Annual Report - Cotting School


Annual Report - Cotting School
A Day in the Life
From the moment Cotting students awaken
the moment they fall asleep, daily life requires planning, determination, hard work, and a really good
sense of humor. Willingly, our students travel long distances and work diligently to get the education
they need to become independent – and look forward to it every single day. Many even stay late for
after-school classes and activities with their friends, and entire families think nothing of making the
trip to Cotting for games and other events. Cotting students meet each long day with anticipation and
enthusiasm, even though the activities that get them through the day – getting out of bed, brushing
their teeth, doing math problems, writing a paragraph, eating lunch in the school cafeteria, playing
soccer after school, and taking the bus home – can be complicated and time-consuming.
Join us for a glimpse into the daily lives of our students and the moments before, during, and after the
school day. We hope you will be inspired by their stories!
To the Cotting School Community
tudents continue to invigorate all of us in the Cotting
community, challenging us to keep up with them every day.
Because they are the center of our school, we benefit from their
excitement at overcoming obstacles and meeting goals. They
drive us to do our best as well, and to meet their challenges.
This year we opened the new Lucy and “Hooks” Burr Fitness
Center, which has cutting edge equipment and exponentially
increased students’ options for therapies and physical activity.
It is used during the school day by students overseen by our
skilled therapists. After school, the Fitness Center is available
for older students to learn how to work out at a gym as part
of their training for transition after Cotting. Our inaugural
Challenger Little League (60 participants) met on Saturdays in
the spring on artificial turf Connelly Field. A soccer league kept
50 students active on Saturday mornings in the fall.
We have been moving forward on other fronts, too. Each
summer, The Augustus Thorndike Fellowship, which was
named for one of Cotting’s co-founders, provides an exciting
opportunity for one staff member in the summer. The
Thorndike Fellowship funds research, travel-study, or even
a summer sabbatical, and recognizes the tremendous value
of each individual who works at Cotting School. The initial
recipient, teacher Laura Newton, spent the summer of 2010
researching a comprehensive, thoughtful resource of locations
for our community inclusion curriculum.
We achieved other important milestones in 2010. First, we
hired a second Cotting Fellow, growing this initiative to enable
Cotting to train vibrant teachers who will enhance the entire
field of special education. Second, a generous bequest from the
estate of Louise H. Marr, who taught here for over forty years
and greatly improved the lives of her students, has endowed
The Louise H. Marr Auditorium and Performing Arts Center.
Third, this past October we installed a plaque at 241 St. Botolph
Street, Boston, to commemorate Cotting’s presence there from
1904-1988. This was made possible by the kindness of the New
England Conservatory, which now owns the building.
We are always aware that we could not begin each day without
the generosity of our donors. Your partnership with us enables
students with special needs to achieve their highest learning
potential and level of independence. Thank you sincerely for
your commitment to our exceptional students, whose hard
work and achievements awe and inspire us.
Anne Phillips Ogilby,
Chairman, Board of Trustees
David W. Manzo,
President/Executive Director
It’s time
to get started!
efore he leaves the house at 6:45, Sam watches the news as he eats
breakfast. Since coming to Cotting, world news and current events
interest him greatly. Within six months here, he learned how to write
his name, one of his IEP goals for the last eight years. He has achieved
new physical therapy goals as well. To prepare for his Bar Mitzvah, Sam practiced
breath control and articulation with his Cotting Communication Therapist. “He
was phenomenal!” his mother, Hilory, exults. “He impressed everyone.”
Sam has a long commute, but he knows exactly what he wants in a school. After his initial Cotting
tour, he told his mother, “These are my people. Why have you been keeping them from me?” Hilory,
comments, “The people at Cotting get it. For the first time we feel we can go from ‘intense assertive’
to ‘intense support,’ and not come in wearing armor.”
Sam’s father, Glenn, adds, “We are so proud of the work Sam does and know he’s working really
hard. It has been a transition. We are getting used to the ultimate trust we place in Cotting every
day. We are never made to feel inadequate, and we’ve never raised an issue that’s too small for
Cotting’s concern. Everything is handled with such grace.”
“We are never made to feel
inadequate. We’ve never raised an
issue that’s too small for Cotting’s
concern, and everything is handled
with such grace.”
~Glenn Paster
There is
always time
for a good
found Cotting on the Department of Education’s web site,” recalls
Catherine Del Bene. “I walked in and knew immediately this
was the place for my daughter, Meagan. She’s a very social girl so
I was not concerned about that. I worried that she’d learn life skills
such as how to write a check.”
Meagan had not learned to read in grades Kindergarten through second grade. She entered Cotting
at age seven. Catherine remembers, “Within the first three weeks of school, she started reading
short sentences and was so proud of herself!” Further improvement followed in both her reading
and writing.
Meagan had been able to write “a little bit but not a lot. That followed the reading,” Catherine says.
“The math skills came after reading and writing. Everything blossomed so much in the first year
in both social and academic realms.” A visual learner, Meagan responds well to writing with an
AlphaSmart, a small digital keyboard that enables her to compose one paragraph at a time. “She
also loves when she does a good job,” Catherine relates.
“Her self esteem and self confidence are coming back as she stays at Cotting. I cannot say enough
about this place. Finally, I feel like I’m at home; it’s unbelievable!” Catherine exults, “And the staff—
where do they find these people? It amazes me. It’s not like one or two stand out; it’s everybody!”
“Her self esteem and self confidence
are coming back as she stays at
Cotting. I cannot say enough about
this place. It’s unbelievable!”
~Catherine Del Bene
Time well spent.
efore we came to Cotting we could see how much
potential David had,” says his mother, Margaret.
“He arrived at Cotting with virtually no math skills and
a language disorder. Now he’s chatting day and night. His
language and sentence structure are far better. He understands
more of what is being read; he can put more ideas together now.
David’s ability to converse has dramatically changed, and he answers
others right away. His teacher has a plan; she knows exactly what she is doing, and his
therapists are impressive.”
Margaret enumerates further changes, “Now David will look at his math homework and say, ‘I can
do this by myself,’ and he beams with pride when he sees the results. Cotting’s smaller class size
has helped; he likes routine and his schedule. This summer he participated in a play, which helped
to increase his self awareness and self esteem.”
His father, Bill, notices that “The changes that David has exhibited are nothing short of
phenomenal. He’s flourishing now. He has confidence in himself and in his surroundings.
Previously, he was afraid of being shoved by other students and he withdrew, but that is not
his personality. At Cotting, he is much more comfortable around students his own age, and he is
making friends. Even when he’s outside Cotting, he is more confident when he interacts
with people.”
“The changes that David has
exhibited are nothing short of
phenomenal. He’s flourishing now.
He has confidence in himself and in
his surroundings. ”
~ Bill Veronelli
Right on schedule.
ually enrolled at both Cotting and Middlesex Community College
in Bedford, cousins Mike and Vinny are making the transition to
community college learning. “I was nervous this fall,” Mike recalls, “but
Cotting told me I am capable, helped me plan, taught me how to research
online, and how to arrange transportation. We’ve been taking a writing class
twice a week, which has been a challenging work load. I’m eager to do more
community college next year.”
Mike’s father, Tony DiCiero, attributes his progress to “so many caring people at Cotting who have
encouraged Mike’s confidence. Two summer independent living classes helped him realize he can
do way more than he thought he could.” Mike’s mother, Cheryl, recalls that “before Cotting, we
only heard about what Mike could not do. Since we walked through Cotting’s doors, we have heard
nothing but what Mike can do.” Tony continues, “It’s like a great partnership and the beneficiary
has been Michael. The sports, the individualized instruction, just learning how to make phone
calls: we could never have done this alone.”
Vinny adds, “Dual enrollment has not been too hard; I have learned to organize my thoughts better
and to advocate for myself more. Next term I am taking Introduction to Video Games, since I want
to learn how to design them. It’s harder than it sounds.”
Vinny’s mother, Suzanne DiCiero, feels “Cotting accommodated him above and beyond my
expectations. Cotting has prepped him for this next step, which is exactly where he wants to be.”
