święta jadwiga santa eduviges
święta jadwiga santa eduviges
MARCH 21, 2010 ŚWIĘTA JADWIGA ? SANTA EDUVIGES 2226 NORTH HOYNE AVE. • CHICAGO, IL 60647 St. Hedwig, pray for us. Św. Jadwigo, módl się za nami. Santa Eduviges, ruega por nosotros. ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO Administered by the Resurrection Fathers and Brothers. Celebrating 121 years in the Bucktown Community. NOTES AND EVENTS 2 LENTEN THEOLOGICAL SERIES Dear Parishioners and Friends, About 40 persons attended the Autumn Theological Series sponsored by St. Hedwig Parish last October. Our parish is once again offering a Theological Series during this season of Lent. Our own Fr. Gene Szarek, C.R., a professor at Loyola University, is presenting the series. The sessions are being held in the Parish Pastoral Center (former convent) on Hamilton Avenue, on Monday evenings, from 7:45 to 8:30 p.m. The Autumn series was theological in nature, and this Spring series is more pastoral. It is less formal, with more story-telling, and more personal sharing of faith. All are cordially invited. Refreshments will be served. March 20 – 25: Parish Mission (Rev. Anthony Stephens, CPM): No conference this week by Fr. Gene Szarek, C.R.* Monday, 3/29: “Catholic Marian Shrines” (This will be a Power Point presentation on some important shrines.) CAPITAL CAMPAIGN - WE ARE ONE BODY IN CHRIST We extend a profound and prayerful Thank You to everyone who has contributed to this very important campaign. By working together we will accomplish our dreams of restoring and preserving our Church. As of March 13 - 14, 2010 we have received over: $ 365,000* in pledges $ 169,200 in contributions There are envelopes on the radiators of the church that you may use for your contributions to this Capital Campaign. *Revised and updated pledge amount as of March 14,2010 We want to extend a very special Thank You to all of our benefactors who hearing about our campaign for the first time, have made pledges towards our We Are One Body In Christ Campaign as well as to those who have pledged additional monies to their original pledges. May God Bless You BECOME PART OF THE 2010 CENSUS TEAM Great temporary, part-time opportunities are available with the 2010 Census. A variety of jobs are available. We will be holding testing sites here at St. Hedwig in the basement of the convent. All Applicants must bring two forms of identification to the testing location and pass a written test. The testing dates are Tuesday, March 23 @ 9:00 am and 4:00 pm Friday, March 26 @ 2:00 For more details about acceptable identification to bring and to download a Practice Test, please visit: www.2010censusjobs.gov. You may also call the Local Census Office at 773-598-1300 or 1-866-861-2010 ARE YOU A REGISTERED PARISHIONER? Use of the offertory envelopes each week lets us know that you are an active member of our Parish. This prevents misunderstandings when someone wants to be married, have a child baptized or is asked to become a Godparent. Registration also enables us to provide letters for you for tax purposes. • If you are registered and not receiving your envelopes, • if any identifying information in your life has changed including, if you have moved or • if you would like to become a registered parishioner, please complete registration forms found in the vestibule of the Church. We are asking all of our Parishioners to please reregister, so that we can update our records. PARISH MISSION Don’t forget to attend our Parish Mission now in progress. The Mission is held during the