Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church 235 East State Street Doylestown
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church 235 East State Street Doylestown, PA 18901 215-348-4190 www.ourladymtcarmel.org Tithing is “Stewardship in Action” September 14,2014 The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Thank you to all who answered “Yes” to God’s call; Our 2014-2015 CCD volunteers! May God bless you! Carol Acquilano, Jennette Adams, Brooke Allen, Conner Allen, Mary Amos DeGiorgio, Joe Bach, Cindy Balceniuk, Mary Eileen Baltes, Jennifer Bankos, Greg Bankos, Monica Bardwell, Siobhan Barr, Linda Belding, Justina Bernard, Candace Biafore, Rosemary Biles, Marianne Bleam, Cathy Boell, Debra Boscola, Oliver Boucher, Aubrey Boucher, Kathleen Boucher, Donna Bradley, Maureen Brill, Scott Buck, Dianna Burmaster, Beth Burn, Kim Burns, Lisa Campbell, Krista Campbell, Sam Cawley, Jacob Cawley, Terence Cawley, Maria Cawley, Toni Cherba, Christina Chitjian, Michele Christie, Colleen Chuo, Sue Claricurzio, Kim Colarusso, Ed Connolly, Maria Correra, Rose Marie Cote, Gregory Coverdale, Dana Coverdale, Peder Cox, Wendy Cronin, Kristin Curry, Gerry Daley, Harrison Dalsass, Alyssa Dalsass, Elizabeth Danley, Meghan Darcy, Jack Darcy, Beth Darcy, Elizabeth D’Arcy, Cecilia Davies, Kendra DeHaven, Rebecca DeHaven, Michele Derham, Lauren Devlin, Marjorie Devlin, Verena Diehl, Michael Dillon, Julianne Donahue, Graceanne Donahue, Tracy Dortone, Brian Dougherty, Jennifer Dougherty, Lisa Douple, Jason Douple, Nannette Draus, Jennifer Eagan, Valarie Engle, Maria Evans, Nick Evans, Erin Farrell, Patti Fiore, Chris Forst, Becky Glasgow, Susan Goff, Christi Goff, Michele Gordon, Lauren Griffith, Emma Grzymkowski, Christine Grzymkowski, Regina Hart, John Hart, Christine Harte, Michael Harte, Juliana Hartman, Nicole Hartman, Dana Hartman, Christine Hasson, Thomas Hayes, Michelle Hayes, Keira Heinzmann, Julianne Heinzmann, Cheryl Hernandez, Jennifer Hetrick, Mary Holcombe, Molly Holcombe, Rosaleen Holohan, Gabriela Hopkins, Debra Howell, Michelle Jacobs, Allison Jenkins, MaryBeth Johnston, Patricia Jordan, Michael Jordan, Trish Jordan, Lisa Kelley, Matt Kelley, Kimberly Kelly Connie Kendrick, Catherine Keough, Stacy Kingsbury, Joanna Klimaski, Suzette Koller, Trey Koller, Jennifer Koodray, Joan Krasnisky, Josie Kriley, Amy Kuriger, Ted Kuriger, Meredith Lahetta, Suzanne Lahetta, Linda Lipa, Lillian Lombardo, Kate Lucanese, Mike Lynch, Shannon Lynott, Patricia Lyons, Linda MacFarlane, Kevin Malobisky, Beth Malobisky, Melanie Marchant, Patrick Matthews, Joe McPherson, Frank Menna, Carole Merena, Rose Miller, Helen Miller, Jacob Miller Russo, Cori Mitala, Melissa Mollichella, Jackie Monturano, Kathleen Morgan, Patrick Morgan, Alicia Morris, Elizabeth Morris, Colleen Mullin, Patrice Murphy, Travis Nelson, Jennifer O’Donnell, Carroll Palakow, Kathryn Palkovics, Laurie Piccione, Susan Ponente, Susan Ponzuric, Mary Kate Prisco, Mary Beth Prisco, Maria Rafferty, Erin Rafferty, Vicki Rich, Andrea Rihl, Angela Santiago, Cheryl Scavillo, Brenda Schargel, Sally Schlotter, Susan Schneller, Victoria Schneller, Jeanette Self, Matthew Senior, MaryEllen Shank, Sarah Sheahan, Carol Shugars, Sarah Siock, Holly Siock, Dawn Solly, Jimmy Solly, Peter Stinson, Jane Stinson, Trish Stoner, Logan Stoner, Adrienne Strader, Kristi Stranix, Bill Taylor, Rose Tesoro, Roxie Trachtenberg, Shelli Trimbur, Sophia Unger, Barbra Villalba, Erin Volko, Emily Vollrath, Ed Vollrath, Jennifer Wagner Merrick, Joan Walter, Tara Weber, Natalie Wilhoit, Nick Wilhoit, Barbara Wilson, Annette Worthington, Lori Zapf, Anthony Ziccardi. From the Pastor’s Desk Christian Stewardship The use of our talents and gifts to build up the community of faith and to reach out to those in need is a fundamental teaching of Catholic Theology. It is also a wonderful way to feel good about yourself and give thanks for the blessings you have received. As we enter the fall season please think about the ways in which you can use your talents. Msgr. Charles H. Hagan COMMUNION UNDER BOTH FORMS Second Collection Today Sept. 13, & 14, 2014 Is for the Black and Indian Missions We thank you for your generosity. 1. Sept. 21, 2014 - 12 Noon 2. Sept. 28, 2014 - 9:00 AM GREETERS: to meet with expression of gladness and welcome!!! Are you looking for a way to get involved in our parish but just do not have the extra time? Well we have the ministry for you!!! Ministers of Hospitality greet parishioners as they come into church. Become a Greeter at the Mass you would normally attend on a Saturday evening, Sunday or any Mass for that matter. This ministry is open to anyone from high school teens to seniors. No previous experience needed just a sunny disposition to make everyone feel welcomed at our celebration. Why not share your time and talents by helping to make OLMC a more warm and welcoming parish!!! We will have a short training session in October, then the time commitment is very little. Mother Teresa said, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” For more information contact: Jayne Boccuzzi at 215794-7897 or [email protected]. SICK AND HOMEBOUND In Our Prayers: Christyne Kolen, Gary Hoeffner, Tom Anstead, John Mullen, Pat & Tom Olsen, Jim Hendricks, Elizabeth Ann Schlotter, Mary Bain, Lena Matozza, Beverly Petrilla, Robert Richardson, Michael Gibbons, Lucy Frey, Inez Donahue, Donald Blank, Sr., Carol Szarka, Mary Soloway, Kimberly Vander Mooren, Tom Malone, Jeffrey Vincelette, Edward Bauman, Melissa Bauman, Patricia De Bianca, Joan Bennis, Fred Roberts, Jerry Cohn, Mary Beth Hornsby, Rita Graves, Robert Marquardt, Mary Corini, James Boyle, Marguerite Peluso, Lili Maltese, Patrick McKenna, Lino & Engracia Fuentes, Jimmy Gill, Alverna McCabe, Laurette DuBois, Dolores Pers. Note: Names remain on the sick list for three weeks. If you would like to have someone prayed for, please call the Rectory, 215-348-4190. Please remember: Marie Wagner, MaryAnn Guidotti, Kenneth Pers, and all the faithful departed. Open invitation to attend Nov. 5th Parish Council Meeting: “May God hold them in the Palms of His hands” Msgr. Hagan and the Pastoral Council have scheduled an Open Meeting of the Pastoral Council on Wednesday, November 5, 2014. We invite you to help us establish the Agenda. We are very interested in hearing your thoughts and concerns and welcome your comments, suggestions, and ideas for improving the OLMC Parish Community. Please send your comments and suggestions to Msgr. Hagan or the Rectory c/o Pastoral Council or put them in the Suggestion Box found in the Main Vestibule in the Church. Please submit your suggestions by October 1, 2014. PETITION BOOK The petition book is available in the rear vestibule for those who wish to enter their concerns in that way. Requests placed in the petition book are also honored in a general way by the members of the prayer chain. he petition book will be brought up to the altar the first Sunday of every month. PRAYER CHAIN Anyone in need of spiritual support may place their requests on the prayer chain by calling Barbara @ 215 -345-6219. 