Heartlines Fall 2011


Heartlines Fall 2011
Casa Pacifica’s Stepping Stone Project Making Great Strides Forward
asa Pacifica is very excited to move forward
with new housing for its Coaching
Independence in Transitional Youth (CITY)
Program to compliment the two housing options
already offered to emancipated foster youth.
Currently, the CITY
program offers young
adults who qualify a choice
of independent living
apartments or semiindependent living
“community nests” in
private homes around the
county. The new Stepping
Stone Program will offer
newly emancipated youth,
whose independent living skills need more
development, the opportunity to hone their skills
in a “house parent” living situation.
Vicki Murphy, Casa Pacifica’s Chief Advancement
Officer & Director of Alumni Services, conceived
the Stepping Stone project as she drove down
the agency’s driveway each morning. She would
look at three abandoned
buildings on a property
fronting Casa Pacifica
and think,“Those
President’s Message
houses would be
CEO’s Message
perfect for transitional
Page 2
youth who have just
left the foster care
Annual Fundraising
system but still need
Page 6
some services. Casa
Pacifica would be
Angels Events
right next door to
Page 8 & 9
help them get on
their feet.” As the
Wish List
CITY Program’s
Page 11
housing assistance
program developed,
Upcoming Events
Page 12
the idea pressed on
Fall 2011
her mind, and the need for a Stepping Stone
form of housing became more apparent.
for this unexpected and substantial financial
support for the project.
With approval from Casa Pacifica’s Board of
Directors for the project and help from Ventura
County Supervisor Steve
Bennett, Casa Pacifica’s
CEO, Dr. Steve Elson and
Vicki Murphy met with
Ventura County officials.
The County was enthusiastic
about the program and its
goals, recognizing the
tremendous need for
emancipated youth housing,
and approved adding the
2-acre parcel to the property
Casa Pacifica already leases from the county.
Mrs. Murphy once again couldn’t wait to share
the news with the Bakers. Sean Baker responded,
“If you’ve got someone committing that much
to this project, my partner and I will do all the
renovations for you. We’ll cover everything.”
Mr. Baker and his partner, Gary Simons, own
Upside Investments, a real estate organization
that buys properties and adds value to them by
reconfiguring their use, as well as Projects West
Construction, which specializes in the redesign
and renovation of multi-unit residential buildings.
This project was right up their alley. Vicki Murphy
couldn’t believe her ears. It was a banner day,
needless to say, for the Stepping Stone Project!
When Vicki Murphy told Sean Baker and his
wife Dianna the news,
they were very excited.
The Bakers have pledged
a half-million dollars over
three years to create the
CITY Program and develop
a funding stream for it.
Bill Powell, a supporter of
Casa Pacifica and sponsor
of the 2011 Wine & Food
Festival, was also moved
by the news. As Chairman of the Board for
Granite Construction, Mr. Powell invited the
Santa Barbara Area Manager of the industrygiant construction firm, Bruce McGowan, to
come out to look at the property to see if his
company could help. After meeting with Vicki
Murphy, Granite Construction pledged to provide
all the hardscape for the property and only charge
Casa Pacifica for the cost of materials With such
a generous offer on the table, Mr. Powell said he
would personally cover the cost of the materials.
Vicki Murphy was speechless and very grateful
Vo l u m e 1 1 • N u m b e r 3
Work on the new housing has included clearing
the property of wild vegetation and trimming
overgrown trees by two
volunteer crews from the
California Conservation Corps,
Region II/Camarillo Center.
Actual renovation of the
buildings began in the middle
of October, and construction
is expected to take 90-120
days. The only element of
the project left that needs
assistance is landscaping.
Casa Pacifica is thrilled to have the Stepping
Stone project well underway and sincerely
thanks each individual, business, and volunteer
who has made it possible. Expectations are that
newly emancipated youth will be able to move
into the Stepping Stone houses in March!
From the President of the Board of Directors
he kids we serve at Casa Pacifica arrive with baggage. Many suffer from acute anxiety
and depression, pre-natal exposure to drugs, and post-traumatic stress, not to mention
organic emotional disturbance. They run away, they lash out at others, and they can be
destructive. These behaviors, considered abnormal and alarming
elsewhere, are seen on our campus as the normal byproducts of
suffering. The prospect of treating these symptoms and the conditions
that provoke them is a daunting one for our staff. Yet day in and day
out, they tell our kids that no matter what has happened to them,
they are valued human beings with a right to be safe and successful.
They embed deep in the consciousness of each child who crosses our
threshold the message that he or she matters.
From the Chief Executive Officer
Several years ago, a 12-year-old I’ll call Gabriella visited one of our
David E. Wood, Esq. Board of Directors meetings with two of the clinicians who worked
with her. Gabriella was shy, but responded to Board members’
questions about her daily life with a quiet intensity that caught my
attention. She was bright and sensitive. Her artwork, which she displayed proudly, was full
of emotion. Gabriella seemed even-tempered and cooperative.
A few days later, I was surprised to see Gabriella running across the parking lot, pursued at
a distance by a staff member. She was having a meltdown. She ran and cursed, ran some
more, and cursed some more. As Gabriella worked off steam, the staff person stayed a
respectful 10-20 feet away, speaking softly and reassuringly, telling her she was safe and
inviting her to come back home.
I knew from Gabriella’s clinicians that she had suffered terrible emotional and sexual abuse
much of her short life. I knew that she sometimes blew her stack, unable to cope when
counseling brought up memories she preferred to forget. And I knew I was witnessing what
our loving and professional staff does every day. They help kids like Gabriella, who are
suffering in ways we can barely imagine, feel safe. They teach new ways to cope with
childhood trauma and emotional disturbance. They teach alternatives to substance abuse and
other self-destructive behaviors. Our staff loves these kids until they learn to love themselves.
As Gabriella’s crisis passed, she slowed down and began to cry. The demons seemed to
leave her. She walked quietly through the front door with her clinician. Although I could not
make out the words, I could hear his tone, soothing, respectful and loving. Gabriella was
hearing the mantra: you are safe, you are loved, you matter. I have never been more proud of
our staff, and the work they do without fanfare every single day, than I was that morning.
Nothing says more about who we are as a society than how we treat and care for our
neediest children and their families. Casa Pacifica meets children and families in the most
challenging moments of their lives. This holiday season, let’s celebrate the superlative work
of our staff by recommitting ourselves to the small acts of service—be it volunteering for
the kids’ holiday party, helping with toy distribution, or writing a check—that profoundly
affect the lives of these children. Through our support, let’s tell Casa Pacifica’s dedicated,
patient, and compassionate employees and volunteers how proud we are of them.
Above all, by funding the people and facilities at Casa Pacifica, let’s tell the children who
come into our care that suffering is not inevitable, and that they are safe here.
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ot long ago I received a letter from Madge Schaffer,
who was a member of the Ventura County Board of
Supervisors when Casa Pacifica was originally being conceived.
In 1989, Madge facilitated holding the first Angels Ball at the
Sherwood Country Club and chaired that inaugural event. For
several years in the early 1990s, she was instrumental in assuring
that Casa Pacifica was a recipient of the proceeds from the
Steven E. Elson, Ph.D.
Shark Shootout (Greg Norman’s nationally televised golf
Chief Executive Officer
tournament). Upon receiving her letter I took the opportunity
to call Madge, who now lives in Hawaii, and we reminisced
about Casa Pacifica’s beginnings. She told me other Casa Pacifica stories that I hadn’t
heard before.
In the course of that conversation Madge made two comments that struck me. First
was that Casa Pacifica had turned out to be so much more than even the founders
had dreamed and, second, how proud she was to have played a role in getting it off
the ground and how important leaving a legacy is for us all. In reflecting on that
phone call I dug into some data about the legacy this community leaves by
embracing the children for whom we care—more than 13,000 since we opened.
Here are some facts about that legacy, which continues and even grows:
• Over 1,600 folks—mostly women—have joined the Angels Auxiliary. They put on
three premier events a year that, since their inception, have raised more than $8
million collectively for our region’s most vulnerable children.
• Angels’ special events’ attendance—cumulative over the years—has topped 45,000.
• 190 campus volunteers work an average of an hour a week—about 10,000 hours
annually, or the equivalent of five full-time staff.
• Dozens of Amigos have staged well over 100 events for kids on campus—28 this
year alone.
• Scores of Amgen, Target, Pentair, National Charity League volunteers, and others,
join our Angels and Amigos to spend hours decorating the gym for three major
children’s events each year.
• Rotary Clubs of Camarillo have raised more than $1.5 million for Casa Pacifica in
the annual golf tournament they have hosted for the last 19 years.
• 20,000 plus individuals have donated money or in-kind gifts.
• 120 of Ventura County’s most influential citizens have served as Board members.
• Including the original capital campaign & events, donors have given $30 million.
It is this kind of support that enables us to continue to admit a child into one of our
programs every three hours and, in addition to our campus programs, to provide
services to children and families in their own homes and communities from Santa
Maria to Santa Barbara to Santa Paula to Simi Valley. We do not duplicate services
provided in our region—every program is unique to Casa Pacifica. And, all of our
services are nationally accredited.
As a member of the original Casa Pacifica steering committee often said, “It’s
amazing what a community can do when it comes together on behalf of its most
vulnerable children.”
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Your Donations Really Do Make a Difference
staff member from our community-based Supportive Behavioral Services program
emailed this story to Jody Kussin, Casa Pacifica’s Director of Community ServiceVentura County. Her heartfelt words clearly illustrate how donations from our
community can tremendously impact the life of a child or family.
I wanted to take a moment and personally thank you for the opportunity to provide a family
I work with tickets to the circus. I heard of the offer via text message on Tuesday evening and
I immediately thought of a family who could benefit from such an opportunity. Due to the late
hour, I waited to contact the family until first thing in the morning. Here is a brief description
of what occurred.
I was scheduled to be in an all-day training, so I knew I was limited to short phone calls to
provide the mother of this family with the circus ticket information. At first she was somewhat
uncertain of the offer, asking me how much the tickets were and how many were available.
I explained that they were free and had been donated to our organization to be used for our
children or a family. The mother was somewhat speechless, stating that she has wanted to take
her family to the circus for many years, but could not afford to as this was more than a luxury
for a single mom raising four children on a very limited budget.
the tickets came with parking passes, so that would be one less expense for her to worry
about. Within the hour she called me back, overwhelmed with joy, stating she would be able to
make the trip and was so blessed and grateful for our generosity.
I drove out to the house later that day to personally hand deliver the tickets to her, and was
greeted with tears of joy and thankfulness, and found myself feeling equally as blessed and
fortunate to have been given the opportunity to give to this family. I am so proud to work for
an organization that has allowed me the ability to give back to the community I live in, and to
provide joy and happiness to a family so appreciative, so thankful, and never expecting to
receive such an amazing gift.
This outing provided an opportunity for the family to bond and connect with one another and
to experience a truly memorable event, one they will look back on for many years to come. I am
so proud to work for Casa Pacifica—knowing that the values we represent in the work we do
every day have such positive impact on the lives we touch. Thank you for allowing me to be
a part of such a humbling and truly inspirational moment. It was for me as well, a truly
memorable event, and one I too will reflect on in the years to come.
Kathi Sasse / SBS Family Specialist
The mother told me that she would get back to me with an answer, but first needed to pray,
because she still needed money for food and gas to make the trip to L.A. I advised her that
Archie Update
ince the last issue of Heartlines, Archie has had a couple of exciting events take place.
First, Archie experienced his first limousine ride! During a short stay at The Barkley in
Westlake Village one weekend, Archie was supposed to be groomed before he was
picked up Monday morning, but a miscommunication resulted in him not being washed,
fluffed, and ready to go on time. The Barkley
staff remedied the situation, grooming Archie
and then providing door-to-door service to
Casa Pacifica. It was quite a sight to see
Archie arrive in such style!
