Prep Parents` Club Installation Dinner
Prep Parents` Club Installation Dinner
Dear Prep Alumni, Parents and Friends: The work of Scranton Prep is never done because the work of Creation is never done. The Holy Spirit is ceaselessly calling us forward, inviting us deeper and challenging us to give ourselves ever more to the work of shaping a world that reflects the heart of God. At Prep, we do that by helping shape the hearts and minds of young people. It’s hard for me to imagine more meaningful or more important work than that! When I was a high school student, if someone had asked me to explain the point of a Jesuit high school education, I think I would probably have answered something like, “Helping students prepare for college and helping them get into the best school that fits their needs and ambitions.” That answer is accurate, as far as it goes. It’s not a bad answer for a high school kid. When I was a young Jesuit, if someone had asked me the same question, I would likely have answered something like, “Helping young people grow up.” Again, not a bad answer, as far as it goes. Prep does indeed help young people grow up, and it does so by challenging them to grow academically, socially, athletically, artistically, spiritually, and in many other ways. We do that primarily by accompanying them with respect and love throughout their years at Prep. And after so many years of experience, we’re good at it! When people today ask me what I think the purpose of Jesuit education is, I tell them that it’s “helping parents raise their kids to become the men and women they were created to be.” I think that’s a fuller, better answer. It recognizes the deep truth that God has entrusted children to their parents and these parents have in turn entrusted their children to Prep during four critically important formative years so that we might work together as a team to help the Spirit form them and invite them to choose to become the men and women God created them to be: men and women of faith, hope and love; men and women for others; men and women whose very lives give greater glory to God. I am grateful that so many people help make Scranton Prep’s work possible. For generations, Prep has been able to live out our mission as a Jesuit and Catholic school because of the remarkable generosity of our parents, alumni and friends. My prayer is that God will return that generosity a hundredfold! AMDG, Featured This Issue: Auction..................................16 Galleria..................................33 Graduate List.................. 14-15 Graduation.............................4 Graduation Photos.......... 4-11 Honor Society.......................13 Ignation Award....................25 Installation Dinner...............22 In Memorium.......................33 Parents’ Club Installation...22 Rinfret Award......................23 Report on Support...............26 Senior Talent Show..............13 Senior Awards.................. 4-12 In Each Issue: Class Notes...........................33 Prep Players..........................19 Sports Talk............................20 Through the Hallways........25 PREP NEWS STAFF Rev. Ryan J. Maher, S.J. President Fr. Ryan Maher, S.J. President Cover Photo: Mass of the Holy Spirit/Reverend Ryan J. Maher, S.J. Find us on Facebook! Stay in touch! Friend us by searching for Scranton Prep. 2 | Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 Karen Doherty Minora Director of Development Chris Boland Director of Alumni Mary Grace Dougherty Editor Chrissy Horvath Lori Scopelliti Staff Recycled Paper Scranton Prep Welcomes New President Rev. Ryan J. Maher, S.J. began his tenure as Scranton Prep’s new president on July 1, 2015. He was installed as the ninth president of the school during the Mass of the Holy Spirit on September 11th by Mr. Peter Danchak, chairman of the Scranton Prep Board of Trustees. Rev. Robert Hussey, S.J., Provincial of the Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus, presided. Father Maher and Jesuit priests from the University of Scranton concelebrated the Mass in the Saint Robert Bellarmine Theatre, with the Prep student body, faculty, and staff attending. Jesuits gather before the Mass of the Holy Spirit and Father Ryan Maher’s installation as the new President of Prep. Left to right: Rev. Bernard McIlhenny, S.J., Rev. Richard McCouch, S.J., Rev. Daniel Sweeney, S.J., Rev. Timothy Cadigan, S.J., Rev. Robert Hussey, S.J. (Provincial of the Maryland Province), Rev. James Redington, S.J., Rev. Ryan Maher, S.J. , Rev. Herbert Keller, S.J., Rev. Thomas Pesci, S.J., Rev. Stephen Surovick, S.J. Father Maher expressed his belief that “my whole life has prepared me for the presidency of Scranton Prep. My parents made huge financial sacrifices to make a Jesuit education possible for me, both in high school and in college, and I have never forgotten that. Their faith shaped their lives, right down to the way they spent their money. Their sacrifices changed my life. That inspires the work I do every day.” Born and raised in Arizona, Father Maher graduated from Brophy College Prep, the Jesuit high school in Phoenix, and then went on to Georgetown University where he earned a degree in linguistics. He then worked on Capitol Hill for four years as a legislative assistant in the United States Senate. After entering the Jesuit Order in 1986, he went on to earn an M.A. degree in philosophy from Saint Louis University and a M.Div. degree in theology from the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, CA. In 2001, Father Maher was awarded a doctorate in Private School Administration from the University of San Francisco. He was ordained a Jesuit priest in 1997. During his life as a Jesuit, Father Maher has worked at St. Joseph’s Prep in Philadelphia and Gonzaga College High School in Washington, DC. He served for eleven years as an administrator and professor at Georgetown University where his duties included serving as associate dean in the College of Arts and Sciences and director of Catholic Studies. In 2005, he was sent to the Persian Gulf to help found the Georgetown School of Foreign Service in Qatar. He served there for two years as associate dean and professor of theology courses for the mostly Muslim student body from across the Middle East. Father Maher is committed to service programs as an integral part of Jesuit education. Over the years, he has led such trips for faculty, staff and students to locations all over the world -- everywhere from eastern Africa, Central America and southern In- dia, to Appalachia, Camden, NJ, and the Navajo nation. “Jesuit education is about deepening the heart, sharpening the mind, forming the imagination, widening the sphere of compassion, and rooting the life of adult faith in our students. Service programs that bring young peoFather Ryan Maher, S.J. and Mr. ple face to face with people Peter Danchak, Chair of the Scranton on the margins of society Prep Board of Trustees, sign the play an invaluable role in Declaration of Shared Purpose between the Maryland Province that process. Jesuit education without a connection to the and Scranton Preparatory School at Father Maher’s installation. poor and marginalized is a contradiction in terms,” he says. Father Maher acknowledges that he is “grateful and blessed” to be beginning his presidency at a time in the life of Scranton Prep when the school is thriving. “Father Keller has left me a great legacy to safeguard, a firm foundation on which to build. Our facilities are first-rate, our faculty are deeply dedicated, our enrollment is strong, our student body is smart and big-hearted, and the wind is in our sails.” But Father Maher is not content to manage the status quo. “Saint Ignatius urges us to always seek the magis, the greater good that we can do in the service of God,” he says. Father Maher sees Prep as called to expand our outreach to the poor and marginalized while at the same time strengthening and expanding our already excellent curriculum. Looking ahead at the next five or six years, Father Maher is excited by the possibilities. “I would like to see us deepen our commitment to the arts, even as we expand our higher level offerings in math and science. To my mind, one marker of a successful Jesuit high school is a vibrant arts program – especially in theater, choral music and the visual arts – coupled with high-powered math and science courses. As other schools reduce the former in order to emphasize the latter, we insist on both because of our understanding of what it means to be a truly educated human being.” Father Maher believes that a large part of his job as president lies in articulating and safeguarding the spiritual vision that defines Prep. “Our rootedness in the Jesuit “You know how and Catholic tradition enables us good it feels to be at to resist the temptation to chase Prep. This is home. after passing educational fads or And it feels right succumb to the grim resignation that says that the sole purpose of because it is right. an education is to get a job. After Ours is a community nearly 500 years of Spirit-guided where human beings experience, we know better,” he flourish because ours says. “We know that the measure of our success lies in the kind of is a community that understands what people our alumni become, the kinds of spouses and parents, human beings are: friends and citizens they grow free creatures created to be.” out of love, called to “It’s good work,” he said, “the love, destined for love, work of the Holy Spirit and, by together. That’s us.” God’s grace, our work too.” Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 | 3 Graduation 2015 Excerpt from Mia Woloszyn’s valedictorian speech: “There is a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson that states, ‘Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.’ Today, we begin our journey down whichever path in life we may chose. Some of us know exactly what we are going to do and how we are going to do it, and some of us are unsure about what the future holds. No matter which situation we may be in, it is up to us to create our own path, despite what the world is telling us to do. This path that we are creating, and the trail that we will be leaving is perhaps easier for us to attain, simply due to the experiences and opportunities that Scranton Prep has granted to us. Throughout our years at Scranton Prep, we have completed rigorous workloads, taken difficult AP exams, and studied hard for some of the most challenging courses offered, all while receiving the best education possible. An education not only on an academic level, but on an intellectual and spiritual level as well. We have learned what encompasses the well-rounded individual and what it means to truly be men and women for others.” Excerpt from Peter Kulick’s salutatorian speech: “We are all gathered here together for our last class assembly. When we leave Prep today, we are no longer students of Scranton Preparatory School, but we are now and will always remain the graduates of the class of 2015. Prep has given us a solid foundation for the future. What we learned here will remain with us forever. We are called to share what we’ve learned at Prep which is to be “men and women for others”. This can be challenging at times as we will all have difficult life decisions ahead of us. We have to remember our roots - who we are and where we came from. We will all have positive impacts on people’s lives. Today we will set out in the world and start a new part of our life. We have fulfilled our call to men and women for others but it doesn’t stop now. As St. Ignatius said, “go forth and set the world on fire”. This is the time that we go ahead and do just that.” 4 | Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 Scranton Prep held its 69 th commencement exercises on June 6 – June 7. On Saturday evening, eight priests concelebrated the baccalaureate Mass in the St. Francis Xavier Center. Rev. Herbert B. Keller, S.J., Prep president, was the principal celebrant and homilist. On Sunday morning, Father Keller, assisted by Mr. Matthew Bernard, Prep principal, presented diplomas, awards, and academic honors to 198 graduates. Excerpt from Father Keller’s Baccalaureate Mass homily: “When I was in grade school, growing up in Philadelphia, I used to walk in the Fall with my older brother and my Dad to a park about three blocks from our home. And just about every weekend we did something that so many of you, I am sure, did with your own mothers or fathers: we threw a ball around. And for us, in the crisp Fall air, it was a football. And my Dad was the quarterback and my brother and I took turns on offense and defense. And if I was on offense, I’d go into a huddle with my Dad as my brother strained to overhear our play from a few yards away. All of these plays were designed on the palm of my Dad’s hand and the most involved would be something like: ‘Go out five yards, turn right, then a couple of steps and turn left.’ But most of the time, my Dad would simply say this: ‘Just go out long. I’ll find you.’ And it seems as if he always did. So, I was thinking that this is exactly what God says to you on this feast of the Eucharist tonight: Wherever you go in your life, however whole or broken you are, however together or incomplete, in the joy and in the messiness, in the light and in the darkness, He gave His life for you and He is not about to leave you. And so He says to you tonight: ‘Just go out long, I’ll find you’.” Student Awards Academic Excellence First Place Award Mia Rose Woloszyn Second Place Award Peter Mark Kulick Third Place Award Madalyne Anne Sunday Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 | 5 John A. Convery, S.J. Award STUDENT AWARDS Prep’s highest student award for scholarship, leadership, loyalty, and school spirit Bridget Ann Barnic Robert M. Larkin Award Prep’s highest athletic award for athletic excellence, leadership, responsibility, and character Benjamin Thomas Evans Jessica Catherine Genco 6 | Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 Rev. Herbert B. Keller, S.J. Award Kathleen Mary Paterson Jesuit Secondary Education Association Award for a well-rounded person who is intellectually competent, open to growth, religious, loving, and committed to justice in service to the people of God STUDENT AWARDS established in honor of Rev. Herbert B. Keller, S.J., Prep’s longest serving President, is awarded to the senior whose leadership and contributions to the school community have helped foster, in himself or herself and others, a dedication to service, the spiritual formation of self and others, and loyalty to one’s faith. The recipient is also recognized for his or her tireless commitment to the Prep community – which was the cornerstone of Father Keller’s tenure. Michael Robert Kulick Full Tuition Scholarship to the University of Scranton Mia Rose Woloszyn Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 | 7 Mark E. Clarke Award STUDENT AWARDS for persistence in study, involvement in athletics and other school activities, commitment to service to other people and the values of Jesuit education Benjamin Robert Sullivan The Excelsior Award for representing the ideals of the school and distinguishing himself or herself by his or her athletic achievement bringing significant honor and recognition to the school by virtue of his or her accomplishments Nicholas Augustus Solfanelli Timothy Craig Rose, Jr. 8 | Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 St. Edmund Campion Award for unique participation in extra-curricular programs, special qualities of leadership, and commitment to the ideals and spirit of Scranton Prep St. Francis Xavier Award STUDENT AWARDS John Mark Conway for exemplifying the Parents’ Club philosophy by a concern for and participation in all facets of school life Nicholas Anthony Lomma Robert P. Casey Alumni Award for extraordinary commitment to the school through involvement in extra-curricular activities and excellence in academics Gabrielle Elizabeth Durr Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 | 9 Ignatian Service Award STUDENT AWARDS for outstanding dedication to the community service component of the curriculum awarded in memory of Cody J. Barrasse Mariah Margaret McMullen Magis Award for significant contributions to the life of the school and the betterment of classmates in unheralded and steady ways in the spirit of the magis of St. Ignatius of Loyola Mark Robert Miller Marion Hartnett Conaboy Award $1000 grant for demonstrating through an essay and through service to family and/or community his or her beliefs in the values of family life Michael Christopher Robinson 10 | Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 Vincent J. Vanston Award for excellence in the literary arts Cyril O’Hora Mathematics Award STUDENT AWARDS Elizabeth Ann Pattara for the highest average in advanced mathematics for four years Peter Mark Kulick Benjamin Robert Sullivan Francis P. Long Classics Award for the highest average in classical languages for four years Katia Ksenia Nadia Matychak Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 | 11 Gary F. Kaye Memorial Award Daniel F. Picchio, Esq. Award STUDENT AWARDS Casey O’Malley Award for leadership and loyalty in the classroom and on the athletic field for excellence in theater Emily Rose Audi for dedication, growth, and achievement as a Prep athlete Robert Patrick Casey, II Daniel Kerrigan Ryan District Two Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association’s Athlete Awards Female Recipient Male Recipient Emilia Cecily Jakubek Christopher Nicholas Cerminaro Perfect Attendance Patrick William Egan Robert James Hricko Eric Joseph Muchisky 12 | Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 Jenna Ann Hunter Anthony Maurice Nardone Megan Janet Moran Bridget Ann Walsh National Honor Society Thursday, May 21, 2015 During the assembly, the qualities of a member of the National Honor Society were expounded upon by seniors: (left to right) Jessica Genco (Leadership), Michael Kulick (Service), Mark Miller (Character), Benjamin Sullivan (Scholarship). Leadership Service Character Scholarship w o h S t n e l Senior Ta , 2015 May 28 Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 | 13 Class of 2015. Robert James Joyce Pennsylvania State University, University Park Alexander J. Karam Saint Joseph’s University Kaylyn Kashuba Lauren Elizabeth Aldrich Gianna Michelle Cestone Dylan James Flannery The University of Scranton Nicholas George Anderson Frederic Michael Chairge Gabriella Giovanna Fletcher Saint Joseph’s University Madison Anne Ashby Kate Nicole Cherundolo Julian Gabriel Prados Franks Duquesne University King’s College Florida Atlantic University King’s College The University of Scranton Indiana University at Bloomington Emily Rose Audi Tyler Robert Cochrane Ruhani Kaur Aulakh McKinnon Anne Coleman Pratt Institute Johnson College Bucknell University The Catholic University of America Benjamin Francis Baileys Zachary Nathaniel Coles Kathleen Isabel Baker Kathleen Marie Comerford Collin S. Barlow Patrick Joseph Connell King’s College St. John’s University - Queens Campus The University of Scranton Villanova University Full Sail University The University of Scranton Fordham University - Lincoln Center Campus/Rose Hill Campus Marissa Noelle Galardi The University of Scranton Arizona State University The University of Scranton Isabella Marie Galenas The Catholic University of America Aartee Precious Gangadeen Boston University Benjamin Foster Gelb-Dyller Bridget A. Barnic Marywood University Fordham University - Lincoln Center Campus/Rose Hill Campus Nolan Patrick Barrett Emily Ann Cuff Boston University Saint Joseph’s University David Bartos Caitlin Lorraine Curtin Edward James Gilmartin III Matthew Bednarz Joshua Daniel David Saint Joseph’s University Loyola University Maryland Saint Joseph’s University The University of Scranton Justin Patrick Belardi Alexia Marie Davis Carnegie Mellon University Florida International University Matthew Tyler Bershefsky Angelo John DeLeo Susquehanna University The George Washington University Brooke Borys Catherine Healey Walsh DiPaolo Philadelphia University Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Andrew Joseph Brandt Noah Dolphin Owen M. Brier Emily Helen Donlon Peter Francis Brier Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Daniel D. Burke Temple University Kathryn Louise Kevra Drexel University Zainah Anwar Khan The University of Scranton Brian David Klassner Marywood University Weronika Korzec-Bury Jessica C. Genco Ramapo College of New Jersey Brianna Genello Loyola University Maryland Northeastern University Pennsylvania State University, University Park Brian Lee Krell Alivia Anne Kromko New York University Lauren M. Kropiewnicki Temple University Sergey Michael Gnilopyat Stephanie Marie Krugel Kimberley Ann Hagan Michael Robert Kulick The University of Scranton Marywood University Anna Theresa Harris The University of Scranton Edward Francis Hart IV The University of Scranton King’s College The University of Scranton Peter Mark Kulick The University of Scranton Sean Phillip Lam The University of Scranton Emma Mary Lange Fordham University - Lincoln Center Campus/Rose Hill Campus Curran Thomas Hennigan Kelly Marie Locey Cameron Magnus Dougherty Richard Lewis Holden III Caelin James Logar King’s College The University of Scranton Regis University Florida State University James Madison University Pennsylvania State University, University Park Gabrielle Elizabeth Durr Colgate University The Catholic University of America Ryan Liam Burke Patrick Egan Alexander Robert Hoyle James Paul Elser Robert James Hricko Pennsylvania State University, University Park The University of Scranton Emily Catherine Carr Gap Year The University of Scranton Nina Cimini Erhard Madeline Jane Hosie The University of Scranton Pennsylvania State University, University Park Nicholas Anthony Lomma Lehigh University Alex Joseph Lucchesi The University of Scranton Madison Marie Lucke Binghamton University Mary Elizabeth Lundin Katelyn Marie Iyoob Charles Thomas Lyons Brianna Kinley Farber Emilia Cecily Jakubek Marala Marie Mackarey Olivia Emily Fiscus Nicholas Frantz Jospitre Marena Sarah Casey Benjamin Thomas Evans Robert Patrick Casey University of the Sciences in Philadelphia Loyola University Maryland Christopher Nicholas Cerminaro Becker College Temple University Jocelyn Fanti Temple University 14 | Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 Fordham University - Lincoln Center Campus/Rose Hill Campus Jenna Ann Hunter Pennsylvania State University, University Park Temple University Johnson College Robert Michael Lundberg King’s College Fordham University - Lincoln Center Campus/Rose Hill Campus University of Pittsburgh Allie Caroline Hughes George Joseph Casey Williams College Julia Catherine Kerr David Scott Haudenschield The University of Scranton Boston College Lehigh University Kyle John Kerekes The University of Scranton United States Air Force Academy University of New Haven Taylor Kennedy Simone Caroline Fricchione Pennsylvania State University, University Park John Mark Conway Colin Liam Keefer University of Colorado at Boulder West Virginia University The University of Scranton Eastern University Moravian College Hamilton College - NY DePaul University Pennsylvania State University, University Park Alexandra Marie Maddock Seton Hall University Go forth and set the world on fire! Ian Francis Madigan Loyola University Maryland Sean Maloney King’s College Madonna Cristina Mantione Saint Joseph’s University Laura Kathleen Mariotti East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania Felicia Janine Martin University of Oklahoma Johnathan Alex Martines Pennsylvania State University, University Park Anna C. Maslar Marywood University Katia Ksenia Matychak Temple University Alexis Frankee Mazzie West Virginia University Emmett Peter McAliney Pennsylvania State University, University Park Ariana Isabel McDarby St. Mary’s University of San Antonio John Patrick McDonough III Rochester Institute of Technology Alexander McDonough Arcadia University Megan Teresa McGowan King’s College John Thomas McGrath III Temple University Christopher McGrath College of the Holy Cross Mary Martha McGregor College of the Holy Cross John James McLaughlin Jr. The University of Scranton Mariah McMullen Temple University Michaelene Mecadon King’s College Christina Marie Mecca The University of Scranton Jordan Elizabeth Mellon Bryn Mawr College Eric Joseph Muchisky Jeffrey Aleander Rieder Michael Joseph Terrery Anthony Marice Nardone Dominica Marie Rinaldi Leah Elizabeth Thomas Abigail Alison Neuviller Sophia Rose Rinaldi Daniel Robert Timlin Stephanie Nguyen Jarret Joseph Rinkunas Natasha Tullo Alexis Ann Notarianni Michael Christopher Robinson John Michael Notarianni Timothy Craig Rose Jr. Quinn Connor O’Donnell Aleksander J Ruskoski Loyola University Maryland University of Pennsylvania Syracuse University University of the Sciences in Philadelphia Fordham University - Lincoln Center Campus/Rose Hill Campus The Catholic University of America The University of Scranton Douglas Oliver Ooms Saint Joseph’s University Mara E. Padula Temple University Christian Emilio Palmasani Pennsylvania State University, University Park Taylor Lynne Parchinski Temple University Kathleen Mary Paterson Boston College Elizabeth Ann Pattara The University of Scranton Gina Antonia Perry The University of Scranton Kyle M. Perry Fordham University - Lincoln Center Campus/Rose Hill Campus Matthew Scott Pettinato Pennsylvania State University, University Park Clare Philbin College of the Holy Cross Samuel B. Piorkowski Pennsylvania State University, University Park Brigham Young University Saint Joseph’s University Loyola University Chicago Saint Joseph’s University Lafayette College Saint Joseph’s University King’s College Fordham University - Lincoln Center Campus/Rose Hill Campus Kathryn Antoinette Voitik Zachary Russo Manhattan College The University of Scranton Crystal Rose Walega Daniel Kerrigan Ryan Misericordia University Colgate University Lauren Rachel Wallis Giovanni Sacco University of Central Florida Brendan John Scanland The University of Scranton The University of Scranton Aira Mae Walsh Syracuse University Bridget Ann Walsh Erin Lynn Schmidt DeSales University King’s College Timothy Quinn Walsh Clare Elizabeth Schoen Misericordia University Ryan Anthony Sebastianelli Bucknell University Joseph Sekelsky Loyola University Maryland Olivia Frances Sirotnak Derrick Peter Wentovich DeSales University Nicholas A. Solfanelli Pennsylvania State University, University Park Kevin Sompel The Catholic University of America Nickolas Ryan Stossel The University of Scranton Duke University Derek J. Whitiak University of Pittsburgh Halle Mae Whyte Rutgers University-New Brunswick Brandon Ambrose Striefsky Saint Joseph’s University Adam M. Sunday Mark Robert Miller Bria Moore Mia Rose Woloszyn The University of Scranton Kristina Marina Worobey Elizabethtown College The University of Scranton John Patrick Wright Josephine Marie Prinzo Katherine Elizabeth Talerico The George Washington University Gianna Puteri Casey Andrew Temples Marist College Karissa Mary Moran The University of Scranton Megan Janet Moran The University of Scranton Madalyne Anne Sunday University of Massachusetts, Amherst Pennsylvania State University, University Park Georgetown University Cassandra Marie Wisdo Olivia Frances Price Loyola University Maryland University of South Florida, Sarasota-Manatee The University of Scranton Nora Walsh-Battle Tiffany Alexa Webb The University of Scranton John Tyler Potorski The University of Scranton Pennsylvania State University, University Park Sewanee: The University of the South Dana M. Miller The University of Scranton Louis Tzamalas University of Pittsburgh Duquesne University Benjamin Robert Sullivan Wilkes University Colby-Sawyer College Zachary Taylor Voitek Morgan Elizabeth Pivovarnik Temple University Colin Kielty Turner Boston University Binghamton University Chante’ Mercurius The University of Scranton King’s College Jessica Regan Loyola University Maryland Michael A. Riccardo Saint Joseph’s University University of Pittsburgh The University of Scranton The University of Scranton Savannah College of Art and DesignAtlanta Mia Terrana University of Miami Nicoletta Terreri Saint Joseph’s University Paul Caelan Wylam Gina Maria Yanni Rebecca Yuscavage Keystone College Peter Zabiegala The University of Scranton Michael Zelna The Catholic University of America Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 | 15 Life is Better at the Beach! Auction 2015 March 28, 2015 Everyone knows that “Life is Better at the Beach” and after this brutally cold winter everyone attending Prep’s Auction 2015 welcomed thoughts of summer vacations, cookouts, and enjoying the great outdoors. Co-chairs Mrs. Kathy Terrery and Mrs. Kim Wylan embraced the beach theme both with decorations and an expansive outdoor living section. An amazing array of silent auction gifts, coupled with a live auction masterfully conducted by auctioneer John Cowley and assisted by Father Herbert Keller, S.J. provided a much-appreciated escape from the winter doldrums for the nearly five hundred guests. As always, the success of the Auction can be attributed to the hard work and commitment of the parents, students, and faculty volunteers who dedicate their time and resources to ensure a better auction experience for everyone. Pictured: Atty. Paul Wylam, Mrs. Kim Wylam, Father Herbert Keller, S.J., Mrs. Kathy Terrery, Dr. Michael Terrery 16 | Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 Scranton