Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church 235 East State Street Doylestown
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church 235 East State Street Doylestown, PA 18901 215-348-4190 www.ourladymtcarmel.org Tithing is “Stewardship in Action” November 16,2014 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time From the Pastor’s Desk Christian Stewardship Pope Francis recently shared some important insights regarding the Penal System and the Death Penalty: “All Christians and people of good will are thus called today to struggle not only for abolition of the Death Penalty, whether it be legal or illegal and in all its forms, but also to improve prison conditions, out of respect for the human dignity of persons deprived of their liberty. And this I connect with life imprisonment. Life imprisonment is a hidden death penalty.” Msgr. Charles H. Hagan Life is changed not taken away. COMMUNION UNDER BOTH FORMS BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUPS “Grief is like a long, winding valley where any bend may reveal a totally new landscape.”...C.S.Lewis 1. November 23, 2014 - 12 Noon 2. November 30, 2014 - 9:00 AM We offer a safe place in which to do the work of grieving. Each new gathering builds on the previous one. EVENING We gather on Tuesday evenings St. Simon Stock House, 6:30PM - 8:00PM 11/18/14 Exploring feelings during grief 11/25/14 Physical aspect during grief 12/09/14 Celebrating holidays/rituals 1/13/15 Reinvesting in life...moving forward DAYTIME We gather on Wednesday mornings St. Mary’s Hall, 10:30Am - 12:00PM 12/03/14 Physical aspect during grief 12/10/14 Celebrating holidays/rituals 1/7/15 Reinvesting in life...moving forward SICK AND HOMEBOUND In Our Prayers: Johnny Tate, John Shackleton, Gianna Masciantonio (new born - brain tumor), Frank “B”, Paul Bennis, Manda Martelli, Ernest Martelli, Jim Boyle, Jason Smith, Shaun Carter, Jeff Toner, Barbara Brown, Joan Grycewicz, Irene Mikols, Bob Breeze, Christyne Kolen, Gary Hoeffner, John Mullen, Pat & Tom Olsen, Jim Hendricks, Elizabeth Ann Schlotter, Mary Bain, Lena Matozza, Beverly Petrilla, Robert Richardson, Lucy Frey, Edward Bauman, Melissa Bauman, Patricia De Bianca, Fred Roberts, Rita Graves, Mary Corini, Marguerite Peluso, Lili Maltese, Patrick McKenna, Lino & Engracia Fuentes, Jimmy Gill, Alverna McCabe, Laurette DuBois, Dolores Pers. Note: Names remain on the sick list for three weeks. If you would like to have someone prayed for, please call the Rectory, 215-348-4190. Second Collection THIS weekend, November 15 & 16 is for St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. We thank you for your generosity. The Second Collection NEXT weekend, November 22 & 23 is for the St. Vincent de Paul Society. We thank you in advance for your continued generosity Please remember: Janet Doyle, Anne Arnold, Christopher J. Mc Cauley, Anne M. Stanger, Carl Swartz, Joseph Bucciarelli, Sr., Emelia Petrillo, and all the faithful departed. PETITION BOOK The petition book is available in the rear vestibule for those who wish to enter their concerns in that way. Requests placed in the petition book are also honored in a general way by the members of the prayer chain. The petition book will be brought up to the altar the first Sunday of every month. “May God hold them in the Palms of His hands” Bucks County Festival of Praise and Vocations There will be a Bucks County Festival of Praise and Vocations Holy Hour on November 20, 2014 from 7:30PM-8:30PM at the main church at St. Andrew, 81 Swamp Rd., Newtown, PA. For more information, please contact Fr. Jason Buck at: [email protected], or Fr. Jonathan Dalin at: [email protected]. Fr. Dalin’s phone number is 215-493-3377 X211. PRAYER CHAIN Anyone in need of spiritual support may place their requests on the prayer chain by calling Barbara @ 215-345-6219. 2 3 Thanksgiving Food Boxes We need your help in providing Thanksgiving Dinner Food Boxes for families in need. Please call 215-348-8833 to let us know if you can help. When you call, leave your name, and phone number. I will call you back with a code number, the size of the family and whether they wish a turkey or a ham dinner. The code number maintains confidentiality. To prepare the box for the Thanksgiving dinner, purchase the ingredients that you and your family would like to give: fresh fruits and vegetables, a freshly baked item such as cookies, or nut bread, cranberry sauce, bread for stuffing or stuffing mix, potatoes or instant potatoes, canned vegetables and fruits, candles, pretty napkins..any extras that you choose...and, of course, a frozen turkey (Do not include any other frozen items, only the turkey). Please do not include any alcoholic beverages