PRMH Newsletter 2015 Volume 1


PRMH Newsletter 2015 Volume 1
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
VOL. 1 2015
The Power of Friendship
If you didn’t know otherwise, you would think Joseph Patterson, 10,
and Giovanni Cascio, 9, were brothers. Their personalities, interests,
and mannerisms are so similar that it is endearing to everyone
who meets them at the Front & Erie House. You might even see
these two on a day when they have matching casts on their legs—
confirming that their bond goes deeper than most friendships. Born
with arthrogryposis, a neuromusculoskeletal disorder that affects
various joints in the body, both boys are in wheelchairs and are
currently undergoing painful surgeries and castings to improve
their condition.
Joseph was adopted from Ukraine and now lives in Jasper, Texas
with his parents and four siblings. In October 2014, he underwent
his first corrective surgery on each joint in both legs and has to
have two castings a week on his legs until they are stable enough
for further treatment. “We came to the Philadelphia Ronald
McDonald House in October when Joseph had his first surgery
and really enjoyed our initial stay,” says Joseph’s mother, Amanda.
“We never have to worry about transportation to Shriners Hospital
for Children, food, or where we will sleep each night—the Ronald
McDonald House takes care of everything for us.”
he Ronald McDonald House lifts the dread of
“ Tdiagnosis
and gives us hope.”
During their first ultrasound, Giovanni’s parents knew something
wasn’t right with their unborn son. “Doctors told us that Giovanni
had amyoplasia, the most common form of arthrogryposis,” says
Giovanni’s father, Dean. As their son’s medical needs evolved over
the years, the Cascios decided to pursue care with Dr. Van Bosse,
an orthopedic surgeon at Shriners who has dedicated his career to
helping children with this complex condition. In October, Giovanni
and his mother, Michelle, traveled from their home in Idaho to
Philadelphia to stay at the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House.
Prior to coming to the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House,
Joseph had never met another child with arthrogryposis. Giovanni
had attended the Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita Support,
Inc. Convention, where he met many other children just like him.
Although both families are involved in support groups online
which provide insight, tips, and encouragement, there is nothing
like meeting another family in-person who is going through the
exact same struggles. The Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
is a place where families can come together, where sorrows and
victories, big and small, can be shared openly and for Joseph and
Joseph (left) and Giovanni (right).
Giovanni’s families that is what makes the House so special. “The
Ronald McDonald House lifts the dread of diagnosis and gives us
hope,” says Dean. “These boys feel good seeing people just like
them and for us parents, there’s nothing like witnessing that.”
Nowadays, the boys can’t wait for their visits to Philadelphia and
the Patterson and Cascio families stay in touch to coordinate
appointments so they can visit with each other. “The other day, the
boys had a casting and they were texting each other throughout the
entire appointment,” says Amanda. “It’s a very painful process, but
they lift each other’s spirits.” The time spent outside of the hospital
setting is time well-spent; the boys have enjoyed a Halloween at the
House, evenings doing art and music activities, watching movies,
visiting with Stella and Lil’ Abner—the beloved therapy dogs, and
playing video games and with army figurines. When asked what
each boy thinks of the other they cheerfully responded, “I think
Giovanni is funny and so nice,” says Joseph. “I think Joseph is
friendly and helpful,” says Giovanni.
There is no doubt that the power of friendship has the ability to see
people through their toughest days, and the Philadelphia Ronald
McDonald House is privileged to provide a place of comfort and
hope where friendships can grow. As Dean Cascio says, “people
need to know that this House provides so much more than just
a place to stay; it provides support in every sense of the word for
families like ours, and for children like ours. We are grateful for
the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House and its supporters who
make this service possible. I think I can speak on behalf of all of
the families here when I say, thank you for making our lives a little
easier as we go through this medical journey.”
To read more about the families the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald
House supports, visit
Message From The President
Dear Friends,
As I walk through the House, the warmth and incredible aroma of food being prepared by our generous
Guest Chef group makes me feel so good. And, as you can imagine it makes our families feel good
too—knowing that they can always depend on this House as a pillar of strength and comfort. It brings
me great joy to know that we can provide families who are going through the most difficult time of their
lives with the support they need so their focus can remain on their seriously ill child. The Philadelphia
Ronald McDonald House will take care of everything else.
Providing an all-inclusive sanctuary for families who are going through a medical crisis makes a world
of difference in the long-term well-being of both children and parents. In fact, a study conducted by
Ronald McDonald House Charities® (RMHC®) confirms the benefits of a holistic approach to care for
a sick child and their family. As we can all imagine, having a critically ill child is extremely stressful for
a family and studies show that Ronald McDonald Houses help their guests strengthen coping abilities
by keeping families together1. That’s not all. In a survey of 250 families, researchers found that children
and their parents who stayed at a Ronald McDonald House had a better perceived quality of life than
expected for children with chronic diseases2.
Marlene Weinberg,
President of the Board
Did you know?
Studies confirm the
benefits of a holistic
approach to care
for a sick child and
their family.
I know I can speak on behalf of our Board, staff, and volunteers when I say it is a true honor to serve
the families at the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House. I have heard this phrase many times, “I
never thought this would happen to me,” and while we cannot alter the circumstance of a child’s
health, we can do whatever it takes to keep a family comfortable and to provide assistance when
it matters most. Please know that your support plays a critical role in our ongoing success. As you
will see in this issue, we highlight our 40th Anniversary Celebration which garnered much-needed
funding for our programming and we thank you for supporting this monumental event.
