GOLD WING ROAD RIDERS ASSOCIATION REGION H Look for more fun articles in this inside this edition. Director’s Article Survey Assistant Director MEP Coordinators COY Program District COY Sponsor Leadership District Education Chapter X Chapter E Bug Gut Honor Ride District Team Ok. Chapter Directors Events Flyers District Rally Sponsor Application Wing Ding For Sale August, 2015 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19-20 21-22 23 24 25 REMINDER OKLAHOMA DISTRICT CONVENTION HALLO-WING ON THE LAKE October 15-17, 2015 Lodge at Sequoyah Park Hulbert, OK Have you completed your registration yet? Or started to think about a talent? Do you know a vendor? Give them a vendor application. Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge Don’t miss the FUN! 1 Our Oklahoma District Directors Johnie & Gina Fredman What Makes a Good Chapter Director? Last month we looked at the responsibilities of the Chapter Director. How hard is it to be a Chapter Director? The true answer is that it depends. If there are active participants who step up and fill other roles, the job of a Chapter Director is truly not very difficult. If the chapter participants do not get involved then it does become a more difficult task, but we have several Chapter Directors in Oklahoma who are doing that successfully. Now I would like to look at the qualities that make a good Chapter Director. Many of these come straight from the Officer Handbook. Here are some of the qualities that effective Chapter Directors possess: 1. Enthusiasm – I believe the number one responsibility of a Chapter Director is to be a cheerleader. Enthusiasm is contagious. If the Chapter Director is enthusiastic about GWRRA, the chapter participants will follow suit and will want to be active in chapter life. 2. Honesty – A leader should be trustworthy. A good leader is honest with himself/herself as well as with others. My father told me when I was a child that a man’s integrity is the most valuable thing he possesses. He said that a person who is not honest is worthless, because you can’t trust him/her with anything. Members will not follow a Chapter Director that they cannot trust. 3. Appreciation – Do you like to be appreciated for the things you do? Of course you do! We all like to hear that we are appreciated. One of the best things a Chapter Director can do is to show appreciation to those who are active and help out the chapter. How do you do that? There are dozens of ways. Often just saying the words, “I appreciate you” is enough. A good Chapter Director will show appreciation whenever possible. People who feel appreciated are more eager and willing to help and be involved. 4. Cooperative – Effective leadership is not about telling others what to do. Effective leadership is showing them what to do, and very often it is doing it side-by-side with them. Good Directors work well with others and work hand-in-hand with the chapter participants. Delegation is an important part of leadership. However, delegation does not mean to give someone responsibility and then do nothing else. Often, you will delegate the responsibility for a task, but then still be an active participant and cooperate with them in that activity. 5. Patience – This is often a tough one! As a leader, you will not make everyone happy and it is almost guaranteed that someone will do or say something that does not make you happy. How do you handle conflicts? Very often, the best way to deal with conflicts is with patience. Take time to think things through. Give everyone time to cool down and let emotions calm. Chapter Directors need to have tough skin and the patience to work out problems gently. 6. Creative – This one is not a requirement, but it is definitely a big plus. People get tired of doing the same thing all the time. Even a good activity gets old after a while. How can you mix things up? There are often multiple ways to accomplish the same goal. If creativity is not your strength, try pairing this trait with Cooperation and get someone else to help come up with new ideas! August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 2 This is far from an exhaustive list. However, these are some of the characteristics that effective Chapter Directors often possess. How many do you have? How many of these qualities are difficult to develop? Most of us possess enough of these qualities to be an effective leader. Even chapters that have good Chapter Directors need others to be developing and preparing to accept that position in the future. Let me encourage you be developing these traits and preparing to help lead your chapter when the opportunity arises. Johnie D. Fredman Oklahoma District Survey Thank you to those who have completed the survey. For those who have not yet done so, I have decided to leave it open through the first week of August. That way those who are reading this