A more lasting highlight that took place was
Archie was chosen to model for A Letter to
My Dog, a new coffee table book to be
published by P.Q. Blackwell. Casa Pacifica’s
friend Kimi Culp is a part of the project and
suggested they consider Archie as one of the
60 dogs portrayed in the book. Robin Layton,
the project’s author and photographer, chose
Archie and came to Casa Pacifica in September
to photograph him. She was very excited
about Archie and the wonderful work he
performs here. Casa Pacifica’s kids wrote
letters about Archie and several of their
quotes will be featured on Archie’s page. We
are looking forward to seeing Archie’s spread
in the finished book and will announce when
it will be available for purchase.
Along with his regular duties, Archie had a
special job in October playing with our kids
and keeping them busy during the California
Shake-Out event in which Casa Pacifica
participated with other agencies and schools
statewide. The California Shake-Out was
designed in order to practice emergency
procedures in the case of a major earthquake.
It was a very successful drill and Archie successfully performed his duties of keeping the
children distracted and happy.
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Community News
Cyclecross Bicycle Race Takes Place at Casa Pacifica
n September, Casa Pacifica’s campus served as the site for an unusual form of
bicycle racing called Cyclocross. Organized and hosted by M4K
Cycling/Newbury Park Bike Shop, over 300 riders ranging in age categories
from Under 10 to Masters 55+ participated in the event. Cyclocross races
cover a short “track” (usually 1.5 to 2 miles long) made up of different types
of terrain—pavement, trails, grass, hills, as well as some obstacles that require
the rider to get off his bike and carry it, sometimes while running. The bicycles
are a hybrid of street racing bike and mountain bike, with cantilevered brakes
to avoid mud build-up and knobbed tires for better traction.
Casa Pacifica’s “track”
included a barrier section,
a stair-run-up, a ride
through the gymnasium’s
barn doors, and a tour
around the campus’ BMX
bike track. Prior to the
race on Sunday, Newbury
Park Bike Shop held a
bicycle clinic for Casa
Pacifica’s residents to
learn safety and bike
handling skills. Also, in
conjunction with the
Schwinn Back-to-Bike
program, Newbury Park
Bike Shop donated 45
BMX bikes and helmets
to Casa Pacifica. Racers
from some of the
different teams were on
Kevin Charbonneau of Newbury Park Bike Shop answers
hand to share their stories
kids’questions before their ride with the racers.
with the kids, followed by
some time riding with the kids on the new bikes. At the end of the day each
child received a specially designed “finisher’s medal.” The Conejo Valley
Kiwanis were on hand both Saturday and Sunday to provide a delicious
barbeque lunch for Casa Pacifica’s kids, the staff, and the racers.
hile many businesses and groups donated their time and energies to helping
Casa Pacifica and its children over the past few months since the last Heartlines
issue, the following highlight just a few of those efforts:
Human Clothing Company’s Skateboard
Competition Raises Money for Casa Pacifica
oe Kennelty and his wife Sarah started Human Clothing Company after Joe lost his
job as a graphic designer last year. Since his clothing line has become popular with
the skateboard crowd, Joe and his wife wanted to do something not only to get their
name out in the public, but also to benefit a
worthy cause in the community—Casa
Pacifica’s kids! They organized and hosted the
For the Humans Skate Competition, which was
held at Camarillo Skate Park in October. A big
crowd watched the competition, including
about 30 of Casa Pacifica’s youth (a few of
whom skated in the contest). Skateboard
enthusiasts from age 8-30 signed up to
compete, totaling about 50. The event also
featured a DJ, food, music by a Ventura band
named New Liberty, and professional
skateboarder Neal Mims judged the
competition. The Kenneltys donated 10% of the proceeds from the Human Clothing
Company sales at the competition to Casa Pacifica. We thank them both for choosing
Casa Pacifica, for their generosity and compassion, and for including our kids in such a
wonderful and fun event!
enise, talented guitarist and a favorite
Wine & Food Festival yearly performer, generously
donated several tickets to his new show, “The Spanish
Guitar,” performed at the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts
Plaza on October 6th. Ten youth and staff members
were dazzled by Benise’s spectacular musicianship and
all the colorful, vivid, captivating elements of the
show. It was an unforgettable experience for all!
Thank you, Benise, for this special treat!
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Community News
Alcoa Employees Spend Day
Volunteering on Campus
California United Bank Golf
Tournament Benefits Casa Pacifica
asa Pacifica was proud to be selected as one of three charities to be the recipient of
proceeds from the 5th Annual Golf Tournament hosted by California United Bank (CUB)
in October. Held at the beautiful Sherwood Country Club, the event honored Dan Selleck, a
member of Casa Pacifica’s Board of Directors, as this year’s winner of California United Bank’s
Community Service Award. A full field enjoyed a great day of championship
golf on Sherwood’s well-known and challenging layout, with special
competitions punctuating the day’s events including a “Hole-in-One”
Car hole, and long-drive and closest-to-the-hole contests, as well as a
cocktail reception, a delicious gourmet dinner, an awards presentation
for the tournament’s winners, a fabulous live auction, a “Loser’s” Raffle,
and a helicopter ball drop.
or the third year in a row, employees from Alcoa Fastening Systems in
Newbury Park spent a Saturday on Casa Pacifica’s campus as part of Alcoa’s
global Month of Service, which encourages their employees to give time in
the community to benefit it in some way. More than 90 volunteers spent the
day at Casa Pacifica cleaning up the Sacred Space area, installing a watering
system, painting and placing stepping stone pavers, weeding and cleaning the
Teaching Garden, planting fruit trees, and painting some of the campus’s rod
iron fencing. Once all the hard work was finished, Casa Pacifica’s children and
staff members were invited to share a yummy barbeque lunch with all the
Alcoa employees. Archie came by to say “hello” and to express Casa Pacifica’s
thanks for all the generous efforts that Alcoa and their employees put forth,
and to thank them for choosing to benefit Casa Pacifica and its children,
once again, with their global Month of Service volunteer efforts!
CUB’s tournament website explains the purpose of the event: “We’re all
swinging to support the young people and the programs provided for them
at the Boys & Girls Club of the West Valley, in addition to Casa Pacifica and Carousel Ranch.
Playing in CUB’s Tourney is not just ‘playing,’ it’s supporting the betterment of our young
people and of our community—today and tomorrow.”
Dan Selleck
FritoLay Employees Donate Halloween Costumes
The CUB tournament presented Casa Pacifica $40,000 for its programs and services.
Casa Pacifica is grateful to have been included in this marvelous event and sincerely
thanks California United Bank for choosing our agency as one of its recipient charities!
mployees from
the local FritoLay
facility got into the
giving spirit early this
year by holding a
Halloween costume
drive for Casa Pacifica’s
children. Several
delivered princess, Buzz
Lightyear, pirate, witch,
and a whole assortment
of other costumes just
in time for Casa
Pacifica’s big Halloween
Haunt children’s party.
Not only did they help
Dan Christianson (Center) and FritoLay
outfit our kids for the
employees deliver costumes.
evening, but they also
donated a large assortment of snacks for the party-goers, including
a variety of flavored Doritos and Cheetos. Our sincere thanks
go to the wonderful FritoLay employees who helped make it a
great Halloween for all of our kids!
Rexnord-PSI Hosts Day of Kickball for Casa Pacifica’s Kids
or the second year in a row, the wonderful employees of Rexnord-PSI in Simi Valley which
produces bearings for the aerospace industry) hosted a great day of kickball for Casa Pacifica’s
children and youth on Casa Pacifica’s baseball field. Everyone enjoyed the afternoon of friendly
competition between teams made up of Rexnord employees and Casa Pacifica children and
staff members. Following the energetic kickball game, Rexnord also hosted a delicious barbeque
lunch for everyone. It was a great day of smiles, laughter, and healthy competition!
Along with their gift of time spent with the kids, the Rexnord employees brought two generous
contributions for Casa Pacifica—the first was a substantial monetary donation in the form of a
$1,500 check, and the second was 15 gift-filled laundry baskets for Casa Pacifica’s CITY
program. The baskets held much needed items for newly emancipating foster youth such as a
Crock Pot, George Foreman Grill, family cookbook, kitchen utensils, and much more. These
baskets will help give a great start to emancipated young adults as they start down the new,
unfamiliar, and sometimes bumpy road to responsibility and independence.
Our heartfelt thanks go to all the Rexnord employees who took time to bring some fun, food,
and much appreciated care to Casa Pacifica’s children.
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Planned Giving
Maximize Your Year-End Gift Benefits
enerosity knows no season, but this is historically the time most people give and
receive—and begin income tax planning. Here are some ideas on how to map out
a plan for making a difference at Casa Pacifica Centers for Children and Families.
How Can YOU Help?
• Give cash. To document a cash gift of any amount, you must have a receipt from us
prior to filing your return that states the date of the gift, the amount, and whether
you received any goods or services in exchange for your donation. Make certain you
receive one. A cancelled check provides sufficient documentation only for gifts by
check if they are less than $250.
• Give stock or other property. If the property has depreciated in value, sell it and
deduct the loss to the extent allowed by law. Then donate the cash received from its
sale. That way you have another deduction. If it is worth more than what you
originally paid for it, do not sell it. Donate the property to us—we'll sell it and you
will eliminate all the capital gains tax you would have paid had you sold it. Your gift
will be deductible at its full fair market value on its date of delivery if you have held it
for more than one year.
Annual Fundraising Goal: $2.4 Million
• Sell an appreciated asset for less than its current value to us (a bargain sale gift).
The difference between the fair market value of the property and what you receive in
the sale is considered the gift—and the charitable deduction.
With a gift to a qualified charitable organization such as Casa Pacifica Centers for
Children and Families, you can receive the greatest tax advantages when donating this
year. Contact Carrie Hughes at (805) 445-7831 or [email protected] with any
questions about your options for giving or your entitled benefits.
Copyright © The Stelter Company, All rights reserved.
The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For legal or tax
advice, please consult an attorney. Figures cited in examples are for hypothetical purposes
only and are subject to change. References to estate and income taxes apply to federal
taxes only. State income/estate taxes or state law may impact your results.
Casa Pacifica gratefully recognizes the following foundations, businesses, and organizations for grants.
Grants Received • July 2011 - October 2011
United Way Women’s Leadership Council
Blue Shield of California Foundation
James C. Basile Fund
Venoco Community Partnership
Casa Pacifica needs
Comerica Charitable Foundation
Rotary Club of Thousand Oaks
Scott Family Foundation
Gordon Ross Medical Foundation
$33 per day per child
in private funds.
Rotary Club of Simi Sunrise
*Fiscal year runs from July 1st to June 30th.
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Corporate Leaders
Thank You....To Our Returning Corporate Leaders
Platinum Level
n 2010, Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE: WFC) awarded 101 grants totaling
$432,950 to nonprofit organizations and schools in Ventura County. The company and
its team members gave $22.5 million to 1,600 Los Angeles-area nonprofit organizations
and schools. Nationwide, Wells Fargo gave $219 million in grants in 2010.
The company remains one of the largest corporate contributors to nonprofit organizations in the Greater Los
Angeles region, which includes nonprofit organizations and schools in Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara,
and west San Bernardino counties.
Wells Fargo contributed a variety of Ventura County community groups including: Camarillo—Big Brothers
Big Sisters, California State University Channel Islands Foundation, Casa Pacifica Centers for Children and
Families, Consumer Credit Counseling, United Way, Ventura County Community Foundation; Ojai—iHELP of
Ojai, Inc.; Oxnard—Food Share, Housing Opportunity Management and Education Corporation, Saint John’s
Healthcare Foundation; Thousand Oaks–Aspen Elementary School, Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank, Many
Mansions; and Ventura—Cabrillo Economic Development Corporation.
In 2010, team members in Greater Ventura and Los Angeles reported more than 27,724 volunteer hours
serving nonprofit organizations in their communities and donated more than $5 million of their own dollars to
local nonprofit organizations and schools through the company’s Community Support Campaign which is an
annual fundraiser encouraging employees to support any 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency or school, including the
United Way. Team member gifts and Wells Fargo Foundation contributions exceeded $22 million.
