ST. FERDINAND CHURCH RECTORY: 5900 W. BARRY AVENUE CHICAGO, IL 60634 (773) 622-5900 APRIL 21, 2013 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Photo by Romuald Gluch WWW.STFERDINANDCHURCH.COM Page Two 4th Sunday of Easter Mass Intentions MONDAY — April 22, 2013 6:30AM–VirgiaGirardirq.Tom,MaryBucaro&Family 8:00AM–RoseClementerq.LuCaravette&Family 7:00PM–VicariateIVConf.Practice‐Church 7:00PM–MassinPolish(Chapel) TUESDAY — April 23, 2013 6:30AM–God’shelpintimesintroubleforIrek 8:00AM–KrzysztofDublasiewiczrq.Daughter 7:00PM–MassinPolish 7:30PM–1stCommunioninPolish–Practice–Church WEDNESDAY — April 24, 2013 6:30AM–God’sBlessingsforKarolinka 8:00AM–God’shelpintimesintroubleforIrek 7:00PM–MassinPolish THURSDAY — April 25, 2013 ‐ Feast of St. Mark 6:30AM–JarekSadzarq.Family 8:00AM–CalogeraMasarrarq.daughterGrace&Family 7:00PM–MassinPolish 7:30PM–ConfirmationinPolish–Church FRIDAY— April 26, 2013 6:30AM–FlorentynaStawiakrq.Grandaughter 8:00AM–MaryS.Kubon26thAnn.rq.Family 7:00PM–ConfirmationinPolish SATURDAY— April 27, 2013 7:00AM–MassinPolish 8:00AM–Modesto&FelisaRayesrq.Family 1:00PM–WeddingLiturgy: LukaszUjdaandKatarzynaPiekarska 5:00PM–GodofredomChino&RamonOchotorenarq. Family SUNDAY— April 28, 2013—Fifth Sunday of Easter 7:00AM—EwaiJanKabat; MariaiJanBudziochoraz ichdzieci;oBożebłogosławieństwoipotrzebne łaskidlaBarbaryiJackaKisielewiczzokazji14 rocznicyślubu 8:30AM–JosephMatiasekrq.RichardAntos 10:00AM–VincenzoMallardirq.R.Clemente&Family 10:15AM–Ozdrowie,Bożebłogosławieństwoorazopiekę MatkiBożejLudzmierskiejdlawszystkich członkówKołaPodhalaniMiłośnikówTatr,ich rodzinorazichopiekunaduchowego–ks. Roberta 12:30PM–MonicaCampanaroO’Connellrq.Family 3:00PM–MassinPolish 5:00PM–FrankA.Scarpellirq.Wife&Family 7:00PM–MassinPolish April 21, 2013 The sanctuary lamps this week are lit for: FrancesArnieri&PrudenceSylvester RosaliePonticelli&LucyBenigno Marriage Banns Third: Łukasz Ujda and Katarzyna Piekarska We Welcome in Baptism Santiago, son of Carlos and Maria (Mendez) Barillas Ramsey, son of Rosa Garcia Gabriella, daughter of Bartek and Agnieszka (Zakreta) Iskra Abigail, daughter of Eric and Katarzyna (Koszacka) Waldier Emilia, daughter of Marek and Elwira (Nieborak) Wegenek Rest in Peace Please remember to pray for the souls of all our faithful departed, especially: Grzegorz Drzazga DEVOTIONS EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Held each Thursday following the 8:00 a.m. Mass until 6:45p.m DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed in English everyday from Monday to Friday following 8:00 a.m. Mass. Please take a short break from your busy life and join the ladies in prayers. On every Saturday right after 8:00 a.m. Mass prayer to St. Anne is being said. Please stop by the Church and offer to God at least a few moments of your time. April 21, 2013 4th Sunday of Easter Remember in Prayer As members of the parish faith community, it is our respon‐ sibility to remember both in concrete and spiritual ways those who cannot celebrate with us each week because they are ill. Those who are sick in turn, remember all of us daily in their prayers and in their sufferings. We experience many blessings because of their remembering us. And so...please re‐ member in your prayers: Irene Rowe Eleanor Loscuito Mary Ayello Florence Magro Sharon Moody Anthony R. Coco Veronica Signo Lottie Chrapla Violet Del Vacchio Rosalie Anastos Marie Lucas Edward Waytula Pat Ostrowski William Keleher Arlene Garcia Diana Krzyzanowski Barbara Pasko Geraldine Spano Nick Paolino Theresa Duval Adam Shershen Domonic Caltagirone Bernice Lutke Jean Staniszewski Jeff Keiser Walter Sublett Sarafina Duran William Napier Josephine Coco Laura Schofield Calvin Upton Julie D’Agostino Luna Family Margery Janz Baby Briana Jurczykowski Susan Milostan Robert Malek Michael F. Coco Jody Panek Donn DeBold Fr. Ted Ploplis John Greco Veronica Segovia Tish Vanoni Jodi Mack Geraldine Mack Agnes Coco Ester Baran Veronica Mazga Al Fitzgibbons Ameriga Cesaroni Isabell Beyer Kathleen Mcginniss Deadra Kusek Stanley Podgorny Tom Sobezak Ruth Anne Schiavo Josephine Bauer Marietta Falbo Laverne Greco Steve Johns Conrad May Barbara Alderson Ligia Caltagirone Alice Marzec Bernadine Jablonski Page