reminder and realizing they forgot to fill it out can do so. This is your opportunity to provide your input and feedback to help us know what we are doing well and what we can do better for YOUR chapter and YOUR district. If you are unable to click the link below, then you can simply copy it into your web browser to take the survey. Johnie Fredman Oklahoma District Director GWRRA and the Future August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 3 Our Assistant District Directors Kenney & Sherry Graham GWRRA and the Future What is the formula for improving our organization and how can we capitalize our strengths? Strength lies in our differences not similarities if we were all alike we would never get anything accomplished. We do share similarities, for instance the thing that brings us together, our passion for riding but we also all have our likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. I think the health of our District and Region lies in the strength of our Chapters. If we are satisfied with our Chapters as they are today then that’s how they will probably stay. If we think outside the box and try some new and different ideas, places to go, things to do then maybe we can grow our membership. It will take teamwork, all of our ideas, and then the best of those ideas implemented. It has been said about people in general that many of us are more capable than some of us but none of us is as capable as all of us. Recently the Oklahoma District put out a questionnaire to the membership. Please make a point to find it on the District website, District newsletter or ask a Chapter Director for a hard copy. Take the time to fill it out and submit it. We need everyone’s thoughts and ideas so that the organization can grow and thrive. We hear comments from members all the time, so please make sure you are heard by taking a moment of your time and fill out this survey. Let’s together put our heads together and come up with some new ways to have FUN in GWRRA! Kenney Graham, Okla. Assistant District Director “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”-‐-‐-‐Maya Angelou August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 4 Oklahoma District Motorist Awareness Program Coordinator For any professional, voice mail (VM) is no longer optional; it’s necessary. How you use VM can work for or against you. The tips below can help you avoid common VM blunders, enhance your professional and personal image, and improve your productivity. Be prepared, brief, and discreet ▪When making a phone call, always be prepared to leave a VM message. Avoid getting caught off guard, and having to stammer and stutter out your message, by jotting down key message points before you call. ▪Be concise and brief. Don’t ramble; the best messages are brief. Show respect for the listener’s time. ▪State the date, time, and purpose of your call. Especially if you’re returning a call, this helps jog the person’s memory. ▪Don’t say anything confidential in a VM. Respect others’ confidentiality too, but realize that your own messages may be overheard by others or forwarded to anyone. ▪Never play your VM messages on a speakerphone. This can bother others nearby and may broadcast information they’re not meant to hear. ▪Keep your tone and vocabulary business-‐like. Don’t leave an angry message. If your ire is up, wait until you’ve calmed down before leaving a message. If your ire is up, wait until you’ve calmed down before leaving a message. And avoid vulgar or otherwise unprofessional remarks. Remember-‐the recipient may replay your VM over and over and may forward it to others. Be clear and convey confidence ▪When leaving your message, enunciate clearly and speak slowly. It’s frustrating and annoying for the recipient to have to decipher a garbled message. For example, instead of saying “fifty” (which the listener may hear as “fifteen”), say “five zero”. ▪While stating your phone number, write it in the air or on a piece of paper. This will slow down your speech and give the listener time to write it down. ▪Mention a good time for the person to reach you. People appreciate this information, and it helps avoid telephone tag. ▪Stand up and smile when leaving your VM. Believe it or not, your voice sounds more confident when you’re standing. Also, the listener can hear the smile in your voice. ▪Leave your full name and phone number, even if the other person already has it. That way, he or she won’t have to look it up. State your name and phone number at the beginning and end of the VM so the recipient doesn’t have to replay it. Mind your voice mail manners August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 5 ▪ Following the guidelines above will help you come across as courteous and considerate at all times. Your colleagues, family, and friends (not to mention strangers) will appreciate your effort. Article