We simply cannot do what we do without the kindness of our donors. Please take a moment to look at
pages eight and nine for impact results for the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House. It is my sincerest
hope that these measurements deepen your belief in our mission and provide you with renewed
inspiration to continue supporting us in 2015 and beyond.
With Gratitude,
Celebrating 10 Years of Service:
An Executive Director’s Point of View
This year marks Susan Campbell’s 10th anniversary at the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House.
We are grateful for her dedication, enthusiasm, and foresight as she celebrates this milestone.
How did you get started with the
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House?
I moved to Philadelphia in late 2000 and had
always been committed to volunteering in
my community, so when I heard about an
opportunity to help at the Philadelphia Ronald
McDonald House I was excited to get started.
In July 2001, I interviewed to volunteer at the
Chestnut Street House and thereafter started
volunteering my time on Sunday evenings
from six to nine at the front desk and as a
van driver. I found that my time spent at the
House was the most rewarding three hours
of my entire week. At the time, I knew that
my career was not the right fit for me and
volunteering at PRMH helped me realize that
I had a deep connection to working within an
organization where I can directly impact and
help people. The mission of our organization
is so impactful to me. In September 2004, I
joined the staff at PRMH and during the first
three years I held many positions with varying
roles and responsibilities. In November 2007,
I became the Executive Director.
How has the House changed over the past
10 years?
1. Nabors et al. Families, Systems, & Health (2013) 2. Sanchez et al. Archivos Argentinos de Pediatría (2014)
5 Way You Can Help PRMH in 2015
1. Volunteer: Our volunteers are the heart of the House and we provide a variety of fulfilling volunteer
opportunities. To learn more, please contact Linda Parry, Director of Volunteers, at [email protected].
2. Donate: It costs upwards of $100 per family per night to provide the comforts of PRMH, but we only
ask families for a $15 donation each day. Unfortunately, two-thirds of the families we serve are so
financially devastated that they are unable to make that payment. To make a secure donation online
today, visit
3. Host a Fundraiser: Your event can benefit PRMH and the thousands of families that we serve
each year. For more information, please contact Chris Callanan, Director of Events and Corporate
Development, at [email protected].
4. Collect Tabs: Since its inception in 1997, the Soda Tab program has raised hundreds of thousands
of dollars to help the families we serve. Tabs can be dropped off any day of the week between 9:00
am and 8:00 pm to the Chestnut Street House on 3925 Chestnut Street in Philadelphia. For more
information, please contact Jenny Casey, Special Events Coordinator, at [email protected].
5. Become a Corporate Partner: Show community goodwill and corporate responsibility by making a
positive impact on the lives of seriously ill children and their families. There are numerous ways for your
business to support our work. For more information, please contact Chris Callanan, Director of Events
and Corporate Development, at [email protected].
When I was a volunteer, the Philadelphia
Ronald McDonald House only had the
Chestnut Street House and Ronald
McDonald Camp. Over the course of the
last 10 years, we expanded the Chestnut
Street House, built the Front & Erie House,
opened two Ronald McDonald Family
Rooms at The Children’s Hospital of
Philadelphia, and added a Hospitality Kiosk
at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children.
The occupancy rate and demand for
services at our Chestnut Street House has
exponentially increased over this time, but
what hasn’t changed in the ten years is the
passion and commitment of our Board and
staff and the dedication of our volunteers.
What is your dream for the future of the
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House?
My dream is for PRMH to have the physical
capacity to accommodate all of our room
requests. My dream is to never have to say
“no” to a family needing a room because
there are no rooms available. Right now,
at our Chestnut Street location, we are not
able to provide rooms to 40% of the families
requesting stays.
Equally important, regardless of how much
we grow as an organization, I always want for
our staff and volunteers to provide excellent
customer service to our families. I never want
us to lose the original vision and culture of
our Co-Founders, Dr. Audrey Evans and
Jimmy Murray, which is to provide comfort,
care, and support to families who are going
through a medical crisis.
What is your greatest accomplishment
in the 10 years that you have been with
the House?
My greatest accomplishment was working
with the Board, staff, and volunteers to
expand our services by building our Front &
Erie House eight years ago—we truly built a
new system from the ground up. We are now
able to serve families traveling for medical
treatment at St. Christopher’s Hospital for
Children and Shriners Hospital for Children.
How has working here impacted your life?
Working here puts into perspective what
is most important to me in life: health and
happiness. Since we all spend so much
of our time working, it is crucial that you
find something that fulfills you. Being the
Executive Director here has made one of
the most positive impacts on my life both
personally and professionally. I admire the
courage of patients and families staying here
and they are a constant reminder of why I
do what I do each and every day that I walk
through the doors of the Philadelphia Ronald
McDonald House.
Guest Chef Spotlight: Eurest
Our most heartfelt thanks go to Eurest. Since 1996, this globally recognized
company has provided dining services to local, regional, and national
companies within the Business & Industry markets, including employee dining
centers, on-site catering, vending, executive dining rooms, and other managed
services. This company was recently awarded the Compass in the Community
Bronze Award for their dedication to the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House.
Collectively, Eurest employees volunteered throughout 2014 in a variety of
capacities, such as our Guest Chef Program, to support the House and Family
Room in the Cardiac Center at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. In
addition to their esteemed award, Eurest also received a donation for $2,000
which they generously gifted to the House. Thank you, Eurest, for your service
and belief in our mission of supporting families of seriously ill children by
creating a community of comfort and hope—you truly make a difference.
