Cabramatters Term 1 2016
Cabramatters Term 1 2016
CABRAMATTERS SCHOOL NEWSLETTER ISSUE 1 2016 Cabramatta High School lion dancers performing for Fairfield Council 1 Contents: Cabramatta On The Rise... 3 Year 7 Peer Support...23 Principal’s Message ....4 Music Matters, Speech Translations ...5-9 pathology...24 Maths Matters...10 Proud Sponsors..25 Clean Up Australia Day...11 Fundraising in Cambodia...26-27 Careers Corner...12 Outdoor Learning...13 Harmony Day 2016...28-29 Book Blogs from English...14-17 School Council Minutes...18-20 The Science Lab...21 MorefromEnglish...22 2 School Calendar...30 Cabramatta on the Rise By: Anh Mai, Wendy Nguyen & Lucy Chhuo On Wednesday the 9th of March, our school received a call from Channel 7 News, asking us to be interviewed and filmed as an exclusive for the news that night. Due to our substantial growth in NAPLAN results, Cabramatta High School was announced as a High Performing school by ACARA for the second year running. Our students have been able the Accelerated Maths classes, Representatives in each faculty to benefit from programs such as the Literacy and Numeracy Teacher and the Homework Study Centre. Principal Beth Godwin was interviewed for the story and praised the hard work of our students and teachers in achieving these fantastic results. Journalist Chris Maher spoke to students about what they were doing to not only prepare for NAPLAN but their strategies for achieving their academic goals across all their subjects. Did you know? Up to 150 students a day attend the after school Homework Study Centre located in the library. It is open five days a week with professional tutors available to assist students with their homework. 3 Careers Corner Cabramatta High School joins in congratulating Zeljana Kalapac- HSC Class of 2015 and winner of Western Sydney University's Vice- Chancellor's Leadership Scholarship. 4 Principal’s message 2016 has started with excellent news about student achievement. Students at Cabramatta High School have been successful in gaining 29 scholarships ranging from $250 to $16,000. Some of our students achieved more than one scholarship. These scholarships are largely funded by the community at local, state and national levels. In all cases the students complete an application process. The school notifies all students the opportunities available and offers assistance in writing their application. Congratulations to these students who have received scholarships for 2016: Andrew Guo, Jennica Lee, Anna Ton, Kelvin Sai, Reagan Quach, Loris Trimarchi, Juliana Tieng, Anna Mai, Trish Nguyen, Eric Urng, Alysha Le, Sunny Wang, Nguyen Dang Khoa Pham, Lam Nhu Truong, The Mieu Dam, Amanda Easterbrook, Ozkan Askin, Josephine Lang, Linda Ly, Marie Antonio, Jenny Lim, Ruqayah Abed, Maryana Donkha, Petra Matic, Changleng Reaksmey Suk and Tracey Chau Our successful 2015 year 12 students came back to speak to the whole school and were congratulated on their results and their future directions. Some students received as many as three university offers due to their high level of achievement and involvement in leadership activities. Zeljana Kalapac was successful in gaining the University of Western Sydney Vice Chancellors scholarship of $50,000 to assist her in gaining her law degree. Our school has been identified at state and national level of achieving outstanding growth in NAPLAN above other schools. This has been the result of student effort and learning, dedicated teachers, supportive families and innovative school programs. Media has recently focussed on our school achievement s through newspapers and television. Our school continues to find opportunities for our student to achieve success and reach their potential. Recently year 10 and 11 mathematics students participated in a regional gifted and talented day. Competing with 10 other schools including selective schools, our students achieved first and second place in a whole day of mathematics challenges. Once again our students have proven that they can achieve at the highest of levels. In term one the students have contributed to global citizenship initiatives and have shown that they are productive members of society. Student donations have been sent to Cambodia to assist a hospital purchase medicine and equipment. The school has featured in a Harmony Day promotion and celebrated diversity in Australia through sharing culture on the National Harmony Day in March. The staff and students are reaching out to the victims of the February 2016 Cyclone in Fiji through a series of fundraising activities. Our fundraising efforts for Ethiopia in 2015 have been put to good use. A school building has begun construction to give hope and a chance of a successful life for those living in poverty. Students participating in the global citizenship projects have the opportunity to develop leadership, team work, communication and empathy for others. Such skills are important in life and lead to our own success as individuals and a school. During 2016 I encourage all students to take advantage of the opportunities to improve their academic, creative, physical and citizenship abilities through the extensive range of programs available. Beth Godwin 