Equestsian news Trust reptiles Women attackted
Equestsian news Trust reptiles Women attackted
Tel: 015 793 0617 • Fax: 086 684 9978 • Web: www.looklocal.co.za R2.00 incl Friday August 22, 2014 Role of women Women attackted Trust reptiles Equestsian news Roleplayers highlight the role of women Police on the lookout for suspected rapists Khamai Reptile Park reach out to communities HCS learners selected as members of Limpopo team 2 3 4 12 Photo: Illustration only Men in court for rape TWO men suspected of raping a teenager who was coming from the initiation school ceremony appeared in Acornhoek Magistrate Court charged with rape on Monday. According to Acornhoek police spokesperson Lieutenant Mpho Nonyane the victim was attacked after she and her boyfriend left the initiation ceremony at round 19:00 last Saturday in Buffelshoek Village. ‘While they were on their way home two suspects approached them and they threatened and chased the boyfriend away. The suspects them dragged the victim to the nearby bushes where they raped her,’ said Nonyane. The victim went to the police to open a case and managed to tell the police who are the culprit. The police went to look for the suspects and they were arrested, one of the suspects was found hiding under the bed. A police officer tried to pull him out and the suspect beat the police officer with a rod he had with him under the bed. The police managed to arrest him and he was charged with assaulting a police officer while his friend was charged with rape. The suspects, Rodney Ngobeni (20) charge with rape and Anline Malatji (22) charged for assaulting a police officer. Theyy were both remanded in custody and the case is postponed to August 25 for bail application. 2 NEWS WOMEN IN BLUE: Women motorists were educated during Operation Basadi that was held in the Orpen road last Friday. HOEDSPRUIT HERALD Friday August 22, 2014 ROADBLOCK: The roadblock that was held in conjunction with Operation Basadi on Friday. Operation Basadi successful MEMBERS of the Hoedspruit and Acornhoek police, Traffic officers and Hoedspruit Air Press Council HOEDSPRUIT HERALD is an accredited member of the Press Council adhering to a code for news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. Complaints can be addressed to the Press Ombudsman at (011) 484-3618/9. Force Base’s female soldiers participated in Operation Basadi to highlight the role of women in the community. The operation was part of Woman’s Month celebrations and featured a road block last Friday at the Orpen road on the border of Mpumalanga and Limpopo. The police officers were under the command of Limpopo Safety and Security MEC Mapula Mokaba. Six traffic fines were issued and one person was arrested for drunken driving. Pamphlets containing information on domestic violence were distributed to female motorists during Operation Basadi. Acornhoek police spokesperson Lieutenant Mpho Nonyane said that women must not feel threatened by male domination in the police, traffic and air force. ‘Women must apply to be police officers and be determined to help other women that are unable to fight domestic violence in their areas,’ said Nonyane. She said that women must not allow themselves and their children to go through abuse because they are vulnerable or they are not having an income to feed themselves. HOEDSPRUIT HERALD Friday August 22, 2014 NEWS 3 No plans to nationalise pension funds GOVERNMENT has no intention to nationalise people’s pension (or provident) funds, or prevent them from accessing their money, says the Department of Basic Education. This after rumours alleged that government would take away people’s hard-earned pensions, and prevent them from accessing their funds. The department says the rumours were based on a misunderstanding of government’s proposals. Instead, the department says government has proposed retirement reforms, which will protect employees when they