“Before Cotting, we only heard about
what Mike could not do. Since we
walked through Cotting’s doors, we
have heard nothing but what Mike
can do.” ~ Cheryl DiCiero
What does
a hungry
guy do at
n his nine years at Cotting, Guy’s entire focus has been on becoming
independent. Now a member of the Transition Class, Guy gets what he
needs, makes his lunch, and does chores in the classroom. One Friday he
might clean the bathroom; another he might do laundry, wipe down tables
and counters, or feed the fish.
Each Transition student brings home a checklist of three different chores to do. Guy’s twice weekly
Project Bridges job is working at Epicurean Feast in Maynard where he portions out fruit and
assembles plastic ware. In the past his other employers have included: the Waltham Police;
T.J. Maxx; Seasons Four; L.L. Bean; Lahey Clinic; and Petco. He now has a varied, substantive
Guy admits, “Math is a challenge, but I use a calculator to balance my checking account when I pay
for my cell phone. I have become so much more independent here. I have transitioned from having
an aide do everything for me to doing everything for myself.” Luckily, many of the activities Guy
enjoys will continue when he leaves; he can still bowl, play soccer, basketball, and baseball with the
Cotting community after he turns 22 in May.
His mother, Isabel, adds, “Once Guy started at Cotting, I knew I didn’t have to worry. I knew he
was in good hands and making progress. I can’t say enough about how comfortable and secure I feel
with Guy at Cotting. He has experienced growth and skill development that he probably would not
have made elsewhere.”
“I have become so much more
independent here. I have
transitioned from having an aide
do everything for me to doing
everything for myself.”
~ Guy Martineau
Time flies
for this girl
on the go!
ara is one of several students at Cotting who use eyegaze software
to communicate. Her eyes read the text and then “dwell” for a few
seconds on an icon, long enough for the computer program to “click.”
Her eyes move to the next word. “Sara has come a long way in communication since she
came to Cotting,” says her mother, Amy Young. “At Cotting the full-team approach with
the individual student at the center and each student doing something different within a
class, works for her. Sara has always been a strong reader; at Cotting she has doubled her
English score on the MCAS and is working on math, which is harder for her.”
Amy continues, “A nice side benefit is that Sara has developed a greater sense of who she is and
what she can do. She has never felt different at Cotting because she is always supported.”
Amy notes that Cotting’s attitude is, “we’ll figure out how to let Sara do the work herself.”
For example, after her first art class, Sara’s Occupational Therapist took casting material
and made a slide for her foot with a brush. Amy was delighted; “It was so easy to do and he
did it straightaway. Sara feels it’s her project; it’s not the teacher doing the work. There’s no
micromanaging here. Sara makes all her own decisions. She knows if something is not working,
she needs to speak up using her device.”
Amy is amazed at how “it feels like one equal community even though students’ levels and
abilities are so different. That’s what makes Cotting School. Other programs make a mold and fit
the students to the mold. Cotting takes a diverse group and makes them feel united. It’s a whole
different level of support.”
“Other programs make a mold and fit
the students to the mold. Cotting takes
a diverse group and makes them feel
united.” ~ Amy Young
Time to feed
the chickens,
aila started Cotting at age ten, and she was still not reading and
writing. “She has blossomed here!” her mother, Meredith, delightedly
laughs. “Kaila now loves to read and use the internet. She’s having
fun while she’s learning. Kaila loves school and doesn’t want to
miss a day.”
“We live in Plymouth,” Meredith continues. “Many people have asked me, ‘why do you
send Kaila on such a long commute?’ Basically, it’s because there is no other school like this. People
at Cotting know how to give her what she needs without fuss or fanfare. Kaila wouldn’t have it any
other way because she gets so much there.”
She adds, “Cotting does it all. There’s a continuum of support for parents and family as well as the
student. There is acceptance among all her friends in the greater Cotting family. Kaila is thrilled
that she can leave mom behind and be on her own. She feels empowered that she controls her life
and her day. At school the whole point is to be a useful member of society. It’s the Cotting attitude.”
“Kaila gets the social part of life at school. She attends Circle of Friends, a social outing group, on
Fridays, which makes up for her commute. She’s not missing out; she is still doing all the things her
peers do. They go shopping, eat at the mall food court, catch a movie, people watch and are part of a
group, which is so important to teenagers. Kaila is making friends she will take with her after she
finishes Cotting.”
“We live in Plymouth. Many people
have asked me, ‘Why do you send
Kaila on such a long commute?’
Basically, it’s because there is no other
school like this.”
~ Meredith MacLeod
Quality Time.
t is the end of the day and Nikita is home with her family to
do homework, have dinner and enjoy some quiet moments
with her mother to close out the evening. They are a busy
blended family. An Equity Analyst, Preeti Sayana puts in a full
day at the office and returns to cook dinner for her children and
husband. She never stops running, but the reason she can keep going, she says,
is because Nikita is safe at Cotting.
“I was concerned about safety issues,” Preeti says, “and social pressure. At Cotting Nikita is
watched at all times and she feels no pressure to conform to any mold or ideal. She can be herself.
She is so happy there! She particularly enjoys the after-school programs in sports and karaoke.”
Nikita is “super smart in math,” Preeti apprises, but “what is more relevant for her is to work on
skills for independence.” Since coming to Cotting two years ago, Nikita is more independent and
more confident, her mother reports. Now, her personal self-help skills come more readily, without
prompting, than before.
Preeti enthuses, “I am able to function at work and travel wherever I need to, even internationally,
because the people at Cotting will make sure that Nikita is fine. I don’t know what I would have done
if I hadn’t found Cotting. It is small and manageable, with every resource Nikita could need. And the
staff is amazing!” she concludes.
“I am able to function at work
and travel wherever I need to
internationally because the people at
Cotting will make sure that Nikita is
fine. I don’t know what I would have
done if I hadn’t found Cotting.”
~ Preeti Sayana
Board of Trustees
Officers of the Corporation
Anne P. Ogilby, Esq. Chairman; Ropes & Gray
Raymond L. Killian, Jr., Chairman Emeritus; Investment Technology
Group, Inc. (retired)
David W. Manzo, M.Ed., President, Cotting School
David S. Lee, Senior Vice Chairman
Charles T. Haydock, CFA, Vice Chairman & Treasurer;
Welch & Forbes
David C. Cushing, CFA, Vice Chairman; Lexington, MA
D. Eliot Klein, Secretary; Cambridge Trust Company
John Beach, Bridges Associates
Michael K. Durkin, CEO,
United Way of MA Bay and Merrimack Valley
Paul Goodof, Private Financial and Management Consultant
Lynda G. Kabbash, M.D., New England Baptist Hospital
Makeeba McCreary, Abekam Consulting
Virginia L. Nicholas, Concord, MA
Stuart A. Randle, GI Dynamics, Inc.
Joan Thorndike, Brookline, MA
Trustees Emeriti
H. Phelps Edwards, Jr., Wellesley, MA
Paul F. Perkins, Esq., Ropes & Gray (retired)
William O. Taylor
Chairman Emeritus; The Boston Globe (retired)
John L. Thorndike
Treasurer Emeritus; Fiduciary Trust Company (retired)
Elise R. Wallace, Sherborn, MA
Treasurer’s Report
Each year we strive to steward
philanthropic gifts prudently in order
to better serve our students. In 2010
Cotting spent resources with particular
care. One example, our efforts to “go
green” resulted in a savings of $40,000 in
electrical and heating costs. We are taking additional “green”
measures to demonstrate further our commitment to this
endeavor. This translates to more efficient buildings and more
funds for use in the classroom.
Since its founding in 1893, bequests, large and small, by former
students, staff, trustees and friends, have provided long term
financial stability for Cotting School. In fiscal year 2010,
Cotting School raised annual gifts totaling $323,254, special
gifts totaling $501,215, and bequests totaling $764,439. Please
consider remembering Cotting School in your estate planning.
Thank you for continuing to support our students, who deserve
nothing short of the best.
