so Ila ny regul a rs
f""111 h • uad by g radualion, every
1'''' ill, I I I,,, n an d t h boy who is
ill (,I>' .Ii i,.11 \\' h ~ 1I scr immage beg in s
will b" 'h e fa\"o r t'll one to mak e t he
I am an rdin' lo Co ach G ill esp ie.
Ah.,u t\lt'llty 1' 1'0 111 last yea r 's sq uad
will hl' Io a l k a ~ a nucleus fo r th e
l '"al'h
Two Cars Collided in Elkton
- Last Satur day Evening
--Six persons were painfully but not
seriou sly injured when two machines
locked front left wheels , on the Newark-Elkton road, one mile south of
Newark, about 6 :30 o'clock last night.
The machines, a Ford sedan, which
turned over once, and a Ford roadster , which went it one better, turning
over twice were total wrecks.
The injured were:
H oward R Eveland, 20, of Chesapeake City. Md., cuts and bruises on
f ace, arms and legs , He drove the
Ford sedan.
Miss Sarah White, 18, of Newark,
cuts and bruises on face, arms and
leg s. She and Eveland, with whom
~ he was riding, are in the Flower
H ospital.
Brunswick Brown , 35, colored, of
W ashingto n, brokep j aw, broken
shoulder blade, cuts and brui ses.
Mi ss Genevi eve Badso n, 25, colored,
of Wa shington, cuts about the face
and head, and shock.
Samuel Bryan , 30, colored, of
W ashington, di slocated shoulder, cu ts
and bruises.
Th e last three named were riding
in th e r oad ster, which was operated
by Brown. Th ey are in th e Delaware
Hos pi t a f, in Wilming ton .
St ate Highway Officer s W orkman
a nd Gorman , wh o investigated the accident, were able to get only th e \"er s ion of E vela nd , a ' Brown co uld not
talk becau se of hi s broken j a w. Eveland all eged Brow n was hogging th e
road, a nd t hat as the machines came
a brea st, t he wheel s locked.
Evela nd wa s held und er $500 bond
(Continued on Page 8. )
State Board of Education Delaware Serenaders Find More Than 250 Interested Local Troop Ha.s Increased
Changes Requirements for
Paris Decidedly a Woman's
Persons See Display at
Enrollment and Greater
New Instructors
Experiment Falim
There will be no teacher shortage
in Delaware thi s year when the new
school term open s early 'next month,
according to a statement made by Dr.
H. V. Holloway, State Superintendent
of Public In struction. According to
Dr. H olloway, all of the positions are
filled and some of th em have been
filled for a long time.
The situation this year is quite a
contrast to several years ago when
there was always a last minute rush
to get teachers for some of the schools
and then maybe some of the teachers
would be required to double their work
for a week until the necessary teachers could .be found.
Dr. H olloway a t tributed t hi s changed
condition to several factors. The conditions surrounding the teaching profes sion during the past few years
have greatly changed and made the
profession more attractive. Then also
Delaware is situated in the midst of
a large supply of new teaching material each year.
In additi on to the teacher training
department at the University of Delaware, a number of teachers are also
procured from the State Teachers'
Colleg e at Sali sbury, Md., while a
large force of high school t eachers is
us ually r ec ruited from the graduates
of Washington College at Ch estertown, Md.
Then, also, ther e are mor e per sons
remaining in t he teaching profession
than u sed to be the case when a
teacher would do school work for severa l years and then leave for a different profess ion. A s is the case in most
States, Delaware finds the number of
local people who are teaching leaving
fo r work in other States while the
tea cher s of othe r Sta tes are constantIy see king positions in thi s State .
In an effort t o rai se t he g rade of
teache rs and increa se t he teaching
effi ciency , the S t a te Board af Educatio n has made a number of important
changes in t he r egula t ions gover n ing
the grading of teac hers. Under these
new r egul a ti ons it will be necessary
fo r a high schoo l graduate to ha ve at
lea st one year of profe ss ional training
bef or e a certificate will be issued. Exa mi nation s f or second and third grade
teaching ce rtificates have been (li scont inu ed.
A teacher wh o ha s held a cer tificate
bu t wh o ha s not been t eaching f or
seve ral yea rs and desires to ha ve the
(Continued on Pa ~e 5.)
Paris is decidedly a woman's town ,
The fourth annual parish show of
five members of the University of the Easte rn ShoreJersey Cattle Club
Delaware Ser enaders who returned to wa s he ld a t the University of De latheir hoh,es Monday night, .agreed.
ware Experimental Farms Wednesday,
The pa.·ty comprised Shermer H. wi t h more than two IlUnared a nd fi fty
Stradley, Jr., Harold P. Lesh~m, s tockmen and agricul t uri sts present
Leonard Whann, all of Wilmington; for the show. The show, the largest
J am es Brannon of 'Delaware City and and mo st s uccessful that the Easte rn
John Waddington of Salem, N. J. All Shore J er sey Cattle Club has ever
are students at the Univer sity of given, brought the finest J er sey stock
of thi s section of the country into
The five musician s toured European competition, and a total 0'£ i03 head
countries and played as a unit on two of cattle was entered in the variou s
trans-Atlantic liners.
The dance orchestra, sporting the
The show started at 10 o'clock
blue and gold of the University of standard time, and more than one
Delaware, and billed on the ships' hundred spectators wer e on hand at
programs as "The University of Dela- that tim e. By noon the a udience under
ware Serenaders," played an engage- the large t ent in which the judging
ment on the Cunard liner Carmania was held had s welled to more than
on the trip over to France, and played t wo hundred, and official s of the show
on the steamship Coronia, also of the es timated that during the afternoon
Cunard Line, on the voyage back. The between two hundred and fifty and
Coronia docked in New York, Sunday three hundred interest ed per sons were
night, after an extremely rough pas- prese nt, bes id es the large number of
sage from Southampton, England. owners a nd exhi bitor s who had entries
The rough weather did not, however, in the clas. es.
according to Mr. Stradley, lessen the
C. S. Holgren, of Moor~stown, N.
enthusiasm of the passengers who J ., judged the show. Mr . .\folgren is
liked to dan ce, except "that not so considered the outs tanding judge of
many appeared on the dance flo or, due J ersey cattle in th e United States,
to seasickness. The rolling of th e a nd hi s gra ding of the cattl e w as an
ship, however, cau sed some dance educa t ion to those prese nt. N ew
steps whi ch were no at all orthodox, Ca st le Co unty Agent Edward Willim,
it was said.
Jr., a ss isted Mr. Holgr en in the ring.
It had originally bee n planned to J . Wirt Willi s, of t he Coweview
pla y an engagement in a Pari s The- Farm s, n ea r Gla sgo w, wa s chuil'1;nan
atre upon landing in that coun t r y ; of t he commi t tee in charge of t he a rbu t t hi S was changed, and th e party ra ngements fo r t he show.
split up and toured France and al so .
Germany and Switzerland. Mr. Strad-I
Prizes Award ed
'l' he r es ul ts of t he judg ing in t he
ley and Mr. W a ddington made th e
most extens ive tour going down the va ri ous classes a re as fo ll ows :
h is tori c Rhin e Valley and into SwitzClass N o. I -B ull s unde r one year.
erland, wher e they wer e duly im- Sil ve r cup t roph y donated by A. W.
pressed with the beau t ies of Lake Lu- Macl<ey, of W est Gr ove , P a ., to wincer ne t her e. The oth er member s of ner ; ' ribbons to seco nd, third a nd
t he Ser enader s r emained in Paris or fo urt h ; La Se ntes Old Go ld, owned by
~ook h ortel: ~ aun ts t hrough France, Ri ch Neck F ar ms, Ea rl ev ille, Md. ,
u:c\ud lll g VI Sits to the W orld 'W ar fi rst; ca lf ow ned by J a mes Brya n,
ba ttlefi eld s.
Tra ppe, Md. , second; Or ig in a l P ea rl's
Most of t he mu sicia ns pur c ha ~ed Vi cto r, own ed by Dea kin and Co leIibel'a l supplies of French perfum es
(Continued on P a g e 4.)
f or t heir f ri end s in Delawa r e and
~:i~is~ er!~jts antor S\;~SeSm;e~~~~~s ~:.
Stradley and Mr. Daddington .bought
H a rwood Sw iss wa tch es which r equire no winding. Th e w inding is done
a u to ma t ically by action of the wa t ch
on th e wri st. Paris they found decid edly " a womll'Tl's to wn" in tha t
(Cont inu ed on Page 4. 1
Very Pleasing Results Havc
in Safety
GET AWARD Been Procured
Tran por ta ti on of Pupils to
the. e wa rk Schools Begins
ext Month'
Th£' '- "Il of D la wa re is a pionee r
h nHti,1!IL' it possib le f or children to
lItit'llti • ho, d in t hose co mmu n it ies
whirh PI',' ide Lhe advanced g r a des.
Thi, )":11' t1lP :\ewa rk Schoo l co mmu ni ). I, III" \'id~ d wiLh Lhree rou tes covtrinv '1" , '1ll lllun iLy a rou nd the N ewark .'1" ial !'chool Di st ri ct . Th e three
l '(luh· .. an
f"" (
" 'ad
I 11
th,· \:,
Ed, I
( '1.1
1"'- n
(·."tlr Co unty Route O. 71,'._ Bri dge 'via t he mac adam
(oIa,go w, Lhe nce vi a the ElkJ~lla rl 0 i t~ inte l'sect ion wi t h
I' ( hri slia na conc rete road at
Iwol , t hence via the Beart l'o ncr t e road to Chri sti ... h I' t he macada m roa d
I l' lsh' T ract. School to N ew"'\. On lhi
r oute there are
'lI:l1dy 0 pup il s who ha ve ap'
t I'11 m portalio n up to Au g ust
. \ (a-t Ie ounty Route N o. 8Frill ' \I:1 l' k via the maca da m r oad
o .11 I' I'd ('r()~: roads, t hence by con{'l't"
I to its inler sect ion with t he
"Jl1 'i nued on Page 5.)
_" =
.:1\:'i:c :~\~~~c'~~:~k~~~: :~~ ~: s~i~v~
in;.! (;" J a n d hUlllanir y, the other
11,,1\ m udd lin g Ihro llgh to gel hi s
pa y.
\\' h,1I mak es th e difference?
\V ork That Serves
so ur di sclIssion topic
S unday, August 31
Very pl ea s in g results are being procured from th e automobile in spection
campaign now being carried on in thi s
State und er th e direction of th e Delaware Safety Coun cil in coop eration
with the Motor Vehicle Department of
the Secreta r y of State's office.
Th e cam paign is under the immed ia te directi on of Walter Dent Smith.
Direc tor of th e Delaware Safety
Council, who worked out the detail s
in connec ti on with the in spection
wo rk . The campaign will close on
September fir st. It has been running
since July 15.
It is es timated tha t at least sixty
per cent of the cars have been in s pected thu s far and the daily reports
made to t he campaign headquarters
in tire State Hou se indicate that many
motori st s are us ing the final days of
t he campaign for the in spection work.
This is the second year for the inspection campaign in thi s State.
During the campaign la st year 81
pr r ce nt of th e cars wer e in spec ted
and it is thought that the percenta ge
will be even greater thi s year .
In ord er to stimulate the motorists
to the necessity of having their cars
in pected, a letter has been sent to
each r egi stered car that has not been
reported a s being in spected . From
the r esults obtained thu s far it is believed that thi s letter aided in having
many of the cars inspected,
In s pection station s are conveniently
located in the city of Wilmington and
in ea ch of the three counties. The
number of st a tion s, however , is not
a s great t hi s year and was used
year but it is poss ible to. keep I.n
clos r contact with the statIons thIS
year with the r esult that the work
ha s been more uniform.
(Continued on Page 8.)
The weekly di~-;;; meeting of the
Baraca Class
Newark Lion's Club was held at the
Blue Hen Tea Room Tuesday evening
Pre byterian Sunday
with Walter Dent Smith, an alumnul
of the University of Delaware, and at
present manager of the DelaWaTe
Safety Council. as the speaker, . Mr.
============~" Smith gave a short talk on "Safety."
9:45 A. M,
Th e fi sca l yeaI' i n sco uting began
July I , and all t roop s we re required
to be re-r egi s tered at t hi s t im e. Troop
No. 55 of N ewar k r e- regi st ered 34
members wi t h t he Wilmington Coun
ciL Since only on e scout droppe
from t he troop at t hi s tim e, a fin
start f or th e new year is indicated
The year 1929-1930 was one of splen
did advancement f or the local troop
as ha s been shown by the increase
enrollment and greate r a chievement
in scouting activities. The foll owing
s ummary s hows the healthy condition
which n ow exi sts.
Enrollm ent: July, 1929, 27; July
1930, 34.
Average attendance during sum me
months, 17; during school year, 23.
No. of Scouts advancing at lea s
one rank! 16.
No. of Scouts earning Merit badges
11; total number of Merit badge, 33
No. of Scouts in Camp Rodney
1920, 10; 1930, 13.
Star Scouts , 1929, 2; 1930, 1.
Life Scouts , 1920, 0; 1930, 3.
Inter-Troop Competitions
First Aid Meet. 18 teams compet
ing, won first place.
Merit Baclge E xpositi on, 8 team
co mpeting, won second place.
Camporee, 13 t ea ms competi ng, won
third place.
Sp('cial Activiti es During Past Year
P a inted and r epa ired toys fo r th
Welfare Committee.
Aided W elf are Committee in th
distri buti on of Chri stma s baskets.
Took part in Memorial Day pro
Gave Firs t Aid Demonst r a t ions be
fo re fo ul' di ffere nt organi zations.
B uil t fee d boxes and fe d birds dur
ing past win ter .
One of t he most enco ul'ag ing fea
t ures of the past year was t he acqui s i
t ion of a permanent home fo r t h
troo p ~ n. t he old ~ca?e m y ~ ui ldin g.
In adcli t lOn t o f Ul'lll shm g th?lL' r oo m,
t he Scouts have coll ected e l g~ ty-fiv e
books as nu cle us fo r a lib ~ar y. Jack
RIDGELYPLEASED IGNeO~.,~t5e~i'~Br~.haesn.i~A~.~,~01~·sl:aa~sf if~OI:IO~\:Vls;·~
. e·Tr oo
___ _
Aspirant for epublican Congressional Ndmination is Working Hard
T .roo p ,co mm ittee: Harold Sheaffe l
cna ll'ln an ; G. W . Rhodes, E . L.
Ri cha rds , E. B. Croo k., J . R. Down es
( Con tinued on Page 5.)
"My campaign plans are snaping
up very nicely and I am making every
effort to procure support at the State
Convention," stated fotmer Senator
Charles du Pont Ridgely, of Camden ,
. Rehoboth Beach
whcn seen in his office this week and
interviewed regarding his plans for
procuring the Republican Congressional nomination for which he is an
Prospects are that Lhere will be
contests in a t lea st two of the three
election di stricts of White Clay Creek
hundred for delegates to the Democrati c State Co nvention . Thi s was
apparent as the r esult of the meeting
Monday ni g ht in Odd F ellows' Hall .
Th e co nt sts will be betwee n Bayard
and Marvel men.
The purpose was to name th e delegates and alternates to the convention and contests developed in the
~eco nd an d third dist ricts. J . Harvey
Oic l<ey, cha irman of the hundred committee, called th e meeting to order
and he was made permanent chairman.
Mayor Frank Collins wa s
named secretary. It wa s the largest
a nd most r eprese ntative Democratic
meeting held in the hundred in recent
years a-nd kee n interest was manifest ed in the fight between Thomas F.
B a yard and J os iah Marvel for t he
senatorial nomination.
The nomination s for delegates imd
alternates in the fir st distri ct were
mad e wi t hout oppos ition.
Walker a nd J. Harvey Dickey were
na med delegates and Mayor Collin s
and O. W. Widdoes, alternates.
The first indi cation of a contest developed in the second di strict when
Ralph Barrow, John Foss~tt an~ J.
~earce Cann were placed 1I1 nomln~­
t lon f or delegates. The hundred IS
entitled to six delegates and two each
have alway s been allotted to each of
R outin e matters occupied the attent ion of the State Highway Commi ss ion f or several hours at their
meeting in Dover on Tuesday after~~~n;oa~~~l;~k :~\h~~ ~~ses~~~~ of bids
occasions during the
past several month s it was intimated State a rc bei ng ru shed to ha ndl e t h
that the Camden Senator might with - I'eq uests f or inspection. U p to t h
draw from the race, but on each occa- close of bus iness on vVednesday even
sion it was deni ed by the Senator and ~~:~k~OOO cars had bee n exa min ed t hi
. Th e. Commiss ion in structed the engll1 ee l'l~g corps ~o make a survey ?f
th e mall1 State hl~hways to ~scertaln
t he cost of numberll1g these highways.
D c la~are thu s far has not numbered
t he hIghways except those that are
throug h . r outes and 'co~le under the
syste~l of f ederal markll1g.
It IS. now pla!lned to number t.he
oth er hi g hway s 1I1 the S~a~e and !1st
th em on the road map s slmllar to the
plan fo.llo~ve~ b.y other States..
. The Juri sdictIOn of the pubhc lands
111 . t he State w~s .transferred to the
f!,ghway Comml ~slOn by the la st sesslon . of th e Legislature .an.d at t.he
meetll1g today the Commls~lOn declded to sell some of the pubhc lands at
th e no r~hern e~d of Reh.obot~ Beach
~e\nPblelrb.hc auctIOn sometIme In Sep-
until after the State Convention
"I am more than pleased by the
manner in which the Republican s of
Kent County who supported me two
years ago, have rallied to my campaign this year. They r ealize with me
that it is Kent County's turn to have'
a Congressional nominee and are joining me in making th e fight to get it
thi s time."
Senator Ridgely is opjlOsed f or Ui e
nomination by Congressman Robert
G. Houston, of Georgetown , who is
completing his third term in Congress.
The Camden Senator was a candidate
for nomination again st Mr. Hou st on
two years ago, but withdrew when he
(Continued on Page 4.)
Th e la nd to be sold is located at th e
nor t hern end of the main cottage section of th e resort and abuts on the
ocean . It is now thought that it will
be divided into lots,
During the m eeting the Commission
received the usual number of requ est s
f or new roads.
-The Republi can s of P encade r Hun dred held a meet ing a t Glasgow on
Monday evening and nam ed delega tes
and alternates to the State Conventi on whi ch will be held Se ptembe r 16,
at T~~V%lIoWing were chose n : First
- --
Commission Wl
Dispose of Property at
B ot h Bayar d an d M arve I Fac- H ig hway
tions Will Seek Support
~~:e;~~~: ~lie~~~~io~s~t~:~ ~;~f~e~o~~
allow only those residents of the par-
tic~:.r Bd~~;~i~t :nr; ~a~~t~~ceived
a majority vote. Guy E. Hancock and
Robert J. Crow were named al~er­
A contest also developed in the
third district, the voting place being
Christiana. W. Truxton Boyce, Mrs.
Ida Tomlin and Irvin Hutchinson
(Continued on Page 4.)
;e~~~~t:;ti!~i\~ve:e~~~ ri~et~t:dr;~~
Oi t rict- J . Irvin Dayett, delegate ;
DECLAHES DIVIDEND Winifred M. Coverdale, alterna te.
Second Di stri ct- Alber t R. Stewart,
At th e regular quarterly meeting del egate ; Julian Laws, alternate.
Another meeting will be held Sepof t he directors, Andale Company
1600 Arch Street, Philadelphia, de- te mber 5th to nominate a Hundred
clared a dividend of $1.75 per share ti cket. Alfred G. Strand, Newark;
on the preferred stock, payable Octo- Albert R. Stewart !Old the prese nt
representative, J. Theodore Laws, are
ber 2.
D. Raymond McNeal, formerly of prominently mentioned for represen Newark , a graduate of the University tative.
For the Sixth District Levy Courtof Delawal'e, is president of the company. Their factory is located at man, Clarence E. Poore is being men tioned.
Lansdale, Pa.
Officials Expect Total Numbe
of Cars Examined to Exceed Last Year
Thi s be in g Lhe fin a l wee k of t h
More t han 40,000 ca r s have bee n in
s pected t hu s fa r in t he ca mp a ig l
Th ere are abo ut 53,000 ca l" bea ring
Delawa re reg is trat ion a nd it is now
ex pec Led t hat befo re t he nel of Lhe
week t he tota l in pected \vill exceed
t ha t of last year wh en a bou t 81 pe
cent of the car s were exa min ed dur
ing a imilar ca mpa ign.
T he campaign ope ned on Jul y 15th
a nd will close on Saturd ay night.
During thi s period the ins pecti on
ser vice was offe red f ree of ch a rge t o
t he motorists a t oes ig na ted station
located a t co nven ient poin ts t hroug h
ouL t he tate.
After t he campaign closes th e St at
poli ce will cau se a ll unin spected car
to be exa min ed a t t he expense of t h
ca l' ow ners and t hose ca r. th at. ai '
co ns ider ed un safe w ill have t hei
reg istra ti on r evoked.
An ot her new feat ure to be f oll owe
Lhi s yea r by t he ec reta l'Y of State'
offi ce will be th e adop tion of a p Ia
wh e reby new li ce nse fo r next yea
will be r efu sed f or any cal' tha t ha
not been in pected un t il such t im
th at t he car own er can co nvin ce t h
rl~~::r oOnffi~~~ISh~:~~!~:. cal'
is safe t
As t he regul a r schedul ed nigh t {f,
the meeting of the Wome n's Au x il ia r.
of th e American Legion, Mond ay , i3
holida y, the meeting will be he l
Tue sday evening, September 2. lJ h
hom e of Mrs . George J ones , of ll'ick
e raville . Transportation will \:>e p ro
vided for all. Members are a sk ed t o
meet at the Legion Room aL 7.10,
daylight saving time, sharp.
Cl'~ CIL
H owllrd T. Huhl,
~c h ol) l s fur C('(·il COlln Ly, hils com;Jlt.t!.d Lh liRL of uPJlointm~ n t· of
tl.achcl'~ \ ho will [('ach durlllg ~h('
c(Jl1Iin~ ~cho 'J I year in th e fo ll owJllg
s('hoois whi"h ope n 'c'ptl'mber 4.
Ll.cil lI i"h Sch Qo l-l\l i ~~ . ~ I III·~' Em"
nUl Cl ark. principal; 1111> ,' l~rHnc~~ .
GdOHh, ( nd ~lI·s. nCI hn
B latk. 'l· at'hcl'~ .
Clw <apenkc Cit y lI igh ,-t'hool- II .
re tburn"
t, we re pat'ent
gu elind
ts M1's.
of Mr.
The odore
h it lock,
, MI'.
L . 1;'I II'. unciund
The ~dorc
t lock,
~I i~.
' ~?,~~. (~,~~~:~I\\'~i:foeCk:ai\~~:~. ~'~1'l~~~~ 1 AY~
111. A lice T odd; H owllrd t r et,
Newto n hambers, of
Elkto n, ;\I i ':e: Grace C. Wells, u ie . I ar~ hall own , w I'e gue ts on
un - Kumpe l, ~ 1 1 ~s Alma W hit lock,. and
F. . D(:an, [d s W rote n, i\ft s. E lizabeth tlav of lIl,·. lind 11'5. W. P. ' audain. !\faJ' hall Whitl oc k, moto red t o Milton
A. B oulden.
Bancro ft P each had as his gu ests l o nda~' , and weI' dinner guest of
C;lkLOn El cmen ary - J . He rbert O\'e r t he week-end: R obe r t A. Mac- , II'. and 1111'. . William R eed.
\\'e ir, principal; llli ses H anna h
. La ne, J r., of Wilm ington; )1 orse K id,
:,11'. L la Arm . t r ong and son,
lIm·tne tl, Emil): A . colt',~lizab~t h S. cler, of Arden a nd Martin B. Penning- i H oward B., of Phil llde lphia, P a ., ar
:\IcDowell, F IOl a A. Da\l ~, .0111 M. to n.
being E'ntc rtain cd by MI'. and Mrs .
P ippin, }lrR. Emm a L . L e WI S, Mrs .
~I r. a nd !III's. Robert Yearsley arc Fred l3radl'.
~ I llry . K .. ~th ey.
on a mot or trip through N \V Y ork I MrR. H.
lay Philli p ' is . pending
C'hel'l'Y H Ill- ;\, l r . Flore nce~:
n~ State.
thi s week with r e lath'es in Bethel.
d ~r\\ood, M I~s ' ea ne Ua l owe l, Elk
MI'. and !III' . Al ec . Jarre ll enter.
