March 14, 2016 - Anderson County Government
March 14, 2016 - Anderson County Government
DATE: March 9. 2016 TO: Purchasing Commiffee FROM: Pamela Cotham, Purchasing Agent SUBJECT: Contracts for approval Purchasing Commission will meet at 4:30 p,m. in room 312 on March 14. 2016. to review the following multi-year contracts, which will be presented to County Commission during their next scheduled meeting. 1. Insisht Mobile Data February 23,2017. 2. State of Tennessee - Homeland Security Grant for the period of September I ,2015 thru April 30, - Three-year contract County Jail for the period of February 23,2016 thru 2016. 3. Knoxville Ilarley Davidson - One-year contract for four (4) Harley Davidson Motorcycles for the period of April 1,201 6 thru March 31,2017 . Oth,er Items as mav come before the Committee. Please let me know if you need any additional information. DmtSigrr Ernrelope lD: O0G!7C2G7C[D-4TAFTADCD{8!!E4| lruSrGHT Mabile ilata Prcilcncd Phn 2Dl B&} R*al-time visibillty int* th* rn*bile wilrk enulr*n me*t &ntrrct Anderson County EMS Corporate Offlce 233:t0 Gottonwood Parlway, Suite 3i13, Gallfornla, ItD 20619 Phone: (301) 866-1990 Fax (301)S0e1992 Envelope f D: 09087C2C-7 CDO-47AF-ADCD€8IIIE41 2D1 BB3 ln5rcHT Mohile ilata Master Servlces Subscrlptlon Agreement lubsqiber {L€oal Nama ot Entltv) Anderson County EMS Primary Gmtact Narne AldncssAd&ess fot'tntrv 314 Public Safety Ln, Clinton, TN 37716 USA Nathan Sweet Stata Pfnne Email nsweet @ (86s) ande 457-8609 tusrd of Incsmalion l'olal Fbet $ze lt) lqlntry Shiopinq Address 314 Public Safety Ln,Clinton, TN 37716 3iflinq Maltsrs {A/P) USA Conffi Phong Emrll Sciedule of Monthlv Subccription Rate (Exchding Sales & Uee Taxer, il apdb*) I of Units $onthlv Fee rjnit Type 19 $ 42.9s $trcetEagle GPS Tracking tiicinS fnotud6: fndrlhtion p6r Ord.r, Wlrll€rB Dala & Adn rton, Equipmsr Wrtranty lot Lite of Sewice, 24r/,385 Technical Suppon Shloolno (UPS Ground). Sa€ comDletc TerIrE br srldltbnal inbmslion Other current or future services as describod (and at the subscription rateg) on the takedown Schedules Acoss, gubeslbsr Adoowlodgenr€flt & Spadd T!im!: Wc har€ r!ad, undsrsbod, sd accrpild th. bn|r! at thia Con'ra0 lmludirE ihe Ocnc€l Conditlon!, and v|€ agtB€ to pay thc cha4es d€iallcd hg€in or on arry takadown Sd}gduL sxoqJbd In cofln€c{on hgra fri. 2. Thc R rnD-UD PGtlod Enrlr: Egact d umbrt of &6.ctlpdq|8 rt E d of hitnlup tu{od: f g Accepted on behalf of Subscribor: Accepted by InSight Mobile Data, lrrc. By: By: 1. N; r.rl{lian iweet Tirle: d Slgnrtoty b Otllgti. sub.crlbGt 0l ApPllcrbl.) 2nd Slgnalory to confnn Authorlty ot 1 paon t! Dt r dDdrb olttor, gFisa parfar c rnf!i ot ltra Su!a.t!6i d $a d nim!aa d !{!aoG m€U b b. ..1 b$ dr dorlor?l ti! can!st dEi hc Jgtng rqutr!d lf tctr. . E [t(.tyb !. r.rrii.nftt (3a].8.d\.dfidtr nadr dgr*rgtt Oo.tlddrH|llotsuDclbr|r|dtrp.rnl|lbtdtdot.!!.klg!u$dl2.dbcrbitlGddi gdsal pdir (ll | sdrdllta! b ti! conhict Lgrtt luitdLad b oug'F s|lbdllbar ar r.t fl |rn, Thc aaFoi algdie fnb conlhntddl murt !. r dncar (f t coQo.ddr)' | lnsioht Authorized Sisnatory 13 rrhr|llrlp) By: or ! maidaa (t at t!C). Namo: PcEoml Guemty t'ltldaidibdr*eJddr otri. Cnt&t, fr udrtln d ('Gu-irE(.n n .!by ut{CONUTlO lfrYGU FAmEG} O}bpay t€htn t f D.b. Ittc. ali!..cgE h l*i, lt .dn rd lisdni O) b\ mon yotlr t td St b.n ijrru.ry.d urh. t$ ConEt rtd h - S.fata. @rid kr dh..Jon $rftlh, ir tr rrEuib ad.tthGft . *t brtt !t iia fdL Jd ln tr mmar -t lbrlt ln !$ Cont-t at ol tha tdn!, coFndnr ds.dldfaB ha[h idlhardo EqXod b ha *r9L ohasGd or pitonnad Lc (.Gi ., t!. lo€lplig. coL.t !, n rouledodl. Ifd. Ooa it of colt .ddr fdxing! rilhoq rdlddr, F.drN$ eittl Ar Fymarn lrd Ffbrnrtce ol d fic Cbftdql!' nb Glsfy l! a luaty ol prunp{ Frim arn paahmJEa ard mt nsry | $r iy ol caLcion C[r&br aut$rlrc u., *i $E tSdt cdEdtt rhmad arn vihcl dbcrig Gurod rdt haranhr, nof h b frrr b: lr) drtEa ha atldnt, lht or mtt ol piFslt d anL E*rvad in bafra.n bshm MoDOrn, [E rn gibacrbri @) d6ita add dC 9.trria3 h co racdoi wlih trF Cof-t ot (c) dri0a my d ha tarirr co$inE condtait' o. Fo\r&tt ol flt co|l!Ir. $! sctrdut ra&ch otbrheul! hgd iroo{. Da, kb. it g&G&.r. Gu.rrlbttn ? {|tc t'!.! | h.nbt wdt !3 d d.nta l|rt!bob[geor hddru lrooa d Fdd, Flaarti.||r 6drmnd. Gurfrb? Curd$or Dele: Datr: - - Envefope f D: 090il7C2er7CDD47AF-ADCD€8ilE41 2DI BBil lruSrcHT MobiNe Data Schedule No. Ihis Sclrecble incomorales bv refernce he tcnG end 9ubsib€r condtfs ol thc rcfcrcnccd M$tsr Scwlc$ AorccrEnt bcltilcn InSiEht iloblle Dala, lnc. taymenl Metrod Legal Nana Anderson County EMS &rsiness Address 314 Public Safety Ln, Glinton, TN 37716 3illlno Matters (A/P) Name Email Line ltems Product Name Ouantlty Salec Prlce Monthly Fees MRM Driver Buzzer 19.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.m MRM DriverlD Dashmount Reader 19.m $ 0.00 $ 0.00 DriverlD Hardware Lease 19.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 StreetEagle MRM Kit Verizon 19.m $ 0.00 $ 0.00 StreetEagle Vehicle Trac*ing Unit Installation 19.m $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Tracking SeMco Upgrade - 30 sec updates 19.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 StreetEagle Pro Prefened Plan 19.00 $ 42.9s $ 816.0s Totals Total Monthly Payment: $ 816.05 Payment Duc Now for hlonthly Subrcrlptlon Peymcnta In Advancc Number Rate Subtota $ 816.05 $ 1,632.1C Document Preoaration Fee fotal Pavment Due $ 1.632.1C ferma of thls AErpement: 36 pawnents owr an cqull numbor of monthr Accepted on behalf of Subscriber Accepted on behalf of InSlght Mobile Data, Inc. By: By: tnSiohr t n" o"r"** irn*ror Nathan Sweet Title: YM orvb td t* ad &rtd* ol twthtt h d&tE ot afy m h daal vt* a6 dtar rra 8ta.l {f8 nttt*t t h b f rtt ffittlr.SounetnpffiyAw.t&r*d,t&,',''nhtte'r,an,8{tr.dbhqnrcT[,racflcr?,rfo, N'drotrnvarWEdttqtffifgtl' bf r*t','g' (t)tt dt ttl& tib ,'nffi (bi ta.d dt d,gfu'' d d *{'frr ot{atbrr rfi*r |ltr rB an bdt @fr h an f, t* Sdrdra, dit tta rriti @d (dfif'vet,llT*trdsdt drrr, ll* dgdnl .fr6.,'Ft,4,.dt,''|L'rE'd&.t fAffSrtrc.&r..rfen&r nf,tW'rer4fr.trl1td(l),t'F,d(lt ,'nl EL I tf,oattdtlL Ngntd sd',dd. atnit Ftt ttt&db& bdr&}'/,t''t,,l''*tt wt t2 olt,' lldrAgtt''.t l|r'l',d/, ffivlf, (ffi\ *4i fr,'i,t dat(frid,*n rf !},/'e|nbr. q6 $n'dttt'l , !,r't*tgat! Ftrsrt tno ''/',fydthbtg&i, J t'fdra d *t'tfi an dr arn Nrq lrfr ',/lnet&nd h d r#,lc,.l,|,nby.M f. !'rl& d&ddn bn & Ni.t6 tt,,r tt'' Ngrfr sd'dtb ra.Mf .n&atfu Fs b nu J Fyedb: t'$gnl Ugztttt sdtolt''ubrtt d rt Ell Nntoltt C.N, LLC, ft)&trlr,l.M at vdr dceF fr, Ydr Accepted & Acknowledged on Mhalf of Su0sr;ri0err: By: Name Nathan Sweet Title Enrrefope lD: 090{!7C2C-7CDD47AF-ADCD€8I}E41 2D1 BBlil Mobile Data General Condltions SUBSCFIBEF InIIhI THE TASTER SERUCES SUBSCNIPT|ON BETWEE { IIISIC1IT IIOBILE DATI INC. AND plnnEs. ftis CqlM lr bctvra.n dt Subr.r$ar fyod |lrd loJn |rd Insigm f&Ub Drr., Ir|c. flnslghf, .tva', roq' or 1191. t PnncH SE ORDERS. Ihl. Coft..i .riicbd- thd ydr wl drbib. !o drr -.trc.r In vrior| qu|rliliG dd rt v.rioo. fn . or lhd tlu wll 'td(t dovJrf of Sdidrdc drbGSlrE b 0t|' twh. drll bc isr.d by yoor dtbriz.d .lprarldlv! on t|c or llqurd thal w' Initi.t dr Gvic6 nrr'tEttdy. . 2. fr.f! .trdr.d lrr.b frd ..i! Mr ttc s. c. .. Thr nurba. of S!!liE{L tolloning 'om l'|bmdlor: GPS Tncking ltJbcqtdor|E, ffiaols b. d. Tha ruiba. S-!!al€{h arbacrlptbo! n$.crlpton ,rb(t) rFlcalb oa lha nrrirt AlErl Trrldne s.6ccfttioi!, lch.dub wlih .D9.o9rli[. Innddbn hlttE'uort!, TtE Pltlot Aat ttquir!! thd in o.d.r b drtMlo.b th. kt idly |nd dgrtltr ot tr. p.rDn d.qrdrE Ttr ri'tlb.. d A rdr SaEuh, w! ohh t h6n o.t fb r c.ttficdo.r ot hk li!rutm,.copyothbdri\rdtllc.'l!!shoninghirdgnrftt,adlrrgo|.mmlrtGll'|J.dlDtrlthtlisdg br!on it. IncdlorA.d inb Jd |rd I prrt of ..dl Sch.dd. rnd .eh sd|.drb $d con dtllt . !.ptrb Cd|ts|lL Th. Lrrr! r|d cotrdlforrt of tlb Contrsl shdl b. ffi A'ty tErrts !'d co.dldoB iDF{r{ng h dry S.h.dub q h dry rclooi,|.dlmd or rcc.ptnc. ol r SctEdul. thrt .t! Incq|3idad rrith, 6 in ldd oo io (ct d ll dfonal brrB ar! nqulEd by hw) lh. brrE dd cord{or|6 of ttb ContGl dnl b. vold ttd ol no .fibd. lro|-ullE.OEfl3ffn E n^ll3ll{D I KE IP p^YllEl.ll. Lmt. onr|$!. !6i idlr.n ir. Sdldt (r). tr ito.fty, ,.r-unlt nb !.t lwh on Qr I hdEl rll6p0tb 3, ,t Sdr.dlhr brrd tn cdn don iit| ttl! Contrct, rrli.ct b dr |tvld ol rtr!fr Ev.b d m. b.gflg d 6.dr |th dunE ri. Fh ol t'lt !td ry tttdil baf. h rn aclrt F|, .t rEt it tE !drrr $bct!dn L!d d !y ttr. rd ol h R.nBp Prlod rt 6t oo Fg. t hdul, tdi tg.- to F 6t b m hf.l nEr.<P p.trn ht fm d{ls!tbr b.tye rh. ntr0{y ||b drl$y tdd Cm. !r fiElddr ol ..di SdLdub ]a fnr re TdcrH. b t! |nlr|!.. ol rlbdlpdollr dllly In !evl6 .! ir. .nd ol tt natPUP P.d.d. h ddtbo, F! .!.!o b pry ow finttt fid€ t|.|!dt rtorfi. dud.d mdrdly d. Slc.bL io tr. nlt|lbc ol .|j!.dbdft dudy In -Vc! n lhr ild ol t|.l Rt|l9{p r'.rld. 4. OUnSEmACEfX!-laUlt ofl(S h d*Lrdon ol hc F r|ri. ..t b$ dr trc Sdr.drL.. r'. rt provldc qrr Strd.& GPS T|tcrhg, Obfdl r|lt Acl Tdtdrlf *\rtca to Fr tfE ta X a rann ot ttta Cont|.&n iy Sdtad*a GGiad Fi cofrdi tur*rh r. apdfad o ta SdLduqa), Fa6 b -alc. .{1, tE [ltd lin ril b al aila trndltlnt |||.! br n r r$.crD..r ui.c o&drba qlt d Inrdlhe. A. bte || yqt vs. b.+FO.d t$. gr-EQh GPg Ednf ldt (h EqilF.rf), Q.rf ri nft coFrea rl. ol tr rir!.aa drta ffir, rn r hirh: Laatddt dr D fia OFS ratlLa. yoo c1'| nr{!t L locdd f,n &-!t{l|.. ol FJrrrl*L (' t|tl atrd rac*! dlh tt'dn n a mv urt lto|,ghnF |nltiEt 5. Irtat rE ^[D ndfrlh, adt s.faduta afu.?iptnll 1|b! lor n€v wa alo tEt mflbr 'qf TEnM nO ntiaha dt Frr!artd un OF GEIVICE. araauid h .diLadon hdrrlh sn-ibs! wt a! Enl|ldad lhb Oo'!t-t.tdt idn dll irEndc.Iy by Fril rmi dhar ol ua GdYrt to lFaete brna &x ilrLd b yoor ur ol tuf rdicLa t [.aia rllch lo0 can a.E-a h.dlctu tn co|rTat lufi .rlEn ot d For.ulq.tdr u|df !l sdLdl.(.) @lbd rd dlar ha td oi tl hltd via !L h co.tEcnoi lionii to licn$ wl$ 30 dayt' alirdrcad nntbn nodca HEEIEISIEME hbvrti gloytd!6fut.rrillb$ lcftic. ffftn ltoFr rturtto ir In dlrrt olrr3 Contid|'rlttrl-l m.l ]Y. tlI F !n.!. rhG Ai{flllnitt t t dt cltoLa Thc Cdiar b M ! panyb nb Coih.l M uFi our ot laylnd ntds ar{...drbtE {tr ro.rtal). You {rl. tnr! wc mly dv!ha raLctd r*rLra !rvlc. rfh Oa Crtld of crtLr, blrrtl u3 afd lht nqrd. tou rgrtc |tt b blr a'ly r:&n o. ht b tald' ily rddr $al |rouE crr!. u. b baladl ir. cdr'.ct yor i! r.qut|rdbr.y|... r.p.dlS hrn cdrl ct rrd rry sd;&lc dord h co|lrdm payl@ ?. t|lvrttl. Artdtdqd ds!.s mry ba Ht d !.pafafy ltr dddmrrrty or r4bdrdn dc.. (d dr rsnrd tdl, d{dng $q.r odrr$.n bt uPs golrn. atd rr tqilt d {b! dus !y hx td bc tatd o|r .i|y ot oor-rvira. I rna h|t|d SdtadJh L rcoadad B balt t lt itd t5h drtolhatldf' d iftfybXhga ddbn tda€. E . oroll.|, 1..! 'tqrtld lrd d leaq|,.d S.fdtrtaswl baddt tb |5i! dryoaaaafiEf. Ofrnha, iEltly heBuli baltranlha !dda,o,adtmorf lrltd rd fd !*Iar !a Fo-tdad. Fo"dl rn t t b rt rEh.d t u. $hh h (10) 6tr ol lr dc du., Fr til p.t r r Lb bd.q'd b tL Cfd" ol: ro D. p- by ]q, utrl$ f .v.ryrlD|ftyp.y'lr| o.ot, .|ji|3 '!q!d (|olr| (tcfl(t). ln od.. b d.ray prt ol tr Go.i ol coLddt. !r| h io n i tfGd .ndl fch d. h. .o.d .Pdcd. orty f}|tv. (ao.lo or b) to. 6dt do|r' ovfrb; r) ir! 6rli! pryltL.'t ol !ry krn m tdr. !aildl rdrs,lt ]ry. Tiir L! ha win !a (t|. rld payalta n ii d inqniy patirr!f nd aha cdilnrto aactN rr - pald. h tt arit va Ittr*a flb ndfo hdr.t yo'J &rd, bg.lutdn b ln,llP6 art ri{ b. riinDutd drfc.d ur t (Ldft$ lrtiiod htdo?r. b ddlrg. rt [4, tr ruri t hY. f. rtcli b d!gi. dt!|!6 d| F|' to|i ulis6r. F/ dJr iorty u. d ha dqn h ritf wliii r{irly (9ot d.yr att rf. Hrng ii.. YoU HEREBY AOf€E IHAT lF YOt F pry' .. dld rnql {oT NOnFy U3 t{ WFnNG Wm { !o DAyg oF A OEFUIE, YO|RE t/YAlV'l{l YU.,B R|GHT TO D6rulE THE BLL Oiiltrslnfig m toQdng, yd' 6|){g.tor! ! itrftr !t! d$ thd b. ttrrrtdar r$ paddln o|'{glto|r! d ol ot* tt md har* drd b da.ti.rF h.|xd F(' id Cl Sahadrla unar fr Cdt&i A,!|rarn du., d rmuia os!.! rt$fb ard ooriltbid h !t rcrOaan rd Jid mt b id-t b w Oly, abdirdd rdet t$olt t cldra, cdtf.datn 6 nat+ildria ol tr fhd &ty n@r $ulioaet Yqr dl you b u rlll ba .oLobd oo, Huctg LgJ tbaa rd coon cd!r, h !r 6r!6t n rrror ci. rlglrta ui&r f. co6ntt in $da d prt any p.yfdt faab by s&o |lEistde ta. ct 06b ol b'tEe|dy|qt5!.rt||to.t't'!dgr*'rd$|!.tkD|l'!.dbyu3bfic derl..(r'r...Fj.|ri.fl.dh*'lt''g|oF'ajd'..cgi..dlcty). 8. |]{-VE}IELE EO[|P|IEI{?. t ri..! diri,N. Grrndy Fovlt d d! !; 8.|E1 ., Fr, l'dariard h.t ttc ln4tl{d. E{iFEn rE!.!ty b Fotdds tt aDclplh ltn lc.. ($. Eq,jFtrio b !|'d ndt orr F!p..ty. -!d $ xf har .b xe b nr Equrpirrnt drho rr i.nn ., ili. cstttcl. Yo{ E$ nd pudt!d h EAlFnt( FU 6 fr om tc E!dFrrn. tnd yorrxtfmt*rrryldi! ib.JEUH Fr.lof .|rt Lrlt b !. td o?t $. Y.f.b rfidt cd/.trdtE EquFndti- nb.t! ttFndh b noil !d |loat! ot !|. Eqdprri ottrrd !y ot,jr frrty, lut t6(l n |t.porrlh fr |trt 1ol r dm{D b tD Eslgr!a'rt mb h Fit pod6. ttld ilo idl l6 d threo dl6'6 ,f tr your p.rrlsri &tit FddrlE obtgdoG q!d!rt{. Ooim 4dbb Sdrdrh. Ydi rbidhfr. dfhto.[ !h My,ELt ., Cadgt, doQ[e., Erorr!. nld, d.rtt r|fa E{tprar!t d ry &F. t Fr 6r, D db!arSa bf Ow -r,icaa ld !t r!3r (rhaia?volrntat C it'iofidry). yul fd tam L E4*ttLntb u. h ftd49 o(ht n0.fd *aar d [email protected]. h ['r.rt|tifitn Eqrgrrri b iot rd.rm.d b ur rfirn r*t (r] o4 ol ne;nrrroon ol Fll'racipLil ot*fi r.tinr.d s d.brri tn !r. EqlFnIn b d!lL!.d. 6. b p.y |. a2q) p.r OPS Tr&xie ld. 1|O O W RR TaTy At{D D{HEn!}tr pEffonl cE r.nYs s wlltlEle TEctlt{ol-ocY lllo sEnucc3, w. irb m 0.nlrly..t n qdtor t rbn ot rry r.btr, 6rtif1 pJ& bt tof, .rrd.ta n 3ritaita md *nrdart aqIFEd fa! nat b h.ta[ad $n9 $rn, coinactad b d rclwS thuigh qt stiEaL EqtilF-t 9. UI|TT b na stitEraL EqvlFaan rd ttdi||'t .q'lpfant dl rprrrb m ddD. lrd ra turtda. no aaer E. nra: r) rdr tifiary aqtrcnad r|! frcaon - hidit.d; D rnii .cid t!r.|l|l tha dan fltEtb dt doi o' laita Jt 6r oi th. !.l cb aa h:t&di or c) ar ndr dii, altr iimtEdon q [dcdm ol &$,ribn rl ba atlt b cir $Yq!, lElnd t dt s|$|!. brrrd..t !y .rr !6r't io yor, 6. ful,rd by ,il! lYE D() l€T GIJ R {IEE ReCEiPTbll IXJE fO IEBF^ . EI.ECIRrTL FAIUAE" UMTTATIONS OF WBEIES8 COVER^GE. oR oTrlER cohDtTbNa s€yo0to orJR coNrRd- lrE sH rL NoT aE !r r[.E to You FoR Loea oF EEFVEE AS A RES{,LT OF ASIA. ERAOAS On O ESlOtlS OF YOUn TT M) EVEll, T,Yi.L |ll,E I€ L!|AI-E FOR AXY OIR€SI. SP€CI,AI. INCiDEiITAI OA sEn\nce SoFTVYARE oR HTRDWAn€. OUB rl|A!.rY tntDG'l rHls coi.Tr|AcT aH LL AE To t,sE ouR co{sEouENTt L D t AoEs AftsrG LIi'ITED SOTELY TO TEBMNAIFII OF T{S col{TRACT AXO T}IE FORFEIN,'AE OF ANY I.|I{PAID SUAACAPNOI CIIIFoES. cl^llls. cosTs, lNcN-uo||rc m Wt! nEF€r{D, INDEI, Fy A|{) HOI"D YOt HIFM,TAS tBclir lflo AG llsT ro, ^r! AGEq JUOO ENTS, VEROtrs' SETnSrEltr AttOUt|Is Atf,| u aLmES An]sr.rc ouT oF oR aE-ArED TO ACTII ttF O lSSX)l{S OF OUFS BEASOiuBLEATrmflEy's FEEa. EMPTI'YEES oR AGEI{TS oR FROi' TH€ CAMERts FAN.URE ]E PFO,DE 6ERI,EE. FnoM yot,R usE oF on xlrIU|LltrlExlIEC[ndI]pIAUEA, D fir!|LrY DocuSion Envelooe I D: 090il7G2G7C DD-47AF-ADCD-68I1E41 2D 1 BB3 lruslcHr @ ru MobireData oR oF oua otYt{ sERvtcE t{oTarR }EEPEi[rEiIr oEArBg). you wlrr DEfE]ro, No€ltltFY (ot{ A|| AFTEF.TAX BAS|E AND rOr.D US. OIJR ASSTGNE:Es, H nmrss FRO| AI{OASATNSTA|.I.CIA|*! mEUrD]G CL rr S BASED O STruCT Lr^BLtW r TOnn. LOSSES. COSTS. rirclt D[{G D [,iAOES,Jt OOUErIE.l/E OETli. SETIlEtlEilT AI,()U TSAID LI E1IIESAREIIO OUT OFOR RELATED rOT}llg COiITFACI, ANY PERsots.lEL 1BUT o€ALERA Ar{D Al|Y S€CIjREO PAmES RE SOII ELEATTOANEYII FEES, SCHEDI IES ISSJED PUASUA{T XERETO OR Ot F SE:RVEE OR ITS U8€ BY Y(xr. YOU wHrcH MAY L[iltT OF MOoIFY A ArOYtruWA Y OFOI F RlGHTll OF BEMEDEa Gll2 -52.II{CLUOIM! BUTNOr UMmD TO YOUR iErfiSTOr ( w nE ANY RIGXT t{Ol,Y OR SUBSEQUENTLY @iFERRED BY STATUIE OR OlHEnu/{iE E At{Y nGHTS COI{fERRED t POll YOU BY t NIR)FM CliltilEACnL CmE rUCC) SECTf,)IIS C,A CEL OR REPUDIII]E THIS CO TR CTiAr{O {B) RE@VER D I,IAGES FFDM AI{YASSGTGE OFOUR RIGHTS HEFELNOER FORAI{Y BAEACI{ OF$'ARHA}.ITY BY I'S OR FOAT{YOTT€R FEAS(r{. TO TTC A(TEXT YOU AAE PEF TTED BY IA$' TO DO SO. YOU ALSO 24.t08 TllBOt w rvEA Y t arcXTS YOU t{OlV OR LAI:R MAY OTI€FWISE UMlr OR li{)OlFY AY IIAVE OF OUe tlDEn $W RErrS } SfATTTTE OF OTHERWISE lr,rlsl ACCELERATIO'{OFIHE CT)iITFACT ^rIY PAYIIE ITSAID OFTHE ENFOrcEXE}ITOF OUF FIGHIE. LNIT nof{ OF LUBUTY, 11. YouR l||sunmce. Co t oRom To c nny REOUnE uS rO USE A}lY EOt OR REI,IEDES' YOUWAr!,E OIrcES OFO( R I{TE}IT TO ACCELERATE o{rT IHE TRACT. \rc|U STULL pF[)cUFE A M^INTA|{ CO4TTEBCT NO TGE cot{ri^grul|. |l{DErrr{|FEAno pn(},|sEs LO€ €Brr. LUaUTY T OF SII^ITCO TAIT{ AN E €RSEMENT BY $'IIICH THE aET FoRTH Oir AN OCCUnRE!{CE 6A5|3 IEURER ECEI{DS IT€ Co\'EFAGE THEBEIIDEF iDETtr{FEAIEI T WIH IHE 'O II{SI'MI{CE nEDtrc€ O(n IurilAGES OR lYHrcfl TFACT P Yt|EMIg. OFI}|E OUBA MAY CHINGE lHE TERMS OF THIS aaovE y(l, Ui TS OF wlNRAtTYff{O T}|Ar ouRti{t rHE TEB[| oF ^GREE {OT rElS TXIN t250.rm AXNU l' IGOFEOAIE OF r{OT r,Eslt tHrN $56.60 FOR PROPERW O rrAOE. iUURY, OR oEAIH rO ArfY NUirE€R OF PERtx)ilS, AASNG SY REASOI{ cF THE PROVISIOiIS @MTAT'IED IIEEIX RE6ANDI|o pllEtrTlo ft€ @ I OTHER ADEOU lE r]{s FEA OCCUAAENC€ I Ar{ |I{SUFTNCE TYHTCH EXTENT NECESSARY TO NI TT,DE YOT,R COITR^CTUTL UAAUTY A BROAD VENDORS ENDoNSEMEiIT SHIL! BE AN TAINEO N SAID INSt,n^flCE POIICY WTTII US, OUR D€ALEFs, & OUR RESPECTIVE AfFT"AI€S AID ASSIOI{EEA AS AOOMr) AI INSUNEDG, NEQUIRING COVEAAGE FOR ALI UND€NLYNG Cc|LIECT|ATE Ng.mNCe YOU FURIHEB AOREE tO FOnwAnD A COr'I OF IriF CONTR^CT TO YOUR ll,lst f,En, t rS A CONO'TEII PiEC€!€NI TO OUR OBLIGATIOIIS IGRAfiO€R,10 I \€UR O{SI'BEN A C{JFS T COPY OF YOUR i'ISUFTNC€ POLICY SIOiTNTG IHE Coi/EFAOE REOUIREO. yoll, M y roT Assfax youF ${TEFEslf rN t}{s cot{TR cT oR AxY scHEDu-E rSsuED HEnEUTDEA WlTr.|(XrT Ot R PB|oA WRIrIEN B|GHTA YC[', I|AVE DNECILY AGAI',|ST TOU ABE I{OT IN OEFAI.LT I'IOER THIS CONTFACT (A{' TI,IJECT TO APPTICABIE LAW}. '!OU T,IAY EITFORCE }I,AVE DA,'VEREO TO US EY 12 aSglcrflEllzTn srEn @N6EI{T. PROVIOED IJS. BUT I{OI AGAINST A Y ISSIGNEE OF OIJ'IS, YlU ^rI AGREE TO PURSI'E AI{Y OBPUIE YOU T'AY HAVE A€GARDIIG OUR PERFORIIINCE HEBEUNO€R OB OT'B EOUIPiI€NT dRECTLY WIIH t'S AXD NOT WTftI AI{Y ASSIGI{EE OF OI.