Charles T. Haydock, Vice Chairman and Treasurer
Here’s Where You Come In!
Help us grow this percentage!
Our IRS Form 990 and audited Financial Statement are available upon request.
Parent Organizations
We are grateful to the many parents whose ideas, experience, expertise, and time support our
learning community. We also thank those who volunteer to participate in the Cotting Family
Community, the Parent Advisory Council, and the Government Affairs Committee.
Cotting School Communities
East Boston
Hollis, NH
Merrimack, NH
North Andover
North Billerica
North Middlesex
North Reading
West Newton
Project Bridges Employers
American Cancer Society (Weston)
Arthur W. Coolidge Middle School
Brookhaven at Lexington (Lexington)
Buddy Dog Humane Society (Sudbury)
Cambridge Public Library (Cambridge)
Catchin Rayz Tanning Salon (North
Children’s Hospital (Lexington)
Commodore Builders (Newton)
DeCordova Museum & Sculpture Park
Eastern Mountain Sports (Acton)
Epicurean Feast (Maynard)
HomeGoods (Bedford)
HomeGoods (Reading)
Lexington Healthcare (Lexington)
Lexington Senior Center (Lexington)
L.L. Bean (Burlington)
Magic Garden Preschool (Lincoln)
Mahoney’s Rocky Ledge (Winchester)
McWalter, Barron and Boisvert
Newton-Wellesley Hospital (Newton)
Petco (Burlington)
Sancta Maria Nursing Facility
T.J. Maxx (Acton)
T.J. Maxx (Bedford)
Trader Joe’s (Acton) donation of flowers
V.A. Hospital (Bedford)
Wagon Wheel Farm Stand (Lexington)
Waltham Crossings (Waltham)
Waltham Museum (Waltham)
Waltham Police Station (Waltham)
Xerox Corporation (Waltham)
Medical and Senior Advisors Committee
D. Eliot Klein. Chairman
Lynda Kabbash, Vice Chair
Ms. Patricia M. Annino
R. Bradford Bailey
Linda Bandini, R.D., PhD.
Walter M. Cabot
Charles Cheever, Esq.
Nancy Carlson, O.D.
Edward Diehl
Arthur and Geraldine Downing
John Emans, M.D.
Andrew Feinberg, Esq.
Laurie Glader, M.D.
Susan Halby
Richard Hay
Bayard Henry
Susan Nelson
David Scheff, M.D.
Terri Scheff
Alexander Thorndike
Harry Webster, M.D.
241 St. Botolph Street, Boston
Commemorating the presence of Cotting School from 1904 to 1988 at 241 St. Botolph
Street, now the home of the New England Conservatory (NEC), alumni, staff,
former staff, and trustees gathered in October for a small ceremony to celebrate the
installation of a plaque on a pillar outside the building. Welcomed by NEC Chief
Financial Officer, Edward Lesser, and hosted by Cotting President, David Manzo,
guests heard a brief history of the school and heard reminiscences from alumni
Margaret Sugrue-Temple (1951) and Jim Tanner (1970), and former Superintendent Carl
Mores. Members of the original founders’ families attended the ceremony, and the
NEC’s Panama Jazz Festival Ensemble entertained guests. Descendants of Cotting’s
visionary co-founders, Dr. Edward H. Bradford and Dr. Augustus Thorndike, gathered
to honor their grandfathers. Brad Perry, great-nephew of Cotting’s first teacher and
Superintendent, Mary Perry, attended as well.
“Hooks” Burr Fitness Center
To honor the memory of Francis “Hooks” Burr, a longstanding
trustee and staunch supporter of Cotting School, his widow,
Lucy, endowed a Fitness Center in both their names. Students
work with therapists and athletic staff to increase strength
and flexibility both during and after school. Together with
year-old Connelly Field, the Burr Fitness Center complements
our adaptive physical education program with cutting edge
equipment in a pristine environment.
Wings of Hope
After the Earthquake
by David Manzo
The entire Wings of Hope Community and Cotting School
volunteers in June 2010, wearing tee shirts that read, “Cotting
School Falcons Have Wings of Hope.”
In 34 seconds, on January 12, 2010, an earthquake struck
Haiti, killing 230,000, injuring 300,000, and leaving 1 million
people homeless. Wings of Hope, Cotting’s sister school in
Fermathe, was destroyed. Miraculously, no one was killed. Once
communication was reestablished, Cotting rallied to help Wings.
Our extended community provided emotional support, gathered
supplies, and raised funds for rebuilding.
Twice each year, ten Cotting staff volunteer vacation time to
work in Haiti. Each summer, five Haitians come to Cotting
School to train. Cotting and Wings students share ideas, stories,
photos, and their cultures with each other via e-mail.
Today the children at Wings live in temporary quarters
until funds can be raised to build a new school and home.
New facilities need to be constructed as soon as possible as
the temporary quarters are safe but overcrowded and highly
inadequate. Wings of Hope is a small, effective, focused, missiondriven, and caring school for 38 children with severe special
needs. When rebuilt, it will be the model facility for children
with special needs in the new Haiti. While it is nearly impossible
to find an encouraging word about Haiti in the U.S. press, our
staff have found plenty to celebrate in the spirit of Wings of
Annual Giving 2010
21st Century Leaders
$20,000 and Greater
President’s Guild
$2,000 - $4,999
Boston Security Traders*
James W. Dunphy Trust*
Louise H. Marr Legacy
Arlene D. Paiva Legacy
Bank of America
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Barrett
Deland, Gibson Insurance
Associates, Inc.*
Christopher J. DeLorey
Mr. Joseph Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. H. Phelps
Edwards, Jr.*
Grand Royal Arch
Chapter of Mass., Inc.*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. and
Theresa M. Hluchyj
Adelaide B. Howland Trust*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Langen
William A. Lynch Trust*
David S. Lynch Trust*
David, Noreen and Lou Manzo
Anne and Stuart Randle
Dr. Paul S. Russell
Mr. Paul Sicard and
Ms. Anna Hanks
Anne and Lanny Thorndike*
Cotting Society
$10,000 - $19,999
James F. Casey Fund at
The Boston Foundation*
Della and David Cushing*
Harry D. Neary Fund at
The Boston Foundation*
Mr. and Mrs. W. Nicholas
Chairman’s Society
$5,000 - $9,999
Linda N. Cabot and
Edward T. Anderson
Charles W. Gibson*
Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Henry*
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Lee*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Nicholas*
Anne P. and Henry M. Ogilby*
Neil and Elise Wallace*
Leadership Circle
$1,000 - $1,999
Mrs. Charles F. Adams*
Anonymous (2)
Ms. Carol Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. George Conrades
Joseph E. Corcoran
Charles Davis Legacy*
John and Kim Drake
Mr. Michael Durkin and
Ms. Ann Bersani
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Firenze
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Flanagan
Ms. Catherine Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. M. Dozier Gardner
Mrs. John Glynn*
Mr. Paul S. Goodof
Susan Halby*
Helen W. Handanian Trust*
Roger Haydock
Mary Henrikson Legacy
Lynda Kabbash, M.D.*
Z. T. Khachadoorian, Class of 1943
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Krause
Pam and Kent Larson*
Mr. and Mrs. William Leyden
Alfred V. Lincoln Trust*
Ms. Meredith MacLeod
Frankland W. Miles, Jr., Esq.
Mr. Alec Moore
Mr. Michael T. Palamaro
Charles H. Pearson
Charitable Trust*
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradlee Perry*
Ms. Arlene Andrew Pippin
*10+ Consecutive years
Founder’s Association
$500 - $999
Mr. Richard Ruffee
Seasons Four, Inc.
The Semel Family*
Dr. and Mrs. Navil F. Sethna
and Sons
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Skates*
Mr. and Mrs. William N.
Thorndike, Jr.
Jon Tullis and Jeannette Newman
James and Patricia Tweedy
Edwin and Jean Aldrich
Anonymous (3)
Kevin R. Burke, Ph.D.