retire. “The retirement reforms, including those relating to preservation of savings, are aimed at ensuring that pension fund members are better protected and can retire comfortably. Government is proposing important measures to lower charges on the pension funds of workers, to ensure that they maximise their pensions,” the department said. Employees are encouraged to keep their savings until they retire and to convert some of their retirement savings into income at retirement. The department said currently, only an estimated 6% of citizens are able to maintain their lifestyle and replace their income fully at retirement. The department also said that the proposals have not yet been put into law. “National Treasury is currently consulting widely on these proposals through several forums, including with labour unions, industry and engagements with the general public. It will take government at least two years before the proposals are made into law,” the department said. According to the department, the proposals seek to encourage pension fund members to preserve their money in their own funds (with old or new employer), or with a financial institution when they change jobs, and to also allow some access to the funds. “Government is not proposing that people’s current and new retirement savings be kept, saved or nationalised or be used as prescribed assets. “Should these preservation proposals become law, the legislation would not be implemented retrospectively,” the department added. The department also said that once the new rules come into effect, pension fund members will still be able to access a portion of their savings contributed after the implementation date of the new rules. Government also encourage members of provident funds to take a major portion of their retirement money as monthly pension payments instead of a once-off lump sum. “Currently, members of provident funds get their entire accumulated retirement money as cash at retirement and unless this cash is saved such that it provides income for the duration of a member’s life this arrangement can leave retirees vulnerable to poverty in later years,” said the department. For more information contact: 0800117669. Like the Herald on Facebook Woman attacked on her way home ACORNHOEK police are searching for two suspected would-be rapists who attacked a woman near Maripe High School in Greenvalley Village. According to Acornhoek police spokesperson Lieutenant Mpho Nonyane the victim was on her way home when she was approached by two unknown suspects who threatened her with a knife. ‘The suspects demanded that she give them her belongings. They took her undisclosed amount of cash, bank cards, cellphone, shoes and her jacket,’ said Nonyane. The suspects then took the victim to the nearby bushes where they started to undress her. After finishing undressing her they realised that she was menstruating and they ran off, leaving her in the bushes. Police are now investigating two cases, one for sexual assault and another one for robbery with a weapon other than a firearm. Anyone with information that may lead to the arrest of the suspects can contact Acornhoek branch commander Lieutenant Colonel John Mbambo on 082 469 1031. Interact with the Herald, visit our facebook page 4 NUUS ! HURRYS 6 DAY ONLY PRICE CUTS HOEDSPRUIT HERALD Friday August 22, 2014 Buy-aid accepted Ask in store for details Selected products on this page have been styled for photography Our Butchery BUTCHER’S BEST Meat prices cut to the bone BUYS Bulk Stewing Beef Bone in R 52 R Per kg 89 Toks & Tjops Braai Pack Consists of: Lamb Loin Chops, Ultimate Braai Master Boerewors and Porterhouse Steak Per kg If it’s not fresh enough for you, it’s not good enough for us. Make the healthy choice • To activate HealthyFood, visit discovery.co.za • Look for ‘VIT’ on the shelf label to identify HealthyFood items 32 95 PnP Plums Loose Sell Per kg BUY 2 