July 3, 2016 Sacred Heart Catholic Church
July 3, 2016 Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Sacred Heart Catholic Church 12704 Foothill Blvd., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739-9795 Website www.sacredheartrc.org (909) 899-1049 + Fax (909) 899-3229 July 3, 2016 Parish Mission We, the people of Sacred Heart, are a welcoming community, faithful to Catholic teaching, called to live out the Gospel message through prayer, ministry, and example, so that God’s love may be known to all. Very Rev. Benedict Nwachukwu Udaku VF, Pastor, Ext. 132 Email: [email protected] Rev. Julian Okoroanyanwu Parochial Vicar, Ext. 141 Email: [email protected] Misión Parroquial Nosotros, la gente del Sagrado Corazón, somos una comunidad acogedora, fieles a la enseñanza católica, llamados a vivir el mensaje del Evangelio mediante la oración, la pastoral y el ejemplo, para que todos conozcan el amor de Dios. Rev. Edward J. Molumby, S.T. Priest in Residence Deacon Ed Clark Parish Deacon , Ext 286; [email protected] Baptisms/Bautizos Classes are required for parents and godparents before the Baptism is Monday-Thursday: 8:30 AM-5:30 PM scheduled. We recommend three months preparation. You may contact Friday: 8:30 AM- 5:00 PM the Front Office at ext. 113 or ext. 115 or see our website www.sacredheartrc.com for more information. (909) 899-1049 Los padres y padrinos deben tomar clases de preparación antes del For General Information call ext. 113 or 115 bautismo. Se recomienda que tengan tres meses de preparación. Puede For Emergencies ONLY requiring a priest comunicarse con la oficina, ext. 113 o ext. 115 o ver nuestra pagina de during non-office hours call (909) 503-5588. internet www.Sacredheartrc.org para más información. Weddings/Bodas In order to schedule a wedding, a prenuptial meeting with a priest is required. One of the parties must be a committed member of Sacred MASS SCHEDULE in English Heart Parish. Minimum six months preparation required. Any previous Mon– Sat: 7:30 AM Wed: 6:15 PM marriage must be cleared before a date is scheduled and preparation can Saturday: 5:00 PM begin. Call ext.133 for an appointment. Sunday: 7:00 AM, 10:30 AM (w/ American Sign Language), Para planear una boda, se requiere una junta prenupcial con el 12:30 PM, 5:00 PM sacerdote. Una persona de la pareja debe ser un miembro de la parroquia de Sagrado Corazón. Para pedir una cita llame extensión 133. Preparación de seis meses mínimo es requerida. Quinceañeras HORARIO DE MISAS en Español Para reservar una Quinceañera o para mas información debe asistir a Martes: 6:15 PM una reunión informativa en la oficina parroquial a las 10:00 am el ultimo Domingo: 8:30 am (con Lengua de Signos) y 7:00 PM domingo de cada mes. Padres y Quinceañera solamente. Se requiere 6 meses de preparación. Mass Intentions Anyone may request a Mass intention for a person who is living, a CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES person who is deceased, members of a given family, a special intention, Saturday at 3:30 p.m. & Tuesday’s 5:00pm (English/Spanish) or a birthday. Mass intentions are filled on a first come first serve basis. or call ext.133 for an appointment The offering is $10 per Mass (maximum of four intentions). Must be in Sábado 3:30 p.m. y Martes 5:00pm (Ingles/Español) person. o llame x133 para hacer una cita. Funerals/Funerales If you would like to make arrangements for a funeral please contact Holy Hour - Every Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Come before the parish office x 115 Si desea hacer arreglos para un funeral, por favor póngase en contacto the Blessed Sacrament, join us to pray for all families, our parish family and con la oficina parroquial extensión 115. for vocations. Hora Santa - Todos los Jueves de 6:30 p.m. a las 7:30 p.m. Venga ante el Sacred Heart Parish Santísimo Sacramento del Altar, únase a nosotros para pedir por todas las School familias, nuestra familia parroquial y por las vocaciones. OFFICE HOURS: Reservation Chapel - with the Blessed Sacrament is open on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Entrance is on the West side of the building. La Capilla - del Santísimo Sacramento esta abierta entre semana