Daly, Crowley,
Mofford & Durkee, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Delaney
Floyd and Laura Dewhirst*
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Diehl
Mr. and Mrs. John Gillis
Ms. Susan Glynn
Mark D. Greenman
Mr. Charles C. Harwood*
David and Jackie Hennessey
Laura and James Hopkins
Mrs. Dorothy H. Kelso
Eliot and Cynthia Klein*
Richard and Martha Krause
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lawrence*
Marilyn Levine
Mrs. Shirley Locke
Ms. Ann Luce
Mrs. Bettemae Drake MacLeod
Deborah and Timothy Moore
Ms. Susan M. Myers
William M. Payne, Jr.*
Paul and Mary Perkins*
Mr. Nicholas T. Russo*
Dr. and Mrs. David Scheff
Monica and Alan Steinert
Ms. Martha Stewart
Dr. Paul Sullivan
Mr. Thomas P. Teahan,
Class of 1983
Mr. John L. Thorndike*
Karen and Eric Young
Faculty Council
$150 - $499
Patricia M. Annino, Esq.
Anonymous (2)
Brad and Susan Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Becker
Dr. Julie Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blizard
Boston Lodge of Elks
of the USA, #10
Mr. Robert E. Botticelli
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bradford
Mr. Kerry Brennan
Bob and Debbie Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Calitri
Ruth and Bruce Camille
Mr. Edward Camille*
Mr. and Mrs. James Carbone
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Carey
Dr. Nancy Carlson
Ms. Bithiah Carter
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Cogliano
Mr. and Mrs. John Connelly
Katie and Joe Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly
Mr. D. Charles Dickow
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Downing,
Class of 1946
Mr. Robert Downing
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hart Evans
Liz and Mark Fahey
Jean and Donald Ferreri
Ms. Samantha Ferreri
Mr. and Mrs. James Fitzgibbons
Miss Joan E. Forrester, Class of 1955
Mrs. Georgia T. Freid
Drs. Albert and Barbara Fullerton
Gelb and Gelb, LLP
Ms. Lauren B. Hale
Kerry Sweeney Harris and
Jim Harris
Mrs. Elinore F. Hartz
Mr. Richard Hellmold
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Herd*,
Class of 1944
George and Chris Hoffmeister
Mr. Timothy Hosking
IBM Employee Services Center
Bridget Irish and Alan Kump
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Killian
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Johnson
Kindred Hospital Park ViewCentral Mass
Eliot and Cynthia Klein
Susan Krusinski
Mr. and Mrs. Keith LaVangie
Lions Club of Lexington
Vita M. Loiacono and Family
Mr. and Mrs. James Lundy
Ms. Krista M. Macari
Mr. Al Marusa
Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. McCreary
Dr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mores*
Eileen and Joseph Morgan
Pam and Jay Murray
My Grandma’s Coffee Cakes
of New England
Melissa Myers
Judith Beal Nadai*
Shapur and Amy C. Naimi*
New England Aquarium
Dive Club
Paul and Trudy Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Nunes
Mr. and Mrs. George Pappagianis
Ms. Yerevan Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Petroski
Mr. Donald S. Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Polansky
Mr. Paul Porter
Mr. Steven T. Potter
The Prior Family
Mr. Charles A. Rheault*
Mrs. Karl Riemer*
Elizabeth and Derek Russell*
Mrs. Jane C. Saltonstall
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sandstedt
Ross and Kathleen Sherbrooke*
Terry and Charlie Smith
Ms. Gilda Sonsini
South Quincy Social Club, Inc.
South Quincy Social Club, W.A.
Mr. Campbell Steward
Target Take Charge
of Education Program
Tentindo, Kendall, Canniff
& Keefe LLP
Ms. Barbara Thompson*,
Class of 1961
William, Margaret, and
David Veronelli
Waddick Family
Ann and Brad Wallace
Hope and Lisa Watt-Bucci
William J. Webber
William and Suzanne Weber
Gifts up to $149
Ms. Kathleen Abrams
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Abrams
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Angell
Mrs. Antonio Alves
Ms. Beth Andersen
Anonymous (20)*
Ms. Yvonne Arey
Ms. Bette Arey
Kenneth and Diane Arey
Raymond and Marilyn Arey
Ms. Deb Arsenault
The Atchue Family
Ms. Carolyn Athens
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Avola
Bob and Nancy Bacon*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barry
Mr. Michael Bassichis and
Ms. Sylvia Freed
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Battista
Mr. Brett Baxt
John and Mary-Jane Beach*
Bedford Women’s
Community Club
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Belscher Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Benson
Ms. Tory Bennett-Daggett
Ms. Christine Bent
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Benvenuti
Mrs. Ruth J. Berg
Ms. Jeanine Bergeron
Ms. Joan Bernard
Ms. Annette M. Bertino
Ms. Esther M. Bertino*
Mr. Joseph Bevere
Ms. Sheila E. Bills*
Ms. Paulette Binder
Ms. Virginia M. Birmingham*
Ms. Winifred Birmingham
Brian Bishop
Mr. William Blackett
Ms. Lisa Blethen
Mrs. Madeline Bloom
Charles and Norma Blizard
Ms. Lillian Blumberg
Ms. Jennifer Boisse
Ms. Sandra Bordenca
Johann and Jack Boyajian
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boyajian
Ms. Miriam Boyajian
Mrs. Agnes C. Brengle*
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Brengle
Theodore Brown
Mr. David Browning
Ms. Ann P. Buckley
Ms. Linda Buckley-Fennell
*10+ Consecutive years
Mr. and Mrs. George Burns
Ms. Joanne F. Burns
Ms. Maureen Burns
Ms. Jennifer Burson
Ms. Krista Busnach
Ms. Linda Byam
Mr. and Mrs. John Caban
Ms. Deborah Cahill
Ms. Amy Caissie
Dorothy Canavan
Candy Castle, Lexington
Mr. Frank A. Capano
Ms. Dorothy R. Carey
Mr. William J. Carmichael*
Ms. Karen J. Carr
Donna, Ed, and Marissa Cashman
Cassidy Retirement Group, Inc.
Ms. Alada C. Caughey
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ceurvels
Colleen and Eugene Chafe
Ms. Sue Chamberlain
Mrs. Mary P. Chatfield
Mr. and Mrs. William Chiasson
Ms. Kim Choi
Christian Book Distributors Catalog
Ms. Patricia A. Ciampi
Mr. Brian Cishecki
Leslie E. Clapp, M.D.
Ms. Diane Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Clark
Ms. Patricia Coan
Ms. Carolyn Cohen
Michael Collins
Thomas J. Concannon*
Ms. Joanne Condon
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Condon
Mary Cunningham
Robert and Bette Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Connolly, III
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Connor
Father Joseph Coonan and Family
Ms. Noelle Cooper
Danielle M. Corea
Mr. Gavin Corey
Cotting Medical Department
Crafty Yankee, Inc.