5 Principal’s message Translations: Niên học 2016 đã bắt đầu với những tin tức xuất sắc về sự thành đạt của học sinh. Học sinh trường Trung Học Cabramatta đã thành công trong việc đạt được 29 học bổng có giá trị từ 250 đô la cho đến 16.000 đô la. Một số các học sinh của chúng ta đã đạt được hơn một học bổng. Những học bổng nầy đa số được tài trợ bởi Cộng Đồng trên các cấp địa phương, tiểu bang và liên bang Quốc gia. Trong tất cả các trường hợp, học sinh hoàn tất thủ tục làm đơn xin học bổng. Nhà trường thông báo đến với các em những cơ hội có được và cung ứng những sự trợ giúp cần thiết trong việc viết đơn xin. Chúc mừng đến với các học sinh sau đây khi các em nhận được học bổng trong niên khóa 2016 : Andrew Guo, Jennica Lee, Anna Ton, Kelvin Sai, Reagan Quách, Loris Trimarchi, Juliana Tieng, Anna Mai, Trish Nguyễn, Eric Urng, Alysha Le, Sunny Wang, Nguyễn Đăng Khoa Phạm, Lâm Như Trương, The Mieu Đàm, Amanda Easterbrook, Ozkan Askin, Josephine Lang, Linda Lý, Marie Antonio, Jenny Lim, Ruqayah Abed, Maryana Donkha, Petra Matic, Changleng Reaksmey Suk và Tracey Châu. Các học sinh thành công của chúng ta đã trở lại để nói chuyện với toàn trường và đã được chúc mừng về kết quả đạt được cũng như hướng đi tương lai của các em. Có một số học sinh đã nhận được đến 3 trường Đại Học đề nghị cho ghi danh vì đạt được điểm cao cũng như từng tham gia vào sinh hoạt lãnh đạo chỉ huy ở trường. Em Zeljana Kalapac đã thành công khi nhận được học bổng của Phó Viện Trưởng Đại Học Miền Tây Sydney trị giá 50.000 đô la để giúp em học xong Cử Nhân Luật Khoa. Trường của chúng ta nay đã được công nhận bởi các cấp Tiểu Bang và Quốc Gia về mức độ tăng trưởng xuất sắc trong các kỳ thi Kiểm Tra Khả Năng Đọc Viết và Số Học ( NAPLAN ) cao hơn các trường khác. Đây là kết quả của sự cố gắng và học hỏi của học sinh, nhiệt tâm của các giáo viên, sự yễm trợ tích cực của gia đình và các chương trình sáng kiến của nhà trường. Các phương tiện truyền thông mới đây đã chú trọng vào sự thành công của trường chúng ta qua các bài trên báo chí và phát tin trên đài truyền hình. Trường của chúng ta sẽ tiếp tục tìm những cơ hội cho học sinh thành đạt và tận dụng hết khả năng của các em. Mới đây, các học sinh Toán Lớp 10 và Lớp 11 đã tham dự Ngày Thi của các học sinh có khả năng thiên phú và tài năng của địa phương. Kết thúc với 10 trường khác, bao gồm luôn các trường tuyển trong vùng, các học sinh của chúng ta đã đạt được hạng nhứt và hạng nhì trong suốt ngày tranh tài về môn Toán. Một lần nữa, học sinh của chúng ta đã chứng tỏ rằng các em có thể đạt được kết quả với thứ hạng cao nhất. Trong học kỳ đầu tiên, các học sinh của chúng ta đã đóng góp vào những sáng kiến về nghĩa vụ của Công Dân Thế Giới và đã chứng tỏ rằng các em là những thành viên đắc lực trong xã hội. Những quà tặng của học sinh đã được gửi đến Cambodia để giúp cho bệnh viện chi phí về thuốc men và dụng cụ y tế. Nhà trường đã đề cao việc quảng bá cho Ngày Hòa Hợp ( Harmony Day ) và liên hoan về nền văn hóa đa dạng của Nước Úc qua sự chia xẻ các nền văn hóa trong Ngày Hòa Hợp được tổ chức vào Tháng Ba. Nhân viên nhà trường và học sinh đã giúp cho các nạn nhân của trận bảo Tháng Hai 2016 ở Fiji qua hàng loạt các sinh hoạt gây quỹ để cứu trợ. Những cố gắng gây quỹ của chúng ta cho Ethiopia trong năm 2015 cũng đã dùng cho mục đích tốt đẹp là bắt đầu xây dựng một ngôi trường để tạo cho niềm hy vọng và cơ hội của một cuộc sống thành công cho nhừng người nghèo khó ở đó. Các học sinh tham gia vào những chương trình Nghĩa Vụ Công dân Thế Giới đã có cơ hội 6 7 8 9 2016 година започела је одличним вестима који се тичу успеха ученика. Ученици Cabramatta High школе били су успешни у добијању 29 стипендија које се крећу од $250 до $16.000. Неки наши ученици добили су више од једне стипендије. Ове стипендије финансиране су углавном од стране заједнице на локалном, државном и националном нивоу. У свим случајевима ученици морају да прођу кроз процес пријављивања. Школа обавештава ученике о могућностима које су им на располагању и нуди помоћ приликом пријављивања. Честитке овим ученицима који су добили стипендије за 2016: Наши успешни матуранти вратили су се у школу да говоре целој школи и примили су честитке за своје успехе и правце у будућности. Неки ученици су добили три понуде од стране универзитета због њиховог матурског успеха и лидерских активности. Жељана Калапаћ била је успешна у добијању стипендије у вредности од $50.000 од стране вице-канцелара Универзитета западног Сиднеја, која треба да јој помогне у стицању дипломе Правног факултета. Наша школа идентификована је на државном и националном нивоу за постизање великог пораста у NAPLAN тестирању у односу на друге школе. Ово је био резултат труда и учења ученика, посвећених наставника, породичне подршке и иновативних школских програма. Медији су недавно приказивали успехе наше школе кроз новине и телевизију. Наша школа наставља да тражи могућности за наше ученике да успеју и достигну свој потенцијал. Недавно су ученици 10. и 11. разреда учествовали у регионалном дану за надарене и талентоване ученике. Такмичећи се са 10 других школа, укључујући Andrew Guo, Jennica Lee, Anna Ton, Kelvin Sai, Reagan Quach, Loris Trimarchi, Juliana Tieng, Anna Mai, Trish Nguyen, Eric Urng, Alysha