2013 Annual Report - Portland Museum of Art


2013 Annual Report - Portland Museum of Art
A Year in Review
Director ’s Introduction
Through the extraordinary efforts of our staff and the committed
support of our community, this was a banner year for the Portland
Museum of Art as we strengthened our role as the cultural voice
of Maine and northern New England. A total of 176,778 people
explored the museum and enjoyed our engaging and diverse
programming. As anticipated, the public and media attention we
garnered for Winslow Homer—with the opening of his renovated
Studio at Prouts Neck and the landmark exhibition Weatherbeaten:
This Annual Report of the Portland
Museum of Art is for the Fiscal
Year beginning February 1, 2012
and ending January 31, 2013.
Winslow Homer and Maine—was incredible. We were well prepared
for the year with the restructuring of our visitor experience and
launch of the PMA brand initiative through a new logo, magazine,
Homer website, and social media, and with branding our new
store and café to reflect our increase in partnerships with local
vendors. Audiences and critics from local schoolteachers to the Wall
Street Journal, the Boston Globe, and the New York Times applauded
the museum for its scholarship and visitor experience. In his
2012 arts roundup, Sebastian Smee of the Boston Globe called our
programming “smashing stuff.” The Portland Press Herald praised
the Homer project, stating:
This is all good news for the museum, but it is also good news for
Portland and the state.
Maine’s art community needs the Portland Museum of Art and other
key institutions to be strong, building Maine’s reputation as a place
to see good art, and building the audience for creative work in a wide
variety of media.
The city and state benef it from another draw for tourists. It’s likely that
the people who came for the Homer exhibit will want to come back, so
this good news is something all of Maine can celebrate.
We should be proud that our local and national community
recognizes the PMA for fulfilling our mission and vision and that
we are experiencing the benefit of following our Strategic Plan.
P O R T L A N D M U S E U M of A R T
With our current board, staff, systems, and structures, we
are prepared to capitalize on this success by making fiscal
year 2013/14 a transformational one at the PMA, setting
the tone and standard for years to come. We are nearing the
culmination of the vision of the Trustees who opened the
Payson building in 1983 and those who opened the McLellan
House in 2002 by securing a solid financial base, making plans
to utilize all buildings on our campus, and focusing on the
collection. Now that we have completed the Winslow Homer
Studio Campaign, it is time for our board and staff to mirror
the aspirational generations before us by taking a leadership
role during the great new renaissance of Portland and Maine.
Our communication systems, visitor experience, and
educational programming will continue to exceed visitor
expectations. We look forward to a summer full of programs
in conjunction with the MoMA and Tanzania exhibitions,
as well as the inaugural season of Winslow Homer Studio
educational programming. The Annual Report gives us the
opportunity to reflect on what has been a historic year
for the Portland Museum of Art. We hope you will enjoy
revisiting our successes on the following pages and will
eagerly anticipate the programs to come.
We know that these accomplishments were only possible due
to the generous and loyal support of our members, friends,
corporate members, foundation donors, visitors, Docents,
volunteers, and staff. Thank you for all that you do for the
museum. You make us who we are and carry us forward.
"... a banner year for the Portland Museum of Art."
Opposite: Winslow Homer Studio, 2012.
©trentbellphotography. Background: Director
Mark H. C. Bessire at the Winslow Homer Studio
during an interview with CBS Sunday Morning.
This year witnessed the momentous opening
of the Winslow Homer Studio, which provides
visitors unique insight into Homer’s creative
practice and the site that inspired his art.
This landmark structure, perched on the
coast at Prouts Neck, adds to the PMA’s other
architecturally significant buildings and
secures our national reputation as the home
of Winslow Homer.
The PMA’s permanent collection continued to
grow in exciting ways during the year through
generous gifts and judicious purchases,
the latter supported by the Friends of the
Collection, Photography Fund, and other
donated funds. Among the highlights of
nearly 100 new acquisitions is a luminous
19th-century American landscape painting
by Alfred Bricher, bequeathed by Elizabeth
Allen Straus. The museum expanded its core
strength of American modernist art through
the purchase of a Max Weber gouache, the
second work by this important artist in the
collection, and through the gift of a Ralston
Crawford painting, donated by Maurice H.
and Margery Katz.
P O R T L A N D M U S E U M of A R T
Examples of late 20th-century developments
in modernism entered the collection through
the extremely generous gift of two major
sculptures by Sir Anthony Caro, donated by
Dr. Guido Goldman in honor of his friends,
PMA Trustee Leonard Nelson and his wife,
Merle. The W. D. and M. L. Hamill Fund for
American Art provided crucial funding to
install one of the Caro pieces in the museum’s
sculpture garden. An anonymous donor also
gave an important painting by Jules Olitski,
Caro’s contemporary.
In keeping with the goal of purchasing works
featured in PMA-organized exhibitions, we
bought a suite of photographs from images
commissioned for the fall Circa exhibition,
Between Past and Present: The Homer Studio
Photographic Project. The photographs were
acquired through the generosity of Judy and
Al Glickman and in honor of Susan Danly,
former PMA Senior Curator. With support
from the Friends of the Collection, we also
purchased Woman Flying, a long-sought-after
painting by Katherine Bradford that was in
the 2001 Portland Museum of Art Biennial.
The PMA expanded its holdings of
contemporary art with the targeted purchase
of a significant painting by the art-making
collective Tim Rollins + K.O.S. (Kids of
Survival). This acquisition fulfills multiple
criteria that we look for in a work of art—it
is a powerful picture by an artist with deep
connections to Maine and the museum
(Rollins, a native of the state, was the speaker
for the 2008 Leonard and Merle Nelson
Social Justice Fund Lecture); it resonates with
other works in our permanent collection;
and it represents national and international
currents in contemporary practice.
In European art, the museum’s strong
holdings of German Expressionist prints
were bolstered once again by the continued
generosity of David and Eva Bradford, who
donated 12 prints by artists including Max
Beckmann, Otto Dix, Käthe Kollwitz, Emil
Nolde, and Max Pechstein.
The dynamic exhibition program began with a focus on
French art with Edgar Degas: The Private Impressionist.
His portraits of family and friends and images of dancers
behind the scenes provided a glimpse into the artist’s
private world. Summer ushered in a pictorial adventure
to the French coast with The Draw of the Normandy Coast,
1860–1960, which explored the importance of seaside towns
Honfleur, Le Havre, and Étretat in the work of Claude
Monet, Gustave Courbet, Henri Matisse, and other artists.
From Portland to Paris: Mildred Burrage’s Years in France
celebrated the impact of Monet’s legacy on the Portlandborn artist Mildred Burrage during her formative time in
Giverny in the early 20th century.
Diverse subjects and old and new photographic practices
were showcased in several exhibitions. Making Faces:
Photographic Portraits of Actors and Artists featured famous
images of Lucille Ball, Pablo Picasso, Martha Graham, and
other celebrities, while more private and domestic portraits
were on view in the Circa exhibition Tanja Alexia Hollander:
Are You Really My Friend? Hollander’s photographs of her
Facebook friends explored the relationship between art and
social media. In celebration of the opening of the Winslow
Homer Studio, the Circa exhibition Between Past and Present:
The Homer Studio Photographic Project showcased the work
of five contemporary photographers who reprised historic
processes to produce images inspired by the Studio and its
surrounding landscape.
Maine’s crucial impact on American art was explored in
Maine Sublime: Frederic Edwin Church’s Landscapes of Mount
Desert and Mount Katahdin, dedicated to the works of famed
19th-century painter Frederic Edwin Church. The Portland
Society of Art and Winslow Homer’s Legacy in Maine studied
the early years of the Portland Society of Art, the PMA’s
precursor, founded in 1882, and the artistic relationship
between Winslow Homer and his Maine contemporaries.
The year culminated in the groundbreaking exhibition
Weatherbeaten: Winslow Homer and Maine, which examined
Homer’s Prouts Neck œuvre and his revolutionary approach
to marine painting with an extraordinary selection of his
late masterworks. More than 79,000 visitors took advantage
of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience
Homer’s art.
Opposite, top: Ralston Crawford (United States, 1906–1978), Nets with Yellow,
1955, oil on canvas, 7⅜ x 9⅜ inches. Gift of Maurice H. and Margery Katz,
2012.32. Opposite, bottom, left to right: Anthony Caro (England, born 1924),
Moment, 1971, varnished steel, 4’5 x 8’9 x 6’6 inches. Gift of Guido Goldman
in honor of Leonard and Merle Nelson, 2012.12.1. Image © White Dog Arts.
Katherine Bradford (United States, born 1942), Woman Flying, 1999, oil
on canvas dropcloth, 84 x 72 inches. Museum purchase with support from
the Friends of the Collection, 2012.14. Tim Rollins & K.O.S. (United States,
established 1984), Adventures of Huckleberry Finn—Asleep on the Raft (after
Mark Twain), 2011, matte acrylic, book pages, gesso on canvas, 48 x 60 inches.
Museum purchase with support from the Leonard and Merle Nelson Social
Justice Fund, the Harold P. and Mildred A. Nelson Art Purchase Fund, and the
Friends of the Collection, 2012.22. This page, clockwise from left: Frederic
Church (United States, 1826−1900), Mount Katahdin from Millinocket Camp,
1895, oil on canvas, 26½ x 42¼ inches. Gift of Owen W. and Anna H. Wells
in memory of Elizabeth B. Noyce, 1998.96. Edgar Degas (France, 1834−1917)
and Auguste Clot (France, 1858−1936), Before the Race, circa 1895, color
lithograph, 19¼ x 22½ inches. Collection of Robert Flynn Johnson. Courtesy
of Landau Traveling Exhibitions. Winslow Homer (United States, 1836−1910),
Weatherbeaten, 1894, oil on canvas, 28½ x 48⅜ inches. Bequest of Charles
Shipman Payson, 1988.55.1. Tanja Alexia Hollander (United States, born 1972),
June Fitzpatrick, Portland, Maine, 2011, archival pigment print, 36 x 36 inches.
Museum purchase with support from the Friends of the Collection, 2012.13.
Learning and Interpretation
The PMA Education Department transformed
its work in this fiscal year. In an effort to make
museum visits more engaging and fulfilling, the
department’s programs and projects focused on
facilitating in-gallery experiences. Programs
concentrated on innovative learning for
students on Free School Tours, designing
new resources for families, and developing
new methods of interpreting the museum’s
collections. To reflect this new focus, the
department name was changed to the
Department of Learning and Interpretation.
A total of 12,209 K-12 schoolchildren visited
the museum through field trips and afterschool
programs. PMA’s 74 volunteer Docents led
students through sketching and story-telling
activities that connect works of art to school
curricula. This past year saw the launch of Culture
Club-Portland, a collaborative program of the
Portland Museum of Art, Portland Symphony
Orchestra, Portland Ovations, and Portland
Stage Company. Through Culture Club-Portland,
students in the city’s public school district have
the opportunity to participate, for free, in four
professional art experiences every school year.
In addition, the museum continued its strong
partnership with LearningWorks Afterschool
and Head Start of Cumberland County through
ARTworks, a multi-visit program that connects
P O R T L A N D M U S E U M of A R T
PMA collections to curricula objectives for
English-language learners.
The museum opened PMA Family Space in the
McLellan House, which added to the variety of
ways families enjoy the museum. Other family
resources include the Family Voices Cell Phone
Tours, Stop and Look Stations, and Looking Labels.
The February vacation week Drawing Dancers
Like Degas and a fall event with Circa artist
Brenton Hamilton encouraged families and other
enthusiastic participants to enjoy the museum
from an artist’s perspective.