Mr. Daniel J. Cuddy
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Culverwell
Michael L. Cummings
Ms. Julie Cummings, Class of 2008
Mr. Lawrence F. Cummings
Ms. Mary Cunningham
Ms. Susan Cunningham
Ms. Charlotte Cutter
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Czarnecki
Ms. Meghan Dade
Wendy and Stephen Dagle
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly
Mr. Robert D’Amico
William N. DeAngelis
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur DeBiasi
Peter DeBiasi and
Gloria Murray-DeBiasi
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis DeFrancesco
Ms. Barbara DeLuca
Ms. Madeline Dexter
Mr. and Mrs. Mario DiCarlo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael DiCarlo
Mike DiCiero and Family
Mr. and Mrs. James DiGiovanni
Ms. Antonietta DiLemme
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dinneen
Carla DiRuzza
Ms. Anne M. Donahue
Ms. Mary E. Donahue
Ms. Cheryl Donnellan
Mr. William B. Doody
Ms. Ruth Dorfman
Douglas, Jacqueline and
Carolyn Downie*
Mrs. Debi Doyon
Drexhage Family*
Tom and Paula Driscoll
Carol and Joe Duggan
Ms. Kaitlin Dumont
Mrs. Nancy Dumont
Ms. Margaret Dunn
Atty. and Mrs. Thomas Dupont
David Easterbrook and
Patricia Hale
Ms. Priscilla Egan
Ms. Harriett Eckstein*
Mary Eisenberg and Darwin Adams
Mr. Obie Ekhator
Nancy Bush Ellis*
Seth R. Emery, Class of 1990
Mr. J. Eugene
Mr. Richard Evensen
Ms. Ruth Falk
Ms. Rhonda Falk
Ms. Nancy J. Faulkner
Ms. Olivia Ferrante
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and
Regina Ferrara
Jean D. Ferreri
Mrs. Laura Ferreri
Bob and Charlene Ferrone
Ms. Cathleen Fevrier
Ms. Frances Fleming
Ms. Karen Foley
Ms. Tanta Fortes
Ms. Cynthia A. Furbish
Mrs. Frances M. Fraser
Sean and Kimberly Gallagher
Mr. Jeffrey Gardiner
Mr. Randall Geary
Ms. Hannah Geezil
Gethsemane Demolay
Commandery #7*
Ms. Conchita Geyer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Giberti
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Giglio
Elizabeth and John Gilmore
Alison Glass
C. Gerald Gnerre
Ms. Lucy Goreham
Irma Grebber and Micky Mackler
Mr. Mark D. Greenman
Mr. Justin Greeson
Ms. Jenny Guerrier
Mr. Gregory Gullickson
Mr. Jose Gutierrez
Ms. Pia K. Haapanen-Banzy
Ms. Diana Hagan
Ms. Susan Hartnett
Mr. and Mrs. John Hall
Ms. Kristine Hall
Ms. Carole Hamel
Ms. Audra Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. George Harlamon
Ms. Jessica L. Harrington
Elizabeth Harstad, M.D.
Mr. Christopher Heather
Hebrew College
The Honorable Paul Heffernan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hemenway
Ms. Kathleen D. Hickey
Mr. Thomas A. Hills
Ms. Jillian Hinds
Kathleen Hirsch and
Mark Morrow
Ms. Wilma Hockett
Ms. Jennifer Hodgdon
Ms. Ann E. Hodson
Ms. Amy A. Houghton
Mr. and Mrs. William Hovey
Ms. Shelley Hsieh
George and Robin Hureau
Ms. Yolette Ibokette and
Ms. Christa Bercy*
Ms. Carmen Ingram
Investment Technology Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Irish
Mrs. Grace R. Irwin
Mrs. Marjorie C. Janeiro
Lorraine and Brian Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Jones
Mr. John Jones
Stephen and Sara Yun Jordan
Ms. Lynn Kaminski
Ms. Larae Kattermann
Ms. Mary Kearns
Ms. Sally Keene
Ms. Christine Kelley
Ms. Naomi Kennedy
Ms. Shannon R. Kerr
Ms. Eileen F. Kiernan
Mrs. Verna B. Kirby
Sarah Kistner
Ms. Jennifer Knapp-Stumpp
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Kneeland, Jr.
Mr. Shawn Koehler
Ms. Joanne Kotelly
Ms. Jacki Kronenberg
Mr. Edward Kross
Ms. Toni Ann Kruse
Ms. Lucille M. Kulis
Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Kurpiel
James and Susan LaBrecque
Ms. Susannah T. LaCroix
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lagunowich
Ms. Catherine Lahiff
*10+ Consecutive years
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lapides
Mr. David Lapin
Mrs. Peggy Laprise
Ms. Mary LaPuma
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Laquaglia
John and Cynthia Lasker
Eileen and Spike Lawless
Willie Mae Lawson
Ellen M. Leahy
Mrs. Lillian Towner Leary
Ms. Donna LeCam
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. LeClair*
Adam Lemmon
Dr. and Mrs. David J. Levine
Mrs. Walter Levy*
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lichtin
Rev. and Mrs. Ross W. Lilley
Ms. Mary Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Litman
Mrs. George Lloyd
Mrs. Suzanne Locke and
Mr. Wilberto Lima
Ms. Diane M. Loftus, Class of 1972
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Loftus*
Ms. Carol Loomis
Ms. Susan G. Loring*
Mr. Francis J. Lovell*
Mrs. Joan Lowney*
Miss Enid Lubarsky
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lucente
Joseph and Joan Luciano
Ann and James Lundy
M.T. Group 27 East
Mr. Kenneth J. MacAdams
Ms. Elizabeth MacDonald
Nancy and Stephen MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mahegan
Mr. and Mrs. John Mahoney
Ms. Dorothy MacIntyre
Mrs. Mary MacMullin
Ms. Pia Kathryn Mack
Ms. Margaret K. Manchester
Ms. Wendy Manhard
Ms. Adrienne Manson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maran
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Markham
Ms. Wendy Marrone
Ms. Courtney F. Martinello
Mr. and Mrs. James Masterson
Gale and Glover Mayfield*
Cathy Mayo*
Ms. Kelly McCadden
Simon McClusky and Sonya Glasson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCrystal
Daniel and Christine McDonald
Ms. Marie A. McDonnell
Mr. Thomas P. McDonough,
Class of 1974
Ms. Susanne McFarlin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McGann
Ms. Megan McGoldrick
Ms. Catherine McLeavey-Fisher
Ms. Julie M. McMillan
Jim McNaughton
Ms. Vanessa Medeiros
Gayle and Pat Meehan
Ms. Theresa Melchin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Merullo
Ms. Elaine Meyer
Michelson’s Shoes, Inc.
Mrs. Mary Miller*
Mr. Paul E. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moccia
Ms. Liane Moccia
Mrs. Samuel J. Mollica
Mr. George F. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Morgan
Mr. Michael Morgan
Mr. Ernest Morgera, Class of 1954
Leonard and Suzanne Morse-Fortier
Ms. Judy Morton
Ms. Kim Mullally
Ms. Melissa Mulvey
Ms. Margaret Murphy
Ms. Kathryn M. Murphy
Ms. Marie C. Murphy
Mr. Kevin Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Narkevicius
Mr. John L. Navaroli
Ms. Susan L. Nelson
Ms. Laura Newton
Newton Housing Authority
Ms. Katherine B. Nichols
Ms. Rosemary B. Nicholson
Ms. Catherine Nolan
North Shore Fuel, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Nunes
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Brien
Ms. Loretta O’Brien
Tobey and Joe O’Brien
Ms. Brenna E. O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. O’Donnell
Maureen O’Donnell
Ms. Mary O’Donnell
Ms. Kay O’Halloran
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O’Keefe
Will and Heather Oliver
Mrs. Mary O’Malley
Ms. Ruth Agnes Murray O’Neil
Ms. Suzanne O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Oesterle, Jr.
Ms. Carol A. Orton
Nancy and Bill Osgood*
Ms. Fran Pacheco
Mrs. Consiglia Paglia
Mrs. Kathleen Paone
Ms. Jodi Pappas
Ms. Michele Passanisi
Ms. Katie Pawlak
Barb and Bradley Paye
Hunter and Anarra Herz Payne
Mr. and Mrs. James Pearl
Ms. Marcy Penn
Mr. Carl Peirce
Michael Pembroke*
Mr. and Mrs. Al Penney
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pennisi
Ms. Maria Pennucci
Ms. Jane Perera
John and Carole Pessotti
Elizabeth C. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Petroski
William D. Phelan
Russ, Mary Ellen, and
Casey Piparo
Ms. Lola Piscopo
Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Plapinger
Ms. Anne Golder Pleasants
Friends at Plymouth
Mr. Michael T. Pojman
Ms. Judith A. Pollins
Mr. Philip Poon
Ms. Marie Prendergast
The Prior Family
Procacci Financial Planning
Ms. Omni D. Profit
Mr. and Mrs. John Pruitt
Ms. Alyssa Purington
Ms. Meghan Qualters
Irving and Charlotte Rabb Fund*
Mr. Jason Rae
Mr. Paul J. Rahn
Dr. Howard W. Rashba
Mr. and Mrs. James Gavin Reardon, Jr.
