The Panther Advocate - Plainfield Public Schools
The Panther Advocate - Plainfield Public Schools
Plainfield High School‟s Student Newspaper February 2013 The Panther Advocate Editor: Richard Orsini Inside this issue: Holiday News 2 - 3 Senior 4-7 Spotlights Student 8-9 Interviews School News 10 Television News 1214 Student 1517 Editorials Sports 1823 Valentine‟s Day Couples Steve Buscemi! PHS Debate Team The Return of the NHL PHS Indoor Track UConn Men‟s Basketball Photographs by: Tori Crandall Special points of interest: HOLIDAY NEWS Page 2 Love You Like A Love Song Interviews and Photographs by: Tori Crandall As all of you know, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Whether you love it or you hate it, there’s no escaping the love that will soon be flooding the hallways of Plainfield High. Even if you’re single this Valentine’s Day, that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the enjoyment of exchanging sappy cards, chocolates, teddy bears and flowers. As a tribute to this romantic holiday, I have decided to interview a few of the couples at Plainfield High School. Suzie Arpin and Frank Gilleese What are your and Frank’s plans for Valentine’s Day this year? Suzie: We are going to our favorite Japanese restaurant that we only go to on special occasions. How long have you and you Frank been dating? Suzie: Almost 15 months. What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of Suzie? Frank: For our first date we went to a hockey game. They were giving out prizes to people who were cheering, so I got up and started whipping my sweatshirt around. I didn‟t realize until afterwards that I was whipping Suzie in the face with it the whole time. What is your favorite thing about Frank? Suzie: Probably the brown skin. What is the best part about Valentine’s Day? Suzie and Frank: Chocolate What is the most romantic thing Frank’s ever done for you? Suzie: For Christmas, he made a book of the reasons why he loves me. Do you have any advice for all the single ladies this Valentine’s Day? Suzie: Enjoy your freedom. Don‟t shave your legs. Listen to Destiny‟s Child all day. Liz Larned and Chris Messier Robert Ortiz and I Tyler Bowerman and Josh Millette Continued on next page HOLIDAY NEWS CONTINUED Page 3 What are you and Chad’s plans for Valentine’s Day? Karen: I have no idea. Do you think you’ll still be dating once you graduate? Karen: Yes I do. Hopefully. What is your favorite thing about your boyfriend? Karen: Personality and how funny he is. What is the most romantic thing your boyfriend’s done for you? Karen: There are so many but I‟d have to say when he took me to Carbuncle over the summer. It was so romantic and spontaneous. Best day by far. What is the key to a successful relationship? Karen: Trust and honesty. Describe your relationship in one word. Karen: Indescribable. Do you have any advice for anyone that will be single this Valentine’s Day? Karen: You may hate it now but one day you‟ll get to experience this day with someone special too. Karen Molina and Chad Davis How long have you and Thomas been dating? Brooke: Almost five months. What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of your boyfriend? Brooke: I‟ve drooled on his bed when I was sleeping, I got yelled at. :( Do you think you’ll still be dating your boyfriend/girlfriend once your senior year is over? Brooke: Of course, I know we will be. What is your favorite thing about your boyfriend? Brooke: His personality, smile, eyes, everything. What do you think Valentine’s Day is all about? Brooke: It‟s about love, and promises. What is the key to a successful relationship? Brooke: Honesty and trust. Be confident with your relationship. Describe your relationship in one word. Brooke: Crazy. Brooke Garrett and Thomas Repose SENIOR SPOTLIGHT Page 4 Mysterious Morgan Interview and Photographs by: Colby Cyrus When you walk the halls of Plainfield High School there probably is not a more well-known figure than town hero Morgan Griffin. With her name all over the newspaper on a weekly basis, Griffin is quietly the face of Plainfield High School athletics. When you walk into the gymnasium you will see the banners of 1,000 points scorers that went to Plainfield; well you can add another one to that list. Morgan scored her 1,000th point against Lyman Memorial on January 29th. Morgan also grabbed her 1,000th rebound at the girls double overtime win versus Waterford on February 13th. Everyone sees Morgan as a dominate female athlete, but there is more to Morgan than her rugged exterior. So, I figured I would interview the town hero and find out some facts that no one really knows about her. How does it feel to be part of the 1,000 point club? It feels super cool. What was going through your head when the shot was in the air? It better go in, or I would be angry. Did you think you were going to get your 1,000 points against Lyman? It was going to happen sometime. Who has been your biggest influence in your sports career? No one because I hate sports. What are your feelings about your coach Mr. Greene? He is my favorite person in the entire world, I just love him…. Do you have any hidden talents that no one knows about? I can text with my toes, and I can twerk on the wall. What do you do on your spare time? Morgan with her best friend Mr. Greene Work in the bingo hall at Foxwoods, an of course beat Colby at life. Come out and support the girls basketball team as What are your plans after high school? they begin State Tournament play at Plainfield Run away and live in a trailer park, and hunt Sasquatch. High School at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, February 26th What would you do if you were Tom Hanks character in “Cast away”? I would have not turned Wilson into a human and would've played volleyball instead, and drank coconut milk till I got ratchet. How does it feel to twerk on the wall? Makes me feel bootylicous, a mix between Beyoncè and Shakira. What songs do you sing in the shower? Usually Taylor Swift, Adele, and “Hips Don‟t Lie” by Shakira. What is your favorite movie? I don't have a favorite anything! If you want the school to remember one thing about you, what would it be? Being Hunter Griffin‟s older sister. “Run away and live in a trailer park, and hunt sasquatch” The beach is that way. Congratulations to the girls‟ basketball team for winning the ECC Small Division SENIOR SPOTLIGHT Page 5 Tom Tom Interview and Photographs by: Rich Orsini A lot of you students may know Thomas Repose, but I thought it was needed to interview him. There are a lot of people in this school that we don’t know much about and that is the purpose of some of these articles. Thomas is a nice, interesting young man and here is a little something that will get you to know him better. Hi Thomas, how are you today? I‟m fantastic! What is your full name? Thomas Lee Repose. What town do you live in? The boonies (Sterling). Do you have a girlfriend? If so, who is the lucky lady? Brooklyn Kelly Garrett… I love that girl. Were you born and raised there? No, I was born in Coventry, Rhode Island. What are a few of your favorite things to do outside of school? Ride dirt bikes, drive fast cars, and beat on my friends. Is