Le, Sunny Wang, Nguyen Dang Khoa Pham, Lam Nhu Truong, The Mieu Dam, Amanda Easterbrook, Ozkan Askin, Josephine Lang, Linda Ly, Marie Antonio, Jenny Lim, Ruqayah Abed, Maryana Donkha, Petra Matic, Changleng Reaksmey Suk и Tracey Chau ПОРУКА ДИРЕКТОРКЕ и селективне школе, наши ученици освојили су прво и друго место у целодневном такмичењу из математике. Још једанпут наши ученици су доказали да могу да постигну успех на највишем нивоу. У првом тромесечју ученици су дали свој допринос глобалном доброчинитељству и показали су да су продуктивни чланови друштва. Донације ученика су отишле у Камбоџу за помоћ болницама у набавци лекова и инструмената. Школа се појавила у промоцији Дана хармоније и прослављала је аустралијску разноврсност делећи своју културу у Националном дану хармоније у марту. Особље и ученици такође помажу жртвама циклона који је задесио Фиџи у фебруару 2016. Прикупљене паре за Етиопију у 2015. су употребљене за потребне ствари. Почела је да се гради школа која ће пружити наду и шансу за успешан живот онима који живе у сиромаштву. Ученицима који учествују у разним пројектима глобалног доброчинитељства омогућено је да развију лидерство, тимски рад, комуникацију и саосећање са другима. Те вештине су важне у животу и воде успеху и појединаца и школе. Током 2016. ја подстичем све ученике да искористе те могућности, како би побошљали своје академске, креативне, физичке и доброчинитељске способности кроз многобројне програме који су им на располагању. 10 Maths Matters By: Mr. Powers Talented Students Day Students in Year 10 accelerated participated in a mathematics talented students day on the 17th March at Robert Townson HS. It involved students solving a range of challenging problems in a team competition. Ms Chhabra who organised the day was very impressed with the enthusiasm of the students and their passion for Mathematics. Cabramatta HS was placed first and second in the team competition. Congratulations. High Performing Students have recently for 2016. The results pleasing. Congratulations Mathematics students completed their first assessment task from many students have been very to these high performing students. Year 7 - Timothy To, Madison Truong, Ryan Quach, Cao Tran, Nancy To, Victoria Yin, Jennica Lee, Vi Tieu, Jessica Truong Year 8 - Julina Lim, ,Kevin-Le Nham ,Larry Pham ,Emily Thach, Sirena Huynh ,Katie Le, Anna Nguyen, Shomeel Sharma , Angelina Tang ,Sherry Tang ,Quy Thuong Phan, Kevin Ha, Charlene Le, Jingyuan Chen, Anna Nguyen, Diwa Namchandee, Jovan Kovacevic, ,Potsawat Hera Year 9 - Lucy Chhuo, Thien Ha, Lok Tin Leung, Trish Nguyen, Sarah Nguyen, Annie Nguyen, Keothida Sayaseng, Wei Sun, Eric Teng, Jirashaya Hiepkaew, Anh Phat Huynh, Tia Lauano Year 10 -Celina Le, Anthony Ngo, Cathy Pham, Kevin Seu, Sonali (a) Sharma, Jing Long Chen, Jennifer Chuor, Tuan Minh Dam, Tina Dang, Vincent Lam, Keith Ngo, Angela Lu, Luu Thien An Le, Arko Kader, Danny Ly, Rami Hikmat, Phi Voung Year 11 Nguyen Anh Huynh, Kembla La, Dee Ian Lee, Daniel Pham, Vincent Tang, Joanne Van, Sunny Wang, Wellinag Xu, Long Nguyen, Jinyang Li, Tan Quang Vu, Eddie Havilli-Kaufusi Muoy Keang Lay, Nina Odesyan, Dylan Huynh, Raven Levao Year 12 Anita Lau, Colin Vuong, David Dang, Gia Hanna Tieu, Le ThaoDan Zoe, Minh Khai Tran, Raymond Ngo, Sok Haing Phork, William Tang, Hoang La, Thanh Tu Vo, Cathy Pham, Harrington Som, Joshua Dao, Joanna Qiao, Kevin Lu, Rafei Houda MATHS PUZZLE A boy has as many sisters as brothers, but each sister has only half as many sisters as brothers. How many boys and girls are in the family? 11 Clean Up Australia Day 2016 By: Daniel Nhan Nguyen “Climate change is happening, humans are causing it, and I think this is perhaps the most serious environmental issue facing us”- Bill Nye On March 4th, 2016 the Enviro Club and the entirety of Year 7 participated in Clean Up Australia day. Clean Up Australia Day is an annual event that encourages active citizens to take responsibility for the environment within their local communities. This is one of our many projects we will successfully complete to make a difference to our environment, Cabra’s environment. The smallest things such as not littering, recycling recyclable products or even simply saving water does help. Personally I believe that if we continue to raise awareness of simple solutions everyday citizens can do, then a significant difference can be made for future generations. Air pollution kills 3.3 million people a year and if we don’t do anything about it, the death rate will increase and by then it will be too late to fix.