Conemaugh Valley School District


Conemaugh Valley School District
Conemaugh Valley School District
From the Desk of the Superintendent…………
It is an exciting time to be in Blue Jay Country! The district is involved in a construction project; both the high
school and elementary schools have received honors for several academic accomplishments; the teachers are learning and
applying innovative teaching techniques; and the students are performing well.
In pursuit of academic excellence, the Board of School Directors passed Board Policy 004.1 – Student
Representative to the School Board. This policy provides the opportunity for two students to become non-voting
representatives to the School Board. Junior, Abby Paonessa and Sophomore, Kaitlyn Stiffler were appointed as student
representatives. Both students are fine representatives of the student body, are involved in various school activities,
demonstrate academic excellence, and are well spoken. I look forward to observing the students working with the school
The district also revised Policy 237- Electronic Devices. The revised policy affords high school students an
opportunity to use personal electronic devices during certain times of the school day. The permitted acceptable use times are
designated during non-instructional times such as: lunch and in the hallways. After obtaining teacher approval, students
can also use personal electronic devices in class to enhance educational opportunities.
Providing students with a safe, productive school environment is a constant emphasis for the Conemaugh Valley
School District. The district is currently consulting with local law enforcement agencies, reviewing all safety procedures,
planning and practicing intruder drills, assessing building access, and reviewing/revising security programs, devices,
procedures, and policies. The emphasis and need for all persons to have security clearances to interact and work with our
children is reflected in the school volunteer, field trip, and athletic volunteer board policies.
If you have any questions about the information that is presented in the Blue and White or district web page, please submit them
in writing to: Administrative Offices, Conemaugh Valley School District, 1451 Frankstown Road, Johnstown, PA 15902.
Mr. David Lehman, Superintendent
Conemaugh Valley Elementary Building Project
The former East Taylor Elementary building has been demolished and hauled away. The
ground has been cleared, the financing is in place, and the contracts have been awarded.
After years of careful planning and consideration, construction of the new elementary school
building project appears to be finally underway. During the next 18 months or so, you will see a modern,
energy-efficient, two-story education center rise on the site. The building, when complete, will house all
students in the District from Pre-K to sixth grade. We expect to occupy the building in the autumn of
As you pass by now, you will see safety fencing being erected around the site and the
construction trailer in place. Sometime in the next few weeks, the District expects to have a formal
groundbreaking ceremony. Hopefully, the weather will break soon.
The Board of Directors and the Administration are dedicated to keeping the project on time and
within budget. We hope the community will take pride in the finished project.
Stay tuned for further updates…………..
Mark Vibostok, School Board President
School Board Director’s Corner
The Conemaugh Valley Board of School Directors is made up of nine members which includes the President, Vice President, Board
Secretary and Treasurer. To keep the community up to date on Board events and activities, we have asked the Board Secretary,
Mrs. Donell Jacoby, to write an article for this edition of our online newsletter. Every edition will include a write up from a
different Board member. We would also like to thank our Board of School Directors for their hard work and dedication to the
Conemaugh Valley School District.
The duties of the Secretary of the Board of Education are many and are referenced in the
Pennsylvania Public School Code. Probably the most important duty is the keeping of correct and accurate
minutes of every advertised public Board of Education Meeting. The minutes record the time, place, school
board members who are present or absent, the members of the Administration who are present or absent,
and most importantly, the legal actions of the Board. The minutes provide an accurate and complete
picture of the School District’s development over time or, in other words, the minutes are the School
District’s living history. From that history, we as board members can learn from our past and hopefully plan
well for our future. The minutes also provide the legal history of the School District. Should the School
District for any reason need to provide the actions of the School District to a local, state or federal court, the
minutes are the proof of the legal right and responsibilities that we, as board members, have completed on
behalf of our constituents. Sometimes it is necessary for board members to meet and discuss important
matters at other times before or after the board’s scheduled meeting nights, so that we are prepared to act
appropriately at the board meetings. There is no action taken at those times, but those sessions serve us well
in providing the members with valuable information. At the end of the day, the satisfaction of providing
our students with a safe environment, updated technology, and a quality education is very rewarding. If we
look back in time at the extremely successful graduates in all walks of life, we can be satisfied that we, as
school board members, have done what we were elected to do.
Mrs. Donell Jacoby, Secretary of the Board of Education
Proud graduate of the CV Class of 1968
*********Jr./Sr. High School Principal, Mr. Shane Hazenstab**********
I recently completed my first full calendar year as the Principal at Conemaugh
Valley Jr./Sr. High School. Having the opportunity to work with the dedicated
students, staff, and parents at CVHS has been a rewarding experience for me.