A #Sockie Success
Thank You for Supporting our 40th Anniversary
In celebration of our 40th anniversary, we launched a very special social
media campaign called Show Your Stripes to raise awareness of our
milestone birthday as the world’s first Ronald McDonald House.
Friday, October 17th was truly a night to
remember as over 1,000 guests attended
the 40th Anniversary Celebration at the
Simeone Automotive Museum.
Supporters were asked to purchase a pair of our red and white striped
socks and post their best #sockie photo to their social media accounts.
In addition to posting a photo in the now-famous socks, we asked our
supporters to tag @Philarmh on social media and use the hashtags
#PRMH40 #Sockie #ShowYourSocks and #forRMHC.
At $10 a pair, we sold thousands of socks and partnered with Philadelphia
companies, restaurants, clubs, schools, and even the police department,
making this campaign a true success and raising funds to support the
families we serve.
We extend our most sincere thanks to everyone who participated in this
campaign. If you didn’t purchase your red and white striped socks, you
can still do so at either of our Houses. Don’t forget to tag @Philarmh
in your best #sockie photo and use the hashtags #PRMH40 #Sockie
#ShowYourSocks and #forRMHC for a chance to be featured as our
Sunday #Sockie on social media.
A big thank you to our Media Partners for helping us raise awareness
of our 40th anniversary:
CBS3 & The CW Philly
Greater Media Philadelphia
Philadelphia Magazine
Purchase online today at
If you have a group of people who would like to participate in a
sock day fundraiser, please contact Jenny Casey at [email protected].
Philly Sports Teams Give Back
The Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
has received support from Philadelphia’s top
professional football, hockey, basketball, and
baseball teams and we are grateful for the
sports community’s continued assistance
with our efforts to help families who are going
through a medical crisis.
Philadelphia Flyers hockey team. Players and their
wives and girlfriends visited the Chestnut Street
House to prepare a holiday meal. Not only did our
visitors prepare a delicious spread, but they spent
quality time interacting with the families at the
House. The team went the extra mile by providing
goodie bags to all of the children at the House.
This past fall, we announced that we were
selected by the Philadelphia Eagles football team
as an Eagles Care Partner and have enjoyed
developing a relationship with this wonderful
organization. In September, we were delighted
to welcome players and SWOOP as they hosted
a family game night, playing board games and
visiting with families. In addition to our exciting
visit, the Eagles signed 15-year-old Ronald
McDonald Camper, Colin Delaney, to their team
for a one-day contract. Colin, an avid sports fan
and high school football player, has been battling
leukemia since February of 2014. This once-in-alifetime event took place in front of the entire nation
as it was televised on The Today Show as part of
the NFL’s Together We Make Football program.
This year marks the 21st year of the 76ers Read
for Ronald program, an exciting initiative that
promotes reading among elementary and middle
school students while allowing them to raise
funds to support the children and families at
PRMH. Each year, the 76ers Flight Squad and
cheerleaders come to the House to host a muchanticipated event for the children who raise the
most funds.
Families got to experience an extra special
Thanksgiving-themed dinner this fall with the
And, we can’t forget the Philadelphia Phillies
who make our Night Out at the Ballpark with the
Phillies games possible. This amazing sports
team continues to give us thousands of tickets
to provide for the families and children staying
at PRMH. Don’t forget to buy your Phillies tickets
this season and support the the House at www.
The evening kicked off with a cocktail
reception, where our supporters had the
opportunity to browse the museum on
docent-led tours, meet with friends old and
new, and learn more about the Philadelphia
Ronald McDonald House.
Dinner followed, along with the presentation of
the Dr. Audrey E. Evans Award of Excellence.
This year’s honorees were Carl H. June,
M.D., Stephan Grupp, M.D., Ph.D., Bruce
Levine, Ph.D., and David L. Porter, M.D. for
their groundbreaking immune therapy work
using genetically engineered, cancer-fighting T
cells to treat an aggressive form of childhood
leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).
The evening also debuted our new video,
“40 Years—One Place Like Home”,
which showcased our Co-Founders, Dr.
Audrey Evans and Jimmy Murray, PRMH
families, volunteers, and staff talking
about their experiences with the House.
Watch the video on our YouTube page at
And, of course, no evening is complete
without musical entertainment. Guests
danced the night away to THE MIDTOWN
MEN—Four Stars from the original Cast of
Jersey Boys*.
Thank you to all of our generous community
partners, PRMH families, volunteers, and
staff who made this evening a smashing
success. Here’s to another 40 years.
*Not a performance of. Not affiliated with the show
Jersey Boys.
Board Spotlight: Bill Parkes
I think it’s safe to say that the mission of the Philadelphia Ronald
McDonald House, to support families of seriously ill children by creating
a community of comfort and hope, resonates with people everywhere.
Each of us was introduced to this mission in our own way. For some,
it was through the marketing of Shamrock Shakes. For others, it was
through family or friends. For me, it was a personal journey.
It was the spring of 1985 and the City of Philadelphia was going
through a period of political turmoil, grabbing both national and
international attention. However, my wife and I were oblivious to
everything going on around us as we were consumed with our
own personal turmoil. Our daughter had been diagnosed with
neuroblastoma and we could not leave her bedside as she began
life-saving treatment. For two long years, we were in and out of the
hospital—some stays longer than others. We had a tremendous
support system in place with family and friends nearby, an employer
that allowed me to juggle family and work demands, and a hospital
staff that was dedicated and caring.