de 7 a.m. a 5 p.m. La entrada esta al oeste del edificio. Grades: K-8th School Info: (909) 899-1049 x400 FAX: (909) 899-0413 School Web Site: www.shsrcbulldogs.webs.com Trenna Meins, Principal Mary Carr, School Secretary Please pray for all unborn babies and their families: Saturday, Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00pm + Jason Jimenez r/b Your Mom r/b Your Family r/b Anna Laudiano Aaron Giron (Birthday) + For the Souls Sunday, July 3 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00am Isabel Jung (Blessing) r/b Self 8:30am + + 10:30am + + 12:30pm + + 5:00pm 7:00pm + + + Fermin P. Nofuente (Thanksgiving) May Almario (Special Int.) Eleanor Diaz (Birthday) Zaenaido Alvarado (Anniversary) Maria Luisa Gonzalez Lynn Diolata Ugorji Family (Thanksgiving) Angel Brito Robert Thomas Frable Rogelio Pascual Roselle Pining (Thanksgiving) Propopulo Margarita Alvarado (Anniversary) Gustavo Ossa Rosa Acosta de Santos r/b Auntie Ria r/b Daniela Almario r/b Grandma Enedina Diaz r/b Josefina Alvarado r/b Su Hija r/b David Diolata r/b r/b Javier Bito r/b Terry Lyons r/b Boots Chan r/b Resele Pining r/b Gilberto Gonzalez r/b Su esposa y hijos r/b Maria Casanova Monday, July 4 9:00am + Jose R. Torres r/b Vivvie and Michael Tuesday, July 5 St. Anthony Zaccaria, St. Elizabeth of Portugal 7:30am Maglinte Family (Special Int.) r/b Eva Maglinte & Family 6:15pm Gilberto & Rosa Gonzalez ( Anniv.) r/b Wednesday, July 6 St. Maria Goretti 7:30am Sister Joseph Louise,O.C. (5oth Jubilee) r/b Pat Dougherty & Sally DeSilva 6:15pm Roselle Catalino Pining ( Anniv.) r/b Resele Pining Thursday, July 7 7:30am Sister Christina, O.C.D. (25th Jubilee) r/b Pat Dougherty & Sally DeSilva Friday, July 8 7:30am + Sister Ines, O.C.D. (25th Jubilee) r/b Pat Dougherty & Sally DeSilva Saturday, July 9 St. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions: Blessed Virgin Mary 7:30 am + Anatolio Ronquillo r/b Ronquillo & Domingo Fam + Jesse Valenzuela (Anniversary) r/b The Valenzuela Family Sunday-July 3, 2016 8:30AM Children’s Lit. of the Word 9:30AM Sacred Heart Singers Prac. 10:00AM Little Lambs 10:00AM Baptism Class Horvath Horvath Library JP II Monday-July 4, 2016 6:00AM 6:50AM 9:00AM 2:ooPM AA Meeting Rosary Mass Special Event 6:00AM 6:50AM 7:30AM 5:00PM 5:30PM 6:15PM 7:30PM AA Meetings Rosary Mass Confessions Catechist / Vol. Training Mass AA Meeting Conf. Rm. Chapel Chapel Cardenas Tuesday-July 5, 2016 Conf Rm Chapel Chapel Church Horvath Chuch Library Wednesday-July 6, 2016 6:00AM AA Meeting 6:50AM Rosary Conf. Rm. Chapel ♥ Baby Varela ♥ Baby Luna ♥ Baby Mathews ♥ Baby Cervantes ♥ Baby Blanco ♥Baby Calma-Zaide Please also pray for women who are considering abortion. That they come to understand the sanctity of human life. May God give them the grace and strength to accept the gift He has given them in the life of their baby. Please pray for all our sick relatives and friends: Jose Manuel Carillo Minerva Gaona Blanca Chavez Sandra Milton Susana Trujillo Milta Negron Conchita Villanueva Gil Ybe Anita Ceballos Doreen Richichi Frank de Lima Don Calzia Guillermo Fitzmaurice Patsy Torres Lorana Fitzmaurick Ruby Laponis Tiffany West Kepford Wexler Vila Andrea Sekona Demy Calma Join us to pray for all who recently died: “It is a good and wholesome thing to pray for the dead” (2 Maccabees 12:45-46) Norma Comendador Bob Meinking Pa Alloysius Anyanwu Miguel J Villanueva Lauro Baca Jr Elsie Duran Lilia Agbayani Terry Taylan Charlie Villanueva Delia Acensio Perez Edith Davis Antonio Luna Juan Pablo Pardo Richard Omana Hortencia Madamba Cornelia Lucero Pedro Villegas Nicholas Amadi Rosario Panaligan Rudy Sorriano Edith Davis Mattie Roa Dionisio Garza III José Gonzalez Nicholas Solima Carlos Lopez Jr. +Baby Ben Sekona + Malcolm Phillips + Doreen Richichi +Solina Sollander Please pray for all our relatives and friends serving in the military: Joseph Linares (N) John Portillo (A) Carissa Deck (AF) Amy Deck (A) Kristin Queen (AF) Addison Queen (AF) Sean Queen (AF) Carlos E Rodriguez (M) Kevin Chavez (N) Stephen Abarca (A) Andrew Gutierrez (A) Brianna C Hernandez (A) Anthony Scheidemantla (A) Jacob Anthony Quintanilla (A) Marco A Rivera (A) Zedrix P Santos (A) Sacred Heart