the 2012-13 Annual Report


the 2012-13 Annual Report
Archbishop Molloy High School
Annual Report
2012-2013 Fiscal Year
Molloy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Contact Information
School Board
Archbishop Molloy High School
83-53 Manton Street
Briarwood, NY 11435
Mr. Stephane Audrin ‘85
Buildings & Grounds (Chair)
General Office:
(718) 441-2100
General Office Fax:
(718) 849-8251
Stanner Alumni Center:
(718) 441-9210
Stanner Alumni Center Fax:
(718) 846-3202
School Website:
Mr. Richard Karsten ‘81
Br. Thomas Schady, F.M.S.
Ms. MaryAnn Safrey
Assistant Principal for Academics
Mr. Edward Cameron
Assistant Principal for Academics
Mr. Dennis Vellucci
Assistant Principal for Academics
Mr. Kenneth Auer
Assistant Principal for Students
Mr. Edward Shannon ‘84
Administrative Assistant for Students
Mr. Christopher Nassau
Chief Financial Officer
The Stanner Alumni Center
Mr. Richard Karsten ‘81
Mrs. Maria Ford
Alumni Relations Director
Mr. Craig Katinas ‘93
Alumni Development Director
Mr. Joe Sommo ‘03
Alumni Communications Coordinator
Br. Patrick Hogan, F.M.S.
Alumni Spiritual Director
Please Note
Mr. Nick D’Arienzo
Public Relations
All information was deemed
accurate at the time of
Br. James Devine, F.M.S.
of any changes, errors or
publication. Please notify us
Anthony DiRusso ‘80
Buildings & Grounds
omissions. If your name was
Br. Gerald Doherty, F.M.S.
Mission (Chair)
please accept our sincerest
Mr. Patrick Gorman ‘69
Development (Chair)
Annual Report were received
Mrs. Carissa Jordan ‘04
Mr. Richard Karsten ‘81
omitted or improperly listed,
apologies. All gifts reported in this
during the 2012-2013 fiscal year.
Update Us
If you, your son or daughter have
Craig Katinas ‘93
Development (Non-Voting)
changed addresses, please notify
Mr. Paul Krische ‘81
have him or her contact us at
Mr. Stephen Langowski ‘71
Finance (Board Chairman)
the school of the new address or
718.441.9210 to provide updated
contact information.
Mr. Ernest Liebre ‘63
Mr. Robert Maina ‘89
Visit us at and
connect with the Stanner
Mr. Frank Napolitano ‘83
Investment (Chair)
community by registering with
Mr. Robert O’Donohue ‘94
Buildings & Ground
under the alumni tab. Providing
Mr. Daniel Rizzi ‘74
Br. Thomas Schady, F.M.S.
Academic & Mission
your name, email and other info
your most up to date email when
you register will ensure that you
receive our bi-weekly online
newsletter, The Beehive.
Mr. Jim Tolve ‘81
Public Relations (Chair)
Mission Statement
Archbishop Molloy High School is a Catholic Marist school that fosters an
*Please note the information
on this page is relevant to the
2012-13 fiscal year.
exemplary education in mind, body and spirit for a diverse college-bound
population. Molloy offers a unique, challenging and comprehensive program of
instruction, guidance and activities. Here individuals recognize their self-worth
and develop a lifetime of Christian values, critical thinking, leadership skills
2 Molloy 2012-2013 Annual Report
and service to others.
Message from the
Alumni Development Director
Stanners… Friends… Family…
Since 1892, the Stanner Community remains united in our quest for
excellence, our devotion to the school, and in the daily care and respect we
show for our classmates, colleagues, and the extended school family. It is
through the combined efforts of our faculty, staff, students, alumni, parent
volunteers and supporters that we become the living embodiment of our
motto “Non scholae sed vite.”
Alumni, parents, and friends are united in their support of Molloy’s mission by
providing the means to sustain and advance our pursuit of excellence and our
commitment to inspire and educate students to become responsible leaders.
Reflecting upon over 122 years of traditions, a quote from Robertson Davies’
book The Rebel Angels comes to mind: “No splendid crown without the strong
roots.” The roots of generations of Stanners continue to nourish Molloy’s
lineage and support its crowning achievements and future aspirations.
The advantages afforded our students by YOUR Philanthropy are many,
including most especially the ability to continue to:
Attract outstanding students, faculty, and staff to the school
Offer these students abundant opportunities to learn and grow
During the 2012-13 academic year, Molloy’s generous donors and dedicated
volunteers once again demonstrated their support of our students, faculty
and programs through their gifts to the school’s Fund For Molloy, Named
Scholarships, Walk-A-Thon, Stanner Golf Classic, and legacy giving through
The Zepheriny Society.
The features included in this annual report allow us to highlight and share
with you the impact you have made on Molloy’s ability to:
Address capital improvements of over $1,200,000
Offer $1,000,000 in scholarship support
Whatever part you have played in the life of Molloy, please accept the sincere
gratitude from the Marist Brothers, President Richard Karsten ’81, Principal
Brother Thomas Schady, our administration, faculty, staff, and students. We
are stronger with you - we are AM.
Sed Vitae
Craig M. Katinas ‘93
Alumni Development Director
Molloy 2012-2013 Annual Report 3
The Fund For Molloy
“We Are Stronger With You”
by Craig Katinas ‘93 and Joe Sommo ‘03
Every day, Archbishop Molloy High School impacts the lives of hundreds
of young men and women. A dedicated administration and faculty made
up of Marist Brothers and lay Marists, evolving infrastructure, technology
upgrades, service and retreat programs, spiritual direction, athletic play,
and so much more gives Molloy students the best tools to succeed not
for school, but for life. The groundwork for these opportunities has been
laid by alumni, parents and friends.
Over the past several years, Molloy has seen and heard the indelible
passion of its community. Your support of The Fund For Molloy has led
to over $1.5 million in capital improvements around our campus since
2011. These include the state-of-the-art William J. Murphy Library, the
installation of technology infrastructure to support Fall 2014′s one-toone computing program, a multi-purpose dance and step studio,
upgrades to Stanner Field and the Jack Curran Gym, new fire-rated
doors, and new conference room meeting spaces. These improvements
enhance the learning environment that our college-prep curriculum
commands and provides our faculty with the best means to help
students grow. You also stepped up to help our Stanner families affected
by Superstorm Sandy in 2012. Over $240,000 in tuition relief, including
uniforms, books, and counseling, were provided for these students and
their families thanks to donations made to The Fund For Molloy.
Upcoming capital projects will continue to refine Molloy’s facilities and
provide our students with the latest educational tools. Your generosity
continues to make the difference. Each year your support of The Fund
For Molloy is inspiring, with many of you perpetuating your support, as
well as others who have impacted our scholarship program for the first
time. This critical support enables Molloy to address a variety of urgent
priorities. Most notable is the needs assistance program that helps
students and their families undergoing extraordinary financial and
personal circumstances the ability to remain at Molloy. Your gifts have
helped hundreds of students in the last four years.
Your commitment and care for our students transforms the lives of over
1,500 students every year. We thank all Stanners who continue to
support the values and mission of Molloy. Your gift can help further
change the lives of more talented young students for the better.
The Zephiriny Society
Throughout our history, many Stanners have generously left a legacy at Molloy through planned gifts. The
Stanner Alumni Center’s goal is to honor the individuals who put Molloy in their estate plans or wills, but
unfortunately we often find out about this level of generosity after these Stanners or friends have already
passed on. If you have included Molloy in your estate plans or will, but have not informed the Stanner
Alumni Center, we ask you to share your intentions with us by filling out the form on page 5 and returning
it to the address provided. Please know that this form is not legally binding, but rather an identifier to help
us honor you, as well as invite you to events and activities for those in The Zephiriny Society.
4 Molloy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Zephiriny Society | Archbishop Molloy High School
As evidence of my/our desire to provide a legacy of support to Archbishop Molloy High School, I/we hereby inform
Molloy that I/we have made a provision for a gift to the school in my/our estate plans. I/we understand that while
this commitment is revocable, I/we have the good intentions that Archbishop Molloy High School will ultimately
receive this gift.
Name (First, Middle Initial, Last)
Class Year
Date of Birth
Spouse’s Name
Class Year (if applicable)
Date of Birth
City, State, ZIP
Phone Number
Fax NumberEmail Address
It is my/our intent to leave a legacy to Archbishop Molloy High School through my/our:
Charitable Gift Annuity
Retirement Plan Assets
Charitable Remainder Trust
Life Insurance Policy
I/we wish to inform Archbishop Molloy High School, for long-term planning purposes only, that as of this date, the
value of my/our gift is $_______________.* (If your gift is a percentage of your estate, please indicate the approximate
present value of that percentage.) I/we understand that by stating an amount, my/our estate is not legally bound by
this statement and I/we may choose to add, subtract, or revoke this bequest at any time, at my/our sole discretion.
Yes, please feel free to publish my/our name(s) among your list of The Zepheriny Society members as a motivation
for others to leave a future gift to benefit Molloy. (The amount of your gift is not published.)
Please print name(s) as you wish them to appear in future publications:
Donor(s) Signature(s)
* We hope you will share the approximate amount of your gift with us so that Molloy will know of your generosity
and will be able to recognize you. It is also helpful to have on file any supporting documentation which you may be
able to share with us. Please attach if possible.
Estate Planning
Financial Planning Workshops
(Retirement Planning, College Savings, etc.)
Life Insurance Policy
Craig M. Katinas
Stanner Alumni Center
Archbishop Molloy High School
83-53 Manton Street
Briarwood, NY 11435
Molloy 2012-2013 Annual Report 5
Annual Giving 2012/13
The Stanner Alumni Center, on behalf of Archbishop Molloy High School / St. Ann’s Academy, plans, coordinates, and
implements programs to benefit the 1,560 young men and women here at Stanner High. Your selfless charity allows Molloy to
fund scholarships, technology enhancements, facility upgrades and renovations, and a variety of other campus priorities. When
you give to Molloy, you enhance the unique Marist mission and education here on Manton Street. You afford opportunities to
deserving students who work hard toward achieving their goals and making the most of their education. By giving to Molloy,
you join a group of individuals who are gratified by being part of the Stanner family of supporters. It is your example that
inspire others to give, and in turn helps countless students at Molloy excel every day. Depending on the amount or designation
of your gifts, we are very pleased to induct our generous benefactors into the Giving Societies listed beginning on page 7.
AMHS Giving
This chart displays the percentage of
total dollar amounts given to each
designation in relation to each other.
Gift Breakdown
This chart displays the percentage of
the number of gifts each designation
raised in relation to each other.