|BS. WE MAY TAAMiFEB OUN NTEN€AT N THB CCfiNAgT. IN WIIOLE OR IX PAFT, Wtr|loUT YOIJR COI{SENT AIO WT}PUTI{OIICETOYOU. lHE RtO}fiS OIAXY ASStsNEE SHllliOT BEAFfESTEO 8VAI{Y EREICHON DEFAULTAY US AIID YOU SHTrl. OT ASSERT ACAINS' ATIY SUCII ASSIOT{EE ANY SETOFF. D€fENSE OR CO('ITERCN-A IHAT \OU MAY HAVE AOIT€T UA OR A Y OI}IEH PERSOI{. UPOT{ }{)TEE FBOII US OR AI{Y ASSIOI{EE YOt, SIIAIL PAY THE SI,BSCRFTON FEES AND AI{Y OIHER AIt.tO$tn] DIJE UTIDEB THEI @TITn^CT AS ONECTED AY T'S OR SIrcH ASSIO EE. SUCH ASSI3I{EE SIIALI BE $TflTLED IO ENFORCE THE RI(ITITS SO TRTNSFERRED AGAII{ST YOU, BUT 9H|lI EE UNDER M) UAAUTY OB IIAVE ANY ()€LIGATX)IT IO PEBFOA $IY OF OUR OAUGAT|o s. 13, QEiIlILI.fDEE|XEEIES art otn! fIqidnt.rdb n..idlar rtl cdr0&r tif!rrlr: d r!ohnbt y rv 3im dr 6 wltih bn {10) dly. dlr b dt dri. hEoi b) yostrlbobtdraorparlrrnrtyotuEGcoFr8rtorcoff{doflibCdtrdaidfidrhllraco.*..Ein(lo)drrm*t!ttrcalta,ttltbniodcafom {dnn Fo ot I pdn6 udar tlr Banin&t Cd. or udar -t h-li6c} bn prddlng la tra 6Lf ol rtaUGi d) tD vo}rnrary dlnvoluntaty mlld FUr by Fo lor $a lrdtt ot arldb|:, afDdd|narn ol ! r!cd\r d tr[ra Ir Fr d br you !r..b, cdindEnal of ty ldr l d Hoind FbaaadlnF h. f!ot!o1,lhuldato!. ! 6rEn Of clrtE agdmtorrhaiig rpol ywretlth, o.p! ed*g hrdrft $. lbeu do6mia)oy 69r6.n6f6 oriitft [tde by r$ ydrhcdrnacionhd,thwilpovcrotfrD6lru.d€dlerataInanyaa5drapcctrtarndaityu,lDlndalrlu Lt any ot' catthcl xiir olwlair. attysl oaF eair d nEr!! a Eoqrb *tdrt 0r ploa cdl*ii d rt ardgia d dB ll ra lnt $dgrd arf ntG 6d.r tL Cdfacii d n !o o.fn w r.4 pt dgp o' dr.r.6!rb6ic. or ddlmin d !rr ldnd ri&on r rFr, dle{ng d$li r.rp.d b tF Eq#nit 6 any ol dr h.6.1tLdn. L'Fn th. ocsnY!rE.t al ., &hu[, rr tr|!y, dolropdon..) n !p.?d srto.; D |!quFr b !.1s rqnrd dirqD..rd n l i ! FMey tr. p.!stl v-r. ol h. fCriq bdlE ol tf F rt nbd$ uAt$r coir-L dra d o$s !'mfta (tEludlng iy part rrrra pqrndra) ou,!d b ua udr llir Cdt&l cl noar{ai ol rnlobr rdt arpufb n Fld. 6qii6 yoi.l c.I6lf1scontr*tMmdrndtcd|stlda[bct,.qrdboc.rjrunb.sft:rioic.bfh.rQqI..f.clbc|t,mbyurbFj'.)!d.bP6..ido6ol.n!cJo|rn.E wttFUinotic.or&mdirnfitndrl.o|lnonlaaF!6,!dltrr!dlpuDa,dtQo.ttprtni6'rifEn[. rtd -ddr,l, Fc..d t stogdtb!Etdrci!rft brd h.qltb anlor. pdtdrilnc. !y dr ol tta rpdk !b coislsr| Ol tlia Conltl d ravarabqfa bata b.adr I|lEl. atldiba g) Frtfia rry otE r'n dt rvaLDLlo l,3 al la, d h.C ty. In pb F hlnal al -d!oll, tou lgllc b prt tr. rtt col!. aid Waia.1 Fodiig raaranda rthrryt Lr, [EfU t ua, h atdrhe d fiPim to dd.a rt a, dt nghia a snadh., [E let!La rab Ct dtdrnfbsrlE u prld. t mt Confe! b dadrd b dala r idnlt hataat. oC rnsba tI Inct d. tlo- avartaua un lt^rlab 9 tha lonortng rfrdaa ara audihlya r$ mt odu*rc rrd t ba ddrd cdtcnran{y rin .n trt!* not b. cotBnlad 8 a w*Gr ot It ota? d &!aaq.rn {hlt tblb br ery dlidafEy dta. ti anafli ol ludt rfradLa wa rhrll rbt bc Equlid b nl!!t6 Ff rtJneaa ha.andar. lny dlttb b b pradari Yab r!,6 ot 5t6 paf annum- 14, XIgCELlAfEOtl& ia !!, corf|r€ 0E fl 4lhb Cdtrrirld.dl Sd.duh a..{5ln urdlr!net ol tr p.r{.. hdaro rith tEgd cdtLctS|r nd!|rlcoid!ub. Frl€d,6ld ild blffig rctt trEtl,l!.rt i!.rl*.gdtd you h dd.i.. aid b fa mdar ns!ol rd $rll ba bfidrg updt ard hu6 b lha bdEft ol dr !pacdtl ieG !rC!i!i b) Al agrdr'rtt!. praarfoG, hdanr*h. rrd *rrd$a. co.rbin d ln thb Coitract iel aD,irt Eri{nrdon: c) tlo Fbdal ni!.r .ib nglirtdbns o. rwrrnn ! !h.I !c btrdrE d uli d) ih nodflcdoo ol rhb Cdtlcl Crrll b. lhdng ht6. h wditE !r'd dgnrd by bdi p.tlBi .) h!. th. porxt.nd eitEdly b tto $; g) Tsr.t! no Falr'g.t{oil d pru.dftF qalril urxbr th. brrs ol $. slrt ot youroo.ntIni 0Ifr. omcrdGrhe hi. Con!*i Cr Frr !. yoU wltch cdLt tfr d riaaLl d!rr alhct oi yo0 hrt:!a; h) Y.! rll ahnnr al rrdt ohrr dodift ri irr!ufi! a! sa d our rdgLa mtt Dr&nruy t!+ad h drlr b rich!' ulf I!4d tttlto rd }'!lt colErrlc' ui$ tr l$ dttlonLdcF,rd cot tm dlolfe tattia td oorifo€ ot hb coit&l rn t dl "{i"t Fdfd nr stgrEat dgtt!, t0a c hb.!.! hrrrrCaa or h dry E{itnarn hctrdng $fnn fddon. rrdl t,CC nr$idie dfmnl a. rrtxlirftr nd rn urrr ar riit tBp.ct Srnto |l oftt drt6 E{l.d-iD lfa Cdrna.i drld b lorrr.d by tr.l|t. d MO orc:t$ ot.rt u.l9.a. il d[boit l] \OU @nSEt{T IO PERu.ALJURtSDEToN AxD VENUE II{ THE FEoERAL oR STATE cOURTlt IN TIIE EfATE OF MAfiYLAND d Ih. ltrb oI d'.!.Ign... II dl'h nI AXD YOU WAIVE AITY FIGHT TO TBll AFEF \€ UEi D Yot' WATVE X)UR RGIII!' TO A JT'RY IRTIT FOR INV ISTF{ OR PFOCEEDhIO AFFT{G OUT OF ON NE.ATED TO TX6 CONIRACT: I YOO JOTd!' Ut IO h6dtg@ a€ av'|tlF[ ct!dn nfio.y rd tnDtaJC rFidb$ttr$ a!.F!F nfy rta[ar idr f!andd Hdnrdoal rn le nnnr aa s! rttdrUy ia+t!t tn€ thc lnt olrfit co|ltEti n) Tha larf ot trh ootrei tdt ba dt ci io $a rb! tn Fgomd ol I hda6l, mb 6d locd h$ &{ nguLb udarrHch aidraa ol u!.r [r. cadar ntrt b F!u5.di n) Fd[rr by alltLr ot ri! b antb6 jv ol pdwbbB o. ! rdvcr tidla, In my lrifE $d not ba dlrhrad ar I gdstl *dtt oi n! pan d $y ratl provbbrb h fI to|Ec dn dbcti o) t Jry of ir. Fovhbr6 Jid ba dddrnad b ba 6aifaitada by rV .od ot cdtpam F bdcnitt than $ch F!vhbn !hat ba cLsiad io ba dutLd !id !l r.nd.i.r ot tl. conf $d t!ftn h tf !. rn .fs: p) Tli. cdr!rd n y b .Gitd by lcHb riflr wlI conditr. lo. 3ll FQG; q) xd..i b G r.qi.d l*qidt !ml wt$ ti! !!.elt byc.rf cdtfd.|rtCly of mdt;rt w.6dn th. dghb yurr*b+.'td.ntttb!, dd (!) u€6 or[ dGP$!$.dtrl{.1,drh6Lcld iun Fc\,! cbld!vF Po*! {n r€grdig tlur d lrr ll|rr|niciol F $b r|tly deb. b nt loLn|J.!dCr!-.rl(l foll r!fr. b.\,t, FD\,!.dtrds mlindnf, k tLl oDfgdldrtlr.ilut. Envelope I D: 09oif 7C2G7CDD-47AF-ADCD-683 E4 1 2D 1 BB3 Mobile 0ata Hardwarc and Ingtallatlon Order Please complete this page in Ilpe lb ontrety for each bcatbn that Ingtallation will bo performed Wireless Servil:e: of order: InSlght ConfaA No: ICL Conhaqt No: titv Statc Ztp Anderson County 314 Public Safety EMS Clinton TN 97716 Primarv Contact Name E-MailAddress >hone Nathan Sweet nsweet @ ande (86s) 4s7-8609 Subscriber lnsbllation Addrass Ln -MailAddresg Installation Contact Name (86s) 4s7€60e n$,veet@andersonems. com Nathan Sweet lnstaller Name Phone ]ity Instaflation Date: 2117 State ap Phone E-Mail 6 2016-03-01 tdp3, ltt chout!, slck Service Starting Date: 3/1801 l?o'16 2016-02 -17 tnauCeO-iniiii|Lmd trlp. .lt l&F 8rm€pm w|tr I trlp p.r 10 rhlclr.. A.tdltloml unayllhbL lnrtlll. ere .ublect to lddltlonal ch!l!c.' nd Indrll. .nd $rvlcsc ittcluded on Quote 19 StreetEagle Units Installed Scrvlcts wlth Addttlorpl Chargoo'trot lncluded In ordcr Number of Installs Switch/Bufton w/parts E20.00 0 PTO with Relay (single in-cab wiring to customer specified wiro) 02s.00 0 PTO w/o Relay (single in-cab wiring to customer specified wire) $1s.00 0 Uninstall old equipment $25.00 0 After hours or Weekend install $s0.00 0 Travel Charge for under 5 installs 875.00 0 lnstetlstton Provlded $rvlctrs - must be artarryed wlth lnstaller Door LocMJnlock Installer price 0 lgnition Disable Installer price 0 Remote Starter Installer price 0 Extended Travel (> 50 miles) Installer price Accepted on Behalf of InSight Mobile Data Inc. Accepted on Behalf of Subscriber Envelope lD: 090il7C2C -7CDM7 AF-ADCD€83E41 2D1 BB3 IwSTcHT Mobile Data lnsurancs Authorlzatlon Request (tNstGHT CAP|TAL, LLC W|LL SEND THIS TO YOUR INSURER) Required on Transactions of 30 or rnore StreetEagle GPS Tracking Units MSSA No: Date MSSA Signed by Insured: TO: Phone: Nane of Insurance Agency: Fax: Street: City: State: zip: Attention: We have entsred into a Mastar S€Mces Subsc{iption Agroement and haw agteed with Insight Mobile Data, lnc. and/or its assigns to bo r€sponsible tor lnsurlng thc cquipmeflt ownod by Insight Mobil€ Daia, Inc. and instrall€d in our vdticles and to pay the cost thsr€of. Pl€as€ provide a C€rlifcato of Insurance wtifying the minimum limits lbt€d bglow and proriding for thirty (30) dsy notics to us in lh€ qront of canc€llation or altoration. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR: Insight Vehicle Hosting Subscription City: State: Zip: Damage: fire, theft, extended cor/€rage, vandalism and malicious mischief for the value of the equipment. Payee: .lnSight Capital, LLC ard its assigns, BS its interests may appear.' blllty: With minimum limits of $250,@0/$500,0@ for BODILY ll{JURY and Thank you. lf you have any questions, please @ntact InSight Capital, LLC at 410-268-5588. nsured's Name ::s Title: Nathan svveet Orprce On THn Courrry Law DmncroR AxornsoN Couxry, TswxEssEE l0l South Main Street, Suite 3l0 CLINTON, TENNESSEE 377 I 6 N. JAY YI:ACER TELEPHONIi: (E65) 457-6?90 (865)457--1775 Email : [.aw Darector FACSIMILE: February 29, 2A16 Terry Frank County Mayor 100 N. Main St. Clinton, TN 37716 RE: Homeland Security Grant Dear Teny: Pursuant to your request dated February 25.2016, I have reviewed the above-referenced contract for legal form. After review. I am satisfied this document meets or exceeds all requirements fbr contract formation under Tennessee law. Therefore, I have approved this contract as to legal form. Plewe note that this contract exterds beyond the fiscal year; therefare County C ommiss ian fur approval. it must be submitted to This approval js to legal form only. I assume, since you submitted this contract to my office fbr approval that iou have read this agreement. and the terms and conditions set fonh are desirable to you and the department involved. I have not been involved in the negotiations of this contract; however, if you would like additional guidance and advice regarding a specific provision of the contract, please feel free to contact me. Funhermore, for the purpose of the approval process, it is assumed that this contract has been properly bid, if required. and budgeted according to state law. .frfr, Please call, if you have additional questions or concerns. Kr"r' N. Jay Enclosure, 19. pages 914.15 G6 GOVERNMEHTALGRII,NTCSI'ITRACT gevernmental entity ar their grLT.t ccntract wiitr a federar or Tennesse* rocar {ccst reimbursement agents and insttumentelitiesi 34101 -22716 04130tza18 0gl01l?015 Edlsan lD *gencY Tracking # End Date Edison Vendsr lD Grantee Legal EntitY Name ANDERSON COUNTY CFDA SubreciPient or Gontractor X Suut*ciPient # 97"0F7 Grantea's fiscat ye*r end Jun* [-l contractor $CIth $ervice GaPtion {one line onlY} FENERAL FISCAL YEAR 2CI15 HOMEI.AND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM tnterdePertmenta! i TOTALGTan@ Other 20,000.0s 10,000.00 20,000.t0 Grantea Selection Process Eummary f] co*petitive $election ffi ruon-tomPetitive $eleetion ThiE c*ntrgct is !n ih* int€re$t be51'ol sf ?te slste. state agencir*s and Tennesse€ counties are T*n****"'s r*n*ty-f'e roril{es-.i1 easigned t0 one of deven pi"il"t", a|r cf cohi* p**rc't9.',* ry S'"Y-lt:1T1-:*il:-?:::' Securitv Homa*and $'* &e Garcmof to recomfngnd atrocations. xffiffir ;ffi;t#il-fr."tgr, ;;;1c1 digible recipients. E"J, ;{; grant specifics and datermines allocations.of The Hor,.,elarld $sc*r*y'b;iln€il i* U**f"g on ilre rkk qrd need- Funds are allocated funding ta Ho{r€land Seg,rtity Dlttitts bayd 9n $p*tatio*, Dietfict council detennines the proiects !o ttre steials e{even ncm#n* $ecalrity Distids. Eacfr based on that predetormined need snd the assscraied ru"di"i"*=--cl tadttty Hithln ths Oistfict are risk and effedivenaes sf and risk. The specific critiria use* in malting asisrd deismi'nations T*nness€*"s Homeland Sectjrity.*qtrilegy' Risk' use gf f,"rnds and, *o*fuiion *t* the ${ets if aeed srd yulnerabiliiy s* o*r*t*#o by tne Fepartrnent of Hcmeland Security {DH$), in canced lntelligence-Agency {clA}' Federd a"r.ui;-]i-inru*#on (FBtl ard rhe ce{gl of tl€ l'lomsland Security Council EffeciivBness sf use rs J*f"*i*tl fy-fnu *ali*ctiu* leadership anJ ihe elaven Hornela*d $*cr.lrity Sktrict Councils' *irh &e Eudget 0fficer CEnfirnration: There is a balance in ihe appripriation from which abligations hereunder are pay i" be paid that is not already encumbered tc ;;;ir;a other obligations- $peed Chart (oPtionali Acs*unt Csd* i*Ptional) 713S1000 CFO U$€ - CG 9"1"4-15 G6 GRJTilT COFNTRACT BETWHER THE STATE OF THHHES$EE' EM ENT AG EHCY Er.rr oF M rLtr;t*t, TElr FI EssEF Erd E RGEHcY M AHAG Af.lS 'EpARTM AHDERS*f..T COUtrTY state of rennessee, Department of Military' This grant contract ("Grant contract'), by{ee1 the to as the "$tate" or the "Grantor state referrsd hereinafter Tenneggee Emergency Managem*nt'Agincy, referred to as the 'Grantee," is for the provision of Agency,, and Graitee Ande*n Counti, neieinafter $ecurity, Homeland security Grant pass-througn tundilg ryy the united states Department of Hsmeland gEL'VEfi'ABLESj AND ilogr"*, # fortn", AefrneA in the "SCCPE OF SERVtCES Grantee Edison Vendsr lfr A. A.1. A.z, # 4145 $COPE OF $ERVICES AND DELIVERAHLES: as required, The Grantee shall provide the scape of services and deliverables {"scope") described'anddetai|edinthisGrantGontract' Grant Prograrn tHsGP} Grantees are Alt Federal Fiscal year {FFy} :015 Homeland $ecurity with the investments approved for required to submit an invesinent justiflcation, cnnsistent (DH$), that provides background Tennessee uv tn* u.s. Depa*rnenr of Homeland security funding/imptementation plan, and their information, strategic objectives and prisrities addressed, part of the FFY 2015 HSGF investment As proposed investment. the anticiprt*o i*["ct CIi eash pursuant to the target outcomes specific tn establish required justifications, Grantees are associated with their and $trategy, capabilities set farth by the state's Hgmeland $ecurity PrcPosed investrnents. A.g. funded from the FFY 2CI15 H$GP lt shall be understood by the Grantee that each Grant Contl'act of Tenne$see's will be in compliance with the FFY 2015 HSGP Guidance and the $tate Homeland SecuritY StrategY' A.4. previausly establiehed homeland The Grantee agrees ta be responsible for the sustainrnent ef gff1F agrees that the federal funds turther Grantee projects" The security efforts,-as well as FFy to supplant any funds for received thraugh this agreement will be used to supplement, but not local governments. A.F. guidelines as established by The Grantee agrees to campty with the financial and administrative Cost Principles and Audit R*quiremenls, Adrninistrative 'Lintform the regulaiions entifred faund in Volume 2 of the naw Circulaf} '$uper the as to referrad Requirement$" {calloguially C.F.R. (specifically, 2 C,F-R' part 20CI)' A.6. The Grantee supports the implementation af $tate Homeland Security Strategies by addressing training and exercise needs required to prevent, respond to, the identified planning, equiprnent, 'tenorism. ln additian, the Grantee agrees to comply with the and recover frorn acts of implementation of tfre Na$onal Preparedness Goal and the Natianal Response Framework (NRF). A.T. The Grantee will comply with the Cash Management Art and understands that no federal funds A.g. The Federal Award ldentificaticn worksheet shal! be included as a part of this grant contract and designated as Attachment 2. B. TERM OF CONTRACT: received by the Grantee may be *nvested in an interest bearing account. 9-14-15 G6 1, 3-015 ("Effective *ate") and e.f51d for a This Grant Contract shall be affective on septenrber Date, thereby endlng on April 30, 2018 Effective the sfter period of thirty-two {3?} mpnths far fulfiltment of the scope outside (,.Ferm"i. il,*'strt* srrirr n*u* no ohligation to the Grantee the Term. C. c.1. PAYMEHT TERNilS ANF CONDITIOH$: of the state under this Grant csntract Maxim#m Liabifitv. ln no event shalt the maximum liability Thg Grant Liability"}. exceed twenty thoussnd and 00/100 dotlars ($ 20,0c0-oo) {"naaximum due the Grantee amount maximum is the 1 Attachment incorporated-as Budget, attached and lirnited ts, all not are but include, under this Grant csntract. The Grant sudget line*items be incurred to or incurred indirect costs and applicable taxes, fees- overhead, and alt otheidirect by the Grantee. c.?. escalation for any gornpens'li:on Firm. The Maximurn Liability nf tlre $tate is not subject to of the Grant duration firm for the are amounts reason unless amended" The Grant nudget as provided in unless amended, except Contrsct and are not subject to escalatisn f*r any !-ea$&n Seetion C'6. c.3. peyraent Mglhgdals#v. The Grantee sha{l be reimbursed fsr actual, reasonable, and neces$ary Liability established in $ection costs based upon the Grant Budget, nct to exceed tfre Maximum $ection A of this Grant c.1. upon progress towaid the &mpletian of the $cop*, as describedofinallowable costs' reimbursement Contrart, tnb giantee shall subrnlt invnises prior to any c.4. for travel, meals, or lodging shall b'e Trqyql cornggnp,ption. Reimbursement to the Srantee "$tate comprehensive Travel Regulations," as subiect toffioiilanc limitations specified in the and limited by the Grant they are amended from time to tims, and shall be cantingent upnn Budget funding for said reimbursement' c.g, no rnore aften than monthly, with all Invojqp E*suirEmgn!