with the food baskets. Put all the ingredients in a box (or two smaller boxes that are easy to carry). Put the code number on the box (boxes) and deliver to St. Mary’s Hall (next to the prayer garden) on Tuesday, November 25, 2014 from 6AM to 11AM. We will deliver the dinner boxes to the families the same day. Thank you for your generous help. I can also give you a code number for Christmas if you wish. Third grade was brimming with enthusiasm last week! A representative from the Bucks County Extension Office presented an embryology program explaining the parts of an egg and the various stages of chick development. Then each third grade class received a chick incubator and seven eggs on Friday. By Monday morning , two little chicks had pecked their way out of their shells in Mrs. O’Mara’s room, and one chick had made an appearance in Mrs. Poiesz’s room. The students watched intently as the little balls of feathers rolled around the incubator trying to gain their footing. Within hours, all seven chicks had hatched in each classroom and were ready to be transported to their new cardboard box home. The third grade students eagerly watched “Chick Filet” and “Snowball” grow over the course of the week until it was time to allow the chicks to return to the farm. What an incredible learning experience for the students! God bless, Dawn Parker Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Santa Breakfast Please join the Mothers of Young Children as they host a family Christmas breakfast open to all parish families. There will be a continental breakfast, a Christmas story, a craft activity and musical entertainment. There will be an opportunity for the children to have their pictures taken with Santa, so don’t forget your camera! Parish Community Ministry When: Saturday, December 13th from 9am-11am (Santa will arrive at 9:45) Where: OLMC School Cafeteria The Parish Community Ministry (PCM) will be offering the opportunity for parish families to make Advent wreaths the weekend of November 29th and 30th. Fresh greens and supplies will be available in St. Mary’s Hall before the 5PM Mass on Saturday, November 29th and from 8:00AM - 12:00 Noon on Sunday, November 30th. Wreaths will be blessed during the following masses: 5:00PM (Saturday), 9:00AM, 10:30AM and 12 Noon Masses on Sunday. Suggested donation is $5 if you provide the wire form from prior years or $9 if you need to purchase a wire form. Register by contacting Trish Jordan at 215-766-3716 or via email at: [email protected]. This is a donation collection event benefiting the families serviced by the Doylestown Food Pantry (Bucks County Housing Group). Each family attending is asked to bring an unwrapped gift or a gift card for a child or teenager in lieu of admission to the event. We are in great need of items for older children and teenagers. Gift ideas include gift cards to KMART, Bath and Body Works, Famous Footwear etc. Space is Limited! Promptly reply by Sunday, December 7th with the number of adults and children attending to Angela Hartman, [email protected]. 4 Advent Giving Tree and Christmas Programs for those in need Members of OLMC The Advent Giving Tree will be decorated with gift tags for our parish families in need as well as for shut-ins and children in the inner city. Take a tag from the tree and purchase the gift requested (not more than $30.00) wrap the gift and tape the tag to the gift. RETURN IT TO THE GIVING TREE no later than SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2014, noon mass. This is such a simple and direct way to help our parishioners who are in nursing homes and the many children, both in Doylestown and in the city, who will be delighted with a special gift for Christmas. For the Haiti Ministry, these gifts are NOT to be wrapped, just put them in a bag and put the tag on them. Our Haiti Ministry team will deliver them when they journey to Haiti again. A list of items needed are on the back of the tags. If you have a question about the tags, please call 215348-8833 and leave your name and phone number and a brief message about the tag. Someone will return your call within two days. Tags are color coded: White: clients in the Doylestown area; Dark Blue: BARC; pink: shut-ins in Phila; lime green: Catholic Worker (Phila); yellow: cookies for prison Christmas party; dark green: nursing homes (Doylestown); purple: Bucks County Children and Youth; red: St. Timothy’s (Phila); Orange: Haiti Ministry; light blue: Our Lady of Hope (Phila). I’d like to invite you to participate in the formation of an Adult Faith Formation committee so that we, as a parish, can develop programs and services that meet the needs of our community. Please join Barb Miller on Monday, November 