there anything you dislike about our school? You‟re doing it wrong, Thomas! I don‟t like how we‟re treated like children. If there was one thing you could change about it, what would that be and why? The teacher‟s perspective on students and how they treat us. What are some of your favorite memories in your high school career? The basketball and football games of course and senior year. How long did it take to grow that facial hair? Precious, precious time. I like the new trend you started called Sweater vest Thursday, how did you come up with that? Well… Still Bill (Jake Still) and I decided we wanted to start a new trend like Flannel Friday but more classy. Do you think you could beat Mr. Riley in a facial hair contest one day if you let it grow? No way. That is a mean beard. What kind of music do you listen to? A little bit of everything. Do you have one specific favorite artist? I like Kendrick Lamar! Have you ever been to a live concert? No. “I like to beat on my friends” Continued on the next page… SENIOR SPOTLIGHT CONTINUED Page 6 What are your plans after high school? I want to get into automotive, diesel mechanics. What kind of deodorant do you use? Dove men, smells pretty. Chicken or Turkey? Turkey. Car or truck? Uhh, souped up car, lifted truck. It‟s kind of even. Favorite movie when you were younger? “Mighty Joe Young.” Favorite food? Sweet onion chicken teriyaki flatbread. Do you have any pets? What kind? I have an old black lab, his name is Max. I have my puppy Tank Tank! He‟s a Rhodesian Ridgeback and pit bull mix. Thanks, Thomas! Thomas just having fun as usual. SENIOR SPOTLIGHT Emma Enchanted Interview and Photographs by: Ashlyn Hart I really didn’t know what to do for an article this month. After being assigned a journal entry to come up with issue topics I desperately searched the hallways for someone to interview. I came across a new face. Sure, I had seen Emma in the senior hallway, but I didn’t even know her name. As I dug deeper into my investigative journalism skills I learned that she is a foreign exchange student from Finland. What is your full name? Emma Allhainen. Where were you born? Kitee, Finland. What is your favorite food? I‟m almost a vegetarian, so I like vegetables and all of that stuff. You are a foreign exchange student; what country did you come from? Finland. What is the hardest part of living in America? There are small differences, with people and everything. I don't think it is that bad. What is your favorite color? I like white, gray, and brown. What do you feel is the biggest difference between America and Finland? Here is more social. Back home we don't talk to strangers or have a small talk type of thing. Continued on the next page… SENIOR SPOTLIGHT CONTINUED Could you describe your first reaction when you arrived in America? It was 3 a.m. when I landed at the airport. I was really tired and don't remember much. How old are you? 17. What motivated you to join the foreign exchange program? I want to learn English and study abroad at a university. What is your family like back at home? I have two parents, two older sisters, one younger sister, and two cats. Could you describe your hometown? It is small like this, same size, kind of boring. What are your future plans? I want to graduate in Finland in two years. I would then like to go to Britain and study international business law. Could you describe your dream vacation and who would you take on it? Somewhere in Asia, probably Singapore with my best friend Anna. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? I would change my last name to my grandmother‟s, Rydenfelt. What is something people don't know about you? Here, people probably don't know a lot about me. I can speak five languages: Finnish, English, Sweedish, Russian, and French. How often are you able to contact your family? We Skype once a month but talk over Facebook more often. Online shopping or mall? Online. What would your dream job be? I want to study international law, but I‟m not so sure yet. What are three adjectives you would use to describe yourself? Quiet, smart, and honest. Winter or Summer, and what is your favorite activity of that season? Summer. My house in Finland is by a lake so I like to swim and lay in the sun. What is the oddest thing that has ever happened to you? I went to Israel last year in Jerusalem, There were a ton of dark people with scarfs on and I‟m blonde so people kept coming up to me telling me that I was pretty. I went up to a police officer to ask him something in English, but he responded in Arabic. He kept talking and I was just nodding along, and I found out that he proposed to me! Page 7 “He proposed to me” STUDENT INTERVIEW Page 8 Scouting ShotBlock Interview and Photographs by: Joshua Millette William Robinson is known around this Plainfield High School as a funny guy with a plentiful amount of basketball skills. I play basketball with Will on the daily and he is one of my very good friends/teammates. Will simply deserves this spotlight on him as well as a chance to vent about his life. For the people who do not know him personally, here is a snippet of his life. Will Robinson, how you doin’ my dude? Good it‟s Black History Month. Why don’t you tell all the fans what your full name is? William James Robinson. Do you have any “sick” monikers? ShotBlock, Black Will, Pencil, Fat Will and The Eraser (from coach). If you could change your name to anything, what would be? Javonte Jones. Will “The Stilt” Robinson What is your preferred soft drink? Grape drank. What is your favorite school subject? History because of black history. If you could remove one course from this school, which would it be and why? Math, because you don‟t need it which makes it pointless. Who is your favorite teacher? Why? Mr. Marr, because he is wicked smart and has the voice of a god! Do you enjoy going to school? Yes, but only when we have 2:15 practice. In one word, describe coach Arremony: Inspiring. Rate your romantic abilities on a scale of 1-10: 11 1/2 haha. Describe your relationship with the basketball team: I get along with everybody and they are all good friends as well as teammates. Who is your favorite player on the team to play with? Rob “Big Tex” Ortiz. When did you start playing basketball? At the age of four. “I get along with everybody and they are all good friends as well as teammates” Congratulations to the boys‟ basketball team for winning the ECC Small Division STUDENT INTERVIEW Page 9 Pamboozled Interview by: Joshua Millette Ryan Pambuku…enough said. We all know him, we all want to hangout with him and we certainly all want to be him. This is perhaps, the most notorious name in Plainfield High School at this moment in time. This interview will get deep into his life as well as his decorated basketball career with hard-hitting questions. Say what’s good to him or give him a holler because he told me he likes it. How does it feel to be Ryan Pambuku? It feels kind of like...Morgan Freeman and Allen Iverson combined. Who has had the biggest influence on your life? Dina…… What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time? Bowling and buying new kicks. How do you feel about the lady population at