Three Our Stewardship of Treasure PALM SUNDAY— April 14, 2013 Envelopes — $5,482.00 Loose — $3,682.00 TOTAL: $9,164.00 Thank you for sharing your „TREASURE” with St. Ferdinand Parish Bóg zapłać! LEASE REMEMBER ST. FERDINAND PARISH IN YOUR WILL “The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.” ACTS 13:52 Because the disciples heard Our Lord’s call, they were able to spread the Gospel message with strength and vitality. We, too, can experience that same joy if we take time to open our hearts, listen to God, and ask for His guidance. Thank you! The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention. ~OscarWilde Sincere THANK YOU to all who give their time to keep our church clean. Thank you for your faithfulness and dependability. Please know that your help is very much valued and appreciated. May God bless you abundantly. A Prayer for the Armed Forces Almighty God, stretch forth Your mighty arm to strengthen and protect the men and women of our Armed Forces. As they face the myriad of challenges and decisions that each day is destined to bring, may they be an‐ chored by their faith, protected by Your presence and com‐ forted by the knowledge that they are loved by You and by this community of faith. Grant that, meeting danger with courage, and all occasions with discipline loyalty, they may truly serve the cause of justice and peace to the honor of your holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Daniel Guziec; SPC Jeffrey Foerster S/SGT David A. Domel Jr. Anyone interested in helping to clean our church is welcome to join us: Mondays at 5:00 pm and/or Fridays at 10:00 am. Archdiocesan Website See what’s new at We hope the features on this site like daily news, calendar events, information about the local Church and the Catholic Chicago blog will help the Archdiocese widen its reach and fulfill the call to share God's boundless love with all people. Visit and see what‘s new! April 21, 2013 4th Sunday of Easter Page Four Food for Thought: I n the ancient world, it was customary to close an assembly with a formal dis‐ missal. The early Christians felt the need to incorporate a similar conclusion to their liturgical assembly. From the fourth cen‐ tury onward, the Latin words Ite Missa est were employed for this task. Literally meaning “Go, you are dismissed,” these words are ren‐ dered in the new translation of the Mass, “Go forth, the Mass is ended.” This points to how the Mass ultimately should be seen as a sending forth. As the Catechism explains the celebration of the Eucharist is called “Holy Mass” (Missa) “because the lit‐ urgy in which the mystery of salvation is ac‐ complished concludes with the sending forth (misso) of the faithful, so that they may fulfill God’s will in their daily lives.” Jesus told the apostles, “As the Father has sent me, even so I send you” (Jn 20:21). The Father sent the Son into the world, to die for our sins and give us a share in his divine life. As we have seen, the entire paschal mystery of Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection is made present to us in the Eucharistic liturgy so that we can be more deeply incorporated into Je‐ sus’ life and mission. The closing line of the liturgy, therefore, is not an aimless dismissal. It is a dismissal with a mission. It is a sending forth of God’s people to bring the mysteries of Christ into the world. **Taken from “A biblical walk through The Mass” by Edward Sri Page Five 4th Sunday of Easter April 21, 2013 Remembering Mr. Joseph Hull 1958 ‐ 2013 It is with a very heavy heart that the St. Ferdinand Parish community bids a sad farewell to our beloved teacher, Mr. Joseph Hull who passed away on Sunday April 14, 2013. Mr. Hull has been a member of our faculty for the past 10 years. While with us, he has had many roles including Math Chair, Peer Ministry Coordinator, Eucharistic Minister and Dean of Students. Some of his notable accomplishments include presenting at the National Council of Teacher of Mathematics and being a recipient of the 2012 Archdiocesan Catechetical Award. This year, Mr. Hull is one of the honorees at the Notre Dame High School for Girls Night in Blue and White Celebration on May 14 and will be receiving the 2013 