24, 2014 in the school cafeteria at 7:00PM. Christmas with the Choir Singing Christmas music is always a special experience and singing it in the Parish Choir makes it even better! The Choir is now preparing this year’s Christmas Music and there is still time for you to come aboard and join in. Just call 215-345-8782 for encouragement and details. St. Alphonsus Parish, Maple Glen invites you to join us for an “Olde Fashioned Christmas Bazaar” on Sat., Nov. 22, from 9AM to 3:30PM. HO-HO-HO!! Start your Christmas buying and enjoy a holiday atmosphere. There will be a food court; a children’s OPEN YOUR HEART AND HOME: Local Host Secret Santa Shoppe; a home-baked goods table; gift Families needed for 10th grade Chinese International students. One will attend Archbishop Wood HS and the raffles and 50-50 chances plus 40 vendors featuring mostly handcrafted items. Instead of an entrance fee, other will attend Plumstead Christian School, starting we ask that shoppers bring a dry staple or canned in January, tuition paid. Both boys are motivated good for a local food pantry! Further info: Ellen Lee learners with a wide variety of interests such as: soccer, football, basketball, music, science, dogs, and 215-837-0706 or Mary Frances Kelly 215-206-9112. computers, etc. One currently is studing at an international school in MN and the other at an American school in Beijing. Host families provide room and board & receive a generous monthly hosting stipend & a fulfilling experience. If interested contact Cecelia LaPlaca with Nacel Open Door, Program, (www.nacelopendoor.org) at 215-584-7751 or [email protected]. La Salle College High School Christmas Shopping Spectacular La Salle College High School Sunday, December 7, 2014 12:00 - 4:00 PM Ladies, this event is open to all shoppers, so call your girlfriends and come join the fun! Ticket cost is $25. This includes spectacular shopping, and a delicious lunch!! Tickets for students are $15. Walk-ins are welcome! Tickets can be purchased online at: Celebrate Christmas with the Seminarians This year, Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary is combining its annual Open House and Christmas Concert events on Sunday, December 7. Tours of the Seminary begin at 1PM with the last tour beginning at 3PM. Seminarians will guide visitors through the historic buildings to view sacred art, common areas and Christmas crèches on display in the Ryan Memorial Library featuring dozens of Nativity scenes from around the world. Refreshments are provided after the tours. The Christmas concert begins at 4PM and will feature the musicians and choir of Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary. The entire day is free and open to the public. For more information: www.scs.edu. www.lschs.org/mothers Questions contact: Margaret Curran at: [email protected]. 5 6 Another gift was a conversation with the academic vice president, a Sister of St. Francis of Philadelphia, at Neumann University in Aston, Delaware County; after which it was apparent that Paschal is ill equipped to begin a nursing course of studies without a rigorous scientific background. Such realization helped make a course correction towards the social sciences; and then came the good news in August, that he passed the national exam required for college….I’m not exactly sure when the moment arrived for me in terms of another trip to Haiti, but now that I have a Haitian Grandson, it slowly became a forgone conclusion. No more vaccinations or medications this time (except for malaria prophylaxis) and now actually knowing what to expect—well, I was surely excited about returning to Port-au-Prince with our team. And then, the week before we were scheduled to depart, I received word that my dearest friend Peg (whom I’ve known for thirty years, and who was like a second mother to me) had died. I felt on the horns of a dilemma: if I go to Haiti for the week then I will miss her funeral; and if I stay behind for her funeral, then I will miss Haiti, and all of the cost and preparations will be lost. A compromise was found, and I’m grateful that her eight children agreed to wait for me to return from a shortened trip (four days) to Haiti in order for me to preside/preach at her funeral Mass. Once again, I was a pharmacist in Port-au-Prince—albeit one who counted out pills that were checked and double-checked by others more medically certified than me. It was much easier this second time, with the experience that I had last year in the same clinic pharmacy. Again, my heart is touched and I feel privileged to come among such faith-filled, dignified, and long suffering/ perseverant people. I also feel happy hearing our long time serving doctors and nurse practitioners remark about the progress they witness in the health conditions of the people--so much better now than when we first began the clinic. As I looked out the metal window grates of the pharmacy one day, I spied a young boy with his mother. He stood out that day, because the children’s clinic was underway over at St. Jude Church, and we were only seeing adults then. I grabbed a couple of ‘Dum-Dums,’ --flavored lollipops that we give to the children--and whistled to get his attention. After he took them from me, he gave me a little fistbump to say, ‘thanks!’ Haiti Revisited: Even Small Progress Makes Things Better, by Fr. Terry Weik. It was never my intention to return to Haiti, after my initial trip there last year. My reason for going in 2013 was to see what our medical mission team does there; and with such first-hand experience, then I could serve as a cheerleader back home, striving to support their efforts. But the Lord often works in ways unforeseen and mysterious! As part of our team last year, I met a young man named Paschal Voltaire, who lives in the sprawling rectory compound and works for St. Jude Parish. We were able to connect some because he speaks a little English, and just before our ride home from the clinic to the rectory one day, he looked at me and said, “You could be my father.” That registered in both my heart and my head, and I briefly pondered it as we rode through the dusty and bumpy Portau-Prince streets after a long and very hot but satisfying day, tending to the health concerns of so many poor and patient Haitian people. As we were disembarking back at the rectory compound, I called Paschal over, repeated what he had said to me, and then looked him in the eyes and told him in reply, “I could be your Grandfather!” Trying to articulate the experience of being in Haiti as part of a medical mission team requires some time for prayerfully unpacking it all, and coming to terms with its many surprising realities. I found myself repeatedly using the words, ‘amazing,’ and ’overwhelming.’ I was aware, at a deeper level, that transformation was happening within me; and that I was returning to Doylestown a different and better person because of my encounters with the wonderful Haitian people whom I met. Eventually it was this notion that landed upon my heart: I cannot solve the myriad problems and challenges facing this impoverished island nation, but perhaps I can accomplish something significant for a Haitian person right in front of me. And such notion was followed quickly by the memory of Paschal’s smiling face, with his invitation: “You could be my father.” I believed that I could become an instrument for his continued and higher education. After assurances from Fr. Andrew that Paschal is worthy of such effort, I turned to our OLMC parish family and begged for your support—which flowed in generously and even abundantly. I am humbled and gratified by such powerful help: thank you so very much! My pledge is to fund one-third of the tuition costs for Paschal’s university studies, which means that I need to raise the remaining two-thirds. The gifts given range between ten dollars from a widow living on a fixed income who wishes she could do more, to fifteen hundred dollars from a couple who realizes that a good education is the reason their adult children are now successful in life—and this is an opportunity for them to give back—with many more donations, small and large, in between. I very much wanted the opportunity for some meaningful conversation with Paschal about his coming higher studies. I brought him a new backpack as a congratulatory gift for his passing the national exam. With Fr. Andrew joining us to translate where needed, I expressed to Paschal that I was very proud of him for his arriving at this important point in his young life. I happily told him that his tuition is provided by our wonderful OLMC family, so that he need not worry about the money. I then articulated that his goal, at least as I see it, is to earn a degree in a field of study that represents a career that will keep him employed--in Haiti or elsewhere--for the rest of his life. Then I conveyed to him that Fr. Andrew and I will provide some future incentives for his doing well in school: a new laptop computer from Fr. Andrew will assist with his studies after this first year; and beyond that --my invitation for him to visit OLMC parish and be able to personally meet and thank his many benefactors among us. Paschal put his hand over his heart to convey his deep seated feeling, and then beaming with a huge smile on his face, gave me a bear hug and exclaimed, “Thank you, Grandfather!” Please keep him in your prayers, that he may navigate university life; and