Preparatory School Annual Alumni Memorial Mass Sunday, October 25, 2015 10:00 am St. Robert Bellarmine Theatre, 1000 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, PA Dear Alumni, Our Faith comforts us with the truth that the dead are alive in Christ. The Scranton Prep Alumni Memorial Mass is a traditional time to remember before God those who have gone before us and who have graced the lives of our families and our school. This year we will celebrate the Mass in conjunction with our Alumni Weekend. Join us in remembering, on that day and throughout the month of November, our deceased alumni. I also invite you to list the names of other loved ones whom you wish us to remember in the space provided below and return it to Prep by mail or email [email protected]. Their names will be then be placed in a basket which will rest on the alter in the Prep chapel. We will pray for them at each Mass celebrated in the chapel during November. Please do not send an offering. You have blessed us in the past with your prayers and support. This is Prep’s gift to you. If you live in the Scranton area, we hope you will join us for this special Mass on October 25, 2015. AMDG, Father Ryan Maher, S.J. President, Scranton Preparatory School Lord, welcome into Your kingdom our departed brothers and sisters and all who have left this world in Your friendship. Eternal rest grant unto them, Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them. Please remember in prayer: Please tear page at perforation, fold in thirds and tape at the top. Affix stamp and mail. If you prefer, email prayer requests to [email protected] Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 | 17 ______ PLACE STAMP HERE ______ SCRANTON PREPARTATORY SCHOOL 1000 WYOMING AVE SCRANTON PA 18509-2910 Prep Players present MARY POPPINS Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 | 19 GIRLS SWIMMING Coach: Joe Thier Noteworthy: WINTER SPORTS GIRLS BASKETBALL Coach: Ross Macciocco Lynett Tournament Champions Lackawanna League Division I Champions PIAA District II AAA Semi-finalists Noteworthy: Record 25-3 • Jess Genco: Second Team All State | All-Region | Division Player of the Year | 1st Team All Star | Lynett Tournament MVP • Bridget Walsh: Lynett All-Tournament Team | 1st Team All Star • Madison Ashby | Clare Philbin: Honorable Mention All Stars BOYS BASKETBALL Record 24-4 Record 5-4 • District II 200 Medley Relay Champions: Audrey Campo, Cat Donlon, Emily Donlon, Katie Voitik • Les Richards Championships Gold Medalists 400 Free Relay: Audrey Campo, Cat Donlon, Emily Donlon, Katie Voitek • Katie Voitik: Lackawanna League Swimmer of the Year | All-Region (4th) | All-State 500 Freestyle (10th) | League Meet 200 Free & 500 Free Champion | District II 200 Freestyle Champion | District II 500 Freestyle Champion • Cat Donlon: All Region | District II 100 Butterfly Champion | District II 100 Freestyle Champion | League Meet 200 IM & 100 Free Champion BOYS SWIMMING Record 8-0 Coach: Joe Thier Lackawanna League Champions PIAA District II AA Runner-Up Noteworthy: Coach: Andrew Kettel PIAA District II AAA Champions Lynett Tournament Champions Lackawanna League Division I Champions Noteworthy: • Tim Rose: Third Team All State | All Region | Lackawanna League Player of the Year |Co-Division Player of the Year | 1st Team All Star | Lynett All-Tournament MVP • Bobby Casey: All Region | Co-Division Player of the Year | 1st Team All Star | Lynett All-Tournament Team | Athlete of the Week • Matt Bednarz: Honorable Mention All Stars WRESTLING Coach: Marty Flynn Noteworthy: • Thor Balavage: District II AA Champion – 220 lbs. | Lackawanna League Tournament Champion – 220 lbs. | All Region | 1st Team All Star | N.E. Regional 3rd Place Finish | Advanced to PIAA State Championships • Ivan Balavage | Bruce Parola | A.J. Sluko: 2nd Team All Stars 20 | Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 Record 12-15 • District II 200 Medley Relay Champions: Michael Robinson, Nick Lastauskas, Thomas Pfaeffle, Joseph Kyle Bushta • District II 200 Freestyle Relay Champions: Joseph Kyle Bushta, Ben Evans, Thomas Pfaeffle, Ryan Sebastianelli • District II 400 Freestyle Relay Champions: Michael Robinson, Ben Evans, Nico Lastauskas, Ryan Sebastianelli • State Championships 6th Place Medal 200 Medley Relay: Michael Robinson, Nico Lastauskas, Thomas Pfaeffle, Joseph Kyle Bushta • State Championships 8th Place Medal 200 Freestyle Relay: Joseph Kyle Bushta, Ben Evans, Thomas Pfaeffle, Ryan Sebastianelli • Les Richards Championships Gold Medalists 400 Free Relay: Nico Lastauskas, Conor McCall, Thomas Pfaeffle, Ryan Sebastianelli • Les Richards Championships Gold Medalists 200 Medley Relay: Joseph Kyle Bushta, Ben Evans, Michael Robinson, Ryan Sebastianelli • Ben Evans: All-Region (3rd) | All-State 100 Breaststroke (7th) | District II 200 Freestyle Champion | District II 100 Breaststroke Champion | League Meet 100 Breast Champion • Nico Lastauskas: All-Region (3rd) | District II 500 Freestyle Champion | District II 200 IM Champion | League Meet 200 IM & 500 Free Champion • Ryan Sebastianelli: All-Region (4th) | District II 50 Freestyle Champion • Thomas Pfaeffle: All-Region | League Meet 100 Fly Champion and Silver Medalist 200 Free • Michael Robinson: All-Region | District II Silver Medalist 200 IM and 100 backstroke • Joseph Kyle Bushta: All-Region | District II Bronze Medalist 100 Freestyle SPRING SPORTS BOYS TENNIS Record 15-2 Coach: Kathleen McKenna Lackawanna League AA Champions PIAA District II AA Champions Advanced to State Tournament Noteworthy: • Peter Kazmierczak and Tony Kutz: District II AA Doubles Champion • Peter Kazmierczak: 1st Team All-Star | All-Region • Tony Kutz: District II AA Singles Runner-Up | 1st Team All-Star | All-Region • Tarquin McGurrin: 1st Team All-Star GIRLS TRACK Record 3-3 Coach: Jeff Dorunda Noteworthy: • Erin Feeney: District II AAA Runner-Up 3200M | State Championships: 4th Place Finish – 3200M | All-State Honorable Mention | All Region | 1st Team All-Star • Elizabeth Pattara: District II AAA Long Jump and Triple Jump Champion | State Championships: 6th Place Finish - Triple Jump | All Region (2nd) | 1st Team All-Star BOYS TRACK Record 3-3 Coach: Jeff Dorunda PIAA District II AAA Runner-Up AAA Jordan Relay Champions District II AAA 3200 Meter Relay Champions (Ryan Burke, Ben Evans, Anthony Nardone, Kyle Perry) Noteworthy: • Nick Solfanelli: District II AAA Javelin Champion | State Championships: 4th Place Finish – Javelin | All-Region (2nd) • Ben Evans: District II AAA Runner-Up 3200M | All Region | 1st Team All-Star • Anthony Nardone: 1st Team All-Star BOYS LACROSSE Record 8-4 Coach: Jon Knowles Wyoming Valley Conference Division Champions PIAA District II Semifinalists Noteworthy: • Cael Wylam: Defensive Player of the Year | 1st Team Defense • Chris O’Brien: 1st Team Midfield • Brendan Betti: 2nd Team Long Stick Midfield • Jack Conway: 2nd Team Defensive Midfield • Adrian Danchenko: 2nd Team Attack • Mike Golden: 2nd Team Goalie • Anthony Osticco: 2nd Team Attack • Davin Sweeney: 2nd Team Defense • Joe Campolieto: Honorable Mention Attack GIRLS LACROSSE Record 5-10 Coach: Stephanie Naro PIAA District II Quarterfinalists Noteworthy: • Cara Kopicki: 1st Team Attack/Midfield • Jenna Hunter: Honorable Mention Defense • Christine Kaffka: Honorable Mention Defense/ Midfield SOFTBALL Coach: Jenn Siciliano Record 8-6 Noteworthy: • Ilissa Hamilton: 1st Team All-Star / All-Region / Division Player of the Year • Dana Miller: 1st Team All-Star • Bridget Walsh: 1st Team All-Star • Jessica Regan: Honorable Mention • Brooke Borys: Honorable Mention Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 | 21 BASEBALL Record 5-9 Coach: Joe Ross Noteworthy: • The baseball program was awarded the first Nick Bolick Sportsmanship Award. The award was voted on by the Lackawanna Chapter of the PIAA Baseball Umpires. • Dan Ryan: 1st Team All-Stars • Dan Timlin: Honorable Mention College Bound Athletes Pictured are Prep seniors who will compete in sports in college. Seated from left: Clare Schoen, track/cross country – Misercordia University; Catherine DiPaulo, swimming – Kutztown University; Mary Lundin, cross country – Hamilton College. Standing: Alex Karam, track – St. Joseph’s University; Bobby Casey, basketball – Williams College; Bridget Walsh, basketball – DeSales University; Jordan Mellon, basketball/soccer – Bryn Mawr College; Erin Schmidt, basketball – King’s College; Matt Bershefsky, basketball – Susquehanna University; and Kyle Perry, cross country/track – Fordham University. From left seated: Katie Voitik – Manhattan College – Swimming; Tim Rose – Binghamton University – Basketball Standing: Chris Cerminaro – Temple University – Golf; Ben Evans – Temple University – Cross Country Prep Parents’ Club Installation Dinner Leslie Hesser was installed as the 2015-2016 president of the Prep Parents’ Club at the annual Installation Dinner held at POSH at the Scranton Club. Joining her on the board will be Karen Brier, president-elect, and Kim Wylam, treasurer. Leslie Hesser (second from left), incoming president of the Parents’ Club, receives congratulations from (left to right): Karen Brier, president-elect, Father Herbert B. Keller, S. J., Suzanne McGrath, outgoing Parents’ Club president, Kim Wylam, treasurer of the Parents’ Club, and Mr. Matthew Bernard, principal of Scranton Prep, at the Installation Dinner. 22 | Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 Two Alumni from the Class of 1975 Receive the Rinfret Award Dr. Peter A. Cognetti and Robert J. Knowles, Jr., both members of Scranton Prep’s Class of 1975, have been honored by the Scranton Prep Alumni Board of Governors as the 2015 recipients of the prestigious Rev. T. Donald Rinfret, S.J. Distinguished Alumnus Award. The Rinfret Award is presented annually to a Prep graduate/graduates who have brought distinction to the school through service of others, particularly in ways that reflect Prep’s motto: Ad Altiora Natus – born to higher things. Dr. Cognetti and Mr. Knowles have long been strong and loyal supporters of Prep. The generosity of each of these men underscores their commitment to a system of values that were instilled in them as young students in the 1970’s. Though they followed different career paths, they never lost sight of the Jesuit mission; rather they embraced it and made it the nucleus of their lives. Their contribution to the life of our area and their generosity to the causes and institutions in which they believe, stand as strong testaments to their goodness and character. Dr. Peter A. Cognetti is a primary care physician specializing in family medicine, and is affiliated with Regional Hospital of Scranton. He graduated summa cum laude from the University of Scranton in 1979 and received his medical degree from Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia in 1983. There, he was the outstanding family practice graduate and given that recognition by the Philadelphia Family Practice Society. While completing his residency at Sacred Heart Hospital in Allentown, PA, he received the Meade Johnson Nation Award and Scholarship for top national Family Practice resident. In 1986, Dr. Cognetti was board certified by the American Board of Family Medicine. Following two years of practice in Orangeburg, SC, he returned to his native area in 1988 to begin his private practice. In 1997, he joined with Dr. Patrick Conaboy to establish Cognetti and Conaboy Family Practice. Dr. Cognetti’s dedicated commitment to his community and his profession has merited him well-deserved recognition. In 2013, Dr. Cognetti was named “Man of the Year” by the Scranton Chapter of UNICO for epitomizing the UNICO motto “service above self”. He was also named a Boys & Girls Club of Northeastern Pennsylvania Champion of Youth. Dr. Cognetti has chaired Hoops for Hospice 3-on-3 basketball tournament and co-chaired the Haiti Ambulance Fund (he’s gone on several mission trips to Haiti). He has served on the United Way’s board and as president of both the Pennsylvania Academy of Family Practice and the Mercy Hospital medical staff. He has also served twice as president of the medical staff at St. Joseph’s Center in Scranton and was a member of Scranton Prep’s Alumni Board of Governors. He was named to the Pennsylvania Health Policy Board by the late Gov. Robert P. Casey. Presently, Dr. Cognetti is a member of the Board of Directors of the Columbus Day Society and UNICO. He is a staff physician at the University of Scranton’s Leahy Clinic, and sits on the Advisory Board of St. Luke’s Foundation for Haiti. Dr. Cognetti resides in Waverly with his wife, Marianne. They are the parents of five children, all Prep graduates: Sarah ’04, Caroline ’05, Peter ’08, Anne ’10, and Will ’13. Robert J. Knowles, Jr. is the owner of Knowles Insurance Agency, a property-casualty insurance agency operating in Scranton since 1963. Mr. Knowles has extensive experience in the insurance industry with a lifetime career span of over 30 years, working both locally and nationally. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts. He began his career in 1979 with the Hartford Insurance Company in Pittsburgh before moving to the company’s Philadelphia Regional Office as a Commercial Property and Casualty Underwriter. He joined Knowles Associates, a family business, in 1983 as Commercial Account Manager and became a principal in 1985. In the Jesuit tradition of “men and women for others”, Mr. Knowles realizes the significance of giving back to the local community. His strong belief in the vitality of Northeastern Pennsylvania and in the importance of education and the arts are the cornerstones of his community service. He has served on Boards at both of his alma maters. During his tenure on Scranton Prep’s Board of Trustees, he served as chairman of the Finance Committee and was the driving force in the memorial classroom naming campaign for Mark Clarke. In addition, every five years he spearheads the 1975 class reunion. He is currently a member of the Performing Arts Authority, a Director at Burkavage Design Associates, and Vice Chairman of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Health Care Foundation. Previous community commitments include serving as the Vice Chairman of Mercy Health Partners, Director at Franklin Security Bank, President of the Country Club of Scranton, President of Metro Action in Scranton and President of the Waverly Community House. Additionally, Mr. Knowles has held board positions at the Country Club of Scranton, Scranton Preparatory School, Junior Achievement, the Scranton Chamber of Commerce and the Scranton YMCA. Mr. Knowles also served on the Alumni Board of Directors at the College of the Holy Cross and on the Board of Trustees at Keystone College. Mr. Knowles and his wife, Michele, live in Waverly. Their three children graduated from Prep: Susan in 2008, Jack in 2012, and Matthew, a member of the Class of 2013. You can now follow Scranton Prep on Twitter. Sign up to receive the latest news and updates from Prep. Simply click on the “Follow Us on Twitter” box on Prep’s home page or visit!