November 30th 2012 - The International School of Port of Spain
November 30th 2012 - The International School of Port of Spain
THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN Friday 30th November, 2012 VOLUME 19, ISSUE #15 ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER WHAT’S INSIDE FROM THE DIRECTOR Science Corner 2 Dear Parents and Students, Elementary Notes 4 Tech Tips 5 Middle School 6 Caiman News 7 Maths at ISPS 9 It is hard to imagine that tomorrow is December 1st! We have had another busy week here at ISPS, with the PTO garage sale and our students who participated in The Grant-a -Wish Foundation Santa Claus Parade on Sunday. The foundation’s mission is the granting of wishes to children, between the ages of 3 and 17 years, who suffer with terminal or life -threatening illnesses. Nurse’s Notes 10 Community Bulletin 11 December Activity Calendar 14 Cafeteria Menu 15 Dates for your Diary December 1 SAT Test, 7:00am-2:00pm 5 PTO Book Fair 8 ACT Test, 7:00am 2:00pm 12 ES Production, Winnie the Pooh, 6:00pm 13 ES Production, Winnie the Pooh, 1:00pm 14 Last Day of School (Early Dismissal @ 11:30am, whole school) 17 Start of Christmas Break One Mission ISPS develops independent unique Also, on Wednesday evening, the High School students’ production: Scene and Heard was definitely impressive and the reviews will indicate Scene from Voices from the High School the same. Our talent continues with Elementary students preparing for the upcoming production: Winnie the Pooh. Tickets will be available for December 12th, at 6:00 p.m. and December 13th, at 1:00 p.m. Next week, the PTO will be hosting its annual Book Fair on December 5th, please come out and support the event. Additionally, Grade 12 parents will be hosting a Silent Auction on Wednesday, December 5th from 5:30 7:00pm in the Cafeteria. Many exciting items will be up for auction. See the list of items elsewhere in this newsletter. Now that After School Activities are over, we have noticed that many students are "hanging around" school well after 2:45 p.m. Parents are reminded that students are to be picked up at 2:30 p.m. and that officially, "supervision" of your children ends at 2:45 p.m. Students will not be allowed to wander the facility if they are here after 2:45 p.m., and they will be asked to stay on the bleachers in their designated pick-up/ drop-off areas. We have noticed that many students are late for school on a daily basis, and they miss information from homeroom teachers. Additionally, any student who arrives after 7:30 a.m. must enter the school through the Front Office. Dr. Mark Lee is attending the Association of American Schools in South America (AASSA) Recruitment Fair. This also coincides with the AdvancEd Conference at the same location. AdvancEd is the umbrella body for regional accreditation, so it is always useful to get information on new trends, patterns and procedures in the accreditation process. Dr. Lee returns on Monday, December 3rd. Have a great weekend! Suzette Julien Ag. Director potential and meet challenges with confidence and integrity as they prepare for global citizenship. A Shared Vision A collaborative community creating a vibrant environment that enriches character, while inspiring a passion for learning and PTO BOOK FAIR ~ WED, DEC 5th 9:00am-3:30pm, ISPS GYM personal excellence. ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY 1 Friday 30th November, 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN VOLUME 19, ISSUE #15 Maeve O’Donovan, Science Department Well it’s hard to believe that we have just two weeks left to our Christmas vacation. High quality teaching and hands on activities continue in our Science classes. See for yourselves! High School Biology AP Biology With changes in the AP Biology syllabus, it permits time for more hands on activities. Students engaged in many modeling activities as you can see below. They were extremely innovative in modeling Mitosis and Meiosis and having to present their models helped them to learn the detailed steps of these processes. More modeling went on in the Biology classes and it was that time of year again, to make models of cells. The students never fail to impress me with their innovativeness. Middle School They recently had some fun in our Genetics unit when they got to play detective at a crime