. ..
E. McBri d , print'ipal; ~ I i ~ti Elizabeth , l iI L, Mi. s E li 7.abet h
. Maloney, t ain pd at a family dinne r on Sunday.
J hn J . Hoffecker, of P hIladelphia,
' . ,'mit hel's , '\ l i R~ 1'> lary ;\1. · ba n,.\ i ~ s E\'e lyn 111. r a ig; Jackson Hall Thei l' g ues t s \\' r~ : 11'. and Mrs . J o . wa s II week-e nd guest of hi S . Istcr ,
Mi ~ s Mal'v C. De W '('se , Mi s s Ra che l .' t hoo l, i\l iss E ve lyn 1:- I imble;.Uni.o n Dixon, 11'. and 1rs. Robe rt F ogwe ll , MI·s. Will iam A. f cCrone and Mr . ,
Jo;, 'Bo~'d, ;1! u Ra~'moIHI R. Spenccr.
Schoo l, ~ liss I da L. Kimble; Fall' H ill , He le n, R ob I't , Blanc he, Dorot hy, Mc rone.
E; lkt on Jl igh choo l- Guy J ohn son, '\11". E\'e lyn P. Ka y ; ~Iake Scho.ol, Pearl, J ose l h, Frank lin and E lizabeth
MI'. and Mrs . ~dward S. J ones .a nd
pl'incipal; l\Ii sse ~ Kathe ri ne, i\L BraL- ~I is. Ella Cann, P r~vlde nce, . MI SS F ogwell , all of Gal cna, Md., Mr. and so n, 'tacy , and 1\'[ IS Katherine 'plcer,
ton, ~ l argareL A. Bowers, Ca rolyn . E dith .E. ~eb l ey , l\l l s~ . Nelhe .A. '\Irs. Jamc Jal'l'ell, J o.sep h, Alice a.nd ~n o tored. t o V~" ey Forge, Sunday, and
L wis, lI ani tle Heinockc, H e le n B. Mackie, Hal t
choo l, MI SS Cathel me J as . Jar rell, Jr., of Middle to wn, MISS spent th e da;.
Formcr. [th cl M. Youtz, Do rothy Bu d in; N onh Ea st , Douglas M. BI- L ou i e Wil ey, of Ri c hardso n Park.
The R e\·. and Mr . J ohn L. J ohn so n
lI oopel', Emily } l cCabe , Mrs . 1~ l s i e 1\I. \'ans, ~I i ~ses Fra nces lIf. leaves, M.
,ri ss B e tty Propert, of Ge rman - I and Mr. and 1\lrs . J. Everett Wall '
Brnton , Roy L. Robertson, Harold
entman, :1II a ry E. W est , G. town, I a ., is t he guest thi week of pe nt the wee k-e nd in Ocean Grove,
laire Monis, te lla McGrady, . ath- her cousins, the Mi es Hel e n and
. J.
J~ e nm o re J 'choo l - .R obe,rt I e rin e Luthl'inger, Mrs .. ~ lIa ~. GIbson ; Sara P enn ington.,
i\I r . J ohn B . Spicer ha s returned
Wellllc r, pl'ln clpa l ; ;\11 '5 Alice r. Sha ll'naiI Sc ~ oo l, J'vl1 ~S ~ve l y~ F.
}Ir. and Mrs. r. E . MacNamee, of hom e afte r a w ek's vi sit with he r
T ay lol .
1I \'~nde r; ~ I o n Grove, ~~I~S MII.dred Flin t, li ch igan, who have been visitn, J h n pi~e l' in P hIlade lphi a.
'or th .East . choo l- Dougla s '. ~ eo l; , i\'f a~' lO n School, 1\1I S .MaIY E . i~g I' lati ves in Wilm ingto n and the
H. W. W illits, of Germantow n, Pa .,
M. B! van~, pl'lnc lpal; ~1.1's.. AlI c.e. \~. Bor cl ; \\ a,s.h ll1 g ton S choo l, 1\1I SS Ruth 1 Vlc; nity, w e re g uest ove r. the week- visited hi s s iste r, Mi ss Laura Willi ts,
Ji olJkms, ;\Il sses M . '\ lIgmm S licer, A. Ha ddock .
end of M,'. MacNamee's Sister, Mr s.
. . S
Cal'olyn R. Gambrill, Aga th~ B .
Oak Grove , , i\~ ~·s . R o e M . K.ahll'; Harr y Bra cki n and M r. Brackin. Sun- O \~rs .u~;d~~ De mp ey is pend ing
Bl ack, I!~ nnah i\ f. !"lace, JlI attle~ .
hal'l esto wn, JlI lss Rut~. C. Bld.dl e" day dinner gu e t
at t he Brl;lckin some tim e wi t h her daughte r, Mrs.
Jllill 1', \\ IIlIam
. Graham, Jr., Call i\lrs . Rut!l 1. De ibel t, J e ffe l son ho me we re: Mr '. Charl es MacNamee, Fred Schulz e in Phil ade lphia
T. ~k.i n n er .
choo l, 1I~ls s Gladys Pa~ne;. C ~a'pe l Earle Staats, Mr . and. 1111'S. G. C.
1\I i.
Emma F. Ingra m s~e nt la s t
R IRlng un ~llgh-}I~I'lm
. ZIIlI- S choo l, MIS -!:l e l en~ . Wllgh~, RI Slllg Ma cNamee , a ll. of Wi lm lllgton.
week with h e r ni ece, Mrs . R ic hard
merman, prlllcipal; l\ll sses Eva P . un, M. U. Zimmei ma n, M isses M.
R obe rt De nlll so n a nd Pau l Hitch en s F
. ' W'I . t
Nutte r, Jul ia A. William, D orothy]\.f. Li cli e Stewsrt, Fay i'1cFadden, Eudora r et urn ed to t heir res pective homes
e n nemOle, 111
I mmg on.
carborou ~h , : here 'unday eve ning afte r spend ing
Bonner, Aud r y R. R e pp, M~ry E. Sh e ridan, Mi riam E.
1\l endenha ~I , ITarry A. 1-[0 ve 1'1111 II , and I ary L. ~rokaw;. '. ew. B I:ldge" a few days .i~ ~ tla n tic City.
Wa rren \\ anen.
Blanche E. Foard, LIbel ty GI O\ e,
unday VISItors at t he h ome of Mr.
T' e1'l' ~'\' ille H ig h- La wrence 111 . Gor- Mi ss Elsie P. R ea , 'e lli e A. Kite; and Mrs . H. P. Denni son w er e: Mr.
suc h, principal ; :vI I' . H el e n M. \ \ at- ,olo l'a, Miss ~l ildred E: ~e~ n , M ~ss and Mrs. J oseph McVey and fami ly,
Mi ss Nevada Ald rich h as r eturned
Ho n, Mi sses Mary E. L effler , lal:a A. I~~ .hryn L. ) erkes ; Prmclplo! MI SS Mi ss Frances Medill, of Newark; Mrs. to her home in Wi lmington after
Meredit h, Rac he l E
. ~. Boyd, .Ma ttle A. Elizabeth A. Ja c k~o~ ; P Cl'1'yvIl le, H' Elizabeth Rey burn, Mi ss Agnes Watts , vis iting her s is t e r , Miss R ut h Aldri ch
Miller, Raym ond R. Spence l.
M. T hompson, MI S e
Ha nnah C. Paul a nd R oy R e ybu)'n , Mrs. Eva during her vacation.
Mrs. K ate Hu s hebeck, Mrs. Annie
a lvert Agri cultural George \\'h itelock, Anna B. Gehr, Caro lyne Murphy, a ll of Phi lade lphi a ; MI'. and
Eo Gi fYo rd, prinCipal; Mi sses Mane W. tump, Ethe l S. Taylor, H e len A. Mr s. George McVey , of Cedars .
Dic ki nso n , Mrs . Marion Schm ittinger I
Jl1. P ar ker, Ali ce L. Ra\\'son, Audrey T.itter, .Rachel D. Ba l'll e ; Row la nd- I Mrs. Ste lla Crossan and grand- and da ughter, B etty, and Nancy a nd
R. Repp, Mary .E. Mend e nh a ll, and \'llle, 'fI SS L e titia 1oo re;
Va ll~y, daughte r s, Romaine and E sth e r Cros- Marjo ri e Kan e spe nt Fr iday a f ter\\' an n W alTen.
Mis E t hel' i\l. W ood; Pilot, M~ ss ' s an, Mrs. H enry R ose l' a nd childre n noon with Mr. and Mrs. Wi ll iam
Elementary ,c hoo ls-P ond s ~eck Bula L. B.arll ell i Oakwood, MIss , a r e enjo y ing t h e week at a cottage in Hu hebeck .
·chool. MI SS Mari e Pncc; FlIlger 1I orn ; Ba~'\'le w , MISS H aze l E. Gray- Ch a r les tow n, Md .. M I'. and Mrs. Ernest
MI'. and Mrs . Char les W. Kan e we r e
board S ·hoo l, Mi ss Alverd~ F erguson ; be al; Zi on, :ll iss Ag nes M. M c~om' Crossa n and H enry R oser spe n t
unday eve ning callers with Mr. and
Georgc Biddle School" CeCi lton , Mary mon' ; Cah-elt. Georg , E .. Glflprd, Thur day with t he ir fami les at the MI·s. I s aac R obe r ts .
E. Clark .. MI SS BeSS ie DaVIS, 1I11ss :lI ls5e M . He l .n . colt, ."aoml W orl'l- cotta ge .
Mrs. K athe r ine Kane ane! d a ughter,
Ada DaVI S, JIll s 1ary F. Rh odes ; low ; Bu tlE'r, 1I11 ss E. 1\IIIdr d Ru s e ll ;
Mrs . Ne llie Peac h a nd he r friend Ka t hl'yn e, and Mi ss Anna Golt, h ave
W arwick, Mrs. J osep hin e S. ochran; Ch en y G rovc, i\Ii ss 'arn E. Kidd.
Mrs . Bes ie J ones of Wilmington at~ t· turned after s p e nding a few da ys
Pi e rcc )leek, l\li ss Carme n Price;
olored Schoo l, Elk to n High, has . tended a bridge I ~ nch eon last Th'urs- with M r s. Kane 's siste r, Mrs . J os hua
l~a )'l c\' ill c , Mi. s Oliv.e. C. Graham~ W. .ald we ll, MI·s . Mar~ W. Law, Mrs. day gi ven by Mrs. F . C. B an cr oft a nd Mar~e ll and :'1 1'. Ma.rvell, of L a urel.
1 OW~l PO I ~t, 1\l.' ss Gelt lu ~le 1\l an, HattIc i\.I. J ~ n e, ~l l ss T h ~ "n a. 1. Mrs. B ail y Th oma s , at Evergr een
JlI I. an.d JI!I S. ~ub l ey McMullen and
Ch rsape ak e
Ity, H. E. McBlIde, TI obm son , Cecl I ~o n El em entary, MI SS Farms neal' Wood s ide.
dllughte l, l~at hlln e , of Sa lem, w ere
i\ l is~es Jll ar~' E. Wal te r s, i\la ~ Buck- Rose J. P elt.\' ; Warwi ck, Mrs . Emma
1\I rs.' Ann ie J . Denni on, Mrs. H. P. Sund ay g~ests of he r sister, Mrs. Wilwurth, IIl ae JlIcradd e n, 1I1Ir1a m D. P . B oyer; ?llano I' , ·JI[l'S. Laura L . Has - Denni s n a nd Miss R e becca Dever lI a m D lck m so n .
B:ddle , Hilda E. Ta.I' lor, L oui se C. Mc- kin ; Ceda r Hill , Mrs . Alice M. A lex- wel'e lunch eon gu ests of Mrs Sa llie
MI'. and Mrs . William Naylor and
~.. ulcy, ](a ie
. L ove less; Mi tc hell ander ; ';'il on . chool, Mrs. ~da J . Highfi e ld nea l' H oc kessi n ThUl.'s day.
hO ll, Jack, of Towns:nd, were week~c~ool, l\l ls ' E ~l a . lIIaloney; J ohn so n B e ITY; i';orth Ea~(, JIll'S. H arl'let ,M.
1I11's. Eva Murphy, of Philadelphia, e nd gues,t s of MI . ElIza B endler.
Scnool, )lIss
a cile E. Cavana u ~h; James; R owlandnllc, Al be rt B. \\ I~- a r rived yesterday to spend so metime
MISS Frances WrIgh t , of Mt. Pl e~s­
L eeds
choo l, J oh n W. L ord , MI SS son ; P OI' D pOSit , i\lr;, Anna l\1. wi h her s is ter Mrs Anni e J Denni- a lit, spent a few days last wee k Wit h
Eli zabeth Lu thri nger; P leasa nt H ill, Smith . ~1i ss Bessie . Harri s; Cokes- ;;o n .
MISS ladys Golt, of Macdonough .
MrR. Chal'iotte .i\I. McFaddcn, Mis s b?r~' , Mrs. Emil~ T. Wil so n; i\lL. Zoar,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Willi s , of
Mi ss .Nancy Ka ne is spe nding t hi s
i\lay Logan; \\ e, t Amwell . ch oo l }. i1 SS Jllary . , ca lc.
Bal im ore, an d Mi ss Katherine Willi s ' l wee k \~' I t h . her gran? pa r en ts, Mr . a nd
lo f DO\'e r, spc nt Thursday with Mr. MI s '. J<1m es . '. LeWIS, of Cl ay~on t.
and Mrs . Fra nk Huf na l and fam il y .
AIl S JlIar)ol'le Kane IS VI Slt ll1g h er
, frol~ was hll1g gravc l In h iS Pit. a long
M rs. Nellie W o ll a sto n and d a ugh - uncle and a un t, MI'. and Mrs. George ,
B a~ ln R un, In t he P ort D epOS It sec- te l'. J ea n, a re s pe nding so me time T. K a ne , of Cedars.
tl?n, ha ' been gl'a nt d by .Jud ge with he ,. s ister Mrs. L info rd W ebster
M I'. a nd Mrs. S . J. Dani e ls, S r., and
Mr . . D. R. P erkin s and C1au g'hler, \\ Ic.ke5, who h a rd the ca se III the of Colamer,
MI'. - and M rs. Fl e tche r Danie ls and
L oren c, of Frederick, and Mr . . Lama
ec: 1 County QUI·t la s t we ek .
fami ly motored to Atlantic City, and
lT a ni s , of E~len P ark, Dc l. , are guests
Whil e H a rl'Y Han'ey a nd
'pe nt t he week -e nd with MI'. a nd Mrs .
,.,., ~Family Flour
J ohn F. Sparklin.
of X o r t h Ea s t, were I'e tul'ing
.~ie~:eni!"dr~~'h ~~:s f~~~~~. ove r
24 b~9 84c : 49
$1 ·68
-1---cri~--I- ---ASci)---~I--~~--1
S hortenjng
tb can 25c
Bak ing Powder
can 5e, lOe 20e
S hort ening
tb tin 2.'ic
Big List of Beverages Specially Pri ced
• ASCO Ginger A le 3 pt bots
" ASCO Sa r s aparilla a pt bots
• A seo Hoo t Beer
3 pt bots
" Hoh Hoy Pale Dry .. 3 bots
"ASCO Gi nger A le ...... qts
"ASCO Li m e a nd Lemon qts
* Quaker Brew
Cer •• 1
· Pur itan Ce r ea l Be\'" . I IJots 25c
"Tiger Cereal Be\·e l· . . I hQt. 2:ic
'a nadu Pal e Dr y .... . 3 hots GOc
Clicc,uot C lub Golden .. 2 bats ?9c
"Hires ' Root Bee r ....... bot iO
" Hi,Ro Asso rl ed Be vcl·. bot 5c
* Plu
12.00 Noon
12.02 p. m.
bot s.
u s ual bottle de p os it.
\Ve r oast a ll Our Coffees in OU)' Own R oaste ri es. E nabl in ~ us to
.f ul'lli s h
YO:~:~:_~;;ll.yC:~ffo;~ on tan I),.
Victor B lend Coffee
A cm e Brand Coffee lb, tin 35c
Hic h
3 1reamy
Ch eese------------- ·--- Ib 27 C
,\ , co
Ha nlam Cor n .. 2 can. 2i)c , Ch oice Pea s (11 oz) .. 2 can.' I ~c
Choice S t rin)! Bea ns .. ,3 ca ns 2~c
F a rmda le Pea ' .. .. .. 2 I'ans 2~c
Farmdale, tr. Bea ns . . 2 cans 2i)c
,\S e O Fa ncy P eas ... :l ca ns 19c
C hoic e To m atoes .... 3 cans 25c
. \ SCO , ugar P ea " .3 c an ~ .l9c
TOlllatoe . .... can 10Vzc
0 Tiny P ea s . .... . ca n 21c
DE' I ]\1onl e Tu matue . . 2 cans 29c
De l ;.ro n te P eas ..... . :1 ta n: 19c
' e w 1 ed Beet. . .. med. can 12c
0 P ea (11 oz) .. 2 cu ns 25c
Nc w Red Bepts . ...' . big ca n 14c
S nider 's Pea s ... . gi ns.' ,ia" 25c
la ll
Grape Juice-----
2 9c
Richland Butter
(' ",(",l't
C. --"t,....UJ.T:~~
1.00 p. m.
2.00 p . m.
2.58 p. m.
ca s t.
3.00 p. m.
3.02 p. m.
4.00 p. m.
5.00 p. m .
5.15 p. m.
I.a r,.;e
ta bl es, a . corn , cal'l'ots , beets a nd wi ll t each art aga in t hi s year, and a
MI SS L eah .E llI ott, of Newark, h a s
bean s, a ncl mea t s in t in can s a n d g la ~ ~ !lE'W ma nual t ra ining departm en t wi ll been l he guest f h ~ I' uncl e an d aun t,
Mi ss Ma ry ' ire land wa s a recent jars. The mo r n ing sess ion wa s s pent be Rtar Led f or boys , from the s ixth t o I l\f~" Newton McG a rl'lty and Mrs. Alice
gues t of Mi ss M a r~' 1':. H owal' l, of in prepar ing the f ood mate ri a ls fo r 1 ve1fth grarl es .
'I II Ie I'.
cann ing in th e steam pre ss ure cooker.
T he re will be six co urs es given in I Mr~ .. Isa ac R obe r ts was a \V ilmingF'ull o w; ng a picni c lune-h . a bu s in ess the
e nior H igh Schoo l a s fo ll ows : I ton ."Is ito r on Sat urda y .
Mi ss rali a . \\' e ll s , of Elkton, is 11' cting \~a s hc ld. Th e Se pte m ber Vocatio nal h m!' economi'c s for girl ,
MI SS Gladys Ga lt, of Mac(~on o u~h ,
the guest of her cousi n, 1\Iiss Mar y mcet ll1g Wi ll h h eld at the h ome of Coca l lOn al agricul t urc fo r boy s , aca- Rpenl a few.d ays la st week With M ISS
\\'arbu r ton, of lew YOI'k ity.
l\1 1·S . Clarence l-Ti ghfIe ld on Scpte m ber r1 ~m :c,
sc ie n Lific , comm e rcia l and Frances W l'lght, of 'It. Pl easa n t.
Dani e l S. Terrell, J r ., s pe n t la s t l 5, \;',h e ~ a ta l". on " Home B ea utifIca- :~ ('nera J.
week at Bethan y B each.
tl on , wl~1 he .glven.
1'. and JIll's . Warren •. P . CombR FOOD PL EN II F U L FOR
A fam Il y dlnnel' WIl S h ld on Sun- -1' CI!t he w('e k ~nd at Ocea n
Mrs . Fredus R ob in so n
f amden da y a t t he home of i\lrs .
hand le r Md.
. ,
. J. , is th e gu est of tht: ' Mi s. es A l ex~ Jllendinha ll, lea l' f[ oc l< ess in , in hOilor
Mrs . WaLso n K. Bells is th c gu es t
Secreta r y of Ag r~ cul ture Hyd~, a fand e l', on Nor h s t l'ect.
of he r gl'and son, .J. Pi en e Va nsa nt, of MI'~ . W. S. P. Com b: . Ml's. B ctts I tc r a co nfer ence With th e P reSIde n t, I
ha s decla r cd t h at th e t ha s pre"
,. .
.-wh o w illretul'll on .'atul'duy to Girard I ·,'~ id e,' in Philad elphia .
I he \'\ IiIIJ1~ W O I'k ~'s of l he Elkto.n I o llege, Ph ilfJ de lphia, wh er e he is a
~ Ir. and Mrs . Wa lla ce C. Elia Ron Re n tcd no rca ~o n fo ~ a ny J ump III foo d
MeLhodl st Epi sco pal ", hul'c h too k l hcl r I s tu rl ent. T hose prese nt were: MI'. an(1 ha\'e had a s guesLs lIh. and Ml's , co~ t~ a nd ,Pledged him se lf and the Ad a~l:ual. t l'ljl t.o B e LLerLon on We dne. - Mrs. P au l Bedford , Chan dl e r , Agnes William Van ant, of Wilm ingtO ll .
· l m lnl str~'.tIon lO" protec t the. public
d<l~ , and din ed at t he Bcttel't on a nd Elizabeth B edford M I' and Mrs
Mrs IJ M Sch,'o Ie '
I f
f r om a holdup. Th e s upply IS bou n il e ' Va;lsant, Eugene,' Wa',Ten, Do l'~ era l y~ar~ h ~s beene~'e~ id~~; i nO\~~.~- ~ifu l , .he s aid, t he onl y sh ortage being
H ou ·e.
The ons and DaughLe l's o f Libe r ty I ot h~', Cha rl es and Ruth .Van s a nt , of P a., ha s retu l'll ed to Midd leto wn ' In a~ lm a l fee~ s.
of F: lkton, wh o will enterta in thc si~~ , Strl c~ l and, Pa .; i\ll-s. Edith Va n ant, \" h0l" f,h e wi ll Rprn d Lhe fall and
It IS .the PUI pose ?f t h e D e.partmc n t
t(le nt h annual c nvenLi on of l he 0 1' J . Pl ene and J ohn Clark Vansant, wi n e r.
0 : A g rI c u~ t~ re to give t h e Wides t p osde l' in Elkton next montl h
. - 1\1l's . Cha ndl er Mcndinhn ll.
Hi ~s .Ollie Bl'oma ll of Wilminglon Sibl e publI City .to wh olesale prices of
A varl.e l y S h owe r was g '
'" ng MI. SS Kathe' l'lIl
. c Droll.
, .farmd' p r odu cts In t he h ope of pre ven t -I
vari ous co•mmittee s1 , t o avc
iven.III .IS vIsiti
fol' t he entertainment of severa l hun- hono r of Mi ss 'l ae Keide l on Satu rMI'. and Mrs. A.
laud ' Fou l'ac re ~~;;'e ;.~ p ro po r lon ate pn ces to t he co n - I
dred de legates. Ltoyd E ,' agcr of day afternoon a t th home o f the had as unday g ues t s M I' . and Mrs
. ,
Bal t im o l'e , State Co~ncilo;" and Dora Mi sses COl'll and Mal'tha Trim ble, H .wanl Mill. an d lit tle daug h ter, ~i to r~teaclm , sard Sec re ta r y Hyd e, "is .
K id e l's mar- Wllm lngton, a nrl MI'. Mill s ' mot her of
P I I \ the c~n s~me r f r om a hold- I
M. Hamm OlJd , Vi cc- otlnci lo r will vi s it nea l' H ockess in . Mi..
Elkton n ext week t o com'pletc t he r l!lge to. Mauri ~e Pi e r son, o f ,?ak ly n , O~i?
up .
(o n ' wa n t e co n sum e r to get I
conventi on program.