2 Congratulations to our newest altar servers: Jr. Youth Ministry Xavier Bardwell, Samantha Berish, Thomas Kelley, Lindsey Lott, Abby Lynch, Kaitlyn McKendry, Paige Meehan, Charlotte Messer, Hailey Morris, Emma O’Reilly, Courtney Pohl, Jack Prisco, Michael Rose, Grace Schragher, Luke Schragher, Julian Servidio, Cassandra Smith, Nicole Steinbach. Kick Off Meeting - Sunday, September 21st 6-7:30PM, St. Mary’s Hall Youths in grades 5-8 are invited to join the Jr. Youth Ministry. We provide fun activities that promote FAITH and encourage SERVICE to the church and local community. We meet monthly on the third Sunday of each month in St. Mary’s Hall from 6-7:30PM. Our kick off meeting is Sunday, September 21st. Please join us and bring a friend! Parents should plan to attend the first 15 minutes to meet the leadership team and fill out registration and emergency contact forms. For Questions or More info contact Laurie Frayne 215-348-4109. There is a mandatory Covenant Meeting for all active servers and a parent. You can pick one of the available dates and times (Wed. 9/24 at 6pm and Sat, 9/27 at 6pm). We require an RSVP and will take attendance. Both meetings will take place in St. Mary’s Hall. In order to help servers have a better understanding of funerals and weddings, we are also running a brief workshop on those two liturgies at 4:00PM on Friday, October 3 in the Church. This is entirely OPTIONAL and intended only for those who want more help in these areas. It should last a maximum of 45 minutes if everyone is on time, and parents are encouraged to stay. For more information on any of the above or to register Contact Patti Fiore ([email protected] or 215-858-0293) TEEN YOUTH MINISTRY Greetings Friends in Christ! As you may know, Youth Ministry events start tonight! We have a full slate of activities planned and some trips on the horizon. Please mark your calendars for upcoming dates! Youth Mass Volunteers needed! This Sunday (Sept. 14th)and the 4th Sunday of the month (Sept. 28th) is the Youth Mass. It is an opportunity for High School Youth to shine. We are in need of lectors, greeters, Boy Scouts and Venture Crew Members singers, musicians, and Extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist! This means YOU! Please email Joe at We are offering programs for the Ad Altare Dei and Pope [email protected] to sign up! Pius XII Religious Medals for all Catholic Boy Scouts and Specifically, if you are a singer or a musician, we welcome Boys and Girls involved in Venture Crew, starting your talents to be a part of our teen music ministry. Please September 14, 2014. Meets two Sundays per month at Our contact Mr. Charles Dern ([email protected]) to sign Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Doylestown, with up! We need you! completion by mid-December. Please contact Anne Upcoming Schedule O’Connell (215-794-5447; [email protected]) or Sept. 14th - TONIGHT! Youth Ministry Kick Off Meeting Michelle Kollas (215-766-2925;[email protected]) for (Pizza and Meet N Greet) details. Sept. 21st - Haiti Project pill packing, Rectory Lounge Sept. 28th - Blessing of Car Keys/Texting While Driving AdAltareDei Medal: Boy Scouts and Venture Crew, #BlessTWD Grades 7-9 Meets at 6:00PM Oct events planned: Bowling/St. Sunday supper/Movie The purpose of the AdAltareDei (to the altar of God) Night program is to help Catholic Boy Scouts and Venture Email us @[email protected] to sign up for our Crew to develop a fully Christian way of life in the faith email newsletter and to register. Follow us on Twitter community. @MtCarmelYM. The program is organized in chapters based on the seven Sacraments, with a focus on spiritual growth. Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County Pope Pius XII Medal: Boy Scouts and Venture Crew, Grades 10-12, Meets at 7:00PM The Pope Pius XII program deals with different life choices (single, married, religious, ordained) occupations, and ministries in the church as calls from God. It includes youth-led discussions on current issues facing the church and society, and concludes with a Pius XII retreat or day of recollection. The Women Build group of Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County is collecting new and “gently used” handbags to be sold or auctioned at their “7th” Annual Handbags for Habitat Wine and Cheese Event”. The event will be held Friday, September 19th from 6 -9PM at the Habitat offices in Chalfont. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased on Habitat’s website. Please check your closets and ask your friends for any handbag donations they may have. Boxes will be placed in the main vestibule of the church THIS WEEKEND Sunday (September 13 & 14TH) to collect your donations. If you have any questions, you may contact Mary Pat Holewinski at 215-317-0455. The Sept. 14th meeting is in the Rectory Lounge and the Sept. 21st meeting is in the Stock House. 