Artists played a key role in museum programming,
and the new Artist Interventions series became
a community favorite. Artist Interventions invite
local artists to design a two-hour experience in
the galleries on Free Fridays. Visitors also enjoyed
scheduled talks by exhibition artists including
Tanja Hollander and Abelardo Morell. In addition
to artist-led programs for adults, the museum’s
popular Docent-led Gallery Talks added to the
energy in the galleries.
As noted by one visitor, “We particularly enjoyed
the Family Voices Cell Phone Tour that recorded a
conversation between two people. The kids liked
dialing the phone and spent more time at the
exhibit listening.”
PMA members and friends helped to make
this one of the most successful years in the
museum’s 130-year history. The museum
balanced its operating budget for the 19th
consecutive year and successfully concluded
the Winslow Homer Studio Campaign,
exceeding its $10.5 million goal. For Campaign details please see below or view the
complete Campaign Report online at
PMA membership grew by more than 2,000
households to an all-time high of 9,142.
Members constituted the majority of attendees for the inaugural season of Winslow
Homer Studio tours, and more than 1,000
members previewed Weatherbeaten: Winslow
Homer and Maine before its public opening.
The PMA is grateful for membership support,
which added $676,056 to the museum’s
financial base.
In their eighth year, the Contemporaries grew
to 272 households and had a wonderful year of
mission-driven events. This enthusiastic group
of younger members rallied to raise more than
$30,000 toward the Winslow Homer Studio
Campaign, with nearly one-third of the group’s
membership contributing.
The Committee of One Hundred, the PMA’s
highest membership level, provided $437,652
in essential, unrestricted support. After 30
years, the Steering Committee and Board
of Trustees voted to change the group’s
name to the Director’s Circle and increase
membership dues, effective February 1, 2013.
Amy Woodhouse became Chair of the Steering
Committee and former Chair Bill Davisson was
recognized and thanked for his years of service.
The 1882 Circle, a group of donors who support
the PMA with gifts of $10,000 or more annually,
traveled to Philadelphia for special tours of the
Barnes Foundation at its new location and of
Shipwreck! Winslow Homer and "The Life Line" at
the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Corporate and foundation relations continue
to strengthen and expand. In conjunction
with Weatherbeaten, the PMA held its first
Corporate Breakfast, hosted by PMA Trustee
Sam Ladd and co-hosted by Owen Wells and
Joe Boulos. Bill Williamson, Bank of America
President-Maine, remarked on the Bank’s
support of the arts and how thrilled they
were to support Weatherbeaten with the single
largest corporate exhibition sponsorship in
PMA history. At the end of the year, the
museum had 36 Corporate Members,
contributing more than $128,000. The
museum strengthened relationships with
local and national foundations, garnering
more than $122,000 in program and
operating support.
Bill Williamson, President for Bank of America in Maine speaks
at the opening of Weatherbeaten: Winslow Homer and Maine.
Highlights from the Winslow Homer
Studio Campaign
The Winslow Homer Studio Campaign concluded on December 31, 2012.
Campaign Goal: $10,500,000
The Studio opened for its first tour
Amount Raised: $10,940,000
season, which ran from September 25 to
Number of Donors: 729
December 2, 2012.
Membership increased by 28%
Tours: 180
December 2011: 7,148 members
Visitors: 1,800
December 2012: 9,142 members
Fall 2012 tours were sold out by
September 10, 2012.
Winslow Homer Studio, 2012.
Visitor Experience and Brand Management
Directed by the PMA Strategic Plan, the
create an array of well-designed materials
The PMA Store focused on featuring
Visitor Experience and Brand Manage-
for exhibitions and communications for the
local vendors, diversifying offerings, and
ment Department implemented several
museum. These items are intended to foster
reimagining the overall aesthetic and
major initiatives.
a conversation with our visitors and patrons
product mix. Local designers Might and
and invite them to engage and interact with
Main worked with the Visitor Experience
Working with local designer Ken Murphy
us on a different level, while simultaneously
and Brand Management Department to
from Murphy Empire and the communi-
broadening our outreach to new audiences.
design and produce a unique and compelling
cation agency Garrand, the PMA launched
range of merchandise related to Winslow
its new brand, which was implemented in
To better serve the number of visitors for
Homer and his work. Many of the products
stages. This identity enabled the department
Weatherbeaten: Winslow Homer and Maine,
were crafted locally. During this time, the
to jumpstart many projects, most notably
a centralized phone center was implemented
PMA Store launched a new website, doubling
the redesign and restructuring of the
to handle visitor inquiries and ticketing
web sales from previous years.
quarterly magazine for PMA members.
requests. The Selma Wolf Black Great Hall
Renamed Inside the Circle, this publication
was redesigned to accommodate the record-
The PMA Café continues to be catered by
embodies the direction of the PMA brand
breaking number of visitors, providing a
Aurora Provisions, which is committed to
and identity.
more comfortable experience with additional
serving fresh, organic, locally sourced,
seating and plasma screens. During the year,
and artistically created food options to
Communication and outreach have been
the Visitor Experience Associates handled an
museum patrons.
streamlined into one department, focusing
unprecedented influx of phone calls and
on a holistic communications plan that
transactions, managed a sold-out season
Looking forward, the department will
emphasizes social media and web adver-
of the Winslow Homer Studio, and sold a
be developing and enhancing the PMA’s
tising while maintaining a traditional
record number of memberships.
identity and promoting the institution’s
advertising presence. The PMA works with
exhibitions, programs, and amenities in a
local designers in the Portland area to
holistic, strategic, and energetic way.
Recent upgrades of the museum's heating,
frequency drive, replaced the original tower
service calls, adding to savings and lessening
ventilation, and cooling equipment has
installed in the Charles Shipman Payson
the investment payback period. The PMA
improved the efficiency of our HVAC
Building in 1983. In January 2013, the PMA
has also signed contracts with independent
operations and enabled the PMA to realize
completed a gas burner conversion of the
energy providers for both electricity and gas.
significant energy savings. During summer
two main boilers for the Payson building.
The Facilities Department is researching and
2012, the chiller HVAC cooling system, with
This investment will help us realize savings
pricing costs to convert our three remaining
its new cooling tower, installed in December
in the reduced cost of natural gas compared
boilers to gas in order to improve efficiency
2011, was in use for the first time. The
to fuel oil. The clean burning of natural gas
while burning cleaner fuel.
cooling tower, which operates with a variable
will also require fewer boiler cleanings and
P O R T L A N D M U S E U M of A R T
Financial Information, Years Ended January 31, 2013* and 2012
Balance Sheets, January 31, 2013 and 2012
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable
Inventory, at cost
Prepaid expenses
Contributions and bequests receivable, net
Art collection
Land, buildings, and equipment, net
Preservation in progress
Land held for future use
Total assets
Inventory, at cost
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses
Cash and cash equivalents
Contributions and bequests receivable, net
Art collection
Land, buildings, and equipment, net
Liabilities and net assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Total liabilities
Net assets:
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
Land held for future use
Statements of Activities
Years Ended January 31, 2013 and 2012
Public support and revenues
Contributions and grants:
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Program and other revenues
Store, café, and facility use, net
Special events, net
Return on investments
Total public support and revenues
Exhibitions and collections
Collection items purchased
Management and general
Development and membership
Total expenses
Preservation in progress
Return on investments
Contributions and grants
Special events, net
Store, café, and facility use, net
Program and other revenues
Change in net assets
Net assets, beginning of year
Public Support and Revenues (in millions)
Net assets, end of year
*Unaudited and preliminary. Audited financial statements are available upon request from the business office.
(Years Ended January 31, 2013* and 2012)
Donors, Support, and Staff
The museum gratefully acknowledges the generosity of all donors. The following lists give special recognition to
donors at the $100 level and above whose gifts were made between February 1, 2012 and January 31, 2013.
Leadership Circles
1882 Circle
The 1882 Circle acknowledges the museum’s
most generous benefactors who support the
PMA on an annual basis with contributions
of at least $10,000 to the operating budget.
Charlton and Eleanor Ames
Phil Alexandre
Diana B. Bean
Mrs. Louise Bessire
Isabelle and Scott Black
Eliot and Melanie Stewart Cutler
Eileen Gillespie and Timothy Fahey
Alex Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gillespie III
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Ginn
Judith E. and Albert B. Glickman*
Walter and Martha Goldfarb
Shannon C. Gordon
Patricia and Cyrus Hagge
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Hamill
Peter Haffenreffer and Mallory Marshall
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Hunt
John and Hilary Isacke
Dr. Joan Morton Kelly*
Judith and Jeffrey Kane
Harry W. Konkel
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Konkel
Susan Konkel
Selina F. Little
Norma B. Marin
James and Marjorie Moody
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Nanovic
Peggy and Harold Osher
Leslie B. Otten
Isabella Stumpf and William Williams
S. Donald Sussman and Chellie Pingree
Frederick and Heather Veitch
Dorothy L. Weber
Owen W. and Anna H. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zilkha
Director's Circle
The Director’s Circle is the PMA’s highest level
of membership. Formerly the Committee of One
Hundred, these vital annual donors of $1,000 and
above receive unique benefits and access in
recognition of their unrestricted support of the
annual operating budget.
$5,000 - $9,999
Elizabeth and Edwin David Hetz
Mrs. H. Stanley Johnson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. King
Sheri and Joe Boulos
Fred and Carolyn Case
Mr. and Mrs. G. David Fenderson
Hugh and Martha Hallward
Douglas and Sharyn Howell
Darlene and Mark Jarrell
Robert and Jill Nesher
Vince and Anne Oliviero
D. Suzi Osher
Katharine Prentice
Donna Roggenthien and Ron Leeking
Amy Woodhouse and Tobey Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Zilkha
Georges and Sheila Abourjaily
Susan and Heather Abt
John and Judy Adelman
Deanna and Chuck Akre
Janet and Paul Aliapoulios
Steve and Pamela Amberson
Helen Andreoli
Jean L. Andrews
Rachel F. and Thomas M. Armstrong
Arletta Ashe
Elizabeth Astor
Jonathan and Helaine Ayers
A. Peter and Marcia Babyak
Kathryn Bacastow and Peter Bearor
Sylvia and Ernst Bachofner
James and Rike Baldino
Mark W. Balles, M.D.
Cornelia Greaves Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Batson, Jr.
Linda L. Bean
Michael and Nancy Beebe
Jeffory and Elizabeth Begin
Roger K. Berle
Rosalyne S. Bernstein
Mark and Aimée Bessire
Margaret Biggar
Tom and Mary Bigos
Ken and Emily Blaschke
William H. Bolinder and Heather J. English
Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon C. Bolton III
Selma Botman and Tom Birmingham
Gregory W. Boulos
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bowie
Jim and Julia Brady
Christopher and Carolyn Bliss Branson
Drs. Carl and Patricia Bredenberg
Jane G. Briggs
Charlotte F. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander K. Buck, Jr.
Karen and Bill Burke
Mrs. Anne Marie Bussey
Charles C. Butt
Cecilia L. Caldwell and Philip Scavotto
Elaine M. Carlson and Richard J. Perry
Drs. Susan and James Carter
Dr. and Mrs. Delvyn C. Case, Jr.
