LGUs, environmentalists save 486 trees in Mabalacat
NGCP to expand metering services starting 2013 BUSINESS PAGE 9 www.headlinegl.com 25 ays D 92/80(,12 NOVEMBER 30 - DECEMBER 2 , 2012 FRIDAY - SUNDAY ’mas re X o f e B THE MOST WIDELY DISTRIBUTED LOCAL NEWSPAPER IN CENTRAL LUZON Village councilmen surprised over JO list BY CHARLENE A. CAYABYAB ANGELES CITY--Some village councilmen from here were ³VXUSULVHG´ DIWHU ¿QGLQJ RXW WKH names of their wives and relatives on the city government’s job order (JO) list. JO LIST PAGE 11 Solon: Bill to raise housemaids’ pay BY AMBET LACANLALE CITY OF SAN FERNANDO--Partylist Rep. Catalina Bagasina of the Association of Laborers and Employees (ALE) is optimistic that the Kasambahay Bill, which is expected to be signed into law by President Aquino, will raise the take-home pay of house-helps in the country. In an interview, Bagasina said the KasamEDKD\%LOOZLOOEHQH¿WVRPHPLOOLRQKRXVH hold workers in the entire country as it will increase their basic pay which has been stagQDWHGIRUDOPRVW\HDUV Under the bill, Bagasina said, the minimum monthly salary for housemaids will be raised to P2,500. The bill has breezed through the Senate a n d is hoped to be signed into law in the coming weeks for the housemaids to enjoy its EHQH¿WVE\WKHVWDUW RI House -helps, the bill proposes, shall enjoy the VDPH EHQH¿WV DV any Pag-IBIG SOLON PAGE 11 OUTSTANDING MAYOR. Angeles City Mayor Edgardo Pamintuan receives the 2012 Most Outstanding Mayor Award from Superbrands Marketing International (SMI) chairman Karl McLean (right) and SMI president and CEO Harry Tambuatco (left) during the awarding ceremonies held Wednesday at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Makati City. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO LGUs, environmentalists save 486 trees in Mabalacat BY JOELYN G. BALUYUT MABALACAT CITY--Save the Trees Coalition (STC), an environmental group, and the local governments of Angeles and Mabalacat have expressed disapproval towards Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)’s plan to cut 486 acacia trees along McArthur Highway. The trees were marked with “X” and are scheduled to be cut starting at the Pulung Bulu section in Angeles up to Dolores in Mabalacat. Angeles City Mayor Edgardo Pamintuan said the “X” sign means “they are going to be cut because of a road-widening project. Although I believe and support infrastructure development, such development should always consider its impact on the environment. I cannot, in conscience, allow the cutting of these PDJQL¿FHQW DFDFLD WUHHV ZKLOH ZH SAVE TREES PAGE 11 DUMP SITE? Sea of garbage dwarfs the metal structure at the Municipal materials recovery facility in Barangay Suclaban, Mexico town after acting-mayor Roy Manalastas allegedly ordered dumping of garbage in the facility which was supposed only to grind degradable garbage and segregate recyclables. The dumping of garbage in the area is in violation of existing environmental laws prohibiting the operation of open dump sites. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO 2 P1-B funds for Pampanga developmental projects bared HEADLINE Gitnang Luzon 129(0%(5'(&(0%(5 CITY OF SAN FERNANDO--The provincial government has bared that at least 3ELOOLRQLVVWLOODYDLODEOHWR ¿QDQFH YLWDO GHYHORSPHQWDO projects in the province. Governor Lilia Pineda, during her visit to different towns in the province, has assured the residents that they could expect more tangible projects from the provincial government which they think are immediate DQG EHQH¿FLDO WR WKH FRP munities. She cited that more than 3ELOOLRQKDVEHHQDOORFDWHG by the provincial government for various infrastructures such as construction and renovation of district hospitals, classrooms buildings and other provincial institutions, municipal and barangay farm to market roads. The Provincial EngineerLQJ 2I¿FH 3(2 VDLG WKDW more than P856 million has been spent on the infrastructure projects implemented through the effort of the provincial government. Olimpio Pangan, assistant provincial engineer, said the provincial government also allocated at least P562 million for the construction of roads, bridges, hospitals and other allied structures. The provincial government KDVDOVRFRQVWUXFWHGVRPH newly classrooms and several covered courts in various public schools in the province with an estimated amount RI 3PLOOLRQ WKLV \HDU It also funded the establishment of dialysis centers in some selected hospitals to provide cheaper treatment to patients. In some instances, other interested groups, stakeholders and individuals also helped in the construction of WKHVHFHQWHUVł31$ Rehab works for breached dike begin CITY OF SAN FERNANDO-- The rehabilitation of the breached portions of the San Fernando-Sto. Tomas-Minalin tail dike is now in progress. The EML Construction and Trading won the bid for the repair of the two breached portions of the tail dike that was damaged by the strong current during the height of monsoon rains last August. 7KH 3PLOOLRQ SURMHFW LV H[SHFWHG WR¿QLVKZLWKLQIRXUPRQWKV Romeo Torres, EML Construction and Trading project engineer, said they have already mobilized equipment to start the HPEDQNPHQW RI WKH PHWHU EUHDFKHG portion along Barangay San Vicente in 6WR7RPDVWRZQDQGWKHPHWHUGDP aged portion along San Juan-San Pedro Cutud in this city. ³:HH[SHFWWR¿QLVKWKHUHKDELOLWDWLRQ project within four months. But we cannot say if we would able to meet the deadline as it will depend upon the weather conditions,” he said. The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) said the design of the project will include six-meter sheet pile in the lower portion, a concrete structure that will serve as slope protection, embankment for the river side and dry mix FRQFUHWHIRUWKHODQGVLGHł31$ Local Civil Registry Office Province: PAMPANGA City/Municipality: CANDABA NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION In compliance with Section 5 of R.A. 9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that CARINA V. YUMANG has filed with this Office a Petition for Change of First Name from “VICTORINA” to “CARINA” in the birth certificate of “VICTORINA CUNANAN VALINO” who was born on June 4, 1975 at Candaba, Pampanga and whose parents are Dominador Sagum Valino and Teresita Sarmiento Cunanan. Any person affected by said petition may file his/her written opposition with this Office not later than Dec. 7, 2012. (Sgd.) ELMER GONZALES City/Municipal Civil Registrar (HEADLINE Gitnang Luzon: Nov. 23 & 30, 2012) PESO COORDINATORS. Gov. Lilia “Nanay” Pineda addresses barangay Public Employment Service (PESO) Coordinators about their role in solving unemployment in the province. --PHOTO BY GVJJR Capitol lauded for pro-OFW programs BY MARNA DAGUMBOYDEL ROSARIO CITY OF SAN FERNA NDO —Delegates of the 5th World Social Forum on Migration (WSFM) on Wednesday commended the provincial government here for improving the welfare of the migrant workers. According to Edmund Rugu of the Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, the delegates from the different countries commended Governor Lilia G. Pineda in her commitment to improve the welfare of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) speFL¿FDOO\ WKRVH LQ HPHU gency situation abroad through the Provincial Action Center for OFW Concerns (PACOC). Pampanga is the only province in the region that has an action center for OFW established RQ6HSWHPEHU As of to date, the governor led the fund raising of the blood money IRU \HDUROG -RVHOLWR Zapanta of Mexico town, who is on death row in Saudi Arabia for allegedly killing his landlord. Pineda, along with the Pampanga Mayors’ League, has begun helping raise the P44million blood money for Zapanta, who has been given an extension of four months to raise the amount. The governor, during her speech, said “at the outset, I would like to reassure and pledge our unstinting support PRO-OFW PAGE 11 W W W.HE A D L INEGL.CO M DOLE-3 strengthens campaign vs. child labor in Central Luzon CITY OF SAN FERNANDO--The Department of Labor and EmployPHQW '2/( UHJLRQDO RI¿FH KDV strengthened the Barangay Councils for the Protection of Children (BCPCs) in the region to ensure the successful implementation of the campaign for child labor-free barangays in Central Luzon. DOLE regional director Raymundo Agravante said the reactivation and strengthening of BCPCs aims to monitor the existence of child labor and at the same time, to protect working children from abuse and exploitation. The BCPCs is one of the frontline institutions in our child labor-free barangay campaign, Agravante said. Among the areas in the region with barangays that have existing BCPCs include Mariveles in Bataan and San Fernando City, Pampanga. The BCPCs has an important role to play. They will assist the DOLE reJLRQDORI¿FHLQHVWDEOLVKLQJDFRPPX nity-based mechanism for detecting, monitoring, and reporting the most hazardous forms of child labor in their area to proper authorities. They will also help in identifying relevant assistance and support to the program EHQH¿FLDULHVVXFKDVWKHFKLOGODERU ers and their parents, he said. He said the BCPCs have pledged to attain a child labor-free barangay by fully committing themselves to eliminate the worst forms of child labor and protect children from all forms of abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation and discrimination and other conditions detrimental to their development. 7KH'2/(UHJLRQDORI¿FHKDVEHHQ taking up measures and strategies in implementing the country’s national child labor program by involving all stakeholders and partner agencies, especially those from the grassroot level. Among those measures include livelihood opportunities to parents of child laborers or children-at-risk; developmental programs of DOLE’s partner agencies such as the Alternative Learning System of the Department of Education (DepEd); Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and skills training program of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). “Those are some of the measures which we’ve been implementing as part of our campaign for child laborfree barangays in Central Luzon,” he said. It can be recalled that the DOLE has kicked off the child-labor free barangays campaign in Barangay Sisiman in Mariveles, Bataan last May. This was followed in Barangay Pulong Buhangin in Sta. Maria, Bulacan and Barangay Pandacaqui in Mexico, Pampanga. Other barangays in the region targeted for the campaign are Barangay Taal in Bocaue, Bulacan; Barangay San Jose in Dipaculao, Aurora; and Barangay Central in San Miguel, Tarlac. “We will continuously exert efforts in providing various programs anchored on the National Child Labor Program. Through the convergence of programs of the DOLE and other stakeholders, we would be able to curb the rising child labor in the region,” he added. %DVHGRQWKH6XUYH\RQ&KLO dren conducted by the National StaWLVWLFV 2I¿FH 162 WKHUH DUH DERXW FKLOGUHQ ZRUNLQJ LQ KD]DUG ous places in Central Luzon, an equivDOHQWWRSHUFHQWRIWKHWRWDOWKUHH million child laborers in the country. ł31$ HEADLINE Gitnang Luzon 129(0%(5'(&(0%(5 3 Cabanatuan mayor blasts Comelec on Dec. 1 plebiscite postponement CABANATUAN CITY--City Mayor Julius Cesar V. Vergara on Thursday decried the ruling of the Commission on Elections (Comelec) which moved the conduct of the 'HFHPEHUSOHELVFLWHWKDWZRXOGUDWLI\WKH conversion of Cabanatuan from a component city into a highly urbanized city to an XQVSHFL¿HG GDWH DIWHU QH[W \HDU¶V 0D\ elections. Vergara also said that no copy of the poll UHVROXWLRQKDV\HWEHHQVHUYHGWRWKH2I¿FH of the City Mayor and claimed that he was informed only by some concerned citizens. $VDUHVXOWWKHFLW\PD\RU¿OHGDPRWLRQ for reconsideration with the Comelec, citing the heavy preparations already made by city government, the residents and other stakeholders for the plebiscite. He also said that half of the about P20 million costs for the holding of the plebiscite has already been paid to the Comelec The city mayor has also expressed puzzlement on the sudden turn-around move RIWKH&RPHOHFIROORZLQJLWV2FWREHU¿QDO decision junking the petition of Nueva Ecija Governor Aurelio M. Umali to include all the residents of the province in the plebiscite. He noted that decisions of the Comelec on contests or administrative questions brought before it are subject to judicial review only by the Supreme Court, by way of a special civil action of certiorari. Instead, after being thumbed down earlier by the Comelec, Umali’s group has gone GRZQWRWKH5HJLRQDO7ULDO&RXUWDQG¿OHG another action but with the same intention RIGHUDLOLQJWKH'HFHPEHUSOHELVFLWHDQG which the poll body approved, he said. With all these setbacks, Vergara said they would continue with their aspirations with unrelenting zeal and ardor as before. Meanwhile, the augmentation Army troops numbering 40 assigned in this city IURP WKH UG ,QIDQWU\ %DWWDOLRQ EDVHG LQ San Jose City under Lt. Col. Eugene M. Mata have been recalled to base. Likewise, policemen from the regional FRPPDQGKDYHEHHQSXOOHGRXWł31$ Pampanga capitol distributes farm equipment, machineries SAVE THE TREES. LGUs of Mabalacat and Angeles City have joined the call to stop the killing of trees along MacArthur Highway for the road widening project being undertaken by the national government. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Thousands join Angeles City anti-drug protest BY CHARLENE A. CAYABYAB ANGELES CITY--Nearly 50, 000 participants from the different sectors of this city trooped Plaza Miranda on Thursday as the city government led the antidrug march rally on its second year. The rally is the city’s culmination activity for the month-long celebration of the National Dangerous Drugs Awareness and Prevention Month. “If we really want to bust drugrelated criminalities in the city, we must tap the support of its main market--the people,” Annaliza Suller, chief of the Angeles City Anti-Drug Abuse Council (ACADAC), said. “Last year was a success. This year, we have widened our scope of participants since we have embraced more sectors to take part on this historical advocacy rally,” said Suller. At least 45,000 youths of all DFDGHPLFOHYHOVIURPWKHSXEOLF HOHPHQWDU\ VFKRROV SULvate and public high schools, and 8 colleges and universities took part in the rally. Sectoral leaders, law enforcers, and residents IURP WKH EDUDQJD\V ZLWK WKH WUDQVSRUWWHUPLQDOJURXSVRI the city also joined the march. Members of the 26 non-government organizations in this city also joined the rally and converged at the plaza together with the 5,000 employees and managers from the participating business establishments. $OVR WKH HQWHUWDLQPHQW establishments in Fields Avenue through the League of Angeles City Entertainers and Managers Incorporated (LACEM) convened and pledged a hundredpercent support to the advocacy PDUFKIRUWKH¿UVWWLPH “After the success of the rally LQZHZHUHDEOHWRHQFRXUage the massive support of different sectors in the anti-illegal drug campaign of the city,” Suller said. Meanwhile, Mayor Edgardo Pamintuan exhorted all Angeleños to take part on the advocacy rally. “Let us make it again. Let us prove that we are all united in this crusade towards making Angeles, a drug-free city,” Pamintuan said. The anti-drug rally was held simultaneously from four assembly points namely: Chevalier School (Angeles-San Fernando exit), Sto. Cristo Rotonda (near Dieg’s Bakery), Sta. Teresita Crossing, and Nepo Quadrangle. The Philippine National PoOLFH 313 $QJHOHV &LW\ 7UDI¿F Enforcement Group (ACTEG), Angeles City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Of¿FH $&'5502 DQG WKH &LW\ +HDOWK 2I¿FH &+2 DUH WDVNHG to ensure the safety of the participants. Pamintuan, Vice Mayor Vicky Vega-Cabigting and the rest of the city council members led the march rally from the aforementioned assembly points that VWDUWHGDWSPł CITY OF SAN FERNANDO--The provincial government on Thursday distributed farm tools and equipment to farmers’ associations and cooperatives in the province as part of its Farmers Enhancement Program. Governor Lilia Pineda said LUULJDWRUVDVVRFLDWLRQRIWKH SURYLQFH UHFHLYHG VKDOORZ WXEH ZHOOV 67:V ZKLOH ¿YH cooperatives were given rice FRPELQH KDUYHVWHUV XQLWV of hand tractors, and unit of four-wheeler tractors. Provincial Agriculturist Crispin Guinto said the irrigators association requested the STWs to Pineda because their ULFH ¿HOGV ZHUH QRW UHDFKHG by the irrigation system of National Irrigation Administration (NIA) that limits their rice production, especially during dry season. Guinto said the shallow tube wells can serve more WKDQKHFWDUHVRIODQGZKLOH the equipment can be used alternately by the members of the association. “The shallow tube well can help the farmers in irrigating WKHLUULFH¿HOGVLQDQ\VHDVRQ making them productive for the whole year,” he said. Guinto said the STWs were purchased by the provincial government while the rest of the equipment were 85 percent subsidized by Department of Agriculture (DA) and SHUFHQW IURP SURYLQFLDO capitol. The Provincial Agriculture 2I¿FH DOVR SURFXUHG laminated or waterproof sacks to be distributed to marginalized farmers in the province. Guinto encouraged farmers who are non-members of any organization to join or form their own group to receive aid from the provincial governPHQWDQGWKH'$ł31$ WARM-UP. Mexico acting-vice mayor Lourdes “Ludet” Sicat beams to the camera before the start of the Sangguniang Bayan session which she presided on an acting capacity. Sicat will be running for the vice mayoral position next year after exhausting her three terms as municipal councilor. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Man arrested for unlicensed gun BY FROILAN E. MAGTOTO CAMP OLIVAS, Pampanga-Alert Bantay Bayan arrested a jobless man after they noticed a gun on the suspect’s waist in Angeles City on Monday night. 3ROLFHLGHQWL¿HGWKHVXVSHFWDV ,UHQHR'DUR\DQGUHVLGHQWRI 2064 Texas St., Villasol Subdivision, Barangay Anunas, Angeles City. Police said two Bantay Bayan-Relly Sapang Padilla and Danilo Pasilan Batiancila of Barangay Anunas--saw Daroy while under WKHLQÀXHQFHRIOLTXRUZLWKDJXQ protruding from his waist while they were assisting in the baranJD\¿HVWDDFWLYLW\DWDERXWSP Daroy failed to produce any GRFXPHQWVWRSRVVHVVD¿UHDUP when the two bantay bayan accosted him, police said. The two barangay peacekeepers then brought the suspect to the Phil-Kor Tourist AuxilLDU\ 3ROLFH 2I¿FH ORFDWHG DORQJ Friendship Highway, Barangay Anunas. &RQ¿VFDWHG IURP 'DUR\ ZDV DQ$UPVFRUFDOLEHUPPZLWK live ammunition. A case of illegal possession of ¿UHDUPZLOOEH¿OHGDJDLQVWWKH VXVSHFWSROLFHVDLGł 4 HEADLINE Gitnang Luzon 129(0%(5'(&(0%(5 EDITORIAL Walking dead man Joselito Zapanta, the overseas Filipino worker sentenced to death for killing a Sudanese in Saudi Arabia, is probably spending sleepless nights as the clock ticks to end the four-month reprieve given to him and his family to raise the blood money worth P44 million. While there are groups that attempt to help raise the amount, much prayer is needed for the family to meet the deadline set by the Saudi government to literally save Zapanta’s neck. Reality bites, the amount is just too large for a family who allowed a loved one to leave in solidarity abroad due to a promise of a better. Instead of going home with the money earned from work, Zapanta’s family needs to send money--and lots of it--abroad only for their kin to be allowed to go home unscathed. We can only surmise that Zapanta’s family never had a good night’s sleep since they learned the fate of Joselito in the foreign land. And, if the government had plans to save him, then this is the right time--not tomorrow or when the deadline has expired--to act and snatch the OFW from the clutches of death. The many nights Zapanta and his family spent in anxiety and sleeplessness should end and only President Pnoy can help by mobilizing government resources to either complete the P44 million or convince the Sundanese’s family to accept whatever amount was raised. +($'/,1(*LWQDQJ/X]RQLVD 'DLO\5HJLRQDO1HZVSDSHU Editor-in-Chief: $/%(57/$&$1/$/( Layout Artist: -30$1$/$1* Reporters: &+$5/(1(&$<$%<$% 0$51$''(/526$5,2 Editorial Assistants: -$<621',0$58&27 Administrative Staff/ Marketing Head: :(1'$*9,2/(7$ Account Executive: (/$,1(0$3,/(6 Photographers: /(29,//$5&$5/26-(55<0$/,7 Legal Counsel: $77<*(520(178%,* Circulation: -,00<7$3$1*$72&58=.$<&(('$%8 Publisher: ,1,1(:63$3(5 Email:KHDGOLQHJLWQDQJOX]RQ#JPDLOFRP Website:ZZZKHDGOLQHJOFRP DISCLAIMER:9LHZVH[SUHVVHGE\FROXPQLVWVDUHWKHLU RZQDQGGRQRWQHFHVVDULO\UHIOHFWWKHHGLWRULDO SRVLWLRQRI+($'/,1(*LWQDQJ/X]RQRULWV LQWHUQHWZHEVLWHZZZKHDGOLQHJOFRP 7KHSXEOLVKHUGRHVQRWNQRZLQJO\SXEOLVKIDOVH LQIRUPDWLRQDQGPD\QRWEHKHOGOLDEOHIRUWKHYLHZVRILWV FROXPQLVWVH[HUFLVLQJWKHLUULJKWWRIUHHH[SUHVVLRQ $OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG6XEMHFWWRWKHFRQGLWLRQVSURYLGHG IRUE\ODZQRDUWLFOHRUSKRWRJUDSKSXEOLVKHGE\ +($'/,1(*,71$1*/8=21PD\EHUHSULQWHGRU UHSURGXFHGLQZKROHRULQSDUWZLWKRXWLWVSULRUFRQVHQW Office Address:QG)ORRU8%XLOGLQJ0DF$UWKXU +LJKZD\'RORUHV&LW\RI6DQ)HUQDQGR 3DPSDQJD Tel. Nos. Paghihintay, paghahanda, pagdating “Napakadami ng nagsasabi sa akin na may dalawang kandidato sa marangal na bayang ito ang namimigay na ng tiglilimang-daang piso sa mga botante” PA N A H O N na naman ng Adviento, Towards isang panahon the Light sa liturhikal ABEL SOTO na kalendaryo ng Sta. Iglesia Katolika na humihimok sa lahat ng mga aktibong mananampalatayang Katoliko na maghanda habang naghihintay sa “pagdating” ng Manunubos. Ang adviento ay galing sa salitang latin na adventus na may salin-wika sa salitang Griego na parousia na ang ibig sabihin ay “pagdating.” At ang pagdating na ito ay tinitingnan ng mga Kristiyano sa dalawang perspektibo: “the opportunity to share in the ancient longing for the coming of the Messiah, and to be alert for his Second Coming.” Ang bawat pagdating ay may kaakibat na paghihintay at ang bawat paghihintay ay may kaakibat na paghahanda. Magkaka-akibat ang tatlong pangyayaring o dimensyong iyan sa buhay ng bawat nilalang. Hindi maaaring mawala at balewalain ang isa sa tatlong dimensyong iyan dahil mawawalan ng saysay at kabuluhan ang bawat isang dimensyong iyan kung binabalewala natin ang alinman sa tatlong dimensyong nabanggit. Hindi naman taon-taon ay isinisilang muli ang Kristo sa sabsaban, ngu- nit taon-taon ay dumarating Siyang muli sa iba’t ibang anyo, pagkakaton o sitwasyon, sa mga iba’t ibang uri ng tao na nararanasan at nakakasalamuha natin sa ating paglalakbay sa buhay natin sa mundong ibabaw. Ang hamon sa bawat Kristiyano sa panahong ito ng “paghihintay, paghahanda, at pagdating” ay ang makilala natin ang Kristo sa iba’t ibang paraan at pagkakataon at sa mga tao na pinipili Niyang maging kasangkapan upang maipaalala sa atin na dumarating Siya ng paulit-ulit upang hindi natin makalimutan ang katotohanan na buhay ang Diyos na nangakong magmamahal at mananahan sa atin “hanggang sa wakas ng panahon…” *** Maging sa araw-araw na buhay natin bilang mga manlalakbay, sa kanikaniyang pinagtatrabahuhan natin, sa bawat pamilya at komunidad na ating kinabibilangan ay umaalingawngaw ang katotohanan na nina Ben Franklin at Dr. John Maxwell: Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. At ang isa ay ito: Preparation is still better than reparation. Ang tanong nga lang na dapat mabigyan ng katugunan sa usaping ito ng kahalagahan ng paghahanda ay ito: Paano tayo naghahanda? Hindi naman kasi lahat ng paghahanda na ating ginagawa ay makabuluhan kung mali ang paraan ng ating ginagawang paghahanda. Hindi kasi lahat ng abala ay abala sa tamang bagay. At hindi lahat ng naghahanda ay naghahanda ng tama, kagaya rin ng hindi lahat ng nagmamahal ng totoo ay nagmamahal ng tama. Kung susuriin nating mabuti, nasa pagiging tama ng ating paghahanda umiigpaw ang kabuluhan at saysay ng ating mga ginagawang paghahanda. Sabi nga ni Rainer Maria Rilke: “For one human being to love another; that LVSHUKDSVWKHPRVWGLI¿FXOWRIDOORXU tasks, the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation.” *** Kung totoo sa ating lipunan ang sinabi ni Robert Louis Stevenson na “Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary,” hindi na nakapagtataka kung ganito na lamang kababa ang uri at kalidad ng mga pulitiko at ang pulitika sa ating bansa. Sa mundo ng pulitikang kinamulatan na ng marami sa atin sa ikadalawampu’t isang siglo, ang uri ng paghahandang ginagawa ng mga pulitiko para sa kanilang puwestong gusto nilang maihalal sila ay tunay na napakababa at lumalabas na sa bakuran ng moralidad at dignidad na dapat sana sila ang unang makitaan ng mga wagas at magagandang halimbawa. TOWARDS THE LIGHT PAGE 11 Fifty shades of mine I AM not a bookworm yet I love reading anything that might awaken my interest. I started reading since I was in grade school. One of my favorite subjects was History. I remember having the highest grade in History during my elementary days. World History was my forte. I met Alexander the Great and NQHZDOOKLVJORU\,¿QGWKH3\UDPLGV of Egypt intriguing and mysterious. The Great Wall of China made me think that Architecture during that period ZDV ÀDZOHVV 7KH 6WRQHKHQJH LQ WKH United Kingdom for me was magical. I had a passionate relationship with history back then. Upon reaching my adolescence, my interest changed from history to romantic novels and mystery and suspense books. Mills and Boons pocketbooks taught me to fantasize and dream. I used to imagine myself that I was the love interest of the story. Nancy Drew books helped my formative years. I should give credit to her for my outspoken attitude. In my col- “Mills and Boons pocketbooks