Mr. Edward L. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reichentahl
Ms. Allison P. Reichentahl
James J. Reilly
Ms. Kathi-Anne Reinstein
Revere Little League, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Reyes
Edward T. Reyes, Class of 2007
Timothy Richmond
Ms. Paula Rocheleau
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rodgers, Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. James Rodgers
Anne and Buddy Rogers
Eileen Roper
Ms. Maxine Rosenberg
Carla Rossi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rossi
Ms. Pauline Rousseau
Ms. Gilda Rubin
Mr. Frederick Rupp
Mr. Paul Rupp and
Ms. Rosemary Torraco
Ms. Alana Russo, Class of 2003
Jaye and Joe Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Rutila
Ms. Jennifer Sabia-Lopez
Sabre Holdings Give Together
Mr. William Sage
Mr. Michael Sakowich
Mary and Peter Salerno
Ms. Patricia V. Salmonson
Salon Ursino, Inc.
Al and Maureen Savastano
Ms. Patricia Savastano
Ms. Elaine Savoy
Ms. Laurie Savoy
Ms. Louise Sawyer
Mr. Howard Saxner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scanlan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scanlan
Mr. and Mrs. Denis Scanlon
Ms. Jane Scarborough
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sclafani
Ms. Mary Ellen Sclafani-Abrams
Ms. Shelia Screnci
Ernest Van B. Seasholes*
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Secinaro
Leo and Alla Sedov
Mr. and Mrs. George and Ruth Selby*
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Selby and Rochele
John and Joan Serdensky
Ms. Sejal Shah
Ms. Kathleen A. Sharpe
Mr. Brian Shaughnessy
Miss Alice M. Shea
Laura Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sicard
Mr. and Mrs. David Sicard
Mr. Daniel Sicard
Mr. Clinton Simonds
Diane Singer and Family
Ms. Anne T. Smith
Mrs. Deborah C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Smith
Mrs. Edward N. Smith, III
*10+ Consecutive years
Mrs. Mary Smith
Rose Sostilio and Family
Ms. Stephanie E. Soule
Ms. Connie Sousa
Mr. Arnold Springer
Kara Spurr
Richard and Anne Spurr
St. Francis Guild
Bowling League
St. Mary’s Parish, Lynn, MA
Mr. Barry Stafford
Mr. and Mrs. Burgess P. Standley
Mr. Mike Stankus
Mr. Stephen Sternabch, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Steuart
Ms. Mary Steuart
Ms. Lynn Stoller
Ms. Molly Stone
Mrs. Peggy Sugrue-Temple
Ms. Leslie Sullivan
Kate Sullivan
Ms. Kelly Sullivan
Dr. Paul Sullivan
David and Erica Supple
Elizabeth N. Suter
Ms. Rose Tacelli
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Talbot
Ms. Joanne C. Tarason
Brenda and Dennis Tarentino
John M. Tartaglia and Jane E. Foote
Mr. Michael Teuber
Ms. Leah Thibodeau
Ms. Marcie Thomas
Ms. Alison Thompson &
Mr. William A. White, III
Ms. Susan G. Thyne
Ms. Alice Tian
Ms. Michelle Tighe
Connolly and Josh Tolkoff
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tortolano
Ms. Sandra Tremain
Robert and Grayce Troiano
Rosanne Trolan
Robert Truog, M.D.
Ms. Elizabeth Tully
Mr. and Mrs. David Turcotte
Margie and Al Turcotte*
Ms. Carol Tye
Pamela Varrin
Kathleen Vasell
Mr. and Mrs. John Veronelli
Ms. Catherine Vicari
Mr. Andrew Voght
Ms. Corinne Waite
Winfred L. Waite
Ms. Betsy Walkup
Mr. Matthew Wallengren
Thomas and Janice Walsh
Mrs. Alex Wanagel
Mr. Steven Ward
Ms. Jean T. Waters
Ms. Brenda Watson
Ms. Michelle Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Webber
Ms. Donna Wenners
Ms. Jenna A. Wharff
Ms. Demelza J. White
Ms. Julia Whouley
Ms. Merrian L. Williams
Amy and Jeff Willinsky
Larainne Wilson
Sears and Carolyn C. Winslow
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wolf
Melanie Wolfe
Mrs. Joan P. Wood*
Woodland Partners, LLC
Ms. Rita Yannetti
Carol and Doug Young
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Harris R. Young
Mr. James Young
Ms. Dorie E. Zackin
David Zelbovitz and Family
Mr. and Mrs. William Zolla
Matching Gift Companies
Arbella Insurance Group Charitable
Chubb & Son, Inc.
FM Global Foundation
Merck Partnership for Giving
NSTAR Foundation
Sabre Holdings Give Together
State Street Matching Gifts for
Education Program
Woodland Partners, LLC
Community Partners
Please join us in supporting these vendors
who do business with Cotting School.
Bostonian Solutions
Brodney & Sons, Inc.
Gelb & Gelb, LLP
James Devaney Fuel Company
Leonard, Mulherin & Greene, P.C.
Lovett Plumbing & Heating
Services, Inc.
Martha Stewart Photography
Nardone Landscaping, Inc.
Wagon Wheel Nursery and
Farmstand, Inc.
In Honor of
Elizabeth Barrett
Michael Camille
The Class of 1977
The Wonderful Students
at Cotting School
Cotting School Faculty & Staff
Caroline Craig
Conor Daly
Conor J. Daly, our grandson
Colby Deharo
Michael A. DiCiero
Ranjana Easterbrook
J.R. Foley
Hannah Potter Geezil
Shannon Kerr
Raymond L. Killian Jr.
Shawn Koehler
Susannah LaCroix
Owen LaVangie
Sr. Hilary Lyons
David Manzo
Amanda McGuire
Dr. Carl Mores
David V. Murphy
Jacob Murphy
Anne Phillips Ogilby
Katie OKeefe
Maria Pappagianis
Michael Pennisi
Elizabeth Peters
Allison Reichentahl
William M. Sandstedt
Hillary Semel
Delaney Supple
The Teachers & Staff
Joan Thorndike
David Veronelli
Elise Wallace
In Memory of
Barbara Ahearn
Lisa Arey
Mary Arey
Cameron S. Blizard
Mrs. Madeline Bloom
Madeline Bloom, beloved sister
My Father, Vernon K. Brackett
Natalie Brengle
Carol A. Ceurvels
Charles E. and Sarah W. Cotting
Deanna Deleidi
Alexander Ferraro
Donald R. Ferreri Sr.
Sara Flad
Clare B. Flaherty, Class of 1954
Francis L. Fleming, Jr.,
Class of 1963
Eileen O’Donnell Franklin
Andrew Geljookian
Clara Wagner Gnerre
David M. Greenman
Jackie Greenwood
Sarah E. Haydock
Norman Ingram
Plato Kangis
Paul W. Lowney
Lou and Elaine Manzo
Frances McCarthy
George H. Molinari
Samuel J. Mollica, Class of 1946
Kate C. Moore
Noreen V. Murphy
Michael P. Myers Jr.
William J. “Peco” Myers
Charles O’Malley
Bill and Jackie Payne
Jacqueline Winslow Payne
Daniel T. Raboin
Alice W. Read
Karl Sheehan
George Sofronas
Kurt Riley St. Pierre
James J. Sullivan Jr., Esq.
Katherine and Pehr Swenson
Augustus Thorndike M.D.
Daniel R. Turcotte
Rosemare I. Zunke
In Kind Giving
Ms. Patricia Annino and
Mr. Robert Carr
Armstrong Ambulance
Linda Bandini, R.D., Ph.D.
Bank of America
Martin Bazant
Mrs. Margaret Beam
Boston City DJs
Dinah Buechner
Richard Caughey
Nunzio Colletti
Paul Colletti
Peter Colletti
Victoria Croll
The Frugal Framer
Jim and Minxie Fannin
Beth Floor
Nancy, John & Michael Geljookian
and Family
Charles Gervais, President GCD
Audra and Peter Hamilton
Harvard University Gutman Library
Andrea Healy,
Cutler Associates, Inc.
