Citrus Valley Employees: Doing Their Part


Citrus Valley Employees: Doing Their Part
hile Citrus Valley Health Foundation relies on the
financial support of individual, foundation and
corporate donors, employees of Citrus Valley
Health Partners not only provide top-quality health care in
the East San Gabriel Valley, they also do their part to help
ensure its availability to the community.
“Citrus Valley Medical Center is fortunate to have such
dedicated employees who work so hard and give so selflessly
to support the needs of their local community hospital,”
says Foundation CEO Yulanda Davis-Quarrie.
Most employees provide their support through two
voluntary internal organizations: the Melisse
Wittler Society, which funds projects at the
Inter-Community Campus, and the Century
Boosters, which supports the Queen of the
Valley Campus.
Melisse Wittler
The Melisse Wittler Society is
named for the nurse who,
along with her sister Mary,
moved to Covina from the
Midwest in 1921 and a year later
established the seven-bed Covina
Hospital. With the help of
$25,000 in bonds from
concerned community members,
they later erected a two-story
building at Fourth and College
Avenues, the site of the present
hospital. In 1947, it was sold to a
nonprofit corporation formed by
community residents and re-named
Inter-Community Hospital.
The fund-raising group that bears her name was formed
in 1982 and since then, it has raised more than $400,000
from membership dues of at least $3.85 per paycheck (or
$100 per year, tax deductible). Today, it boasts 150 active
members who give more than $18,000 annually for various
projects at Inter-Community Hospital. Members receive a
Melisse Wittler Society pin, enjoy an annual holiday
celebration and other
activities throughout
the year, as well as have
the opportunity to
select where the group’s
funds will go each year.
Claudia Sorrels,
RN, has been a nurse
at the Inter-Community
campus for18 years.
Currently in Outpatient
Holding, she admits
patients for surgery and helps prepare them, as well as care
for them during recovery and discharge.
She has been a Melisse Wittler Society member “for a
long time – maybe the past 8 or so years,” she says. “They
simply take the money out of my paycheck – it’s an easy
way to contribute. I was pleased with the things they’ve
accomplished in the hospital and the community. I think we
all need to give back in some way, shape or form, and this
is an easy way to do it.”
As a nurse, Sorrels likes to support the nursing areas.
“There’s so much new equipment out, and I always think,
‘It would be great to have this’. Management doesn’t see it
so much as we do when we’re on the front line. Things they
can do to make our jobs easier are always nice.” Some of
these items include waiting room chairs and equipment for
direct patient care. “You have to keep up with things, too,”
she adds. “They change so fast these days. And things like
computers and chairs wear out – they have a life span. Also,
little things help us look more inviting to patients and their
Marian Reisenbichler-Jacobs, RN, is a 28-year employee
See Employees: Doing Their Part, page 6
Citrus Valley Employees:
Doing Their Part
FALL 2006
Gary Mathewson
Ed Tronaas, Ed.D.
Vice Chair
Thomas O. Bryan, M.D.
rom the hai
of Citrus Valley Health Foundation’s Board of Trustees
s summer rounds the corner into fall, the
philanthropic community gears up for its busiest
time of year. In fact, most nonprofit organizations
plan major events for sometime between Labor Day and
Gloria Kolarik, IHM
James T. Yoshioka
Kenneth Tye, M.D.
Chief of Staff CVMC
Citrus Valley Health Foundation is no exception. The
Steak Fry, Autumn Nocturne, and Light Up a Life are the
events that anchor our calendar during its latter months.
Each individual event has its own personality but still
shares one common goal.
Richard G. Johnson, M.D.
Chief of Staff FPH
Scott R. Alexander
Bernard D. Bollinger, Jr., Esq.
Clifton C. Booth
James M. Casso, Esq.
John J. DiMare, Jr., M.D.
Walter T. Gorrell
Mary Kirchen, IHM
Arthur Ludwick
Bill W. Tang, M.D.
Earl Washington
Alice Watkins, Ph.D.
There are many ways that you can participate in the
Foundation events. Of course, most people enjoy actually attending the events and we
would love to see you at each one. This year, the Steak Fry benefits the West Covina
Community Access Center. Come and enjoy a big, juicy steak cooked over an outdoor grill,
chased by a cold drink, on a hot September evening. Or dress up and attend Autumn
Nocturne, our signature black-tie gala benefiting Citrus Valley Medical Center as a whole.
As spectacular as the dinner-dance has been in the past, we have made major changes to the
event and have many surprises in store for you this year. Finally, our Light Up A Life
program, that is a poignant time of remembrance, benefiting Citrus Valley Hospice, during
the holidays when all families draw close.
Carl Williams, LCHE
Sharon J. Yee, M.D.
Yulanda N. Davis-Quarrie, CFRE
Chief Executive Officer
Perhaps attending charity events is not your cup of tea. You can still participate! Each
of these events, as well as those we hold during spring and summer, take a lot of planning
and preparation. From deciding on the venue, creating the theme, and analyzing the seating
chart, every event is seen to fruition by a dedicated committee. Each member contributes
his or her unique interests, talents and passions. While there is a core of individuals who
form the nucleus of these groups and provide continuity, we always need new people with
fresh ideas, energy and outlooks. Why not get involved?
Valerie Glass
Director of Development
Julie Griffith
Communications Specialist
Irene Dominguez
Foundation Records Specialist
Odilia Rossi
Executive Assistant I
Caryn Johnson
Administrative Secretary
• • •
Citrus Valley
Health Foundation
is a non-profit, tax-exempt
[IRS code 501(c)(3)]
charitable organization.
Tax identification
If you cannot make that sort of time commitment, you can help through financial
support of these events by purchasing a ticket, or, if your capacity allows, purchasing a
table of tickets. If you are not able to attend the event, you can always donate the seats
back to our wonderful and dedicated volunteers. You may want to consider donating items
to our very diverse and popular silent auctions and raffles. There are also opportunities to
underwrite the cost of invitations, food, beverages, venue fees and entertainment. Your
company can always take out an advertisement in the program booklet or an ad to honor
and congratulate the very deserving award recipients. We always acknowledge our gracious
and generous donors who help us make these vitally important fundraisers possible.
Please remember, the reason for our fall fund-raising season is to ensure that top
quality medical care will always be available to you and your community, in your
community. I invite you to join us and become a part of it!
—Dawn Parish Henn
FALL 2006
Board of Trustees Chair Dawn Parish Henn (left) and Foundation CEO Yulanda Davis-Quarrie
honor Jerry Tomeo with Board of Trustee Emeritus status at the Spring Celebration.