taken from American Nurse Today, Vol. 3, No.2, written by Kathleen D. Pagana, PhD, RN NEWS FROM THE COUPLE OF THE YEAR PROGRAM by Susan Carter & Bill Miller, District Couple of the Year Program Coordinators For the Benefit of the District Couple of the Year Program We are requesting that each Oklahoma Chapter contribute at least one gas card from a National Gas company (not local, such as On-Cue, Kwik-Stop, etc) in the value of $50. Additional gas cards are appreciated. Directors or Chapter Couples— Please turn your cards in to Susan Carter or Johnie Fredman ASAP August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 6 “Couples Corner” By Steve & Carolyn Cotton Oklahoma District Couple of Year 2014-‐15 Region H Couple of the Year 2015-‐16 “Happy Couples – What’s Their Secret?” Carolyn and I have had a busy time the last month or so – going to, and participating at, the Arkansas Rally, the Missouri Rally, Reno Rendezvous, presenting seminars for our home Chapter (OK-X), doing seminars at a Rotary Club in a nearby town, signing up to present seminars at the OK Rally and Wing Ding, as well as attending other chapter’s gatherings and anniversaries. Whew! But, that is the key to having FUN – participate, Participate, and PARTICIPATE! But, being so busy sometimes gets in the way of our enjoyment of not only our lives, but enjoying each other as we should. Let us talk for a few moments about how to keep your “Couple Magic” going. How is it that some couples seem to stay starry-eyed for years, and others let their sizzle, um … fizzle? Well, it appears that successful chemistry sustainers develop healthy coupled-up habits which allow them to keep their love alive and kicking. “People can have a lot of trouble staying close,” says Joyce Catlett, author of Sex and Love in Intimate Relationships. “They get into relationships and think they’re automatically going to know how to make everything work, but figuring out how to stay passionate together is really a skill.” But luckily, these are skills that anyone can learn. Here are six habits that you’d do well to adopt if you want to sustain your happily-ever-after mate. Habit #1: Catch Romance Where You Can You may start out with champagne and roses, but the likelihood of being able to sustain that feeling with a busy schedule is pretty unlikely. Successful couples learn to build a bubble of romance at unexpected times – during their daily commute, while doing laundry – and in low-impact ways, whether that be a long, lingering smooch or just holding hands. In other words, the next time you hear yourself say “Oh, look, we’ve got 15 minutes to ourselves,” make use of it—that’s what keeps the spark alive. Habit #2: Fight Fair Believe it or not, learning to fight right is an important part of keeping chemistry alive. Why? Because if you are constantly cutting each other down, it’s hard to feel mutually amorous. There is no such thing as a relationship without disagreements. But if there is an understanding that your partner can come to you with any dissension without being attacked, you will have an honest relationship comprised of ‘open discussions’ rather than ‘fights.’ Learn to listen to each other when you’re upset and to admit when you’re wrong. Make a rule of never, ever saying ‘I told you so’ no matter how much you might want to say it. The result is that the chemistry doesn’t fade, because you never let the arguments escalate to a personal level. Focus on the issue at hand instead of throwing verbal punches. Habit #3: Nurture Your Separate Selves Going off to your book club when your sweetie’s out golfing isn’t a sign you two are drifting apart. On the contrary, developing individual interests allows for a richer life as a couple. By taking little “couple breaks,” you gain a greater appreciation of the gifts your partner brings to your life and you have more to offer as well. It’s very interesting to be independent sometimes. You feel better about yourself and you’re less demanding of your partner when you’re together. After all, taking some personal responsibility for your own well-being relieves the other person of the pressure to “provide” happiness - so go ahead and nurture some solo adventures. That’ll also keep each of you stocked with plenty of adventures to chat about, which also builds your bond. Habit #4: Take On a Project Together Separate interest’s aside, exploring new ground together is also important since it strengthens your history of shared experiences. It brings a whole new level of closeness to your relationship because of the time you spent learning as a duo August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 7 during the endeavor. Couples who take on adventures together get a sense of daring and accomplishment that can really kick up their chemistry! Habit #5: Don’t Let Your Love Life Slide No doubt about it, couples with