Outstanding Teacher Award. We are all deeply saddened by his death and we know that you join us in offering the Hull Family support and prayers during this most difficult time. Mr. Hull is survived by his wife Mary and two sons Griffin and Garrett. It is times like this when we need to remember that we are people of faith. There‐ fore, we know that this is not an end but a new beginning. We invite you to join us for a memorial mass celebrated by Bishop John R. Manz on Friday April 26, 2013 at 8:00 am at St. Ferdinand Church. Please call the school office if we can provide you with further service, information, or help. Catholic Charities Mother’s Day Collection A pregnant teen. A hungry child. A homeless mother. An addict. An immigrant. A frail senior. Catholic Charities protects and serves all these people and many more— over 1 million in the Archdiocese of Chicago each year. Please give to Catholic Charities on Mother’s Day to fulfill the Church’s mission of charity. Learn more at SUNDAY MASS ON TELEVISION Sunday Mornings at 9:30 a.m. on WGN‐TV 9 Sunday Mass at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls — the “Parish of the Airways” is now seen on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m., on WGN‐TV, Channel 9, in Chicago. Sunday Mass at Mercy Home, recorded at Mercy Home for Boys & Girls in the Our Lady of Mercy Chapel, has been a source of spiritual nourishment since 1992 for those unable to leave their homes because of age or ailment to attend Mass. April 21, 2013 4th Sunday of Easter Page Six Saturday, May 4, 2013 For Men of ALL Ages! Going the Distance: Naming, Reclaiming and Celebrating Sacred Relationships Between Men with Myles and Scott Alexander Saturday, May 4 9 a.m. ‐ 3 p.m. Program 8:30 A.M. Check‐in, coffee What can you do now that won’t cost you anything but still help the parish? One way is through your estate plan‐ ning. Most people have families they need to provide for and that is extremely important. Perhaps some portion of your estate could be given to Saint Ferdinand. Here’s how you can do it: Name Saint Ferdinand to receive part of your IRA. Just ask the custodian or trustee for a new beneficiary form. Make a life insurance gift. Your insurance agent can supply a beneficiary form that names Saint Ferdinand as a beneficiary for all or part of the policy. Investigate P.O.D. accounts. In most areas, you can name Saint Ferdinand to receive CD’s or savings ac‐ counts at death, often called P.O.D. (pay on death) accounts. Leave part of your stock portfolio. Brokerage accounts generally will permit investors to name beneficiaries for securities held at the firm. Add Saint Ferdinand when you make or amend your will. It’s another wonderful way you can leave a legacy for Saint Ferdinand! If you have a revocable living trust, include Saint Pas‐ cal as a beneficiary. Any immediate gifts made through your living trust are tax deductible. Finally, when naming Saint Ferdinand as your beneficiary, the correct language is: “I give (a percentage or dollar amount) to the Catholic Bishop of Chicago – A Corporation Sole, for the sole benefit of Saint Ferdinand Parish, Chi‐ cago.” When named in this way, the money will be used exclusively to benefit our parish. THANK YOU! As men of faith, how have our relationships with other men shaped our spiritual lives? In a culture that trivializes and stereotypes men's relationships with other men, how do we push out into the deeper waters of these relations in order to name, reclaim and celebrate the ways they reveal God to us? We’ll explore these questions accompanied by a father and a son whose experience of God has been profoundly shaped by their relationship. A day for men of all ages to reflect, listen and discover the sacredness of relationship. MYLES “CHITRIMAN” ALEXANDER is a professional triathlete who left an internship in finance to train full‐time in swimming, biking and running. A self‐described ‘economics junkie’ at Sara Lawrence College (BA Economics, Photography, 2010), Named chitriman” (Chicago triathlete man), Myles is dedi‐ cated to the highest standards of integrity in his training and life as a professional athlete. SCOTT ALEXANDER’S (MA, PhD) He is a regular