Spring Celebration
Takes Wing
ttendees stepped through the door of Yank’s Air
Museum in Chino and traveled back in time to
the 1940s for the 9th Annual Spring
Celebration, held April 1. Vintage aircraft
from bi-winged “Jennys” through World War II bombers,
as well as Jeeps and other memorabilia of the era, filled the
hangar and provided an evocative venue for the event. Big
Band sounds got guests — some of whom donned military
uniforms or period civilian attire — swinging. The gala
raised almost $38,000 in support of Citrus Valley Medical
Center. The Foundation salutes 2006 Spring Celebration
Committee members Marie Bryan, Jennifer Capitano, Patsy
Gorrell, Janet Hanson, Dawn Parish Henn, Pat Jarvis,
Gayle and Rich Jett, Francine Laband, Isabel Owashi,
Margaret Pohl and Charmaine Rood for their tremendous
efforts, which made the event such a success.
Treasurer Thomas O. Bryan, M.D., his wife,
Marie, and son, Miles. 2 —CVHF Trustee Dick
Alexander with his wife, Elayne. 3 —CVHF
Secretary Al Marino, Ed.D., with his wife,
Nancy. 4 —CVHF Trustee Adam Capitano
with his wife, Jennifer. 5 —CVHF Trustee
Harry Borak with his wife, Barbara.
2100 Club Board members Mike Miller and Audrey Lynberg.
FALL 2006
Golfers Tee Up for Fund Raiser
ould there be a better way to spend a day than
at the golf course? Beautiful South Hills
Country Club was again the site of the 32nd
Annual Golf Invitational, held June 12. The
event raised more than $180,000 to benefit the Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit at the Queen of the Valley Campus.
A special thank you to the Golf Committee for its hard
work: Co-Chairs Adam and Vince Capitano, and
members Alec Berkman, Tom Bryan, M.D., John Byers,
Mario Del Fante, Thomas Dolan, Terry and Dawn
Henn, Brad Jaques, Greg Landers, Michael Quinn,
From left: Senior
Vice President an
Gordon Shipp and Jim Yoshioka.
d CFO Lois Cony
Vice President an
ers, Executive
d CO
O Elvia Foulke an
d President and
Hats off to the tournament winners:
Mark Coyle
Nate Holt
Jeff Shapiro
Low Net
Garry Hofer
David Flores
Ron Ingels
Low Gross
John Tyre (men) and
Joanne Clement (women)
Bryce Stafford (men) and
Kathy Azzinaro (women)
left) Joanne Clement,
Vince Capitano (right) presents awards to (from
Garry Hofer and Mark Coyle.
Closest to the Pin
Bob Minella
Garry Hofer
HOLE 10:
Greg Margulies
HOLE 15:
Bryce Stafford
HOLE 17:
Eugene Marquez
Putting Contest: Michael Puniak, M.D.
Straightest Drive: Gus Navarrete
Longest Drive: Jaime Casso
FALL 2006
Bradley Rosenberg, M.D. (right) and friends in Magan Medical Clinic group.
2100 Club
New Board
he 2100 Club is a
special membership
group for individuals,
businesses and
community organizations dedicated
to supporting the Heart Center and
Emergency Services needs of
CVMC. Congratulations to the
2006 Board of Directors, who
were introduced to the membership
at the June 16 meeting:
• Michael De Ghetto — President
Suburban Water Systems
• Paul Philips —Vice President
City of Covina
• Andrew Pasmant — Secretary
City of West Covina
• Curtiss Bonneville —Treasurer
Bonneville & Cramer
At-large Board members are:
• Peggy Bradley, Flowers by Peggy
• Sharon Coggin, Westfield
• Richard Elliot, West Covina Fire
• Audrey Lynberg
• Rick Marshall, PROforma
• Jon McKinley, American Medical
• Mike Miller
• Joe Powers, Citrus Valley Heart
• Steve Samaniego, City of West
• Frank Wills, West Covina Police
GOLF INVITATIONAL 1—In the OfficeMax group: (from left) Bob Grizzle, Yvette Scamperino,
Barb Schmit and Jim Nichols. 2 —CVHF Trustees Bill Tang, M.D., and Daniel Barajas, M.D.,
(left) and friends. 3 —From left: Terry Henn; John Tyre, Esq.; David Flores; and West Covina
Police Sgt. Tommy Garcia. 4 —CVHF Trustee Gilbert Martin, M.D. (second from left), son Rick
(far right) and friends in the Pediatrix group. 5 —CVHF Trustee Mike Quinn (left) and friends in
the Suburban Water Company group.
The June 16 meeting was
highlighted by a discussion of
“Homeland Security: Community
Partners Preparing Together” by
Capt. Jim Rudroff of the West
Covina Fire Department, while the
March 24 luncheon featured “An
Introduction to Water Quality,”
presented by Mike De Ghetto.
FALL 2006
Employees: Doing Their Part cont’d
who has worked in Labor and Delivery, Medical Oncology
and [Critical Care Unit], as well as the Cardiac
Catheterization Laboratory. “It’s the family feeling. I’ve just
been very happy here. That started when I was a nursing
student at Queen of the Valley. I liked the feeling I got from
the nurses who worked with the students.”
She, too, has been a long-time supporter of the Melisse
Wittler Society. “I just felt that it’s a good organization to
buy things for the hospital,” she explains. “I vote for
equipment that benefits our patients.”
Some of the many items purchased over the years by
the Melisse Wittler Society include a new van to transport
cancer patients to and from the hospital; a Lifeline
Response System and a renovation of the Hospice Chapel;
vital-sign machines; and wheelchairs and gurneys. It has
also provided programmatic support for the Mammography
Screening Center, a disaster communications system and
Kids Kare-A-Van, among others.
In the late 1950s, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, an
order of Catholic nuns, sent one of its members to West
Covina with an old Buick and $25 to build a community
hospital. The sisters used all the property they owned as
collateral to purchase land, and in 1962, opened Queen of
the Valley Hospital with the support of local businesses and
the Queen of the Valley Auxiliary. Today it is a first-class
hospital and has the only Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
filling the 30-mile void between the next closest NICUs at
Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center, in Pomona, to the
east and Huntington Memorial Hospital, in Pasadena, to
the west.
Founded in 1973, Century Boosters helps employees
address the needs of Queen of the Valley, with the same
dues structure as the Melisse Wittler Society. Since its
inception, it has raised more than $161,000. Currently
boasting more than 100 members, this group has helped
fund the remodeling of the hospital’s kitchen and cafeteria,
provided roving television-and-VCR carts for the nursing
units, and purchased needed supplies and equipment
throughout the facility. Century Boosters enjoy an annual
luncheon and festive membership drives, and receive a pin
and personalized plaque.