healthy love lives have no problem keeping chemistry cooking. (That whole “couples’ love lives naturally fade over time” excuse? Not true.) The trick to injecting more electricity into a lagging love life has to do with trying new things—sure, it can be easy to work on tricks and techniques when you first meet, but people’s preferences can, and do, change over time. This isn’t to say you suddenly have to become a wild thing, though. Even returning to the basics you may have abandoned along the way – lots of kissing and eye contact, for example – can make the usual encounter feel very different … and much more intimate. Habit #6: Engage In Some Mutual Admiration In order for chemistry between two people to thrive, there needs to be mutual respect. It’s about putting yourself in the role of an observer of your partner. Watch them “perform” – I’m not saying they need to do a song and dance for you – just pay attention to the everyday things that remind you why you find them so special. Then, make it a point to send compliments their way. A good exercise is to occasionally create a mental list of the qualities you admire about your partner, and to occasionally share one of your thoughts with the one you love. Because the reality is, you’ll always want to be around someone who thinks you’re fantastic. Ride Safe, and Keep Smiling! Steve and Carolyn Since schools will be restarting this month. Be cautious around schools and crosswalks. August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 8 THE ENTIRE STAFF AT SHAWNEE HONDA WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE OVER 18000 CUSTOMERS FROM ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES WHO HAVE PURCHASED FROM US IN THE FIRST 7 YEARS OF BUSINESS AND THE MANY OTHERS THAT HAVE COME THRU THE DOOR TO SAY HI. YOU ARE THE REASON SHAWNEE HONDA IS ON OF THE TOP 5 HONDA DEALERSHIPS IN THE UNITED STATES. THANK YOU!!!! August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 9 “Leadership” By John & Shawn Irons Oklahoma District Trainers May, 2015 “Hot Times Are Here” This was a different time for July as most of us were lost without Wing Ding. I know that we all made up for it by planning other trips and looking forward to Wing Ding in September (in cooler weather). Our weather in Oklahoma has gone from wet (really wet) in May, to average almost cool weather in June to July starting to have hot weather. Still up till July 15th we really did not see any 100ໍ weather in Oklahoma. Chapter-X had its training day on July 12th and two of the main rider education seminars were Dealing with the Elements and Riding with the Heat. These two seminars are something that all chapters should plan on having every year before any of our chapter members take long extended trips. We want all our chapter members in GWRRA to stay safe while riding in the hot summer months. Do all of you have your LTP tri-fold cards? Before heading to a district or region rally make sure you have your cards to document the seminars that you attend. If you don’t have a card please check with your chapter director, university trainer are e-mail us and we will send you the tri-fold card. Don’t forget to check out the new LTP seminar’s that are going to be given at Wing Ding in September. They will be useful seminars and fun seminars for all members. John & Shawn Irons Oklahoma District Trainers [email protected] August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 10 Oklahoma District Educator Max Rowlett Parking Lot Practice Facilitator I recently returned from a trip to Lafayette, LA to observe the LA. District Parking Lot Practice Facilitator training class presented by Rodd Polk. LA. District had approximately twenty members sign up and they were very motivated to participate in the program. After completing the course the new PLP Facilitators must conduct one PLP while being observed by the District Educator or their chosen representative. What caught my attention was the majority of the students were Chapter Directors and Assistant Chapter Directors, while most often the PLP facilitator is the Chapter Educator. I began to ask questions why more Chapter Directors than Chapter Educators, the answer was the Directors were taking ownership of the PLP. The Chapter Directors could become trained PLP Facilitators in a days time, and could incorporate the PLP into the Chapter’s Fun Days, either as a full bike or trike PLP. Or the PLP Facilitator could use a modified PLP at the end of a Chapter Ride to allow a fun practice. The practice allows the rider to perform cornering, braking, and swerving maneuvers, a major weakness for most riders as identified by the Hurt Study. Sometimes the Chapter Directors wish to use the PLP as a recruiting tool to gain new members and get them interested in a more advanced Rider Course with a Rider Course Instructor to coach the student. PLP