Cabramatters Term 2 - 2016 - Cabramatta High School
Cabramatters Term 2 - 2016 - Cabramatta High School
CABRAMATTERS SCHOOL NEWSLETTER ISSUE 2 2016 Cabramatta High goes to university! full details on page: 15 1 Sorry Day 2016 ‘A day to commemorate and acknowledge the Stolen Generation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders’ On Friday the 27th of May, Year 8 was involved in a number of activities relating to Australian indigenous culture and history. As a year group we had the opportunity to learn about the experiences of the “stolen generation” and the lasting negative impact that past Australian government policies have had upon the first Australians. Year 8 were engaged in storytelling, Aboriginal Art and took home their own souvenir of a boomerang that they painted on that day. Each class were given totems such as Red Backs, Kangaroos and Emus. This gave the students a sense of belonging and identity. The students participated in a competitive game of Jeopardy which tested their knowledge of Aboriginal history and culture. The final winners were the “Red Backs”. According to the students, one of the highlights (apart from the sausage sizzle) was an Aboriginal guest speaker from Palm Island who treated the students with interesting stories of his people and their way of life. Students were also provided with an opportunity to be a “Minister for the Day” and address the student body which played the role as parliament for the day. Through this activity the students consolidated their knowledge and understanding of reconciliation and the importance of Sorry Day. Year 8 are to be commended on their active participation and respect demonstrated at this event. Written by Jovana, Ashlyn, Shannon & Michelle & Mrs. Passarelli 2 3 5 3 smART Matters YEAR 9 VISUAL ARTS ARTWORKS see article on page 26 4 Contents: Sorry Day...2-3 The Science Lab ...18-19 Principal’s Message ...6 Proud supporters...20 Principals Message -Translations 7-11 Geography Excursion...21 Maths Matters...12 International Student of the year.... 13 Careers Corner...14-15 School Council Minutes....16-17 English Blogs...22-23 smART Happenings: Art in the IEC..24-25 Facebox by Year 9...26 CAPA A.I.R Program...27 Self portrait by Janet Lim 11 Visual Arts 1 5 Principal’s message Term 2 has been another term of achievement and success for Cabramatta High School. The Sydney Morning Herald published a three page article which profiled Cabramatta High School and the high value added achievements of our students. The article recognised the positive impact the school has on student achievement and development, and is testament to the dedication and expertise of staff, the leadership of our principal Beth Godwin, the efforts of students and the support for the school by families and the local community . Year 7 & 9 students sat the NAPLAN exams in literacy and numeracy, and were well prepared thanks to the dedicated efforts of staff. Year 11 & 12 students had their parent teacher evening and a careers market involving universities, TAFE, colleges, the Australian Defence Force and apprenticeship centres. Year 8 & 10 had their parent teacher and subject selection evening; providing parents an insight into senior school. The Intensive English Centre also held their parent teacher interviews. Our annual school concert, due to demand and the number of quality performances, was extended over two nights. An art exhibition was added to enhance the evening, which showcased our students’ artistic talents. The concert also included performances by students from Cabramatta Public School and Cabramatta West Public School. The school is a partner school of the University of Sydney STEM Teacher Enrichment Academy and six CHS teachers graduated from the academy in May. The school also hosted a skype session with the famous Australian scientist Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, which was attended by over one hundred students. 