Andre Trepanier is one employee who got involved at
FALL 2006
the ground level “over a cup of coffee,” he says, with three
other Queen of the Valley employees “who wanted to start
this little fund-raising thing called Century Boosters.” He
came to work in the hospital’s Materiel Management
Department in 1964 while awaiting his discharge from the
Trepanier signed up for $15 bimonthly donations by
payroll deductions when the Boosters started in 1973—
which adds up to almost $13,000 over 33 years. “At the
time, $15 was a lot, but you do what you have to do,” he
observes. “In fund raising, when you approach local
businessmen and associations for money, if they know that
the hospital’s own employees are involved, it helps them
make a decision.”
He convinced a co-worker, Lead Buyer Robyn
Filiatrault, to become a Century Booster. A 35-year
employee, Filiatrault joined during a membership campaign
in 1981. “I like that you can say where you want the money
to go,” she says. “A lot of it helps the NICU, which is an
area I’m especially interested in supporting.”
Although she works at Queen of the Valley, she is also a
member of the Melisse Wittler Society. “We had just merged
with Inter-Community and a buyer I knew there joined
Century Boosters, so I joined to show her my support. She
was always telling me about the ice cream socials and other
events they would have. Some of my family members have
been hospitalized at Inter-Community, so I was very aware
of it anyway.”
These are just a few of the employees who proudly give
back to their community not only through their work, but
through their philanthropy, as well.
Dawn Parish Henn
Paul J. Philips
Vice Chair
Al Marino, Ed.D.
Steve Skurow, D.D.S.
Harold J. Borak, Sr.
Assistant Treasurer
• • •
Dick Alexander
Daniel Barajas, M.D.
Marie Bryan
Adam Capitano
Vince Capitano
Vincent DeRosa
Yulanda Davis-Quarrie, CFRE
Thomas Dolan
Jerome C. Fahey
J. Randall Faith, Esq.
Mitchell Fuerst
Patsy Gorrell
Rich Jett
Dan Kiss, M.D.
Francine Laband
Gilbert Martin, M.D.
Michael Quinn
Bruce D. Sindel, M.D.
Bill Tang, Pharm.D., M.D.
James T. Yoshioka
Citrus Valley Health Foundation extends its heartfelt appreciation to the hundreds of individuals
and organizations listed below, whose generous contributions provided crucial support for the
programs and services of Citrus Valley Medical Center.
The following gifts were
received in September 2005February 2006:
Mr. Ben W. Bailey
Ms. Norma W. Case
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Deeb
Mr. & Mrs. Bart Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Charles N. Reible
Cinda M. Claprood
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Anter
Dr. Thomas D. Verdegem
Joseph Blake
Mr. & Mrs. Russell J. Lind
Frances Pentz
Mrs. Arlene L. Baker
Ms. Kathryn A. Blake
Ms. Julie Cromwell
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Driever
Mrs. Nancy Fox
Mr. Richard A. Kelly
Ms. Jean Mc Gill
Ms. Joyce K. Miller
Ms. Theodora A. Norman
Mrs. La Jeune CD’C Perea
Mr. & Mrs. Alton B. Rader
Respiratory Institute
Mrs. Mary S. Rossi
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Salter
Ms. Jeanette S. Stern
Mrs. Julie Stovall
Mr. & Mrs. Karl R. Urlie
Mrs. Carole L. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Anderson
Ms. Jane Abdo
Ms. Natalie Acosta
Sirtaj Ali
Mr. Kareem Aqleh
Ms. Elvia Avellaneda
Ms. Johanna Avellaneda
Ms. Kymblyn D. Brown
Ms. Mary Ellen Carrillo-Beltran
Mr. James W. Cleveland
Ms. Jacquiline Cobos
Ms. Pilar A. Concepcion
Ms. Kathe H. Cote
Ms. Alma C. Del Barrio
Ms. Eves Y. Devis
Ms. Flor R. Duadico
Ms. Janis Ellen
Ms. Diane Escobedo
Ms. Geralyn Fernandez
Ms. Jodi B. Galli
Ms. Arlene Glass
Ms. Valerie Glass
Ms. Deeann P. Gonzalez
Mrs. Marilyn A. Griffin
Ms. Marcella A. Guerra
Ms. Shelyn M. Gutierrez
Ms. Dina Hernandez
Ms. Barbara L. Howard
Ms. Kathleen R. Johnson
Ms. Kay F. Jones
Ms. Karen A. Landry
Mrs. Hue-Mai Liu
Mr. Albert M. Lopez
Ms. Wendy A. Macken
Ms. Nancy J. Mandley
Mr. Alfonso Manimbo
Ms. Patricia Marin
Ms. Veronica E. Marin
Ms. Brenda Martinez
Ms. Inez Martinez
Ms. Dina Martirosian
Mr. Kent A. Martyn
Mr. Martin A. Mayer
Mrs. Donna S. McAlmond
Mr. Tom P. McGuiness
Ms. Margarita Medina
Ms. Rina F. Miranda
Ms. Elena F. Monsale
Ms. Yevette R. Montague
Ms. Connie Munafo
Ms. Stephanie Neher
Ms. Margaret M. O’Neil
Ms. Christina M. Pitts
Ms. Maria O. Precilla
Ms. Claudia C. Romo
Ms. Christine Saavedra
Farzana Y. Shah
Ms. Alice Silva
Ms. Graciela S. Simental
Ms. Julie Tafoya
Mr. Andre C. Trepanier
Ms. Nancy Villaneda
Ms. Kendra Walker
Ms. Carole L. Wenda
Mr. Alejandro Zepeda
Ms. Janice C. Alcorn
Ms. Ann V. Apodaca
Ms. Cathy A. Barton
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Berry
Ms. Arlene K. Boots
Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Castellanos
Ms. Julie Y. Chan
Ms. Flor R. Duadico
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Finn
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Foulke
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Foust
Mrs. Tawn M. Garcia
Dr. Richard M. Gisi
Mrs. Bettina Hall
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Harnack
Ms. Mary K. Hart
Ms. Charlotte Hatfield
Ms. Patricia Henry
Ms. Judith M. Hullinger
Mrs. June E. Hunter
Ms. Marjorie L. Jacobo
Ms. Carol R. Jenik
Dr. & Mrs. Brian R. Johnson
Ms. Sheena R. Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. John Lopez
Ms. Milagros B. Lumbang
Ms. Annette R. Macias
Ms. Elsbeth D. Manzano
Ms. Phyllis J. Mauro
Mrs. Diane M. Moore
Mr. Vernon D. Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Warren S. Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Andrzej Prejna
Ms. Donna E. Sakach
Mr. & Mrs. James V. Shewmaker
Dr. Jorge L. Silverio
Mrs. Susan T. Simmons
Stacy & Minerva Spell
Ms. Teresa L. Swindler
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Tellez
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tieng
Ms. Kay A. Turner
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Tye
Ms. Kristine Vasquez Zuniga
Ms. Jennifer T. Wall
Ms. Ellen G. Wellman
Mrs. Allison A. West
Mrs. Vera M. Whaley
Ms. Jadine Yamamoto
Marie T. Dulce
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold M. Carreon
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Fetters
Ms. Deborah Cooper
Sarah O. Beltran
Ms. Maria E. Orozco
Aunt Cheryl
Ms. Diana Bitner
Ann Fetters
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Heinrich
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Landers
Willa Mae Flowers
Troy Flowers
Ms. Sheena R. Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Steudtner
Juana Sevella
Ms. Dixie L. Sevilla
Ms. Lisa Adams McIntire
Auxiliary of Inter-Community
T HE 2100 C LUB
David W. Alfaro, D.D.S.