Plainfield? Needs some work. Little bit more variety too. If you could attend any other school, which would it be and why? “It feels kind Wheeler because they have an underground tunnel. Who is your favorite teacher? of Mr. Scott. like...Morgan How does it feel to clinch the ECC small division? It feels kind of like “Space Jam.” Look at him Pamboozlin‟ The Tigers Photograph by: Tori Crandall What is your favorite school subject? Matematicas. What is your career high in points in high school? It is 34. Who is the best player you’ve ever played with? Suthod Young Who is your favorite player on the team to play with? ShotBlock because he thinks he can block me, but he never will. Describe Coach Arremony in one word: Baller! Or coach. Freeman and Allen Iverson combined.” Gus, Ryan and ShotBlock posing for Denise Coffey of the “Reminder News” SCHOOL NEWS Page 10 The Great Debate Interviews and Photographs by: Ashlyn Hart There are a few clubs in our school that seem to go unnoticed. The debate team is an exception. Five years ago the debate club sprouted up out of ideas. Since then, our school’s debate team has become a prominent piece of Plainfield High’s extracurricular activities. To learn more information about the team I inquired Mr. Mariano, the debate team advisor. Which high school did you attend and were you a part of its debate team? I went to Waterford High School and they didn‟t have a debate team there. If they did have a debate team I may not have done it, just because it takes a certain type of person to debate and I had a lot of other things going on. How long have you been leading the debate team? For five years. Two girls started it and I advised. How would you describe the team’s meetings and debates? They are very laid back, but there is always a purpose. We never want the team to feel like a chore. There is never homework, but it is one of the few academic clubs in our school. A few years ago we decided to become competitive and changed the name to debate team. We meet every Wednesday, so there is consistency. What do you find to be so enjoyable about the debates? It takes a lot of courage, bravery, and poise to be a competitive debater. A lot of commitment goes into being on the team. Every year students have to sign a contract and we wrote our own constitution. We have two student leaders, Matt Liebel, who is the captain, and Patrick Haggerty, who is the debate officer. They both had to run and be interviewed by the rest of the kids. We are the only team that competes within the ECC (Eastern Connecticut Conference). What would you say to encourage students to join the team? Give yourself a chance. We meet every Wednesday and if you like it you can sign the team‟s contract, and if not, no problem. The skills you learn you will need at some point in your life, so working on it earlier in life will make you better overall. Do you feel that there are any misconceptions about the debate team? It is definitely academic. It takes a certain type of person to debate, kids who are not necessarily in the top five percent of their class, but are academically driven. Could you describe the debate team’s finest moment? This past Saturday we competed with our largest group of debaters yet-13 students. All but one of our teams won at least one of their three debates. Our sophomore Brooklyn Brown missed the finals by two points in the novice level. Chris Sebastien and Spencer Laflamme came in at two and one, and were ranked in tenth place out of 44 varsity teams. Is there a funny story you want to share? The legend of Scarf-Guy: A few years ago a coach at another school called me out in front of our school‟s team. Our two senior boys were assigned to compete against two freshmen girls. Scarf-Guy looked wealthy and had his hair slicked back and said that I was breaking all these rules. It was our first year competing and I put him in his place and defended our whole team. He ended up apologizing to me in front of our whole school, and that‟s the legend of ScarfGuy. Pat Haggerty Brooklyn Brown Matt Liebel Mr. Mariano CONCERT REVIEW Page 11 Moshpit Madness Review and Photographs by: David Pollard As I open the car door, the cold air stings my skin and I begin the long and cold walk down the street to the venue. The time has finally come, tonight I get to see some of my favorite bands play a show that I've been anticipating for weeks. The 10 minutes walk to the venue ends and now comes the 30 minute wait in line before we are admitted to the show. This wouldn't be too bad except for the fact that it is the middle of January and I‟m wearing a short-sleeve band shirt and basketball shorts. This isn't quite the right attire to be out in the cold but I know that once I get into the crowd the temperature is going to skyrocket. About a half hour passes and it‟s finally time to go inside, thank goodness. I quickly get searched by the security and I hand them my ticket which is then ripped along its perforation for that satisfying sound that is always the first thing you hear at a show and signals the start of a great night. I then walk into the main concert area after leaving the lobby and I can already smell the stench of sweat and stale cigarettes. It‟s not long before the first band goes on and they were actually rather good considering they were just some Matty Mullins of Memphis May Fire local band who's name wasn't even on the tour flyer. The next band, Gideon, is a band that I had never actually heard but I had heard very good things about them. They played a pretty good set, not perfect but they definitely sounded good and I will probably listen to their studio material once I get the time. Now, with all the opening acts out of the way, its time for some real music and moshing. The first of the main bands to play is Upon A Burning Body, a band from Texas who express their Italian heritage in many ways on stage from their Italian style suites to the Italian flag banner that hangs behind them. I‟d seen this band before so I knew what to expect and they did not disappoint at all as they played a great set and the moshing was quite energetic. Next on the bill is my favorite band of the night The Word Alive. I had also seen this band prior and the first two times I saw them they were great, tonight was no different. They were absolutely fantastic as to be expected and have gotten better every time I've seen them. Although, I did take a kick to the face during one of the breakdowns in the song “The Wretched” which was kind of painful. And finally, one of the fastest growing bands currently, Memphis May Fire. Another band from Texas that I did get to see once before but only a portion of their set because I had to run and see a different band so this would be the first time I would see their entire set and I must say, it was incredible. Matty Mullins was perfect vocally and showed a ton of energy while on stage. Danny Leal, vocalist in Upon A Burning Body As I get in the car and prepare for the 50 minute drive home I am extremely satisfied with the night as a whole, completely tired out and ears still ringing I can‟t wait to get into my bed and have a good rest and to be able to sleep in tomorrow morning. TELEVISION