/scrantonprep. Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 | 23 Concert Honors Father Keller Over 600 people gathered at Scranton Prep’s St. Robert Bellarmine Theatre on the evening of May 2nd to see internationally renowned Irish tenor Ronan Tynan perform in celebration of Father Herbert Keller, S.J.’s 18 years as president of the school. A reception followed the concert in the Xavier Center. Mr. Tynan, accompanied by Mr. Bill Lewis on the piano, entertained the audience with both his musical numbers and his delightful and engaging personality. The concert also featured performances by Ms. Rebecca Farley, a talented soprano, and the Scranton Prep student choir and the chamber orchestra. Father Keller enjoys a moment with his brother, John, his sister-in-law, Deborah, and nephews, Jonah and Aidan. Faculty Updates Scranton Prep bids a fond farewell to four faculty members who have generously shared their love for teaching with countless students. Each personified a passion for teaching and service to Prep that has been a gift to students, colleagues, and the Prep family. They truly exemplified the Jesuit tradition of educational excellence. The Prep News wishes them well as they begin a new chapter in their lives. Congratulations and God bless! Mr. Anthony L. Cantafio - Mathematics Mr. Thomas Gorman - Mathematics Mrs. Patricia Hudzina - Classical Language Ms. Bernadette Kozlowski - Science New Appointments: Mr. Robert Beviglia — Latin Mr. Robert Beviglia, a 1983 graduate of Prep, earned his Bachelor’s degree at the College of the Holy Cross. He returns to his high school alma mater where he started his teaching career over twenty years ago to teach Latin I and Latin II. His career in education includes work in both public and private schools as a teacher, administrator, and coach. Most recently, for the past three years, he taught at West Scranton High where he reinstituted the Latin program. Mr. Beviglia lives in Moscow with his wife, Kara, and their two daughters, who are students at Prep – Gina, a sophomore, and Mia, a freshman. Mrs. Bridget O’Malley Kotchick — Biology Mrs. Bridget O’Malley Kotchick will join the science department teaching sophomore biology. After graduation from Prep in 1998, Bridget earned her Bachelor’s degree in biology and secondary education from Susquehanna University. She briefly worked at the University of Scranton’s molecular lab, IMBM, before obtaining a biology teaching position at Delaware Valley High School. After several years of teaching, Mrs. Kotchick took time off to raise her two children and to obtain a Master’s degree from the University of Scranton in educational administration. This past January, she returned to the classroom to teach 7th grade life science at Lakeland Jr/Sr High School. Mrs. Kotchick is married to Dr. Christopher Kotchick, a 1988 graduate of Prep. They are the parents of Grace, 8, and Liam, 6. 24 | Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 Mr. Paul Pearson — Mathematics Mr. Paul Pearson joins the Prep faculty to teach sophomore and junior math. Mr. Pearson graduated from Hedgesville High School in Hedgesville, WV. He then joined the Marine Corps and served for 10 years. Upon leaving the service, he attended the University of Scranton where he received his Bachelor’s degree in physics (math minor) and his Master’s degree in secondary education. He is currently an adjunct instructor of physics at the University of Scranton. Mr. Pearson lives in Honesdale with his wife, Aimee, and their son, Eli. Mrs. Lauren Thorne Roote — Mathematics Mrs. Lauren Thorne Roote joined the Prep faculty to teach algebra and geometry this year. After graduating from Scranton Prep in 2009, she attended Marywood University, earning her Bachelor’s degree in secondary mathematics education. Mrs. Roote has spent the last two years teaching high school math at Rains Independent School District in Emory, Texas. Mrs. Roote now resides in Forty Fort with her husband, Justin. Bishop of Scranton Diocese Receives Scranton Prep Honor Scranton Preparatory School bestowed its highest honor, the Ignatian Award, on Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, D.D., J.C.L., Bishop of the Diocese of Scranton, at the school’s 2015 commencement exercises. In presenting the award, Attorney Judith Price, Chair of the Scranton Prep Board of Trustees, praised Bishop Bambera as “an outstanding servant leader of our Church, a man of faith and vision who shepherds us by lived example.” Pictured from left to right: Attorney Judith Price, Chair Scranton Prep Board of Trustees, Bishop Joseph Bambera, recipient of the Ignatian Award, and Rev. Herbert B. Keller, S.J. Math Scholars Shine in Competition Senior Peter Kulick finished first in the individual competition at the Newton Mathematics Contest held at King’s College this past winter. Senior Ben Sullivan and juniors Christopher O’Brien and Gokulan Gnanendran placed in the top seven of the 90+ competing students. The junior team of Gerard Ferrario, Gokulan Gnanendran, David Horvath, and Christopher O’Brien placed second in team competition. Mr. Tom Gorman and Mr. Jason Bugno were the faculty advisors. Pictured: (seated left to right) Gerard Ferrario, David Horvath, Ben Sullivan, Gokulan Gnanendran; (standing left to right) Mr. Jason Bugno, Peter Kulick, Christopher O’Brien, and Mr. Thomas Gorman. French Student Receives National Medal Junior Elda Hricko received recognition from the National Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of French for finishing 7th in the national competition, placing her in the top 95%. Elda’s third place score in the local chapter qualified her for the national honor. Ms. Virginia Cosgrove teaches French at Prep. National Spanish Exam Recognition Students from Prep have a long history of high achievement on the National Spanish Exam. Last spring, Prep Spanish teachers Mrs. Christine Greco, Ms. Lora Lynn, Mrs. Anna Scahill, and Ms. Mary Ann Siddons were notified by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese that their students earned a total of 3 gold medals, 9 silver, 25 bronze, and 114 honorable mentions. The exam was administered to over 157,000 students nationwide in grades 6 through 12. National Spanish Exam 2015 gold medal winners: Jonathan Goldenziel, Emily Mazur, and Angelo DeLeo. Silver medal winners: Nathalie Brown, Giovanni Gunawan, Devon D’Andrea, Gokulan Gnanedran, Joshua Schrepfer, Mia Woloszyn, Emilia Jakebek, Emma Lange, and Alexis Notarianni. Bronze medal winners: Gregory Bormes, Kyle Brier, Carl Friedman, Natalie Giovannari, Sarah Jones, Rachel Kerr, Emily Pascale, Mark Regan, Dominica Rinaldi, Reilly Ruane, Alexandra Sluko, Mariah Bartolai, Amanda Boland, Tea Cappiello, Kyle Carter, Keenan Clark, Dominique DiLeo, Diana Franceschelli, Anna Housel, Brandon Richards, Edward Sankus, Megan Siebecker, Emily Jonsson, Katherine Talerico, and Katia Matychak. 2105 Scholastic Bowl Scranton Prep’s 2015 Scholastic Bowl team qualified to compete at the state competition after winning the regional round. Nine seniors comprised the team: Gabriel Durr, Ben Evans, Peter Kulick, Emma Lange, Anthony Nardone, Sophia Rinaldi, Michael Robinson, Ryan Sebastianelli, and Ben Sullivan. Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 | 25 2014-2015 Board of Trustees Judith Gardner Price, Esq. Attorney Dougherty, Leventhal & Price, L.L.P. Chair, Board of Trustees Hon. Thomas E. Burke, Jr. President Judge, Court of Common Pleas Luzerne County Mr. Peter Danchak Regional President, Northeast Pennsylvania, PNC Bank Mr. Louis DeNaples Businessman John H. Doherty, Jr., M.D. ’67 Partner Professional Orthopaedics John F. Erhard, Esq., ’92 Vice President ArcLight, Boston, MA Mr. Robert B. Fitzpatrick Stockbroker Mr. Vincent A. Galko ’91 Senior Vice President Mercury Public Affairs Mr. Francis J. Hager Owner La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries Mr. Thomas F. Karam ’76 CEO Penntex Midstream Partners, LLC Rev. Herbert B. Keller, S.J. President Scranton Preparatory School Ruth Kechejian Lenahan, Esq. Attorney/Homemaker Rev. Ryan J. Maher, S.J. Founding Executive Director Jesuit Center, University of Scranton Margaret Q. Mariotti, AUD. Audiologist Mr. James B. McDonough President Hemmingway Development Corp. Msgr. James J. McGarry Pastor Our Lady of the Snows Church Rev. Bernard McIlhenny, S.J. Pastoral Ministry Dean of Admissions Emeritus University of Scranton Hon. Margaret Bisignani Moyle ’80 Judge, Court of Common Pleas Lackawanna County Ms. Michelene Pagnotti President Pagnotti Enterprises, Inc. Mr. Patrick Perih President / Owner Perih Group LLC Rev. Thomas E. Roach, S.J. Rector Jesuit Community of Scranton Mrs. Kathleen Lynett Rose Homemaker/Current Parent 2014 ANNUAL REPORT ON SUPPORT 2015 This Report on Support represents donations received during the fiscal year August 1, 2014 to July 31, 2015 The Gift Clubs The Greater Glory Club $5,000 & above Named in appreciation of those major contributors to the Defining Moment Capital Campaign. The Presidents Club $2,500 - $4,999 Named in honor of The Presidents of Scranton Preparatory School: Rev. T. Ronald Rinfret, S.J. (1977-1981), Rev. Joseph D. Ayd, S.J. (1981-1986), Rev. Eugene A. Nolan, S.J. (1986-1997), and Rev. Herbert B. Keller, S.J. (1997-Present). The 1944 Founders Club $1,000 - $2,499 Commemorates the year Prep was established. The Cavalier Club $500-$999 Officially adopted as the nickname for Scranton Prep’s athletic teams in 1948. The Michael F. Maher, S.J. Club $250-$499 Named to remember Prep’s first Headmaster. The Cyril P. O’Hora Club $100-$249 In recognition of 49 years of service to Scranton Prep. The Daniel J. Kennedy Club $50-$99 To honor Scranton Prep’s first lay principal. 1953 1957 ALUMNI 1949 FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. Joseph J. Melone MAHER CLUB Atty. Bernard J. Cravath O’HORA CLUB Atty. Joseph F. Flanagan Rev. Alex J. Hazzouri Mr. John F. Keating Mr. Peter J. O’Donnell, Jr. FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. Edward J. Fitzsimmons O’HORA CLUB Dr. Daniel T. Pompey, Sr. MAHER CLUB Mr. Ronald J. Burrell Mr. William J. Manley Mr. Harry E. Phillips O’HORA CLUB Dr. John M. Casey Prof. Bernard F. Dick Mr. Ralph P. Edwards Atty. John J. Palutis KENNEDY CLUB Mr. James P. O’Boyle 1951 1954 1950 O’HORA CLUB Mr. Thomas J. Brown Dr. Lewis C. Druffner, Jr. Mr. Paul W. Kelly Mr. John E. Manley LAMM CLUB Mr. Ronald J. Rafferty Mr. James P. Scoblick Mr. Henry C. Walsh 1952 O’HORA CLUB Dr. William J. Farrell 26 | Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 1956 Atty. Donald J. Kemple Mr. John J. O’Connell Mr. James F. Rogan Mr. Thomas C. Walsh KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Ronald A. Armillei Dr. Stanley W. Boland Mr. Kenneth M. Calmenson LAMM CLUB Mr. William K. Bohan Dr. Charles T. Newton Acknowledging 28 years of Jesuit service. O’HORA CLUB Mr. Hugh F. Bradley Dr. Paul J. Coolican Rev. Eugene L. Gunning Mr. Henry C. Sallusti GREATER GLORY CLUB Mr. William C. O’Malley FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. William G. Connolly CAVALIER CLUB Mr. Jerry W. Fitzsimmons MAHER CLUB Mr. John R. McHugh O’HORA CLUB Mr. Thomas G. Gallagher Mr. Edward G. Keen Dr. E. Donald Kotchick Col. John L. Rafferty, Sr. Mr. John P. Reddington Mr. David R. Regan Mr. George L. Shevlin Col. Robert C. Stiepock KENNEDY CLUB Mr. John F. Clark Mr. Bernard F. Harding Mr. David P. Kemple FOUNDERS CLUB Atty. Frank J. McDonnell CAVALIER CLUB Mr. Thomas L. Bonn MAHER CLUB Mr. Martin R. Gallagher Mr. Michael F. Russin O’HORA CLUB Dr. Carl E. Bartecchi Dr. Terrence S. Carden Atty. Joseph F. Greenfield Mr. Thomas J. Reilly Mr. Thomas J. Scanlon Dennis J. Zeveney, M.D. KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Michael J. Girman The William F. Lamm, S.J. Club $5-$49 1948 1955 MAHER CLUB Mr. Robert F. Kearney Mr. Daniel J. Kennedy Mr. John T. Schofield O’HORA CLUB Mr. J. Roger Kemple Mr. John M. Martin, Sr. Mr. Stanley C. Niemierski KENNEDY CLUB Col. Warren N. Balish Mr. Patrick J. McCabe LAMM CLUB Mr. Gerald J. Ratchford MAHER CLUB Mr. Martin J. Gannon Col. Ret. James J. Muldoon O’HORA CLUB Mr. Robert S. Janke Mr. Joseph F. Tokarchik KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Joseph P. McCarthy LAMM CLUB Mr. Thomas W. Sheehan 1958 GREATER GLORY CLUB Mr. James D. Toole FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. Richard J. Callahan Msgr. Joseph P. Kelly CAVALIER CLUB Mr. Paul J. Angelis Atty. Richard J. Dowling Mr. John V. Granahan Mr. John B. Jordan Mr. Paul J. Shevlin, C.L.U. Mr. Vincent T. Zahornasky MAHER CLUB Mr. William M. Campenni Mr. Thomas B. Killeen Joseph F. Skelly, Ph.D. O’HORA CLUB Mr. Henry L. Graham, Jr. Atty. Frank P. Hoffman Atty. and Mrs. Ernest D. Preate, Jr. Mr. Donald P. Quinn Mr. Thomas P. Regan Mr. Raymond M. Tomasetti LAMM CLUB Mr. J. Timothy O’Connor 1959 FOUNDERS CLUB Dr. Frank X. Homer Atty. Joseph A. Quinn, Jr. CAVALIER CLUB Prof. Robert J. Boylan Dr. Robert J. Flynn MAHER CLUB Dr. Donald L. Preate O’HORA CLUB Dr. James P. Noone Mr. James J. O’Connell Mr. Richard J. Senker LAMM CLUB Mr. Ralph R. Chase, Jr. 1960 PRESIDENTS CLUB Mr. James F. Kearney FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. Hugh J. Rodgers, Jr. CAVALIER CLUB Dr. Richard R. Bartkowski Mr. George P. McKeon Mr. David J. Ziobro O’HORA CLUB Mr. Roger C. Carro Mr. Francis W. Connolly Mr. Richard J. Diskin Mr. Robert J. O’Hora Dr. Michael W. Rosiecki Dr. Robert M. White KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Eugene F. Rosetti LAMM CLUB Mr. John S. Corcoran Mr. Peter S. Duszak Mr. John R. Walsh 1961 GREATER GLORY CLUB Atty. George V. Lynett FOUNDERS CLUB Atty. Joseph A. Murphy CALVALER CLUB Mr. Michael J. Christopher Mr. Lawrence P. Herbster Mr. Edward J. Millar Mr. William J. Walsh MAHER CLUB Atty. J. Brian Foley O’HORA CLUB Mr. Robert J. Bergman Mr. Gerard J. Durkin Mr. Hubert F. Gordon Atty. Michael P. Hoffman Atty. John J. Lasak Dr. Paul R. Mancia Mr. James V. Scanlon Atty. Brian Yeager KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Joseph G. Redington Mr. Robert M. Tosti LAMM CLUB Mr. Robert I. Malloy 1962 FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. William P. Lyons MAHER CLUB Mr. Brian J. Bell Mr. Philip P. Condron O’HORA CLUB Dr. Joseph J. Barrette Atty. J. Justin Blewitt, Jr. Atty. James E. Colleran Atty. Robert M. Haddock Mr. James J. Lavelle Mr. Joseph A. Malewicz Atty. James D. Moran Mr. Thomas J. Muldoon Dr. J. Anthony Quinn Rev. James D. Redington, S.J. Mr. Francis J. Srebro Mr. Michael P. Viola KENNEDY CLUB John E. Connolly, Ph.D. LAMM CLUB Mr. Anthony R. Cannella Mr. Edward