FOR R 47 SAVE R13 Rama Spread for Bread 40% Fat Spread 1kg Tub 32 95 29 34 Earn Vitality points on every HealthyFood purchase Terms and conditions apply. Discovery Vitality (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider. Registration number 1999/007736/07. PnP Imported Grapes Assorted 500g Each R cash back on over 10000 HealthyFood items 25% 20 95 PnP Nectarines Loose Sell Per kg Get up to R 9 SAVE R10 Sasko White Premium Bread 700g Lancewood Mild Cheddar Cheese 450g PnP Gateaux Cake Assorted Each 79 55 90 90 22 70 Douwe Egberts Instant Coffee Assorted 200g (Excluding Decaf) Each 16 SAVE R4 Huletts White Sugar 2.5kg 90Sea Harvest Lemon & Herb or Classic Hake Bakes 360g Each 44 90 Skip Intelligent Washing Powder 2kg Flexi Bag 42 90 SAVE R14 Baby Soft 2 Ply Toilet Tissue Assorted 9s Per Pack Get 10% EXTRA airtime, every time, 16 90 SAVE R3 Allsome Parboiled P Rice 2kg R when you top up your new MTN Pick n Pay Boxer SIM at Pick n Pay and Boxer only. y. 26 90 *SIM card 50c Sunfoil Sunflower Oil 2 Litre SAVE R10 Mobile Money is operated by TYME, a distribution channel of the South African Bank of Athens Limited, an authorised financial services and registered credit provider (FSP5865, NCRCP6). PRICES VALID 19 - 24 AUGUST 2014 AT PICK N PAY SUPERMARKETS AND HYPERMARKETS In Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Limpopo. Excluding Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland, Lesotho and Express stores. smart shopper points will still apply in Express stores. Buy-aid cards not accepted at the following stores: Vanderhof, Northmead, Rosettenville, Elspark and Hoedspruit. www.picknpay.co.za. Customer Care 0800 11 22 88. Toll free landline only. Cellphone rates apply. Shop in store or online at www.pnp.co.za/shop Certain promotional stocks are limited. Information correct at time of print. Prices inclusive of VAT, where applicable. smart shopper terms and conditions apply. E&OE. 1186588_390 X 198 HERE TO LEARN: Khamai Reptile Park volunteers showing how brave they are holding a boa constrictor at the park from left; Gerard Rowlands, Valley Hlokwe, Caspian Windnich and Piere Viquesrel who is seated in front Volunteers learn to trust reptiles KHAMAI Reptile Park reaching out to their neighbouring villages where they do an outreach p r o g r a m m e whenever they see the need to teach the community about reptiles. The reptile park has been functioning for the past 30 years and throughout those years a lot of volunteer have visited the place and left with more knowledge about animals that are taken care of tat the park. Their recent intake includes Valley Hlokwe from Namakgale Township who joined the team early this month. Hlokwe said that he chose to volunteer at the park because of his love of nature and environment. ‘I want to pursue my career as a conservationist but I had a phobia of some reptiles,’ said Hlokwe. He said since he arrived at the Khamai Reptile Park he received a lot of encouragement and support that he now can be able to hold a frog without worrying like he did before. The park owner Donald Strydom said that they received a lot of volunteers over the years but Hlokwe shown his dedication of helping the reptiles from the day that he arrived. ‘A lot of people have wrong information about reptiles and when they arrive here they start to learner that the reptile are not as people make them out to be,’ said Strydom. The team would like to building filter for crocodiles and are asking the community to help them with cement, concrete mix and other equipment that will see the project move forward. Khamai Reptile Park is home to some of South Africa’s deadliest snakes. Guides are conducted everyday where visitors are taught about black and green mambas, boa constrictor, boomslangs, Mozambique Spitting Cobras and other reptiles. Anyone who will like to help the park build the filter for the crocodile can contact Donald Strydom on 015 795 5203 or 082 299 398. Interact with the Herald, visit our facebook page HOEDSPRUIT HERALD Friday August 22, 2014 GENERAL EXPECTING: Expecting parents during the Maternity Open Day at Clinix Phalaborwa Private Hospital on Saturday. 