This Week 7:30AM Mass 6:15PM RE-Family Mass Practice 6:15PM Mass Chapel Church Chapel Thursday-July 7, 2016 6:00AM 6:50AM 7:30AM 5:00PM 6:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM AA Meeting Rosary Mass Wedding Rehearsal Eng. Holy Hour Wedding Rehearsal (Spn.) Holy Spirit Prayer Mtg. 6:00AM 6:50AM 7:30AM 4:00PM AA Meeting Rosary Mass Catechist/ Vol. Training Conf. Rm Chapel Chapel Church Church Church Library Friday –July 8, 2016 Conf. Rm. Chapel Chapel Horvath Saturday-July 9, 2016 7:30AM Mass 10:00AM Catechist / Vol. Training 3:30PM Confessions Chapel Horvath Church 5:00PM Mass 7:00PM Movie Night Church Grass Area Page 3 Our Site with Fr. Ben / Nuestro Enfoque de la Fe con Padre Ben What is Holy Hour, Eucharistic Adoration? (III) (Simple Practices for a Renewed Eucharistic Spirituality) Beloved brothers and sisters, in our last week reflection, we prayerfully acknowledge the truth that Jesus is at the center of our Eucharistic adoration. He is the One that we adore, whose love for mankind encompasses the whole of creation from one generation to the other as Blessed Teresa of Calcutta fittingly observed: “When you look at the crucifix, you understand how much Jesus loved you then. When you look at the Sacred Host, you understand how much Jesus loves you now.” The Crucifix and the Altar are sacred spaces where true love is made present, celebrated, revered, offered for the well being of others and perpetuated for eternity, so that people’s lives are nourished and habits of love and virtues are promoted and encouraged. In the Eucharist, our Jesus is seen as Dimkpa (one who endures suffering for others); Jesus is contemplated as Ikechukwu (the power of God); and the Blessed Lord is worshipped as Chijikenile (Mighty God). In the Eucharist, Jesus is true God, our Savior, and the King of glory. In Him, we are set free; we are purified, sanctified, and renewed. Jesus is the Foundation of our faith, the Architect of the universe, and the Manager of all times. He is the Alpha and the Omega (Revelation 22:13), He is the image of the invisible God, the first born of all creation; for in him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominations or principalities or authorities-all things were created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together (Colossians 1: 15-17). Let us consider some Gospel passages where the Blessed Lord invited us to come to Him to have rest, life, light, freedom, and joy. In Matthew 11: 28, Jesus said: “Come to me all you who are over labored and over burdened and I will give you rest.” In this biblical and Christological invitation, we find a spiritual recipe to deal with our brokenness, insecurities, anxieties, and different social and political unrest being experienced in small and large scales by men and women of our present day age and time. Jesus is inviting you and I, to come and lay our burdens at the feet of the altar as St. Peter had pastorally invited us in the early days of the Church: “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). I remember with great spiritual admiration the testimony given by one of our staff members here at Sacred Heart about four years ago. She indicated how going home from work after Thursday Holy Hour constitutes a more joyful moment as she is offered an opportunity to lay all her anxiety from work and family responsibilities at the feet of Jesus. For our dear staff, Thursdays are the best day to go to work because she will prayerfully end her day with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and with the community she dearly cherish. A Simple Practice For the Week Beloved brothers and sisters, I invite you to make every Thursday the best day during the week as you come not only to adore Jesus with your beloved Sacred Heart Family, but also, to lay at the feet of the Blessed Lord your troubles and difficulties. Jesus is the healer of our infirmities (Isaiah 53: 3), Jesus is the one that forgives our sins (Mark 2:5), and He is the One that provides for us (John 6: 1-14). Remember no army can defeat Him; Herod couldn’t kill Him; The Pharisees couldn’t confuse Him; Nero couldn’t crush Him; Hitler couldn’t silence Him; The New Age can’t replace