New J e l sey, wll l take p lace In R ed
.. II'. Slacy .) ones and Mi s ' Ka t hc rin e ca ug h t betwcen ~he profitee r s and t h e
lay Creek Pres~Yl rian
hUI'ch, on S . icCI', f Wilmingto n, arc s pendin
far lll e r.. Th e re IS no. r ea son fo r t h e 1
Wa lt I' WillI am s, agcd 20, Neg r o, is Septembe r 4th. rh e brid e- la- be re ' sevcr:rl- da ys with hi s pa' t . M ~ house Wives to g t palllcky or alarmed.
ni on H ~s pit~1 Buffel'in g wi t h ceived man.y gifts. T hose wh o atten d- and Mrs . Edwu I'd S. J~ncs . r en s,
I. , Whil e so m e t ru ck ga rd en . produ cts ,
bullet woun ds In h iS lun gs, an d is not ed t he affa ir were: Mrs. Egbe rt Klair
M,' 'ln d Mrs P
~' I I
I have b e n damaged, there IS no r eal
eXlectcd to I'ecove!', whil e MOI'ti mer Mrs. Charl es Wood ward , Mrs . Eari : is C1.'S, < Mi sses" hl:i s ti~~
~l~~les C~~~~ s hor tage.".
F Ol'd , al so co lor ed, IS loc ked in Elkton Woodward , Mrs. lI a rold T own se nd E' 1'in [ ud e~ o f Drexe l IT ill P
Many city ad mllll s trat ions a r c co~lJ i.1 ~wlliti n ~ ~h e outcome ? f W alte.I·' s Ell e ne and .Ra ll?h To\~n se nd , Mrs. C: S unda ; gU~s t8 of MI'. ' u n'd ~ ,~~e~~ I o per a ting wit~ ~he ~gricul ture DeIIlJ U". s. ~V llil a m s, who IS ma.I'l' led K K e l?c l, Be rl1l ce K~l de l , .Mrs. lar- Wi ls on Merritt.
1 p~rtme n t and It ~ s be lI eved t~at t~ere I
and lI ves III No r t h En t, wa s sa id to ence. Hi g hfi e ld .and MISS Tl'Il11bl e .
MI'. a nd Mrs.
. E.
hive l' and w Ill be no matel'l~ l . advance III pri ces ,
hu ve, be~n \~alkl~g on t he Toad w it h
~I SS .Kathe l'ln e Appl eby , .of Middle- fami ly s pe nt S unda y wit h r e fative , of t he foo~~tles of the country.
Ford S s lste l , whi ch enmged t he later tow n, IS t he gue t of MI SS Gladys in W es t Gl'OV Pa
--w~o. S c ured a s hot gu n and s hot Hufna l.
, Mi ss E li zab~th ' Cla yton of N .1
H e r e 's a good . &ptember menu:
WIllIam s.
a nd Mrs . GeOl'ge Cull ey, of w. ood, Pa., is vis iLin he r
M .' - Co rn so up , made f rom fl'!;s h co r. n cut
Wilmlllgton , were guests on Sunday T Ed ar Cia t
, 1 8. f r om the cob ; omelet WIth Spanis h
Th e cus e of Emo ry
alvert vs. of Mr and Mrs Frank HuI nal Jr
g th
: on . • ISS Cla yton and s uu ce, whieh con tains tomatoes and
~~orge . A. Atkin ~o~, for a pe rmanent ' Mr, ' and Mrs: J. Buford E~stb~rn Mi~8 mo ~I' .~d as a recent guest, I p epp.ers ; ri ce; ne w yellow or white
1Il)llllctlon r est l'a lllln g t he defendant ~ and small daughter, Dori s, of HiII- Da r'b ~I gu e llte Luke ns , of Upper I turl1lps ; apple .s auce fro m some of
e~li to l'
P oint-O-Wo ods, L ong [s la nd, N. Y.
~---===~==-+ + +
All Lean
a 1118·
Sm all Size
ed Boston Butts
\\ ·It "I (· r
I lnll I 'lt '
Finest Q.uality L ean
=hH~if III 47 C
Boiled Hams Shi~~d
II ,
I th e WI ndfall s , WIth cup cake.
Fa ncy. ~' r es h Kill ed , J\ lilk -Fed
S mall
_ __
ChI· ckens
'ao _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
~~ '*'
____"' .... __ ___..._..-.........
...... Genuine Spring La1J1 b .-_ .. Rack Chops
Shoulder of Lamb
- -.I
35c ISteak
Ib 3 e
tb 30c
Neck of La mh
Brea t of Lam')
-----------~------~ -- ...
HUml) or Round
S irlnin
8.15 p. m.
8.30 p . m .
.45 p . m.
9.00 p. m.
9.10 p. m.
9.30 p. m.
9.45 p. m.
10.00 p . m.
CO Pur e
E I~too~·g~~fte~\~~~di~;s t\~~t~\:;ee~~ ~~ ~~~~: . ~~~ruJed I ~~I;~al~~~:I~~t:t~~~ ~; ' i~~:;:!'oS~;'s.Trl~ej~~ T\~Q,~~;~lt ~~te;~II~~~~~.Clm:r~a Camp, n eal' L~urel l
p. m.
p. m.
p . m.
p . m.
5.25 p. m .
5.45 p . m.
6.00 p. m.
6.02 p. m.
6.30 p. m.
7.00 p. m.
7.25 p. m.
7.30 p. m.
7.45p. m.
AS CO or Ri tter Coo ked
-~-~--~---------- -- --- --....
Beans with Pork 3 cans 20c
, Mermaid
1.00 p.
2.00 p.
2.5 p. m
3.00 p. m
3.02 p . m.
4.00 p . m.
5.00 p. m.
5. 15 p. m.
5.25 p. m.
5.30 p. m.
5.4 5 p . m.
5.4 7 p. m.
6.00 p. m.
6.02 p. m.
0.15 p. m.
G.30 p. m.
7.00 p. m.
7.25 p. m.
t he
Pau l W ilstach , of Richmond, noted ~~o~le (I'om ElkL~n ~10~day e \' ning
Dr. L ouis Levin so n, h as an nounced wee k -cnd wi th h i sister, Mi s Ruth
a u t hor and write r, . pe nt Monday in tl:~~I~, ~~~ ~~~~ l~l~~ch~rt~ M~" y.t~~~:~ t hat he wi ll be a candidate on t he R e- Aldrich.
E lk ton.
I wa s painfully cut a bout th e face and publican tick et fo r t h e office of R epM rs . Marion
Schmittinger a nd
h ea d
I th
. I res e n tative and is a s ki n g t he s uppor t daug hter, Betty, have returned to
Mi ss 'adine a s pe rso n . of Miami, ' I , w le n. ~ I'o wn
roug 1
e Wll1c. t hei r home in Che rr y Hill afte r s pendFla., is the gues t of Mrs. George R s.lleld of hI ma chlll e . The men wele of the \'oters o f St. Georges hundred . .
'tl M
d M
A s h.
. b roug ht Lo Uni on H o. p ita l, a nd after
The loca l schoo l wi ll ope n for t he ~1lli:~nm~ic~~1~0 ~~1 1
r. an
, l he ir injuri es we re a tte nded to, r e- , fa ll te rm o n Wedn esday, Sep tember
M I'. and Mrs. E lme r S lack, of WilJIll'S. Sid n e~" H enry Dixon wa s a tumed to t he ir homes.
t h ird. Th e faculty for the yea r s has
r ccent Atlanti c Cit\' is itor.
been lectc d a s fo ll ows: Grade I , mingto n , were W ednes day vi s itors
Laurabe ll e K ennel' ley; Grade 2, Em ma with MI'. a nd Mr ' . Fred Austin.
i\lrs. Margaret L. W e ll s is regi s tel'. Don ova n, Grade 3, El Sie R J one;
Mr. and Mrs . Cha rl es K a n e v is ited
the Be hany Beac h H otel,
I GI'ade 4, Gladys H opkins; G rades 5 MI'. an d Mrs. Jam s N. L ew is , of
cd II
A C8'1n lllg ,l cm(JIl"t r atlo n wa s giv nand 6, I s la P F e rg uson and MlI1n ie
l a;~ m ? nt, on unday.
B thany B each.
at Lhe meetin
of lh e W im odau s is K en ; Jun io r and Senio r Hi gh Schoo l : I . \; IIlIam B e nd ler, of Chesapeake
MI'. and ~Irs . Dav id Li ving s t on e H c.m n emon st mtion Club Mond ay at E t he l ! 1. Roe, Mary P owell , Mary
Ity was the w~ek-end guest of h is
S loa n, of ~al'be t h , Pa. , spent Sunday the homc of ~ [ rs. J ose ph Piers on , n ellr Rigby, Vi ola .Rollings , Vaug hn Baug- , m thcr, Mr. : Ehza B endl er . .
with MI·s. Sloan's mo her, . I I'S . J. Hockessi n.
The de mon t r Flt ion in ne s , N e lli e Poo r e , Margar\'t E m est,
. ha rl es ,!(II'k a~d. s on s , Me rn tt and
Will P e l'ki ns, of Elkton.
charge o f 1111·.. . KFltc H e nl ey Daugh - , L illian 1\l e l'l'ic k, E dwin P. Vog I, M. W illI am hlrk, WIl lIa m Dean and son
42 C
~-~~~-~~- '''''..,-
W here Quality Counts!
Summit Bridge
The Neighborhood liSCO
Store-The Recognized
Friend of Every Community
STOREs co.
Thursday, Augu st 2 , 1930
... -~
5.25 p. m.
5.45 p. 111.
6.00 p. m.
6.15 p. m.
6.30 p . m .
7.00 p . m.
7.25 p . m.
7.30 p. m .
7.45 p. m.
8. 00 p. m.
8.30 p. m .
9.00 p. m.
9.1 5 p.m.
10.00 p. m.
ca dia
12.00 N oo n
12.02 p. m.
Mu s ic
1.00 p. m . Te l
2.00 p . m .
3.00 p. m .
5.00 p.m.
5.15 p. m.
editori a l
5.25 p . m. Ra
5.30 p. m.
5.45 p. m. P
5.47 p. m .
6.00 p . m .
0.02 p . m.
6.15 p. m .
7.00 p . m .
7. 25 p . m .
7.30 p . m . Th e
8.00 p. m . Be r t
log ue ami
8.45 p . 111 . S
8.45 p m .
9.15 p . m . Boxi
ville, Pa.
11.00 p. m . Sign
Thu rsday, August 28, 1930
,Newark To Have
~argest Egyptian dromedaries ever I
a drove of Siberian camels,
I W a Iter L. Malo CIrcus and the miniature animal features
I .
--Iappealing to the children little "Bozo"
Big Show to Appear Here On Tues- the baby elephant that t~kes his daily
ration from the bottle' the baby
day, September 2
camel, t he first to be b~1'I1 in this
Wait for the Big One is the logan country in ove r fifty years; baby
~ now-for Walter L. Main Circus, leo pards, li on cubs, baby monkeys
that sca mper and cavo rt in their
lL==========================d> I Museum, Menagerie and Egyptian cages as t he surging crowds flip the
Wednesday, September 3
Far East is booked to pitch their tents peanuts through the cage bars.
F riday, A ugust 29
1~.0(l :\()()n Wesco Hour of Luncheon 12.00 Noon Wesco Hour of Luncheon in Newark on early morning of TuesThree bands, white, Kilties and
day, September 2. This is the 61st co lored, a long with t he ail' calliope
Radio Station WDEL
New Type Private School for Children
A new type private sc hool for chile1ren of the pre-sc hool, kindergarten,
and the six elementary grades age, a
country day school, will be opened on
September ~4 by Mrs. Ellen Q. Sawin
at Sunny Hill~ on the Lancaster Pike.
The schoo l Will be known as Sunny
Hills School.
The pre-school and kindergarten
will be in charge of Miss Victoria
Fiska, of Berlin, Conn., a graduate of
~:~~ :I: ~: r~~et:o~:t~:;u~~~:.rogram ~:~~~::: i~~~yh~ne~:eerq~~~~~JrOgram ~~::usfO~n:~~~ti:::I-~~~ i!m~~c:~ ~~:t s~!e;,~s b:!S ~~~~r~:Sndn~~ kV:!~ ~~~~a,C~~~erM~!:s;i~~e1~~:'aa~~a~~~
., ~ p. m. Tarpinod weather forecast
:;:U() 1'. III. aro lac correct time
:l.n~ p. Ill. Lucky Letter Club
4.001'. m. RSignl' OR" bl'
5.1,0 ]1 . m. ae 10 am mgs.
5.15 IJ. m. Nc ws F lashes, direct fr~m
(,(mo ri a I roo ms of Every Evemng
fi.~;; 1'. Ill. Radio Ramblings
5.:111 p. 111. Eppe's program.
f> I:' p. 111 . Ply mouth program
o. J7 p. m. HiJltex Co. program
G.on p. m. aro lac correct time
6.0~ p. 1Il . Good News Magazine
:;: :~~ :~~: ~~~~~~a;:o~~::.
7.00 p. m. Reco rdings.
7.~ri p. 111 . Base ball sco res, courtesy
Sayer Brothers
7.:10 I). JlI . Mal'y Louise Pleasenton,
2.58 p. m.
3.00 p. m.
3.02 p. m.
4.00 p. m.
Fore- from gulf to ocean as one of the best, pepped to the limit. The show's past ing personality and a keen under~~~~~~~-:-:-:~~~~~~::--::;;;=-~~~~~~
standing of children. She has had
Carolac correct time.
special teaching and training at both
Lucky Letter Club.
Smith and Columbia where she
Sign off.
taught in t he pre-schools maintained
by the colleges.
6.00 p. m. Radio Ramblings.
6.15 p. m. News Flashes direct from
Mrs. Sawin will act as headm istress
editorial rooms of Every Evening
and wi1\ teach the first primary
5.25 p. m. Radio Ramblings
gl·ades. She is a graduate of Smith
5.45 p. m. Plymouth program
College, 1904, and Columbia, 1927.
6.00 p. m. Caro!ac correct time.
' Miss Elsie Pond, of Nantucket, Mass.,
6.02 p. m. Good News Magazine.
graduate of Smith College, 1930, will
6.15 p. m. Studio program.
be in charge of the higher elementary
~:~~~::: ::~OI~;~:SS. Talk,
;~:~~e~~ ~~:~-c~o;~ :P~:~l~~~ !~n:~~
ing is strict4y mod rn and illcorporlites a ll the new idells in school
buildings. Out-oI-door classe will be
held wh en vel' the weather permits.
Hot lunches will be ser ved if de sired.
'fhe rec reation periods will afford opportunitie for pony riding, swimming, and various activiti es whi ch a
fl\rm so amply provide.
For the convenience of t h day
students from Wilmington and vicinity, t he Sunny Hills bus will call
for children and retul'l1 them to
their homes. Any child may r emai n
for the aftemoon for superv ised
play and cooperation in t he activiti es of Sunny Hill Farm. This privilege is also available Saturdays.
The home unit of the school ha
already been establi shed and will be
carried on in con nection with the day
school. This home unit is unique in
every particular alld ha s proved during the five yea r s si nce its incept ion
a mcdium by which the real home
atmosphere so necessary to the child's
life may be given to all who bccome
m e mb '~ r s of the big family.
Mrs. Sawin is the daughter of the
la te Winfield S. Quigley. She was
educated in the Misses Hebbs School
of this city and was graduated from
Smith Co\1ege, afterwards taking
special work at Columbia and Unive rsity of Chi cago. The child and hi s
problem ha s been her life work. She
is see ing fu lfilled a cherished ideal to
gi ve ever y child the best there is of
health, happiness, and educationabove a\1 to instill in each ch ild a
strong co nfidence in himself to be and
to do.
Dr. Burton Meyers
I group sent each year by Smith for
7.26 p. m. Baseball scores, courtesy
study at t he Sorbonne. At Sunny
Sayer Brothers.
Hills School French will be spoken a s
7.30 p. m. WDEL Radio Players.
much as possible during school hours
8.00 p. m. WDEL Trio.
and at r ecreation. Miss Virginia Edsllp ra~ . . t'
8.30 p. m. Robert Strahorn, Wesley
mondson, of the Cedars, a graduate
n ~~~s'. .
704 5 p. 111. via 10M
Dempsey, Mrs. Franklin Springer
of Miss Illman's School of Philadel.0 p. 111. Hazel
err! , plamst.
phi a, will assist if the enroilinent de.30 p. 111. Mary K. Pedrick and Mrs.
.00 p. m. Foster Sisters.
Arthur D. Smith.
9.15 p. m. Mildred Eha1't
mands a larger fac ul ty. Piano, violin
9.00 p. 111. Southern Novelties
9.30 p. m. Dixie Roamers
=-.....;,;;===~.-..;;;;,-.---""" 1~~l~k~~:~iJ~!a~~ses:s~s will be in charge
n.30 p. 111. Geo. T. Maxwell, baritone; 10.00 p. m. Rose Acre program.
cleanest and educational circuses that reputation for presenting one of the
A Ilne P. Arment, accompanist
10.30 p. m. Sign off.
is pepped to the limit with miracles best programs ever will be fully susA new building h as been erected
10.001'. Ill. ign off
'rhursday, September .i
of action and infallible calculation tained when they spread their tents to h ouse th e new school. The buildpresenting a congress of mid-air sen- here.
S;Jl urda y, August 30
12.00 Noon Wesco Hour of Luncheon sations, scores of the world's noted
A free outside exhibition on the
artists in amazing exploits of which show grounds at 1 and 7 p. m. Doors out flares or godets, with high, dou - I WINTER QUARTERS FOR BEES
-12.00 Noo n Ca rolac correct time .
1.00 p. m. Telephone request program many are entirely new to America. open at 1.30 and 7.30 p. m. Perform- ble co ll ars standing well out at the
Although good colonies of ~ees with
12.02 p. Ill . Wesco Hour of Luncheon 2.00 p. m. Lucky Letter Encore.
Not forgetting the wild a nim al con- ances at 2 and 8 p. m. Especially re- b~ck of the ~eck so as not to interfere
~lu s ic
3.00 p. m. Carolac correct time.
tingent to be seen in many cages and duced prices of admission for this day With the brim of the hat, and dee p plenty . of stor~s o~ten survive. ver.y
cuffs, r eaching in most cases to the cold wll1ters With httle protectIOn, It
1.00 p. m. Telephone request program 3.02 p. m. Sign off.
dens in the big menagerie, also the and date only.
elbow. Astrak han, breitchwanz, beav- i~ usually better in. the Nort~ to pro2.00 p. Ill. Sign off.
5.00 p. m. Radio Ramblings.
er, lynx, fox and galyak are the furs Vide s~me protectIOn. Packmg and
5.00 p . 111. Radio Ramblings.
5.16 p. m. News Flashes direct from
used for tri mming. Tweed and simi- protectIOn tend to r educe t he necessity
5.1 5 p. m. lews Flashes direct from
editorial rooms of Every Evening
lar heavy woolen materials a r e used for heat production by the honeybees.
ctiiloria lrooms of Every Evening 5.25 p. m. Radio Ramblings
for the street coat but the dressier Consequently they consume less food
5.25 p. m. Radio Ramblings
5.30 p. m. Eppe's program
At last the curtain has risen on several models, for t he plain, tailored afternoon garments are of broadcloth, and their vitality. is .not reduced so
6045 p. 111. Plymo uth program
5.45 p. m. Plymouth program
the second semiannual fashion pa- frock as well. In Mme. Chantal's col- leda or duveteen. Besides t he fur col- much. Pack the htve 111 chaff, leaves,
6.00 p. m. Car olac co n ect time
5.47 p. m. Hiltex Co'. program
geant of 1930, and although only a lection it was the outstanding ma- lar and cuffs M. Heim often trims the or similar material to check loss of
6.02 p . 111. Sy lvania Foresters
6.00 p. m. Carolac correct time
very few of the Parisian dress- terial for the str eet and moming coat with a deep V, a triangular piece heat. In generating heat bees con6. 30 p. 111. Blue Ridge Mt. Ramblers.
6.02 p. m. Good News Magazine
making houses have, as yet, di sclosed costume, often combined with other at t he side or wide bands of the fur sume honey, and the water in the
7.00 p. m. Recordings.
6.15 p. m. Studio program.
their secrets, we can deduce f r om materials, as for example, a skirt of placed diagonally.
honey passes off into t he hive as va7.25 p. 111 . Baseball scores, courtesy of 7.00 p. m. Recordings.
The short jacket in astrakhan Per- POI'. Unless t he temperature within
Saye r Brothers.
7.25 p. m. Baseba ll scores, courtesy these few a hint or two as to the tan-colored tweed had a bodice of
the hive is high enough t hi s water
7.30 p . m. Good News Magazine.
Sayer Brothers.
tweed and a long coat and skirt of favor and there are everal of t hese will co ndense. If water runs onto the
7A5 p . 111. Seventh program, Famous 7.30 p. m. Programs from Chester autum n and winter.
In the fir st place, we can speak plain brown tweed had a bodice of red in t he Heim collection cut with R clu ste r, harm results. If the hive is
Yl11p honi es.
Stud io.
pretty d~ finitel y on the important sub- jersey with a brown leather belt.
slightly rippled basqu~, as a rule. packed prop~r!y and if t he colony is
.15 p. 111 . Ruth Collins, pianist
10.00 p. m. Sign off.
ject of the length of the winter skirt.
Much Tweed
There is a charmin g co tume which m gOO? co ndi tIOn, the beekeeper need
8.30 p. m. Alexander Savage, bariFriday, September ;;
consists of a black velvet skirt a have little fear that water vapor will
12.00 Noon Wesco Hour of Luncheon summer frock. The skirts of sports
Several of the street costumes jacket of black velvet combined ,;ith condense within the hive to t he injury
,45 p. 111. Mu s ic Box
costumes are three or fou r inches be- shown by Mme. Chantel consi sted of fin e black astr akhan and a blouse of of hi s co lony. In cold weather en9.00 p. 111 . Andy, harmonica specialist
1.00 p. m. Telephone r equest program low th e knee, of street costumes 13/01' a long tweed coat, a skirt of t he ame grecn and gold lame.
trances should be contracted to keep
9. 15 p. Ill. Mario n Bloch, sopran o
14 inches from the ground (never mate rial, a short belted jacket of a
Among the long fur coats are sev- o ~t t he cold , sudd en .draughts, and
9.30 p. Ill. Norlll an Gentieu, pianist
a~d to prevent mice fro mentern.1 5 p. 111. Studio program
3.00 p. m. Car olac correct time.
er al in ches in t he length of t he sk irt of . till a'n other color in jersey 01' other over a frock of gray crepe de Chine Ing. It IS b~st to ~ontract the entrance
10.00 p . m. Sign off.
3.02 p. m. Lucky Letter Club.
of the afternoon frock depending on line woolen goods. For instance, a or fine woolen material, with a perky to a s pace JU t high ~n ou~h for a bee
4.00 p. m. Sign off.
the material of which it is made and Iiong tobacco brown tweed coat with a li ttle ber et of the fur and others of to pass thro ugh. ThiS vnll then perSunday. August 31
5.00 p. m. Radio Ramblings.
the occasion on which it is to be worn. br?wn fox coIlar was worn with a had ed beaver, umm el' ermin e and. mi t flight in su itable weather, will
5.80 (1. Ill. Opening pt'ogram
5.15 p. m. ews Flashes direct from E ve n the most extreme of these, how- skrrt o~ the same mater ial, a short, of co ul'se, the eve r-popul a r mink, and aIlow .the bees to ca rry out debris,
6.00 p. 111. Miss ionary service
editorial room s of Every Evening eve r , does not r each to t he ankle. belted Jacket of r ed, brown and beige there is a verv smart one of black and wJ11 prevent t he bees f rom beco m6.:10 r. 111 . Program of Hymn s, W. 5.25 p. m. Radio Ramblings
Pari s evening f r ocks are always ank le ~ potted tweed and a blouse of beige galya k sewn in horizontal bands. And ing restless a s might be the case if
Townsend JetYe rson
5.30 p. m. Eppe's program.
or in step length. There are no longer Je r sey.
there are gorgeous eve ning wraps of th ey were co nfin ed.
7.00]1. m. WDEL St u d i 0 C hap e I 5.45 p. m. Plymouth program
un even points or tabs, although th e . The short j.ack~t, sOl!1 ~time s pinc~ ed the new Lyons velvet with fluffy colscrvice, und er direction of E. 5.47 p. m. Miltex Co. program
maj ority of the evening gown s could m at the Waist Ime glvmg the famt- lars of f ox or Iyn. , several of which
"'arrcn Sm ith
6.00 p. 111 .. Carolac conect time.
not be sa id to have an " even liemline," est suggestio n of a "basque," so me- in black, have sca rfs and cutTs of
.00]1. Ill. Orga n Recital, f eaturing 6.02 p. m. Good News Magazine.
for often they are cu t up a wee bit at times worn with a narrow leather white ermin e.-E lene Foste r in "The
Timber is today sold under extreme
!lurry McPoy le.