6 The school has held an Accelerated Mathematics competition for talented mathematics students from local primary schools and a Science Fair for Year 6 students. It has also been a term of great sporting achievements. The school held our annual athletics carnival in May with high performing students representing our school at zone level. The Open Boys Basketball team were in the state finals and placed 6th in NSW. The Open Boys volleyball team placed in the top 8 in NSW and Tina Dang and Anh Mai have been selected for the NSW Girls Volleyball Team. The Girls Rugby Team were invited to play in the Rugby 7’s state finals and an article about the team was published in the Daily Telegraph. The Year 11 Girls Debating team were final eight competitors. Lap Nguyen of Year 12 was also selected to be a member of the NSW Public Schools 2016 drama company and acted in a performance of Animal Farm at the Seymour Centre. Students at Cabramatta High School to celebrate success and over the encouraged and supported to their knowledge, talents, skills and continue year are develop abilities. Lachlan Erskine – Relieving Principal PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE TRANSLATIONS VIETNAMESE TRƯỜNG TRUNG HỌC CABRAMATTA THÔNG BÁO CỦA HIỆU TRƯỞNG Học kỳ 2 đã là một học kỳ thêm nữa đạt được kết quả tốt và thành công cho Trường Trung Học Cabramatta. Trên tờ báo Sydney Morning Herald đã đăng một bài báo 3 trang trong đó nói lên nét đặc trưng của Trường Trung Học Cabramatta và phẩm chất giáo dục cao đã góp phần vào sự thành đạt cho học sinh của chúng ta. Bài báo công nhận sự tác động tích cực mà nhà trường đã có được trên sự thành đạt và phát triển của học sinh và đây là điều minh chứng cho tinh thần cống hiến và kinh nghiệm chuyên môn của toàn thể Nhân Viên, sự lãnh đạo của Bà Hiệu Trưởng Beth Godwin, sự cố gắng của học sinh và sự hổ trợ cho nhà trường bởi gia đình và cộng đồng địa phương. Học sinh lớp 7 và lớp 9 đã qua kỳ kiểm tra về Đọc Viết và Số Học ( NAPLAN ) và các em đã được chuẩn bị chu đáo. Xin cám ơn sự nhiệt tâm cố gắng của các Nhân Viên. Học sinh lớp 11 và 12 đã có đêm gặp gỡ giửa Phụ Huynh và Giáo Viên đồng thời có phần trưng bày về thị trường ngành nghề bao gồm các trường Đại Học, TAFE, trường Trung Cấp Kỷ Thuật, Lực Lượng Quốc Phòng Úc Châu và các Trung Tâm Làm Việc Rút Kinh Nghiệm. Học sinh lớp 8 và lớp 10 cũng đã có một đêm chọn môn học và gặp mặt giửa Phụ Huynh và Thầy Cô, trong dịp nầy, phụ huynh đã được cung cấp những sự hiểu biết quan trọng khi con em chuẩn bị vào lớp lớn. Trung Tâm Anh Ngữ Cấp Tốc cũng đã tổ chức Đêm Phỏng Vấn giửa Thầy Cô và Phụ Huynh. Chương trình hòa tấu âm nhạc hàng năm của trường đã phải kéo dài hơn 2 đêm để đáp ứng sự yêu cầu và số lượng các tiết mục trình diễn đầy chất lượng. Một cuộc triển lãm Mỹ Thuật đã được thêm vào để tăng cường cho đêm văn nghệ trong đó giới thiệu được các tài năng nghệ thuật của học sinh chúng ta. Đêm hòa tấu âm nhạc cũng có sự đóng góp trình diễn của học sinh từ các Trường Tiểu Học Cabramatta và Trường Tiểu Học Miền tây Cabramatta. Trường của chúng ta đang là trường kết nghĩa đối tác với Đại Học Sydney trong chương trình STEM Nâng Cao Chất Lượng Giảng Dạy Cho Giáo Viên và 6 giáo viên của trường đã tốt nghiệp chương trình đó trong Tháng Năm. Nhà trường cũng đã tổ chức một buổi giảng bài qua hệ thống Skype ( hội thảo trên mạng ) với sự điều hợp của nhà khoa học danh tiếng là Tiến Sĩ Karl Kruszelnicki, trong đó số lượng học sinh tham dự lên đến trên một trăm người. Trường cũng đã tổ chức một cuộc thi tài về Toán Học Tăng Tiến cho các học sinh có thiên tài trong Môn Toán từ các trường tiểu học và một buổi triển lãm về Khoa Học cho học sinh lớp 6 Học kỳ 2 cũng đã là một học kỳ thành công to lớn về Môn Thể Thao. Nhà trường đã tổ chức Ngày Hội Lực Sĩ hàng năm của chúng ta trong Tháng Năm với các học sinh có khả năng thi đấu cao đại diện cho trường trên cấp vùng. Đội Bóng Rổ The Open Boys đã vào được vòng chung kết của tiểu bang và được sắp hạng 6 ở NSW. Độ Bóng Chuyền The Open Boys đã được xếp vào 8 đội hàng đầu của Tiểu bang NSW và hai em Tina Đặng và Anh Mai đã được tuyển chọn vào đội Nữ Bóng Chuyền của Tiểu bang NSW. Đội Bóng Bầu Dục Nữ đã được mời thi đấu trong giải Rugby 7’s chung kết cấp Tiểu Bang và một bài báo nói về Đội nầy đã được đăng tải trên tờ Daily Telegraph. Đội Nữ Hùng Biện lớp 11 đã được vào 8 đội thi đấu chung kết. Em Nguyễn Lập của lớp 12 cũng đã được tuyển chọn để trở thành một diễn viên trong Công Ty Kịch Nghệ của Trường Công Lập NSW 2016 và đã diển xuất trong một vở kịch có tên là Animal Farm tại rạp hát Seymour Centre. Học sinh ở trường Trung Học Cabramatta tiếp tục liên hoan mừng sự thành công và tròn cả năm các em được khuyến khích và hổ trợ để phát triển kiến thức, tài năng, trình độ chuyên môn và năng lực của mình. Lachlan Erskine Xử Lý Hiệu Trưởng. 