Bruce and Jennifer Cassidy
Thomas M. Cattell
Mrs. Aldus H. Chapin
Nathan Clark and Kathryn Burnham
Patricia A. Clark
Sheila Clark-Edmands and Peter L. Edmands
James Clubb and Emma Tallack
Prof. Millard F. Coffin
Jonathan and Kristin Cohen
Maryellen and Julian Coles
Richard and Claire Corbin
Madeleine G. Corson
Katherine and Michael Coster
Peter W. Culley and Dr. Mary Fahrenbach
Virgil Cumming
Cynthia and Leo Daley
Pamela S. Davis
William and Barbara* Davisson
Beth L. De Tine
Victoria M. Devlin
Bill and Molly Donovan
Michael and Denise Dubyak
Martha E. Dumont
Margaret and Alan Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Elliman
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Everets
P O R T L A N D M U S E U M of A R T
Patricia O'Carroll and Joseph Foley
Joe T. Ford and Marie Henriksen
Tom Franklin and Anna Ginn
Joseph Frazer and Susan Tananbaum
VoxPhotographs/Heather and Linden Frederick
Marion Freeman and Corson Ellis
Martha Frink
Dorsey R. Gardner and Ni Rong
Brenda C. Garrand
Timothy and Jane Gillette
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Givertz
Peggy Greenhut Golden/Greenhut Galleries
Dr. and Mrs. Walter B. Goldfarb
John and Virginia Gooch
Barbara M. Goodbody
E. Kent Gordon
Leon and Lisa Gorman
Ward and Linda Graffam
John and Betty Gundersdorf
Bud and Marion* Guthrie
Larry Hall and Risa Bridges-Hall
Mary and Graham Hallward
Susan K. Hamill
Heidi N. Hansen
Tom Hanson and Elizabeth Kubik
Penny S. Harris
Christopher M. Harte and
Dr. Katherine Stoddard Pope
Peter and Judy Haynes
Donald L. Head and Caron C. Zand
Alphonse and Susan Hemond
Gwen and David Hiatt
George and Cheryl Higgins
Norman Hoffer
Jean Hoffman
Jeffrey and Catherine Honeycomb
Barbara and Horace Horton
James and Deborah Houle
Harriet Ford Hubbard
Jane N. Hurd and Roger Severance
Denny and Linda Jacobus
Bruce and Gail Jaffin
Dorothea Johnson
Michael and Anne Jones
Philip and Sheila Jordan
Nancy and Peter Kaye
Tony Kieffer and Susan Conley
John and Cornelia Kittredge
Carolyn M. Knutson
Stephen and Mary Jo Kolkhorst
June LaCombe and William Ginn
Sam and Nancy Ladd
Marilyn A. Lalumiere
Dr. and Mrs. Costas T. Lambrew
Kennedy and Martha Lane
Susan and David Langdon
Kirsten Larsson-Turley and Arthur J. Turley
Candice Lee
Catherine Lee and Robert Moyer
Joan Leitzer and Kenneth S. Spirer
Kathleen and Peter Leslie
Susan Livingston and Harry Noel
Joe and Carole Long
Roy and Beth Lubetkin
Mrs. Ann Ludwig
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lunder
C. Waite and Christine Maclin
Mrs. Nancy M. Marcotte
Lisa M. Marin and Arnie Smith
Nancy and Michael Marino
Catherine and Joseph Martin
Nancy and Jim Martin
Dianne Maskewitz and Scott McMullin
Louis Matis and Anthony Calamusa
Betts and Eldon Mayer
Betsey McCandless
Kevin and Sherry McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. William A. McCue
Suzanne and Neil McGinn
Frank and Susan McGinty
Richard and Carolyn McGoldrick
Charles and Nina McKee
John R. McKernan, Jr. and Olympia J. Snowe
Jeffrey McKinnon
Elizabeth A. McLellan
Barbara A. McManus
Monica D. Meenan
Marti and Tom Meyers
Ed and Janet Miller
Zareen Taj Mirza
John and Alison Moore
Robert Moore and Carolyn Chandler
Manny Morgan and Chris Corbett
Philippa and Jeremy Morton
Carolyn B. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick S. Muse
Leonard and Merle Nelson
Andrew Nelson
Norm and Sally Nelson
Mary P. and Kenneth M. Nelson
Robert and Susan Nielsen
Jean Nishiyama
Elle and Sean Norton
Ted and Ann Noyes
Kevin and Susan O'Connell
Sally and Ted Oldham
Matthew C. O'Reilly
Peggy and Harold Osher
Dr. and Mrs. Lyman Page
James and Judith Parkhill
Allston Parkinson and Susan deGozzaldi
Harriet and Steven Passerman
Dr. and Mrs. James Pellow
George and Frances Paxson Philip
Joan and Ernie Plummer
Mrs. L. Robert Porteous, Jr.
Stephen D. Poulos
Vaughan and Caroline Pratt
Jean M. Principe
Larry and Jean Pugh
Sally W. Rand
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Redmond
H. Edward Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Ford Reiche
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Reilly
Patricia B. Rice
Hilary Robbins and Bill Goodman
John S. Roberts and Jean P. Wilson
Christopher and Maggie Robinson
Cornelia Robinson
Bill and Mary Earl Rogers
Malcolm and Susan P. Rogers
Elaine D. Rosen
Paul R. Rothman
Susan Dempsey Rouillard
Annette M. Rowley and Wayne A. Rowley
Larry and Robin Rubinstein
Bill and Peggy Ryan
Bill and Stacey Ryan
Thom Sacco and Will Tanner
Polly Saltonstall and John K. Hanson
Jane N. and Harrison H. Sawyer
Rosa Scarcelli and Thom Rhoads
Ineke H. Schair
Edwina and Monroe B. Scharff
Elizabeth Scheffee
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Schenkel
Wilmont M. and Arlene P. Schwind
Maxine Sclar and Robert Yamartino
Jim and Lynn Shaffer
David Shaw and Glenn Close
Ann and Peter Sheldon
Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr.
Amy L. Shinn
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Siegle
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Sihler
Barbara Simon
Meredith S. S. Smith
Joseph L. Soley
Dr. Samuel P. Solish and Dr. Jo Ellen Linder
Julie H. Sprague
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart III
Eugene D. and Ruth T. Story
S. Donald Sussman and Chellie Pingree
Charles and Vera Tashima
Matthew and Lona Tassey
Kevin Thomas
Anna Marie and John Thron
Joan P. Tilney
Barbara and Paul Tully
Hans and Rosemary P. Underdahl
Adam Usdan and Andrea Pollack
Tom and Cathy Van der Kloot
Desi Van Til and Sean Mewshaw
Kaja and Cali Veilleux
Paula J. Volent
Ann S. Waldron
John H. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Monte J. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Wallace
Katharine J. Watson
Eliza and Dean Webster
Jane Costello Wellehan
Kathleen and Robert Whelan
David and Sandra Whiston
Sally M. Wigon
Mrs. C. Benson Wigton, Jr.
Margaret and Skip Wilkis
John and Susan Hudson* Wilson
Emma Wilson and Thomas Hattan
Fred and Trudy Winne
Margo Wintersteen
Roger F. Woodman, Jr. and Carol J. De Tine
James Woodman
Kathryn A. Yates
Bill and Patty Zimmerman
James B. Zimpritch and Lyn Means
Contemporaries ($300 Dual/$200 Single)
The Contemporaries are a vibrant and diverse group
of art enthusiasts ages 21- 45 who participate in
a variety of social and educational activities while
supporting the PMA’s mission.
Rafael Adams and Corin Swift
Janice Adler
Justin and Rachael Alfond
Tawny Alvarez
Matthew Bakis and Julie Farris
Kyo Bannai and Craig Schneider
Scott and Amy Kustra Barksdale
Alexandra Rheault and Michael Barry
Alex Beal and Brian Randall
David and Christine Beneman
Stephen Benenson and Merry Fogg
Christine Bennett and Bruce Dalbeck
Gary and Laura Bergeron
Mark and Aimée Bessire
James Bilodeau and Lee Marquis
Valerie Birnhak
Laura Blaisdell and Andy Lilienthal
Jillian and Paul Blakeslee
Timothy Boggs and James Schwartz
Judy Bonzi
Judy Bourgeois
Sarah Boyden and Thom Herboldsheimer
Frank E. Briber and Fran L. Pollitt
Jim and Gillian Britt
Emily and Duncan Bruce
Margaret Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. Brewster Buttfield
Sam and Ellen Cady
Catherine Callahan and Bret LeBleu
Christopher and Sara Begin Cameron
Abigail Carroll
Philip Cawley and Gretchen Spann
Clint and Ellie Chase
Brad Choyt
Jason and Carrie Cianchette
Nathan Clark and Kathryn Burnham
Henry and Mary Clews
Jonathan and Kristin Cohen
Roger Conover and Eda Cufer
Sarah Cook
Tony and Heather Cox
Betsy Critchfield
Jonathan and Catherine Culley
Joan and Robert Daly
Tod and Lorie Dana
Grace DeGennaro and Gerard King
Joseph Delaney and Anne Callender
Troy and Rebecca Delano
Chelsea and Noah DeLorme
Brook DeLorme
Emily and Edward Demetriou
Katie and Brian Diamond-Falk
Natalie DiBenedetto and Aaron Staples
Lisa Dixon and Michael French
Louisa Donelson
Scot and Michelle Draeger
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Driskell
Oakley Dyer and Jill Sady
Brian Eng and Renee Bourgeois
Joy Engel and Dr. Benjamin Hagopian
Eileen Gillespie and Timothy Fahey
Rebecca Falzano and Steve Pogson
Meredith Finn
Ariana Fischer
Thomas and Sarah Flanagan
Kit Flynn
Jennifer and Bradford Foley
LeAnna Fox and Jason Grosso
Thomas and Leandra Fremont-Smith
Celine and Benjamin Frueh
Sandra Fussell and Michael Delahunt
Paul and Caitlin Gentilini
Mary Gianibas
Hallie Flint Gilman and Ned Flint
Robert Gould
Andrew Graham and Anne Riesenberg
Susan Grisanti
Mary Gumbel
Richard Barry Hall and Donald E. Crandall, Jr.