*. The Grantee shatl invoice the $tate n*cesuaffirting documentation' and present such to: Tennessee Emergency Management Agency Homeland $ecurity Frogram Manager 3041 $idco Drive Nashville, TN 3?204 a. Each invoice shall clearly and acaurstetry detail sll af the foltswing required information (calculations must be extended snd totaled correctly)(1) (2) (3) t4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9i t10) tt t i lnvoicelRefersnce Number {assigned by the Grantea). lnvoice Date. Invoice Period {ta whicfr the reimbursement request is applicable}' Grant Contract Number {assigned by the $tatei. Grantcr: Department of Military, Tennessee Emergency [Ianagement Agency. Grantor Nurnber {assigned by the Grantee to the above-referenced Grantor}. Grantee Narne. Grsntee Tennessee Edison Registratisn lD Number Referenced in Preamble of this Srant Contraet. Grantee Remittnnce Address. Grantee Contact for lnvoice Questions {name, phone. or fax}. ltemiaation of Reimbursement Requested for the lnvoice Period* it must detail, at minimum, all of the following: i. The amount requested by Grant Budget line-item {including any travel expenditure reimburgernent reguested and for which docurnentation and 9-14-15 GG receipts,*srequiredby'stateCornprahensiveTrave|Regu|ations,',are ii. iii. iv. b. attached to the invoice}' to date' The amount reimbursed by Grant Sudge_t line=ifem to date' Cantract Grant the under reimbursed The totat Period' lnvoice the for arn*unt requested {ali line-items} The total "*ount tha following' The Grantee understands and agrees to all of (1) include only reimbursement requests An invoice under this Grant cantract shall ie.u.uit?f il the delivery of experrditules for actual, reasonable, and n*o*otry shall be subject to the Grant Budget service described ry idi* Grant contract and provision of this Grant Contract retating to allowable and any other (21 tr,?ffi:rlfii*I. tni, Grant contracr shail not include anv reimbursement requeet for futura exPenditures' t3i shall initiate the tirneframe for An invoice under this Grant contract receipt of the invcice, and the invoice reimbursement onty wrren the $tats is in c.5' meets the minimum requirements of this sectiun C.6'Budaet.'Line'|te'.".s'fxnencitures,reirrbursements,andpayrnenGunderthisGrantContractshg|| expenditures may NCIT vary frorn the Grant Budget adhere to tne Grant Budget. Reimbursable line-item amounts' c"7. The Grantee shall submit any final invoice and a in sixty (60) days of the Grant Contract end date' disbursement ieconciliation report within Fisbur*eqenr x9g"qnpttra$qtt ffi q' lu ioim ana substance acceptable to the State' a. b. this Grant contract exceed the arnounts lf total disbursements by the $tate pursuant to conditions of this Grant contract' the and perrnitted by the section c, payment tenns The Grantee shall subrnit the refund $tate. ;; th; difference the refund shall Grantee *m tn* final grant disburseffient reconciliation reporl payrnentcf any invoice suhmitted to the state The state shall not be responsible for the The $tate will not deem any Grantee after the grent disbursement recon"ili*tlo*'r*po*. grant disbursement resonciliaticn report to the after costs submitted {sr reimbursement aid *uch invoices will Nor be paid' be allowable and reirnbursable by the state, reconciliation report to the The Grant€e,s failure to prcvide a final gran! di*bursement Grantee being deerned the ]n result shall state as required by this Grant contrait shall be required Grantee the and contract" Grant this ineligible for reimbursement under this Grant Contract' tol*iunO any and utt p*ytn*nts by the State pursuant to accounting the end of the Term in such a way d. The Grantee must close sut its and reu*nie cnllections ar€ |\lor canied forward' that reimbursable "ip*ncitures for indireet costs, the Grantee rnust Indirepl eost. $hould the Grantee reEuest reinnbursement by the cognizant federal agency or submit t* the $tate a copy af the indirect cast rate approve be reimbursed for indirect costs in will Gr:antee The the cognizant state agency, as appticable. and limitations specified. in the accordance with the approved indirect cnst rate and arnounts and treats a given cost ss direct or attached Grant Budget" once the Grantee malqes an electisn cl.range during the Term" Any not may and indirect, it must apply that fi-eatment consistently prior of the cognizant federal approval hatre must rate cost changes in the approved indirect indirect cost rate is provisional during agency or the cognizant state agency, as applica.ble. lf the remit any overpayment of funds to the Term, *n"* tile rate becomes final, the'Grantee agrees ta ts remit any underpaynnent to $tats agrees the the $tate, and subject to the availahitity of funds c. c.e. the Grantee. 5-:"4-15 6G C.g. joint costs under this Grant Csntraot are *llqSatipn. lf any part of the costs to be reirnbursed and be allocated shall c$sts invclving alloiation to more than one prograTr or a*tivity, such Policy Adnninistration Finance and of nepar"tment provisionslf reparted in accordan*e with the CoS* Statement 03 or any arnendrnents or revisi*ns made C.10. t* this pollcy staternent during the Term. parlrnent oJ lnyoigp. A payment by the $tate shall not prejudice the $tate-s rigfrt to object to sr rei*bursement, invoice, cr related matter" A payment by the $tate shall net be question any provided construed as acceptanse of any part of the work or service cost' allowable an a$ amcunt C.11. or as approval of any Any amounts payable to the Grantee shall be subjecl to reduction for invsice or payment that are deternrined by the $tate, on the basis of ln any amounts included Sontract, to constitute audits or msnitaring conducted in ac'cordance wlth tFre terms of this Grant *Jon:allc"Wablq Q.ostq. unallowabte costs. C.12. that are or Stat*,q Fiqht to Set Ptf* The State reserves the right to sel off or deduct from amounts any other or under Contract this Grant under payaUle the Grantee to neoffi_6us;nd snatt a right has Grantee whioh the under Tennessee agreement betseen the Grantee and the State of to receive payment fronn the State. C.13. Grant Gontract Fr:ergquisite Docu.frrqntalion. The Grantee shall not invoice the State under this documentation. prcperly completed ;ntifim State has received the following, a. The Grantee shall oomplete, sign. and retur* ta the $tate an "Authorization Agrcement for Automatic Deposit i*Cl-t Ciedits) Fonn" provided by ttre State. Sy doing_ so- the Grantee acknowledges and agrees that, on6e this form is received by the State, all payments to the drantee under this or any other grant contract wlll be made by automated clearing hou*e {.ACH")' b. The Grantee shall cemplete, sign, and return to the State the $tate-provided W€ form. The taxpayer identification nurnber on the W-9 icrm must be the same as the Grantee's Federal Ernployer ldentificaii*n Number nr $acial Security Number referenced in the Grantee's Edison regl*tratian information' P. D.1. STAHOARD TERilII$ AT'ID CONDITISf*S: parties ReaUifp,d, ApslCIvajq" The State ls not baund by this Grant Contract until it ls signed by the and tttroved by appr:opriate officials in accordance with apptricable Tennessee laws and regutations {depending upon the specifics of this Grant Contract, the ofiicials rnay include, but are not limited io, the Commlssioner of Finance and Administration, the Commissioner of Human Resources, and the Comptroller of ihe Treasury). fr,2. Mo{ificatipn and Arnendmq$!. This Grsnt Ccntract may be msdified only by s written arnendmer}t rigdd by all parties and approved by the officials who appraved the Grant Contract and, depending upon the specifics of the Grant Contract as arnended, any additional officials reguired by Tennesses laws and regulations {the officials may include, but are not limited to, the Commissioner of Finance and Adrninistration, the Comrnissioner of Human Resources, and the Cornptroller of the TreasurY)' O.3. Termjflation for Sonvenience. The $tate rnay terminate this Grant Contract without cause for any reasofl. A termination for ccnvenience shall not be a breach of this Grant Contract by the State. The $tate shall give the Grantee at le€st thirty tSSi days written notice before the effective termination date. The Grantee shall be entitled ta campensation for authorized expenditures and satisfactory services completed as of the termination date, but in no event shall the $tate be liable to the Grantee for compensation for any seryice that has not been rendered. The final decision 9-14-15 GG be determined by the $tate. The Grantee as to the amount for which the state is liable shall incidental, consequential, or any other special, general, *hall not have any right tc any actual for the $iate's exet"cise of its right to terrninate damages what*oeverbf any de-scription br amouni for convenienee. D_4. properly pe;form its obligations under this Grant Terminatior-r.j*r causg. lf th* Grantee fails to Grant contract, the state shall have the right contract, or if the Grantee violates any lerrns orinis withhnld payments in excsss cf feir and contract terminate this Grant to immediately the exercise of the state's right ta compensation for compleled services, hlstwiihstanding not be relieved of liability to the state terminate this Grant contract for cause, the Grantee shail contract by the Grantee' Grant this for damages sustained by virtue of any breach of D.g. D.6. contract or enter into a subcontract for su.bqantrgcjing" The Grantee shail not asslgn tfris Grant the pricr written without abteining any of ttilEl.ui"e* perfarmed under this Grant contract the $tste, by shall contain, at a appraved are subcontracts lf such $tate. tnu approval or Interest"' "Lobbying," of "Conflicts to. pertaining. minimum, ssctions of this Grant Cantra*t "Reccrds" (as identified by the ,,Nondi$crimination,,. "publii Accountability," "Public frlottce,. and subcontractors, the Grantee shall section headings). Notwithstanding sny us6 of apprcved remain responsible for all w*rk perf*rnred' part of the tstal Grant contract Amount shall confllgts of Intg"{est. The Grantee wanants that nc as wages' indirectly ts an emplayee or offi*ia{ of the $tate of Tennessee be paid fr; or subcontractor, emplayee, agent, afficqr, compensation, or gifts in e#tr*ng* for'aciing as an this to ralative performed or contemplated work lny cansultant to the Gr,antee in canniction with Grant Contract' D.7. its knpwlecige and belief, that: LobbVing. Tfre Grantee certifies. to the b*st of a. paid, by or an behalf af the No federally appropriated funds have been paid or will be to influence_an cfficer or undersigned, ta eny per$on for influen*ing *r attempting employee of Congres$, or or officer an ernployee of an agency, a Mernber of Cangress, the awarding of any federal with connection in an employee of inl"muer of congress loan, the entering inta federal any of rnaking the federal any [rant, contract, ine rnaking of or of any cooperative agresment, and the extensi*n, continuation, renawal, amendment, agreement. modification of any federal csntract, grant, lcan. or coopsrativ€ b. paid or will be paid to any lf any funds other than federally appropriated funds have been of any agency' a or employee officer an influence to or attempting p*r*on for influencing of a Member or an employee Member of Congres{, en ofilc,sr cr-employee of Congres$, the agreement, or soop€rative grant, loan," of Congress in lonnectisn with this ccntract, "Disslo$ure Grantee shsll camplete and submit Standard Fonn-l-LL, of Lobbylng Activities," in assordance with }ts instructions' c. The Srantee shall require that the language af this certification be included in the award documents for all sub-awards at all tiers {including subccntracts, sub-grants, and contracts under grants, loans, and c*cperative sgreements) and that all subrecipi*nts shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representatlon of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transactian was made or entersd into and is a pt€rsquisite fcr making or entering into this transaction irnposed by 31 U"$.C" $ 1352. notices, consents, dernands, or other communicaiiols required or contemplated by this Grant Contract shall be in writing and shall be made by certified, first class rnail, return receipt requested and pastage prepaid, by overnight courier service with an asset tracking *yst*m, or by ernail or facsimile transmission with recipient D.B. C.ommunicaspns and Sant4-c"f,S. All instructions, 9-1{-15 C6 sf transrnission, shall be addressed to confirmation. All comrnunicatione, regardless of method the respective party ss set out below: The State: Gary Baker, Homeland $ecurity Pragram Manager Tennessee Emergency Managernent Agency 3M1 $idco Drive Nashville, TN 37204 abaker@tne$a.orq fetePfrone #: {Sl 5l'7 41'7 A37 FAX #: (615) 532's222 The Grantee: TenY Frank, CountY MaYor Anderson CountY 100 North Main $treet, Suite 208 Clinton, TN 3771S tfranlt@andersonln*?fq retePlrone #: (865) 457-6280 FAX #: (8651457-6270 Foint of Contact: $teve PaYne, Director Anderson GountY EMA 111 $outh Charles G. Seivers Boulevard Glinton, TN 37716 Pavnh"*YQhotmait'con TelePhone #: (86$) 457-6765 F,AX #: (SS5) 457{.657 noti*e to the person designated by the A change to the above contact infcrmatian requires written other Party to receive notice' All instructions, notices, consents, dsmands- or sther communications shall be considered rnay be required. effectively given upon receipt or recipient csnfirmatisn as D.g. is subiect to the appropriation and availability subjgct to Funds Availabilitv. This Grant contract funds are not appropriated or are othenrise that the event In ttre of $tate or Federsl funds] this Grant Contract upon writtan nc'tice to to terminate right tfre reserves State the unavsilable, the Grantee. The $tate's right to teiminate this Grant Contract due to lack of funds is not a breach of this Grant Cantracf by the State. Upon receipt of the written notice, the Grantee shall cease all work associated with the Grant Conirsct. Shsuld such an event flccur, the Grantee shall he entitled ta campensation fsr all s*tisfffctery and authorized services completed as of the terminatlon date. Upon such tenninatian, the Grantee ehall have no right tCI, recover from the State any actual, g*neral, special, incidental- csn$aquential sr any other darnages whatsoever of anY descriPtion or amount' D.10. person shall be lrlsndiscrimination. The Grantee hereby agrees, waffants, and assures that no otherwise subjected to discrimination of, or be eiCiu6en from partieipation in. be denied benefits practices the Grantee on the of ernplcyment or in the Gontract Grant this performance of in the grounds of handicap or disability, age, race, cCIlor, religion, sex, national origin, or any other ilassification protected by federal, state constitutional" or statutcry law" The Grantee 9-14.13 GG and sharl post in conspicuous places' shar, upon request, show proof .of nondiscriminstion applicants, notices of nondiscrimination' available to all employee* "nd with obrigatisns under the Health Thg'$taie and the Grantee sha'l compry D.11. HrpAA gomprianqg. Iniormation Technology fcr Health (*trAA), nc"ountebility a"ioilbee tnsurance portability laws and regulations relevant any.oilren and "nc shall Economic and clinisal H"ann *ct 4ntrgcH) ".ry;""v iuilr"}. }h*;btigatians set fcrth in this $ection regarding privacy {cotectivery !h; Contract' survive ttrtitermination of this Grant a, it is familiar with the requirements of the Frivacy The Grantee warrants to the state tNlat FIIFAA requirements in the course of this Grent Rules and will comply with alt applicable Contract' b. with the $tata, including cooperation and The Grantee wanants that it will cooperate and other cornpliance officers required by the noordination with $tate privacy officiais csntract so tfrat both parties coursa oi p**o*rn** of this Grant privacy Rules, in td willne"incompliarrcewithtfreFrivacyRu|*s' including but nnt limited to business The $tate and the Grantee will sign documents, nv tr,* . Privacy Rules and that are reasonably associate ,gru**ni", as requi#" in comfliance with.the,Privacy Rules' This nece$sary to xeepln* bt*tu and the Grantee byr the $tate under this Grant Contract is teoeived provisi*n shall not tpprY if informaiil* by the Privacy Rules, or if the Privacy NoT *protected health inf*rmation;;** defined infcrmation without entering into a business Rules permit the $tate tc receivu sucn asgociateagreemgntorsigninganctherguchdocument. et seg.l or if this Grantee is subiect to Tenn' code Ann' S &4401 lf of the shte' ?qblic.,F,pq,puntability. gr* behalf on Grantee "itrepi*i*ion of u**i"** ta citizens by the Grant contrjct involves present may services of iecipienlr rnrhich the Grantee agreeu to *it*btish a syste*'friougtr in a dispray arso shs* Grantee The program.. grievances about *re opeiation sf the servise receive to order in public enters $fh inthe prominent ptace, located near the passag"**yir'tio*In (11") height and seventeen inshes {1?') incnls *ru",in r*"ut Grant supported services, e. D.12. in width stating: "lig" "i OF TAXPAYER FUNDING' IF YOU SBSERVE AN NOTICE: THIS AGENCY I$ A RECIPIFNT IN ANY ACTIVITY WHICH YOU CONSIDER AGENCY $RECTOR OR EMPIOYET rr'rC*EING prrasr cALL THE $TATH OOMPTR0LLER'$ To BE TLLEGAL, rMpRoFEc, sR wA$T;;uL, TOLL-FREE HOTLINE: 1-s0S'232-5454' $tate h,y the ccnrptrollgr af the Treasury' The Grantor The sign shall be on the fonn prescribed request Lipon and Treasury, the af the comptroller Agency ;ilil obtain capies of the sign from signs' necessary any with Grantee provide from ttre Giantee, D.13. signs' and inforrnational pamphlets',press releases' research reports' Pgblip NOticp. All notices, shall contract Grant this to relatian and releau*c nyyrg crayee in similar public n*tices prepared *This grant cantract with the state of project is iundec under a ts this Grant Gontract shall be approved by the Tennessee.,, All notices nv tne c*i'tt*u in relation incrude the statement, State. and any approved subcontractor shall be licensed n.14. Licgnsqre. The Grantee, its employees, and local laws. ordinances, rulss' and regulations and pursuant to all appllcable federal, staie, sha|luponrequestprovideproofcfa|llicenses' n.15. for all The Grantee and any appfoved subcontrsctor shall maintain documentation any and of the Grantee documents and reccrds* tne uCIots, crrargeJunder thls Grant Contract. this under received perfonned money or work relate to they as insofar approved subcontractor, Becor-d-$----------------. 