3 Cranaleith Spiritual Center Day of Reflection “WHERE DO YOU LIVE?” An Intergenerational ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Food Drive Conversation about Spirituality The monthly St. Vincent de Paul food drive is being held THIS weekend September 13th & 14th. A list of those items currently needed is given below. Receptacles will be located at all entrances to the church. Thank you for your continued generosity. Items Needed Paper Products Jelly Coffee Stewed Tomatoes Tea Bags Rice Laundry Detergent Canned Vegetables Shampoo Beef Stew Juice Kleenex Cereal Canned Fruit Sugar Diapers Flour Baby Food Pancake Mix Toothpaste Spaghetti Sauce Tooth Brushes Pancake Syrup Macaroni & Cheese Thank you for your continued generosity. Presenter: Lori Boccuzzi Saturday, Sept. 20,2014, 10AM to 2PM Cost: $35 (includes lunch) What do young adults hunger for...care about...commit their lives to? This day will offer an opportunity for young adults to share their spiritual thirst, their passion, their questions and their dreams for our world with another generation whose deep faith has sustained them over many years. Come join in the conversation! Please call 215-934-6206 or office @cranaleith.org. HAITI I am very grateful for the comradery we share as a parish with our work in Haiti. While the clinic is now up and running successfully on a daily or weekly basis in Port au Prince, we as a medical team continue to arrive twice annually. Sustainability is a necessary goal to transition a people from poverty, to self-reliance but in the process a great deal of support is still needed. The fees charged for services in the clinic during our absence provide the funds needed for daily expenses related to supplies, water and electricity. The salaries for a Cuban doctor and the nurses are paid by another Catholic parish. When we arrive we serve the larger volume of those unable to afford even the nominal fee. Deb Gunning in her extraordinary efforts has organized our medical team and the supplies, services and personnel needed to have a smooth and efficient daily clinic. This work involves months and months of preparation for which we are all extremely grateful. Tom Kardish continues his leadership managing travel needs, expenses, fund raising and scheduling of all of our team including the Haitian staff of nurses, translators and transportation personnel. Deb Gunning was in Haiti 3 months ago serving a community of 850 children at a school in the central plateau of Haiti with the team from Our Lady of Guadalupe. OLG has taken on the responsibility of supporting that school and the work done by Deb and the team from OLG was an overwhelming success. For the last year I have enjoyed reaching deeper into the community doing house calls for those unable to get out of their homes/beds. Accompanied by a guide and a translator I see patients who have been bed bound with wounds, disabilities, significant pain, blindness, etc. Needless to say this is uniquely rewarding for me and fills a gap in their community health. I have had the privilege of being accompanied by Father Terry on occasion and so we can serve both their medical and spiritual needs. We are also working the initial steps toward beginning a technical school in the area. There is some evidence that building, construction and investment into the city is increasing. With the potential for jobs locally we hope to offer Haitian workers rather than having building firms bring in people from outside of Haiti for “skilled labor”. I remain hopeful that we can together see a tangible change in the community there in Port au Prince. This is a very exciting development and I hope to be able to give more detail in the future. This effort can make a big difference in the Haitian community and I pray for its success. The final efforts to complete the Catholic church in the community we serve are coming closer. We may have a church “Dedication” in the early part of 2015. This has been a slow process as the community there feels an increasing ownership and responsibility for the construction, some small component of the funding and the prayerful dedication needed to grow this Christian community and its place of worship and celebration. Health, education, employment and a spiritual foundation can be a successful combination for growth and fulfillment. Thanks again for all you have done to further our efforts. Joe Ferrara, MD SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING If you are planning to volunteer at the school or in any of the ministries or organizations please remember you will need to complete all necessary clearance requirements. It is important to have these in place prior to the upcoming school year. The process should be started now. Please see our website for more information. www.ourladymtcarmel.org and click on safe environment from the side menu or call Nicole Breeze at the rectory parish office 215-348-4190. Upcoming protecting God’s Children for Adults Awareness Sessions (virtus class) are: 9/17/14 OLMC ( Doylestown) 6:30PM 9/29/14 Corpus Christi (Lansdale) 7:00PM 10/04/14 St. Stanislaus (Lansdale) 9:30AM 10/14/14 St. Cyril (Jamison) 6:30PM 11/05/14 St. Jude (Chalfont) 6:30PM 11/11/14 St. Isidore (Quakertown) 6:30PM To Register: Those with internet access should visit the Virtus website www.virtus.org. All others can call the Office for Child and Youth Protection at 215-587-2466. RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE MONDAY, September 22, 2014 9:30AM to 7:45PM St. Mary’s Hall It’s not too late! You still have time to schedule an appointment for the upcoming OLMC Blood drive and make a difference in the life of another. Please call Kathy Vantine 215-343-4733 or Loretta Jenkins 267-880-0236 for an appointment. If you have already scheduled an appointment, thank you! 4 Pastoral Council Members welcome New OLMC School Principal, Dawn Parker. From Left: Michael Meehan, Kate Prout, Janice Perry, Dawn Parker, Marylou Gehring, Sister Dolores Burkhardt, Jeff Danilo, Joan Crowe, Kathy Loftus, and Julie Donahue. upcoming event so they could learn the procedure then, will do the next official welcome on March 8, 2015. More discussion needed regarding more frequent receptions after Mass. E. Special program for Bereaved will be presented by Sister Dolores Burkhardt SSJ beginning on 10/14/14 thru 1/13/15. In the Stock House. From the Suggestion Box: Bells - and Bell choir. Where are the bells, what condition. Can we find a place to keep them so they are accessible to musicians. Can liturgical I. Welcome to new OLMC Principal: Mrs. Dawn Parker. musicians use them periodically through the special Mrs. Parker has been getting acquainted