Tamson Bickford Hamrock
Anne Hardcastle and George Royle
Jed and Amy Harris
Alison Hawkes
Kathryn Hayes-Hallowell and James Hallowell
Erik Hayward and Carrie Duley
Robert Henry
Steven and Ann Marie Hess
Joseph and Mara Higgins
Dr. Mark Hirschhorn and Lindsey Heard
Christina Holt and Rajiv Shankar
D. Jared Hourihan
Nathaniel Huckel-Bauer and
Elizabeth Eisenhardt
Elizabeth and Kevin Hunt
F. R. and Jennifer Jenkins
Brett Johnson and Tim Waite
Gretchen Johnson
Elizabeth and Colin Jones
Avery Yale Kamila and Adam C. N. Hill
Ananda Kantner
Joel and Angela Kase
Steve and Jocelyn Kelly
Elise Kiely
Erin Kinsella
Jeff and Cathy Kline
Annie Kloppenberg
Jess and Kate Knox
Celine and Chris Kuhn
Bree LaCasse and Christopher Moore
Jessie Lacey
Erin and Steve LeChance
Lynn Lamontagne and Robert Tillotson
Amy and Tom Landry
Susan and David Langdon
Darcy Latkin
Brian Lazarus
Charles C. and Sally W. Lee
Susan Lefferts
Abagael Long and Shawn Baldwin
Christopher and MaryBeth Lorenz
Robert and Cynthia Macdonald
Kate Martin
Thomas Mathieu
Jessica May and Karen Bala
Nathaniel May
Brian McCarthy
Dan and Molly Meyer
Peter G. Milliken and Linzee Weld
Bianca Monteiro
Johanna Moore
Riikka Morrill and Kevin Voyvolich
Elena Murdock
Ken Murphy and Jaime Allen
Thomas and Sally Newhall
Thomas Newton
Jeff Norris and Laura Newman
Hal Norvell and Carl Fisher
Kristen Ockenfels
Laura and Denis O’Brien
Dr. John R. O'Meara
Jamie and James Ortengren
Jeffrey Packard
Daniel Pelletier
Jeffrey and Sarah Peterson
Andrew Phan and Jeffrey Maine
Jill and Tobin Piker
Cordelia Pitman and Winslow Furber
Alec Porteous
Allison and Daniel Poteet
Stephen D. Poulos
Nancy and Mark Ratner
Steve and Austin Reeves
Mika and Thomas Reynolds
Lindsay and Dan Richman
Hilary Robbins and Bill Goodman
Howard Robbins and Joan A. Wright
Melina Roberts and Robert Anderson
Christopher and Maggie Robinson
Adam Rothbart
Justin H. Schair and Kathryn Best
Erica Schair-Cardona and Ivan Cardona
Julie and Skip Schirmer
Sigmund and Anne Schutz
Timothy and Cheryl Seavey
Emily Serway and Anthony Manhart
Catherine Share and Cynthia Atkinson
Julie Sheehan and Greg Smith
Michele Shems-Then and Peter Then
Jonathan and Michal Shenkin
Karen Sherry and Alan Braddock
Jennifer and Bryan Shumway
Anne and Chris Smith
Kai Smith and Mary Erin Casale
Joseph and Anne Solimine
Jeffrey and Dominique Sommer
Alice Brooks Spencer and Sam Spencer
Jane and Nate Stevens
Edward B. Swain
Amy Taylor
Tiffany Tolley
Ann Tracy and John Kreutzberger
Lori Traikos and Ovid Santoro
Desi Van Til and Sean Mewshaw
Scott Vogel
Dr. Rodney Voisine
Liza Walworth and Aaron Dries
Hans and Lee Warner
Colette Warren
Seth and Jill Webber
Leah Whalen and Will Kilbreth
Mr. and Mrs. David Whiston
Tarsha White
David and Heather Whiting
Sean Wilkinson and Meghan Carey
Benjamin Willauer and Amanda Berry
Lela Williams
Carolyn Williams
Jennifer and Bennett Wilson
Hannah Wolken and Leigh Steele
Jonathan and Karen Zuckerman
Supporting Members
The PMA thanks all of its members for their
generous support of the museum and its mission.
Patron ($500)
Mrs. Gwen Asplundh
Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Barclay, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brazeau
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace E. Camp
Dr. John W. Carrier
Phyllis and Bruce Coggeshall
Charles J. de Sieyes and Carol R. Ward
Christine Dilacqua
Humphrey Doermann
Richard and Barbara Dunham
Melinda M. Eaton
Elizabeth E. Ehrenfeld
Richard M. Engel and Barbara Chilmonczyk
Nancy Fox and Jon Edwards
Peter and Harriette Griffin
Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Grossman
Mr. and Mrs. Myron C. Hamer
Elizabeth Hilpman
Susanna Jaeger
Rebecca Judd
Mrs. Daisy Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Ludwig
Ellen and Peter McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Barclay McFadden III
Thomas C. and Holly H. McKenny
Richard and Kathryn Mellon
Donald and Mary Melville
Chris and Rachel Merrill
Mrs. Mary Beth Morrison
Albert P. Neilson
Gary and Cathie Nielsen
Harry and Anne Pringle
Timothy and Maren Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Richard G. Rockefeller
Patricia F. Sanborn
Jenny Scheu and John Ryan
Isabel R. Schmerler and David Schmerler
Catherine Share and Cynthia Atkinson
Kelly and Michael Sherwood
Louis Sinclair
Harry and Clare Smith
Tom and Dee Stegman
Taylor Strubell and Nancy DelleFemine
Eric and Wendy Suehrstedt
Emily Vest
Alexander H. Weintraub
Margaret and William Wheeler
Carol A. Wilson
Jeremy Wintersteen
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Witte
Anne B. Zill
Donor ($250)
Elizabeth Adams and John Lawrence
Dorothy Ahlgren and John Rummler
William W. Alcorn
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Allain
John and Gail Allyn
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Amory
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Amory
Paul and Kathleen Anderson
Melinda and David Anderson
Christopher and Jean Angell
Joel Azerrad
Mr. and Mrs. David Bantz
Mary B. Barrett
Mary R. Barron
Frances Bassett
Mary Fiske Beck
Elsbeth G. Bellemere
James Bennett and Molly Mulhern
Clement and Deborah Berry
Barbara Blackburn
Mary Jane Blaustein
Joy Bishop Blood and Clinton Blood
Cathy Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bloom
Dana Bradish and Evangeline Meserve
Jeffrey A. Brann
Mark and Margaret Braun
Nancy and Russ Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas S. Brill
Elizabeth K. Brisk
Dr. and Mrs. Marc H. Brodsky
Ronald Brown and Jill Welch
Howard R. Buckley and Lee Zacharias
A.J. Bueche and Sarah T. Kelly
Annick Cadot and Jack Wood
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cadwallader
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Campbell
Priscilla Campbell-Wyman
John and Linda Carman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Carroll
Michael and Jane Cary
Betty and Don Caton
Dr. David and Mrs. Judith Chadwick
David and Barbara Chase
William and Patricia Chasse
Judith and Paul Clancy
Dr. and Mrs. Geoffrey E. Clark
Cheryl M. Coffin and Ralph Topham
Kenneth M. Cole and Anne Ireland
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Colson
Tara Connor and Rich McCoy
Charles Hill Cooper and Zhenging Zheng
John and Karen Corson
Mr. George L. Cushing and Ms. Elizabeth Hunt
Victoria Dalzell and Sean Dundon
James and Leila Day
Virginia and Myles Delano
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. H. Dodge
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Donovan
Whitney and Maria Drake
Margarete and Richard Driver
Carmen Duarte and Edward von Gerichten
Lucinda Nash Dudley
Daniel and Catherine Preuss Durkin
John F. Edwards
Robert H. Edwards and Blythe Bickel Edwards
Mary I. Emerson
Guy T. Emery
Kenneth and June Eng
Tony Farmer
Gail P. Fels
Lucy Foster Flight and T.C. Haffenreffer IV
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fortunato
Jon and Dorothy Fox
Arolynn Francis
Lila Fried
Vincent E. Furey, Jr.
T. Scott and Ann Gamwell
Michael and Gail Garcia
Judy Gass
David R. George and Elena Cueto
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Gerquest
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Gilbane
Peter and Betsy Giustra
Philip H. Gleason and Mary L Schendel
Nancy Glover
Matthew and Lynn Goldfarb
Mr. and Mrs. David Good
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Green
Col. and Mrs. William E. Hall
Collier Hands
David and Kathy Hardwick
Robert Harper
George and Diantha C. Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Harris
Rick Hauck and Susan Bruce
Bonnie E. Hayward
Marge and Bob Healing
Susanne J. Heeschen
Merton G. Henry
Joan and Donald Hernon
Jillian R. H. Herrigel
John and Katherine Heye
Anne Eliot Hiatt
Mr. and Mrs. Willis J. Hidell
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Horace A. Hildreth, Jr.
Daniel W. Hildreth
Mr. and Mrs. Jack K. Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Homer
Barbara and Chris Hoppin
Nancy S. Horigan
Anita L. Huizing
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Humphrey
Marcia W. Hunker
Scott and Audrey Hutchinson
Richard and Patricia Iannacone
Joan Ivory
Phyllis Jalbert
Herb and Kathleen Janick
Ruth and Charles Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Karol
David Karraker and Colleen Khoury
Jerome and Sheridan Kassirer
Dr. and Mrs. David Kerr
Wendy Ketchum and Norman Cloutier
Tom Keyes and Keith Fox
Dr. Alan E. and Mrs. Ann Kilby
Paula A. Klimek
Keith and Elaine Knowlton
Dr. James Koelbl and Dr. Joan Sandell
Jim and Becki Kupel
David Lakari
Alfred J. LeDoux
Mr. and Mrs. Adam D. Lee
Penny and Jeff Leman
John T. Leonard
Kenneth Leonards and Royce Hazard-Leonards
Sara Lewis
Donna D. Lisanti and Thalia Hanson
Rick Litchfield
Mark and Mary Lunsford
George and Ernestine Lyman
Russell and Kathleen Mack
Joseph Mackey
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Maynard
Maria E. Mazorra and Leonard C. Kaminow
Robert D. McArdle and Richard Rothlisberger
Kathryn E. McCoig
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. McDowell
Sarah S. Meacham
Bronwyn M. Mellquist and M. Roe Smith
JoAnn Mican and John Mahon
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Moody
Vernon L. Moore and Janet Henry
Blaine D. Moores
Donald and Miki Murray
Patricia Murtagh and Michael Verville
Mary Eugenia Myer and Theodore Myer
Dr. and Mrs. Henry R. Myers
Robert and Nancy Navarro
Mary B. Neal and Wendy J. Wolf
Dr. Richard and Sandra Neiman
Norman and Eleanor Nicholson
Richard P. Noonan M.D.
Helen and Walter Norton
Frank and Sarah Olson
David B. Osborne
Richard and Margaret Pennington
Ralph T. Perry and Mary Louise Seldenfleur
Edwin H. Pert
Jeff and Stephanie Phelps
Carol and David Pierson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Platz
Drs. Alan and Barbara Potyk
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Pride
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Raymond
Wilma and Charles Redman
Paul and Ellen Regan
Martha A. Riehle and Janis Childs
Alfred Riel
Dr. Fred D. Risser
P O R T L A N D M U S E U M of A R T
Anne and Peter Rogers
Robert F. Rothschild
H. Allen and Dianne Ryan
Elizabeth Sanders
Nan C. Sawyer
Imelda A. Schaefer
Elena Schmidt and Don Ogier
Michelle Schmitter
Rena Schneiberg-Lassel
John E. Sedgewick and Deborah A. Keefe
Stephen and Peggy Shapiro
Paula D. Silsby
Kathryn E. Slott
Isabel W. Smiles
Carley and Barry Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Smith
Sarah L. O. Smith
Mindy Fitzgerald Smith and Roger D. Smith
Deborah C. Snite
Daniel B. Sobel and Kira Wigoda
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sperry
The Honorable and Mrs. George R. Sprague
Norma M. St. Angelo
Judith Stein and Kenneth Dardick
Steven H. Stern and Arlene Morris
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Stoloski
Edward Sullivan and Bruce Backman
Jim and Michele Swisher
Martha L. Taylor
Alleen Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Timpson, Jr.