J. Gretzula Mr. Patrick J. Haggerty Mr. James E. McCrone Mr. Richard B. Raymond 1963 FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. Francis P. Clarke Mr. P. Kevin Condron Atty. Joseph A. O’Brien MAHER CLUB Mr. John C. Gale O’HORA CLUB Dr. Richard J. Barrett Atty. Gerald J. Butler Mr. Michael A. Colleran Atty. Charles B. Gibbons Atty. Richard J. Lavelle Mr. Anthony Mazza Atty. Alan J. Stone KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Stephen J. Kavulich Mr. John W. McHale Mr. Stanley L. Slesinski 1964 PRESIDENTS CLUB Mr. Thomas E. Cretella FOUNDERS CLUB Anonymous Mr. Michael J. Metrinko Most Rev. Robert C. Morlino CAVALIER CLUB Atty. Robert J. Lepri MAHER CLUB Mr. John P. Connolly Atty. Robert C. McGrath O’HORA CLUB Mr. Thomas M. Campfield Mr. Mark A. Dembosky Mr. William L. Gittins Mr. Robert W. Kilcullen, Jr. Capt. James P. Kovalcik Dr. Richard T. Meredick Mr. Robert H. Schroeder Mr. James D. Walsh KENNEDY CLUB Mr. James A. Giardina 1965 FOUNDERS CLUB Dr. Eric W. Blomain Mr. John M. Cowley Dr. Paul C. Hoffman CAVALIER CLUB Mr. David J. Roman MAHER CLUB Col. William A. Aileo Mr. Ambrose J. Finnegan Col. Joseph A. Roszkowski Mr. Thomas J. Senker O’HORA CLUB Mr. William P. Lawler Mr. Michael J. Lynott Mr. Jeffrey N. Lyons Atty. John C. McNamara Dr. Robert J. O’Hara, Jr. Atty. Alfred J. Weinschenk KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Gary F. Cicerini LAMM CLUB Mr. Joseph M. Alinoski Dr. Charles G. Blewitt Mr. Joseph A. Williams 1966 GREATER GLORY CLUB Atty. Sal D. Cognetti, Jr. Dr. Thomas G. Sharkey FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. Joseph K. Speicher CAVALIER CLUB Mr. Michael M. Costello MAHER CLUB Dr. P. Kurt Haarmeyer Atty. Dominic J. Keating Mr. John C. Pollock Mr. Carlon E. Preate, C.P.A. Col. Edward D. Schumann O’HORA CLUB Atty. Timothy F. Burke Mr. Christopher D. Butler Atty. Joseph F. Cimini Mr. Patrick J. Costello Mr. Timothy P. Farrell Mr. Timothy J. Harney Mr. Edward J. Mikulski Dr. David M. Rafalko Mr. Richard G. Wilson KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Michael R. Catalano Mr. Thomas J. Drennan LAMM CLUB Mr. Arthur J. Granito, C.P.A. 1967 GREATER GLORY CLUB Mr. Peter J. Carlesimo PRESIDENTS CLUB Dr. John H. Doherty, Jr. CAVALIER CLUB Atty. James T. Walsh MAHER CLUB Atty. Joseph A. Artabane Atty. F. Joseph Nealon O’HORA CLUB Mr. Alfred P. Allen Mr. Richard E. Calogero Mr. John T. Forconi Mr. Frank X. Ghilardi Mr. Joseph J. Hannon Mr. Joseph M. Lawler Atty. Gerard P. Panaro Mr. Benjamin P. Przekop Rev. John S. Terry KENNEDY CLUB Dr. S. Wayne Dombroski Mr. Albert J. Molinari Mr. Daniel J. Rink Mr. Allen J. Roman LAMM CLUB Mr. Ronald R. Pace Mr. Michael Cotter 1968 GREATER GLORY CLUB Anonymous FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. John J. Pocius, Jr. CAVALIER CLUB Atty. Lawrence J. Kucy O’HORA CLUB Mr. William A. Comerford Deacon Edward T. Kelly Mr. Benjamin S. Konopka Mr. John P. Martin Atty. John J. Mercuri Mr. John J. Reddington KENNEDY CLUB Judge Thomas M. Blewitt Mr. William J. Calpin, Jr. Mr. Thomas J. Eden Mr. Stephen P. Kowalchik Mr. Robert J. Lawless LAMM CLUB James F. Nolan, Ph.D. Mr. Gerald J. Stankiewicz 1969 FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. Anthony M. Montrone CAVALIER CLUB Mr. Francis T. Kane, Jr. MAHER CLUB Dr. Joseph J. Ruzbarsky O’HORA CLUB Mr. Fred L. Cianni Dr. Dominic L. Mazza Nathaniel T. McMullen, Ph.D. Mr. Thomas C. Padden Dr. Paul F. Remick Atty. Michael A. Roman Mr. William T. Taylor 1970 MAHER CLUB Atty. Michael E. Brier Atty. Edward A. Stankoski, Jr. Mr. Daniel D. Swift O’HORA CLUB Mr. Richard D. Ferrante Mr. Kevin A. Kays Dr. Thomas G. Majernick Atty. Joseph P. Wargo KENNEDY CLUB Mr. R. Scott Wallis LAMM CLUB Rev. John M. Costello, S.J. Mr. William F. Reedy 1971 FOUNDERS CLUB Atty. Gerard J. Cipriani Dr. Patrick J. Fricchione Dr. John G. Hopkins Mr. Robert J. Walker, Jr. CAVALIER CLUB Mr. Francis T. Joyce, C.P.A. MAHER CLUB Mr. John T. Comerford O’HORA CLUB Mr. Patrick J. Calpin Dr. Leonard J. Kurello KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Fred G. Garm Mr. David J. Schumann Dr. Allen J. Vaida LAMM CLUB Mr. Mark A. Graziadio Mr. Jim Moran 1972 GREATER GLORY CLUB Mr. Albert C. Boris, III PRESIDENTS CLUB Atty. Peter P. Ackourey Mr. Thomas P. Doherty FOUNDERS CLUB Atty. Gerald F. Durkin, Jr. Atty. Michael J. McDonald CAVALIER CLUB Mr. John M. Davis Mr. Dennis M. Size MAHER CLUB Atty. Mary Teresa A. Gavigan Mr. Joseph F. McDonald Atty. John R. O’Brien O’HORA CLUB Mr. Anthony J. Artabane Mr. Andrew E. Bubser Dr. Gerald A. Charnogursky Mr. Nicholas S. Demko Dr. John J. Greco Mr. William A. Jenkins Judge Malachy E. Mannion Dr. Frank M. Moro Dr. Benedict J. Parenti Mr. Gary T. Schmidt KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Joseph R. Fox Mr. John C. Keklak Mr. Brian C. Labashosky Ms. Madonna Hazzouri Sutter LAMM CLUB Mr. Frank J. Cummings 1973 GREATER GLORY CLUB Atty. Joseph T. Wright FOUNDERS CLUB Dr. Patrick J. Grady CAVALIER CLUB Dr. Peter J. Bohn Dr. Joseph J. Calabro, III MAHER CLUB Dr. Joseph R. Agostinelli Dr. Henry J. Bobeck Atty. Timothy J. Golden Mr. Daniel J. Schoeps Atty. Sylvan A. Sobel Mr. William J. Timlin Mrs. Catherine Cullen Timlin 2013-2014 Alumni Board of Governors Ms. Jennifer Ciccotti ‘02 President, Alumni Board of Governors Judicial Assistant for Honorable Edwin Kosik Mr. Michael Cummings ’02 Vice President, Alumni Board of Governors Employee Benefits/Broker/Consultant Cummings Insurance Agency Megan Zukoski Azar, D.D.S. ’94 Dentist Azar Walsh Dental Mr. William H. Bender, II ’01, CFP®, CIMA® Wealth Management Advisor Bender Wealth Management-Merrill Lynch Ms. Maura Boland ’91 Teacher/Homemaker Mrs. Amanda Perrone Boyanoski ’95 Teacher/Homemaker Mr. Brian Cooney ’05 Business Administrator Oxford Area School District Joseph L. DeNaples, Esq. ’97 Attorney Nogi, Appleton,Weinberger & Wren, P.C. Mrs. Michele Minora Felins ’02 Director of Parent Programs University of Scranton Mrs. Ellen Casey McGrath Grady ’02 Teacher/Homemaker Mrs. Rosemary O’Brien Granet ’94 Registered Nurse/ Homemaker Mr. Joseph Grochowski ’94 Managing Director Te Results Based Leadership Group Mrs. Grace McGregor Kramer ’06 Director of Strategy & Operations McGregor Industries Ms. Sara Levy ’03 Realtor, Classic Properties Ms. Sharon Lynett ’02 University of Scranton Full-time MBA Graduate Student Timothy J. Maloney, Esq. ’914 Attorney, Rosenn, Jenkins & Greenwald, LLP Mrs. Catherine Barrett McGrath ’92 Audiologist, Hearing Specialists of NEPA Mr. Terrence A. McMahon, IV ’96 Investment Management Specialist Integrated Capital Management Michael J. O’Brien, Esq. Attorney, Oliver, Price & Rhodes Capt. Christopher Paris ’94 Commanding Officer Troop R, Dunmore PA State Police Mr. William Perrone ‘90 Co-owner, PS & JP Property Management, LLC Mr. Michael Skoff ’97 Account Executive, One Point, Inc. Mr. Matthew Snyder ’02 Accountant Scranton & Brooklyn Running Companies Ms. Tara Steppacher ’90 Ms. Rachel Sweeney ’06 Photographer/Administrative Assistant Marywood University Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 | 27 O’HORA CLUB Dr. Gerald L. Andriole Atty. James J. Gillotti Mrs. Barbara Payton Murphy Dr. Paula Roe Prior Dr. Thomas M. Swift Mr. Stanley J. Waleski KENNEDY CLUB Mr. John P. Gilroy Mr. Ronald R. Petras, C.P.A. LAMM CLUB Mr. William N. Firjone Dr. Vincent N. Grattolino 1974 PRESIDENTS CLUB Atty. Timothy G. Lenahan FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. James P. Carey Dr. Alan P. Gillick Mr. Henry J. Sallusti CAVALIER CLUB Atty. Joseph N. Demko Ms. Joyce A. Hatala Deacon Dominick J. Pastore Lt. Gen. Frank J. Wiercinski MAHER CLUB Mr. Howard M. Kaufman Mr. Thomas A. Marhevka Dr. Ralph J. Marino O’HORA CLUB Atty. Judith C. Dunn Dr. Mary Jo Gunning Mr. John V. Kane Mr. John A. Kramer, Jr. Mr. Louis A. Norella, III Mrs. Ann Gilroy Spishock Dr. Edward J. Zaloga KENNEDY CLUB Mr. A. Michael Gleason Mr. Joseph A. Libassi Dr. John F. McGurrin, Jr. Ms. Maria T. Sevitski LAMM CLUB Atty. Gabriel W. Falbo 1975 GREATER GLORY CLUB Dr. Louis A. Genello Dr. Stephen E. Pascucci Mr. Gary A. Ubaldini FOUNDERS CLUB Dr. Peter A. Cognetti Atty. Edward G. Poplawski Dr. Thomas P. Pusateri CAVALIER CLUB Dr. Leo D. Farrell Mr. Robert J. Knowles, Jr. Mr. Robert J. Radics MAHER CLUB Mr. Joseph W. Flasser Mr. D. Mark Possanza O’HORA CLUB Mr. Donald F. McGlynn Atty. John F. Mifka Dr. David J. Sevitski LAMM CLUB Mr. Thomas J. Bonacci Mr. Terence H. Walsh 1976 GREATER GLORY CLUB Mrs. Flora Keating Karam Mr. Thomas F. Karam FOUNDERS CLUB Atty. Joseph D. Burke Dr. David M. Guarnieri Dr. Kathleen Shander Guarnieri Mr. Thomas J. Melone Capt. David M. Sack Atty. Karen A. Tomaine CAVALIER CLUB Mr. John J. Dunn, Jr. Atty. Bernard A. Ostrowski Mrs. Jeannine Mussari Wiercinski MAHER CLUB Atty. Paul K. Paterson Dr. Patrick S. Swift O’HORA CLUB Dr. Vincent L. Angeloni Mr. Edward F. Cimoch Atty. J. Joseph Cullen Mr. Eric J. Goldstone Mr. Richard P. Grayeski Mrs. Nina Schoeps Purdue Dr. Charles E. Scrimalli KENNEDY CLUB Dr. Gregory Halenda Mr. Michael A. Rincavage Mr. Robert B. Rowan LAMM CLUB Mr. Richard A. Pezak Mrs. Catherine Rist Strauch 1977 PRESIDENTS CLUB Dr. Mary Dwyer Cassis Mr. James G. Glasgow FOUNDERS CLUB Dr. Mary Boland Frattali Mr. Kevin J. Murray Judge Terrence R. Nealon Mr. Terrence F. Osborne Mrs. Patrice Rittenhouse Persico CAVALIER CLUB Atty. T. Kevin FitzPatrick O’HORA CLUB Mr. Robert F. Durkin Dr. Mark A. Greenfield Dr. Michael J. Ratchford Mr. Perry J. Rose Rev. Mark P. Scalese, S.J. Mr. Rocco S. Serine KENNEDY CLUB Rev. David J. Cinquegrani, C.P. LAMM CLUB Mrs. Kathleen Flanagan Host 1978 FOUNDERS CLUB Atty. Joseph F. Saporito, Jr. CAVALIER CLUB Dr. J. Ward FitzPatrick MAHER CLUB Mr. George T. Aschenbrenner, III Mr. Joseph P. Manfredi Mr. William J. Reddington O’HORA CLUB Mr. Timothy J. Burns Mrs. Janet Obidinski Comerford Ms. Theresa M. Houston Mr. Russell J. Langan Mrs. Erin Browning Mifka Mr. James R. Pagnotti Mr. Daniel Wywoda KENNEDY CLUB Dr. Gregory P. Zale 28 | Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 LAMM CLUB Mr. Charles E. Minella Mrs. Beverly Sholtis Sheruda 1979 GREATER GLORY CLUB Atty. Peter J. McGrath PRESIDENTS CLUB Atty. Robert T. Kelly, Jr. Mrs. Margaret Curtin Kelly FOUNDERS CLUB Dr. Joseph P. Bannon Mr. John W. Cosgrove Mr. Michael C. Mauer Mr. Donald J. O’Hara Mr. John P. Wiercinski CAVALIER CLUB Mr. William J. Farrell, C.P.A. Mr. Michael P. Kosar Mr. Matthew T. Pompey Mrs. Sharon Martin Pompey Mr. Joseph G. Preate MAHER CLUB Mrs. Mary Ann Lewis Cooney Atty. Michael D. Walker Mr. Roger P. Wesenyak O’HORA CLUB Mrs. Kathryn Young Baker Mr. Michael D. Booth Atty. Marion Munley Cartwright Atty. William F. Dunstone Dr. Carmen J. Giunta Mr. Michael J. Hricko Mrs. Mary Pesavento Icker Mr. Mark D. Lavelle Mr. Clement J. Palevich Mr. John C. Parry Mrs. Eileen Nuttall Reagan Atty. James M. Wetter Mrs. Janine Ackourey Wetter KENNEDY CLUB Mrs. Mary R. Parry Applegate Mr. James J. Brennan Mrs. Susan Holmes Carty Mrs. Gael O’Grady Germain Dr. Pierre P. Germain Mrs. Lisa Kita Myers Atty. Lisa Gillick Swift Mr. Paul T. Zawistowski LAMM CLUB Mr. Andrew J. Kosik, Jr. 1980 GREATER GLORY CLUB Atty. Eugene F. Assaf Mrs. Judith Fidati Haudenschield Mr. Jeffrey O. Haudenschield FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. Anthony R. Domiano Jr. Mrs. Virginia McGregor Dr. Thomas I. Murtaugh MAHER CLUB Mr. John M. Kline Atty. Brian J. Lenahan Dr. Ward J. O’Donnell Atty. Sheilah A. Tone O’HORA CLUB Mrs. Margaret Haggerty Arthurs Mr. Thomas E. Dennison Mr. Eugene J. Kane, Jr. Atty. Gerard M. Karam Mrs. Janice Hvezda Kazda Mrs. Mary Ellen Sack Prince Dr. Chester C. Yavorski KENNEDY CLUB Mrs. Kathryn Lynott Brubaker Mrs. M. Ellen Cummings Dermody Dr. Frederick R. Leri Mrs. Stacie Millett Rechlicz LAMM CLUB Dr. Amy Mikuta Heneghan Mrs. Mary Jo Abdalla Sheridan 1981 GREATER GLORY CLUB Mr. Brian H. Mullally Ms. Rene A. Portanova PRESIDENTS CLUB Mrs. Marie Domiano-Nieto Mr. David J. Stafursky Mr. John P. Sweeney FOUNDERS CLUB Mrs. Margaret Suraci DeVita Ms. Tamyra A. Toole CAVALIER CLUB Dr. Francis M. Lobo MAHER CLUB Mr. Kenton S. Harris Mr. Mitchell J. Mondro O’HORA CLUB Mrs. Ann Kathryn Holmes Guy Atty. Steven E. Hellman Mr. Bart A. Terrery Mr. Donald F. Watson, Jr. KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Carter P. Atkins Mrs. Margaret Nolan Tripp LAMM CLUB Dr. Todd D. Habeeb 1982 GREATER GLORY CLUB Dr. Angelo L. Falcone Mr. Christopher M. Veno PRESIDENTS CLUB Mr. Paul Davey Mrs. Mari Millett Doherty FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. John T. Kennedy, Jr. Mr. Donald W. White CAVALIER CLUB Mrs. Deborah Kim Zajkowski MAHER CLUB Mr. William P. Burke Mr. Jeffrey M. Epstein Dr. David M. Hazzouri Mrs. Anne-Claire McAllister Peace Mr. Gregory N. Scandale O’HORA CLUB Atty. Patrick J. Cummings Ms. Patricia M. Gilroy Mrs. Christine Manley Greco Atty. C. Lawrence Holmes Atty. Marguerite Nealon Kilcullen Mr. David P. Lucchino Atty. Patrick J. McHale Ms. Karyn M. Reilly Mr. John G. Walsh KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Timothy R. Booth Dr. Samuel I. Parry Mr. Vincent M. Ponko LAMM CLUB Mrs. Mary Cara O’Malley Colombo Dr. Leanne M. Ksiazek Mrs. Tricia Pahoski Richards 1983 GREATER GLORY CLUB Mr. Timothy C. Rose Dr. Lisa C. Thomas PRESIDENTS CLUB Mrs. Kimberly McHale Stafursky Ms. Theresa D. Stuckart FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. Joseph A. DePaulo Dr. Eugene P. Grady Dr. Ross J. Scalese Dr. Timothy D. Welby CAVALIER CLUB Mr. Leonard M. Insalaco Atty. David S. Wisneski MAHER CLUB Atty. Tullio DeLuca Mrs. Moira O’Connor-Servis O’HORA CLUB Mrs. Lila Munchak Cooperider Mrs. Kimberly Portanova Feibus Mrs. Elizabeth Parente LaCosta Mr. George B. Patterson Mr. David E. Walsh Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy Walsh KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Robert E. Beviglia Dr. Thomas J. Donahue Mrs. Margaret Kelley Donahue Capt. Kathleen Brennan Janac Mr. Mark A. Kavulich Ms. Mariellen Walsh 1984 FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. Frederick G. Assaf Dr. Patrick J. Cawley Atty. William J. Haubert CAVALIER CLUB Dr. William B. Haggerty Mr. Robert M. Kotchick Mr. Joseph K. Kuranda Mr. James N. Lawhon Atty. Helen Phillips Rizos MAHER CLUB Atty. Jane M. Carlonas Dr. William J. Jordan, Jr. Dr. Michael T. Kane Mrs. Susan Edwards Seaborg Mrs. Wendy Shuminski Worobey O’HORA CLUB Dr. Ann R. Kearney Astolfi Mrs. Donna Kavulich Beardell Mrs. Ellen Jordan Cullen Dr. Brenda Toczydlowski Goodrich Atty. Karl P. Lynott Mr. James P. Malone Ms. Mary L. Murray Ms. Jennifer M. Rittenhouse Dr. James M. Sirotnak LAMM CLUB Mr. Francis E. Crowley, III Dr. Erin E. Tracy Mrs. Deborah Rouland Wallace 1985 GREATER GLORY CLUB Dr. Louis A. DeNaples Mrs. Jean Haggerty McGrath PRESIDENTS CLUB Mr. James C. Gillespie Mrs. April Mellody Gillespie FOUNDERS CLUB Dr. Joseph T. Kelly, Jr. Dr. Michael