9-14-15 G6 with applicable Tenneseee law. ln no case Granl Gontract, shall be maintained in acccrdance than five (5) full years from the date of the period less of a shall the records be maintainea for audit at any reascnable time and upon final payment. The Grant*u;* **rds shall be sublect,to comptroller of the Treasury, or their duly reasonabfe notice by the Grantor state Agency, tlre aPPointed rePresentatives' Govemmental Accsunting $tandards Board The records shall be maintsined in accordance with standards Baard (FASB) Accounting Accotrnting Finencial the cr {GASB} Accounting $tandards lndustry Audit and Accouniing AICPA retated any and applicable, as standards codification* guides' rg awards' alld expenditures will r^a's*^*.f;'rn" of n{grant nr*nl applications, ;rnnli*ntinns' budgels' budogts' - documentation *of reports' In addition, and Budget's unifarm Managernent_ be maintained in accordi*ie wi*r' u.s. offise far Federal Awards' Requirements Audft and Cosf Principtas, Administrative Requira*uiti, local goverfimEnt purchasing policies and Grant expenditures shall be made in acssrdance with authorized under state law' governments local far procedures and purchasing pracedures reporting requirements prescribed by The Grantee shall also comply witfr any recordkeeping and Trea*ury' the Tennessee Comptraller of lhe utiliz-e the CO$0 lnternal Control The Grantee shall establish a system of internal contrals that contrcl system' The Grantee internal for the fotrndatian basic lntegrated Framework rnodel into its internal control "sin* incorpoiate any additional comptraller of the Treasury direetives shall sYstem' in the above standards shall Any other required records er reports which are not contemplated the central Procurement Agency$tate follow the format designated by tire head of the Grantor Tennessee. of $tete of the Administration and office, ar the commissioner of Finance s.16. and records rnaintained pursuant to this Grant Mpnitgring. The Grantee's antivities csndueted the $tate, the cornptroller of the eontract ?nun be subject to monltcring and evaluation by Treasury,ortheirdulyappointedrepresent*tiv*s' fr.17. *togrsss B"qp.orts. The Grantee shall submit brief, periodic, progress reports to the $tate as requested. D.18. months of the conclusion of shsll submit, within three {3) &rnual and Final Benqfxg. The Grantee gre For grant 9g1tractl. with a term of less than one {1} year, rep*rt. annuat rerm,-an each yea, or of the Term. For the Grantee shall submit a final report within ilrree {3} rnonths of the conclusion grant with multiyear terms, the final repart vrill take the place of tfre annual report for the "oot*ot* of tt * Term. The Grantee shall subrnit annual and final reparts to the Grantor State final year electronic capies of Agency and the Deparirnent of Finance and Adrninistration {"F&ff}. Send final reports shall annual and annual and final reports io F&A at fa.qqdit@tr*{ov, At li1imum, number, Term, and include: (ai tne Grantee's narne; {n} tne Crant Contra*t's Edissn identification goals, sufice$ses pr*gram's outcomes, the deseribes that section a nanative total amoJnt; {c} "wttether progress, and to determine indicators or benchmarks used Grantee the and setbacks, whether any proposed activities were not carnpleted; end {d} other relevant details requested by the Grantoi State Agency. Annual and final report documsnts to be completed by the Grantee shall appear sn the Grantbr $tate Agency's website sr as an attiachment to the Grant Contract. D.1g. pass*through enJlty means a non-federal entity that Agdit Repgr:t. For purpases of this $eciion, carry out part of a federal pr"ogram. provi6es a subaward to a subre+ipient to The Grantee shall provide audited flnancial staternents ts the Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury ("Comptrollef) if during the Grantee's fiscal year. the Grantee: (1) expends saven hundred nfty tnoussnd doflars {$750,000} or msre in direct and indlrect federal financial assistance and the $tate is a pass-through entity; {2} expends seven hundred fifty thousand dollars {$750,S00} or more in state funds frorn the State; or (3} expends seven hundred fifty 9-X4-13 C6 financial assistance and state funds frorn the thousand dsllars t$?s0,00ff) or rnare in federal i*"*i ninety {90} days befare the end of its fiscal $tate, and the $tate i* a pas!-if,rcugn entity, At notify the $tate whether or not Grantee is year, the Grantee shsil cornplete lttaclyent 3 to ane, campleted Notice of Audit Report on{y subject toln iugtt. The Grantee shsuld iubmit Gran*: f* is subjeet to an audit and so document during the Grantu*{ liuo"l year. Any 4. lf the Graniee is subiect to an audit' indicates on Attachment 3 shalr complete *[u"rl*"nt engaging.a licensed, independent public befare Grantee shall obtain the cornptrolleli apgroval nnay contact the comptroller for assistance accountant to perform trre audit. rhe"Granise identifuing auditors- the comptroltrer's requirements, as pasted on its All audits shall be performed in accord a*ee with audit shall be perforrned in accordance web site. when a federal single audit is required, the ana Bildget's l,jnifarm Adninistrative Requiremenfs, cosf with u.s. office of uanagJment principles, and Audit Requiiements for Fedenl Awards" the ccmptrolter by the ticensed, independent public A capy of the audit report shall be provided to gccountant. Audit reparls shall be made available tc the public' Auditor shall be on a ccntract fonn prescribed by The audit contract between lhe Grantee and th* for paynrent cf fees for an audit prepared by a the comptroller. The Grantee shail be responsible of.the"audit fees by the Grantee shsll be iayment licen*ed, independent public aeecuntant. fees LonFined wlthin this Gr-arrt contracl The Grantee subject to the pravisian r*i*tl*g tn such for any casts of an audit prepared by the shall be responsible foleimn[oing the comptroller ComPtroller" D.a'. for trie ccst of goods' propurement. lf other terms of this Grant cantract atlaw reimbursement nr contraeted servises, procurBrnents by the materials, supplies, equipment, motor vehicles" For any procurenlent for which reimbursement is Grantee shall be competitive where practicable. the conrpetitive procurement method' paid unde, iniu Grant contrast, tha Grantee shall docurnent procurennent method is not eompetitive a of use that ln each instance u,riere it is determined a written iustification for the decision and for pracgcable, supporting docurn*rrtutio* shall include Grantee is a subr*cipie*t, the Grantee shall the use of a non-competitive pr*curement. lf the proparty and services under a federal procuring wnen compty with z c.F.R, gg zoo.gtg*zs0.ge6 award. b*f*re purchasing any equiprnent or motor The Grantee shall obtain prior approvalfrom the state vehicles under this Grsnt Contract' p.21. u.22. t* lnsist in any one or more csses $trigt pq#gnar,rce. Failure by any pirty to this Grant ccntract provisions of this Grant anq * the terms, Govenants, conditions' or upsn the strict perfcr,man"* or provision' No term condition, eovenant, "! tenn, contract is not a waiver or relinguishment ef any deleted except hy a or modified, waived, be to held b* shalt or ccndition sf this sr*nt contract parties' the by written amendment signed partners, joint venturer$, or lqgenengent,"#o,lrtractpr. The parties shall not ac! as employee$, as*ociatffiotherintheperfermanceofthisGrantC*ntract.Thepartiesacknow|edge Contract shall be that they are independent contrs*ting entities and thst nothing in this Grant or direction control to exercise construed to cr.*ate a principallagent ielationship cr to allsw either provides its Llsual or affairs business its tr'i*ic*r transacts the other over the manner or method'ny be the to construed or deemed be party shall not of one services. The employees ciagents employees or agents of the other party for any purpose whatsoever' e.zg. stalq Liqgil.tty" The state shsll have nQ liability except as speci,fically provided in this Grant Conlract. 9.14-15 gG A.24. Force Maieure, 'Forse Majeure Event" mgan$ fire, flsod, earthquake, elgrnents of nature or acts of Gsd, *arsJiots, civil disorders, rebelllans or revotutions, acts sf terrorism or any sther similar cause beyond the reasonable control of the party except to the efrefit that the non-perfarming party is af fault in failing to prevent or causing the default or delay, and provided that the default or delay cannot reasonabty ne circumvented by the non-performing party through the use of altemate $ourc€s, workaround plans or cther mean$" A strike, lockout or labor dispute shall not excuse either party from its obligations under this Grant Gsntract. Except as set forth in this $ection, any failure or delay by a party in the perforn'rance sf lts cbligations under this Grant Contract ariiing from a Farce Majeure Event is not a default under this tlrant Contract or grounds for terminetion. The non-perfomring parfy will be excused from performing thase obllgations direcgy affected by the Farce Majeure Event, and on*y for as long as the Force Majeure Event continues, provided that the party continues to use diligent, good faith efforts to re$ume perforrnance without detay. The sccurrence cf a Force Maieure Event affecting Grantee's representalives, suppli*rs. subcontractors, custcmers CIr business apart frorn this Grant Contrgct is not a Force Majeure Evenl under tl'lis Grant Contract, Grantee will prornptly notifu the State of any delay caused by a Force M*jeure Event {ts be csnfirmed in a written notice to the $tate within oni {t } day oflne inception af the delay} that a Force Majeure Event has occurred, and will dessribe in^reasonable detait ihe nature of the Force Majeure Hveni. lf any Force Majeure Event results in a delay in Grantee's performance longer than foriy-eight {48) hours, the $tate rnay, upon notice to Giantee: {a} cease payment tf the fee until Grantee re$umes perforrnance of the affected obligation$; or (b) immediately terrninate this Grant Contract or any purchase order, in whole or in fart, without further payment except far fees then due and payable- Srantee wifl not increase its charges under this Grant C*ntract or" charge the $tate any fees other than those provided for in this Grant Contract as the result of s Force Mejeure Event' O,ZS. Te-nnessee Dppsrtryent of Rey*nq-?..Rggi$,lf,glion. The Grantee shall cornply with all applicable tegrstration requiiements contained in Tenn. Code Ann. $$ 67-6-601-608. Gornptiance with applicable registration requirements is a material requirernent of tftis Grant Contract. D.26. ChargeF tg S*ryicg.Fecioients_flrohibited. The Grantee shall nat colleet any arnount in the form of teGs or reimUuiiements frorn the recipients of any service pravided pursuant to this Grant Contract. g.ZT. glgte Inlerest i*",.H,quiRment or Motor Y_ehjd-eF, Ttre Grantee shall take legal title to all equipment or motor vifrictes purchased totally or in part with funds provided under this Grant Contract, subject to the $tate's equitable interesl therein. to the extent of its pro rafa share, based upon the Staie's contrlbution to the purchase pri*e. The term "equiprnent" shall include any article of nonexpendable, tangible, perscnal property having a useful life af more than one year and an acquisitioncostwhichequa|sorexceedsfivethgusanddol|ars{$5,000'00i,Theterm"motor vehicle" shalt include any adicle of tangible personat property that is required to be registered under the "Tenne$see Mstor Vehicle Title and Registration Law", Tenn. Code Ann. Title 55, Chapters 1-6. As authorized by the Tennessee Uniform Cornrnercial Code, Tenn. Code Ann. Title 47, Chapter $ and the "Tennessee Motor V*hicle Title and Registration Law," Tenn. Code Ann. Title 55, Chapters 1-6, the parties intend this Grant Contrect to create a security interest in favor of the $tate in the equipment or motor vehicles acquired by tha Grantee pursuant to the provisions of this Grant Contract" A further intent of this Grant Contract is to acknowledge and continue the security interest in favor of the $tate in the equipment or motor vehicles acquired by the Grantee pursuant ta the provislons sf this prcgram's pri*r year Granl Contracts between the State and tfre Grantee. The Grsntee grants the State a security interest in all equipment or rnctor vehicles acquired in wlrole ar in part by the Grantee under this Gnant CCIntract" This Grant Contract is intended to be a security agreem€nt pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code for any of the equipment or motor vehicles herein speeified which, under appticable law, may be subject to a security interest 10 9-14*15 6G grants the state a security pur$uant to the uniform eomrnercial code, and the Grantee hereby the $tate may file this that agrees Grantee The vehicles. motsr interest in said *quip*unt or appropriate offiee' as a financing statement for Grsnt Gontract oi-*'i*p'oducticn thereof in anlr-spiiifiea" Any reproductian of this or any other any of the equipment or motor vefiicles herein as a financing statement' ln sufiicient be snail statement security agreement ar financing toLxecute and deliverto the state, upgn the $tate's.request, any additisn, the Grantee agrees "as well a$ extensions, renewals, and amendmants thereof, and financlng statements, to perfect a security i"pi"JJltion of this Gr:ant Contract in such form as the state may require pay all costs of filing shall The Grantee vehicles. mctor or eguipment interest with respect to said pmendnnents thereof, and releases and such financing statements and any extensions,,renewal$, the statements for financing searches record shall pay all reasonable costs and **p*nses of any shall Grantee the $tate, the of consent prior written the State may reasonably reguire. wlthsut Code any other security nst create ar suffer tl ne'created pursuant i* the Uniform Cornrnercial and additions thereto' Upon interest in said equipment or motoivehicles, including replacements Grant ccntract, including this in the Grantee,s htrsach of any cavenant or agreernen{ contained the State shall have the Contract, Gylt this by seiured the coven*ntu to-puy"*rt*o iue all sums the State's optionr may at and, Code Comrrrercial Uniform the party under remedies of a se;;d also invoke the remedies herein provided' management, and The Grantee agrees to be responsib*e tnr the accountability, maintenance, this Grant Contract. provid'ed under part funds urith in or totally purchased inventory of all property or motor vehicles The Grantee shall maintain a perpetual inventory system for all equiprnent inventory control an shall submit and purchased with tuncs prnvided'under this Grant Contract fcllowing: th* repart which nrust inelude, at a minimum, a. b. c. d. e. f, g. h. t. j. Description of the eguipment or motor vehicles; Manufacturgrs seriai number or sther identification nurnber, when applicable; Consecutive inventsry eguipment or motor vehicles tag identification; Acquisition date, cost, and check number; identificatian; Fund source, State Grant number, or other applicable fund source purchase; Percentage of state funds applied to the is used; Locstion witfrin the Granteet operations where the equipment or motor vehicles possession: has longer no Grantee if date property dispositian or Condition of the Depreciation methed, if applicable; and Monthly depreciation amount, if applicable' which is cross The Grantee shall tag equipment or rnotor vehicles with an identiftcation number The Grantee repart. contral inventory the itern nn vefiicle nrotor or referenced to the eq,Jipme*t the results of ccmpare must The Grantee annually. vehicles motor or equipment inventory shall il,* inu*ntory witfr the inventory control repori and investigat* any differences- The Erantee must then adjust the inventory csntrot report to reflect the results cf ihe physical inventory and subsequent investigation. purchased Th* Grantee shallsubmit its inventory control report cf all equiprnent or motnr vehicles in fsrm and date and of its end days within thirty {30} wltfr funding through this Grant Coniract the minimum, a contain, at shall report control inventory This $tate. the to substance acceptalle writing, in the $tate, notify shall The Grantee central. for inventory abov* specified requiremeftts of any equipment or motor vehicle l*ss dessibing the reason$ for the loss. $hould the equipment or motor.vehicles be destroyed, lost, nr stolen, the Srantee shall be responsible in the State for the pra rafa amount of ths residual value at the tlme sf loss based upon the $tate's ariginal contributisn to the purchase priceUpon terminatian of the Grant Contract, where a furth*r contractual relatisnship is not entered into, or at another tirne during the tenil sf the Grant Oontract, the Grantee shall request written approval from the State for any prapcsed disposition of equipment nr motor vehicles purchased wifh Grant funds" All equipment or mstor vehicles shall be disposed of in such a manner as the 11 9.14.15 6G Departrnent of General parties may agree from among arternatives approved by the Tennessee or regulations' laws federal serviees as appropriate and in accordance with any applicable D.?g. Grantee shall comply with alf applicable state and federal Ftate._Fnd.tedera{,,Compliance, The |a*sanc@rrnanc9althisGra*tContract'TheU's.officeofManagemBnt and Audit Requirements for Federal and Budguit n**inistrative Requirements, cost Frinciples, Awardsisarrai|ab|ehere:hllp;#$ry'rnry'gchgovicgi*in{te& iTi 1497S&tpl=/ idx?$|D=c6b2m5395Z35 ba9 governed by and construed in ascardance with the [-aw. This Grant contract shal{ be agrees th6t it will be subiect ta the exclusive Grantee The laws of the $tate of Tenneesse" this Grant jurisdiction of the courts ol the $tste of Tennesse; in actions that may arise under state of the against or clairns rights that any Contract. The Grantee act<nswledges and agrees to subject shall be from, there arising remedies and iny Tennessee or its enrployees hereunder, 9-8-101 Ann' Code Tenn. under available $$ if any, remedies, and 1imited to those rights and n.2g. sov"srning through 9-8-407. D.30. is connplete and contains the entire understanding between Qgrytpletene$s. This Grant cnntract including all the terms and conditions the parties relating to the subject matter-contained herein, agreed to bt the"parties. riris €rant contract supersedes any and all prior t;nderstandings, parties, whether written or oral' ,"pruu*ni*tion*, negotiations, or agresments between the D,31. conditions of this Grant Ccntract are held to be invalid or not be affected and shall unenforceable as a matter of law, the other t*rms and conditions shall this Grant contract are of csnditians and remain in full force and effect. Ts this end, the terms g"?,verability. lf any terms and declared severable' D.3?. E. 8.1. purp*$e$ only and shall not be construed as part HeadinqS. section headings are for reference of this Grant Gantract' SPECIAL TEKMS AI-ID CONDIT}ON$: confliet with Conflictinc ferps an#, gpnditiong. $hould any of thesa specialterms and conditions shall be canditions and terms special the Contractany otner terms and condfriliTof this Grant ssnditions" and terms *ther Contraet's subordinate to the Grant 1.SS4. The Grantee agrees to camply with the 8.2. the1g64civitRigtrts-4ct{4?u'stC.2000d}.andanyfedera| Iequtations specific to the funding of this grant. The Grantee further agree$ to complete and retr.rrn a self-compliance report a* provided by the Grantor' E.g. C.gnfidentiafry of RecordE. $trict standards of confldentiality maintain6d in accordance with applicable stste and federal cf records and information shall be law. All material and information, regardless of form, rnedium or method of communication, prcvided to the Srantee by the $tate or acquired by the Grantee on behatf *f the $tate that is regarded as confidential under state or federal law shall be regarded as "Confidential Intormation." f$othing in this $ection shall permit Grantee to disclase any Confidentiaf Information, regardless of whether it has been disclased or made avaitable to the Grantee due ts intentional or negligent actions or inactions of agents of the State or third partios. Confidential lnformation sh*ll not be disclosed except as required or permitted under state or f*dpral larlr. Grantce shall take all neoessary steps to safeguard the confidentiality of such rnaterisl or information in confarmanse with applicable state and federal law. The obligatiarrs set fsrth in this Sectinn shaln survive the terminatisn sf this Grant Contract. 