6.15 p. m . Studio program.
the front to allow of fr ee r movement, be lt, was a feature of the street cos- Chl'istia n Science Monitor. "
competitive co ndition s. Many of our
9.00 p. m. Majestic Theatre of the Air 6.30 p. m. Delaware State Quartette. and in some cases t hey touch the floor tumes of thi s des igner. Ther e was one
utili zatio n problems remain un so lved.
10.00 p . 111 . Si gn Off.
7.00 p. m. Recordings.
at the back, and gowns for f ormal charming costume which con isted of MIN E RALS ESSENTIAL IN
But with the growth of our popu laI.: AYING MASH FOR GOOD
tion, write s N. C. Browll in the Jour7.25 p. m. Baseball scor es, courtesy evening function s often have one or a tailored frock of beige tweed, made
~I()nday. September 1
Sayer Brothers.
two long narrow tabs at the back with a rath er fu ll, godeted skirt and
EGG PRODUCTION nal of F or estry, the development of
new use' for wood, and the illcreas12.00 ;\ oo n W sco Hour of Luncheon 7.30 p. m. Mary Louise Pleasenton, whi ch trail on the fl oor form ing a a .Jacket of. duveteen
which had an It1terestlng arrangement
Th e di et for poultry is largely made in g world demand for wood prod ucts,
l\l us ic.
see ms li kely that we shall need a l\
1.00 p. 111 . Telf!p hone request program
8.00 p. m. Haze l Merril\, pianist.
but it is now taken as a matter of mater ial, which encircled the neck and are defiCi ent m some of t he most Im- th e timber t hat can be grown on our
2.00 p. Ill . Lucky Letter Cl ub .
st areas not used for park recrea
~.:;h p. 111 . Tal' pin od Weather ForeEthe lind Sturgis, piano
tured." If a belt is worn, thi s is never front . This jacket was fastened with
In earlier times wh en a hen lai d tional, a nd protective purpose~.
3.00 p. 111. Ca rola c correct time.
9.30 p. m. Geo. T. Maxwell, baritone but mer ely fo llows the curve .of the I touch of ~reen was carl'led out 11\ .the year and wa s running out on a free
Oyster s are in season again. Th ey
3.02 p. m. Lucky Letter Club.
10.00 p. m. Sign off
fi g ure. In other frocks the material I narrowgl een suede belt and the dlag- range there was no need for giving are extremely valuable as a source of
4.00 p . m. Sign off.
I onal row of the same green I;l'lass but- thought to the mineral question. She various minera ls needed by the body.
5.00 p. m. Radio Ramblings.
Like fresh fish, t hey supply iodine.
0.1 5 p. m. News Flashe s direct from 12.'00
the wai st.
vd it oria l rooms of Every Evening 12.02 p. m. Wesco Hour of Luncheon
From the co.llectlOns which I have especially aPPTopriate for the co llege main ta in a proper mineral halance.
5.251' . m. Ra di o Ramblings
We, today, are cheating the laying
se n t':u s far, It see ms that the tend- girl.
5A5 p. m. Plymouth program
1.00 p. m. Telephone request progl'Ul)l enc,Y to overel~boratio~ of trimming I Th e overblou se or jumper was con- flock of t heir free range, and in addi'OBERLY BI)I-CK CO. ,
6.00 p. m. Good News Magazine
2.00 p. m. Sign off.
~vh lCh wa~ noticeable I~ .the p;eced- s picuo l S in Mme. Chantal's collection, tion expecting them to lay practically
6.1~ p. m. Studio program.
5.00 p. m. Radio Ramblings.
~ngl ?? 1 1eCbO~s ha s been IlIpp ed 11\ the a bit shorter and fitted a little more tcn times as many eggs. It is appal'
6.:lO p. m. harl es Latchum, the Lone
t f
or t e n e~v clothes are much 1to the figure than f01'merly and al- ent that it is necessary to supply cer
Annual C.""c · y 15.000.000 Brick.
5 5
.1 ~di~;ri af~~~~0~sa~f1~ve;~e~ve~~; less o r~ate and, If one may use the ways worn with a belt.
tain min erals in the ration.
909 Orang St.
7.00 p. m. Recordings.
5.25 p. m. Radio Ramblings
ex pre. IOn, " sa ner." Sldl'ts are fuIl er
Brown was unquestionably the preWe find 8.6 per cent of the dry
Phone 2·5614
7. 25 p. m. Baseba ll scores, courtesy 5.45 p. m. Plymouth program
lind .except f or .dl·c~sy afternoon and dominating color for the street cos- matter of the hen and 36.6 per cen t
:ayer Brothers!
6.00 p. m. Carolac correct time.
evelllng ~vea r, w.lthout fn ll s or tumes and the lighter shades of green- of the dry matter of her product is
7.:10 p. 111. Studio program.
. F
Th ey stJ11 fit t ightly about the hip s appl e almond yellow chartreuse and min eral matter. Many di seases can
7 lii 1'. m. Virginia Wintzer, soprano.
R.OO fl. m. The Dixie Troubadour
h.:)(J ". m. Lcsle r Jones, baritone
7.25 p. m. Baseball scores, courtesy Bodi ces a~'e stil l r ath:I' snugl~' fitted s isted of a short, loose jacket of mole- example, when the ca lcium supply 1S
T. M. SW~~AN
!l.OO p. m. Hi storic Rambles.
Sayer Brothers.
bu tdth ere IS ;;Is~/t l'C.VI VU! o~, what we skin dyod a warm da rk brow l1 and a low t he hen's skeleton will for a time I
MOi~::::: Grod ~~work.
!l.IS p. m. Chalky Adams and hi s 7.30 p. m. Good News Magazine.
~ S(\ to c~
Set1.t -fittl~g. .gowns, plain, double-breasted frock of heavy act a a r oseI've storehou se. If the
Phon '129
Ol'che~l ra
7.45 p. m. Eighth program of famous III t . 0 ~1 p,"lnchcss .111 os.
hI S IS seen dark brown woolen crepe worn with deficiency is not cOl'I'ected the skel eton
Office Hou ... 0.;
11 tn I. ond 2 to 5
10.00 p. m. Sig n ofT.
~?~\~~~/ 011~1 s~n~il~: I~~~~\es~r:!t~~.f~~s~ a bright blu e leather belt.
after a shol't time beco mes porous and
I~:~~~Y'.ll~r~d.y ond Saturday
Tursday, Se ptcmbe r 2
8.30 p. m. Alexander Savage, bari- tt t'
A defici ency of min erals, a lack of
~ ~e n Ion 1 ~ l~ he given to t e ~I ceve,
The new soft, Lyon s velvet of which sun shine, cod liver oi l 01' cod Iivel'
11.00 a. m. Organ Rec ital from ArU f, as ~~>
Have see n bl1 0t llIng ;0 I wrote you, wa s used by Mme. Chan- meal in the ration will make the hen s ' ' ' -P-h-o-n-e -1-6-" 6----'-lI'-E' -B-U-"-"~
u Hlia '1' heatre, featuring Mrs. 8.46 p. 111. Music Box.
. I
con '1I' III
owevc r, etween . 0 tal for several evening gowns and more suoceptiblc to other poultry di s
Fra nk lin Sp ringer.
9.00 p. m. Andy, harmonica specla ist. and 40 ?f the gl'ea.t dl'essmakll1g wrap s. One of t hese in a duH pink cases.
SELL Noo n Carolac correct time
D.16 p. m. Marion Bloch, soprano.
ho u ~es wt ll s h ~w t hel!'. new models co n isled of a round cape reaching
A good commercial egg ma sh will
12.(12 p . m. Wesco Hour of Luncheon
9.30 p. m. Norman Gentieu, pianist
dUl'Il1g the COllllng fortmght,. ~o that just below t he knees with a big, brown contain special min eral feed s, giving
9.46 p. m. Sign off
by th e t l me that the next article goes fox co ll ar and a frock with a skirt the hen a proper mineral balance in
1.00 p. 111. Telephone request program
w?S lwHrd: I shal~. b e able to speak \~ith "fal e godets" stitched o~ either their ration, with t he exception of the
2.00 p. m. Lucky Letter Encor e.
~'nth mOl e authollty on several sub- sldo so t hat they stood out rather like egg sheH, which can be much more
ZE IN TRUCKS p. Ill. Si gn off
ol'gan pleats and a bodice with an cheap ly suppli ed by keeping oyster
Ploen"tr~ 520 ~~~:~~~~ St.
5.00 p. m. Radio Ramblings.
In working the soil around the Jects.
At the prese nt moment I can tell extremely high neck for an evening shells availuble. It is onl y when using
5.15 p. m. ews F la shes direct from roots no air spaces should be left
(.dilo l'ia ll·ooms of Every Evening ' wh II t he tree is finally planted. The you on ly of the novelties which were frock, l'eachin~ just to the collar a home mixture or a cheap mash that
yesterday afternoon by Mme. bone' and stitched at t he top to give certain min e ral sa lts mu st be added to
0.25 p. m. Radio Ramblings
soi l shou ld be firmly and carefully
6.'~0 p. m. Eppe's program.
packed so tha.t the cannot be Chantal, one of t he really grel\t de- the impression of a yoke covering the t he poultry mash. That in part is ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I 'I'll ••
Ca ~ t Slone
of femini ne fashions, and by tops of the should ers and with a bow why a good egg mash, while its origi5A5 p. 111. Plymouth program
s haken ' fro m Its PO~ltl?n, says the
SA? fl. 111. Hilltex Co. program
AllIerican Tree. Assocl~tlOn of Wash- M. Heim, whose hOllse has an excel- of t he velvet at one side of the front. nal cost may be high er, is worth the
Ba thrOGln AcceasorJea
[email protected] p. n1. Carolac correct time.
ington. The pomted stick and tamper
6.02 p. 111. Good News Magazine.
may be used, but fingers and heel are trimmed garments, and who has re- eral evening gowns and wraps and sary.
2500 W . Fourth St.
6.15 p. m. Studio program.
more efficient for small trees and less cently added f rocks to hi s coHection. there were two lovely even ing gowns
Phone sto.
7.00 p. m. Recordings.
liable to bruise the roots. A ~opular
The absence of navy blue (in fact damp-proofing paint by dissolving I ~::::;:::::~~=~==~~
7.2.:; p. m. Baseball score s, courtesy and excellent way 1lo get the SOil pro~- interestcd in seeing thc usc of the
new materi als of which I wrote you of blue in any shade) was very notice- paraffin in gasoline or kerosene I;
Sayer Brothers.
erl y around and. among the r?ots IS
a short time ago. The new loo sely able in both the collection of Mme. warmed to 80 degrees. Use a 10 to 20
7.:10 p. 111. The Stagers.
to so ak the soil m the excavation afwoven
out.~tanding Chantal and of M. Heim. Brown, per cent solution (* to Ph pounds of
W ••ti,..tlouoe Batter"
.00 p. m. Bert Henderson, piano- tel' the roots are covered and, aCt ~ r "splotches" of black or white, which green, black and a dark red, more on paraffin per gallon) and apply several
logue and songs
the water settles,. to complete the flll - look so heavy and yet are really ex- the cardinal than wine shade, are, coats. The lighter solution is better
8.45 p. 111. Studio Chatterbox.
ing in of the SOIl. An Inch of loose tremely soft and supple in the hand, from what we have gathered thus far, for compact natural stone and the
Hpud.ill. Shock Ab.orbera Sal..
and Service
.45 p m. Raymond Zawlsza and his soil or leaf mould should be placed were used in great variety by both to be the fashionable winter colors.
heavier for brick or concrete. Be careELMER E. POTT! BATTERY CO.
about the tree to pre~ent the soil from these designers. In the collection of
The fur-trimmed coats which M. ful to do work of this kind only where
0.15 p. m. Boxing bouts from Leiper- baking. The ASSOCiation wiIl send M. Heim these goods were used for Heim showed us yesterday, were se- there is goq,cl ventilation, natural or
Ph..... 411.
WIlmJqt_ i
ville, Pa.
an~ one, for. a stamp, full tree plant- the long, fur-trimmed coat and, in verely cut in long, straight lines, with- electric light, and no fire .
11.00 p. m. Sign off
ing suggestions.
N~:~u~:~:'l a~e:::l:::rti:e
;'~~~k~n ~hh~sfr~~!t~~~hes~~~~J ~!~: ~~~t:~lef;~~ss~~~~t~:;O~!~~~~er:~
~:~~ ~::: ~!~~:~~~t~~. eks~mblers. :\:~~~et~; h~~) ~~;;e k~:~t:rh:~~;~~w~~~ h~~-~I~ere; ;~:rt;est~~~~i1~~· t~n:i1~~~: ~~:d~~n~~.:ra;:~t t~/Ot~: ~.~~f~~~C~~I; IIr============~
49 W
The Newark Post
Founded January 26, )910, by the late Everett C. JohnaoD
Issued Every Thursday at the Shop Called Kells
Newark, Delaware
Harry C. McSherry
Editor and Publisher.
Entered as second-class matter at Newark, Delaware,
under Act of March 3, 1897.
Make all checks to The Newark Post .
Telep hones, 92 and 93
The Subscription price of this paper is $1.50 per year In advance.
Single copies 4 cents.
Candidates Report at Newark
for Training Next
t and invite communications, but the1l must b/J signed btl .th/J
write~,~n1l.ame-not for pI,blicatio1t, but for our information and pro tectum.
(Continued from Palle 1.)
ma n, Ri sing Sun, Md., third; St.
Pete r's Volunteer, owned by Cowe·
view Farms, Glasgow, Del., fourth.
Cia s o. 2- Bulls one to two years.
up donated by J. W. Sigman, Elkton; fir st, Raleigh's Warder's Noble
Jack, owned by James Bryan, Trappe,
Md.; second, Coronation's Oxford Cid,
owned by Chamber's Rock Farms,
Newark; . third, La Sente's Oxford
Volunteer, owned by Rich Neck
Farms, Earleville, Md.; fourth, War
O. K., owned b)' J. M. Camel', ~eavitt,
Class No.3-Bulls two years and
over. Cup donated by Major W. J.
Hawkins, Claiborne, Md.; first, Dairylike War Bread's Prince, owned by J.
H. Mitchell and Sons, Hockessin; second, Imported La Sente's Oxford
Prince, owned by Coweview Farms,
Glasgow; third, Greystone's Oxford
Imported; owned by Chamber's Rock
Farms, Newark; fourth, Keeper's
Dream, owned by Deakin and Coleman, Ri sing Sun, Md.
Class No. 4A-Heifers under one
yea r. Cup donated by Holly Beach
Farm, Aannapolis, Md. ; first Coronation's Bowlina, owned by James
Bryan, Trappe, Md .; second, La Sente's Liberty Belle, owned by Thomas
E. Walton, Jr.; third, Oh Gracious,
owned by H . E. But ler, Centreville,
Md.; fourth, Dairylike's Mamie, own-
Owing to an outbreak of rabies in Christiana Hundred N
Castle County, Delaware, the State Board of Agri cu lt ure, cO';per::
ing with the State Board of Health and the Game and Fish COIll .
sion, by power of the Laws of Delaware, does hereby quarantin IllIS.
dogs in said Christian~ Rundr~d: New Castle, ou.nt y,. tllte of ~e~~
ware, until further notice, requiring ~hat all .dogs In quarantined area
be securely tied .or confined on owner s premi ses. All ".~, lunning at
large shall be killed.
This quarantine effective beginning on this date, Augusl 25 1930
Ralph C, Wilson, Secretary,
State Board of Agriculture.
Robert P. Robinson, Presiden t,
Board of Game and Fish Commissioners.
Athletic authorities of the University of Delaware are sending out invitations today to a squad of student
football players to report for pre-.:
uJ't!nnllEuullll, lJflowl'rs. ,arks. fSl'ttrr &dynnlJl. Wrtl'~:
Iiminary practice on Wednesday of
next week, September 3. Lieutenant
W lJTwliy Air. &ut1a~inl'. anll Work fnr fUl'ruhnlly.
terested in. Th e mutte r ilf taxat
E. P. Jolls, president of the Athletic
thi' t:~;
Council has sent the notices out.
as was also th at of proper repr
It is expected that about 35 players
the ~~n.
will report and in this group will be
In ~he Legisla ture bnd party con ate
a large number of freshmen who have
AUGUST 28, 1930
the ~en.
entered the university several of them
(Continued from Page 1.)
that Wilmington anci rura l New
having been awarded the open scholthere seemed to be six women to every tie County pay 94 per cent of all th
arships that are being offered for the
two men, which also made it no less taxes and ha ve a popu lalion of 162
first time this year.
"a man's town."
000 compared. with 75,000 for the tw~
This week will see the close of the campaign that has been
American cigarettes, they found, lower countleE.
onsequently h
co nducted for the past month and a half for the inspection of ~Il who will report next week are : Craig,
sold for 30 and 35 cents a pack, argued, New Ca lle County shoul:
automobiles bea ring Delawa r e registration. Present r eports In- Marvel, Haggerty, Henning, FullIng,
whereas Turkish and Egyptian cig- ~ave better reP?'esentation than no.
Squildicate that the campaign has been very suc~essful and that more
lace, Sloane, Tunnell, Aarason and
arettes were comparatively cheap, but ~~n~~~ti~~~.LeglslalUro and the party
than eighty per cent of the car s have been lllspected .
poor smoking compared with the variRoskin. Frankie Mayer and "Rip"
After the campaign .closes it is t.o be ~oped that t.he State Smith, of last year's Newark High
eties manufactured from tobacco
officials will carry out t h eIr announced llltentlOll of removlllg from School, and John Dayett, who played
grown in the United States. The
the highways all cars that are un safe for driving and did not take on the Newark High team a couple of
Frerich Customs authorities were
ad va ntage of th e oppor tun ity fo r inspection.
. .
years ago, are among the freshmen in
more or less lax, members of the
Thursday the Ord l' of Ea,tel'n II/
Th e motori ts of the State displayed a fine spmt of co- this locality who are also to report.
orchestra found; but in New York, of New Ca t ie held their picnic II
"Gus" Zeigler, the head coach, and
upon their return , "Ah, it was a dif- Deemer Beach and ::t large crowd at.
opera t ion throughout the campaign and this attitude lessened the
hi s assistant, Charley Rogers, a star
ferent story. They went over us with tended the affair.
tas k of the officia ls in charge of the work to a la.r ge degree. There at Penn several years ago, who is to ed by Martha W. Mitchell.
a fine-tooth comb; nothing escaped
was of course th e us ual number of stragglers WIth the result t~at coach the backs, will both be here for
.Sunday t he S.t ea mel F ranklin IIiII
Class No. 4B-Heifers under one
bring from Ph iladelphIa ol'er 1200
almost ever y inspection station in the State \~as rushed durlll.g the sta.r t of practice. "Doc" Doherty, year. Cup donated by Miss Panal,
rsons to attend lhe picnic of Ihe
the present week taking car e of those who faded to have theIr the graduate manager, will be on the Earleville, Md.; first Coronation's things easy for a few weeks until the
Polish Falcon, Ne l :-\1). 1i.
Bowlena, James BI'yan entry; second,
ca r s looked over earlier in the campaign.
q n Sunda y and al ~o on Labor Day
After all the inspection caused no expense to the car owner ~~~ ~:o~~~ ~~:~;:n!~~ f~~;e~~lIr::;~:! La Sente's Liberty Bell, Walton 1930-31 academic year the latter part
there will be a large di splay 01 fire.
unless repairs were needed and in that case the car owner. should the final arrangements for the pre- entry; third, La Sente's Daisy Prin- of September.
work s at th e park . As this el'ent ha'
}'ave been glad to ha ve the knowledge that the car was not III g~od
-----been highl y adverti. I'd and a I'e~
be done on Frazer Field. Arrange- fourth, La Sente's Rh y me, owned by
working order for his own protection as well as for the protectIOn ments
large cI'owd is ex peded, the park
will be made for a training Coweview Farms.
of the motoring public.
is ma king ~I abo rate pn.
table and sleeping quarters for the
Class No. SA- Junior Yearlings.
With the rapid increase in th"! !lumber of ~he .automoblles football squad to keep them all to- Cup donated by Hoagland Gates, St.
parations t o take care of the crow~
and the congested co ndition of the hIghways whIch IS a natural gether during the football season.
Mr. F. A. Girone, of \'ineland, N. J,
Michael's, Md.; first, Raleigh's Lady
aftermath a m echanical unfi t car on the highway is a menace and
will be in complete charge of the fire.
The university band is to turn out Roseba y, owned by James Bryan;
works exhibition. l\I r. Git'one has hid
the car o\~ner should be the first person interested in having that for all home games this year and will seco nd , Ral eigh's Queen Anna A.,
(Continued from Page 1.)
~ a ny years' ~ x PH ie n ce in handling
also go with the team to some away own ed by H. E. Butler, Centreville,
condition corrected.
were placed in nomination for dele- chs plays of th iS km d, thereby insnr.
We heartily congratulate the Delaware Safety Councll and from home games, Special blue and Md.
Class No. 5B- Junior Yearlings. gates and on the vote of t.hose present ing success at t his exhibit. The di,.
the Secretary of State's office for the manner in which the cam- gold caps for the members of the band
paign was conducted and we h ope the next session ?f the Legisla- to be worn at football games have Cup donated by J . Wirt Willis, Wil- from that district Mr. Boyce and Mrs. play will begin ju st after dark and
mington, Del.; fir st, Raleigh's Lady Tomlin received a majority of the will continue well into the night
ture in t h eir wisdom will effect a plan whet'eby thIS work can be been ordered.
The football schedule includes nine Rose bay, Bryan entry; second, Ra - votes cast. There was also a contest Man y new a nd un iq ue novelties hal!
games this year, four at home and leigh 's Quee n Anna A., Butler entry; for alternates. Charles Barrett, Mrs. bee n sec.ured fo ~' th is e\·ent.
five away. The season will open Oc- third, Tiddled ywink's Daisy Ann, Albert Vincent and Lewis Thorpe
Sometime during th e month of SI~
tober 4, with St. Joseph's College in owned by Coweville Farms; fourth , received the majority vote.
te mbe r a large SWl l11mlllg meet iii!!
Alth ough Senator Hastings may be Philadelphia and the fir st home game War Bread's Daisy, owned by the
There was considerable di scu ssion be ~e ld . at Deem e ~' ~ each and ~;Jt.
without opposition in the State Con- will be October 11, George Washing- Man or Herd, Cla iborne, Md.
over t)le entire procedure and espe- mel s f l om all 0\ el the state iii!!
ve nti on when that body meets here on ton University. The season will end
Class No. 6.A--'Seni or Yearlings. cially as to whether or not in a con- I compete.
Tu esday, September 9, the same is with a Thanksgiving Day game \vith Cup donated by Miss M. England,
for delegates the Democratic
not t ru e of t he Congressional nomina- P. M. C. at Chester. Th e complete Ea l'leville, Md .; fir t Gamboges Fern test
voters in the entire hundred should
tion for which a battle is now being schedu le follows:
Smi lax, owned by Jam es Brya n,
vote in all contests or just those in
The App leto n Grange plan to hili
waged between form er State Senator
Oct. 4-St. J oseph's at Philadel- Trap pe, Md.; second , Oxford Bea u's
Charl es du Pont Ridgely, of Camden,
M a ~' Lad y, own ed by Harry Staple- the particular di stri ct where t he con- a fie ld da y at Appleton, \\'ednesdll,
test occurs should vote. It is likely September 3, at 1.30, standal'd limt.
and Congress man Robert G. Houston.
Oct. 11-George Wa hington at ton, Bear, Del.; t hir d, Gadabout Girl,
Senator Will Be Unopposed of Georgetown. Mr. Houston is comNewark.
own ed by Franklin Hawkins, Clai- t ha t the Democratic County Commit- Mr. Reuben Reyn olds, ~I r . T. Z. ~1iI1!r
will be called on to settle this and Pricilla B. P an coa ~t are on Ihl
pleting hi s third term in the lower
Oct. 18-Gallaudet at Newark.
ho rne ; f ourth, Imported Pilgrim
for Renomination; Con·
, co mmittee to ar range for peaken.
House at Washington.