5 PREGGIES: Mums and Dad to be took a tour around the hospital’s maternity ward during the Maternity Open Day on Saturday. Clinix hosts Maternity Open Day CLINIX Phalaborwa Private Hospital hosted a Maternity Open Day on Saturday. Expectant parents attended in a large number. Dr Vital Kalumba, a gynaecologist at the hospital, said pregnancy is the time to look after yourself very, very carefully. ‘Staying healthy during pregnancy depends on you, so it’s crucial to arm yourself with information about the many ways to keep you and your baby as healthy as possible,’ said Kalumba. The maternity unit manager Sister Sophie Sibiya said the minute you become pregnant, your life is irrevocably changed. Suddenly there is a little person to consider and everything you do somehow affects the little person. ‘There are a few things you can do to ensure your pregnancy is a healthy and happy time for both you and your unborn child,’ said Sibiya. She gave a talk on blood pressure, blood sugar, HIV/ Aids, weight gain and headache problems during pregnancy. She further said that the best start to your pregnancy is to ensure that you visit your gynaecologist or health care as soon as possible. Good nutrition is another important factor in pregnancy and Sibiya warns that this does not give you a licence to eat anything you want! ‘When you’re pregnant you are “eating for two”, but this doesn’t mean you have to consume calories for two, it means consume nutrients for two,’ said Sibiya. She also advised the expecting mothers not to take any medications, even over-the-counter medications, without first discussing them with healthcare provider or pharmacist. ‘Minimise stress because stress can worsen nausea, fatigue, backache, headache and indigestion. Be especially kind to yourself during this special time. Don’t take on too much work, listen to your body and get plenty of rest, most importantly, enjoy this very special time. Take the time to bond with your unborn baby, savour every little movement and talk to your baby often,’ concluded Sibiya. The hospital marketing manager Virnicia Mathebula told the pregnant parents about all the benefits when you give birth at the hospital. ‘We give you a Clinix bag with baby starter packs like nappies, surgical spirit, baby powder ect, employees from Home Affairs assist with birth certificates at the hospital and a photo of your new baby get posted on our website,’ said Mathebula. Expectant parents were taken in a tour around the maternity ward and hospital and they received goodie bags with baby products with useful hints and tips. Refreshments and nutritious sandwiches were served during the Maternity Open Day. BENEFITS: Clinix Phalaborwa Private Hospital marketing manager, Virnicai Mathebula posing with Makgopa Mmakoma and Nyiko Ngoveni, in front of them is the bag with baby products that you receive after giving birth at the hospital. 6 SCHOOL NEWS HOEDSPRUIT HERALD Friday August 22, 2014 School with no limit Golden Scope Adaptive Learning Centre received much needed equipment from Hoedspruit Buco Hardware and Buildware. The school obtained the items after the founder notified the parents about the need for items that will make learning better for the children. The response from Buco was overwhelming as they donated ceiling fans, plastic containers, chemicals for cleaning, air conditioning units and installation, 42” TV set and a sign designed by ME Graphix . The school director, Natasha van Zyl, thanked Buco, ME Graphix and the Hoedspruit community for all the the support have received. ‘The school is a centre for learning, where the learners are accommodated by adapting the information into their style of