12 s"1r-15 6G H.4. The Grantee shalf provide a drug-free workplae€ pur*uant to tfre "Orug*Free Workplaee Act," 41 u.$.c. $$ s101 through 81s6, and its accsmpanying r*gulations. E.g. *nyir*nrqgntalTebqcco Sl$,p,,kp. Pursuant tn the provlsions of the federal "Pro-Children Act of le9a"anmrC|ean|ndoorAirof19g5.'Tenn.CodeAnn.$$39.17-1601 through 160C, the Grantee sftalt profriblt er*oking of t*bascs qroductx **tlg any indacr premises in which servic€s are provided td individuals under the age of eightee* {18} years. The Grantee shall post 'no smoking* signs in appropriater p*nnan€nt *ltes within such prernises. Tttis prohibgion xhall be appiicabie during all hBurs, not iust the haurs in which children are present. Vlolators of the prarriOiiion rTlay be sunle*t to civil penaities and flnes. This prohibition shall apply to and ba made pert of any subcontract retated to this Grant C*ntra*t' 8.6. C"omekape rfJ,irh Netlqnel i,ngid; nt-Msnsqernen.t..9]' ffYlM$j. The Grantee lvill be in campli#ce'fidth NiMS $tendards established by the U"$. seBartment of Homelsnd $ecurity and tne Federal Emergency Managenrent Agency authcrized by Horneland Securtty Freqidentlsl Directive 0S {H$ptr-Cgl. Tlre Grantee agrees that it hss met NIMS compliance slandards. The Grantee further agree$ to carnpl*te within tlre snnounced $usFense date the NIMS lmPlementation YearlY surveyIN WITNE$S WHEREOF, A}INERSOH COUHTY: SATE GRAilETET S$HATURE COUI'ITY [tlAYOR TERRY pRIl{TEn f-lAifrE At-{il TITLE SF GRANTEE $SilAfSRY {abova} DEPARTIT EHT gF }Jl I LrrARY, TETI TIES$EH EM ER€E I{SY II|AHAGEIil gf'IT AG E!{ SY : fiIS TERRY TI{" HA$TOTiI, THg ADJI.TTAf.{T GEHERAL' UILT ARY OEFARTI{EHT tr OITTE certify thst this entity m**ts Civil Eights Title 1T compliance" Signatnre L*w Flrcctsr Date Fcvi*rv*d by ltep'e^ of l;[i]iravy &{il Sight*Titi* VI O{tic* 13 9-14.15 GG ATTACHMENT COUHTY GRAITTEE NAIiE: A}.IDERSON ,*, ^*. rr? 6tr/{rrattdll t flee'v HOMELANU tiEuultt t I ltrr',*rr', 9n'l 1 E incured during the belsw shalt be applicable anly to expenses The Grant Eudget line'itern amounts following aPPlicable Period: €ND: BEGfltl: tglAUzO1$ 04J3013018 I POUCY 03 obl.ct Lln*,ltsm R}f€railce EXPEHSE OBJECT LIHE-ITEfrfi CATESORY 1,2 Salaries, Benefits & Taxes 4, 15 Professional Fee, Grant & Aueard 5,6. ?, g. 1B I, Supplies, Telephone, Post'age. & 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.s0 0.00 0.00 0"0c 0.00 0.00 0.o0 0.00 0.00 s.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0^00 0.00 i 0.00 0.00 0,00 i 0"00 0.00 0.80 s.oo 0"00 0.00 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 *.oCI 0.00 0.00 20,0$0.0s 0,09 20,000,00 ! !fig{n$, Oiiup"n"y, Equipment Rental & Maintenance' Travel, Conferences & Meetings 2 r3 lnterest 14 lnsurance t6 Snecific Assistance To Individuals 17 Depreciation 1E Other Non-Personnel2 ?. i I :-a i 1 2 20 capital Purchase n lndirect Cost 24 In-Kind Expense r{a Gr:antee Match Requirement a-# l , I for any arnount of the is nqt specifically' that Match iequiteo Grantee deiineated by budget line-items above) GRAND TOTAL 2S PRoJEcr 0.c0 Printing & Fublications 11.12 GRAITEE I rorarMATCH I '- GRAHT COHTRACT . bylhe Departrnent cf Finance and Administration Policy a3' unifow E".f, expen$e object lineitern stlall be de*nedptans A' tar subredpients af Federalanlsbte €rant Manies, Appendix tien AJJoca Rapartrng Fequrrernenfs and Gs*f rnte*ei'"t, http:lfwww.s* detailfollows ttris page if line-item is {unded' 3 B1d$etr, and the maximum totai amount reimbursable by the stale A Grantee Match Requiremant is detailed by this srant *Grant contract" calumn above, shatt be reduced by the amount of any the aetaileJiy as pursuant to this srani contract, brantee failure to meetthe Match Requiremenl' (posted on the ' npgl*ul* ,9'1tt'156G A]rTACHHENT { GRAT.IT BUOCgf LINE'ITEII DETfdL: PROFES{TIOTTAL FEE, SRA}IT FUNDTNG OF TRAINI!'IG, TiE AffOUilT E AITARD $GRCISES, PLAt'lNlNG At'lO E{IUIPMENT PURCFIASES ALLOIfYABLE I,NDER 20,(n0,00 FFY 2O'5 HOMEI.AND SECURTW GRAT{T PROGRAM TOTAT 20,0m.00 9-14-15 GG ATTACHMENT 2 t match registered h6m^ in I'11 lt$C\ 0749016L3 8MW20153S00023 rhraninient's nUNS nufnbgf r Fartorsl Award ldentificetion Number tFAlNi EaAaral nwnni date r- trnA nr lmher end narne Qr Ciant contract's b.eirn 0s101 12a15 g7.0AZ Homeland Security awa#2a15 a4ftalaa1e ig!g-* Grant contract's end date 20,000.00 obligated hY this grant contract Consolidated Data Not Available amCIunt of federal funds obligated to me rl, rl.traniniJ:nf fotat Tbffiount af the federal award to the pa$s- Agen-gv} throush entity {G-rantor State Name of federal awarding agency informatisn fclr the federal awarding official ffiCt 3,978,000,00 - U"S. Department CIf Homeland $gsg1!yDennis Fonenoo Federal Emergency Management Agency 800 K $treet NW Washington, DC 2A47 2-36?5 Tel:2*2ff86-9837 ls thefsderal award for research and development? lndirect cost iate for the federaf award ($ee 3 C.F.R. $200.331 for information on type of indirect cost ratei Grglt Proglam - No 0 *,1.4-15SC ATTACHMENT 3 Hatlce $f Audit RePcrt Check one of the twa boxes belaw and complete the rennainder of this document as p*F file to c*s"aud,i'tfigtig$,ffi$'gov, The instructed. SenC comgeted dccuments as a grantee slrsutd sr,*mif only &n&, eotnplefed *f$a#te of *udit R*prrt" dscument to the Sf€ts during the &ran{aek fiscet y#'&r. |l il *nOerson County is subject to an *udit for fiscal yaar ?016. *n6erssn Csunty is n*t sr.lbjectt* an audit fcr fiscal y*ar 201S. Any Grantee that l* subject to an audit must compl*te the infnrmation belsw. Grantee's Edison Vendor lD Nurnber: at*g Type sf tunds Bxpended Federal pass4hrough funds a. Fund* passed through the $tate sf Tennessee b, Furrds pa*sed thrnugh any other entitY the federal Funde re,ceived direcfY govemment ffin-fsdEffit funds rsc*ived direc'tly fram the State of Tennessee Eatinnnted anr$unt of furde expended bv snd sf Grantssns fiacal Year a. b. &Hs,dnnnqrrl-s lKu-s* t* + b* 3;i C**Flr{*.1 il;naftrL*5*s5L +u hio*fiqht.d. \)d Etv\d),.il ftddn " B+*g*-* s 9-14-15 6s ATTACHI{ENT 4 Farent Chil d lnfarrnaticn submit anly as a pDF file te cpg.apditnotiqp#F.q?v. Tke Grantea sltould send compfeted dscurnents durfng the Granfee's fiscaf ye&r ,,Farent ehild tnfomtattos" one,eomptrefad lf thagmn{Be indicafes if is snb;ast to an audttan ffie "fiIefiee of At dif Feport" dscumanL oacffite least one other entity. 'Farent,, rnean$ an entity whnse lR$ filing contains the inforrnati*n of at *Child,, rneans an entity whose inforrnaticn is csntalned in another entitY s IRS filing' Grantee's Edisnn Vendcr lD number: 4145 ls Anderssn County a Parent? Yesil No[ of any child entities' lf yes, provide the name and Edison vendor lD number, if applicable, ls Anderson CountY a child? ilYes il No If yes, comPlete the fields below. Parent entitY's name: Parent entity's tax identification numb*r: nurnber, this torm Note: If the parent entig's tax identification number is a sacial security rnust be submitted via US mail to: Central Procr:rernent Office, Grants Prograrn Manager 36 Flosr, WRS Tenness*e Tower 31? Rasa L Parks Avenue Nashville, TN 37243 Farent entity's contact information Narne of primarY contact Person: Address: Fhone number: Emaif address: Farent entity's Edison Vendor lD number, if applicable: Orrrcn Or Tun CouNry Lnw Drnncron ANonnsoN CouNry, TENNESSEE 101 South Main Street, Suite 310 CLINTON, TENNESSEE 377 16 N. JAY YEAGER TELEPHONE: (865) 457-6290 Law Director FACSIMILE: Emai I: (865) 457-3775 jy e aga@aclawdi rector. com March 7 ,2016 Chief Deputy Mark Lucas Anderson County Sheriff s Department 101 S. Main Street, Suite 400 Clinton, Tenness ee 37716 RE: I Harley Davidson Motorcycle Lease vIN #'s I HDI FMMI5886I I323; HDI FMMI 5886I I 84I ; 1 HDI FMMI 388609005 ; I HDI FMMI g88609436. Dear Mark: r\t Cll} fjl\ :-P '::r t-:::lt Pursuant to a request dated March 7 , 2016, I have reviewed the above-referenced contru"ffiro,. ffi legal form' After review, I am satisfied these documents meet or exceed all requirements for :d contract formation under Tennessee law. Therefore, I have approved these contract, u, td?.gut..| r- - form. Please note that these controct terms extend beyond the fiscal year / - and submitted to county commission for approval. - --' ff-"-ll therrfo* mustb# :; S t; This approval is to legal form only. I assume, since you submitted these contracts to my office for approval that you have read this agreement, and the terms and conditions set forth are desirable to you-and the department involved. I have not been involved in the negotiations of these contracts; however, if you would like additional guidance and advice regarding a specific provision of the contracts, please feel free to contact me. Furthermore, for the purpose of the approval process, it is assumed that these contracts have been properly bid, if required, and budgeted according to state law. Please call, if you have additional questions or concerns. Enclosure: 4 pages t- -a ANDERSON COUNTY GOVER}IMENT PURCHASING DEPARTMENT MAIN STREET STIITE 214 CLTNTON, TN 377t6-3687 (86s) 4s742sr FAX (86s) 4s7-62s2 lOO N. MBMORANDUM DATE: TO: Jay Yeager, Law Director FROM: HazelOrick Gibson, Interim purchasing Agent suBJEcr: March 9,2016 Knoxville-Harley Davidson 4 contracts Anderson County Sherifp s Deparfinent Please review the attached contract and approve it form. hg LEASOR SCHEDULE of PAYMENTS PAYMENT (S) OF Knoxville Harley-Davidgon, Inc. 5800 Clinton Hwy. Knoxville TN. 37912 Plrone 865.689.2454 Fax 865 ,689,4794 /z/q fz YEARLY QUARTELY LESSEE MONTHLY A ftlttbt laP (*trtrt -/mrri lEt 5. lflon R,n^ thO oTHER_ NuMgms Dn PAYABLE AT SIGNING on uensE { Month s//2)': Acquisition-Fco $: g:othcr Purchase option @Ngne or Purchase pricc of $ .-. f Security (-rrlru: Yrt 3>>tb Deposit $ * '|J,9*and fiffi;:;ii,ffii |:ffT;lt:.'".ri:l;'1i^111i*:*11-oflc (iov,ldfi;rd;ilr#ilffi;ilffiffi.iiloil iiriildlHiliilr: This lease srarts on the delivery date of ends untit such timc ar purcharc option pricc prur ron pcrccnr Ncdussd ycar VEHICLE DESCRIPTION Makc Modet vN # un""s(trr/) t{aq*4.h&le,i) f",+rp //lDlFmnlfnB;tt te? yr.r ! Dear Lessee: wc hrvc wriucn rhis lcrsc in plain lurguagc bccrusc rve want you to fully undcnhnd lts tffins. plcarc nad copy of this lcasa aarsfulty ond fccl ficc to rsk uo.ny q,fotio* )ou mry hrvo o6out it. Wo usc tho wwds yOU rnd yOUR to rroon lhc Lcsscc indicatcd bclow. Thc words wE, us and oUR, rcfar to rhc lnssor indicrtcd bclow. l; LEASE AGREEMENT: You agrcc to lcars fiom uc rnd rvc rgrcc to lcrrc to yor, tho vchicto firtcd rbovc oron my eshcdulc to this lcasc. You agrcc thrt' at our oi'tion, ury rctrelulo to this lcrsl$41 bc consioorsa r scpsntc lsasc anl lhc tomr ud conditions of thlc lcrsc agrccmcnt ohatl rko aipty ig riy.e*Ju!1 rd rtrc cum orht rcnht prynrcnrs indicucd abovc or on rny rchcdulg whiolr sum cfur tc drlculaco uy mul'itptyi"i rrrJnirurrof paymon6 ilnror thc prymorl lmoun[ indioatcd obovo or on-rn! cchcdulo. Tho unounr of acfr relruiirrd*r dioir-rto"i-or on my rohodulo is buod on our crlmuod lotal eost of lhe vohiolo including, if applicrblc, ooct. m;Trrd;rynilni ri"n u.i.irco lorn roo, in r prcportlonrto vchisic'is grcaicr thrn ourcstimoic ana ;id iiirr i*lrtrui- r; illit'ri;t H??ittjtllllil'ffi:$the 2: oRDERING vEHlcLE: * ro 'oiu'rrtdffii-r]/r.rr uv',,p io r.,i-p*, You r.quGst thar rvs'rsng: dclivcry to In rho ovcnt rhat rrc havr issued )ou at a ;rurohrsc ordor or conltsct for tho vchiclg you sgroo rhat 0rc prrcharc otoir'*-o-rrrir i, acocprrblc to you. yor lf hrvo cntcrcd lnto 'ouroxponso. a purchasc conlract you agrcc to cssign ir to ug cffcaivc whcn wc thc vchiclc, or, I tl,!lt,tlc, * 3: No WARRANTIES: we aie leasing this vchicto to you "As t3;. wE MAKE No yARRANTy, EXPRESSED oR IMPLIED, INCLUDNb wARRANTtbs oF NoN.TNFRTcEMENT, MERCHANTABILTY, OR FITNESS FOR A PATICULAR PURPOSE coNNEcTIoN wlTH THls LEASE s.9 lop ss rrs not in dofaulr undcr OR ORDINARY USE TN ]ort rny tcrms.of rhir lCIse, wo trnnsfor to you rny warrantics madc lo us by the msnuficturc or supplicr. fou ,inootstud and rgrcc trrrr rr,o vondor, itr rgcnlr rnd cmplqc. ur not agsnts of ours, nor sto thcy authorizod to *{yt ol.rr",tc ony tcrms or condifions of this lcrsc. yOd AGREB THAT, REGARDLESS oF cLAUsE, YoU WLL Nor nssenr ANY cfnrrtl wHATsoEvER AcAINsT Us FOR LOSS OR PROFITS YOU EXPECTED TO MAKE OR ANY OTHER DIRECT, CoNSEQUBNTIAL' sPEclAL oR INDIRECT DAMAGqS. lf you havo anlcrcd into r mainr'nEnoc agrocmonr wirh paia ovcr tho tcrm. or a portion of thc torm, F rri ;itilir"icass shsllrot " bc rcsponsibfs for tho rorvicg ropairs, nor of thir a-n{ yir, r.inr*u-r* liiror-r, rnd ovcn if you havo r disnrrs . vou wifi-oontinu. to plv 6t iuor, rseignco rrr ronrairrib mrinton.* prvi,,il-c ous unoor6ic tc.,c us with rcspcat to thc vohicfc ond 0re cost of t!nl, mainrcnanoo fcasc, lhcn you rcknowtcdgo that 8nyono ro wtrqm wc maintcnancc of llrc vshiclc, that suclr asignoc. lr not ii;**r,, litJ:',il:r$i?*t||[:r[:gico 4: NON-CANCELABLE LEASE: you cannot cancel this lease. SEE REVERSESI LTERMS AND CON]'ITIONS W'IICH ARE PART OFT]IIS TEASE ACCEPTANCE Namc LESSES /rp.S - 6..S*?f- Address citytslstetzip c.I^..?'.., I[./ 3]r I eV, Print name, lV\,Mr L,tqA6 THE PERSON (S) SIGNING THIS LEASE CERTIFY THEY ARE THE LEGAL REPRESANTIVE TO DO SO AND AGREE NO MODIFICATTONS MAY BE MADE TO TH]S LEASE UNLESS BOTH PARTTES AGREE TO SUCH MODIFICiTitiX irV WiriliNC. TO FORM Law Dfrcctor a IERUS OFlC SE, COmIERCIAL LEASE ACOUIgITIO FEET Tha lolrr b|n l|ll lr.|to.r 0r.dab0lltq|'vltddar h d€{v!.!d b yor/ of}orr.eaitftrCo.{' Drb:).rdr, cot lr,F unu you hrv! trrt sll otyurob{e.{onr trdrr t|r kr.... Th. pqmab ot r!it !re p.tEU. p.rlodbdly In !dfE on lh. Fr,ssa dd. oro rr ratEdulc b tir h$c. Th. falt psyf|lnt b d|,. on lha Co.mrdEgrrr{ D€te. You $/f bo odfad in rrltno fu,g d|rng€.th. d.b of tofat paFqt fhd!dir., cor€frt Fdod|cp€y|tF'tbli||b.d$ontFsaIEday!schp€t|odhd|cebdo0t'oEr,d8.d&'N!8yn'€it!w||borEdgto!!|loqdr€!5of0*ba6,d.t.no0|...ddl.!tr.t NqIdd6|grbhwdun0.Yo4ob||g.donbpayArabbus|r0coidtlorEl.rdhnCi!ub|cctbanyndcton,rctdl,d!f$.,ofcoun|gda|mbr!.|yt!.!q|r|,ldo.Yrr.Y qfortc u! b In$d v€hiclo ldentifcadon nbd! ard othcr ldcndf..don d.b.boutth. vdrH!,.ltidl.. dr€romlf.d bctr.l i!.tbt!. b. hdd byu! b E€qrs tour iBltir, pdlbnrfcr ot t s b8!!, and fnf bs rgturrd orapdl€d r. dabd In Parq[.ph'14. On tho Coot'|Eiid{ D& dt$ lc$. aad 6ch .drdtl. b til ho!€, tou rtull Fyb uE I o{p{rno.d.nlnlrta{v! bc, rct b qo.€d f3q).q), b lllmbw!€ u.6rotl.t drf .dni.i!!.dv..t$ Eoodlm co!b. ofr..rhF otth. t. ASSlOt{ E n Yo.r rn.y not r.ll, k rter, rtllgn o. rubl.[. th. sftldr. W. m!y, ul0|o||t rt]tyhg tou. ||ll ttign or b.npllr thl.l.... rdp.rtorm.ny of 6f wtrttt; at you aq.!c trat'tt w. do ro, tt|. n r L.-.or tllt hrvc tha |.m. dght! dd ba.Eib fhd w.,roe h.v+ and lh. mf h o.s|I.rofh!lo iilgrti-. %u i!r.f t|.t O|. rlghb ot 0|. n r 1..|or wlll not b. ubract to .ay cldm., oJ ..bfrt th.t you m.y h.n |ed|tt uG Hos.Y..' r|y r.rdl tvf rarinm.rq!!h,;tr;d..ofthl!1o...o.v.hidcwlllmtr.ll.v.u3olot|losllgitomloyourrd.rlhltL.t. .tlPt!bd.lmov|rEd pdt€t.lecbt.sdm i. dheffdXfpif,fO OUtBt ENJoyltElT: w..l€lhaovrne.of ih.v.hlc.l.snd h.l€tl0.iotl.r,.hblo. f .nyo0Frp.fbndt you.grcc hat yotr wll d.! dm.r k!.91h. v.t{dcfs toil FutF., proa.ct.nd drd{.lo u$}idc. d€frid you o,rp..r!€, io *to,r ;i"t-;;;;iii-;dm,ott r,",,, "gr*, errv|cdpricors'ortt$|rf.tro.vr''.nd}ou;r[.dvo;hn;&ibmthcfa0y|[email protected].||.obe!..'bdold.d..enlnrttr.vrhb.'sohE.|to.l.'!trothd. w. .g(r€ 0Lt lou lhell quidy ulr tnd e.Ioy tF vr cL' l.a!a, irtisiny of t b,nt tn bb us vd{dc tn sood$ottltE otd6..nd Gp€L. Youwll k!.p ut vt {cbo.lvr. vort€dfir!. ;;iRE: G; AnD |dinori; ioss trr verrdle: you irc doponstu.ft;iec4o -,ra pIb ;-;;d|;".id., atrd 6, ', t or{y,s. ii;t;lno" n rcoi- rn comitt"i* v.lttr att appttcaun urr! You will mt tr5l.! bthsvrtidc wltptrtort itiii-.'.c.'tt,,t.r"r'n.*rrnit*o"oi"tri*rr.r'uo}Atfc;.doftE|€.mo.tca€e-}aud||'!iuntEv€hic|obu',8t}ouraQert!..'Yot,!l!t!!port!|bl6brpto4h .e.iot,o,,,o",i'"e.,"*.pt6rodruryntarindtoa..ndf!.nanyotEfkindofb!Ev{ti|.}ouhavclhovdc|€|8bdngd.Iv.'!dbyou.|nllErv!r|tlh.Eq b. (i) i!p€t o( E0lqc. tr vGt{do, or (ll) pr b ut lh. fic.r J",iiac"a,.*-rrn iip" ai." not rn |.ocr tr hasc or sny ;h{ ob[g.dons b us, tr.n F! .h.ll h.v! tr6 odhn In tha vat{cla (6ach coarpded rrlth dl!corit Eic ot dr irahF o{ our sHlaiha6st traaa aid lha rtr{ rnier hr ot figr.fair*U F!€cd UatarE€ tha lnpaU d€ldtt vah! ol both ' Frc.nt (6tf ) Fr ]€er). you yc'rb hav€ lh' ahm agrElo paywrro du. cl taxa!.firE!, rlglsratonfaas ard panaltas €Lftrg to tHr baao, You also rorcc-ttstvrr to. TAxEg ANo FEES: 'cillttEb .1t€n,,.a rquoa ps!fnt ltu. p.v.trofho..'ddl , fE t!01€lt'bl brc! ur t13.6&$abd rdrpev anitri vchde 1611 y;*tyi.,i.if.1ie.Ourirtptinr uo,rrorm i|d6'o.yo4}ol'|.c.."r'.ro-'"!',"*d"n'".'Jarraro.'igr'€.'i,;lbcb'rcdo.!tFf||.nEU{of$rhtri..,|dthaqt.q.db.