Oct. 25-Rutgers at . New Brune- Dunce, ow ned by G. K. Harrison, question.
gressional Fight
rdles s of the action of the Th ey have th e f oll owing: Dean C.l
The last week or ten days ha s witwick.
meetin g it is assured by the follower s McCue, of th e
nivCl',ity 01 DehIt now seems quite probable t ha t nessed a large increase in th e demand
Nov. i - Swarthmore at Swart hClass No. 6B- Seni or Yearlings. of both Bayard and Marvel that there wa re, as s peake r in th e afternOIC.
Senator Dan iel O. Hastin gs, of Wi 1- of Kent Cou nty Republican s that the
Cup donated by J . H. Mitchell and will be contests in both the second and and E . I. Oswald, Di ;;tl'ict Aget;
Nov. 8-Mt. St. Mary's at Newark. So ns, Hockessin ; fir st Mascots Stray thi rd di stricts. There seems no doubt Agriculture Ex ten ion . ellice, ~ci.
mington, will be unopposed f or the Congressional nominati on be placed in
Rep ubli can Senatoria l nomination. t he central cou nty. In addition to
ov. IS-Drexel at Philadelphi a.
Bowlena, ow ned by the Man or He rd, t hat both faction s will try to elect two ve rsity of Maryl and , for he el'ening.
Wi t h less than wecks remaining Senator Ridgely, the name s of R. E.
oV. 22'-:"Haverford at Newark.
Claibo rnc; seco nd, Graystone" Gaunt- delegates in each of t hese districts
Mu ic will be f urni ,hed by Jatl
befor e t hc State Convent ion, t here is .Jones, of Harrington, chainnan of
Nov. 27-Penna. Military College let, owned by Chamber's Rock F arms;
whi ch will probably mea n the filing and Tom Seaf on t he ('urnel and flutt.
prac t ically no acti vity in t he rank' t he Kent County Republican Commitat Chester.
third , Ma jcstwman's Shy Empress,
of additional names as ca ndidates for a nd by .the Elkton Band. There IIilI
of hi s opponents to bring out a ca ndi- tee, Wallace Handy, of Dove r , at
Coweview Farms entry ; four t h,
delegates in each di stri ct. It wa s ex- be s po r ts at 3 o'clock for men, womfl
da te again st him.
pr ese nt Coll ecto r of Internal Revenue,
R hymc Exile Lad y, Coweview Farms pla in ed that the action of t he meet ing and children, in charge of }lrs. Onilit
Senator Hast ings, a fo rmer Muni- an d Cha rles Hanra tty , of Smyrna, a t
cni ry.
cipal Judge in t he ci ty of Wilmington, pr ese nt Uni ted States Marshal, have
lass No. 7 A-Cow two to t hree is in no way final. Candidates for Ottey, Mr. Laurence I!oh~nn and ~r.
delegates and al ternates can fil e their Fred Martenis
has served in t he United States Sen- bee n men t ioned in connection with th e
yea rs. Cur do naied by P. D. F olwe ll , nam es with the coun ty committec
A cafeteri a surp€'l" will he serl'!il al
a te sin ce D 'cember, 1928, when he nom ina tion.
Newa rk ; fir. t, Philidora's Sybil, Butwas appointed to fill the unexpired
Senator Ridgely opposed CongressIe I' ent r y; seco nd, Impor ted La t un t il 9 a. m., standard time, s eptem- 15.30 by Mrs. Robin Mn. }ll·~. A. Buu,
Mrs. J oh n H ob on, ~I 1'- .•\ . D. hon.
te rm of for mer Se nator T. Coleman ma n Houston two yean ago f or th e
(Continued from Page 1.)
Chance, owned by P. 1. Harriman , bel' 2.
Af.ter t he pri.ncipal business of the Mrs. Wm. McC l osk~' and ~11" . John
nominati on, but withdrew from the learned t hat it wa s desi r ed to give Elk to n; thi r d, Somi ne's Sweet Da iry- meeting wa s dl spo ed of Mr. Boyce Laws. Th e tab lc cha il man will be llr.
d u Pont, wh o resig ned at that time.
For a time after Senator Hastings race wh en he lea rn ed t hat it was t he Mr. Hou ston one more term in Con- li ke, Herbcrt In:o lo entry; f ourth, wa s called on for a t alk . He said t hat Albert Willi s' icc (' and soft
an nounccd him self as a candidate sev- des ire of th e leader s to give Mr. H ous- gress.
Philadora's Cza r inc, }3ryan entry.
whil e he proposed to make a figh t at drink, MI'. H'osea .'lIli h. )11'..t D.
e ral mont hs ago, it appcared that ton on.e more te rr~ at Washington.
Announcing hi s candidacy more
o. 7B-Cows two io th ree
t he primaries and convention for hi s Short, Mr. W m. McClo;ky; adverti,.
there woul d be opposition to hi s nomi- Imm edia tely fo llOWing that Conven- than a yea r ago, Senator Rid gely ha s yea rs. Cup donated by,P. I. Haniso n;
ice, he will. af.t~r the fight is over , ing, Mr. Al be rt CO\1(j,.n . }II'. Elwoc~
na tio n, amo ng other persons a promi- t ion, Se na to r Rid.gel:;: beca~e a candi- been very acti ve in hi s drive for sup- fir st, Ph ili do!':l's , ybil, But ler ent ry;
nent woman in the city of Wilming- date for th e nominatIOn thrs year and port ever since. As a dry candidatc second , I mpo rted La t Chan ce, H UITi- a.blde by the deCISion .of .the ~o nven- Zeb ley and Miss P ricilla B. Pancoa,l;
tlO n and support t he "wlnntng ticket.
lights, Mr. Elwood Z"hll'Y.
ton being mcntioned as a prospective ha~ been condu~ti ng an active c~m-! ~ e ha s a t tracted a large amount of man nt l'Y ; hiI'd , La Sente's Sybi l
Mayo r Frank Collin s, of Newark ,
aspirant for the place.
patgn ever since.
Th e pOSSIbl e Influence t hat he did not have two Quce n,
Fa rm s
en lry ; 'ai d t he re are oth er more im portant
Drinking vc ssels 1'1 ~e poultry
In r ecent weeks, however, nothing J st rengt h of th e Ridgely ~ollo wing. is yea r s ago. Congressman Hou ston, fou rth , \ olun leer Society Bell e, Cowe- matter s in t hi s campa ign than t he house s hould be k<,pt (In a plntlom
ha been hea rd of t he candidacy of one of the probl ems lhat IS bothering who only en ter ed th c race sever al vicw Farms ent l'Y.
cand ida tes and tha t he was probably a bout 12 to 18 in cl". .. fro m the floor.
t hi s woman or an y othcr pcr :on f or 9rga niz ation lead er s. He is not on ly month s ago, ha s thu s far failed to inla 'S o. 8-Cows t hree to fo ul' 1110r e interes ted in t he prospective
This arran geme nt 1 "'ps the con·
i he place held by Senator Hastinge maki ng hi s campaign as a bone dry dicale hi s attitud e on t he wct and years. Cup do na te d by R. F. Simp on , plalfo rm t han he i in th c ca ndidates.
ta in el's and th e wat l'1 more ~a n ilar)'.
and with t he Conventio n so close at ca ndidate, but al so r ecent weeks has dry iss ue, although the Repu blican 8as to n, Md.; fil' ·t, I mported Miss He said t ha t in hi mind t he matte r
Mak e t he platfor m of ,bu:. and Jargl
hand it is t hought the plan s f or a dcvcloped t he fact that leaders in State Convcntion is less than three Ap ril , BI'oad lands J e rse ys ent ry, Elk- of prohibi t ion was not the on ly imcan ,ta.od
co ntcst ove r th is nomination have variou s sections of the State have weeks away.
ton; second , Ral eigh: Fla hy J oy, po rtant iR ue t hat t he peo ple are in- enough so tha t t he hi
on it cOlllforta bly \1 111),' dri nki ng.
bce n dr opped.
. opcn ly a nn ounc d t heir r efusal to
When question ed' r cgarding t he r c- Deakin and ole man entl'y; third, By
Th e candidacy of Senato r Hastings support Housto n a nd if no per son but cent announcement that 1. D. Shor t J ingos Oxford Love, Co wevi ew Farms
will create a rather uni que situation Ridgely is opposing lhe present Con- of Milford, a prominent Republica~ entry; f'.)lll'th, Bella'
Fairy Lil y, j ~,.!: •• --------------------------------- _____________ _ •• ___ .. _... .. ... _ _ _... _.~1
in Delaware poli t ics. Alt hough he has g ressman th cy figure t hat the sup - leader of Sussex County, would not Deakin and Co lema n entry.
been active in Republican politics and por t of the e \'ari ous Icad er s will be support Congrell man Hou sto n thi s
la' s
o. !I-Cows folll' to five ,
held various public officcs during the tu rned over to Ridgcly, t herby in- ycar, Scnator Ridgely stated that the ~·Cat·. .
up donated by Mrs. W. J.
past twenty yea rs, Senator Hastings creasing his sta nding a s a cand idate a nn ouncement wa s no surpri se to him lI awkin,
laiborne, Md.; fir st, Im- ,
has neve r before appca red on th e bal- fo r the nominati on.
as Republican leaders in many parts po r lcd Broad lands Debutanle, Broa d- ,
St. Georges, Delaware
lot at a genel'al election for any office
Many conferences on thi s su bject of t he State are r efu sing to aid t he lunds .JCI· ey. cn tr y ; seco nd , Imported ,
wi l hi n the gift of the voter s.
have becn held during recent weeks prescnt Congressman in procuring a Marie De BoulivoVs P a nsy. Co wev iew ,
Whcthc r Scnator Hastings will at Dover, but apparently no solution fourth term .
Fa rm s cn try; t hi rd, Imported Broad-have t he required str ength t o solidify to t he problem has been found. Other
Th c activiti es of Senator Rid gely lan li g Barbara, Brya n en try; fo urt h,
th votc of t he Republican party is a confer ences are on t he program f or evidentl y have not been confined to Go lden Nob lc' Dewdrop, Cowev iew ,,
mu ch debatcd qucstion and wi ll prob- thi s wcek.
Kent County alone this year as he Fa r ms.
ably r emai n unan swe red unt.i1 after
Th ere appca rs to bc no contests for stated that arrangements had b~en
Class o. 10- Cows over six year . . ,
thc votcs a re cou ntcd on electIo n day. the other nominations to be filled at completed f or dclegates suppo r ting Cup donated by M. C. Sherm an,
Befo re appointment as Senator, th e Convention. State Auditor Ed- hi s candidacy to appear on the ballot Quecns town , Md.; fir st, Imported
MI'. Has~lngs . ervcd as a commandin~ ward Baker, of Dover, now complet- in every elec~ion di strict in the State. P oppy's Golden Broadland s J cr eya t ........................................_............... _.... __ . ____ _.~
gener al In .the. forces of ~he Re~~bh- ing hi s second term a s State Auditor, . Senator Ridgely served ~our years cntry; seco nd, War Bread's Jane,
ca n organ lzallOn and hi S deCIS ions i slaied to succl!ed himself as is also In the State Senate and hiS work in BI'oadlanda J er sey entry ; t hird, Wa r~
.•• '1'....\1
man y t imes wcrc not popu lar among Insurance Commissioner James G that body was such that it attracted dCl"s Fairy Noble, Coweview Farms
~~.Q~~~m~~;~.~;'.'.'." " "'''' ._._........ ~
the politicians. It has often been con- Shaw of New Castle If Mr Bake~ wide attention in this State. He has e ntry; fo urth , Ral eigh's Fancy F ern
tcndcd lhat t hi s class of political ' is no~inated and elect~d it wili be the made known hi s attitude on every im- Girl, Cowevie w Farm s eniry.
worke rs ha ve sharpened t hei r kni~es first time in a number of years that portant issue and hi s followers realiz~
Class No. ll- Get of Sire. Cup doto Use on t he Se nator wh en electIOn a State Auditor has been given more that he has been a close student of nated by Earl Shaffer , West Grove,
Prepares For
day arrives.
than two terms.
the National government and the Pa. Get of Ral eigh 's Warder ChelTY
As a Scna.tor he appears to ha--:e
Th e conduct of the Auditor's office problems that are facing the Federal Boy, Cowevicw Farms entr y, winn cr.
met the r~qlll~emen ts of the ~epubh - du ring the Baker administration has law maker s.
Class No. 12- Prodnce of Dam . Cup
can organtz~tlOn, although hiS stand bee n ve ry good and the manner ill
dona ted by Richard W. Willis , Glas~
on se vcral Important measures that whi ch the various accounts are hangow. Produce of Golden Noble's
were b fore .t~e. Sen.ate ~rought forth di ed and audited has brought forth
In loving memory of Margaret Franccs, owcview Farms eniry, win• ular Courses Preparatory to College
so me loud crltlc~sm In ~hls State.
much praise for t hc present adminis- Porter who passed away August 23, nero
cml Course for High School Gradua te
Senator Hastings mlgh~ be terme.d tration.
Class No. l3- Sweepstakes for Best
asda vOrtehgethtelr. He carrIes the attlIt is understood that another term The children of Heaven were robed Animals, rcgardless of age or sex.
Three Commercial Coursesd Music
tu e" t e a ~ fello~ well met and was offered to State Treasurer Howin white
Cup donated by Jack John ston, New Departments in Art a n
hilS a host of frIends
many circles. ard M. Ward, of Wilmington, but And happy at play in the City of ark. Dairylike's War Bread's Prince
Athleti s Under Experienced Coach
He .has steadfastly aVOided any decla- that official promptly declined and is
J. H . Mitchell and Sons, Hockessin'
r~tlOn on the wet ~nd dry Issue and out of the race with the relult that When Jesus came smiling and said to winner.
WlII. probably. refrain fr0!T' doing 80 Fred Walls, of Georgetown, an active
His band,
Class No. 14-Champion Calf ClUb.
~ntll after hiS DemocratIc opponent Republican in the lower county, is
Sadly missed by
For the best calf entry in show. Cup
or atalogue Write or Call to ee
18 selected, When he will prObablYJSlated 811 the candidate for Mr. Ward's
The Lloyd Family.
donated by J. Irvin Dayett, Cooch's
a statement suitable to the situ· place: Mr. Ward sened two tenns Here's another little playmate, give Bridge. Coronation's Bowlena, James
Dover, D e l a w a r e . ...dJ
In thIS office.
Margaret your hand.
Bryan entry, winner.
=================-===--===="==== I
A utomobile Safety
"=================== = === ==-
WesIey C0II·
eglate Inshtute
~..~.~.~ ... ~~.~~~
and Mrs. Fred Jackson
.. ('h llrlntll' Dayctl, of ooch's
MI'. George Lagges of thi s place is
II l1d \lis~ Marjo ri e J ohn son, t he pl'o ud owner of a new Ford coupe.
\,,' h"('11 lOllring ~u ro pe , ~·e·
Mi ss Lo ui se White man, of Avella,
h,,"I<. ~ I o n dn.y . 111 g ht. M!ss Pa., and M.i sses Bockus and Prosser ,
n j, .'IH'IHling l hl s week WIth of Philade lphi a, s pent Sunday with
1II0th,'\ ~I, ,. Eve r tl . J ohn so n, . R. E. Lewis and fami ly.
lI'ashingl"n, ~
Little Miss Jean Lewis spent sevMrs. Cpa ·Il'.{ B. Jacobs, Jr., and e ra l days last week with her aunt
~" n , "f \\' nle rb~ry, Co nn., are and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
u r(·w dnys WIth he r parents, Picrce, of Wilmington.
~ I r'. C. C. Hubert.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCool Ilre
will jui n t hem later in th e
spend ing their vacation Ilt Wildwood,
. J. Newark friends recei ved cards
P. K. Mu.<se lma n, who has been this week telling of the delightful
the past wee k with Mrs. t ime t hey are enjoying.
mall ,otHI his da ugh ter, Barban,
Mt. 1'0,·,,110, Pa., has returned to
M I~~
home h('I'(·.
(Continued from Pan 1.)
W. A. Singles, I. S. Brinser, OrviJJe
Little, Paul Lovett, A. B. Eastman.
Leaders : Scoutmaster, A. E. Tomhave; Assistant Scoutmasters: T. A.
Baker , Yernon Steele, and Whitney
Day; Junior Assiitant Scoutmaster,
Woodrow Singles. .
,'. /Inri Mr~ . Art hul' Meyers, of
.Firs t Class Scouts- Merritt Burke,
, Itl .. !Ire visi ting his parents, Wm. Day, Jack Geist, Harlan Herd~Ir,. Joh n Beye rs.
man, Wm. Merideth, Kent Preston,
Marj >rw Bowel', of P erryville, Woodrow Singles, Harry Wilson.
b; d~i 1111: MI'. a nd Mrs. Jack
Second Class Scouts: Alex. Cobb,
Randolph Eastburn, Wm. Fletcher,
James Frazer, Charles Gibbs, Robert
iss Allnl t;al la her, w ho has been Ha nco<;k, Bayard Perry, OrvillE: RichEu ,."p!', an ived home Mon- ard son, ~ugene Smith, Neal Smythe,
,.~. Th! odore R. Dantz, who Harold TIffany, Vernon West, Eugene
ilh hel', will not return un t il White, Otto Widdoes, Donald Wilson.
Tenderfoot Scouts-Berna.rd Door. 7.
dan, Wm. Fraser, John Hopkins, Ross
Hutchison, James Hutchison, Edwin
Knauss, Clifford Lomax, Robert Lumb,
John Slack, Ernest Smith. William
Wil son.
The troop has been under the
sponsorship of . the American Legion
P ost for t he past two years. This
connection has been of great benefit
and ~ I r ~. Raymo nd Burnett and to t he Scouts in man y ways.
are "pendi ng some time with
The annual troop camp will be at
in ;>.le w Hamps hire.
.\ Lovers' Retreat, on the Cha mbers
Rock Farm, Augu st 30 to Septe mber
and Mrs. W. A. Wilkin son 2. The use of thi s idea l camp s ite is
Margaret W il kirfson are made possi ble t hrough the generopity
relAtives in Williamsport, P a. of Mr. and Mrs. P . D . .Folwell. This
event comes just before the opening
and ~rrs . ha rl es Clark, Mi ss
of schoo l a nd g ives an initial impetus
('lar k and Dong las a nd Willard
for t he yea r 's work. S unday, August
of Pon Oepo,S it, were dinn er 31, wi ll be visitors' da y wh en t he
'. of ~rr. and Mrs. Harry H .
camp is ope n for inspection by paron Tu sday evening.
e nts a nd friends of t he Scouts .
(Continued from Palte 1.)
Fairview-Cornel' Ketch r Olltl, t hence
by concrete rOlld to Corne r Ketch,
thence by. the c~nc~cte and maclldam
r oad passlllg F81rvlew ·School and t he
Pike ~reek .macadam road to its intersectlOn wIth t he Marshal.lton-Ne~ark road known as the CapItal Tr81I,
thence by the last mentioned road into
Newark, t.o the Newark School. There
are about 105 pupils on thi s route.
New Castle Route No. 21- From
Glasgow via Glasgow-Elkton road to
and by the new macadam road passing Pleasa nt Valley School to ElktonNewark road (Lincoln Highway)
thence by way of last mentiont!d road
to the N ewa rk School. There are
Ilbout 25 pupils on this route.
Up to Augu st 26 Ilbout 210 pupils
ha,:e made application for transpor·
t~t!on to the. Newark S.chool. In add.ltlOn to paylllg for thIS transpor.ta.
tton the State Board of EducatIOn
als~ pays the Newark Board. of Educahon about $69.00 per pupIl for a ll
pupils at~ending t~e ~ewark School
from outSIde th e DIstrIct.
The Superintendent of the Newark
School has been designat~d in the
transportation contract, by the State
Board of Education, to act for and
r epresent the State Board in matter s
g rowi ng out of thi s contract r elating
to the local conduct of the service. It
is sug~ested that those pupils who
are entItled to tpe benefit s of tran sportation and who live in t he tel'1'itory cover ed by the several routes
should make immed iate application
for transportation on the blanks pro.
vided. Such blanks may be obtained
at the office of the Newllrk School on
any school day or will be sent to
t hose parents who r equest them.
Acco rding to the rules and regulation s of t he State Board of Education,
no .child in th e sixth grade or below
is ent itled to transportant if he does
not live in excess of t wo miles from
the nearest sc hool of proper grad e,
and no child above t he six th g r ade,
if he does not Ji ve in exces's of three
miles 'f r om th e nea rest schoo l of
proper grade, Ilnd no child above the
sixth grade, if he does not li ve in ex·
cess of t hree miles from t he nearest
school of proper g rade.
O~bo l'ne
and s is te r are
'[~\'~I~(. hom of
MI'. and Mrs.
Dawso n and
r elatives in
"1' an d
onover hll ve
, f""11l a two wee ks ' vacat ion.
. \\ iltialll I~va n s an d son, Wil.I·'mit·". L. 1., a nd Mrs. Marion hmon d Hills, L . I. , are
• II'
1'11('1'. ' "
:;~~~ ~~,:;>"I;~\a~::s.
J os. Cris tadoro,
\!J . !lInn, he. C;;;-pto n an d da ugh -
r Philadelphia, were weekIrll,· t ,f Mrs. Trcno Reed.
I '1 Ilnrin(' Brood , of WilmingI h,' l!ursl of J\{l's. E. C. WiIin ( , IIIl'sto wl1, this week .
• IV
iss ~ar:1 Steele and Mi ss Lettie
, ,!' alp s p('nding two weeks in
, 1';I'~la nd Slat s.
. \\;t.
For The Post
1930 Ford Model A Coach
1929 Chevrolet Sedan
1929 Chevr
rolet Sedan
~~7s ~~~~a:s cI::~ ~~a~h~~:~~:~!i"a~~
crue under the above paragraph (a).
(c) Students of high school grade
attending the State College for Colored Students or having to board in
town where a high school is located,
will be allowed a maximum of 40
cents per day, provided the distance
from their home to the College or
high school will justify that amount;
otherwise, the proper mileage allowance will be given.
Contract Awarded Stiltz Brothers Inc
t thO
' .'
e con/~\ S:~lt ye;r t~as afaln
~~~ awa~ e dO h I bZ 1'0 er s, d n~ .,
~he Z;~:r~ ~~nce :~ deenT~xecutet
e .
L ' bTt I
hor b la I I Y d n;ura nce, a
as een care or.
Phone 2-9800
It Is Your Priviiege
To Draw a Will ...
~h~o p~~~v~f e:he o:o:tr~~~er YasB~:ll ~~
t e con drac
h' h
w IC
No matter when you die your will is
your last expression on this Earth. It
embodies your hopes for your dependents' future and it disposes of whatever
estate you have to leave, no matter how
large or small.
Announcing the Opening
If you are not satisfied to allow the Laws
of D laware to dictate how your estate
is to e divided, without regard as to the
parti ular requirements of each m_S<.U.l'-"....
of ~ ur family, then
your Will,
na ing the I
nal as your executor
(f tru
Maturity V alue $200.00.
Office at the Farmet·s' Trust Conlpany
'V C
", 1-
J . E. DOUGHERTY, Seorelllry
~"l..=====================:'JI' I
The foll ow in g letter giving t he experi ences of a first-year man a t the
U. S. Nava) Academy at Annapolis,
was r eceived by Prof. Barker , of the
Newark high school faculty, from
Ellis Ritte nh ouse, a graduate of the
Newark High School thi s year, who
is now beginnin g hi s four·yellr course
in Uncle ' Sams school for Naval
office rs :
An napo li s, T hurs., Augu st 21.
Dear Mr. Barker:
I guess it wo n't be much longer now
until you have to go to work again!
huh? I've been out for football the
la ·t f ew days and f ee l kintla blu e, al so
S ure g lad to hear that t he new
school add it ion has been sta rled at
last. I didn 't suppose t hey'd star t
work ing on it fol' a year or so. Seems
!ilee th ey are us ually pretty slow
about t h ings like t ha t .
We haven't started in 011 any ma t he-I
matics yet, s.o t hat I can't te ll you
how t hings compare with what I've
bee n la ug ht a lready. We've been
having a touch of mechanical draw- '
in g--descr ipt ive geometry-but not
enough to hu rt yet.
Started right in with English as
soon a s I :;oot here, so that I can keep
Mr. P ease posted on t ha t. H e prete nd s he Ii kes to hear about it, anyway. Tha t's so me encourage ment.
One thing that struck me as an
advantage in all our studies. Nearly
every text book has been written by
l he perso n t hat's going to teach us.