learning. At Golden Scope, we presume competence. A child is competent in negotiating his/her body and mind in this world, despite how unique or different it might seem from the conventional view of an independent person,’ said Van Zyl. Children that are currently benefiting from this approach usually have a diagnosis of Autism, ADHD, Epilepsy and other similar learning challenges. These children usually present a scattered profile on an intelligence test, where their non-verbal scale is usually exceedingly higher than their verbal scale, or certain areas score exceptionally high, while other areas score exceptionally low. Often children with these labels cannot find a place in mainstream schools and if they do are held back as they are often incapable of learning at an accelerated pace. This in turn requires a flexible and responsive curriculum that can keep pace with their needs and in a way that makes sense to them. Golden Scope is geared to the needs of the child rather than the school and is the first of its kind in the Hoedspruit area. Director Van Zyl has many years of experience in identifying and designing learning methods to meet these needs. She has an Honours degree in Psychology from the University of Stellenbosch, and specialized in Cognitive Behavioural therapy. She has worked in the field of Behavioural Modification for 14 years in England, Dubai, North America, Ethiopia and South Africa. She designed the Golden Scope Adaptive Learning program from her experiences. For further information about the school please contact the centre at: [email protected] or on their facebook group called: Golden Scope Adaptive Learning Centre. Or visit their website at: www. GoldenScope.co.za HAPPY LEARNERS: Golden Scope Adaptive Learning Centre received equipment from BUCO. The representative from Buco, Anthony van Vuuren (back, far left), presented the gifts to the learners, school director and some parents. 3 for for the the price price of of 2 ALL SHIRTS Buy any 3 mens or ladies shirts and get the cheapest item FREE! trappers.co.za Savannah Mall (015) 296 0900 • Mall of the North (015) 265 1329 Tzaneen (015) 307 5668 Gift card availableExcludes sale items. Ts&Cs apply. While stocks last. E&OE HOEDSPRUIT HERALD Friday August 22, 2014 NUUS 7 THE HOEDSPRUIT Chamber of Commerce had an informal get together at the new business centre next to Spar on Thursday last week. The purpose of the event was for members to meet each other and network. The President of the Chamber, Cecile de Kock, welcomed the guests present and assured everybody that the Chamber will play a growing role in the community and will strive to create an environment conducive to conduct business in the Hoedspruit area. Photographed here ate the function are some of the committee members. They are Ntau Letebele (Deputy President), Cecile de Kock (President), Sarah Dawn Bergs (Operations Officer), Vee Burger (Liaison) and Nicole Meyer (Member Liaison). Hoedspruit Chamber of Commerce endorse local Food Market FREE ranging eggs, homemade health breads and scrumptious cakes, fresh vegetables and a dash of artsy things and friendly service - all ingredients of a Saturday morning checkpoint for many Hoedspruiters. The local Food Market, held every Saturday morning at Kamogelo meeting held earlier in the year. Viewing this year as a foundation phase, the HCC is adding spokes to its wheel with initiatives like a website, newsletter, brochure, membership drive and a few special events. The website has recently gone live and is found at www.hoedspruitccsa.com. Mrs South Africa Is Crowned 32 ON SALE NOW! A S ZLEEAKER PUZCODEBR CH NUMBERSEAR numbers below. are hidden the without are crosswords guesswork. They might find it useful to require inspired is used (you each letter Codebreakers of the alphabet find them) and start clues. Every letter located by the grid as you ‘B’, so a useful letters ‘23’ has the