consultant on Catholic‐Muslim relations for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and for Centro Internazionale di Studi e Ricerche Oasis at the Marcianum in Venice, Italy. He sits on several editorial boards and is the author of many articles on Islamic history and religion, and Christian‐Muslim rela‐ tions. Scott is currently Associate Professor of Islam and Director of the Catholic‐Muslim Studies Program at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Program includes: mid‐morning prayer, presentations, lunch, Group Discussion and opportunity for silent time. $25 Paid Registration appreciated by Tuesday, April 30 (lunch included). The Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii 1224 W. Lexington Street Chicago, IL 60607 312.421.3757 COME JOIN US The Friendship Club of St. Ferdinand is anxious to welcome you. We meet every Monday in the Convent from 10:00AM‐3:00PM with coffee and a snack at noon. For entertainment we lay various card games and occasionally have speakers to tell you about things of interest to seniors. Both men and women are welcome. If you like, call me and I will be happy to meet you and introduce you to our friendly group. The name is Pat at 773‐622‐8609. Page Seven 4th Sunday of Easter Bel‐Aire Enterprises presents ‐ A Combination Celebration Make plans to celebrate Polish Constitution Day and Cinco De Mayo on Sunday, May 5th. Featured entertainment will be The Polka Family Band from Pennsylvania and Mariachi Potosino. The Polka Family Band, a popular and award‐winning polka band, will be playing their well‐known hits such as Chodz Tutaj, Spiewamy Wesolo, Girl Of My Dreams and more. Hank Guzevich, leader of The Polka Family Band, was inducted into the International Polka Hall of Fame in 2007. Mariachi Potosino is a classic Mexican maria‐ chi band that will be appearing in authentic handmade cos‐ tumes from San Luis, Potosi. Their repertoire has all the tradi‐ tional Mexican favorites as well as songs from all over Latin America. Come join the Combination Celebration at the Glendora House, 10225 S. Harlem Avenue, Chicago Ridge, IL on Sunday, May 5th. Doors will open at 1:00 PM and music and dancing will be from 1:30 ‐ 7:00 PM. The admission is $15.00 and chil‐ dren under 12 admitted free. Food and drinks will be avail‐ able for purchase. Delicious Polish and Mexican favorite dishes will be featured on the menu. For more information, please call 708.594.5182 or email [email protected]. April 21, 2013 IRVING PARK CATHOLIC WOMAN’S CLUB will have their Meeting on Wednes‐ day, May 1, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. We will have the May Crowning. Our Luncheon will be at the cost of $6. Desert will be served. We will play Bunco. We welcome any one that would like to join us for the after‐ noon. PLEASE REMEMBER OUR NEW ADDRESS FOR THE MEETING IS: 5936 W. BARRY, CHICAGO. THIS IS ST. FERDINAND’S CONVENT). EVERYONE IS WELCOME. ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: ANN MARIE LANE 773‐685‐6624 The Women’s Center: needs volunteers to help sell (pro‐life) flowers after Masses on Mother’s Day weekend, May 11‐12, at your parish or another, call Jackie at (773) 794‐8807. Spirituality of Solidarity: stirring up a “new fire” inside, April 26, May 10, 24 and June 7, 14, at 10 a.m.‐noon, first read Jan Phillips’ “No Ordinary Time: the Rise of Spiritual Intelligence,” $50/all sessions, at The Well, 1515 W. Ogden, LaGrange Park, (708) 482‐5048. “Theology of the Body” Course: based on John Paul II’s mas‐ terpiece, from marriage to ordination of women, with Fr. Robert Sprott, OFM, online or in person, May 4, 11, 18, 10 a.m., at St. Paul Books & Media, 172 N. Michigan, (312) 854‐ 9656, register at MISERICORDIA CANDY DAYS— April 26 / 27 Please volunteer two or more hours of your time to make a difference for more than 600 children and adults with developmental and physical disabilities. To volunteer call Tessa 773‐273‐2768, email [email protected], or go to To make a $5 donation TEXT “MIS” to 25383. “Seeing the Holy”: praying with and through your camera lens, May 4, 9 a.m.‐3 p.m., $50/includes lunch, at The Well, 1515 W. Ogden, RSVP to (708) 482‐5048, and to hear of other programs. Witness and Prayer Vigil: May 4, 10 a.m.