taught me to fantasize and dream” lege days, my interest evolved into a more mature inclination to books and novels. Authors like Sydney Sheldon, Robert Ludlum, Dan Brown, Steve Perry and Michael Crichton entertained and thrilled me to the extent that I had hard time sleeping because I wanted to read the next page abruptly. Danielle Steele, Jackie Collins and Judith Krantz spellbound me with their portrayals of the lifestyles of the rich and famous with devastating accuracy. I consider WKHP WKH 4XHHQV RI JODPRXU ¿FWLRQV I loved the contemporary issues and page turning thriller and surprise elements combined with history. Luckily, I manage to collect some of their bestselling novels for my perusal reference in the future. I never get tired of reading these novels over and over again. , UHFHQWO\ ¿QLVKHG WKH FRQWURYHUVLDO novel of E. L James’s Fifty Shades of Grey. E. L stands for Erika Leonard. Fifty ELLEZ J. DAVIO Shades has sold over 60 million copies worldwide since it was released. The book contained explicit sex scenes involving bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, and sadism/masochism better known as BDSM. It represents the women today for their individuality and independence on their sexual orientations. Some critics categorized Fifty Shades of Grey for being anti women and criticized the book for being poorly written. They commented on the book Now We Know! NOW WE KNOW PAGE 11 5 HEADLINE Gitnang Luzon 129(0%(5'(&(0%(5 Being friends and staying that way THERE are people we love to be around with but have to let go because we know for ourselves that we can never give them back the kind of love they ask. Sometimes we call them friends. And the cycle is called friend zone. Pen Talks This was one of the topAUBREY F. SEMBRANO ics we have discussed over the radio: “Alin ang mas ma“But, problems hirap ang ma-Friend zone or ma-busted?” After a couple arise when the ang of months came the you tube other starts to sensation about friend zone by ask or demand Ramon Bautista. So let’s jump into the topic! for something rightFriend zone, according to and, when they wikipedia, refers to a platonic relationship where one perdon’t get the wishes to enter into a roexact answers son mantic relationship, while the they want to other does not. I am guilty of hear, they stay this. Actually, I’d bet most of the girls are guilty on this but away.” won’t admit it. Women are not insensitive like most men are. We are completely aware that someone is into us but the least thing we would like to do is to assume. Plus, who wouldn’t love to have someone you can call in the middle of the night to fetch you or listen to your annoying complaints regarding your pimple . Now If there is mutual understanding between these two friends and they kiss, etc. we label them DVIULHQGVZLWKEHQH¿WV%XWLILW¶VDRQHVLGHGORYH like, after confessing your feelings, she ignores it or she asks you to just stay friends, you are now on the friend zone. Meaning you will forever be part of her circle of friends. And there comes the real question: “Would you rather be busted (busted here means you’ll be staying away to get over her) or friend zoned (meaning you’ll have to keep your feelings to yourself towards the man you love hoping the feeling will die naturally)?” I can only speak for myself or maybe on behalf of other girls. I’ve been there. But please don’t ever think that it is our intention to make someone fall in love and then drop them like a hot potato when they give in. We just love being treated special (who doesn’t?) and whoever comes treating us nice, we enjoy their company. But, problems arise when the other starts to ask or demand for something and, when they don’t get the exact answers they want to hear, they stay away. Nakakapanghinayang. :HVWDUWEDFNIURPEHLQJVWUDQJHUVDQG¿[WKLQJV the way they should be, no too much emotions involved, just old friends. The kind of friends who go out when both happen to meet down the road and happen to be invited in an event. We don’t expect things would be smooth the way it was once, but we keep hoping someday they’d understand that we can’t force ourselves to impart feelings or emotions we ourselves don’t believe in. Confusion strikes again. How can I be nice withRXWEHLQJPLVWDNHQIRUÀLUWLQJ"2IWHQZHVKRZWKHP the real us. But the more we try to turn them off the more they get comfortable and the more they fall in love. I realized we can’t remain friends with someone we’re still in love with. It will destroy the friendship eventually. So if you are aware that a close friend is in love with you, and you don’t have any plans of elevating it to the next level, then do the initiative to stay away for the moment. It will be hard but know that it’s the best you can do for them. Because the longer you spend time together, the more likely they will fall for you. We should also learn to give up the convenience of having someone around anytime for their sake so not to complicate the situation more. Because friends, no matter how comfortable you have grown with each other, should still be sensitive with each other’s welfare. It is called mutual respect and not just a one VLGHG NLQG RI UHODWLRQVKLS WKDW EHQH¿WV RQO\ RQH RU WKHRWKHUł Being grateful isn’t just for Thanksgiving A few days ago, Americans celebrated Thanksgiving Day. It is a national holiday which originated from the thanksgiving feast Americans had after a bountiful harvest. Currently, it is an annual holiday celebrated every fourth Thursday of NoYHPEHU ZLWK WKH GH¿QLWLRQ RI harvest becoming less literal. Here in the Philippines, we may not celebrate Thanksgiving Day but that doesn’t mean that we don’t have to have gratitude for all our “harvests” during WKH SDVW PRQWKV ,Q DGGLWLRQ gratitude does not only improve our interpersonal relations with others. Being thankful is also strongly linked to both physical and mental health. It can help to relieve stress, depression and addictions, among other conditions. But what is gratitude? I remember in my psychology class LQ FROOHJH LW ZDV GH¿QHG DV EH ing able to maintain a view that appreciates the positive. It may sound a lot like optimism, but unlike simply expecting the good, appreciation requires the recognition that “happy” or “good” outcomes do not only come from your own hard work and moral uprightness but depends on the contribution of others, and for the more spiritually minded, on divine providence as well. Gratitude, hence, has a social nesses, improving factor. You are grateful sleep tends to allevieither to other people or ate some of these disto some higher power. orders. And if you do not beSo what is the best have graciously, ingratiway to improve gratitude can cause relatude? The most comtional problems, which mon way is to make could deny you the type “gratitude lists” or of social support that keeping a daily diary you need against stress that focuses on the and depression. things you are thankNumerous studful for and build on ies have linked count- John Patrick M. this positive-focused ing one’s blessings to Dimarucot, RN, RM thinking. health. Here are some So while it’s easy of them: to focus on grievancOne study found es (living in the Philthat physical health was ippines is not exactly strongly linked with the best of circumgratitude, basically bestances), especially cause it improved psyduring the coming chological health. Being holiday season, try psychologically healthy meant that people were more injecting a little gratefulness likely to engage in health pro- instead. We Filipinos are known moting activities and seek medi- for being a happy people, and maybe this is the reason why we cal care when needed. Spiritual or religious thank- have been so resilient through fulness has been found to reduce everything. Sure, there may susceptibility to mental illness. be a little selfishness in being Spiritually thankful people, or grateful all the time, since you those who have gratitude to- may be motivated to improve wards God have a lower risk of your own health, but appardepression, anxiety disorder, ently gratitude can change your phobias, bulimia, and addiction. perspective in a contagious way Being grateful also helps to that may ultimately help more make one sleep better. Since dis- than just you alone. So let’s all turbed sleep is a factor which is start to spread a little thankfullinked to almost all mental ill- QHVVVKDOOZH"ł Verdure “Being grateful also helps to make one sleep better.” Be heard! Send us your comments & opinions E-MAIL: [email protected] SNAIL MAIL: 2nd Floor, U2 Building, Dolores, McArthur Hi-way, City of San Fernando, Pampanga Ditak Mung Amanu Ka Dencio Pacheco Ing kaluguran kung Barangay Tanod Ketang metung a baryu misan kung sinugud Puntalan itang kaluguran a mengabugbug Ketang pate siping bale ya ing tinanud Banding tawli ya pa ing sukat melumud Respondi ing awus da kaniti reng memaryu Sumabak keng problema lalu na keng gulu Ini rugung kaluguran ku gewa namu sinaklolu Kareng mipapate misiping bale memilatan rugu Minta yang agad agad ketang lugar ating pate Para alang nanu pa man nune mu manyalese Karetang adwang siga na misiping mung bale Midugpanan gamat pauli na ning malating bage Anyang mamawat ne ing kanakung kaluguran Bandang tawli yang mengatumbuk at mituran Ala yang akarapat agyang masanting kapagnasan Para mu miayus la reng adwang mi-boksingan Oyan ing peligru ning metung a tanud Agyang masakit ila reng panyabak keng gusut Madalas ela mapapansin anggang ditak mu kabud Pane mababatikus awsan barangay tulug Makalunus ya rugu kanakung kaluguran Mamawat ya rugu ya pa ing misakitan Ngara reng mangatwa madalas makanyan Nung ninung mamilatan ya pa ing mangaturan Saving a life JOSELITO ZAPANTA, the Overseas Filipino Worker who was sentenced to death for killing his Sudanese landlord in Saudi Arabia is somehow getting high hopes for the support being extended to him by Governor Lilia “Nanay” Pineda, RWKHUJRYHUQPHQWRI¿FLDOVDQGSUL vate individuals. He is a Filipino and a Kapampangan. *** Zapanta was sentenced in court with the option to die by decapitation or to pay an equivalent to P55 TOMAS M. GARCIA million as qisas or blood money. The amount was later reduced to an equivalent of P44 million but, still, it’s a large amount of money for his family to raise in a few months’ time. The reduction of the amount is credited to Vice-President Jejomar Binay who negotiated with the Saudi Government together with Zapanta’s family. *** Initially, as per reports on the raising of funds for Zapanta, Malacañang has pledged P4 million; the Pampanga Mayors League P2 million; the Commission on $XGLW 3 PLOOLRQ DQG UHFHQWO\ WKH Pampanga Association of Capitol Employees or PACE 3 6HQDWRU $TXLOLQR ³.RNR´ 3LPHQWHO ,,, GXULQJ his visit last Monday at the Pampanga Capitol, has vowed to join efforts in saving Zapanta. *** For the provincial government, it has abruptly pledged WKH DPRXQW RI 3 PLOOLRQ XQWLO WKH GLVDOORZDQFH RI WKH Commission on Audit to expend the said amount. Nevertheless, Governor Pineda is exerting all efforts to save the life of the Kapampangan OFW. *** Zapanta’s family here in the Philippines is also on the priority list of the Governor. She wanted Zapanta’s family to have a decent home, and ensure the education and healthcare for Zapanta’s children who are still minors. iWrite “He is no different from other OFWs who were abused by their evil employers and other foreign nationals” iWRITE PAGE 11 6 FEATURE HEADLINE Gitnang Luzon 129(0%(5'(&(0%(5 HEADLINE Gitnang Luzon )5,'$<681'$< Renewing hope across seas 7 Captain Dirk Colenbrander By Joelyn G. Baluyut T his is the story of a vessel, the world’s largest book fair; on how it brings hope, knowledge, and help to people especially children by just porting. /RJRV+RSHDQRQSUR¿WHGXFDWLRQDOFKDULW\KDVFUHZFRPSRVHGRIGLI ferent nationalities and all are without remuneration--even the captain is not paid. With over 5,000 books on literature, art, philosophy, and technology, they had sworn that once you get in the ship “a unique experience” is on its way. The journey now takes place. A lifeboat theatre will let you know how it is like living in the ship through stories and testimonies of the crew. It shows you the ship’s history, how it operates, purpose and function. Captain Dirk Colenbrander will welcome you saying Logos Hope represents the vision of the organisation to bring knowledge, help and hope to the people of the world. “After she was purchased in April 2004, we worked hard to transform her from a ferry to what you can see today.” %XLOWLQWKH\HDULQ5HQGVEXUJ*HUPDQ\/RJRV+RSHZDV ¿UVW QDPHG *XVWDY 9DVD DQG RULJLQDOO\ EXLOW DV D SDVVHQJHU FDU IHUU\:LWKDQRYHUDOOOHQJWKRIPHWHUVVKHLVFRPSRVHGRI nine decks. You are now bound to the book fair section where you can choose and pick a manuscript of your own