Mr. & Mrs. Carl C. Bennitt
Ms. Kennie J. Boeckeler
Mr. Curtiss D. Bonneville
Ms. Irene T. Bourdon
Citizens Business Bank
City of Covina
Ms. Lois M. Conyers
Custer Christiansen Mortuary
Mrs. Yulanda N. Davis-Quarrie
Ms. Eves Y. Devis
Mr. Donald A. Driftmier, C.P.A.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel N. Evans
Ms. Valerie Glass
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Gorman
Jean’s Complete Bookkeeping
Mr. Garry M. Hofer
Ms. Carol R. Jenik
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Kanagi
Mrs. Mary B. Kunz
Ms. Cheryl L. Marino
Mr. Kent A. Martyn
Mrs. Donna S. McAlmond
Bradley J. McFadden, Atty. At Law
Mr. Tom P. McGuiness
Ms. Friederike Medak
FALL 2006
Ms. Annette R. Mickelson
Mr. Ronald L. Mitchell
Mr. Joseph R. Powers
Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Reynolds
Mrs. Denise V. Ronquillo
Ms. Marian V. Smithson
Mrs. Josefa G. Solomon
Ms. Audrey E. Tasse
Ms. Nga Ton
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Touhey
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Tracy
Ms. Kay A. Turner
Mrs. Kathleen Van Allen
Ms. Patricia A. Vilardo
Mr. Robert L. Walker, Jr.
Mr. David M. Wells
Ms. Jan Wertz
Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin S. Wong
Mr. Brian R. Akers
Mr. Charles R. Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Blanton
BLL Management & Consulting LLC
Mr. Clifton C. Booth
Mr. Harold J. Borak, Sr.
Mr. Gordon M. Browning
Mr. Patrick J. Castagnaro
Ms. Diane M. Chagnon
Citrus Valley Health Partners /
Public Relations
City of West Covina
Edward R. Cooper, D.C.
Covina Masonic Temple
D.C. Corporation
Stanley Daubenbis, CPA
Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Delach, Jr.
Mario Del Fante Florist
Mr. Dennis H. Duncan
East Shore R.V. Park
Law Offices of J. Randall Faith
Mr. & Mrs. Jon E. Flores
Dr. Humberto A. Galleno
Ronald L. Garibaldi, D.D.S.
Mr. Arnold M. Glasman
Ms. Lorene Gonia
Mr. William B. Hubbert
Mr. Norman Kirschenbaum
Ms. Joanie Klenske
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh W. Ledford
McIntyre Partners
McIntyre Reenders Development
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis K. McNaught
Mr. Michael S. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. Morgan
Mr. Ronald W. Murrey
Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Ohmit
Mr. Louis A. Pappas
FALL 2006
Partee Insurance Associates, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew G. Pasmant
Mr. Glen Pierce
Rancho Bank
RD Benefits Group
Mr. & Mrs. Pete G. Reynolds
Reynolds Buick
Rogers, Clem & Company
Ms. Nancy L. Russell
San Gabriel Valley Y.M.C.A
Saving Center Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Scalfaro
Dr. Ben Shwachman
Dr. & Mrs. Steven I. Skurow
R.J. Smith, D.D.S.
South Hills Escrow Corp.
South Hills Kiwanis
Suburban Water Systems
R.J. Teal, D.D.S.
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Vescio
W.D. Samuelson, Inc.
Mr. Wayne Woody
Gilbert I. Martin, M.D.
Ms. Stephanie Carpenter & Family
Ms. Edith Abad
Ms. Beatrice Acosta
Mr. Martin R. Acosta
Ms. Maria T. Alvarez
Ms. Belen S. Asi
Ms. Sandra S. Bain
Mr. Uriel D. Baldovino
Mr. Romeo G. Bautista
Ms. Stacy E. Bernard
Ms. Susan Bloom
Ms. Irene T. Bourdon
Ms. Lori L. Bryant
Ms. Julie Busse
Ms. Theresa A. Cano
Ms. Clara Ceschini
Ms. Bonnie J. Conyers
Mr. Aegli R. Crow
Mrs. Candia C. Crowley
Ms. Karin Croysdill
Mr. Manuel M. Cuevas
Mrs. Nenuca J. Dalton
Ms. Ofelia R. David
Ms. Linda M. Delacruz
Ms. Helen Di Ciolla
Ms. Tiffany A. Di Lazzaro
Ms. Jane E. Dietzel
Ms. Cheryl L. Dorn
Ms. Sharon Dresen
Ms. Donna Dunlavy
Ms. Annabelle Edquilang
Ms. Beverly K. Escalera
Ms. Erma P. Ezpeleta
Ms. Constance Farrington
Mr. Larry S. Fetters
Ms. Masae Gaeta
Mrs. Renee D. Gaines
Mr. Anthony Gamez
Ms. Kim Gappa
Mr. Robert Garcia
Ms. Susana A. Gastellu
Mr. Benjamin M. Gonzales
Ms. Sherry A. Hamamoto
Ms. Judith K. Herrick
Ms. Mary E. Howard
Ms. Shawn R. Imes
Ms. Diana C. Ironmonger
Mr. Garnet Kakuk
Ms. Susan C. Kozloff
Ms. Kathy C. Krosley
Mr. Bruce Kupper
Ms. Karen A. Landry
Ms. Marie B. Littaua-Magpayo
Mr. Frank Llerena
Ms. Rena M. Manns
Ms. Cheryl L. Marino
Ms. Janine R. Markstrom
Mr. Jaime Martinez
Ms. Louise R. May
Mr. Francis J. Michaud
Mr. Steve L. Miller
Ms. Yolanda O. Molina
Ms. Jeanne L. Mueller
Ms. Conception Oclaray
Ms. Nilda Olivar
Mrs. Mary L. Osbrink
Ms. Rebecca Pangburn
Ms. Aurora L. Pascual
Ms. Nenita Porral
Ms. Maria S. Prado-Valdez
Ms. Catherine L. Probst
Ms. Mara L. Protas
Ms. Sandra Pyle
Ms. Tessie Rai
Ms. Maria Reisenbichler-Jacobs
Ms. Marianne Roeters