Masses on the Weekend and during the 7:00 PM Mass on week days. The Mission will continue every day through March 25. Come and hear Fr. Anthony Stephens’ Lenten Reflections PARISH CALENDAR CHOIR PRACTICE: • Tuesdays at 7:30 PM in the Choir Loft DOLMA: • Saturday, May 1 Novena at 4:00 PM PARISH SOCIETIES Purgatorial Society • Sunday, April 11 Meeting/Lunch at 1:00 PM • Ladies Rosary Society Sunday, May 16 Meeting/ Coffee and Cake at 1:00 PM • Parish Pastoral Council Thursday, March 18 7:00 PM • ENGLISH MISSION Saturday through Thursday, March 20, 21,22, 23, 24, 25, 2010 CATECHISM CLASSES EVERY SUNDAY • ENGLISH MASS AT • SPANISH 11:15 AM - 12:45 PM MASS AT 1:00 PM 9:15 AM - 10:45 11:00 AM ADULT RCIA ENGLISH CLASSES Every Wednesday 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM ADULT RCIA SPANISH CLASSES Every Tuesday 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM STATIONS OF THE CROSS ENGLISH All the Fridays of Lent at 6:00 PM SACRAMENTS RECONCILIATION: Monday-Saturday before Mass; Saturday 4:30 PM or by appointment. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please call to receive this sacrament of healing if a family member is ill or preparing for surgery. MARRIAGE: Please contact the parish office at least 6 months before the planned wedding date BAPTISM Please call the parish office. Baptism (English): 4th Sunday at 11:00 AM Mass. Preparation Class: 3rd Monday at 7:00 PM in the convent. Godparents must be married by the church or be living as single. BABY BOTTLE PROJECT Please pick up your Baby Bottle in Church this weekend. Fill it with your loose change and bills and return it to our parish by the end of the Month. The proceeds go to help the Women’s Center. MUSIC PROGRAM The music program Andante School of Music is currently accepting registrations for the new semester. We offer group music programs for children ages newborn and up as well as individual piano, guitar, violin, harp classes and children choir. For more information, please contact our Music Director Ms. Maryna Shutovich or call our office. THE WAY OF THE CROSS DOWNTOWN On Good Friday beginning at 9:15 AM and ending about Noon, the Archdiocese of Chicago will lead a Way of the Cross procession from Daley Center to Holy Name Cathedral. There will be five stops along the way for songs, meditations, readings from the Gospel, and short reflections by Catholic authors. Everyone is invited. CONFIRMATION 2010 We extend prayerful congratulations to all these young people who are going to be confirmed by the Most Reverend John Manz, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago on March 26, 2010 KALVIN AGUILAR NATALY ALVAREZ RUDY BAUMGART ARMANDO CAPILLA PAQUITO CARRASQUILLO RICARDO CEBRERO ALEJANDRA DE LA CRUZ GUADALUPE DE LA CRUZ JERRY DE JESUS GALEANA VALERIE KELLEHER JUAN LOME JUAN A. MARTINEZ JONATHAN PEDROZA EZBEIDI RAMIREZ LAURA SALAS MARIA C. TORRES JULISSA VARELA OSVALDO ALAMO MARIA F. AYVAR EMELIA BEDOLLA EFRAIN CAPILLA MANUEL CEBRERO ALEXANDRIA CLARA ESMERALDA DELIRA AMAIRANI GALEANA HUMERTO HURTADO GISSELLE LEYVA GIDGET LOPEZ STEPHANIE NAJERA CINTIA NUNEZ JONATHAN REYES JOANNA SANCHEZ EDISON URENA ANDREW VELA ISOLDE ALEQUIN LENNY J. BARRETO SELENE BENITEZ ALEXANDER CASTRO MARCO CEBRERO YASMINE DURAN JACQUELINE ESTRADA ANDY GARCIA YESENIA HURTADO ROCIO LICEA RICHARD LOPEZ SARAH NUNEZ KARLA PEREZ MARIBEL RODRIGUEZ JOSE. F. TECUA CHRISTIAN URENA MARICELA ZAMUDIO EASTER FLOWERS Would you like to help decorate our beautiful church and altars during the liturgies for Holy Week and Easter? You may place your contribution in your Parish envelope, and place your donation in the First Collection. You may place the names of your loved ones on the envelope. THERE IS STILL TIME CHRIST RENEWS HIS LOVE FOR US FROM THE CROSS. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE THIS LENT TO SHOW YOUR LOVE FOR HIM? THERE STILL IS TIME LEFT TO DO SOMETHING DURING THESE LAST FEW WEEKS BEFORE EASTER. ATTEND MASS, RECITE THE ROSARY, WALK THE STATIONS OF THE CROSS FAST, ABSTAIN FROM MEAT, GIVE ALMS. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Please remember those from our Parish who have requested your prayers. * Nancy Ayala - Sahagun * Carmilita Ayap * Frances Alequin * Daniel Brady * Ross Cabanero * Sally Cardenas * Lino Carmona * Jorge Cervantes * Dorothy Chmielewski * Leo Cieminski * James Ciszewski * Dorothy Damienski * Dolores De Lira * James Desecki * Barbara Durbin * Rosie Evangelista * Jesse Flores, Jr. USAF * Sophia Flores * Cherry Valenzuela Garcia * Trudy Gardner * Irene Gramiak * Walter Gramiak * Grace Gauss * Florence Hoffman * Mary Janka * Maria Kozlowska * Dolores Kryszak * Anna Krzyzaniak * Lt. Robert Logisz , U.S. Army * Lorraine Macek * Sharon Marek * Julia Marzec * Angela Melchor * Henry Mojica, Jr. * Lottie Olszowka * Stanley Olszowka, Jr. * Rose Pasko * Geraldine Poplawski * Ann Pyzik * Mary Piechowski * Diane Pilat * Anna Mae Poetz * Jennifer Ramirez * Samantha Ramirez * Carlos Eduardo Riano * Caroline Riske * Osvaldo Sahagun * Jose Serbia * Jovita Soriano * Raymundo Soriano * Brian Stanzil, USMC * Jeffrey Starzec * Lorraine Swiatek * Paz Tamondong * Eugene V. Tepper * Mary Vencill * Clifford Welheim * Helen Wozniak * Anibal Yanez, and all parishioners who are in hospitals, nursing homes or homebound, and all those serving in the military. If you have any family members currently serving in the military, and want their names included in our weekly bulletin, please call the Parish. Office. S T E WA R D S H I P 4 Parish Collection March 13 - 14, 2010 Parish Envelopes Loose Collection $ 2,138.00 $ 879.57 Total Collection $ 3,017.57 Goal for the week $ 5,000.00 Amount (Under) Budget ($ 1,982.43) Deficit Amount For Fiscal Year 2009-2010 ($ 64,764.81) Church in Central & Eastern Europe $ 465.80 Please remember St. Hedwig in your Estate Plan. Upcoming Second Collections ENERGY MAR. 27 - MAR. 28 WE THANK ALL OF OUR PARISHIONERS AND BENEFACTORS FOR THEIR CONTINUED SUPPORT AND GENEROSITY TO OUR PARISH. PALM SUNDAY AND HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE You are invited to attend our The Easter and Triduum Liturgies. Please join us as we prepare to celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. PALM SUNDAY MARCH 28 Regular Sunday Schedule Blessing of Palms at all the Masses THURSDAY, APRIL 1 Holy Thursday: 8:00 AM Morning Prayers 7:00 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper Trilingual St. Hedwig Church will be open until Midnight. FRIDAY, APRIL 2 Good Friday: 8:00 AM Morning Prayers 3:00 PM Solemn Service of the Lord’s Passion in English/Polish 4:30 PM Stations of the Cross throughout the neighborhood 6:30 PM 1st Day of the Divine Mercy Novena 7:00 PM Solemn Service of the Lord’s Passion in Spanish St. Hedwig will remain open until 10:00 PM HOLY SATURDAY, APRIL 3 Holy Saturday: 8:00 AM Morning Prayers 2nd Day of the Divine Mercy Novena Blessing of Food Baskets (Noon to 2:00 PM) 7:00 PM Easter Vigil Service and Mass. Easter Sunday: Regular Sunday Mass Schedule Rosary at 7:15 AM, 10:40 AM 3rd Day of the Divine Mercy Novena FOCUS ON THE WORD FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT Once again we have a well-known and familiar Gospel story proposed for our Lenten reflection. The account of the woman caught in the act of adultery is one that invites us to be neither sinner or judge. She was found out-discovered-publicly shamed. It happens to most of us at some point in our lives, usually when we are young. We do something wrong, and get caught. And then we have to endure the humiliation of our wrongful act being known by others. It is expected that we will learn from our mistakes, but that doesn't always happen. On the other hand, we're sometimes like the scribes and the Pharisees who bring the accusation. We discover something we can hold against another. Occasionally it is a secret knowledge that can fester in our hearts. At other times, it is a public shame that we do not hesitate to propagate for our own advantage. For whatever reason-vengeance, jealousy, mean-spiritedness-we want offenders to "get what's coming to them." Maybe in the end, the story of the woman caught in adultery is to invite us to be neither sinner nor judge. Maybe the point of the story is to act like Jesus. Could we put ourselves in his role? He extends mercy, but he also proposes expectations ("do not sin anymore"). These past three Sundays before Holy Week have been about God giving us time. The fig tree that was allowed to grow another year, the prodigal son who was allowed to come back home, and the woman who was not condemned, were all given another chance. We all want that second chance when we sin. This Sunday's Gospel would suggest if we're going to follow Christ, we have to give another chance to those who sin against us as well. ©2010 Liturgical Publications Inc READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH 21, 2010 Monday: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62/Jn 8:12-20 Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9/ Jn 8:21-30 Wednesday: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95/Jn 8:31-42 Thursday: Is 7:10-14; 8:10/ Heb 10:4-10/Lk 1:26-38 Friday: Jer 20:10-13/J n 10:31-42 Saturday: Ez 37:21-28/ Jn 11:45-56 Next Sunday: Lk 19:28-40/Is 50:4 -7/Phil 2:6-11/Lk 22:14--23:56 or 23:1-49 MARCH 21, 2010 5a MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday, March 20 5:00 PM † Linda Marie Pettineo Sunday, March 21 8:00 AM † Linda Marie Pettineo 9:30 AM † † † † Halina Mysliwiec - Ann. of Death Albertina & Wieslaw Dubiel Teresa & Frank Nega Jozefy & Jakuba Ostrowkich 11:00 AM † Leon Rydel † Rev. Joseph Grembla † Steve Marszalek † Norbert Bartnicki † Ted Swiatek 1:00 PM Sally Cardenas - Health & Blessings Barbara Durbin - Health & Blessings Parishioners of St. Hedwig Church Monday, March 22 8:00 AM † Edmond Malec 7:00 PM Liv/Dec. Mem. of the Wiszowaty Family Tuesday, March 23 8:00 AM † Joseph Widak 7:00 PM Les Radlinski - God’s Blessings & Gifts of the Holy Spirit Wednesday, March 24 8:00 AM † Stella Schaller - Health & Blessings 7:00 PM James Ciszewski - Health & Blessings Thursday, March 25 8:00 AM Liv/Dec. Mem. of the Wiszowaty Family † Geneieve Krawczak † Frank, Julia, & Harry Jendrzejak 7:00 PM † William J. Poetz Friday, March 26 8:00 AM † Sophie Wnek 7:00 PM Blessings on all the Confirmandi Saturday, March 27 8:00 AM † Linda Marie Pettineo 5:00 PM † Victoria & Anthony Wiszowaty † Florian Knick † Dorothy Ciekanowski GIVE THE GIFT THAT LASTS FOREVER Remember to reserve your Mass Intentions for 2010. MARCH 21, 2010 5b PARISH STAFF Pastor…………………….Rev. Stanislaw Jankowski, CR Assistant Pastor…… Rev. Tomasz Wojciechowski, CR. Resurrectionists in Residence Rev. Eugene Szarek, C.R. ...................... Loyola University Rev. Walter Wilczek, C.R. .......... Jański House, Superior Deacons/Diáconos Gilberto Cintrón, Daniel Cabrera & Wilmer Rodriguez Business Manager………………. Margaret Kloniecka Coordinator of Religious Education ............... Ana Flores Music Ministry ........................................ Maryna Shutovich Parish Secretary......................................... Bernadine Popp Parish Bulletin Editor.................................. Marilyn Owen PARISH OFFICE Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:00 pm or by appointment (closed 12:30-1:30 pm) Phone ............................................................ 773-486-1660 Fax ................................................................. 773-486-1684 E-mail ........................................... [email protected] Website ...................................www.sthedwigbucktown.org MASS SCHEDULE Weekend: Saturday (Vigil) 5:00 pm (Eng.); Sunday 8:00 am (Eng.) 9:30 am (Pol.) 11:00 am (Eng.) 1:00 pm (Span.) Weekday: Monday-Friday 8:00 am 7:00 pm; Saturday 8:00 am DEVOTIONS Eucharistic Adoration: Monday-Sun. 6:00-7:45 am Monday-Friday 6:00-7:00 pm Holy Rosary: Monday-Sunday 7:15 am O.L. Perpetual Help Novena: Tuesday 8:30 am Litany of the Sacred Heart: First Friday 8:30 am Litany of Blessed Virgin Mary: Saturday 8:30 am Rosary & Our Lady of Manaoag Novena: First Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday, March 28 8:00 AM † Frank & Dorothy Slosarzyk † Ann Rzepka † Evelyn Swedko 9:30 AM † Dec. Mem. of the Wiszowaty Family † Stanislaw Pogado 11:00 AM Irene Taraszka - Health & Blessings Liv/Dec. Mem. of the Knick Family † Norbert Bartnicki 1:00 PM Sally Cardenas - Health & Blessings Barbara Durbin - Health & Blessings Parishioners of St. Hedwig Church REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR YOUR N E W S I N P O L I S H A N D S PA N I S H CONFIAR EN DIOS CON TODO EL CORAZON ¿Cuál es la mejor manera de confiar en Dios? Confiar en Dios significa creer en Él. En el NO y en el SI. Algunos de nosotros confíamos en Dios solamente en el SI, cuando a Dios se le ocurre decir NO por nuestro bien. Se decaen y viven haciéndole preguntas: ¿Por qué? El que confía en Dios celebra y alaba a algunos de nosotros confíanos en Dios solamente en el SI, cuando a Dios se le ocurre decir NO por nuestro bien se decaen y viven haciéndole preguntas: ¿Por qué? El que confía en Dios celebra y alaba a Dios porque es mejor confiar en el Dios Todopoderoso que confiar en El hombre. En Dios hay esperanza, en Dios hay resolución, en Dios hay misericordia. Tenemos que creerle a Él en la seguridad de que El se encargara de mi vida entera, porque Dios me ama de verdad. REFLECCION Porque te confundes y te agitas ante los problemas de la vida Cuando hayas hecho todo lo que esté en tus manos para tratar de solucionarlos, déjame el resto a mí… Cuando hayas hecho todo lo que esté en tus manos para tratar de solucionarlos, déjame el resto a mí…...Si te abandonas en mi todo se resolverá con tranquilidad según mis designios. No te desesperes, no me dirijas una oración agitada como si quisieras exigirme el cumplimiento de tu deseo. Cierra los ojos del alma y dime con calma… Jesús, yo confío en ti… Evita las preocupaciones y angustias y los pensamientos sobre lo que pueda suceder después… No estropees mis planes queriéndome imponer tus ideas… Déjame ser Dios y actuar con toda la libertad… Abandónate confiadamente en mí. Reposa