Even with that support, the stress we endured is hard to describe
and understand unless you’ve had a child that is or was seriously ill.
There was no Ronald McDonald House or Family Room available to
offer reprieve from the hospital. I can remember flipping a coin with
other parents each night to see who would get the one rocking chair
shared between 10 or more hospital rooms. Our concern for our
daughter’s progress, how it was going to impact her siblings, work,
and more, was on our minds all the time. Without a doubt I know
that the support system we had allowed us to navigate those tough
times and emerge with our family intact. If I could take a moment
to again say thank you to our parents and siblings, to Jack Moten
(my employer), and to the 5th Floor North staff of St. Christopher’s
Hospital for Children, to whom I remain grateful to this day.
In the ensuing years, my wife and I were marginally involved in
fundraising for the hospital and its oncology clinic, but raising our
family took precedence and sidetracked our efforts to make a
difference to the degree that we had hoped.
Some 20 years later, I received a call from
one of my daughter’s nurses who said
a family group named Katie’s Krusaders
was getting together to raise awareness
for children with cancer and asked for my
help. Better late than never, I jumped in
and eventually we helped to bring a new
Ronald McDonald House adjacent to St.
Christopher’s Hospital for Children.
As a Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House supporter, you are familiar
with the services and programs provided through the House. It
creates a support system for families where none existed previously,
particularly for those traveling long distances. The importance of this
to families navigating the uncertain world of having a seriously ill child
cannot be underestimated. I remember one of the more comforting
experiences at the beginning of my daughter’s treatment was an
afternoon spent with another family whose daughter was in treatment
at the same time. There wasn’t much said, but the communication
through facial expression, body language, and tone reminded us we
were not alone. The House and Family Room settings allow for many
of these interactions to take place by providing soft support that is hard
to define, but beneficial and much-needed.
I was subsequently asked to join the Board of Directors of the
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House in 2007, and have now taken
on the responsibility of promoting its continued success fostered by
so many hardworking people before me. To do so, we need your
help. To all of our donors, thank you for providing the resources that
allow us to make a difference in the lives of families dealing with
seriously ill children. For those of you who were a guest of the House
in the last 40 years, it’s never too late to make a difference. Please
consider helping the House—no contribution is too small. I know that
you will find it challenging, rewarding, and humbling. I know I have.
40th Anniversary Donations*
25,000 & above
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
The Lotman Family
Keystone Foods
Lehigh Valley All-Stars Football Game
Jill & Alan B. Miller
Philadelphia Eagles
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Ronald McDonald House Charities
of the Philadelphia Region
St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children
$10,000 to $24,999
Coca-Cola Company
Crowley Chemical Company, Inc.
& Permalith Plastics
Charlie & Helen - Charles
& Jennifer Ehlers
Dr. & Mrs. Scot Fisher
Katie’s Krusaders
Keenan Auto Body
Kramer Kirsh Insurance
Group/Allstate Insurance
Kramer Insurance Center
McDonald’s Corporation
Stephen & Salli Mickelberg
Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell D. Paul
Richie Nelson Celebration
of Life Golf Outing
Ronald McDonald House New York
Suzanne Root
Jane & Jim Sutow
Tri-State Toyota Dealers Association
Turner Family Foundation
Turner Investment Partners
Marlene Weinberg
$5,000 to $9,999
All Event Party
Anderson & Catania Services
Audi Willow Grove,
Infiniti of Willow Grove
The Bacharach Family
Comcast Spectacor
Peter & Mimi Degnan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dubin
Joan & Mike Emmi
Firstrust Bank
Lynne & Bill Garbose
Gemini Bakery Equipment Co.
Nadine & Bruce Goldenberg
Max Paul’s Ardmore Toyota and Central
City Toyota
McCain Foods USA, Inc.
Monarch Travel Services, Inc.
The Montufar Family
National Board of Medical Examiners
Northeast Foods
Denny Parisan
Gini & Stu Peltz
Penn Medicine
Philadelphia McDonald’s
Black Operators Association
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Probinsky
Red Bank Veterinary Hospital
Ms. Anne Scardino
TD Bank
Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals
Triad Metals International
Debbie Feith Tye
Mr. Fred White
Wills Eye Hospital
Marian & Norman Wolgin
$2,500 to $4,999
Mr. Mark Aitken
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Berman
Cabot Creamery Cooperative
The Catalana Family & Cumberland Dairy
Conner, Strong & Buckelew
Ms. Vicki Erlbaum
Ms. Marcy D. Friedman
Horizon Services
Independence Blue Cross
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kerley
La-Z-Boy of Philadelphia
Beth & Ira Leventhal
Mr. and Mrs. William Liss
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lyttle
Martin Brower
McDonald’s East Division
McDonald’s of the Philadelphia Region
Mr. Nirav Mehta
The Ostroff & Siegal Families
- Center City Development
Overall Supply, Inc.
Denny Parisan
Jan & Jacob Pecarsky
Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust
Philadelphia Insurance Companies
Reed Smith, LLP
Mark & Shari Rosenberg
Samuel D. Cozen Memorial Fund
Shriners Hospital for Children
- Philadelphia
Mr. Renaat Van Den Hooff
Mr. & Mrs. Bennett Weinstock
Susan & Don Wenger
Steve & June Wolfson
Young Adjustment Co., Inc.