Gold Level
Silver Level
anta Barbara Bank & Trust is the largest independent financial
services institution on the Central Coast of California. The
company conducts business in eight contiguous counties, from
Santa Clara County in the north to Los Angeles County in the
south. SBB&T is organized around three primary lines of business:
community banking, commercial banking and wealth
management services.
For 51 years, SBB&T has provided banking services to individuals and businesses, and through its 47 branches,
their customers enjoy an extensive and highly competitive line of products and services, delivered with the
personal customer service that remains the hallmark of good community banking.
Bronze Level
SBB&T employees are widely respected for their dedication to continually enhancing the economic vitality and
social welfare of the communities in which they work and live. In 2010, the bank’s employees donated more
than 1,600 hours in direct volunteer support of local community activities, projects and events. The company
also provides substantial in-kind support to its community partners throughout each year, including meeting
rooms and gifting of surplus furniture and used computers. Bank staff members serve on boards of directors
throughout the Central Coast, and they remain in high demand by local nonprofits for behind-the-scenes
expertise in key areas of need, including finance, marketing, public relations, and legal, among others.
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David E. Wood, Esq.
Stacy A. Roscoe
Vice President
Wayne A. Davey
Keets Cassar
Sheila Rakestraw
Immediate Past President
Sean Baker
Kenneth W. Bauer
Marni Brook
John S. Broome, Jr.
Charles W. Cohen, Esq.
Brick Conners
Geoff Dean
Rebeca Elliott
Donna B. Fisher-Yates
Alan Fletcher
Richard L. Glaus
Richard H. Goodrich
Honorable Joe Hadden
Richard J. Hernandez
Patricia A. Howard, Esq.
Doug Mazza
Reza Razzaghipour
Richard R. Rush, Ph.D.
Daniel F. Selleck
David H. Wallace
Rosalind C. Warner, M.D.
Robert Wynner, Esq.
Steven E. Elson, Ph.D.
Helen M. Caldwell
Bettina Chandler
Gary F. Farr
Richard H.Goodrich
Honorable Joe Hadden
Carolyn Huntsinger
William J. Kearney
Susan K. Lacey
Dorothy Jue Lee
Sheldon Malchicoff
Barbara S. Meister
Richard M. Norman, Esq.
Priscilla Partridge de Garcia, Ed.D.
G.S. “Gib” Poiry
Joseph L. Priske
Timothy P. Wolfe
Patty Turnage • President
Susan Bauer
Susan Burgos
Patricia Cordover
Kristin Eaton
Tonia Gould
Melanie Higashi
Barbara Ito
Cindy Jaks
Cheryl Johnson
Carol Kirschbaum
Linda Landau
Michelle Paschen
Jane Semones
Kirsten Selleck
Michelle Sievers
Deanne Rollins • President
Care For Kids Golf
Classic Sponsors
Care For Kids Golf Classic
he 19th annual Care For Kids Golf Classic, hosted by the Rotary
Clubs of Camarillo, was held on July 18th at the Spanish Hills
Country Club, and was once again a great success, raising $90,400
for Casa Pacifica and other Rotary charities. Petra and Al Lowe and
Stu Avery co-chaired the tournament. This year’s event honored
Geoff Dean, Ventura County’s Sheriff and a Casa Pacifica Board of Directors member, and
his wife Marlene. The Deans are long time residents of Ventura County. Mrs. Dean spends
her days as a mathematics professor, while Geoff Dean has been with the Ventura County
Sheriff’s Office for 32 years. He is involved in a number of community activities including
the Camarillo Noon Time Rotary, Casa Pacifica’s Board of Directors, and the American
Cancer Society’s Community Council. The couple was honored and recognized for their
passion for the safety and wellbeing of our community’s children.
Geroge Erb Fitness Center, Inc.
Conejo Awards
Richard & Ellen Gilleland
Harrison Industries
The Tesoro Family
Wells Fargo
The Zarley Family
Al Lowe Construction, Inc.
Camarillo Courtyard Marriott
Cosmetic Specialties International, LLC
First California Bank
Gold Coast Broadcasting, LLC
Steve Thomas BMW
Following an exciting day of golf, participants gathered in Spanish Hills’ clubhouse for a
reception and awards dinner. Lively bidding during the Live Auction for such items as golf
outings; advertising packages; a 100-piece DVD collection; a wine tasting adventure; a Blue
Ray Disc system with Blue Ray movies; hotel packages; home improvement packages;
sporting event tickets including Laker tickets, Dodger tickets, and USC basketball tickets;
special private gourmet dinners hosted in beautiful private home settings; a luxurious leather
recliner; cutting-edge dermatological treatments; and ten VIP Tickets to next year’s Angels
Wine & Food Festival ensured the tournament’s fundraising efforts were very profitable.
The golf tournament’s proceeds will go toward the $2.6 million that must be raised this
year in private donations to meet budgeted expenses for Casa Pacifica’s wide variety of
programs and services. We are very grateful to the Rotary Clubs of Camarillo for their
loving and constant support of Casa Pacifica through the Care For Kids Golf Classic. Our
gratitude also goes to the co-chairs and their committee for giving so much of their time
and energy to planning and this wonderful and popular event. Our thanks go as well to
all the sponsors of the Care For Kids Golf Classic whose
support ensures the success of the event even before it has
Save The Date!
taken place. Next year’s tournament will be held Monday,
July 16th—so mark your calendars now!
Boccaccio’s Host Angels &
Amigos Membership Social
Casa Pacifica’s
23rd Annual
s they have done for several years now, Boccaccio’s in
Westlake Village owners Hamid Sadrie and Joe Ieraci
hosted a beautiful evening of socializing and promoting Casa
Pacifica’s Angels and Amigos auxiliary groups on their lakeside
restaurant’s lovely patio. About 100 guests joined in the evening —
Angels, Amigos, and prospective members. It was a beautiful
event and our endless and deep gratitude goes to Hamid
and Joe for their continuing graciousness and generosity.
w w w . c a s a p a c i f i c a . o r g
Avery Insurance & Financial Services
Churchill Valencia
Finishline Carpentry, Inc.
Bill & Elise Kearney
Dr. David Lowe
Montecito Bank & Trust
Opolo Vinyards
Michael L. Potts, DDS/General & Implant Dentistry
Scott Winter Construction
St. John’s Regional Medical Center/
St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital
Store Safe Self Storage
Trophies Etc.
Universal Stoneworks
Angels Ball
February 25th • 2012
8 0 5 - 4 4 5 - 7 8 0 0
n February 25th, 2012, join us for the
Angels Ball as we dine and dance like
royalty at the Sherwood Country Club, hosted
this year by The Cassar Family. Co-Chairs Kirsten
Selleck and Michelle Sievers and committee
members, are working hard to ensure the Angels
Ball is once again one of the season’s “must
attend” events. Featuring an epicurean menu,
dancing and the presentation of the 2011 Guardian
Angel Award, you won’t want to miss out on
this elegant, glamorous and exciting evening.
Please contact Casa Pacifica’s Development and
Public Relations office at (805) 484-7144 for more
information, sponsorship opportunities, or to
have your name placed on the invitation list.
Spotlight on Style Fashion Show Features Fashion’s Finest
he Spotlight on Style Fashion Show – Ventura County’s
premiere fashion event—celebrated its tenth anniversary this
fall, set amid the elegant and beautiful accommodations of
the ballroom at the Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village, which
features enormous, sparkling
crystal chandeliers. This year’s
event honored the Angels
auxiliary’s past presidents,
special women who
unselfishly shared their
leadership and vision over
a time frame spanning
twenty years.
Fashion show guests enjoyed a superb luncheon and a fabulous
assortment of desserts generously donated by Confectionately
Yours, Couture CupCakery by Michelle, Find Sconehenge Baking,
Kelsey’s Anytime Fudge, Missy’s Cupcake Creations, and T is for
Toffee. A captivating runway show, produced by Carin Holmenas
Productions, followed lunch and featured the latest in elegant
designs from Madison Boutique, Jessica Barcley, Kevan Hall, and
Edwards-Lowell of Beverly Hills. Four male models—Bob Endres,
Ryan Haynie, Ben Hopps, and Edmond Roche, winners of last year’s
male model auction, showed off designs from Men’s Wearhouse.
Next to the glorious fashions, the highlight of the afternoon was
a short presentation about Casa Pacifica, centered by a brief, yet
truly moving video about the agency and the children it serves.
There were few, if any, dry eyes in the house.
Outside the ballroom, a diverse and unique group of boutique
vendors offered the latest fashions, exquisite jewelry, stylish handbags,
and unique giftware. A silent auction table featured wonderful
gift baskets filled with assortments of items, such as the Devine
Getaway basket that included an
overnight stay for two at the Four
Seasons Hotel Westlake Village;
his-and-hers plush, full-length
robes; breakfast; dinner at
Hamptons or Onyx; special Spa
treatments; and cooking lessons
in the Wellness Kitchen. Or there
was the Wine and Dine basket
with two VIP tickets and four
general admission tickets to the next Casa Pacifica Wine & Food
Festival, a $50 gift certificate to the Napa Tavern in Westlake
Village; a $25 gift certificate to Sheila’s Wine Bar & Grill in
Camarillo, six wine tastings at Malibu Winery, four bottles of
Tobin James Wine, a party wine bucket; and the book “Sniffing
the Cork.”
It was a spectacular afternoon at the Four Seasons Hotel
and Casa Pacifica’s gratitude goes to the endlessly energetic
Angels “Spotlight on Style” chairwoman, Patricia Cordover,
and to her fashion show committee for all their creative
brainstorming, dedication, and hard work resulting, once again,
in an unforgettable and enjoyable afternoon, which raised
$48,000 (net) for Casa Pacifica and the children it serves.
Calamigos Ranch Hosts Casa Pacifica’s Kids for End of Summer Party
asa Pacifica’s children celebrated the end of summer at the beautiful, pastoral Calamigos Ranch in Malibu
by participating in a great variety of fun activities. The kids enjoyed swimming, paddling around the pond
in paddle boats, challenging staff to a game of horseshoes, jumping in the Panda bounce
house, bouncing down the inflatable slide, and competing in contests such as the egg toss. A
fantastic, mouth-watering barbeque lunch was also provided. Casa Pacifica Angel Board
member Linda Landau arranged this special event with Glen Gerson, the owner of
Calamigos Ranch. Our sincere gratitude goes to Mr. and Mrs. Gerson and to all
the staff at Calamigos for planning and hosting such a memorable day for our
kids. Our deep thanks go as well to Mr. and Mrs. Herve Willems who provided
funding for a bus to transport the children to and from Casa Pacifica. It was a
happy day, full of laughter, smiles, and fun for Casa Pacifica’s kids, and a day
that won’t be soon forgotten!
Linda Landau and Jane Semones, Children's Events Co-Chairs.
w w w . c a s a p a c i f i c a . o r g
Our sincere thanks go as
well to the sponsors of
the 2011 “Spotlight on
Style” Fashion Show:
Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village
Keets & Hugh Cassar
Hiji Brothers, Inc.
Kaden & Kyler Choi
The Tesoro Family
The Van Huisen Family
Susan & Ken Bauer
The Cordover Family
Fashion Forms
Carolyn Huntsinger
The Levy Family
Barbara Meister
Barber Auto Group • Ventura
Montecito Bank & Trust
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
The Hopps Group
Lydia Hopps & Ben Hopps
Pak Yeung
Dr. William & Susan Burgos
The Marks Family
G. Kelly Sievers Foundation
Kristin and Mike Eaton
Harriet Karol
Children enjoy panda bounce house...
paddle boats...egg toss....and slide.
8 0 5 - 4 4 5 - 7 8 0 0
Amigos Events
Donations Needed for Holiday Boutique • December 16th
n addition to their work on the wonderful
Halloween maze our amazing Amigos
also held a fantastic soccer clinic, and
completed their three-weekend Pinewood
Derby event in the past couple of months.