|Ui,i.cot5blYo|rr.yobirlb you rltL._fG-rttti6,.lg; ]i;"* b.ny dodrnt t uE pu!or. of ad! nlhe ' so ltxt 'r tF i[ng do'! tbl lr*"br ti'itr rerty pay,,Frr o. od[rr,*r. v* a"o "or* b ddtd t{dc' You.grr. b tlktrbt' tn iot 'r' nor.""po6hb b..ny |rdurter or hcr.. toJo,u o..ny ourG. p€rlon drt€d bv tre rnr of t€t 'fd ". ac.h.t.rrd.|m!io.g{'|o"*"o.roun""'iJ.iif.riroec-rrrrrmo.,t.aGolrdnc..blro.!tlc{||rlinty;htYE.Th|.|'[email protected]..|h.b.'nd to u. erd m.kd.b.t ,wr ovh op.$6 (r) r*r.rdtc._.eainlt to.., thdt, or d€;.non iflfiunrnc* y* .ert b(b)gq,td. d!{vsrd b u' c ort r11nlng11c aaan eObUonat trs,,pd. Sudl lnstlct (rtd wrbn poi"rty tns,rr"rre 0"r"9. pub{c ti.biht;nd parrc; .rd n mtne u! .s 106! 'vld'rr6 pF|lcdm € d&'d et y"|. 0€ oucadon. b tEva auch kEu.nca hn ad t|. rhht wlll h.yc tlon rF pF{rld; Gi;idcra€, ua-lrdr you b n us. n |!a|!lt) lhdl bc latataatory o by lpqloo oflhvo'.t'c lo€' (.rot oaucrC ty rniddn o'r'tuttd df t P"id P:t-:fgt'po{q .oe!r*.. ydr q.ns. !tr.n na,,O" Uru prt'tirm p.H for adr lrtuarE b c*,t ln tcrd Ingdmr r *itt.t,lott ttt"i"",t"t' You tg'r€ to pey tudr o.r-a."fgn-.;;;;; p'ld .3 a 'llocrbd o"ny sudl .rpcdgr€).rd.nyor.bmry 'drounb prccad"t' riry inllrJp faigrrt' "odd"d p""ttd.d t rigUi,.t pt tl""' "t"g." tti. nffi, 'sdt to t!Pdr ,"nbt p.n,rot61' Int!r6t- r* ";Hbh; yo, *rin rr.w m opuoi t(i)q!6 h. hruuEo pttc"dt you ,i,u in a;un udlr u{! t;.d or mv otcr ouuiri#o ur, tpn ro|rc "n16.r*iii.i1 lo.. o. d.rrlo€ to tlo vchid€, 11' tou rh'l coop'r'b $'itr or'r pbc'd Pa|io'lDh t'j b'itd8 b ff iniurcd in$ fii i"tat ", ori-!"," oWn"to,tt o. tldF [r. v€hldo, or tlU "o * *urg;'ilIiit m0rrngrgnrrliJo.ttor""r'"ttytnt.E".td'do'iHpdtovtvp'wh'tto's'b'tFqlu!lv' "ppry lnrrr.Ecas.r{tnco.ln cdo.t"ru,u.p,"of'""c6'ilinirJlt'irrm' r"O*;Vir.*t"., rr iny.trnrnb orqon erwlocclficlcntltrdcoflIdoG vou**-,,r6'dir;i"iitairJ6dttott-:tlii aid anyotrc.Flonorp",ry. nay ddw any r'dl lmUiancr covr'geto 1.'e' Wltho{ttEvLf dry ['lDVb ard vrr mr4e, Yt nry cov.E..*filch tmuir*" d ru.rwth..lghtbt rmtnab lny aucn gnal ru doulcaua u pirvioe oplircencnt qronEfl.l cov€rlo€ urdcr th' ratrF brnE' coob' li"*tt r,q o'd'dt' vou In th. €vlr tlrdw!,.prr"" o. r.rr*r|ii'[-,fr*6,.r"0a, t .(""^to'nd ado""[d*n€'{r' dd * ffu*tOt"ic,i"fn,ii"i'ffi'p"vtt "iqf 'fi'dc' i:oftdlitoru.6 t. Ftdour -r"oO". V* r*&"iilri lli,iifatJffH ""'y.-iitt tur thc qvou b€cdnc lnsolvent a$len vo.' hdt of 'r$b*tro dur' s cto prn''i H.t!fliiffi"*#frl$ffiffit*lhen9ucortrq1h.!q1(.tqoryoursu$orur&rthlsl€.€., b; in d€feti-l Frad.rd,11 t cawio ly vourfrrur b msl* anv r"" -#t6la-",iJid yolrc.dtb', or rnbr (vd,'bav. rn*ru,ilfii. tniiridi-pii&iru, p'rc"{ (6t{) p" r'€r u'irc ki: "i[ a, S: ?t*I-""Id 'lx ' ""0.. 8! _r.r,ulruvt".,lt ,,q!a. tEt Fs ,.trn 0E n"r*r" r *_"-*puv'f,-,iir* In tv!Hd., hb|!d "ua_t F4stY'lu'd 'tbd !botit' Yord'o80F6 tlqlire tei lq'| pavi rioircuual bv bx' Itvqtd*t'Ib dbco.|ttast!. ,mridtb,"t rn or,rr,ro" dui L.ddlddtv€c!,t-clo ptt n*ttt' t"totrvumodlot er'tiM f*-) ttO;fri * on; Lu iliittA *u''" -r.1"", th' uto b pqyu.Inbrs€tm.I $rma ouc tom trs-# iffiri'*ir-p"ii uv-ttat tv* a d.h'1. wo u.,tu"ob;;;fr;ii;ffi.'t"ctt *.r,"rr 'g p.fiilt o"ii* 'nvof 'Lootrtleao|lgblc ""n b p'y ".i."ta cl' d by you b.Etdng a,,y r y",r".* aut vti.lo,o.-"r1",cor"'o'r']ouso|! r#r;i;;;;; n rg". 'r/r .g|!dt 3 8v.[.tt to us |xtrr, o*,noo.- &ffiiiii:oJ"o.".1o", o p"iiriitt-tr ttpocscrirn' ddm eNppLr" & ut"'"*'n"' vot' d ttDo'sdtlon .tom./. f.!!, .nd.cual "oa* n.'r" *"o i"t"iJpoJ""ii-Jiir,, "g'"t d;-;iiidc tot pd; t|.t-'tc'ite dlt tun d (r) o|' 'o't You ro ni iro vena.' do * o|8t!'v''no r oue* mr ' r cndit ltortn enu,rt df s.r.oF. t5tw..t! -:ff;fifi; "bt;G;] iliet"t [i 'e|! -t"red.d;ilt; 'udr 'tc"' ;b ortr v€r,ld. ad (bt r'oouu., r",* iffiffi:p;;i;;; tm'' Boore'rrh.rnt"dd'i' lrmr**gru,v;:lffiTJ?l$f;n-"4a"5j*-"..s.Ilf*rro.!.ptprly.nru!fron.nrb.drr.r'rydehir't'bE Jrr ii'rr' n ti| tic.-",'a db.L rtt. doq,'Fflt |. notioud b b. o r.o"u'I'.0 ii'r |..!. b b! | v||ld s,d |.Ed ooo,n-,,' "- &-t,iirri''y nw utrnn" cotfrrorlrl cod' cucc'] fin'tlcft tFTiffiii;;-frfi, tt v"Jf wiidc. vor arro gh,a.u! 0r"-i#;;:ji;F-eiiiii "ect"t' bc r t.!ro, tEn tos ! !r - r."rny rn;;a-rnfi i** Luttt6* u tc a rccurlvrror|t oqtlco\T 'yltEl tt"t- #il.Tfrffttii o.lltrbd fltn!&.! "r{.I |t ur ng b ttgo yournsrE b rnyadr illnet bcovgtdbytlbh.!.ormy!*ro...'a.dFud€dd'b grac' tsr Yrh'n bls Lrt..rPLs' q au u tp rJb_.Hffi$ImfilTfft*ffi,n"r,*ry:1g:3:?1o-l*gtu'trr.!,tft urt na ror tin eu, odl. i:i{;' i;';oi;ie na ir nrewc p,r,&Jel| bvra |tttpon''9hfrn o.b.rr, iJu-Jf rccddi,,e lt'dEr. tl. vchtd. #,-r|onfor **ttta uot e'd.d' b ' locslion d"lsn'H b tr cort d ut a|r snout b aoE Fv wHdemb irtrbrd,,ou *"rr,!trn * "sGi6-riJn c;;ira,-r-r"T.ttdT,[! voq t"t:;;i;bc (a) vrc ql -fi; opoon 'q|rl|c9lv lr utrt!' q b|rrfidoG you do .Et r,rnn"osr",v rd.6iiii" 6 ur, ai oi ri-|.-iii1". *ii,iiii liii-"".llr a"p-n mr;r tf|ld to votr o"t vour dltldon |lrplnt. frovrrld Difth.rr lha of *rIol lou rnr" vilir"i 6ffi6i,iii" ",n th! whld6' tT.TATECHARGE:rg|yp.norrpeylrnlirnot|rndcbylouwhd|d|r,lou.g.FbF€yur.bbcbacoftopcc.d(lo*)ot-.*r{lchLbp'rmt''hro'tttt|..tdttn #flfrHf.ffi!,*.d.cmodn.r,bnr{n'bdord€'"r'" m,gmflg:m$m,,5fnHf ffipffi"lg:m.,t,ry-Ury, ard u!' Jd llgti'd both frtrco .to"d bv t/oo ft *Atittg r,tffi ,!. FCELrArEougt,n*""ortrr"uiliffifrfiurnypcrtottrtteere,rv.-c.n,b(ltu.donoltLwb'bkomy'ction|t!c@dybltt"tvoltcoitdianc'wo|rim(10) jiiii&-,"ni"e;u",,,f raidxct rq* att *ru lc ffi P€h *""{lftffi #Hl["#$H,',lmm*r.xr,f ! bY You at rsffi rHfr #tr#ffi''ffi ffisiiffii $r,ffi***.ffi.ffi.ffi #fr *FsLde' L'[!'!d'rAtIcl"A ffi icttin germeH us' rt ucc.ARflCrr 2A PROVISIOIS: You you orih' unltotncom|t|.toltl God' l'Llcc.l| rh|t lt' rg.x lhlttlrtt tr.|. l. I Tlr|.ls' H#fi,*.i:::iffi' or!|or.-arm *.frffi;:;i;iiitt'titttririr con .cr. xld rh.tyonrnry-...."-llfiiiiiii.iiirriuo,r rvtpoth'bl'i'r'voumh'.r!v.|d'i'lshL ffiSJiffi""m"$i*f"li".:*g'g*#"#,8$ffi*.f.0{,?,'ging*o..:it"'!o'x,.'''tth'*n'ofd6.wrv'tu"'d t ultrdglpt occco tro rn*uramrt f'L'ttiiie ffil#tril#J;ftmm,'mmf.qryU"l,mHH#S::"""lff,frS,T-"'*"bn.p'ov!oo!ofrnv'p'rhsu! e.po*.iffd#t iii*ifri "lrqt trlo, ffiinrgopcrty, * u!. (f)sltor' md'or-httd Ir|lrrs,ro goecy: tc) or ag tor o, silotl''"'oooo'trp"oc"*iti"tGl-lii"'loday8; "* ".n.iliil FcofEnddo$t lolrerrovcvovc"otJiiritr-[nho r|l*i'filril;#]'t#iiriii fttt"ttt' t . wH.n coftlo.t b) erpcc tr g$trffiffi#Ft|Rs cdv, dl nrelnbrt.rE r!F.r vdrcr'o ANo "r,o ;t;';'m-';t"t" "u* tiiii.. i- irt*ta tt" wtrtdr war urc tuuccr aidnul lut{cbl q You4t!'bp'vbq you.g.s bmatntlin.ddrtpsk0l!yrhh|!br..pltlngood$qrltlede'rdcqddonlhl nr.rE s'|l.drl!r ii-"i6Lii ocinmidr htrc,o|ldr )'bru'l iJ"s,*o-*n1". 'ttd d,'rrd ..rhh rt'''. oe€"ritrs opERA't{oExipENses: "p."-ri or t"-*rffiifi nra"rm*'lrorrtr'tlmorpal(c)mb*t mnm,w.r,nnr,*ffi.1&,nq*%WlffirP'u'r{-h.;itd]1i;tfF'bddv't'tc.!' 'Ero...uar 'q(&ttd rmuacr: pohr (c)b"L d'me'dot lidntd ttdt'llq ad""hrl|"''!d r|tndskrh.vlhtdcwr€"c'di*repLc.dwlh.4d9.i..rof.q-iq",jfj'iriifiiqlllll;trttc*r.qr-'-P&otv*t"lYird;(')dtL'heoruEn it'itiirns rl;i,a-iiii r... u"t y*r.t o.d&.(tndudm rpd!,o,"rri'il't-6#u.iio*rvri.'wit, th' v'hld' b op"tL ll'l l|oLy' |!rt|\ htp'!D"' tt t ' o.'rrrr* irrii: (t l arl n *r!rrc.r Jmi-* #--.taruit "tu*" cor$,...t , h..d [nd1 ,rp*,",.ry,,.i# "ro*, or not covcrdtlt|uanca Las. kr oof.cdo.l vdth I t.r'lr c' dtr tE crd tt o.|.rni"*r,l *r-a: snd-0)rny ots &nEee, widtrr y€ddc,! t .ro. b dlccp F.H! 2a EXCESSIYEAR: -i*, ffi05ffi-distLoiune'isdlnrrernr bw.qu' ;ff ffi .'*'co$c.{. ffini.Js;l"HfEdffi'ffiHl##l$m*rffiE$r$ffi co'rtb o"ld n'qdpm' ilLi;;-*"dt*bt' by{ryy t€ rt.|€l*tc atovlioddtt' tt't'vdl tl|tdn yr..eG. "ri"lo'r 2G thfERAEtLlry: yo|l ano 'fb'L 2t. CXOICE OF LAWI You F d"rl ttdlf !,v FEruoi olt{. Lcr. .vJl --r'".tr.ttt ! Lr.!.l. '! 'nd ' v.u !o€.ri.d by b tuud you,s,','.4urr ui..rorc..tb tlc l!s, ot g16ay1 t{ l'*to''rt tlerrd b tht co'irclr btt of frt ti'b' h tr lb'E 'nd LEASOR SCHEDULE of PAYMENTS PAYMENT (S) OF Knoxville Harley-Davidson, Inc. 5800 Clinton Hrqy. Knoxville TN. 37912 Plrone 865.689.2454 Fax 865 ,689,4794 tln: YEARLY QUARTELY LESSEE MONTHLY N-bt&sc^r hn* t OTHER- /urotFft Dt 5 . cv\ftrn. Aoorr 4 0o Crr rryg^1 , NUMBER of PAYMENTS t PAYABLE ATSIGNING OF ms d $J$OO:a Month Security I Tr.r 3) ntL Deposit $ --_ Acquisition Foe Othcr Purchasc option Purchase price Nono $.- of or /l $ll:!l-E:tlt#,:llTiH:il:ts::""M,p,1,:t*:l tiovrtruiuhrgo until such timc Ncw/Uscd q as purcharo option pricc plur ton p€rccnt ior ttrinod.timcly rcturn of suclr VEHICLE DESCRIPTION Ycar 8or I Makc Model l{Aerc,l\*urxar-> vrN "aifur. # ir-riiriiJili" uilugttarjdJ lHDl Famtf&B7ttg4 Fr-*rP Dear Lessee: wc havc wrlucn thb lctsc in plain lurguagc bocrusc rve want you to fully undontud itc tcms. ptaaro rcrd your mpy of this loasa aarofully ond fccl licc to rsk uo qrrortlo. you mry hrvo a6out lr. Wc ucc ihc u,ords yOU rnd youR to mcrn lhc Lcsscc indicatcd bolow. Tho words WE, US and OUR, rcfcr to tho Lossor indicrted bclow. -y l; LEASE AGREEMENT: You agcc lo lcaro ftom us slq rvc ogrcc to lsrsc to 1ou, tho vchiclo lirtcd rbovc oror sry schcdulc to this lcasc, You rgrcc thal at our option, any rchadulc to thk lcarl rhall bo oonsiOorca a scpsntc lcasc and lhc tcrmr rnd conditions of thls lcasc rgrccrnonhhall alro aipty ig riypcrrcouic." vor.q.rq1n.iri ri rho cum oriit orns rerrat pgyrncn' indicucd abovc or on any sohcdulc, whictr rum cin tc crtoulaco uy mul'iiptyi"i urJnirurrof pryrmng tlrnor tho prymort lmomt indicatcd abovo or on my schcdulc. Tho rmount orogr.rcnnr on rny rolrcdulo ir barcd on our ontlmrrod eoircnt iii* total coct of the vchiolc including, if applicrblc, imrrttorion *bivnito"i. i,or[r:n ,6rrt ;ryr;i;inib.'rfi;'6;;;, mEnncr, ifthc adual cost of the vshicls is grcatir thsn ourGstimoic, ana ccnt (107c) if it is ncccssary. in r proporrlonrro p, iulrori* us to aolust tlrc rcntal paymcnt W up to tcn ,.r- 2: ORDERING VEHTCLE: You rcqucst that rvc atranp dclivcry to lou rr,ouroxpanso. In tho ovsnt thot wc haw is*rod a purchosc ordcr or oonlracl for ths vshicfg you agrGo thrt thc purchuo oroi'ot'oonrnir hrvo mtcrcd lnto purclnsc a contrsct ht t!,lLltigla you agrcG to rssigr it t *ipr*irlo p try* to w, offoctivc whcn wc pay for thc whicfc, 3: No WARRANTIES: Wo are leasing this vohiolo to you "AC t3;. WE MAKE NO yARRANTy, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDWA WnnRANTIijs oF NoN.INFRIGEMENT, MERCHANTABILTY, OR FITNESS FOR A PATICULAR PURPOSE OR ORDINARY USE IN coNNEcTIoN wlTH THls LEASE. rqg as loo rp not in dofrult undcr rny tcrmr of rhir tcasc. wo trnnofor T to )ou my warrantics madc to us by tho msnufacturc orsupplior. you unocrgtEnd and agrcc rrriinsvondor, irs rpnts rnd cmployccr no1 zd lo wTye o-r churg3 Eny tcrms or conditione of rhis tcrsc. YOU AGREE filf, 'c sgents of ours. nor sro lhcy authori REGARDLESS o-F CLAUSE, You wLL Noi AssERT ANy cunlu wHATsoEVER AcAINST us FOR LOSS OR PROFITS YOU EXPECTED TO MAKE OR ANY OTHER DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGqS. lf yor hrvo onlcrcd into r matnrcnanos sgr6monr wirh us with rcsPcct to thc vohlolc ond thc cott of such mainronuroc fcasc, lhcn you acknowlcdgo that anyonc to wlm.m maintcnansc of tha vchielc, that sucli usignoc is noi a o rg*r,*r rri paio ovcr thc torm, or I portion of lho tcnn, of thls for rhe scwicc, ropair, nor r.inronu-r*r llrccmcnt, and cvcn if you havc a dlrputo ro t; *igrnis-irsr; irtur!1 noiti*proiuro . rcgarding mrintcnancc or rcwico you wili-oontinuc to and ell schodulcr to this loEsc. ffiiitir*.nir*rr piy rssignco rfr maintonanoo atlrontii pgvmcnts duo undcr rhis lcrsc 4: NON-CANCELABLE LEASE: you cannot canoel this leasc. SEE REVERSESIT}E FOR LESSOR TERMS AND COND]TIONS W]IICH ARE PART ACCEPTANCE A*r By: Name Title: Address o^r", 4aqt# ,/ AC OF'rnls LEASE LESSEE 4- X=u,z ka /h Printname, Mngf Llc,q,s Ilq !EI'!ON (S) SIGNTNG THIS LEASE CERTIFY THEY ARE THE LEGAL REPRESANTIVE TO DO SO AND AGREE NO MODIFICATIONS MAY BE MADE TO THIS LEASE UNLESS BOTH PARTIES AGREE TO SUCH MODIFTCATION irV WirftirVC. 'l.f!' FORM Law Dlrcctor l a IERIS co,| OF LEAaE ERclAL LE^gt Acqu|smo FEE: ?r ha!. b.n vdll !biq|ttcdabhltanyvctdcb lsd.ll'r!r!dbyouo.yoqr.ornt('1h.Co.flrsc.mqtt haw ird a[ of ro!. oUl0.Ion!€e!.. Thc pqtrFnt ofE l.rE p.y.t . p! In rdv!ic... r!.bd oo lh. Ev€Fa polmlr|t 13 dlr on tc Codric.rnad lh{e. You ${l ba nodfLi, in wrfE Itng ch.r€c lh. drtg of Fqrfrsl psyrnanL ns!an{, cf!cod!r! rH.6on.r b!|r,o.drdrd.ddq*{dru. lhb-',|ndrv codnu{ltou !dF&|c b 0i! los9. Th. f.!i ' rbw baduem0|O3afl|!rhy.Edr pqbd Indlcsbdon$o.rvqls8ld€. AIpoymnbdlbrmadrbgest.qraddt!!3mlhl. dorEb In wdUm. YqrobICEdon b pay Fni.b b r6 b urrondltoosl ard lr r{ suq!d b rny EdrJcih.l, sd{f, d9b.E€, or couFd*n lba any Q!!on $tEbo.\rc., Yoo 0sta 6 b lrcd whhh ldon{feuon nunbq! 8rd ofra kLntifo.Xo.r dab ebod fi. vrhld., G n!0.r oth.r o.nllt dhctd nEtrr. It wllbc hcd by us b srcutB your bltfl pcrforrErrs of hb ba5e, rrd lt w{llbo rEtlm.d or applLd as dabd h PrraoFph t4. Of tha Comr|rcfit thb of lt$ b€...ttd {dt tdFdrl. b tG bas!, )otJ.h.llpeylo u!. one{ma !dnk*h.dr,c bo, r.tto.r@ccd lgn.00, b,*nb!r!. ur lb. our !bG!p d||*&fatvc.rd .edfE ood!. .nd o$u.hlp of lh. f, ASSlctWE t: You may ndt icll, trnrfcr, |'dgn o. ]|bl!||r l rd olc t'Y. mry, ulthout nodttng yoq rll,4.fOn or hndr lhb brx v!htcl.; drd you !gr|. th.ilt m do ro, !l|r .i l.r!o. rdtl hwt tttG .dr. .lghir .nd b.rfb lhd r. mr h!v.,-.ttd li. no L..or rlll nd luv. io -!t o, ou. ;t6d;; 'tou;r* dr.t !|. .tghtr od !| l|.ry t...o. * t not b. r&.l.ct to |t|y drlm., d.lbne.. or ..ffi tH yor| m.t hiv! .g.ln|l ur Hofw.., ||ry FalodcpqyflE vradd Or vahlcla wlll not ]'.lLva Ua of our Oblha0o io you rmdaa lhla ltaX. ENJOYIENT: W. a|r th. oum.r otth. v€hkrl.6rd hav€ ti. bth. v.lida lf anyotd p..&n atbnpt ioolelm orvrrdip.atrwtldsbya$qtnC btFY.hldo. Fuh.r, ygl.r.0t!o h.l yql nlll.fsX ddF! k!.P tEwdclefE tD.n ,r;fh,!,rgh )ou.€F€,.tyoq.r!p€ns€, b poi.d and da[dd is .d.drd o. ri.lto .eEin!t lh. vrhld.. So lom.r toulr.ol In dCdt tlany]qElpr@.. ui imdAig ,bdc. rf.t!o"g, or [.n r"r, l€g.l o.!cs '€s, "i"i'gf,r. qudy "no you 0l u!. atd €nloy tlr.t dEl l.s!a, Yr. ag.c. rennt ln th& *m .. . . vdtld.slv elvoif ck! -!.t trtcttld€ hgood rvotldng-ordlr-and €palr. You nill k6p ioss6rvemdu: vor iro ri4ondur oiio€phg""!,{d" GA|D a[l-Cnmrnf, r!lc, oi trOrfta of thb loraa i. OhgiCXfp iffO OUTBT ouit 6"tAn-iil".t .rr uiriny tr ldalnoi; ;A#: ii''dim,..,..'"aa",andy';udot{yu89|rfbuEhErsF'po;!gard|ncornittarrcev.atrattrpdnabb|.\^6.Yolw|0notm.ko.r|ya|brEth.|.io|lrr,!.| At ti16 ;.d ot trc tlrn of loaso- you dn itr.m ur Ehlcle io tc. at yo.r ortplrre.. You atGrpo.Et{c b f;}ifif6,f;il#i;;";,;tui;dth"td. probclhE trc ,a.u"t'o.,,a..i.'gc",",.".ptforot|naryv,carandtgar.ndfom.rotBrklnddh8wl{b-to{,|c|tbb.ingdo[vr.!dio}oU.h|lr.l,!||l|h.b4 vlticb. a (li) p.yb u8 drr ut"r c",6.0,.--rrre id rp" ,,is na rn o"ri n unaii tr" r-"" or any Jtr{ otlga0onr b us, hpn }ou rtrell hcw tre opto,r u (D t ealr.g.t!4s? ur. d!!c.ltv.|6olMhlh.unp.|dbat.rr€otoFr€m.|r{rrgranturrdcrhcLearcandtrpacrrila[roforrrFs|du.i|nb6€thtFY!h|c|.(.ad|co.iF,.du'|hed|!ootd!k ni (6%) pcr y!40. TAXES ANo FEE3: you pctE lo. rgt!€ !o psywnofi rfua a! y'!r b o8t!'b tax.a,fina!, rrgisrafuoi.oa snd p€naldG aab&E to t{! ha!a, You tLo aetla-tBtvra have lha tlgm '5ch you udtlpqy ur t|6 c€tmabd taxec utm,,ve reqrr{pavrneot [t4,€ p€v.lry.ttF6. bE. ' fir. tleht'dott drinr-*airorm dtt i.3, wl61an r€g.d b atry dbcolt6 Yre mryobh dl b ""r*ig "nothii o r"t,no,""a;-;1j||;-; t ti"vtn*i"iu x u"*a*mtul.tnow{dst pr.tpo€c oa ltdr filitlc,.o bg.r trirn0 dcs not lt{tfitt! u'ltr your dodm€nt for trc b any "glstijffiG,igt{-6ft'a i* -* ady g€wrr{ o. dldrd.e. v"c,o "r"o dqhtb u3. tF whlde. ug b lou or arr ottl6t p€6on c s6d bytt! t.e-of qtt-\ttl*' You agfoe b lCmbu" lE ior 'nd b d'fstld li. l[DEfi{]ty: W6 ar€ not tratdElbl€ toa sny la{Url.l or h!!€a o,rt'arrorcirro, b||n orti' L'!' tr' titorrtihrfaul|&kr.. Thl€ Indd codru,l€ il;;fr;;;;F,ty-ffi b.! or p.nEldr. to.)ou,os ilifirou. #fi;-d;li;;;-f;;;ir{i"b", 'vsr 'rb'th' "rroo nGclsrst!'d€' 1g6bh.r),!uoyrnopdEb (s) hslranc..€.In!t1o6., th.f, &magp o.d.shodoiio fio tiehlcb,6'r|Pb #li$u**, "c-o "* ..ntmuss|o!!p6y!.;rd(b)p'/b{cuaD|[va'dproiqtyr'emadch5u|.ltcorranlrp.waaenadb0on.alnsurd.stdtlnq'.nc!(.l|dwrithn.v|drtEd€|hqbu!doU not 0F ob[cado'l' b hrv' eudl li'ur'nc' p'otrcdm ur d'c'd 6t ]ou' -t oio"to, tt ,t-w ih'v€.0F deht but or.sf'nd n you Hr Lir.r"-foJ --"r*t r!ouc80 ltb...u!t dryr* off'vo'8bb b'! dG q PaH b u! utdorrhc po0cl by lyanicriott (nor p"iu r*,rin"" goucco r.,r you. m mua" ifi-,ri Gle€rE !m 'qronr alloc'bd lo dp...., Intblttld pay ardr.n.u'6 h proridc.nd to ".rar wltr.arci tndrnncs. Yos so,!. b o.r*"i|fr!|otouc""hn* '.51l 'q,1la'. p'H r*dtd'.ya',dr tr. p.l"n"o ryg*r, *lote""rl"iss'}" i;yhslratE P,pcc'dt ii.ii-iffiilft_-6irt"a""*d"ed 's ' F!c*d! to roFF optlon to: (tF6 0b lE{'nce ia€ tF !hl! t€n o ur. oucr outiritooani ,ou o, iii* # i;'dlii[u,toii ,ong lou to6! or d.msgr b o',. vchr.rc, ind6r utl" irrc. r iniuandt i" pta""o utto.t thls Prrrraoh 11' votr illrl cooFlb Yriou "J g, ",n ,r"nli'fiu,ilit-mriorhi0*s or ,"pt"". h. v€Hdc, or tnl "o L.8!. !h.llctlsb.nylirut rE FladonthlpotttrytlD'$tEboov"bctwGdlt! *trm pracornfiliffi-ffi JaryiJ.l r.r"nru rru" wb inrualp agrngn coffr.otlon"ppry in tulr.ny l.Eur.trco, h.ny {nount! or u9o'r try sp'dfic bm! rd oonddqr' ti *crn"_*tt"lrv,in y# JGi.a plrty. p.Gon or oo'r .rd 4'rg' to l1p" wlthod hlvlng 11y ['5gb .rpGtunco).nd.rl,cr6bor.ry*a"" .q{.lp.ynont (ptu. tn1a1plr- oot.nout* In;1;ranc' rltow ltly arn mru'rrrca clvt11ga whlch wr fat rrrangc, rnd Yrr rnry ",'y rha rhht to Lrmlnab ur "o,.r".oe.'rilii* rataavt 'uch o.-EnoyJ.l cowr.g. urd'r tl€ proriae red;rc6mont b. oicarJu sluit not rr. wu h tF 6r€nt th.t v{o ,"pr"- o, ,a,** pott*tt of o;i"-*"#6retrg, ionaruolr..trc prwlol-*."g", voun.&"iiiiGoyiiaG""rittaau,t ic aitft., tig"l r'nr t!fn9' cocb' fnlb o' 'flt€t(lcut"ndsdo'Eedld@rlrrb'dEd(s'o'dr'lb tn" p'Fst wlro dE w' c'n flTiriffffirffiil,l5ffffiffi;i"i;r-r't*gro,Iry$*::[{I:#rr.6r.nddo',isre..,o.}eubcco.r.rnroryc.rr'.$hn,o,'....ubrtrb.n b nteto bsin+O' procddrU' Fs *l bt h d€f[ i F; d€lbtit ls caus;d by yott Hltn valucO 'rr rour o'!dlb.!, or 6ri.r (Yol'bt1y ot ltrYoud;lyi . udiE r dx pdsnl (6lg) p'f Fer lcar!' uttdu tx otlc laa* b"iatil of .l.or-t1g- tti ul Frtfi; o * r1o ili-,r"-ilffiiiiie .tqdr€ thst yo. nfim t! pGr..