G. Robert and JoAnn Tod
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Towle
Mr. and Mrs. Dain A. Trafton
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Trimble III
Marjorie Twombly
Mrs. Peter Vandervoort
Elizabeth O. Volckening
Linda Robbins Wakeman
Emily Walsek
Patricia and James Wasserman
Margaret Watson
Janie and Mike Watson
Mrs. Charles Watts
Charlene I. Wax
Linda D. White
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Winn
Deborah Wolak
Gretchen Gosnell Wood
Richard and Roberta Wright
Carolyn Wronker and Steven Urkowitz
Jeannette and Eric Wycoff
Jamie and Phyllis Wyeth
Libraries ($250)
Berwick Public Library
Boothbay Harbor Mem. Library
Bridgton Public Library
Burbank Branch Library
Conway Public Library
Curtis Memorial Library
Dover Public Library
Durham Public Library
Freeport Community Library
Gray Public Library
Harrison Village Library
Kennebunk Free Library
L.B. Goodall Memorial Library
Libby Memorial Library
McArthur Library
Merrill Memorial Library
New Castle Public Library
Norway Memorial Library
Peaks Island Branch Library
Portland Public Library
Portsmouth Public Library
Prince Memorial Library
Rice Public Library
Riverton Branch Library
Rye Public Library
Scarborough Public Library
Skidompha Library
SMCC Library
South Portland Public Library
Southport Memorial Library
Thomas Memorial Library
Topsham Public Library
Tuftonboro Free Library
Walker Memorial Library
Wells Public Library
William Fogg Public Library
Wiscasset Public Library
York Public Library
Contributing ($140)
Carole Aaron
Elizabeth M. Ackerson and Alan McIlhenny
Thomas A. Adams
Tom and Diana Allen
Jonathan and Joanne Allen
Sen. Jane A. Amero
Patricia and Edward Amoroso
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Anderson
Verna W. Andrews
William and Deborah Andrews
Drs. Ronald and Nancy Angoff
John and Ros Annala
Marcia Appel
Dick and Adele Aronson
Michael and Missy Asen
Stephen and Kyle Atwell
Lee Auchincloss and Jim Heffren
Linda and Robert Ayotte
Peter and Patricia Bagg
Robert Bahm and Jan Baker
Ronald Bailyn
Linda and Lawrence Baker
Elliott and Jean C. Barker
Joe and Judy Barker
Dr. Jeffrey Barkin and Joan Belsky Barkin
Mr. and Mrs. Brian B. Barlow
Bill and Cassie Barnard
Richard Barnes and Suzanne Van Wye
Julie Barrett
Karen E. Bartholomew
Ellen L. Belknap and Mark Jordan
Polly Bennell and Robert B. Young
Richard S. Berne and Susan Schraft
William T. Berry
John and Jane Berry
Ernest M. Bevilacqua
Michael Binette and Ashley Speckhart
David and Patsy Bischoff
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond N. Blanchette
Carolyn and Robert Blanks
Helen P. Blewett
Elizabeth Boepple
Richard Boisvert
Joanne Bollinger
Dr. and Mrs. Tracy V. Booth
Elizabeth L. Bordowitz
Art and Lori Boulay
Connie R. Boyajian
Mr. and Mrs. Perry E. Bradley
Robert Brandow
Dan Bridges
Dr. and Mrs. Russell C. Briggs
Trudy Harder Briggs
Cheryl Brogan
John and Judith Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Brown
Susan and William Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hyde Brownell
Joe and Suzanne Bruno
James and Lisa Bubar
Anthony S. Bucci and Victoria Brown
Robert and Kristin Buckwalter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Budd
Patricia A. and Harold I. Bumby
Douglas B. Burdick
Sally and John Burns
Mel and Claire Sherman Butman
Ralph and Kathleen A. Cabana
William E. Cain
George Campbell and Dawn Stiles
Andrew J. Candelore, D.O.
Phyllis H. Carey
Joe and Rosanne Carlson
Janel M. Carlson
Miss Kathleen A. Carson
Donald and Patricia Carter
Cynthia Cartwright and Andrew Curtin
Christopher and Mary Anne Cary
Donna Cassidy and Michael Lawrenson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cassidy
Patricia T. Center
David and Lynne Champoux
Deborah G. Chandler
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Chandler
Richard and Ann Charlesworth
Robert and Robin Taylor Chiarello
Katherine S. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Clayton, Jr.
Robert and Andrea Clontz
Elizabeth Cochrane
Rhoda R. Cohen
Nancy and William Cohen
Phyllis and Maurice Cohen
Janet A. and John D. Cole
Jane T. Costlow and David H. Das
Barbara and Bill Coye
Debra L. Coyman
Charles and Leisa Crane
Sid and Jacqueline Cronsberg
Judith Cutler
The Honorable and Mrs. Howard Dana, Jr.
Peter Dane and Kathleen Marshall-Dane
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Davis
Marjorie M. Davis
Natalie R. DeCristofaro
Howard R. Deming and Ann Deming
Jackie and Geoff Dennis
John and Elizabeth DeSimone
Rick Despres and Michelle Burnett
Mrs. James G. Dickson
Jo Diggs
Mr.* and Mrs. Robert E. Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. John R. DiMatteo
Deborah H. and Robert G. Dluhy
Robert and Marianne M. Dodge
Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Donaldson
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Donham
Jose and Carol Ann Donnell
Edward and Barbey Dougherty
Mary Doughty
Sarah and Thomas Dowd
Mary Ellen Downey
Mr. and Mrs. Myron H. Downs
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Draper
Craig Dreher and Leslie Stole
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Drummond
Mr. and Mrs. Josiah H. Drummond, Jr.
Mark Ducey
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Dufresle
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dumaine
James and Aletha Dunn
Drs. Linda and Jeff Dunn
Shirley R. Dutton
Martha and Clement Dwyer
Dr. Mary J. Edwards
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Eisenberg
Mrs. Diane Eldredge
Timothy Ellis
James and Karen Elting
Barbara D. Elwell
Lawrence M. Epstein and Jeanne M. Griffin
Debby and Will Ethridge
Lindsay Evans and Joseph Morone
Art and Donna Falk
Diana and James Fallon
Mr. and Mrs. Leo H. Famolare
Betsy J. Fear
Molly Felton
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fernald
Erin and Nathan Ferrell
John Ferry and Jan Eakins
Jean G. Fine
Jeanne Donovan Fisher
Catherine H. Fisher and Stephen Luttrell
Dr. and Mrs. David G. Fitz
Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Flaherty
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Fleischer
Mr. and Mrs. Warner S. Fletcher
Michael J. Foley and Lisa Rideout
James and Margaret Emerson Foorman
Peter and Linda Foss
Dolores and Craig Foster
Joel Frantzman
John R. Freeman and Monica L. Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Freilinger
Marietta and Peter French
Georgia A. Froelich and Russell O'Rourke
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Frois
Lewis and Marilyn Gaffen
James and Sally Gambrill
Cory Gardiner
Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Garfield, Jr.
Diane Garthwaite and Matthew H. Liang
Thomas R. Gay and Mark Sample
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gelardi
Roger and Cynthia Gelinas
Edward and Joyce A. Gervais
Dino and Barbara Giamatti
Roger and Elizabeth Gilmore
George and Marjan Glidden
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Goldberg
Mrs. A. M. Goldkrand
Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. Gorham
Michael E. Goriansky
Susan N. Grady
Rudolf W. and Dorothy L. Graf
Ron and Gloria Gramaglia
Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler V. Grant
Douglas Green
Prof. Lee and Mrs. Lulu Grodzins
Pat and Peter Grunwald
Evelyn and Jay Haberland
Paul and Jane Hahn
Linda M. Haines
Telemachus Halkias and Angela Wingate
Mr. and Mrs. Erich Haller
Judith and Stephen Halpert
Mrs. Lydia Hamilton Brown
Cynthia Hammett
Morris and Linda Peyton Hancock
Robert Hand and Marianne Lynch
Peter and Janice Hanson
Joan E. Hardy
Mr. and Mrs. John Hare
Coral Harris and Alan Goff
Tookie Harris-Bacon
David and Karen Haskell
Rob and Amber Hatch
Mr. and Ms. Stephen R. Hayes
Donna L. Hazard
Carolyn Heasly
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Heidenreich, Jr.
Rachel and Steven Hendrickson
Malcolm C. and Constance F. Henry
Mollie K. Heron
Nancy E. Herter and Lendall Smith
Randy and Karen Hesse
Phyllis Hetzler
Mary C. Hiebert
Joe Higdon and Ellen Sudow
Isabel M. Higgins
Jane Hilburt-Davis
Andrew and Sharon Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Hillinger
Dana and Terry Hilt
Matthew and Aileen Hock
Warren and Frances H. Hoeller
Consul General and Mrs. Barry D. Hoffman
Lewis and Mary Holman
Elizabeth Ross Holmstrom
John and Mary Holt
Elisabeth Hooper
Sarah Greene Hopkins
Allyson and David Howe
Jennifer R. and Richard N. Hubbell
Mrs. Liz Humphreys
Roger and Janice Hunt
Wayne and Kyoko Ingalls
Alice W. Ingraham
Derek Jaskulski
David E. Johnson
Mary Ellen Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Keith C. Jones
Elizabeth W. Jones
Richard and Barbara Jones
Erik and Tamara Jorgensen
Richard and Sandy Kahn
Larry and Wendy Kane
Saul and Carol Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Kelley
Richard and Helen Kelly
Sandra and James Kelly
Sarah B. Kendall
Ron and Elaine Kennedy
Patricia J. Kenyon
Mr. and Mrs. G. Michael Kern
Margery L. Kerr
Mark G. Kiefner and Nancy E. Bogg
Jonathan Kilbourn and Molly Hoadley
David and Edie Kilgour
Linda and David Kirstein
Elinor Klivans
Jim and Claire Knox
Anthony and Sylvia Kostopoulos
Charles Kurkjian
Maryly La Follette
JoAnne Labbe
Pandora and David LaCasse
Lincoln and Gloria Ladd
Emily B. Lane
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Larned
Sheila and Tom Larsen
Gloria and Lloyd Lathrop
Estelle A. Lavoie
Annie Leahy and Michael Carey
Mrs. R. K. LeBlond II
Anne Leigh and Joe Ward
Richard Lemieux
Robert and Carol Lenna
Lynda G. Leonas
Mona and Gerald Levine
Elaine and David Lewis
Robin L. Lincoln
Bruce and Ann Lockwood
Michael and Stacey D. Lodato
Christina and Peter Lofgren
Cynthia Lord
Caroline M. Loupe
Dr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Lovett III
Christopher Lowenstein and Rachel Weinstein
Mrs. Carson Lutes
Kurt Lutz and Wendy Lindquist
Mary G. Lynch
Carleton and Andrea Mabee
Simantha A. MacLeod
Dianne and Michael Manning
Charles and Meredith Manning
Andrea and Robert Maricich
Thomas and Carol Marlowe
Dawn Maron
Margaret Marshall
Paul Martino
Dr. Mary McCann
John and June McClean
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas O. McClure
Marian L. McCue
John J. McDevitt IV
Donna McElligott
John Mcginley and Yvette Kane
James and Susan McMahon
Harold and Marilyn McWilliams
Tonia N. Medd
Ed and Julie Melton
Catherine Menyhart
Jacqueline C. Merrill
Dan Merson and Elizabeth Rudenberg
Florence R. Meyer
Sara C. Miller
Karan and Lawrence Miller
Christy Millet
Jack and Dixie Milliken
Dorothy and Elihu Modlin
Mr. and Mrs. Kent W. Mohnkern
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Molander
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moody
Patricia and Donald * Mordecai
James T. Morgan
James Morris and Amy Whitcomb
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Morse
Jeremy R. Moser and Laura B. Kittle
Diana Moxhay
Taylor Mudge
Martha A. Muldoon
Stephen T. and Nancy G. Murphy
Linda B. Murphy
Nathaniel C. Nash
Ann and Jeff Nelson
Dr. Charles I. Nero and Dr. Baltasar Fra-Molinero
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Nichols
Sally Noble
Jonathan W. and Eliza Cope Nolan
Bill and Jean Noon
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nordgren
Joe and Jennifer O'Donnell
Kathleen O'Donnell and William Bergquist
Kenneth and Sharon Oehmig
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton C. Olds
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Ory
Alana and Samuel Osher
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Owen
Jon and Marjorie B. Oxman
Richard and Lauren Packard
Paul Packard and Maria Tapia-Ibanez
Sheila Paine and Judith Steinhauer
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Panish
Carolyn and Michael Parker
Ruby B. Parker and Deborah A. Alford
Mr. and Mrs. John Van C. Parker
Carol Patterson
Cynthia W. Pelliccia
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Peters
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Peterson
Christina Petra
Charlene B. Petruccelli
Josiah and Kathleen Pierce
Brett Pierce and Kerry Michaels
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Pietrandrea
Mary and Michael Polchaninoff
Clara Porter and Daniel Holliday
Stephen Porter
Jacqueline Potter and William C. Black
Camillo Profenno
Jacqueline J. Quimby
James H. Raker, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Peter W. Rand
Robin Ratcliffe and Lawrence Pixley
Kenneth and Maria Rea
Patricia D. Reef
Lorraine A. Reuter
Henry W. Rhoads
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rich III
Mary-Frances Richardson
Cathy and Brian Roberts
Susan Robertson-Starr
Jacqueline Robinov
Stephanie and Robert Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Roboff
Adrienne Rogatnick
Churchill Rood
Tom and Elizabeth Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Rosenkrantz
Eileen and Ted Rowland
Don and Suzanne Rudalevige
Liz and Sam Rudman
Abby K. Ryan
Margaret and Thomas Ryan
Milton and Helen Ryder
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Samuelson
Lydia Savage
Kate Sawdon and Jerrold Lavigne
William S. Schaffner
Alan and Geraldine Schechter
Henry Schmitt
Ken and Ellen Schoepf
Sarah Scott
David and Emily Scribner
Elizabeth A. Scully
Christine and Kevin Shannon
Susan and Lenny Sharon
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Sheehan
Claude Sheer and Kathleen Goodwin
Richard and Celeste Shinay
Deborah S. Shinn
Donald and Anne Shire
Nancy G. Shor and Charles E. Binder
Margo Simmons
James and Karen Simpson
Drs. Katherine and Nathaniel Sims
Thomas and Sara Sinclair
Eileen Skinner
Dr. Silvia Skripenova
Mary Slavet
Sue Smart and Jon Pinette
Mary-Leigh C. Smart
Winthrop and Margaret Smith
David W. Smith and Anne R. Dalton
Dorsey Smith
Jane L. Snerson
Alan and Carol Sockloff
Vivienne Sohn
William P. Soule and Gloria DiMauro-Soule
Nate and Mary Soule
Philip Spalding and Lynn Coffin
Lydia H. Sparrow
Mrs. Charles H. Spaulding
Anne F. Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Staller
Charles V. Stanhope
Donald Starr and Serena Wakelin
Phil Steele and Francesca Galluccio-Steele
Mitchell and Martha Stein
Gary Stern and Demetrios Karabetsos
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart
Mrs. Charles A. Stewart, Jr.