(I know this article is supposed to be about no littering but pollution is similar I guess) Our meetings are short and available in room 7-8 (the room with a lot of posters) every Friday Lunch. Sometimes….we get free candy from Mr Araco and we always throw the wrappers in the bin because littering is not good for your health. We thank all the students who gave their time and effort on the day. 12 13 BOOK BLOGS By Year 9 English1 ................................................................................................................................................ The students in 9English1 love reading and want to share their experiences with the rest of the school through a Book Blog. Here are some of their reviews. Hopefully it will inspire you to borrow and read one of these books from the library. LOOKING FOR ALASKA by John Green Miles Halter, a teenager who attends a boarding school (Culver Creek). A boy known for memorising last words, a boy who was popular in primary but had difficulties in finding real friends as he grew older. As he makes his way through the labyrinth of life, he met Alaska Young. A beautiful and bright girl who stole his heart. A girl who hid the deepest secrets and struggled to live through her hash life. I personally didn’t enjoy the book as much due to the informal language and the lack of friendship connection between Miles and Alaska. Whether you like this book or not, I felt like it depends on your maturity level. I recommend this for teenagers ages from 15, 16+ because older teenagers might be able to understand the language more fluently. I would also recommend this book for anyone interested in romance books or autobiographies of a teenager. At a scale to ten. I rate this book 5. Wendy N FANGIRL by Rainbow Rowell A beautiful and humorous novel set in the plot of two teenage twins moving to college as freshmen. Mostly about tale fanfiction, family drama and first love. Cath and Wren are identical twins that recently moved to college. Wren wants to meet new people, go to parties and dance. She wants to drink and see what its like to be in the “college kid” environment. On the other hand Cath wants to bury herself in fanfictions and the world of Baz and Simon. She would rather stay in her dorm escaping into world of Cath has decided whether she is ready to take a huge stepping-stone and take a leap of faith into this new found love, a love that she thought was never possible. In conclusion, I highly recommend this book to young teenagers/adults between the ages 12-18. Once you start reading you can never stop. It is beautiful book and the quality cannot be explained completely in words. OVERALL: A MUST READ Kayla T 14 MY BROTHER SIMPLE by Marie-Aude Murail My Brother Simple tells us the story of how Kleber, a sixth former (equivalent to a senior in High School in our terms) struggles to juggle maintaining his budding relationships between two vastly different girls and taking care of his unique brother Simple. Simple has learning disabilities, and despite the appearance of being twenty-two, he has the mental age of a three year-old. This makes taking care of Simple an extremely difficult job for Kleber, being seventeen and lacking the indifference to leave Simple in an institute. Somehow, despite all odds, Kleber manages to find a flatshare with inhabitants that are willing to keep him and Simple, and so begins something that will ultimately change their lives, forever. I actually quite liked this book, believe it or not. The humour in it was enough to make me burst out laughing at times, and the characters themselves are amusing even on their own. Simple was very well written; the reader could sympathise with him on his fears of returning to Malicroix, the institute that Simple previously attended before the beginning of the story, and it was hard not to be charmed by his good-intentioned character. Mister Babbit was probably my favourite character, and let’s face it, who wouldn’t like a toy rabbit that goes through so much? If you haven’t made the connection already, Mister Babbit is Simple’s toy, but even more so than that, his friend. Kleber was realistic in the care of his brother. He wasn’t an all-loving, patient saint; he got angry and frustrated and yes, as horrible as it sounds, at times he did take it out on Simple. Ultimately, however, he makes it up to Simple by providing him a proper home where he is taken care of and loved. However, as wonderful as this book was, there were things that bothered me. Romantic relationships were another big theme here, and some of what the author wrote actually made me uncomfortable. There were times where the author wrote things that I thought weren’t okay; there were lots of “go kiss her, doesn’t matter if she doesn’t want to kiss you, just kiss her!” for male characters towards their love interests and other romantic actions, and this bothered me because a relationship needs to be fulfilling the needs and respecting the boundaries of both parties involved. When kissing someone, there needs to be consultation and consent, otherwise the person being kissed will just be extremely uncomfortable and even horrified if they don’t return the other person’s feelings. This can actually be classified as sexual assault, too. There were also lots of lines of “if a man doesn’t have a woman then he has nothing” which is a harmful thought, because basically every other aspect of a man – his job, his accomplishments, his failures, his goals, his feelings, everything – is suddenly undermined because he’s not in a relationship with a woman, and that’s pretty stupid. It’s particularly harmful towards men who have absolutely no attraction towards women, and they already face the entire stigma possible for liking the same sex. This was not okay of the author, but everything else was enough to not make me too angry