‐noon, along public sidewalk, from 14470 LaGrange Road, Orland Park, join, even if only for part of the time, for more info, call Bill Beckman at Illinois Right to Life Committee, (312) 422‐9300. April 21, 2013 4th Sunday of Easter FRIENDLY REMINDERS If you or a loved one is in need of prayers due to an illness, please call the rectory to put your name on the prayer list. If someone on this list has recovered, please call the rectory to have the name removed. If you or a loved one are in the hospital and would like a visit from our ministers, deacons or priests, you must call the rectory and request a visit. The privacy law states that the hospital cannot provide a list when we come o visit our parishioners. Please notify the rectory if you have someone in your home who is unable to join us at Mass and he/she would appreciate having the Eucharist brought to the home. We ask that if you have a loved one serving in the mili‐ tary, to please contact the rectory office to give us the name of the soldier, branch of service, and rank, so the whole parish can pray for your loved one. Page Eight THISWEEK ATST.FERDINANDPARISH Monday — April 22, 2013 10:00AM — Friendship Club (Convent) 6:00PM — Cub Scouts (Convent ) 6:00PM — Troop #51 (McManus Hall) 7:00PM — Knights of Columbus (Canning Hall) 7:00PM — Vicariate IV Confirmation Practice Tuesday — April 23, 2013 5:00PM — Radosc (McManus Hall) 6:00PM — Chicagowskie Slowiki (Chapel) If your address has changed or if you are moving out of our parish and no longer wish to be a parishioner, please notify the rectory at 773‐622‐5900 ex. 225 Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. THANK YOU! BULLETIN ARTICLES DEADLINE The deadline for bulletin articles is 3:00 p.m. on the previous Friday preceding the Sunday of publication. All articles can be can emailed to: [email protected]. Thank you. Please cut out this Thank You ad and present it the next time you Patronize One of Our Advertisers. Thank You for advertising in our bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Wednesday — April 24, 2013 9:30PM — Wiggles and Giggles (GYM) 2:30PM — Jr. Legion of Mary (Convent) 5:00PM — Our Lady of Perpetual Novena (Church) 5:30PM — Zawaternik (McManus) 6:00PM — Cub Scouts (Convent) 6:00PM — Kropeczki (Convent 1) 6:30PM — Legion of Mary (Small Convent) Thursday — April 25, 2013 2:30PM — Jr. Legion of Mary Adoration (Church) 6:00PM — Girl Scouts (Convent) 6:00PM — Pack 3051 Committee Mtg (Convent 5) 7:00PM — Beat 2514 Beating (McManus Hall) 7:30PM—Filareci Choir (Chapel) 7:30PM — PL Confirmation Practice and Confession Friday — April 26, 2013 9:00PM — Legion of Mary (Convent) 6:00PM — Polish Altar Servers (Rectory) 6:30PM — Pilgrim Virgin (Convent 2) 7:00PM — Confirmation in Polish (Church) 7:30PM — Youth Group (Rectory) 9:00PM — Post‐Confirmation Reception (Cafeteria) Saturday — April 27, 2013 8:00AM—Polish Saturday School (School) 9:00AM — Meeting w/Fr. Torba (Chapel) 3:15PM — Meeting w/Fr. Torba (Chapel) 5:00PM — Set‐up for Pancake Breakfast (all halls) 6:00PM — AA Meeting (Convent) Sunday — April 28, 2013 8:30AM—School of Religion (School) 10:00AM — Highlanders Club Mtg 11:00AM— Ziarenko (School) 12:30PM — Baptism in English (Church) 4:00PM — Faustinum Mtg (McManus Hall) Page Nine 4th Sunday of Easter April 21, 2013 April 21, 2013 4th Sunday of Easter Kolekta w Dzień Matki przeznaczona na Katolickie Dzieła Miłosierdzia Nastolatka w ciąży. Głodne dziecko. Bezdomna matka. Nałogowiec. Imigrant. Niedołężny emeryt. Katolickie Służby Miłosierdzia chronią i niosą pomoc wszystkim tym osobom i wielu innym, obsługując co roku ponad 1 milion ludzi z terenu Archidiecezji dla Chicago i okolic. W Dniu Matki złóż ofiarę na Katolickie Dzieła Miłosierdzia, pełniąc misję miłosierdzia Kościoła. Więcej informacji na Page Ten Krucjata różańcowa zaprasza na modlitwę w intencji Ojczyzny w sobotę 27 kwietnia o godz. 7pm. Modlimy się o Polskę wierną Bogu, Krzyżowi, Ewangelii, o wypełnienie jasnogórskich ślubów narodu. Polska Katolicka Szkoła im. Św. Ferdynanda zaprasza na II Koncert Pieśni Patriotycznej pt. „Pieśń głosem miłości”. Koncert odbędzie się 28 kwietnia 2013, o godz. 4pm w kaplicy szkolnej. Wstęp