I remember you told us that you were
th inking of writing your own text for
Senior Math. Well that's exactly what
these f ell ows do.
M.ust quit and go to an English
I lectUl'e.
Tetley's y,; Ib Pkg. Orange Pekoe Tea ....... .. . .. . )Jkg. 23c
Regular IOc size ... . . .. ... . ............ ... . 3 for 25c
Camay Toilet Soap, 3 bars 22cj I )Jkg. Med Ivory '
es (Free)
CROOK'S COFFE,J<;Vel'!"G'ood, Mornin"
Red ( 0
e Lil) Jar Rubbers .. . ....... pkg. 7 !J2 c
.Jar Ca)Js . ... ... dozen 25c .Jelly Glasses .w ith tops, doz 39c
Ma on Pint Jars, dozen 69c Certo (Sure Jell) .. .. bottle 29c
Pa rowax .... . . .. pkg. IOc Mason Quart Jars .... dozen 79c
Tender Chuck Roast Beef. . . . . . .
.lb. 18c
Cor~er or Shoulder
Ml's. Geo rge Ru sse ll and
l(aYllIond, s pe nt thc week -en d ut
Roast ...................... ' .' ..... lb. 25c
AI I';, Md., and motol'ed to Ke nlpGenuine Spring Lamb, Roast Leg or
n an d 'ray lol'8 vi ll " Md ., und on
h'lI'k s top ped at Cooksvill e.
Loin Lamb .... .. ..... ....... . .. lb. 31c
'" I"an nie
lary, of Baltimore,
Shoulder Roast Lam b .. . ./. . . . . . . . .. lb. 22c
th, wce k- nd with her s ister,
C;""I'I:(' Ru ssell.
Prime Rib or Loin Lamb Chops. . . . . lb. 43c
lind ~It·s. Wm. L. Tryens and
Meaty Stewing Lamb ................ lb. 15c
I.('o na. Be rn y~e, a nd :<\ncl~ew
I:llf' s t~ al "The WIl lard " tn WIldMachine
Sliced Bacon ....... . ... .... lb. 37c
Wood •. ' . .1.
Dry Salt Fat Back ................... lb. 16c
~ I i ," ." .
' . We wi.·h to extend OUI' t hanks to
lh i ;\'" ,Ll~7.llb. lh Ltnde ll I.S pendtng Irela t ives, fr iend s und cmp loyces of
Sound Ripe Bananas ...... . ....... . doz. 21c
(k In lll Clll natl, OhIO.
the National Fibre Co. fOI' sy mpathy,
MI'. and 't l's. M ic ltacl Sweeney, of I fl ora l offe rings und use of automobiles
hrHl(' r. PlI., Mrs. Thomas ,weency i during our reccnt be rcuve ment in the I Fresh Fruits and Produce at Attractive Prices
, '!.ll'k P. fa lco m retu l'll ed -to
h"tn( nn S. Co ll ege ave nu e from
\\ ihning lo n Gene ra l H ospital,
Frank Gal s, MI'. and Mrs. Herbe rt
Kea ton, Mrs. Helen Bowlsby, MI'. and
MI·s. Griffith ' Moorc, MI·s. William
GrllY, Mrs. Harvey Gregg, Mr. und
Mrs. William L loyd, Geo rge Lloyd,
Loui se chaffc I', Wilbur Moo re, Lillian
Gregg, Rlllph Gregg, End Gregg,
Juni or Gregg, Bobbie Sidwell, Dorothy
Lloyd, Billi e Lloyd. Hermlln Gray ,
Billie Gmy, E lsie Bowlsby, Junior
Bowlsby, Evelyn Bowlsby, EIlI'! Moore,
MI'. and Mrs. William Lloyd ga ve Il rrvi n Crowe, Billie Casperson, Ralph
pllI·ty at their home on August 20 in Gregg, Sr.
honor of their daughter Dorothy's
fourth bu'thday. A delightful evening
wa s enjoyed, after which refreshments were served.
Those prese nt were: Mr. and Mrs.
We ~vI~ h to extend our thanks and
apprec IatIOn to our f riend s and neighbors and also emp loyees of th e National Vulcanized Fibre Co., for the
flowers, use of cars and kind express ion s of sympathy in our recent
bereavement of our grandson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Buckingham.
Books of the
, ..:ontinued from Page L)
cer tificate r enewed, will be required
to attend the summer teacher s' trai ning con r se at t he Univer sity of Dela·
ware on the basis of one summer sess ion for each year away from teaching with a limit of four summer ses·
Dr. Holloway explained that thi s
regul ation was r equired in order to
De laware
ls will Septemfo r t he
st part
open on
bel' 2. In some di stri cts, du e t o local
co ndition s, t he open ing date has been
changed to a week later.
Dr. Holl oway ex pressed him self a s
being well pleased wit h t he outlook
(01' th e coming school yea r .
It so m times happcn that pupils
l'eside in an arca which is not provided with bus tran s porta tion due to th
s ma ll number of pupils to be tran sported. F or such ca ses the State
Board or Ed ucation ha made the following provis ions:
(a) F ive cen ts per mil e will be allowed for each child in the 6th grade
or below, who lives more than two
mil ils from hi s nea r est sc hool of proper grade; or in t he 7th grade or aSove,
who lives more thlln three miles from
t he nearest sc hool of proper grade;
provided not more than forty cents a
day sha ll be allowed for anyone pupil. (N ea rest schOOl mea ns school
nearest to hi s 'home providing hi s
prope r grade.)
Tr~nsportll;tion is allowed only for
th.e dIstance III excess of two or three
mIles as the case m~y be.
(b) When pubhc co nveyanc.e IS
used, reimbursement will be made for
Open Saturday Evenings
keep t he teachers uniform and acquaint t ho se who ha ve been away
f r om the profession wi t h t he' type of
in s tru ction t hat is now in practice.
Rnd . Utl R , o( Moores, Pa., and Mrs. death of our hu sb~nd and father ..
hllrl (" Willi s, of Hillsboro, Md., were I
Mrs. John J. WIlliams and FamIly. \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.J
A Mammoth Aareptlon OYer Half Century Old.
Grand Free Exhibition On Cire... Grouncla at 1 , 7 P. M.
Doors Opa 1:30 A: 7:30' P. II.
PerfOmucel 2 I 8 P...
bel' me 011 my bil"thday. Spent thl!
cv lIing with his mother while I sat
home alone . I often tell him that
there is all the di/fel'ellce ;n the world
between him and my si<ltor'8 husband.
ow wouldn't you think that for the
sake of 010' lov e he ?vol/ld mend his
lUays? I often lUOlwel' how 0111 ' 11Wl'l'iage is going to end as we (I)'e allUays qualTeling.
Music-of a kind-the low, throb- se lected to I'epresent that theatre in
bing strains of (pe current blues song. the big contest. The next day her faee
The wail of the saxophone. The sharp was beaming. I cannot believe it, t hey
calcium glare of the spotlight. The chose me. I'm Miss Uptown. Monday
jovial announcer. These tWjlnty young nig ht is the next elimi nation contestladies hav
been selected as the r guess I will get elimi nated.
prettiest of their di strict. The one to
She got into the finals. She survived
be finally crowned queen tonig ht will that contest and finally met the eleven
be selected by you, and win the hand- other girls who a lso had survived. She
Answe r .-It is too bad YOll couldn't
some silver cup, donated by John Doe was defeated. But she was a good m1lrry your perfect brother-in-law, if
& Sons. The runn er-up will receive spo rt about it, said a customer. Sh() that is t he way you feel about it.
the hand some embroidered suit given had a philosophy abou t losing a con- Instead of extolling hi s virtues and
by Sea & Compa ny, t he well-known test. That sounded too good to be beli ttling yo ur hu sband, however, you
sporti ng goods store. Give the little true, but good enough to be investi- mig ht employ your ti me more profitgirls II hand. Murmured app lause. gated. 1 journeyed to her home, which able by ta king a few notes from your
The lin e of girls in t he wings in bath- is a neat li ttle apartment that she clever sister . Apparently she knows
ing suits straightened up, became share§ with her sister. I saw photo- how to handle a hu sband. What you
ten se. Right hand on hip, out t hey graphs of her in t he now hi storic call perfection in her husband may be
s tep, hips ,' ",aying, shoulders back, bathing suit.
purely a matter of fair play, under chin up. There /are s miles and smiles.
" I think it did me good to lose," she standing" and good management on
Some look at the audience with a fixed said. " I never expected to win, honest her part. Instead of looking for
smile. Others anxio usly wrink le t heir I didn 't. Of course," she added truth- faults, she ha s learned to look f or
fore heads as they try to keep the fully, "most girls say they never ex- good qualiti es. No doubt she is pleasat the
exact requi site di stance from t he girl pected to wi n when t hey did all along. ant, agreeable and kind. P erhaps if
in front. Others are more natural and But I didn't. Girls who lose are either yo u would give your husband a little
s mile gayly. Out in front the friend s good sports about it or t hey are not. enco uragement instead of harp ing
and acquaintances and general publi c If t hey are not t here is always some forever on t he goodness of your
clap and applaud, and stamp for t hei r other reason for their losi ng. The brother -in-law, you would see a great
chosen one.
judges we re prej udiced or t hey did improvement in hi s attitude towards
One is finally chosen as Miss Af- not r ea ll y see them, or t hey f elt ill you. Tears won't help, and constant
ghanistan. The disappoi nted Misses- the night of the co ntest or the winner cr iticism will only antagonize him and
would-be-Afghanistans, smile brightly was a co usin of the judge or some- make him all t he more stubborn. Few
and applaud their chosen one, but in thiing like that. But t ha t wasn't the men r emember a nniver sarie s, unless
th eir hearts far different reactions are way it was with me. As a mattei' of tactfully reminded. No man remains
going on. Miss Afgha ni sta n chron- fact," she la ughed, " I was so ill the pleasant and agreeable when his home
icles her r eaction for the public night I was chosen Miss Uptown, I is nothing more th an a bat tlefield,
prin ts. he says she never hoped to could ha rdly walk on, but I didn 't where constant warfa-re is being
~ Ji
win it. She wa s very much surprised. want to quit, a nd t hey chose me any- waged. Always quarre li ng you say,
Even now she does not know what it how. I a mglad I was in the contest t hen why not stop it. It takes two to
is all about. She is sure she will wake because it gave me experience. I make a quarrel and I have no doubt CHAMPION COWGIRLS TO
wife of Buck Lucas, one of the best
up and find it is all a dream-but th ink it wa s better for me t o lose t ha t yo u do your share. If you value
known of all the cowboys, and they
enough of the fortunate a nd lucky now a nd gain experi ence and stage your happiness you'll stop behaving
RODEO CLASSIC have a baby daughter whom they
1I1iss Afghanistan. It is not with the prese nce a nd t hat sort of thing. When like a spoiled child. Nobody is perhll(e taken on the rodeo circuit with
winner of a beauty contest t hat this I really go on the stage I can make fect, not even yo u. No doubt you have
When the World Series Rodeo opens them ever since 'she was small enough
litt le story is concerned, but with the good, rather t ha n win a contest-think a few unlove ly tra its t ha t get on yo ur at the Municipal Stadium in Philadel- to use a big Stetson hat for a crib.
10 ers. For eve ry winne r there a r e I kn ow it all , go on t he stage and be hu sband's nerves. P erhaps ' marriage phia on September 10, the list of en- When the Philadelphia, New York and
many losers.
a fl op. Losing isn't so bad. Of course ha s proven an eye-opener to him too. trants will include practically every Boston rodeos are over, the Lucases
Did you ever pause and wonder how it effects girls different ly. Befor e the Life is too seriou s a thing and love circuit of the West. Bronzed and' self- will retire totheir ranch near Fort
it felt to be a loser? There is a queen is chosen all the girls tell her is too prec ious to dwell upon miner r eliant, some of them pretty according Worth, Texas.
" Inview of t he food
slend er girl wit h blond hair and a and tell eac h other what pretty hair fa ul ts, whether they be his or yours. cowgirl known on the great rodeo
Rene Shelton comes from the pic- large sections of lhe
straight nose and hazel eyes. On most she has, and wha t pretty skin this one It is about time you were coming to to show-girl standards, and all of turesquely named Cowtown, Texas. present, due to the
days you will fin d her busily engaged has and what pretty ~yes you have your sense~therwise you will be t hem endowed with the beauty that Rene is one of the best of the women Ka te Henley Daughert\'
at a certain popular priced restaurant a nd they all say 'You'll win t he con- one perfectly good an swer to the comes with perfect physical fitness, bronk riders, and a fancy rider as Home Demon st ratio n Ag~~t
of the du Pont Highway. With great test-but they don't believe it. They problem, "Why hu sbands leave home." these girls are as adept at the stren- well. Another Texas lass who has en- hooves us as home makers to'
eclate she removes dishe s and listens tell t heir own girl friends , 'Isn't she
J ea nne Smith.
uous cowboy sports as are the men. tered the lists is Bea Kirnan of Fort every bit of th e urplus
pensively as you give her your order terrible. I don't see how they ever
Some afe ~arr~ ed, an~ travel the Wort h. Last year at the Worlds Series vegetables possible for
for corned beef hash-and mind the picked her'; a nd when some one has TREATMENT FOR
rodeo CIrCUit WIth theIr husbands; Rodeo in New York she won the title pantries. Not onl y is it
poached eggs, not too we ll done. With won, they all unite against her, and
SUNBURNED HAIR others own ranche s, to which they l'e- of the world champion cowgirl bronk food will be sca rCe thi s
uncanny swiftness yoI' order is placed say to .each other-'Well, you are lots
tire after the season is over. All of rider. Tad Lucas, incidentally, won shortage of food always
before you, your check perforated. In better looking than she. You should
The direct rays of the sun are them devote their summers to com- j the trick riding title in the same prices. President Hoover
ot her words, t he gi rl is good.
have had it,' and t hey mean it more splendid for curing many ills, but it peting for prizes in the '1llany cOll- series of contests.
mittee at work now
Severa l weeks ago one of the girl's than the first compliments t hey paid, is quite possible to overdo sun treat- tests held between Calgary, Can., and
The cowgirls, like the cowboys, the problem of th e
steady customers noticed a cha nge in but what t hey really think is that ments. While many of my readers E l Paso, Tex.; between California and enter the rodeo competitions "on t heir certain sections of the
her. She wa s extraordinarily gay. She t hey shou ld have had t he prize." She ha\'e been enthusiastic about the Kansas.
ow n." They depend upon their own
"We in Delaware,"
acted as if it were a positive pleasure stopped ta lking a nd we laughed to- effects of sun baths for scalps troublAnnie Oakley will live in pop ula r proved abil ity to win prizes, for no Daugher ty, "can do much to
t o.. erve you chicken and lettuce sand- gether. "But, honest and trul y," she ed with dandr uff or excessive oili ness imagi nation a s t he fir st cowgirl. Now salaries or r etainers are paid in the selves by cann ing the
wlches, or to get yo u another glass of said at last, "1 think t he loser if she - my mail at present also conta ins ther e are more t han a scor e of young worJd series events. All of them will and vegetable ' which we
wa te r. I'm in a beauty contest, she is a good sport, gets more out of letters from readers who say that women who make a good living bring their own horses, for , in fancy unti l fa ll. Th e apples
finally confided . I lasted in the eli mi- losi ng a contest t han a winner does, t hei r hair ha s been ruined by the sun. through bronk riding, trick riding, r id ing particularly, much depends t he ground in many
nati on ~ontest in our . loca l tjleatre and that is not sour grapes, either."
It is very true t hat hours in the boil- fancy roping and even wrestling upon the close association of rider state can be made i~to
and tO nigh t one of us IS gOing to be
J eanne Smith.
ing sun will dry the hair and i ca lp stee r s at r odeos. Such headline rs as and animal.
sauce, apple butte r,
entirely too much, and wi ll give the Rene Shelton , Bea Kirnan, Mabel
The Philadelphia rodeo is to be ~~~~ t:\7:edri:~~'on ~~:
dl'y faded look. Ofte n the hair is Strickland, Velda Tindell, Tad Lucas given f or the benefit of Camp Happy,
much abu sed during t he summer a nd F lorence Randolph will compete municipal healt h camp for under- ga t her ed and stored in fruit
SCRAPBOOK-SO I AM PASSING THEM ALONG TO YOU month s. One wi ll go swimmi ng and at t he Philadelphia Western sports j nouri shed children. This rodeo and used as bQiled or baked lima!
- -.
get the hair wet and then be on the spectacle. This eve nt, and t he others t he events to be held later in New t he winter."
Do not be afraId to cut yo ur " dlrec~ion~ in the successful rai sing of beach and let it dry in Lhe s un and j to foll ow it at Madison Square York and Boston are sponsored by
"Each home ma ker," says tie
fl owers, for .the more you .cut, the poppIes IS t hat they should not be wi nd . Long motor drive s al so have Ga rden, New York, and the new Gar- t he Madison Square Garden Corpora- Demonstra t ion A enl, .
more you wil l hav.e, for thiS keeps I moved except when they are in the t a disastl·ous effect on many head s of den at Boston, are t he fitti ng climax- tion. Allen Branin, who has made a enough tom atoe to em
th e blooms fr om gOing to seed.
dormant or non-growing period. If I hair.
a true world series-to t he season s uccess of the classics held a t the tomatoes in somc form at
b ed that yo u wish
' now drawing to a close in the Garde n in seasons. past, IS
. t h e .genera 1 anotweek
g the
ti me that
, .
. .
you .h ~ve a l
Now what is to be done about hail' that IS
th em
If you ha~e cut )OUI to diVIde or to move to some other which has become bri ttle dry and West.
manage r, and hIS arena aId s are gard en."
a~d are hoping for a fa ll flower ing location, now is the time to do it.
fad ed, and a scalp which is' absolute ly
Tad Lucas recently won the relay J ohnnie Mullens and Ray Bell, who
gIve th e . plants, whIch by now should
dry. Nothing unusua l-simply t he riding and trick riding even ts at the have been identified with the great
" In spi te of the drought,
b~ S~ owlnfg fimalny new shoots, a top
With a favorab le seaso n peas sown bId t reatment of massage and brush- Cheyen ne F rontier Days celebration- rodeo events of the West and East seem to be plen ty of
lels s l~g 0 h y gro und bone mea l or now shoul d yield a good return in the ing wil l bring t he hair back to its "the daddy of t hem all.' She is t he for many years.
can and the pri ct'
pu veuze( s eep manure.
~~~~ t~~~c~w;~eW:~:;~d.varieties and natural state. Do the brushing fil'St,
~i~~o~~ ~l\:~et f l~:~~l~\.~ter
The area around hyb rid tea and 1
taki ng a sma ll section at a t im e. Use
Green tomatot ' tttn he u ell
hybrid perpetual roses should be kept
It is tIme to harvest . your oni ons a. brus~ whi ch is not too stiff, but l
sliced toma 0 pIckles. chow
well cultivated and given a good ap- when t he tops turn ye ll ow .. Pu ll t he m WIth brIstles whi ch are very long and
to ma to mInce mcat Utlhze
plication of bonemeal which should be up and let t hem dry out In the sun fl eXIb le. The reason for the bl istles
bage by ma king ~ou r kraut
rak ed into t he soil.
, for a day 01' so. This is called cureing b~ing long is t hat they s hould - pene- I
- -.
con sidered such a good food
them. When they seem t horoughly tl ~te to the s~a l p so t hat It. WIll be
Plans of the United States George hIgher Ideals of clt~zenshlp and to contll1u e ~I r~ Daug herty.
When phlox and golden g low have dry remove t he tops and sto re the st Imula ted dUl'lng the brushing pro- Washington Bicentennial Comm IssIon create a keen apprecIatIon of George
Th e Home Dunon tratlon
ceased boomi ng, cut t hem back and ,. bulbs away in a coo l place for future c':ss also. Always brush upward- be- for the celebration of t he two hun - Washington in the hearts and minds add s, "If you nccd leclpes for
ginni ng at the sca lp- go way out t o .
of t he American peop le. Then' par- j any of t he thi ng< mentioned
fe rtilize t hem with sheep ma nure. use.
Thi s should pl'o mote a fine seco d
th ~ end of t he. stt'and of han' in one dledth annlve.1 sary of the birth. of tICipation m this feature of t he pro- let' me kn ow and I "I ll be glad
G.ive. tomato plan.ts t hat are just stlOke. the han' upward George Washington m 1932 prOVIde I gram of women's activities will be a them to you In the meantime,
beginn ing to set frUIt, a top dressing helps .to m.ake It soft and fluffy, whil e for the active participation of wom- fine, pat l'iotl c service, of dIstinct do no t '1 t an\' food go 10
To sti mulate the growth of you r of ni trate of soda or ammoni um sul- brush ~ng It downward ha s just the en's organIZatIOns thro ughout the wOI·th to theI r countr y as well as to around youI' pl';rr when
dahlias, chrysanthemums and hY- 1 ph.ate, but take care t hat t hese fer- oPPosIte ~ffect of making It fl at a nd country. Under the direction of Mrs. a ll persons within t he scope of theIr people I'n thl' c'ount rv of ours
drangeas give t hem a dose of manure tllIzers do not come in contact with unattra ctlv D .
t h b h'
. fl
water, about a quart to a plan t, that t he plants nor should t hey be scat- brush sh ou~d lll'ln.g e . I'US Ing t he John Dicki nson Sherman, a member , In uence.'
hun gry t hi wint~ I'."
is, of course, if yo u have not fed them tered too close ly abo ut the roots. Dis- f·
~~ \~I ~ed off on a towe l of the Co mmi ssion, this feature of t he The programs appear in pa mphl et
recently. Remember yo u do not want trib ute it over a strip of grou nd about lI:quen . y, a el WI se any dust or I celebration is progressi ng with a form with a list of authorities for
to f orce t hem too much.
a foot wide on each side of t he plants f~'~mhea;~~ll be brushed right back into , s harp. Impetus. .Complete programs ' refe l'ence f~r each program. The
> .. ~ :-10 '
I and cultivate it in to the soil
Aft . b' h'
dep Icting the lIfe, character and range of subJ cts covers t he life story
I HOI Ll ,
Jeane' Smith.
pI" I e~ \~S Ing a tOnIC may be ap- achievements of George Washington of George Washi ngton as indicated in
One of the most important cu ltura l ,
I'e~~(i t ~ak e scalp. Th~ fo ll OWing have been prepal'ed for use d uring the fo ll owi ng titles. They are:
Accor din g (l .. ne of the la wi .
'1 es a good o~e . One ou nce 1931and 1932. Papers on the forty "George Washington and His Fami ly lure it becoll1t" lIec~s5ary for
cha nge her coat of plumage .
I sorti ng them and cataloguing them
for evenin g references. When the rum' one dra~ 'i OUI . ounces of b<lY InformatIve, educatIOnal and Interest- Was hington," "George \Vashi ngton's year. DUri n!! the pen od she
un fa ir to l'\lll'rt ve ry
hu sband comes home to dinner he is
"Jeemne" anBw e1'S elll qllestio1!s
entiment," way of p~·oduction. We,
g r eeted by a tea rf ul wife and a song \vi:h ~b:~'be:t~ot~PP yT~? t he. scalp women's orga nizati ons is counted ing ton t he Man of
relatillg ' to 1)roble1lts of lIJal'1'ied
I" I t '
IS tOnIC may upon to arou se the proper sen se of "George Washington the Man of houl d st r np to help a ,
and dance in which hi s fa ul ts are be
life. Names anel c£eld1'esses should
paraded and the virLues of his broth- afte~PP I ~( h wlce a welek, an~ a lso g rati t ude to t he founder of t he Re- Action." "The Social Life of GeQrge through th~ nwIt by good I
be Cleleled to lette1's, as el ?nUl'k of
er-in-law extolled. Is it any wonder sca lp ~ac sb ampoo untl the haJr and pu blic, that the memory of George Wa shington," "The Mothe r of George , br ding mcthod,.
Ju st beeau sc a hen cease\
!Jooel faith, but of course will not
tha~ he strain s at t he leash, forgets plyi n ~~e tec~m~l normal. After ap- I Wa shington and a true im pressio n of Washington," " George Wa shington t he
anlllversaries, buries hi s face in the mass!ge/w.. ~~I~h ~e l ~~ar .~h~U ld be hi s inspiratio n and service may live So ldi er," "G eorge Wa shing to n Lhe ' wh en s he stal·t~ molting doe!e:
be pllblished. Write "Jcnnne,"
newspaper s and hates t he very sound Begi n at t~e b e k a / °h t e ngel's. 1 forever in t he hearts and mind s of the President," "Geo rge Was hington the ' mit ll ' to cut du wn on .he~.
care of The Newal'!c Po st, W ilof hi s brothe r-i n-law's name? Dottie work
t t h ac a t e neck and pcop le.