be assured of my prayerful remembrance for your generosity. Fr. Terry 7 Schedule of Events Our Lady of Mt. Carmel This schedule was accurate at time of advance printing but is subject to change. The times listed are the times the facility is being used; not the actual time of the event. If you need assistance please call the Rectory 215-348-4190 and ask for Barb. Sunday 11/16 8-12P Advent Wreath, St. Mary’s Rev. Msgr. Charles H. Hagan, Pastor 8:30-12:30P, CCD, All School 9A Children’s Liturgy, Church and Rectory Lounge 1P Basketball, Gym 5-8P Jr. Youth, St. Mary’s 6-7P Ad Altare Dei, Rectory Lounge 7-8:30P PPXII, Rectory Lounge 8P Parish Community Min., St. Mary’s Rev. James J. Mulligan, In Residence Rev. Paschal Onunwa, Parish Vicar Rev. Terence P. Weik, Parish Vicar Deacon George V. Corwell Deacon Jim Fowkes Sister Dolores Burkhardt, S.S.J. Mr. Carl Kunkel, Director of Sacred Music & Organist Monday 11/17 3:45-8:30P CCD, All School 7P Bears, Rectory Lounge 7:30P Trp 52, Stock House Mrs. Dawn Parker School Principal Tuesday 11/18 11-11:45A Meditation, St. Mary’s Mrs. Cindy Balceniuk, Director of Religious Ed. 1-3P Ladies of Mt. Carmel Board Meeting, St. Mary’s 3:30-5P School Play Rehearsal, Gym, Cafeteria, Music Rm 5P Basketball, Gym 6-10P H&S Meeting, St. Mary’s 6:30-8P Bereavement, Stock House 7P Rosary, Church 7P Webelos II, Cafeteria 7:30-9P Venture Crew, Rectory Lounge Barbara Miller Director of Adult Faith Formation Joseph Grayeske Youth Minister Bulletin Deadlines Wednesday 11/19 5:30-6:30A Exercise Class, Gym Please submit items for Bulletin issues on left by 5:00 P.M. on the dates to right: 6:30A Men’s Scripture, Rectory Lounge 3:30-5P School Play Reh., Gym, Cafeteria, Music Rm 5P Basketball, Gym 6:30-8:30P Legion of Mary, Cry Rm 7-9P Arise Meeting, Cafeteria 7-9P Bible Study, St. Mary’s 7:30P Trp 52, Rectory Lounge 7:30P Pk 52, Stock House Early Transmission due to Thanksgiving Nov. 30th…………………Monday, November 17 Any questions contact: Barb Petrone Bulletin Designer and Editor at: [email protected] Thursday 11/20 8:30-4P Adoration/Benediction, Church Please pray for our troops: Colin Rodgers, Zachary Taylor, Tim Carlin, Kyle P. Sablosky, Matthew Ponente, Christopher Davies, Michael Malandra, Jennifer Malandra, Nicholas Smith, Michael White, Austin Savage, Kyle West, Anthony Taylor, Cole Hamilton, Nathan Danals, Ryan Blentner, Veronica Camiolo, Erik Berg, Robert Reilly, Sam Friedman, Jim Pasquarette, Robert Hayes, Mark Sherkey, Tyler Gall, Josh Maxwell, Shawn Glaush, Christopher Callahan, Seth Gilpin, Steven A. Campbell, Christopher C. Brown, Luke Easterday, Sean Madison, Beth Christine Hafer, Ethan Surrusco, Anthony Marinucci, John Brabazon, Matthew D. Carey, Thomas Forsthoefel, Bryan Buckley, David Belz, Trevor Needham, Michael Warren Sabia, Christopher Bellus, Matt Matlock, Matthew Fedele, Anthony F. Kurz, Michael Eriandson, and Andrew Hoban. Contact Tara Conway 267-221-5541 or [email protected]. 8:45-10A Ladies of Mt. Carmel, St. Mary’s 10-12P Women’s Scripture, St. Mary’s 3:30-5P School Play Reh., Gym, Cafeteria, Music Rm 5P Basketball, Gym 6-6:55P Girl’s Choir, Church 7P Webelos, Rectory Lounge 7-9P SSP, Stock House 7P Tigers, Cafeteria 7:30P RCIA, St. Mary’s 7:30P Choir, Church Friday 11/21 9-10A LMC, Christmas Luncheon Planning, St. Mary’s 5P BB, Gym 7P Webelos II, Rectory Lounge Saturday 11/22 8A Basketball, Gym 12-4P G/S Trp21910, St. Mary’s 5P Sisters of St. Francis selling raffle tickets, Church 6:15P AA, Rectory Lounge 8 SUNDAY MASSES READINGS FOR: Vigil Saturday 5:00 P.M. SUNDAY 6:30, 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 A.M. 12 Noon & 5 P.M. DAILY MASSES 6:30 AND 8:00 A.M., SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. HOLY DAYS Vigil 7:30 P.M. 6:30 & 8:00 A.M. 12 Noon & 7:30 P.M. CONFESSIONS (Sacrament of Reconciliation) Saturday 8:30 to 9:00 A.M. and Saturday Evenings: 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Private confession to be arranged with a Priest. Call 215-348-4190. The Parish Rectory Office is open for routine business Monday through Friday 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Reception area open after 5PM Monday-Friday 5PM to 7:15PM Saturday 12 Noon - 5PM Sunday 9AM - 12 Noon Nov. 23, 2014 - Jesus Christ King of the Universe 1) Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17 2) 1 Corinthians 15:20-26,28 3) Matthew 25:31-46 Nov. 30, 2014 -First Sunday of Advent 1) Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7 2) 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 3) Mark 13:33-37 Music Schedule Nov. 23, 2014 Choir - 10:30AM Youth Group - 5:00 PM CELEBRANTS Subject to Change November 23, 2014 5:00PM Msgr. Hagan 6:30AM Msgr. Hagan 7:30AM Fr. Onunwa 