Him. Our Jesus is Holy, Righteous, Mighty, Powerful, and Pure. Pray to fall in love with Him as the Saints did. Have a Graceful Week!!! Fr. Ben July 3, 2016 Qué es la Hora Santa, Adoración Eucarística? (III) (Prácticas Sencillas para una Espiritualidad Eucarística Renovada) Queridos hermanos y hermanas, en nuestra reflexión de la semana pasada, reconocemos devotamente la verdad que Jesús está en el centro de nuestra Adoración Eucarística. Es Él a quien adoramos, cuyo amor por la humanidad abarca a toda la creación de una generación a la otra, como lo dijo adecuadamente la Beata Teresa de Calcutta: "Cuando contemplas el crucifijo, entiendes lo mucho que Jesús te amó entonces. Cuando contemplas la Sagrada Hostia, entiendes lo mucho que Jesús te ama ahora." El Crucifijo y el Altar son lugares sagrados en donde se manifiesta, celebra, se da reverencia y se ofrece el verdadero amor para el bienestar de los demás y se perpetúa para la eternidad, para nutrir las vidas de las personas y promover y alentar hábitos de amor y virtudes. En la Eucaristía, nuestro Jesús se ve como Dimpka (quien sufre por otros); Jesús es contemplado como Ikechukwu (el poder de Dios); y el Santísimo Señor es adorado como Chijikenile (Dios poderoso). En la Eucaristía, Jesús es el Dios verdadero, nuestro Salvador, y el Rey de gloria. En Él somos libres; nos purificamos, nos santificamos y nos renovamos. Jesús es el Fundamento de nuestra fe, el Arquitecto del universo, y el Administrador de todos los tiempos. Él es el Alfa y el Omega (Apocalipsis 22: 13), Él es la imagen del Dios invisible, el primogénito de toda la creación; porque en él fueron creadas todas las cosas, las del cielo y las de la tierra, visibles e invisibles, tronos, gobiernos, autoridades, poderes; todo fue hecho por él y para él. Él existe con anterioridad a todo, y todas las cosas se mantienen en él (Colosenses 1: 1517). Consideremos algunos pasajes del Evangelio en los cuales el Santísimo Señor nos invita a ir a Él, a descansar, a tener vida, luz, libertad y alegría. En Mateo 11: 28, Jesús dijo: "Vengan a mí los que se sienten cargados y agobiados, porque yo los aliviaré." En esta invitación bíblica y Cristológica, encontramos una receta espiritual para enfrentar nuestros quebrantamientos, inseguridades, ansiedades y los distintos disturbios sociales y políticos que los hombres y las mujeres de nuestros tiempos experimentan en menor y mayor escala. Jesús está invitándonos a ustedes y a mí, a poner nuestras cargas al pie del altar como San Pedro nos invitó de manera pastoral al comienzo de la Iglesia: "Depositen en él todas sus preocupaciones, pues él cuida de ustedes" (1 Pedro 5:7). Recuerdo con gran admiración espiritual el testimonio dado por uno de los miembros de nuestro personal aquí en el Sagrado Corazón hace cuatro años. Ella indicó que el ir a casa el jueves, después de salir del trabajo y de asistir a la Hora Santa, constituye un momento de gran gozo, ya que ha tenido la oportunidad de colocar toda su ansiedad del trabajo y sus responsabilidades familiares a los pies de Jesús. Para nuestra querida compañera de trabajo, el jueves es su día preferido de trabajo ya que termina su día con devoción con Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento y con la comunidad que aprecia cariñosamente. Una Práctica Sencilla para la Semana Queridos hermanos y hermanas, los invito a que el jueves sea el mejor día de la semana, no sólo a venir a a adorar a Jesús con su querida Familia del Sagrado Corazón, sino también a poner a los pies del Santísimo Señor sus dificultades y preocupaciones. Jesús sana nuestras debilidades (Isaías 53:3), Jesús es quien perdona nuestros pecados (Marcos 2: 5), y es Él quien provee para nosotros (Juan 6: 1-14). Recuerden que no hay ejército que lo derrote, Herodes mismo no lo pudo matar; los Fariseos no lo pudieron confundir; Nerón no lo pudo aniquilar, Hitler no lo pudo callar, la Nueva Era no lo puede reemplazar. Nuestro Jesús es Santo, Justo, Grande Poderoso y Puro. Oren para que se enamoren de Él como lo hicieron los Santos. ¡¡¡Que tengan una Semana llena de Gracia!!! Padre Ben Page 4 Fourteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time July 3, 2016 SACRED HEART 10TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION ON SALE $5 July 9th Cinderella Story EVERY SUNDAY FROM 7AM TO 12:30PM July 9th Cinderella Story There will be No Tuesday Morning Bible Study during the summer. It will resume in September (date to be determined ). Have a Blessed Summer! Please visit our parish app on your mobile devices. The app can be obtained by searching “Sacred Heart Rancho Cucamonga” on androids and iPhones. Visit our web page at www.sacredheartrc.org DAVE HUTSON WILL BE IN THE VESTIBULE FOR RAFFLE TICKET PICK UP AND MONIES RETURN. THERE WILL BE I PADS, B-B-QUES ,A BIG SCREEN T.V. AND MANY MORE ITEMS TO BE RAFFLED. Parish Office will be closed Monday 4th of July in observance of Independence day. Let’s be on the same plan as Pope Francis and take care of our Earth. You can give greener by using our Online Giving Program. Simply go to our parish website at www.sacredheartrc.org and click on the link for Online Giving. Our parish greatly appreciates all those who choose to give in this manner as it helps us maintain a consistent cash flow and pay all of our bills in a timely manner READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Ps 145:2-9; Mt 9:18-26; or, for Independence Day, any readings from the Mass "For Public Needs," nos. 882-889, or "For Peace and Justice," nos. 887-891 Hos 8:4-7, 11-13; Ps 115:3-10; Mt 9:32-38 Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Ps 105:2-7; Mt 10:1-7 Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16; Mt 10:7-15 Hos 14:2-10; Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17; Mt 10:16-23 Is 6:1-8; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mt 10:24-33 Dt 30:10-14; Ps 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36-37; or Ps 19:8-11; Col 1:15-20; Lk 10:25-37 Page 5 Fourteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time July 3, 2016 Marriage Encounter movement of California To be held on July 8-10, 2016-MEW28 At Villa Santa Teresita 819 Buena Vista St. Duarte, CA 91010 For more information, we invite you to visit our website www.memconline.org and click on Weekends We sincerely pray you will seriously consider investing a few days for yourselves as husband and wife in what could very well enhance your relationship for many of your coming years. God Bless. Men of Sacred Heart come and join us for our monthly Men’s Mass on Saturday July 16, at 7:30 am and receive a special blessing from our priest. We will not be having our Catholic Men’s Fellowship meeting this month. WEEKLY COLLECTIONS Budgeted Amount $23,052 Collections 6/26/16 $22,366 Mail In $ 1,235 Online Giving $1,859 Envelopes Used 559 DDF Collection $7,380 Pledgers $3,714 Plate $3,666 W e are so grateful to all of you who give in support of our parish community. We appreciate your ongoing generosity! Catholic Bible Institute in the Diocese of Orange Orientation Meeting The Catholic Bible Institute (CBI) invites you to deepen your relationship with God through the study of Sacred Scriptures. CBI is a three-year program focusing on methods of biblical study, praying with scriptures, and learning to facilitate Bible-study groups. • Year One: New Testament • Year Two: Old Testament • Year Three: Leadership Training Practicum When: Saturday, August 20, 2016 Time: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Where: Mother Louis Room, St. Joseph Center, Orange, CA For more information, please contact: Randy Lopez at [email protected] Parishioners planning to get married who have had a previous marriage may need more than a 6 month preparation period. Reserving a date will not be allowed until all requirements are completed to clear the previous marriage. Please call Blanca at 909-899-1049 x133 to schedule an appointment. "Join us every Thursday for Holy Hour “When you look at the crucifix, you understand how much Jesus loved you then. When you look at the Sacred Host, you understand how much Jesus loves you now” ~ Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta Page 6 ∗ Youth & Young Adult Ministry ∗ July 6th: Cloudy with a Chance of ∗ Talent July 3, 2016 July 9th: Join us for Mass at 5pm! EVERY TUESDAY: BIBLE STUDY @ 6pm in WEEKLY TIPS ON HOW TO STAY ACTIVE DURING YOUR