wolny. Wykonawcami będą głównie zespoły szkolne a także chór „Śpiewajmy Panu” z Trójcowa Dominik Tarczyński w Chicago! Zapraszamy Polonię Chicagowską na wyjątkowe wydarzenie. W dniach 26‐29 kwietnia odbędą się projekcje dwóch filmów Dominika Tarczyńskiego, „Kolumbia‐Świadectwo dla Świata” oraz „Egzorcysta”, połączone ze spotkaniem z samym reżyserem. Podczas spotkania Pan Tarczyński opowie o tym jak doszło do powstania filmów, podzieli się swoimi osobistymi wrażeniami i przeżyciami a także z radością odpowie na pytania publiczności. „Kolumbia ‐ Świadectwo dla Świata” 26 kwiecień, 2013 (piątek), godz. 8:00 pm — Jezuicki Ośrodek Milenijny ‐ 5835 W. Irving Park Rd, Chicago 28 kwiecień, 2013 (niedziela), godz. 11:30 am — Parafia św. Trójcy ‐ 1118 N Noble St, Chicago „Egzorcysta” 28 kwiecień, 2013 (niedziela), godz 6 pm — Parafia św. Jakuba Apostoła ‐ 5730 W. Fullerton Ave., Chicago „Kolumbia ‐ Świadectwo dla Świata” to najlepszy film dokumentalny na XVI Międzynarodowym Katolickim Festiwalu Filmów i Multimediów w Niepokalanowie. Film został nagrodzony I nagrodą za pokazanie prawdziwego oblicza dzisiejszej Kolumbii, gdzie wiara katolicka i odważne wyznawanie jej przez rządzących prowadzi do eliminowania przestępczych marksistowskich mafii narkotykowych. Film ten nie jest typowym filmem dokumentalnym. To raczej zarejestrowane w szczególnych warunkach świadectwo, manifest wiary obecnej w życiu Prezydenta Kolumbii oraz innych przedstawicieli władzy świeckiej i kościelnej. Jest to obraz walki prowadzonej przez członków Kościoła Katolickiego na płaszczyźnie duchowej ale także w świecie materialnym który dla Kolumbijczyków jest światem wypełnionym przemocą. „Egzorcysta” jest zapisem rozmowy Dominika Tarczyńskiego z jednym z najsłynniejszych światowych egzorcystów o. Gabrielem Amorthem. Z rozmowy dowiadujemy się, jak ustrzec się przed szatanem, na czym polegają egzorcyzmy, jakim zagrożeniem duchowym jest okultyzm. To również rozmowa o szatanie i jego słabości. „Szatan jest najbardziej upokorzony zwycięstwem Najświętszej Marii Panny” – mówi o. Amorth. Egzorcysta mówi o swoich rozmowach z szatanem, o tym, dlaczego szatan jest wielkim kłamcą i w jakich sytuacjach Pan Bóg zmusza go do mówienia prawdy. April 21, 2013 4th Sunday of Easter Page Eleven W ROKU WIARY BY TRWAĆ PRZY TOBIE MATKO! PIELGRZYMKA DO SANKTUARIUM MATKI BOSKIEJ CZESTOCHOWSKIEJ W MERRILLVILLE, IN Koła Żywego Różańca zapraszają na jednodniową pielgrzymkę do Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej u O. Salwatorianów w Merrillville, In w niedzielę, 12 maja, 2013. Bardzo serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich do wspólnego celebrowania 96 rocznicy Objawień Fatimskich oraz Dnia Matki. Bilety w cenie $35 od osoby można nabywać u członków Kół po każdej polskiej Mszy św. W cenę biletu wliczony jest przejazd luksusowym autokarem oraz posiłek. Wyjazd zaplanowany jest na godz. 8:30 rano z parkingu parafialnego oraz powrót około godz. 7:30 wieczorem. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji oraz w sprawie rezerwacji prosimy dzwonić do pani Heleny 773/387‐2337 Serdeczne Bóg zapłać wszystkim tym, którzy pomagają w sprzątaniu naszej świątyni. Spotykamy się dwa razy w tygodniu : w PONIEDZIAŁKI o godz. 17:00 oraz w PIĄTKI o godz. 10:00 Grupy Wsparcia dla osób z chorobami Nowotworowymi Informacje w Zrzeszeniu Amerykańsko‐Polskim dzwoniąc na numer 773‐282‐8206 wew. 316 lub u pani Gosha Thornton 312‐464‐9900 wew. 22 OGLOSZENIA DO BIULETYNU PARAFIALNEGO Ogłoszenia do biuletynu przyjmowane są w biurze parafialnym do PIATKU do godz. 3:00 po południu tydzień przed datą ukazania się następnego wydania biuletynu. Ogłoszenia prosimy przesyłać pocztą elektroniczną na adres: [email protected]. Dziękujemy. April 21, 2013 4th Sunday of Easter Page Twelve April 21, 2013 4th Sunday of Easter Page Thirteen ON WEDDINGS, AND BEING IN THE HAND OF GOD Copyright 2013 by John B. Reynolds ([email protected]) Business took me to suburban Minneapolis not long ago. The trip was originally planned for late February, but things changed and I was directed back then to reschedule the two‐hour presentation for April 5. What I didn’t know at the time, however, is that my son and his fiancé, for a whole lot