Less than 1%
Gift Type
Gift Count
Zephiriny Society (Planned Giving)
Fund For Molloy (Annual Fund)
Named Scholarships
2013 Walk-A-Thon
2013 Stanner Golf Classic
Storm Recovery Fund
Stanners For Life (Pledge Redemption)
6 Molloy 2012-2013 Annual Report
2013 Stanner Golf Classic Sponsors
Adco Electrical Corp
Advantage Nutrition
AKF Group
Alliant Insurance Services Inc.
Allstate Electric Corp.
Archina Lamantia
Berjen Metal Industries Lt.
Benjamin Construction
Boca Group International, Inc.
Bulldog Graphic Solutions
Capital One
Capri Windows
Carmela Grignoli
Carney Security Services Inc.
Christopher M. Scanlon
Continental Home Loans
Cord Meyer Development
Culinart Food Service
Daniel T. Campbell
Dorgler Auto Repairs, Inc.
Edison Place
Enviro Chrome Interiors
FCS Metro
Firequench Inc.
Friends of Maria Ford
G. Fazio Construction Co. Inc.
Global Corporate Security Services
Haynes Land Surveyors
Island Acoustics
James E. Fitzgerald, Inc.
James Jordan
John Connors
Joseph Grignoli
Joseph Laudone
Jzanus Consulting
Kaback Enterprises
Katsky/Korins LLP
Masone, White, Penkava & Cristofari
Maspeth Federal Savings
Maui Estates International
Mercedes Benz of Rockville Centre
Merrill Lynch
Metropolis Group Inc.
Metropolitan Auto Parts, Inc.
MG Engineering P. C.
Michael Corcoran
Milrose Consultants, Inc.
Newmark Grubb Knight Frank
Nouveau Elevator Industries, Inc.
O’Reilly, Marsh & Corteselli, P.C.
Pam Angel
Papavero Funeral Home
Peace of Mind Technology
Penguin Air Conditioning
Perfect Building Maintenance Corp.
Pinnacle Strategies
Platinum Maintenance Services Corp.
Power Cooling, Inc.
Prime Mechanical Systems Inc.
Ryan McColgan
R. D’Attile Sewer and Watermain
Remi Interiors
RFR Realty LLC
Rick’s Painting & Decorating Corp.
Rizzo Group
Rosewood Inn Restaurant
Russell Schiff
Salerno Surgical Supplies Inc.
Shannon Abatement Inc.
Sonny’s Collision
Spring and Summer Activities
Structure Tone Inc.
Ted Moudis Associates
Terence P. Conley
Thomas V. Ford
Thyssen Krupp Elevator
Torossian Associates LLC
Total Fire Protection Inc.
Trinity Restaurant & Bar
Tri-Star Construction Corp.
Turner Interiors
Weber’s Finest
William A. Johnson
1892 Society
Mr. John Mead 1970
Mr. Robert Rossi 1981
Mr. Vincent Sasso 1976
Mr. Michael Steuerer 1972
Mr. Albert Urquhart 1965
Fr. John Walls
Mr. Raymond Wuertz 1972
Mr. Donald Wuertz 1966
Mr. Robert Barry 1966
Dr. William Bihrle 1969
Mr. John Castle
Ms. Dyana Christie
Mr. Michael Connolly 1990
Mr. Robert Cordella 1962
Mr. James Corridan 1970
Mr. Robert Corrigan 1963
Mr. Kenneth David 1992
Mr. Patrick Devaney 1951
Mr. Thomas DiChiaro 1985
Mr. Anthony Filorimo 1988
Mr. Edward FitzGerald 1981
Mr. Jack Foley 1971
Mr. Thomas Ford 1964
Mr. Michael Francescone 1972
Ms. Joan Fritz
Mrs. Eileen Furlong
Mr. Stanley Galowski
Mr. Steven Geisert1988
Mr. Stephen Gribbon
Mr. Charles Groppe 1977
Mr. Christopher Halmy 1986
Br. Kevin Handibode
Mr. John Hickey 1986
Mr. Jason Jurgens 1992
Mr. Steven Kelly 1990
Mr. Andrew Kusznir 1983
Mr. James LeClair 1962
Mr. Francis Lewis 1950
Mr. Michael Long 1982
Mr. Thomas Martin 1970
Mr. Andrew Marulis 1975
Mr. Charles Mayer 1965
Dr. John McConnell 1970
Mr. Thomas McEnerney 1977
Mr. Brendan McGovern 1986
Mr. Barry Meade 1971
Mr. Christopher Mitchell 1993
Mr. Sean Mitchell 1986
Mr. James Dannhauser 1970
Mr. Patrick Frayne 1997
Mr. Joseph Kazmierczuk
Capt. Anthony & Gloria Marsloe Estate
Mr. John McGrath 1985
Mr. Thomas Moran
Mr. Michael O’Neill 1971
Mrs. Elenita Ramirez
Mr. John Rein
Mr. James Shannon 1983
Mr. Patrick Woods 1970
1957 Club
Mr. Terence Conley 1981
Mr. Donald Greene 1951
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Klimas
Mr. Robert Maina 1989
Mr. John Umland 1979
Marist Club
Mr. John Ashton
Mr. Thomas Bergen 1962
Mr. Frank Bianco 1974
Dr. Richard Bihrle 1970
Mr. Robert Brivio 1984
Mr. Joseph Browne 1964
Mr. Douglas Carlone 1981
Mr. Griffith Clarke 1959
Dr. Brian Fallon 1973
Mr. MarkGallagher 1971
Mr. Christopher Greene 1981
Mr. Stephen Matteini 1971
Mr. Robert McKenna
Stanner Society
Mr. Anthony Baglino
Mr. Harold Baxter 1964
Mr. John Cregan
Mr. Fernando DeCarvalho 1985
Mr. Luis Dominguez
Mr. Brian Ferguson 1982
Mr. Gary Gallelli 1963
Mr. James Galowski 1981
Mr. Robert Gamble
Mr. & Dr. Craig Katinas 1993
Mr. Rodger Kraft 1975
Mr. Thomas McCormick 1968
Mr. James Mitchell 1991
Mr. Sadiq Rasool
Mr. Michael Redmond 1998
Mr. George Ruotolo 1968
Mr. John Salajka 1961
Mr. James Slevin 1969
Mr. Bernard Tansey 1945
Mr. Mario Tucciarone
Mr. Fredrick Young
President’s Circle
Mr. Charles Ahmes 1960
Mr. Steven Allen 1964
Molloy 2012-2013 Annual Report 7
Annual Giving 2012/13
President’s Circle
Mr. Terrence Mulligan 1964
Mr. Kevin Mulligan 1986
Mr. Patrick Murphy 1966
Mr. Peter Murray 1960
Mr. Michael O’Conor 1969
Mr. Vincent Parrish
Mr. Kenneth Pelker 1972
Mr. FrankPhelan 1969
Mr. Matthew Portsmore
Mr. Albert Posillico 1974
Mr. Austin Power
Mr. Thomas Rossi 1978
Mr. Alexander Russo 1975
Mr. Matthew Ryan 1969
Mr. Robert Ryan 1967
Mr. Gerard Schumm 1968
Br. Michael Sheerin
Ms. Joy Shetler
Mr. William Stutzbach 1980
Mr. Daniel Torpey 1982
Mr. Joseph Trainor 1962
Mr. Thomas Verlin 1972
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Viola
Mr. David Wahrhaftig
Mr. Kenneth Weinum 1963
Mr. Douglas Weir 1983
Capt. Jeffrey Weppler 1972
Mr. Michael Wuertz 1974
Mr. Frank Wuertz 1964
Mr. Stephen Zavoluk 1964
Mr. Eric Zielinski 1990
The Lion’s Pride
Mr. Christopher Aas 1973
Mr. Joseph Adamec 1963
Mr. Thomas Bergin 1947
Mr. Ronald Biamonte
Mr. Patrick Bohan 1982
Mr. Vincent Bonini 1960
Molloy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Mr. William Brenner 1973
Mr. Kevin Buckley 1979
Mr. Robert Burdick
Mr. Joseph Butera 1980
Mr. Thomas Byrnes 1984
Mr. William Campbell 1961
Ms. Diana Castaneda
Mr. Dennis Clark 1965
Mr. Vincent Clausen 1970
Mr. Daniel Clements 1975
Cdr. John Coffey 1982
Mr. Anthony Colletti 1974
Dr. Roger Cubas
Mr. Michael Curtin 1981
Capt. John Deasy 1971
Mr. Brian DeHaven 1978
Mr. Kevin Dehler 1982
Mr. Carlos DeJesus 1999
Mr. Louis DiGregorio 1977
Mr. Sean Dineen 1985
Mr. Robert Dittus 1981
Mr. Francis Donnantuono 1975
Mr. Joseph Dooley 1966
Dr. Timothy Dowd 1970
Mr. William Dunn 1964
Mr. John Espinel
Mr. Dennis Farrell 1975
Mr. William Farrell
Mr. John Fenton 1968
Dr. Edward Fitzpatrick 1977
Mr. Vincent Flaherty 1962
Mr. John Fleming 1969
Mr. Costas Frousios
Mr. Thomas Galvin 1970
Mr. James Gatta 1994
Mrs. Carol Gibbons
Mr. Edward Hackimer 1973
Mr. Joseph Hayes 1962
Mr. Mark Heinemann 1981
Dr. William Hennessy 1968
Mr. James Horan 1999
Mr. Richard Jarosch
Dr. Lawrence Kane 1962
Dr. Richard Kearns 1967
Mr. Robert Kretzman 1969
Mr. Paul Krische 1981
Mr. Ernest Kuehl
Mr. Paul Lebras 1967
Dr. Ronald Lehane 1979
Mr. Dimitrios Levantis
Ms. Virginia Maddock
Mr. Frank Madigan 1953
Mr. Christopher Marshall
Mr. Edward McCormack
Mr. Terence McGovern 1990
Mr. John McGrath 1967
Rev. Msgr. John McGuirl 1963