7 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE TRANSLATIONS CHINESE 8 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE TRANSLATIONS KHMER 9 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE TRANSLATIONS SERBIAN ПОРУКА ДИРЕКТОРКЕ 2. тромесечје је било још једно означено достигнућима и успесима у Cabramatta High школи. “The Sydney Morning Herald” је објавио чланак на три стране о Cabramatta High школи о успесима ученика у нашој школи. У чланку се одаје признање о позитивном утицају који школа има на ученичка достигнућа и развој и представља тестамент посвећености и стручности особља, лидерским способностима директорке Berth Godwin, труду ученика и подршци коју школи пружају родитељи и локална заједница. Ученици 7. и 8. разреда радили су NAPLAN тест из енглеског и математике и били су добро припремљени захваљујући посвећености и труду особља. Ученици 11. и 12. разреда имали су родитељски састанак и сајам послова у који су били укључени универзитети,TAFE, колеџи, Аустралијске одбрамбене снаге и центри за запошљавање шегрта. Ученици 8. и 10. разреда имали су родитељски састанак и избор предмета за матурски испит, дајући родитељима увид у сениорске године средње школе. Центар за интензивно учење језика (IEC) такође је имао свој родитељски састанак. Наш годишњи школски концерт, захваљујући потражњи и квалитетним извођачима проширен је на две ноћи. Томе је додата и уметничка изложба да улепша вече, што је било прилика за ученике да покажу свој таленат. У концерту су такође учествовали ученици из Cabramatta Public и Cabramatta West Public школе. Наша школа је партнер школа Сиднејском универзитету тзв. “STEM Teacher Enrichment Academy” и шесторо наших наставника је дипломирало на Академији у мају. Школа је такође одржала скајп сесију са чувеним 10 аустралијским научником др Karlom Kruszelnickijem, којој је присуствовало преко стотину ученика. Школа је такође организовала такмичење из математике за талентоване ученике из локалних основних школа и Научни сајам за ученике 6. разреда. Ово је такође било тромесечје великих спортских успеха. Школа је одржала годишњи атлетски карневал у мају и најбољи ученици представљају нашу школу на зонском нивоу. Мушки кошаркашки тим био је у државном финалу и освојио 6. место у Новом Јужном Велсу. Мушки одбојкашки тим освојио је 8. место у Новом Јужном Велсу а Tina Dang и Anh Mai изабране су за државни одбојкашки тим. Женски рагби тим био је позван да учествује у државном финалу рагбија и о томе је објављен чланак у “The Daily Telegraph”. Ученице 11. разреда у тиму за дебату билe су у финалу међу 8 такмичарских тимова. Lap Nguyen из 12. разреда је такође изабран да буде члан драмске компаније ученика државних школа 2016. и глумио је у драми “Животињска фарма” у Seymour центру. Ученици Cabramatta High школе настављају да прослављају своје успехе и током године подстакнути су и подржани да развију своје знање, таленте, вештине и способности. PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE TRANSLATIONS ARABIC قيرفلا نع لاقم رشن مت و ةيالولل ةعبسلا يئاهن يف .فارغلت يليدلا ةديرج يف نمض 11ةنسلا يف تانبلل ةرظانملا قيرف ناك و نم نييون بال رايتخإ مت و .نيرابتملا ةينامثلا يرود سرادملل اماردلا ةكرش يف ًاوضع نوكيل ًاضيأ 12ةنسلا ةقيدح ضرع يف لثم و زليو ثواس وين يف ةيموكحلا .رتنس روميس يف ناويحلا يف اتامارباك ةيوناث ةسردم يف ةبلطلا رمتسي و ىلع مهمعد و مهعيجشت متي و حاجنلاب لافتحإلا و مهتاراهم و مهبهاوم و مهفراعم ريوطتل ةنسلا رادم .مهتايلباق ةباينلاب ريدملا – نيكسرأ نالكال 11 ةريدملا ةلاسر و تازاجنإلا لوصف نم رخآ ًالصف يناثلا لصفلا ناك دقل .اتامارباك ةيوناث ةسردمل حاجنلا ثالث نم ًاعوضوم دلاريه غنينروم ينديس ةديرج ترشن ةميقلا و اتامارباك ةيوناث ةسردم اهيف تزربأ تاحفص ريثأتلا لاقملا زيم دق و .انتبلطل تازاجنإلا نم ةفاضملا ةداهش يه و ،مهروطت و ةبلطلا زجنم ىلع ةسردملل يباجيإلا ةريدم ةدايق و ةسردملا يف نيلماعلا ةربخ و صرح ىلع نم مدقملا معدلا و ةبلطلا دوهج و نيودوغ ثيب انتسردم .ةسردملل عمتجملا و ةبلطلا يلاهأ لبق NAPLANتاناحتمإ ءادأل 9و 7نيتنسلا ةبلط سلج دقل دوهجب ًاديج نيئيهتم اوناك و باسحلا و ةءارقلا يف ةذتاسألا و يلاهألا ةيسمأ دقع مت و .نيصيرحلا نيلماعلا فئاظولل ًاقوس تنمضت يتلا 12و 11نيتنسلا ةبلطل عافدلا ةوق و تايلكلا و فياتلا و تاعماجلا اهتماقأ يلاهألا ةيسمأ تدقع و امك .بيردتلا زكارم و ةيلارتسألا 8نيتنسلا ةبلطل ةيساردلا داوملا رايتخإ و ةذتاسألا و .ةمدقتملا ةسردملا نع ًاديج ًامهف يلاهألل تمدق يتلا 10،و ةغللا زكرمل ةذتاسألا و يلاهألا ةيسمأ تدقع و امك .