9:00AM Fr. Gambet 10:30AM Fr. Onunwa 12 Noon Fr. Terry 5:00PM Fr. Terry rachelsvineyard.org 877-HOPE-4-ME (877-467-3463) Have you or someone you know had an abortion? There are many good organizations offering confidential counseling and post-abortion assistance: Project Rachel………………..1-888-329-3773 National Life Center………….1-800-848-LOVE Bereavement 215-348-5488 Family Min. 215-348-5488 Adult Faith 215-348-4190 Parish Nurse 215-348-4190 Ministry/Elderly/Ill & Homebound 215-348-4190 Music Office Youth Min. School CCD Rectory Fax 215-345-8782 267-247-0134 215-348-5907 215-345-7089 215-348-3104 INTENTIONS OF THE WEEK Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Please remember our Church in your will. Contact Msgr. Hagan for information on how you can include Our Lady of Mt. Carmel www.ourladymtcarmel.org Email: [email protected] Loving Service in Christ’s Name: St. Vincent de Paul Society: 215-348-8833. Mon. November 17 6:30 A.M. Jean Marie Carney 8:00 A.M. Joseph B. Chrismer, Jr. Tue. November 18 6:30 A.M. Margaret Norton 8:00 A.M. Thomas Fenning Wed November 19 6:30 A.M Gloria Boyle 8:00 A.M John F. Oresic Thurs. November 20 6:30 A.M. John C. Leeds 8:00 A.M. William Malizia Friday November 21 6:30 A.M. Bob Raines 8:00 A.M. Ignazio De Caro Sat. November 22 8:00 A.M Anna & James Doebley 5:00 P.M. Claire Wasko Sun. November 23 6:30 A.M Joseph Arthur Savage, Jr. 7:30 A.M Kathy Thompson 9:00 A.M Geraldine Marquardt 10:30 A.M Norman Schopp 12:00 P.M George and Isabel Gingras 5:00 P.M. Angelina Odorisio To join our parish - We welcome all new parishioners that live within the boundaries assigned to our parish. You can register in the Rectory after 9:00A.M. weekdays or after the Sunday Masses. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). A program for those interested in learning more about the Catholic Church. If interested, call to register 215-348-4190. Sponsor Certificates for Baptism or Confirmation. Contact the Parish Office in advance 215-348-4190. Baptisms: Baptisms are celebrated every Sunday. The regularly scheduled time is 2:00 P.M. Pre-baptismal classes are held on the first Sunday of the month at 7:00 P.M. in St. Mary’s Hall. Only new parents or those who have not previously attended a pre-baptismal class are required to attend. Please call the Rectory to arrange for a baptism. Marriage: Arrangements must be made with a Priest in the parish at least six months before the date of the wedding to assure sufficient preparation. Pregnancy Hotline 610-626-4006 Signing Mass: Second Sunday of each month at 10:30 A.M. WELCOME TO RETURNING CATHOLICS: Those who have been away from the Church are invited to participate in the process of becoming reacquainted. Call 215348-4190. 9 ROGERS TREE SERVICE INC. 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Carmel Parishioner Discount Bill Williams, Owner General Plumbing Services Water Treatment Licensed Master Plumber Family Owned Since 1958 Valerie Parisi RN CRRN CLCP Member of Parish 3633 Old Easton Road Doylestown, PA Jesus A to Z Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Switch To America’s Most Reliable Positively Clean! Wireless Network! 4151 E. Swamp Road Doylestown, PA 18902 215-230-9640 House Cleaning by Andrea • Weekly • Monthly • One-Time • Safe for Kids and Pets! • Great References! • Free Estimates! (across from Histand’s) Proudly Serving The Doylestown Community For Over 14 Years Call Andrea at 267-337-2672 A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! 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Doylestown’s Oldest Established Funeral Home Bryan J. Rhoads, Supervisor 2335 Lower State Road • Doylestown, PA 18901 215.348.4543 • Fax 215.348.0323 www.reedandsteinbach.com A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com GREGORY P. WASKO, D.M.D. FAMILY - COSMETIC DENTISTRY Route 413, Mechanicsville Anne E. O’Day, DMD, MS 794-3600 Orthodontics for Children & Adults Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics 3503 York Road, Furlong 215-794-5002 We Bring Smiles Together! Parish Member PAOAGHIC:002851 www.odayorthodontics.com 698350 Our Lady of Mount Carmel (C) Parish Member CELEBRATE www.jspaluch.com I Love You Day Anyday, with a gift from CARROLL’S JEWELERS Thefriendlyjeweler.