It’s been a great fall season for the kids and
our Amigos!
ould you like to help a child give a gift this season?
You can, by donating to our annual Holiday Gift Boutique. This special event gives
Casa Pacifica’s children the opportunity to buy holiday gifts for their family members,
teachers, social workers, and others who are important in their lives (using allowance
money they’ve earned for good behavior skills). We need items for women, men, boys, and
girls, such as perfume, games, candles, lotions, stationery, wallets, picture frames, money
clips, ties, colognes, etc. The gifts are sorted (by gender and age), placed on tables, and
priced from $1.00-$3.00. Once the children have shopped, volunteers beautifully wrap the
gifts so the children have something special to present to their loved ones. Shopping for
those they care about makes the children feel good. They enjoy having a gift in-hand that
they’ve chosen themselves when they visit their homes for the holiday. Along with gift
items, donations of gift bags, tissue, ribbons, boxes, tape, and wrapping paper are also
appreciated. Please bring donated items to Casa Pacifica between 8 am and 6 pm, Monday
through Friday. Also, please identify that the items are for the Holiday Boutique when you
drop them off.
If you would like to volunteer along with the Angels to help wrap gifts, or if you have any
questions, please call (805) 484-7126.
Halloween Party Visits Haunted Ghost Town
asa Pacifica’s children enjoyed a great
time at this year’s haunted ghost townthemed Halloween Party, hosted by the Casa
Pacifica Angels. Each Casa Pacifica department
manned its own booth that featured and
activity or game for the kids to play. The
Angels, Amigos, Amgen college hires group,
and Boys Teen Charity all worked together to
create an amazing haunted house maze that
featured the
ghost town’s
saloon, jail,
gallows, and
cemetery. The
details and
quality of the maze were unbelievable once
again and elicited lots of jumps and screams!
The kids loved every minute of the Halloween
Party and Casa Pacifica is grateful to everyone
who worked so hard to make it such a
huge success! Thank you!
Gift Card Wish List
ift Cards:
An Easy Way
To Give!
Stop by your favorite stores and
restaurants, or visit their
websites to buy gift cards
online. Please do not donate
bank cards (including those to
specific shopping malls), and
check to see they don’t charge
monthly fees, since many do
and that reduces the amount
that Casa Pacifica actually can
use for the children. Gift cards
from individual stores are
very helpful!
Thank you for your support!
w w w . c a s a p a c i f i c a . o r g
Amusement Park Passes
Barnes & Noble
Bat-R Up Cages
Golf ‘N Stuff
Movie Tickets – Edwards
Camarillo Palace, Roxy, Regal
Baja Fresh
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
The Habit
In-N-Out Burger
Jamba Juice
Jersey Mike’s
Panda Express
Panera Bread
8 0 5 - 4 4 5 - 7 8 0 0
Bed, Bath & Beyond
Best Buy
Old Navy
TJ Maxx
Torrid (girls plus sizes)
Wish List
Help Make the Season Bright
magine for a moment…it’s the holiday season and a child sits alone without the
closeness and warmth of family. This is the case for more than 400 children that Casa
Pacifica serves each day. With the holidays approaching, Casa Pacifica has begun
planning ways to provide gifts for all of our children. We’re asking for help from friends,
such as you, to assist us in any way possible, whether with a gift of cash, merchandise,
gift certificates, or by sponsoring a specific child’s or family’s wish list. Family members
McDonalds Teen Girls • Ages 13-17
q CD Boom Boxes & MP3 Players
q DVDs (PG, PG13)
q Bath & Body Lotions, Body Spray
q Body Wash, Scented Shampoos
q Basketballs & Volleyballs
q Art Supplies & Sketch Pads/Pens
q Beading Sets (twin)
q Wii Game Console & Games
q Card Games
q Batteries
q Makeup
q Slippers
q Scrapbook Supplies
q Slippers
q Hair Dryers
q Straightening Irons
q Journals
q Socks
q Pillows
q Computer
McDonalds Small Fries Girls • Ages 6-12
q Soccer Balls
q Karaoke Machine
q Art Supplies: Markers, Paper
q CD Boom Boxes & MP3 Players
q Hello Kitty Items
q Bath & Body Lotions, Body Wash
q Posters
q Dress-up Clothes
q Fuzzy Art Poster
q Body Pillows
q Slippers
q Volleyballs
q Bikes/Helmets
q Build A Bear
q Bed In A Bag - Twin
q Baking Utensils
q Towels
q Art Supplies
q Jamba Juice
q 31 flavors
or friends may share the spirit of the holidays as well. Invite them to become part of
the Casa Pacifica family or let them know you have made a donation in their name.
If you'd like to help our children and families this holiday season, including those in our
community-based programs TBS and Wraparound, please call (805) 484-7126 or bring
unwrapped items listed below to Casa Pacifica.
Rainbow Teen Boys • Ages 13-17
q Sports Posters
q Cologne
q Electric Toothbrushes
q CD Boom Boxes & MP3 Players
q Footballs
q Basketballs
q Skateboards
q Movie Gift Cards
q Baja Fresh Gift Certificates
q Panera Gift Certificates
q Chipotle Gift Cards
q DVDs (PG, PG13)
q Cards/Uno
q Twin Comforters
q Cottage Computer
q X Box console
q Sweatshirts (L, XL)
q Mens Slippers
q Helmets (Bike)
Angels Girls • Ages 9-17
q Body Lotions/Sprays
q Makeup
q Photo Albums/Scrapbooks
q Hair Straightening Irons/Hair Dryers
q Body Pillows
q CD Boom Boxes & MP3 Players
q Batteries
q Hoop Earrings, Bracelets
q Target Gift Cards
q Clothing Store Gift Cards
q Papa Johns Gift Cards
q Coffee Bean
q In-N-Out Burger Gift Cards
q Jamba Juice Gift Cards
q Movie Gift Cards
q Twin Comforters
q Mall Gift certificates
q Posters
q Journals
Rainbow Small Guys • Ages 6-12
q Footballs/Basketballs/Soccer Balls
q Scooters/Helmets
q Model Cars/Planes
q CD Boom Boxes
q MP3 Players
q CDs (No Parental Advisory)
q Action Figures
q Skateboards
q Board Games
q Laser Tag Gift Cards
q Art Supplies
q DVDs (G, PG)
q Food Gift Certificates
q Batteries
q Bed In A Bag - Twin
q Legos
q Chuck E. Cheese gift cards
q Wii Game Console
q Wii games
Pre-K Children’s • Ages O-5
q Playground Balls
q Washable Markers/Paints
q McDonalds Gift Cards
q Puzzles
q CD Boom Boxes
q Children's Scooters
q Baskin Robbin's Gift Cards
q Bed In A Bag - Twin
q Towels (Beach)
q Bath Towel Sets
q Toddler Bed sheets/comforters,
q Bath Soaps
q Lotions
q Shampoo
q Chuck E. Cheese Gift Cards
q Childrens Cothing (24 months-6T)
w w w . c a s a p a c i f i c a . o r g
8 0 5 - 4 4 5 - 7 8 0 0
Caldwell Boys • Ages 9-17
q Wii Game Console & Games
q Footballs/Basketballs
q Model Cars/Planes
q CD Boom Boxes & MP3 Players
q Football Team Posters/Baseball
q MP3 Players
q Bikes/Helmets/Skateboards
q Batteries
q Hair Gel, Cologne & Deodorant
q DVDs (PG, PG13)
q CDs (No Parental Advisory)
q Golf N' Stuff Gift Cards
q Movie Gift Cards
q Pizza Gift Cards
q Target Gift Cards
q Starbucks Gift Cards
q Jamba Juice Gift Cards
q Bed In A Bag - Twin
q Legos
q Inspirational Posters
q Game Stop Gift Card
q Cold Stone Creamery
q Chuck E. Cheese
q Hair Clippers
q Large Sports Pictures
q DVDs (G, PG)
You can
make a
Nonprofit Org.
US Postage
Oxnard, CA
Permit #1734
1722 S. Lewis Road, Camarillo, CA 93012
Phone (805) 445-7800 • FAX (805) 987-7237
Address Service Requested
Casa Pacifica Has a New Face Online!
(yes, Archie has his own website!), and the Angels Wine & Food Festival’s
webpage. Check it out and spread the word to your friends and family,
everything you could want to know about Casa Pacifica is there!
asa Pacifica is happy to announce that it has launched
its newly revamped, redesigned website, still found at
With its updated, fresh look, the website is still an excellent
way to learn about Casa Pacifica and its myriad programs
and services, volunteer opportunities, special events,
important emergency numbers, and of course all the ways
you can contribute to Casa Pacifica and our children’s and
agency’s needs, as well as many other interesting and helpful pages of information. You
will also find special links to Casa Pacifica’s kid’s holiday wish lists, to Archie’s website
Casa Pacifica is also planning to “Go Green!” That means that we will
be phasing out sending a hard copy of Heartlines in the mail over the
next year and our newsletter will be delivered by email instead! This will
not only save trees, but also will provide significant cost savings to Casa
Pacifica. Please go to Casa Pacifica’s website to sign up to receive the
electronic version of Heartlines and help us do our part for the environment!
You will still be able to find an electronic version of Heartlines on our website as well.
Stay up to Date!
Sign up for text alerts on-line.
Keep in Touch:
Heartlines is a project of the Casa Pacifica Development Department.
We strive for accuracy. If you feel an omission has been made in a donor or sponsor listing,
please contact our department at (805) 445-7800 so we may correct our records.
Saturday, February 25th • 2012
6:00 pm
23rd Annual Casa Pacifica Angels Ball
Sherwood Country Club
Sunday, June 3rd • 2012
1:00 pm-5:00 pm
Casa Pacifica Angels 19th Annual Wine & Food Festival
California State University Channel Islands
Monday, July 16th • 2012
8:00 am
20th Annual Care for Kids Golf Classic
Spanish Hills Golf & Country Club
Blacklake Golf Resort
Newbury Park Bicycle Shop
Mrs. Noella Belvedere
Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon
Ms. Bridget Marshall
Ms. Sara Treptow
Bogey Bobs
North Ranch Country Club
Mr. Roni Benise
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Granat
Mrs. Sylvia G. Martinez
Mrs. Michele Turton
Brandes Photography
Ojai Valley Inn and Country Club
Ms. Karen Berman
Mrs. Carol Gravelle
Mrs. Roberta Mastroianni
Mr. Robert R. Unfug
Buenaventura Golf Course
Opolo Vineyards
Mrs. Melissa Bowden
Ms. Rhonda Greenstein
Mr. Jason McIlhaney
Ms. Debra Ann Updike
Calamigos Ranch & Restaurant
Ottavio's Italian Restaurant and Catering
Mrs. Gina Breece
Mrs. Christi Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Mercurio
Mrs. Guadalupe Urias
California Conservation Corps
Panache - Camarillo
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Brewin
Ms. Louise Guerra
Ms. Amanda Michalka
Mr. Paul Valenzuela
California Dance Company Theatre &
Paramount Pictures Studio
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burdette
Mrs. Connie Gushwa
Ms. Alyson Michalka
Mrs. Elizabeth Vega
Paschen Management
Mrs. Karen Cabelli
Mr. Edward J. Haas, Foe Togra Fur
Ms. Carrie Michalka
Mr. Venatalli
Camarillo Seventh Day Adventist Church
Planet Beauty
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Callero
Ms. Dianne Hammond
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Milner
Mr. Vicory
Canteen Vending of Coastal California, Inc.