Connie Hershey
Brainerd Holmes
Michael Howard,
Epsilon Associates
Stephen and Olivia Kistner
Mrs. G. Barrie Landry
St. Paul’s Church, Lexington, MA,
Youth Group
Patrick Maguire, Stantec
David Mastrodomenico,
Proctor & Gamble/Gillette
Mary Miller
Nardone Contsruction
Newton Free Library
Polycom, Inc.
Marilyn Radney
Rotary Club of Concord;
Doug Detweiler, President
South Station
Staples, Inc.
Lees Stuntz
Diana Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. W. Nicholas
Ann Trudeau
All donors of used books
to Cotting’s Bookstore:
Cotting welcomes your donation of used
30 Years of Giving!
The Thorndike Fellowship
Given annually, The Augustus Thorndike Fellowship
recognizes a member of the faculty or staff of Cotting School
who exemplifies excellence in service to children with special
While the fellowship recognizes the extraordinary work of
a particular member of the Cotting School staff each year, it
simultaneously acknowledges the thoughtful, dedicated efforts
of the staff as a whole. This award honors the multi-generational
commitment of the Thorndike Family, beginning with the cofounding of the school by Dr. Augustus Thorndike in 1893, and
continuing generation after generation to the present.
Amazingly, 2010 marked the 30th anniversary of the annual Cotting
Holiday Party sponsored by the Boston Investment Community. This
fundraising event has raised well over $4M to support our students.
Above, the 2010 Boston Security Traders Foundation committee, which
hosts the evening. Back row L to R: Stephen Melz, Susan Nelson, Kim
Swift, Jeanne Austin, Ray Killian, Richard McDonald, Chris Dorin,
Walter Radulski, Charlie O’Connor.
Front row L to R: Margaret Burke, Brian Smith, Kay McDonough, Tom
Kane, Marybeth Forbes, Christopher Cullinan.
Augustus Thorndike Fellowship Donors
Dr. Daniel S. Cheever, Jr.
Mr. William M. Payne, Jr.
Mr. Paul Goodof
Miss Frances P. Thorndike
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Haydock
Mr. John L. Thorndike
Mr. Roger Haydock
Mr. and Mrs. W. Nicholas Thorndike
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Kistner
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Manzo
Special Giving
Cotting Fellowship
This initiative will endow two teaching
positions for two-year fellowships. We
currently seek the final $300,000 to help
us meet a Last Mile Challenge Grant of
$250,000 to fully endow the $2 million
Fellowship. Giving reported reflects gifts in
FY 2010 through December 31, 2010.
21st Century Leaders
$20,000 and Greater
C. F. Adams Charitable Trust
Mrs. Lucy A. Burr
Mrs. Susan M. Halby
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Killian, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Lee
The Lynch Foundation
Neil and Elise Wallace
Cotting Society
$10,000 - $19,999
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Remondi
Chairman’s Society
$5,000 - $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Cabot
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Coughlin
Julie and Bayard Henry
Liberty Mutual Foundation, Inc.
Louise H. Marr Legacy
President’s Guild
$2,000 - $4,999
Gifts up to $149
Arlene Andrew Pippin
Sarah B. Porter
Alumni Association of Cotting
School, Inc.
Anonymous (5)
Esther M. Bertino
Mrs. Sheila E. Bills, Class of 1961
Lillian Blumberg
Bobby Botticelli
Rita Caldrone Sullivan
Jonathan and Patricia Carey
Emily J. Cogliano, Class of 2009
Ms. Sarah Collins, Class of 1993
John and Mary Connelly
Wendy and Joseph Czarnecki
Miss Patricia A. Dabrowney,
Class of 1960
Ed and Lois Mary Diehl
Arthur and Geri Downing
The Drexhage Family
Sharon Duncan
Rarie Taylor Dye
Seth R. Emery
Elliot Field
Mrs. Frances Fleming
Elizabeth and John Gilmore
Lisa Grossi
William Hansis
Richard Hay
Leadership Circle
$1,000 - $1,999
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Skates
Founder’s Association
$500 - $999
Paul and Mary Perkins
David and Terri Scheff
Phyllis and Bernard Spring
Faculty Council
$150 - $499
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Ames
Arcadia Publishing Royalty
Katharine Bacon
Susan and Charles E. Bradford
Anthony and Ann Calitri
Mrs. Eleanor L. Campbell
Dan and Madeline Gregory
William and Margaret Veronelli
Ann and Brad Wallace
Virginia White
Kathleen D. Hickey
Mark Hutchinson
Verna B. Kirby
Shawn Koehler
Erik Kruszewski
The Loiacono Family
Mrs. Joan Lowney
Enid Lubarsky
Michael Monette
Judy Morton
Kathryn M. Murphy
Kathleen O’Donnell
Mary O’Donnell
Mrs. Mary J. O’Malley
Rick and Maura Pennisi
Maria Pennucci
James J. Reilly, Class of 1955
Christine Russo
Vanessa Grifoni
Mary R. Salerno
Hillary Semel
Anne T. Smith
Kimberly Sturrock
Peggy Sugrue-Temple
Abby Tetrault
Gina Timberlake
The Walsh Family
Robert Winsor
Heather Hey
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Nicholas
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Silva, Sr.
Ms. Anne M. Steele
The Sarah E. Haydock
Memorial Fund
Established in memory of Sarah E.
Haydock to provide support for student
The 1893 Society
Comprised of donors who gave $500 or
more, the 1893 Society makes it possible
to purchase specific equipment and other
restricted needs.
$50,000 and Greater
Mrs. Francis H. Burr
Louise H. Marr Legacy
$10,000 - $49,999
Mrs. John Glynn
The Peabody Foundation, Inc.
Richard Saltonstall Charitable
$5,000 - $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. James Fitzgerald
Dr. Scholl Foundation
$1,000 - $4,999
Commodore Builders, Inc.
Lions Club of Lexington
Mary Kaye Fund
Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic
Massachusetts Charitable Society
New England Aquarium Dive Club
Estate of Sarah E. Haydock
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Haydock
Mr. Roger Haydock
Mrs. Olivia H. Kistner
$500 - $999
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Nicholas
The John A. Scileppi Foundation
The Kate C. Moore
Memorial Fund
Established in memory of a dedicated
staff member, these funds support the arts,
communication equipment, materials, and
financial assistance to students.
The Jackie Greenwood
Scholarship Fund
Established in memory of Jacqueline E.
Greenwood to benefit students in need
of financial assistance to participate in
after-school programs.
Mr. Alec Moore
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Moore, Jr.
The David and Katherine E. Moore
Family Foundation
Deborah and Timothy Moore
Elliott Shepatin
Elizabeth Camire
Gayle and Deborah Greenwood
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
The Francis Joy Cotting Circle
The following individuals have notified the
School that they have chosen to include us
in their estate plans.
Anonymous (3)
William J. Carmichael
Mrs. B.J. Isaacson Chaves
Kelly Clark
Robert C. Delaney
Rosamond T. Dye
H. Phelps Edwards, Jr.
Miss Joan E. Forrester
Richard and Patricia Herd
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Killian, Jr.
Charles F. Kropp
Mrs. Lillian Leary
David and Noreen Manzo
Carl W. Mores, Ed.D.
Nancy P. Osgood
George S. and Helen Pappagianis
Susan A. Sullivan
John L. Thorndike
Elise R. Wallace
Legacies Received
Louise H. Marr
Arlene D. Paiva
We have made every effort to include all gifts. If we
have erred, please accept our apology and inform the
Advancement Office at 781-862-7323 ext. 178.
Faculty & Staff
Senior Administrative Team
David W. Manzo, M.Ed.
President/Executive Director
Krista Macari, M.S., CCC-SLP
Chief Academic Officer
Bridget Irish, M.B.A., S.P.H.R.
Chief Operating Officer
Ann Buckley, M.Ed.
Curriculum Specialist; Director,
Middle School
Michael Pembroke, M.B.A.