letter Vowels cross out the In this puzzle number '23'. that contain the are few. has its own number. as ‘X’ and ‘Z’ in all the boxes but letters such is to insert 'B’ once in a word appear at least Within this grid horizontally, vertically, They are found and back-to-front. diagonally 9 6 2 6 0 3 3 5 4 7 1 3 8 8 3 1 5 1 9 3 1 8 3 0 1 8 2 2 2 6 2 8 8 9 4 8 5 3 1 0 8 2 1 5 8 7 9 4 3 2 6 6 8 5 4 0 8 4 2 2 7 6 1 6 1 4 5 1 4 6 3 2 9 9 0 8 0 1 3 4 1 5 2 0 7 6 3 8 1 1 6 4 6 7 6 7 6 1 1 6 4 9 9 2 0 0 7 7 9 5 7 9 5 3 4 2 9 6 8 8 8 4 6 5 9 6 9 2 0 8 7 5 3 0 1 9 9 4 7 7 3 0 1 6 7 3 2 7 1 4 8 9 9 0 8 4 2 2 7 8 2 8 0 4 7 4 4 8 2 3 2 7 7 0 5 6 3 9 0 0 4 7 8 4 2 7 5 1 5 7 2 7 4 5 1 9 1 1 2 3 9 0 6 3 8 6 6 1 3 1 1 7 6 4 9 8 4 6 5 7 1 2 9 6 3 1 9 5 5 1 8 0 3 5 2 0 3 2 6 7 0 9 9 0 2 8 1 9 2 3 5 7 6 9 2 9 6 7 8 8 9 6 9 7 8 2 9 3 6 0 5 6 8 8 1 8 2 6 6 2 8 2 0 3 0 2 0 2 3 889598 7969063962 3213166 89196243 0282 7989902340 4028 9087509766 1168 82110763 4098964641 9107610417 18139 83158814 4812077278 98916 197608463 8480763061 6161842232 9929679690 2341742857 8521735477 6893 2838 8642020657 7174004732 31517 8864202065 780458 3157816940 + 32 Puzzles STICKL LOURDES MAKING WAVES DEMI’S DAUGHTER IN DRUG REHAB CENTRAL ANGIE TO DAD: ‘STAY AWAY FROM MY FAMILY’ Fab 5 BY EL BROIDE SURGERY FOR SELFIES VENUS IN FUR BRADLEY’S August 22, 2014, VOL 28 NO 34 R17.00 (VAT incl). Other countries R14.91 (tax excl) ‘JAGERBOMBS JAGERBO ALMOST KILLED ME’ REAL LIFE ‘DIABETES DIABETES KILLED MY 22 22-YEAR-OLD YEAR O BRIDE-TO-BE’ SHOCKING LOVE TRIANGLE FASHION 1 JERSEY BOY S IF you love the story behind Frankie Valli And The Four Seasons, incredibly popular theatre then you’re in for a treat as this to following the group’s production makes it’s debut on the big screen this week. coming of age as performers, In addition allegiance to a code the core of the show of honour learned displays how an on the through a multitude of challenges: gambling streets of their native New Jersey got them beautifully shot and debts, Mafia threats has a killer soundtrack and family disasters. Jersey Boys released as well which is in The film is stores now. August 15, 2014. ADBOT ULT CHED PICS: AAI FOTOSTOCK / GREAT STOCK/ WWW.ELITEPHOTOA NUMETRO/ KYKNET/ GENCY.COM / MNET GALLO IMAGES/ PAN / PUBLICITY/ MEDIA/ INPRA/ THE BIGGER PICTURE / E! ENTERTAINMENT TO SPLIT? ERS TV Schedules Interviews HOT NEW TREND STARTING this week, E! goes under the knife as plastic surgeons Terry Dubrow and Paul Nassiff come to the rescue when extreme plastic surgery goes terribly wrong! From a nose that’s had six surgeries to a startling ‘uni-boob’, discover how these doctors can turn walking nightmares into success stories. E! sure know how to create reality shows with a twist, and this is one show to miss! Catch Botched, you don’t want Sundays at 22h00 on E! FIRST DATES MODERN dating has never been so complicated − and with the Internet, more and more people are meeting each other online. Finding someone to go out with you is half the battle, but nothing gets the heart pumping faster than the make-or-break first date. First Dates returns this week with the restaurant doors opening to hopeful singles looking for love. All the daters have seen is a photo of their partner. All they need now is a spark of chemistry... Catch First Dates, Thursdays at 20h30 on M-Net Series Reality. 