scene. They used simulated blood and had to use the process of agglutination of the blood to identify the criminal. In grade 8, we’ve been learning all about the human body. We started by learning about cells and cell theory and have worked our way through the skeletal-muscular system, digestion, circulation, and respiration. We are now learning about the central nervous system and coordination and control. We’ve dissected chicken wings and necks, built model arms, used microscopes to look at our cheek cells and onions cells, and played with the skeletons and models in our classroom to understand everything from the flow of the blood through the heart to the passage of waste out of our bodies. This week we are building sensory neurons, interneurons, and ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY 2 Friday 30th November, 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN Elementary School motor neurons as we learn about the brain and how it works. Just ask an 8th grader anything about the body, and they’ll be pleased to tell you all about it! Here are some pictures of the grade 8 class in action in the science lab . . . Luke and Michael inspecting the skeleton Eliana and Charna’s animal cell model Tyler loves working with the digestive models JC and Cheyne are focused on their neurons VOLUME 19, ISSUE #15 Grade 5 Unit 2: Energy Central Idea: Energy exists in different forms and we depend on it for our future. ENERGY! What would we do without it? Students in grade 5 learnt that energy comes from different sources, but our current dependence on fossil fuels is affecting our future. Mr. Fraser Elliott, one of our parents who works at BP, kindly accepted our invitation to do a presentation on oil and gas. He spoke about how oil and gas are formed, located and drilled, among other interesting information. Students were amazed by the samples of fossils and the information that he shared with them. Another parent, Mr. Johan Sydow, who operates a company that sells solar panels, graciously did a very insightful presentation about the importance of energy and how solar panels harness solar energy. Additionally, the grade 5’s did further research about other energy sources, renewable and nonrenewable. One major realization for them is that people need to use alternative sources of energy such as solar, wind and hydro to help reduce the impact of pollution from the burning of fossil fuels., as well as practice conservation methods. Students thought that the unit was great because it raised their awareness that climate change is real, and we need to take action now to slow down global warming before it’s too late. Miss A. Shahien, Miss A. Johnson Lina and Charna enjoy working Everyone is hard at work! Until next month Please keep safe! Maeve O Donovan ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY 3 Friday 30th November, 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN VOLUME 19, ISSUE #15 Elementary Notes ear Parents, Parent conferences were held on Wednesday, and we hope that your meeting with classroom and specialist teachers allowed you to get a better understanding of your child’s progress this term. If you felt that more time was needed, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher for another meeting. Also, we would appreciate if you could send in your Term One survey form. All our students have been on stage practicing for the upcoming production Winnie the Pooh. We encourage our students to enjoy the experience on stage, and even our shy students to show off their talent. There will be a dress rehearsal on December 11th. It is important that all students bring their costumes to school on that day. Each family will receive three tickets that have been placed in your child’s Friday Folder. Grades 2-5 families are asked to attend the show on December 12th, and PK– Grade 1 families are asked to attend the December 13th show. Additionally, for the show on December 12th, all students must arrive at school by 5 p.m. in order to organize them for the 6 p.m. performance. For any further information on the upcoming production, please contact your child’s teacher. Just a reminder that there are no more After School Activities until school re-opens in the new year. Moreover, all early morning classes (RISS/MISS), and homework pod will end on December 7th. This is our last newsletter for this year. You will be receiving the first edition of Wazzup, the elementary student newsletter, next week. Mark your calendar for the play, and come enjoy your child’s performance. On behalf or the Elementary School, we wish our community a happy holiday, and we look forward to working with you in January 20123. Regards, Suzette Julien Elementary Principal CALENDAR December 10th WordMasters December 12th ES Production at 6:00 p.m.