en mí y deja en mis manos tu futuro… Dime frecuentemente “Jesús yo confío en ti” y no seas como el paciente que le pide al médico que lo cure pero le sugiere el modo de hacerlo… déjate llevar en mis manos. No tengas miedo… Yo te Amo. 6 V NIEDZIELA WIELKIEGO POSTU LUSTRO DLA POTWORÓW Jezus nie pochwalał ani uczynków syna marnotrawnego, ani czynów kobiety, która cudzołożyła. Po raz drugi podkreśla, że o wiele niebezpieczniejsze jest osądzanie grzesznika niż jego grzech. O wiele niebezpieczniejsze było zgorszenie brata syna marnotrawnego, bo pozostawiało go poza domem ojca. Równie niebezpieczne było oskarżanie cudzołożnej kobiety dla tych ludzi, którzy ją w tym potępieńczym orszaku przywiedli do Jezusa, zamierzając ukamienować. Rzucanie kamieniami świetnie przekłada się na obraz przerzucania na kogoś własnych, ukrytych oskarżeń sumienia. Nazwalibyśmy to po łacinie proiectio. Większość mężczyzn dość łatwo posądza kobiety o to, co w nich jest ukrytym i wstydliwym problemem. Pewien psychiatra powiedział mi, że mężczyźni, którzy w stosunku do kobiet nadużywają wulgarnych określeń odnoszących się do seksualności, są upokorzeni przez własną pożądliwość i zwykle poważne grzechy ukrywają w swym sumieniu. Ich sumienie jest krzywdzone, bo nie dopuszczają do siebie wyrzutów sumienia, co prowadzi do obwiniania zewnętrznych obiektów. Kiedy człowiek nie dopuszcza do siebie wyrzutów sumienia, ma już tylko jedną drogę, by dać upust wewnętrznemu napięciu: obwiniać innych. Kiedy na ulicy wulgarnie określają kobietę albo w ich spojrzeniu można wyczytać słowo "dziwka", to nie jest to niczym innym, jak tylko źle tłumionym pożądaniem. Jeśli człowiek nie chce przyznać się sam przed sobą do pewnych schorzeń sumienia, staje się to wszystko albo obsesją, albo zacznie wyciekać na powierzchnię świadomości w postaci rzutowania na inne osoby swoich stłumionych wynaturzeń, w postaci projekcji. Przypisuje się wtedy in- nym dokładnie to, czego w sobie samym nie chce się uznać. Inni stają się lustrami lub ekranami naszych wewnętrznych potworów. Historia z kobietą, którą pochwycono na cudzołóstwie, każe nam się zastanowić, w jaki sposób owi mężczyźni przyłapali tę grzeszną kobietę? Dlaczego tak wiele trudu włożyli w przyłapanie jej in flagranti? Szczególnie nam, mężczyznom, powiedziałaby ta Ewangelia wprost w oczy: "To, o co głośno oskarżasz kobietę, zdradza to, czego skrycie od niej pragniesz!". Augustyn Pelanowski OSPPE Rekolekcje wielkopostne w języku angielskim. Proszę was abyście je omadlali. Nauki zakonczymy w Uroczystość Zwiastowania Pańskiego 25 Marca. Sakrament Bierzmowania - 26 Marca o godz. 7:00 wieczorem. Zapraszamy na tę Msze Św., której przewodniczył bedzie ks Bp. John Manz. Za tydzień - Niedziela Palmowa. Początek Wielkiego Tygodnia. Zapraszamy na Mszę św podczas której będzie śpiewana Pasja o Męce Pańskiej. Si crees quelas cosas empeoraron o se complican a pesar de tu oración sigue confiando, cierra los ojos del alma y confía…Continúa diciéndome a todas horas… “ Jesús yo confío en ti. ” Necesito las manos libres para obrar… No me ates con tus preocupaciones inútiles, Satanás quiere eso agitarte, angustiarte, quitarte la paz…Confía solo en mí, abandónate en mí así que no te preocupes, hecha en mí todas las angustias y duerme tranquilamente… Dime siempre “ Jesús yo confío en ti ” y veras grandes milagros. Solo “Confia en mi :Yo , Dios; te amo.” El Señor te perdona" Te invitamos al Retiro de Cuaresma el 27 de Marzo de 8 a 4 de la tarde, donacion $5.00 para los alimentos
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