with the school seasons? We will evaluate condition and speak with and the parish. She looks forward to meeting everyone and musicians. working with the PREP Coordinator, Mrs. Cindy Balceniuk. Suggestions of ribbon or bookmarker for the Missals, to The Middle States Evaluation will be coming up and our make it easier for people to find their place in the Missal. school is well prepared to move on under her guidance and Perhaps our children could help in this project by doing this with her experience in the process. Our parish is blessed project. Refer to Liturgy Team. with many young people and their families. All make a Suggestion: We need at least one Catholic periodical on loving difference in our parish community. the book rack. Council suggested that America Magazine II. Finance Committee Report be one of the magazines. We are on target with our projected budget. There are two Suggestion: Advertise building improvements in the very important fund-raisers: The Home & School Denim bulletin. Many repairs and improvements are made, thanks and Diamonds event and the Knights of Columbus Golf to the generosity of our parishioners. These can be Tournament. included in the bulletin so all are aware. Look for a complete report, which will be published in the bulletin in October. Respectfully submitted: Julie Donahue III. Open Invitation - Pastoral Council Meeting. November 5, 2014. Parishioners are encouraged to make “Explore the Gift of Advance Care Planning” suggestions for the Agenda. A notice will be placed in the Monday, September 15th @7:30PM bulletin alerting all that the Open Meeting is scheduled and St. Mary’s Hall invite suggestions for the agenda by October 1, 2014. All Advance Care Planning is thinking about the healthcare are welcome. you would want to receive if you are unable to speak for IV. New Business yourself. Join Dr. Veronica Coyne, Betsy Payn and your A. Arise - Together in Christ - Parish program of friends and neighbors to begin a journey of exploration renewal. Set to begin in October. Sign-up Sundays will toward helping you develop your own advance care plan. be September 20/21 and 27/28. We will play the award-winning card game, My Gift of B. Mass of Remembrance for deceased parishioners will Grace, and talk about the thoughts and ideas the game be held on Monday, November 3, 2014. provokes. Fun and enlightening, with lots of time for C. Retreat Day Sponsored by Ladies of Mount Carmel. questions and answers. All are welcome!! Guest Speaker is Sister Clare A. D’Auria OSF, Sponsored by Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Bereavement September 30. Ministries D. Welcome Reception for New Parishioners is Sunday Hospitality by Our Ladies of Mt. Carmel September 14 after the 9AM Mass. The rectory staff For further info and to register please contact Betsy Payn, has been sponsoring this for the past few years. They 267-544-9580 or email: [email protected]. are seeking help from the Pastoral Council. Michael We give you peace of mind at journey’s end by walking Meehan and Kate Prout have offered to assist the you through life’s most important conversation. Pastoral Council Meeting - September 3, 2014 Present: Msgr. Charles Hagan, Sister Dolores Burkhardt SSJ, Dawn Parker, OLMC School Principal, Joan Crow, Jeff Danilo, MaryLou Gehring, Carol Guckavan, Joe Guckavan, Kathy Loftus, Michael Meehan, Janice Perry, Kate Prout, Julie Donahue. Finance Committee: Jim Bollenbach, Cathee Thein, Joseph Hebert, Dominic Visco, and Sal Talamo. 5 “EYES WIDE OPEN: BELIEVING IS SEEING” A Retreat Day Sponsored by The Ladies of Mount Carmel Tuesday, September 30, 2014 Presenter: Sister Clare A. D’Auria OSF In his first encyclical entitled “The Light of Faith,” Pope Francis described the gift of faith— the act of believing—in this way: “Faith does not merely gaze at Jesus, but sees things as Jesus himself sees them, with his own eyes: it is a participation in his way of seeing”(18). You are invited to come and explore how seeing your experiences with the eyes of faith can change the way you look at life. This retreat day will invite you to shift your perspective and consider, not that “seeing is believing,” but that “believing is seeing” in a different way. It is this Gospel way of seeing that can challenge us to see ourselves differently and to bring whoever is peripheral into the center of our vision, into the heart of our concerns. During our time together, we will be encouraged to pray for the grace to open the eyes of our hearts wide enough to embrace the God who is revealed in Jesus Christ. The day will begin with Mass at 8 A.M. in the church followed by breakfast in St. Mary’s Hall and will conclude at 2 P.M. Box Lunch Included. All are welcome to attend. Cost: $25.00 Registration Deadline: September 24th Please Circle Your Box Lunch Choice: Turkey Lurkey, Big Beef, Very Veggie Wrap Box Lunch Includes: Fresh Fruit Salad, Chocolate Chunk Cookie, Homemade Potato Chips. Soda, Water, Coffee, Tea Name:_____________________________________________________________________ Phone Number_________________________ Email________________________________ Please Mail Check for $25 - Made out to: The Ladies of Mount Carmel (Circle Your Box Lunch Choice) Maureen Casey (215 348- 2659) or 714 Spring Valley Road Doylestown, PA 18901 Betty Margraff (215 348- 3487) 108 Progress Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 6 acknowledge before my heavenly Father.” During previous public Rosary rallies, non-Catholics have stopped and asked for Rosaries, wanting to learn how to pray this beautiful prayer. Please join us rain or shine for the 2014 Public Square Rosary Rally, sponsored by America Needs Fatima, to pray for our nation on October 11, 2014 at 12:00 Noon in honor of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima in 1917. Place: Our Lady of Guadalupe corner of Cold Spring Creamery Road and 413 in Buckingham. Questions contact: Pat Dowling 267-629-9471 or Charol Abrams 215-794-0254. 40 Days for Life Warminster Abortion is the leading cause of death in the world. It kills as many people as all of the other causes of death combined. Half the deaths in the world are from abortion. 