Premium Quality Lighting
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carobini
Mr. and Mrs. H. Harlan
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mukai
Mr. Fabio Vitale
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Prudential Financial
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cashin
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Hearon
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Murphy
Mrs. Teena Vodraska
Coastal Embroidery
Ms. Marcey Chittender
Ms. Sue Henderson
Ms. Linda Narhi
Mrs. Allyson Walker
Conejo Awards
Rexnord Industries, LLC
Ms. Allison Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Joana M. A. Hirist
Ms. Ha Nguyen
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Warner
Confectionately Yours
Ric's Restaurant
Ms. Nancy Connelly-Cumming
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Nielsen
Ms. Linda Watson
Corum La Chaux-De-Fonds, Suisse
Roadrunner Shuttle and Limousine Service
Ms. Maxine Connor
Mr. Gary Hoffner
Mrs. Rosa Ordonez
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Wennes
Courtyard by Marriott
Rubicon Theatre Company
Ms. Kimberly Cook
Ms. Karla M. Holland
Ms. Kathie Owens
Mr. Shanley Williams
Couture Cupcakery by Michelle Michel
Safire American Bistro
Mrs. Lori Coons
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Holtorf
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Padilla
Ms. Denise Wilson
Cozy Dream
Santa Barbara Bank & Trust
Ms. Amanda Cowden
Mr. Richard R. Holzer
Mr. and Mrs. Pagano
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Woodward
CSUCI - Police Department
School on Wheels
Ms. Sheila Cuff
Mrs. Ingrid Isaksen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Parent
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Zaragoza
D'Amores Pizza
Shutters on the Beach
Mrs. Lilanya Curtis-Papotta
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl M. Ito
Ms. Teresa Parks
Ms. Inez Zucherman
Delta Kappa Gamma Society
The Sleep Shoppe
The Honorable Stanley J. Daily
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jebb
Dr. Pedro Garcia and Dr. Priscilla Partridge De Garcia
Digital Security and Electronics, Inc.
The Soggy Dog
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Damigella
Ms. Debbie Jew
Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Paschen
Fine Sconehenge Baking Company, Inc.
Spanish Hills Golf & Country Club
Mr. Jesse Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joe
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Pavin
Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village
Spencer Makenzies Fish Company
Mrs. Michelle Dequet
Ms. Donna Jones
Mr. Jack Perr
Fresh Success, Inc.
Store Safe Self Storage
Mrs. Jody Desjardins
Ms. Kathy Jorgensen
Mrs. Michelle Pollison
Gail Claridge Interiors
Sugar Stores
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Diamond
Mrs. Harriet Karol
Ms. Brittney Pscion
Galletto Bar & Grill
T is for Toffee
Mrs. Yolanda DiMello
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kearney
Mr. Danny Pucillo
Girls on a Mission
Technicolor Video Services
Ms. Diana Dingman
Mr. Lon Keces
Mr. Danny Ramirez
Gold Coast Broadcasting LLC
Temple Beth Torah
Mr. Eric Dudinsky
Mrs. Karli Kelley
Ms. Kimberly Rink
The Grill on the Alley
Tesoro's Custom Furniture & Drapery
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Dunbar
Mrs. Sherry S. Kempster
Mr. and Mrs. William Ritchie
Grissini Restorante Italiano
Tevel Chiropractic
Ms. Paige Duncan
Mr. Norman Kimbraugh
Ms. Beverly Rosenthal
Hair Grove Salon
Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza
Mr. Paul Dwork
Mrs. Jill R. Kinder
Ms. Lori Ross
Help The Children
Titan Electric
Mr. Mike Earhart
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Kirschbaum
Ms. Jessica Rust
Heritage Classics Motorcar Company
TNT Plumbing Contractor
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Reza Koliai
Ms. Beth Sassower
Home Furniture Company, Inc.
Universal Stoneworks
Ms. Susana Enriquez
Ms. Olivia Koo
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Schreiber
Hotel Casa Del Mar
Wells Fargo Bank
Ms. Lisa M. Eskanos
Ms. Shelley Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Severn
International Coffee & Tea, LLC
Westlake Village Animal Hospital
Mr. Dennis Fandey
Mr. David Kreinces
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Shev
Jim Hall Racing Inc.
Westlake Village Inn
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Flack
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunke
Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson
Kaiser Permanente
Ms. Wesley Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Landau
Ms. Kim Singleton
Pacific Festival Ballet
Kelsey's Anytime Fudge
Dr. Mary Adler
Mr. Dwayne Fochler
Mrs. Karin Law
Ms. Debra Skiles
Lakeside Hair Salon
Mr. Miguel Aguilar
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Foster
Mrs. Kathy Ann Lawrence
Mr. Scott W. Smith
Landegger / Baron / Lavenant / Ingber
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ahern
Ms. Rosalind Framil
Mrs. Peggy L. Lawyer-Gregg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snell
Las Posas Country Club
Mrs. Susanne Ahern
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Freedman and Family
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Locklear
Mrs. Edee Straub
Los Angeles Dodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph W. Andell
Congressman and Mrs. Elton Gallegly
Mr. Randy Long and The Honorable Kathy I. Long
Ms. Caryna Tadeo
Madrona Elementary School
Mrs. Bonnie Armellini
Mrs. Galvan
Ms. Nancy Long
Mrs. Cimberli Tadeo
Missy's Cupcake Creations
Mr. and Mrs. John Bagan
James & David Gatchel
Mr. and Mrs. Al Lowe
Mr. Alan Tarbet
MVP Haircut
Mr. and Mrs. Sean A. Baker
Mr. Jose Gonzales
Terry Lua
Ms. Alejandra Tellez
National Charity League
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bauer
Ms. Erin Gonzales
Mrs. Pamela MacCallum
Mrs. A. Thompson
Conego Valley Chapter
Mr. and Mrs. James Bedford
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Goodman
Mr. Ed Macias
Mrs. Lilane Tomich
C a
s a
P a c
i f i c a
Kids Club members are caring
and generous people in our
n e e d s
$ 3 3
Timothy Bradley
better. Each member’s annual
contribution makes it possible
for Casa Pacifica to maintain
This is where our esteemed Kids Club Members come in.
or at-risk children in Ventura
Heartlines is a project of the Casa Pacifica Development
Department. We strive for accuracy. If you feel an omission
has been made in a donor or sponsor listing please contact
our department at (805) 445-7800 so we may correct our records.
and Santa Barbara Counties.
For more information about
Vicki & David Achzet
at (805) 445-7831.
1722 S. Lewis Road, Camarillo, CA 93012
Phone (805) 445-7800 • FAX (805) 987-7237
Heather & Bud Daily
Mary & Tony Tesoro
Elise & Bill Kearney
Barbara Meister
Helen Caldwell
John Cliff
Dick & Terry Goodrich
Sheila & Robert Rakestraw
Kerry & Stacy Roscoe
Stefanie & Tim Wennes
Elizabeth M. Rice &
David E. Wood
Kay Bruce
Patricia & Alan Cordover
Kristin & Mike Eaton
Jennifer & Steve Elson
Brenda & Gary Farr
Nancy & Robert Gregory
Lydia & Tom Hopps
Susan & Ed Lacey
Laura Kinney & Artie Maidman
Vicki & Dennis Murphy
Albert Nassi
John Quinn
Ed Summers
Richard Tejeda
Janet & Gregg Van Huisen
Ralph Venus
Terri & Tim Wolfe
becoming a Kids Club Member
please contact Carrie Hughes
Our children dream of a better future.
With your support, their dreams can come true.
Bettina Chandler
Carolyn Huntsinger
Cheryl & John Broome
strong programs and critical
services for abused, traumatized
i n
f u n d s .
We are committed to filling the gap
that exists between the cost of caring for a child
and the funding we receive from governmental agencies.
Kids Club Members
community who believe that
victimized children deserve
p e r
d a
p e
i l
a t
p r
Susan & Ken Bauer
Gretchen Caterson
Priscilla Partridge De Garcia
& Pedro Garcia
Tonia & John Gould
Kids Club Charter Members
*Gifts are recognized on a cumulative basis.
Donna & Peter Hochschild
Patricia Morgan
Jean & Richard Norman
July 1st - October 15th, 2011
Mr. Bryan S. McCall
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Hiji
Mr. Frank M. Pompilio
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lawson
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Elson
Miyake Illustration
Dr. Bonnie Chandler Ascencio
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Gallagher
Ms. Linda Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Offenberg
Ms. Sabrina Shang
Mr. M. Schulte and Ms. D. Trout
Mr. Tsugio Hiji
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Murphy
Ms. Kathleen Finnegan
Northrop Grumman
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Charbonneau
Ms. Amy K. Garbe
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Lees
Ms. Cynthia K. O'Leary
Mr. Norman L. Siever and Ms. Synthia R. Saltoun
Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Asuncion
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ratcliffe
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Selleck
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. Paschen, Sr.
Mrs. Sharon Gaiser
Ottavio's Italian Restaurant and Catering
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Charbonneau
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M. Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lehrer
Ms. Christine Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson
Mr. Ronald D. Starratt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Porteous
Ms. Judith L. Garcia
Personal Best
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Chmiel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Garcia
Ms. Andrea D. Lenert
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon G. Osborne
Mrs. Mary Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Macduff
Ms. Rose Heuer
PROTECTOR ($1,000+)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Stevens, Jr.
Mr. John J. Quinn
Deborah Gari
Petru Corporation
Mrs. Miriam Chuntz
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Golden
Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Levine
Ms. Elizabeth B. O'Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Singer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lehrer
Amgen Foundation Matching Gifts
Ms. Marilyn Stoddard
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan J. Roche
Ms. Carol M. Greeby
Project for Social Change
Ms. Nancy Connelly-Cumming
Ms. Beth Goldstein
Ms. Elva M. Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oxman
Mr. Daniel E. Slusser
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Pringle
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Tesoro
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Semones
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Haase
ProPac Equipment Systems Corporation
CAPT and Mrs. Brick Connors
Ms. Erin Gonzales
Ms. Megan Levy
Ms. Sheila Paaske
Ms. Susannah Sofaer Kramer
and Staff Volunteer Programs
Dr. and Mrs. William Burgos
Ms. Randi Seigel
Bank of America United Way Campaign
Ms. Sara Treptow
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Trepp
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hiji
Purpose Driven Life, Inc.
Ms. Pamela Cook Passalaqua
Ms. Nancy M. Haines
Ms. Amanda Lewis
Ms. Lori Pachowicz
Mrs. Jeslyn L. Sternfeld
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Frensdorff
Barber Automotive Group
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Van Huisen
Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Vowell
Mr. and Mrs. Hout Holmes
Super Spectrim
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Craft
Mr. and Mrs. William Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lim
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Parent
Hsiang-Fen Su
George Wythe High School Class of 1970
Mr. Darrel Priebe
BKM Office Environments
Mr. Carl Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Walling
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Hopps
T is for Toffee
Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Craig
Ms. Sherilyn J. Hanna
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Liu
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Pascale, Jr.