at them for this. Anyway, the writing itself was different. The author left the reader with a lot of room for imagination, but they gave enough details so that the characters weren’t blurry-faced stickmen. They didn’t give a lot of descriptions of clothes or surroundings, but they gave you enough to be able to imagine each new scene as different from the last. There was very little colloquial language except when the characters were speaking, and with Simple a lot of his vocabulary is self-invented, which makes his dialogue quite interesting to read. The narration was quite formal but fluid enough that the book was hard to put down once you started reading. All in all, it was quite good. There are mentions of sex in this book, but the sex is never graphic, only implied. There are also quite a few ableist slurs and frequent use of mature language. There are mentions of past childhood trauma and death, but this is never specified. I actually don’t think anyone my age will like this book, so I recommend it to adults, but read it anyway if you like. I give it 4.5 moons out of 5 moons. (Also, this book is translated from French to English, which will explain the character’s odd names.) Daniela M 15 MORE BOOK BLOGS... The Diamond Brothers in…..Four of Diamonds by Anthony Horowitz A book with 4 mysteries in one volume: The French Confection, I Know What You Did Last Wednesday, The Blurred Man and The Greek Who Stole Christmas. Nick Diamond, a 14 year old teenager who has an older brother (Tim Diamond) working as a hopeless detective can be troublesome, but what’s in front of them is more interesting than it is. Moving from England to France because of a free trip won from a French Strawberry yoghurt and for sure this wasn’t going to be the best holiday for 2 of the Diamond brothers. Running around solving all kinds of mysteries, while getting chased, kidnapped and in particular arrested by French policeman. The other mysteries were more shocking and more intense, in one of them; Tim actually got paid by a millionaire to solve a mystery for him. It may sound easy but for a person like Tim, things won’t get him anywhere, but with an intelligent brother Nick tagging behind his tail, both of them were successful. So then this whole detective job for Tim was actually meant for Nick to do all the jobs, Tim is just there to fool around but don’t judge, sometimes he is very useful. From being invited by Tim’s friend for a reunion of old friends from (school) Egbert’s Comprehensive and getting offered to be hired as a body guard for one of the famous pop singer. These amusing adventures had given the 2 brothers a once in a life time experience to learn and discover more about life and there’s always something fascinating waiting for them. I truly enjoy reading this book because it’s so interesting, the characters, the plots and the solving of mysteries are so intriguing. The humour which flows from the beginning to the end, made by the brother Tim had made me giggled perhaps laugh out loud while reading it. In particular, the dialogue is the reason why it engages the audience to read because of the hilarious comments made by the characters. The author has been very creative, playing on words to make it more alluring for me to read on and on. There were a lot of descriptions which creates a clear imagine for the audience to have in their mind which made the entire situation felt so realistic. The most compelling part was how the mysteries was solved and how it ended, I was worried for the characters when they were in danger and felt better when things ended happily for them. It wasn’t just cliché problems or endings but ones that was created by the clever author. It taught me so many things like what to do if I was in their shoes and to make wiser decisions in life. Most of the books I read are from a girl’s perspective but I like this book because it’s from a boy’s perspective which makes it more exciting and different. The story flows fluently and I understood the story by every detail. I believe that this book is suitable for children to teenagers, ageing from 10 to 16 years old. Moreover, I recommend this to boys because I think they will like these types of books, especially ones with multiple mysteries. Even though this book was placed in the children’s section of the library, it had attracted my attention to grab this book, to read the first page and it was only the first few paragraphs that made me want to borrow it. It’s absolutely great and I rate 4.5 diamonds out of 5 diamonds. Trish N 16 THE CURIOUS INCIDENT OF THE DOG IN THE NIGHT-TIME By: Mark Haddon Mark Haddon has composed a distinctive text that exemplifies the challenges faced by a young child as he tries to function within society. Understanding the truth is vital for human feeling : knowing that faith and truth is prevailing allows comfort within the individual. Mark Haddon effectively portrays the extreme challenges faced by the protagonist, Christopher who have autism. Christopher is obsessed with the truth and this is reflected in his inquisitive nature to investigate the mystery surrounding his mother’s incident. Christopher is a 15 year old that lives with his father only due