1 out of 4 deaths in America is an abortion. (Based on data from the World Health Organization and the Guttmacher Institute). Want to end abortion? If you do, the first thing you must do is pray. Prayer is at the center of 40 Days for Life. During each campaign, we call on people of faith across the nation...and around the world...to fall on their knees before the Lord, asking Him to hear our plea and heal our land. Pray outside an abortion facility. Pray at church. Pray at work. Pray in the car. Pray at home with your family. The visible, public centerpiece of 40 Days for Life is a focused, 40-day prayer vigil outside a single abortion center. Our local campaign will take place at Planned Parenthood, 610 Louis Dr., Warminster, PA as it has for the past 7 years. Each Friday of the year, upwards of 20 babies are lost to abortion at this facility. OLMC parishioners will hold the 12 hour vigil on Thursday, Sept. 25, 2014 from 7AM until 7PM. Please make the effort to squeeze one hour into your schedule to pray the Rosary for a change of heart of the women scheduled to abort their children, for the conversion of workers, and for healing of all men and women who have suffered from abortion. Please call 215-348-7480 to schedule your hour. We are also being asked to fast during these 40 days which begin Wednesday, September 23 and end Sunday, November 2. This is a powerful means of drawing closer to God by blocking out distractions. Fast from certain foods. Fast from television. Fast from apathy and indifference. Fast from whatever it is that separates you from God. We believe that when God’s people fast with a broken, repentant and contrite spirit, our heavenly Father will hear from heaven and heal our lives, our churches, our communities, our nation and our world. New Seminarian at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Brandon Artman was born on April 4, 1980. Raised in West Chester, his home parish growing up was Saint Agnes. He attended Saint Agnes Parochial School and West Chester East H.S., where he became involved as choir member and accompanist. While in high school, Brandon was very active at St. Agnes, working in the office as evening receptionist, as church sacristan, and in the music ministry as organist, choir member and cantor. Entering West Chester University as a Music Education major (concentration: voice), Brandon soon discovered that this was not the path for him. He began working full time as Director of Music/Organist and Director of Parish Services at Saint Matthias Church in Bala Cynwyd for 13 years. It was during his time at Saint Matthias that Brandon felt a deeper calling to serve God and His people. His realization of his vocation blossomed and was strengthened immensely through his ministry at Saint Matthias. He graduated from West Chester University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Liberal Studies and a Music Minor, and entered Saint Charles Seminary in 2012. He has completed two years of Pre-Theology studies at the Seminary for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, and is beginning his first year of Theological studies. Brandon is excited to begin his apostolate at Our Lady of Guadalupe! He will be teaching religion here at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School on Thursday’s. Two more reasons to pray a public rosary: 1. Public sins require public reparation: Many parts of our culture openly flaunt sin when sharing information and programs through any form of communications media. Sadly, some of our laws favor abortion or samesex unions. Since many of these sins are public, our public Rosary Rally consoles the Lord as a public act of reparation offered for our own sins, the public or private sins of others, and those public sins hurled against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. At Fatima, Our Lady said to the children: “You have seen hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish devotion to my Immaculate Heart in the world.” 2. Today’s mainstream media will NEVER promote Fatima, so WE must promote public devotion to Mary, and praying a public Rosary is a powerful way to do so. Catholics must not be ashamed of our Faith, which includes devotion to Mary as we worship the Lord. Jesus reminds us in Matthew’s Gospel (10:32) that: “Everyone who acknowledges me before others, I will Bucks County Young Adult Theology on Tap Series Thursday, September 25, 7:30PM Green Parrot Restaurant 240 North Sycamore Street Newtown, PA. Bucks County Theology on Tap returns with its Fall series! Come join young adults from across the county for a Catholic-based presentation series in a comfortable social environment. Archbishop Chaput will present this month’s topic, “The Role of the Young Adult in Philadelphia.” This series is a great way to meet new friends while enjoying fellowship and growing in faith. Also, be sure to visit our Facebook page, “Bucks County TOT,” for more details on this and future events. 7 Schedule of Events Our Lady of Mt. Carmel This schedule was accurate at time of advance printing but is subject to change. The times listed are the times the facility is being used; not the actual time of the event. If you need assistance please call the Rectory 215-348-4190 and ask for Barb. Sunday 9/14 7-12:30P CCD All School Rev. Msgr. Charles H. Hagan, Pastor 9A Children’s Liturgy, Church, Rectory Lounge 9A Welcome Coffee, St. Mary’s 1P Volleyball, Gym 6-7P Ad Altare Dei, Rectory Lounge 6-7:30P Teens, St. Mary’s 7-8:30P Pope Pius XII, Rectory Lounge Rev. James J. Mulligan, In Residence Rev. Paschal Onunwa, Parish Vicar Rev. Terence P. Weik, Parish Vicar Deacon George V. Corwell Deacon Jim Fowkes Sister Dolores Burkhardt, S.S.J. Mr. Carl Kunkel, Director of Sacred Music & Organist Monday 9/15 9-11A Bible Study, St. Mary’s 3:45-8:30P CCD All School 6:30-9:30P Advance Care Planning, St. Mary 7:30P Trp 52, Stock House Mrs. Dawn Parker School Principal Mrs. Cindy Balceniuk, Director of Religious Ed. Tuesday 9/16 11-11:45A Meditation, St. Mary’s 5P Volleyball, Gym 7P Rosary, Church 7P Webelos II, Cafeteria Barbara Miller Director of Adult Faith Formation Joseph Grayeske Wednesday 9/17 6:30A Men’s Scripture, St. Mary’s 5P Volleyball, Gym 5:30-9P Virtus, St. Mary’s 6:30-8:15P Legion of