[vcu.d83'Ebd$o\tc' Youdroogrc "*ru. d, h"dai{on*""nitrortquil!tgyou peyod-,fi;u"dingtpcrnEnh, f youtrttb|!tmmv.n... "tlntEYdllcb, b|rootvb tho dLntt''|i{tt€d bvhv{' f Fu'dedb r; ;;dtd;iitt) * dlii#,iiii.iriiia-rtiilt,i io payus H..rato.r.t $nl! o,* *r*, uv-tstvp"oto"ta'lt wtcanrhourt"rottr€ ".i Nrs !h.[ brenti[€dlod;;ffi;;i;;li;rfi"ecd'so s b;Bo, p,ofr-*r--,ri*,t c".' dbryyou. uE *m iny,,r lo,r*", los ter" b p'vor''€a!o'rbL .ab.tfiii;;; [". .s dtc! sv.[.,. b u" ur&. nr U,ii". affi;;i;;;il;ff1";. g *tpplng' tEFd4nc !d trrine uE vdid'' AltFrfh "Gtt'rit "nt'-tt'itotcdbcdo'r p"yirr" oo.ia,.pon".uii-' r poq",r otJ atd|.f. f.€!, erd r.irstcqas. Irw. mv€ o-;; j'la "*-cxcicairr run ot ('' our co€l of |!oo"€.don 'nd f"t e gtia"r,t "*r"r.rpu t yoo.0|!. tt5tsn .r! ,Ft onrg"bd o *--, ||;i;;;iliir,. df rrdr e€!4 Yo1; !0r€' thd n'c do y"ir 11ldit lb' tht "i "bb;;-il;-;i$ c-lt ""r*a., it;n cl* 'np,1r !.t ottr yl1, dd (blt .""* r",. ifr Etilfr|il""rifi.i|r"uro "t*tt '; ' Eoor e"ths rnt"'d t*' tloo'fFtrt f tit nm:"m,ru,W:roHlT"fi;Tyd*,"r1qat4l!_g.g*rro.'.orp.Eorr'no,n.ntu'dplivnchtqrt'hb'dnE fGc.Id pr'r! h fl wlll tsntln Aiiii peit l. &mtrd b t ,"tttl""iiii' 'ftct' cd'.r'cld cod' fucc) fitEndtrg b.!. b b. s h{d.rd Le€t oocuncr* eno f;lc trt lt.ny ,,.tiir. vou atco glo_w trc dem b-.rrn;-LLl'/-lil rt yoor opcnec, 'ry udbm t!' r|slsfril otr t!co!'sy8r'r bc I r..rc, th.n you e'n[ u! ! ..cdt rrb;;; x. o bc r"lolltutii* J..-rn ifuri i[t!g. t ' rirb| ortll8bdfr!|rga,.r wcl rr t|..tghtb lbn your nerE ba'|yludr "t* -'l*"m.m+xmmffil3,lt*,lou d€dd' b r,. r..r,|"r! colqtd bv rf F* *-"itfl1h b hb r'€!6, rnd r'- !,y:ur,nna rrcmn o, *Htu prrrErcatdtrc v*fac' tl'nvdi'n t$ L'!' dlint' or rf loJa"ofoc Omirtil.' ,Jil'ai, dFh..0l. vlt{ct @rdrrre o * Er.r, rJr riJn t-r'.rc€ga.d, b. bc.lioo d..lg.rH bytr' ltttF r 't9*tddt *,,ato.,"rr**r"e itJffii"iii-ra 'nir yfl ir r onr{r'.ud oeiflcr, tor, *rl r*,mtr vati'frffi-iooa.'p"rr, b 9'v l! rrrFunt equ'l b h co8r c vdraceni (") ttil $rd;E;*"|;0rc 'n lpprynbrdt 'ctorE {nsto.\ yoq do not r,n rrcrory..ur-fi ""tiir.6,,., "i -i oetm "r. aufiiilii* u * ,dmvc. {rordd.d Fu h.rG* "*'"ly-*e"etr,ttrinnnrao,vosoraFrdltlcdo'r "n, ".r"&'oiffi;;;;;6[;il tE lttds. of tr v.f*io. IG.LATECMRGE:renyp€lto'|psylE|tlbr|otm'd.byFlstl€nal.,}Yqr€.bPsJu..hdl{rpolt|np.rc..{(10*)o{...t!u.hbp.',d..|t ds tll.t tr qlclinl parltst ws d€' o poy * ol. #-frH&-riG-t'rt-orp niitt tSttq"i.! 0rc v- lr{rys odr{&dbv trw. "e,.. 'rr-etrneloneerelTicHAl€Esrn'rti-it"o''urtmt"t'tto'tott"tla-lE;;tifft""t*dM'rnndt4modltLd'l€'mlrbddott'wdte bsri' 6 c'tdno Fr' co'np{'rE ' ffig"mrn$lilH:ffiHr3ffi,ii*-ry1ggg,g.-,ggg.:rwcdorioth$,.b,td€'ft'rvou'conpr'nc'uPontrn(r0) 'tFrDutr'' oo r ii"r,y"#,i'r to otn"n y'rr:ttdh,;il;;;;lt;iy-pGirr'Oo.t-ptt* c8|1 y.r. cii n*""r"n daF pdqwrttr.n.pric. b rditdornt nnr ana *nu Oc pnU uy yo,, "t mr h.v! b, h.v!.!ch In ,'.ro p,o.",,,p,JJiJ-ir".i Lo!'' pr""*m; ililil-fi;;'iF to codPlv tlh P'rqftdr o|Jii?ffii& J,t,.r*.r puvrri,rtp,rr,rd"" 'faf P.tlsneliii r'wndc'd a.. '.el'd utder 0'b d;-h.d'd bff""#;;-il; iipJ*,,fulrt rc!.,dr.ycuxb.rttrcr"mner"''p.n"o'i'niffiLiutirJatrgroadtntt'tffrimggfli3iJfm;g;mf,;,m..t-:'l1gr&Si,$! 'ffint;rytgeffi. t2 ot t'rl' ue ,, ffiffiffii'frH** ACNO BEI$EEN US. 19.ucc{RltcLE2APRov|s|ol{s:You'0'..lh.tlh|.h.|.1...F|nc.t.I...rr.d.r^dc|.Ao|th.unro.'|tcontm|d.|cod.|.Ucc.Itld|+you.Gk|o$dl. nidry vot' lti vo., tttw trrvt dsn'it rrtd" th' roel' thr{.}y".ddnor..t.ct,.-rr".t.""frffili-"lij|.-urrtiouprrclrurmiffifii[*litiitttAtot-"th'v'glYrnnoo'dr111111ofth"upp['rolitr' d,ontr you .,r t ..rri rrorn ur. ,,. rrffi#t;i;;;t "nrciililiioJiw.'tilr rl;,iirirmi.irii'fi tv.eptlc'bl' btt, vcu urlvt ,'vtrd d deit' 'chtct r*.. cor rhdyou m!, ort-rc_rrghr..r.qffiT; .o.r."ro'..iijri*i-iil;oon ';i; ffi*f.ffijmtt"*n'*";fl!5-Sffit?#rffiffi*".d.q.-m1:*i!$tr.d. tok!.".e.u,.s.tmtr.ord'rvcrv'tu'r'd Fovr*'.d'.'iv'Pe.**b rnmr**'trsfr btL'o*etg ffi#,m.gx$,$ryq*#S#ff'ffi"""i"T;"1ftffi*"*"bt!' r'"ndo mr uriO t" tr#.Hfffi#ffi *ffd#iiil or.. lo u*r meiofa', o,aro"" "tttia" ".,d to.hke, tc) ur€ a p,rU* ttrc pt',ff ';tj| ".nro.t-.liiii, wrrie inr tht |u.ffF';(o)rc'mvrtn.vdK#mhr*Giiii-t]lt1.i.p'r6'ur.6c."*"i.,r""i-tij^,oday8;(0anr.'naf,o'|Nii[ iin-"6tii, lb'rirur, ,; c* rr""iiilliiiit'r]riii^irJii"r''lrrtri uro 'Fdr wr ..r cdE r,rr (o) Qpocc uro wnq. lo ylticlc b k .p lt h good wo'klne ord'r!c b rrrnbln.dd rtp€h lh. Rs AtD opERAING ExpEt{sEs i mmg,m$|t u--"r". m -*iiififij'iii#iiiJ op"r-n"ffi:-v* rc. |!pat cov.f d str#F;**ir*"mffi nil,iih n|ahr.rE ffi Zr. eXCegSWe.m: "- ,exccarv,roar "l!o hdud..: "e." (r)9bs!i\dtbd.iE d vrt.t ort.! (tnctuilns rr @'dticl 'nd m oirprt M"rrl 'nd Yoq tnal ludldrl o' tcrE b Dayft'q lhllttnrE sd!'ddo .:S"*\1ffi ffi mffi :rroFrdneqP'nr6'rdrio.c.. orth.ty.|I-h.itdil;Ttd;"4;. GFo.d y,,rh.qip.ntnt equrr.q,iiii jnir* coni|. r.!b. tr..d nd!, up,,o,"r.rv,,r'I.iJfi'rfi-iirii: *h€6ro c mt cot'€tld.bvirtrruE ' ;#:;;;tu|;t;. Td-(!:ry.oos danrre'' loorsr' ffio6n-#i-iiiiCl6iune'irollnemern: F d€'c h" trqult" vou tntyvls htEv.frd€ yifdr Jrnnior ot of b"dy'tnitrt' mcUmrt'ttqtlr t*nof peht (c)tnhdt!0lqulFUr rrLrlng wtrot covco'-tootc [i1ititt, df th'lb&'tPoltt (c)b'n dr 0'd o' litfid itrtr' foo' occre-n; (ol glJb-1s;}f; sr!;.r,"*",..1i't-6dilrJi to.r,v,i,i*ttsP (t ) *rv"er aiiii:t iiiiL-"ttal vthtctc. n{ha'p b tot ceusec up v*rtuc o oD"dt h Ltr.o..ttL.nd oa ' noLy' rbirgh' t' r".!' h corfdo'r tYlur ' npFF ' r'rdt"' ;ffi ffiffi **'dud* You.cE.ltbdr",d'|d ffinfm*:lm'"E1ffi''nmHli:ru1ffi*,mfrmffi !t Jt dtil..h'l tr r"" |rn'ln q'Oirqrpt tr t,. rlraL$g odotnab'' cottob ot €cl'up|||..x' t-corc t"toura unrrorc.eue bysrycotg 2G sEvERAEtury: v* *"T;;r-"il'frffiJititi dtld f4,*,''*!srd dir a*"*,ar w,, d rc lhtt ui! Lr€!6l! eovltnrd by t€ la/ ir. cHofcE oF LAwr ,*"r,."'*Lil;;";"* flwldon. of b ur. confllct' i'tfl hrortrt d'b' In tul fo'E 'nc LEASOR SCHEDULE of PAYMENTS PAYMENT (S) OF Knoxville Harley-Davidson, Inc. 5800 Clinton Hwy. Knoxville TN. 37912 /4 a'l-e Plrone 865.689.2454 Fax 865 ,689,4794 YEARLY QUARTELY MONTHLY OTHER- Arbr4rD^r Cg"^pk lntRrt=Ft bslF. I NUMBER of PAYMENTS I PAYABLE AT SIGNING OF LEASE ot {, fhRrrnr l\oorrn Aoo Crr,JToo Trur , ? )) tL t lx S t l{ rv\ € Month Security Deposit $ $---=$- - Acquisition Fco Othcr Purchase option Purchase price of $;:,.!;f=:[fi,:t:ltTi,H'fl*"n: until such timc cs purchaso option pricc plur tcn psr ccnt (io 74 rui*rarye ror Ncduscd Ycar 14 lot l None or $ -'- #,l,H*:l, crjnori+rrli raitn oiircii-itaiirrc z h-.ii,iilil" VEHICLE DESCRIPTION Makc Modet vrN # Mircagc( ggsb ll+ar.r+-bR.r,bssJ Fu_d,TP lFlorFrrrv\ l3 B B(rftoAf Dear Lessee: ws havc wrltrcn this lcrsc in plain langurgo bccrusc uq wmt you to fully undcntand lts tcnns. plcorc nrd your mpy of this leosc oarsfully rnd fccl frcc lo rsk ur rny qucstlonr yo,, mty hrvc aforut it. Wc uco thc u,ords yOU rnd YOUR to mcul thc Lcsscc indicatcd bclow. Thc words WE, US and OUR, rcfcr to thc Lscor indicrtcd bclow, l: LEASE AGREEMENT: You rgrc to lcuo fionr us wc rgrlG to lcuc to yor, tlro vchicto lietcd rbow qor schcdufs to this lcas€, You rgrcc thaf rt our optlon, ury rchcdulc to thb lcrishall consiiorsb r iclsc ano thc tormc ad conditions of thls lcasc rgrccmsnt rhall aleo apply to rnyrclrcdulo- Yor promi; tho cum offul ofrho rcntnl prynrarrs indicucd abovc or on lny rchcdulg whiclr rum cin uc irtcutaco uy mufrtplyi"i tr,inimurr of prymonts tlmls rhc paymort lnomt indicatod obovo or on ony rclrodufo. Thc rmount orcrcrr rcnoiirqq"t rny rclrodulo ie brrcd on o.r ortlmuod totsl Gost of tho vchiole including, if applicablc, inctrllrtion oocir. mJl,"rrrl sia[ uchuoo or lonrrcd, in a proporllonuo mlnncrr ifthc rgual cost of thc vchicicig grcatcr lhan oursstimilc, and r", iuiriitri* ue to rojust tlrc rcnhl prymont by up t0 tcn pcr. ccnt (f 07o) if it is ncccssary. q{ * t;;;i;s dffi;im"i oi* 'y s.pfi; ttyfii 2: ORDERING You rcqusst that rvo $rmto dclivcry to )ou rt lolr oxpcnso. In thc ovenl hat nc haw is*rod a purchasc ordor or conlracl for thc vchislg you tgrGo that 0rc p,r. if yo,, hrvs cntcrcd into nrrclrua oroir or-onrtrir tr a purchasc conlnagt for tlr!rychi9tq you agroc to assign it to us, slhotivc whcn wc pry rirthc vclriclc. VEHICLE: *.ipn*irro 3: NO WARRANTIES: Wo are leasingthis vehiclo to you "nS t3". WE MAKE NO yARRANTy, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, |NCLUDIXA UnRANflES OF NON.INFRIcEMENT, MERCHANTABILTY, OR FITNESS FOR A PATICULAR PURPOSE OR ORDINARY USE IN CONNECTION wlTH THIS LEASEro$ st !'or us not in dcfrult undcany terme of thir lcrso, wo trnnrfor ro you rny wrrrantics made to us * by thc mrnufccturc orsupplior. You undcntmd and agrcc ttrarrhaVondor, itr agcntr 4rd anployecr agcntsofours,norsrothoyruthorizdtotojyogl.ltngconytgmsorconditionsoflhistcrsc. ,,t not YOdAGREEfief, REGARDLESS oF cLAUsE, YoU WILL Nof AssERT ANY cuntrrl wHATsoEVER AcAINsr us FOR LOSS OR PROFTTS YOU EXPECTED TO MAKE OR ANY OTHER DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL OR INDIRECT DAMACIS. tfyou havocntsrcd intosmsintcnanocagroonronl wirh us with rcspcct to tlrc vohiclc and thc cost of t,*1, maintcnoncc agrocmarl f,i priO oro thc lcrm. or r portion of tho tcrnl of thir ! lcasc' thcn you " acknowlcdgo that anyonc to whom *c GiEt tirir-i*r shall,not bc rcsponsiblc for tho scrvicq rcpaim. nor maintcnancc of thc vchislc, that such usignoc ir not t io',,ir"ir, Iiiccmcnt, cnd cvcn ifyou havc r dispurc . rcgarding maintcnancc or scwicc lou wifl continuc to piy f6r ruch assigncc ollrcnrii maintonurcoprirJnir dua undcr rhic lorrc rnd all schodulcr to this lcssc. ilry *iii*.r* lfr 4: NoN-CANCELABLE LEASE: you cannot cancel this leasc. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR ADDITIONALTERMS AND CONDITTONS W]IICH ARE PART OF'THts LESSEE LEsstR A/ ACCETTANCE LEASE By: Title: our", /2m0f Address / ilOt b ITE- PERSON (S) SIGNING THIS LEASE CERTIFY THEY ARE THE LEGAL REPRESANT'VE TO DO SO AND AGREE NO MODIFICATTONS MAY BE MADE TO THIS LEASE UNLESS.I BOTH PARTIES AGREE TO SUCH MODIFICATION IX WirItirVC. FORM Lew Dlruetor a. tEnfl8 OFIC aE, COmIERCIIL lE tE ACCIUEmOI FEE: TIFLa!.bnnw$li.|tm0l.dabManyvrhkLrlld.h,!,ldbt'ouqF|'r€s{('trco.nnsarn.r aad uil conthr ur l yo{ h.r6 dtt Cl of! undrr tF ls€r.. Th. p.ymaof. of ,! p.FU. p.rlodlc.lly In dyn rdadldc b t ! L€!!, Tha fact psrmont b dt,! on 0p CqffdEttr{ Oate. You r./f be nodtad in wldnO |tx'r dab of yocf p6yii!r* Tlsufbr, corladv! Ibbl ' pcdod|aP.yfir''8Id||b!d!EonfE!amcdayrachp9I|odhdcabdonbc6,g8.8|dc'A|lp8yneni!wx|bo0rdebF.logrEdd'gssdltti!|&r'o..iud|.rdd.!.rF F05dr.|Embhf|UtE.YoUob|i9ationbpgylq{a|9butburo.ddon.l.nd|!not!ut'|.db.nyEd.cdo.}!.!of,dJdE.,orcoungdcm6..'ryr.!!orr',rfo,!r.Y u! b lN€ri vlhldr Hd lfc.tlon rmbr! rnd ofFrk!.ndf..don d.i..bout th. v.tid.,..rFll.s otrror (d lhctrd ri.[.rr. bradrmodorrpdlcd !t bdIn Pan€h14. On bo Co.rtrLtplrldt D& dtL ha!. $d br hdd byu! b $qr! Furfdthil pcrlumara ot tti! lra$, and ldEdd. b tL l€fr€, lou rt€i pey to u! 8 o.plho.dnlnhdve ft., noi to @.d ld)o.m, b rdmh'r$ ut br otf ri.drP.d||*irt'.dt€ .td l.o({dhg corb. rlt a tirx ad ofi|..tHD ot lht ?, ASSIG [ENf: Yo{ nray mf rell, farhr, a|Clgn or tulrhua lh Y|hlda. W. n.y, rltho.{ rEdrylng you, arll,...rlgn or a.fut! ltr lwl trtt ".f,*r|t;"nayou!*1vrcOoiro,O|cn;b.iorrllthlv.ira|.m.rlght.tdbcl.fttth|tr!nowharr.,rndlhar|.rb..or$[nothrwlop..form.nyofor.r oinq*itni iou icr.. th.t th. dght ot th. n w f||or wllt not U r"tFa io ant cl.l|t|., d.a.o... o. ..lotrl| lhd Fr| n.y hivr r4r&U c' Hos.v..' .||y |rrdl rsinrnrnt rdc. or tranalbr of ttrlt lea1r or vl66a ttlll mt ua of o1;r o6llgrtot16 lo yotr il16aa lhla hl11, h.r€tld.totrcv!hlcl.. f .rryotrrrF iond..rpt bdaltnqflrn {po,ttwtadcbv.tlc.t I ;:Oilii;-Rdiiiiii' Oniiietuovurxrr w"" th6vot*lcrnd you.eiElh.t yotr wll.trl dIFr k..9lh. Y.r#cfr. ttqn iii;i;it !eu, fou.g,E,.t totr.|(p.r|!., b prot c{.rddd.rdoor{t b0Fr.hld.. Fuu|.r, or r.n b .s6€tLd or ti.d. .gEhlt ut v.ttld.. so krE .t tor, .r€ not h d.aLt mtlce filarylog8lF.lca! " ";6;bh fmnrioie'u f"o fiiiclw p6c.s8 wrtd;dv€r, ;. [d sd fou a.rv "i qd.dy ucc .td .doy tb tGt alr' unia-mv A nc rmu tn thb lrs!., |v! seila th.t lou 6h.I i.6iilu'siliiitoilnotrr ioss 6rveiicler vou;rer;lporsidotu;iooplrq trv*rachgoodi,r,!.tingod€...€dt!Fci.. Yoitffl k!.e0t.f*i+.qtlvq!to,f.dd .!€. ci;o;$9..v!EcaH!,anavi,u*nonrvupiiGu.rgrrrccf';;andrncomd[a;cc|t|thd8Pdicsbbhw!.Youd|tnot'Et.any.|b.stio|ttbtl.ll!l||dcYJ|tho|lt !5, .t,our etg.ora Yo{ rG E!poidbb b p.oLclng ;f;;;i66;nfriiti,t-re"*n"bii"tttotdl At6c ;nd d hc brm ot lca€6- tou wlll Firm ho vehid€ b . th -ira"r."'-ar'ii"o.,**prbrord|mrwcarirrabgr.itdfo.n.nyotr.rkhd.f|o!8wfi|.-youhawtFwh|c|€o.lrfi|.h|!bo|ngdolv!.!dbyo4|n0Dcv!'ntl.bHq &."d::;.b''s;}",irsnotlndofidtundert}E|casccarrourorob|6a{orEtou6,t'l.oF!dE||h.v.d|6op|bnrc.(i)tbp€tofnptqc€trr,rt|d€,o.(|i)p.ybtlsh. p€rE ".o.f-"iGci.rr'ir",np6idbo|arreo't€rgnahngEntma€rh.k.!.aidt}rF.!36'|ti6|U.o'ourE6|du.||nbr€st|nt!.vcHdc(6aohoodpUirdYdrhadrooid* nt (6t{) pct ye€.). ae€a-thatrv! t€va uE.iet{rrdl y'rlo to. TA)GS aNo FEEst€a b pdyritrn dl€ elltr)(.a, fir.€, rlgkfrathn toaaard prnauasadsdng b 0i! La!.. You abo '€tns ItY{.p.ysnyof r|o!.ilct'ftEltobl,.do'l t€$titFynrnt psvw trrea wtcn$e tri cgtmateo vdn vo*ic-aJtriiyou aitrt iij i"nyi#arpr"pqryt"tir urr,iirfx ha6ofp6n.|d.€io.}ou'tou,e,".lo'"rmu,u.ii*o"'*',a-"''ol'.'iiyr'Lrivirr*oareaonurid|.moUnto'.ud|*tyt.courttr9||l.l,/b witr toi'r r",rG;'l{"*i;. v6u aao agree td; Gw tm ttm ti elcir iorr nanrc b any doclrrc|t f. tr putp66 of llrh flng, !o krE .r bc fhg doo nol Inbdd! ;tHn tl! t€hldc. ii.'.rioliiri,riiw".'.notr.!poo!iu.banyk*d!.o.|o€r.!io)o!or.nyoherp€Gonc.[F€db'0ru!.o'thav.h|d..You.ei€.b6|mtiE.u!bf..ldb(|[ .sr db.orbtm dtir lts h" ;;fi fi;ffi 6-""h;;; ttlr"-, k;*iii,it0.!.srsrrn ort a ncgrrs;ncr, b.r c rtkn firblfity'clslmr. TH! lndarxity.h.llcotdn dolt b us€ dDkld, lz|t{3uMIcE:Your!.toFovrbgd[E|ntdnd}o!.o|ho9G0!D(r}|.B!Ett..gsir't|o..,tFi'd.l'q.ord4hrdorrbt!$.h|o|.'f.|Jpbt|.f||!d.c..|' d€llv€lid to r'r ou i d;* nE ring-urac m addtdorrt Ingrucrl. sudl In€('rnc. (ard wdttl.vlddEa nflns us..loc. p€yo.; lnd (b) P{Dc Iau ;.;-#dib."tit bd n'r ql6 oblletdo'l' b hntr lrdl In*&c' prd'E u! pbc'd dyour ttc wlihal'tr tre tpn dogrcs, urigdr you L-pnfd rair ur. tt to .&!F!t).hs b. !.drhcto.y .tD.0€.Yq'.,sG$.rh.||it'dttd.sEf[;fi;paH6r{ctlti&;F!(,oolya''io.orro.'"n*'udu.o.p.idbu3tId€.|hcro|kabrlte.o.lo{'.ro.El,b| bo'dl peysuOlanrourr hdr.llnrtt;n'nb qpcdd,or).rd.nyo*torn ry *"ry."o, d J*,"o'cf onacrlgrnc arrodtOd *tt ru# itli"ence You agncO 'ioc'bdmyludl are p'H ts e |rlult" t* i"-s""t.,.q;Ci*"?*.P *ti.rt rlcrpane D.rrlfi.d ryri,"r, .roltlii*-p.,ffiorurt ,.nbt p€yrE O1,! In6E,"rt-.* kE.'sr prDc€'d! b rlFr "n you;fr in;ffii;;;-rd E;;""i ot- oongldon r -, tron vos *rin niwc trc odarb: (l).r. t'9 ro.! o.(hr.oo ro rrro vlricr,e, * o,e 11, vltl shdl ooocc'rb wltr ort phc.d PaEcneh undr. utb tc I ln;rnn& rha [ar. i"a. m "",*r-i'ii.ffiliJiiidutiiln" o. ,,'F tE v!htc., or (D mtittgrtirirr--rrtrlssot'rnytnemncp "ppry heur.rE se.r*€doo*tttu"p""ttfi"CG-ptdJtirJ"tl&it*' mvirrulro' tn iny arr,uo' ot Qon'rry lp'dic b'r' 'rd co'tdltons' v$' fri*-"ifritqiil.i v* **tto**i" p.rso.r o.pdrt ..d.rryortr€. lryggljL;rrce y aldl InlirT r covrr-rgr-to 6p$ wlt'ut htYl* Yva mly rntno, rna rn may rtlir rT 'r'11f'111gb raa.wa th. rlghtto taamlnab any rucn nruiarcr covlraea *fihh p;oddc Ed;dn it ot-T{owrl covetr0p qild O not bo ,,e ! J'f-,nn".6rsag., grred ,"rr"n" tr.t tE ,.ptp o. vou. In th! &o,'lr,''dEdl,'qdcL dotlosf s$ psttr€.ttof 4ctlb you h€[ u8 as ]oc8tot[€yln f.€tb nake dal;tur,l$l; lofidttom rE tF flBvk[! cor€rs€.. 'nd d'rtsfortr bqEfitor o.trlou bErk snyor)oqrrqdr.! u$.rttsl€G., of vor.r bottt ksolvnt.erlcn vou' peyrnrnl rhqt dD' t c'n H.EflfiTT"t"Tfi:flrl$',iffiffir."*du. youtldq! b mqk€ !y yo"'d![ carAd l! I d n d"r"rn *ir ;;rirr+rry-pi"|i6ittc, F., 'r d( pGrcst (E {) pcr' F r lour qldtb,", o. c{p. (rduntsdly o. invotq;fi b;!4, pt!!G.{ v8lu.d rcho ,, *.",, 6'6-*-rii" Eiiii,q l-.hri; of "[ .t up -tur-pqv"* a" "nac. hit ' lbo* Yo,lho {tL |tqdr! tl8t you |!tm u|. * p'6'r{v'k'd v€hld!' n'o h hfrsst rccidd " 'Sd bv ht' Itvo'tdfrrb dbcout^b. f lou b[ hG v.n,q..rl,in "OOnon* ""nirbo nq4.t.tyoq ,€yio;oirr p", nn t', t'lo'{yo t'€odrd oqttnr.d b p.y u! Inr{!.ton a[ !u- a,, *r,o. u" dftiit"u-ri;i;ffirfi;;;; cai|eea ov'ttst tvF" ad"bu[" wo c.n tho ulr mvdth' o r#Iffi pl, * "ml t".n$*"n;;i;;"tiitnt o8||!rd bv rE|l' blakhc rfiyor pu, *", ffi1"i,ffi0,t-iri!., "n'd,hrr crforocrmrl ot colrdo.l, vou.0|t' b pey otf tt.lontbL fi enomey h l€to h;i;; tf F r"*. ii",iv |gi.d.! avdLH. b us urb t" uriro- ffii6-Coo" 6',J".ftfa"rfo,, dfpPhe' t€gdrh! tnd rcilrtg tr tol{d'' Altroqh "t* oti-lt odc;r6"dbn'p.iccrbdng .tbm.y1,frlc..rrt.c-t!et"o"t. tt,,". m"" rii"ffifiJf t€ 3i|n o{ (.} orr co.t of |trocl6.lbn .m trrt-.xc{i,d. e b. "g,*l t." .u. o w. ;nd |';;;id" b ..I tE €h|ch, &dttt !xc"s' Yor,.orEtlr'lw'do rou ml!. l|Et wc .|! |it oblg.Eo to * .|Euqt "*'ia" cnditlbrt. I irriiislv. "" rbor;ffi; Fit t€d a;;t4t irb otrF v.htcb {d (b}t ,.ouua *,*"o,ifi;G:d!.;;*d 8''h p'd'! lnbnd ti' doc. rbip6v..{..fto.n.itu d'le-alvdohh't'Lbrdn'o -'rd Gft'L r t{t docu's{ b r'tlq'd b F:" Itm:-W,lt*mrffiill'lT,ffJff;1-".,rorc.o.rdehrr.'rddIf dE hlfu drdn t€d. b b.. v.tid ad bgrt o""rr** r" dij"ttliiitiil-l-iir,tti'-n o ttt"-'it;;;:Ji;ffiptnt*lt a v"."dpirr.'.'w u,ltntr cqm'dsl cod! (1rcd) ft.|dne rrghr bffi;6;il, iiiG'V.ii"rro ei* olt lovsy ltrl ba . rcrlo, ii.n you ,nn[ u! s' r,b,!;ilil tli Slc' i! l'btd;'d U b€ a m i"'i "! alon Fr' nrrr b.try ddr flog. trat wc m*cl-fn "bdv!ft*ns{' .frhn ntt o. rdsbd ffnfa, .. wd.8 Utc.lglt bhf,'' yos drddr b In rc arqtr oc..d tp |rdmt'n prnt'ttld u' L'tbrlbrtl. !'tl{'b con'sd bv $b L!!t or Ittv ldidua b [$ l4!4. .tdL'!t q*'"' or d'' ltFnY{t'.'rt$ t$ REDETJVERY OF Verrcr-rr rnrF er3rf,f,i rl|E glt€ Fy: 'alt, !u9.t'!ag tnioFrrh...auoan's nr""a"u* h.tno{L,"tEn.ll,ottr"**L. drdr.!$.vatrlc1' @dyn on crr-, r-arr.ripr6"n b ! locrto'r &'brd bvc' r.+o''''eHo'l r.itc.dtd, iilitffii*iii*ta *.,oton-ro",o*Lne b t|. cl ol *b bor{mbd.e,{.r, yo. *.1r*rmm uit'frfii"iooa,.6J, opto,r (") * t,rll r.n'i; fr;-;;io|ul. wt*cbrtd vou {tE b prv r'l! .'r rtror'rlt *iiii;--, "i -i 'q|d|pFrtntosr|!' b.tos otrtvourdltdon o. b.rrtr.doG rou do ,ror r.rr"on ry *r.6 hb.!.t $tlcr d.po.fl !ilr..'r!