Facilitators do not coach, they set up the range and insure its safe operation while the students’ ride through a structured practice and self evaluate. Facilitate versus coaching. Currently we have only five active Parking Lot Practice Facilitators, if you are interested in becoming a PLP Facilitator contact your Chapter Educator or the Oklahoma District Educator. ”Safety August, 2015 is for Life” Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 11 CHAPTER X District Newsletter Article Marie Wilson and Steve Wilson Chapter Directors – Chapter X July 22, 2015 How time flies! Can you believe that it is almost August already? And that means that Wing Ding is just around the corner. We are excited about traveling to Huntsville next month, and have been awaiting schedules and last-minute information they will post on the web-site about the event. We hope to have a huge group from Oklahoma there to represent Region H, and of course, to cheer for Chapter X when we are announced as the International Chapter of the Year on the stage. We have two Anniversaries scheduled in August : Chapters “B” on August 8, and “P” on the 15th. In the past both of these have been fun, so I have confidence that they won’t let us down this year. Riding in the heat can be challenging, as well as dangerous, so remember to take precautions and be prepared. We hope to see you soon. Marie & Steve Wilson, Chapter X Directors August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 12 August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 13 A Special Tribute to Mike Stuckey Submitted by Vera Fleming from Chapter N A very dear friend of ours from Chapter M, passed away and I wanted to tell about our experience with them. We had members of Chapter N that lived in Perry, OK. And they had decided to come to work-‐n-‐sat a few years ago. They had friends that lived in Wagoner, OK and wanted to visit them. Doyle had told Mike that they were coming to our house that Saturday and to meet them here. Now Mike and June knew nothing about GWRRA but told them they would meet them here. As June tells it, they got here before Doyle and Cheryl and as I do, I went up to them to meet them and asked what they were doing there and gave them a hug. Soon after that Doyle and Cheryl showed up and told about their friendship with Mike and June. Well as the day went on and it was time to eat, Don told Mike that he had better go get something to eat or the food would be gone. He told Don to just wait a little bit and he would show him something. Well, it wasn’t long after that that June showed up with his food. Don turned to me and said, “Did you see that?” I told him yes but not to expect it out of me. Well the friendship begin and they became good friends of ours. They started helping the Muskogee chapter and got it going again because it was about to fold. Mike could talk anyone into helping out if he had a mind too. He got so many sponsored for Chapter M and donations. They loved this couple. Well, June went for a ride with a group and when she got back home found Mike had passed in his sleep. She was shocked and was very thankful that a couple went home with her. Mike and June did everything together. This is where Don and I come into picture. When I heard what had happened I called June and asked if there was anything we could do for her. Her respond was yes. She had been thinking about it and wanted to know if Don would ride Mike’s bike in front of the Hearst. I told her he would be very privileged to ride Mike’s bike. Then later she called me and said that she was going to ride her bike but decided that since she and Mike always rode together, she wanted me to ride her bike next to Don. I was speechless (and you know me) but I finally told her that I would be very honored to do that. The PGA riders were going to be there too, Mike and June rode a lot with them. Mike and June had put flag holders on their bikes so that they could fly the flag also. We had their flags on their bikes and rode right in front of the car carrying Mike. I can’t even tell you had chocked up I was to be able to do this. There were members from also every chapter there and they had said they had never seen that many bikes at any funeral. This tell you just how loved this couple was/is. Mike was known as the whiner and he lived up to his name. We loved this couple so much because they would do anything for anybody if they could. June we love you very much and Mike you have touched our hearts and there will be a void there, but lots of memories. Don and Vera Fleming Chapter N August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 14 2015-‐2016 RIDE FOR HONOR Benefitting Oklahoma’s Green Country Veterans and Veteran’s Programs Sponsored by: GWRRA Oklahoma Chapter M, Muskogee In December 1861, the U.S. Navy developed the precursor to what eventually became the