to as specified his mother has deceased 2 years ago. This young boy shows natures of asperger syndrome and his observation of the world is very regulated, due to his obliviousness of the “real world”. One day he discovers the dead body of Wellington, the neighbour’s dog, speared by a garden fork. Mrs Shears who is Wellington’s owner, calls the police, and Christopher comes under suspicion. Christopher dislikes any physical contacts so when the Police officers touched him, he would violently hit back therefore he was arrested. He was then released with a caution and starts to get interested in the dog’s case which leaded him to investigate the dog’s death, despite his father’s orders to stay out of other people’s business. Christropher quest for truth is unstoppable as he dislikes lies. Lies affect Christopher physically; it is an act to disrupt his world. His logical justification for disliking metaphors, as they are lies further stresses his desire for truth. Thoughout his investigation journey,Christopher records his experiences in a book “murder mystery novel”. During his investigation, Christopher meets people whom he has never before encountered, even though they live on the same street, including the elderly Mrs Alexander, who informs Christopher that his mother had an affair with Mr Shears. Christopher’s novel was then discovered by his father and then was confiscates it from Christopher... What will Christopher do next? Well, if you want to know about the paradoxical relationship between father and son, the truth behind his mothers “death”, relationship between his mother and Mr Shears and the resolution, YOU SHOULD DEFINETLY GO PURCHASE OR BORROW THIS BOOK AND READ IT RIGHT NOW!! rate : 10/10 . n o . j o k e . Jenny V 17 School council minutes Wednesday 25th November, 2015 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT: Miss Beth Godwin Student success • Students have succeeded at many levels and in many curriculum areas. Mrs Piesse highlighted the recent Science success. • The junior debating team are now the South West Sydney debating champions. • The all boys dance group was selected to participate in the School Spectacular at the Entertainment Centre in Sydney. • The school volleyball teams were successful at state level this year, achieving 3rd and 4th places in NSW. Peace Day This year Peace Day celebrated the life and work of an artist George Gittoes, an Australian who goes into the most troubled places on earth to help bring about peace. Many students participated in art projects relating to his work. He has written about the school on social media saying that it is a great example of multiculturalism. Scholarships Cabramatta High School now offers 19 Scholarships. Students have been informed about the scholarship application process which closes on 4th December. Application information explained to parents. Global citizenship Year 9 students participated in a community march to support White Ribbon Day which speaks out against domestic violence and encourages people in terrible situations of violence to seek help. Fundraising • Fundraising for building a school in Ethiopia continued with community support raising $21,000. • George Gittoes Yellow House in Afghanistan raised $2000. • Donations of food and goods for creating hampers to be distributed to local families. • Cambodian Orphanage for victims from landmine explosions. These projects are very important to our cultural identity in Cabramatta and the school. Gifted and Talented programs There has been an increase in programs offered our students and students from our two closest Primary Schools. • An Advanced Mathematics Day and a Science Enrichment day involving high school and Primary School students • Children’s author James Roy conducted a writing day. • Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program to develop advanced learning skills to be introduced. 18 Buildings Building works completed. Principal wished all a safe and happy holiday season. GUEST SPEAKERS Ms Michelle West - Head Teacher Home Economics and Mrs Julie Piesse – Head Teacher Science Ms West presented the menu her students had cooked and provided Supper for parents. Explanation of subjects offered to students studying Home Economics subjects. Mrs Piesse spoke of the students who had excelled in Science. SRC Jordan Treloar and Joanna Qiao Talked about more involvement from parents. Requested suitable time for parents and the subjects involved. Raffle Total: $159.00 School council minutes Wednesday24th Februaury, 2016 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Miss Beth Godwin We have School Council Meetings twice per term starting in summer at 6.30pm and winter at 6.00pm. We always meet in the Library and are organised in language groups. At each meeting there will be an update on the school and Department of Education. We will have Head Teachers speak about curriculum and programs in the school. We will also have guest speakers. There is always babysitting available. The Student Representative Council will report on student leadership activities. • 2015 HSC Results Amy Ngov was the top performing student with an ATAR of 99. Cindy Thai gained 98.75 and Kylie Huynh 98.45. Safaa Al Jebori came second in the State in Arabic. • School Finance The school finances are very strong. Over the last 5 years we have been undertaking a major building project. During this time we were able to save money for the school to spend on upgrading the environment. 