Chief Financial Officer
Elizabeth Campbell Peters, M.A.
Director of Advancement
Elizabeth Fay Russell,
M.A., C.A.G.S.
Director of Admissions
Leah Thibodeau, M.Ed., C.A.G.S.
Special Education Coordinator
Pamela Varrin, Ph.D.
Coordinator of Family Support Services
Larainne Wilson, M.Ed.
Director of Upper School Services
Business, Administration and
Advancement Offices
Barbara Elizabeth Andersen
Executive Assistant
Jeanine Bergeron, B.S.
Staff Accountant
Linda Byam, A.S.
Advancement Assistant
Kim Choi, B.S.
Senior Accountant
Suzanne O’Neil, B.A.
Advancement Associate
Omni Profit, B.S.
Human Resources Manager
Paula Rocheleau, A.S.
Office of Student Services Assistant
Catherine Vicari
Administrative Assistant
Ruth J. Berg, M.Ed.
Remedial Specialist
Paulette Binder, B.A.
Pre-Vocational Instructor; Home
Economics Teacher
Winifred Birmingham, M.S.W.,
Preschool Classroom Assistant;
Team Leader
Alada Caughey, M.Ed.
Classroom Teacher
Eleanor Coffin, M.Ed.
Classroom Teacher
Daniel J. Cuddy, B.S.
Adaptive Physical Education
Director, Student Activities;
Transportation Coordinator
William DeAngelis, M.Ed.
Job Coach
Susan DeLuca
Job Coach
Jeanine Dowd, B.A.
Cotting Fellow; Classroom Teacher
Priscilla Egan, M.Ed.
Classroom Teacher
Larae Kattermann, M.Ed.
Classroom Teacher
Naomi Kennedy, M.Ed.
Remedial Specialist
Joanne Kotelly, M.Ed.
Classroom Teacher
Donna LeCam, M.Ed.
Classroom Teacher
Elizabeth MacDonald, B.A.
Music Teacher
Pia Mack, M.Ed.
Remedial Specialist
Margaret Manchester
Employment Coordinator
Adrienne Manson, M.Ed.
Vocational Instructor
Catherine Mayo, M.Ed.
Classroom Teacher; Team Leader
Megan McGoldrick, M.Ed.
Classroom Teacher
George Moran, M.Ed.
Library/Media Director; Senior
Class Advisor
Laura Newton, M.Ed.
Classroom Teacher
Brenna O’Donnell, B.S.
Cotting Fellow; Classroom Teacher
William Phelan, M.Ed.
Industrial Arts Instructor
Lola Piscopo, M.Ed.
Classroom Teacher
Allison Reichentahl, B.A.
Classroom Teacher
Erica Schlank, B.S.
Classroom Teacher
Sejal Shah, B.S.
Classroom Teacher
Lynn Stoller, M.S., OTR/L
Occupational Therapist/
Pre-Vocational Services
Margaret S. Stone, B.S.
Employment Transition
James R. Tanner, B.A.
Director of Prevocational Services
Michael Teuber, M.Ed.
Classroom Teacher
Zoë C. Thibodeau
Sped Office/Program Director
Rosanne E. Trolan, B.F.A.
Fine Arts/Creative Activities
Jennifer Wharff, M.Ed.
Classroom Teacher
Demelza White, M.Ed.
Classroom Teacher
Occupational and Physical
Virginia M. Birmingham,
M.A., P.T., ATP
Physical Therapist Team Leader
Amy Houghton,
Occupational Therapist Team
Leader; Feeding Team Leader
Lisa Blethen, M.S. OTR/L
Occupational Therapist
Barbara DeLuca,
M.S., P.T., M.Ed., ATP
Physical Therapist
Cynthia Furbish, B.S., P.T.
Physical Therapist
Alison Glass, M.S., P.T.
Physical Therapist
Audra Hamilton,
Occupational Therapist
Ann Hodson, B.S., OTR/L, RYT
Occupational Therapist
Susannah LaCroix, M.S., P.T.
Physical Therapist
Timothy Richmond, B.S. OTR/L
Occupational Therapist
Beth Singer, B.S. OTR/L
Occupational Therapist
Susan Hartnett, M.S., CCC-SLP
Communication Therapist
Shannon Kerr,
Communication Therapist
Susanne McFarlin,
Communication Therapist
Melissa Mulvey
Communication Therapist
Jane Perera, M.S., CCC-SLP, ATP
Communication Therapist
Communication Therapy
Medical and Other Clinical
Support Services
Stephanie Soule,
Communication Therapist
Team Leader
Julie Bickel, M.D.
Michele Passanisi, R.N.
Team Leader
Karen Carr, LPN
Associate Team Leader
Cheryl Donnellan, R.N.
Kaitlin Dumont, R.N.
Nancy Dumont, R.N.
Nancy J. Faulkner, R.N.
Cathleen Fevrier, LPN
Abigail Foster-Howard, R.N.
Laurie Glader, M.D.
Medical Director
Richard Jamara, O.D., FAAO
Director of Seamark Vision Clinic
Maria Kritsineli, D.M.D.
Director of Tufts Dental Clinic
Audra Maria, R.N.
Courtney Martinello, CNA
Medical Assistant
Carrie Stolt, R.N.
Program Assistants
Kathleen Tyrer-Vasell, M.Ed.
Rachel Vorkink,
M.A., C.A.G.S., NCSP
Carolyn Athens, B.S.
Fadiala Beauvais, B.S.
Theodore Brown, B.S.
Amy Caissie, B.S.
Morgan Chase, M.Ed.
Amanda Condon-Rivera, B.A.
Joanne Condon, M.S., P.T.
Stephanie Conelias, B.A.
Julie Contrada, M.Ed.
Noelle Cooper
Susan Cunningham
Peter Francis
Hannah Geezil, B.A.
Pia Haapanen-Banzy, B.A.
Carole Hamel, Driver
Ryan Hargesheimer, B.A.
Jillian Hinds
Jennifer Hodgdon, B.A.
William Johnston,
OT/PT Aide
Kathleen Kelly, A.A.
Linda Killian, B.A.
Julie McMillan
James McNamara, B.A.
Courtney Meaney, B.A.
Vanessa Medeiros
Kim Mullally, Job Coach
Judith Pollins
Katherine Powers, B.S.
Technology Center
Patricia V. Salmonson, B.S.
Director of Technology
Karen M. Waddill,
Pace Assistive Technology
Assessment Center Coordinator
Carol Long, M.Ed.
Technology Teacher
Eileen Kiernan, M.Ed.
Coordinator of Instructional
Alyssa Purington
Edward Reed
Julie Robles, B.S.
Eileen Roper
Jennifer Sabia-Lopez, B.A.
OT/PT Aide
Louise Sawyer
Theresa Smith, B.S.
Maria Sousa
Marcie Thomas
Michelle Tighe, B.A.
Dorie Zackin, M.A.T.
Food Services
Fatima Sousa
Director of Food Service
Maria Gonçalves
Liz Medeiros
Rosa D. Pontes
Physical Plant and
David Peduto, B.S.
Director of Facilities
Robert Dixon
William Doody
James Hakemian
David McHardy
John Navaroli, B.S.
Affiliations & Memberships
Affiliate member, Association of Independent Schools of New England
Barry University, Miami Shores, Florida
Best Buddies of Massachusetts
Boston College
Boston University’s Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Children’s Hospital Boston
Children’s League of Massachusetts
Emerson College Clinical Training Program
International Association of Special Education
Massachusetts Association of 766-Approved Private Schools
Massachusetts Council of Human Service Providers
Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology
Massachusetts Special Olympics
National Association of Private Schools for Exceptional Children
New England Handicapped Sports Association (NEHSA)
New England College of Optometry
Northeastern University’s Bouvé College of Health Sciences
Outdoor Explorations
Perkins School for the Blind
Regis College
Salem State College
Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
Wheelock College
Cotting School
453 Concord Avenue, Lexington MA 02421 • (781) 862-7323 •
cotting school is accredited by the new england association of schools