J. Terrery MAHER CLUB Mr. Richard F. Mariotti Mrs. Jill Summa Mariotti Mr. Gregory C. Posly Mr. Timothy J. Pryle O’HORA CLUB Mrs. Jacqueline Ruddy Devaney Ms. Colleen M. Kane Mr. Daniel P. Kennedy Mrs. Kyra Young Lyons Mr. Mark F. Mulholland, C.P.A. Ms. Kimberly Weber Domiano KENNEDY CLUB Dr. John T. Anzelmi Ms. Leah Chiavacci Shuldiner LAMM CLUB Mrs. Kimberley Stanton Miller Mrs. Judith A. Ryan-Phillips Mr. James J. Seechock 1986 GREATER GLORY CLUB Mrs. Mauri Haggerty Collins Dr. Lisa DeNaples Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Casey Lynett Atty. Scott Lynett PRESIDENTS CLUB Atty. Tracy Diskin Doherty FOUNDERS CLUB Dr. Theodore J. Tomaszewski MAHER CLUB Mr. Christopher R. McDonnell Dr. Peter J. Millett Dr. David T. Oven O’HORA CLUB Dr. Patricia Aronica Dr. Kristen M. Robson Ms. Ann Marie C. Viola KENNEDY CLUB Mrs. Mary Beth Roche Burke Atty. James F. Malloy Dr. Joanne M. Thorne LAMM CLUB Mr. Padraic S. Kelly Mrs. Mary Ellen Kotchick Leardi Mrs. Angela Albanesi Rinaldi, R.N. 1987 GREATER GLORY CLUB Mrs. Donna DeNaples DiLeo Mrs. Kathleen Lynett Rose PRESIDENTS CLUB Mr. Joseph G. Cesare, Jr. Mrs. Kimberly Cannon Cesare Mr. John A. Ruddy FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. David C. Keating CAVALIER CLUB Mrs. Colleen Costello McGraw Atty. Patrick J. Murphy Dr. Joseph F. Murray, III MAHER CLUB Atty. Robert C. Trichilo O’HORA CLUB Ms. Kristin A. Cupillari Mr. Robert W. Manchak Dr. Kathleen B. McHugh KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Peter A. Narsavage LAMM CLUB Mrs. Lisa Cappelloni O’Donnell Ms. Laura A. Williams 1988 1991 GREATER GLORY CLUB Mr. James J. Haggerty, Jr. Mr. Edward J. Lynett, III FOUNDERS CLUB Dr. Christian S. Adonizio CAVALIER CLUB Dr. Brian P. Loftus Mrs. Alisa Siglin Loftus Dr. Kristin Pettinato Paoli MAHER CLUB Ms. Debra Robertson Halpin Dr. Ann Brust Judge Mr. Anthony J. Munchak, Jr. Mr. Dean A. Summa O’HORA CLUB Atty. Jennifer Dunleavy Deitchman Mr. George M. Franceschelli Mrs. Erin Martin Holcombe Mrs. Dawn Colangelo Leas Atty. Kurt T. Lynott Mr. Charles S. Sweeder Mrs. Kelliann Doyle Thorpe KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Nicholas J. Gregory LAMM CLUB Mrs. Marlo M. Habeeb GREATER GLORY CLUB Mr. Robert J. Lynett Ms. Jennifer Lynett Mrs. Cecelia Haggerty O’Rourke FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. Todd J. Lynady Mrs. Jennifer Weller Lynady CAVALIER CLUB Dr. William J. Grochowski Ms. Theresa A. Pattara MAHER CLUB Mrs. Beth Shanley Cahill Major Daniel J. Curtis Mrs. Sarah Malloy Millett O’HORA CLUB Mr. Vincent A. Galko Mr. Gerald P. Mahon Mrs. Tanya Paoli Miller Atty. Rocco J. Siconolfi KENNEDY CLUB Ms. Judith A. Burke Dr. Jeffrey M. Caterino Dr. Diane M. Ciaglia Atty. Melissa Foley Lively Mrs. Jill Lalli Mullen LAMM CLUB Mr. Paul J. Narsavage 1989 GREATER GLORY CLUB Atty. Matthew A. Casey Ms. Margaret DeNaples Atty. Matthew E. Haggerty Atty. Sheila Lynett Stallman PRESIDENTS CLUB Mrs. Kelly Kane Stark FOUNDERS CLUB Atty. Mary Welby McIlvried MAHER CLUB Mrs. Bridget Bell Russell O’HORA CLUB Mr. David M. Baker Mrs. Michele Young Carachilo Mr. William C. Letwinsky Mrs. Karim Medico Letwinsky Mr. David B. Marquette Mr. David J. Russell Mrs. Cathy Roche Walsh KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Steven J. Niewinski LAMM CLUB Atty. Frank P. Castellano 1990 GREATER GLORY CLUB Mr. George V. Lynett, Jr. FOUNDERS CLUB Dr. Frank Padula, Jr. MAHER CLUB Mr. Daniel T. Heth O’HORA CLUB Mrs. Tara Hunt Fiorillo Mr. W. Jason Guzek, II Mrs. Bridgette Snopkowski Hagen Dr. Heather M. Stec KENNEDY CLUB Atty. Maureen Tracy Leo Mrs. Christin Messina Williams LAMM CLUB Mr. Matthew P. Collins Dr. Margaret Mary Hricko Pafford 1992 GREATER GLORY CLUB Mr. Nicholas DeNaples Mr. John F. Erhard,Esq. Mr. James B. Lynett Mrs. Noelle Maloney Lynett CAVALIER CLUB Mr. Patrick J. Dempsey Dr. Mary E. Guzek Mrs. Margaret Nelson Neville MAHER CLUB Dr. Patrick J. DeMarco, III Mrs. Kathleen Foley Malone Dr. Stephen G. Murray O’HORA CLUB Mr. J. P. Coolbaugh Dr. Carmen R. Latona Mr. Brett A. Millett Mrs. Nicole Murray Millett Mrs. Katherine Wright Ramey Mr. Shawn P. Ressman KENNEDY CLUB Mrs. Karin Gahwiler Kelly 1993 GREATER GLORY CLUB Atty. Daniel P. Haggerty Atty. Elena Hornsby Lynett Mr. Gregory E. Lynett FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. John R. Blackledge Mr. Henry J. Minello CAVALIER CLUB Mrs. Mari Knabel Grochowski MAHER CLUB Mrs. Kara Pocius Hyman O’HORA CLUB Mr. Christopher T. Boland, III Mr. Jason K. Griffiths Dr. Jill E. Kasper Mrs. Laura Shanley McCullough Dr. Matthew T. Scalese Mrs. Kristen McDonald Scalese 1997 KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Daniel J. Price Mr. Brian J. Sileo 1994 PRESIDENTS CLUB Mr. Robert G. Grasso FOUNDERS CLUB Dr. David M. Cognetti Dr. Christopher S. Jordan Mr. Richard J. Meredick Mrs. Karen Oven Padula CAVALIER CLUB Mr. Chad J. Altier Mrs. Holly Roever Carron Mr. Matthew A. Guzek Mr. Jonathan K. Hennemuth Mrs. Maureen Phillips Ryan Mr. Jonathan D. Steele MAHER CLUB Dr. Megan ZukorskI Azar Mrs. Amy Jamieson Evans Mrs. Rosemary O’Brien Granet Mr. Joseph Grochowski Atty. Timothy J. Maloney Ms. Caroline E. Nelson Atty. Christopher L. Paris Mrs. Jennifer Carlonas Paris O’HORA CLUB Mrs. Michele Venesky Craft Mrs. Jocelyn O’Brien Hawkins Ms. Miriam L. Heise Mr. Jeffrey P. Kashuba Mr. Gabriel J. Kochmer KENNEDY CLUB Mrs. Erin A. Malloy-Marcinko Judge Laura M. Turlip 1995 GREATER GLORY CLUB Mrs. Christina O’Brien Haggerty PRESIDENTS CLUB Mr. James A. Valvano MAHER CLUB Mr. Jeffrey J. Boyanoski Mrs. Amanda Perrone Boyanoski O’HORA CLUB Atty. Matthew M. Davey Dr. Kristy Jennings Voytek KENNEDY CLUB Mrs. Marnel Moschorak Ahern Mr. Mark F. Aschenbrenner Mr. Kevin Mullen Mr. Michael J. Popil LAMM CLUB Mr. James P. Blaum Mr. Paul J. Curtis Mrs. Alison Glucksnis Lott 1996 GREATER GLORY CLUB Dr. Anne E. DeNaples CAVALIER CLUB Mrs. Elyssa S. Hijazi Larrañaga MAHER CLUB Mr. Louis W. Minora KENNEDY CLUB Atty. Frederick M. Alcaro Dr. Keith R. Kearney Atty. Robert P. Sheils, III LAMM CLUB Mr. David H. Appleton Mr. Christopher M. Dubas Mrs. Bridget Mellody James GREATER GLORY CLUB Mr. Joseph L. DeNaples Mr. Brian James Mrs. Kathleen Haggerty James MAHER CLUB Mr. Timothy M. Freeman Ms. Michelle E. Griffiths Atty. Kevin C. Hayes Atty. Mariclare Lawless Hayes Mr. Patrick M. Leonard Mr. Stephen P. Recupero O’HORA CLUB Mrs. Carol Walker Strauch LAMM CLUB Mrs. Laura Nagurney Fallon Mrs. Diane Vanaskie Mulligan 1998 GREATER GLORY CLUB Mr. Anthony DeNaples Ms. Dominica DeNaples CAVALIER CLUB Mr. Matthew T. Maloney Dr. Mark F. Suchter O’HORA CLUB Mrs. Kelly Flannery Boland Mrs. Vanessa Paris Coffman Atty. Brian Q. McDonnell Mrs. Melissa Bender Simrell Dr. April Puscavage Troy KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Walter J. Janoski 1999 FOUNDERS CLUB Dr. Christin Harrington Bender Mr. Kevin P. Joyce Mrs. Katharine Preate Stanley CAVALIER CLUB Mrs. Kathleen Shields Thomson MAHER CLUB Dr. Allison Ruzbarsky Yingling O’HORA CLUB Mr. Christopher P. Falzett Ms. Meghan M. Murphy KENNEDY CLUB Ms. Sarah E. Sweeney Mr. Robert J. Walker LAMM CLUB Ms. Lindsey A. Glucksnis Ms. Stephanie C. Shandra 2000 MAHER CLUB Mr. Colin J. O’Boyle O’HORA CLUB Mrs. Christine Grad Connelly Mr. James E. O’Brien KENNEDY CLUB Mr. John T. Dellamalva Mr. Andrew J. Minora Mr. David Shanley 2001 GREATER GLORY CLUB Mrs. Ashley Davis DeNaples PRESIDENTS CLUB Mr. Gregory P. Marx FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. William Bender, II Mr. Charles J. Dooley, IV Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 | 29 MAHER CLUB Mrs. Mary Pauline Moran Murphy O’HORA CLUB Atty. Noreen McLane Phelan KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Brian B. Kapp Mrs. Jennifer Pesavento Kapp LAMM CLUB Mr. Michael D. Scahill 2002 GREATER GLORY CLUB Ms. Sharon E. Lynett FOUNDERS CLUB Mrs. Sarah O’Brien Sweeney MAHER CLUB Mr. Lawrence L. Nicolais, Jr. Atty. Michael J. O’Brien O’HORA CLUB Mr. Michael J. Cummings Mr. Michael J. Dessoye Mr. Terrence V. Gallagher, III KENNEDY CLUB Mrs. Michele Minora Felins Mr. Stephen N. Kavulich Mrs. Michelle Nealon Parker 2003 GREATER GLORY CLUB Mr. John J. Gentile, Jr. CAVALIER CLUB Ms. Sara J. Levy O’HORA CLUB Mrs. Elizabeth Zaydon Dessoye Atty. Thomas E. Grady Mrs. Gina Farinella McGuire Mr. Patrick C. Orner Mrs. Kathleen Moran Smith KENNEDY CLUB Mr. John J. Mercuri LAMM CLUB Ms. Angela Bessette Mr. Sean D. Fitzpatrick Ms. Chelsea A. Wren 2004 GREATER GLORY CLUB Mr. Christopher P. Lynett MAHER CLUB Mr. Randy J. Davis O’HORA CLUB Ms. Felicia Falvo Ms. Melissa McLane KENNEDY CLUB Ms. Mia Bartoletti Ms. Christina Pascucci Ms. Sarah Sinkaus LAMM CLUB Ms. Mariah Vivian 2005 GREATER GLORY CLUB Ms. Elizabeth K. Karam CAVALIER CLUB Mr. Anthony J. Genello MAHER CLUB Mrs. Laura Magnotta McGarry Mr. John P. Mesko, Jr. O’HORA CLUB Mr. Dustin J. Bender Mr. Michael G. Rescigno LAMM CLUB Mr. Christopher A. Bantell Ms. Eileen K. Byrne 2006 GREATER GLORY CLUB Mr. Joseph Barrasse MAHER CLUB Ms. Rachel E. Sweeney O’HORA CLUB Mr. Andrew M. Mazzarella Mr. Joseph J. Paradise Mrs. Kaitlyn Thorne Paradise KENNEDY CLUB Ms. Melissa A. Beseda Ms. Bridget C. O’Malley Mr. Thomas G. Sharkey LAMM CLUB Ms. Jayne E. Mariotti 2007 MAHER CLUB Mr. Robert C. Hine O’HORA CLUB Mr. Kevin M. Bender Ms. Marissa A. Pagnotti LAMM CLUB Mr. Steven D. Scahill 2008 KENNEDY CLUB Ms. Shannon E. O’Malley 2009 O’HORA CLUB Ms. Katelyn R. Danchak Ms. Maggie E. Jackson Ms. Celia E. Rader KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Jonathan E. Bonin Mr. Kevin P. Dermody Ms. Kathryn A. Feeney Mr. Timothy J. Schoen LAMM CLUB Ms. Fawn A. Romanko 2010 GREATER GLORY CLUB Mr. Thomas K. Karam O’HORA CLUB Mr. Daniel T. Holland Ms. Gabrielle Jones KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Nicholas J. D’Andrea Ms. Courtney Stone LAMM CLUB Ms. Victoria L. Galenas 2011 O’HORA CLUB Ms. Mariah A. Dunn Mr. Kevin A. Icker KENNEDY CLUB Ms. Sarah M. Dermody Ms. Meghan R. Rade Mr. Jeffrey P. Sharkey LAMM CLUB Ms. Margaret Mary DeMark Ms. Kayla M. Prompovitch Mr. Kyle R. Williams 30 | Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 2013 MAHER CLUB Ms. Ashely I. Hine O’HORA CLUB Ms. Rebecca E. Icker KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Ryan K. Burdick 2014 LAMM CLUB Ms. Caitlin M. Dermody PAST FACULTY FOUNDERS CLUB Msgr. Joseph P. Kelly MAHER CLUB Mr. Daniel J. Kennedy O’HORA CLUB Mr. Robert J. Bergman Mrs. Kyra A. Young Lyons KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Robert E. Beviglia FACULTY & STAFF FOUNDERS CLUB Rev. Herbert B. Keller, S.J. Ms. Karen Minora Mrs. Jane Nagurney Mrs. Barbara O’Brien Mrs. Maggie Sallusti MAHER CLUB Mr. William P. Burke O’HORA CLUB Mrs. Donna Barrett Mr. Christopher T. Boland, III Mr. Anthony L. Cantafio Mr. Anthony J. Cantafio Mrs. Christine Greco Mrs. Lora L. Lynn Mrs. Cathy Walsh KENNEDY CLUB Mr. Matthew Bernard Mr. Nicholas Donato Mr. Thomas J. Gorman Mrs. Ann Marie Marx Mr. John F. Mullen, Jr. Dr. Carolyne Stringfellow Mrs. Maryann Weed FRIENDS GREATER GLORY CLUB Atty. & Mrs. John P. Elliott Mr. Joseph Mullen Mr. & Mrs. Jack Tighe Mary Ann Ziomek Charitable Trust PRESIDENTS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Serafini FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. Mark DeStefano Mr. Christopher Kane & Atty. General Kathleen Kane Ms. Francine Katz Ms. Jean Lynett Ms. Brigid Lynett Rev. Joseph F. Sica Mr. Charles Steele Mr. Robert J. Sylvester Ms. Maggie Tighe Mr. Thomas Tighe Ms. Elizabeth E. Walsh CAVALIER CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hunt Ms. Lorraine McDonnell MAHER CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Goodrich Great Valley Cardiology Staff Members O’HORA CLUB Ms. Geraldine Azzarelli Mrs. Donna Barger Ms. Rosemary Blomberg Mrs. Joanne Conon Ms. Lucille Fastiggi Dr. Richard Fitzsimmons Mr. Thomas Fitzsimmons Mr. & Mrs. Adeeb A. Hazzouri Mr. & Mrs. Durell Johnson Mr. Michael Kehoe Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lydon Mr. & Mrs. David Mackarey Mr. & Mrs. David Madison Mrs. Marian McGowan Ms. Judith Nadelmann Mr. Peter Nevins Northeastern Pennsylvania Plastic Surgery Associates, Ltd. Mr. Patrick O’Leary Dr. Joyce Perih, D.D.S. Mr. & Mrs. Steven Pressman Professional Orthopaedic Assn. Ms. Mary Jo Ruddy Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rumsey Mr. & Mrs. James Scalese Scranton Preparatory Faculty & Staff Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Smaniotto Mr. Rowland Smith St. Bartholomew’s Manchester Ms. Robin Szabo Ms. Rosemarie Tremmel Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Valvano Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Vax Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Ziomek KENNEDY CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Barone Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Davis Ms. Mary Ellen DeLeon Mr. Richard Delmar Mrs. Philomena Errico Mr. Edward Hazzouri Mr. & Mrs. Michael Intoccia Mr. & Mrs. James Mack Ms. Janice Majewski Mr. Martin Nelson Mr. Delvi Olivetti, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. David Reppy Mr. Martin Spector Mrs. Marion Swetz University of Scranton Royals Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Verrastro Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Wargo LAMM CLUB Ms. Ann Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Marvin A. Brotter Mr. Joseph Calomino Mrs. Elaine Cameli Mr. John & Dr. Agnes Cardoni Mr. Michael D. Collins Mr. James Earley Ms. Natalie Gelb Ms. Mary Hoffman Ms. Joan Keilen Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McConnell Ms. Marie McDonald Ms. Kathleen Potkai Mr. & Mrs. Michael Romanovitch Ms. Norma Yeager Mr. Edward Zech PAST PARENTS GREATER GLORY CLUB Dr. Linda Barrasse Judge Michael Barrasse Mr. & Mrs. William Bracey Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Cameli Atty. & Mrs. Sal D. Cognetti, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dominick DeNaples Mr. & Mrs. Louis DeNaples Dr. & Mrs. Louis A. Genello Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Hager Jr. Mrs. Cecelia Haggerty Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hillebrand Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Karam Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Lynett, Jr. Atty. & Mrs. George V. Lynett Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Mariotti Dr. John & Dr. Margaret Mariotti Dr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Pascucci Atty. Joseph & Atty. Judith Price Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Sharkey Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Charles Volpe Atty. Joseph T. Wright PRESIDENTS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. William H. Bender Mr. & Mrs. Peter Danchak Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Fitzpatrick Atty. & Mrs. Robert T. Kelly, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Kelly, Sr. Ms. Theresa D. Stuckart FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Aldcowski Dr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Bannon Dr. & Mrs. Eric W. Blomain Atty. Joseph & Atty. Kathleen Burke Judge & Mrs. Thomas F. Burke, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Cesare Mr. & Mrs. Peter Classen Dr. & Mrs. Peter A. Cognetti Mr. & Mrs. John M. Cowley Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Dooley Mr. & Mrs. James T. Fleming, III Dr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Grady Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Griffiths Mr. & Mrs. David J. Harding Atty. & Mrs. Thomas Helbig Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hine Mrs. Alice Karam Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kelly Atty. Michael & Dr. Mary Ann McDonald Ms. Karen D. Minora Atty. Joseph A. Murphy Dr. & Mrs. David J. Nagurney Mr. & Mrs. Mark Nobile Mrs. Judith O’Brien Atty. & Mrs. Joseph A. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Terrence F. Osborne Mr. & Mrs. David R. Pagnotti, Sr. Atty. & Mrs. Joseph Persico Mr. & Mrs. John J. Pocius, Jr. Atty. & Mrs. Joseph A. Quinn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Sallusti Atty. & Mrs. Joseph F. Saporito, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Walker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Wiercinski Mr. William J. Young CAVALIER CLUB Judge & Mrs. Richard P. Conaboy Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Costello Mr. Thomas P. Cummings Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Durkin Dr. & Mrs. J. Ward FitzPatrick Dr. P. Shripathi & Dr. Vathsala Holla Mrs. Joan Kane Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Knowles, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Millett Atty. Joseph A. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Pompey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Preate Mr. & Mrs. David L. Tressler, Sr. MAHER CLUB Mrs. Katherine Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Brown, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip P. Condron Mr. & Mrs. James Cooney Atty. J. Brian Foley Atty. Thomas J. Foley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Martin R. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. James M. Griffiths Dr. & Mrs. William Hottenstein Atty. Dominic J. Keating Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Kennedy Mrs. Melissa LeStrange Mr. & Mrs. David Leung Mr. & Mrs. Michael Meta Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Mihok Mrs. Barbara Negvesky Atty. John & Atty. Sally O’Brien Judge & Mrs. Carlon M. O’Malley Mr. & Mrs. Carlon E. Preate, C.P.A. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Ruzbarsky Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ryan Atty. & Mrs. Michael Walker Mr. & Mrs. John Walker O’HORA CLUB Mrs. Donna Barrett Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Barrette Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bergman Atty. & Mrs. J. Justin Blewitt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Brogna Mr. & Mrs. Andrew E. Bubser Mr. & Mrs. William Burke Atty. & Mrs. Gerald J. Butler Mr. & Mrs. William L. Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Cantafio Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Cantafio Dr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Carver Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Cherra Mrs. Gail M. Cicerini Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Colangelo Mr. & Mrs. John T. Comerford Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Coolican Judge & Mrs. S. John Cottone Mr. & Mrs. William M. Cwyk Mr. & Mrs. Edward D’Agostino Mrs. Helen Dende Mr. Joseph P. Donohue Dr. & Mrs. Lewis C. Druffner, Jr. Atty. & Mrs. William F. Dunstone Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Durkin Dr. & Mrs. William J. Farrell Atty. & Mrs. Terrence V. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Frank Germain Dr. & Mrs. Albert F. Giallorenzi Mrs. Hubert F. Gordon Atty. & Mrs. Carl Greco Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Guziewicz Dr. & Mrs. Maurice I. Hart Mr. & Mrs. David Hawk Mr. & Mrs. Frank Henzes Mr. & Mrs. John D. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Hinton, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Icker Mr. & Mrs. William F. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Jones Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Jordan, Jr. Atty. & Mrs. Gerard M. Karam Dr. E. Donald Kotchick Mr. & Mrs. John A. Kramer, Jr. Mrs. Cathy Loughney Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Mackarey Mr. & Mrs. Rock Magnotta Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Majernick Judge & Mrs. Malachy E. Mannion Mr. & Mrs. Albert Markowski Mr. & Mrs. John M. Martin, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Dominic L. Mazza Ms. Christine McDermott Dr. & Mrs. Scott McGrath Atty. & Mrs. John J. Mercuri Dr. & Mrs. Richard T. Meredick Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Mirro Dr. & Mrs. Vernon Morgan Dr. Andrew Nebzydoski & Dr. Patricia Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Norella, III Mr. & Mrs. John Pesavento Mr. & Mrs. Peter Petras Dr. Daniel T. Pompey, Sr. Dr. John & Dr. Paula Prior Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Puscavage Dr. & Mrs. J. Anthony Quinn Atty. & Mrs. James W. Reid Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Reilly Dr. & Mrs. Paul F. Remick Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Rinaldi Dr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Roe, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Perry J. Rose Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Sallusti Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Scrimalli Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Senker Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Simrell Mr. & Mrs. Leo T. Skorupa Mrs. Mary Colleen Snowdon Mrs. Jean M. Steppacher Mr. John G. Walsh & Ms. Karyn M. Reilly Atty. & Mrs. Joseph P. Wargo Mr. Paul Wasilchak Atty. & Mrs. Alfred J. Weinschenk Atty. & Mrs. James M. Wetter Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. White Atty. & Mrs. Brian Yeager Mrs. Suzanne Zukoski KENNEDY CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Michael Addesa Dr. & Mrs. John T. Anzelmi Mr. & Mrs. Neil Applegate Mr. & Mrs. David Banas Mrs. Lorraine Basta Mr. & Mrs. Robert Berlew Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Bevacqua Judge & Mrs. Thomas M. Blewitt Dr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Boland Mr. & Mrs. William J. Calpin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William R. Carr Mr. & Mrs. Gary F. Cicerini Mr. James & Hon. Joanne Corbett Mr. & Mrs. George Dermody Mr. & Mrs. Michael DeSanto Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Donahue Mr. & Mrs. David B. Druck Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Falvo Mrs. Joan FitzPatrick Mrs. Madeline Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Gatelli Mr. & Mrs. Christian Girman Dr. & Mrs. Charles T. Grad Atty. & Mrs. Timothy J. Holland Mr. & Mrs. Terry Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Kavulich Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. William Letwinsky Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. MacDonald Mrs. Ann Marie Marx Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Masco Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. McKenna Mr. & Mrs. John F. Mullen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul O’Hop Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Rittenhouse Mr. & Mrs. Edward Robson Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Sebastianelli Mr. & Mrs. Michael Seechock Mr. & Mrs. John W. Seitzinger Mrs. Helen Siconolfi Mrs. Janet P. Suraci Mr. & Mrs. Robert Weed LAMM CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Angeloni Mr. & Mrs. Louis Auriemma Mr. & Mrs. John K. Blackledge Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Bracey Mr. Stephen Casey & Dr. Ellen Casey Prof. & Mrs. Timothy K. Casey Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Chase, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Checefsky Mr. & Mrs. John Churla Mrs. Rose Marie Coleman Prof. Wilbur N. Dotter Dr. & Mrs. Steven B. Eisner Mr. & Mrs. William T. Elkins Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hogan Dr. & Mrs. Paul Kaczmarcik Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Kuchwara Mr. & Mrs. Kurt W. Kushner Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey MacGregor Mrs. Margaret Mackrell Mr. & Mrs. Robert I. Malloy Dr. & Mrs. Richard H. Passon Mrs. Helen Raymond Mr. & Mrs. John Rizzo Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rybnick Mr. & Mrs. James P. Scoblick Atty. & Mrs. Mark Sheridan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sheruda Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Talerico, Sr. Mrs. Kathleen M. Vivian Ms. Laura A. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Zelno CURRENT PARENTS GREATER GLORY CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Ashby Mr. William E. Aubrey II Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Collins Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DiLeo Dr. & Mrs. Louis DeNaples Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey O. Haudenschield Ms. Jennifer Lynett Atty. & Mrs. Scott Lynett Mr. & Mrs. William R. Lynett Mr. & Mrs. Leo McGowan Mr. & Mrs. Christopher McGrath Ms. Rene A. Portanova Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Rose Dr. Lisa C. Thomas PRESIDENTS CLUB Dr. & Mrs. John H. Doherty Mr. Thomas & Atty. Tracy Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Nieto Mr. & Mrs. David Stafursky Mr. & Mrs. John P. Sweeney FOUNDERS CLUB Mr. & Mrs. James Baum Dr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Fricchione Dr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Grady Atty. Raymond A. Hassey Mr. & Mrs. Dean Hesser Mr. & Mrs. Robert McGregor Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Mellon Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mills Judge & Mrs. Terrence R. Nealon Ms. Michelene Pagnotti Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Perih Atty. & Mrs. Mark Perry Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Pettinato Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Terrery Atty. Karen A. Tomaine & Mr. Scott Stiner Dr. Timothy & Dr. Gretchen Welby Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. White Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Woelkers Atty. & Mrs. Paul Wylam CAVALIER CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Jason Bella Atty. & Mrs. Joseph R. D’Andrea Atty. & Mrs. Eugene Feeney Mr. & Mrs. Robert Luciani Dr. & Mrs. John P. Lundin Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Maloney Mr. & Mrs. Terence Neville Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Pettinato Jr. MAHER CLUB Atty. Michael E. Brier & Judge Trish Corbett Mr. & Mrs. William P. Burke Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Calpin Mr. & Mrs. John J. DeLeo Mr. John D’Elia & Dr. Kate Tigue Mr. & Mrs. Donald Farley Dr. Lana Grzybicki Dr. & Mrs. James M. Haggerty Dr. David M. Hazzouri Dr. & Mrs. William J. Jordan, Jr. Mr. Francis & Dr. Catherine Lovecchio Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Mihok Atty. Paul & Atty. Mary Theresa Paterson Mr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Posly Atty. & Mrs. James Shoemaker Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Smicherko Mr. & Mrs. James Worobey O’HORA CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Paul Barucky, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bauman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brown Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Carachilo Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Carr Mr. & Mrs. R. Stephen Carter Dr. & Mrs. David Caucci Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Cimoch Mr. Curt Coccodrilli Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Curtin Dr. & Mrs. Anthony DeCarli Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DiBileo Atty. Peggy Engle Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Erhard Mr. & Mrs. Richard Feibus Mr. & Mrs. Michael Golden Mr. & Mrs. Glen Goryeb Mr. & Mrs. Roland Greco Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hickey Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hricko Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Edward Jakubek Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kelleher Mrs. Denise Krasucki Mr. & Mrs. Edward LaClair Mr. Edward Lipski & Ms. Elaine Lispi Atty. & Mrs. Eugene D. Lucas Mrs. Lora L. Lynn Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Maloney Ms. Michele Mattioli-Kulick Mr. & Mrs. Jan Mazur Mr. & Mrs. Stephen O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. William O’Malley Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Pinto Atty. & Mrs. Brian G. Price Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Rade Dr. & Mrs. Murli Rajan Mr. & Mrs. Geary Rinehimer Mr. & Mrs. Michael Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Ruane Ms. Catherine Sekely Dr. & Mrs. James M. Sirotnak Mr. & Mrs. Christian L. Skoff Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stossel Mr. & Mrs. Michael Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Woelkers Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Yanni Mr. & Mrs. Paul Youshock KENNEDY CLUB Atty. & Mrs. John G. Audi Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Beviglia Atty. Frank & Atty. Claire Brier Dr. & Mrs. Shawn Casey Pastor Zbigniew Dawid Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Farrell Dr. & Mrs. Pierre P. Germain Atty. & Mrs. Richard Goldenziel Mr. & Mrs. James Gorman, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Lester Gumula Mr. & Mrs. David Iyoob Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kuchwara Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lanzendorfer Dr. & Mrs. Frederick R. Leri Mr. & Mrs. William Maslar Mr. & Mrs. Craig Myers Mr. & Mrs. Michael Noto Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Parola Mr. & Mrs. William Powell Mr. & Mrs. R. Scott Wallis Ms. Mariellen Walsh LAMM CLUB Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Bender Mr. & Mrs. Daniel David Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Desiderio Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Donaldson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Galenas Dr. & Mrs. Vincent N. Grattolino Dr. & Mrs. Todd D. Habeeb Mr. & Mrs. Seth Hendershot Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kaffka Mr. & Mrs. Mark McHale Mr. & Mrs. Edward O’Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Jude Regan Mr. & Mrs. Evan Richards Mr. & Mrs. James J. Seechock Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Sluko