Mary, Rectory Lounge 7:30P Trp 52, Cafeteria 7:30P Pk 52, Stock House Youth Minister Bulletin Deadlines Please submit items for Bulletin issues on left by 5:00 P.M. on the dates to right: Sept.28……………………Thursday, Sept. 18 Any questions contact: Barb Petrone Bulletin Designer and Editor at: [email protected] Thursday 9/18 8:30-4P Adoration/Benediction, Church 5P Volleyball, Gym 7:30P Rcia, St. Mary’s 7:30P Choir, Church Please pray for our troops: Tim Carlin, Kyle P. Sablosky, Matthew Ponente, Christopher Davies, Michael Malandra, Jennifer Malandra, Nicholas Smith, Michael White, Austin Savage, Kyle West, Anthony Taylor, Cole Hamilton, Nathan Danals, Ryan Blentner, Veronica Camiolo, Erik Berg, Robert Reilly, Sam Friedman, Jim Pasquarette, Robert Hayes, Mark Sherkey, Tyler Gall, Josh Maxwell, Shawn Glaush, Christopher Callahan, Seth Gilpin, Steven A. Campbell, Christopher C. Brown, Luke Easterday, Sean Madison, Beth Christine Hafer, Ethan Surrusco, Anthony Marinucci, John Brabazon, Matthew D. Carey, Thomas Forsthoefel, Bryan Buckley, David Belz, Trevor Needham, Michael Warren Sabia, Christopher Bellus, Matt Matlock, Matthew Fedele, Anthony F. Kurz, Michael Eriandson, and Andrew Hoban. Contact Tara Conway 267-221-5541 or [email protected]. Friday 9/19 9A Peace Day Prayer Service, Gym 3:30P Family Bingo School, Gym 5P Volleyball, Gym Saturday 9/20 6A-5P Evangelization Day (whole parish), Cafeteria, St. Mary’s 8-12P Basketball, Gym 12P Volleyball, Gym 6:15-9P AA, Rectory Lounge 8 SUNDAY MASSES READINGS FOR: Vigil Saturday 5:00 P.M. SUNDAY 6:30, 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 A.M. 12 Noon & 5 P.M. DAILY MASSES 6:30 AND 8:00 A.M., SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. HOLY DAYS Vigil 7:30 P.M. 6:30 & 8:00 A.M. 12 Noon & 7:30 P.M. CONFESSIONS (Sacrament of Reconciliation) Saturday 8:30 to 9:00 A.M. and Saturday Evenings: 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Private confession to be arranged with a Priest. Call 215-348-4190. The Parish Rectory Office is open for routine business Monday through Friday 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Reception area open after 5PM Monday-Friday 5PM to 7:15PM Saturday 12 Noon - 5PM Sunday 9AM - 12 Noon September 14, 2014 - The Exaltation of the Holy Cross 1) Numbers 21:4b-9 2) Philippians 2:6-11 3) John 3:13-17 Sept. 21, 2014 - Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1) Isaiah 55:6-9 2) Philippians 1:20c-24, 27a 3) Matthew 20:1-16a CELEBRANTS Subject to Change September 21, 2014 5:00PM Fr. Mulligan 6:30AM Fr. Mulligan 7:30AM Msgr. Hagan 9:00AM Fr. Terry 10:30AM Fr. O’Neill 12 Noon Fr. Onunwa 5:00PM Fr. Onunwa rachelsvineyard.org 877-HOPE-4-ME (877-467-3463) Have you or someone you know had an abortion? There are many good organizations offering confidential counseling and post-abortion assistance: Project Rachel………………..1-888-329-3773 National Life Center………….1-800-848-LOVE Bereavement 215-348-5488 Family Min. 215-348-5488 Adult Faith 215-348-4190 Parish Nurse 215-348-4190 Ministry/Elderly/Ill & Homebound 215-348-4190 Music Office Youth Min. School CCD Rectory Fax INTENTIONS OF THE WEEK The Exaltation of the Holy Cross September 14, 2014 215-345-8782 267-247-0134 215-348-5907 215-345-7089 215-348-3104 Please remember our Church in your will. Contact Msgr. Hagan for information on how you can include Our Lady of Mt. Carmel www.ourladymtcarmel.org Email: [email protected] Mon. September 15 6:30 A.M. Frances Wilson 8:00 A.M. Henry Albrecht Tue. September 16 6:30 A.M. Jacob Ament 8:00 A.M. Noel Brinker Wed September 17 6:30 A.M Wilmer & Marian Wilson 8:00 A.M Douglas Walters Thurs. September 18 6:30 A.M. Anthony Conca 8:00 A.M. Douglas Walters Friday September 19 6:30 A.M. Anthony Conca 8:00 A.M. Marian Brusco Sat. September 20 8:00 A.M Bill Miller 5:00 P.M. Joseph & Joe Mc Donald Sun. September 21 6:30 A.M Mary T. Antonucci 7:30 A.M Ann Zabaly 9:00 A.M Nora & Joe Mc Nulty, Sr. 10:30 A.M William & Catherine Donovan 12:00 P.M Peter De Nofa 5:00 P.M. Emil D. Schmidt Loving Service in Christ’s Name: St. Vincent de Paul Society: 215-348-8833. To join our parish - We welcome all new parishioners that live within the boundaries assigned to our parish. You can register in the Rectory after 9:00A.M. weekdays or after the Sunday Masses. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). A program for those interested in learning more about the Catholic Church. If interested, call to register 215-348-4190. Sponsor Certificates for Baptism or Confirmation. Contact the Parish Office in advance 215-348-4190. Baptisms: Baptisms are celebrated every Sunday. The regularly scheduled time is 2:00 P.M. Pre-baptismal classes are held on the first Sunday of the month at 7:00 P.M. in St. Mary’s Hall. Only new parents or those who have not previously attended a pre-baptismal class are required to attend. Please call the Rectory to arrange for a baptism. Marriage: Arrangements must be made with a Priest in the parish at least six months before the date of the wedding to assure sufficient preparation. Pregnancy Hotline 610-626-4006 Signing Mass: Second Sunday of each month at 10:30 A.M. WELCOME TO RETURNING CATHOLICS: Those who have been away from the Church are invited to participate in the process of becoming reacquainted. Call 215348-4190. 9 ROGERS TREE SERVICE INC. Removal • Trimming • Pruning • Stump Removal Crane Service • Bucket Truck Service Storm Damage • Free Estimates Prompt & Courteous Service Fully Insured Lic. #PA039509 www.rogerstreeserviceinc.com Truly Fine Independent Living • Large Apartments • Private Garages • Intimate Setting For more information, call us at 215.441.5240 Bill Rogers, Owner Steven Covino, D.D.S. 267-488-0398 2010 York Rd. Jamison, PA 18929 www.manoratyorktown.com WILLIAMS LANDSCAPING Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics Complimentary Initial Exam www.covinoorthodontics.com Spring Clean-ups • Mowing Lawn Care & Gardening Hardscapes • All of Your Landscaping Needs Doylestown 215-489-8869 Kniese’s Plumbing (215) 348-3113 Free Estimates - Fully Insured 267.247.2426 Bathroom Remodeling Ask about our Mt. Carmel Parishioner Discount Bill Williams, Owner General Plumbing Services Water Treatment Licensed Master Plumber Family Owned Since 1958 Member of Parish 3633 Old Easton Road Doylestown, PA Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner Saturday, September 13, 2014 with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Lower Makefield Township Park • Yardley, PA 100K & 50K Rides • 12 Mile Family Ride www.ajfride4autism.org Sponsored by the AJ Foundation Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. Valerie Parisi RN CRRN CLCP www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com Switch To America’s Most Reliable Positively Clean! Wireless Network! 