10 YEARS LATE LATER... MIRACLE GIRL SURVIVED TSUNAMI ROMAN POLANSKI is back with another anoth fantastic film that pushes boundaries. Mathieu Amalric plays Thomas, a writer-director of a new play, who, after a long, unsuccessful day of trying to cast his leading lady, is about to head home. That’s when actress Vanda − played by Emmanuelle Seigner − arrives. To Thomas’ amazement, Vanda shows great understandin of the character, and g knows every line by heart. As the audition progresses, the intensity increases, and Thomas’ attraction turns into obsession. The film is visually beautiful, and, with a powerful story, has become one of our favourite indie films this year. DVD, Book And Movie Reviews JIMMY NEVIS, MISSCATO JIMMY NEVIS is back! After a successful run with his debut album − which saw the release of hits like Balloon, Heartboxing , and Elephant Shoes − the star is ready to bring out his new album, and has premiered the project’s debut single Misscato. The track is a step into the hip-hop/R&B sphere, a genre which tapped into before. Jimmy’s It has a very raw, pure, feel to it, and Jimmy’s emotion shines through. The production is simple but it works, and we think his new album promises to be very interesting! Misscato is available on iTunes ow. www.peoplemagazine .co.za Only R19 95 PEOPLE 85 Is Kim And Kanye’s Marriage Strictly Business? Kardashian, for some strange reason the phrase ‘crazy business deals’ comes to mind… So we can’t really claim to be all that surprised at the recent reports concerning Kim and Kanye that claim the entire relationship between the couple, marriage and all, is not personal − it’s just business. Time Out For TEAM BECKHAM? REAL LIFE On Thursday, August 14 HCC members shared good wine, good food and good company at an informal gettogether held at Leadwood Corner. On the cards for the rest of the year is a speed networking meeting, a business seminar and the annual Braai Competition in November. Building on a foundation of positive networking and pro-active action, the HCC has strengthened its relations with the Maruleng Municipality. Members of the municipality and HCC enjoyed a fruitful breakfast at Kaya Ndlovu Manor, setting the table for the year and getting to know each other better. Since then the HCC has had several meetings with relevant municipal officers on issues ranging from roads, housing and sewerage. HCC members also added valuable business and community input to the Integrated Development Programme (IDP). Shopping Centre, is fast becoming a fixture on local shopping lists. This is one of the initiatives endorsed by the Hoedspruit Chamber of Commerce (HCC). The HCC is a voice for business in the greater Maruleng area and is stretching its strides since the annual general DAVID recently spent the day at the beach in Los Angeles with his sons before taking them off to a baseball game – while Posh was nowhere to be seen. He is pleading with wife, Victoria to do more things together because he fears that they are leading virtually separate lives. ‘Jagerbombs Almost Killed Me’ WHEN Jayde went on a night out with her friends she never imagined she would end up in a coma. 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YM010195 R50 The ad will appear in the Letaba, Phalaborwa and Mopani Herald HOEDSPRUIT HERALD Friday August 22, 2014 HOEDSPRUIT HERALD Friday August 22, 2014 ALGEMEEN HULLE KOM VERMAAK: Tjiff en Tjaff kom Hoedspruit vermaak. Tjiff en Tjaff eersdaags hier HOEDSPRUIT Preprimer bied ‘n heerlike pretdag aan op Saterdag 6 September waneer Kyknet se gewilde groen tweeling Tjiff en Tjaff op Hoedspruit kom kuier. Nie net sal Tjiffcen Tjaff ‘n vertoning lewer nie maar verskeie aktiwiteiete sal vir kinders op hierdie dag aangebied word. Die pretdag sal plaasvind op die gronde van Hoedspruit Preprimer en aktiwiteite sluit in springkastele, ‘n hindernisbaan, gesigverf en ‘n karaoke kompetisie. Khamai reptielpark sal ook ‘n slangvertoning vir die kinders aanbied. Verskeie uitstallers met kinderprodukte sowel as kosstalletjies sal beskikbaar wees. Die Tjiff en Tjaff vertoning vind plaas in die skoolsaal te Laerskool Drakensig waarna die kinders die geleentheid sal hê om hulle te ontmoet. Kaartjies is steeds beskikbaar by Hoedspruit Preprimer en Hoedspruit Spar en beloop R60 vir kinders tussen 2 en 3. Babas onder 2 is gratis. Persone bo 13 kan ‘n kaartjie aankoop vir R20. Kaartjies sal ook by die hek beskikbaar wees. Hekke open om 09:00 en die Tjiff en Tjaff vertoning sal plaasvind om 