NEWS Page 12 On The Boardwalk To Fame Commentary and Photograph by: Abigail Dimartino You’re sitting at home, eating some ice cream on your big comfy couch with all of your family. You’re waiting, and waiting for your favorite show to finally start. It’s a new season, which makes everything more suspenseful. FINALLY. It’s starting! The third season of “Boardwalk Empire.” Most people aren’t aware of this series, but the reason you know it is because your little brother was lucky enough to be on the show… Going into its fourth season, “Boardwalk Empire” aired its first season on September 19, 2010. “Boardwalk Empire” is based on the prohibition period of the 1920s set in Atlantic City, New Jersey. After the second season aired, the show was nominated for 18 Emmy Awards, received 30 nominations, won a Golden Globe Award for Best Television series-drama, and won 12 Emmy Awards. Directed by Martin Scorsese, the first episode had a final cost of &1.8 million. This cost was the most expensive episode produced in television history. The American Film Institute claimed “Boardwalk Empire” to be one of the ten “best television programs of the year”. The show is based on the book “Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times and Corruption of Atlantic City” by Nelson Johnson. Steve Buscemi, who was nominated for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series, plays Enoch “Nucky” Thompson who was based on the historical Enoch L. Johnson. Nucky was a political figure, and controlled Atlantic City. His wife, Margaret Thompson is played by Kelly Macdonald and was nominated in 2011 for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series. These two compelling actors joined together with many other astonishing actors to create a great drama filled television series. Not many people get to experience being on television, from either being on the news to being in movies. My eight year old brother, Evan, was lucky enough to be part of the cast of “Boardwalk Empire.” Evan and Steve Buscemi posing for a pic! There are many kids in the show, from ages four to 17. Dermot Thompson is the character my brother portrays. Dermot is the son of Eli Thompson, which is Nucky's brother. Before my brother was even picked to be on the show, another little boy, the same age, was playing the role of Dermot. He just became principle roll, which means he was part of the main cast and had a speaking role. Due to his misbehavior on set, the director had to kick him out because he couldn't cooperate. They had to pick someone who looked similar to Dermot so people would be able to recognize him and not get confused. Apparently, my brother did look similar to the boy, so he was called onto the set of season three. My brother was not announced principle roll yet, but he was called to be on the show for the upcoming season four next year. It was a very exciting experience not only for my little brother Evan, but for my whole family as well. I decided to interview my brother to ask him how his experience was being on the show... How was it on set of “Boardwalk Empire”? It was very exciting! Even though I wasn't a big main character like all the others, they still had to cut my hair and I even got my own little dressing room/trailer! But my favorite part was that they had sooooo much food and candy on set! There were three tables full of fancy food, drinks and loads of candy and sweets! It was all free and I could take as much candy as I wanted to. The cast was very friendly too. Continued on the next page… TELEVISION NEWS CONTINUED Page 13 What was Steve Buscemi like on/off set? On set, Steve was relaxed and took things seriously. But there would be sometimes when he would joke around with us. He is a very funny and nice guy! I was very happy when he agreed to take a picture with me because I thought he wouldn't want to. He is just a nice guy to everyone! What did you have to do in the scenes you were in? I don't have any speaking roles yet, but in one of the scenes I was outside my house with my brothers and sisters, and my uncle Nucky came over with his new wife for Easter dinner. We were standing on the porch and we had to go shake our uncles‟ hand. I went last, and because I wasn't allowed to speak, I just shook my uncles‟ hand and smiled. The other two scenes I did were at a dinner table. I was at my Cousin Emily's birthday party and all the kids had to sit at a table and act mad because we wanted the birthday cake. And the best part was that we got to eat the cake on set! Even though the scene sounded really easy, it was difficult because uncle Nucky had to pretend to faint! The director told us to not say anything or freak out because it was part of the scene. I thought it was really cool that Steve was able to do that! He's so cool! “American Horror Story: Asylum” Commentary by: Abigail Dimartino As you struggle to open your aching eyes, you can feel the presence of people around you, like they were tightly compressed around your body. The aroma around you is stench full, leaving your nose filled with the smell of rodents and feces. You‟re finally able to open your eyes, but yet, you still can‟t see anything. Its pitch black, like you‟re a bat in a cave. You‟re lying on a bed that has sheets with gory blood stains and a pillow that is rock solid. It‟s cold, very cold. You‟re shivering and can‟t stop. You hear foot steps…very light dainty foot steps…they‟re coming closer and closer to your room. Without a knock, a doctor storms in and drags you down the hall by your ear. You‟re bleeding, but there‟s nothing you can do about it because you‟re too fragile. Down the hall, there are jail cells, each one with a different creature inside. Some have no eyes, no arms, no clothes, and some even have missing flesh on their bones. You‟re petrified…quivering at the sight of these putrid creatures that are running towards you. You‟re trying to hide, but there is no place to go. You‟re in too much pain and can barley stand up. They‟re coming closer…closer…closer and before you know it, their on you, sinking their canine teeth into your innocent soft skin. You shriek for help but its no use…you‟re dead. “American Horror Story: Asylum” is arguably one of the most crazy and intense television series that most people have watched. Even though the show is very eccentric and irregular, the American Film Institute awarded this show as the Top Ten Television Program of 2012 and the Art Directors Guild Award honored the show with Excellence in Production Design. Rated TV-MA, the show includes drama, horror, mystery, sci-fi and is a thriller. The first episode of this horrific television series aired on October 17, 2012. “American Horror Story: Asylum” takes us to 1964 to Briarcliff Mental Institution which is run by a church. This institute holds the criminally insane, Nazis, serial killers, mutants, and is run by nun Sister Jude and Dr. Oliver Thredson. From all the memories and drama that lurks around in this institution, this television show is a must see. ENTERTAINMENT NEWS Page 14 Marilyn Monroe: Suicide or Murder? Article by: Harley L‟Etoile Have you ever looked back at famous stars and how they died? Well, I took a