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 A. BROOKS CONSTRUCTION INC. KANGA ROOF is committed to making a difference in the community by providing for those less fortunate. Since 2010 Kanga Roof has been giving away a new roof for the holiday. We need your help in finding someone. Go to our website at www.kangaroofpa.com to obtain a form. Thank you you for for helping us help a neighbor in need. BOB LATINI HOME IMPROVEMENTS Additions, Alterations, Siding, Roofing Windows, Doors, Decks, Kitchens, Etc. Free Estimates 674-0696 Bucks County Medical Assoc. Drs. Welsch, Gittlen, Szekely, Acharya Pulmonary Medicine 1980 S. Easton Rd., Doylestown Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. an Official Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA 215-348-1310 IDEAL Advanced Hearing Systems, Inc. Board Certified-Hearing Instrument Sciences Hearing Evaluations • Hearing Aid Selection Sales, Service & Repairs 10% OFF Any Hearing Aids with Ad 15 Evergreen Ave., Warminster 215-672-5041 HEALTH INSURANCE OPEN ENROLLMENT QUESTIONS? CALL ME! I Can Get the Best Rates & Plans for Individuals & Small Groups JANICE MCLAUGHLIN, Independent Broker, Parishioner 215.206.4637 [email protected] PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... Plumbing & Heating Licensed & Insured Registered Master Plumber FREE PICK UP (215) 822-2708 31 Oak Ave, Chalfont Wed–Sat, 9-5 www.habitatbucks.org 25% OFF Purchase With Ad “A User Friendly Full Service Company” DONATE • SHOP • VOLUNTEER Parish Member Bathroom Remodeling Specialists Call (215) 340-9101 Do You or Someone You Love Dream of a Life Free From The Chains of Drug & Alcohol Addiction ? 24/7 HELP ........... 30 DAY Substance Abuse Treatment Program Includes: • Individualized Treatment • Group & Family Therapy • Relapse Prevention Skills • Equine Therapy • Holistic Healing • Aftercare Program $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Call today and Realize the Dream of Addiction Free Living (877) 398-9623 ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED • www.dreamcenterforrecovery.org Your ad TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months could be in this space! Serving NJ, PA & DE 215.639.8500 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS • FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS • LICENSED & INSURED CHECK OUT OUR REVIEWS ON: Follow us on: www.morganbasementwaterproofing.com • FAMILY OWNED IN THE HEART OF DOYLESTOWN • MEMBER OF KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #4160 OLMC • ADVANCE PLANNING SPECIALIST WITH INSURANCE LICENSE • LARGE OFF-STREET PARKING AREA BEHIND FACILITY • PROVIDING CREMATION & FUNERAL SERVICES • CERTIFIED BY THE "GREEN BURIAL COUNCIL” • SPECIALIZING IN CHURCH VISITATIONS AND MEMORIALS • LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTOR IN PA, NJ & NY • EXCLUSIVE REMEMBRANCE PROVIDERSM IN DOYLESTOWN AREA 344 NORTH MAIN STREET • DOYLESTOWN, PA 18901 • (215) 348-8930 Jason “Oz” Oszczakiewicz, Owner/Supervisor Visit us at www.varcoethomasfuneralhome.com GUTTER CLEANING Roofing & Siding Wills • Estates • Elder Law Personal Injury • DUI • DWI Family & Matrimonial Law • Adoption Lic. & Ins. PA030067 SERPICO, ESQ www.repkowilliams.com O L M C PA R I S H I O N E R Wills, Trusts, Estates and Powers of Attorney WadeAgency Auto • Home • Life • Business PATRICIA WADE, 215-322-7400 CHRISTOPHER J. Robert T. Repko, Local Diocese Member 215-348-9500 215-357-2700 FREE EST. • Lic. & Ins. PA 080483 PLASTER, PAINT, CARPENTRY & WALLPAPER EXPERT AGENT 99 EAST COURT STREET ◆ DOYLESTOWN ◆ 215.230.5460 Licensed & Insured • PA 044865 Serving all the families of Mt. Carmel 267.297.0136 • www. farmersagent.com/pwade An owner operated business Diocese Member 215-335-1551 www.jvpainting.com Oil & Gas Heating, Sales & Service, Climate Controls, Air Conditioning, Ductwork, Delivery of Heating Oil, Gasoline, Propane & Diesel Fuels 267-803-4840 219 Keith Valley Road Horsham, PA 19044-1408 Parishioner 698350 Our Lady of Mount Carmel (B) [email protected] www.self-hc.com www.jspaluch.com Fully Licensed & Insured PA HIC Lic #PA008629 www.KircherElectric.com 215-343-4030 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 Dr. Sam Kadan 215-348-3100 402 Hyde Park • Doylestown, PA 18902 MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED • FREE CONSULTATION • BY APPOINTMENT ONLY www.teethsostraight.com SCANLIN FUNERAL HOME LTD. Leaver-Cable Funeral Home Ltd. 215-794-7696 S TEVEN F LASHNER , M.D. A LBERT R UENES , J R ., M.D. K EVIN B. F ITZGERALD , M.D. F RANK H. R OLAND , J R ., M.D. 102 Progress Dr Ste. 101, Doylestown Rte 202 & Quarry Rd. • Buckingham, PA D. Stephen Cable, Supv. “A Life Celebration Home” 215-230-0600 Traditional Funerals • Cremation • Preplanning James P. Scanlin, F.D./Supvr. (215) 822-0480 175 East Butler Ave. • Chalfont, PA 18914 www.scanlinfuneralhome.com Parishioner Honest, Reliable, Prompt Service COUNTY LINE PLUMBING & HEATING www.altomontes.com Warminister (215) 672-5439 Doylestown (215) 489-8889 Call Mike, your Neighborhood Plumber 215.429.3350 Lic.