of reasons, would be changing their late‐August 2013 wedding date to April 5 as well. I learned this on March 21st. Admittedly, I hit curve balls better when I was younger, but I dealt with the news, and when Paul and Annie opted for a courthouse wedding in Red Wing, MN‐‐about an hour south of Minneapolis‐‐I went ahead with my business travel, too. I’ve had less stressful days. The backstory… Annie landed a job out of college as an industrial designer in the Twin Cities area. She’s a good fit for Paul, and I enjoy her company. And neither unfortunately or fortunately at this moment, her religious history puts her on the atheistic side of the whole God conversation. In truth, I’m not sure where deep down Paul puts himself in the same conversation‐‐even after his twelve years of Catholic education‐‐but on the surface, he’s in Annie’s camp. I dealt with this curve, too, mostly because I sub‐ scribe to the notion that things happen in their own time, and that seeds planted decades back (here, in the realm of faith) may bear fruit decades down the road. It was a small crowd come the wedding day. The bride and groom, of course. Annie’s folks. A single sister, along with a married sister and her family. My wife, my daughter, and me. Judge Lawrence Clark presided over the affair, and he did a great job. Still, I’ve never been to a courthouse wedding before. I’ve been only to church weddings, so it all seemed a bit odd to me. Especially when Judge Clark began with words to the effect that Paul and Annie were entering into a civil contract. As true as this may have been, it struck me at the time that my perception of marriage has noth‐ ing to do with a civil contract. Instead, it has everything to do with a covenantal bond. Do I wish Paul and Annie had chosen a church wedding? Yes. But given the circumstances, this would have been untrue both to themselves as a couple and to holy matrimony, so Courtroom 1B of the Red Wing, MN Courthouse was fine by me. Technically, though, it’s not the Red Wing, MN courthouse. It’s the Goodhue County Courthouse, which I found ironic yet fitting as I recalled my wife’s and my first dance song following our own wedding thirty‐ one+ years ago: Chicago’s “Color My World.” As always, it’s funny how things go. But such weird connections aside, Jesus says of his flock in today’s Gospel, “No one can take them out of my hand.” As a person of faith, I believe that God was with Paul and Annie recently in Courtroom 1B. I believe also that God is with them for the long haul, so at the post‐wedding dinner, I suggested that two things would be appropriate: a toast, and a prayer. Then I spoke out loud one of each. The toast was fleeting. The prayer goes on and on. St. Ferdinand Parish Support Staff Mrs. Dorota Gołda, Parish Secretary Sr. Bernadetta Gościniak, Administrative Assistant Ms. Elizabeth Ceisel-Mikowska, Bulletin Editor Liturgical Bro. Dr. James Drangsholt, Music Director Kamil Duda, Polish Music Director Mrs. Betty Hotcaveg, Lector Coordinator Dcn. Irv Hotcaveg, Coordinator of Eucharistic & Ministers of Care Ms. Jane Lohrmann, Homebound Ministers of Care Scheduler Parish Council Mrs. Sophie Kass—President, Stanley Mastalerz, Anthony Mangiaracina, Peter Holod, Irene Heidelbauer, Mary Ann Barnhart, Joyce McGiniss, Elizabeth Kata, Maria Gal, Br. James Drangsholt, ExOfficio Members: Dr. Lucine Mastalerz , Sr. Anna Strycharz Parish Finance Committee Mr. Tom Bucaro-Chairperson, Fr. Jason Torba, Mrs. Mary Ann Barnhart, Mr. Gene Szaben, ExOfficio Members: Mr. Martin WojtulewiczParish Accountant, Sr. Bernadetta Gościniak, Dr. Lucine Mastalerz Parish Organizations and Prayer Groups Boy Scout: Mr. Vince Clemente, Coordinator Fish Fry: Mrs. Pat Wenzl, Coordinator Friendship Club: Mrs. Patricia Flynn, President Girl Scout: Mrs. Joyce McGinniss, Coordinator Knights of Columbus—Mater Christi Council: Mr. Tom Young, Grand Knight Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary: Jenny Hartnett Ladies of St. Anne: Mrs. Violet DelVecchio, President Legion of Mary: Mr. Thomas Sobczak & Miss Aurora Almeida, Co-Presidents Legion of Mary, Juniors: Mrs. Emma Camara, President Irving Park Catholic Woman’s Club: Mrs. Dolores Schoewe Market Day: Ms. Pat