Ms. Barbara Rupnick
Ms. Clare K. Sacoy
Ms. Donna E. Sakach
Ms. Shirley A. Sax
Mr. Gale S. Scalzi
Ms. Patricia S. Schuler
Ms. Joyce M. Seither
Ms. Gail Siggers
Ms. Nancy J. Simmons
Ms. Thelma Sison
Ms. Rachel Slocum
Ms. Claudia Sorrels
Ms. Cynthia Stoll
Ms. Julie M. Sturgeon
Ms. Elizabeth L. Tan
Mr. Lawrence S. Tanouye
Ms. Sandy Thibodeaux
Ms. Corrine P. Toscano
Ms. Lisa R. Umphenour
Ms. Gail Ann Varga
Ms. Florecita Vergel De Dios
Ms. Jessica Verona
Tasanee Vitkievicz
Ms. Linda C. Waddell
Mr. Michael Walker
Mr. Anthony Wieczorek
Mrs. Charlene M. Williams
Ms. Sherrie K. WinterswykCisneros
Ms. Boneta J. Wisniewski
Mr. Timothy J. Wrobel
Mr. Brian G. Yamate
Ms. Joanna Yang
Golden State Foods Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Walter T. Gorrell
North West College
Optimal Print Technologies, LLC
Pediatrix Medical Group, Inc.
Mr. David Perez
Ms. Celia Villaescusa
Colin Clark
Mrs. Julieta E. Clark
Daniel Esparza
Ms. Bertha Esparza
Mallory D. Fermin
Mrs. Melirue D. Fermin
Maria Cristina Flores
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel N. Flores
Erica I. Galvez
Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Galvez
Joneal Gendrano
Ms. Kimberly Ear
Alyssa N. Gonzalez
Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Gonzalez
Sean Benson C. Gumanab
Mrs. Bernadette C. Gumanab
Laura & &rew Heninger
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Heninger
Sophia & Caryn Kurtek
Mr. Charles A. Kurtek &
Ms. Sherri M. Wilson
Christopher N. Lewin
Mr. & Mrs. Marcelo Lewin
Stanley R. Matu-Giang
Mrs. & Mr. Erica Giang
Matthew C. May
Carlos & Leticia May
Amy K. Minard
Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Minard
Samuel Morales
Danny & Belinda Morales
Ryan T. Nam
Mr. & Mrs. Jay W. Nam
Jasmine Palacios
Mr. Amado Palacios
Juan Sanchez
Ms. Silvia Sanchez
Shiv N. Singh
Shiu N. Singh
Matthew T. Talukdar
Mr. & Mrs. David Talukdar
Christian Antillon
Mr. & Mrs. Juan C. Antillon
Francesca G. Harden
Ms. Grace M. Harden
Barbara Shigo
Ms. Patricia M. Albert
Ms. Carol M. Bowman
Mr. David M. Bowman
Auxiliary of Inter-Community
Golden State Foods Foundation
Ms. Janice C. Alcorn
Mr. Issa Aqleh
Ms. Susan L. Black
Ms. Irene T. Bourdon
Ms. Victoria Casados
Ms. Beatrice Chavez-Smith
Mrs. Cynthia Cisneros
Ms. Grace Cruden
Ms. Alice Di Maggio
Mrs. Irene Dominguez
Ms. Carol Eaton
Ms. Caroline Formano
Mrs. Ethelinda O. Geolingo
Dr. Richard M. Gisi
Mr. & Mrs. Walter T. Gorrell
Mr. Muhannad Hanif
Mr. & Mrs. Terry O. Henn
Ms. Carol R. Jenik
Mrs. Caryn Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Dan Kiss
Grace La Fargo, RN
Mr. & Mrs. John Lopez
Ms. Rebecca A. Maddox
Ms. Alina Magrina
Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert I. Martin
Ms. Rosalie Martinez
Mrs. Carole L. Montgomery
Mr. Barron Nixon
Mrs. Maria S. Peacock
Ms. Margo C. Perusse
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Philips
Ms. Yolanda Quinones
Ms. Shirley Rabe-Dizon
Ms. Kim Riffner
Ms. Maria T. Roberts
Ms. Lourdes Salandanan
Dr. & Mrs. Neil Sherman
Ms. Gail Siggers
Ms. Sheila Sobretodo
Ms. Anna Marie Soliz
Ms. Maria Aurora R. Suarez
Ms. Mary C. Thomas
Ms. Jill Trojanowski
Ms. Kay A. Turner
Ms. Cindy Tutt
Ms. Carole L. Wenda
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Williams
Ms. Merilyn Williams
Ms. Sherrie K. WinterswykCisneros
Ms. Joanna Yang
Ms. Verna L. Ayres-Engler
Ms. Kennie J. Boeckeler
Ms. Teresa V. Coleman
Ms. Carol J. Coons
Mrs. Yulanda N. Davis-Quarrie
Mrs. Suzanne P. Evans
Ms. Robyn Filiatrualt
Ms. Aracely S. Flores
Mr. James F. Gilbert
Ms. Bonnie P. Johnson
Mrs. Karen C. Jolicoeur
Ms. Sharon M. Kemp
Ms. Maria M. Logee
Ms. Veronica E. Marin
Ms. Marjorie L. Miller
Ms. Dorothy Y. Monahan-Handy
Mrs. Frances Myers
Mrs. Elena L. Narvaez
Ms. Cheryle M. Perkins
Mr. David K. Pollard
Ms. Maria S. Prado-Valdez
Ms. Carmen Regalado
Ms. Odilia Rossi
Mrs. Josefa G. Solomon
Ms. Estela C. Torres
Mrs. Kathleen Van Allen
Ms. Janet E. Watkins
Ms. Sarah K. Bowers
Ms. Judy Chacon
Mr. Brian K. Conyers
Mrs. Yulanda N. Davis-Quarrie
Ms. Maria E. Fernandez
Ms. Robyn Filiatrualt
Mrs. Cheryl A. Gretel
Ms. Yvonne Hagerman
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Johnson
Mr. Ahmed Kassim
Mrs. Carol W. Lawson
Ms. Rebecca S. Leon
Ms. Maria M. Logee
Mrs. Pat Munoz
Ms. Linda M. Oropeza
Mr. David K. Pollard
Ms. Lyn Portugues-Flores
Mr. Joseph R. Powers
Ms. Evangeline J. Raz
Ms. Vallerie G. Rhone
Ms. Loretta Rosas
Ms. Karen Sweet
Ms. Herlinda Vargas
Ms. Karen R. Wuest
Mrs. Carol A. Brainerd
Mrs. Joan Wachtelborn
Ms. Patricia Dorner
Daniel V. Abarca, D.D.S.