Mr. Michael Melnick 1977
Mr. Robert Metzger 1988
Mr. Richard Metzger
Mr. Renzo Mieles
Mr. Michael Monaghan 1987
Ms. Mary Moncino
Mr. Richard O’Brien
Mr. Richard O’Brien Schmidt
Mr. EmilPape
Mr. Joseph Pero 1957
Mrs. Miranda Pesa
Dr. Andrew Poggio 1959
Ms. Evelyn Rechler
Mr. Michael Repole
Dr. Walter Riese 1969
Mr. Thomas Riso 1990
Mr. Bijoy Saha
Mr. Stephen Salmon 1972
Mr. Fabio Santagata 1987
Dr. & Mrs. RussellSchiff
Mr. Peter Schuebler 1986
Mr. Robert Schwartz 1964
Dr. Nicholas Sgaglione 1975
Mr. Donald Simone 1974
Mr. Brian Sullivan 1967
Mr. Patrick Sullivan 1982
Mr. Charles Tabone 1968
Mr. Nicholas Tafuri 1980
Mr. Richard Tashjian 1975
Mr. Robert Testa 1975
Mr. Kenneth Toffolo 1975
Mr. Bruce Ungar 1967
Mrs. Frances Vagan
Mr. William Vespe 1992
Dr. Patrick Vetere
Mr. Donald Volk 1967
Mr. Richard Walker 1981
Mr. Oscar Zamora 1987
Dr. John Zielinski 1980
Blue & White
Mr. Michael Abbatiello
Mr. Joseph Abramo 1965
Mr. Eric Abrams
Mrs. Acosta-Perez
Mr. Adam
Ms. Kelly Adams
Mr. Uka Agbai 1999
Mr. Anthony Agliardi 1970
Ms. Adriana Aguirre
Mr. Agustin
Mr. Thomas Ahern 1966
Mr. Ahmed
Mr. Narish Ajodha
Dr. Joseph Albanese 1974
Mr. William Albergo 1960
Mr. Gregory Alerte
Mr. Alexander
Mrs. Diana Alfaro
Mr. JohnAlfonso
Mr. Auslim Ali
Mr. Alimaras
Mr. Gennaro Aliperti
Ms. Edna Alipoyo
Ms. Melissa Alke 2009
Mr. Arthur Allen
Mr. Alvarez
Ms. Monica Alzate
Mr. John Ambert
Mr. Robert Anderson
Mrs. Sylvana Andrade
Mr. Anibal Andrade
Ms. Farah Andre
Mr. Jean Andre
Mr. Stephen Andreycak 1974
Mr. Marino Andriani 1965
Mr. Nick Andriopoulos
Ms. Pam Angel
Mr. Matthew Angrisani
Mr. Anh
Mrs. Debra Anich
Mr. Peter Anselmi 1978
Mr. Gary Anthony
Mr. Vincent Antignani 1980
Mr. JuanArellano
Mr. Christopher Arena
Mr. Michael Arendt 1983
Ms. Denise Arjona
Mr. Carlos Armas
Ms. Ellen Kathy Arocho-Kelly
Mr. James Arrante1999
Mr. Rommel Artes
Mr. Matthew Asanjarani
Ms. Colleen Ashton
Mr. Theodore Astrinidis
Mr. Frank Augello 1974
Mr. Bogdan Augustynowicz
Mr. Daniel Autera
Mr. John Azzarelli
Mr. William Baaden 1955
Mr. Michael Bacchus
Mr. MarkBadlu
Mr. Peter Bagatta 1975
Mr. Edward Baggott 1975
Mr. Francis Bailey1975
Mr. Roberto Balaguera
Mr. Manuelito Balina
Mr. Bannon
Mr. John Baranello 1972
Mr. Louis Barbera 1976
Ms. Samantha Barbieri 2010
Ms. Maryellen Barnes
Mrs. Theresa Barretta
Mr. Tony Barsamian
Mr. Charles Bartha
Mrs. Doreen Bartnikowski
Mr. JohnBartus 1967
Mr. Ravi Basant
Mr. Andrew Basel 1964
Mr. Saverio Basone
Mr. Robert Batac
Mr. Batres
Mr. Ludwig Bauer
Mr. Thomas Bauer1964
Ms. Jennifer Baum
Mr. Rolan Bautista
Mr. Michael Baxter 2002
Lt. Col. Richard Bean
Mr. I. Beauchamp 1957
Mr. Joseph Beauregard 1960
Ms. Hilda Beck
Mr. John Begley 1967
Mr. Beiter
Mr. Louis Bekios
Mrs. Patricia Bell
Mr. Terence Bellew 1970
Mr. John Bello
Ms. Valerie Belton
Mrs. Lorraine Benjamin
Mr. Joseph Benjamin
Mr. Nigel Benn
Mrs. Lorena Benson
Mr. Teekaram Bepat
Mr. Thomas Beresford 1962
Mr. Arthur Berger 1961
Mr. Jeffrey Bernal 1991
Mr. Dennis Berry 1971
Mr. Bertolini
Ms. Stephanie Bertolini
Mr. Vinicio Bertolini
Mr. George Beyrer 1961
Mr. Nipaul Bhiro
Mr. Matthew Bianco 1965
Mr. Bishram Binda
Ms. Anjely Bisai
Ms. Margarita Bittar
Mrs. Konstantina Bizios
Mr. Douglas Blaine
Mr. Vincent Blandino 1986
Mr. Amadeo Blando
Ms. Gryzelda Blaszczak
Mr. Bober
Ms. Kate Boehme
Ms. Kathleen Boehme
Ms. Danielle Boisette
Mr. Tony Bolbolian
Rev. Kenneth Boller 1964
Mr. Gregory Boller
Mr. Christopher Boller
Mr. Stephen Bonanno
Dr. Alfred Bongiorno 1963
Mr. Ricardo Bonitto
Mr. John Boomer 1976
Mr. Borkowski
Mr. Robert Borst 1979
Mr. Thomas Borst 1975
Mr. Patrick Boyle
Mr. Raymond Brady 1986
Mr. Gerard Brady
Mr. James Brady 1961
Mr. William Brady 1970
Mr. Francisco Braganza
Mr. Paul Brancato 1979
Mr. John Brancato 1981
Mr. Sergio Brandao
Mr. Frances Brandt
Mr. Edward Braunstein
Mr. Edward Braunstein 1999
Mr. Richard Brennan 1979
Dr. Donald Brennan 1962
Ms. Alison Brennan 2008
Mr. Aneil Brijlall
Mr. Kevin Broderick
Mr. Gary Bronz
Mr. James Brown
Ms. Lynette Brown
Mr. Peter Brucas
Mr. JohnBruno
Ms. Margherita Bruschi
Mr. Kevin Buggy 1986
Mr. Jose Burgos
Mr. Luis Bustos
Mr. Robert Byrne 1981
Mr. Patrick Byrne 1970
Mr. Thomas Byrne
Mr. Matthew Byrne
Mr. George Byrne 1970
Mr. David Byrne
Mr. Dwight Caamal
Molloy 2012-2013 Annual Report 9
Annual Giving 2012/13
Blue & White
Mr. James Caballero 1964
Ms. Gisella Cabrera
Mr. Carlos Caceres
Mr. Ralph Cadet
Ms. Danielle Caffarone
Mr. Caggiano
Mr. JohnCahill 1965
Mr. Frank Cain 1952
Mr. Cajas
Ms. Gina Calabrese
Mr. Demetra Calakos
Mr. Carlos Calderon
Mr. Alexis Camacho
Mr. Edward Cameron
Mr. John Campano
Mr. Daniel Campbell 1964
Mr. Louis Campione 1950
Mr. Vincent Campisi
Mrs. Caryn Campo
Ms. Nenita Campomanes
Mr. Candelaria
Ms. Geraldine Canning
Ms. Xue Zhen Cao
Mr. Raphael Capasso 1945
Mr. Alberto Capistrano
Mr. Capitelli
Mr. Donald Capp
Mr. Robert Capuder 1971
Mr. Philip Caracci 1975
Mr. Guy Caraturo
Mr. Eugene Carbine 1954
Mr. Cardenas
Mr. Robert Cardiello
Mr. William Carey 1967
Mr. Robert Carlson 1968
Mr. William Carlson 1984
Mr. Gerard Carmosin 1980
Mr. James Carrino 1958
Mr. Mark Carroll 1974
Mr. Gregory Carroll 1965
Mr. Vincent Caruso
Mr. Santa Lo Cascio
Mr. Michael Casey
Mr. Matthew Casey 1980
Mr. JohnCasey 1957
Ms. Stephanie Casillo
Ms. AnaMarie Casino
Mr. Michael Castillo
Mr. Wilfido Castillo
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Catalano
Mr. Charles Catinella
Mr. JohnCaulfield1947
Mr. Thomas Cavanagh 1963
Rev. William Cawley
Mrs. Marianne Cerillo
Ms. Elizabeth Chacon
Mrs. JoAnn Chaffardet
Mr. Diego Chamorro
Mr. Yiu Chan
Mrs. Christian Chand
Mr. Gerard Chandler
Ms. Abigail Chanis
Mr. William Chaparro
Mr. Dennis Chase
10 Molloy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Ms. Julia Chauca
Ms. Sarojini Chetram
Mrs. Lisa Chetram
Mr. Arthur Chiaramonte
Mr. Michael Chiarovano
Mr. Alwin Chico
Mr. Joseph Chowske 1981
Mrs. Harriet Chresomales
Ms. Jennifer Chu
Mr. Michael Chu
Mr. Corazon Chua
Mr. William Chuber
Mr. Richard Chui
Ms. Nancy Ciabotti
Mr. Francisco Cid
Mr. Diego Cinquemani
Mr. Michael Cipriano 1961
Ms. Renee Citera
Mr. Kevin Clarke 1975
Dr. Gary Clarke 1977
Mr. Michael Clinton
Mr. Gregory Coburn 1969
Mr. Stephen Coffey 1983
Mr. JohnCoffey 1955
Mr. Anthony Colangeli
Mr. Marlon Cole
Mr. Thomas Colgan 1980
Mr. Brian Colgan 2004
Ms. Ashley Colletti 2005
Mr. Patrick Collins 1963
Mr. GlenColodny
Ms. Alma Colon
Ms. Mary Comella
Mr. Jarlath Connaughton
Mr. F. Patrick Connolly 1990
Mr. & Mrs. John Connors
Dr. Walter Conrad 1976
Mr. Patric Conroy 1977
Mr. Thomas Conroy 1937
Mr. John Consorti
Mr. Nicholas Constantine
Mrs. Rosemarie Contorno
Mr. Joseph Conway
Mr. Francis Conway 1976
Mr. James Cooke
Mr. Richard Cooke 1950
Mr. Terence Coppinger
Mr. Michael Corcoran
Mr. Coribello
Mr. Harold Cornell 1961
Mr. Noe Corro
Mr. Anthony Costa 1980
Mr. Thomas Costanzo 2000
Ms. Elena Costello
Ms. Lori Cotellessa
Mr. Cottrell
Mr. William Cowie 1948
Ms. Linda Cowles