Gretchen Stewart and Marleen Szymanski
John A. Stich
Andrew C. Stickney
Deicy Stockwell
Keith Stone and Steven Watts
Sandra L. Stone
Jean Sewall Strater
Pamelia D. Strayer
Dr. Nancy Struever
Judith and Peter Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Swetland
Bette Swett-Thibeault and Liesse Thibeault
Mary Ellen Taggart
Charles Tandy and Catherine Morrison
John and Marilyn Taylor
Carolyn H. Thomas
Stephen and Martha Thomas
Steve Thomas and Evy Blum
Alice H. Thompson
Sylvia Thompson
Dr. Philip P. Thompson, Jr.
Nat Thompson
Sonia and Quentin Tonelli
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Trub
Lowell Turnbull and Randi Greenwald
Eric Unterborn and Bobbie Ahern
Peter and Lee Vandermark
Pierre and Charlotte Vial
Milton and Joan Victor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Allan P. Walch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Walker
Doris L. Walton
Tom and Judith A. Watson
Claudine Weatherford and Timothy Wyant
John R. Webster
Peter B. Webster
Lucinda L. Wegener and Joel E. Cutler
Audrey Weiner and Jeffrey Solomon
Bradford and Alice Wellman
Tammy and Douglas Welsh
Dr. and Mrs. H. Brownell Wheeler
Joyce A. Wheeler
John and Kerry Whitaker
Barbara S. C. White
Kay White
Mr. and Mrs. Ogden White, Jr.
Ian L. White-Thomson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Whitney
Donald and Sally Whittemore
Preston L. and Nancy G. Wilds
Mr. and Mrs. Keith G. Willoughby
Sarah and Baxter Wilson
Judy and Norm Wilson
David and Susan Wilson
Lolisa Windover and Jackiellen Bonney
Mr.* and Mrs. Louis A. Wood
Sally C. Woodworth
Oliver H. Woshinsky and Patricia E. Garrett
John M. Woytowicz and Peter Rivard
Paulette York and Richard Borts
Barbara A. Young and James W. Fast
Jerielle Young and Wendy Walsh
Mark and Michele Zajkowski
Martha Zimicki and Jeff McCarthy
Annual Fund
The museum thanks donors to the Annual Fund
whose commitment supports everything at the
PMA from the extraordinary art in our galleries to
children's programming, talks by guest lecturers,
and even the paint on the walls. Annual Fund
contributions help keep the museum open. All gifts
to the PMA Annual Fund are 100% tax-deductible
and directly support the museum's mission.
$5,000 and above
Hazel J. Dyer
Nancy Fox and Jon Edwards
Christopher and Maggie Robinson
Deborah S. Shinn
Linda L. Bean
William and Sue-Ann Buckley
Leon and Lisa Gorman
Theodora G. Hanson
Peter and Judy Haynes
Sam and Nancy Ladd
Judith W. Miskell
Katharine Prentice
Patricia B. Rice
John S. Roberts and Jean P. Wilson
John H. Wallace
Susan and Heather Abt
Paul and Kathleen Anderson
Mary Fiske Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Bolton
Mary Callanan
Nathan Clark and Kathryn Burnham
Katherine and Michael Coster
Sara Crisp and Gregg Lipton
Pamela S. Davis
William and Barbara* Davisson
Victoria M. Devlin
Clifford and Kate Ginn
Mr. and Mrs. Horace A. Hildreth, Jr.
James and Deborah Houle
Rebecca Judd
Nancy and Peter Kaye
Mark and Mary Lunsford
Dr. and Mrs. William Medd
Kevin and Susan O'Connell
Ann Ramsay-Jenkins
Anne H. Russell
Bill and Stacey Ryan
Ineke H. Schair
Wendy Shattuck and Sam Plimpton
Nancy G. Shor and Charles E. Binder
Ann C. Slocum
Hans and Rosemary P. Underdahl
P O R T L A N D M U S E U M of A R T
Rosalyne S. Bernstein
Margaret Biggar
Robert and Kristin Buckwalter
Phyllis and Bruce Coggeshall
Aileen Crawford
Charles J. de Sieyes and Carol R. Ward
Michael and Gail Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. David Good
Peter and Harriette Griffin
Mary S. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Humphrey
Alice W. Ingraham
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kemper
Robert E. Krug and Aurelia C Scott
Penny and Jeff Leman
Thomas C. and Holly H. McKenny
Penelope H. Moodey
John and Alison Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Gino A. Nalli
Dr. Richard and Sandra Neiman
Norman and Eleanor Nicholson
Susan Myer Riley
Larry and Robin Rubinstein
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Schenkel
Dr. and Mrs. Irving L. Selvage, Jr.
Patricia Shapazian
Jenny Sheu and John Ryan
Eileen and John Skinner
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smaha
Elizabeth O. Volckening
Jeremy Wintersteen
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Allain
Dick and Adele Aronson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Austin
Mary R. Barron
James Bennett and Molly Mulhern
Richard S. Berne and Susan Schraft
Mark and Aimée Bessire
Suzette Bois and John M. Schnell
Blake and Allison Brown
Michael and Jane Cary
David and Lynne Champoux
Judith Day and Larry Miller
Beth L. De Tine
Mr.* and Mrs. Robert E. Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. H. Dodge
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Donovan
Margarete and Richard Driver
Tom Dunne and Mary Hodgkin
Dr. and Mrs. David G. Fitz
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Fleischer
Cynthia Frye-Macomber and Robert Macomber
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gaal
Lori Garon and Tim Cloudman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Gerquest
Roger and Elizabeth Gilmore
Mrs. Harry Glassman
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Gould III
Collier Hands
Heidi N. Hansen
Coral Harris and Alan Goff
Marge and Bob Healing
Joan and Donald Hernon
Anne Eliot Hiatt
Ellen M. Higgins
Charles L. Hildreth, Jr.
Douglas and Sharyn Howell
Jennifer R. and Richard N. Hubbell
Jerome and Sheridan Kassirer
Bud and Wendy Kellett
Diane Klingenstein
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Knowles
Dr. James Koelbl and Dr. Joan Sandell
Marilyn A. Lalumiere
Denise LaRue and Bob Furman
Mrs. Persis G. Laverack
Heather and Wade Lippert
Brian Livingston
Joe and Carole Long
Mrs. Carson Lutes
Helen Mark
Elaine E. McCarty
Zareen Taj Mirza
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Morse
Jeremy R. Moser and Laura B. Kittle
Moriah Moser and Dan Morgenstern
Regina M. Mullen
Mary B. Neal and Wendy J. Wolf
Leonard and Merle Nelson
Helen and Walter Norton
Mr. and Mrs. John C. O'Brien
Simon and Carol Ottenberg
Carol Patterson
Muriel A. Poulin
Dr. and Mrs. Peter W. Rand
Norman and Lenore Rapkin
Theodore and Lynn Reese
Hilary Robbins and Bill Goodman
Nat and Betsy Saltonstall
Maxine Sclar and Robert Yamartino
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Sheldon
Richard and Celeste Shinay
Donald Smart and Betsy Ferguson
Mrs. Dorsey Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Smith, Jr.
Carley and Barry Smith
Alan and Carol Sockloff
Milton and Joan Victor
Elsie & William Viles Foundation
Cynthia Walden
Charlene I. Wax
Linda D. White
The PMA is grateful to regional and national
foundations that support the museum’s mission
and goals.
Anne Randolph Henry Foundation
Brooks Family Foundation
David Rockefeller Fund, Inc.
Edward H. Daveis Benevolent Fund of
the Maine Community Foundation
Fisher Charitable Foundation
Francis Hollis Brain Foundation
Libra Foundation
Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
Margaret E. Burnham Charitable Trust
Maine Humanities Council
Portland Education Fund
Rines/Thompson Fund of the Maine
Community Foundation
Roy A. Hunt Foundation
Elmina B. Sewall Foundation
Corporate Membership
The Portland Museum of Art gratefully
acknowledges the following corporate members
who generously committed to various museum
projects and priorities during this past year.
Italics indicate in-kind donations
Chairman's Circle ($50,000+)
Bank of America
Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram
Founder's Circle ($25,000 - $49,999)
TD Bank
Maine Public Broadcasting Network
The Portland Phoenix
Sponsor's Circle ($10,000 - $24,999)
Bath Savings Institution
The Bear Bookshop, Marlboro, VT
Dead River Company
L.L. Bean
The Maine Mall
Unified Technologies
Benefactor ($5,000 - $9,999)
Bangor Savings Bank Foundation
IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.
Maine Media Collective, LLC
The VIA Agency
Patron ($2,500 - $4,999)
Diversified Communications
Might & Main
SMRT, Architects and Engineers
Spinnaker Trust
Supporter ($1,500 - $2,499)
Hilton Garden Inn Portland
Downtown Waterfront
Portland Regency Hotel & Spa
R. M. Davis, Inc.
Friend ($500 - $1,499)
Disability RMS
Drummond Woodsum & MacMahon
Gorham Savings Bank
Home Instead Senior Care
Lepage Bakeries, Inc.