SUMMER VACATION! Spend some time in nature, silently reflecting on God’s plan for you! Confirmation Registrations will begin on July 11th! Office hours are Tuesday – Thursday from 1:00 – 5:00pm Please bring your Baptism and First Communion certificates upon registering. Steubenville West 2016 is right around the corner! Teens, there are s ll a few spots le ! If you love Christ and have the desire to strengthen your faith and grow in fellowship, visit the Youth Office to get a registra on form or contact Melissa Taylor for more informa on! YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday-Thursday 1-5pm Melissa Taylor: Youth Minister Melissa. [email protected] Andre Dineros: YM. Admin. Assistant Andre. [email protected] Chika Anyanwu: Confirmation Coordinator [email protected] 909-803-1421 909-803-1422 909-803-1423 Page 7 Fourteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time July 3, 2016 Aviso: Hombres de Sagrado Corazón vengan y acompáñenos para la misa mensual de los hombres el sábado, 16 de julio a las 7:30am para recibir una bendición especial de nuestro sacerdote. ¡ Este mes No tendremos reunión después de la misa. Acompáñenos para Hora Santa La clase de Estudio Bíblico en Español de los Viernes por la tarde estará en receso los meses de julio y agosto. Reanudaremos actividades en Septiembre. Que tengan un verano lleno de bendiciones. Quinceañera a las 6:30pm. Para reservar una quinceañera, los padres y la quinceañera deben asis r a una reunión de información. Se requiere 6 meses de preparación. La próxima reunión es el 31de julio en el salón “ Cuando miras al crucifijo, comprendes cuanto te amo Jesús. Cuando miras a la Eucaristía comprendes cuanto te ama hoy.” ~ Madre Teresa de Calcuta Diacono Roberto a las 10am. CO-RESPONSABILIDAD DEL TESORO Presupuesto Colecta 6/26/16 Recibidos por Correo Pago Automatizado Sobres Usado DDF Colecta Promesas Plato Estamos muy $23,052 agradecidos $22,336 con todos que $1,235 ustedes apoyan a $1,859 nuestra comunidad 559 $7,380 $3,714 $3,666 parroquial. Les agradecemos su continua En observancia de el día de Independencia la oficina parroquial estará cerrada lunes 4, de julio. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Os 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Sal 145 (144):2-9; Mt 9:18-26; o para el Día de la Independencia se pueden tomar las lecturas de las Misas para varias necesidades y ocasiones: Por la nación o por la paz y justicia. Os 8:4-7, 11-13; Sal 115 (114):3-10; Mt 9:32-38 Os 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Sal 105 (104):2-7; Mt 10:1-7 Os 11:1-4, 8c-9; Sal 80 (79):2ac, 3b, 15-16; Mt 10:7-15 Os 14:2-10; Sal 51 (50):3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17; Mt 10:16-23 Is 6:1-8; Sal 93 (92):1-2, 5; Mt 10:24-33 Dt 30:10-14; Sal 69 (68):14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36-37; o Sal 19 (18):8-11; Col 1:15-20; Lc 10:25-37 Page 8 Fourteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time We have several lost and found items in our Religious Ed Office. Sweaters, folders, backpacks, etc.… Please parents if your child left any items behind during the school year please stop by our office to pick them up. July 3, 2016 All First Communion pictures are ready for pick up in our office. If you have any ques ons please call or stop by. Religious Ed Office Hours Monday-Thursday 10am-6pm Friday 9am-5pm 909-803-1452 Sacred Heart Parish School’s Ministry within the Church In January 2012, Pope Benedict XVI underscored the importance of schools in his apostolic letter Porta Fidei Pope Benedict XVI wrote: “In fulfilling its educational role, the Church…is especially concerned about those which are her very own. Foremost among these is catechetical instruction, which enlightens and strengthens the faith, nourishes life according to the spirit of Christ, leads to intelligent and active participation in the liturgical mystery, and gives motivation for apostolic activity. …Among all educational instruments the school has a special importance. It is designed not only to develop with special care the intellectual faculties but also to form the ability to judge rightly, to hand on the cultural legacy of previous generations, to