19 School council minutes (continued Parents discussed and approved the following projects for 2016: Toilet refurbishment ($80,000) Grace Avenue driveway resurfacing ($20,000) Building of storage shed for IEC ($20,000) 4 Permanent volleyball courts ($200,000-$300,000) Outdoor gym equipment ($50,000-$80,000) Replacement of hall roof ($300,000-$400,000) Building of verandas for IEC buildings ($200,000) Purchase of 24 seater school bus for excursions and sport ($150,000) Security cameras throughout the school ($90,000) There is a need to continue minor works such as painting the interior of buildings on a cyclic basis, creating gardens and seating for students and technology upgrades. Air conditioning of classrooms was discussed. Factors: Is there enough power coming into the school to run the air conditioners? All classrooms have ceiling fans and some do have air conditioning where possible. Heating in rooms is through gas heaters which have strict safety guidelines. there are a few days such as this week that the heat creates difficulty and we address this by encouraging the students to remove jumpers, keep hydrated and use the shade areas of the school effectively. Many of our new buildings have passive temperature control through the ventilation system. • Consultation Each year we need to ask the community perspective on a number of issues and this forms part of our decision making and reporting for the school. Parents completed a school satisfaction survey. HEAD TEACHER CAPA PRESENTATION Mrs Bethaney Waters Music, Visual Arts, Concerts, DVD’s given to parents Cabramatta High School concert 2015. FACULTY REPORT Linh Nguyen Head Teacher LOTE Introducing teachers in faculty to parents. All courses for students available. Cooking lessons, craft lessons, technology, excursions. HSC results in Languages. Community Liaison Officers introduced. MRS JANICE GOODEN DEPUTY PRINCIPAL & MISS KAREN PEREYRA YEAR 7 ADVISOR Outlined useful strategies for Year 7 students. Discussion about the need for homework. SRC REPORT Petra Matic and Carlos Guate Fund raising teams created in the past 5 weeks. Kenya, Cambodia Hospital – funding used for medicines. Parent involvement: Do catering to raise funds with parents’ and students’ help. Invite Cambodian parents to Cabramatta High School. Idea – Food Festival each term to raise cash for Cambodian Hospital. THANK YOU FROM PRESIDENT Mrs Patricia Fagan Thank you for flowers and “get well” wishes from 2015. Many thanks to all for attending in the heat. GENERAL BUSINESS Parents would like email contact re school matters. 20 The Science Lab Rotary Youth Awareness Science Lecture On the 14th March the school captains were invited to attend a special Rotary dinner and lecture from Professor Merlon Crossley on the causes, symptoms and treatments for Sickle Cell Anaemia. The information was also very relevant to the Senior Biology syllabus on core topics including “The Search For Better Health” and “Blueprint Of Life”. Students enjoyed a lovely meal and chatted with like minded student leaders and community representatives. Later in the evening Professor Crossley explained how there is a possibility that genetically linked blood disorders could be a disease of the past if we can perfect gene therapy techniques, where DNA is changed within the cell to code for a healthier karyotype. It was an interesting insight into ways to improve the health and well being of sufferers. 21 More from English... Bell Shakespeare ...– Romeo and Juliet Later in the year, Year 9 will be studying Shakespeare’s most beautiful and intimate play, Romeo and Juliet. Year 9 had the opportunity to watch Bell Shakespeare perform Romeo and Juliet live on Friday the 26th of February in our school hall. Bell Shakespeare is an Australian national theatre company specializing in plays written by Shakespeare. They mostly perform live in schools and theatres, the group who perform in schools are called ‘Actors At Work’. ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is a play about two adolescents falling in love at first sight. Although their families have a history of rivalry, they still decide to marry in the hope of ending their family’s rivalries. When performing, Bell Shakespeare’s, ‘Actors At Work’, manage to translate most of the storyline by dictating it in modern day language, while also making it as interesting and detailed in a short amount of time. The performance by Bell Shakespeare’s, ‘Actors At Work’, was visually stunning and a humorous experience. The majority of year 9 believed that it was “simpler to understand” as well as “intriguing, entertaining, touching” and “short but in detail”. It’s fair to say that Bell Shakespeare has it all. By Vanessa N and Kayla T, Year 9 22 Year 7 Peer Support and Transition Peer support at CHS is a program run by a selection of Year 10 peer leaders who work with and mentor Year 7 students at CHS. Transition into High School can be a difficult time for some students and the Peer Leaders have been doing an excellent job in making this transition as smooth as possible. The students work around an array of themes including, friendship, positive behaviours, coping with change and learning how to deal with different situations. The Year 10 Leaders are looked up to by their younger peers as they lead by example. The program has been run at CHS for a number of years and has proven to be beneficial for both mentors and mentees. 