ةفثكملا ةيزيلكنإلا انتسردمل يونسلا يقيسوملا لفحلا ديدمت مت و امك .ةدوجلا ةيلاع تارقفلا ددع و بلطلا ببسب نيتليلل ًاضرع مدق ام ةيسمألا زيزعتل ينف ضرعم ةفاضإ مت و ًاضورع ًاضيأ لفحلا نمضت و .انتبلطل ةينفلا بهاوملل ةسردم و ةيئادتبإلا اتامارباك ةسردم ةبلط لبق نم .ةيئادتبألا تسيو اتامارباك ةينقتلا و مولعلا( STEMجمانرب يف ةكيرش ةسردملا ةذتاسألل ةيوقتلا ةيميداكأل )تايضايرلا و ةسدنهلا و ةيوناثل ةذتاسألا نم ةتس جرخت و ينديس ةعماجل تفاضتسأ و .رايآ/سيام رهش يف ةيميداكألا نم اتامارباك يلارتسألا ملاعلا عم بياكسلا ربع ةسلج ًاضيأ ةسردملا ةئام نم رثكأ اهرضح يكسنيلشورك لراك .د روهشملا تايضايرلا يف ةارابم ةسردملا تدقع و .ةبلطلا نم سرادملا نم تايضايرلا يف نيبوهوملا ةبلطلل ةلجعملا ةنسلا ةبلطل مولعلل ًاضرعم و ةقطنملا يف ةيئادتبإلا 6. ا يف ةبلطلل ةميظعلا تازاجنإلل ًالصف ًاضيأ ناك دق و تاقابسل يونسلا اهناجرهم ةسردملا تماقأ دقف .ةضايرل انتسردم لثم ثيح رايآ/سيام يف ناديملا و ةحاسلا ىلع يضايرلا ءادألا يف ةيلاعلا تاردقلا يوذ ةبلطلا نينبلل حوتفملا ةلسلا قيرف ناك و .ةقطنملا ىوتسم ةسداسلا ةبترملا يف اولح و ةيالولا تايئاهن ىلا لصو دق حوتفملا ةرئاطلا قيرف لح امك .زليو ثواس وين يف مت و زليو ثواس وين يف ىلوألا قرفلا ةينامثلا نمض يف تانبلل ةرئاطلا قيرفل يام نآ و غناد انيت رايتخإ بعلل تانبلل يبكرلا قيرف ةوعد مت و .زليو ثواس وين Maths Matters by Mr Powers Talented Students Day Students from Cabramatta HS, Cabramatta PS, Cabramatta West PS, Harrington Street PS, Canley Vale PS and Lansvale PS participated in a mathematics talented students day on the 4th May. It involved individual and team competitions with hands-on activities. Mr Ly and Miss Chhabra organised the day and were very impressed with the enthusiasm of the students and their passion for Mathematics. High Performing Mathematics students Students have recently completed their half-yearly examinations. The results from many students have been very pleasing. I would like to congratulate the following students for achieving first place in their class for semester 2. 12 Year 7 Timothy To Nancy To Ryan Quach Han To Edward The Alicia Tran Jayden Lang Kellyanh Nguyen Vi Tieu Jessica Truong Year 8 Emily Thach Hoai Do Trong Nguyen Christine Phung Ashleigh Ly Ngoc Nguyen Mandy Taing Angelina Tran Anastasia Malinovic Diwlada Namchandee Jovan Kovacevic Nhut Nguyen Year 9 Anh Mai Trish Nguyen Reagan Quach Jonathan Nguyen Vanthan Ly Keothida Sayaseng Eric-Nang Teng Maryam Siliwa Hoang Khuong Quang Luu Zhenming Wang Kaushik Rohan Year 10 Helen Nguyen Tuan Dam Gia Pham Gia To Do Le Diana Mizdrak Thanh Nguyen Yuwei Hu Nancy Namulauulu Quoc Le Rami Hikmat Sreyka Seng Year 11 Huynh Pham Kevin Ly Stella Luu Pham Nguyen Marie Antonio Rhegie Salcedo Roger Ly Doan Bui Christina Lau Udom Mongkol Year 12 Sok Heang Pok Minh Tran Colin Vuong Ai Ly Victor Tek Cindy Ngo Harrington Som Joanna Qiao Kevin Lu Danny Wang Jordan Treloar Eh Eh K’Lu Htoo Maths Puzzle What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment but never in a thousand years? ...ask Mr Powers Quota International Student of the Year Quest 2016 by Ms Simatovic Nita Kong from Year 10 represented Cabramatta High School in the 2016 Quota International Student of the Year Quest that took place on Wednesday the 18th of May at the Casula Powerhouse Museum. It is a quest designed to challenge young minds and encourage leadership. It promotes self-expression in High School students and their individual development, especially in regards to knowledge in current affairs and public speaking. Nita’s day was composed of an interview in front of a panel of judges and a public speaking competition, where all candidates were to present two speeches – a prepared one as well as an impromptu speech. The interview segment of the day required Nita to answer a number of questions based on her interests, aspirations as well as several questions on general knowledge and current affairs. She also delivered a speech on global inequality to a room full of parents, teachers and friends of all contestants. Her prepared speech was followed by an ad-lib component, where a random word was drawn and talked about on the spot. The support Nita received on the day was highly overwhelming. Her friends and family, as well as Ms Simatovic attended the night. “It was such an extravagant experience, where I was able to meet and make friends with a lot of new people. It has improved my confidence, especially in interacting with others and public speaking. I