Mr. John M. Suarez
Ms. and Mr. Juanita Jessee
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fishman
Burch Family Foundation
Mr. Scott Winters
Mr. Patrick Walton
Ms. Arlene Jakes
Target - "Take Charge of Education"
Mr. Timothy J. Crombach
Ms. Rebecca K. Harmon and Ms. Beverly A. Deal
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Locklear
Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Paschen
Mr. Glenn N. Suffern
Mr. Luther S. Jessee
Mr. Timothy Wing
Christopher P. Fowkes Memorial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Pak H. Yeung
Dr. Rosalind C. Warner
Ms. Kathy Jeffers-Volk
Ms. Renee Aguilar
Ms. Jonra K. Cross
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Harris
Ms. Andrea Luma
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tassano
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ruge
G Kelly Sievers Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis N. Wolff
Ms. Kay Jennerwein
Ms. Linda Aldworth
Ms. Josephine Curran
Ms. Pamela E. Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Lars Lundgren
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Perez
Ms. Susan K. Tebo
Ms. Cynthia J. Rodgers
Ms. Allyson Barnes
Good Samaritan Society
MENTOR ($500 UP TO $1,000)
Mr. James C. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Keegan
Dr. John P. Alena
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Damigella
Mr. and Mrs. Phillips Henderson
Ms. Erin M. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perry
Jodi and Hayley Tepper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zastrow
Gordon Ross Medical Foundation
Fashion This
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Zaragoza
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Kirschbaum
Mr. and Mrs. David Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Daniels
Mrs. Phyllis Herman
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Macduff
Ms. Sarah A. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Teurlings
Lane C. Volpe
Milestone Car Society of California
Hogan Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Larry Kussin
Mr. R. J. Allen
Mr. Mark Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Hester
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Macha
Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Pierce
Ms. Noemi H. Trejo
Posh Hair and Skin Studio
Jacqueline B
FRIEND ($250 UP TO $500)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Lacey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Amores
Ms. Barbara L. Danjou
Ms. Ellen Heuer
Ms. Leonor E. Marlowe
Mr. and Mrs. Don Plank
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Treptow
Ms. Renee Aguilar
Radiation Oncology Centers of Ventura County
Keiki Co
AAA Propane Service, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph W. Andell
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Davey
Ms. Rose Heuer
Ms. Elise Martinet
Ms. Joan H. Power
Mr. and Mrs. Russell T. Uchiyama
Marcia, Niko and Viktoria Balbin
Rexnord Industries, LLC
McGraw-Hill Companies
The Andrea Paris Collection
Mr. Thomas E. Malley, Attorney at Law
Ms. Audra R. Arbini
Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Higashi
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Maulding
Mr. Mike Power
Mr. and Mrs. Yoshiaki Usuki
Jodi and Hayley Tepper
S & L Tatelman Enterprises
Merritt H. Adamson Trust
Beau Alexis
Mr. John Mamakos and Ms. Andrea McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Ash
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Hiji
Mr. and Mrs. James Maurer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Price
Lane C. Volpe
Ms. Ani N. Zakari
Scosche Industries, Inc
The Classy Bag Lady
Gerald Marangoni
Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Asuncion
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. De La Torre
Mr. and Mrs. Hisao Hiji
Mr. and Mrs. Kristen C. Mavity
Mr. Darrel Priebe
Ms. Brigitte Z. Walker
Mr. Philip Ramey
Scott Family Foundation, Inc
Morgan Stanley c/o Cybergrants
Country Squire Mobile Home Park
Mr. Kevin L. Meyers
Ms. Parissa Atashbarg
Mr. and Mrs. Don Diaz
Ms. Linda R. Hiji
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mazza
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Pringle
Mr. and Mrs. David Wallace
Hsiang-Fen Su
Scott Winters Construction
Nevers, Palazzo, Packard, Wildermuth & Wynner, PC
David and Rae Wiener Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse S. Paliotto
Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Augusta
Mr. and Ms. Peter P. Dibble
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hiji
Mr. Bryan S. McCall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Rakestraw
Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Warren
Ms. Marci B. Carabet
Selvin Family Charitable Foundation
Rotary Club of Simi Sunrise
Edwards-Lowell Furs
Ms. Loretta M. Pearson
Ms. Michele Bakke
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Dodds
Mrs. Jennifer Hiji-Madrid
Ms. Barbara F. McGarr
Mr. Philip Ramey
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. West
Ms. Michelle Emi
Thousand Oaks Rotary Club
Shelley's Fashions Inc.
Fred's Home & Gifts
Ms. Erin M. Pohl-Fairbanks
Marcia, Niko and Viktoria Balbin
Mr. Thomas Dodds, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Hilmer
Mr. David J. McGauly
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery B. Whitaker
Ms. Monique Moral
Treasured Accessory
Tri-County Tool, Inc.
Hasri Collection
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan J. Roche
Mr. and Mrs. Corey W. Ballaban
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Dombrowski
Mr. Don L. Hoffman
Ms. Denise Mcnulty
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Redard
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Whitbord
Ms. Kristin Kohn
West Coast Derby Knockouts
Ms. Colleen Blatt
Ledeme Management, Inc.
Ms. Denise D. Sutton
Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Banman
Ms. Yvonne R. Drayton-Benado
Ms. Heather J. Hoffman
Ms. Adriana M. Melling
Mr. Ralph E. Reich
Mr. and Mrs. Dave White, Sr.
Ms. Sabrina Shang
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bostrom
Mastro's Steakhouse
Ms. Sandra L. Trinka
Ms. Allyson Barnes
Mr. William H. Dundas
Mr. and Mrs. Tom E. Hopps
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Mendenhall
Ms. Toni Rice
Mr. and Mrs. David White, Jr.
Mr. Bruce W. Bellerose
Dr. and Mrs. William Burgos
Model Metalworks, Inc
Mr. William L. Warburton and Ms. Sheila Warburton
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Edelstein
Mr. and Mrs. G. Hutchison
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Mercurio
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Block
Mr. and Mrs. Bob A. Byers, Jr.
Mom's Club of Canarillo West
Ms. Merzl A. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bell
Dr. and Mrs. Steve Elson
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl M. Ito
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rich
Mr. Timothy Wing
Mrs. Berkeley Burch-Martinez
Mr. Jerry Clifford
O'Connor Electric, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willis
Mrs. Noella Belvedere
Ms. Michelle Emi
Mr. Andrew C. Jacobs
Ms. Ruth E. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle J. Woods
Ms. Candace M. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Cordover
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Coe
Pretty Pearls and More
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Withers
Mr. Stephen Bennett and Ms. Leslie Ogden
Mr. and Mrs. Rhett Everett
Ms. Therese M. Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. Miller
Ms. Mary Robinson
Meiran Yona
Ms. Ann Deal
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Daily, Jr.
Ronna's Gifts
Mr. Douglas Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bernick
Ms. Rossella Farnum
Mr. and Mrs. David Jaks
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Miller
Ms. Kathleen Rock
Ms. Helen M. Yunker
Mr. and Mrs. Farshad Fardad
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Eaton
Verizon Foundation (Cybergrants)
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yerkey
Mr. and Mrs. John Birch
Ms. Paloma Felisberto
Dr. and Mrs. Ed Jefferson
Ms. Joan Monterisi
Ms. Cynthia J. Rodgers
Ms. Ani N. Zakari
Hon. and Mrs. Joe D. Hadden
Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott
Wells Fargo Community Support United Way Campaign
Dr. and Dr. Kim D. Zussman
Mr. and Mrs. Marc J. Bishara
Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalo Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Jensen
Ms. Monique Moral
Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Roscoe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zastrow
Mr. and Mrs. William Hammond
Dr. BiJian Fan
Young Leaders Society
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Blackburn
Mr. Joe C. Fielding
Ms. Janet Jensen
Ms. Rita Morris
Ms. Lisa Ross
Mr. and Mrs. James Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Farshad Fardad
Ms. Janis Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bocian
Ms. Jennifer L. Fildes
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Moss
Ms. Judith S. Rothman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hiji
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Gari
Mr. Michael Andonian
BKH Designs
Mr. and Mrs. Don Plank
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fishman
Mr. Luther S. Jessee
Ms. Kari L. Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ruge
Ms. Patricia A. Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Block
Ms. Helen M. Yunker
Ms. Debbie J. Flittner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Marks
Ms. Linda Aldworth
Mr. Daniel E. Slusser
Ms. Elva M. Levine
Mr. R. J. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Charbonneau
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Charbonneau
Mr. Joe C. Fielding
July 1st - October 15th, 2011
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Hester
LEADER ($20,000+)
Mrs. Carolyn R. Huntsinger
Mr. and Mrs. Joel B. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Behr
Coastal Pediatric Medical Group
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Brand
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Fitzharris
Mr. Alwick A. Jonas
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Murata
Ms. Edyta Rusek
Ms. Ellen Heuer
Rotary Club of Camarillo
Mrs. Harriet Karol
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Graham
Ms. Marni Brook
George Wythe High School Class of 1970
Ms. Karyl L. Burns
Ms. Karen M. Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Kaihara
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Murchland
Dr. and Mrs. David Satnick
Mr. Don L. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Levy
Ms. Candace M. Gray
Ms. Joyce A. Brykman, C.P.A.
Greg Andrews Tile, Inc.
Ms. Sharon Caestecker
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fletcher
Ms. Janice N. Keller
Mr. David K. Murdock, Jr.
Ms. Pamela Savelli
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Marks
Mr. and Mrs. Myron G. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burg
Haverim B'nai B'rith
Mr. William Candela
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Kelley
Ms. Paula Murillo
July 1st - October 15th, 2011
Dr. and Dr. William G. Sawyer
Adcare Plus
Mr. and Mrs. Rhett Everett
CHAMPION ($5,000+)
Mr. Guy Martin and Ms. Michelle Sievers
Mr. William T. Harter
Ms. Deborah Burgee
Judith M. Diaz, Inc.
Ms. Marci B. Carabet
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Fletcher
Ms. Kristin Kohn
Ms. Marissa Murtos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Schaefer
Al Lowe Construction, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Price
Blue Shield of California Foundation
Ms. Patricia J. Morgan
Mrs. Stella G. Harter
Dr. and Mrs. Sean D. Cassar
Just Give
Ms. Linda Carley Nielsen
Ms. Debbie J. Flittner
Mr. and Mrs. Reza Koliai
Ms. Serena Myers
Ms. Doreen R. Schillinger
Alcoa Fastening Systems Newbury Park
Miyake Illustration
Hiji Brothers
Mr. Edward L. O'Brien & Ms. Parry A. Weet O'Brien
Mr. Thomas Heffernan
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Choate
Kendor, Inc.
Ms. Wendy Cassar
Ms. Tamara Foley
Drs. Lynn and Thomas Kong
Mr. and Mrs. Andre Nintcheff
Ms. Patricia A. Schmitt
Aloha Steakhouse
Mr. and Mrs. G. Hutchison
Venoco Inc.
Ms. Teresa Parks
Dr. Michael Hogan and Dr. Rosalind C. Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cohen
Kids & Families Together
Ms. Jennifer G. Cataldo
Mr. Mitchell Freedman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Krause
Ms. Janice Nishimori
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Schofield
Angel Heart Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Hilmer
Mr. and Mrs. Sean A. Baker
Dr. Pedro Garcia and Dr. Priscilla Partridge De Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Tom E. Hopps
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Corcoran, Jr.
Main Course California
Ms. Susan D. Caudel
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Frensdorff
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Krock
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Oberto
Mr. M. Schulte and Ms. D. Trout
The Barkley Pet Hotel & Day Spa
Dr. John P. Alena
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cassar
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Patterson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Improta
Mr. James M. Davis and Ms. Deirdre Degen
Mayerson Marketing & Public Relations, Inc.
Mrs. Leticia Caverly
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Furgurson
Ms. Tina M. Kudron
Nancy A. Oberto
Ms. Janet Sederquist
Bella Porta Décor & Gifts
Mr. Glenn N. Suffern
Mrs. Bettina Chandler
Mrs. Phyllis E. Pattison
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan M. Laby
Mr. and Mrs. Brett S. Ellen
Missy's Cupcake Creations
Ms. Winifred S. Chabot
Mr. and Mrs. John Gaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Lambert
Ms. Deborah O'Connor
Ms. Randi Seigel
Bella Victorian Vineyards
Ms. Susannah Sofaer Kramer
July 1st - October 15th, 2011
Mr. Bryan S. McCall
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Hiji
Mr. Frank M. Pompilio
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lawson
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Elson
Miyake Illustration
Dr. Bonnie Chandler Ascencio
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Gallagher
Ms. Linda Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Offenberg
Ms. Sabrina Shang
Mr. M. Schulte and Ms. D. Trout
Mr. Tsugio Hiji
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Murphy
Ms. Kathleen Finnegan
Northrop Grumman
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Charbonneau
Ms. Amy K. Garbe
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Lees
Ms. Cynthia K. O'Leary
Mr. Norman L. Siever and Ms. Synthia R. Saltoun
Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Asuncion
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ratcliffe
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Selleck
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. Paschen, Sr.
Mrs. Sharon Gaiser
Ottavio's Italian Restaurant and Catering
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Charbonneau
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M. Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lehrer
Ms. Christine Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson
Mr. Ronald D. Starratt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Porteous
Ms. Judith L. Garcia
Personal Best
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Chmiel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Garcia
Ms. Andrea D. Lenert
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon G. Osborne
Mrs. Mary Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Macduff
Ms. Rose Heuer
PROTECTOR ($1,000+)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Stevens, Jr.