Mr. Joseph Cox 1963
Ms. Kathleen Coyne
Ms. Devolyn Cranston
Mrs. Nancy Cregan
Mr. Kevin Crimmins
Mrs. Cathy Crivo
Mr. Thomas Croci 1960
Mr. Matthew Crocker
Mr. Stephen Crockett
Ms. Alison Crombez
Mr. Jose Cruz
Ms. DeliaCuario
Mr. William Cunningham 1963
Mr. Thomas Cusanelli 1978
Mr. Joseph Cutaia
Ms. Kate Cutuli
Mr. Michael Czaikowski 1974
Ms. Patricia D’Agostino
Dr. KeithDahl 1995
Mr. Rogelio Dakanay
Mr. Francis Dalton 1941
Mr. John Daly
Ms. Trayce Dambrosio
Ms. Gloria Danet
Mr. JohnD’Angelo
Mr. JohnD’Angelo
Mr. David Daniel
Ms. Lisa Dantono
Mr. Dao
Ms. Linda D’Aquaro
Mr. HansDara 1950
Ms. Seema Das
Mr. John Daskalis
Mr. Robert D’Attile
Mr. Dave
Mr. Adrian De Armas 1985
Mr. De La Pena
Mr. Debiase
Mr. Antonio DeCarvalho
Mr. Elson Decolongon
Mr. Stephen Deely
Mr. Christopher Degaetano
Mr. Laurence DeGennaro 1978
Ms. Valerie DeJesus
Mr. Eduardo Del Pozo
Mr. Ronald Del Rosario
Br. Thomas Delaney
Mr. Daniel Delargy 1976
Mr. Robert DeLay 2000
Mrs. Mary DelCastillo
Mr. Gilbert DeLeon
Mr. Dennis Delgado
Mr. Michael Delio 1976
Mr. DeMaria
Mr. Nicholas Demaria
Mr. Joseph DeMasi
Mr. Ive Demo
Mr. Richard H. Dennis
Mr. Patrick Dente 1955
Mrs. Debra Deodath
Mr. Kenny Deonarine
Mr. JohnDePalma
Ms. Susan Depalma
Mr. Stanley Derby 1954
Mr. Andrew DeSantis
Ms. Nancy DeSantis
Mr. FredDeSarno
Mr. JohnDevine 1970
Mr. Adrian Dial
Mr. Orlando Diaz
Mr. Antonio Diaz
Mr. Peter Diaz 1994
Mr. Charles Diccianni 1963
Mr. JohnDiDonato
Ms. Marion Patricia Dietz
Mr. Joseph Dieujuste
Ms. Nia-Sophia Diez 2008
Mr. Samuel Difiglia
Blue & White
Mr. JohnDiGirolamo 1964
Mrs. Jeannine Dileonardo
Mr. Desmond Dillon
Mr. Charles DiMaggio
Mr. DiMaria
Mr. Matthew Dineen
Mr. Antonio Dingco
Ms. Olivia Dionio
Mr. Calogero Dionisi
Mr. Joseph Dipaola
Mr. Ralph DiRe
Ms. Valerie Distant
Mr. George Distler 2001
Mr. Frank Dix
Mr. Zef Djurasevic
Mr. Joseph Dombrowski
Mr. Richard Donnelly
Mr. Vincent Donnelly 1961
Ms. Theresa Donohue
Ms. Colleen Donovan
Mr. Brian Dooley
Mr. Peter Dopsch 1976
Mr. Frederick Dorgler 1981
Mr. James Dorrian1966
Mr. Joseph Dorsa
Mr. Robert Downward 1988
Mr. Matthew Doyle 1995
Mr. James Doyle
Mr. Kevin Doyle 2007
Mr. Roger Dreher 1971
Ms. Elizabeth Dreyer 2006
Mr. Duchnowski
Mr. Wojciech Dudek
Mr. Dumerve
Mr. Dumlao
Ms. JosetteDumont
Mr. Michael Dunn 1976
Mr. D’Urso
Mr. ScottDuryea
Mr. James Dwyer 1988
Mr. JohnEarly
Mrs. Joan Eberle
Ms. Kelly Edelman
Mr. Edward
Mr. Frederick Edwards 1964
Mr. John Egan 1980
Mr. Richard Egan 1964
Mr. George Egan 1957
Ms. Rebecca Ehrhart
Mr. Thomas Eikenbrod 1982
Mr. Hussein Ekhlas
Mr. Roy Elberfeld 1960
Mr. Terence Emrit
Mr. Henry Ende 1964
Mr. Charles Endy 1964
Mr. Gina Maria Eng
Mr. JohnEng
Mr. Andrew Erdelyi 1957
Mr. Alfred Erdmann
Mr. Escobar
Mr. Michael Esposito
Mr. Michael Esposito
Mr. Gerard Esposito 1975
Mr. Patrick Fahey
Mr. Chris Falvey
Mr. Anthony Famighetti
Mr. Robert Fanizza
Mr. JohnFanuka 1985
Mr. Eric Fargo
Mr. PeterFarrell 1985
Mr. PeterFarrell 1964
Mr. Dennis Farrell
Mr. Francis Fata
Mr. Giuseppe Faulisi
Mr. Richard Faur 1989
Mr. Gino Fazio 1981
Mr. Ted Fedder
Mr. Anthony Federico
Mr. William Feehan 1979
Mr. John Feehan 1950
Mr. Richard Feil 1967
Mr. Anthony Feld 1988
Mr. Felipe
Mr. Thomas Fell 1961
Mr. Raymond Femia
Mr. Keith Fenner
Mr. Agnello Fernandes
Mr. Francisco Fernandez
Mr. Jose Fernandez 1983
Ms. Lidia Ferrando
Mr. Francesco Ferrara
Ms. Monica Ferreira 2006
Mr. Joseph Ferro 1960
Mr. John Ferrugio 1979
Mr. Louis Field 1966
Mrs. Georgia Fierek
Mr. Peter Figetakis
Mr. Nino Filosa
Mr. John Finan 1972
Mr. Kevin Finnegan 1962
Mr. Neil Finnerty
Mr. Conrad Fioretti 1955
Mr. Richard Fitzmaurice 1963
Mr. Christopher Fitzpatrick
Mrs. Jenny Fletcher
Mr. Paul Fleuranges
Mr. Flores
Ms. Maura Flynn
Mr. Brian Foley 1975
Mrs. Bridget Fontanelle
Mr. Brian Foster
Dr. John Foti 1989
Mr. Anthony Fotopoulos 2008
Mr. Marcel Fournier
Mr. Timothy Fox
Mr. Alwyn Foy
Mr. Thomas Frain 1966
Mr. Michael Francaviglia
Mr. Franceschetti
Mr. Alfred Francfort 1957
Ms. Maria Frankovic
Ms. Lorraine Franz
Ms. Marina Fraser
Ms. Emma Freedman
Mr. James Frenzel
Mr. Giancarlo Frisari
Dr. Stephen Froehlich 1970
Mr. James Fuchs
Mr. James Fuchs
Mr. Stephen Fulcinelli 1970
Mr. Charles Gabalis 1966
Mr. James Gaffigan 1959
Mr. Steven Gagliardotto 1981
Mr. Gaglio
Mr. Carl Gaglio
Mr. Frank Gaitan
Mr. Joseph Galizia
Mr. John Gallagher
Mr. Daniel Gallagher 1981
Mr. Aiden Gallagher
Mr. Stephen Gallagher 1982
Mr. Frederick Gallo 1958
Molloy 2012-2013 Annual Report 11
Annual Giving 2012/13
Blue & White
Mr. James Galvin 1967
Mr. Steve Gambino 1972
Mr. Robert Gander
Mr. Vaidanand Gangapersaud
Mr. John Gangone
Mr. Deowati Ganness
Ms. Mary Pat Gannon
Mr. Arman Garabedian
Mr. Joseph Garafola 1976
Mr. Diokno Garcellano
Mr. Marcelo Garcia
Ms. Alexandra Garcia
Ms. Nonette Garcia
Ms. Wendy Garcia
Mr. Rainford Gardner
Mr. Richard Garrity 1952
Mr. Edward Garrity
Mr. James Garside 1964
Mr. Gunther Gastrich 1957
Mr. Dominick Gaudio
Ms. Kathleen Gaudiosi
Mr. Paul Geis 1993
Mr. William Geis 1962
Mr. Douglas Gellard 1991
Mr. Gregory Genco 1975
Mr. Louis Geneve 1948
Mr. Girolamo Genna
Mr. Paul Geoghegan
Mr. Paul Geoghegan 1983
Mrs. Antoinette Geraci
Dr. Paul Gerardi 1977
Mr. Gerardi
Mr. Piotr Gerlak
Mr. Luisito Gevero
Mr. Louis Giachetti
Mrs. Elizabeth Gianatiempo
Mr. Frank Gianatiempo
Mr. William Gibbons
Mr. Robert Gibson
Mr. Juan Gil
Mr. Ralph Gilfeather
Mr. Richard Gillis 1983
Mr. Vincent Gillooley
Mr. Joseph Gilroy 1972
Ms. Claudia Giraldo
Mr. Jorge Giraldo
Mrs. Olive Girdusky
Mr. Gaetano Gisone
Mr. Joseph Giustiniani
Mr. Peter Gladitsch 1979
Mr. Christos Gliagias
Mr. Alberto Go
Ms. Adele Goetz
Mr. Gerard Goger
Mr. Ted Golden
Ms. Ann Goldweber
Mr. Fabian Gomez
Mr. Lawrence Gonzales
Mr. Edward Gonzales
Mr. Julius Gorga
Mr. Victor Gorman1991
Mr. Matthew Gorton 1997
Mr. George Goudelias
Mr. Joseph Governale
12 Molloy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Mr. Govindeisami
Ms. Sonya Grabowski
Mr. Frank Graffeo 1970
Mr. Henry Gralton 1958
Mr. Angelo Grasso 1995
Mr. Glenn Gray 1965
Mr. Grbic
Mr. Raymond Grech
Mr. Ronald Greco
Ms. Elayne Greenberg
Mr. Kevin Greene
Mr. Jeffrey Greene
Dr. Henry Gregor 1963
Mr. Patrick Gribben 1951
Mr. Joseph Grimpel 1990
Mr. Robert Gris 1961
Mr. David Groff
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Grogan
Mr. William Grogan
Ms. Eleanor Grogan
Mr. Frank Grossman
Mr. John Grosso 1991
Mr. Charles Grunder 1974
Mr. Irving Guadalupe
Mr. Ludwig Guarino 1969
Mr. Thomas Gucciardo 1986
Mr. Joseph Guerrero 1992
Mr. Jaime Guevarra
Mr. Pasquale Guglielmo
Mr. Ronald Guglielmo 1967
Mr. Anthony Joseph Gugliuzza
Mr. Nicholas Guida
Mr. Arthur Guiducci 1948
Mr. Liam Guilfoyle 1989
Mr. Robert Guiliano 1970
Mr. Gulino
Mr. Joseph Gulino
Mr. Joseph Guzzo 1992
Mr. Alex Hadjigeorgiou
Mr. Hajdarovic
Mr. Magued Halaka
Mr. Robert Hall
Ms. ClairHamilton
Ms. Catherine Hammersley
Mr. James Handlin 1960
Mr. Jim Hanna
Mr. Thomas Hannah 1959
Mr. Frank Hannon