choice in a low price! Be it literaWXUHKRPHFUDIWVDUWVZRUOGWUDYHO¿FWLRQDQGFKLOGUHQERRNVDOO placed through tons of shelves in a wide array area of the ship. “Books are a more reliable resource for research. They enhance our comprehension skills and highly develop our sensitivity and imagery,” MV Logos Hope Project Manager Steven Kregel said. As the ship drops its anchor in Subic Bay last November 20, thousands of FKLOGUHQKDGEHHQLQDQGRXWRIWKLVÀRDWLQJOLEUDU\EULQJLQJLQWKHNQRZOHGJH fun, and excitement through browsing. Jonah Madrigallos, a blogger, said “being onboard with my family in Logos is inGHHGDJUHDWDIWHUQRRQ:HKDGDZRQGHUIXOWRXUDQGWKHERRNVKRSZDVRYHUÀRZLQJZLWK people, I feasted my eyes on those educational children’s books I wanted to buy for Wacky (her son), and couldn’t resist to have my own bake book as well. I got encyclopaedias, storybooks, a bake book, and devotionals.” A second-time visitor, Madrigallos narrated “we wouldn’t let this rare opportunity to visit the largHVWÀRDWLQJERRNVWRUHDJDLQIRUWKHODVWWLPHP\IDPLO\VDZWKLVZDVZD\EDFNLQ´ The next station is a journey of life. One of the parables of Jesus, also known as the Two Sons, Lost Son, and The Running Father, tells about loss and redemption. This follows the parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin. Walk on through images presented in comic strip style while hearing a voice over as the adventure of the son “takes an unexpected turn and faced with important choices.” Let the crew members give you stories on how they are working on the ship, about their country inside the theatre. This also “stages International nights which celebrate different cultures from around the world” where you can meet, greet, and even have chitchat with someone coming from another place. Taste different food, pastries in the International Cafe. I-Cafe offers different snacks, drink, popcorn, and pastries in the international way! Sip, take a bite, and enjoy the taste of this area. And even sometimes, you’ll see the crew singing and dancing – a little fun way to relax you after your trip in this ship. Ice cream? They are selling it here at a price of P50! Foodblogger Jenn Valmonte said “rightfully priced because the ice-cream was thick, and creamy. And I enjoyed it!” MV Logos Hope, a community regarded as “a genuine expression of international goodwill and understanding,” ZLWK RYHU PLOOLRQ SHRSOH LQ PRUH WKDQ GLIIHUHQW FRXQWULHVKDYLQJZDONHGXSRQKHUDQGPRUHWKDQPLO lion children having visited the book fair. She can hold up to 800 visitors at any time, as it is what its Director, Gian Walser, said “is the home and workplace for an international crew and staff from all over the world. We are volunteers, working together as an expression of our faith.” Catch it until December 2 at Subic Bay and it opens from 7XHVGD\VµWLOO6XQGD\VSPWRSP Logos Hope, the world’s largest floating book fair Book fair section Hundreds of people falling in line to experience Logos Hope (photo grabbed from omships.org) The lifeboat theatre One of the comic strips in “The Journey of Life” 8 TECH & SCIENCE HEADLINE Gitnang Luzon 129(0%(5'(&(0%(5 ‘Six-strike’ anti-piracy campaign postponed until 2013 FLIGHT SCHEDULE Clark International Airport MONDAY OPERATOR THE “six strikes” copyright enforcement plan that aims to curb illegal downloads and SHHUWRSHHU ¿OHVKDULQJ KDV EHHQSRVWSRQHGXQWLO The executive director of the Center for Copyright Information, which is in charge of the copyright warning system, announced today that because of damage from Hurricane Sandy the organization’s alert system will not begin until next year. “Due to unexpected factors largely stemming from Hurricane Sandy which have VHULRXVO\ DIIHFWHG RXU ¿QDO testing schedules, CCI anticipates that the participating ISPs will begin sending alerts under the Copyright Alert System in the early part of UDWKHUWKDQE\WKHHQG of the year,” CCI executive director Jill Lesser wrote in a blog post today. CCI is a joint venture be- tween Hollywood copyright holders and Internet Service Providers that was created in April. AT&T, Cablevision, Verizon, Time Warner Cable, and Comcast are the participating ISP members in the venture. The goal of the organization is to educate and crack down on people downloading content protected by intellectual copyright -- including videos, games, and music. Under graduated response, or six strikes, entertainment companies will notify a participating ISP that a customer has allegedly been pirating movies or TV shows illegally. The bandwidth provider will then send a notice intended to educate the customer about the consequences of downloading unauthorized content. The ISP is then supposed to begin gradually ratcheting up the pressure on customers who ignore the warnings. Eventually, after six warnings, ISPs can choose to suspend service. Graduated response, however, does not include the termination of service. Customers wrongly accused can appeal to their company and can take their case to the arbitration group for review. The ISP pro- viders were scheduled to begin sending out alerts to users by the end of the year. And leaked documents f r o m AT&T revealed that the network provider would begin sending out warning notices today. But now, the rollout won’t happen for at least another month. “We need to be sure that all of our ‘I’s are dotted and ‘T’s crossed before any company begins sending alerts,” Lesser wrote, “and we know that t h o s e who are following our progress will agree.”--CNET Scientists detect most powerful quasar blast in Chile SANTIAGO-- Scientists from the European Southern Observatory working in Chile have discovered a quasar with the most powerful HQHUJ\RXWÀRZHYHUZLWQHVVHGWKH ESO said Wednesday. 7KH RXWÀRZ RI HQHUJ\ IURP WKH quasi-stellar radio source, or “quaVDU´ LV DW OHDVW ¿YH WLPHV PRUH powerful than any that has been detected before, said scientists who detected the blast using the ESO’s Very Large Telescope stationed in Paranal Observatory in northern Chile. Quasars are very bright, distant galactic centers powered by supermassive black holes. While black holes are noted for pulling material in, most quasars also accelerate some of the material around them and eject it at high speed. Quasars tend to inhabit in the very centers of active young galaxies. They are so distant that it usually takes billions of years for the quasars’ light to reach even the most powerful telescopes. Therefore, quasars can follow objects from much earlier in the universe’s history, providing some clues to the ancient history of the universe. “We have discovered the most powerful quasar blast until now. The energy emitted from the quasar... is at least equivalent to 2 trillion times the power output emanated by the sun,” said team leader Nahum Arav. To put it another way, the emisVLRQ LV ³ WLPHV PRUH SRZHUIXO than the total energy production of our galaxy, the Milky Way,” said Arav. “It is a really huge blast,” said $UDYDGGLQJWKDW³LW¶VWKH¿UVWWLPH a quasar’s burst has been measured to obtain the type of high energies predicted by theories.” Numerous theories suggest that the impact of these energy blast can solve several mysteries of modern cosmology, including how a galaxy’s mass is associated to the mass of its central black hole, or why there are so few large galaxies in the universe. Scientists were not certain whether quasars could produce blasts powerful enough to cause these phenomena. The newly discovered emissions DUHORFDWHGDERXWOLJKW\HDUV away from the super massive black hole at the heart of the quasar, NQRZQDV6'66- “I have been searching for something like this for decades. It’s WKULOOLQJ WR ¿QDOO\ ¿QG WKHVH KXJH bursts predicted by theory,” said Arav. (PNA/Xinhua) ROUTE PQ 7456 DG 7933 5J371 DG 7213 DG 7792 PQ 7001 5J150 PQ 7305 PQ 7002/PQ 7023 KA 375/KA 376 AK1590/AK1591 5J149/5J537 PQ 7306/ PQ 7015 DG 7793 PQ 7024 DG 7402 PQ 7016/ PQ 7005 AK1502/AK1503 PQ 7455 2P779 CRK-HKG DG 7403 PQ 7006/ PQ 7310 DG 7212 5J608/5J370 DG7932 CRK-HKG 5J538/5J609 2P780 PQ 7311 Z2 969/Z2 968 5J371 OZ707/708 Z2 104/Z2 8948 Z2 8949 KUL-CRK HKG-CRK MFM-CRK BKK-CRK CRK-SIN CRK-KLO A320 CRK-HKG CRK-HKG KLO-CRK-DVO HKG-CRK-HKG KUL-CRK-KUL HKG-CRK-SIN HKG-CRK-PPS SIN-CRK A319 DVO-CRK CRK-KLO PPS-CRK-KLO BKI-CRK-BKI CRK-KUL A-320 KLO-CRK KLO-CRK-MFM CRK-BKK CEB-CRK-MFM A-319 SIN-CRK-CEB HKG-CRK MFM-CRK ICN-CRK-ICN MFM-CRK ICN-CRK-ICN MNL-CRK-KUL KUL-CRK FLIGHT NO. ROUTE TYPE OF A/C SITING CAPACITY ETA A-320 A-319 A319 A319 A319 180 A319 A-320 A320 A-320 A-320 A319 A-320 150 A320 A319 A320 A-320 A320 180 A319 A320 A319 A319 150 A319 A320 A-320 A-320 A319 A-321 A320 A320 180 150 150 150 150 * 150 180 180 168 180 1030H 150 180 1400H 180 150 180 180 180 * 150 180 150 150 * 150 180 180 180 150 177 180 180 0015H 0050H 0105H 0110H * 0700H * * 0945H 1010H 1105H 1135H 1140H * 1415H * 1500H 1535H * 1800H 1740H 1820H * 1820H 2030H 1955H 2230H 2305H 2305H 2330H 2345H 1455H 2355H ETD * * * * 0630H 0705H 0720H 1010H 1105H 1210H 1205H * 1440H 1535H 1600H 1620H * 1825H 1835H 1900H 2045H * * 2355H * 0050H 1545H * TUESDAY OPERATOR TYPE OF A/C SITING CAPACITY ETA AIR ASIA PQ 7456 JIN AIR LJ003/LJ004 SEAIR DG 7933 SEAIR DG 7213 AIR ASIA PQ 7001 CEBU PACIFIC 5J150 AIR ASIA PQ 7305 SEAIR DG 7924 SEAIR DG 7792 AIR ASIA PQ 7002/PQ 7023 DRAGONAIR KA375/KA37 AIRPHIL 2P775 AIR ASIA AK1590/AK1591 KUL-CRK A-320 ICN-CRK-ICN B-737-800 HKG-CRK A-319 BKK-CRK A319 CRK-KLO A320-214 CRK-HKG A319 CRK-HKG A-320 CRK-HKG A319 CRK-SIN A319 KLO-CRK-DVO A320-214 HKG-CRK-HKG A320 CRK-PPS A-320 KUL-CRK-KUL A-320 5J537 CANCELLED ON NOV.13 & 20 ONLY CEBU PACIFIC 5J149/5J537 HKG-CRK-SIN A319 AIR ASIA PQ 7306 HKG-CRK A-320 SEAIR DG 7925/DG7312 HKG-CRK-BKI A319 AIR ASIA PQ 7024 DVO-CRK A320 SEAIR DG 7793/ DG7212 SIN-CRK-BKK A319 AIR ASIA PQ 7005 CRK-KLO A320 AIR ASIA AK1502/AK1503 BKI-CRK-BKI A-320 AIR ASIA PQ 7455 CRK-KUL A320 SEAIR DG 7313 BKI-CRK A-319 AIR ASIA PQ 7006/ PQ 7310 KLO-CRK-MFM A320 AIRPHIL 2P776/2P737 PPS-CRK-SIN A-320 SEAIR DG 7932 CRK-HKG A319 5J538 CANCELLED ON NOV.13 & 20 ONLY CEBU PACIFIC 5J538/5J941 SIN-CRK-BKK A319 SEAIR DG7213 BKK-CRK A-319 AIR ASIA PQ 7311 MFM-CRK A-320 ZESTAIR Z2 969/Z2 968 CN-CRK-ICN A-320 ASIANA OZ707/708 ICN-CRK-ICN A-321 ZESTAIR Z2 105 CRK-MNL A320 ZESTAIR Z2 104/Z2 8948 MNL-CRK-KUL A320 ETD 180 80 150 150 180 150 180 150 150 180 168 180 180 0015H 0050H 0050H 0135H * * * * * 0945H 1010H * 1030H * 0140H * * 0700H 0705H 0720H 0720H 0725H 1010H 1105H 1055H 1105H 150 180 150 180 150 180 180 180 150 180 180 150 1135H 1140H 1140H 1415H 1455H * 1535H * 1730H 1820H 1835H * 1210H * 1300H * 1540H 1535H 1600H 1620H * 1825H 2000H 2030H 150 150 180 180 177 180 180 1955H 2300H 2305H 2305H 2345H * 1455H 2045H * * 2355H 0050H 0055H 1545H WEDNESDAY OPERATOR Shiga governor forms new party, aims for zero A handout artist impression released on November 26 by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) shows the material ejected from the region around the supermassive black hole in the quasar SDSS J1106+1939. AIR ASIA SEAIR CEBU PACIFIC SEAIR SEAIR AIR ASIA CEBU PACIFIC AIR ASIA AIR ASIA DRAGONAIR AIR ASIA CEBU PACIFIC AIR ASIA SEAIR AIR ASIA SEAIR AIR ASIA AIR ASIA AIR ASIA AIRPHIL SEAIR AIR ASIA SEAIR CEBU PACIFIC SEAIR CEBU PACIFIC AIRPHIL AIR ASIA ZESTAIR CEBU PACIFIC ASIANA ZESTAIR ZESTAIR FLIGHT NO. TOKYO-- The antinuclear governor of Shiga Prefecture, western Japan, on Wednesday formally launched a new political party with a promise to phase out Japan’s UHOLDQFHRQQXFOHDUSRZHUZLWKLQ\HDUV aiming to make the nuclear energy debate DNH\LVVXHLQWKH'HFJHQHUDOHOHFWLRQ The group of Shiga Gov. Yukiko Kada registered itself as a party, named Nippon Mirai no To (Japan Future Party), with DURXQGORZHUDQGXSSHUKRXVHODZPDN ers expressing willingness to participate in the party that set up its headquarters in Tokyo. Tetsuya Iida, who plans to become acting leader of Kada’s party, told reporters that it is scheduled to formally announce its policy pledges and candidates on Sunday. The SDUW\SODQVWR¿HOGDURXQGFDQGLGDWHV in the upcoming House of Representative election. (PNA/Kyodo) Iran refuels nuclear plant MOSCOW-- The Bushehr nuclear power plant has been refueled and is ready to resume operations, the IRNA news agency reported on Wednesday. The refueling operation was conducted on Monday in the presence of experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the agency said. 2Q1RYHPEHU,UDQ¶V,$($$PEDVVD dor Ali Asghar Soltanieh said the removal of the fuel was a “routine technical procedure” related to the transfer of responsibility for the plant’s operation from Russia to Iran. ,UDQVKRXOGEHRQLWVRZQZLWKLWV¿UVW QXFOHDUSRZHUSODQWDIWHU5XVVLDRI¿FLDOO\ hands Bushehr over at the end of December. The station began operating at full caSDFLW\RQ$XJXVWDVWKHUHDFWRURI%XVK HKU¶V8QLWZDVEURXJKWXSWRSHUFHQW of capacity. Construction of Bushehr