highly appreciate those who took the time to come and support me. I really believe that this amazing opportunity would not have been as successful without the assistance of Ms Simatovic.” (Nita Kong) 13 Careers Corner Ms. Shchupak Careers Market 2016 The Cabramatta High School Careers Market was combined with the Year 11 and Year 12 Parent Teacher Night. Exhibitors from a variety of tertiary education institutions were invited to attend, including universities, TAFE, the Defence Force, Private Colleges and Apprenticeships. On the night students and parents were able to visit each of the stalls and talk to representatives asking questions and collecting information about courses and careers. Feedback from students was very positive with students all agreeing that the Careers Market was valuable in helping them plan for their future. 14 Careers Corner Cabramatta High goes to university! University Links - Western Sydney University U Day A group of seventy students from Year 11 attended U Day at Western Sydney University, Parramatta. These students had the opportunity to experience university life for a day as well as gain important information about university study and speak to current university students and staff. They attended information sessions of their choice based on the courses they plan to pursue after they leave school. University Links – The STEPS Program A group of 52 students from Year 10 this year are participating in the STEPS Program conducted by Western Sydney University. As a part of the program, the students attended Western Sydney University for a day and engaged in workshops with current university students which had them thinking and finding information about their future educational options. All students have received access to free online tutoring to assist them with their studies, provided by the university and the STEPS Program. The students came away from the day feeling very positive and confident about furthering their studies at university after completing Year 12. 15 SCHOOL COUNCIL MINUTES Wednesday 18th May PRESENT: President: Patricia Fagan Principal: Beth Godwin CHS Staff: Lachlan Erskine, Joy McElligott, Andrew Simpson & Irene Shchupak SRC: Joanna Qiao & Carlos Guacte Interpreters:Dijana Stevic, Thao Le, Tran Lee, Thin Em, Anh Vuong & Laucine Daniel. Guest: Claudia Guajardo Parents: Huong Luu, Jessica Loi, Tu Phuong Dam, Navy, Lee Chou, Mara Sam, Samnang Phork, Nabeel Al-Mandewy, Rajaa Kadhim, Tuyet Phuong Le, Thi Kieu Tram Lu, Jenny Hanh Vo, Thi Kim Phung Quach, Thi Ngoc Huong Tran, Khon Ly, Thi Xinh Trinh, Van Tua Huynh, Donna Barron, Dieu Quach & Milena Vukosavljevic. APOLOGIES: Dusanka Petronijevic & Nevenka Vujasinovic. Minutes of last meeting accepted. 1. SRC REPORT: Carlos Guacte Sarmiento and Joanna Qiao Parents to be more involved with their children at school activities including: GREEN DAY – Thursday 2 June 2016, 9:00am – 2:30pm. Parents are invited to attend. Gardening and gloves. Morning tea and lunch provided Fundraising for sister school in Kenya $2166 Knitting rugs or throws – parent activity proposed Food Fest – parents to provide a stall 2. FACULTY PRESENTATION: Mr Andrew Simpson (Head Teacher English) and Mrs Lyn Nguyen (Head Teacher ESL) Assessment in English; Junior Assessment Schedule; Helping Your Son or Daughter in English. 16 3. PRINCIPALS REPORT: Ms Beth Godwin In terms two and three school council meetings will begin at 6pm and conclude at 8pm. Janice Gooden our Deputy Principal has been successful in receiving a promotion to principal level at Lucas Heights Community School. Mr Avery is the relieving deputy principal for the remainder of the year. Mr McEwan (DP) is on long service leave in term 2 and Mrs Pacho is relieving in this position. Mr Rubessa from the mathematics department retiring at the end of the term. Mr Rubessa has taught at our school for 31 years. Our school has been very successful in the National and local media this term. There was a feature article on our school highlighting the positive educational experiences we provide for our students. This was also linked to an online article and video. We have recently created a new brochure for the school to distribute in the local area and at primary schools. Once a month I have a column in the local newspaper, the Fairfield Champion. This month I have written about GONSKI funding and how investing government money in Education makes a difference to student learning. The school website is a good place to find out more about the school and features some of our latest projects. 