Mr. Gabor Hariss 1962
Mr. Charles Harms 1973
Mr. Edward Harrington
Mr. Dennis Harrington 1962
Mr. Steven Harris 1970
Mr. Stephen Harris
Mr. Michael Harrison
Mr. Andrew Harrison 1975
Mr. Dennis Hartnett 1962
Mr. John Hartney
Mr. Mohamed Hassim
Mr. Sanjay Hathiramani 1994
Mrs. Artemis Hatzinikolaou
Mr. Scott Hausser
Mr. Charles Havelka 1980
Mr. Dylan Haynes
Mr. Robert Hazzard
Mr. Julio Heng
Mr. Paul Hennigan
Mr. Eugene Hennigan 1969
Mr. Lido Hernandez
Mr. Eslyn Hernandez
Mr. Cesar Hernandez
Mr. Sergio Hernandez
Mr. Jamie Herrera
Mr. Dario Herrera
Mr. Raymond Herrera
Mr. George Hershman 1980
Mr. James Hess 1965
Mr. John Hickey 1995
Capt. Paul Higgins 1968
Mr. Kevin Hilbert 1969
Mr. John Himmelman 1960
Mr. Stephen Hoch 1970
Mr. Martin Hoffman
Mr. Edward Hoffman 1965
Mr. Horan
Ms. Denise Horan
Mr. William Horan 1971
Mr. Carl Hornung
Mr. John Hosford 1981
Mr. Douglas Hounsell 1973
Mr. John Houseman 1978
Mr. Hoxha
Mr. Kenneth Hoyt
Mr. Martin Hughes 1962
Mr. Walter Hulse 1960
Mr. David Hurley
Mr. Daniel Hurley 1996
Dr. George Hutter 1966
Mr. Anh Huynh
Mr. Domenic Iannaccone 1976
Mr. Ed Iannaccone 1982
Mr. Ernest Ihnken 1951
Mr. Meynardo Ilagan
Mr. Edwin Ilarraza 1972
Ms. Jeannette Ingrassia
Mr. Robert Insardi 1977
Mr. Michael Intranuovo 1981
Mr. John Ippolito
Mrs. Carmen Irala
Mr. Irrera
Mr. Gerard Irving 1969
Mr. Iurillo
Mr. MarkIvezaj
Mr. Jablonski
Ms. Laura Jacgues
Ms. Julianna Jackanin
Ms. Ingeborg Jagde
Mr. Patrick Jagessar
Mr. Paul Jahn 1975
Mr. Videshwarie Jairam
Mr. Najciech Jakubowski
Ms. Bibi Jamila Joachim
Mr. Victor Janas 1974
Mr. Robert Jankesh 1961
Mr. Joseph Jaramillo 1952
Ms. Gina Jazmines
Mrs. Florence Jean-Joseph
Mr. Thomas Jennings 1983
Mr. Peter Jezek 1992
Mr. Victor Jimenez
Mrs. Elsie Jimenez
Ms. Mariella Jimenez
Mrs. Sonia Jimenez
Mr. Andrew Jirak 1977
Mr. Paul Jirak 1974
Ms. Sonia Jofat
Blue & White
Ms. Sandra John
Mr. William Johnson 1971
Mr. Glenn Johnston 1976
Mr. Clement Jolaoso
Mr. George Jones
Mr. Rohan Joree
Mr. Emmanuel Joseph
Mr. Benedict Joson 2010
Mr. John Joyce 1947
Ms. Beverley Julian
Mr. Nicanor Kabigting
Mr. Stephen Kadysiewski 1969
Mr. William Kahn 1963
Mr. Kalaf
Mr. Allan Kalma
Mr. Seth Kaminsky
Mr. Kishore Kandhai
Mr. Giannis Karantonis
Mr. Dariusz Karasewicz
Mr. Richard Karsten 1981
Mr. Joseph Kasper
Mr. Andrew Kaufman
Mr. Harpreet Kaur
Mr. Robert Kayla
Mr. Joseph Keane
Mr. Daniel Kearney 1989
Mr. Dennis Keegan 1964
Mr. William Kelleher
Mr. Kenneth Kelly 1971
Mr. Martin Kelly
Mr. Thomas Kelly
Mr. Kevin Kelly
Mr. Brian Kelly 1994
Mr. Michael Kelly
Mr. Charles Kelly 1965
Mr. Brian Kelly
Ms. Elizabeth Kettlewell
Mr. Khan
Mr. Azeez Khan
Ms. Suzy Khouzam
Mr. Dennis Kiefer 1962
Mr. James Kiernan 1963
Mr. Daniel Kiggins 1976
Mr. Michael Kilkelly 1976
Mr. William King 1981
Mr. Graham Kistler 1968
Mr. Jonathan Klee
Mr. William Klein
Mr. Robert Klein
Mr. Klesin
Mr. Joseph Klesin
Mr. Steven Klig
Ms. Rona Knobel
Mr. Raymond Kober
Mr. Ray Kober
Mr. Nicholas Kokis
Mr. Robert Kordisch 1983
Mrs. Margrit Koroglu
Mr. Jeffrey Korsh
Mr. Marek Korzeniecki
Mr. Kosiewska
Mr. Andrew Kostel
Ms. Linda Kotmel
Mr. Walter Kotnik
Mr. Roman Kowalski
Mrs. Joyce Kowpak
Mr. Kenneth Kraker 1985
Mr. William Krejci 1982
Ms. Janet Kreppein
Mr. Edward Kull 1999
Mr. Paul Kunz 1986
Mr. Arthur Kurayev
Mr. Steven Kuriga
Mr. Edward Kuriga
Mr. Burt Kurshan
Mr. Dragan Kurtin 1982
Mr. Shilly Kuruvilla
Mr. William Kuzma 1985
Mr. Robert Labra 1972
Mr. Christopher Lagares 1993
Mr. Ray Lagtapon
Mr. Bobby Lagula
Mrs. Karyn Lake
Mr. Lakota
Mr. JohnLalena 1978
Mr. Anthony LaMalfa 1988
Ms. Archina Lamantia
Mr. Anthony Lamarca
Mr. Vincent Lana
Mr. Gilbert Landy
Mr. James Lane
Mr. Alfred Lane 1943
Ms. Rose Lang
Mr. Arthur Langer 1958
Mr. Richard Lanigan
Mr. Marshall Lapidus
Mr. Keith Larkin
Mr. Robert Larusso
Mr. Paul Lattanzio
Mr. Tom Lau
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Laudone
Ms. Giana Lauretani
Mr. Richard Lauria 1983
Mr. Kevin Lavelle
Mr. Hugh Lavelle
Mr. Thomas Lavin
Mr. Thomas Lavin 1950
Mr. Frank Lavoratore 1988
Mr. Gerard Lawlor
Ms. Merander Layne
Mr. Edward Leahy 1968
Ms. Maria Leandri
Mr. Thomas Leavens
Mr. Richard Lebris
Mr. Lee
Ms. Flora Lee
Ms. Avery Lee
Mr. Angelo Lees
Mr. Adam Leisenheimer
Mr. William Lemmey 1961
Mr. Lawrence Lennon 1974
Mr. Charles Leonard
Mr. Salvatore Leone
Mr. Paul Lercara
Molloy 2012-2013 Annual Report 13
Annual Giving 2012/13
Blue & White
Mr. JuanLeston
Mr. Jose Leston
Mr. Lewis
Mrs. Frances Leyden
Mr. Benjamin Lezcano
Mr. Li
Mrs. Donna Jiang Li
Mr. Laurence Liang
Mrs. Connie Liarda
Mr. Joseph Lieber 1974
Mr. Arthur Lievre 1965
Mr. Andri Ligas
Mr. Christian Limberg 1993
Mr. Limonta
Mr. Argyro Linaris
Mr. William Lindenfelser 1969
Mr. Lindo
Mr. Matthew Linkus 2006
Ms. Andrea Lioio
Mr. Neven Lipovac
Mr. Timothy Liston 1974
Mr. Anthony LoBello 1981
Mr. MarkLoBosco
Ms. Jennifer LoCascio 2008
Mr. Lochansingh
Mr. Salvatore LoDuca
Mr. MarkLoftus 1986
Mrs. Kathy Loftus
Mr. Michael Loftus
Mr. Frank Loncar
Mrs. Anne Lonergan
Dr. Raphael Longobardi 1982
Mr. Dominick Longobardi 1983
Mr. Kenneth Looney
Mr. Alivar Lopez
Mr. Christopher Lopez 1991
Mr. Angel Lopez
Ms. Kathleen Lopuzzo
Mr. Anthony Loscalzo 1954
Mr. Anthony Losquadro 1980
Mr. Robert Lotrean 1998
Mrs. Susan Louie
Ms. Corina Lozano
Mr. Lawrence Lubchuk
Ms. FranLubow
Mr. Pat Lucci
14 Molloy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Mr. Pat Lucci
Mr. James Lugo 2008
Ms. Sonia Lugo
Mr. Hector Lugo
Mr. James Lukas 1980
Mr. JohnLuke
Mr. Luknauth
Mr. Rhudranauth Luknauth
Mr. Lung
Mr. Joseph Luongo
Mr. David Luttinger 1984
Mr. Robert Lydon
Mr. John Lynch
Mr. Thomas Lynch1974
Mr. Dennis Lyons 1973
Mr. William Lyons1969
Mr. FredMa
Mr. Peter Macchia
Mr. Louis Macchiarulo
Mr. Robert MacGuffie 1969
Mr. Rezalde Madarang
Ms. Anna Maddalena
Ms. Kelly Magee 2007
Mr. Donald Magioncalda 1964
Mr. Jessie Magno
Mr. JohnMahon
Ms. Catherine Mahoney
Mr. James Mahony 1974
Mr. Eugenio Maiello
Mr. Michael Maisano
Mr. Michael Maisano
Mr. Qasim Majeed
Mr. Jose Makayan
Mr. William Maker 1968
Mr. Miroslaw Maksimczuk
Mr. Victor Maldonado
Ms. Jihane Malek
Ms. Jiuliana Malfatti
Mr. Henry Malinowski
Mr. Harold Malone 1963
Mrs. Linda Maltaghati
Mr. JohnMancini
Mr. Leonard Mancusi
Mr. Abdool Mandal
Mr. Anthony Maneri
Mr. Thomas Manetta
Ms. Ann Manganaro
Mrs. Dina Mangialino
Mr. JohnMangin 1983
Mr. JohnMangin
Mr. Sam Mannino
Mr. Thomas Mansfield 1985
Mr. DaveMansfield
Mr. Vincent Manta
Mr. Robert Manzi
Mr. Omadath Maraj
Ms. Carmela Marasigan
Ms. JoanMaresca
Mr. Alberto Marin
Mr. Joseph Marinello 1972
Mr. Dominic Marino 1983
Mr. Joseph Marino 2004
Ms. D. Nicole Marion
Ms. IrmaMarkuske
Mr. Stephen Maroutsis
Mr. Antonio Marra
Mr. Gary Marrero
Mr. Joseph Martin
Mr. Richard Martin 1989
Mr. Eugene Martin 1998
Mrs. Maria Martinez
Mrs. EvaMartinez
Mr. Rafaelito Martinez
Mr. George Masi
Mr. Justin Mastandrea
Mr. Barry Mastellone 1964
Mr. Michael Matheis
Mr. Geevarughese Mathews
Mrs. Patricia Matier