Ace Pelizon Plumbing
Mr. & Mrs. Heriberto Acosta
Ms. Florence Adams
Dr. Fe B. Advincula
Ms. Terri L. Agostino
Mr. Roberto H. Aguinaldo
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Alarcon
Ms. Irma C. Alarid
Mr. & Mrs. Jesus E. Alatorre
Mrs. Ma. Susana R. Albania
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Alexander
Alvarado Court Reporters
Mrs. Rosalinda E. Alvarez
Mrs. Kyung-Ok Amaral
American Medical Response
Mr. Antonio C. Anabo
Ms. Haydee Andujo
Mr. Yarchai Anothaiwongs
Ms. Marjorie Arbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Arca
Ms. Enriqueta Arce
Lee Arce Development Co.
Vickram G. Arcot
Mr. Manuel Armendariz
Mr. Roy J. Arnoult
Sukumarn S. Aueyong
Ms. Marietta A. Bailey
Dr. Bhupinder Bains
Ms. Bobbie Banderas
Mrs. Martha C. Banton
Mr. Artur I. Barajas
Daniel Barajas, M.D., Inc.
Ms. Leonor Barajas
Robinson V. Baron Medical Clinic
Mrs. Nerine C. Baumann
Ms. Genara C. Bautista
Ms. Gloria M. Beckford
Mrs. Lois Beers
Ms. Lourdes C. Beguico
Mr. Francisco J. Betancourt
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Biggs
Mr. J.M. Blair
Ms. Diana M. Blakkan
Ms. Doris R. Blocker
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff J. Boand
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard D. Bollinger, Jr.
Mr. Curtiss D. Bonneville
Ms. Lourdes C. Bonsol
Mr. Harold J. Borak, Sr.
Ms. Vivian I. Bosquit
Mr. Donald Boss
Mary A. Bowler, IHM
Dr. & Mrs. Ivan Breed
Mr. Odesser Bridges Pierson
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Brock
Mr. & Mrs. Carl R. Brod
Mr. Gary D. Brown
Mrs. Norma P. Brutocao
Ms. Lois Bruyneel
Ms. Carolina T. Burman
Ms. Maria T. Cabayan
Ms. Kristina Cabral
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Caldarella
California Business Bureau, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Callahan
Ms. Leticia Q. Camacho
Ms. Lois Cameron
Dr. Gail G. Campofiore &
Mr. Donald B. Cullen
Mrs. Alberta L. Canavan
Cancer Care Consultants
Mr. Octaviano Cano
Mr. & Mrs. Vince L. Capitano
Mr. Alfredo R. Carolino
Mrs. Teofila B. Carreon
Mr. Luis P. Carreras
Ms. Mary F. Castano
Ms. Cecilia Castro
Mr. Jaime A. Castro
Ms. Marjorie M. Cecchino
Ms. Dorothy V. Ceci
Century 21 U.S. Realty
Mrs. Josephine O. Cervantes
Sopheakdey Cham
Mr. Alan Chan
Mrs. Iris Chaney
Mrs. Maria C. Chavez
FALL 2006
Gunupati V. Chelvapilla, M.D.
Mrs. Margaret D. Childers
Ms. Conchita B. Chio
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Chow
Mrs. Robert M. Christensen
Richard Chu, M.D., Inc.
Sansun Chu
Citizens Business Bank
Citrus Valley Anesthesia Group
Citrus Valley Health Partners Staff
Citrus Valley Hospice / Home
City of Covina
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Clarke
Mary Hunter Clements
Coastal Construction
Compspec, Inc.
Mr. Donald S. Comstock
Ms. Elvira R. Conboy
Ms. Sandra Concepcion
Professor & Mrs. John Conforti, Jr.
Mr. Dennis G. Collins &
Ms. Lois M. Conyers
Ms. Alicia G. Copeland
Ms. Hortencia Cordova
Ms. Roberta Cortez
Covina Emergency Medical
Group, Inc.
Ms. Zella A. Cramer
Ms. Juana M. Crespo
Ms. Mary T. Crowe
Johny A. Cu, M.D.
Mr. Dennis Cuocco
Mrs. Caroyln M. Dandridge
Ms. Cynthia David
Mr. Sam Davis
Mr. Clark G. De Haven
Mr. & Mrs. Perry C. De La Pena
Mr. Michael E. Deghetto
Mario Del Fante Florist
Mr. Oton C. Delgado
Ms. Efigenia E. Delrosario
Mr. Medardo Delrosario
Mr. Edilberto M. Desamito
Dr. Sadhna Dhand
Diagnostic Testing & Tutoring Ctr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Diaz
Ms. Mary S. Diaz
Mr. William Dodson
Mr. & Mrs. William V. Dotolo
Dr. & Mrs. George M. Dualan
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Duke
Ms. Betty M. Dunham
Dydee Diaper Service
Edro Engineering, Inc.
Mr. Floyd B. Eldridge
Dr. & Mrs. Fares Elghazi
Ms. Sharon Emslie
Mrs. Entzminger
FALL 2006
Mr. Mac E-Nunu
Ms. Carmen Escobar
Ms. Genoveve Escobar
Ms. Mary L. Escoboza
Ms. Eloise P. Espinosa-Gomez
Mr. Miguel F. Espinoza
Mr. & Mrs. James Estes
Mrs. Suzanne P. Evans
Mr. Eduardo T. Fabian
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome C. Fahey
Law Offices of J. Randall Faith
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell C. Farrell
Ms. Carmen Feria-Vega
Mrs. Erlinda G. Fernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Ferreira
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Fleming
Ms. Aracely S. Flores
Mrs. Rosa I. Flores
Ms. Meagan Fon
Foothill Independent Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Bill J. Fortney
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Foulke
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Foust
Mrs. Gloria M. Fox
Mrs. Ruth K. Frederick
Ms. Flor S. Frias
Ms. Rebecca K. Fuller
Dr. & Mrs. Humberto A. Galleno
Mr. Felix A. Galvan
Ms. Elizabeth Galvin
Mr. & Mrs. Edmundo C. Garcia
Ms. Guiselle Garcia
Mrs. Tawn M. Garcia
Mr. Robert J. Gardner
Ms. Genie Garza
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Geleris
Mrs. Marilyn Geleris
Ms. Rose M. Gendron
Mrs. Ethelinda O. Geolingo
Ms. Dixie A. Gilbert
Theresa Gillies, IHM
Mr. Amado D. Gilo
Ms. Lois P. Giordani
Ms. Evelyn Giron
Dr. Richard M. Gisi
Mr. Leo E. Glaser, Jr.