minute to look back at Marilyn Monroe‟s death. She was born on June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles, California and died on August 5, 1962 in Brentwood, Los Angeles, California. She was only 36 years old when investigators announced she committed suicide. After that no one bothered to look more into the situation. A few years later, people started to believe that the Robert and John Kennedy murdered her. On October 8, 2012, the foreman of the Los Angeles County grand jury, Sam Cordova called for a new investigation because the questions of her death are still unknown. Was she murdered by the Kennedys or did she commit suicide? Why would they want to murder her? Why would she want to commit suicide? These are the questions that are still unanswered. For those who are huge Marilyn Monroe fans, you were probably relieved that her case has been re-opened and hopefully they get the real answers of her death and have closure. I know, as a fan of hers, I want to know whether it was the Kennedys who killed her or whether she committed suicide. The one thing you all are wondering about is probably how long her case will be opened for, since it happened in 1962. Before Marilyn died, she had a violent argument with Robert Kennedy. Did he kill her after the violent argument? Or did he have someone kill her for him? Her autopsy report now states that she was a murder victim. She didn‟t overdose on sleeping pills, but an injection of barbiturate, even though her death was ruled as „probable suicide.‟ This is what made the star‟s case re-open. This case has re-opened once before in 1982, but The beautiful Marilyn Monroe didn't stay open for long due to John De Van Kamp‟s declaration that there was no evidence to support a supposition of murder. Her death stunned the entire world. When someone found her, she was dead, alone and she was still holding her phone in her hand. People believe the Kennedys killed her, but they were believed to be in Los Angeles when the crime happened. Did they have someone kill her for them? Or did they kill her and then flee the state and go to Los Angeles afterwards? Many questions are still unanswered, but hopefully this case being re-opened will conclude everything. To the fans of Marilyn Monroe, this is the time you have been waiting for. She is our idol and inspiration. The beautiful Marilyn Monroe is gone, but she left us with smiles on our faces. She is gone, but she will never be forgotten. Finally, we are sure that she didn‟t commit suicide, but she was murdered. We will always remember her as a legendary actress and singer. Marilyn Monroe Must See Movies - “Some Like it Hot” - “The Misfits” -“Let‟s Make Love” - “Something‟s Got to Give” -“Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” - “Bus Stop” Monroe‟s grave in Los Angeles, California Information from:, STUDENT EDITORIAL Page 15 Medical Miracle Commentary by: Samantha DelRusso Sitting there, you stare at the blank piece of paper as it mocks you. With your pencil at the ready, you will your fingers to write down something…anything. Or maybe you are in some type of sport, and your competition is always two steps ahead of you. You feel that giving up is the only option left. For Brendan Marrocco, that was not the case… After getting wounded in 2009 from a roadside bomb in Iraq, year-old Brendan Marrocco lost both his arms and his legs. But thanks to a medical team at The John Hopkins Hospital, Marrocco received double arm transplants. The arms, of course, are from a deceased donor. The operation took 13 hours and involved 16 surgeons. Already six weeks after the surgery, feeling is beginning to return in Marrocco‟s new arms. He claims that his right arm does not have much movement yet, but he can slightly move his elbow on his left arm. This surgery has only been done in the United States seven times, but Marrocco was very determined to have it done. He could not bear to live without having arms, but said that he could do just fine without his legs. “Not having arms takes so much away from you. Even your personality, you know. You talk with your hands. You do everything with your hands, and when you don‟t have that, you‟re kind of lost for a while.” Now that he has arms once more, he finally feels like he is back to being the person he once was. “I‟m me again, and it‟s awesome.” Leg transplants do not happen very often because of the amount of time that it would take for the nerves to regrow, which is about one inch every month. Because the transplanted leg would be of no use until years later, many patients use a prosthetic limb as a substitute. The regrowth of the nerves in the arm will not take as long, but it will still be a few years before rocco will have a full recovery. For the months to come, Marrocco will be spending hours each day going through physical therapy. Dr. Jamie Shores stated, “He‟ll be doing therapy to make his hands works six hours a day. There‟s no amount of surgery we can do to make something work if the patients aren‟t going to put an incredible amount of effort into this afterwards.” Marrocco is extremely determined and cannot wait to continue activities he once did, along with new experiences that await him. He is excited to drive and swim once again, along with learning how to hand cycle. Family and friends of Marrocco have supported him on this difficult journey the whole way through, and his mother describes him as a “tough cookie.” “Life gets better and you‟re still alive,” Marrocco said confidently. There‟s a lot of people who will say you can‟t do something. Just do it anyway. Work your ass off. You can do it.” Giving up should never be an option; it certainly was not one for Brendan Marrocco. With hard work, effort, and determination, I guarantee that you will be able to make words come alive on paper or overcome difficult obstacles to defeat the enemy. STUDENT EDITORIAL Page 16 Surprise Attack on Sniper Saddens Nation Commentary by: Samantha DelRusso Chris Kyle: legend. Chris Kyle: hero. Chris Kyle: Former Navy Seal sniper. Chris Kyle: fatally shot. Chris Kyle…dead. Chris Kyle was a legendary Navy Seal and bestselling author of his book, “American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History.” He was shot and killed at a gun range in Erath County, Texas, along with his friend and neighbor, 35-year-old Chad Littlefield. Kyle was an American hero. He was considered to be the United States of America‟s best sniper. He served in the Navy for ten years and had a little over 160 confirmed kills; the longest distance of one being as far away as 2,100 yards. When asked in an interview for “Time” if he felt regret for any of his kills, Kyle simply stated, “No, not at all.” Kyle also gave guidance to other veterans who may have suffered from issues while involved in the military; Routh was one of the men he was helping. Apparently, going to the range to shoot was suppose to relieve stress, but also be a day to hang out with the guys; who knew things were going to take a turn for the worst. Eddie Ray Routh, 25, is accused of shooting the two men. He is charged with two counts of capital murder, which means he could be sentenced to death as punishment if