Dr. Charles Mattina 1974
Mr. JohnMatulaitis 1978
Mr. Andrew Matura 1963
Mr. Anthony Matusewicz
Mr. Raymond Maurer 1982
Mr. James Maurer
Mr. Raymond Maurer
Mr. Otto Maurer 1959
Mr. Michael Mauro 1990
Mr. Mladen Mavra
Mrs. Theodora Mavrikis
Mr. Gerard Mayer 1962
Mrs. Debra Mayo
Mr. David Mazzuca
Mr. Bill McAlpin 1972
Mr. Michael McBride
Mr. Thomas McCabe
Mr. James McCabe
Mr. McCabe
Mr. Kevin McCaffrey
Mr. Gerard McCague
Blue & White
Mr. Joseph McCann 1959
Mr. Joseph McCann 1970
Mr. JohnMcCann 1956
Mr. William McCarthy 1979
Mr. David McCarthy
Mr. James McCarthy
Mr. Charles McCarthy 1956
Mr. Dan McCleary
Mr. Michael McCleary
Mr. Patrick McCormack 1965
Mr. Thomas McCoy
Mr. Kevin McDermott 1983
Mr. Brian McDonnell
Mr. Matthew McDonnell
Ms. Lorraine McDonnell
Mr. Joseph McElroy 1962
Mr. PeterMcElroy 1972
Mr. JohnMcEntee
Mr. McGee
Mr. James McGee
Mr. James McGee 1973
Mr. Douglas McGetrick 1955
Mr. Joseph McGhee 1952
Mr. Paul McGlynn
Mr. James McGuinness 1957
Mr. Michael McGuire 1986
Mr. James McGuire 1983
Mr. Donald McKeen 1968
Mr. Michael McKenna 1982
Mr. Daniel McKeon 1961
Mr. Edward McKernan 1977
Mr. David McLaughlin
Mr. Michael McLoughlin
Mr. Peter McMahon
Mr. Martin McMahon 1946
Mr. Robert McNee
Mr. John McNicholas 1948
Mr. Thomas McNulty 1975
Dr. John McPhilliamy 1979
Mr. William Meade 1986
Mr. William Mealey 1966
Mr. Nicholas Meccariello 1964
Mr. Rene Medalla
Ms. Lori Meditz
Mr. Raju Mehra
Mrs. Elna Mejia
Mr. John Mele
Ms. Olenka Mella
Mr. Richard Meller
Mr. Richard Meller
Mrs. Mary Menchaca
Mr. Ericson Mendoza
Mr. Leonardo Mercado
Mr. Thomas Mercatante
Ms. Tracy Merckling
Mr. Darren Merims
Mr. Richard Merzbacher 1966
Mr. Michael Mesa
Mr. Joseph Messina 1984
Mr. Jason Messinger
Mr. Peter Metzdorff 1986
Mr. John Meyer
Mr. Thomas Meyer 1959
Mr. Raymond Meyers
Ms. Gabriella Mezzettone
Mr. Joseph Micallef
Ms. Orietta Miceli-Ortiz
Mr. John Michels 1981
Mr. John Mikoley 1983
Mr. Adnand Milla
Mr. Fred Millan
Mr. Joseph Miller 1951
Mr. Peter Milne 1969
Dr. Steven Miola 1968
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mirro
Dr. Sameer Misra
Mr. James Mitchell
Mr. John Mitchell 1959
Mr. Matthew Moffett
Ms. Maureen Mohammed
Mrs. Nabila Mohsin
Mr. Stawowy Mokos
Mr. Douglas Mollin 1980
Mr. William Molloy 1990
Mr. Francis Molloy 1940
Mr. Joseph Moloney
Mr. Matthew Monahan 1973
Mr. Keith Moncino
Mr. Peter Monteleone 1975
Mrs. Vanessa Mora
Mr. Patrick Moran1970
Mr. William Moran1959
Ms. Christine Morehouse
Mr. Howard Morgan
Ms. Elizabeth Morgan
Mr. Robert Morgan 1970
Mr. Robert Morra 1982
Mr. Ted Morreale
Mr. Robert Morris
Mr. Robert Morris
Ms. Janine Morris
Mr. Gary Morrison
Mr. Joseph Morscher
Mr. Herbert Morscher
Dr. Lawrence Morton 1980
Mrs. Lourdes Mosquito
Mr. James Motylenski
Mr. Nicholas Moutafis
Mr. Steve Mouzakitis
Mr. Percy Mowdawalla
Mr. Glen Moyles
Mr. Chris Mshar
Mr. Frank Mucchi 1981
Mr. Paul Mueller 1968
Mr. Patrick Muldowney
Mr. Robert Mulligan
Mr. James Mulski 1970
Mr. Michael Murawski 1979
Mr. Terence Murphy
Mr. John Murphy 1953
Ms. Denise Murphy
Mr. Denis Murphy 1964
Mr. Michael Murphy 1985
Mr. Stephen Murphy 1969
Mr. Timothy Murphy
Mrs. Mary Murphy
Mrs. Robert Murray
Mr. Ambrogio Musso
Mrs. Sally Mutafopulos
Mr. Antony Naccarelli
Mr. John Napolitano
Mr. Vincenzo Napolitano
Mr. Eustaquio Nascimento
Mr. George Nass 1964
Mrs. Jessica Negron
Mr. JohnNeligan
Dr. John Nella 1964
Mr. Robert Nelson 1971
Mr. John Nemeth 1952
Mr. Neil Netto
Mr. Edward Neuhauser 1969
Ms. Jeanmarie Neumeyer
Mr. Brian Neville
Mr. Stephen Nicastro 1975
Mr. Christopher Nicotra
Mr. Jack Niedermeyer 1992
Ms. Mariely Nieves
Ms. Mary Niklaus
Mr. William Niklaus 1980
Mr. James Nofi
Mrs. Michele Nolty
Mr. Jimmy Nonaillada
Dr. Paul Nuccio 1962
Mr. Martin O’Brien 1980
Mr. John Ochs
Mr. Kevin O’Connell 1959
Mr. Joseph O’Connell 1948
Mr. Philip O’Connell 1963
Ms. LynnO’Connell 2005
Mr. Timothy O’Connor
Mr. Peter O’Connor 1987
Mr. Robert O’Connor 1998
Mr. Daniel O’Donnell 1984
Mr. John O’Donnell 1964
Ms. Florence O’Donnell
Mr. John O’Flynn 1952
Mr. & Mrs. Kennedy O’Grady
Mr. Kyung-hoon Oh
Mr. Timothy O’Halloran 1985
Col. James O’Keefe 1962
Mr. Michal Okuniewski
Mr. Frank Oleksy 1968
Mr. Oliva
Mr. Sanderson Oliva
Molloy 2012-2013 Annual Report 15
Annual Giving 2012/13
Blue & White
Mr. Richard O’Malley 1993
Mr. James O’Neill 1991
Mr. James O’Neill 1982
Ms. Victoria Orbon
Mr. Terence O’Reilly
Br. Dan O’Riordan 1985
Mr. Virgilio Ortega
Mr. Robert Ortiz
Ms. Joan Ortiz
Ms. Elizabeth Ortof
Mr. Jeremiah O’Shea 1965
Mr. Cezar Osiak
Mr. Algis Oslapas 1973
Ms. Kirsten Ostrofsky
Mr. Daniel O’Sullivan 1990
Mr. William Otano
Ms. Omelita Pabitero
Mr. Jose Pagan
Mr. Robert Pagano
Mr. Louis Pagnotta
Mr. Chandru Pahilajani
Mr. Ignacio Palabasan
Mr. Vladimir Palicka 1967
Mr. Richard Paliwoda 1986
Mrs. Siba Paljevic
Mr. Robert Palmieri 1970
Mr. Julian Palmo
Mr. Vasil Papa
Mr. Ioannis Papagiannakis
Mr. Michael Papaphotes 1990
Mr. Bobby Papazahariou
Mr. James Pappalardo 1947
Mr. Nicholas Paraskevas
Mrs. Aleyda Paredes
Ms. Lynn Parra
Mr. Louis Pastina
Mr. Dipak Patel
Mr. Kaushik Patel
Mr. Rabinder Pathania
Mr. Roberto Paula
Mr. Chris Pavlatos
Mrs. Eleanor Pedankar
Ms. Eleanor Pedersen
Mr. John Peiser
Dr. Richard Pelker 1967
Mrs. Maria Pennolino
Ms. Ann Peperone
Mr. Michael Peragine 1989
Mr. Warren Perez 1953
Dr. Romeo Perez
Mr. Ismael Perez
Mr. Froilan Perez
Mr. Joseph Perillo
Mr. Randall Perkins
Mr. James Perry
Mr. Razdev Persand
Mrs. Gaitree Persaud
Mr. Tony Persaud
Mr. Persaud
Mrs. Lisa Petovello
Mr. Gino Petroni 1980
Mr. JohnPetschauer
Mr. Michael Pfeffer
Mr. Richard Pfeiffer
16 Molloy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Ms. Nirmala Phaggoo
Mr. Stephen Phelan 1975
Mr. Timothy Phelan 1966
Dr. Patrick Phelan 1964
Mr. Kieran Phelan 1978
Ms. Lorraine Phillips
Mr. Roland Phillips
Mr. Long Phung
Mr. Christopher Piazza 1994
Dr. Dennis Picano 1965
Mr. Anthony Piccolo
Mr. Lawrence Pientak 1975
Ms. Karen Pierro
Mr. Andrew Pignataro 2008
Mr. Giuseppe Pinello
Ms. Lea Pisacane
Hon. Henry Pitman 1971
Ms. Barbara Pizacani
Mr. JohnPizzella
Mr. Vito Plaia
Mrs. Maria Plakas
Mr. Edward Platt
Mr. Michael Platz 1977
Mrs. Kathleen Plut
Mr. Leonard Pollner 1952
Mr. Daniel Pompa
Mr. Zempm Poplawski
Mrs. Victoria Poptean
Mr. Steven Posa
Ms. Joyce Post
Ms. Anna Poulakas
Ms. Eugenia Poulakas
Mr. Garvin Powell
Mr. Austin Power 1984
Mr. Kevin Power 1987
Mr. Brian Power 2000
Dr. Stephen Powers
Mrs. Raquel Prado
Mr. Paul Prasad
Mr. Charles Price
Mr. Frank Priolo
Ms. Catherine Prokis
Mr. Henry Propst 1963
Lt. Col. John Ptakowski 1974
Mr. Michael Pucci
Mr. Charles Pucie 1961
Ms. Christine Pulsifer
Mr. Amrit Puran
Mr. JohnPutre 1973
Mr. Robert Quigley
Mr. Juan Quijije
Mr. Kevin Quinn 1965
Mrs. Zoila Quito
Mr. Robert Rabold
Mr. Michael Rabus1974
Mr. Daniel Racan
Mr. Michael Raczynsky 1995
Mr. Gary Rafferty 1981
Mrs. Lata Ragnauth
Mr. Amral Rahaman
Mr. Daniel Rainis
Mrs. Paula Ramal
Mr. Daniel Ramirez Jr.