$1,000 to $2,499
233 Associates LLC
A & R Enterprises
Mrs. Madlyn Abramson
Amoroso’s Baking Company
Anthony & Sylvan Pools
Bayada Pediatrics
Mr. & Mrs. Lance A. Berger
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua S. Berlin
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Bernsten
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Biron
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blumenthal
The Brind Foundation
Dr. Corey Brotz & Dr. Rebekka Brotz
The Canuso Foundation
Care2 Fund at USLI Inc.
Mr. Paul Carpenter
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Conicella
Mr. Joseph D. Coyle
Cozen O’Connor
Cruise Control Gear
Di Bruno Bros.
Sara & Bob Dobbins
Mrs. Lois Elkman
Mr. Steven Erlbaum
Dr. Audrey E. Evans
Ms. Marjorie L. Ferst
Mr. Jeffrey Hammond
Ms. Anna Ford-Keels
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Gleklen
Mr. & Mrs. Morey Goldberg
Mr. & Mrs. William Goldstein
Dr. & Mrs. Stephan Grupp
Mr. & Mrs. David Hain
Ms. Donna Heckmann
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hemming
Ms. Rosalyn Hendler
Mrs. Tanya Holliday
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Katevatis
Katie Kirlin Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Katz
Kayfield Automotive Paints Inc.
We’re So Thankful For...
Ms. Cynthia M. Keaveney
Kelley Funeral Home
Mr. & Mrs. John Lambrechts
Lambrechts Family Charitable Fund
Dr. & Mrs. Zeff Lazinger
Mrs. June Leavy
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Levine
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lewis
Mr. Jason Liss
Little Smiles Philadelphia
Mr. Robert A. Lopes Jr.
Louis & Bessie Stein Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McAleer
Mr. & Mrs. Sean McHugh
Mr. Tom Moroch
The Montufar Family
Morris J. Cohen & Co.
Ms. Barbara Murphy
Ms. Sheila Musolino
Dr. & Mrs. Jason Neustadter
Mrs. Nancy Paul
Mr. & Mrs. William Peruzzi
Mrs. Brenda Pettersen
Philadelphia 76ers
Pine Forest Camp, Lake Owego Camp,
and Camp Timber Tops
Mr. Joe Pursley
Reed Technology
Ronald McDonald Houses of Delaware
and Southern New Jersey
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Rosenfeldt
Mr. David Rush
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Shabel
Mr. Manish Shah
Shelly Electric Company, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark I. Solomon
Toy Trains in Motion
Mr. David Turner
United Airlines
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. Wechsler
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Wertman
Mr. & Mrs. Sydney G. Willson III
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Wilmerding
Mr. Ken Youngblood
$500 to $999
Allied Barton Security Services
American Vision at the Court
Mr. & Mrs. James N. Arace
Baim Enterprises
Ms. Eileen Baird
Mrs. Madeline Bell
Dr. Albert Maguire & Dr. Jean Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Hoagy Bock
Mr. & Mrs. Merrill Brown
Mr. & Mrs. James Burke
Mr. Cody Calafiore
Mr. Paul Calafiore
Mr. Douglas Carney
Cherokee Construction
Mr. Michael Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Birch Clothier
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cocozzoli
Mrs. Caroline Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Collison
Collison Management, Inc.
Mr. Ken Crawford
Danella Construction
Dr. & Mrs. Roger Daniels
Mr. & Mrs. John M. DiDonato
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Dion
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Dole
Mr. & Mrs. Les Dukart
Ms. Linda Dunham
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Earle
Dr. & Mrs. Bertram Ellick
Mr. Jared Farbman & Ms. Julia Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Fenkel
Mr. Michael Fountaine
* Due to space limitations, we are unable to list donations of less than $500. All donations are sincerely appreciated.
Dr. Cynthia L. Fox
Mr. Chris Gabriel
Mr. Stephen Garnick
Mr. Michael Giambrone
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Giardinelli
Mr. & Mrs. John Giungo
Mr. & Mrs. Hy Goldberg
Goldsteins’ Rosenberg’s
Raphael-Sacks Inc.
Goodman Properties
Ms. Tasha L. Harris Mighty
Mr. Christian Heine
Mr. Bev Hendry
Hillis Public Adjusters
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Hirshey
Homewood Suites
Ms. Suzanna Houston
Mr. Scott Hurley
Mr. Rob Jackson
Jenneric, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Kannon
KML Law Group
Dr. Anna T. Meadows
& Dr. Alfred Knudson
Mr. Ronald J. Kozich & Ms. Faye Olivieri
Mr. Ryan Kroiz
Mr. Raymond S. Lambert
Mr. Donald Lehner
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Levy
Liscio’s Bakery
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Lloyd
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Lynn
Macalibur Ltd.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Mara
Ms. Kim Margolis
Marketplace Philadelphia
Mr. Carmen Marzocco
Mr. Mark Mason
Mr. & Mrs. William McGrath
Mr. James McLaughlin
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald T. Meltzer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Menkowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Mulherin Jr.
Mr. Mark Mulholland
National Metals, Inc.