Dr. & Mrs. Philip Webb MATCHING GIFTS GREATER GLORY CLUB PNC Foundation FOUNDERS CLUB Waters Corporation CAVALIER CLUB Bank of America PPL Utilities MAHER CLUB Cubist Pharmaceuticals H&R Block Foundation UBS O’HORA CLUB AXA Foundation Bristol-Meyers Squibb Foundation, Inc. Kraft Foods Matching Gift Program Verizon Foundation KENNEDY CLUB The Prudential Foundation Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 | 31 BUSINESSES GREATER GLORY CLUB Bill’s Supermarket Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP DeNaples Auto Parts First National Community Bank Five Star Equipment J.P. Mascaro & Sons, Inc. Keystone Container Service, Inc. Keystone Landfill Keystone Quarry L&B Dental Louis Pagnotti, Inc. LR Costanzo Construction Mt. Airy Casino & Resort PNC Bank The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Inc. The Pocono Foundation The Scranton Times PRESIDENTS CLUB Condron & Cosgrove Peoples Security Bank FOUNDERS CLUB 307 Mountain Plaza Croeau Family Charitable Gift Fund Dougherty, Leventhal & Price John P. Kearney & Associates, Inc. Joyce Outdoor Advertising Lackawanna County Medical Society Mericle Commercial Real Estate Services P&W Washo EITC PROGRAM Robert Rossi & Company Scranton Dodge T & M Transit, Inc CAVALIER CLUB Pocono Transportation, Inc. MAHER CLUB Eastern Roofing Systems, Inc. Modern - The Floor Store, Inc. Stafursky Transportation, Inc. O’HORA CLUB Consumer Electronics Association Professional Orthopaedic Association KENNEDY CLUB Morgan Stanley GREATER GLORY CLUB Action Lift Inc Dempsey Uniform and Linen Supply, Inc. Fidelity Deposit and Discount Bank First National Community Bank Frontier Communications Gertrude Hawk Chocolates JP Mascaro Lazyboy Furniture Linda Thomas Hemak, MD Lisa Thomas, LLC Mariotti Building Products Medico Industries, Inc Peoples Security Charitable Foundation Perih Group PNC Bank, N.A. PrimeCare Pharmacy Services, Inc. Taylor Consulting and Contracting, LLC The Prescription Center, Inc. United Way of Wyoming Valley PRESIDENTS CLUB Lackawanna Casualty Co. NBT Bank, NA November 1st – November 15th Click on the Bidding for Good Online Auction site. Great Christmas Gifts for your holiday shopping! MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR PREP’S BIGGEST FUNDRAISER Auction 2016 Live & Silent Auction | March 19, 2016 St. Francis Xavier Center Invitations for Prep’s biggest fundraiser will be mailed to all current parents in late February. If you are interested in attending the Auction on March 19th or donating a gift, contact the Prep Development Office (570-941-7743) or email [email protected]. The success our auctions greatly depends on the variety and quality of the gifts that are offered on the auction block. If you have access to tickets for sporting events or a vacation home perhaps you would consider donating them to either of our auction events. Reservations are taken on a first-come, first-serve basis. The event is very popular. Don’t be disappointed; get your response in early. Ad space is available for the Auction book. A full page ad is $1,000; a half page ad is $500.00. If you are interested in purchasing an ad, please call the Development Office or email: [email protected] for more information. Chaired by Mrs. Margi Bailey, Atty. Tracy Doherty & Mrs. Mary Jean Lynett 32 | Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 | 33 CLASS Notes In the future, if you want information in the Prep News about a wedding, birth or other personal information, please call the Development Office at 1-800-255-1944 or 570-941-7743 or email [email protected], or [email protected]. If your file has not been updated with us, we cannot always be accurate with information we receive from the newspaper. Edward J. Fitzsimmons ’50 David H. Flannery ’52 Edmund F. Sweeney ’53 Ronald E. Warwick ’53 Ralph F. Box ’54 Edward A. Horan ’60 Lawrence P. Herbster ’61 John R. Williams ’63 Philip W. Jones ’64 Joseph A. Habersky ’65 Michael J. McGee ’65 Thomas P. Wynne ’65 1962 Atty. James Moran is marking 40 years as a lawyer in Philadelphia, the last twenty-five in private practice. Jim is a veteran of the U.S. Navy’s Asiatic Squadron and earned a spot promotion to lieutenant senior grade while on active duty. 1963 Dr. John Erhard, Chairman of the Pennsylvania State Board of Dentistry, is Pennsylvania’s representative on the American Association of Dental Boards, American Dental Examiners Board, and the Committee for Dental Competency Assessments. Thomas H. Campion ’67 John D. Choplinsky ’67 Patrick J. Connolly ’68 Leroy Pelicci ’68 Joseph A. Reap ’71 James J. Scott ’71 William F. Connell ’78 Arthur J. McHale ’81 James R. Durkin ’83 Paul A. Darmofal ’91 Paul J. Paparelli ’93 Nyssa V. Wren ’05 1967 Rev. John S. Terry celebrated his 40th anniversary as a priest in the Diocese of Scranton on May 3, 2015. He also celebrated his 35th anniversary as Director of the Wyoming Valley Catholic Youth Center in Wilkes Barre. Father is presently pastor of Our Lady of Hope Parish, Wilkes Barre. A reception was held in his honor following a Mass of Thanksgiving. 1978 Robert Ryder was recently voted the #4 CFO from among the 500 largest public companies in the United States by the Wall Street Journal, as featured in a December WSJ article. He was also voted the #1 CFO from among all beverage companies by Wall Street investors and analysts. Bob is the EVP and CFO of Constellation Brands, a $25 billion beverage alcohol company that owns, among other brands, Corona beer, Robert Mondavi wine, and Svedka Vodka. 1987 CAPT. Jamie Kalowsky, a 1991 graduate of the United States Naval Academy, started his career as a submarine warfare officer, then transitioned into nuclear maintenance. He is currently the Commanding Officer of Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard. 2002 Tina Marie George, M.D., M.P.H. has accepted a position as a family physician with Physicians Health Alliance in Avoca, PA. 2003 Kathleen Bernadette Moran married Nicholas Gerard Smith on October 11, 2014, in Our Lady of Consolation Catholic Church in Parkesburg, PA. Mary Pauline Moran Murphy ’01 was matron of honor. Kathleen was recently Manager of Patron Ticketing for Carnegie Hall in New York City. Nick is Senior Financial Analyst for the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA). The couple now resides in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Two of Prep’s Longest Serving Jesuits Pass Away William J. McGrath, SJ, died on July 9, 2015 at Manresa Hall in Philadelphia, PA, two days shy of his 87th birthday. He had been a Jesuit priest for 56 years. Father McGrath’s unique and creative ways of mastering a language, especially Latin, became legendary with students who loved his stories, anecdotes and memory aids. Though short in stature, Father McGrath always gained the respect and esteem of both students and faculty. A recipient of Prep’s Ignatian Award, he is fondly remembered by so many alumni, friends and fellow Jesuits. A native of Philadelphia, Father McGrath graduated from St. Joseph’s Preparatory School and entered the Jesuits at the Novitiate of St. Isaac Jogues in Wernersville, PA in 1946. There he made his first ascetical and literary studies, receiving an A.B. degree in 1952. He completed his philosophy program at the newly opened Bellarmine College, Plattsburg, NY in 1953. He was ordained to the priesthood on June 21, 1959. Father McGrath taught for three years at Georgetown Preparatory School and was among the group of Jesuits who founded the Bishop’s Latin School in Pittsburgh where he served for twelve years. He was then assigned to Scranton Preparatory School and found his home for the next thirty-five years teaching the classics to several generations, establishing him as the longest serving Jesuit faculty member in the school’s history. 34 | Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 Father William F. Lamm, S.J. passed away at the Jesuit residence in Wernersville, PA on May 27, 2015. A native of Long Island, New York, Father Lamm graduated from Xavier High School in 1944 before entering the Jesuits at the Novitiate of St. Isaac Jogues in Wernersville. He received a B.A. in history from West Baden College (Loyola University) and completed his theological studies at Woodstock College in Woodstock, Maryland. He was ordained to the priesthood on June 23, 1957. After briefly considering mission work, Father Lamm felt his calling would best be served teaching and working with high school students here in the States. After a brief assignment teaching English and history at Gonzaga High School prior to his ordination, Father Lamm moved to Scranton Preparatory School in Pennsylvania in 1959 where he found his home for the next 28 years. There wasn’t a facet of Scranton Prep that Father Lamm didn’t have his hands in during his long tenure; including teaching English and Latin, ministering to students and faculty, acting as treasurer, even serving as custodian of grounds and buildings. In 1987, Father Lamm spent several years ministering at Manresa-on-Severn retreat house and then served more than 10 years as the assistant province treasurer and secretary until 2005. He was a Jesuit priest for 57 years. 40-Year Reunion Class of 1975 Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 | 35 Cody Barrasse Memorial 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament & “Continue Cody’s Commitment” Party Over 500 people gathered at Prep on August 8, 2105 for the 3rd Annual Cody Barrasse Memorial 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament, which benefits the scholarship fund at Prep established in Cody’s honor. The first full tuition Cody Barrasse Scholarship recipient, Kaliyah Lynady, was announced at the tournament. Kaliyah is a member of the current freshman class. Tournament participants competed in 8 divisions: men’s and women’s junior high, high school, competitive adult, and non-competitive adult. This year marked the first annual “Continue Cody’s Commitment” party, which was held on the evening of August 8th 36 | Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 at The Leonard in Scranton. The purpose of the event was to remember Cody, to enjoy each other’s company, to promote the importance of organ donation, and to raise funds for expenses incurred by families of local transplant recipients. Approximately 400 people joined in the festivities that evening. The tournament and party were both huge successes thanks to the efforts of the 100+ volunteers, 76 participating tournament teams, 325 sponsors/donors, and countless friends and family members. Between the two events, over $60,000 was raised for Cody’s memorial scholarship fund. Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 | 37 3rd Annual Cody Barrasse Memorial 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament 2015 Championship Teams Boys Junior High Champions: Joseph Barrasse, Judge Michael Barrasse, Joey Barcia, James Myers, Michael Greco, Mikey Carlini, Dr. Linda Barrasse, Fr. Ryan Maher, S.J. Boys High School Champions: Joseph Barrasse, Dr. Linda Barrasse, Billy Trainor, John Williams, Noah Tanner, Judge Michael Barrasse, Fr. Ryan Maher, S.J. Men’s Competitive Division Champions: Joseph Barrasse, Fr. Ryan Maher, S.J., Chael Clark, Kevin Clark, Matt Clark, Will McGrath, Dr. Linda Barrasse, Judge Michael Barrasse 38 | Prep News Annual Report 2014-2015 Girls Junior High Champions: Judge Michael Barrasse, Dr. Linda Barrasse, Mariah Murray, Gianna Delfino, Victoria Toomey, Julia Walsh, Lisa Tallo, Fr. Ryan Maher, S.J., Joseph Barrasse Girls High School Champions: Joseph Barrasse, Judge Michael Barrasse, Abby Anderson, Tiffany Powell, Caroline Babinski, Abbey Stella, Abby Schroth, Dr. Linda Barrasse, Fr. Ryan Maher, S.J. Women’s Competitive Division Champions: Joseph Barrasse, Judge Michael Barrasse, Lachelle Miller, Jamaica Miller, Terika Turner, Morgan McCarthy, Dr. Linda Barrasse, Fr. Ryan Maher, S.J. (Absent from photo: Kayla Bailey) Alumni Weekend 2015 October 24th & 25th Saturday, October 24th Cavaliers Football Game 1:30 PM | Prep vs. Valley View at Scranton Memorial Stadium FREE ADMISSION for Reunion Classes and their families (free tickets at window) Class Reunion Night r u o Y k r Ma endar! Cal Saturday, 10/17 | 7:00 - 10:00 PM The Colonnade 65 9 Chair Pat McGee, Vito Geroulo 1 Saturday, 10/24 | 7:00 - 10:00 PM 55 19 Prep – Xavier Center Chairs Jerry Fitzsimmons, Dr. Donald Kotchick Classes ending in 0 or 5 60 19 Prep - Xavier Center Sunday, October 25th Chairs Bob O’Hara, Jerry Raymond 0 97 1POSH at the Scranton Club Alumni Memorial Mass 10:00 AM | St. Robert Bellarmine Theatre Rinfret Award Presentation & Brunch 11:00 AM | St. Francis Xavier Student Dining Hall Recipients: Peter A. Cognetti, M.D. ’75 & Robert J. Knowles, Jr. ’75 If interested in attending the Rinfret Brunch, please contact [email protected] or the Prep Development Office (570) 941-7743. Cost of Brunch: Adults - $15.00 Children ages 5-12 - $7.00. UPCOMING REGIONAL REUNIONS Reconnect with Prep Alumni Meet Father Ryan Maher, S.J., Prep’s new President NEW YORK Tuesday, October 20, 2015 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM New York Athletic Club 180 Central Park South (Sport coat required, no tie) PHILADELPHIA Tuesday, October 27, 2015 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Union League of Philadelphia 140 South Broad Street (Business casual, no jeans or sneakers) Chair Joe Wargo 85Prep - Bellarmine 19 Chairs Chris Walsh, Judy Ryan-Phillips 90 19Sanderson Street Tavern Chairs Craig Cognetti, Erin O’Malley, JJ Perrone Friday, 11/27 7:00 - 11:00 PM 80 Tripp House 19 Chair Margi Bisignani Moyle - 9:00 PM 5 6:00 9 Bar Hill 19 Chair Mandi Perrone Boyanoski Saturday, 11/28 7:00 - 9:30 PM Tequila’s 0 0 0 2 Chair Margot LeStrange 5 00 7:00 - 10:00 PM 2POSH at the Scranton Club Chairs Dan Marx, Bob Brown 0 01 7:00 - 9:00 PM 2POSH at the Scranton Club Chairs Jim FitzPatrick, Paul Byrne, Courtney Stone ANNUAL APPEAL 2015-2016 PLEASE RETURN THIS CARD WITH YOUR PAYMENT I/We Enclosed is my/our pledge of $ Enclosed is my/our gift of $ Please charge my: VISA Print Name: would like to contribute to the 2015-2016 Annual Appeal. . [Checks should be made payable to Scranton Preparatory School] . Mastercard Card #: Signature: Expiration: TO MAKE A DONATION ONLINE: and click on Annual Giving Button. Scranton Preparatory School 1000 Wyoming Avenue Scranton, Pennsylvania 18509-2993 Parents: If your son or daughter no longer lives at home and you are still receiving his/her copy of the Prep News, please let us know by calling our Toll Free Number 1-800-255-1944. We would like to change our records and send the Prep News directly to him/her. If you enjoy reading the Prep News, we will be happy to continue to send a copy to your home as well. Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Pittston, PA Permit No. 226 Recycled Paper