Mr. Sookram Ramoo
Mr. Emerito Ramos
Mr. Bhojnauth Ramphal
Mr. Robert Ranallo
Mr. George Raptis
Mr. Stephen Rauchenberger 1985
Mr. Daniel Rayder
Mr. Michael Reddy
Mr. Joseph Reenock 1964
Mr. Louis Reformato
Mr. Christopher Regan 1980
Mrs. Leena Rehman
Mr. JohnReilly 1962
Mr. Charles Reilly 1976
Mr. David Reilly
Mrs. Mary Reilly
Mr. Herbert Reitsam 1960
Mr. Ricardo Requijo
Mr. Matthew Reynolds 1987
Mr. Joseph Reznick 1993
Mr. Michael Riccio 2004
Mr. Daniel Rice 1983
Mr. PeterRice 1963
Mr. Christopher Richardson-Byam
Mr. Frank Richter 1986
Mr. JohnRicotta 1982
Ms. Mary Riggins
Mr. Marco Rima
Ms. Ivelisse Rima
Mrs. Anna Rinaldi
Mr. Craig Rinschler 1973
Mr. Oscar Rios
Mr. George Ritter
Ms. Theresa Rivera
Mr. Nestor Rivera
Mr. Antonio Rizzuto
Mrs. Kristin Roberts
Mr. Sean Roberts
Mr. SeanRoberts
Mr. William Robinson
Mr. William Rock
Mr. William Rock
Mr. Stuart Rodin
Mr. Virgilio Rodriguez 1979
Mr. Jonathan Rodriguez 2008
Mr. Alberto Rodriguez
Ms. Margaret Rodriguez
Mr. Leonidas Rodriguez
Mr. Abdy Rodriguez
Mr. Michael Roemmelt
Mr. William Roeth 1968
Mr. Richard Rogawski
Mr. John Rohme 1966
Ms. Karen Rohs
Mr. Eliseo Rojas
Ms. Evelyn Roll
Mr. Brian Roller 1968
Mr. Dennis Roller
Mr. Benjamin Roman
Mr. Michael Romanelli 1972
Mr. Stephen Romano
Mr. Gabriel Romero
Mr. David Rooney
Ms. Maria Roquim
Mr. James Rosa
Mr. Albert Rosa
Mr. Charles Roskosky
Mr. Andrew Roslan 2003
Mr. Gregory Roslonowski 1991
Mr. Joseph Rossi 1952
Mr. Dimitrios Rosvoglou
Mr. John Roth 1970
Mr. James Roth 1974
Blue & White
Mr. Joseph Rovegno 1981
Mr. Kevin Rowan
Mr. Roy
Mr. Daniel Rubertone 1978
Mr. Alfredo Rubiano
Mr. Evgeny Rubin
Mrs. Stacey Rubio
Mr. Paul Rubsam 1977
Mr. Axel Rudolph
Ms. Laura Rudomen
Mr. Anthony Ruggiero
Mr. Palo Rukaj
Mr. Guenther Rupprecht 1962
Dr. John Ryan 1966
Mr. Christopher Ryan
Mr. John Ryan 1977
Mr. John Ryan 1969
Ms. Anita Ryan
Mr. Charley Sabatino
Mr. Joseph Sabounghi 1972
Mr. Mario Sacramone
Mr. Miroslaw Saczyk
Mr. Alexander Safos
Mr. Michael Sakowski 1979
Mr. Bruno Salazar
Mr. Rasheed Salim
Mr. Florentino Salvacion
Mr. John Sammet 1949
Ms. Tracy Samuel
Ms. Magaly Sanchez
Ms. Sharday Sanchez 2004
Mrs. Geraldine Santiago
Mr. Lucas Santos
Mr. Rocco Sapia
Mr. Vincent Sapienza
Mr. Michael Sarnoff
Mr. Eric Sattler
Mr. Harry Savvides
Mr. Thomas Scalley 1961
Mr. Christopher Scanlon 2001
Mr. Antonio Scarpelli
Mr. Louis Scaturro
Mr. Thomas Scaturro 1982
Mr. Thomas Scelfo 1966
Ms. Christina Scelfo 2006
Dr. Joseph Schatz 1959
Ms. Joann Schauer
Mr. Frank Schauer
Mr. Edward Schenk 1970
Dr. Richard Schleissinger 1975
Mr. Robert Schmuck
Ms. Geraldine Schneider
Ms. Julia Schramm 2006
LTC. Daniel Schulte 1945
Mr. Peter Scibelli
Dr. John Scileppi 1963
Mr. Joseph Sciortino 1964
Mr. Leonardo Sclafani 1984
Mr. Christopher Scorce 1982
Mr. Richard Scott
Mr. Michael Scott 1980
Mr. David Sears
Mrs. Jeannette Segal
Dr. Debarata Sen
Mr. Nick Sena
Mr. Raul Seno
Mrs. Sergio
Mr. Dominick Sergio
Mr. Angel Serrano
Mr. Stephen Sesody 1968
Mr. Dupont Severe
Mr. Gerardo Sevilla
Mr. Satyash Sewnauth
Mr. Michael Sforza 2010
Mr. FredSganga 1976
Mr. MarkSgantzos
Mr. James Shanahan 1988
Ms. Susan Shannon
Mr. James Sheehan 1975
Mr. Daniel Sheehan 1985
Mr. Alan Sheremeta 1961
Mr. James Short 1964
Mr. Stephen Sica 1964
Mr. Peter Sidrack 1980
Mrs. Edwina Simone
Mr. Michael Simonelli
Mr. David Simpson1994
Mr. Archie Sindo
Mr. Ravi Singh
Mr. Avtar Singh
Mr. Dewaan Singh
Mr. Malkiat Singh
Mr. Abraham Singson
Mrs. Indra Sivanandan
Mr. Julius Skalka 1946
Mr. Michael Skomsky 1977
Mr. Jaroslaw Skowronski
Mr. William Slattery
Mr. Andrze Slusarski
Mr. Clifton Small
Mr. Stephen Smith 1987
Mrs. Theresa Smith
Mr. Albert Smith 1970
Mr. Richard Sopp
Ms. Catherine Sorge
Ms. Olivia Soriano
Ms. Patricia Sornberger
Mrs. Andrea Sottas-Luongo
Mr. Thomas Sowinski 1964
Mr. Ronald Spadaccini
Mr. John Spataro
Mrs. Geraldine Spellman
Mr. Robert Spitz
Mr. Stachnik
Mr. Wayne Stack 1963
Mr. ToddStallkamp 1993
Mr. JohnStanolevich
Mr. Robert Stanyon
Mr. Paul Stath
Ms. Jadwiga Stec 2008
Ms. Elizabeth Steen
Mr. Efthimis Stefanidis
Mr. Joseph Steuer 1968
Mr. John Steuer 1973
Mr. Michael Stewart
Mrs. Victoria Stiglianese
Mr. Joseph Stiglmayer
Mr. JohnStimpfl 1986
Mr. Robert Stivale
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Stix
Mr. Steven Stonitsch 1996
Mr. Frederick Strickland
Mr. Frederick Strickland
Mr. Strugacz
Mr. Thomas Strumpf
Mr. Maurice Stucke 1983
Mr. Christopher Studley
Dr. Richard Sturm 1975
Mr. Sukhdeo
Mr. Baldat Sukram
Mr. Irenfeusz Sulich
Mr. Dennis Sullivan 1969
Mr. Richard Sullivan
Mr. Dale Sulse
Mr. Sunny Sun
Mr. Michael Swann 1968
Mr. Kenneth Swanson 1985
Mr. Michael Sweeney 1957
Ms. Dorota Swietlikowski
Mr. BasilSzpylka
Mrs. Theresa Szymanski
Mr. Richard Szymanski 1969
Mr. Marek Szymeczek
Ms. Krystyna Tadeusz
Mr. Maurizio Tallini
Ms. Jennifer Tamaray
Mr. Alvaro Tamayo
Mr. Frank Tammaro
Mr. Paul Tan
Mr. Tandrian
Mr. Jason Tannenbaum
Mr. Frank Tantillo1962
Mr. Robert Taormina
Mr. Eddie Tapuro
Mr. Stanley Tatarynowicz
Mr. Thomas Tavcar
Mrs. Donna Tecxidor
Major Frank Tedeschi 1983
Mr. Chris Telesca 2001
Mr. Arthur Terranova
Mr. Arthur Terzian
Mr. Stefano Teta
Mr. Albert Tetreau
Mr. John Tevlin 1965
Mr. Adrian Teylan
Mrs. Rita Theocharidis
Mrs. Ambeka Thomas
Mr. Thomas Thomas
Mr. HerbThompson
Mr. Alexander Tibo
Mr.Lawrence Tierney 1952
Mr. Peter Timony 1991
Mr. Joseph Tirado
Mr. Louis Tognan
Mr. Peter Tom
Mr. JohnTomasso 1973
Mr. Anthony Tomaszewski 1995
Mr. Gregory Tomicich
Mr. Blaise Toneatto
Mrs. Xiao Xia Tong
Mr. Lionel Tonolete
Mr. Toro
Mr. Edward Torriero 1971
Mr. Albert Toskas
Mr. JohnToto
Mr. Kyriacos Toumazou
Ms. Magda Tovar
Mr. Martin Towey
Mr. Michael Trabold 1986
Mrs. Denise Tracey
Mr. Gary Tracy
Mr. Glenn Tracy 1975
Mr. Travers
Mrs. Luci Treharne
Mr. Glenn Tretter 1981
Mr. Charles Treubig 1968
Mr. Theodore Trias
Ms. Georgia Trim
Mr. Thomas Trogele 1974
Mr. Chris Trotta
Ms. Lesley Troyanos
Mr. John Trustey 1966
Mr. Joseph Truta 1961
Mr. David Tsoupros 1994
Mr. James Tucciarone 1982
Molloy 2012-2013 Annual Report 17
Annual Giving 2012/13
Blue & White
Mr. Joseph Tuimil
Mr. John Tully 1949
Mr. Peter Tuohy
Mr. John Turchiano 1969
Mr. Mark Turner 1990
Mr. Eamon Twomey 1990
Mr. Christian Tynan 1997
Mr. Tzaka
Mr. Umana
Mrs. Bibiana Uy
Mr. William Vabrinskas
Mr. James Vaccaro
Mr. Gilberto Valdes 1980
Mr. Daniel Valentine
Mr. Levi Valenton
Mr. Thomas Van de Merlen 1973
Mr. Joseph Van Nostrand 1967
Dr. William Varade 1972
Mr. Donald Vaughan
Ms. Ruth Vazquez
Mr. William Veal 1984
Mr. Rimas Vebeliunas 1970
Mr. Richard Vecchio 1978
Mr. Isidro Velazquez
Mr. Louis Velez
Dr. Paul Vella 1979
Mr. Francis Vellucci 1967
Mr. Omar Vendome
Mr. Ventura
Mr. James Venturini
Mr. Jonas Verdeflor 1998
Mr. Manfred Verderber
Mr. Enrico Verrone
Mr. Lawrence Viggiano
Mr. Michael Vigiolto
Mr. Villacis
Mr. Wilfred Villamater
Mr. Giuseppe Visca
Mr. Peter Vista