Mr. John P. Newman
Mrs. Jennifer Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. David Niggeman
Mr. & Mrs. Gary P. Ott
Mr. William Parkes
Mr. Stephen Poniatowicz
Mr. Doug Porter
Ms. Rene Presser
Quaker Chemical Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Rauscher
Mr. Stacey Redican
Mr. Thomas Rees
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley B. Reichlin
Mr. & Mrs. Neil D. Reiff
Mr. A. Scott Richman
Dr. & Mrs. Louis F. Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rose
Mr. Fred Rullo
Dr. & Mrs. Lou Ruvolo
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Sachs
Mr. Bruce Loversidge
& Ms. Marylou Schmidt
Mr. Brent Senseny
& Ms. Linda D. Cluck
Mrs. Susan Shea
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Shrier
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sitarchuk
Ms. Patricia Stella
Mrs. Doris M. Sterner
Mr. Jay Stewart
Mrs. Ronni T. Uhr
University City District - One Source
Dr. Gerard Vernose
Mr. Jakub Voracek
Mr. Richard M. Welch
Mr. Jerry Wenger & Ms. Sharon Altman
Dr. & Mrs. William Wolgin
1 Brenner Family-Laps for Lenny Fundraiser
Thank you to the Brenner Family for raising $2,500
through their Laps for Lenny fundraiser on November
29. Supporters gathered for this walking event and raised
proceeds to support our Adopt A Room program. Thank
you to Lenny Brenner for your ongoing commitment to not
only volunteering at the Chestnut Street House, but for
hosting this great event.
2 The NFL Alumni and Philadelphia
Chapter Cheerleaders
This group presented a check for $20,000 to the
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House and adopted a
room at the Front & Erie House through our Adopt A
Room program.
3 Annual House Lighting Celebration and
Donor Reception
In honor of the generosity and support we receive
from our friends in the community, both of our Houses
were decorated with thousands of holiday lights, each
representing a donor’s thoughtful gift. We thank all
of the individuals, organizations, and businesses who
helped to give the gift of home to families in need over
the holiday season.
4 Holiday Wish List Drives
During the 2014 Holiday Season, we had an array of
Wish List Drives that were hosted in support of the
families at the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House.
We would like to extend our thanks to the groups,
families, and individuals who hosted a Wish List Drive
during the holidays.
5 County Corvette 10th Annual Holiday
Toy Drive
For a decade, Denny Parisan of County Corvette has
hosted an annual holiday toy drive to ensure that all
families staying at the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald
House have a special holiday—just like they would
back home. We were overwhelmed by the generosity
of County Corvette and its Toy Drive supporters when
Denny came to the Chestnut Street House in a U-Haul
to drop off all of the toys collected. In addition to bringing
a truck full of toys, this group also collected over
$33,000 in cash donations to help us continue fulfilling
our mission.
6 Philadelphia Marathon
Thank you to everyone who ran for Team PRMH at the
Philadelphia Marathon. For the fourth year in a row, the
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House was selected as an
official charity partner and our team raised over $11,000.
7 Endo Gives
We would like to thank Endo International plc, a global
specialty healthcare company that improves lives while
creating value, for naming the Philadelphia Ronald
McDonald House as the beneficiary of their 2014 yearend Endo Gives campaign.
Throughout the 2014 holiday season, Endo employees
showed their support in two tremendous ways: in-kind
donations and monetary gifts, which employees could
make through the company’s Matching Gift Program. In
total, Endo employees pledged over $20,000, inclusive
of company matched donations, and delivered hundreds
of items from the House wish lists. We thank Endo for
their incredible generosity.
We served families from 45 states with the majority traveling from PA, NJ, and NY.
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
Puerto Rico
United States
U.S. Virgin Islands
Parents who agree that Ronald
McDonald Camp has helped
their child build confidence and
become more independent
Families who agree that
staying at the Houses helped
reduce their stress levels
Families who agree that
staying at the House made it
easier to access treatment
Families who agree that the
Family Rooms helped them
maintain their well-being while
their child was in the hospital
The Children’s
Hospital of
St. Christopher’s
We served families from 18 countries and two U.S. territories including:
House, Family
Room and Kiosk
Volunteer Camp
Counselors and
Medical Staff
Total Campers
Patient Campers
Patient Campers
New Campers
Family Rooms at CHOP
Patient Rooms Served Each Day
Family Activities
Families who agree the Kiosk
made it easier to access healthy
food and beverages while in
the hospital
Service Groups
Times the kiosk was accessed
by individuals
Shuttle Van Trips
Guest Chef Meals
Patient Rooms Served Each Day
Donations From The Heart (10/01/2014 - 12/30/2014)*
25,000 and above
Denny Parisan & the County
Corvette Toy Drive
The Philadelphia Foundation
- Alice H. & Joseph W. Campbell
Fund #1
- Alice H. & Joseph W. Campbell
Fund #2
- Edward M. Story Memorial Fund
in memory of his father, Samuel Story,
& his mother, Mary Grosvenor
- William J. McCahan 3rd Fund
in memory of Thomas McCahan
& Florence M. McCahan
- Ira Jewell Williams Fund
Ronald McDonald House Charities
of the Philadelphia Region
$10,000 to $24,999
Ammerman Family Foundation
Bethel Philadelphia Mills
Endo Pharmaceuticals Giving Campaign
GlaxoSmithKline Navy Yard
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Karamatsoukas
Ronald McDonald House Charities
St. Christopher’s Foundation for Children
United Way of Greater Philadelphia
& Southern New Jersey
$5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Amoroso
The Brian Seibert Memorial Fund
Ms. Lorraine F. Brut
Budget Maintenance Concrete Services
Mrs. Donna Calvert
The Eden Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Don S. Follett
Fox & Roach Charities
Gemini Bakery Equipment Co.