( Grades 3-5) December 13th ES Production at 1:00 p.m.(PK-2) December 14th Early Dismissal( 11:30 a.m) January 7th School re-opens ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Primary Years Programme (PYP) Some of our classes will begin the third unit of study before we head off for the holidays. We are on target for our unit studies, and we have seen the students’ learning soar! Additionally, many parents have contributed to our unit studies and we thank you for that! Enjoy the holidays! Angela Shahien PYP Words for this month: Balanced Confidence Discuss the watch words for this month with your child. We are practicing the words daily at school. We are a learning institute, and over the years we have encouraged student teachers to come overseas to our school. Janna Peterson and Kendra Kinnan have completed their eightweek student teaching training with us. These teachers will return to Indiana University to defend their portfolios (reflections on aspects of teaching and learning). They have worked with their co-operative teachers (Ms. Angela Shahien and Ms. Shafika Sultan-Khan). Additionally, we thank Angela and Shafika for mentoring the teachers. We wish Kendra and Janna all the best as they enter the field of education. Spanish Club El club de español es un espacio para que los estudiantes hispanos puedan afianzar sus habilidades de comprensión oral y auditiva en español. Durante este año los niños han preparado no sólo platos hispanos (tortillas de México, arepas de Venezuela y empanadas de Colombia) sino platos internacionales como la famosa pizza italiana. De igual manera, hemos disfrutado viendo películas en español “Mi mejor amigo Winn-Dixie” y “Un villancico de navidad”. La diversión no termina y cada lunes seguiremos teniendo diferentes actividades: aguinaldos, karaoke, juegos de mesa y por supuesto nuevos platos de cocina nos esperan. CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY Janna (Gr 5) and Kendra (Gr 1) A Sneak Peak of Winnie the Pooh... 4 Friday 30th November, 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN VOLUME 19, ISSUE #15 CRAFTS FOR KIDS by Adrienne DeBoucher, ICT Coordinator The internet is full of blogs by people with great ideas to share. Here are some you may want to consider when trying to keep your children busy during the upcoming holidays. And finally, a compendium of even more craft sites: ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY 5 Friday 30th November, 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN VOLUME 19, ISSUE #15 MIDDLE SCHOOL Hello Middle School Parents, Thank you parents for all your support and efforts to ensure your children are successful in school and in life. To connect to school and our student’s lives, please check PowerSchool and talk with your children about their progress. Also please have a family discussion about their role in the world as a responsible global citizen that recycles and has the smallest ecological footprint as possible. Reminder: Real Time Daily Progress Reports Through PowerSchool: Now that we have PowerSchool up and running, we will be utilizing the parent portal for real-time daily progress reports in-between the quarter paper reports. This will allow parents the ability to check on their child’s progress more frequently and in real time, rather than only having a paper report come home. Please be sure to check on your child’s progress on a regular basis and collaborate with teachers to ensure your child is successful. ISPS Students and Families are Going Green: Our 7th grade team hosted St. Anne’s school and any teachers from ISPS who wanted to have their classes attend a viewing of the film “Carbon Nation” in the theater. The film did a great job on focusing the student’s attention on sustainability, ecological footprint, and each person’s personal responsibility to reduce their footprint. In