began in the VEXWKDVEHHQGRJJHGE\GHOD\V5XV sia signed a billion-dollar deal with Tehran WRFRPSOHWHWKHSODQWLQ 7KH SODQW¶V ODXQFK LQ $XJXVW prompted Israel and other nations to express fears the reactor could help Iran create an atomic bomb. Tehran has denied the allegations, saying the facility was for peaceful power generation only. The plant was connected to Iran’s power JULGLQ6HSWHPEHU31$;LQKXD AIR ASIA SEAIR AIRPHIL CEBU PACIFIC SEAIR AIR ASIA CEBU PACIFIC AIR ASIA SEAIR AIR ASIA AIR ASIA CEBU PACIFIC AIR ASIA SEAIR SEAIR AIR ASIA SEAIR AIR ASIA AIR ASIA AIR ASIA AIRPHIL SEAIR AIR ASIA SEAIR CEBU PACIFIC SEAIR CEBU PACIFIC AIRPHIL AIR ASIA ZESTAIR CEBU PACIFIC ASIANA ZESTAIR FLIGHT NO. ROUTE TYPE OF A/C SITING CAPACITY ETA PQ 7456 KUL-CRK A-320 180 DG 7933 HKG-CRK A319 150 2P738 SIN-CRK A-320 180 5J942 BKK-CRK A319 150 DG 7792 CRK-SIN A319 150 PQ 7001 CRK-KLO A320-214 180 5J150 CRK-HKG A319 150 PQ 7305 CRK-HKG A-320 180 DG 7924 CRK-HKG A319 150 PQ 7002/PQ 7023 KLO-CRK-DVO A320-214 180 AK1590/AK1591 KUL-CRK-KUL A-320 180 5J149/5J537 HKG-CRK-SIN A319 150 PQ 7306/ PQ 7015 HKG-CRK-PPS A-320 180 DG 7925 HKG-CRK A319 150 DG 7793 SIN-CRK A319 150 PQ 7024 DVO-CRK A320 180 DG 7402 CRK-KLO A319 150 PQ 7016/ PQ 7005 PPS-CRK-KLO A320 180 AK1502/AK1503 BKI-CRK-BKI A-320 180 PQ 7455 CRK-KUL A320 180 2P779 CRK-HKG A-320 180 DG 7403 KLO-CRK A319 150 PQ 7006/ PQ 7310 KLO-CRK-MFM A320 180 DG 7212 CRK-BKK A319 150 5J608/5J370 CEB-CRK-MFM A319 150 DG 7932 CRK-HKG A319 150 5J538/5J609 SIN-CRK-CEB A319 150 2P780 HKG-CRK A320 180 PQ 7311 MFM-CRK A-320 180 Z2 969/Z2 968 ICN-CRK-ICN A-320 180 5J371 MFM-CRK A319 150 OZ707/708 RETIMED 0020H-0120H OCT. 31 ONLY OZ707/708 ICN-CRK-ICN A-321 177 Z2 105 CRK-MNL A320 180 0015H 0050H 0355H 0355H * * * * * 0945H 1030H 1135H 1140H 1140H 1400H 1415H * 1500H 1535H * * 1740H 1820H * 1820H * 1955H 2230H 2305H 2305H 2330H ETD * * * * 0630H 0700H 0705H 0720H 0720H 1010H 1105H 1210H 1205H * * * 1440H 1535H 1600H 1620H 1800H * 1825H 1835H 1900H 2030H 2045H * * 2355H * 2345H 0050H * 0055H THURSDAY OPERATOR FLIGHT NO. ROUTE TYPE OF A/C SITING CAPACITY ETA AIR ASIA PQ 7456 KUL-CRK A-320 180 JIN AIR LJ003/LJ004 ICN-CRK-ICN B-737-800 180 SEAIR DG 7933 HKG-CRK A319 150 SEAIR DG 7213 BKK-CRK A319 150 AIR ASIA PQ 7001 CRK-KLO A320-214 180 CEBU PACIFIC 5J150 CRK-HKG A319 150 AIR ASIA PQ 7305 CRK-HKG A-320 180 SEAIR DG 7924 CRK-HKG A319 150 SEAIR DG 7792 CRK-SIN A319 150 AIR ASIA PQ 7002/PQ 7023 KLO-CRK-DVO A320-214 180 AIR ASIA AK1590/AK1591 KUL-CRK-KUL A-320 180 5J537 CANCELLED ON NOV. 15 & 22 ONLY CEBU PACIFIC 5J149/5J537 HKG-CRK-SIN A319 150 AIR ASIA PQ 7306 HKG-CRK A-320 180 SEAIR DG 7925/DG7312 HKG-CRK-BKI A319 150 AIR ASIA PQ 7024 DVO-CRK A320 180 SEAIR DG 7793/DG7212 SIN-CRK-BKK A319 150 AIR ASIA PQ 7005 CRK-KLO A320 180 AIR ASIA AK1502/AK1503 BKI-CRK-BKI A-320 180 AIR ASIA PQ 7455 CRK-KUL A320 180 SEAIR DG 7313 BKI-CRK A-319 150 AIR ASIA PQ 7006/ PQ 7310 KLO-CRK-MFM A320 180 AIRPHIL 2P737 CRK-SIN A-320 180 5J538 CANCELLED ON NOV. 15 & 22 ONLY CEBU PACIFIC 5J538 SIN-CRK A319 150 SEAIR DG 7932 CRK-HKG A319 150 SEAIR DG7213 BKK-CRK A-319 150 AIR ASIA PQ 7311 MFM-CRK A-320 180 ZESTAIR Z2 969/Z2 968 ICN-CRK-ICN A-320 180 OZ707/708 RETIMED 0020H-0120H NOV. 29 ONLY ASIANA OZ707/708 ICN-CRK-ICN A-321 177 ZESTAIR Z2 104/Z2 8948 MNL-CRK-KUL A320 180 ZESTAIR Z2 8949 KUL-CRK A320 180 ETD 0015H 0050H 0050H 0135H * * * * * 0945H 1030H * 0140H * * 0700H 0705H 0720H 0720H 0725H 1010H 1105H 1135H 1140H 1140H 1415H 1455H * 1535H * 1730H 1820H * 1210H * 1300H * 1540H 1535H 1600H 1620H * 1825H 2000H 1955H * * 2030H 2300H * 2305H * 2305H 2355H 2345H 0050H 1455H 1545H 2355H * FRIDAY OPERATOR AIR ASIA SEAIR AIRPHIL SEAIR AIR ASIA CEBU PACIFIC AIRPHIL AIR ASIA SEAIR AIR ASIA DRAGONAIR AIR ASIA CEBU PACIFIC AIR ASIA SEAIR AIRPHIL SEAIR AIR ASIA AIRPHIL AIR ASIA AIR ASIA AIR ASIA AIRPHIL SEAIR AIR ASIA CEBU PACIFIC SEAIR CEBU PACIFIC AIRPHIL AIR ASIA ZESTAIR CEBU PACIFIC FLIGHT NO. PQ 7456 DG 7933 2P738 DG 7792 PQ 7001 5J150 2P769 PQ 7305 DG 7924 PQ 7002/PQ 7023 KA 375/KA 376 AK1590/AK1591 5J149/5J537 PQ 7306/ PQ 7015 DG 7925/DG 7796 2P770 DG 7793/DG 7402 PQ 7024 2P773 PQ 7016/ PQ 7005 AK1502/AK1503 PQ 7455 2P774/2P779 DG 7403/DG 7212 PQ 7006/ PQ 7310 5J608/5J370 DG 7797/DG 7932 5J538/5J609 2P780 PQ 7311 Z2 969/Z2 968 5J371 ASIANA OZ707/708 ZESTAIR Z2 105 ROUTE TYPE OF A/C SITING CAPACITY ETA KUL-CRK A-320 HKG-CRK A319 SIN-CRK A-320 CRK-SIN A319 CRK-KLO A320-214 CRK-HKG A319 CRK-CEB A-320 CRK-HKG A-320 CRK-HKG A319 KLO-CRK-DVO A320-214 HKG-CRK-HKG A-320 KUL-CRK-KUL A-320 HKG-CRK-SIN A319 HKG-CRK-PPS A-320 HKG-CRK-SIN A319 CEB-CRK A-320 SIN-CRK-KLO A319 DVO-CRK A320 CRK-KLO A-320 PPS-CRK-KLO A320 BKI-CRK-BKI A-320 CRK-KUL A320 KLO-CRK-HKG A-320 KLO-CRK-BKK A319 KLO-CRK-MFM A320 CEB-CRK-MFM A319 SIN-CRK-HKG A319 SIN-CRK-CEB A319 HKG-CRK A320 MFM-CRK A-320 ICN-CRK-ICN A-320 MFM-CRK A319 OZ707/708 RETIMED 0015H-0120H ICN-CRK-ICN A-321 NOV. 2 ONLY CRK-MNL A320 ETD 180 150 180 150 180 150 180 180 150 180 168 180 150 180 150 180 150 180 180 180 180 180 180 150 180 150 150 150 180 180 180 150 0015H 0050H 0355H * * * * * * 0945H 1010H 1030H 1135H 1140H 1140H 1355H 1400H 1415H * 1500H 1535H * 1725H 1740H 1820H 1820H 1950H 1955H 2230H 2305H 2305H 2330H 177 2345H 0050H 180 * * * * 0630H 0700H 0705H 0705H 0720H 0720H 1010H 1105H 1105H 1210H 1205H 1220H * 1440H * 1430H 1535H 1600H 1620H 1800H 1810H 1825H 1900H 2030H 2045H * * 2355H * 0055H SATURDAY OPERATOR AIR ASIA JIN AIR SEAIR SEAIR AIR ASIA CEBU PACIFIC AIR ASIA AIR ASIA AIRPHIL DRAGONAIR AIR ASIA CEBU PACIFIC AIR ASIA SEAIR AIR ASIA SEAIR AIR ASIA AIR ASIA AIR ASIA SEAIR AIR ASIA AIRPHIL CEBU PACIFIC SEAIR AIR ASIA ZESTAIR ASIANA ZESTAIR ZESTAIR FLIGHT NO. ROUTE TYPE OF A/C SITING CAPACITY ETA PQ 7456 KUL-CRK A-320 180 LJ003/LJ004 ICN-CRK-ICN B-737-800 180 DG 7933/DG 7924 HKG-CRK-HKG A319 150 DG 7213/DG 7792 BKK-CRK-SIN A319 150 PQ 7001 CRK-KLO A320-214 180 5J150 CRK-HKG A319 150 PQ 7305 CRK-HKG A-320 180 PQ 7002/PQ 7023 KLO-CRK-DVO A320-214 180 2P775 CRK-PPS A-320 180 * KA 375/KA 376 HKG-CRK-HKG A-320 168 AK1590/AK1591 KUL-CRK-KUL A-320 180 5J149/5J537 HKG-CRK-SIN A319 150 PQ 7306 HKG-CRK A-320 180 DG 7925/DG 7312 HKG-CRK-BKI A319 150 PQ 7024 DVO-CRK A320 180 DG 7793/DG 7212 SIN-CRK-BKK A319 150 PQ 7005 CRK-KLO A320 180 AK1502/AK1503 BKI-CRK-BKI A-320 180 PQ 7455 CRK-KUL A320 180 DG 7313 BKI-CRK A-319 150 PQ 7006/ PQ 7310 KLO-CRK-MFM A320 180 2P776/2P737 PPS-CRK-SIN A-320 180 5J538/5J941 SIN-CRK-BKK A319 150 DG7213 BKK-CRK A-319 150 PQ 7311 MFM-CRK A-320 180 2305H Z2 969/Z2 968 ICN-CRK-ICN A-320 180 OZ707/70 8 RETIMED 0015H-0115H NOV. 3 ONLY OZ707/708 ICN-CRK-ICN A-321 177 Z2 104/Z2 8948 MNL-CRK-KUL A320 180 Z2 8949 KUL-CRK A320 180 0015H 0050H 0050H 0110H * * * 0945H 1055H 1010H 1030H 1135H 1140H 1140H 1415H 1455H * 1535H * 1730H 1820H 1835H 1955H 2300H * 2305H ETD * 0140H 0720H 0725H 0700H 0705H 0720H 1010H 1105H 1105H 1210H * 1300H * 1540H 1535H 1600H 1620H * 1825H 2000H 2045H * 2355H 2345H 0050H 1455H 1545H 2355H * SATURDAY OPERATOR AIR ASIA AIRPHIL CEBU PACIFIC SEAIR AIR ASIA CEBU PACIFIC AIRPHIL AIR ASIA SEAIR AIR ASIA AIR ASIA CEBU PACIFIC AIR ASIA SEAIR AIRPHIL SEAIR AIR ASIA AIR ASIA AIR ASIA AIR ASIA AIRPHIL SEAIR AIR ASIA SEAIR CEBU PACIFIC AIRPHIL AIR ASIA ZESTAIR ASIANA ZESTAIR FLIGHT NO. ROUTE TYPE OF A/C SITING CAPACITY ETA PQ 7456 KUL-CRK A-320 180 2P738 SIN-CRK A-320 180 5J942 BKK-CRK A319 150 DG 7792 CRK-SIN A319 * PQ 7001 CRK-KLO A320-214 180 5J150 CRK-HKG A319 150 2P769 CRK-CEB A-320 180 PQ 7305 CRK-HKG A-320 180 DG 7924 CRK-HKG A319 150 PQ 7002/PQ 7023 KLO-CRK-DVO A320-214 180 AK1590/AK1591 KUL-CRK-KUL A-320 180 5J149/5J537 HKG-CRK-SIN A319 150 PQ 7306/ PQ 7015 HKG-CRK-PPS A-320 180 DG 7925/DG 7796 HKG-CRK-SIN A319 150 2P770/2P773 CEB-CRK-KLO A-320 180 DG 7793/DG 7402 SIN-CRK-KLO A319 1400H PQ 7024 DVO-CRK A320 180 PQ 7016/ PQ 7005 PPS-CRK-KLO A320 180 AK1502/AK1503 BKI-CRK-BKI A-320 180 PQ 7455 CRK-KUL A320 180 * 2P774/2P779 KLO-CRK-HKG A-320 180 DG 7403/DG 7212 KLO-CRK-BKK A319 150 PQ 7006/ PQ 7310 KLO-CRK-MFM A320 180 DG 7797/DG 7932 SIN-CRK-HKG A319 150 5J538/5J370 SIN-CRK-MFM A319 150 2P780 HKG-CRK A320 180 PQ 7311 MFM-CRK A-320 180 Z2 969/Z2 968 ICN-CRK-ICN A-320 180 OZ707/708 RETIMED 0015H-0115H NOV. 4 ONLY OZ707/708 ICN-CRK-ICN A-321 177 Z2 105 CRK-MNL A320 180 Courtesy of Clark International Airport Corporation 0015H 0355H 0355H 0630H * * * * * 0945H 1030H 1135H 1140H 1140H 1355H 1440H 1415H 1500H 1535H 1620H 1725H 1740H 1820H 1950H 1955H 2230H 2305H 2305H ETD * * * 0700H 0705H 0705H 0720H 0720H 1010H 1105H 1210H 1205H 1220H 1430H * 1535H 1600H 1800H 1810H 1825H 2030H 2030H * * 2355H 2345H 0050H * 0055H HEADLINE Gitnang Luzon 129(0%(5'(&(0%(5 BUSINESS 9 MEDIA BRIEFING. Lawyer Cynthia Alabanza, NGCP spokesperson, along with other NGCP officers and members of the media in Central Luzon pose for posterity after a press conference and media briefing in the company’s substation in Mexico, Pampanga. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO NGCP to expand metering services starting 2013 BY FROILAN E. MAGTOTO MEXICO, Pampanga--The National Grid Corporation (NGCP) has announced that it will undertake aggressive metering services H[SDQVLRQVWDUWLQJ 7KH1*&3DVDFHUWL¿HGPHWHUing service provider, has trained the spotlight onto one of the three major services performed by the company: Power Delivery--linking power plants owned by the National Power Corporation (NPC) and independent power producers (IPPs) to the country’s distribution utilities and electricity to end users; System Operations--centralized operation and control of high-voltage transmission facilities, grid interconnections and auxiliary services; and, Metering Services--operation and maintenance of metering facilities. ,Q 1*&3 ZRQ WKH ELG of concession from the National Transmission Corporation (Transco) as part of the privatization program of the government. 7KHQ LQ -DQXDU\ NGCP assumed transmission responsibility from Transco. According to Lawyer Cynthia Alabanza, NGCP spokesperson, while the company engages in power delivery and system delivery, metering services is a lesser known function of the NGCP. The expansion of the NGCP metering services, she added, is consistent with the company’s transition towards the eventual adoption of the Smart Grid here Councilor aspirant to initiate opportunities for older workers BY CHARLENE A. CAYABYAB ANGELES CITY--A comebacking councilor in this city vowed to push for more opportunities to older but skilled workers. Newsman and former councilor Rodolfo “Rudy” Simeon said he will push for an ordinance that will accept skilled workers IURPWR\HDUVROGRQFHKH¶V elected. “Individuals whose age ranges IURPWRWR\HDUVROGDUHXVXally rejected although they are still ¿WWRZRUN,IJLYHQWKHFKDQFHZH will push for an ordinance that require establishments within the city to accept over age but skilled workers,” Simeon said. Simeon said some individuals graduate from school later in life but cannot get a job after graduation because of their age. “That’s discrimination and we don’t want that. As long as their VNLOOVDQGKHDOWK¿WWKHMREWKH\ should be given the opportunity,” Simeon said. 6LPHRQ ¿UVW VHUYHG DV FRXQFLORU IURP WR DQG LV running as independent candiGDWHWKLVXSFRPLQJHOHFWLRQVł SM San Fernando launches shoppers’ privilege card BY MARNA D. DEL ROSARIO CITY OF SAN FERNANDO— The latest SM mall here will be having the grand launch of the “I love Downtown Privilege Card” to acknowledge their loyal shoppers WRGD\ 1RYHPEHU DW WKH URRI GHFNWKOHYHORI60&LW\6DQ)HUnando Downtown. The launch will be highlighted by the performances of special guests, Kyla and Mark Herras in a back to back concert for the shoppers. I love Downtown Privilege Card entitles the cardholder to exciting perks and discounts throughout the year on goods and services offered by participating SM Af¿OLDWHVOLNH60'HSDUWPHQW6WRUH which gives huge amount of discounts, and participating tenants within SM City San Fernando Downtown only. Cards will be issued free of charge to those who have a minimum SXUFKDVHRI3 Cardholders only need to present the card upon payment to enjoy WKHEHQH¿WVDQGGLVFRXQWVWKH\RIfer. The following participating tenants offer promos and discounts: 'LFNLHV² GLVFRXQW RQ UHJXlar priced jeans; Dermcare—20% discount on services with cotton puffs/Alagang Dermcare Card gift SDFN5HG%XFNV&RIIHH6KDNHV² % discount; Executive Optical— free eye checkup and up to 50% discount on selected frames and sunglasses; Pizza Hut—free Buddy Pan Hawaiian, cream of mushroom soup or spaghetti meat sauce for every single food purchase of P500 valid for regular priced items YDOLG IRU ¿QH GLQH LQ DQG WDNH RXW'DYLG¶V)RU5HYHU²GLVcount on major services; National Book Store—ball pen or album gift packs; Gadget Networks—5% discount for every P500 cash purFKDVH*LOLJDQV²GLVFRXQWRQ cash and 5% discount on credit card