Ms. Valerie Glass
Dr. Rosa Go Cu
Mr. Tito L. Gomez
Ms. Deanne Gonzalez
Mrs. Luz D. Gonzalez
Mrs. Michele Gonzalez
Dr. & Mrs. William Z. Good
Graphic Dies, Inc.
Ms. Dee Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Griffitts
Ms. Margaret K. Gubrud
Dr. & Mrs. Edgar L. Guerrero
Sisira Gunawardane, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Miramontes
Marc Gutin, M.D.
H & C Plumbing, Inc.
Mr. James O. Hall
Khan J. Hameed, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Barry D. Hamm
Harbhajan K. Hanjan, M.D.
Mr. Robert W. Hansen, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Harding
Mr. Mark Harold
Mr. S.L. Harper
Mr. G.T. Harrington
Ms. Mary K. Hart
Mr. Bret A. Hartman
Ms. Nargis S. Hasan
Mr. & Mrs. Carson E. Hawk
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Hecox
Mr. & Mrs. Terry O. Henn
Mrs. Claudia Hernandez
Dr. & Mrs. Delroy Hewling
Ms. June Higa
Mrs. Alma S. Hildreth
Ms. Jean Hilton
Mr. Harold R. Hixson
Mr. Garry M. Hofer
Dr. & Mrs. J.P. Holland
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Howard
Mr. Andy C. Hsu
Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Hunter, II
Hydro Connections, Inc.
Ms. Charmaine Ibanez
Immaculate Heart Community
Mr. Gary D. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley E. Jaques
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Jarvis
Ms. Carol R. Jenik
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Jett
Ms. Christine T. Jimenez
Dr. J.A. Johnson
Ms. Kay F. Jones
Mrs. Rita F. Jorgensen
Mr. Bradley J. Kaiser
Ms. Lois B. Kammueller
Ms. Betsy Kaplan
Robert D. Kayser, M.D.
Mrs. Sandra M. Keat
Mrs. Angel R. Kelly-Blaydes
Mr. David Kessler
Mrs. Yasmin Khair
Mr. Firdous Q. Khan
Dr. & Mrs. Dan Kiss
Ms. Anna Kittelson
Ms. Aliede M. Klein
Mrs. Melody B. Kliewer
Ms. Michele Knapp
Ms. Yolanda P. Kochis
Gloria L. Kolarik, IHM
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn M. Kottkamp
Fares Koudsi
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. Kraemer
Mary M. Krupa, IHM
Mrs. Francine G. Laband
Ms. May F. Lacson
Mr. Benjamin V. Lawenko
Mrs. Nerissa I. Lawenko
Ms. Ruby Leblanc
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh W. Ledford
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Leung
Mrs. Carol A. Lewis
Mr. Paul B. Lim
Mr. Salvador T. Lim
Mr. Jospeh G. Lima
Mr. Roy Lindsey
Ms. Ana Lira
Mrs. Hue-Mai Liu
Yu Liu
Mr. Charles J. Lo Pinto
Ms. Patsy R. Lockwood
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred L. Lopez
Mr. Gilberto Lopez
Mrs. Helen Lopez
Henry & Noemi Lopez
Ms. Claire L. Losleben
Dr. & Mrs. Harry Louie
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Ludwick
Dr. & Mrs. Carlos Lugo
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn C. Luong
Vinh Phuc Thi Luu
Ms. Audrey Lynberg
Mr. & Mrs. Spencer F. Lyon
Mrs. J. A. Madden
Elizabeth A. Mahoney, IHM
Ms. Sally M. Maiorca
Mr. Juan R. Maldonado
Mancy Medical Center Medical
Mr. Donato T. Manuel
Amor P. Marcelo
Mr. Pedro Marquez
Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert I. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Hector M. Martinez
Mrs. Jean Marullo
Ms. Judith A. Massas
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Mathewson
Ms. Betty B. Maxwell
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Mc Almond
Mr. Frank C. McCabe
Mr. & Mrs. David T. McCobb
Mr. Thomas P. McGuire
Mr. James A. McHugh, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John J. McNulty, Sr.
Toni Meano
Ms. Diana Mecca
Medworks Office Solutions, Inc.
Ms. Helen A. Merrick
Ms. Galen R. Metz
Mr. Miguel Meza
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Damon Mills
Mr. Manuel Miranda
Mrs. Brenda Mitchell
Mr. Curtis Miyoken
Ms. Hilda M. Monroy
Ms. Elena F. Monsale
Ms. Nelly Montano
Mrs. Carole L. Montgomery
Ms. Refugio Moreno
Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. Morgan
Ms. Betty Morris
Ms. Patricia R. Morse
Mrs. Olga Muchnick
Ms. Bertha L. Muller
Ms. Irene S. Murrietta
Ms. Denise K. Naccache
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Nakamura
Ms. Angelina V. Natividad
Mr. & Mrs. Victor M. Nebrida
Ms. Lois A. Netter
Mrs. Amy L. Ng
Joseph Nguyen, M.D., Inc.
Ms. Margo Noll
Mrs. Vera J. Nooy
North West College
Mr. Joe R. Nunez, Sr.
Mr. Joe Nunez
Mr. Anond Nussati
Ms. Clara Y. Oda
O’Donnell Chevrolet-Buick
Office Max
Mrs. Katherine A. Oquendo
Orthopaedic Medical Goup &
Mrs. Misao Oshiro
Dr. & Mrs. Norman Owashi
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pacelli
Estella A. Pacificar, M.D.
