Mt. Angel Oktoberfest Rally
Mt. Angel Oktoberfest Rally
Central Oregon Chapter of Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA) October 2015 Mt. Angel Oktoberfest Rally The final rally of the Rim Rock Roamers 2015 season was held during the Oktoberfest Celebration September 17 th through the 20th in Mt. Angel , Oregon. Roamers in attendance included Warner and Kathy Butler, Jerry and Jinny Andres, Orren and Judy Brownson and John Doermer and Shoshana Friedman. The German themed Oktoberfest activities enjoyed by attendees included arts and crafts vendors, music ranging from Polka Bands to Alpine Horns, beer gardens with music and dancing, food carts too numerous to mention but highlighted by locally made bratwurst. The joyous atmosphere was contagious and was shared by an estimated 300,000 attendees over the 4 day event. * * * * * * * 2016 Rally Schedule May 18 - 21, arrive Wednesday, depart Sunday the 22nd. Casey’s Riverside RV, 46443 Westfir Rd., Westfir. OR 97492 Lynn & Randy (541) 782-1906, [email protected] June 23 - 26, arrive Thursday, depart Sunday. FMCA Northwest, Linn County Fairgrounds, Albany, OR Dry camping. Details to follow. July 13 - 16, arrive Wednesday, depart Sunday the 17th. ColumbiaSun RV, 103907 Wiser Pkwy, Kennewick, WA 99338 Kathy or Donna (855) 8333886 or (509) 420-4880, [email protected] August 21 - 24, arrive Sunday, depart Thursday the 25th. Devils Lake RV Park, 4041 NE West Devil’s Lake RD, Lincoln City, OR 97367 Bernice and Don Sitton, 1-800-460-0616 or (541) 994-3400, September 8 - 11, arrive Thursday, depart Monday the 12th. Camp Sherman RV, 25635 NF-1419/113 #1419, Camp Sherman, OR 97730 Charlotte & Rod, (541) 595-6514, Roamers planning to attend rallies next year will need to make their own reservations at each park by contacting the park directly at the phone number/email address provided above. After making your reservations please drop Warner Butler a note ([email protected]) so that he can keep track of attendees. * * * * * * * Members News Rim Rock Roamers president Tom Russell has stepped down as President of our club due to serious health issues. Warner Butler has agreed to complete Tom's term for 2015 along with being our president for 2016. Our thanks to Warner for accepting these responsibilities. I am sure every Roamer joins me in thanking Tom for his efforts on our behalf over the last year and in conveying to both Tom and Carolyn our hopes for the best during this difficult time. * * * * * * * * * * * Please welcome new members Ron Garner and Arlene Wilt, 109 NW Ramayo Ct, Winston, Oregon 974969, [email protected], 541-679-5054. We look forward to visiting with them at Roamer events in 2016. Upcoming Roamer Birthdays Peter Ribble 12/1 Jinny Andres 12/4 Ann Lankford 12/15 Kathy Butler 12/23 Jackie Martin 2/4 Chuck Martin 2/12 Shoshana Friedman 2/24 Jan Rydman 2/28 Roger Emery 3/7 Bob Marjama 3/14 Helen Smallmon 3/28 John Doermer, Editor 208-798-9000
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