Hope Paige Designs
June & Steve Wolfson Family
Ms. Cynthia M. Keaveney
McDonald’s Corporation
The Montufar Family
Navmar Applied Sciences Corporation
Pottstown Parks & Rec Foundation
Mr. Anthony DeCarlo
Rittenhouse Estates & Walnut Estates
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rosenberg
Mr. Brent Senseny
& Ms. Linda D. Cluck
TGAS Advisors, LLC
Turner Investments
UAS Inc.
The Van Aken Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wendolowski
Young Lawyers Section
of the Delaware County Bar Association
$2,500 to $4,999
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Edward Baim & Mrs. Jill Segal
Bakers Club of Philadelphia
BFF Friendship Foundation
Broughton Foundation
The CHG Charitable Trust
Croake Park Golf Classic – Dublin, Ireland
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Colleran
Construction Financial Management
Mr. George E. Deming III
The Elder Family Foundation
ESC for Tri-State Racquetball Tournament
Exelon Generation - Oyster Creek
Generating Station
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Frebowitz
Goodies for Good, Inc
Mr. Jonathan Hoffman
John G. & Ruth K. Kramer
Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lee
The Joseph Plumitallo
Memorial Foundation
Maiden RE
Martin’s Famous Pastry Shoppe, Inc.
Mr. Mark Mattson
Servicing Contractors Association
of Greater Delaware Valley
Medela, Inc.
Dr. Christopher Mirzai
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Pecarsky
Ms. Anne Scardino
Mr. Neil Stevens
Brad McFee & Pat Tagliolini
Innovative Print & Media Group
The William Penn Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Sydney G. Willson III
Wylie’s Day Foundation
$1,000 to $2,499
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Richard J. Adelizzi
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Averill
Bikers Against Child Abuse Lehigh Valley
Mr. Leonard Bernstein
Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Blanco
Bloomberg, LP
Ms. Joanne B. Bryson
Mrs. & Mr. Stephanie Buonanno
Ms. Jill Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Chambers
Ms. Helen Clemens
Mr. & Mrs. Tristram C. Colket
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Conicella
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Danziger
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony J. DiMarino
Mr. & Mrs. Darryl Dukowski
Eurest Dining
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Feldhamer
Florence & Gordon Holl
& Family Foundation
The Frezel Family Charitable Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Friedman
Germantown Academy - Hockey
for the House
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Gibbons Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Jerald B. Gilbert
Ms. Hailey Gosnell
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Graham
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Guendelsberger
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Hannum
Ms. Gail Henderson
Michael Hogarty M.D.
Mr. Samuel Humes
& Ms. Marianna Knight
Mr. Michael Hyatt
Integrated Risk Management
The Joey Pozzuolo Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kachur
Dr. & Mrs. Jeremy Kees
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Keith Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Keyer
Mr. Roger H. Kimmel
Laura & Richard Steel
Family Foundation
Lincoln Financial Group Foundation, Inc.
M.S. Fountaine Enterprises, LP
- McDonald’s of Cedar Crest
Mr. John M. Makara
& Ms. Katherine E. Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Mara
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Marsala
Ms. Sara Marx
Dr. Lauren McCann
Ms. Nicole McInerney
Michael & Nancy McLell
The Merck Foundation
Millbridge Farms Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Mitchell
The Montague Family
Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Moran
Mr. William Parkes
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Piskun
Mr. Christopher Roak
Mr. Jerry Rosenthal
Rosenzweig & Associates
Wealth Management
Dr. Marta K. Rozans
Phyllis & Arthur Saft
Samuel D. Cozen Memorial Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Savage
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Schell Jr.
Sean James Dolan Memorial Fund
Shields & Shields, M.D. P.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Stone
Tactix Real Estate Advisor
Edmund G. Taussig
& Frances Kath Taussig Foundation
Vesuvio Pizza
Mrs. Marlene Weinberg
Wharton Hill Investment Advisors
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Wilmerding
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis R. Wolf
Ms. Josephine F. Zelov
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Zuech
Zurich American Insurance Company
$500 to $999
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Alf
Alisha C. Levin Memorial Fund
of the Philadelphia Foundation
Almas Peruvian Shrine Club
Drs. Paul & Melissa Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Arsht
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Austin
Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. Aylward
Bank of America Foundation
Baron Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Beall
Mr. Steve Becker
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Binswanger
BioMed Realty Trust
The Boeing Company
Mr. & Mrs. Randall B. Brenner
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Mr. Craig Butchenhart
Mr. David Caddick
Christopher’s Footprints, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Clemente
Cocktails Against Cancer
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Coleman
Morgan III & Nicole Cowperthwaite
Cozen O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Curley III
Mr. Anthony DeFrancesco
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Delfiner
Mr. Mark Depew
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Dever
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Dever
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. DiBello Jr.
Ms. Debbie J. Dickstein
Dr. Dave Diefenderfer
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Dooley
Mr. Donald Dorflinger
Drinker, Biddle & Reath LLP
The Emss Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Virginia Fanning
Mr. & Mrs. Marc L. Felgoise
Firstrust Bank
Mr. Harry Flanagan
* Due to space limitations, we are unable to list donations of less than $500. All donations are sincerely appreciated.