foster a sense of values, to prepare for professional life. Between pupils of different talents and backgrounds it promotes friendly relations and fosters a spirit of mutual understanding; and it establishes as it were a center whose work and progress must be shared together by families, teachers, associations of various types that foster cultural, civic, and religious life, as well as by civil society and the entire human community.” Sacred Heart Parish School takes this directive seriously and embraces our ministry with enthusiasm and joy. We are a WCEA/WASC accredited school with a knowledgeable and helpful staff. Sacred Heart Parish School still has openings for the 2016-2017 school year. Our summer business hours are 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. Beginning August 15th office hours will be 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Call the school office for a tour, an appointment for testing of your child, or registration. School starts Monday, August 22, 2016. (909) 899-1049 ext. 400 Page 9 Fourteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time July 3, 2016 Page 10 Diocesan Events / Eventos Diocesanos July 3 2016 One Day Retreat St Benedict, Grand Terrace July 23rd & 30th 10am to 3pm $25 which includes lunch Presenter: Sr. Joan Marie Sasse O.S.B. Reservations: 909.783.4121 If you are out of work or experiencing financial problems please consider attending as a guest. MISA EN RECONOCIMIENTO A TODOS LOS IMIGRANTES EN LA CATEDRAL DE NUESTRA SENORA DE LOS ANGELES 555 WEST TEMPLE ST., LOS ANGELES DOMINGO 17 DE JULIO, 2016 4:00PM HABRA PROCESION A LAS 3:00PM EN LA PLAZA DE LA CATEDRAL PRESIDIRA EL ARZOBISPOJOSE H. GOMEZ Page 11 Gratitude Page July 3, 2016 Sacred Heart’s Sagrado Corazón Comunión para los enfermos Sacred Heart is very blessed and grateful for our Communion to the Homebound Ministry, who give their time to the faithful who are ill are deprived of their rightful and accustomed place in the Eucharistic community. In bringing Communion to them the Extraordinary Minister of Communion represents Christ and manifests faith and charity on behalf of the whole community toward those who cannot be present at the Eucharist. For the sick, the reception of Communion is not only a privilege but also a sign of support and concern shown by the Christian community for its members who are ill. Thank You! La parroquia del Sagrado Corazón esta muy bendecida y agradecida por nuestro Ministerio de Comunión a los enfermos que donan su tiempo para los fieles que están enfermos e imposibilitados de venir a recibir la Eucaristía con la comunidad, la lleven ellos. Al llevar la Sagrada Eucaristía a ellos el Ministro Extraordinario de la Comunión representa a Cristo y la fe y la caridad se manifiesta en nombre de toda la comunidad a aquellos que no pueden estar presentes en la Eucaristía. Para los enfermos , la recepción de la comunión no es solo un privilegio, sino también una muestra de apoyo de su comunidad de fe y preocupación por sus miembros que están enfermos. Gracias PA R I S H S T A F F “Ser ving God through Ser ving Others” ADMINISTRATIVE Ana Estrella, Office Manager ext.111 e-mail: [email protected] Rosa Talamantes, Dir. of Hispanic Ministry & Multi-Cultural Cord. ext. 145 e-mail: [email protected] Blanca Marrufo, Adm. Assistant to the Pastor ext. 133 e-mail: [email protected] Vivian Huizar, Office Assistant/Sacramental Records ext. 113 e-mail: [email protected] Gladys Giron, Office Assistant/Bulletin Editor ext. 115 e-mail: [email protected] Aileen Arrezola, Bookkeeper ext. 114 e-mail: [email protected] Asteria Garcia, Office Assistant ext. 115 LITURGICAL Mary Dias, Coordinator of Liturgical Ministries ext. 701 e-mail: [email protected] Thomas Haynes, Audio Visual Coordinator e-mail: [email protected] Regina Eskridge, Liturgy Ast./Cord. of Neighborhood Comm. ext. 131 [email protected] FAITH FORMATION/YOUTH MINISTRY Cecilia Fornelli, CCM e-mail: [email protected] Maria Trujillo, RE Administrative Assistant e-mail: [email protected] Monica Hernandez, RE Administrative Assistant E-mail: [email protected] Melissa Taylor, Youth Minister e-mail: [email protected] Chika Anyanwu, Coordinator of Confirmation and