found guilty. According to police records, Routh had been taken to a mental hospital twice since September. The first time was for threatening to kill himself and his family. The second time was in mid-January. Fearing for Routh‟s safety, a woman called the police and he was taken back to the same hospital. The state of his mental health is still unknown, but he told authorities that he suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder; this has not yet been confirmed. The shooting happened at Rough Creek Lodge gun range where the three men had gone. Kyle and Littlefield were looking to help Routh work through his PTSD, when he shot them multiple times at point blank range. He was arrested near his Lancaster home, driving Kyle‟s truck as a getaway vehicle. Routh‟s sister reported to police that her brother had just informed her of killing two men. He was planning on driving to Oklahoma to evade Texas authorities. He claimed that he “traded his soul for a new truck.” Police caught up with Routh after disabling the vehicle with Eddie Ray Routh tacks. He was then arrested and taken into custody; he did not mention a motive nor did he confess to the shootings. His bond was set at three million dollars. Jeff Kyle, brother of Chris Kyle, issued this statement about his brother: “Chris Kyle and his trusted friend, Chad Littlefield, were tragically killed on Saturday, February 2, 2013, by a troubled veteran whom they were trying to help. Chris lived by a professional motto: „It is our duty to serve those who serve us.‟ And he and Chad died honoring this creed.” Over the course of his career, Kyle earned 14 different awards, including five Bronze Stars, two Silver Stars, two Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals, and one Navy and Marine Corps Commendation. He has even been nicknamed “The Devil” and has had a bounty put on him for $80,000. He leaves behind a wife and two children. To quote his brother, “We‟re all saddened by his tragic death. And America has truly lost one of its finest sons and a true patriot.” STUDENT EDITORIAL Page 17 “The Following” Commentary by: Ibrahim Muhammad Shocking, riveting, and bloody are the words that one leaves with after watching Fox‟s new show “The Following.” The show stars Kevin Bacon as former FBI agent Ryan Hardy. The show starts off with a serial killer named Joe Carol (James Purefoy) escaping prison dressed as a guard. Carol was former college professor who became a serial killer who mostly goes after young women. After the authorities are perplexed by his escape and worried that he will continue his murders they enlist the help of Hardy, who captured him nine years prior. During his nine years in prison Joe Carol, using the internet, started a following of likeminded killers whom he used to help him escape from prison and has carry out his tasks. The pilot episode has lots of flashbacks that gives the back story between Carol and Hardy. Carol is obsessed with the works of Edgar Allen Poe, and has turned Poe‟s writing and killing into a religion; that he uses to lure susceptible minds into his cult. On the other hand Hardy was stabbed near that heart and has a pacemaker, which is a major physical restraint in his battle against Hardy. Joe thinks that he is writing a sequel to his book and Hardy is the major character. The show is trying to ride off of the popularity of violent television shows started by AMC‟s “The Walking Dead.” It would be fair to say that this is one of the most violent and frightening shows ever to be put on a broadcast network. The story in my opinion is fairly original but there are a lot of clichés, which don‟t really take away from the story, but it makes the individual scenes more predictable. The cast and acting is fairly start studded. Kevin Bacon is fairly well known in movies but this is really the first show that Bacon has starred in, and the transition from film to shows will be interesting to watch. There is definitely a lot of room for character development in Ryan Hardy but this is territory that might be new for Bacon. James Purefoy had been involved in several fairly successful shows such as “Rome” on HBO so shows are definitely his territory and he has done a pretty good job so far portraying a madman. This show has a lot of potential, definitely watch it. The show aired on FOX on January 21, 2013. A group shot of the cast A member of Carol‟s cult giving a speech Joe Carol in prison SPORTS Page 18 Running Between the Lines Article by: Allen Griffin President Theodore Roosevelt once exclaimed: “Believe you can and you're halfway there.” This means that believing in yourself is key to victory. Improving on one’s own self and abilities, and truly pushing yourself is the only way to achieve what every athlete wants. All winter long, the indoor track athletes have trained and worked in order to improve themselves, and their team. Victory for the indoor track program came on February 2nd this year, when the girls’ indoor track team took home the girls’ Eastern Connecticut Conference championship for the small division. A track meet is an experience like none other. There is an overwhelming amount of people and noise. The air is filled with coaches yelling, and the loud cracks of the starting gun firing off. The events naturally segregate the participants: throwers in one area, sprinters in another, hurdlers, distance runners, long jumpers, they all carve out their own slice of the meet. Each group works day in, and day out, to hone their abilities and master their own event. Each individual must not only compete for their team, but for themselves as well. Nothing is more rewarding then beating your own personal record in an event, making states, or gaining points for your team. The 2013 ECC Girls Indoor Champions After months of training after school, in the bitter cold and harsh weather, makes finally conquering your event all the more rewarding. Most people believe track is a completely independent sport. However, the track team is like a family, for better or for worse. We work together, play together, laugh together, and cheer together. We pick up each other when we fall, and support one another in our events. The track team is filled with some of the finest people I have ever met. On February 2nd, the indoor track team went to their biggest meet of the year, the Eastern Connecticut Conference championships which was held at the U.S Coast Guard Academy in New London. Plainfield is a member of the ECC small division, and the boys and girls teams went to compete against some of Plainfield‟s biggest rivals. The Plainfield boys‟ team has seen better days, and only scored 24 points taking ninth place. However, the girls indoor team cleaned house at ECCs this year. The girls‟ team rocked the scoreboard with a total of 120 points, beating out Ledyard (106 points) and Griswold (76). The girls earned a well deserved victory; they scored points in nearly every event. They fought and won for themselves, the team, and the town of Plainfield. Coach Parkinson just relaxing, looking stunning “We had a very successful season. Everyone, both boys and girls, reached their own goals. All in all, very successful” -Coach