transactions for a minimum purchase of P500 applicable for ala carte and non-promo items; and, Li’l People--get stamps for every play. Complete 20 stamps and get whole day play for free. These are all valid for SM City San Fernando Downtown tenants only. Also “I love Downtown Privilege Card” offers other perks like P50 discount for a minimum purchase RI3DW7KH606WRUH60'Hpartment Store), Free Parking at WKHWK/HYHOIRUWKH¿UVWFDUGholders, VIP Seating at The CinePDIRUWKH¿UVWFDUGKROGHUVDQG express Lane at the Supermarket and at The SM Store. “I love Downtown Privilege Card” aims to create a sense of uniqueness within the community of San Fernando and its nearby towns. The card encourages loyal shoppers to shop and dine within the townships and save at the same time. I love Downtown Card hitches the business and uptown community under one diverse identity and builds brand loyalty, ZKLOH¿UPLQJXSFRPPXQLW\WLHV So hurry grab and get the I Love Downtown Privilege Card to enjoy the fun discounts and promos only at SM CITY SAN FERNANDO '2:172:1ł in the country which will allow them not only to record our customers’ energy consumption, but also to communicate this data to facilitate automated and remote meter reading, remote connection and disconnection of the energy supply to the end user and close monitoring of the energy supply. “This will allow big power users to choose their own power supplier and be directly connected to their contracted power generator,” Alabanza said. The spokesperson clarified that NGCP is a privately corporation that holds a 25-year concession for operating, maintaining and developing the country’s power grid as it also transmits high-voltage electricity from power plants to distribution utilities through its interconnected cables and towers, substation and related assets. Alabanza said the NGCP acquired the concession right for $4 billion with 25% paid in advance plus concession fee for a regular SHULRGł Bataan Freeport, bizmen plant trees in Mariveles BY BUTCH GUNIO MARIVELES, Bataan—The Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan (AFAB) and companies belonging to Export Processing Zone Chamber of Commerce and Exporters Inc. (EPZCEM) conducted treeplanting activity in this town. About 800 narra seedlings were planted in the Access Road area leading to FAB Dam. AFAB Board Member Paulo Tibig and Abul Khayr Amalon Alonto II, special assistant to AFAB Chairman and Administrator Deo Custodio, joined the activity. Tibig is also a member of EPZCEM Board. The companies that participated were Dunlop Slazenger Phils, Mitsumi Phils, Essilor Manufaturing Inc, Chun-Chiang Enterprises, Su-Styles Inc, Qualitik Delta Phils, BFG International, Noble Metal Fin- ishing Inc, MMA Competent, Shinteen Phils, Rouvia Road Yacht Design, RCBC BEZ, and Tai-Tan Packaging of the Phils. Pompil Corsame is the president of EPZCEM. He is also the managing director of Dunlop Phils. In a related development, of¿FLDOV RI WKLV WRZQ DUH WLJKWO\ watching illegal logging and charcoal-making activities. Since assuming post in 0D\RU-HVVH&RQFHSFLRQ has implemented an iron-hand policy against environment criminals. “Kapag may lumalapit, nakikiusap ang kaso paninira ng kapaligiran, hindi natin pinagbibigyan dahil seryoso tayo sa ating kampanya”, stressed the mayor. Municipal Administrator Luis Gonzales said Mariveles has a functional Municipal Environment Natural Resources 2I¿FHł ADVERTISE WITH US! CALL US: EMAIL US: [email protected] VISIT US: 2nd Floor U2 Bldg., MacArthur Hiway, Dolores, City of San Fernando, Pampanga 10 9 1 4 4 3 1 8 5 4 9 HEADLINE Gitnang Luzon S893DX DOWN 1. Flags 24. Peter ___, classic 51. Nita of silents 2. ___ school (precollege 27. Utilitycartoonist 52. “Mefistofele” pipe for The New Yorker 59. Whistle sound composer institution) 25. Jewish mourning period: var. 53. Netman John Mc___ 28. ___ account: never 60. "___ trouble!" 1. Unless, to Cicero 3. Mr. Hulot’s creator 27. Gratuities 56.comes “___ Lang Syne” 4. Wall finish 28. Western writer ___ Wister 57. Peelable fruit 61. Lyrical verses 2. Nutmeg State Ivy Leaguers 29. "Cheers" role 5. Record label 29. Pilates relative 59. Soft light 6. Prince Valiant’s firstborn 30. Serving 30. some Gage bestseller 60.linked Kazanto who directed 64. Org. from the“On purpose 3. O'Reilly of Fox News 7. Longtime CBS and NBC 31. “All the world’s ___” the Waterfront” homepage of 31. Ball beauties 4. Wreak havoc upon newsman Roger 35. Place, in Latin 61. Fast PC connections fueleconomy.gov Prefix with bucks or phone35. Fraulein's 36. Thename O in REO 64. Actress Julie from Norway 5. "Suzie Q"8.band, initially 65. CIA's 9. Like some th-century music 37. Upper-crust 65.forerunner “The Joy of ___” (Gyles 36. Make39. inBig income 6. Depressed 10. Makes perfect Ten team from East Lansing Brandreth book about words) 41. “___ Breaky Heart” 7. Jai____ 11. “Dash ___!” 37. Method (abbr.) 12. Type 44. Zool. and geol., for example 39. Ingredient in Pill 8. Target of13.anPack X rating animals 46. Violinistthe Zimbalist 18. ___ New Guinea 49. Completely consumes 41. Snow job 9. Like some inexpensive 22. Career summary 50. Law maven homes 44. Got bigger 10. Kate's "Titanic" co-star 46. Wyo.'s ____ Range 11. Biting 49. Deals well with change 12. "You're the One ___ 50. Saint Stephen, for one Want": "Grease" song 51. Brand of smokeless 13. Braga from Brazil SM CLARK | Cinema 1 SM PAMPANGAtobacco | Cinema 1 STOLEN SAGA: 18. Oscars' cousins THE TWILIGHT52. MTRCB RATING: R-13 BREAKING DAWN ___-nez: - PART 2 eyeglasses 11:40 AM | 2:00 PM | 4:20 PM | MTRCB RATING: PG-13 22. Maker of the frozen drink 53. Recent Olds 6:40 PM | 9:00 PM 11:00 AM | 1:30 PM | 4:00 PM | 6:30 Arctic Blast PM | 9:00 PM 56. Neophyte: Var. 24. Water, in Cadiz SM PAMPANGA | Cinema 2 shout 57. Week's-end SM CLARK | Cinema 2 FINDING NEMO 25. Reviewer THE TWILIGHT SAGA: Sudoku Puzzle ACROSS 1. N.Y. and S.F., e.g. 5. Baby’s first word, in Italy 10. Leaning Tower of ___ 14. “I smell ___”: suspicious comment 15. Bottle for oil or vinegar 16. Giant Mel and others 17. Enthusiasm 19. Emulates hens 20. Bright star in Virgo 21. City of Virginia or Illinois 23. Some of them become CFOs 26. Ushers’ beats 27. Toaster’s words 32. ‘Sands of ___ Jima’ 33. Indigo shrubs 34. Fabulous moralist 38. Hard baseball throws 40. Publisher ___ Culp Hobby 42. Fodder storage 43. Alternative to buttons on a jacket 45. Have ___ up one’s sleeve 47. Scores in the end zone, for short 48. Pretty good poker hand 51. Spain and Portugal 54. Bronte’s governess 55. “Keep going!” 58. Goaded 62. Italian forerunner of the euro 63. Sheet metal producers 66. Loads and loads 67. Dictionary examples 68. Besmirch 69. Negative votes 70. Heat-resistant glass 71. “___ brillig and the slithy Down MTRCB RATING: GP 11:40 AM | 2:00 PM TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE MTRCB RATING: PG-13 4:20 PM | 6:40 PM | 9:00 PM BREAKING DAWN - PART 2 MTRCB RATING: PG-13 10:40 AM | 1:15 PM | 3:50 PM | 6:25 PM | 9:00 PM SM PAMPANGA | Cinema 3 SILENT HILL: REVELATION 3D MTRCB RATING: R-16 12:00 PM | 2:00 PM STOLEN MTRCB RATING: R-13 4:20 PM | 6:40 PM | 9:00 PM SM CLARK | D-Cinema RISE OF THE GUARDIANS MTRCB RATING: GP 12:00 PM | 2:15 PM | 4:30 PM | 6:45 PM | 9:00 PM SM PAMPANGA | Cinema 4 RISE OF THE GUARDIANS MTRCB RATING: GP 12:20 PM | 2:30 PM | 4:40 PM | 6:50 PM 5 8 9 4 3 1 7 6 2 6 1 4 2 7 5 8 9 3 3 7 2 6 9 8 5 1 4 1 6 8 7 5 3 2 4 9 7 2 3 9 4 6 1 5 8 4 9 5 1 8 2 3 7 6 9 5 6 8 2 7 4 3 1 2 4 7 3 1 9 6 8 5 8 3 1 5 6 4 9 2 7 6 7 5 4 9 1 8 3 2 1 8 3 6 7 2 9 5 4 Sudoku Puzzle 5 Solution CROSSWORD PUZZLE 9 2 6 8 1 129(0%(5'(&(0%(5 ]OHVFRPIRUKLQWVDQGVROXWLRQV3X]]OH,'<') 8 SM CLARK | Cinema 4 TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE MTRCB RATING: PG-13 10:30 AM | 12:40 PM | 2:50 PM SILENT HILL: REVELATION 3D MTRCB RATING: R-16 5:00 PM | 7:00 PM | 9:00 PM SM PAMPANGA | Cinema 5 24/7 IN LOVE MTRCB RATING: PG-13 11:00 AM | 1:30 PM | 4:00 PM | 6:30 PM | 9:00 PM SM CLARK| Cinema 5 D’ KILABOTS POGI BROTHERS, WEH? MTRCB RATING: PG-13 10:35 AM | 12:40 PM | 2:45 PM | 4:55 PM | 6:55 PM | 9:00 PM SM PAMPANGA | Cinema 6 D’ KILABOTS POGI BROTHERS, WEH? MTRCB RATING: PG-13 12:40 PM | 2:45 PM | 4:50 PM | 6:55 PM | 9:00 PM SM CLARK| Cinema 6 24/7 IN LOVE MTRCB RATING: PG-13 11:00 AM | 1:30 PM | 4:00 PM | 6:30 PM | 9:00 PM LAST ISSUE ANSWERS Marquee Mall | Cinema 1 THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN - PART 2 MTRCB RATING: PG-13 11:55 AM | 2:15 PM | 4:35 PM | 6:55 PM | 9:15 PM Marquee Mall | Cinema 2 RISE OF THE GUARDIANS MTRCB RATING: GP 12:55 PM | 3:00 PM | 5:05 PM | 7:10 PM | 9:15 PM Marquee Mall | Cinema 2 SILENT HILL: REVELATION 3D MTRCB RATING: R-16 12:50 PM | 2:55 PM | 5:00 PM | 7:05 PM | 9:10 PM Marquee Mall | Cinema 4 24/7 IN LOVE MTRCB RATING: PG-13 12:45 PM | 3:30 PM | 6:15 PM | 9:00 PM NOW SHOWING NOW SHOWING Robinsons Angeles Cinema 1 RISE OF THE GUARDIANS MTRCB RATING: GP 12:00 PM | 1:50 PM | 3:45 PM | 5:40 PM | 7:30 PM Robinsons Starmills | Cinema 2 TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE MTRCB RATING: PG-13 12:30 PM | 2:50 PM | 5:10 PM | 7:30 PM Robinsons Starmills Cinema 5 24/7 IN LOVE MTRCB RATING: PG-13 12:00 PM | 2:40 PM | 5:20 PM | 8:00 PM Robinsons Starmills | Cinema 3 D’ KILABOTS POGI BROTHERS, WEH? MTRCB RATING: PG-13 12:00 PM | 2:00 PM | 4:00 PM | 6:00 PM | 8:00 PM Robinsons Starmills Cinema 6 SILENT HILL: REVELATION 3D MTRCB RATING: R-16 12:00 PM | 2:00 PM | 4:00 PM | 6:00 PM | 8:00 PM 8 7 5 8 9 3 2 5 3 6 9 7 4 8 1 3 9 5 2 6 4 2 7 9 6 8 3 1 5 9 3 1 2 5 4 6 8 7 8 5 6 7 1 3 2 4 9 2 9 4 3 8 5 7 6 1 LAST ISSUE Sudoku Puzzle 7SOLUTION Solution 2 3 5 6 7 9 1 8 4 4 7 6 2 8 1 3 5 9 9 8 1 3 5 4 6 2 7 6 9 8 5 3 7 4 1 2 1 2 4 8 9 6 7 3 5 3 5 7 4 1 2 9 6 8 7 6 3 9 2 8 5 4 1 8 4 9 1 6 5 2 7 3 5 1 2 7 4 3 8 9 6 HOROSCOPE ARIES (MAR. 21-APR. 19) If you are shopping today--think about the family members you saw yesterday. If they are on your gift-giving list, consider the conversations that you had yesterday that might give you a hint to what they might like for a gift. Perhaps their clothes, colors they wore or things they said, will give you some ideas of what you will be shopping for today. It could be that after you see the amount of people in the stores, you will decide to observe. If you are working, you may find yourself in a kind of apprenticeship during which you learn to finetune your talents. You may find yourself succeeding and moving ahead by using your ability to concentrate. There is some sort of feeling that a ghost is present. If anything, consider this a positive, intuitive time. VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEP.22) Getting ready for a garage sale this weekend, you might be making notes while thinking of what you are ready to price and set out for others to purchase. Making notes will help you to concentrate on your work as well as pre-prepare for the sale. Ideas and interaction with older people may be on schedule later today. These seniors may have items to contribute toward your garage sale. Co-workers are most agreeable and helpful as usual. You may be considering some way to show your appreciation to others during this month. You might consider a home made gift. You will be able to enjoy and value your own life situation today and particularly have kind feelings towards a friend or loved one this evening. It may be time for a family meeting. GEMINI (MAY 21-JUN 21) Taking care of business is a major theme where your emotional orientation is concerned. You crave organization and practicality and you want to get things accomplished. Health and work goals take on greater importance--especially after the rich foods recently. Sympathy and understanding are emotional qualities that take on greater importance as you deal with young people this afternoon. There is a chance to come to some sort of understanding. You are wise to encourage young people to learn new things as well as refine and polish their known talents. Marriage and other close relationships give rise to great expectations now--as a new cycle gets underway in your life. This is a time to enjoy people and to watch and learn. NOW SHOWING Robinsons Starmills Cinema 4 THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN - PART 2 MTRCB RATING: PG-13 12:00 PM | 2:30 PM | 5:00 PM | 7:30 PMM 6 9 3 2 9 4 1 1 6 4 1 9 2 6 5 9 4 9 1 2 3 6 5 8 7 4 6 5 3 1 9 5 2 6 4 7 8 TAURUS (APR. 20-MAY 20) After some early morning meditation, you may realize that this is going to be a really busy day and an early start is a must! There will be an urge to communicate and solve problems. Also, perhaps a short trip or a special phone call is in order. A natural transformation of your values and the way you appreciate and love yourself and others is taking place. You may cease to waste time and money acquiring that which is worthless or