Congressional Medal of Honor and President Abraham Lincoln signed it into law. Since that time, more than 3,400 Medals of Honor have been awarded, with more than 2/3 of actions occurring prior to 1919 when the standards for award were significantly changed. Prior to that time, individuals could actually submit themselves (without witnesses) for the Medal of Honor. Within the state of Oklahoma, we have 23 recipients of this prestigious award, one of which the whereabouts has been lost to history. GWRRA Chapter M’s Ride for Honor is designed to pay homage to our heroes of this great nation, learn about their sacrifices, and have a great time riding. This is a photo tour. All participants will receive a list of Oklahoma’s Medal of Honor recipients, where they are interred, and a copy of each citation explaining their actions to receive the award. Cost: Ride Timeline: $15.00 per participant Participants will have from March 14, 2015 to February 28, 2016 to complete the Ride for Honor. All pictures (digital format) will be sent to [email protected] on or before March 1, 2016. Scoring: 1 Point for picture of participant(s) on motorcycle at the front gate of each cemetery. 2 Points for picture of participant(s) next to headstone as proof they honored this hero with a personal visit. Awards: (1) (2) (3) Ride for Honor commemorative 3-‐D pin (Awarded at the time of registration.) First Place award -‐ $100 gas card (Awarded at Chapter M’s March 2016 Anniversary.) Second Place Award – 2 paid registrations to 2016 Oklahoma District Convention (Awarded at Chapter M’s March 2016 Anniversary.) All ties for highest scores will be placed in a drum and drawn at the Chapter’s anniversary gathering in March 2016 (date to be confirmed). (Pin shown actual size) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Detach and mail to address shown below) ______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Rider Name Co-‐Rider Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address City, State __________________ __________________________________ Telephone Number Email Entry Fee(s): ___________ X $15.00 = $_________ number August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge Zip Code Mail registration form and entry fee(s) to: Chapter Director, GWRRA OK-‐M 33322 State Hwy. 51 East Wagoner, OK 74467 15 District Director Johnie Fredman Gina Fredman Assistant District Director Kenney & Sherry Graham District Treasurer Jeannie Smith District Educators Max Rowlett District Trainer John & Shawn Irons District Chapter of the Year Coordinators John & Shawn Irons District Membership Enhancement Susan Carter Wild Bill Miller 405-‐397-‐3850 405-‐397-‐3973 [email protected] [email protected] 918-‐752-‐4675 [email protected] 918-‐357-‐2930 [email protected] 580-‐704-‐8290 [email protected] 405-‐747-‐4618 [email protected] 405-‐747-‐4618 [email protected] 405-‐227-‐8675 405-‐227-‐7865 [email protected] [email protected] b-‐[email protected] [email protected] District Newsletter Editor Linda Frazier 918-‐682-‐5999 District Webmaster Robert McClure 405-‐550-‐9144 District Motorist Awareness Division Coordinators Kay & ‘Smitty’ Smith 405-‐201-‐3601 District Couple of the Year Steve & Carolyn Cotton District Vendor Coordinators Robert McClure District Camping Coordinators Bill Shenberger District Event Coordinator Gina Fredman August, 2015 918-‐245-‐7111 [email protected] 405-‐550-‐9144 b-‐[email protected] (918) 574-‐4663 [email protected] 405-‐397-‐3973 (NEW) [email protected] Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 16 Chapter B Joel Wakefield 405-258-6334 [email protected] Carol Wakefield 405-‐258-‐6332 [email protected] Gathering: 4th Tuesday at Golden Corral, 2513 N. Harrison, Shawnee OK, meet at 7pm Chapter E Kenney Graham 918-‐752-‐4675 [email protected] Sherry Graham 918-‐630-‐0062 [email protected] Gathering: 2nd Tuesday at Golden Corral, 8144 E. 21st St., Tulsa OK, meet at 7pm Chapter G Jim & Binnie Gullane 918-‐331-‐5859 [email protected] Gathering: 1st Tuesday at Montana Mikes Steakhouse, 3825 S.E. Adams Rd., Bartlesville OK, meet at 7pm Chapter I Mattie & Eason Jones 405-‐816-‐4843 [email protected] Gathering: 4th Monday at East China Buffet, 13202 S. Memorial Dr., Bixby OK, meet at 7pm Chapter J Bill & Julie McIntosh 405-‐969-‐2925 [email protected] Gathering: 3rd Thursday at Johnnies Charcoal Broiler, 33 E. 33rd, Edmond OK, meet at 7:15pm Chapter K Lee & Cindy Headrick 580-‐716-‐1385 [email protected] Gathering: 2nd Thursday at Pizza Hut in Ponca City, meet at 7pm Chapter L Tom Clouse 580-‐704-‐0329 [email protected] Paula Clouse 580-‐704-‐0328 [email protected] st Gathering: 1 Monday at Golden Corral in Lawton OK, meet at 7:30pm Chapter M June Stuckey 918-‐577-‐5520 [email protected] Mike Stuckey 918-‐485-‐3254 [email protected] Gathering: 2nd Thursday at Catfish Ranch, 2250 S. 32nd Street & Hwy. 