Friends, Family, & Coworkers
of Deanna Santo
Ms. Betty A. Geikler
Dr. & Mrs. Carl Giombetti
Ms. Karen Gitsas
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Glova
Mrs. Connie Gottlieb
Dr. Christine Grad
Dr. & Mrs. Stephan Grupp
Mr. & Mrs. W. B. Harris
Mr. George Heinrich
Ms. Kathleen A. Heitzmann
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hoplamazian Jr.
IBM Employee Services Center
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Jacob
Jimmy G’s Steaks
Ms. Ilona Kane
Ms. Susan Katz
Kicking Cancer for Kids Club
- Goodnoe Elementary School
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Koretsky Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Krasner
Ms. Doris Leisch
Leo P. Roselli Golf Tournament
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Lepp
Liberty Mutual Foundation Match
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lloyd
Lodge # 9 F & AM PA
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Looker
Wayne Robert Looker Memorial
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Madorna
Ms. Beverly E. Maleeff
McCain Foods USA, Inc.
Media Matrix, Inc.
Medical Answering Services
Michael & Amy Menkowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Mongeluzzi
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Moore
Mr. Mark Morrissette
Morrissey Family Foundation
National Board of Medical Examiners
Occupational Therapy Consultants
Mr. Sean O’Connell
Fran & Jim Pedersen
Mr. & Mrs. John Perdick
Philadelphia College
of Osteopathic Medicine
Philadelphia Eagles Media Relations
Ms. Susan Pitoscia
Ms. Margie Quinn
Dr. & Mrs. Peter D. Quinn
Bruce & Pat Rambo
Mr. Ratan Ratnesh
Mrs. Melissa Scarcelli
Ms. Christiana Schaefer
Ms. Ruth Schaefer
Mr. George Schaefer III
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Scott
Seer Interactive
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew H. Shaer
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Shropshire
Ms. Jill D. Smith
Ms. Susan B. Sorenson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Spielberger
Ms. Gwynneth S. Stewart
Mrs. Frances F. C. Sue
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Taddeo
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Tighe Jr.
Ms. Nancy Jane Van Krieken
Mr. Steve Veloski
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Weiss
Mr. Jason Weiss
Wells Fargo Community
Support Campaign
Faith & Pat Zarro
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
Vehicle Donation Program
Families are stronger when they are together, and their presence helps a sick child heal faster
and cope better. Donate a vehicle you’re not using, and the One Car One Difference® program
will auction your donated vehicle for cash for the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House.
To donate your vehicle today, please visit:
The Family Emergency Fund
The Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House would like to extend our congratulations to Michael’s
Way co-founder, Chris McElwee, for being the recipient of a $25,000 donation from The
NASCAR Foundation—funds will be used to further the organization’s work. Over the years,
Michael’s Way has donated thousands of dollars to oncology families staying at the Philadelphia
Ronald McDonald House to help ease the burden of caring for a sick child and having to worry
about expenses back home.
Each year, the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House serves over 2,000 families. That’s more
than 2,000 families with seriously ill children who are uprooted from their lives and faced with
a long medical journey filled with uncertainty. The Family Emergency Fund helps ensure that
families staying with us have the means to maintain their households no matter how long they
have to reside in Philadelphia for their child’s treatment. This allows parents to focus on what is
truly important—the well-being of their child.
Family Emergency Fund helped us out during the most difficult time
“ The
ever. Because we received assistance with our rent payment, we were able
to move into our new apartment before our son, Robert, was discharged
from The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. We’re grateful for all the
help we received from the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House.
– Virginia Cloud, Guest Mother
There are many ways to make a meaningful impact on a family staying at the Philadelphia
Ronald McDonald House, and we ask that you keep the Family Emergency Fund in mind as
you plan your charitable giving this year. Gifts received in the past have paid for expenses such
as: mortgages so families don’t lose their homes, heat and electricity for family members back
home, and car repairs for families traveling back and forth to Philadelphia for life-saving medical
To support the Family Emergency Fund, please contact Lawrence Jacobson, Director of
Leadership Giving, at 267.969.6201 or via email at [email protected]. As Chris McElwee
of Michael’s Way said, “Do you know of one person who hasn’t been touched by illness?
Neither do I.” Please consider giving to the Family Emergency Fund today.
Make a Lasting Impact on Families Who Need Your Help
Your legacy gift will help ensure that the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
is there for families like Doug’s this year and for years to come. As you carefully
plan for your future and the future of your family, you also have the ability to
positively impact the lives of seriously ill children and their families by including the
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House as a beneficiary in your will or estate plan.
Thoughtful planning with a financial advisor can protect and preserve your life’s
work and allow you to make a significant difference in the lives of thousands of
families who stay at the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House each year while their
child receives life-saving care at the country’s leading hospitals.
Your gift has the power to make a lasting impact. To discuss this important decision,
please contact Lawrence Jacobson, Director of Leadership Giving, at 267.969.6201 or
via email at [email protected].
House made it possible to travel
“ This
back and forth to St. Christopher’s
Hospital for Children NICU at all hours,
day and night, during one of my family’s
scariest and darkest times. We did
not have to worry about anything but
focusing our energy on our son.
— Doug Searles, Guest Father
Non-Profit Org.
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and let us know!
“There is no doubt that the power of friendship has
the ability to see people through their toughest days
and the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House is
privileged to provide a place of comfort and hope
where friendships can grow.”
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