Cubital tunnel
Cubital tunnel
Cubital tunnel syndrome H J Van der Westhuizen MBChB MMed(DomXPret) MFGP(SA) KEYWORDS: Cubitaltunnelslmdrome; Diagnosis;Treatment; Ulnar nerve;Compression; Paresthesia; Headache HENDRIK JOHANNESVAN DER WESTHUIZEN 15Vanat 1 Maart 1984EersteHuisarts/Senior Lektor in die DepartementHuisartskunde te MEDUNSA enonsheet hombaiewelkomin dieAkademie. Hy hetin 1955opBritsgematrikuleerenis daarnanadie UniversiteitvanPretoriawaarhy die MB ChBverwerf in 7962.Yanaf1969tot 1973washy deeltydslektor in die Departement Huisartskunde teUP. In di6tyd washy ook behr.rlpsaam by diestudentesePolikliniekte Daspoort.In 1973verwerf hy ook die MFAP van die Kollegevan van SA. Hiernahet hy 'n jaar assenior Geneeskunde mediesebeamptete Ga-Rankuwahospitaalgewerk. Sedert1974isDrHein(sooshybekendis)huisarts opBrits waar hy baie betrokke was by verskeiegemeenskapsdienste. Hy stelintensbelangin geneeskundeen die bevordering vanHuisartskunde as'nberoep.Onswenshom'nsuksesvolieloopbaantoe. Redakteur SAHUISARTSPRAKTYK APRIL19B.] A simple surgical procedure to cure acroparesthesiais described - and its association with headache noted. Reports of 72 patients are gMen. QiNCE 1979 I have decompressed12 patients with rJCubital TunnelSyndrome.As a countryphysician,these operationswere done on clinical diagnosis.Specialinvestigations for neurological conditions are not readily available. All the patientswere StageOne,accordingto Mooijl-ie. patientswithoutanyneurologicaldeficit. In searchingthe literature,the excellentwork by Pechan and Kredbazcoversthe wholefield. The paperby Clark3 sumsup the srmdromeverv neatlv. 116 cubital tunnel svndrome SYMPTOMSOF STAGE ONE Simpledecompression wasper{ormedunderbloodless field and generalanaesthesia, or by local intravenous70cc2Vo Lignocaine,dilutedwith 30ccsaline.Operativefindingsand clinical presentationwere similar to those of Miller and HummelT'8.No splintingor specialtreatmentwas given. Simpledressingof the wound was doneand patientswere usuallysenthomethe sameday. It is very important to note that patientsseldomvolunteer the symptoms of ulnar nerve paresthesia (ulnar acroparesthesia).They seem to accept it as a normal phenomenonand passit off astheir hand is sleepingdue to poor positioning.The ignoranceof this sy.ndromeis wellillustratedby Hdjer-Pedersenand Haasen,and in a leading article in theBr Medf . The symptomsare both distal and proximalto the nervecompression. (i) Headache:usuallyverysevere.Sometimessocontinuous that nothing relieves it completely.When carefulquestioningand clinical examinationrevealed nothing,I usuallyaskedwhethertherewasulnar acroparesthesia. Other causesof sucha neuropathy -usl be excluded6.No referencesto the association betweencubital tunnel compressionand headache couldbe found in the literature. RESULTS The outcomeof this simple procedurewas astonishingly dramatic.Especiallythe patientswith severeheadachehad dramatic immediate relief. Ulnar acroparesthesia sometimesdid not subsideimmediately,but wasof no concern to the patients.All pain was always immediatelyrelieved.Biopsydoneat all caseswas consistentwith Tunnel Q--r]rn-a 6il (iii) Pain in the shoulder Pain in the shoulder-blade area The findings in the twelve patientsare presentedbelow in tabularform: (iv) Pain in the upper arm Pain in the chest - usuallvlateral3 COMMENT (v) (vi) (vii) This operationis so simpleand givessuchdramaticresults that it canbe usedasa diagnosticprocedure. Painintheneck Ulnar acroparesthesia REFERENCES 1. Mooij J J A, LTlnarNerve Pathologyat the Elbow:The Placeof Anterior TranspositionToday.A ctaNeurochirurgifu(1982\,M 75-85. 2.(a)PechanJ, KredbaJ, CubitalTunnel Syndrome- 1. GeneralAspects. Acta UniwrsitasCarolineMedim), (7987):28 516. 267-320. (b) PechanJ, Kredba J, CubitalTunnel SS,ndrome- 2. Clinicalaspects. Acta Uniuersitas CarolitteMedim), (1981):27 5I6.321-390. (c) PechanJ, IGedbaJ,Treatmentof CubitalTunnelSyndromebyMeans of L,ocalAdministration of Cortisonoids-1. Short-Term Follow-up. Actn Uniwsitns CarolineMedim), (1980):26 314:125-133. 3. Clark Charles B,'Cubital Tunnel Syndrome.IAMA, (1979):241 6, 801-802. 4. Hdjer-PedersenElse, Haase J, The t-Ilnar-Tr:nnelSyndrome.Acta Neuroc hirurgim(1980),52 \21-I27. 5. Editorial,CubitalTunnelSyndrome, Br Md I (1979)2,460. 6. Cecil,J, Mononeuropathy. Twtbookof Medbine,(1979)W.B. Saunders Company(1979),900-902. 7. Miller RG, Hummel Errett E, The Cubibl Trmnel Syndrome:Treat-9. ment of SimpleDecompression.,4zn Neurol(1980)J:ur:r; 7(6):567 8. Miller RG, The Cubital Tunnel Slmdrome: Diagnosisand Precise Localisation. 4zn Neurol(1979)Jul:6(1):56-9. FINDINGS IN TWELVE PATIENTS a F a a z 5 3 a Fr a E F z X a I Fl z z Fl = 7 p O a F1 Fl frJ E F) Ff tr a a a F F z A z z ? E a an () z a 6 z p O 4 z E F B -l Fl Completecure cureat first. A-fter1 vearsmDtoms reruned. A secondbilatera.l ssionwasdoneandaJter24 mbnthsstill comDlet€cure 2 3 Completecure 4 All symptomsdisappeared, but recLrrencesafter t 6 monthsand sraduaxvworseneo c Completenre 6 All After 4 monthsheadacheandneckpainstill siaandshoulderoainrecru,ed Completecure Left sidecompletecure.Right sideslightuJrnracroparesthesia Completecure 10 Completecure l1 Headache and neck pain, and shoulder blade pain and upper am -airooare and upper arm pain Staned asain a-fier 5 mon{hs. Ulrnr L2 Completecure tt7 gone.Neck pain a gone. SAFAMILYPRACTICE APRIL 1984