4151 E. Swamp Road Doylestown, PA 18902 215-230-9640 House Cleaning by Andrea • Weekly • Monthly • One-Time • Safe for Kids and Pets! • Great References! • Free Estimates! (across from Histand’s) Proudly Serving The Doylestown Community For Over 14 Years Full & Part Time Jobs in Bucks & Montg. Co. Access Services, Inc. a non profit Christian based Social Service Org. is looking to fill positions in: * Life Sharing/Supported Living • Coordinating care for the elderly and disabled for over 20 years • Helping clients find the best, most for people with developmental disabilities in a qualified host family home appropriate and affordable Care * In-Home Support in the homes of people with developmental disabilities www.valpar.com Contact Jacqueline Spinosa 215.540.2150 www.accessservices.org Actice OLMC Parishioner 215-230-0141 P. MICHAEL SCHELKUN, M.D., D.D.S. MARK P. KIENLE, M.D., D.M.D., MBA *LEWIS J. SCHWARTZ, D.M.D. (Emeritus) * Call Andrea at 267-337-2672 Former 76ers Team Eye Doctor Voted One of the Best of Bucks/Montgomery DAVID GALIANI, M.D. “State Of The Art Medical & Surgical Eye Care With A Personal Touch” On Staff At Wills Eye & Doylestown Hospitals • Routine Exams 14 -A Memorial Drive • Doylestown, PA 18901 215.345.5144 www.galianieye.com *BOARD CERTIFIED Dental • Facial • Reconstructive • Cosmetic & Implant Surgery www.omscenters.com 158 York Road Warminster, PA 18974 Phone (215) 672-6560 467 Pennsylvania Ave., Suite 106 Fort Washington, PA 19034 Phone (215) 591-3590 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Doylestown’s Oldest Established Funeral Home Bryan J. Rhoads, Supervisor 2335 Lower State Road • Doylestown, PA 18901 215.348.4543 • Fax 215.348.0323 www.reedandsteinbach.com ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 853 Second Street Pike, Suite A-106 Richboro, PA 18954 Phone (215) 355-4500 WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? GREGORY P. WASKO, D.M.D. FAMILY - COSMETIC DENTISTRY Route 413, Mechanicsville Anne E. O’Day, DMD, MS 794-3600 Orthodontics for Children & Adults Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics 3503 York Road, Furlong 215-794-5002 We Bring Smiles Together! Parish Member PAOAGHIC:002851 www.odayorthodontics.com 698350 Our Lady of Mount Carmel (C) Parish Member CELEBRATE www.jspaluch.com I Love You Day Anyday, with a gift from CARROLL’S JEWELERS Thefriendlyjeweler.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 Serving Bucks and surrounding Counties for over 20 years FREE Quotes on New Roofs BOB LATINI HOME IMPROVEMENTS Additions, Alterations, Siding, Roofing Windows, Doors, Decks, Kitchens, Etc. Free Estimates 674-0696 • New Roofs & Gutters • Roof & Gutter Repair • Siding & Windows Free Winter Weather Inspection Diocese Member 215-752-6145 • www.abrooksconstruction.com Advanced Hearing Systems, Inc. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. an Official Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA IDEAL FREE PICK UP (215) 822-2708 31 Oak Ave, Chalfont Wed–Sat, 9-5 Board Certified-Hearing Instrument Sciences www.habitatbucks.org Hearing Evaluations • Hearing Aid Selection 25% OFF Purchase With Ad Sales, Service & Repairs 10% OFF Any Hearing Aids with Ad 15 Evergreen Ave., Warminster 215-672-5041 DONATE • SHOP • VOLUNTEER Plumbing & Heating Licensed & Insured Registered Master Plumber “A User Friendly Full Service Company” Bathroom Remodeling Specialists Call (215) 340-9101 PLASTER, PAINT, CARPENTRY & WALLPAPER EXPERT Looking to buy a house ?.... Buy a Lifestyle and Share the Excitement. Licensed & Insured • PA 044865 An owner operated business 215-335-1551 www.jvpainting.com Parish Member ROBERT E. RIESENBERGER, D.D.S., P.C. PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY We’ve Moved!!! 301 S. Main St., Ste. 1 West, Doylestown Tel. 215-348-5222 Fax 215-348-1308 www.DrRobDentist4Kids.com GUTTER CLEANING Roofing & Siding 215-357-2700 215-322-7400 FREE EST. • Lic. & Ins. PA 080483 TOPSOIL & MULCH 215-345-4481 Lic. & Ins. PA030067 20% OFF OFF AIRPORT AIRPORT VALET VALET PARKING PARKING WITH WITH THIS THIS AD AD 20% Pacifico OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • 8am - 10 pm • IMMEDIATE SERVICE AVAILABLE AIRPORT VALET We make house calls • We can fix any computer issue PC or Mac 215-628-8348 Bucks County Medical Assoc. Drs. Welsch, Gittlen, Szekely, Acharya Pulmonary Medicine 1980 S. Easton Rd., Doylestown 21 $ Computer 99 Clean-Up Special Offer Expires 9/30/2014 • Conditions Apply 19 $ Any In-Home or 99 OFF In-Office Service Offer Expires 9/30/2014 215-348-1310 The Original & Still the Best - Since 1975 6715 Essington Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19153 (215) 492-0990 • www.pacificovalet.com Mention Your Parish to Receive a 20% Discount On Your Next Visit • FAMILY OWNED IN THE HEART OF DOYLESTOWN • MEMBER OF KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #4160 OLMC • ADVANCE PLANNING SPECIALIST WITH INSURANCE LICENSE • LARGE OFF-STREET PARKING AREA BEHIND FACILITY • PROVIDING CREMATION & FUNERAL SERVICES • CERTIFIED BY THE "GREEN BURIAL COUNCIL” • SPECIALIZING IN CHURCH VISITATIONS AND MEMORIALS • LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTOR IN PA, NJ & NY • EXCLUSIVE REMEMBRANCE PROVIDERSM IN DOYLESTOWN AREA 344 NORTH MAIN STREET • DOYLESTOWN, PA 18901 • (215) 348-8930 Jason “Oz” Oszczakiewicz, Owner/Supervisor Wills • Estates • Elder Law Personal Injury • DUI • DWI Family & Matrimonial Law • Adoption SERPICO, ESQ www.repkowilliams.com O L M C PA R I S H I O N E R Wills, Trusts, Estates and Powers of Attorney WadeAgency Auto • Home • Life • Business PATRICIA WADE, 99 EAST COURT STREET ◆ DOYLESTOWN ◆ 