Migis Hotel Group
Norton Insurance and Financial Services, Inc.
Pierce Atwood
Portland Harbor Hotel
Verrill Dana, LLP
Partner ($100 - $499)
Filler & Associates, P.A.
Investment Management & Consulting Group
J. B. Brown & Sons
Town & Shore Associates
USI Insurance Services
Youngs Furniture Company
Neighbor ($99 and below)
Emilie Inc. Photography
Exhibition and Program Sponsors
The PMA gratefully acknowledges supporters who
helped make the museum’s vibrant exhibition and
program schedule possible.
Bangor Savings Bank Foundation
Bank of America
Bath Savings Institution
The Bear Bookshop, Marlboro, VT
Isabelle and Scott Black
Dead River Company
Patricia and Cyrus Hagge
L.L. Bean
The Maine Mall
Maine Media Collective, LLC.
Maine Public Broadcasting Network
The Portland Phoenix
Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram
Sally Wallace Rand
Wilmont and Arlene Schwind in honor
of Sally Wallace Rand
S. Donald Sussman
SMRT, Architects and Engineers
TD Bank
The VIA Agency
William G. Waters
Donors of Raffle Items
Patricia Daunis
Susan and Lewis Cabot
Aurora Provisions
L.L. Bean
Tanja Hollander
Owen W. and Annie H. Wells
Thos. Moser
Matching Gift Companies
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
ExxonMobil Foundation
GE Foundation
Genworth Foundation
Global Impact
IBM Corporation
Morgan-Worcester, Inc.
Scottrade, Inc.
Unum Corporation
Donors of Works of Art
Anonymous (3)
Katherine Bradford and Aucocisco Galleries
David and Eva Bradford
Bruce Brown
Carroll and Sons, Boston
Jemma Eascoine and Todd Watts
Tanja Alexia Hollander
Guido Goldman
Robert Gould
Richard G. Gould
Jean Rose Gould and James McKinley Rose, Jr.
William S. Gould
Betsy Evans Hunt
Maurice H. and Margery Katz
Paula and Mack Lee
Jack Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan W. Pratt
Sally W. Rand
The Sam Francis Foundation
Martica Sawin
Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr.
Elizabeth Straus
The Alex Katz Foundation
Carol and Arthur Goldberg
The Rosenblum Family
Patricia Hale Tyson
Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Vietor
Alan Vlach
Warren Memorial Foundation
Estate of Todd and Lucille Webb
Owen W. and Anna H. Wells
Anne Rose Williams
Friends of the Collection
The PMA thanks donors to the Friends of the
Collection which supports the museum’s acquisition
and conservation program, adding strength and
vitality to the collection.
Janet and Paul Aliapoulios
Charlton and Eleanor Ames
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. David Bantz
Kyle Z. and Alan G. R. Bell
Hope and Jay Benton
Roger K. Berle
Rosalyne S. Bernstein
David and Patsy Bischoff
Charlotte F. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Peter V. Cardone
Dr. and Mrs. Delvyn C. Case, Jr.
Robert S. Chase and Richard Candee
Mr. and Mrs. Henry N. Cobb
Mrs. Calvin C. Coburn
Nancy and William Cohen
Beth L. De Tine
Suzanne and Michael deLesseps
Josephine H. Detmer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. H. Dodge
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Donovan
Lucinda Nash Dudley
Darcy J. Dye
Noreen B. and John J. Evans
James and Margaret Emerson Foorman
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Freilinger
Mr. and Mrs. F. Paul Frinsko
Georgia A. Froelich and Russell O'Rourke
Roger and Elizabeth Gilmore
Marty and Dennis Gleason
Judith E. and Albert B. Glickman*
Mrs. Richard J. Goduti
Dr. and Mrs. Walter B. Goldfarb
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Gove
Pat and Peter Grunwald
Judith and Stephen Halpert
Susan K. Hamill
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Hamill
Merton G. Henry
George and Cheryl Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Horace A. Hildreth, Jr.
Barbara and Chris Hoppin
James and Deborah Houle
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Hunt
Roger and Janice Hunt
Scott and Audrey Hutchinson
Philip and Sheila Jordan
Rebecca Judd
Nancy and Peter Kaye
Ilene and David Klein
Harry W. Konkel
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Konkel
Ann B. Laughlin
Eva P. Lee
Robert and Elizabeth LeMieux
Joan A. Lewis
Dr. Samuel P. Solish and Dr. Jo Ellen Linder
Mrs. E. Boyd Livesay
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lunder
Nancy N. Masterton
Jeanne L. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. McDowell
Charles and Nina McKee
Monica D. Meenan
Marti and Tom Meyers
Jack and Karen Miller
Judith W. Miskell
James and Marjorie Moody
Marta Morse
Kenneth M. and Mary P. Nelson
Leonard and Merle Nelson
Diane Nichols
Bonnie and K. Nolan
Stuart and Eva Nudelman
Martha B. O'Brien
D. Suzi Osher
Peggy and Harold Osher
Edwin H. Pert
Deborah S. Reed
Patricia B. Rice
Stephen and Wilma Rose
Bill and Stacey Ryan
Patricia F. Sanborn
Gillian Schair and Seth Rigoletti
Edwina and Monroe B. Scharff
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Schenkel
Wilmont and Arlene Schwind
David and Emily Scribner
Patricia Shapazian
Stephen and Peggy Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Sheldon
Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr.
Barbara M. Simon
Meredith S. S. Smith
Sarah L. O. Smith
MaryMinor Smith
Nan Solomons and Judith Spross
Tom and Dee Stegman
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Stoloski
Juris and Mara Ubans
Elizabeth O. Volckening
Ellen W. Wasserman
Charlene I. Wax
Jane C. Wellehan
David and Susan Wheatland
Kay White
Sally M. Wigon
E. Ellen Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Winn
Margo Wintersteen
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Zilkha
Donald and Linda Zillman
Photography Fund
The PMA thanks supporters of the
Photography Fund who provide essential
funding for acquisition, building upon the
strong history of collecting at the museum.
Charlton and Eleanor Ames
Jeffrey and Hillary Becton
Eliot and Melanie Stewart Cutler
Nancy Fox and Jon Edwards
David and Maria Glaser
Judith E. and Albert B. Glickman*
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Goldenfarb
Barbara M. Goodbody
Roger and Janice Hunt
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lunder
Leonard and Merle Nelson
The Leonard & Evelyn Lauder Foundation
Alan Vlach and Ann Luther
Carol and Joe Wishcamper
The Estate of Anne Randolph Henry
The Estate of Marvin London
The Estate of Elizabeth B. Woodwell
The Edwin F. Gamble Charitable Lead Trust
Madelyn Busker Cohen Fund
Charles and Elinor G. Miller
The Gene R. Cohen Charitable Foundation
Leonard and Merle Nelson
Social Justice Fund
Charles and Elinor G. Miller
Peggy L. Osher Education Endowment
Nancy Osher Blumberg
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Epstein
Peggy and Harold Osher
Acquisition Fund
The Jack and Beulah Bresler Tzedakah Fund, Inc.
Judith A. Osher and Joel Bresler
Bernard Osher Lecture Series
made possible by the Peggy and
Harold Osher Endowment
The Jack and Beulah Bresler Tzedakah Fund, Inc.
Board of Trustees
John F. Isacke, President
Hans Underdahl, Chairman
Laurence H. Rubinstein, Vice President
Anna H. Wells, Vice President
Robert S. Nanovic, Treasurer
William J. Ryan, Jr., Assistant Treasurer
James A. Houle, Secretary
Katherine M.B. Berger
Scott M. Black
Selma Botman
Nathan Clark
Daniel P. Corcoran
Melanie Stewart Cutler
Pamela S. Davis
William H. Davisson
Beth L. De Tine
Clifford M. Ginn
Albert B. Glickman*
Walter B. Goldfarb, M.D.
Cyrus Y. Hagge
William D. Hamill
Jeffrey D. Kane
Nancy K. Kaye
Joan M. Kelly*
Robert D. Kump
Harry W. Konkel
Samuel A. Ladd III
James L. Moody, Jr.
John P. Moore
Leonard M. Nelson
Kevin P. O’Connell
Leslie B. Otten
Carol Patterson
Hilary G. Robbins
Christopher N. Robinson
Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr.
John H. Wallace
William B. Williams
Amy H. Woodhouse
Honorary Trustees
Rosalyne S. Bernstein
Peggy L. Osher
Board of Fellows
Janet Aliapoulios
Charlton H. Ames
Eleanor Ames
Jean L. Andrews
Rachel F. Armstrong
Linda L. Baker
Diana B. Bean
Linda L. Bean
Jeffory D. Begin
Christine Beneman
David C. Bischoff
Joseph F. Boulos
Christopher Branson
Charlotte F. Brown
Barbara P. Bush
Lewis P. Cabot
Doris V. Chapman
Henry N. Cobb
Phyllis C. Coggeshall
Jerome A. Collins
Vincent S. Conti
Judy J. Crosby
Thomas Crotty
John R. DiMatteo
Marylee B. Dodge
David H. Drake
Robert J. Elowitch
Gordon I. Erikson, Jr.
John J. Evans
Sue E. Fitzgerald
Linda Frinsko
Dino W. Giamatti
Adah P. Ginn
Lynn K. Goldfarb
Barbara M. Goodbody
Leon A. Gorman
Lisa M. Gorman
Arline H. Gove
Mary Grumbine
Rudolf F. Haffenreffer IV
Susan K. Hamill
Nancy Hancock
Heidi N. Hansen
Christopher M. Harte
Merton G. Henry
Elisabeth Henshaw
Ellen M. Higgins
Alison D. Hildreth
Rose M. Hughes
Betsy Evans Hunt
Jane N. Hurd
Charlotte C. Hurley
Edward C. Johnson III
James D. Konkel
Susan Konkel
Martha W. Lane
Kirsten Larsson-Turley
Candice Thornton Lee
Joan A. Lewis
Cissie Lindemann
George M. Lord
Nancy S. Marino
Jean Ginn Marvin
Gwendolyn K. Marx
Nancy N. Masterton
Wayne C. McGarvey
Elizabeth A. McLellan
Charles D. McKee
Gayl F. McNally
Patricia A. Miller
Marta Morse
Thomas Moser
Martha A. Muldoon
Andrew J. Nelson
Patricia Nick
Susan O’Connell
D. Suzi Osher
David J. Ott
Richard L. Pattenaude
Everett R. Perlman
Anne B. Pringle
Lawrence R. Pugh
Alice H. Rand
Sally W. Rand
Wilma P. Redman
Patricia D. Reef
John H. Rich III
Janet A. Richardson
John O. Robertson
Kathleen G. Rummler*
Thomas H. Saliba
Jody Sataloff
Tom Saturley
Jane N. Sawyer
Monroe B. Scharff
Barbara T. Schenkel
Arlene P. Schwind
Abby Shahn
Stephen Shapiro
David E. Shaw
E. Scott Sheriff
Celeste Shinay
Mary-Leigh C. Smart
Jerrie Marcus Smith
Meredith S. S. Smith
Marilyn L. Spencer
Richard A. Spencer
Laura F. Sprague
Anita C. Stickney
Nancy Symington*
Barbara J. Tully
Juris Ubans
Rosemary P. Underdahl
Pamela G. Wellin
Owen W. Wells
Daniel F. Wheeler III
Robin F. Whitten
Ann P. Willauer
Charles H. Willauer*
Fred W. Winne
Margo S. Wintersteen
Roger F. Woodman, Jr.