4. FACULTY PRESENTATION: Mrs Joy McElligott (Head Teacher PDHPE) • SUBJECT - Child Studies - PASS - Sports Coaching VET - PDHPE • All different sports shown on board for parents • Extra activities available 5. • • • • • • • • • SECONDARY STUDIES: Ms Irene Shchupak (Head Teacher Secondary Studies) Conduct Career Interviews with Yr 12 students Help them plan the next stage after leaving school Scholarship and EAS Applications – support Yrs 11 & 12 Parent Teacher Night Careers Market Career search 2016 Careers Expo University links WSU – HSC Study Sessions Work experience Volunteering Program 6. GUEST SPEAKER: Claudia Guajardo Community Safety & Crime Prevention Officer • Work with organisations – crime prevention program • Domestic violence • Working with your people – violence issues • Wide range of activities across the Fairfield Region • Working with Police programs eg. Coffee with a Cop Program • Microdot Project – Yes by parents and those present at the meeting to receive a free kit • Leaflets handed to parents – checklist for your home • Junior Assessment Schedule; Helping Your Son or Daughter in English. Raffle: $44.10 - Fiji Cyclone Project 17 The Science Lab By: Mrs. Piesse Year 6 Science Fair Year 6 students from Cabramatta Public and Cabramatta West Public Schools were invited to our annual Science Fair. The fair aims to generate interest, knowledge and practical skills and a wonder for the study of science and also showcases the excellent facilities we have here at Cabramatta High School. One hundred students attended the day with great enthusiasm! We started the day with a presentation by Ruben Meerman who is a celebrity science presenter on ABC television and radio. He amazed students with laser technology, dry ice, popping balloons, computer and phone technology and engineering projects including infra-red cameras attached to smartphones! Students enjoyed a free morning tea before moving into the science labs for some hands on experiments including the making of slime (where they learnt about fluid mechanics), elephants’ toothpaste, sherbet (chemistry) , fairy bread (procedural writing), popcorn (pressure excitation), electromagnets, density of fluids, and they even electroplated a coin. After lunch the fun continued and students received a show bag of goodies as they left, tired from learning but enthusiastic to come back and learn more. It was a great day thanks to the wonderful science staff and visiting teachers from the primary schools. We can’t wait for next year! Brain Bee State Finals! Huge congratulations to Sonali Sharma (pictured right) who will participate in the state finals for the “Brain Bee”, an international neuroscience competition where students compete in the school of Medicine Building at Western Sydney University. This competition is highly competitive, Cabramatta High has made be runner up in the state finals twice in the past, let’s hope that this year is our winning year! We wish Sonali the very best for her next big day of competition in August. Science and Engineering Challenge Congratulations to our students who participated in the Science and Engineering challenge this year! A great time was had by all students who aimed to design and test apparatus to meet design brief requirements. We received a certificate of participation in this event which is run by the University of Newcastle and Rotary. Space Camp Update Students have been working very hard to earn their way to the USA next September! Thanks to all teachers who have been supporting students to continue to fundraise through staff catering and gardening. We are also pleased to announce that we have received another donation, this time by Fairfield City Council’s Mayoral Scholarship Fund for $1000.00. This money will go directly to student camp payments. It is really special that our community supports this life changing experience for our students! 