Ms. Frances Padilla
Mr. Donald R. Page
Mr. Lucio P. Pajaron
Mr. Robert H. Palmer
Mr. George H. Palmera
Dr. Rangarao R. Panguluri
Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Pappas
Ms. Dawn C. Paradis
Ms. Honey P. Parker
Ms. Mary C. Parks
Mrs. Juana G. Partida
Pasadena Hilton Hotel
Mr. Marvin A. Paske
Dr. Dilip G. Patel
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Patronite
Viengkham Patxamath
Mr. Andres E. Pena
Cynthia M. Peralta, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Perez
Ms. Carol J. Perez
Mrs. Margarita Perez
Ms. Margo C. Perusse
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Phan
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Philips
Mr. Darvin Phung
Ms. Ruby Pila
Mrs. Marilyn J. Pina
Plaza Fabrics
Mr. & Mrs. Gene I. Pohl
Ms. Mary Ann Poirer
Ms. Gloria Ponce
Mr. Joseph R. Powers
Dr. & Mrs. Cary A. Presant
Progressive Management
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Propper
Mr. Nuelito A. Protacio
Mr. & Mrs. John Puhawan
Questar Engineering, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael O. Quinn
Ms. Judith A. Rabinowitz
Mrs. Arceli Ramboyong
Mr. & Mrs. Hemchand D.
Mr. & Mrs. Salvador H. Ramos
Rancho Bank
Mr. Richard E. Ranger
Mrs. Dee Rathman
Ms. Maria T. Raygoza
Mrs. Barbara Y. Reed
J. Regazzi
Mr. & Mrs. Charles N. Reible
Mr. & Mrs. Marquito C. Reyes
Mr. Ray F. Reyes
Ms. Rizalina Reyno
Ms. Vera M. Rheuark
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Ricci
Mrs. Jean Rigazzi
Mr. Joel B. Rimban
Arif S. Rizvi, M.D.
Dr. Syed A. Rizvi
Ms. Brenda D. Rocha
Mrs. Elaine B. Rockwell
Mr. Jaime M. Rodriguez
Ms. Sandra D. Rodriguez
Rogers, Clem & Company
Mrs. Setsuko Rooks
Ms. Maxima P. Rosco
Mrs. Elise Rose
Dr. & Mrs. Bradley J. Rosenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Roset
James & Virginia Ross Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur F. Royce
Mrs. Juana E. Ruiz
Ms. Deanna J. Saez
Mrs. Lucille Saiia
Mr. Armando Sainz
Dr. & Mrs. Leopoldo Sanchez
Ms. Rosa Sanchez
Mrs. Bernice E. Sanders
Mrs. Dora A. Sands
Mr. & Mrs. Amar S. Sapra
Ms. Margaret B. Savage
Saving Center Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Scavarda
Mr. Leo E. Schade
Estate of Georgia Schmidt
Ms. Lagrimas Schmitt
Ms. Estelle Schneider
Ms. Julia Schulsinger
Mrs. Elsie G. Seger
Mr. & Mrs. Nate Sepulveda
James S. Shafer, M.D.
Richard A. Shapiro, M.D., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Sheehan
Mrs. Carmen Sicre
Ms. Nellie Sikat
Mr. Jesse A. Simplicio
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Sindel
Ms. Helen J. Sindelar
Mr. & Mrs. Denis P. Sirois
Mr. & Mrs. Darcy A. Skaggs
Ms. Maria E. Skeels
Ms. Eleanor M. Skinner
Dr. & Mrs. Steven I. Skurow
Dr. & Mrs. Hugh E. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Snyder
Sodexho Inc. & Affiliates
Ms. Esther Solano
Dr. Marianne Soor-Melka
Virgilio J. Soriano, M.D.
Mr. Rudolph G. Sosa
Ms. Joan Stronach
Dennis W. Strum, Ph.D.
Robin Su-Edwards, D.D.S.
Suburban Water Systems
Mr. Frank H. Sue
Kateri A. Sullivan, IHM
Superior Super Warehouse
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Swain
Aleem Syed
Bill W. Tang, M.D.
Hoong-Yee Tang, M.D.
Dr. & Mrs. Dumrong Tangchitnob
Dayalal D. Tank, M.D.
Ms. Kathleen L. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Felix A. Teran
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Terrell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Thompson
Mrs. Venla Jean Thorne
Mr. & Mrs. Harold G. Tilley
Mrs. Georgina R. Tiongco
Mr. & Mrs. Tim M. Todd
Mr. Richard M. Toguchi
Ms. Ofelia Tolleson
Sister Lilly P. Tomsy
Total Compensation Services
Mr. Howard Townes, Jr.
Tradeway Glass, Co.
Mr. & Mrs. George Treantafelles
Edward M. Tronaas, Ed.D.
Mr. William F. Trudeau
Ms. Tina Tubtim
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Tye
Mr. Deni Y. Uejima
Mr. Takeo Uesugi
Underground Sales
Dr. & Mrs. David B. Underwood
Mr. Jose R. Urcia
Ms. Mary Valenzuela
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Van Hek
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Vasquez
Mr. Horace V. Velasquez
Mr. Jess Vignol
Mr. Sammy Villegas
Mrs. Chona A. Vinarao
Ms. Yolanda V. Vitug
Mr. William J. Viverto
Mr. Peter R. Wallon
Alice V. Watkins, Ph.D.
Mr. Jack C. Wear, III
Wellbrock Builders
Mr. & Mrs. H.W. Weskamp
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Wheeler
Mrs. Kris E. Whiteing
Ms. Ruth B. Wiethoff
Mr. Charles D. Williams
Ms. Ellen L. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Williams
Mr. James R. Williams
Ms. Natalie L. Wilson
Mr. Arnold Wong
Mrs. Connie Wong
Dr. & Mrs. Kee Wong
Mrs. Sylvia Wong
The Carl E. Wynn Foundation
Dr. Linda Yang
Mr. & Mrs. W.P. Yeager
Dr. Sharon Yee
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Yoshioka
Ms. Mary R. Young
Mrs. Phyllis J. Yriarte
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund J. Zakoor
Robert Arch
Ms. Marion Arch
Ida Magdelena Galleno
Vidal Construction Company
Lynn L. Heath
Ms. Barbara J. Moore & Family
Libertad Tiongco Naguiat
Ms. Rosalina M. Tiongco
Gail Rasmussen, R.N.
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell A. Rasmussen
FALL 2006
2006 Calendar of Events
2100 Club
Holiday Breakfast
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Marian Hall • 1115 South Sunset Avenue
West Covina, CA 91790-3940
In support of Citrus Valley Health Partners
is published by
Citrus Valley Health Foundation
for the donors and friends of
Citrus Valley Medical Center
Yulanda Davis-Quarrie, CFRE
Chief Executive Officer
Julie Griffith
Karen Kanagi
FALL 2006
Permit No. 104
San Dimas, CA