Mr. Patrick Vittozzi
Dr. Walter Vodrazka 1951
Mr. Charles Voorhis
Ms. Katharina Voudouris
Mr. Davor Vucetic
Mr. Kenji Wada
18 Molloy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Mr. Patrick Wagner
Mr. Michael Walczyk 1972
Mr. John Waldron 1969
Mr. John Walker 1984
Mr. James Walsh 1952
Mr. Jerome Walsh 1956
Mr. Michael Walsh 1981
Mr. Patrick Walsh 1960
Mr. Vincent Walsh 1958
Mr. Walsh
Mr. Thomas Walsh1943
Ms. Roberta Warburton
Mr. James Ward 1962
Mr. Pawel Warzecha
Mr. John Waters 1970
Mr. Kyle Watters
Mr. Stephen Wayte
Ms. Kimberly We 2009
Mr. Frank Weber 1980
Mr. Weber
Mr. Thomas Wecera
Mr. Earl Weekes
Mr. John Weir
Dr. Michael Weiss
Mr. Howard Weiss
Mr. Eric Weiss
Mr. Craig Wenzler 1977
Mr. Gerard Werner 1972
Mr. Albert Wetherell 1961
Mr. Cornelius Whalen 1963
Mr. James Whalen 1980
Mr. James Whelan 1981
Mr. Gerard Whelan
Mr. Sean Whelan 1978
Mr. Edward Wieland 1953
Mr. George Wiesendanger 1984
Mr. Nicholas Wilk 2001
Ms. Patrice Williams
Mr. Stephen Williams
Mr. Arthur Williams 1963
Mr. Thomas Williams 1987
Ms. Carol Wilson
Ms. Abbie Winskowicz
Mr. Thomas Winters
Ms. Shannon Winters 2006
Mr. Michael Wittenberg 1973
Mrs. Janice Wody
Mr. Michael Wohlstadt 1982
Mr. Peter Wojcicki 1977
Annual Giving Societies
1892 Society
1957 Club
Marist Club
Stanner Society
President’s Circle
The Lion’s Pride
Blue & White
$15,000 and Above
$10,000 to $14,999.99
$5,000 to $9,999.99
$2,500 to $4,999.99
$1,000 to $2,499.99
$500 to $999.99
Up to $499.99
Mr. Jerry Wojcik
Mr. Wong
Ms. Faye Wong
Mr. Bernard Woods 1979
Mr. Peter Wroblewski 2002
Mr. Justin Wrzesc 2000
Mr. Cenguo Wu
Mr. Wai Wu
Ms. Grada Wunderl
Mr. Martin Wunsch
Mr. James Wynne
Mr. Muhieddine Yamout
Mr. Jose Yazon
Mrs. Laurie Yost
Mr. John Young
Mr. Assad Yunus
Mr. Branko Yurisak
Mr. Andrew Zaccarelli 2005
Mr. Michael Zacchea 1963
Mr. Simon Zachariah
Mr. Vincent Zalenski 1964
Mr. Zanca
Mr. Mark Zander
Mr. Oscar Zapata
Mr. Joseph Zayas
Mr. John Zeni
Mr. Christopher Zeppie 1970
Mr. Michael Zervos
Mr. John Zielinski
Mr. Robert Zieminski 1964
Mr. Zimmermann-Droal
Ms. Grace Zuccaro
Mr. Marc Zupicich 1987
Mr. Kevin Zwiebel 1968
Mr. Jacek Zwolak
Matching Gift Companies
Abbott Fund Matching Grant Plan
Abbott Laboratories
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Alliance Capital Management Corporation
Allied Signal Foundation Inc.
Alta Technologies, Inc.
Ambac Financial Group, Inc.
Matching Gift Program
Amerada Hess Corporation
American Cyanamid Company
American International Group, Inc.
Anheuser Busch Foundation
Appleton Coated Aqua Perfect, Inc.
Matching Gift Program
ARCO Chemical Company
Armstrong Industrial Hose
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
AT&T Corp.
AXA Foundation
Boston Bank of America FNDN Matching Gift Program
Bank of New York Mellon Corporation
Bankers Trust Foundation
BD Medical
Becher & Carlson Risk Management, Inc.
Bell Atlantic
BlackRock Matching gifts Program
BP America, Inc.
Bristol Myers Squibb FNDN Matching Gift Program
C. R. Bard Foundation
Campbell Soup Foundation
Capital Assurance
Carter-Wallace, Inc.
Caxton Associates Matching Gift Program
CBS Foundation Inc.
Chemical Bank
Chubb and Son, Inc.
Ciba Geigy Corporation
CIGNA Foundation
Citicorp Foundation
CNA Colfax Corporation
Colgate Palmolive Company Matching Gift Program
Columbia Gas
Compaq Computer Corporation
CoreStates Financial Corp.
Daelansa Foundation
Deluxe Corporation Foundation
Demac Delaval Turbomachinery
Deutsche Bank Securities Matching Gift Program
Dow Jones and Company Matching Gift Program
Duke Power Company Foundation
Engelhard Corporation
Equitable Distributors, Inc.
ExxonMobil Corporation
Federated Department Stores
Ferdinand Eberstadt Foundation
Fidelity Foundation Matching Gift Program
First Union
Fleet Boston Financial
Ford Motor Company Fund
GE Foundation Matching Gift Program
General Re Corporation
Gillette Company Matching Gifts
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Goebel United States
Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program
Harris Bank Foundation
Harry M. Stevens Inc.
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey
Houghton Mifflin Company Matching Gift Program
J.P. Morgan Chase Matching Gift Program
John Hancock Financial Services, Inc.
Johnson & Johnson
Kucker Haney Paint Co. Matching Gift Program
Lord & Taylor Matching Gift Program
Lord, Abbett and Co.
Lucent Technologies
Magna Carta Foundation
Manufacturers Hanover Found.
Marsh and McLennan Companies
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.
MBNA America Bank, N.A.
McGraw Hill Foundation, Inc.
Mellon Financial Corporation Fund
Menasha Corporation Foundation
Merck & Co., Inc.
Merrill Lynch & Company Inc.
Microsoft Giving Campaign Matching Gift Program
Miller Brewing Company
Mobil Foundation, Inc.
Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of
Morgan Stanley Matching Gifts Program
National Starch and Chemical Foundation, INC
National Westminster Bancorp
New Jersey National Bank
New York Life Insurance Company
Newsweek, Inc.
Nissan Motor Corp.¬Infiniti
Northwestern Mutual
Novartis US Foundation Matching Gift Program
Osram Sylvania
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Philip Morris Companies Inc.
Pitney Bowes
PNC Financial Services Group, The
PQ Corporation
Provident National Bank
Prudential Financial Matching Gift Program
PSE and G
PXRE Reinsurance Company
Reily Foods Company
Revlon Foundation, Inc.
RJR Nabisco Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Sanofi aventis
Schering Plough Foundation
Science Applications International Corporation
Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc.
Sibson and Company Inc.
SmithKline Beecham Foundation
Sprint Foundation Matching Gift Program
Squibb Corporation
SunTrust Mid-Atlantic FNDN Matching Gift Program
Tektronix Foundation
Telcordia Technologies Matching Gifts Program
Tennis Management Services, Inc.
The CIT Group
The Home Depot
The Merck Company Foundation
The Millipore Foundation
The PepsiCo Foundation
The Prudential Foundation
The Vanguard Group, Inc.
Tiger Management Corporation
Time Warner Inc.
Tyco Employee Matching Gift Program
U.S. Trust Co. of New York
United Engineers
United Way
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
Wachovia Bank
Waste Management, Inc.
Wellpoint Associate Giving Campaign
Wells Fargo Education Matching Gift Program
Western Asset
Whitehall Robins Healthcare
William B. Reily and Co. Inc.
William E. and Carol G. Simon
Wyeth Corporation
XL Capital Assurance
If you need help or wish to
inquire if your company does
matching gifts, please contact
the Stanner Alumni Center at
(718) 441-9210.
Molloy 2012-2013 Annual Report 19
83-53 Manton Street Briarwood, NY 11435-1697
Toll Free: 866-STANNER Phone: 718-441-9210 Fax 718-846-3202
We Remember St. Ann’s Academy
Molloy 2012-2013 Annual Report