you may develop an eye for that which is lasting and worthwhile. Your bright wit and talkative streak make you always ready for a conversation. You love to get your ideas across to others and communication is at a high all day long. You jump right in and express your ideas. This evening is an excellent time to shop. NOW SHOWING Robinsons Starmills | Cinema 1 RISE OF THE GUARDIANS MTRCB RATING: GP 12:00 PM | 2:00 PM | 4:00 PM | 6:00 PM | 8:00 PM 8 3 5 6 2 8 4 7 1 9 3 Robinsons Angeles Cinema 2 24/7 IN LOVE MTRCB RATING: PG-13 12:10 PM | 2:40 PM | 5:00 PM | 7:30 PM Robinsons Angeles Cinema 3 SILENT HILL: REVELATION 3D MTRCB RATING: R-16 12:00 PM | 1:50 PM | 3:40 PM TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE MTRCB RATING: PG-13 5:40 PM | 7:40 PM Robinsons Angeles Cinema 4 THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN - PART 2 MTRCB RATING: PG-13 12:10 PM | 2:40 PM | 5:00 PM | 7:30 PM ( CINEMA SCHEDULES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE.) CANCER (JUN 22- JUL 22) You have an inner drive to improve and reform the world, to share the wealth--true democracy. You have a feel for groups and any large-scale business or community project. You can be quite independent with a touch of the impersonal. With you, all persons get the same treatment. However, you may realize this and begin to work on a more personal approach with someone special. You may even find that you waste less time with hurt feelings than before. You actually surprise yourself and draw up a budget to guide you today and for the remainder of this year. Family members may join you but you are determined this will be a test to see how strong you really are. You may even find that a positive mindset is a big plus for managing your money. LEO (JUL 23 - AUG. 23) If career decisions are made this Friday . . . you can make them. You are determined about the direction in which you will move regarding your professional life. Your imagination and sense of what connects all of life are felt in your speech and in the way you communicate. People seem to enjoy hearing you speak today and have plenty of questions for you to answer. You may have a special technique for helping people with decoration ideas or in helping others to adapt to problem situations. You may even be asked questions surrounding the care of out-of-control youngsters. Quick answers, a great wit and a surplus of insights and solutions are at hand. You may decide it is time to write a book. This is a good time to communicate with real originality. LIBRA (SEP. 23 - OCT. 23) In the area of possessions or material goods, you will go through many changes and learn a lot. You may be in the planning stages to set up a garage sale this afternoon and into the weekend. Let others help you--this will benefit you a great deal and you will be able to return the favor by helping others to make a sale. This is a wonderful way to get to know your neighbors. Your timing is perfect for whatever you want to do. Circumstances may urge you to great effort in some hobby or craft. You may decide to make the gifts for your loved ones this year. You want to create and be appreciated for your creations. A preparation for the next holiday celebration is in the process of perfection--quit worrying. This evening it might be fun to take a quiet walk. SCORPIO (OCT. 24- NOV. 21) You are driven and passionate in your pursuit of change and inner growth. You are well advised to seek the counsel of someone you trust when it comes to career matters. You may be thinking of diving into a little part-time work for this upcoming holiday season. Now and through this weekend is a good time to take on a part-time job. Positive happenings in your financial path depend on your own ambition and drive, which are strong. Your family and friends who give you nourishment become more supportive and may have helpful ideas for you. You are able to develop what is most basic. For this evening, you may find that you are needed to help in caring for young people. This magic that you perform for the parents may be an idea for extra pay. SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22 - DEC. 21) Wishing you could sleep late this Friday you make a list instead for the shopping items you need for this weekend. The same delays, frustrations and complaints seem to happen every Friday in your workplace so you may spend much of your off time today in earnest search for some remedy. Eventually, your recommendations may bring you a well-deserved commendation. You write out these suggestions for policy revisions regarding employee incentives, sales, delivery, profit sharing, insurance, etc. You tackle one-thing-at-a-time and are on your way to achieving positive changes. This afternoon you may take time for an earnest chat with the young people in your family. Encourage them to make their gifts, putting a personal touch to each gift. CAPRICORN (DEC. 22 - JAN 19) Different people react differently to stress. It is time for you to draw a pie chart and label each slice of the pie into a more balanced life-style. As you go about doing this, consider the activities in your life that are out of balance with the other parts of your life and see if you can create a balance in some way. If you like to work in the yard, hire someone to do the trimming or if you like to cook, perhaps a day spent in the kitchen on the weekend will help you to store up meals for easy assembling for workday lunches. Find ways to eliminate the extra work that you do and you will be happy with the positive changes that happen to your mind and body. This weekend you will be able to dedicate some time to this process. Consider giving gifts of time. AQUARIUS (JAN. 20 - FEB. 18) You may feel you are in your very own element today--doing business with others. You know just what to do and can act without emotion. You could be asked to make use of your commonsense abilities. Solving problems is easy and working with others, whether it is the public or co-workers, will be in an attitude of productivity. You may even take some time out to do a little shopping of your own during the noon break. Do not forget to get outside a bit. This nice day should just flow along quite well. This evening you will do well in activities that include children, young people and your home and surroundings. You could feel real support and harmony for circumstances and those around you. You are compassionate! PISCES (FEB. 19 - MAR. 20) You feel a love of order--an appreciation for responsibilities. Conducting your personal banking business is a good move before the weekend. You can do this during the noon break. You may be called on to help with a problem co-worker or customer today. You are wise to value problems for the lessons they represent, rather than perceive them as obstacles. Your example teaches these things to others as well. You are at your most practical when it comes to dealing and working with others. You know just what to do and can act quickly and in a calm manner. Close relationships become a focus for you this evening. Again, you may have to use your problem-solving abilities when dealing with an emotional family member. HEADLINE Gitnang Luzon 129(0%(5'(&(0%(5 CEB flies close to 9.8 million passengers CLARK FREEPORT7KH 3KLOLSSLQHV· ODUJHVW QDWLRQDO IODJ FDUULHU &HEX 3DFLILF 36( &(% IOHZFORVHWRPLOOLRQSDVVHQJHUVIURP-DQX DU\ WR 6HSWHPEHU DQ LQFUHDVH RI FRPSDUHGWRPLOOLRQSDVVHQJHUVIORZQLQWKH VDPHSHULRGODVW\HDU &(%·V SDVVHQJHU JURZWK IURP -DQXDU\ WR6HSWHPEHUZDVGULYHQPDLQO\E\WKH VWUHQJWKHQLQJ RI WKH DLUOLQH·V GRPHVWLF URXWH QHWZRUNRXWRI&HEXDQGDGGLWLRQDOFDSDFLW\WR NH\LQWHUQDWLRQDOGHVWLQDWLRQV ´:HZHUHDEOHWRLQFUHDVHSDVVHQJHUVIURP &HEXWR9LVD\DVE\WR/X]RQE\DQG WR0LQGDQDRE\7KLVEHVWLOOXVWUDWHVWKH &HEX3DFLILFHIIHFW³ZKHQHYHUZHHQWHUQHZ PDUNHWVRUDGGFDSDFLW\ZHHIIHFWLYHO\VWLPX ODWHWUDYHODQGHQDEOHHYHU\-XDQWRIO\ZLWKRXU WUDGHPDUNORZIDUHVµVDLG&(%93IRU0DUNHW LQJDQG'LVWULEXWLRQ&DQGLFH,\RJ 1RWDEOHJURZWKFDQDOVREHVHHQLQ&(%·V LQWHUQDWLRQDOSDVVHQJHUVWRDQGIURP0DOD\VLD 7DLZDQ PDLQODQG &KLQD DQG%UXQHL ´&HEX3DFLILFUHPDLQVRQWUDFNZLWKKLWWLQJ LWV PLOOLRQ SDVVHQJHU WDUJHW IRU :H ODXQFKHGGRPHVWLFURXWHVLQ2FWREHUDVZHOO DVWKHILUVWLQWHUQDWLRQDOIOLJKWVRXWRI,ORLOR&(%·V ,ORLOR+RQJ.RQJ DQG,ORLOR6LQJDSRUHVHUYLFHVLQ1RYHPEHU :HZLOODOVRODXQFK&HEX%DQJNRNDQG&HEX .XDOD/XPSXUVHUYLFHVLQ'HFHPEHUµ,\RJVDLG /DVW1RYHPEHU&(%DOVRDZDUGHG LWVPLOOLRQWKSDVVHQJHUDPLOHVWRQHUHDFKHG OHVV WKDQ WZR \HDUV DIWHU 3UHVLGHQW %HQLJQR $TXLQR,,,DZDUGHG&(%·VPLOOLRQWKSDVVHQ JHU ´:HORRNIRUZDUGWRH[SDQGLQJHYHQIXUWKHU QH[W \HDU HVSHFLDOO\ ZKHQ ZH DQQRXQFH RXU ILUVWORQJKDXOGHVWLQDWLRQµVKHDGGHG &(%FXUUHQWO\RSHUDWHV$LUEXV$ $LUEXV$DQG$75DLUFUDIW,WVIOHHW RIDLUFUDIWLVRQHRIWKHPRVWPRGHUQDLUFUDIW IOHHWV LQ WKH ZRUOG %HWZHHQ DQG &HEX3DFLILFZLOOWDNHDQDGGLWLRQDO$LUEXV $DQG$LUEXV$QHRDLUFUDIW,WLVVODW HGWREHJLQORQJKDXOVHUYLFHVLQWKHUGTXDUWHU RIZLWKWKHDUULYDORI$LUEXV$ DLUFUDIWł3UHVV5HOHDVH ZLWKDGDLO\UDWHRI3 David is also the Councilmen’s League of Angeles City (CLAC) Vice President for External Affairs. Aside from Village Councilman David’s wife, he said wives and relatives of other village councilmen were also included in the list without their knowledge. Barangay Salapungan Village Councilman Renato Coronel said his wife Marlene was also included in the list with same position and salary as David’s wife. “My wife asked me why she was on the job order list when she does not work for the city hall, anyway. I didn’t know, either,” Coronel said. Barangay Cutcut Village Councilman Roy Lozano Ogurida’s sister was also on the JO list without their knowledge. 2Q 2FWREHU QHZVPDQ 5REOHGR 6DQFKH] ¿OHG D FRPSODLQW against Pamintuan, City Accountant Wilfredo Tiotuico, City Budget 2I¿FHU )H &RUSX] &LW\ 7UHDVXUHU Juliet Quinsaat and the different respective department heads before WKH2I¿FHRIWKH2PEXGVPDQLQUH lation to the 2,506 job order employHHVRIWKHFLW\JRYHUQPHQWł JO LIST from Page 1 William David, a village councilman from Barangay Lourdes Northwest, said his wife was among 2,506 job order employees at the city hall based on a list signed by City Secretary Leonardo Kirk Galanza and Mayor Edgardo Pamintuan. “My wife and I were surprised to see her name on the list because she does not work and does not receive money from the city hall,” David said in an interview. According to the same list, David’s wife Irene was hired as administrative assistant to the city’s Philhealth 3URJUDP IURP -XO\ WR 'HFHPEHU SOLON from Page 1 member and can even apply for a housing loan of up to P400,000 if they can pay the P2,000 monthly amortization. They can also apply IRUDKRXVLQJORDQRIXSWR3 with a monthly amortization of P500. Aside from standardized pay, the Kasambahay Bill entitles domestic workers to other social benH¿WV SURYLGHG XQGHU H[LVWLQJ ODZV and enrolled in the Social Security System, Philhealth, with premium payments will be shouldered by employers if the helpers receive a monthly salary below P5,000. As of September, this year, there ZHUHVRPHKRXVHKROGZRUNHUV registered as Pag-IBIG members. Vice President Jejomar Binay, who is chair of Pag-IBIG Board of Trustees, also expressed optimism on the passage of the bill. “The Kasambahay Bill sets standards for the protection of household workers that are consistent with international standards. It gives our household workers the dignity and respect that they deserve,” he said. Binay also reminded household workers that they can already sign up as members of Pag-IBIG Fund and can avail themselves of multi-purpose, calamity and housing loans. Binay said even if the Kasambahay Bill has yet to be enacted into law, an existing law requires employers to register their househelps as members of Pag-IBIG and to pay a counterpart contribution. “Under the law, domestic workHUVHDUQLQJ3DQGEHORZVKDOO FRQWULEXWHRIWKHLUVDODU\ZKLOH WKRVH HDUQLQJ 3 DQG DERYH shall contribute 2% of their salary. Their employers are required to contribute 2% as counterpart,” BiQD\VDLGł death. STC will change the mark of GHDWK WR WKH ZKLWH KXPDQ ¿JXUHV DV ZHGLGLQRQZDUGV´<XPXOVDLG DPWH Regional Director Antonio Molano said the cutting has permits issued by Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa Jr. and is being done because many people died due to falling branches. The road widening, he said, is to expand the Manila North Road in Mabalacat and Angeles Cities. The project is the “Maintenance of national roads thru road safety program and projects along Manila 1RUWK 5RDG WR .2 WR .2ZLWKH[FHSWLRQV$QJHOHV and Mabalacat, Pampanga,” that costs P4.8 million. ³2QDQDYHUDJHGD\LWWDNHVWUHHV WR SURGXFH R[\JHQ WR EXUQ OLWHUV of gasoline. A single half-century old tree in the urban area is estimated to EH ZRUWK RYHU 3 PLOOLRQ $QG ZH should nurture trees for they contribXWHWRRXUIXWXUH´<XPXODGGHGł SAVE TREES from Page 1 are ironically involved in an aggressive