Parkinson Continued on the next page… Page 19 SPORTS CONTINUED When asked how he felt about the season, Coach Parkinson responded that “we had a very successful season. Everyone, both boys and girls, reached their own goals. All in all, very successful.” Looking toward the future, the track athletes now must fight individual at States, the ultimate test of individual skill. The track team was once the premier spot to find Plainfield athletes. The best athletes always ran or threw for the Plainfield Track Team. The boys used to dominate not only town leader boards, but state leader boards. The era of boys track is unfortunately over. But, luckily, our girl‟s team is there to pick up the slack. We are always looking for new members for the track team, boys and girls. If you have any interest what-so-ever, stop by Mr. Parkinson‟s room Tuesday, March 12th: this will be an informational meeting about Outdoor Track. Current members of the track team must attend too, and be prepared to start the Outdoor Track Season on March 18th! ECC Small Indoor Championship Results 1) Plainfield 3) Griswold 5) Montville 7) Killingly 9) Windham Girls - Team Rankings 120 2) Ledyard 106 76 4) Stonington 57 35 6) Lyman Memorial 23 15 8) Waterford 14 10 10) St. Bernard 8 1) Ledyard 3) Montville 5) Killingly 7) Waterford 9) Plainfield Boys - Team Rankings 126 2) Griswold 63 4) St. Bernard 35 5) Stonington 28 8) Windham 24 10) Lyman Memorial 78 42 35 27 6 Congratulations to the girls‟ indoor track team for winning the ECC Small Division Championship 2013 Outdoor Track Season We are always looking for new athletes to participate in Track and Field. Track and Field is perfect for those looking for a sport to participate in, train in the off season, or if you are just bored. We welcome all new participants with open arms. We‟re always looking to improve, especially our field events. There is an informational meeting in Mr. Parkinson's Room (1221) on Tuesday, March 12 2013. All those participating in the Outdoor Track season are expected to attend. Colby Cyrus puttin‟ some shot Outdoor Season officially begins on March 18, 2013! Information taken from:, SPORTS Page 20 Super Bowl Sunday Commentary by: Jake Still Nachos, chicken wings, pizzas, chips, soda, baked goods, grinders; some good food everyone eats on “Super Bowl Sunday”. America’s most watched program was live from New Orleans on February 3, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. This year’s Super Bowl, Super Bowl XLVII (47), was between the San Francisco 49ers, lead by sensational quarterback Colin Kaepernick, and the Baltimore Ravens, lead by the monstrous middle linebacker, Ray Lewis. Pregame: Before the Super Bowl started, the Sandy Hook Elementary School choir joined Jennifer Hudson in the singing of “America The Beautiful” in honor of their deceased classmates who were murdered in the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook. Following “America The Beautiful” was the national anthem, played on the piano and sung beautifully by Alicia Keys. The coin toss was then won by the Ravens, who elected to differ until the second half. First Quarter: The first quarter was both teams showing off their great defenses. With 10 minutes and 42 seconds left in the first quarter, the Ravens struck first, with quarterback Joe Flacco firing a perfectly spiraled pass to Anquan Boldin for a 13 yard touchdown. The defensive battle continued until 4:03 left to play in the quarter when the 49ers struck back with a 36 yard field goal made by kicker David Akers. Second Quarter: With 12:04 left to play in the half, LaMichael James, running back for the 49ers, fumbled and the ball was recovered by Baltimore! The Ravens then drove it down the field, ending with a 1 yard touchdown pass from Flacco to tight end Dennis Pitta. Colin Kaepernick next drive tried throwing the ball too hard, overthrew wide receiver Randy Moss by a mile and was intercepted by star safety Ed Reed on the Ravens. Flacco then threw an impressive 56 yard touchdown to wide receiver Jacoby Jones. The half ended with a 23 yard field goal by 49ers kicker David Akers. Score at half was 21-6. Halftime: I think we all could agree, Beyoncé is a total babe. She had a great halftime show in my opinion and it was superb to see her reunite with Destiny‟s Child! She could've decreased promiscuity by increasing the modesty of her attire, but other than that, I think it was one of the best performances in a while. Third Quarter: In the opening kickoff of the second half, Jacoby Jones returned the ball 108 yards for the touchdown; His second of the day. With 13:22 to go in the quarter, there was a random power outage at the stadium which lasted for 35 minutes. When the power turned back on, it was time for the 49ers to start making a 28-6, 22 point, comeback. The Ravens fell apart, leading to a 49ers 31 yard touchdown pass from Kaepernick to Crabtree, a four yard touchdown run by running back Frank Gore and a 34 yard field goal by David Akers. Fourth Quarter: The Ravens scored two field goals and the 49ers scored on a touchdown run from Kapernick. The Ravens and 49ers battled back and forth until finally, the Ravens decided to take a safety when the score was 34-29. This gave the 49ers one last chance to try and run it back on the free punt. That did not happen and the Ravens came out victorious, 34-31. Ray Lewis when the power went out. Beyoncé doing work during halftime. Colin Kaepernick in the zone. STUDENT EDITORIAL Page 21 The Last Ride Commentary by: Colby Cyrus When people think about Super Bowl XLVII, many people will not remember the score or the fact that the lights went out. They will remember it as Ray Lewis‟s last ride. Ray Lewis is more than just a football player to many people, he is an inspiration. Lewis inspires people with his love for life on and off the gridiron. Lewis revolutionized the middle linebacker positioned with being bigger, faster, and stronger than anyone that came before him. With seventeen years in the NFL, Lewis was known as a Sunday warrior and is known as one of the greatest defensive players in the history of the league. In the 2013 playoffs, the Baltimore Ravens were not conRay Lewis getting fierce. sidered to be a strong favorite to hoist the Lombardi trophy, but once the team got word that their leader Lewis was retiring after the season, the team had something to play for. The team, led by Lewis, seemed inspired and starting knocking off top contenders such as the Denver Broncos and the New England Patriots. When the Ravens started to win, fans started to believe in Ray Lewis and his team. When the Ravens defeated the San Francisco 49ers to win Super Bowl XLVII, Lewis‟s legacy took another step with him “Do what ever now being a two-time champion and the fact that he left the game he loved on top. you got to do to Ray Lewis has his fair share of critics: whether it is people calling him a criminal for an incident back in 2000,this incident was a stabbing at a night club killing Jacinth Baker and Richard Lollar. Lewis was on trial for a while but he got off the charge. Lewis will forever be tainted and his reputation was forever scared after this incident. Also people calling