#PA066556 - Insured JAMES PATRICK MURPHY, DMD 215-514-9253 Patented. Reliable. Fun. ™ www.gametruckparty.com WM. DINLOCKER CONTRACTING Pediatric Dentist, Board Certified 215.348.5778 Concrete • Masonry • Handscaping Interlocking Pavers Doylestown & Center City Locations idental.mobi (On Jan. 1, 2014 Pediatric Dental Care will be covered by Medical Insurance. We will participate in medical plans.) (215) 822-8391 • Chalfont Mobile: (215) 870-0986 www.dinlockercontracting.com Lic# PA008113 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Maryanne Pastry Shoppe Open Daily “The Friendly, Family Bakery” Baked Fresh Daily Quality Pastry, Cakes, Cookies, Breads • Teas & Coffees 499 East State Street Center, Doylestown 230-8885 Member of Parish For further information, please call the Parish Office. CARPET ONE® FLOOR & HOME MORE FLOORS - MORE CHOICES CARPET • WOOD • ORIENTALS • VINYL • CERAMIC NATURAL FLOORS • REMNANTS • WINDOW TREATMENTS 215-348-8116 640 N. MAIN STREET, DOYLESTOWN OPEN 6 DAYS - WED. & FRI. EVENINGS Income & Estate Tax Returns Member of St. Robert Bellarmine Financial Planning Email: [email protected] Small Business Consulting QuickBooks Accounting www.barb-lin.com Still Family Owned Since 1948 INVISIBLE FENCE OF DELAWARE VALLEY Call Us Today For A Free In-home Consultation • 1 Year Performance Guarantee • Used & Recommended By Local Veterinarians For Their Own Pets • On-site & In-store Professional Service & Advice www.invisiblefence.com • Certified Trainers & Specialized Training Protocol (215) 345-1800 Better teen driving, bigger discounts. Rich Bowren, Agent [email protected] Bus: 267-649-7417 Save an average of $500* Stop here for great rates with America’s #1 car insurance company**. Give me a call today. Chalfont Custom PA I N T I N G . c o m Interior/Exterior - Power Wash Diocese Member 215-997-7737 Check our website specials ROBERT E. RIESENBERGER, D.D.S., P.C. PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY We’ve Moved!!! 301 S. Main St., Ste. 1 West, Doylestown Tel. 215-348-5222 Fax 215-348-1308 www.DrRobDentist4Kids.com Linda L. Gelcius, Agent 252 W Swamp Rd, Bailiwick #21 Doylestown, PA 18901 Bus: 215-340-1222 www.gelcius.com Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® Check out our Steer Clear® Program. ® www.statefarm.com *Average annual per household savings based on a national 2012 survey of new policyholders who reported savings by switching to State Farm. When your teen gets ready to drive, we’re there. They learn safe driving and you get lower rates. 1005000 **Based on A.M. Best written premium. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company - Bloomington, IL Short Term Furnished Single Family Rentals in the Borough ONE MONTH MINIMUM • PET AGREEMENTS AVAIL. Esther C. Wooley • Owner/Manager • Parishioner www.estherandbobrentals.postlets.com Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® 267-549-8109 GET TO A BETTER STATE.® CALL ME TODAY. 1001000.1 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL Voted Best of Bucks-Mont for 15 Years in a Row FRANCO ROOFING, INC. Put Your Home in Our Hands ...We Care Doylestown - 345-1828 Plumbstead - 766-0266 • • • • Asphalt Shingles Cedar Shingles Slate & Copper Rubber Free Estimates • Tar & Gravel • Coatings • Sidings • Skylights & Insured CUSTOM WINDOW TREATMENTS Lennon’s Small Jobs (Associated with County Linen) Call for a FREE Consultation Denise Keiser Una Calahan 267-614-3302 215-498-4258 Offering handyperson services to homeowners Parishioner of OLMC PAOAGHIC: 3196 Call Mary 215-421-3708 www.LennonsSmallJobs.com COUNTY WINDOW DRESSINGS Traditional Funerals - Advanced Planning - Cremation Heating and Air Conditioning Co. YORK EQUIPMENT • INSTALLATIONS • MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 800 Hagey Rd., Souderton Parishioner 215-799-0515 Personalized Service for YOUR Businesses Credit Card Processing Success! • Change from an existing processor • Set up 1st time credit card processing Jamie N. Goodreau, NOW TO DISCUSS AND START FRESH! D.M.D., M.S.D. CALL www.transactcc.com • 267.968-6232 Specialist in Orthodontics For Children & Adults • Invisalign Certified 1300 Horizon Dr. Suite 117 Chalfont PA 215-997-0200 698350 Our Lady of Mount Carmel (A) Mary Ann Robinson-Kelley, President & Parishioner Funeral Home Inc. 215-340-9654 Joseph A. Fluehr IV, Supervisor 241 East Butler Ave., (Rte. 202 at Sandy Ridge Rd.), New Britain www.fluehr.com Dave & Julie Donahue VETERANS LANE SHOE SERVICE Realtors, ABR, SRES, CHMS, e-Pro If the Shoe Fits…Repair it! Coldwell Banker Hearthside - Doylestown 134 Veterans Lane Doylestown, PA 18901 www.djdonahuehomes.com - 215-345-6244 x166 (215) 348-3348 Active OLMC Parishioners for 35 Years! www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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