14:00. Vir enige verdere inligting skakel Hanli Nel op 015 793 2401. Hoedspruit Preprimer nooi alle ouers en kinders uit om die pretdag saam met hulle te gaan geniet. Riepies kry internasionale gaste ‘n DUITSE gesin het die Riepies kom besoek en ons meer geleer oor die lewe van ‘n skoolkind in Duitsland. Een van ons oud leerders, Hannah Meintjes, was ‘n uitruilstudent by die Nedermeier gesin. Die Riepies was uiters beindruk om te hoor dat hulle glad nie skooldrag dra nie en dat sneeuski sommer ‘n middagaktiwiteit is in hulle voorstrate... wonder hoe baie hulle die son sien... INTERNASIONALE GASTE: Die Nedermeier gesin van Duitsland het Laerskool Mariepskop besoek. By hulle is Hannah Meintjes. 9 10 SPORT WENNERS: Laerskool Drakensig het hul hokkieseisoen afgeskop met ‘n goeie voorbeeld wat hul eerste seunsspan vir hul gestel het. Die span het Laerskool Tzaneen asook Unicorn Primary stof in die oë geskop deur 1-0 en 3-0 te wen. Die res van die Drakie spanne het ook al hul kragte en vaardighede bewys deur meeste van hul wedstryde te wen of gelykop te speel. Baie geluk aan die Drakies wat so uitstekend vorder en getrou hul oefeninge bywoon! Drakies se onoorwonne eerste seunspan nadat hul teen Laerskool Tzaneen ‘n doelgeskiet het. HOEDSPRUIT HERALD Friday August 22, 2014 VAARDIGHEID: Limpopo speler Anastasia Letebele wys haar vaardighede in hul wedstryd teen Laerskool Tzaneen. BRONS: Nanikie Ditshego van Drakensig het steeds ‘n brons medalje verower in die 3km vir meisies onder 11 ten spyte van die groot hoeveelheid atlete.. Drakies hardloop DIE Drakies se lang asem landloop atlete het die afgelope naweek by Hoërskool Merensky deelgeneem. Die roete was ‘n uitdaging vir die Drakie atlete en het hul uithouvermoë goed getoets. Met die enorme hoeveelheid atlete het Nanikie Ditshego steeds ‘n brons medalje verower in die 3km vir meisies onder 11. Baie geluk aan al die Drakie atlete wat deelgeneem het en hul goeie gesindheid daar ten toon gestel het. HOEDSPRUIT HERALD Friday August 22, 2014 SPORT/SKOLE 11 Meisies met ‘n stokPERDjie TWEE leerders van Laerskool Mariepskop, Melindi Randall en Dianne Dent, het aan ‘n naweek kompetisie in Hoedspruit deelgeneem. Met Lance en Shadow, die Welch ponie en Boerperd, verwerf hulle blou rosette vir hulle prestasies. Hierdie meisies is voorwaar vinnig op hulle perdjies. Die Riepies is trots op julle. OP PAD PROTEAS TOE: Laerskool Drakensig het die afgelope week drie van hul krieketspelers gestuur na die oefen uitdunne te Tzaneen.Kyle Pretorius. Kyle is deur na die volgende ronde. Van links: Philip Esterhuysen, Ruan Smit en Nico Pretoruis die Drakies se krieketafrigter en ook Akademie afrigter. HUL BLINK UIT: Melindi Randall en Dianne Dent het blou roseƩe verwerf vir hul prestasies tydens ‘n naweek kompeƟsie. Oppad Proteas toe vir Kyle LAERSKOOL Drakensig het die afgelope week drie van hul krieketspelers gestuur na die oefen uitdunne te Tzaneen. Na ‘n lang dag van boul en kolf vir Kyle Pretorius, Philip Esterhuysen en Ruan Smit het net Kyle Pretorius dit gemaak na die volgende ronde wat op 29 en 30 Augustus in Polokwane sal plaasvind. Baie sterkte aan die speler . Sport herald.co.za Email: [email protected] • Cell: 083 275 4928 Friday August 22, 2014 RIDING: Hoedspruit Christian School learners will be part of the team that will represent Limpopo at the National Equestrian HCS learners to represent province HOEDSPRUIT Christian School learners Rebecca Rowles and Kirsty Topham have been selected as members of the Limpopo Equestrian Schools Team. They will be participating in the SANESA National Championships in October from the 9th to 11th at Misty Meadows Equestrian Park, Pretoria. Rowles’ classes of competing are 1 metre show jumping, novice dressage and 1 metre equitation. HCS is proud of each and every one of their students, but extends special congratulations to Rowles and Topham.
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