Mr. John J. Quinn
Deborah Gari
Petru Corporation
Mrs. Miriam Chuntz
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Golden
Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Levine
Ms. Elizabeth B. O'Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Singer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lehrer
Amgen Foundation Matching Gifts
Ms. Marilyn Stoddard
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan J. Roche
Ms. Carol M. Greeby
Project for Social Change
Ms. Nancy Connelly-Cumming
Ms. Beth Goldstein
Ms. Elva M. Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oxman
Mr. Daniel E. Slusser
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Pringle
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Tesoro
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Semones
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Haase
ProPac Equipment Systems Corporation
CAPT and Mrs. Brick Connors
Ms. Erin Gonzales
Ms. Megan Levy
Ms. Sheila Paaske
Ms. Susannah Sofaer Kramer
and Staff Volunteer Programs
Dr. and Mrs. William Burgos
Ms. Randi Seigel
Bank of America United Way Campaign
Ms. Sara Treptow
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Trepp
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hiji
Purpose Driven Life, Inc.
Ms. Pamela Cook Passalaqua
Ms. Nancy M. Haines
Ms. Amanda Lewis
Ms. Lori Pachowicz
Mrs. Jeslyn L. Sternfeld
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Frensdorff
Barber Automotive Group
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Van Huisen
Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Vowell
Mr. and Mrs. Hout Holmes
Super Spectrim
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Craft
Mr. and Mrs. William Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lim
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Parent
Hsiang-Fen Su
George Wythe High School Class of 1970
Mr. Darrel Priebe
BKM Office Environments
Mr. Carl Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Walling
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Hopps
T is for Toffee
Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Craig
Ms. Sherilyn J. Hanna
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Liu
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Pascale, Jr.
Mr. John M. Suarez
Ms. and Mr. Juanita Jessee
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fishman
Burch Family Foundation
Mr. Scott Winters
Mr. Patrick Walton
Ms. Arlene Jakes
Target - "Take Charge of Education"
Mr. Timothy J. Crombach
Ms. Rebecca K. Harmon and Ms. Beverly A. Deal
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Locklear
Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Paschen
Mr. Glenn N. Suffern
Mr. Luther S. Jessee
Mr. Timothy Wing
Christopher P. Fowkes Memorial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Pak H. Yeung
Dr. Rosalind C. Warner
Ms. Kathy Jeffers-Volk
Ms. Renee Aguilar
Ms. Jonra K. Cross
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Harris
Ms. Andrea Luma
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tassano
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ruge
G Kelly Sievers Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis N. Wolff
Ms. Kay Jennerwein
Ms. Linda Aldworth
Ms. Josephine Curran
Ms. Pamela E. Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Lars Lundgren
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Perez
Ms. Susan K. Tebo
Ms. Cynthia J. Rodgers
Ms. Allyson Barnes
Good Samaritan Society
MENTOR ($500 UP TO $1,000)
Mr. James C. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Keegan
Dr. John P. Alena
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Damigella
Mr. and Mrs. Phillips Henderson
Ms. Erin M. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perry
Jodi and Hayley Tepper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zastrow
Gordon Ross Medical Foundation
Fashion This
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Zaragoza
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Kirschbaum
Mr. and Mrs. David Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Daniels
Mrs. Phyllis Herman
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Macduff
Ms. Sarah A. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Teurlings
Lane C. Volpe
Milestone Car Society of California
Hogan Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Larry Kussin
Mr. R. J. Allen
Mr. Mark Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Hester
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Macha
Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Pierce
Ms. Noemi H. Trejo
Posh Hair and Skin Studio
Jacqueline B
FRIEND ($250 UP TO $500)
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Lacey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Amores
Ms. Barbara L. Danjou
Ms. Ellen Heuer
Ms. Leonor E. Marlowe
Mr. and Mrs. Don Plank
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Treptow
Ms. Renee Aguilar
Radiation Oncology Centers of Ventura County
Keiki Co
AAA Propane Service, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph W. Andell
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Davey
Ms. Rose Heuer
Ms. Elise Martinet
Ms. Joan H. Power
Mr. and Mrs. Russell T. Uchiyama
Marcia, Niko and Viktoria Balbin
Rexnord Industries, LLC
McGraw-Hill Companies
The Andrea Paris Collection
Mr. Thomas E. Malley, Attorney at Law
Ms. Audra R. Arbini
Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Higashi
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Maulding
Mr. Mike Power
Mr. and Mrs. Yoshiaki Usuki
Jodi and Hayley Tepper
S & L Tatelman Enterprises
Merritt H. Adamson Trust
Beau Alexis
Mr. John Mamakos and Ms. Andrea McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Ash
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Hiji
Mr. and Mrs. James Maurer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Price
Lane C. Volpe
Ms. Ani N. Zakari
Scosche Industries, Inc
The Classy Bag Lady
Gerald Marangoni
Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Asuncion
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. De La Torre
Mr. and Mrs. Hisao Hiji
Mr. and Mrs. Kristen C. Mavity
Mr. Darrel Priebe
Ms. Brigitte Z. Walker
Mr. Philip Ramey
Scott Family Foundation, Inc
Morgan Stanley c/o Cybergrants
Country Squire Mobile Home Park
Mr. Kevin L. Meyers
Ms. Parissa Atashbarg
Mr. and Mrs. Don Diaz
Ms. Linda R. Hiji
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mazza
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Pringle
Mr. and Mrs. David Wallace
Hsiang-Fen Su
Scott Winters Construction
Nevers, Palazzo, Packard, Wildermuth & Wynner, PC
David and Rae Wiener Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse S. Paliotto
Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Augusta
Mr. and Ms. Peter P. Dibble
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hiji
Mr. Bryan S. McCall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Rakestraw
Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Warren
Ms. Marci B. Carabet
Selvin Family Charitable Foundation
Rotary Club of Simi Sunrise
Edwards-Lowell Furs
Ms. Loretta M. Pearson
Ms. Michele Bakke
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Dodds
Mrs. Jennifer Hiji-Madrid
Ms. Barbara F. McGarr
Mr. Philip Ramey
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. West
Ms. Michelle Emi
Thousand Oaks Rotary Club
Shelley's Fashions Inc.
Fred's Home & Gifts
Ms. Erin M. Pohl-Fairbanks
Marcia, Niko and Viktoria Balbin
Mr. Thomas Dodds, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Hilmer
Mr. David J. McGauly
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery B. Whitaker
Ms. Monique Moral
Treasured Accessory
Tri-County Tool, Inc.
Hasri Collection
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan J. Roche
Mr. and Mrs. Corey W. Ballaban
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Dombrowski
Mr. Don L. Hoffman
Ms. Denise Mcnulty
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Redard
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Whitbord
Ms. Kristin Kohn
West Coast Derby Knockouts
Ms. Colleen Blatt
Ledeme Management, Inc.
Ms. Denise D. Sutton
Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Banman
Ms. Yvonne R. Drayton-Benado
Ms. Heather J. Hoffman
Ms. Adriana M. Melling
Mr. Ralph E. Reich
Mr. and Mrs. Dave White, Sr.
Ms. Sabrina Shang
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bostrom
Mastro's Steakhouse
Ms. Sandra L. Trinka
Ms. Allyson Barnes
Mr. William H. Dundas
Mr. and Mrs. Tom E. Hopps
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Mendenhall
Ms. Toni Rice
Mr. and Mrs. David White, Jr.
Mr. Bruce W. Bellerose
Dr. and Mrs. William Burgos
Model Metalworks, Inc
Mr. William L. Warburton and Ms. Sheila Warburton
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Edelstein
Mr. and Mrs. G. Hutchison
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Mercurio
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Block
Mr. and Mrs. Bob A. Byers, Jr.
Mom's Club of Canarillo West
Ms. Merzl A. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bell
Dr. and Mrs. Steve Elson
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl M. Ito
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rich
Mr. Timothy Wing
Mrs. Berkeley Burch-Martinez
Mr. Jerry Clifford
O'Connor Electric, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willis
Mrs. Noella Belvedere
Ms. Michelle Emi
Mr. Andrew C. Jacobs
Ms. Ruth E. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle J. Woods
Ms. Candace M. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Cordover
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Coe
Pretty Pearls and More
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Withers
Mr. Stephen Bennett and Ms. Leslie Ogden
Mr. and Mrs. Rhett Everett
Ms. Therese M. Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. Miller
Ms. Mary Robinson
Meiran Yona
Ms. Ann Deal
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Daily, Jr.
Ronna's Gifts
Mr. Douglas Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bernick
Ms. Rossella Farnum
Mr. and Mrs. David Jaks
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Miller
Ms. Kathleen Rock
Ms. Helen M. Yunker
Mr. and Mrs. Farshad Fardad
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Eaton
Verizon Foundation (Cybergrants)
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yerkey
Mr. and Mrs. John Birch
Ms. Paloma Felisberto
Dr. and Mrs. Ed Jefferson
Ms. Joan Monterisi
Ms. Cynthia J. Rodgers
Ms. Ani N. Zakari
Hon. and Mrs. Joe D. Hadden
Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott
Wells Fargo Community Support United Way Campaign
Dr. and Dr. Kim D. Zussman
Mr. and Mrs. Marc J. Bishara
Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalo Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Jensen
Ms. Monique Moral
Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Roscoe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zastrow
Mr. and Mrs. William Hammond
Dr. BiJian Fan
Young Leaders Society
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Blackburn
Mr. Joe C. Fielding
Ms. Janet Jensen
Ms. Rita Morris
Ms. Lisa Ross
Mr. and Mrs. James Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Farshad Fardad
Ms. Janis Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bocian
Ms. Jennifer L. Fildes
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Moss
Ms. Judith S. Rothman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hiji
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Gari
Mr. Michael Andonian
BKH Designs
Mr. and Mrs. Don Plank
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fishman
Mr. Luther S. Jessee
Ms. Kari L. Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ruge
Ms. Patricia A. Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Block
Ms. Helen M. Yunker
Ms. Debbie J. Flittner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Marks
Ms. Linda Aldworth
Mr. Daniel E. Slusser
Ms. Elva M. Levine
Mr. R. J. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Charbonneau
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Charbonneau
Mr. Joe C. Fielding
July 1st - October 15th, 2011
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Hester
LEADER ($20,000+)
Mrs. Carolyn R. Huntsinger
Mr. and Mrs. Joel B. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Behr
Coastal Pediatric Medical Group
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Brand
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Fitzharris
Mr. Alwick A. Jonas
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Murata
Ms. Edyta Rusek
Ms. Ellen Heuer
Rotary Club of Camarillo
Mrs. Harriet Karol
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Graham
Ms. Marni Brook
George Wythe High School Class of 1970
Ms. Karyl L. Burns
Ms. Karen M. Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Kaihara
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Murchland
Dr. and Mrs. David Satnick
Mr. Don L. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Levy
Ms. Candace M. Gray
Ms. Joyce A. Brykman, C.P.A.
Greg Andrews Tile, Inc.
Ms. Sharon Caestecker
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fletcher
Ms. Janice N. Keller
Mr. David K. Murdock, Jr.
Ms. Pamela Savelli
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Marks
Mr. and Mrs. Myron G. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burg
Haverim B'nai B'rith
Mr. William Candela
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Kelley
Ms. Paula Murillo
July 1st - October 15th, 2011
Dr. and Dr. William G. Sawyer
Adcare Plus
Mr. and Mrs. Rhett Everett
CHAMPION ($5,000+)
Mr. Guy Martin and Ms. Michelle Sievers
Mr. William T. Harter
Ms. Deborah Burgee
Judith M. Diaz, Inc.