Young Adults e-mail: [email protected] Andre Dineros, Y/M Administrative Assistant e-mail: [email protected] FACILITIES Carlos Sanchez, Facility Manager e-mail: [email protected] Salvador Marquez, Lawn Care Maria Mejia, Rectory Housekeeper/Cook Francisco Valenzuela, Maintenance ext. 150 ext. 152 ext.151 ext. 121 ext. 123 ext. 122 ext. 552 ext. 118 ext. 115 ext. 118 PARISH MINISTRIES (Telephone or Extension) ACTS Martin Vargas (909)239-5634 Adoration Lucy Castellana (626)675-0572 African Descent Ministry Philomina Nwarueze (909)743-9419 Altar Linens Judy Oziminski (909)484-7350 Altar Server Rene Echiverri (909)904-1611 Arts / Environment Veronica Assal (909)899-1049 Children’s Liturgy Cecilia Fornelli ext. 150 Children’s Performing Arts Teresa Ortega (714)883-5177 Church Cleaning Alejandro & Ana Castro (909)519-7663 Coffee & Donut Ministry Mary Orduño (909)561-2950 ext. 244 Communion to Homebound Eric Batoon email: evbjrw@hotmail Cursillos In Christianity Gio Peralta 909-921-6974 / Jay Plaza 909-559-1102 Divine Mercy Ministry Kathyrn Cramm (909)477-9338 /Anne Magodoro (909)518-7637 Divorce/Separated Support Ministry Julia Raymond (909)945-9233 EDGE (Middle School) Melissa Taylor (909)803-1421 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Lydia Hanna (909)721-6440 Faith on Fire Leona O’Brien (909) 232-6851 Festival Chairman Joe Kuskie ext. # 291 Filipino Ministry Jojo Lazo (937)701-7472 Finance Council Tony Morales (909)528-3259 Fire Starters Teresa Chavez (909)899-1049 Food Pantry Maria Brown (626)274-9068 Guadalupano’s (bilingual) Rod Morales (909)489-3933 Grief Ministry Olga Rios (909)702-2951 Health Ministry Rose Morales (626)216-3496 Jail Ministry Greg Estrella [email protected] Knights of Columbus Jim Hernandez (951)897-9973 Lectors Robert Covington (909)350-3277 LifeTeen (High School) Melissa Taylor (909)803-1421 Light of Jesus Family Ministry Lester Pasimio (626)643-0012 Little Lambs Cecilia Fornelli ext. # 150 Lumen Christi Young Adults Chika Anyanwu (909)803-1423 Marriage Encounter Peddy & Linda Ascio (909)730-1524 Marriage Enrichment Shawn & Bern Judson (909)463-9689 Marriage Preparation Paul & Nancy Camarillo (909)239-7095 (909)472-8682 Mary’s Hands Circle (Crafting Ministry) Gina Kunakorn Men’s Fellowship Carlos Avila (909)229-6738 Multi Cultural Fellowship Carmela Giliberto (909)256-9675 Jowie Witongco, Raul Cancio, Marjorie Saint-Louis, Matthew Braun Music Parent Life Parish School Board Pastoral Council Prayer Group– Holy Spirit Purgatorial Prayer Ministry Respect Life RCIA (English) Security Ministry Senior Ministry Stewardship Committee Tribunal Advocates Ushers / Greeters Women’s Fellowship John Paul Dizon Teddy Rawson Dave Hutson Linda Elliott Alicia Santacruz Gracie Vargas Mary Ann Andel Tim Wyant Julia Raymond Michael Rios Dcn. Ed Clark Andy Morales Ve’Lores Thomspon 909-565-2727 (909)899-1049 (909) 823-0146 (909)880-8885 (909)578-7658 (909) 238-6399 (909)987-9312 (909)899-1049 (909)945-9233 (909)899-1049 ext. 286 (909)600-9593 (909)463-6204 MINISTERIOS PARROQUIALES Adoración de 24 Horas Lucy Castellana (626)675-0572 Ángeles de María (Las Niñas) Esther Velásquez (909)941-0739 Despensa de Comida Maria Brown (626)274-9068 Duelo - Ministerio Olga Rios (909)702-2951 Educación Religiosa y RICA Cecilia Fornelli ext. 150 Encuentro Matrimonial Hector y Erika Bañuelos (909)231-9072 Estudio Bíblico Joseph Moctezuma (909)282-2142 Eucaristía - Ministros Lydia Hanna (909)721-6440 Grupo de Oración-Cristo Rey Erma Morales Justicia Social Sandra Gonzalez (909)921-3163 Lectores Luis Torres (909)854-6670 Matrimonios del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y María Jason y Lorena Tinoco (909)957-2153 Ministerio de Comunión a los Enfermos Patricia Hassin (909)232-0041 Monaguillos Nidia Vargas (559)331-5173 Movimiento Familiar Guillermo y Carmen Navarro (909)463-6372 Música Joaquín Vázquez, Carlos Urrutia, José Ramírez, y Carlos Ramírez Planificación Natural de la Familia Gerardo y Lupe Valvaneda (909)899-3955 Preparación Bautismal/Quinceañeras Rosa Talamantes ext. 145 Preparación Matrimonial Francisco & Vicki Bellota ext. 282 Respeto a la Vida Gracie Vargas (909)238-6399
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