{i; F.'.ryry tr;;:;w|t |itturd. ftot td€d lou h!,r.-,.0 "n, d"Jffiffi;;;d.; fr !u$s. o( lh. Y€tlicl.' qlellc P'Ftrrt vrll dtr' lrrr"t ni'ittr tuq'tt trc oo ttar tF ilii 'aLATEc'oRoE:r.nyFrto'speFEn[bnotm.drbyyout*.nduc,to!4r.bp.JUr.h.c|[!.o'bnFrool(1(f)o.-cr|.!ch|.!.!'b|J|o.'ryb0t..|(l.n odtttltud bv lar. You .ot!r b Fv I'F ttr' l;;J;;t td l"i; ii riil'a br rb'c{r, fl.nd'd. n!'f,f'd, Er''h'bd or o0€tx'hc bou;;r-"iii sgr""n-'r m.r,t,s *rur. rfr.l*i" i7. E*RE A.REE,,EIT' cHANoEs: b*trF lir cauam vo.rcocplemc' :$f"tnm$giltrl$,H#ft$,frhn"r,'1{lp,F:"rc.n,t.,twr(!'ron'r'c'r$'vbdhctF!'oq'nr!'Et'pootcn(10) ho ou"r" v",rr*"dh; il;";;p,iv*"iria*t..qgy '|dbuw'@ Pansr'oh t2dtt{' L4'' F ctn' day! edor ,,tbn .todc. b you. nr* o rii'tl pqtn Pt*.m;;ilil-#liiti ninoue rcr$rt "r. "qiiifri"nJ"^i 4 "otoav*nt ri I ntnodcld 't! ."qdld ud{ 0t rddtdomt €.lr and dEtr br p"iu uv yo,, orfi,*uui o..rrt*ifir*, ", *-ffi-i i-.i iipJ*,,iri* p,i"r.o- oilfrJJiill:iii" .brh.". b, hrxr sudr kr'r",o p*,,g i;i,i'fr.yir,iidi,,n"r",,t,r"* ffiffiifififrqffiSE ESIPJ*ir,"iE'5_13:# lffirffi tr ffiS"ffi #i,:#xtr#Hrfln:H#tuffiiffir$ffiH#{"Hr#Hffi acllot{ urb'n cothtr.|rld cod"'ucc'I thftl+ ml *|orLdl' A BEImEN US' A'tlc1' ntt' ot lh' .||eelr o' rh' ucc{RICLE 2A PROVlg|oNS: You.g... th.tthlr Lt. b.'Fftrrnc'Ll'"sd'r Gti6 voii'iJ ful-*t t|.vc srrcn rix|trh'tt' miliiifii iu etttrl|* ilI"i-iillCi th' f,4dv ;lil;fi tlchlt Ll trld: (rty,.dd ri,ritv F..'nd w.'rilirv v"" tcu or "" t ciiililit. "-,"r*". dl del .'vrd u.. n . ..+priJiii r.t roror rn wr "i bt/' vcu tthn "" wtilcia yo' ..e ro'rng r-,n +ptlc'bl' ry ' i.iriireir- olt on -rrehb '.,'vfftt-ffi;;jiiiiiiitilfi co.ts ct ..r,lh.r!oo mry **...Jid;t-. ofth' 19. #"#lrrffilm"ru:n^{:0"mi.p4"6ffii'6*']d."1,'.ryl9.:lgto.3:-*w''tt€tii'"d'rv'rv't!"'td d.,,yrppr€r". ocic<l tu rnrn,hc&refr td"ti'{rN t'.' frffi.?,#$*n#ii"ftm;nqqgqtlffi1U,,***:igff:ffiS"?tr1ffi;tr*"ryb*sov,.,o o.lllr'itt! p,f'"#it$iiAii'-tr hi', o... r-lo,*,O [email protected]. n" ule rria*, ortn*aloorqncrlhtFt,.ttb*j|tlourb$oF lm'a.E po1cri (c) vchlcle it' a to. o. i0attor' ".n"" "Uo* Gco| ftdltom; (o)rrrrpvqtvcncrcfirp-ii,,iijsiiuu,.",".pror,lpoPq""dii;f;.$1f; fuu* t. r""rii&iitiffii-,iii^idit-n d toih,., ffi;.k;: b;fi, r€r*r. yr nii orpo!. rE ..r co.E h) ]r*ffi|ffifiRt vlhhb iEs t|. anFd d tu "tl.r AnD 'l ldldd of drbkc.plthrmdrvot*nodd"dcdtdtcl Yo|ltetEbDsvft'q OpERAfl g ExipEN3ES: you.g|!.bmdnr.tnrid tqp.kth6v.l h tE oin'/! xdrrl fid ifthir|.rp actd/rtl t"-tdic;Jfi';;ifr;;;;ddt ilJlr]iij'jii ig,;-b-.-,h" :ms.m-xl.r.m*t**n *.,*,ftitliO"-o ii 6v.. d.rnhcrulEc repor ""0 "p.r*n xpnr':rroF!dn0q''r'..'r'$r'd' trn o'p'Lt (c) d*€lrig cqt'lFEr ii"tti.rr"e"o q;t (')nL!'hgot|ttn' f:?-r;ii[tdffitd'b';"v' !t'd"f;q"d Yl lhls "tro, .iot.q,"rffiJiloifitaln;;rp*p1co",1191"o'dt"lwflrdr; Inrrv.dd.drno.l".r.c "ro niii-..pLc.dwltriqtlp.n d uic lrdot'F.t po|nt (c) btrl dm.o.d or ttdn.d d|rh' loq rwled' w|l'bq|i.!.(hdudkE.9.':..,o**iltG[ll.[.rii.,vd,.*'r"oth.r/dh;il;;'ilil.'e cli&-"tffi-*narrfrt m-ltt"t t|. v't{d' b o9"ri' ln ' nobv' ru|gh' n cor,.o. ..da. h..d ln .!, upr,or.orv, ,rn;#J,ili-6"i-ffi; irrl -rv 2!. Ex6€ssyEAR: .Exc.$ "rrtr".r l.s'hcodlcdonvdu''r"d"d you.e'!.dt rrbr,rqult "*."c'"f,d. frt tu$"'d cou( t€ tq l' rE Fovklq.. drht rrs'wtl r..nrn h ffiJft$rffi;*ffi;#lffir$t$#tr{ffi:fivd{d.'.n{cepbr.'.ordmqdo(t ffi ffi ffiffiSkigf,n$"*'mm.'ffinfrffi.f*nffi l"1Hlnglt#Y'ffi3H|;:#J,|Htr-, dtct" b.'. r.toud 'rn riror'.tro bv "'rv , ---!. t6 hb L.rts b govrrFd by0r Lnvoltir rucar'T^) 27. CHOICEOFL W! Yo{rtd*r'erbra!ET, '..- - ' r,$, |out ir{atd b th. co.{tctr btt ottd rLb' LEASOR SCHEDULE of PAYMENTS PAYMENT (S) OF Knoxville Harley-Davidgon, Inc. 5800 Clinton Hwy. Knoxville TN. 37912 14 0 a'e Plrone 865.689,2454 Fax 865 .689.4794 YEARLY QUARTELY MONTHLY A,rrbteeoa I Cn uotf* {n, Dt ( .(natzu QOom Cr, ^, Tq^, 'nJ a, OTHER NUMBER of PAYMBNTS PAYABLE AT SIGNING OF LEASE trFrtbr,pr 4Oo l{Month $ l{0d" Deposit i-Acquisition Fce $:Othcr $: .ffi Purchase option None or Purchase price of $ -...-. 371 | U Security n or A0Ar u t /' Ol.fa and ends o^ /)*rcH I t ?OtV Lcssecsgrgc6.|o]cturn8sidvchic|catcndortofpurclrrccoption'*rr.rffi untif such timc ar purcharc option pricc plur ton p€r ccnt tiov.t*i*argo ioi 0,Jno,iii*rly;ffi;ilil ls compl:tc. This lease srarts on the dgJi.very out, "*,ioto VEHICLE DESCRIPTION Ncdused ycar tr Estt Makc Moder F*nP t'lnerrq'bAurDsD.J Dear l'essee: ws havc wriucn # Mircagc cqrqd il*Dtrnrn rtBB60q L,.b vN this lcrsc in phin lmguage bcouc rvq wsnt you g n ly undcntmd ltr tcnnr. plcrro rcad yo.r oopy of this loasc carsfully and fcct frcc to uk ur.ny q,iofJ* ]ou mry hrvc r6out it. wc ucc tho words yOu rnd yoUR to rncul lhc Lcsscc indlcatcd bclow. Tho words WB US and OUR, rcfcrL thc l*ssor indiotcd bclow. l: LEASE AGREEMENT: You agrcc lo lcrco fiom us and rvc rgrcc to lcrsa to 1ou, tho vstriolo lictad $ovc oron ory schcdule to thig lcasc' You agrcc thu, .t out oition, uri rcrtJrir to urr brd fialt bc con*uorea r scparalc lsasc and thc tomr rnd condilions of thlr leasc rgrccmont rhall rko riply io riv ior"oouio. rhc c'm ofin ortno ,Gn,.t prymm* indioatcd above or on any sohcdulg whiclr sum cin ua crtoumce uy multtptyini rr,Jnirurrof payrnonu tlnror tho prynart -prt cnomt indicatcd abovc or on my cchodule. rnc rmounr orcocrr rcnrrr o" rny rclrodulo is bucd on our orilmuod lottl cost of the vehiolc incfuding if applicrblc, rruralretion cortlTd,Ftrt iiafl ucioig!d;;-da;d, in a prcportlonao vohiclc is grcaicr than orrctinuic, rnd firh'-i;-us to aoiusirddhi-"ymcnr by up r0 ron v*.ryd.i;;ii;;i* -r'rtidriug.i * ;;il; !d ffi?fitf il1l,'j'*H:ilthc 2: oRDERtNG ,or. vEHlcLE: You rcqulst thot rvc t*nry dclivcry to lou a purchasc ordor or conlrasl for tho vchislg you agrcc that thc nrrchrec a purcfiasc contract ht^tl!*I,:El9u ar p,roxponeo. In rhc ovcnr thar roi.*'*rrr.i rryc hrw iscued i, rcccptrblc to y1,r. lf yor hrvc cnrorcd Into agrcc lo usign it rc uq cffcgivc whcn ws pey for thc vchich. 3: No WARRANTTES: we aie teasin{thit urttlrtu to you "eC i!;l wE MAKE No yARRANTy, EXPRESSED oR IMPLIED, tNcLUDrNb wnninNrrix oF NoN.TNFRIcEMENT, MERCHANTABTLTY, oR FITNESS FoR A pniicur,AR PURpose on oRDTNARv coNNEcrloN wlrH ls LEASE usE IN * *, hg ts in default undcr rny rcrns of rhir rcasc. wo trnnsfor to you rny warranlics madc to us by thc mmufaoturc orrupplicr. fou rinoantuo and rgrccir,ir no v*oor, ilr agcnts and cmployc* 'otl .,, not sgents of ouls, nor 8rG thcy authorizcd to *1,y0__ol rlrarttc any tcrns or sonditions of thie tcrsc. yOtj AGREE TH * THAT, REGARDLESS oF cLAUsE, You wLL llor aCsenr ewycuelr"r wHATsoEVER AGAINsT us FOR LOSS OR PROFTTS YOU EXPECTED rO rvrnrE OR ANY OTHER DIRECT, CoNSEQUENTIAL' SPECIAL oR INDIRECT DAMAGIS. rf r* r,.* Gntcrcd into r marnrcnanos rgrocmonl wirh us with rcspcct to thc vohicfc and the cost ofcuch mainronanoc ro d prii orcr-rtrorcrm. ora portion of rhc tom, of tftie !1 lcasg thcn you acknowtcdgo that anyono lo whom maintcnanec of thc vshictc, that sucli asignoc-ii :t"tJlfillrffi?*i:T:r"fl#licc ii*rq,shall.not *r *ign ti,ir-i*, *i. vou wilfcontinuo to fi{'y pli bc ruponsiblc sonicc, rcpairs, nor liilirr* rrinrcnanc, Iii*n*r,forandths avcn if pu havc r dispuro ru*'rssignco 16r ulrenrii afr mrinronsnoo p.ymonrs dus undcr ihig torsc 4: NON-CANCELABLE LEASE: you cannot oancer this lease. SEE REVERSESIDE FOR ADD Title: L TERMS AND CONDITIONS WIIICH ARE PART ACCEPTANCE OF'ril|s LEASE LES{iEg Address CitylstatelZip rr, AP\-[----t . Printname' hfi.eer Ln < THE PERSON (S) SIGNTNG THIS LEASE CERTIFY THEY ARE THE LEGAL REPRESANT,VE To Do so AND AGREE No MoDtFIcATIoNCll4Y BE MAqE To THrs LEASE uNLEss BOTH PARTIES AGREE TO SUCH MOOMICINION IN WRITING. Law Dlrucror C lERfla OFLEA3E, cOl|mERcLAL LEASE A@lr|smot{ FEE: Th. h6r! bm wl{ lhdm tF d& hat.ny t/€t*rar l! ddhqld b }ou orlour ac.dc'0! Conm.r${'t'n ttf con0ntr lil !ou lEw ilgt 9l oftour obllgdhns unds tF la!.. lh€ psrn nb d Dr{.G pa}€bb pododcrlyln.dv! on th..€rrsr. rH. doi.rr dldtL b fr l€|!q, Th. trlt ps,t|rnl b due m hr Conmonc.nd You wlll b. nodfcd h wlUng It w! drng.lh. dab oa yourfd pqyl|rnt thllafba, cort o.dw pqlodlcps}ttrnb wf,lbc duc on tE 88mc &yldr Frlod ldicabd on t! llv€Ga dds. Al !€ynonb wlllbc msdrbgrrtouaddFrs m fd.l!!uq ddrdsaddr€!.rflchs rguld&dgnb|nw tng. Youro gsdon b pgyEr{ab b 6 b qEnduqEl ad l! rF( slbjecl b suEducilon, !dd, dcfE!, o.ccur&rd. adE&a u3b lnsadvcilch ldoodncatm nuiO.r! ad otr€.tL. ioaton daia.bout th. v.hH.,.r wd.! ottrd ddtbd .nd mabo. lf ry! Epbd...qrrd.9odt!.n Fu, Itl|[ bc hrld by |r! b s6l]aurfalhflpcrfoanance dtis bqrc, sd ltw{llbc ntrnod o.eppXcd.E rbbd h P..rCrEph I't, Oo $.CofnE rdrstl Ih d bb La!.ld.dl !d!dd. b ti! bgso, rotr ihell pay b !r. orte{nl. ad[inHraiva tuc, abtlo.r@6ed l9(x].00, b dmbur!. u.lbr 0|' lt.rtrp dmlt{rb.Uva lald |tcord}|l cqb. t ASSGL[Etft: You mry not, b|'irt ,.r.l$ or tub|....ifi. wh&lG W. drry, wlthout nodtlng you, rf, |r.lgn o. butt .tlt Lr. ardpaottFr|hl9 ollha o]n &yofcur y{a do to, tha nar laaaor wlll hlvr rh |rma dgfi|| and banalnt th*wa ru, haw, atd lt nawlaaaoa r|[ nothm b wl{da; tnd you -Yot|aelta Oiat_lt a!,aa tht |||a algtrL ol tha n r, laaaof ulll mt ba aublact lo rry ddna, daiara.a or aaffi lhlt trolr ltlit hav! aednat uL Ho$rta. l'ry rlch oblloationa. aaalgntr|cr|l' |!la, or hnafaa of lft|| taraa or val claw l mt aall$ ur of or|l oblhatom to you undlr lNr hara. AOfo ERiHF iNg OUTET ENJOttltE Tt Wa atlt|c oumorotth. r4hld..nd h.v€ dd€ b tr. El*lc. lf .nyotF. p..ton gttsmpL bc{dm srtv|.rdipof*ld{tre i* iai"eitrst y"";hr!.Ah you, you .e€, at roq opcGo, b pot€.1Jd dahnd ou id. b fF v!htlo. FurtFr, tou.eF.thatyo.ltlll.tall tdF! karp tFrr!fcbtt!.ltqr ! Da|!-') md "'r"r"qddo.""l'I.n*r'"rioir,et,inororrrilalt-ctvou;hnFdi.ti!nodc.|'any|.g!lp.Do6.!o.||.n|!.!|n!t0rvrh|d!.so|ong..rou.t"h| uit r.ny oa tha i.flr| In thb, $tr ag|!a lt|.t tou sh.ll quidy tE .nd onloy tE v.tich. qlyd tortt$! i'Cine', usi exo r-ocrno ; ioss oF vEHEfEr You.l! ll6po.|Elb|! b.k6cpl.le th.v.hldc h!@d nottlng o.dor€nd €palr. You rvlllkc.p th.r€hld. ii-'"cc"6|d",and$;uld{oryUr.itbrbus|n€s6pqpos.!and|ncomp||,|ba||.pp|tcablo|aw'Yolw|0not'tl.k..nyalb.ado.Ebth.rahHowit st h;n$ca6;auywitltpldl Adt ;rd olt|o t€nn of lc€so- )oowll tltl||n 0r vrhlcl€ b t6. at]olr€sp.tr3€',YoueG spo.Eibbbql4p h. "c h.v. tF op0on ia 0) FPqf o. Eplqcc f. t€hld€' o. (li) Fyb u8lhotF tr.n ""t{a.h.a"'i.g.,o".Ptfo'o.dln.r|ve..'dt....rldfr.nanyoth!tt|.dof|o$Yrtti|.,9uh8v!th.Ehic|.o.wt{bit|!b.itfd.ltv..!dbyo|l.|ntrGYr'{tEvbbjd ilii.i.o,.--f"uiiv"r al" not tno*iftnacru," sas€ orsoy;ttE obligatioE to us, tab. of our Gsldu.l Ini.rGt In tho v€t*:b (.cch co,ltPd.d tYlh . ot dr A;G ;;; i. unp€td bst&Ee of the rsrmintng Ent sibr ltr L!es6 end th. p.r€€r{ 'o!.h.ll iiin n c""*"it*ler pcrc.. (6t{) p€r,!rr). io- ilfjGS iifo Fee'S: iii liirr,, vor.q. pr"filv Gili iffr to paywtEn duo.lltrxd, fnr€, Fglsbatlon 6.6 ard pctEld.€ Ebtrt b t$ b!!€. Yo!.1!o sCr€€tLlrv! hav. ttF d0htcr.i to.€ttL& t andtrit lou rdtt pay ug tto ostmabd trre! wtr..r sre pelmont Itw! psyrlyof $oG.lea fE nClt .to.l Urarifr fe o,r fq ne "lrici"'rru""r".y"i,,'y",ag.roonhb$!r;o.|;i,fEnderraro.*iayrrpni*toetar.donurf/df|o!rofgE-lrtai6.wi!!dEgE'dbaiyd|!F|lll|v€'rb y6u atso aercc fr*-iiiiE* u. rien 6 atdr 6,r mrm b .ny docrrncrt br ttE Frpo€. ot r.Eh flns, !o lono Bt $c tl&E doc not lnnrt|€'! n'ltt vort ;;t;i6".t"i;uirf. rlotrt b u!€ lh. t!t*d!. ut to"id b d€6'd uc JB ,t rorponEtDF ror any ld!airr oa lo6a€€ !o tou or any ohra parron caus.d by tL wa ot tE !alicl.. Yor acra€ b 'ttn$un€ t rndu .lca$ h" rl. NoE lTyl wa-"*h'd.lrn . Il{r hdqitv.lel oonddF.YU.f.rtF o,rt'ancdk;rc!, i**"'o.r,rrr..,lriiili,iitiJaarrm a;d;ft b'Q b t'lix t!pbc"rstE&'' srd m.lnr.h.r For owi eltp.r.! (a) Insu...rc..o{rt 106r' qtofi,99eg. otd.;tdo.r b uFl*L, f iitunrxce, v* "er- b p.syido as 8n .ddnlonallmund. sudl k|slrance (.nd wdtgr did"rc' d'lhor€d b us lt oul onti tnrrin"" n.r; prdtc 6u[t;; (b) pay..: cld ff.ryc"."gt n mtm u,.! lo.3 proLctin€ t! pl'c"l et lo *. r,tti rtgf bn n { 0r obllg8don, b hEYr .|dr ldut"lo' ,!ou.rt) .hr|t b€ !.drfcio.y o ur. n vou ral L-6JloJ --"r*t "iid.,"., u.n(-t or pald b u. t[d6t tl. polrcy by l! Eoo of lbvo"bl€ loGs l!tnd dtb o. oy ariddn €ouceo puld-t.r.rr hu,;r"" yq, n lr nr fr"L. oa.ns. !h.n irr*ra" o6q|!€. tlloc'bd b b p€y &rdl tnp!td! h wth $dt In6i'encc You .rpqL.,c.).rd.ny o,"51nafy a*c.oq' |q; J;;L of o(r. dg3l!o.!soii.d 'q!61Ind'ld'ntr tudl p€ld Fldtofrrry 'dl '9rs€ h dnv imtr.rEc FEG.ldr.te l.-lo€r}. qG r',hidrcvq r*dra,"r nprir e"rrrtiucdtylrw, iii.ii-p. 's ' proo..di b trp'11 rcntsl Fn,Fot(pr," h6r€.t yo!h.! cuE opdo.r to: (l!!. tF Inat{t! h8t b u!,08n di;&;;*iouro.odi;0; "* ro.3 o.&rnrep ro f|. verid€, ro *g "* lou t! L"* [ onn& b dac€d 'tdr. t{. Pa'safi lt' }ou dd coop€trb tr"ltr o.' ";|x;infii;t; o' ".r*"nr;'il;;b;;1;-obro"i;"''*q{ o. ,,'s t," vd dr, or tD "ppty t'f' h.!.9tEo80c.*tnconrFcdoo*rrnu.d"*;i;-i';.d;;nioferryilalma.t,tottng|.0i!r$||.t!6!|'!ur.n6Fbdoo.H9ohrrt)'9ottri|.t8o.r,€.b.$ ot"th6ln;6*tyinorarpe' In intanprrt or !pon anv tp'cific !cfrF and condidorE dd anyotttdp.fEo,rorpddy. v", **--"oOt'tti*-"i-t-ttqi;;"€q,! g,',nt, Inruiancr-co-rrag'-io bp.. tho4had'rg Jr lld[fVb udl fti* rny .nry t,'a Yra mly clv!6g.vrhlch h.ui'nct ruch Ira..w th..lght b tcrmln t "" o plovuc re4icanent a r€.|€ival covdgrp urd€t tr. tem! bt|rB' co6' [nib q v,e strait rnt oe ouleeud "nyo. ror." n"i'f-,if6ir"ee, yoil In thc €vl|lt thi hr ,aer* do.',rq&' d'd..' o'd'dlr ana m"r'a rta oruotil;n""t"r6{""t b "tde d;;"i;;iJ;;t*tttA 'l ;o.dtr{onr rs ho p1evk1," -"r.0.. v* 66iilip"6ft; €!4. or b@rrhodvclr votr"s't!turrhc bandtof to! 'sdcn prtrsrt w'r"r d|r' tF c XertiglTfi"*fi$ll,Trffiffir""*.nduoorIryosrre.ksnyotr!'rrlod!.!ud.rlt$t h ddi[ly.;-;hli,it b;u;l bvvo.ttit: b.|t|akc rnv b; p.r*irais, you c'!db|!, of cnbr(vot*,edvorlr,\,ou*f;";;i.prii dm ix pdE nl (6tt) p'f F6' L"T: p"i#ttrr 4,.,tt*. rrnul s: ?t,*.t-"-1t"d '"";[ ' &va You$o a! mbd pr€"it vdu'd |!C*! 0rt Fu rltIn ur. n r*a ""_.'" iil'fftfr-ffifiinc-t"rffiJ"uct Yr d., tl. Inb|!.rh 'g!e ic-rim". o,r-"rro r.q|.rr" ta vou p"yti ulolrwuual p"t *tx1' utn*ry-o-tt"-ttat.'t onriu'd bvlat'' ftour66db " drrcoutrab. fyoutdrb ra,rn *,r.rro".ii,G ttiiiii"tit(ilitl Aon' a 1'. i"u dii AJ'iJiunirpdA ofitr' u'€ anv w€ c'o of d'fflIt to o.yus tr6o.r.t lurs 4* - rro. n "u r;itt'm vi"irr olimq!'s gu$d bv.hatqPt p#; ffi;il;i6,,," *,1* "tttttot 'ho rdnlto b p'vo'F cdbcthn' m,.slr€ c.r.F€.r by yornb.lakt|lg any dy".t"trr L runravdeniorccmnto' |;i;;-; fv{r dn d.s.,/.Isbt b us unts, * r.u*. *iiftif,ibitlr.iiy.iriiff"r. *tippm' tp"itttu srd !'lttm ttc Ghlcb' Altlrosch *'-.. Cf'v'd;i"t;e*;ir"rl' i"n ot (r) out cod o' "ot*te p,i." iaoiiaittc .tiom.d!ts€!,.rd.rtult"cl". r"* m',. o-tii"ffit lil*'* n b.. iira do '.Foq!'{bo th.t |tg"r fflud| @3!. You.olE b'm rou.oG. rh.rx' a." nor org"*, oo.o, l;;ffi;i.riiii "bb;;;G-;iG "i ""iira., ;;r.[.-"oon (bl t. *u- -.. ;i fi ffi]pi."ii "''E|',t i.b o|tr l,rdd. "b-;fr;;;d' "i "iii.o ""r"r"ro ao$ p'rrh' tu'd ti! 'd b notlo.,d b Itmllg,m,v:*.r*fsTJi"ffi;,.",11lgllh,I9y:1:tH:d6..norp.!'d{.''t'r'brttrFI tlt doc,'rd ('ucg} ntltrdnc cod' con'riN'l qp.rp., unlofl! .ttv t.!.!ob..v.t.osrdbeaa*rrrn."-dJtiiiiarryp.rrocc,r'i,,"dt*"tttdJfriiil-i;piiiitiliinntrlnrrrilticc-gt'ft'L * vol i iier. e1"! * m rrem oj;il6rii5, b. . r..!e, bqr you ers{ * , ..or,,y n-I.Triiliriif il;:;;ff ir|* L o*nlilfu u bo s r'ariU{rsnd{' or ts..rydttl ttsn yo|x nam' b !ry d'Ehfir'et t}"t*;i"'; !t bmnb or |llrbd fik{o, -*' "' L "gt'to q vorgc' tln l,Fn t$ L$' oq|ilE ihtndqf ll1:3:ll:1l|jHror0!ovrnhbcow.rdbytrirtcsccrnvsrcaurbt{sr's''rtdvoud'dd'b '[ft;Lffi*T#nffil*,1fr,".0,*pf of b";d;' ;tti|d"&;;ir-nhnrc etutrc tl'n rI' ItuPonddrrE bv|! t-"' dcdsn'H rtu vJi"i;in''#* b;-mr@d' b I bcdion drdElr t|. Yltdcb @'dlns 'll' rc'p"r, *,,abo-,ord,rng;;;;#i*"til gr|dl.t .4J.| b $l co€t c lbb|rdn bd {rf!r, yoo.Lr,or-n ,'i1i'ii-& a ul. Y.flcb-.''a yo.| {|E b D.y u. .|r onoo.' (") * *i ur, 6ili":fr| ,.o^ otttvourdhdo'r rpplv ltroF !! aoJot' 'nr o. b.|til&|} yotl do nol r"'"ora".y '.iiG-.iffi.| firiiiiii-iirrl-*,p-t"aturlr,trt "i Frovd..Feyt €dyo.rtrev.**.r.d";|i-iffliii,ira?$fr-rli.1,**r||at Lir p'rrm"' htq,'b tl€ s'{ t'.*t!d" pui#cc au. ilc ,^.orsto n y u.a trt! ctr.t!. otbo ptrs{(10:{)d-'h *Eh b normd' bvFu nfi'n ,n. }"lf T.-: P!? lt.tryP'noftF vns{ ii'r.eEiirllici, ''|.p' Fft'ffiH€;;'ffiifr$Rtg'#*H-Hffi'-qrst'tlI-oi!-H:Hffi,.Sm$,Hn."d.d,nod*'!.b,'r{'Ebdo'oi'Ewr" bn(r0} tign'd botlb tou sd u3' JltiJ *"ii tt *ttttg .trd tr. FCELLATEouS:,n*""".your"ifrfiiiornypqrtottlgreea",{._crn,hltsrb.Fth$,.b,t*.1v:cdontY::ryb'lh'r}o|J|coilpr|'E i'l6fri""vt'"i'itno"u"r"v"tu*9H|nTffi;lHilffi *u**' UPon .,.y!e.lotwtftLnnollccbnu,.rfrvcarc. ffi*ffi* S***qtrilmffi *r.mtgffi ffi coor-t.idthrryorm.y-*o..,IJeiL-ir-.i.r"',rln."a9,9g11.*m;[#t:;d;;tirtt*i|.rttririllvtoettcrlbie*'vouwqtvrq]ddldem' 'mnrom,rum,trum*Wmffi ffiTrffiJ'm"tilCifr.n:t"#$tei#",til#tH:il*"r'*roh.rrnb,,iatontur{'h'dbr'"!arYrr!''rtrd'''.dd't'dv'tt"'td d'nv'Pprh'br' il,ii'ri',i,ss"i.,'u*':pf,f.#H,ff*.*miffl$lil"ifii$Ilffi,i,5'HfiI'""i.${"'ffff;--**bt.p'ovrlb -u-iei (a) dqt'g1:9jg: orccc<l tro aranuttoorr t.Ytiry rlsr yo! wflhd rrairsr! r'"t t, ioi"c,* n{ fr. Lllf Y.ff;,I?;.;;, iilu."-u,o 'ffi[1ffiffi i;i,"i-J o,;;''i"r -";e[o$,Irl. vd d.b b. u!6d me.lpe{rv, fo.hlt!' or ffimffixnfffid;;; ;,*"* *#ffi# 'il?ft eii rireli,'e,"""*"f Gliillr" rt..ry!_?jYffi;'fd,ii&:,fi;;t6t.qdFnq{ "*'i"," Yo,"e'!E br',*'rn aid,.{'akgffi$ "*EltsEs: tr.lon HSH"Hffi,ry'{oF'die fflffiip-Eq#fii oe'rE h.!.d.bsr1g$,g:$fl;itl1ffitfiffi;-d; '*'ig;'*'tr#:ffi,nff- ;;ri rrn rt trc rrrrm,'ea "r*" ffi#i'r-Jlihu,,ok'r'F...'?gtffiS;3ffiLj1flrli#H$tr';;;&i-*noni'mt"e*.rt covaa!, aa.ta, rE !,rhk|-rlttout 'dt''r,.!' &lh,€Ed.rd dr iina" rn ffi H**#ffi,n:i;"Hf'$n'!?#;ffi;ffi ;'U;ru;!rao"'tFaa* hdd Imrt' upm|'i.'Y' m ffi ffi*ent3"rr#ffiffi.mxffix,'xuw*x#:;ffi .tb.!..tbp7^* ,.'-nr* dri{'d q'Lh{gqry 'c*i.6op"'bro'Frtv'mteh'rt"'!F' pdr't 6)torn, ffi*Hff*d,;*,1#rrrur.ap56"666ryry:r,vd{crd',|rr..s.btdorattE'rdort|.L..!'rnco'n'dro'r',lt|'rnnrtr'o{ **'cq'c* yoi,{'-ndbd'|'r,iqurr ilffi **,.ooa Lr6.G or a yoo.rd v. "r, {.s uatt{. tp!. rr gp\,.n,d r.bud o'tt'!'wfll'qn'lnlnfr{fr."tlrd 'od'ltrof connhb htrof td db' un bytr r., aui. e"r. a r J a/r.w 'rod '.ef,td btE