The more time I spend at Conemaugh Valley, the more I am impressed. The
people are friendly, hardworking, and genuinely care about each other and the
students in the community.
There are great things happening at CVHS. Our students and staff have been
working hard on several challenges this year. Students in our school recently
took the Keystone Exams in Algebra, Literature, and Biology. We spent a great
deal of time preparing for the Keystone Exams and feel confident that our
students performed well. Our students are challenged to discover their talents
both inside and outside the classroom, and to find ways they can excel. We
believe that every student has the ability to be excellent and we help them find
their unique talents. There are accomplishments occurring daily with our
academics, athletics, and clubs.
I want to express my sincere appreciation for the opportunity CVHS has
provided me. I feel proud and honored to be your Jr./Sr. High School Principal
and look forward to working with our students in the years to come.
Elementary School, Principal – Lawra J. Stuart
Pre K: The Pre-K Counts classes completed an Election Unit during the month of November. In order to help the children
understand the concept of voting, we voted daily in our classrooms for things like favorite cartoon character, favorite nursery
rhyme, favorite song, etc. To make this experience as authentic as possible, students had to show their identification cards,
sign in by writing their names, step into a private booth, and cast their ballots! The votes were then counted, tallied and the
results were announced. The students were also introduced to a variety of American songs and symbols throughout the week.
Collaboratively, the Pre-K classes worked on a joint project as they practiced their fine motor skills by tearing pieces of red
and blue construction paper to create a life-sized American flag. The flag is proudly displayed in our hallway!
Kindergarten: In the month of October, the Kindergarten class visited Vale Wood Farms for their annual pumpkin patch field
trip. The students experienced many new adventures during their day on the farm. During this trip, the classes got a chance
to take a ride around the farm on a tractor. They visited the baby calves and learned all about their needs in order to grow big
and strong. They also got to observe other farm animals such as pigs and chickens. The children witnessed an enclosed bee
hive that included worker bees and a queen bee.
In addition to seeing the animals, the students were able to play in a corn box, walk through a hay maze, and play a variety of
farm games that targeted their fine and large motor skills. The games even included an angry birds’ gourd toss. The busy day
ended with each student tasting a sample of homemade Vale Wood Farm’s ice cream. With a fun-filled day like this, the
students did not walk away empty handed. Each child was able to pick one pumpkin of their choice to take home!
Grade 1: Beginning in November, 1st grade started working on an insect unit in Science. Each student was required to take
care of a silkworm and a mealworm. The students learned all about the characteristics of insects and what living creatures
need to survive, such as a food, water, air, and shelter. The students kept their insects at their desks, fed them, and watched
them transform over the course of a few weeks. Everyone was very excited to see these amazing transformations which, in
turn, helped develop a love of science in the kids!
Grade 2: The 2nd grade classes have proven that you can have a green thumb even in the fall and winter seasons. They
recently planted brassica plants in the science unit “New Plants”. The plants grew within 3-5 days of being planted which
brightened up our classrooms just in time for Thanksgiving. The students also planted miniature lawns in tiny cups and
“mowed” them once a week. Our next project will be to plant wheat seeds in straws. No soil for these tiny seeds…they will
grow on a twisted piece of paper towel so that the students will learn how roots are formed on a new plant. All the students in
2nd grade are very enthusiastic horticulturists, growing and learning about many types of new plants.
Good Luck to the following staff who left CVSD to pursue other careers and opportunities:
Stacy Dabbs
Sarah Lentz
LeeAnn Podgorney
Deane Davis
Melissa Marlowe
Felicia Ward
Best Wishes to you and thank you for your dedication to the students of the Conemaugh Valley School District.
New Teachers of the CVSD…….
Megan Bodie - Elementary
Brianne Reynolds - Special Education
Carrie Garritano – Spanish
Kelly Rodgers – Physical Education
Brock Seese – Special Education
The Coaching Staff of Conemaugh Valley
Mrs. Paula McCleester – Athletic Director
Mr. Nathan Menhorn, Assistant Athletic Director
Varsity Football
Head Coach - Vacant
Tom Marshall, Assistant
Robert Burke, Assistant
Jr. High Football
Michael Fox, Head Coach
John Poloyac, Assistant
Boys’ Varisty Basketball
James Preuss, Head Coach
Troy Morder, Assistant
Boys’ Jr. High Basketball
Eric Miller, Head Coach
Carlos Gunby, Assistant
Girls’ Varsity Basketball
Teri Cruse, Head Coach
Pat Gruss, Assistant
Girls’ Jr. High Basketball
Pat Gruss and Lori Stiles
The Coaching Staff of Conemaugh Valley
Mrs. Paula McCleester – Athletic Director
Mr. Nathan Menhorn, Assistant Athletic Director
Brian obernader, Head Coach Varsity/Jr. High
Jayme Yanko, Assistant – Varsity/Jr. High
Robert Beiter, head Coach Varsity
Mark Burkey, Assistant
Joe Ostinowsky, Head Coach, Jr. High
Michael thompson, Assistant
Paula McCleester, Head Coach Varsity
Vicki Markiewicz, Assistant
Nicole Waligora, Head Coach, Jr. High
Andrew Waligora, Assistant
Golf Coach – Eric Faint
Ski Club Advisor – Mary Vibostok
Front Line Advisor – Mandy George
Marci Garman, Varsity
Wendy Stahl, Assistant
Marissa Sandusky, Jr. High
Denise Reynolds, Assistant
Blue Jays Boys’ Basketball - Working Hard on TEAM TRADITION!