215.230.5460 AGENT Serving all the families of Mt. Carmel 267.297.0136 • www. farmersagent.com/pwade Diocese Member Oil & Gas Heating, Sales & Service, Climate Controls, Air Conditioning, Ductwork, Delivery of Heating Oil, Gasoline, Propane & Diesel Fuels 267-803-4840 219 Keith Valley Road Horsham, PA 19044-1408 Parishioner 698350 Our Lady of Mount Carmel (B) www.varcoethomasfuneralhome.com CHRISTOPHER J. Robert T. Repko, Local Diocese Member 215-348-9500 Visit us at [email protected] www.self-hc.com www.jspaluch.com Fully Licensed & Insured PA HIC Lic #PA008629 www.KircherElectric.com 215-343-4030 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 Dr. Sam Kadan 215-348-3100 402 Hyde Park • Doylestown, PA 18902 MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED • FREE CONSULTATION • BY APPOINTMENT ONLY www.teethsostraight.com SCANLIN FUNERAL HOME LTD. Leaver-Cable Funeral Home Ltd. 215-794-7696 S TEVEN F LASHNER , M.D. A LBERT R UENES , J R ., M.D. K EVIN B. F ITZGERALD , M.D. F RANK H. R OLAND , J R ., M.D. 102 Progress Dr Ste. 101, Doylestown Rte 202 & Quarry Rd. • Buckingham, PA D. Stephen Cable, Supv. “A Life Celebration Home” 215-230-0600 Traditional Funerals • Cremation • Preplanning James P. Scanlin, F.D./Supvr. (215) 822-0480 175 East Butler Ave. • Chalfont, PA 18914 www.scanlinfuneralhome.com Parishioner Honest, Reliable, Prompt Service COUNTY LINE PLUMBING & HEATING www.altomontes.com Warminister (215) 672-5439 Doylestown (215) 489-8889 Call Mike, your Neighborhood Plumber 215.429.3350 Lic.#PA066556 - Insured JAMES PATRICK MURPHY, DMD 215-514-9253 Patented. Reliable. Fun. ™ www.gametruckparty.com WM. DINLOCKER CONTRACTING Pediatric Dentist, Board Certified 215.348.5778 Concrete • Masonry • Handscaping Interlocking Pavers Doylestown & Center City Locations idental.mobi (On Jan. 1, 2014 Pediatric Dental Care will be covered by Medical Insurance. We will participate in medical plans.) (215) 822-8391 • Chalfont Mobile: (215) 870-0986 www.dinlockercontracting.com Lic# PA008113 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Maryanne Pastry Shoppe Open Daily “The Friendly, Family Bakery” Baked Fresh Daily Quality Pastry, Cakes, Cookies, Breads • Teas & Coffees 499 East State Street Center, Doylestown 230-8885 Member of Parish For further information, please call the Parish Office. CARPET ONE® FLOOR & HOME MORE FLOORS - MORE CHOICES CARPET • WOOD • ORIENTALS • VINYL • CERAMIC NATURAL FLOORS • REMNANTS • WINDOW TREATMENTS 215-348-8116 640 N. MAIN STREET, DOYLESTOWN OPEN 6 DAYS - WED. & FRI. EVENINGS Income & Estate Tax Returns Member of St. Robert Bellarmine Financial Planning Email: [email protected] Small Business Consulting QuickBooks Accounting www.barb-lin.com Still Family Owned Since 1948 Voted Best of Bucks-Mont for 15 Years in a Row GA=EKEEPERS INVISIBLE FENCE OF DELAWARE VALLEY Call Us Today For A Free In-home Consultation • 1 Year Performance Guarantee • Used & Recommended By Local Veterinarians For Their Own Pets • On-site & In-store Professional Service & Advice www.invisiblefence.com • Certified Trainers & Specialized Training Protocol (215) 345-1800 Better teen driving, bigger discounts. Rich Bowren, Agent [email protected] Bus: 267-649-7417 CATHOLIC DOORPOST MAY JESUS PROTECT AND BLESS MY HOME 877-403-3700 [email protected] Save an average of $500* Stop here for great rates with America’s #1 car insurance company**. Give me a call today. Linda L. Gelcius, Agent 252 W Swamp Rd, Bailiwick #21 Doylestown, PA 18901 Bus: 215-340-1222 www.gelcius.com Chalfont Custom Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® PA I N T I N G . c o m Check out our Steer Clear® Program. When your teen gets ready to drive, we’re there. They learn safe driving and you get lower rates. Interior/Exterior - Power Wash Diocese Member 215-997-7737 Check our website specials ® www.statefarm.com *Average annual per household savings based on a national 2012 survey of new policyholders who reported savings by switching to State Farm. 1005000 **Based on A.M. Best written premium. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company - Bloomington, IL Short Term Furnished Single Family Rentals in the Borough ONE MONTH MINIMUM • PET AGREEMENTS AVAIL. Esther C. Wooley • Owner/Manager • Parishioner www.estherandbobrentals.postlets.com Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® 267-549-8109 GET TO A BETTER STATE.® CALL ME TODAY. 1001000.1 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL FRANCO ROOFING, INC. Put Your Home in Our Hands ...We Care Doylestown - 345-1828 Plumbstead - 766-0266 • • • • Asphalt Shingles Cedar Shingles Slate & Copper Rubber Free Estimates • Tar & Gravel • Coatings • Sidings • Skylights & Insured CUSTOM WINDOW TREATMENTS Lennon’s Small Jobs (Associated with County Linen) Call for a FREE Consultation Denise Keiser Una Calahan 267-614-3302 215-498-4258 Offering handyperson services to homeowners Parishioner of OLMC PAOAGHIC: 3196 Call Mary 215-421-3708 www.LennonsSmallJobs.com COUNTY WINDOW DRESSINGS Traditional Funerals - Advanced Planning - Cremation Heating and Air Conditioning Co. YORK EQUIPMENT • INSTALLATIONS • MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 800 Hagey Rd., Souderton Parishioner 215-799-0515 Personalized Service for YOUR Businesses Credit Card Processing Success! • Change from an existing processor • Set up 1st time credit card processing Jamie N. Goodreau, NOW TO DISCUSS AND START FRESH! D.M.D., M.S.D. CALL www.transactcc.com • 267.968-6232 Specialist in Orthodontics For Children & Adults • Invisalign Certified 1300 Horizon Dr. Suite 117 Chalfont PA 215-997-0200 698350 Our Lady of Mount Carmel (A) Mary Ann Robinson-Kelley, President & Parishioner Funeral Home Inc. 215-340-9654 Joseph A. Fluehr IV, Supervisor 241 East Butler Ave., (Rte. 202 at Sandy Ridge Rd.), New Britain www.fluehr.com Dave & Julie Donahue VETERANS LANE SHOE SERVICE Realtors, ABR, SRES, CHMS, e-Pro If the Shoe Fits…Repair it! Coldwell Banker Hearthside - Doylestown 134 Veterans Lane Doylestown, PA 18901 www.djdonahuehomes.com - 215-345-6244 x166 (215) 348-3348 Active OLMC Parishioners for 35 Years! www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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