addition to the film, our students at ISPS are focused on recycling efforts especially paper, glass, and plastics. If you have paper, glass, and ISPS at AmCham Trade and Investment Conference By Michael Boucher This past Wednesday students from Mr. Boucher’s AP Macro and Microeconomics classes took part in the 11th Annual Trade & Investment Conference on Governance sponsored by The American Chamber of Commerce of Trinidad and Tobago. This year’s conference featured four speakers who focused on the problems of “entitlement” which face Trinidad and Tobago as it enters its second 50 years of independence. Nine secondary schools in Trinidad were invited to send student representatives to the conference this year. Students learned about pressing issues concerning the national and international economy, and local infrastructure. Even more importantly, students were challenged to become business and civic leaders of the future, to develop ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER plastics at home you would like to recycle, we have bins on campus right behind the roundabout fence. Please connect with other families in ensuring TT is a beautiful place for our children and their children. From the words of one insightful student, “In Trinidad we need to stop living the way we are living. People need to use less, recycle more, and stop throwing rubbish on the ground.” My question to him is the same I pose to you, “what can you do to make this a reality?” “Down de Islands” All Middle School Team Building Retreat: The Middle School Down de Islands team building retreat went very well. The students bonded across grade levels and had a good time. Middle School Sports 6-8 Season Two: We want more students to turn out for Middle School Sports. Our hope is to have more students for the second season November to March. Please be sure to turn out for Boys’ Soccer, Girls’ Basketball, and Rugby. Thank you all for your continued support and please have a great conversation with your child about the above topics. Sincerely, Josh Zarling Principal their gifts and skills, and to focus on ways they can give back to society instead of eagerly awaiting national gifts and entitlements. The seven ISPS juniors and seniors who attended the conference were impressed by the quality of the speakers and intrigued by the conference’s message of responsibility, leadership, and hope for the future. CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY 6 Friday 30th November, 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN CAIMAN ATHLETICS NEWS CAISSA SEASON 2: VOLUME 19, ISSUE #15 Ashmir Ali, Athletic Director AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: ISPS will be hosting CAISSA Boys' Basketball and Girls' Soccer from February 27th to March 3rd, 2013. The main goals of this event are to encourage the development of students through athletic endeavour, increase school spirit, and foster a vibrant learning environment. The organising committee is requesting housing for the 75 students and 15 coaches from the three participating schools. Please call (620 6866) or email ([email protected] or [email protected]) if you are interested in assisting. Session 2 of the After School Activity Program starts on Monday 14th January, 2013. Registration forms are available at the front desk. Please register early so that your child can get into their preferred activity. Registration closes on January 11th, 2013. COMING IN JANUARY ELEMENTARY SOCCER SATURDAY DATE AND TIME TO BE CONFIRMED DETAILS TO COME!! Also, parents who would like to support the event by supplying sports drinks, bottled water, fruits and other food items, or in any other way can also contact Physical Education Department. Your assistance will ensure that this event will be a successful and worthwhile learning experience for the entire school community. Thank you for your support. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT MS. JOSEPH RUGBY: MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS PROGRAM: The Caimans Rugby boys lost to Fatima College A in the Digicel Secondary Schools league on Tuesday 26th November at the Queen’s Park Savannah. Our boys gave it their best, but were outplayed by a much more experienced team. Well done Caimans. We are very proud of you. Season 2 From Monday 12 November students (Grades 6-12) will have the opportunity to participate in Varsity Girls Soccer, Varsity Boys Basketball, Rugby, MS Boys Soccer, and MS Girls Basketball (please see schedule). All interested students should come out to practice sessions to improve their skills, develop their fitness and compete. Training Schedules for Middle /High School Season 2 November to March Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Rugby Rugby Rugby Varsity Girls Soccer MS Boys Soccer Varsity Girls Soccer MS Boys Soccer MS Girls Basketball MS Boys Soccer Varsity Girls Soccer Varsity Boys Basketball MS Girls Basketball Varsity Boys Basketball MS Girls Basketball Varsity Boys Basketball 2:303:30 2:304:00 ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY 7 Friday 30th November, 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN VOLUME 19, ISSUE #15 ELEMENTARY HEALTH AWARENESS Starting in February 2013, parents are invited to attend advertised gym sessions which will be scheduled once a month for the rest of the school year. Dates, times and venue will be advertised in the school newsletter starting in January. Some of these session will be active sessions including, aerobics, kickboxing, jump rope, and sports and games to name a few. Other sessions will include health and wellness discussions from individuals within the community. Forms available at the Front Desk MONDAY NIGHT GYM Aerobics/Cardio workouts, Table Tennis, Badminton, Volleyball, Sports, Sports, Sports! In order to build a wide pool of activities, we look forward to parents with talents, skills and knowledge to be involved in our quest. If you are interested in being a part of these exciting activities please contact Ms. Joseph. Thanking you in advance for your support and I look forward to your cooperation. December 3rd, and 10th 6PM to 8PM FREE ADMISSION Open to ISPS parents, students, staff and family members Ms. Joseph ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY Ricardo Lue Shue, [email protected] 8 Friday 30th November, 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN VOLUME 19, ISSUE #15 Nadia Chuckaree, Maths Department Week 4 Problem Solvers THANKS FOR PARTICIPATING AND KEEP IT UP! JUSTIN THOMAS CHAYIM BAKER LUNES MAIBECHE JOSE TOVAR BLAKE BRZEZINSKI ADVAIT PRAKASH CHELSEA MUKERJI PLEASE REMEMBER TO PRINT YOUR FULL NAME WHEN YOU SUBMIT A SOLUTION. Week 4 Problems and Solutions ES 1-3 QUESTION: Can you place six X's on a Tic Tac Toe board without making three-in-a-row in any direction? SOLUTION: ES 4-5 QUESTION: Nine dots are arranged in a three by three square. Connect each of the nine dots using only four straight lines and without lifting your pen from the paper. SOLUTION: MS QUESTION: You must cut a birthday cake into exactly eight pieces, but you're only allowed to make three straight cuts, and you can't move pieces of the cake as you cut. How can you do it? Explain. SOLUTION: Use the first two cuts to cut an 'X' in the top of the cake. Now you have four pieces. Make the third cut horizontal, which will divide the four pieces into eight. Think of a two by two by two Rubik's cube. There are four pieces on the top tier and four more just underneath it. HS QUESTION: On a man's tombstone, it is said that one sixth of his life was spent in childhood and one twelfth as a teenager. One seventh of his life passed between the time he became an adult and the time he married; five years later, his son was born. Alas, the son died four years before he did. He lived to be twice as old as his son did. How old did the man live to be? SOLUTION: Let x be the age of the man at the time of his death. His age consists of the number of years he spent as a child plus the number of years he spent as a teenager plus the number of years between his coming of age and his marriage plus five plus his son's age (half his own) plus four. In mathematical terms, this is: x = x/6 + x/12 + x/7 + 5 + x/2 + 4 x = 14x/84 + 7x/84 + 12x/84 + 42x/84 + 9 x = 75x/84 + 9 84x/84 - 75x/84 = 9 9x/84 = 9 x/84 = 1 x = 84 So the man lived to be 84 years old. ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY 9 Friday 30th November, 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN ISPS STUDENTS SUPPORT THE GRANT A WISH FOUNDATION AT THE 5TH ANNUAL SANTA CLAUS PARADE VOLUME 19, ISSUE #15 best of a not so great situation that you see their big hearts as they so willingly give of themselves. The crowds did not come out, but we stopped the traffic and our students sold clown noses to help raise money for the cause with the enthusiasm of 1000 people. The high school students Service Learning Program affords them the opportunity to be of service to the community giving of themselves and their time. The High school students are Adrian Horsfall, Monique Romano, Zach Bisnath, Shane Bideshi, Massimiliano DiCola, Sonrisa Chuckaree-Hopkins, Shreya Gupta, Ellen Warner. ISPS students at the 5th annual GRANT A WISH FOUNDATION SANTA CLAUS PARADE on Sunday 25th November 2012 starting at NAPA and moving around the savannah to the Band Stand at President's house. A big thank you for a job well done to all the students who came out and braved the rain and had a grand time doing it. It’s times like these when you see our students making the The middle schoolers were Jordan Mukerji and Justin Grignon and our elementary students are Sachet ChuckareeHopkins, Krystal Grignon, Anna Darlow, Katie Darlow, Chelsea Mukerji, Marie Gabastou and Danielle Bennett. Grant a Wish was able to grant the wishes of three children with terminal illnesses at this time and their aim is to try to do this throughout the year with corporate and community support. Nadia Chuckaree Hello Everyone, A reminder that we have Fruit Fridays in Elementary School and we would like to know if your child has eating problems e.g. not eating lunch, so that we can monitor them in school. Have a great weekend as we count down to an exciting break. Vanda Gomes R.N. R.M. School Nurse ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY 10 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN Friday 30th November, 2012 VOLUME 19, ISSUE #15 COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD PTO BOOK FAIR Nigel R. Khan Booksellers will be here THIS WED, DEC 5th This year, the fair will be from 9am-3:30pm in the ISPS GYM Be sure to bring your "book money" GRADE 9 LEADERSHIP BROWN BAG CHARITY DRIVE The leadership students have embarked on a BROWN BAG CHARITY DRIVE during the Yuletide season. Students will be given a BROWN PAPER GROCERY BAG with a note attached listing items to put in the bags and return to their home rooms. As an incentive to fill the BROWN BAGS there will be a pizza party prize for the class that brings in the most filled brown bags. The BROWN BAG CHARITY DRIVE will support some of the needs of Rainbow Rescue; a home for approximately seventeen homeless and abandoned boys, the JB Foundation; an organization dedicated to assisting paediatric cancer victims and their families, Christ Child Convalescent Home; an orphanage in Diego Martin, the YMCA afterschool and daycare program and the St. James Police Youth Club; an afterschool program and centre for students. Most of these organizations need basic food supplies and would benefit from donations of used toys, used books, used sporting equipment and used children’s clothing. The Committee will collect the returned items, sort them and repackage them for delivery to the various organizations. The leadership students are excited to manage this project from start to finish. They look forward to your support and a very successful BROWN BAG CHARITY DRIVE. Deadline for submission of bags is December 7th. Friday, December 7th In front of the Gym During High School Lunch (12:10 - 12:50pm) $50.00 ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY 11 Friday 30th November, 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN VOLUME 19, ISSUE #15 Parents of the Graduating Class of 2013 are hosting a Silent Auction on Wednesday, December 5th from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. Very exciting items from a Carnival costume, vacation package and much more will be available for bidding. Be on hand when Chef Ian Rooks of Fanatic Kitchen Studios gives a cooking demonstration and sample his famous food items! Special thanks for all the generous donations received from the community. 1. Hart's costume to the value of $3000 2. Serta mattress 3. Weekend in Tobago for two (Airfare and accommodation for 3 nights at Plantation) valued at $7000 4. 2 nights stay Down D'Island 5. 2 Nights at Carlton Savannah Hotel with breakfast valued at $3000 6. Gift voucher for Clarke's shoes stores valued at $1000 7. Topiary or Bonsai 8. Autographed portrait of George Bovell, Olympician 9. 