Ms. Marci B. Carabet
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Fletcher
Ms. Kristin Kohn
Ms. Marissa Murtos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Schaefer
Al Lowe Construction, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Price
Blue Shield of California Foundation
Ms. Patricia J. Morgan
Mrs. Stella G. Harter
Dr. and Mrs. Sean D. Cassar
Just Give
Ms. Linda Carley Nielsen
Ms. Debbie J. Flittner
Mr. and Mrs. Reza Koliai
Ms. Serena Myers
Ms. Doreen R. Schillinger
Alcoa Fastening Systems Newbury Park
Miyake Illustration
Hiji Brothers
Mr. Edward L. O'Brien & Ms. Parry A. Weet O'Brien
Mr. Thomas Heffernan
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Choate
Kendor, Inc.
Ms. Wendy Cassar
Ms. Tamara Foley
Drs. Lynn and Thomas Kong
Mr. and Mrs. Andre Nintcheff
Ms. Patricia A. Schmitt
Aloha Steakhouse
Mr. and Mrs. G. Hutchison
Venoco Inc.
Ms. Teresa Parks
Dr. Michael Hogan and Dr. Rosalind C. Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cohen
Kids & Families Together
Ms. Jennifer G. Cataldo
Mr. Mitchell Freedman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Krause
Ms. Janice Nishimori
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Schofield
Angel Heart Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Hilmer
Mr. and Mrs. Sean A. Baker
Dr. Pedro Garcia and Dr. Priscilla Partridge De Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Tom E. Hopps
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Corcoran, Jr.
Main Course California
Ms. Susan D. Caudel
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Frensdorff
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Krock
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Oberto
Mr. M. Schulte and Ms. D. Trout
The Barkley Pet Hotel & Day Spa
Dr. John P. Alena
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cassar
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Patterson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Improta
Mr. James M. Davis and Ms. Deirdre Degen
Mayerson Marketing & Public Relations, Inc.
Mrs. Leticia Caverly
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Furgurson
Ms. Tina M. Kudron
Nancy A. Oberto
Ms. Janet Sederquist
Bella Porta Décor & Gifts
Mr. Glenn N. Suffern
Mrs. Bettina Chandler
Mrs. Phyllis E. Pattison
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan M. Laby
Mr. and Mrs. Brett S. Ellen
Missy's Cupcake Creations
Ms. Winifred S. Chabot
Mr. and Mrs. John Gaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Lambert
Ms. Deborah O'Connor
Ms. Randi Seigel
Bella Victorian Vineyards
Ms. Susannah Sofaer Kramer
Blacklake Golf Resort
Newbury Park Bicycle Shop
Mrs. Noella Belvedere
Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon
Ms. Bridget Marshall
Ms. Sara Treptow
Bogey Bobs
North Ranch Country Club
Mr. Roni Benise
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Granat
Mrs. Sylvia G. Martinez
Mrs. Michele Turton
Brandes Photography
Ojai Valley Inn and Country Club
Ms. Karen Berman
Mrs. Carol Gravelle
Mrs. Roberta Mastroianni
Mr. Robert R. Unfug
Buenaventura Golf Course
Opolo Vineyards
Mrs. Melissa Bowden
Ms. Rhonda Greenstein
Mr. Jason McIlhaney
Ms. Debra Ann Updike
Calamigos Ranch & Restaurant
Ottavio's Italian Restaurant and Catering
Mrs. Gina Breece
Mrs. Christi Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Mercurio
Mrs. Guadalupe Urias
California Conservation Corps
Panache - Camarillo
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Brewin
Ms. Louise Guerra
Ms. Amanda Michalka
Mr. Paul Valenzuela
California Dance Company Theatre &
Paramount Pictures Studio
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burdette
Mrs. Connie Gushwa
Ms. Alyson Michalka
Mrs. Elizabeth Vega
Paschen Management
Mrs. Karen Cabelli
Mr. Edward J. Haas, Foe Togra Fur
Ms. Carrie Michalka
Mr. Venatalli
Camarillo Seventh Day Adventist Church
Planet Beauty
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Callero
Ms. Dianne Hammond
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Milner
Mr. Vicory
Canteen Vending of Coastal California, Inc.
Premium Quality Lighting
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carobini
Mr. and Mrs. H. Harlan
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mukai
Mr. Fabio Vitale
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Prudential Financial
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cashin
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Hearon
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Murphy
Mrs. Teena Vodraska
Coastal Embroidery
Ms. Marcey Chittender
Ms. Sue Henderson
Ms. Linda Narhi
Mrs. Allyson Walker
Conejo Awards
Rexnord Industries, LLC
Ms. Allison Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Joana M. A. Hirist
Ms. Ha Nguyen
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Warner
Confectionately Yours
Ric's Restaurant
Ms. Nancy Connelly-Cumming
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Nielsen
Ms. Linda Watson
Corum La Chaux-De-Fonds, Suisse
Roadrunner Shuttle and Limousine Service
Ms. Maxine Connor
Mr. Gary Hoffner
Mrs. Rosa Ordonez
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Wennes
Courtyard by Marriott
Rubicon Theatre Company
Ms. Kimberly Cook
Ms. Karla M. Holland
Ms. Kathie Owens
Mr. Shanley Williams
Couture Cupcakery by Michelle Michel
Safire American Bistro
Mrs. Lori Coons
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Holtorf
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Padilla
Ms. Denise Wilson
Cozy Dream
Santa Barbara Bank & Trust
Ms. Amanda Cowden
Mr. Richard R. Holzer
Mr. and Mrs. Pagano
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Woodward
CSUCI - Police Department
School on Wheels
Ms. Sheila Cuff
Mrs. Ingrid Isaksen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Parent
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Zaragoza
D'Amores Pizza
Shutters on the Beach
Mrs. Lilanya Curtis-Papotta
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl M. Ito
Ms. Teresa Parks
Ms. Inez Zucherman
Delta Kappa Gamma Society
The Sleep Shoppe
The Honorable Stanley J. Daily
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jebb
Dr. Pedro Garcia and Dr. Priscilla Partridge De Garcia
Digital Security and Electronics, Inc.
The Soggy Dog
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Damigella
Ms. Debbie Jew
Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Paschen
Fine Sconehenge Baking Company, Inc.
Spanish Hills Golf & Country Club
Mr. Jesse Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joe
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Pavin
Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village
Spencer Makenzies Fish Company
Mrs. Michelle Dequet
Ms. Donna Jones
Mr. Jack Perr
Fresh Success, Inc.
Store Safe Self Storage
Mrs. Jody Desjardins
Ms. Kathy Jorgensen
Mrs. Michelle Pollison
Gail Claridge Interiors
Sugar Stores
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Diamond
Mrs. Harriet Karol
Ms. Brittney Pscion
Galletto Bar & Grill
T is for Toffee
Mrs. Yolanda DiMello
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kearney
Mr. Danny Pucillo
Girls on a Mission
Technicolor Video Services
Ms. Diana Dingman
Mr. Lon Keces
Mr. Danny Ramirez
Gold Coast Broadcasting LLC
Temple Beth Torah
Mr. Eric Dudinsky
Mrs. Karli Kelley
Ms. Kimberly Rink
The Grill on the Alley
Tesoro's Custom Furniture & Drapery
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Dunbar
Mrs. Sherry S. Kempster
Mr. and Mrs. William Ritchie
Grissini Restorante Italiano
Tevel Chiropractic
Ms. Paige Duncan
Mr. Norman Kimbraugh
Ms. Beverly Rosenthal
Hair Grove Salon
Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza
Mr. Paul Dwork
Mrs. Jill R. Kinder
Ms. Lori Ross
Help The Children
Titan Electric
Mr. Mike Earhart
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Kirschbaum
Ms. Jessica Rust
Heritage Classics Motorcar Company
TNT Plumbing Contractor
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Reza Koliai
Ms. Beth Sassower
Home Furniture Company, Inc.
Universal Stoneworks
Ms. Susana Enriquez
Ms. Olivia Koo
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Schreiber
Hotel Casa Del Mar
Wells Fargo Bank
Ms. Lisa M. Eskanos
Ms. Shelley Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Severn
International Coffee & Tea, LLC
Westlake Village Animal Hospital
Mr. Dennis Fandey
Mr. David Kreinces
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Shev
Jim Hall Racing Inc.
Westlake Village Inn
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Flack
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunke
Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson
Kaiser Permanente
Ms. Wesley Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Landau
Ms. Kim Singleton
Kelsey's Anytime Fudge
Dr. Mary Adler
Mr. Dwayne Fochler
Mrs. Karin Law
Ms. Debra Skiles
Lakeside Hair Salon
Mr. Miguel Aguilar
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Foster
Mrs. Kathy Ann Lawrence
Mr. Scott W. Smith
Landegger / Baron / Lavenant / Ingber
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ahern
Ms. Rosalind Framil
Mrs. Peggy L. Lawyer-Gregg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snell
Las Posas Country Club
Mrs. Susanne Ahern
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Freedman and Family
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Locklear
Mrs. Edee Straub
Los Angeles Dodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph W. Andell
Congressman and Mrs. Elton Gallegly
Mr. Randy Long and The Honorable Kathy I. Long
Ms. Caryna Tadeo
Madrona Elementary School
Mrs. Bonnie Armellini
Mrs. Galvan
Ms. Nancy Long
Mrs. Cimberli Tadeo
Missy's Cupcake Creations
Mr. and Mrs. John Bagan
James & David Gatchel
Mr. and Mrs. Al Lowe
Mr. Alan Tarbet
MVP Haircut
Mr. and Mrs. Sean A. Baker
Mr. Jose Gonzales
Terry Lua
Ms. Alejandra Tellez
National Charity League
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bauer
Ms. Erin Gonzales
Mrs. Pamela MacCallum
Mrs. A. Thompson
Pacific Festival Ballet
Conego Valley Chapter
Mr. and Mrs. James Bedford
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Goodman
Mr. Ed Macias
Mrs. Lilane Tomich
C a
s a
P a c
i f i c a
Kids Club members are caring
and generous people in our
n e e d s
$ 3 3
Timothy Bradley
This is where our esteemed Kids Club Members come in.
Vicki & David Achzet
contribution makes it possible
strong programs and critical
services for abused, traumatized
or at-risk children in Ventura
Heartlines is a project of the Casa Pacifica Development
Department. We strive for accuracy. If you feel an omission
has been made in a donor or sponsor listing please contact
our department at (805) 445-7800 so we may correct our records.
and Santa Barbara Counties.
For more information about
at (805) 445-7831.
1722 S. Lewis Road, Camarillo, CA 93012
Phone (805) 445-7800 • FAX (805) 987-7237
Mary & Tony Tesoro
Heather & Bud Daily
Elise & Bill Kearney
Gretchen Caterson
Barbara Meister
Helen Caldwell
John Cliff
Dick & Terry Goodrich
Sheila & Robert Rakestraw
Kerry & Stacy Roscoe
Stefanie & Tim Wennes
Elizabeth M. Rice &
David E. Wood
Kay Bruce
Patricia & Alan Cordover
Kristin & Mike Eaton
Jennifer & Steve Elson
Brenda & Gary Farr
Nancy & Robert Gregory
Lydia & Tom Hopps
Susan & Ed Lacey
Laura Kinney & Artie Maidman
Vicki & Dennis Murphy
Albert Nassi
John Quinn
Ed Summers
Richard Tejeda
Janet & Gregg Van Huisen
Ralph Venus
Terri & Tim Wolfe
becoming a Kids Club Member
please contact Carrie Hughes
Our children dream of a better future.
With your support, their dreams can come true.
Bettina Chandler
Carolyn Huntsinger
Cheryl & John Broome
better. Each member’s annual
for Casa Pacifica to maintain
i n
f u n d s .
We are committed to filling the gap
that exists between the cost of caring for a child
and the funding we receive from governmental agencies.
Kids Club Members
community who believe that
victimized children deserve
p e r
d a
p e
i l
a t
p r
Susan & Ken Bauer
Priscilla Partridge De Garcia
& Pedro Garcia
Tonia & John Gould
Donna & Peter Hochschild
Kids Club Charter Members
*Gifts are recognized on a cumulative basis.
Patricia Morgan
Jean & Richard Norman