Builder of the Nation," "George manu facture lIf an enti re) t
mington OffiCI!, 809 T atnall St1'cet
Rega l:d in g th e participation of Washington the Leader of Men ," of plum age . . wl~lch rcpre:cnt
is behaving like a spoiled child . Here bc su~~ t~at e t~~o:n of t.he head, and
Wilmi ngton.
i her letter.
duri ng the rna s ca lPMl tse lf moves women In t he celebration, Mrs. Sher- "George Washington the Chri stian." ce nt of the loml, total weigh,
S' h
age . . assage does man says :
0 1'
t hrce 1II",. IS an
eanne mIt.
not mean mere ly rubbing t he sca lp , "G .
W h'
MI s. She r man states that t he pro- .t . .
tl • 1M I', System.
The age who remarked "Molasses
it means moving it.
h's ,eorge th a~Dlnltodn w~s t~no~n m gram are now being delivered to all ~ I ~III on i ~l (l u(,~ aliy a
catche more flie s than vinegar" said Deal' J eanne Sm'ith.'
a mouthful. Of course he had a lot
I have been ma1'1'ieel only six
e; :' (aa~ ~~he ~ro~:t~r:i~~ t he ~a~t~: local units of nationa l organizati.ons , ~~·o l~~~r ;)~l: m"'d~ an
of cru st to compare mankind with months. Although I love my husba1tcl, IF YOU LIKE PRE'ITY prLLOWS tel's.' It is fitti ng, th erefore, t ha t f he ~i~n~~ol~~a~iv~ndto t~~!J;I1al!h~~~mb~nI~~: heat produr-ing fe~ds i~cor:::e~'
co mmon hou se flie s, but this was just I am the lIto.~t unhapPll gir l in the
- .
wome.n of our c?tmtry ~ake a major dressed to the George Washington hcr comfo !' ahle In t
another way he had of aying that wM·lel. For the past tlwee l1tonths I
Love ly pIllows f organdie in lJaste l part m the com mg natIonal celebra- Bicentpn ni a l Co mmiSSI'on W h ' t
feath ers.
men are mor e su 'ceptibl c to flatter y Ilave CL l 1IIOS t, cnee
. 1 mll ell e8 out. B e- S h
I d t h c co lorfu l yam and fl oss t'Ion. Th ell'
' pal'." WI11 be a crusade for Bui lcilng Was hIn gt
If 'h
H( es an
0 ' C as mg on
' Cl.~~ I''. ," \,( 1' n ti. meh\I hi!
than to criticis m. T he re arc few fore I ma1'1'ied 11t1l husbetncl I though t a re never too num erous. These can
on, . .
nced s a r!ot lOn that I~ Igthi
t hings a man won't do for t he woman he was just about pel,/ect, but I mu,st be "shadow qu il ted," eac h pIll ow to
tlble and one that contnlns
who plays up to hi s ego. It is the
say tI~at man'iage has ~een an ell.e l be fas hioned wit.h a different pastel
Feed in g gram to sheep is seldom nt nut!'1 Il ls ncr~cdt t~s
criti cal woman who rul es him the openel
to me. I don't b elt~ve thel'e tS organdl e fou nd atIOn m s uch co lors as
parts of tIll hud) , I
Wl'On g way that gets lost in the shu f- a human being with mOl'6 faults than pInk, or chid , and blu e-embroidery on
One and a half bilhon doll a r s an - p ofitable when g raZIng IS good . moILIng perIOd. ~lanY
fl e. That is why fau lt-fi nding women,
my husbwnd. If J listed them you, t he pastel shades. Over t hi s is placed nually is t he average a m
t f t h Sometimes flock s maintain good con- feed th ir III 0 I ing hens ;
no matter how j ust their criticism
d ' au; a
e dillon and lam bs can be ma rketed sisting of '1 unl )13I'tS.Og
may be, often ha ve to sig n otT in favo r wouleln't have 1'00111 to answer llty let- , a sq uare of white organdi e Bright I' injury pI t d '
He iR the most conceited person colored flo sses are then used to out- States ea~~ Iseases o~ n ~ eJU nited without any grain About 100 pounds ma s h and a i!('I(>d grow!O ch
of "some dumb li ttle creature" who Iter.
ever eaw. When I point his fault8 lIne the yarn embroider sft
yea r , says r. . . Has.
ing Lh e bird- ncc~'S lo su
knows her applesauce. Dottie has O1~t to hh.1t he just laughs a1tcl bttries , t hroug h both materials, y t he c ~~~ ~ell, plan t p~thologi st of the Depart- of grain i~ a year for one ewe and will not only provide :hl~
been married six mont hs. The honey- hts fewe tn a newspapel·. My sister's showing through t he wit
y d'
e~t of AgrIculture. In Canada the her lambs IS t he mosL t hA t can be used feaLh I' buil,ltng ma ten a ,
moo n was hardl y over before she
hnsba'~d, whom my husband seems t~ and producing the rai se~ ?,:~~~o~ ~~t~~;~~dO a;nUt l ~08ses averag~ about profitably under any condi t ions. Th e ' the birds a rha nce t~d p'
mad e the amazing di scovery that her
hette, tS so difJe1'ent. H e is always quilting effec t The pillow backs ar t h: :
. ng I~ pounds. It IS fr om method t hat is most economi cal and down t l s~ u r~ aod btu .rl
hu sband was n't the paragon she plcu s,,:nt and ag1'eeable, helps my Bis- I of pastel shad ~s of organdie Ros b ~ I f I.S v~e~poInt t .at H ~skell will par- most lik ely to keep the flock in good o-f food nu t ri~ n ls t ~at WI
th ought him to be, but just one of the
WIth the. housew01'k, takeB her Ottt I trimmings and ribbons add ~ttrac:iv~- t~c~pa r:~~~he dl~cussl~n of some .of co nditi on provid es frequent changes I through the brc?dlllg in
common garden variety of hlAman be1t
ings, with all sorts of faults and fail- In t~e eventng and 1tflv~r forget, an n~ss .. These pillows s hould measure ered ~n Se t s ;hlch WIll ~e consld - Iof. pasture. and grazing crops, with 1 ve!'y b st condltI?I.I.
annwersetry of any kt1tcl, although nine Inches square They mak
~ em er at the FIrst Inte r- Winter ratIOns of leguminous hays mean bcller fert Ility, ger
Ings. Dottie's favorite daytime sport they have been mc£rr:wd for sm years. ' ideal shower gift. .
e an li' n;,erlcan o nfe re~ce of Agriculture, and so me succulent feedp. If any bility, and la rger, 5tro\le of
now is picking these faults out, 88Now my husbam.d didn't even rememJeanne Smith
e~~r~ and AnImal Industry at grain is f ed, give it in winte r and chicks that wi ll be c:.P~!.
as In on.
after t he lambs nre born.
l oping into profi table Ir
Women's Organizations to Participate
I th G
W h'
. I
n e eorge as 'lngton teen ennta
L etters to Jeanne
, ..\I1tl'ritll is cu lled upon t hi s cull ed "Lit~ l e Fall ,". t hree mil e' beng lant tn'l'S in hanoI' of a man I I~ w Frede1'JCksbul'l!' 111 . t~e co~nty ~f
I h'r di(·d wh en he was 11; KlI1g Geol'ge. WhIle h Vll1g WIth hI S
111; , su n '('yor at 16 an d t he n~ot.her in what ~v~s the or iginal m ~n ­
hup of hi s cou nt.ry at 43. Slon of Judge Wllham Strother, whIch
c,«\!'v,' Wa shingt.on, one of :A ug ustin e ~a shing ton had purchased
d, lart'd, wanted to be 111 1738, WIth t he 280 acres, he at< til(' fir t fa rmer of hi s coun- I tended "Old Field" school, taught by
I~.' I,,"'an forsl in a way not Hobby, a parish sex ton . While at
f "lthC'r by himse lf 01' bY , Wakefi eld he attended a private school
. ':vho,',' dom inatio ns he sur- I of a Mr. William '.
n youth .
Wh en 17 Washingto n r emoved from
: I ' su n 'ryor ta ught him Ki ng
George County, r eturning to
and \ alue of the forests . r.:r ount
rno ~ where he spent some
f re,t ha\"(' go ne so we mu st t Ime wlt.h hI S seco nd eldest half
, 0"\1" 1'1,
Am ric~n Tree As- I brother , Laurence, who had previous- I
nn oj. \\' a hingto n is directing Iy built t her e t he central part of
i ,I! prog ra m of the bi - Mount Vernon. Together with George
CI'l< hrul io n to mark t he I William
Fairfnx, Washington was
give an uuu~uaJJy dellclou~
nnl\(l' al'\ of our fir st pres i- I employed by Thomas Lord Fairfax to
flav or to you r SlIlIImo r bevel"
~il'th in I i:l~, But t he a ssoc ia- I survey hi s vast domain of territory
ng-es, add to a base of swee tened
ltl 1-',,1 lhe mi lli ons of trees I extending beyond the Alleghenies. ~n';:I~~~l~~' b~~~~llj~I\;I~~ a~~'u~~~er.;~!
now, It wi ll se nd a nyone ~ree I' With this practical experience in the
bri ghtl y co lored jelli es are us valu·
Inn ling instrlld ion and apph ca- fi eld, George Washington went in
ab le (01' th 11' ro lor E' lTecta as th ey
~I ';nk in,ll·tic·r th at t.hey may reg- July, 1749, to Williamsburg, Va., ore fol' th e dls till ctlve fl avors th e"
heir IrCl' planti ng on t he a sso- where he qualified and r eceived a sur- 11lIpal·t. I 1'wo or three t easpoons to
veyor's license. H e was appointed in
a large glass Is about the right
honor 1'1111.
111-( thp Wll r fOI' inde pendence September, 1749, official surveyor of
hi s li fl' n"urrd t he end Wash- I Culpeper County, Va., and adjutant
Wilen ' ha ngin g recently washed
\;'hn hud di rec tcd a half g.e~eral. of a military di st~ict. in Vir- <: Il l' t.uins, If YOIl have a trying time
al'IllY wrote : "I a m led ~o re- glnla wlth the rank of maJor In 1751.
l'llnlllng the rod throll gh th e hem,
how Illuch 11Iorc delightful IS the He was then only 19.
Pilt a th imbl e on th e e nd of the
of maki nj.( im]l rov e m ~ n ts o,n t~e
.In Novemb~r, ~753, he w~s ~e~t by
l'Oel. Th en you'll hav e 110 trouble
" I is wilh suc h a VieWPOint m LlOut. Gov. DinWIddIe, of VIrginIa, to
g ttln g It through, even tbough tbe
hn l Ch:trlc~ La hro p Pack, the vi sit the French Army in the Ohio ~~~~ 0 ; a~~i~ou~I~(~II~~l;~~tet~~:t~I~~
of til<' .\ml'rica n T.ree Asso- Valley on i~portant , bu si~ess. War of tearln deli cate fabrics .
hn~ ~et tIlt' Irre plantll1g figure followed a nd In 1754 Washington was I - -- - g - - -_ _ _ _ __
milli on 1,'('cs in honor of the pr omoted to the rank of lieutenant
got hi, irai ning f or national colonel a nd engaged in the war. He
in thl' woods ; the ma n wh o was aide-de-camp to General Brad- phla In 1787. He was. unammou sly
lrealbe on ag ri culture; the dock in 1755 and appointed by the ele~ted the first ~resldent of th.e
'. who wanted to be known legislature of Virginia commander in Umted States and maugurated AprIl
:;~~~'rarm I' oC hi s t ime. Mr. chief of colonial forces in Virginia. 3, 1789, i~ New York City. He wa.s
believes thnt in t he next two From 1755 to 1758 he engaged in re- r eelect ed !I\ 1793 a nd ser.ved untIl
~I'eat ~tr]ls ca n be made in mak- cruiting and organizing t r oops for co- M ar,c~ 3, 1797, wh~n ~e retired. after
nation fo res t ry mi nded. He lon ial defense. He was then only 23 d?chmng a renommatlOn. He Issu~d
~ec not Ilnly trees but town a\1d seemed a long way from t he goal hI S farewell address to the people In
and great idle areas put to I of "first farmer." Then things began Sep~ember, .1796. ~owever, he was
I to happen.
ag ain appomted heutena~t general
. ..
. .
and commander of the Umted States
, tnrllvl~llal, wtll .do ,~ell to
H e command ~d an exped ItIon to Army on J uly 3, 1798, and served un George '\ llshll1f!to n In t~ I S way. For.t Duquesne I~ ~ 758. He pursued til hi s death at Mount Vernon, Va.,
is ~ I'C\:ICW o[ t1.1e strIdes he I\gTlc ul ture and CIVIC employme,nts at after a short illness, on December 14,
, 1he Itr,t P l'cs lde nt of the Mount Vern on, and wa s ~ magIstrate 179D. Buria l was at Mount Vernon
tnll" was bol'l1 F ebrua r y 22, and member of the colomal hou se of 1on December 18, 1799.
c1o:,e to the \~'cstc rn ba nk of bu r gesses from. 1,758 to 1774 ; a d~leWa hington had attai ned his ambiCrpe~ o.n Ih; jn ~'m la ter ca~l ed I gate to t he Wllhamsburg conven~lOn t ion for a few short years. He was
Id , In " aRhll1gto n P aTl sh , of Augu st, 1773; member of the FIrst indeed Ht t he time .of his death the
, and County, "\ a ,.
a~~ Seco nd Con.tinenta.1 Cong:'esses in "first fa rmer" of his country; a man
th hI.' latJll'r, ,\ ugus lll1 e, Geo r ge 11114 a nd 1775 , unammou sl). chos.en who saw mor e in making improvein I j:15 to a farll1 of 2,500 acr es I on June 15, 1775: commande r I~ chI ef men t s on t he earth t ha n in making
in Princc William County, called of a ll t~ e Ame!'lc~n force s raI sed or I wa r ; a man fo r whom t he planti ng of
" latl'r rena med Mount to be ra Ised. W ashll1 gton wa s t hen 43· 1a t r ee makes you honor yourself; a
whcrc hc l'l'sided unti l 1739 .
H e co mm a nd ed t he armi es through- man w hom th e you th of Ameri ca will
1j:l:l hp ,wen, with hi s father ou.t the wat· fo~' ind ependence a nd r e- ! do well to heed t he call of t he Am eri til It,'e on a fa rm of 280 \ celved th e speCIal thank s a nd r ecog ni- I can Tree Association and honor in
by his fa t her in what tio n of Congress upon eig ht sepa rate thi s way.
King George ou nty, not far occa s ion s and by as many acts. Upon
Rappahannock Rive r , in t he r esigning hi s com mi ssion December
Plant tulip bulbs a s ea l'ly a s t hey
of Brungwick. He lived t her e 23, 1783, Washington r eturned to pri- can be secm ed, Best r es ul ts fo llow
hi; mo hel' afte l' his f ather' s vate life fo r a time at Mount Vernon, 1'rom plantings made before t he end
in 171~ unt il 17 ·ln .
He was delegate to an-d presid ent of of Septe mber, but up to December
1743 and 17 l9 W ashing ton t he nati ona l co nventio n t hat f r am ed t hey may be put in with promjse of
time at his molhe r 's place, I the F eder a l Consti tu tio n in Philadel- satisfact ion.
I . .
. .
Your Market Place
is the
dvertising ColUlilns of
These little advertisements bring results when least
yo u expect them. They establish new trade and revive
fon ler customers.
Have You . Something You Want
To Sell
Or Buy
Or Exchange
recollections which that name
evokes. As the emissa ri es through
whose pages my friends are brought
vividly before me, th eir books ca nnot
fnil to be my friend s, too. It is n
happy privilege for me to make room
fol' them on my s helves, nnd through
them to renew old Hnd cheriohed HCquuintance whenever I will.
And lhut, though not. (he on l~' l' aso n, is surely a s uflicient. one for buying the books of a f l'iend. I should
like to think a s imila r mot.i ve would
impe l my fri ends to buy my boo ks\:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;,; ha d I writ_le_n_a_n_y_._ __
By Dr. John 1\1. Evvard
DId you ever hear of a successful
dairyman who did not pay major Ilttention to the daddy of the pros pective cows of the milking herd? The
. . ""
answer IS obVIOusly No.
h t he investment type of sire,
whICh we refer to as the "tried sire."
One cannot expect to get cows that
fron{ 500 to 1000 pounds of fat
yearly if the sires and dams as well
Two gla ss measuring cups, one for
wet and one for dry ingredient;., are
a gr at co nven ience in cake m ( ing ,
a s the grand parents and great great
grandparents have an ability to proIfat
duce only 200 to 400 pounds of butter
in the twelve-month period. To et
Since the producing ability of the high producers one mu st seek pare~ts
dairy cow is due in a large measure whose records are classifiable in the
' A. B. ST~ TON
t o the sire and the dam, providing, of high production class.
820 Shipley St..
course, that superior feeding is pracTherefore, by using superior sires Phone 24215
W ' ming ton, Del.
ticed, it behooves all dairymen, young and dams, one builds for future proand old alike, to place special em- fits. And if perchance a poor sire is
phasis upon the production record of used for a few seasons, t he evil 1'ethe maternal ancestors of the sire s uIts will be felt in the herd which HIGHEST
used. And the sire t hat is kept in means that the milk buckets for genservice, if rightly selected on the basis erations to come will be affected.
of the performance of the female side Hence, it is highly important that exof his pedigree, has proven himself treme care be exercised in the selecworthy when judged in the eyes of his tion of the prospective daddy of the
daughters, that sire is more valuable future producing cow.
than the young sire who is not yet old
Never forget that the influence of
enough to have producing progeny.
the sire soon dominates the quality of
The tried sire, therefore, is an the entire herd to such an extent that
as.sured p~oposition, whereas the un- the old saying, "The sire is one half
trted one IS somewhat of a specula- , of the herd" is only half of the s tory,
t ion. The sire with an inferior pedi- for in reality the sire dominates the
gree is a wild gamble as contrasted whole herd.
After considering the subject from to shelves where they remain in
eVel:y po int of vi ew, I ~ave al'l'ived at ari sto,cratic so litude, t heir peren nial
a n Il'l'evocab le conclUSIon: th ere are youthfu ln ess unmarred by t he freI
on y t hree good r easons for buying quent to uch of apprec iative hands.
boo k '. That is to say, t here are only ' My boo ks suffer a harder fate . As
t hree good r easo ns why I shou ld buy Roon as they enter my possessions,
books. Others may buy books because t hey cease to belong to t he leisure
t hey are r ece nt publications, or best I class. The oldes t among t hem are
s ell ers,. or because of t he adroit. sales- I gray with tho soot of many cit ies ; the
ma n 'hI p of the you ng lady m the newest will soon I eco me so. Th ey are
bookshop, or fo r the satisfaction of compa ni ons wh ose ability to ente r tain
a ddin g so mething to t he bookse ller' s is inex ha us ti ble ; fa miliar ity with
profits a nd l he a uth or's r oya lty check. t hem breeds n either co ntempt nor
Adml t.tedly, t hese are g ood reason. monotony, but delight. For it. is only
why othel's sho ul~ buy books, but they mediocrity which tires ; good work
a l'e at t he same t lln e excellent rea sons can not pa ll. Ind eed, t he sine que non
why I s hould not. F or unde rlYll1 g all of a maste rpiece is ab ility to com- \ _ _ _..!-.JI..._.L!L---+ - - - - - / - my book bu ying is a desire for co m- mand admil'8t.ion t ha t . hall be both
l'ades and frien ds.
uni versa l a nd endurin g; and althoug h
Now fri end ship implies a des ire on I ca nnot cla im t he t it le of masterpiece
the pal't. 01' two peop le to see k ea ch (01' all t hese fl'i end s of mine, most of
ot.he l" s society fo l' mutua l satisfaction the m have co mpli ed with t he requisite
and enjoyme nt. We enco unter many to th e exte nt of p leas in g ma ny people
peop le in the course of our daily af- besides myse lf a ncl other generations
fa il'S whom we make no effo l' t to meet besid es my ow n.
aga in, because we know t hat our in Sufficie nt justifica tion for enduring
t e l'ests li e too fa r apart for pleasant frie nd shi p, and so, for purcha se, may 7,31,tf
interco urse. A popular young person be a lso fo und in a book's rarity, a n-I _ _--'_ _ _ _ _ _--,f--_ __
ha s infor med us t ha t "first impres- tiqu ity, or olher di stinguishing feas ions are dreadfu ll y impor tant" ; and t ure; or in a we ll-establi shed r eputahe is I'i ght to t he exte nt t hat if a first tion fo und ed on historic in terest or
impress ion leave us in different, we t he app roval of t he ages. Its honorseldo m seek a seco nd. Bu t if t he firs t a ble pos iti on in the wo r ld of letters Estate of Hester
ines, Deceased.
imflTess ion is wholl y agreea ble, we i in lf a sound basis for future
Notice is her eby given t hat Letters
sec to it that t here s ha ll be a second f ri endship; and wit hout other in tl'o- of Administration upon t he Estate of
and a third; a nd if t hese s ubseq uent du ction, I may buy it. 01' a book may Heste r Bines, late of White Clay
meet in g s are attended with increasi ng reco mmend itself on t he strength of Creek Hundred, deceased, were dul y
plea s ure, our acq uaintance soon ripens I its iliustration s a lone. Ever since I granted unto Newark Trust Co mpa ny
into f ri end s hip. A hHPPY contact ha s can re member, bea utif ull y illustrated on t he Seventeenth day of Jul y, A. D.
been establi shed whi ch ma y be r e- boo ks were bought by my fa mily a nd 1930, and all persons indebte<\ to said
newed wheneve r e it her of us ha s enjoyed by me, and by s uch of m y deceased are r equested to make payso methi ng to say to the other.
frie nd s as I could in veig le into spend - ments to t he Ad~lini s trator without
My first reason fo r buying books is ing a n afte rnoon on a sofa with delay, a nd a ll persdns hav ing dema nd s
a na logou : t he book and J have be- Arthu l' Itack ham , Howard Pyle, agai nst t he deceas~d aI" r equired to
same duly
come fri end s, and wish to be able to Boutet de Monvel, or Edmond Dulac ex hibit and presen~ t
communicate with each other at a I on t hei r s mall laps. Later Wyeth be- pl'obated to t he sa id Adh;i ni strator on
moment's notice. As we ca nnot make came an in centi ve to purcha se when 01' befo l'e t he Seventeenth da y of July,
use of t he mea ns customarily em- co upl ed with Kingsley 01' Stevenson. A. D. 1931, or abide by t he law in thi s
pl oyed to establish commu nicat ion be- S t.ill late r, Hugh Thomson and C. E. beha lf .
Add ress
tween human beings, . t he onl y way Bl'ock furn ished a ddi t io!lal argum ents
f or us to accom plish our pUl'pose is to to those al ready il)here nt in t he works Newark 'l' ru st Company,
Newa rk, Delawa re.
li ve und er t he sa me roof.
of J ane Au ste n, Fanny Burney, a nd
I may fir s t meet the book in q'ues- Miss Mitl'or d.