69S, meet at 7pm Chapter N Larry LeTarte 405-‐323-‐0776 [email protected] Gathering: 3rd Tuesday at Libby’s Café, 111 E. Center Street, Goldsby OK, meet at 7pm Chapter P Beth Jensen 918-‐693-‐5538 [email protected] Larry Jensen 918-‐835-‐8859 [email protected] nd Gathering: 2 Monday at Cotton Eyed Joes BBQ, 715 Morentz, Claremore OK, meet at 7pm Chapter W Mike & Terri Lander 405-‐201-‐9546 [email protected] nd Gathering: 2 Tuesday at GattiTown, 5833 NW Expressway, OKC, meet at 7pm Chapter X Marie & Steve Wilson 405-‐338-‐5393 [email protected] nd Gathering: 2 Saturday at Sirloin Stockade, 208 N. Perkins Rd., Stillwater OK, meet at 9 am. August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 17 2015 DISTRICT, REGION, and NATIONAL GWRRA EVENTS Aug. 1: OK-P Full Moon Ride, Whatta Burger Claremore 7:00PM Aug 8: OK-B Anniversary, 12:30-3:00. Raymond Peltier Park, North Reunion Hall, 1702 S Gordon Cooper Dr. Shawnee OK. Theme: “Lazy Days of Summer, An August Festival” Aug 15: OK-P Anniversary, 1 to 4 p.m. New Senior Citizens Center @ 475 East Blue Star, Claremore, “Sports Theme” wear your favorite sports attire Aug 22: Missouri District Appreciation Picnic, Ellis-Porter Riverside Pavilion Park, Jefferson City, MO. Sept 3-6: GWRRA WING DING 37, Huntsville, AL Oct 3: OK-W Anniversary, Lunch12-3, Red Rock Canyon Oct 15-18: Oklahoma District Convention, Sequoyah Lodge, Sequoyah State Park, 19808 Park 10, Hulbert, OK 74441. Theme: "Hallo Wing on the Lake". Nov 8: OK-I Annual Toy Run. 12:30 with Lineup at 114 E Breckenridge Ave, Bixby OK. If any Chapter has an event that they would like to include on the list, please email me at: [email protected] August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 18 August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 19 CHAPTER P 2015 ANNIVERSARY COME JOIN US FOR OUR ANNIVERSARY PARTY AND WEAR YOUR FAVORITE SPORTS ATTIRE WHEN: AUGUST 15, 2015 WHERE: CLAREMORE SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER TIME: 1:00PM – 4:00PM 475 EAST BLUE STAR (NEW ADDRESS) BALL PARK HOT DOGS WITH ALL THE FIXINGS – CHILI, ONIONS, CHEESE, SAUERKRAUT, MUSTARD, KETCHUP AND WHO KNOWS WHAT? MAYBE SOME GARDEN NITRO? PLENTY OF DESERTS INCLUDING ROOT BEER FLOATS 50/50 DRAWING, CONTINGENCY PRIZES INCLUDING A $100 BILL WE ARE ON OUR WAY TO CHAPTER P’s ANNIVERSAR Y PARTY. GO WITH US FOR A GREAT TIME!!! August, 2015 VIST OLD FRIENDS, MAKE NEW ONES AND EAT, EAT, EAT!!! Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 20 August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 21 GWRRA OKLAHOMA DISTRICT CONVENTION Hallo-Wing On the Lake The Lodge at Sequoyah State Park 19808 Park 10, Hulbert, OK 74441 REGISTRATION FORM Rider: _________________________________________ GWRRA# ____________ DOB: _________ Co-Rider: ______________________________________ GWRRA# ____________ DOB: _________ Address: _______________________________________ (Date of Birth) City: __________________________________________ State ___________ Zip: _________ Phone: __________________________ E-Mail: ___________________________________________ Region __________ District ___________ Chapter _________ Miles to Convention: ________ Plan to stay at: Host Hotel ____ Other Hotel ____ Camp _____ Other ______ DESCRIPTION: All On Site Registrations Will be an Additional $5.00 GWRRA Life Member (20+ Years) GWRRA Member Non GWRRA Member Meal Tickets (must purchase one per person regardless of age (Children under 12 attend rally FREE (Fee for meal QTY PRICE TOTAL ______ $17.50 _______ ______ $25.00 _______ ______ $30.00 _______ ______ $10.00 _______ NO MEAL TICKETS WILL BE SOLD ON SITE Level IV Breakfast Tickets for Saturday 10/17/15 _______ FREE* (* Must be current as of Oct 1, 2015) Rider Master # _____________ Co-Rider #______________ TICKET SALES (MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN) 50/50 Tickets Friday 10/16/15 (Per Stretch) 50/50 Tickets Saturday 10/17/15 (Per Stretch) $500 Grand Prize Tickets Saturday 10/17/15 (Per Stretch) OTHER ACTIVITIES Medic First Aid/CPR (Full Certification) 9am.-3pm. Friday (10/16/15) Medic First Aid/CPR (Renewal) 9am-3pm Saturday (10/17/15) Rider Education: Trike Trailer Rider Course (TTRC) Friday (10/16/15) Hay Ride and Cowboy Campfire Friday (evening 10/16/15) _______ $10.00 _______ _______ $10.00 _______ _______ $10.00 _______ ______ $25.00 _______ ______ $25.00 _______ ______ $35.00 _______ ______$ 5.00 _______ GRAND TOTAL $ _________ I/WE agree to hold harmless the GWRRA, co-‐sponsoring organization, and any property owners for any loss or injury to self or property to which I/We may become involved by reason of participation in this conven-‐tion. I/We also agree to assume responsibility for any property which I/We knowingly dam-‐age. Rider: _________________________________________ Date ____________ Co-‐Rider: _____________________________________ Date: _____________ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: OKLAHOMA DISTRICT Must Preregister by October 9th, 2015 Mail to Johnie Fredman, 33207 45th St. Shawnee, OK 74804 August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 22 NOTICE: Oklahoma District is looking for advertising for their newsletter and website. If you find a MAJOR advertiser ($400 per year), you will get $30 and $10 will go to our Chapter. It will be presented at the OK District rally in October. Banks, businesses, insurance agents are all good prospects, but anyone is welcome. August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 23 Vendor Application GWRRA Oklahoma District Convention October 15-‐17, 2015 The Lodge at Sequoyah State Park (Formerly Western Hills Lodge) 19808 Park 10, Hulbert, OK 74441 Business Name _____________________________________________________________ Contact Person _____________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________ Zip Code _______________________ Email: __________________________________________ Phone ____________________ Web-Site __________________________________________________________________ Size requested: _________10x10 ($60), __________10x20 ($90) __________10x30 ($120) Products or Services Offered __________________________________________________ Please note: Products & services in the motorcycle industry are limited, so vendors with multiple lines might overlap. We want to balance the types of vendors we have, so for your benefit please list all types of products/services you offer. If you bring a product type or offer a service that is not listed, we reserve the right to ask you not to sell this product or service. Would you like to donate any item(s) to be given away to attendees? __________________ Would you like to be a “Stop” in the Member # search for a $10 gift? Yes _______________ Would you like to be a “Stop” in a Vendor Poker Walk for $20? Fri______, Sat ______ Please list electrical requirements ______________________________________________________________________________ Additional Banquet tickets needed (Two tickets included. Additional $10 ea.) _____________________________ If you are a GWRRA Level IV Rider and will attend the level IV breakfast please enter number: ___________ I/We agree to conform to and comply with rules covering the event. I/We further agree to hold harmless the Gold Wing Road Riders Association, its officers, directors, & members, the Sequoyah State Park, and any and all property owners involved in the sponsorship of this event for loss or injury or property damage while participating in this event. Each vendor needs to provide his/her own insurance coverage to protect themselves from any of the above and any damages/injuries they may cause. Each vendor will be responsible for the reporting of any retail sales taxes involved in the participation of this event. Signing this form indicates a clear understanding and acknowledgement of the above. Signed _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Signed Date Application deadline is October 9, 2015 If you are a GWRRA member, please include your membership number ___________________ Return this form and check payable to: “Oklahoma District”, Care of: Robert McClure, 2305 E Main, Shawnee, OK 74801, 405-550-9144, [email protected], Registration and payment can be made on-line at: August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 24 National GWRRA Events Here’s a little of what you can expect: • • • • • Fireworks and parades, Hundreds of exhibitors, Educational and Leadership seminars, Plenty of entertainment, including parties, live entertainment, and great food. Lots of prize giveaways New Shuttle Service: There is a list of hotels in the Huntsville area that will be running regular shuttles to the convention center. http://wing-‐‐37-‐hotel-‐shuttle-‐list/ You might want to look at this list before making your hotel reservations. The Gold Wing Road Riders Association will host Wing Ding 37 at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama on September 3-‐6, 2015. Link to the national office: August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 25 For Sale Bunk house for sale. It has a king size bed, changing room, and add on den. The cooler is tongue mounted and it has a spare tire, it comes with a heater and AC If you are interested in this bunkhouse, contact Larry Cowan @ 405 535 1154 or by email [email protected] ATTENTION: PRICE REDUCED 2002 Illusion Blue Honda Goldwing, CB, ABS, 6 disc CD changer, drivers back rest, garage kept, 21,600 miles, and lots of other extras. $10,500. Call Bryan at 918-869-1255 If you have motorcycle items for sale that you would like to advertise, send me an email at: [email protected] August, 2015 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 26
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