2 Beauty Hampers ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 10. Mosaic garden tile valued at $300 11. Art piece 12. Art - Julian Kaufman's print 13. Photography by Rayne Kirpalani 14. Art by Shara Morris 15. 1 month at Gym with personal trainer 16. Personal chef for dinner party of 10 valued at $4250 17. 2 Cooking classes with Ian Rooks of Fanatic Kitchen Studio 18. Ham & Turkey 19. Art - Gregory Scott CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY 12 Friday 30th November, 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN VOLUME 19, ISSUE #15 COINS FOR THE KITCHEN The Christmas Season is just around the corner! Help make a Christmas meal, and every meal after that by donating your spare change to families in need. Proceeds go to kitchen/dining utensils for the homes of Habitat for Humanity T&T. Remember, Every Cent Counts! Samantha Juman, National Honor Society FREE POPCORN! FREE POPCORN! FREE POPCORN! The Young Cinema Society (a film society especially for young children) presents Free Films Saturdays ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY 13 Friday 30th November, 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN VOLUME 19, ISSUE #15 DECEMBER 2012 International School of Por t of Spain 2012—2013 School Calendar SUN NOVEMBER 25 2 MON NOVEMBER 26 3 TUE NOVEMBER 27 4 WED THU NOVEMBER 28 ES P ARENT CONFERENCES HS “SCENE & HEARD” NOVEMBER 29 5 6 FRI NOVEMBER 30 SAT 1 SAT’S 7:00AM—2:00PM 7 PTO NEW BOOK SALE 8 ACT’S 7:00AM—2:00PM HS GRADUATION COMMITTEE SILENT AUCTION 5:30-7:00PM CAFETERIA 9 10 11 12 13 ES PRODUCTION OF WINNIE THE POOH 1:00—2:30PM 14 15 ALL -SCHOOL EARLY DISMISSAL 11:30AM ES PRODUCTION OF WINNIE THE POOH 6:00—7:30PM 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 CHRISTAMS DAY (NATIONAL HOLIDAY) BOXING DAY (NATIONAL HOLIDAY) JANUARY 1 NEW YEAR’S DAY (NATIONAL HOLIDAY) JANUARY 2 JANUARY 3 JANUARY 4 JANUARY 5 START OF CHRISTMAS BREAK 23 30 24 31 ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY 14 THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PORT OF SPAIN Friday 30th November, 2012 Dates for your Diary Easy Print Page VOLUME 19, ISSUE #15 12 ES Production, Winnie the Pooh, 6:00pm December 13 ES Production, Winnie the Pooh, 1:00pm January 2013 1 SAT Test, 7:00am-2:00pm 14 1 New Year’s Day (National Holiday) 5 PTO Book Fair Last Day of School (Early Dismissal @ 11:30am, whole school) 7 School resumes 17 Start of Christmas Break 14 ASA Session2 begins 8 ACT Test, 7:00am - 2:00pm Cafeteria Menu: December 3-7, 2012 Everyday there will be a set menu at a fixed cost (Table d’hôte) and some days may have an À la carte menu where items are priced individually MONDAY 3RD MEATBALLS IN TOMATO SAUCE, PASTA ALFREDO, BAKED BEANS, CAESAR SALAD, FRESH FRUIT JUICE TUESDAY 4TH BEEF SOUP, CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP, MINESTRONE SOUP, BREAD ROLLS, FRESH FRUIT SALAD, FRESH FRUIT JUICE WEDNESDAY 5TH CHRISTMAS PARANG LUNCH WITH THE LARA BROTHERS:- HAM IN PINEAPPLE SAUCE, STUFFED CHICKEN/SORREL SAUCE, BEEF/FISH/VEGETABLE PASTELLES, FISH IN GINGER SAUCE, STUFFING, FESTIVE RICE, CHRISTMAS SLAW, SORREL AND GINGER BEER THURSDAY 6TH GEERA CHICKEN, TANDOORI FISH, GEERA PORK, DHAL, SNOWFLAKE RICE, CURRIED POTATOES, BHAGEE, CHUTNEY, PICKLED SALAD, FRESH FRUIT JUICE FRIDAY 7TH BEEF LASGANE, VEGETABLE LASAGNE, RATATOUILLE, GARLIC BREAD, TOSSED SALAD, FRESH FRUIT JUICE Breakfast available from 6:30am! Prices for Lunch: VAT INCLUSIVE (Table d’hôte)- Fixed Menu: Small: $23.00 Large: $28.75 Prices for (A la Carte Menu) : VAT INCLUSIVE: Beef Sub:$16.10(sm) $19.55(m) Chicken Sub:$14.95(sm) $17.25(m) Meatball Sub:$16.10(sm) $19.55(m) Bake & Shark: $20.00 French Fries: $9.20 Regular Juices: $4.60(m) $9.20(l) Note: Vegetarian meals are available upon request. Students & Staff who suffer from allergies or have dietary requirements, please let the café know in advance so that they can try to facilitate you. ***Freshly baked bread will be on sale in the café every Friday afternoon*** DAILY A LA CARTE MENU TUNA SANDWICH BLT HAM & CHEESE $13.80 $16.10 $13.00 ISPS WEEKLY NEWSLETTER CHEESE SANDWICH TURKEY SANDWICH CHEF’S SALAD TUNA SALAD $10.35 $18.40 $28.30 $26.00 CONFIDENCE EXCELLENCE INTEGRITY CHICKEN SANDWICH HAM CHICKEN SALAD $13.80 $12.65 $28.30 15