Admini strato r.
tio n t hl'ough the kindly offices of anNowad a ys th e al't of illustl'ating is 7,31,10t.
othe r f l'i end s 01' the hum bler medium too nea rl y confin ed to children 's
of t he public library. Wh ether we books ; mo st fi ction is too transient to
s ha ll ever stand on a more inti mate justify illus tl'Util\n , and illustrato l's of
foot ing' is not determined un ti i I have peculi ar abi li ty are rare . But I have
I'ea d it throug h. Th en, if I mere ly often wanted to meet my friend s of
clo\e it and put it down, t he a uthor maturer yea l'S made vi s ibl e with
wi ll hardly be t he richer because we something of the vividness and charm
have met. But if I am impelled to whi ch Wyeth has J;lrought to Treasure
turn back to t he beginning 01' to some Is land, Arthur R;ackham to P ete r
pa rt which ha s particularly captivated Pan , Howal'd Pyle to Robin Hood, and
me, the aut hor may safely count on Dulac to T he Al'8bian Nights. Wel'e I
an incl'ease of r eputation if not of in- so to mee t Dick H elda r, 01' PI'u e Sarn,
come. I s hall buy t he bool< myse lf, 01' My Aunt Jenipher, or Mrs. Packleand r ecomm end it to my frie nd s, and tide and her tiger, or others of a
pu t m y ow n copy into immediate cir- se lect bu t growing compa ny, I would
culation. It would be pleasant to gladly part with t hat mythi cal co in,
think that t he f l'i ends who borrow it my la st farthing, in ord er to pel'suade
may buy it, too; but as I have yet to t hem to take up t heir r es idence wit h
meet anybody who shares this idio- me. But lack ing illustl'ato rs of ade~ ynCl'a. y for buying books he has al- qua te
sy mpathy and skill , these
l'ea dy l'ead, my interest probably does fri end s mu st remain invisibl e to any Charles B. Evans, Atty.,
not s well t he author's yearly receip ts eyes save t hose of the imagination.
Citizens Ba nk Building,
by more than t he royalty for a s ingle Meanwhile, that pOI·tion of my library 6,26,lOt.
Wi lmin gton, Delaware.
vo lum e.
dedicated to fine illustration is enTo become a part of my li bl'8 ry, l'i ched by a n increasi ng co mpany of
t hen, a boo I< mu st be of such a natUl'e pirates, adve nture l's, s now qu eens,
as to pel's uade me to a second reading. dancing princesses, a nd by WinnieTh e first r eading is a mere introduc- t he- P ooh.
t ion ; further intimacy is based on a
Honest se lf-co nsi deration should be
des ire to meet again. I ha ve l'ead at t he bas is of one's choice of books.
books which nothing could induce me Except a s gifts, one buys books onl y
to open a second ti me; and to offer to pl ea se onese lf; and if they do not
t hem a permanent place 'on my fill t hat office, they have been bought
shelves would be a s sagacious a pro- in vain . Bu t t here is an occasion
ceeding as to assemble a party of which calls for the purchase of a
guests none of whom spoke any ]an- book at fil'st s ight, regardless of what
guage I could und erstand .
its li tera l'Y or artistic merits may
Fortunately for th e makers and prove to be; and thi s occasion, though
se ller s of books, th e p ur s ui~ of friend - prompted by the pleasure it gives the
ship is se ldom the impelling motive pUI'p.hasel', may al so involve a desire
in book buying. Most purchasing is to increaLe the sale of that particular
the result of a coincidence bet.ween book. It occurs when one meets a June, A. D. 1. ,or abide by th e Jaw
t he desire to read something and li sts book written by a friend . The familiar in this behall.
of Latest Publications. A popular name on the jacket calls "Come buyl"
Farmers Trust ompa ny
author, a provocative title, or the loud er than any hawker ever cried
of Newa rl<.
I descriptive enthusiasm of the jacket his wares, and with irresistible apAdministratol' C. T. A .
I may severally commend
a book for peal : the book and I go home toAddress
D o you ,,' ant to employ additional help or seek a new
position yourself?
Y OUl" problem can be sol; ed by using the classified
columns. They do double duty for you.
usually read once, and t hen consigned I should still buy it for the sake of I 6,26,10t
Newark, Delaware.
i i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~to~~
be di scussed by one of
-l1'lnua/ Financial Staten-lent 01 the Board o. .
l~ d
f N ewark Special School D~stnct
~ uca ,ton 0
'ou;-~ C?UNT-;-;-SP';;CH
chart r memb r.
Th e people hereabouts have a vigTh e fir st c.harte r of the Jr . .0 . U. .
_d '
. tiv speech ... They
A . 1., organized 77 years ago In the OIO US an Imaglna e .
f ~ "k
pecia l chool Dis- Little Red chool H ou s , will be r ead . had bee n t alking about chrldren who
The Looks, accounts, and _ vouchers , tl~nt
d' et\~a~rea urer and find th
Date ou r State Counc il wa s o rgan- I had bee n left orpha ns. "So rra a bit
of the BOllrd of 8ducati.o n .o f th I t~'I C at b~ accura~e and 'co rrect and ized with number of Council and its o-a nd-so would cal' if they went the
:,-,!'w!~rk Iweial .:chool Dlstr~cld a~(. h~::~l~' 0 certify that the funds 'have growth. unti l pr ese nt date, will al 0 wa ' of t he wild bi rd.' "Michael was
It s ') rt'a sur I' ha\
been audlte
.x lended according to law Ilnd , be outhned.
the ' tu te Auditl,l of AccI., un t. , i\~" ~~~ ~ ~h~ balances h rein. tat d are
Th e e ubject wi ll be ha nd led .by 1the sou ndest child that , v~r blessed
P.d wtlrd Ba~er, ~\'hIJ .h':I~hl;'~~~r ~o~ COI'II'Ct."
two ~embers who promi e some In- hi face. And he wouldn t b~ pu t out
f,,~~owln~ ~l<I~ . n~: n IJI " of .\ UgUgl, A summary of t he financia l state- I te r estl ng facts.
(L1nLar ra ssed 01' perplexed) If he saw
r ha\ (' ~hl" _I . ~ a~ k.; 'I counts ment f()l' the real' beginni ng J uly 1,
L ct lI ' rally to ou r Counc ~lo r scali vou coming down t he road with horn s
J!I:IO, (' Xa lllin tl t h~ 1000
~'d ::I 19')'1 and cndinll' June 30, 1930, and have ou r "S. R. 0 ." Sign hung ·
It th
d 'oar out
ano! \'() uchl'l'~ of th e Boar 0 , uc_- f' Ii' :\, . .
out next Mon da y ni g h t.
Ion yo u.
e never e
e re I
;al~n~'~ June 30 , 1929 ......• 6,467.21
A. Neal my the,
of him." " . orne children ," says ~n_ _Chr. Pu b. Com. l at her, " would co me to you on a. srlk
IlI co l1l e
thread, !l nd with othe rs, t he cham of
Slate appropriation ....... 77,22 .11
a ship wouldn't pu ll them." Th e ta lk
Tax ~ fo r intcre t and reOsceo la Lodge, No, 5, Knrghts of I fl ows o n in hum our and sati re, with
tirement ........ . . ... _. 12,254.5 Pyt hias, ~t a regul~r meeting on Mon- prover bs an d a bit of poetry, a nd alFederal funds for \ ocational
day eve nmg, appomted a comm.lttee ways wi t h vivid illustrations. " Did
Educati on ....... . _. . . .. 1,022.34 to make plans for the fall and wmter you know s uch a person?" I a sk. " Did
( ontinued from Page 1. )
niversit \· of Delaware.. . . 3,463.00 month.
. . ,
I kno w him , do I know him? Do. r
lIIr. Smith exp ressed himself a b - Othcr inc~l11e ...... .. .....
874 .8
The Lodge ac~epted an tnVltatlon kn ow my ould shirt? Aye, I know him
inl< pI as d with t he cooperation di sfrom t he P en nSVI ll e, N . J" Lodg~, to as well as I know bread." A woman
play d by th moto ri sts in thi s ca m- Tota l avai lab le f I' t he year
attend a wate rmellow part~ on Fl'Iday gave a desc riptio n t hat exactly fitt ed
paign. He es pecia lly pointed. out the
1929-30 . ............... $101,310,12 e.ven mg, A 29, at 8 0 clock, day- t he impe tu ous perso n we r ef e rred to,
fact that many loc al motorists who Tota l ex p e nditure ~ ....... !l1,004 .75 light sav ing t Ime. As many me mber s " Murty ca me in wi t h a windy ha t on
arc abse nt f r om th e State, have had
as. i?l e .arc requested to attend. him , and t hre w g oo ld down on the
thcir ca rs inspected at the poi nt th y
Ealance June 30, 1930 .. $ 10,305.37 Th .: InVitation wa s al so extended . to co un ter ." " Murty-windy hat," she
arc now located 0 1' have a rr anged f or
t he wives of membe rs. and the P ythlan ca ll d him and the nam e gave atan in ~pection u pon t heir r eturn..
Ex penditures
, Siste rs a nd hu sband s ,
1110s ph e r e t'hat goes with the man .. . ,
Th e campaign th is yea r differ s G neral 'ontrol . . . ........ $ 2,370.54 I
I He mad e a n ' apology in a s peech
some what from t he dri ve of la st year. I nstructiona l serv ice .. .. .. 60,7'10.60
I t hat wa s poetry in e verything exce pt
As eac h caris r epo r ted as being inSala l'ie .. ..... $55,010.96
What more deligh tful t han to for m. " I 'm runnin' t he foul' wind s of
s pected, it is checked again st the r egText Book. . .. 3,.111.32
browse in old e tiqu ette books, finding t he world , str ivin' to get them bread .
i t r ation list in the Secr eta r y of
Supplies and
I t here so me of t hose qua illt admoni- I would not kn ow why the people
mate rial s. ,. .. . 2,318.32
tions in which thi type of volume we re dre sed nor when the holiday
State 's offic e with t he r esult that when
the campaign is completed t he offici al s Operation of Schoo l Plant .. $ 9,911.34 abou nd s. One of these early book s, ca me, I would be t hat bent wi t h the
will be able to determin e which ca r s
Wages . . ....... $5,192.45
, " The P olite Phil oso ph!!r ," pu bli shed ha rd ·hi p." Once he spo ke to me about
have not been in s pected a nd whe re
Fuel, wate r, li g ht,
in 1734, contai ning ma ny genial and ,' t he virtues of a certa in well t ha t we
the owner is located.
power _
3,2 O. 9
pointed reminders on good behav ior, we re neal'. I wrote down the phrase.
Sp ec ial atte ntion is being given to
S u pp I'les . . . . . . .9. 5. 1
. Af terwarcIs I t h ou g ht t h a t thOIS wa s
I mak e:' t hi s in teresting co mpari son 111
~ee that the old CH I'S LindeI' Delaware Care of ground s 107.22
its page: " Be havior is lik e architec- the expre ss ion he had used, " The
r egistration a re in s pected . A ca r eful
Other expenses. . 344.99
ture; the
ymmetry of the _ wh.o Ie I ,.,'ate r of that we ll . . . whe n the su.n
check of these ca r s has been made and Maintenance of Pl a nt .. ... 2, 8.04 p lea ses us so much, t nat we exa mme IS on the ston es, the coldness of It
Up keep of
not into its Parts; which, if we did , would s hake t he teeth i n your hea d.'
a ll t hat are not in s pected will be
loo ked up after the ca mpaign closes.
grounds . . ...... $ 137.52
we should find gJueh nicety r equired But Murty .had a better sense of tho e
It is t he intention of the Secretary
Rep air of Buildin forming s uch a Structure; t hough 1 ba la nce of a sen tence. He had saId ,
~:tr~~~~~': ~~~ce1 ;~; ~n~~t~:r c~~v~:;~ ing
to P e rso ns of no Taste, th e Rul es of "The water of that well ... when t he
b' l D
Repair and re1 eithe r Art wou ld seem to ha ve little sun would b.e sp li tting .the fl ags, t he
~~~et ~~~~fit~~i;h~a~sU;~~~nl :afee~;;r: placemen t of
" Boke of Nurture," publish ed at t he co ldn ess of It would sh iveI' the teeth
I n "A Book of Etiquette; puol i hed in your head."
equ ipme nt
ati'~~u~ontti~~~n 'car own er s who have Repa ir lind 1'ein the eighteen hundre~ and seve nti es, . Educ!lted peop l~ find it hard to befai led to ha ve t heir cars in spected in
pl acement of
the author wa m s agall1 s t ove r opo lo- heve t hat a n In s h countryman or
t his campa ign may experi ence se r ious
I gizing-and also again t its lack: " As woma n, whe n speaki ng , has often a
difficulty in getting a new licen se f or Auxiliary Age ncies
1,484.16 it is ill-mann e red to express too muc h I co mpelling sen e of s t~le. I bel!;ve
their ca r, if it is not in good working
Librari es .. _. . . .. $274.95
I reg l'et, so it is the esse nce of rud e ness I that It IS so. A man sa id to me, H e
P romotion of health 2::l9 .32
, not to make !lny apo logy.' _
was oft'e r ed ga ll ons of go ld in Caran
'1'l'8n. portat ion of
l one of t he mo t deligh tful of t he e goa l to betray t he peop le." H e used
Pupils ..
. .. , 969. !l
a Id manners' vo lum es is lJu gh Rhode's " ga ll ons " wi t h "goa l" fo r t he sake of
Tn lIrHnCe
660.57 "Book of Nurtul'e,' published at t he a lli te r!ltion. Anothe r man sa id , " I
Capital outlay
1,331. 0 cady date of 1577, in wh ich so me could have made monume nts with
New Building
q uain t !ldmon it ions are found.. as " Be money if I ha d stayed in Am erica."Equipment .. . .
$733. 5
g lad of fail' I ep roof," 111 a margin P adraic Colum, in "The Road Round
Furniture and
note T he au t ho l' a lso ad VI es: "Be Irelan d." .
(Contin ued from Pal:e l.J
by Magistrate Th ompson to await t he
. 11,517.70 I
outcome of t he injuri es of Brown. The
d' ;
The important thing to
in co rn-bore r clean-up wor~ I that
all CO l'll remnants mu t be disposed of
so metime be fore t he borer changes to
t.he moth 0 1' flying , stage. In field s
t hat arc ~ot plowed 0 1' ot.he rwi se ha ndI ed in the. s pring, a!1 corn debri s
should be di spo sed of In t.he fa ll. If
t he co rn i cut, it shou ld be cut a
low a nd !I S early a s possible .. Low cutting attachment~ fo r co rn binder s
may be bought, If. Infested c~rnstalks
are f ed to stock Wi t hout prevIOus cutting or shredding, the uneaten porlion s should be destroyed unle ss trampled deep ly. into t he m~nure, Br~aktng or cutttng off stan dmg corn stalks
at ground level, followed by ~horou~h
raking into piles, and burnrng, Will
destroy the borer .. Plowing undel: al ~o
is effective, prOVided all debriS ~ s
tu rn ed under so completely that It
will not ~ d~agged to t he surface by
later cultivatIOn. Each field of corn
in borer -i nfested regi on s offers a separate problem, but one . or n~ore of t.he
followtng means of dl s posmg of tnfested corn plants are recomm ended
by the U. S . D ep~rtment o~ Agricultu re : .Feeding to livestock, direct from
the fi eld a s silage, or a s finely cut or
finely shred ded material; plowing undel' cleanly; and burning completely.
~~~~~'~st and
latte r is a lso undel' arrcst to await
the outco me of Eveland's injuries.
ewark r eAn ambulance from
moved Eve lan d and his companion to
the Fl ower Hospital. P assi ng moto rists took Brown and t he othe r occ upants of hi s car to the Delaware Hospital.
'C I-r S'J' ,\R S P UT
LE .1\
L each Sta l" cru shed Newark at
Greenbank aturd!lY, 21 to 5. Th e
Stars pound ed the offering s of halme r s and Lee fo r eigh teen hi ts while
E. Tayl or limited the visito rs to
Ginger Briggs, W. T ay lor , Olli son
and Dill we re the batt ing st ars for
t he victors while Pyle !lml R obin on
with home r un exce ll ed fo r N ewark .
Olli >on and W. Tay lor h it homer s for
th e Sta r. Score:
AB. R. H .
Sho r te r , ss ... . . , 4 2 1
W . Ta ylol', cf
5 3 3
E. Tay lor ,)J
... 5 1 0
G. Briggs, 2b ..
6 3 5
H. Dill, 3b
6 2 3
G. Brown. c ...... 5 3 2
Olli so n , Ib " . .... 5 3 2
Lawso n, If .. . . . . . 5 1 1
Mears, rf ...... . . 4 3 2
T otal s
f:~~~e~~i~ a;:n;!l~~~~I:' IJ};;::~~l~~h:~ . ~;~ieO!~~n:i~-o-~-:-!~-y-f~-~-:~s-~-il~-~ -·~.~~~f:·::i~
~~I:h ~~t\;~CC c\~~I~~el~~em~ol~~th~~ s~;e~:
pl owed
lantl al'e
tha n 1 "~ grown on
plowed land .
T he "hot ,I'lkli" is not a ne.
od of can nrn". h is th
filling th c_ jar t', get e
By.the hot patk IS
fr Ult or vcgl·tabl,· 10 be
s hor t time, nnd l~,~n
ing hot into .ins or can,
t hen pr ocessed lh~ requ
t ime. Th e hot park
needed for the fon d in
the ca n to r f:Jch the
pera tu r e for ~t.
be t te r product, and does
the ste p tha used to be known
Size and shape of t he excavation hau st ing."
fo r t he indi vid ual trees should be at
least six in ches beyond the s pread of
Proba bly [c'\\'l'r sandwichu
t he roots of the tree extended in their be di sca rd d fl' 'm childl'fn'l
natural positions. The depth of the' boxes if t he bre ad were
hole should be mo re than e nough to best qualit~,.
hild ren
. th e same manner, b rea(I'f
r eceIve
t e root s In
I III'ff crelll k'inds
says the Ame rican Tree Association Sometimes so simp le a
of Washington, which will se nd any baking br ead in a new
one, tree planting suggestions for a or roll in tead of a
sta mp. There should be place for a t he sandwi che into fancy
laye r of six inches of good loam be- a cookie cutt r, will
fore t he roots are placed in the 0 e. In it.
e c angl' of
Th e n, when t he "top so il" is carefully added rai sin s, dried
worked among the fin e r oot s, the tree or nut meats is a nother
should be about the same depth, note , to Iki e th e lu nch bread .
_ _ _ _~
ther seasoned or gye n
r cadymad e. Fu ssy ruffl es
queerntil cold or stormy weather set\ in.
of co llectio n
$5,5 17.70
couched in s uch staid a nd digni fie!1 shaped pa rts take up t he time of t he
'l'h costs of the schools follow:
I'lnguage that it mu st have been be- I Jaund res~,. a nd n~ve~ l o~ k a s weI; ~High School ... -... . - - .... $30,993.56 yond t~e co mpl·e he n.sion of the chil - ::oo~~aga~~en~; that~~~n~el~_~u/~~d
Eelementary Schoo l ...... 51,854 .53 flren of t hose fa r-o ff. days . H oweve.r , of inte r esting material s.
Col ol'ed School, Elem. . . .. 8,156.66 one s hort verse, wh ich a s a margll1
58 E. Park Place
Phone 358-J
The Te wark Boa rd of Education note expound s, a dvises to "ans wer
receives a direct appropriatio n f rom se nsib ly, sho rt ly and eas il y,' is d e- I ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~. I ========================
t h!' 'late BoaTd of Education for lightflll for quoting:
n\,C I'Y child who a~ten d s t he Newark Wh en Vel' yee Answere or spe ke, yee
. 'c hoo l who i ' of legal school age .
sha ll be purveyde
Last year the pe l' capita approp l'i a- I Wha t ye s hall sing, s peke eke t hing
ti on for eve ry chi ld i n t he
fructio us;
chool wh o was a r es id e nt of Dela- On esy ' Vyse la tte t h y Reso n by
ware was $69 .79. The budget fO I' curSayde
I'e nt operation of t he schoo l therefor e Tn words genty le a nd a l 0 co mpe nis ent irely depe nd e nt upon the e nroll diou E,
ment. Th e en rollm e nt of t he Newark For many wor ds be rihle Tedious
. chool for t he past few yeal'~ ha To yeke wyse man t ha t sha ll e yeve
Before the Sept. 1st
1 een :
audi ence;
Ull fI-20
Pray in g to eschewe t here doo diliIncrease in Price
1:120-2 1
.. .. . .. .. .. .
ge nce.'
You Can Take Ad\'antage
192J :22
... . __. . . . .
41 1 Thi s qua int ly. ou nd ing bit of ver se
22 I -s not. 0 diffic ult to decip her, with its ,
of Summer Prices--Just
A. E.
852 1archa ic spe lling; f OI', a s another ma J'- ,
1 0 19N·25 ...........
9.1"' 'rin note exp la in s, "Ma n y wo rd ' a re
0 0 1 9~;; · 26
. .... . . . ... 941 a here to ::: wise ma n.'
3 0
2 0
Phone 30
3 0
1 0 ~ ~~9 : ~~
4 0
. . . estimated 1200
1 0
0 0
..... . 40 21 18 27 15
~ ~~~:~~
1~;_(~ I
For The Post
Phone 4345
Lodge Notes
JR . O. U. A . M.
A B. R. H. 0 , A. E.
Th e Ame r ica n P I!lg Co unci l No.2 , I
~~Oqo::tt~~ 2b ..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ,Jr. O. U. A. M ., conve ned promptly at I
8 :;0 p_ m .. sta ndar I time, wi t h Cou n~ ~
0 0 0 cil r
owden p residing over t wenty I
Ri tchi e, rf .....
Robi nso n, 1b .....
5 lOB rothe r. .
H. Bee rs, ss .....
Routine bu s in es~ was transacted
Pyle, If ......
5 l O a d fa ll work o rganiz d. Brothel'
th~I~~~~.'S,C ~.. ib .. ~ 0
5 0 0 J ohn E. Lcwis had hi baseball r eWilliam son, p .... 3 0 0 2 2 0 ;rrhu its on t~ e, Lfi eld fo rI fi r st practiced' I
Lee, p, If ... . .. .. 3 O. 0 2 0 0 - e e~~ WI. C g l'eat y stre ngthen e
Sidwell If .. . .. .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 an I WIt. chalLnge a.ny tea l.n afte r
Octul)d' 13. Co mmuni cate With Bro. 1
Tota l ' ...... .. . 33 5 7 24 8 0 Le." is.
Newark .. . ... . ... 000003020- 5
., 'ext i\londay m g ht, Septe mb~r 1"
Leac h's AlI.Stars a 1 00 1 0 10 G x-21 WI.! be. kn own a s Frate r~ a l
Ig ht.
_ _ _ _ __
Thl ~ Wi ll be our fir t s peC ia l observ '1'1 E FOR F IR ST PLA E
ance of Frate r nal Night fo r some
IN 1 EWARI{ C. C. GOLF time uncl eI' t he ge ner a l all s pices of
l ou r Counci l, and wi ll a ffor d t he me mTn t he handicap medal play at t he bership o f ou r Cou ncil to meet in a
Newa rk Country
lub on Satu r day fin e socia l way to g ive expr ession and
a~tel·noon. Dr. E. B. C rooks a!ld P . F ' I <lemo n. t l'ation to t he st re ngth and I
PI C, r .. lied for fir st prlz With a net , importa nce of t he fra ternal benefi t
sco re of 71. The scores f ollow:
syste m a a whole in Newark. A very 1
Gross Hdcp. Net I inte r c t ing progra m ha s been outlined
Dr. E. B. I'ooks. . . 82
71 fo r thi s evening.
New Yard-106 Maryland A,·e._ "-ill1l ington
C6 (/
, Digging-BUilding Materials-H au ling
______ I
Comfortably Cool .'
Friday and Saturday, August '21; i.ln d 30-
P. F . Pi c, F r.. . . . ..
~J~~~ .:::::: ~
Orgar.:zing our Co uncil 33 years
Daring, Dashing
Cann Bros.
12th and Washington Streets
On Sunday and Labor D Y
Big Display 01 Fireworks Bot Nights
F. A. Girone, of Vineland, N. J., will be in c
Our SAFE TIDE WATER Swimming Pool is the only one that as millions of gallons
of both fresh and salt water running through every 1 hours.
~ ================================~=========
C. L. T own send ... !l6
Wm . Bradford , Sr... 91
J. H . Di ckey . ... .. 97
H . C. Souder . . ... 84
C. A. McCu e. . .... 90
A. D. Cobb . .. ... . 94
W. R. Powell . , . .. 96
Wm. Bradford, Jr... 97
H. F. Mote ...... . 98
W. C. Brewer . . . .. 96
G. W , Rhode s . ... . 100
P. C. Vansant .... 106
E. H . Vogt ....... 114
Sunday J. P. Armstrong and Chas.
Pie tied for the silver spoon for the
low gross score 77,
.' "' I'I'A r AGF,
, R\., ,)0.
Y I\IO () H,.\CI\FTl
Continuous Perfn"'/1nd~nc~P
Starting at 5 P. 1\1.
Watch for Next Week's Progra'l'Il To Be
Delivered to Yout· Door