DelBoccio, Coordinator Polish Altar Servers — Fr. Robert Pajor, Moderator English Altar Servers: Fr. Robert Pajor, Moderator Polish Club of the Good Shepherd: Mr. Andrzej Parada, President Polish Rosary Group: Mrs. Helena Lesak, President Polish School Parents’ Assn.: Mrs. Bogusława Łakomy, Pres. Radość: Miss Marzena Kulesza, Music Teacher Kropeczki: Sr. Anna Strycharz Zawaternik: Bernadetta i Jan Bobek St. Ferdinand Athletic: Mrs. Linda Ward St. Ferdinand Polish Highlanders Club: Mr. Tadeusz Kulasik, President St. Ferdinand School Board: Mrs. Mary Ann Barnhart, Chairperson St. Vincent DePaul Society: Mr. Stanley Mastalerz, President Teens of Our Church (TORCH): Fr. Robert Pajor—Youth Minister The “Faustinum” Association of Apostles of the Divine Mercy: Fr. Jason Torba, Moderator Ushers Club: Mr. Peter Holod, President Pro-Life Coordinators: Tony Mangiaracina, Helena Lasak Chapel Choir – Conductor Julie Tupiak 773-742-2611 Word of Life — Dito Camara 773-344-8514 Holy Spirit Missionary Association: Sr. Elwira Dziuk Notre Dame Athletics: Mrs. Linda Ward Notre Dame Board of Directors: Ms. Sue Miller & Ms. Noreen Musica St. Ferdinand Church 5900 W. Barry Ave. Chicago, IL 60634 St. Ferdinand Parish Phone: (773) 622-5900 Rev. Zdzisław (Jason) Torba, Pastor Rev. Robert Pajor, Associate Pastor Rev. Albert Judy, OP—PT Associate Pastor Rev. Raymond O’Connor, CMF — Weekend Help Irwin Hotcaveg, Deacon MASS TIMES ENGLISH Weekdays 6:30 AM and 8:00 AM Saturdays 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Anticipated) Sundays 8:30 AM 10:00 AM (Chapel) 12:30 PM 5:00 PM POLISH W ciągu tygodnia 7:00 PM Sobota 7:00 AM Niedziela 7:00 AM 10:15 AM 3:00 PM 7:00 PM RECONCILIATION / SPOWIEDŹ ŚWIĘTA Monday—Saturday / od poniedziałku do soboty 6:30 PM — 7:00 PM Saturday / Sobota 8:30 AM — 9:00 AM First Friday of the month / Pierwszy piątek miesiąca 6:00 PM —7:30 PM St. Ferdinand School: 773 622-3022 Dr. Lucine Mastalerz, Head of School Notre Dame High School for Girls Office: 773-622-9494 Irene Heidelbauer—Director Religious Education Office: 773 622-3022 ex. 352 Sr. Anna Strycharz—D.R.E. St. Ferdinand Polish Saturday School: 773-622-3022 ex 303 Sr. Genowefa Potaczała — Principal Christian OutReach (COR): 773 622-9732 Mrs. Lu Caravette, Director Missionary Sisters of Christ the King - 773 889-7979 Sr. Anna Strycharz, Superior — Sr. Boguslawa Trus, Sr. Bernadetta Gościniak, Sr. Genowefa Potaczała BAPTISM: For Children: a pre-Baptism class is required for Baptism of the first child. Classes are held in English on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30PM in the Church, and in Polish on the last Tuesday of each month at 7:30PM in the Church. Following registration, the sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in English on the second Saturday each month at 6:00PM and on the fourth Sunday of the month at the 12:30PM Mass. The sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in Polish on the first Saturday of the month at 6:00PM and on the third Sunday of the month at the 3:00PM Mass. Please call the rectory to register at 773/622-5900. For Adults: Classes are taught through the Rite of Christian Initiation Program (RCIA) on Sunday mornings at 10:00AM. Please call Stan Mastalerz, the RCIA Director at 773/865-4151 for more information. MARRIAGES: Must be arranged at least four months prior to the ceremony. Please call the rectory. CHURCH NAME AND NUMBER — St. Ferdinand #639 ADDRESS — 5900 Barry Avenue Chicago, Illinois. 60634 PHONE — 773-622-5900 CONTACT PERSON Elizabeth Ceisel-Mikowska 630-308-2609 or 708-329-4040 SOFTWARE — Microsoft Publisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pak 4 PRINTER — HP Photo Smart P1100 TRANSMISSION TIME— Wednesday, 7:00AM NUMBER OF PAGES SENT — Cover through 16 (ads on page 14 and 15) Page 16 is church copy SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN — April 21, 2013 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS — 4th Sunday of Easter
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September, 22 - St Ferdinand Church
of each day by simply praying, “Lord, what do You want
me to do today with all the gifts You have given me?”
Then be sure to listen for His response throughout