After losing 7 seniors from the 2011-2012 season, the Blue Jays Boys Varsity
Basketball program is hard at work keeping that winning tradition alive. This
year’s team consists of 3 seniors with great character and determination. The
seniors are: Chris Horten, Nick Roberts, and Xavier Butts. The junior class is
made up of 5 individuals who are gaining valuable experience: Grant Cruse,
Blake Furman, JaShawn Rogers, Anthony Verno, and Vince Vibostok.
Our sophomore class is competing against strong play at practices and games.
Sophomore class players are: Juwan Durham, Trenton Grecek, Charles
Kovalchik, and Jeff Schellhammer. This year’s squad welcomed 4 freshmen.
Their hard work will definitely provide a bright future for the C.V. Basketball
program. The freshmen are: Drew Furman, Brandon Galasso, Cody Gill, and
Dante Gunby. With 9 games remaining, the Jay’s record is 4-8 and I am
confident that with team work plus hard work ethic, the record will improve as the
Jays continue through the 2012-2013 campaign.
Head Coach - Mr. James Presuss, Jr.; Mr. Troy Morder and Mr. Dave Pollino
Upcoming Events 2013
Conemaugh Valley Elementary School
February 6
PTO Meeting 6:30pm
February 14
PSSA Writing Field Test (grades 3-5)
February 15
PTO Valentine’s Day Activities
February 22
Theme Day – Mismatched Clothes Day
February 25-28
American Heart Association Activities
March 4-6
PASA Testing
March 11-14
PSSA Writing- Grade 5
March 13
PTO Meeting 6:30pm
March 22
Theme Day – Crazy Hair Day
March 25
End of Third Marking Period
March 28
Early Dismissal
March 29 – April 1
Upcoming Events 2013
Conemaugh Valley Junior – Senior High School
February 10
Band Basket Party – High School / Doors open at 1pm
March 22
SciPi Carnegie Science Center / Astronomy Field Trip
March 27
Blood Drive – High School 8am to 1pm
Some events to look forward to in April and May
PSSA Testing……….High School Musical……Spring Concerts……..Graduation Preparation
Information Technology
CVSD would like to welcome In-Shore Technology….
In-Shore is a full-service I.T. consulting firm that has been in business for nine years. In-Shore is
owned and operated by Michael Stohon and its main offices are located at 239 Main Street in downtown Johnstown.
We are contracted for on-site services three days a week and have on-call services when necessary.
Mike Young and John Young are the technicians who frequent our buildings and assist our staff. Mike is a Personal
Computer Technician who attended Mount Aloysius College; John is a Network Administrator who attended the
University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown.
In-Shore provides CVSD with network management, desktop support and general information technology
assistance. Other area districts who have contracts with In-Shore are Windber Area School District, St. Benedict’s
School, and Conemaugh Township School District, to name a few.
We look forward to a great working relationship with In-Shore and all they have to offer us.