tree planting program.” Mabalacat City Mayor Boking Morales meanwhile said this “heritage is to be protected, to be preserved for the next generation.” The trees, which are more than 50 years old and had been there since the early days of the American colonial peULRGDUHSDLQWHGZLWKKXPDQ¿JXUHV said STC spokesperson Cecil Yumul. “The X mark on the trees along Macarthur highway is the mark of PRO-OFW from Page 2 iWRITE from Page 5 to the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines’ Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People in their noble mission to promote the social well-being of Filipino migrants and itinerants.” “We have to take care of the OFWs as they really help the economy sending billions of pesos to the province,” said Pineda. Earlier, Pineda was cited by the Department of Labor and Employment for being instrumental in stopping illegal recruiters and was awarded for helping generDWHDWOHDVWMREVLQWZR years through the Provincial (PSOR\PHQW 6HUYLFH 2I¿FH (PESO). Others who accompanied the governor in welcoming the delegates were Board Members Trina Dizon and Olga Frances David-Dizon and Provincial Administrator $QGUHV3DQJLOLQDQ-Uł *** In these trying times for a fellow Kapampangan and his family, Kapampangans unite for a cause. Our natural coherence to be at the side of one who is in great danger and grief comes out. *** Zapanta is just one of the many who try their luck abroad for a greener pasture, not for themselves alone but primarily for their families. I have been outside the country for some leisure trips and felt that being far away from home is one of the pains that anyone leaving the country should overcome. *** He is no different from other OFWs who were abused by their evil employers and other foreign nationals. He was not paid his VDODULHVEHDWHQXSDQGPDOWUHDWHGÀXVKLQJ all his dreams for his family for a better life here in the country. *** The clock is ticking and Zapanta’s life is on the line. Four months is too short for Zapanta’s family to raise such a huge amount. It’s good that we have the national and local government helping. In the province, Governor Pineda spearheads a fund raising drive and appeals for businessmen, non-governmental 11 TOWARDS THE LIGHT from Page 4 Hindi utak at pagkatao ang kanilang inihahanda sa kanilang pagsabak sa pulitika kundi ang kanilang mga salapi at yaman na siyang nagpapagalaw sa kanilang kandidatura, sapagkat ang tingin ng mga ganitong uri ng pulitiko sa pulitika ay isang tagisan ng yaman at utak sa pandaraya at paggawa ng mga bagay-bagay na yuyurak sa dangal at dignidad ng kanilang mga botante at sa mga sarili nilang dangal (‘yon ay kung meron pa sila ng mga ito). Dito na lamang sa Bacolor, napakadami ng nagsasabi sa akin na may dalawang kandidato sa marangal na bayang ito ang namimigay na ng tiglilimang-daang piso sa mga botante bilang paraan nila ng panliligaw sa kanilang mga boto sa darating na halalan sa susunod na taon. Ang CHEAP na talaga nila… Akalain mo sa halagang limang-daang piso lumitaw ang tunay na kulay nila bilang mga pulitiko at bilang mga tao…pero kung umasta ang pamilyang ito eh akala mo mga tunay na aristokrata at mga walang bahid kasalanan, mga suplado at suplada! Kasing-baho lang pala nila ang mga ibinebenta nila na nagpayaman sa kanila… kapag panis na ang mga ito. *** Kung ang bawat tao ay totoong naghihintay at naghahanda ng tama at totoo para sa mga bagay na gusto niyang dumating sa kanyang buhay, natitiyak ko na madalang ang magiging pagkakamali para makita ng bawat nilalang ang tunay at tamang daan patungo sa isang mas maliwanag at mas maunlad na buhay. Ito ang tunay na diwa ng adviento…saan mang konteksto natin ito tingnan at hanapan ng kahuluJDQDWNDEXOXKDQł NOW WE KNOW! from Page 4 contents yet the public went literary crazy. The demand ZHQWRYHUERDUGRQLWV¿UVWUHOHDVH The story revolves around two characters, Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey. Their attraction to each other was overwhelming to the point of making a contract out of their sexual relationship. Both parties enjoyed the unusual scenario they created. Ana’s submission to Christian’s desire was out of the ordinary. Christian’s eccentric sexual orientation rooted from his disturbing past. The complexity of their relationship in the story depicts the BDSM. Having a kinky sexual identity also constitutes a form of sexual orientation. It manifests on the personality of an individual during his sexual acts. Sexual satisfaction is understated. At the end part RIWKHQRYHODFWXDOO\)LIW\6KDGHVLVWKH¿UVWRQWKHVH ries, Ana found herself withdrawing from Christian’s spell and practically realized that they were incompatible since she wanted more on their relationship and Christian did not want any commitment. She returned to her apartment and left Christian. 5HDGHUV PD\ ¿QG WKHPVHOYHV ZDQWLQJ PRUH DQG probably concluding in their minds the ending. Just like the Twilight series, the longing for the next chapters was addictive until the very end. E. L. James second and third novels are Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed are already out in the market and some of us might know the ending already. 3HUVRQDOO\,¿QGWKHQRYHOYHU\HURWLF,WLVDOODERXW adult romance. The sensuality of the story keeps me, well, crave for more. It represents the women’s liberation from the so-called man world. It may probably enhance the inner aspect of the women and broaden the horizon of their real life, sex life and intimacy. I could not wait to get hold of the next installment. Well, I hope P\6DQWDLVOLVWHQLQJł organizations, private organizations and civic-minded persons to extend their help. *** Saving the life of a Kapampangan is saving the life of a Filipino. I am much hopeful that the drive to raise funds would yield into some results. There are many Filipinos who have so much in life that sharing some would not result into their loss. *** Fate may have put Zapanta in an ordeal. The agony of waiting for a relief in four months is more than the pain of homesickness and longing for his family who are likewise affected by the ticking of the clock. 'H¿QLWHO\=DSDQWDLVVSHQGLQJUHVWOHVVQHVV sleepless nights, anxiety and mental anguish for the fate he is suffering now. *** Remember the case of Angelo Dela Cruz? He is also a Kapampangan, being a native and resident of Mexico town, who was put at the brink of death abroad. Like Zapanta, Dela Cruz went abroad for a better life for his family. Sadly, he was put in a situation that led him at the foot of death. Through series of negotiations by the national government, he ZDV¿QDOO\IUHHG *** In thinking for the life of Zapanta, we must think of the reason why he and many OFWs leave the country and gamble with their lives at stake only to bring their families back here better lives. They are not there to enjoy any luxury but to work hard and earn a living. *** I am appealing for more prayers for Zapanta, not only for the reason that he is an OFW, not only because he is a Kapampangan but because he is also a Filipino. Prayers can move mountains. Aside from the blood money still being raised, we should likewise continue praying to save the life of Zapanta. *** Belated Happy Birthday to Mrs. Corazon “Apung Zon” Lapuz Pelayo of Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga. Also, my belated birthday greeting goes to Mrs. Maylene Villafania David, loving wife to Mr. Fernan “Nog” David of Angeles City who celebrated her natal day with a bang last NoYHPEHU More blessing and graces are all I wish for the celebrants. *** For other opinions, comments, suggestions or adverse reactions, you may reach iWrite at ł 92/80(,12129(0%(5'(&(0%(5FRIDAY - MONDAY S a rami ng mga kontrobersyal na usapin ngayon kay Lovi Poe, natural lang na siya ang pagkalimpunpunan ng mga press people kung nasaan man siya. Sa presscon sa Regal Films, nasakote si Lovi at talaga namang maraming bagay ang inukilkil sa kanya. Walang sagot na categorical si Lovi Poe nang tanungin sa tsismis na lilipat na siya sa ABS-CBN next year. Tapos na kasi ang kontrata ng young actress sa GMA sa March kaya patuloy ang ugong QDOLOLSDWQDVL\DQJEDNXUDQVD “I’m happy naman with my show, Yesterday’s Bride,” sagot ni Lovi. Hanggang kelan ba ang kontrata niya sa GMA? “I believe it’s next year,” tugon niya. May offer ba sa kanya ang Dos? “I don’t know with Tito Leo (Domiguez). We haven’t talked about it. I’m happy naman, so far. I love my show,” diin niya. Eh, pagdating naman kay Grace Poe na tatakbo next year bilang senador, ano ang reaksyon niya sa sinabi nitong susuporta siya? “You know what? It’s automatic naman even without KHUWDONLQJWRPH,¶OOEHWKHUHWRVXSSRUWKHU,¶OOGH¿QLWHO\ ¿QGWLPH,ZDQWWREHWKHUHZLWKKHUVDFDPSDLJQ:DOD,W¶V really something I want to do,” rason niya. Walang perang pag-uusapan sa pagtulong niya? “Nothing! Nothing!” tugon ni Lovi. Handa na ba siya sa iirap sa kanya? “Hahaha! Meron ba? I’m more than willing to do that! It’s something that…,” katwiran niya. Puwede bang maging paraan ang pagtulong niya upang magkalapit silang magkapatid? “It’s something I really wanted for the longest time. I’m just really thankful that they have always been good to me. I mean, in particular to Ate Grace and Tita Susan (Roces),” saad pa niya. So, hindi totoo ’yung tsismis na hindi siya close kina Grace at Tita Susan? “Of course, I cannot say that we are super close. But then, they’ve been always so nice to me right from the beginning pa naman. Thankful ako. Kasi I know naman what I really am. But then, tinanggap naman nila ako,” paliwanag pa ng young actress. Huli niyang nakita ang kanyang Tita Susan nang magkalapit ang taping nila noon sa Legacy at ang Walang Hanggan. “Sinundo ako ni Paulo (Avelino) doon sa Legacy. Hayun, nagkasama kami ni Pau at dumaan naman ako,” chika pa ni Lovi na mapapanood sa Unwanted episode ng Shake, Rattle 5ROO)RXUWHHQ7KH,QYDVLRQNXQJVDDQ¿UVWWLPHQL\DQJPDNDSDUHKDVL9KRQJ1DYDUUR Iskandalisyus! Kontrobersyal na aktres gumagamit ng Rosy Peel kaya lalong pumuputi +RZWUXHQDLWRQJEHDXWLIXODQGÀDZOHVV young female actress eh ugali na raw niyang hindi approachable sa mga fans. Ganon? Mahilig pa daw ito mag-shades at mag-sumbrero kapag ito ay nasa public places, especially sa airport para hindi siya makilala kasi hindi niya feel maki-pag chikahan at beso beso. Dahil dito ay hindi maalis na maimbyerna sa kanya ang kanyang mga tagahanga na lagi siyang sinusubaybayan sa kanyang teleserye ngayon. NagpaliwaQDJQDPDQQDQRRQVLEHDXWLIXOÀDZOHVVIHPDOH actress kung bakit siya ganon. Dala lang daw ng kasi pagod at puyat kaya wala na siyang oras makipag-hi and hello pa sa mga fans. Mabuti na lang at may simpatya kay female actress dahil sa kanyang recent dramatic experience sa buhay involving a former controversial boyfriend kaya naiintindihan na lang siya ng kanyang mga fans. Hindi lang yun, Super sexy daw kasi ngayon si young female actress at napakaganda at maputi ang kanyang kutis. Siguro gumamit si young female actress ng ROSY PEEL herbal dietary supplement. Ito daw kasi ay may essential nutrients ng young green strawberry, guava, kamias at bignay na nagpapaputi ng kutis, nagtatanggal ng dark spots at pumipigil ng premature aging at skin dryness para maging soft, rosy at healthy ang skin mo. Bongga kung ganon? &OXH6LÀDZOHVV\RXQJIHPDOHDFWUHVVD\ kabilang sa angkan ng magagaling na aktres at aktor sa industriya. Oh getching mo na dear? Isa pang bonggang clue: Na-link si female young actress sa anak ng isang prominent politician na veteran sa larangan ng showbizness. Panalo kung ROSY PEEL gamit ni female young actress. Kasi Garantisadong Kaputiang namumulamula hindi namumutla! Mabibili sa lahat ng Mercury Drug outlets at South Star 'UXJQDWLRQZLGHł Bangagerong aktor pina-pack up ang sariling shooting Sayang naman ang future ng magaling pa naman sanang actor. Ke bago-bago pa lang nagkakapangalan, ayan at tila mawawala na siya sa eskena agad agad at ang dahilan ay ang kanyang pagiging sugapa sa droga. Sayang naman, ang galing niyang actor, ang galing din ng break na ibinigay sa kanya ng kanyang network pero matatapos na yata ito. Yes, laging bangag ang aktor at naging problenma na siya ng staff. Ayon sa ilang nakaaalam, inis na rin daw sa kanya ang mga artistang kasama niya sa isang soap dahil nga lagi silang delay at siya ang dahilan. Kailan lang daw, sa kalagitnaan ng taping, basta na lang pina-pack up ng actor ang taping, much to the chagrin of the people involved in the show. Ang pagiging bangag lagi rin daw ang dahilan kung bakit iniwan siya ng kanyang girfriend na nasa parehong network. And yes, mukhang di na matutupad yung pangarap ng magulang niya na sa isang endorsement lang ay milyon na ang kikitain niya. Sa ngayon kasi, sumisikat pa lang siya ay masisibak na pala siya. Sayang na sayang naman.
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