him a cheater because of alleged performance enhancing use, he allegedly used a deer antler spray that is suppose to speed up the recovery process.. Ray Lewis will forever be a judged human because of the way he lives his life and his religious ideals. Lewis is not shy when it comes to spreading his beliefs, but the fact of the matter is that they are his beliefs and he is entitled to his opinion. Lewis changes people lives on a daily basis with his inspiring speeches, he gives people hope when hope is hard to find. Lewis will forever be known as an individual who believed in the total team concept and would do whatever it took to lead his team to the promise land. I‟m going to leave you on this: Ray Lewis has many reasons for you to love and hate him, but one thing is for certain- he was a damn good football player. Ray Lewis doing what he does. make sure you chase your legacy every second of your life” - Ray Lewis Quote taken from: SPORTS Page 22 The Return of The Kings Commentary by: David Pollard The time has come where I can finally lay cozy under my blanket, grab a bowl of soup and watch some hockey as the snow falls outside. After a 119-day lockout that spanned from September 16, 2012, until January 12, 2013 the league officials and the National Hockey League Players‟ Union were able to compromise on a new Collective Bargaining Agreement. This was tremendous news for us fans, but brought up problems for the players themselves. The players had very little time to prepare for the season as their training camp was less than half what it normally is and the preseason had been eliminated. Other than the very little preparation time, the season has been shortened dramatically and sets up a race to the offs. This is great for the fans as the season will be a very exciting sprint to the Stanley Cup but I think it will prove to be very stressful on the players themselves. So the question remains, will the Kings be able to repeat their Cinderella Story championship they had last year or is a new team ready to rise up and dethrone them? Being about three weeks into the 2012-2013 season, which has been condensed to “I don't even care 48 games, we can gather somewhat of an understanding on how teams will fare this year. about the One of the biggest surprises for me so far have been the Washington Capitals. The Capitals were a playoff team last year and have one of the most electrifying playmakers in the NHL, economics of it Alexander Ovechkin. However, the team has gotten off to a dreadful 2-7 start as a product all or how many of a somewhat useless Ovetchkin combined with very mediocre defensive play. On a games we have. I lighter note, one of the positive surprises this year has been the Chicago Blackhawks who just want to play are currently 8-0. The Blackhawks were definitely a playoff caliber team last year but nothing close to league-leading status like they are now. My prediction for the Stanley Cup this some hockey!” year is the Blackhawks against the Pittsburg Penguins, with the Penguins eventually pre- Mike Richards vailing. The Pens have just too many weapons and too many playmakers for even the (LA Kings) Blackhawks defense to cover. I think the Kings will get back to the playoffs but there is no way they will win the Western Division of both the Blackhawks or the Detroit Red Wings but who knows….maybe they will come all the way from the bottom to become champions again, we‟ll just have to watch and see. Kings‟ right wing Dustin Brown taking a nice drink of water SPORTS Page 23 Let The Games Begin Article and Photographs by: Harley L‟Etoile As I pull into the University of Connecticut, I can feel the energy race through the air. Not only was it from the students from UConn, but also from the visitors. I finally get into Gampel, as I lay my eyes on both University of South Florida‟s men‟s basketball team and our very own UConn men‟s basketball team warming up. I can barely hear myself think because it is louder inside than it was outside. Everyone is scattered and it‟s hard to find my seat. Finally I come to my seat in section 111, row K, seat five, ten rows up from the court. As I make my way down to my seat, I realize how tall the men are. I hear the buzzer go off and finally it‟s 2 p.m. The game has started. USF gets the ball first and makes their way down the court. They make the basket and they are winning. UConn gets the ball and make their way down the court. The crowd is pumped. It‟s time for free throws from USF. The crowd is booing to make them miss the shot. Unfortunately it doesn't work. They made both shots. Before I knew it, it was half time. Both teams leave for a few minutes and the announcers announce the UConn‟s dance team. They dance for about five minutes and then leave. But as they are dancing, I look around to see if there are any basketball players from the women‟s team or ex-players who are now in the NBA. I look down a few rows from me and there they were: A few of the players from the woman‟s team. I go as fast as I can to get UConn blocking a shot my camera and take a quick picture of them while they are standing up. And so I did. The crowd is screaming, that‟s when I knew the teams were back out on the court. During their warm ups, I take more pictures and just listen to the crowd. U-C-O-N-N, UConn, UConn, UConn, that‟s all you can hear from the crowd. UConn gets the ball first this time and we make our way down the court. The players pass the ball back and forth trying to get a good shot, while Ryan Boatright, #11 takes a shot. He makes it! USF has the ball now and they make their way back down the court. A player passes the ball to another player and he tries to dunk, but thanks to UConn, we block him. It‟s overtime now and we are winning. The crowd is yelling even louder. We have 32 seconds left in the game and UConn has the ball. Boatright, makes his way down the court. He passes it to his teammate, but a player from the other team steals the ball and heads down Boatright taking a free throw the court in the other direction. He made the shot, but USF is still losing. Ten seconds left and UConn has the ball; the player takes the shot and the ball goes in. The buzzer goes off, the game ends and UConn wins 69–65. Everyone is jumping for joy, well not everyone; people rooting for USF aren‟t happy now. While I was on my way home, I couldn‟t stop thinking what a great game that was. I‟m glad I went this year. I think this season is going to be triumphant for the guys with Kevin Ollie as their coach. ENTERTAINMENT NEWS Unmasking Cartoon By: Ibrahim Muhammad Like many of us, when I was a child, I was a huge fan of cartoons. As a matter of fact, they were my friends, my family and my life. When it was uncovered that the “Tickle Me Elmo” voice was a serial child rapist, I just had to take a couple days off from school and dig deep into research to discover the face of my other childhood heroes. Elmo/ Kevin Clash Tigger/ Jim Cummings Spongebob/ Tom Kenny Big Bird/ Caroll Spinney Dora/Caitlin Sanchez Homer Simpson/ Dan Castellaneta Mickey Mouse/Wayne Allwine Fred Flintstone/Henry Corden Information and Images taken from
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