23 MUSIC MATTERS TO ALL! Our students are practising some great band music in Mr Abbott’s class... Speech Pathology Our school has chosen to continue to employ a Speech Pathologist to work with our students in 2016. Most schools do not offer Speech Pathology services. This service is available no extra cost to you. Rebecca Price is a qualified Speech Pathologist who works for Educational Speech Pathology & Therapy Services. Rebecca will be working at our school each Wednesday, Thursday and Friday throughout the year. Parents, it is important to note that you cannot refer your child directly Rebecca. If your child already attends speech therapy outside of school do not stop attending. The Speech Pathology program cannot offer the same individualised therapy your child will receive through either Community Health or Private Speech Pathology. Our school has chosen to focus the program on increasing the language skills of our students. Rebecca may also be conducting screenings and a limited number of full assessments at our school as part of the Speech Pathology program. You will also be invited to attend a speech pathology information session. You will be notified of the date/ time of the speech pathology information session later in term 1. Please 24 contact the school if you have any questions. proud supporters ............................................................................................................................................... Cabramatta High school would like to gratefully acknowledge the generosity of our sponsors. L iv e rp o o l Academy Photography Bavas Music City Cabramatta Community Centre ChingHaiInternationalAssociation Coca-ColaAmatil CommittedtoCoachingC2C) Greater Union Liverpool Iglesia Ni Christo Church of Christ KennyLamTuition,CoachingLearningCentre KimarieLingerieandcosmeticboutique LansvalePharmacy LifelineMacarthur LJHookerCabramatta LocalCarePharmacy Lowes Narrelan Maple Florist Margaret Milligan- School Canteen Martial Arts Spirit Plus Fitness Cabramatta Priceline Bonnyrigg Ray White Cabramatta 7/10 Split Bowling Fairfield Sydney Printing Signage Taylors Pharmacy The Australian Association of All Nationalities of China Inc. Top Class English Tutoring V Mobile Phone Repair What The Fudge White Doves ‘R’ Us 25 Fundraising for Cambodia By: Mr Kerehona Toward the end of last year, the students from our school supported a fundraising initiative, which assisted the Cambodian Landmine Relief Centre (CLMRC). The CLMRC is a museum, school and orphanage, located near the Banteay Srei Temple just outside of Siem Reap. Our CLMRC Fundraising Committee and staff ran a number of events including: raffles, catering for an event, and the Golden Temple project. Our students raised approximately the Rural Schools Village Program built, and teachers employed, in they service students that could $1,500 which is going to be used specifically for (RSVP); a wonderful initiative which sees schools rural areas. These schools are sorely needed, as not previously attend school for many reasons. In January this year, Mr Kerehona and his family visited the CLMRC to meet the students and staff, and to hand over the donations which our school had raised. It was a fantastic experience, Mr Kerehona and his family were able to work with the students at their study centre and help at the orphanage. The students were proud to show their guests around their centre and display their classwork – they even got Mr Kerehona to move newly acquired furniture around their school. Mr Kerehona was gifted a bracelet by Mr William Morse, the CEO of the CLMRC, which is being gifted to Cabramatta High School and will be on display in the office foyer shortly. This bracelet is created from landmines and unexploded ordinance and is engraved with the following message ‘Minh Mui Cheevit Mui’ meaning ‘one mine - one life’; referring to the fact that each of the mines that have been removed, has resulted in the saving of a life. Mr Kerehona will also create a short video presentation of the CLMRC Fundraising Project, which showcase the events and visit to the CLMRC; which will be available to view in the coming weeks. I’d like to thank the members of the CLMRC Fundraising Committee, as well as teachers, Miss Pereyra and Miss Ackah, for their wonderful efforts, and finally, the students of Cabramatta High School for their support – you have all made a difference to the students at these rural Cambodian schools. 26 27 Harmony Day 2016 28 29 2016 TERM 2 SCHOOL CALENDAR Staff Development Day Students return to school 6pm-8pm 5pm-7pm School Council 6pm-8pm 6pm-8pm Cabravale Diggers Club 30 5pm-7pm
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