18 19 Proud Supporters Cabramatta High school would like to gratefully acknowledge the generosity of our sponsors. L iv e rp o o l Academy Photography Bavas Music City Ching Hai International Association Cabramatta Community Centre Coca-Cola Amatil Greater Union Liverpool Committed to Coaching C2C) Iglesia Ni Christo Church of Christ Kenny Lam Tuition, Coaching Learning Centre Kimarie Lingerie and cosmetic boutique Lansvale Pharmacy Lifeline Macarthur LJ Hooker Cabramatta Lowes Narrelan Maple Florist Martial Arts Spirit Local Care Pharmacy Margaret Milligan- School Canteen Plus Fitness Cabramatta Priceline Bonnyrigg Ray White Cabramatta 7/10 Split Bowling Fairfield Sydney Printing Signage Taylors Pharmacy The Australian Association of All Nationalities of China Inc. Top Class English Tutoring V Mobile Phone Repair 20 What The Fudge White Doves ‘R’ Us Excursion to Windang Year 10 Geography by Christyna Le Very early in the morning on Friday the 3rd of June, all of the year 10 Geography classes had the opportunity to visit an amazing coastal environment called Windang. It is located at the entrance to Lake Illawarra. This area is known to be one of Wollongong’s greatest attractions which offers remarkable views of the famous five islands off the Wollongong coastline. As the students and teachers finally arrived, classes were arranged into groups each with a field study educator at the venue who provided us with a tour around Windang and a brief description about the environment. We had the opportunity to use field work equipment such as compasses, barometers and light meters and practise field work measurements. As we walked along the beach, it was a golden opportunity to take the perfect selfie. It was a great opportunity to see how coastal management strategies have shaped the natural environment to protect the homes that have been built close to the coast line. It was an early start but it was worth the drive. 21 ENGLISH: Book Blogs by Year 9 English 1 by Mr Simpson Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard In this world where Reds are ruled by Silvers who have god like powers, there is a girl named Mare who is a Red and lives in poverty. She has the power to change everything and the Silvers afraid, hide her true identity. She is now known as the lost princess and she brings it down. Mare is in a game of lies and betrayal. Power is a dangerous game. I love this book. I fell in love with it in a heartbeat. It’s so interesting. It hooked me and I couldn’t put it down. There is So Much Action. Mare is seventeen and she is very quick on her feet and is trickster. I love her attitude and she is so strong even with how bad her life is. This book revolves around politics and corruption of a society. I recommend this book to teens and young adults. RATING: 4/5 Review by Amie L Unbearable by Paul Jennings Unbearable is the fifth in a series of collections of short stories by Australian Author Paul Jennings “ The birds perch is swinging to and fro and hitting me on the nose. I can see my eye in its mirror. Unbearably Weird... You have the foulest feet ever. There are flies for lunch. A goat swallows your opal. And you have lived before.” Unbearable is a book full of many interesting and funny stories. There are 8 stories in this book that are full of different themes but have the same humour. ‘Licked’ is one of my favourites in the book, which is about a boy and a father having a great bond but when you get on his father’s bad side, you are not going to get away with anything. Andrew, is the young boys name. As he overhears a bet about him made from his parents because of an important get together with his dad’s boss, he thinks he can break his dad’s silence and make him not win the bet. He tries everything to get his dad to break by doing all the things to get him on his bad side, but that very last lick made everything go bad. There are many more stories to retell in this book but it is just too funny. I do recommend this book to everyone because its a kids book, obviously. It is full of funny and hilarious jokes and just very interesting ideas as a story. RATING 5/5 Review by Tia T 22 Book Blogs continued... The Switch by Anthony Horowitz Thomas Arnold David Spencer, “Tad”, for short, is a son of a millionaire businessman, Hubert Spencer. Unfortunately for Tad, being rich wasn’t fun at all, he thinks it’s tedious and irritating. One night, he wished that he was somebody else and magically 127 million light years away, a star glowed green just for a few seconds but Tad was already fast asleep. Tad had a weird feeling, waking up to be somebody