Conemaugh Valley Jr./Sr. High School
1342 William Penn Avenue
Johnstown, PA 15906
Mr. Shane Hazenstab, Principal
Mr. William Kanich, Assistant Principal
Secretaries: Mrs. Cindy Fabo; Mrs. Chris Miller; Miss. Wendy Stahl
Guidance Counselor: Ms. Laurie Semelsberger
School Nurse: Mrs. Joanne Peschock
Mrs. Amy Beiter
Mr. Robert Beiter
Mrs. Lori Claar
Mrs. Margaret Conners
Mrs. Ruthann Csikos
Mrs. Jessica Daubert
Ms. Tawne Drinosky
Mr. James Fisher
Mr. Michael Fox
Mr. Grant Gourley
Mrs. Carrie Garritano
Mrs. Stacey Hazlett
Mr. Zachary Hunter
Mr. Chad Lamb
Mrs. Renee Lee
Mr. Thomas Marshall
Mrs. Kathie McBreen
Mrs. Paula McCleester
Mrs. Beth Moore
Mr. Thomas Moran
Mrs. Anita Neisner
Mr. Joseph Ostinowsky
Mr. Kenneth Robinson
Ms. Kelly Rodgers
Mr. Jon Rok
Mr. Brock Seese
Mrs. Toni Shaffer
Mrs. Robyn Shaw
Ms. Katherine Sheehan
Mr. Jonathan Stackhouse
Mr. Michael Thompson
Mr. James Warynovich
Mrs. Keli Williams
Mr. John Lizik, Special Education Coordinator
Mr. Ron Goisovich, Transition Coordinator
Conemaugh Valley Elementary School
1451 Frankstown Road
Johnstown, PA 15902
Mrs. Lawra J. Stuart, Principal
Secretaries: Mrs. Christine Coleman; Mrs. Sue Davis
Guidance Counselor: Mrs. Brenda Ambrisco
School Nurses: Mrs. Stacey Debevits; Mrs. Roberta Sefick
Mrs. Jessica Barrick
Mr. Allen Bixel
Mrs. Megan Bodie
Ms. Heather Bortz
Mrs. Rebecca Castiglione
Mrs. Heather Crowe
Mrs. Susan Davis
Ms. Amy Dunbar
Ms. Sherry Duncan
Mrs. Gayle Fyock
Mrs. Eve Hajduk
Ms. Ashley Hott
Mrs. Michelle LaRose
Mrs. Tanya Lauer
Mrs. Harriet Lohr
Mrs. Christy McGowan
Mrs. Flo Mastrine – Speech Therapist
Mr. Gerald Rosko – Special Education
Mr. Nathan Menhorn
Mrs. Lori Meyer
Mrs. Michelle Miller
Mrs. Carol Moffat
Mrs. Lauren Palitti-Morus
Ms. Erin Pavic
Mrs. Deanne Platt
Mrs. Ashley Plummer
Mrs. Brianne Reynolds
Mr. Mark Roberts
Mrs. Carol Sedei
Mrs. Brenda Sidor
Mrs. Laurie Stahl
Mrs. Carey Stiffler
Mrs. Jennifer Stiffler
Mrs. Rhonda Thomas
Mrs. Alexandra Watroba
Ms. Jayme Yanko
Mrs. Michele Zahurak
Conemaugh Valley Elementary……………………..
Grade 3: The 3rd grade students were treated to a fun day of science by the High School SciPi Club on Wednesday, Dec. 19th.
The theme of the day was “Wet and Wild Chemistry”. The students participated in eight different activities that were overseen
by the High School Sci Pi Clubbers. All 3rd graders were actively engaged in hands-on activities throughout the course of the
morning. A good time was had by all! The 3rd grade looks forward to next year’s annual visit.
Grade 4: In honor of red-ribbon week, the 4th grade wrote a pledge to be drug free. This pledge included what they would
rather do instead of drugs. In addition, they used their creative talents to create a red-ribbon collage. The pledges with the
collages were hung in the hallway for all students to see 4th grade’s commitment to be drug free.
Grade 5: In November, the 5th grade at CVE studied Native Americans and the types of homes in which they lived. One of the
tribes studied was the Iroquois. The focus of the Native American homes was the Iroquois Longhouse. The students did
computer research and were shown videos of the Native Woodland Indians and their homes. Their assignment was to create a
longhouse, using natural materials. They also had to write a short informational paragraph about what they learned about the
longhouse. Each student presented the longhouse to the class and read his/her paragraphs. The students’ longhouses
exceeded my expectations! They were fantastic! The students really put their knowledge and imaginations to work when
making their own longhouses. Some of the longhouses had removable roofs which showed the inside of the home and how the
Iroquois lived. Others had recreated the life outside of the longhouse, including small animals, Indians, crops, and creeks. The
students showed their enthusiasm of learning in their recreation of the Iroquois Longhouses. Great job 5th Grade!
Grade 6: Our 6th graders have been doing a lot of hands-on activities as part of their Science Curriculum. One project that the
students seemed to enjoy was a project that Mrs. Meyers did with the students to demonstrate the use of the Scientific Method.
The object of the experiment was to figure out what mystery mixture was the correct mixture to make Mrs. Claus’ cookies. In
pairs, students were given water and vinegar and three “mystery mixtures”. They used their senses and observations to
determine what they thought the mixtures were made of and then added the water and vinegar. Students demonstrated grade
level skills during this fun activity and upon questioning, students really enjoyed this activity.
Mrs. Stuart, Principal