R. Frederick Woolworth
Daniel A. Zilkha
Audit Committee
William D. Hamill, Co-Chair
Nathan Clark, Co-Chair
John F. Isacke
Leonard M. Nelson
Leslie B. Otten
Hans Underdahl
Buildings and Grounds Committee
Harry W. Konkel, Chair
John W. Adelman
Tod H. Dana
William H. Davisson
Beth L. De Tine
Cyrus Y. Hagge
William D. Hamill
Nancy K. Kaye
Joan M. Kelly*
Christopher N. Robinson
Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr.
John H. Wallace
Collection Committee
James A. Houle, Chair
Rosalyne S. Bernstein
David C. Bischoff
Scott M. Black
Bruce Brown
Charlotte F. Brown
Melanie Stewart Cutler
Alex Fisher
Clifford M. Ginn
Walter B. Goldfarb, M.D.
Barbara M. Goodbody
Rudolph F. Haffenreffer IV
William D. Hamill
Betsy Evans Hunt
Monica D. Meenan
John P. Moore
Peggy L. Osher
P O R T L A N D M U S E U M of A R T
Photography Fund
Judith Glickman, Chair
Bruce Brown
Matthew Budd
Barbara Goodbody
Steve Halpert
Brenton Hamilton
Betsy Evans Hunt
Jack Montgomery
Marta Morse
Stuart Nudelman
Susan Stoddard
Joyce Tenneson
Tim Whelan
Leslie B. Otten
Gillian B. Schair
Barbara T. Schenkel
Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr.
Mark Wethli
William B. Williams
Development Committee
Laurence H. Rubinstein, Chair
James A. Houle, Vice Chair
William H. Davisson
William D. Hamill
Jane N. Hurd
John F. Isacke
Jeffrey D. Kane
Nancy K. Kaye
Samuel A. Ladd III
James L. Moody, Jr.
Robert S. Nanovic
Peggy L. Osher
Ineke H. Schair
Hans Underdahl
Amy H. Woodhouse
Trustee Annual Fund
John F. Isacke
Laurence H. Rubinstein
Hans Underdahl
Director’s Circle Steering Committee
Bill Davisson, Chair (through May 31)
Amy Woodhouse, Chair (as of June 1)
Ken Blaschke
Thomas T. Elliman
Mary Louise Norton Hamill
Sharyn M. Howell
Jane N. Hurd
Nancy K. Kaye
Mary Jo Kolkhorst
Anne Oliviero
Caroline Pratt
Larry Rubinstein
Ineke Schair
Elizabeth Scheffee
Contemporaries Steering Committee
Kyo Bannai, Co-Chair
Bree LaCasse, Co-Chair
Kate Burnham
Tony Cox
Celine Frueh
Mara Higgins
Brett Johnson
Anthony Manhart
Molly Meyer
Executive Committee
Hans Underdahl, Chair
James A. Houle, Secretary
John F. Isacke, President
Jeffrey D. Kane
James L. Moody, Jr.
Robert S. Nanovic, Treasurer
Leonard M. Nelson
Christopher N. Robinson
Laurence H. Rubinstein, Vice President
William J. Ryan, Jr., Assistant Treasurer
Anna H. Wells, Vice President
Finance Committee
Robert S. Nanovic, Chair
William J. Ryan, Jr., Vice Chair
William H. Davisson
Cyrus Y. Hagge
William D. Hamill
John F. Isacke
Laurence H. Rubinstein
Hans Underdahl
Gift Acceptance Committee
Laurence H. Rubinstein, Chair
Clifford M. Ginn
James A. Houle
Jane N. Hurd
James L. Moody, Jr.
Governance Committee
Hans Underdahl, Chair
Beth L. De Tine
Clifford M. Ginn
James A. Houle
John F. Isacke
Jeffrey D. Kane
Nancy K. Kaye
James L. Moody, Jr.
Kevin P. O’Connell
Christopher N. Robinson
Bylaws Subcommittee
James A. Houle, Chair
Clifford M. Ginn
James L. Moody, Jr.
Hans Underdahl
Ethics Subcommittee
Kevin P. O'Connell, Chair
Leonard M. Nelson
Trustee Engagement Subcommittee
Christopher N. Robinson, Chair
Beth L. De Tine
Nancy K. Kaye
Hilary G. Robbins
Anna H. Wells
Trustee and Fellows Subcommittee
Jeffrey D. Kane, Chair
Rosalyne S. Bernstein
Beth L. De Tine
William D. Hamill
Samuel A. Ladd III
Leonard M. Nelson
Kevin P. O'Connell
Christopher N. Robinson
Hans Underdahl
Owen W. Wells
Human Resources Committee
Pamela S. Davis, Chair
Peter Bennett
Nathan Clark
John F. Isacke
Samuel A. Ladd III
Fund Volunteers
Friends of the Collection
Peggy L. Osher, Honorary Chair
Rosalyne S. Bernstein
David Bischoff
Barbara T. Schenkel
Investment Committee
Hans Underdahl, Chair
Scott M. Black
Lewis P. Cabot
Martha E. Dumont
William D. Hamill
John F. Isacke
Harry W. Konkel
Alexander Krieckhaus
James L. Moody, Jr.
John P. Moore
Robert S. Nanovic
Leonard M. Nelson
Lisa M. Rideout
Christopher N. Robinson
Learning and Interpretation Committee
Linda L. Baker
Donna Cassidy
Corliss Chastain
Pamela S. Davis
Cathie Fallona
Cathy Gueren
Patricia Hagge
Kelly Hrenko
Bree LaCasse
Mary Anne Lloyd
Nancy Marino
Daniel Minter
Peggy L. Osher
Carol Patterson
Emily Serway
Allison Villani
Anna H. Wells
Italics indicate Homer Studio Tour Guides
Janice Adler
Janet Aliapoulios
Linda Atkinson
Linda Baker
Claudia Bantz
Joan Bragdon
Jacqueline Bucar
Anne Bussey
Carole Clark
Mary Collins
Ted Connelly
Judy Crosby
Judy Cutler
Joan Donner
Margarete Driver
Sy Epstein
June Farrow
Nancy Foss
Joe Frazer
Mickey Friedman
Linda Frinsko
Karla Fuchs
Caroline Hendry
Cheryl Higgins
Barbara Hoppin
Barbara Horton
Sharyn Howell
Jane Hurst
Darlene Jarrell
Barbara Jennings
Mary Karatsanos*
Yelitza Karolyi
David Karraker
Alison Kenway
Claire Knox
Claire Lambert
Kirsten Larsson-Turley
Tom Leonhardt
Joan Lewis
Sally Lofving
Dick Manning
Nancy Marino
Cathy Martin
Joe McKenna
Sally McGonagle
Monica Meenan
Kenneth Mehler
Jacqueline Merrill
Marti Meyers
David Murray
Bonnie Nolan
Carolyn Outwin
Beth Owens
Gill Page
Carol Patterson
Rhonda Pearle
Joan Plummer
Ted Poland
Caroline Pratt
Janet Richardson
Linda Roberts
Susan Rudy
Kathleen Rummler*
Beth Sanders
Barbara Schenkel
Wendy Seltzer
Stephen Shapiro
Kathy Sheehan
Ann B. Smith
Susan Smith
Judy Tripp
Barbara Tully
Betsey Van Gundy
Fred Winne
Sue Yandell
Development Volunteers
Community Partners, Inc.
Library Volunteers
Doris Chapman
Lenore Rapkin
PMA Store Volunteer
Barbara Kriger
Visitor Experience Volunteers
Janice Adler
Linda Atkinson
Anne Babineau
Jan Baker
Linda Baker
Claudia Bantz
Mary Beck
Kelley Boero
Bill Brennan
Anne Bussey
Fritzi Cohen*
Leah Cohen
Mary Collins
Ted Connelly
Judy Cutler
Joan Donner
June Farrow
Nancy Foss
Mickey Friedman
Linda Frinsko
Karla Fuchs
Mary Gianibas
Joan Hatch
Cheryl Higgins
Barbara Hoppin
Charlotte Hurley
Jane Hurst
Hilary Jacobs
Darlene Jarrell
Barbara Jennings
Mary Karatsanos*
David Karraker
Nancy Kaye
Claire Knox
Barbara Kriger
Marion Lawson
Tom Leonhardt
Sally Lincoln
Sally Lofving
Matt Lorello
Dick Manning
Cathy Martin
Marjorie Maurer
Joe McKenna
Sally McGonagle
Therese McNeill
Monica Meenan
Jacqueline Merrill
David Murray
Bonnie Nolan
Carolyn Outwin
Beth Owens
Gill Page
Carol Patterson
Rhonda Pearle
Ted Poland
Caroline Pratt
Janet Richardson
Beth Sanders
Wendy Seltzer
Steve Shapiro
Ann Smith
Susan Smith
Judy Tripp
Barbara Tully
Senya Welch
Sue Yandell
Elizabeth Albert
Tatiana Aviles
Bronwyn Bachman
Dana Baldwin
Alice Barrett
Michael Belluzzi
Aaron Berger
Mark Bessire
Eddy Bolz
John-Paul Bourque
Jeffrey Bowden
Heidi Brady
Margaret Braswell
Hayley Brennan
Caitlin Brooke
Richard Buck
Anne Buckwalter
Kaitlyn Burch
Margaret Burgess
Timothy Burns
Conrad Carpenter
William Cary
John Clemente
Patricia Cobb
James Cobleigh
Clara Cohan
Edmondson Cole
Kimberly Convery
Annelise Conway
James Cote
Erin Damon
Susan Danly
Julie Davidson
Andrew DeVecchio
Laura Dunn
John Eder
Julia Einstein
Shawn Emerick
Danielle Farr
Corey Fenders
James Fereira
Emily Friedman
Lindsay Garcia
Eric Gartmayer
Jean Graves
Jennifer Graves
Amatus Habonimana
Ariel Hagan
Benjamin Halstead
Shawn Higgins
Nicholas Houghton
Brien Hoye
Joanna Hoyt
Allyson Humphrey
Elizabeth Jones
Timothy Jones
Lauren Jordan
Ethan Kauffman
Christopher Kelleher
James Kennedy
Kris Kenow
Lawrence Kimball
Teresa Lagrange
Marilyn Lalumiere
Meagan Lauer
Rollin Leonard
Dennis Levasseur
Kristen Levesque
Matthew Lorello
Elizabeth Louden
Victoria Lucey
Karin Lundgren
Sean Lyons
James Mattison
Jessica May
Roger Mayo
Sarah McCann
Rachel McDonald
Michael McKenzie
Glenda McKertich
Lindsey McMorrow
Sophia Mendoza
Ann Merrill
Jody Merrill
Michelle Michaud
Lee Michael
Faiz Mohammad
Elena Murdock
George Murray
Margaret Muth
James Neal
Vanessa Nesvig
Nicholas Oliver
Nonsee Oumkasem
Douglas Owen
Oliver Percival Snyder
Lesli Pike
Christi Razzi
Raffaella Reimer
Brian Repetto
Vanessa Ricks
Janet Robinson
Stacy Rodenberger
Albert Ross
Caitlin Sackville
Anna Schember
Karen Sherry
Katherine Sidelnik
Lauren Silverson
Reid Stevensen
Sara Struever
Gabriella Sturchio
Bradford Taylor
Michael Tiernan
Cheslye Ventimiglia
Fiona Vonnegut
Gregory Welch
Deanna West
Diane Wren
Chad Wyrwicz
All lists are current as of April 30, 2013.
Every effort has been made to recognize donors
accurately. If you have any questions or
corrections please contact Anne Buckwalter in
the Development Office at 207-699-4987 or
[email protected].