else the next day and was petrified to see a slim, pale, dirty boy in his reflection. Here, he encounters a new life of another boy and had no choice, but to except what he had regretted doing. I really enjoyed reading this book because it was very engaging and interesting. I liked the plot of the story and the characters as well. The author was very creative and clever, he used dialogue in order to make the story more appealing. I recommend this book to teenagers (12 to 18), it’s worth reading, especially books from Anthony Horowitz. Overall, I rate 5/5! Review by Trish N 23 smART sm ARTHappenings Happenings Cardboard construction art in the IEC by Ms Wang Cardboard Construction Art In term 1 2016, Level 3 IEC students designed and constructed models of famous landmarks using cardboard. My sculpture is Cantho Bridge, one of the most famous bridges in Vietnam and I made this bridge within 6 weeks. The main material that I used was cardboard. To construct the bridge, I used the cutter knife to cut the cardboard into desired shapes and then I connected them using slits to make the body. I also cut the cardboard into two pieces to make the post and used some strings to connect the post’s top to the body of the bridge. I was very lucky because my teacher gave me many tools to complete the bridge and to make it more beautiful. I was able to use toothpicks to make the streetlights and skewers for the fence. Besides that, I also covered the skewers with wire mesh to make it look more like a fence. All these pieces were stuck together using the glue gun. To add more details to my sculpture, I also made the trees, cars and people out of cardboard. Throughout the time I made this bridge, I encountered many problems. The most challenging aspect of the project was to ensure that my base was strong enough to hold and balance my sculpture and all the decorations attached. Even though it is not really the same as the real one, I am satisfied with my artwork as I was able to make an artwork that shows the beauty of my hometown; where I had lived for 18 years. Finally, I had lots of fun using cardboard to make art. Through this project, I was able to widen my knowledge and improve my skills in Art. By: To Quyen Tran (IEC-3A) 24 ...ART in the IEC 25 My “FACEBOX” by Year 9 Visual Arts Forget FACEBOOK! This is FACEBOX: the new way to explore your identity...without technology and selfies! Year 9 Visual Arts 1 and 2 have spent hours and hours creating these amazing artworks, all out of a cardboard box from the photocopy room. The results were so impressive that the artworks were exhibited at the School Concert Art Exhibition at Cabra Vale Diggers Club on Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd June. The artworks are also on display in the school library during the first month of Term 3. Congratulations to all Year 9 Visual Arts students for some really outstanding work. 26 CAPA Artist in Residence Program Introducing Loribelle Spirovski The Artist in Residence program continues for its third year with our first artist for 2016: Loribelle Spirovski. Loribelle is a highly talented painter who specialises in photorealism using oil paint. She has passed on her skills to Year 10 and Year 11 Visual Arts classes with outstanding results... 27 2016 TERM 3 SCHOOL CALENDAR Jul WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat/ Sun 1 18 Staff Professional Learning Day 19 Term 3 Day 1 Years 7-12 20 21 21 23/24 2 25 26 27 28 Australian Mathematics Competition 29 30/31 3 1 Education week 2 Years 7 &9 Parent Teacher Night 5pm-7pm 3 4 5 6/7 4 8 9 10 11 Year 11 Study Skills Day 12 13/14 5 15 Trial HSC 16 Trial HSC 17 Trial HSC 18 Trial HSC 19 Trial HSC 20/21 6 22 Trial HSC 23 Trial HSC 24 Trial HSC 25 Trial HSC 26 Trial HSC 27/28 7 29 30 31 1 2 3/4 8 5 6 7 State Athletics 8 9 10/11 9 12 Year 11 Preliminary Exams 13 Year 11 Preliminary Exams 14 Year 11 Preliminary Exams 15 Year 11 Preliminary Exams 16 Year 11 Preliminary Exams 17/18 10 19 Year 11 Preliminary Exams 20 Year 11 Preliminary Exams 21 Year 11 Preliminary Exams. Year 12 Graduation Ceremony @ Mounties 6-8:30 pm 22 Year 11 Preliminary Exams 23 Year 11 Preliminary Exams. 24/25 Week A Jul Week B Aug Week A Aug Week B Aug Week A Aug Week B Aug/Sep Week A Sep Week B Sep Week A Sep Week B 28 IEC Leavers Assembly
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